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  • Circle keywords in your assignment question that tell you what to do. For instance, is it asking you to 'evaluate' or 'describe' or 'assess'?
  • Try writing out the question in your own words, or explain the assignment to a family member or friend.
  • Circle or make note of any keywords that are related to your subject or course specifically (in Nursing, this might be \"human structure\" or \"misconduct\"; in Business it might be \"ethics\".)
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  • Use the right structure for your assignment type: is it an essay , report, personal reflection, persuasive or narrative, or scientific paper? Your assignment sheet or instructions from your teacher will tell you this.
  • What do you already know? Spend a few minutes writing it down.
  • Where will you look? Think about the tools you will use (perhaps your library databases, Google Scholar, others). Journals might be good for evidence, a credible online source or search might be good for general information.
  • Get creative: When searching, think of other, related keywords that could give you new results and perspectives (for example the different keywords: Sport; Soccer; World Cup might give you different sources.)
  • When taking notes, consider paraphrasing as you go - this means using your own words to describe someone else's idea. Paraphrasing can help you understand the idea yourself. (Remember, you still need to reference someone else's' idea even if you use your own words.) You might also choose to use a direct quote - \"exact words in a reference\" - or you might summarise, which is describing the findings of an entire source or section in your own words. If you take notes this way while researching, it will help you form your ideas, sentences, and paragraphs when you write your first draft.
  • Save yourself some time - if you read something relevant, make a note right away . You might keep it in a \"research journal\" book or digital document, with correctly formatted references, dates accessed, and a brief note on what it relates to. This will save you a lot of time later!
  • Remember those notes you took while reading? Now you can put them in an order that makes sense.
  • Take notes to suit the type of structure you need to follow.
  • Whether you are typing or writing, one method is to start with headlines - for example, by argument, by topic, by idea - and group the notes you made this way.
  • Use your own words, using language that your teacher expects.
  • Use evidence, properly.
  • A draft isn't perfect! Try to write everything down first. Then, try to focus on developing those notes into organised paragraphs, based on the structure you need to follow.
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What Is An Assignment Fee — The Complete Investors Guide

Justin dossey.

  • July 20, 2022

Whether you’re new to wholesaling , a real estate investor or agent looking to learn more about the “assignment business”, or even a homeowner asking…

… We want to give you a complete guide to understanding the assignment contract and fee from all angles.

Here’s a list of all the questions we’ll be covering:

  • What is an assignment fee?
  • Reasons to use an assignment?
  • How to assign a contract?
  • Is it legal?
  • Is it ethical?
  • How much should a fee be?
  • Who pays for it?
  • Does the seller or buyer see the fee?
  • Alternatives to an assignment?
  • Assignment fees and agents?
  • Where to get a contract?
  • How to increase your assignment fees?
  • How to find discounted properties to wholesale ?

1. What’s an assignment fee?

First and foremost we have to define the term.

An assignment fee is a payment from the “ assignor ” (wholesaler) to the “ assignee ” (cash buyer) when the assignee transfers their rights or interest of a property to the assignor during the close of a real estate transaction.

Most often, this term is used in the real estate investing strategy of “wholesaling”.

The business of a “wholesaler”, is grounded in the assignment fee: They negotiate to buy a property, then while in the close of escrow they find a cash buyer. They will then sell the rights to that contract to the cash buyer for a fee.

In practical terms, the “fee” is the difference between what you negotiated in price with the seller, and what you negotiated with the end buyer.

Real-life example:

You find a seller who’s willing to sell her property for $250,000 dollars to you, cash. While in escrow you find a cash buyer who’ll be willing to buy that property for $260,000 cash. When it closes, you make $10,000.

The contracts Typically, most real estate contracts are “assignable”, meaning they can be transferred to another party; you mind find it expressed as an “assignment clause” or simply stated: “This contract is assignable”.

You’ll often hear this term amongst wholesalers, but there are other practicable uses for it as well…

2. Reasons to use an assignment

We covered why wholesalers do it: to make money.

But there are other reasons someone might need to use their assignment provision.

For example…

Changing ownership title If the contract is in your own name… but then, while in escrow, you want to change the “owner” to a trust rather than your personal name, you can then use the “assignment” clause.

