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About the essay contest.

The German Information Center USA fulfills the public diplomacy mission of the German Embassy in Washington, D.C. To encourage American students to get to know modern Germany, the German Embassy provides classroom materials to educators in the United States.

The purpose of the essay contest is to familiarize students with today’s Germany. In addition, the contest offers students and their teachers an opportunity to discuss traditional and modern German culture, language and society.

Detailed contest information such as rules, deadlines and the essay questions can be found below on this webpage

All entries must be submitted electronically by May 1, 2024.

There will be three grade groupings for the contest: Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12. By entering this contest, permission is given for essays to appear on this website (www.Germany.info), as well as the German Embassy’s newsletters and social media channels.

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About @GermanyinUSA

GermanyinUSA is the home of the monthly newsletter “Germany for Americans”, produced by the German Embassy in Washington, DC. For the embassy’s official website, visit Germany.info .

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Essay Contest

Information for the annual essay contest has moved.

Looking for the 2022 Annual Essay Contest topics? All of the information is now on our website:


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german embassy essay contest

  • Youth Program

Current Contest

Essay contests are open to everyone (members and non-members), 2025 grhs youth essay contest.

GRHS Essay Contest Theme


Contest Rules and Entry Form: .docx or .pdf

We look forward to hearing from you!

-youth committee, 2025 grhs adult essay contest.

“Germans From Russia: A Story to Tell”

Contest Rules And Entry Form:  .docx or .pdf

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german embassy essay contest

Hibriten senior wins German embassy essay contest


Each year, the German embassy hosts a nationwide essay contest for students of grades 3-12 in the U.S., awarding a $200 prize to national winners and a $25 prize to local winners. 2024’s local winner for Hibriten High School was…

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Immanuel Kant Essay Competition



Download the full competition description here (PDF, 390 KB)

  • First place: Scholarship for a language course at the Goethe-Institut in Germany and an Immanuel Kant themed prize package
  • Second and third place: Scholarship for an online German language course by the GoetheInstitut USA and an Immanuel Kant themed prize package
  • All students who enter the competition will receive a certificate of participation

Essay Topics

  • Kant's ethics in modern society: how can the categorical imperative guide us in navigating current ethical challenges?
  • Epistemology in the era of information: How are Kant's ideas about knowledge and perception relevant in times of information overload and "fake news"?
  • Aesthetics and art today: What relevance do Kant's aesthetics have for today's understanding and appreciation of art?
  • Sustainable freedom: How can we use Kant's concepts of freedom and autonomy to develop a sustainable relationship with the environment and shape our individual freedoms in harmony with the needs of the planet?

Eligibility and Terms of Participation

  • Target group: High school students and university students in the USA
  • Essay length: between 1500 and 2000 words
  • Language: German or English
  • Submission deadline: October 3, 2024 via the essay submission form 

Evaluation Criteria

  • Originality (5 points)
  • Depth of philosophical analysis (5 points)
  • Relevance and timeliness (5 points)
  • Structure and clarity of arguments (5 points)
  • Linguistic quality (5 points)
  • Katharina Kraus, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland
  • William Layher, German teacher, Ladue School District in Ladue, Missouri
  • Desmond Jagmohan, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of California in Berkeley, California

Immanuel Kant and the Enlightenment

Kant Starter Package (PDF, 498 KB)

Introduction to the Immanuel Kant Competition Workshop Slides (PDF, 9 MB)

About "Sapere Aude"

Essay Submission

Preparatory Workshop Series

This four-part workshop series aims to help teachers incoorporate the Immanuel Kant Essay Competition into their classrooms and students to become familiar with Kant and brainstorm ideas for their essays.

09/09/2024 | 7 PM ET Introduction of the Immanuel Kant "Sapere Aude" Essay Competition


09/14/2024 | 2 PM ET Kant 101 for Youth: the Enlightenment Meets 2024

09/23/2024 | 6 pm et introduction of the immanuel kant u-häppchen, 09/24/2024 | 12 pm et media literacy for youth: how to know what to know.

The German Information Center USA fulfills the public diplomacy mission of the German Embassy in Washington, D.C. To encourage American students to get to know modern Germany, the GIC provides classroom materials to educators in the United States.

The purpose of the essay contest is to familiarize students with today's Germany. In addition, the contest offers students and their teachers an opportunity to discuss traditional and modern German culture, language and society.

There will be three grade groupings for the contest: Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12. Winners will receive prizes and certificates; their essays will appear on this website ( ), as well as the German Information Center USA's newsletters.