Finding a partner While in the closing process of buying a property, you might come across a partner who’d like to have his equity/investment protected as well. So in that case you and your partner create a new entity and assign the rights of the contract to the new entity.

3. How to assign a contract?

Assigning a contract and taking a fee is as simple as giving instructions to your escrow or closing attorney, as long as the contract allows for that provision of assignment.

But the hard part is getting the price right…

It’s not as simple as finding a property on the MLS, saying you’re a cash buyer, then finding a real cash buyer to buy it from you at a mark-up.

There has to be “meat on the bone” for everyone AND a price that’s good enough for the seller to say, ”YES!”.

Most cash buyers will not buy a property at full retail value. There needs to be a way for them to make money either in a flip or having some equity in it if they decide to rent it.

That means, you as the wholesaler—who’s collecting assignment fees—need to find good deals for these cash buyers; that’s essentially what your job is: to find discounted properties.

What seller in their right mind will sell at a discount?

Many do, and for all sorts of reasons.

Here at Ballpoint Marketing, we specialize in creating marketing material for off-market investors looking for properties at a discount. Some of the marketing material that wholesalers might purchase from us to find these good deals is our real handwritten door hangers that you can pick up for .45¢ a piece.

4. Is it legal?

“Wholesaling” is a hot topic on the web and a source of a lot of controversies.

However, assigning a contract for an assignment is not technically illegal as long as the contract and both parties agree to it. If a State makes “assigning” illegal, then that hurts other people who are using assignments to change the name of the buying entity or assign to their family and/or partners.

However, there are many states that are against wholesalers and creating laws against them. That’s why you should meet with a real estate attorney to find out what you can do, and what you can say when you’re a wholesaler collecting assignment fees, however, at the time of this writing they have not exactly made wholesaling “illegal” but place restrictions like for example:

  • Saying “ I have a property to sell ” when you actually don’t because it’s still in closing. Rather, You have a “contract” for sale.
  • Representing the buyer when you’re not a licensed real estate agent under a broker.

There’s a very fine line between what a wholesaler does and what agents do. You have to make sure what you say and do doesn’t cross those lines.

Here’s a great video on why wholesalers have a bad rep and what you can do differently:

5. Is it ethical

Now that we got the “ legal ” question out of the way…

What about “How ethical is it to wholesale”.

Type that into the web and you’ll get thrown into a black hole of comments and forums chatter you won’t ever be able to get out of.

Here’s the bottom line of why it gets so much controversy and what it has to do with assignment fees…

Wholesalers are going around marketing “We buy houses CASH” when in reality, they aren’t buying it cash… they’re assigning the contract for a fee.

This is where everyone gets their tights all tied up in a bunch (did I just make up a word?! Yes! I did). Because if you say you’re going to close it with cash, but you have to walk away from the seller because you can’t find a buyer… how would you feel leaving a seller (who seriously needed to close yesterday), hanging)?

Some with a conscious would feel pretty bad… others don’t care.

So it’s up to you how you feel about the ethics side of things.

Can you close the deal yourself if you can’t find a cash buyer , via a hard money lender or partner? Or will you feel comfortable walking away from the deal? Or will you be confident enough to go up to the seller and tell her the truth, that you intended on selling the contract to a cash buyer but it seems that your priced it too high, can we renegotiate?

The underlying problem with “walking away” from a buyer is not pricing it right.

If you have a good deal, cash buyers will be all over it and be HAPPY to pay you an assignment fee.

Here’s a video on ethical wholesaling:

6. How much should a fee be?

New wholesalers typically aren’t sure what they should charge. But it’s going to vary from deal-to-deal, and market to market.

A decent wholesaling fee can range from $10,000 to $30,000.

There are occasions when you hear about $100,000 assignment fees. And they do happen. It’s just a matter of negotiating a good deal.

While there isn’t a “set fee” that wholesalers should charge, it all depends on how good of a deal you can negotiate, and how high you can mark up the contract for an end buyer.

So there are two components that determine how much you can get paid for an assignment fee:

  • Seller’s price.
  • End buyers price.

Later, in another section, I talk about how you can increase your assignment fee… for now, let’s just cover how much your can charge.

Earlier I mentioned that your market might have an influence on how much you can charge. And that has more to do with how low of a discount, sellers are willing to take AND how competitive it is in your market.

Here’s an example:

If a seller talks to three wholesalers, one offers $200,000 while the others offer $180,000, she most likely will go with the higher offer. Well, now those wholesalers might enter into bidding wars in the market, by creeping up their MAOP (Max allowable offer price).

When wholesalers start raising their Max offers (because the market is demanding it), AND if the end buying price (what cash buyers are willing to pay for that deal) does move up with it…

Then you start seeing wholesalers’ assignment fees start shrinking down. We’ll go over later some techniques for helping with this natural occurrence in the market.

Here’s an example of a real wholesaler using our handwritten mailers, in a case study where he made anywhere from $4k fees to $22,500

Assignment fee examples from a case study

7. Who pays for it?

Typically, in a traditional real estate wholesaling model, the end buyer (the cash buyer) is paying for your assignment fee.

For example: You negotiate with the seller to buy the property for $100,000. And the end buyer agrees to buy this deal for $120,000. He enters into escrow and pays the $120,000. You get the difference between the seller price and the end buyer price.

8. Does the seller or buyer see the fee?

In a typical assignment transfer, yes your assignment fee will be inside the closing statements.

After a property closes escrow, every party involved will get “closing statements” that look might look like this (depending on your state and the companies you use):

assignment price calculator

One of the line items may show up as “Assignment Fee” (or something similar), and show the amount.

Buyers will see these, as well as sellers.

However, a cash buyer (usually) understands that wholesaling is A LOT of work and that you should get paid for it. A good cash buyer understands that.

Sellers, most likely, won’t understand what an “assignment fee” is when they see this doc (they most likely won’t even read it).

On the rare occasion that they actually do ask what that line item is, you can tell the truth like this: “We work with partners and lenders all the time, and sometimes we end up selling the property during escrow to these partners, instead of keeping it ourselves. In this case we ended up selling to them”.

There’s a way to circumvent this potential problem of an assignment fee showing up on the closing documents…

And that’s by doing a double close instead of an assignment.

Let me explain in the next section…

9. Alternatives to an assignment?

As mentioned in the previous section, an assignment fee can have some cons to it. The primary being that sellers AND buyers can see how much you’re getting paid.

However, there is another “tool” you can use that hides this from both parties, and that’s called the “double close” (sometimes referred to as a “simultaneous closing” or “back to back” closing. As the name implies, there are 2 separate closings, not 1 (like our assignment fee transaction).

Here’s an explanation:

  • The homeowner (party A) agrees to sell to a wholesaler (Party B) for $100,000
  • They enter escrow
  • While in escrow, Party B finds a cash buyer (Party C)
  • Party C agrees to buy that property for $150,000
  • They enter a second escrow agreement (different from the first)
  • Party C funds the escrow account to buy the property at $150,000
  • Party B uses those funds (minus his “assignment fee”) to pay the purchase from Party A

A little confusing?

Maybe this infographic helps:


We won’t go into too much detail about this as this is an article on the assignment fee… But just know that there is an alternative to hiding your fee but using a double close.

The con to this is that you pay a little more because you’re in fact doing 2 closes, not 1. So the times you might want to a double close vs an assignment fee is when you negotiated a very good deal and want to conceal the big check you’ll be getting.

10. Assignment fees and agents?

Anyone can get paid an assignment fee for this kind of “wholesaling” transaction. There’s no law that says agents can’t. However, that agent/broker needs to pay careful attention to their State RE commission laws as they’re put under serious scrutiny if they walk any fine lines.

For instance, if you’re buying the property and wholesaling it AND you’re licensed… in most states, you have to express to the seller that you are a licensed real estate agent but you are NOT representing them, and instead the principle of the transaction.

If you’re an agent wondering if you can (or should) do this, first contact your broker or RE Commission office to find out more.

Secondly, you might want to reconsider doing this as in some markets agent commission fees are higher than typical wholesaling fees. This is rare, but there are some hot markets where wholesalers have to keep raising their prices to win the deal, and therefore lower their assignment fee.

11. How to increase your assignment fees?

As mentioned in a previous section, your fee is greatly dependent on the kind of deal you negotiate.