Students must choose from one of the following topics:

a. 2008 marks the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first German immigrants in America. Now more Americans list German ancestry as their cultural heritage than any other heritage group (2000 Census). Over the course of 400 years German-Americans have made many contributions to American society and the world. What do you think is the most influential contribution made by German-Americans within the past 400 years? Maybe it is several contributions by a group of people that rank high on your list or maybe one single event stands out more than the rest. The website www.germanoriginality.com and the "Culture & Life" section of www.germany.info may be especially useful in your research!

b. Germany- Land of Ideas! Germany is known for science and culture. Technological innovations and artistic expressions abound. What do you think is the best, most innovative, creative or otherwise great "idea" to come from Germany? It can be something that was influential or big for just Germany, Europe or for the entire world. It can deal with science, technology, culture or any other area of life. Maybe it's a contribution to a way of life, such as recycling or it the Bauhaus-style of architecture. Maybe you prefer to think of German ideas in terms of the discoveries of German scientists studying outer space. Let your imagination run with this idea! A website to help you get started thinking about ideas is .

300 words or fewer for Grades 3-5; 500 words for Grades 6-12. (Note: More does not mean better! Focus on the quality, not quantity.)

Students may submit only one essay per person.

Submit entries as .doc (Microsoft Word), .pdf (Adobe Acrobat), scanned-in graphic files (jpg, etc.) or .txt (Simple Text) files only. Email your essay to Jennifer Clardy ( ). Entry must include the author's name, grade level, school name and school address at the beginning.

( )
All students enrolled in 3rd through 12th grade in the U.S. are eligible. (Seniors graduating in 2008 are eligible.)
Each essay must be the sole work of the author.
Entries may be submitted by individual writers or by their teachers.

Entries must include the name of the student & teacher/advisor, the grade level of student, the email address of student & teacher, and a postal address for the student & teacher. This information enables the GIC USA to quickly award prizes and prize packages. No personal or contact information will be handed over to a third party.

Only electronically submitted essays will be accepted.
Entries must be 300 words or fewer for elementary students; 500 words or less for middle and high school students.

Submitted entries will become the property of the German Information Center USA; they may appear in GIC USA or associated publications.
The decision of the panel of judges from the German Information Center USA and German Embassy Washington is final.

Students are encouraged to review spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Receipt of essays will be confirmed by email. Please contact us if you do not receive a confirmation within a week.

Winners will be determined by a panel of judges from the German Information Center USA and the German Embassy Washington. Entries will be judged based on their content, style and grammar.

Successful entries will:
Follow the guidelines
Show that student has done research on her/his subject
Include the author's own opinions
Demonstrate superb critical and creative thinking

Amazon.com gift certificates will be awarded to first place winners in each age group.

1st place - grades 3 - 5: $50 bookstore gift certificate
1st place - grades 6 - 8: $75 bookstore gift certificate
1st place - grades 9 - 12: $100 bookstore gift certificate

For Teachers or Advisors of 1st place winners:
$100 bookstore gift certificate for classroom resources

In addition, 10 runners-up will receive a package from the German Information Center USA.

( )

Special announcement

the United Kingdom and Ireland

German Language Competitions

Overview of German Language Competitions

german embassy essay contest

German Language Competition 2024

What a Year! Schlagzeilen aus der Zukunft

In the 2024 competition, we invite you to put together the front page of a fictional newspaper in the German-speaking world. The catch: you are writing the final edition of 2024 and must select the most important stories of a year that has not yet finished.

german embassy essay contest

German Language Competition 2023

Roads not taken. Oder: Es hätte auch anders kommen können.

The DAAD and the ILCS joined forces once again to invite all learners and lovers of German to take part in our German language competition.

german embassy essay contest

German Language Competition 2022

Zusammen - Together across Cultures

Zusammen - Together across Cultures: On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the DAAD London office, the 2022 DAAD/IMLR German Language Competition focussed on coming together, celebrating friendship and collaboration between people, countries and institutions beyond borders and across cultures.

German Language Competition 2020

Das Wort der Zukunft - The word of the future

The DAAD and the IMLR are joining forces for the seventh time to invite all learners and lovers of German to take part in a German language competition.

Writing Competition 2019

Victoria & Albert: love letters

The winners of the 6th DAAD-IMLR German writing competition were celebrated at an event on 28 June 2019 held at the German Embassy. Do have a browse through the pictures.

Writing Competition 2017

Chatting with Luther

The prize-giving event took place on Monday, 11 December 2017, in the Knowledge Centre of the British Library.

Writing Competition 2016/17

When Cultures Meet

Read what prize-winners and the authors wrote!

Writing Competition 2015

Translation Competition

The competition aimed to encourage a deeper engagement with the German language and culture through the complexities of the translation process. Contestants were asked to translate a set passage of Gröschner’s novel Walpurgistag.

Wiriting Competition 2014

In the conjunction wit the Germany - Memories of a Nation exhibition at the British Museum

We called on you to write a ‘DINGGEDICHT’ – a ‘thing poem’ or in other words a poem based on an object!

Writing Competition 2012

Europe - What next?

Where is Europe heading? Is it spiralling out of control? Do we need to redefine European values? What should a young European aspire to?

Writing Competition 2010

German loanwords

"Spiel”, "doppelganger”, "zeitgeist”, "stumm” are just a few examples of German loanwords in the English language.

Writing Competition 2009

Create a Modern German Fairy Tale

Germany is famous for its tradition of fairy tales. But what would a modern one be like?

Writing Competition 2008

What happens next?

What Happens Next? was the motto of the DAAD 2008 competition, whereby students were encouraged to come up with fictitious encounters between a famous German and a famous British personality.

Writing Competition 2007

Who wants to be a European?

We want to hear your advice to Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Writing Competition 2006

But don't mention the war II

Germany - love it or hate it? Enjoy writing?

Writing Competition 2005

But don't mention the war I

- does this famous slogan still characterise the British attitude towards Germany and the Germans?

Advertisements by German Universities

german embassy essay contest

Truly international – Study at ESB Business School!

Do you want to study in the heart of Germany, Europe’s strongest and most dynamic economy? Come to ESB Business School at Reutlingen University!

german embassy essay contest

DFG Research Training Group “Aesthetic Practice”, Hildesheim

At the University of Hildesheim, 10 doctoral positions are to be filled in the DFG Research Training Group 2477 “Aesthetic Practice”, Faculty of Cultural Studies & Aesthetic Communication

german embassy essay contest

M.A. International Security Management in Berlin/Germany

An interdisciplinary course in security-related disciplines such as Legal, Social and Political Sciences, Economics and Crisis, Risk and Catastrophe Management

german embassy essay contest

Apply to the TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship at Technical University of ...

The TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship is a funding opportunity for external postdoctoral scientists who are currently residing abroad and would like to start their research at TUM.

german embassy essay contest

Study in Berlin - MBA & International Master’s Programmes

Study management in English. Improve your leadership skills. Gain digital know-how. Become part of an international student body. Benefit from many corporate activities, valuable career consultation a...

german embassy essay contest

International and English-taught master programs at Germany’s most bea...

Launch your career with a state-of the-art master’s degree from one of the world’s best young universities. https://www.uni-passau.de/en/study/

german embassy essay contest

International Programmes at TH Rosenheim - Study in English!

Are you interested in studying in one of Germany’s most attractive regions? Do you expect a high quality of life, great recreational activities and an economically powerful region? Then start your stu...

DAAD United Kingdom

Branch Office London

Office Hours

  • Mon – Thu: 9 am – 5 pm
  • Fri: 9 am – 3:30 pm

Please make an appointment before your visit. Thank you.


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  1. Hibriten senior wins German embassy essay contest

    german embassy essay contest

  2. Hibriten senior wins German embassy essay contest

    german embassy essay contest

  3. Winners of the 2022/23 German Language Essay Competition Announced

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  4. LCS German Essay Competition 2019

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  5. MEUCE: 2013 "Germany in Europe" Contest Essay

    german embassy essay contest

  6. The winners of the 2018 Annual Essay Contest!

    german embassy essay contest


  1. German Embassy Visa Denials 🇩🇪 🇰🇪


  1. Enter the 2024 Annual Essay Contest!

    This year's topics are currywurst and climate neutrality. The essay contest is open to students from Grades 3-12 and the deadline for entries is May 1, 2024. Students must choose and write about one of the following topics. Detailed rules and information about submission guidelines can be found below. We enourage all participants to read them.

  2. About the Essay Contest

    The German Information Center USA fulfills the public diplomacy mission of the German Embassy in Washington, D.C. To encourage American students to get to know modern Germany, the German Embassy provides classroom materials to educators in the United States. The purpose of the essay contest is to familiarize students with today's Germany.

  3. Essay Contest

    About @GermanyinUSA. GermanyinUSA is the home of the monthly newsletter "Germany for Americans", produced by the German Embassy in Washington, DC. For the embassy's official website, visit Germany.info.

  4. Hibriten senior wins German embassy essay contest

    May 20—Each year, the German embassy hosts a nationwide essay contest for students of grades 3-12 in the U.S., awarding a $200 prize to national winners and a $25 prize to local winners. 2024's ...