So if you get a deal at $100,000 and another investor (cash buyer) is willing to pay $150,000 for it, you walk with a $50,000 assignment fee (assuming no closing costs are removed from this).

There are 4 factors to increasing your assignment fees…

  • Become a better marketer If you improve your knowledge and skill set in marketing, you can essentially get to motivated sellers before anyone else.In the next section, we cover how to find these properties, which has everything to do with marketing, but one way (that we specialize in) is using handwritten mail to gain the best response rates from sellers.
  • Become a better negotiator If you study and practice good salesmanship you can effectively win deals even if you’re offer is “low” . If you have no experience in sales, this will take time, but there are loads of resources available online (free and paid) that you can take advantage of. But, if you’re planning to stay in this entrepreneurship game for the long haul I HIGHLY suggest you study sales on a regular basis.
  • Know you numbers Getting better and better at knowing what your market demands in terms of prices, rehab costs , etc… will help determine a more accurate price at a faster rate. Why does this matter to getting paid a higher assignment fee? It’s 2 reasons: First, if you know that cash buyers are willing to pay X, you can raise your asking price from end buyers, or on the flip side of that if, you know that a house needs some major repairs you can use that negotiated a lower price with the seller…Secondly, if you are really good with numbers, you can give an offer faster than your competition who has to take 1-2 days to send an offer in. In competitive markets “ Speed to lead ” wins and the person who can act fastest is usually the one who takes the trophy.
  • Build a thriving buyers list The second component of the assignment fee and wholesaling business is selling the contract to a cash buyer.And, if you can build a list of buyers who will pay more for a good deal than most of the other “bottom of the barrel” buyers who demand very steep prices.Where do find buyers willing to pay more? It’s usually among high w-2 earners (doctors, lawyers, etc) who like to flip houses on the side. Or high-income business owners looking to park their cash somewhere to earn 15%+ annual ROI by doing so occasional flips.If you can find them, network with them, and add them to your list you can essentially raise your property raise to increase your assignment fee

12. How to find discounted properties to wholesale?

Finally our last section in this article which is probably at the top of some people’s minds:

“ Assignments sound great, but how do you FIND discounted properties!?!?”

Wholesaling is probably one of the toughest occupations in real estate.

You have to be well-rounded in almost every aspect of the industry. And you have to be top-notch in your selling and marketing capabilities.

But with that, there are foundational techniques to help you find these properties on your own. I’m going to give you 2 resources to start below.

First, is our article “ 8 ways to find 100 sellers for under $500”

Second is our eBook on Direct mail

You can get the Ebook for free by subscribing below to our newsletter, where we give lessons, stories, and value every week to real estate investors like you…

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Justin Dossey

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Assignment Time Calculator to help meet Deadlines

Got an assignment deadline coming up?

Not sure how much free time you need to sacrifice to complete the work on time?

Here’s a handy calculator to estimate the time needed to complete an assignment within the given deadline.

Calculator for time needed to finish an assignment

To use this tool, please follow the instructions below.

  • The cells marked in yellow should be amended to suit your specific situation
  • Check whether your assignment has a word count allowance. If so, then you just need to meet the minimum end of the range when you’re pressed of time
  • An excellent writing speed would be about 600 words an hour
  • Medium would be around 350 words per hour
  • A slow writing speed implies roughly about 200 words an hour
  • Enter the deadline for the assignment in Month / Day / Year format

Tips to complete assignments on time

Cliché as it may be, the best advice to complete assignments by the deadline is to start in advance. Of course, this may not always be feasible but just trust us, your future self with be really grateful that you didn’t leave it until the last minute.

If you’re behind schedule, you’re going to want to make the most efficient use of whatever little time you have. However, even in such a situation, we highly recommend that you set aside a brief slot in your schedule to plan the structure of the assignment and what word count needs to go in each section that you have identified.

This will help you get a better idea of which sections are going to take up a bigger chunk of your time and you can use this to prioritize your available time accordingly.

We have a guide on how to make an assignment structure outline quickly using grading criteria . We also have another one on managing assignment word count .

Here’s another helpful guide from Purdue University with good suggestions for time management when it comes to assignments.