  5. Calling all teachers...

    German Consulate General Houston. ·. March 15, 2021 ·. Calling all teachers and students in grades 3 - 12 for the. German Embassy's 2021 Annual Essay Contest! What: 3 topics to choose from. Who: Students grades 3-12. When: Entry deadline is April 30, 2021. For complete rules and information see:

  6. German Information Center USA 6th Annual Essay Contest

    All entries must be submitted electronically by April 15, 2011. There will be three grade groupings for the contest: Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12. Winners will receive prizes and certificates; their essays will appear on the website of www.germany.info, as well as the German Information Center USA's newsletters. GUIDELINES.


    The German Embassy Washington has its annual essay contest. Students grades 3-12 are invited to send their essay on either A: Beethoven or B: German inventors by March 31st. For more details,...

  8. German Embassy student essay contest

    2022 German Embassy Essay Contest -- Encourage your students to send in their entries by April 30 . The contest is open to students from Grades 3-12. There are three grade groupings for the contest: Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12. Students must write in English about one of the following topics:

  9. 2022 German...

    2022 German Embassy Essay Contest -- Encourage your students to send in their entries by April 30 The contest is open to students from Grades 3-12. There are three grade groupings for the contest:...

  10. Current Contest

    2025 GRHS Adult Essay Contest. GRHS Essay Contest Theme. "Germans From Russia: A Story to Tell". Contest Rules And Entry Form: .docx or .pdf. Find Us. Address. 1125 West Turnpike Avenue Bismarck, ND 58501. Telephone. (701) 223-6167.

  11. Annual German Embassy Essay Contest

    The deadline for the German Embassy's annual essay contest is April 30! The topics are listed below, but be sure to click on the link to read further details about the contest. Good luck! German Inventions. From the first bicycle to the coffee filter to the mp3: throughout history there are numerous examples of German inventions used in today ...

  12. Hibriten senior wins German embassy essay contest

    Each year, the German embassy hosts a nationwide essay contest for students of grades 3-12 in the U.S., awarding a $200 prize to national winners and a $25 prize to local winners. 2024's local winner for Hibriten High School was…

  13. Fun German Contest for Students offered by German Embassy

    Why not have your students participate in the "GERMAN INFORMATION CENTER USA ESSAY CONTEST". There are two ways for students from three grade groupings (Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12) to participate: (1) You can hold the contest in your own classroom and receive an Amazon.com e-certificate for the 1st place student.

  14. Immanuel Kant Essay Competition

    Description. Calling all high school and college students in the United States! In honor of Immanuel Kant's 300th birthday, the Goethe-Institut invites you to participate in our essay contest "Sapere Aude - Dare to Know through Reason." This motto, tied to Kant and the Age of Enlightenment, urges us to break free from ignorance and think ...

  15. German Information Center Essay

    The German Information Center USA fulfills the public diplomacy mission of the German Embassy in Washington, D.C. To encourage American students to get to know modern Germany, the GIC provides classroom materials to educators in the United States. The purpose of the essay contest is to familiarize students with today's Germany.

  16. German Language Competitions

    The winners of the 6th DAAD-IMLR German writing competition were celebrated at an event on 28 June 2019 held at the German Embassy. Do have a browse through the pictures. More Writing Competition 2017. Chatting with Luther The prize-giving event took place on Monday, 11 December 2017, in the Knowledge Centre of the British Library. ...

  17. Essay Contest 2020...

    Essay Contest 2020 The Annual Essay Contest by the German Embassy is back! This year we are celebrating Beethoven and German Inventors. The contest is open to students from Grades 3-12 and the...

  18. Crash of a Vickers 837 Viscount in Moscow: 31 killed

    Asia. The approach to Moscow-Sheremetyevo Airport was completed by night and in poor weather conditions. After its four turn on approach, the crew continued the descent below the glide when the airplane struck trees and crashed in a wooded area located 11 km short of runway 07. The aircraft was destroyed, five crew members and 26 passengers ...

  19. Razdory Map

    Razdory is a hamlet in Moscow Oblast, Central Russia and has about 128 residents. Razdory is situated nearby to Barvikha and Барвихинские усадьбы.

  20. Ewf b.v East West Forwarding

    EWF B.V EAST WEST FORWARDING. Edelveis, Right Entrance, 2nd Floor Davidkovskaja, 121352 Moscow, Russia. Phone: +7 495 938-99-66; Mobile: +7 495-997-0977

  21. Essay Contest! Attention young...

    Essay Contest! Attention young writers! The German Embassy Washington has announced its Annual Essay Contest open to school-aged students in grades 3 through 12. The deadline to submit is April...

  22. Luxury Homes for Sale in Razdory, Moscow, Russia

    Your destination for buying luxury property in Razdory, Moscow, Russia. Discover your dream home among our modern houses, penthouses and villas for sale