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Grade Calculator

Use this calculator to find out the grade of a course based on weighted averages. This calculator accepts both numerical as well as letter grades. It also can calculate the grade needed for the remaining assignments in order to get a desired grade for an ongoing course.

Final Grade Goal
Weight of Remaining Tasks

assignment price calculator

Grade Format: Points, percentage, mix Letters
Weight Format: Percentage Points
Show Final Grade Planning Options

Final Grade Calculator

Use this calculator to find out the grade needed on the final exam in order to get a desired grade in a course. It accepts letter grades, percentage grades, and other numerical inputs.

Related GPA Calculator

The calculators above use the following letter grades and their typical corresponding numerical equivalents based on grade points.

Letter GradeGPAPercentage

Brief history of different grading systems

In 1785, students at Yale were ranked based on "optimi" being the highest rank, followed by second optimi, inferiore (lower), and pejores (worse). At William and Mary, students were ranked as either No. 1, or No. 2, where No. 1 represented students that were first in their class, while No. 2 represented those who were "orderly, correct and attentive." Meanwhile at Harvard, students were graded based on a numerical system from 1-200 (except for math and philosophy where 1-100 was used). Later, shortly after 1883, Harvard used a system of "Classes" where students were either Class I, II, III, IV, or V, with V representing a failing grade. All of these examples show the subjective, arbitrary, and inconsistent nature with which different institutions graded their students, demonstrating the need for a more standardized, albeit equally arbitrary grading system.

In 1887, Mount Holyoke College became the first college to use letter grades similar to those commonly used today. The college used a grading scale with the letters A, B, C, D, and E, where E represented a failing grade. This grading system however, was far stricter than those commonly used today, with a failing grade being defined as anything below 75%. The college later re-defined their grading system, adding the letter F for a failing grade (still below 75%). This system of using a letter grading scale became increasingly popular within colleges and high schools, eventually leading to the letter grading systems typically used today. However, there is still significant variation regarding what may constitute an A, or whether a system uses plusses or minuses (i.e. A+ or B-), among other differences.

An alternative to the letter grading system

Letter grades provide an easy means to generalize a student's performance. They can be more effective than qualitative evaluations in situations where "right" or "wrong" answers can be easily quantified, such as an algebra exam, but alone may not provide a student with enough feedback in regards to an assessment like a written paper (which is much more subjective).

Although a written analysis of each individual student's work may be a more effective form of feedback, there exists the argument that students and parents are unlikely to read the feedback, and that teachers do not have the time to write such an analysis. There is precedence for this type of evaluation system however, in Saint Ann's School in New York City, an arts-oriented private school that does not have a letter grading system. Instead, teachers write anecdotal reports for each student. This method of evaluation focuses on promoting learning and improvement, rather than the pursuit of a certain letter grade in a course. For better or for worse however, these types of programs constitute a minority in the United States, and though the experience may be better for the student, most institutions still use a fairly standard letter grading system that students will have to adjust to. The time investment that this type of evaluation method requires of teachers/professors is likely not viable on university campuses with hundreds of students per course. As such, although there are other high schools such as Sanborn High School that approach grading in a more qualitative way, it remains to be seen whether such grading methods can be scalable. Until then, more generalized forms of grading like the letter grading system are unlikely to be entirely replaced. However, many educators already try to create an environment that limits the role that grades play in motivating students. One could argue that a combination of these two systems would likely be the most realistic, and effective way to provide a more standardized evaluation of students, while promoting learning.


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Please select your preferred “currency” using the dropdown (Select Currency) and enter the word count in the “Word Count” column, then click the “Calculate Price” (the blue bar). The price is calculated based on the chosen currency and the word count you enter. The date of delivery is based on the date of payment.

Assignment Price Calculator

NB : The fee covers relevant corrections to the assignment question(s). However, any change to the assignment question(s), variables, brief, or structure/template is considered another contract and will be paid for in full by the client.

Whatever we deliver to you is your property, and you have the right to add, remove, or modify it by any means. Anything you think can make the work better can be included by you.


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  • When the term of reference changes (word count, date of delivery, etc), the price changes too
  • For any assignment that involves data analysis, the cost for performing each objective or statistical technique (such as Regression Analysis, Correlation Analysis, ANOVA, Chi-Square Test, etc.) is set at a minimum of  ₦30,000  at 3 working days. And this will be in addition to the price and working days of the assignment.
  • For any assignment that involves drafting of questionnaire/survey questions, the price of drafting the questionnaire is  ₦30,000  at 5 working days.
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Student Assignment Planner – Stay Productive No Matter What

Assignment Start Date

Assignment Deadline

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Attention all missed deadlines: WowEssays online assignment planner is coming for you.

Use this student homework planner to create a timetable for your academic project. The free tool will break down your research and writing activities into manageable tasks and organize them into a hierarchical structure. For your convenience, chronologically ordered completion dates will be set for every action required for the completion of your school or university project.

If the time you spend writing college assignments is well managed, the great results are, virtually, guaranteed. Try our assignment planner right now!

How to Use the Writing Schedule Calculator

The writing calculator lets you allocate study time with ease. Here's how to use it.

  • Set the Start Date Choose the start date you are comfortable with and set it into the requisite box.
  • Set the End Date Make sure the end date of your project is at least several hours away from the completion deadline. Thus, you will have a chance to account for unforeseen circumstances.
  • Get the Schedule Get the assignment writing schedule in a single click. The tool will calculate the time necessary for the completion of your project and provide you with a writing calendar.

That's it! You've got a writing plan for your assignment in under one minute. Now, adjust your study load based on the milestones set in the online template. With due diligence, you will ensure the timely completion of your project. Start implementing it right now!

Why Use the Essay Calculator

Nowhere is the need for effective planning more evident than in academic settings. Students regularly miss deadlines on their assignments and face the harsh consequences of hardnosed college policies. It is hard to blame them for dropping the ball since they are overburdened by academic responsivities. To compound the problem, many college-goers have to work to support their studies, which creates potential stumbles along their educational path. And as you know, if the writing schedule is slipping, your academic performance is at risk.

The essay time calculator is useful in a great slew of circumstances; however, it is indispensable if you are being crushed under the weight of personal and academic responsibilities, which have to be managed concurrently. Whatever time-management techniques you use to handle detours and avoid delays in your academic project, their effectiveness will be undermined without a clearly-defined schedule. Fortunately, there is a handy WowEssays tool that can set you right on the track.

Aren't you tired of asking for deadline extensions? If you nod approvingly, use this free planning tool to get the assignment writing off your plate.

The best solution for project delays is surprisingly straightforward: adhere to a schedule. We know what you are thinking: Project scheduling is a challenge on its own. Won't its creation take too much time? While your concern is legitimate, it doesn't take longer than a minute to plan your writing session with the help of the's tool. The time estimator will help you set milestones for every step of the project, from thesis statement writing to editing.

Writing Planner for Students – Focus on Your Writing

Whether you are writing a complicated research paper or a basic essay, the goal deadlines has to be set. Why? Simply because otherwise, you won't be able to track the progress on your project. This, in turn, is necessary to understand that your actions conform to your plans.

Even though the assignment-related activities differ widely both in their scope and nature, they all have a common denominator – time. Therefore, all endeavors you undertake to complete the academic project must be structured around this core variable.

As you undoubtedly know, adherence to a writing plan can be undermined by the lack of internal discipline. Fortunately, this problem is amenable to control if you have the appropriate tools at your disposal. One of them is the creation of a writing plan. That's where the Wow Essays tool comes in. You have the writing tracker right at your fingertips to manage your mental strain and adjust the timing to better suit your creative preferences.

Once you have a schedule at hand, look at it to identify the gaps between your current progress on the academic project and the performance required for its completion. For each gap, your approach to tackling the assignment should be modified until the project lag disappears.

Keep in mind that taking writing breaks is the key to better results. Although it may sound counterintuitive, the harder you press yourself to write an assignment, the less focused you'll be. Put simply, a timely break is the staple of exceptional creative output.

Another thing to remember is that assignment planning is not an exact process as all academic projects you encounter in college are unique. Therefore, the time milestones you can see in your writing tracker are mere suggestions. They have been calculated based on the empirically-grounded analysis of the common writing activities performed by college students. Feel free to adjust them in accordance with your writing speed and energy levels.

Assignment Schedule Maker Is Not Enough? There's Something Even Better!

Although the assignment time calculator is an indispensable scheduling tool, its effectiveness can be limited by several variables ranging from accountability avoidance to busyness. A detailed schedule allows you to complete both simple and complicated assignments if you stick to the suggested milestones. But it is easier said than done. We all know that sticking to the timetable is the tough part. Fortunately, we've got you covered. If you find yourself in an unimaginably hard academic position, fall back on this paper writing service . Our experts can provide you with a model assignment in only three hours. It can help you complete your paper faster, thereby making your college journey more comfortable and pleasurable.

Whether you end up using our assignment calculator or hiring a professional writer, you deserve praise. After all, you are taking extra steps to be productive, which means academic success is around the corner.

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What Is a Carry Trade, and How Did a Small Rate Hike in Japan Just Trigger a Global Sell-Off?

  • A Bank of Japan rate hike triggered an abrupt gain in value for the yen.
  • That in turn impacted a huge global "carry trade" involving trillions of dollars.
  • Markets around the world are seeing heavy selling as investors rush to unwind the carry trade.
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How a seemingly small move by the Bank of Japan roiled global markets.

Why did markets around the world drop sharply on Monday? What does it have to do with the Bank of Japan? And what is a carry trade?

It turns out those questions are all closely related. Read on for the answers.

Why a carry trade may be responsible for the market's current turmoil

For months, market observers have been talking about a popular trade in which investors borrowed in Japanese yen at very low interest rates, and then invested the borrowed money in high-growth investments like the " Magnificent Seven " stocks.

Borrowing cheaply to buy higher-returning investments is called a " carry trade ." It's a common strategy for a good reason: Carry trades can be very profitable as long as they work.

But when a popular carry trade abruptly stops working, the effects can be widespread.

Concerns about the carry trade had been rising for weeks, in part because of the enormous amount of money involved in it -- an estimated $4 trillion. Those concerns soared on July 31, when the Bank of Japan raised interest rates from 0.1% to 0.25%.

That rate is still very low, of course, and in and of itself not a big deal for the carry trade. But it was the bank's largest rate hike since 2007, and currency traders took note of the implications.

A stock market board with numbers in red, indicating declines.

Image source: Getty Images.

A small-sounding rate hike had a big effect on exchange rates

The yen reacted almost immediately to the rate hike, rising to about 150 to the U.S. dollar from about 162 to the dollar earlier in July. (We say that the yen "rose" because it gained value relative to the dollar.) The yen has risen even further since, trading at around 143 to the dollar on Monday morning.

If you borrow in yen and then trade in dollars (or euros, which have similarly fallen versus the yen), and then the yen gains value, you have to earn more dollars or euros to pay back your yen-denominated loan.

Consider: If you had borrowed 10 million yen a month ago and immediately converted it to U.S. dollars, you'd have had about $62,000. But given the way the yen has surged recently, you would need about $70,000 to pay back that loan today -- even without taking interest and fees into account.

Put another way, you need to have made roughly 13% on that borrowed money in one month just to break even on the loan. That's a much bigger deal than the Bank of Japan's 0.15% interest rate hike.

Why investors are rushing to unwind the carry trade now

Now consider that the Bank of Japan has signaled that more rate hikes are possible. That suggests the yen could rise even further against the dollar in the near future. That's a big incentive to unwind that carry trade in order to pay back the yen-denominated loans as soon as possible.

Given that there was an enormous amount of money involved in this particular carry trade, the unwinding is having massive effects in markets around the world as investors sell stocks and other assets in order to repay those loans.

That's not all that's driving markets lower, of course. There are legitimate concerns about the U.S. economy, after several leading indicators last week suggested that its growth has slowed. But the $4 trillion unwinding is certainly having a major effect. It probably already triggered more selling by investors who weren't involved in the carry trade but who saw big names like Nvidia  and Tesla  selling off sharply.

Some of the big growth names might bounce in the near term as investors "buy the dips." That's not necessarily a bad idea. Just remember that the selling could resume: $4 trillion is a lot of money.

John Rosevear has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Nvidia and Tesla. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy .

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