7 Inspiring Examples: How To Write a Letter to Your Future Self (Guide)

By Editorial Team on June 24, 2024 — 13 minutes to read

Writing a letter to your future self means capturing your current thoughts, dreams, and goals to revisit at a later date. This unique exercise helps you reflect on your personal growth and progress. Imagine opening a letter from your past and seeing how far you’ve come.

The purpose of this letter is to set aspirations and track achievements. It’s important because it allows you to set clear intentions for your future. For example, you might write about where you hope to be in five years, including career goals, personal milestones, or even travel plans.

The benefits of writing this letter are numerous. It offers a therapeutic way to process your current state while providing a valuable frame of reference for future self-improvement. It also serves as a motivational tool, pushing you toward achieving the goals you’ve set for yourself.

7 Incredible and Heartfelt Examples of Letters to a Future Self for Personal Growth

Dear Future Me,

I hope this letter finds you thriving and satisfied with your career journey. Right now, I’m working hard to build a strong foundation for my professional life. I recently received a promotion at work, which was a huge accomplishment. It feels great to see my efforts recognized. I’ve been taking on new projects and learning so much every day.

I know there will be challenges ahead, like balancing work with personal time and continuing to grow in a competitive field. Are you still passionate about your work? Have you achieved the leadership role you dreamed of?

How are your relationships at work? I’m fortunate to have supportive colleagues and mentors. They’ve been instrumental in my growth. I hope you’ve continued to nurture these professional connections and perhaps built new ones.

Keep believing in yourself. You’ve come so far, and I’m confident you’ll achieve even more.

With determination, Present You

I hope this letter finds you well and happy. Right now, you have just started a new job, and you’re excited about the possibilities. Remember how you felt on your first day—nervous yet thrilled. I hope you have achieved your goals and found satisfaction in your work.

By the way, have you taken up that painting class you always wanted to try? Don’t forget to make time for your hobbies and loved ones.

Sincerely, Your Past Self

Hello Future Self,

It’s been a crazy year! You graduated college and moved to a new city. I know you were worried about making new friends and finding your place, but I believe in you. Have you kept in touch with your college buddies? I hope you’ve made new, meaningful connections as well.

You’re probably looking for a job that suits your skills, and it may feel challenging. Keep pushing forward and stay positive.

Best wishes, Your Earlier Self

I hope you’re surrounded by love and happiness. Right now, I’m working on strengthening my relationships with family and friends. We’ve been spending more quality time together, and it’s been wonderful. I’m trying to be more present and make lasting memories.

How is your family life now? Did you manage to create the warm, loving environment you always wanted? Are you spending enough time with loved ones? I’ve been focusing on finding a balance between work and personal life, and it’s not always easy. But it’s important.

I’ve also been exploring new hobbies, like painting and hiking. They bring me so much joy and peace. Have you kept up with these hobbies, or maybe found new ones that you love?

Remember, the relationships and moments we cherish today shape our future. Keep nurturing them and making time for what truly matters.

With love, Present You

Hi Future Me,

Today, you’re celebrating your 30th birthday. Can you believe it? As you read this, remember how much you’ve grown and all the experiences you’ve had. Are you still passionate about travel? If not, what’s taken its place?

Please cherish the moments with family and friends. Have you settled into a career you love? I trust you’re happier and wiser.

Warm regards, Your Younger Self

I hope this letter finds you well. Today is June 22, 2024, and I’m 30 years old. Right now, I’m focused on advancing my career and improving my health. Have you achieved the promotion you were aiming for? Remember how you felt nervous about that big presentation? I hope it went well and boosted your confidence.

Take care, Your Past Self

Dear Future Self,

I hope you’re feeling healthy and strong. Right now, I’m making a conscious effort to take care of my body and mind. I’ve started eating healthier, drinking more water, and exercising regularly. Yoga has become a new passion, and it’s helping me stay centered and calm.

Are you still prioritizing your health? It’s so important. How do you feel physically and mentally? I’ve been trying to manage stress better, finding time to relax and do things that make me happy. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it.

I’ve also been focusing on mental well-being, practicing mindfulness, and staying positive even when things get tough. Are you still taking time for self-care and mental health?

Remember, taking care of yourself is the best investment you can make. Stay healthy and happy.

With care, Yourself

How to Write a Letter to Your Future Self

Getting started, choosing the right time and place.

Picking a quiet, comfortable setting aids concentration. Opt for a time when you feel most alert.

Morning or late evening might offer fewer distractions. Ensure you have essentials like pen and paper or a digital device ready. Reducing external disturbances will help you think more clearly.

Visualize your goals and current state in this calm environment, enhancing the personal touch and depth of your letter. A serene atmosphere fosters reflection and meaningful writing.

Inspiration and Creativity

Inspiration fuels your letter’s content. Reflect on past experiences, achievements, and lessons learned. An old photo album or journal may stir memories and emotions.

Try listing significant life events or dreams for the future, sparking ideas. Enjoy the process without overthinking, allowing your creative juices to flow naturally.

Visual aids, quotes, or even music can trigger valuable insights, helping align your vision with your writing. Keep the tone personal and genuine.

Crafting Your Message

Begin with a greeting. Address your future self warmly, as if speaking to a dear friend. Detail your current life, feelings, and ambitions. For instance, “Today, I’m 25 and excited about my first job.”

Move on to hopes, dreams, and advice. Encourage yourself, noting both aspirations and challenges. It’s important to include questions you hope to answer over time.

End with a closing statement that reassures and motivates. You might say, “I believe in you. Keep pursuing your dreams.”

Writing Your Letter

Setting the tone.

Choose a tone that feels natural and genuine to you. Imagine you’re writing to a close friend; this approach can help you feel more relaxed and open.

For example, start with a greeting such as:

  • “Hey Future Me, I hope this letter finds you well.”
  • “Dear Future Self, it feels strange writing this, but here goes!”
  • “Hi there, future me! How’s life treating you?”
  • “Hello Future Self, I’m writing this letter to share some thoughts.”
  • “Dear Future Me, it’s your past self, checking in with you.”

Set a tone that will make reading the letter an enjoyable and comforting experience. Be kind to yourself; remember, you’re addressing your future self with empathy and understanding.

Incorporating Key Life Aspects

Consider what aspects of your current life are most important to share with your future self. Reflect on your goals, priorities, and any dreams or aspirations you have. Ask yourself meaningful questions that your future self can reflect upon.

  • “Right now, my top priority is graduating from college with honors.”
  • “I aspire to travel to at least three new countries by next year.”
  • “Some questions I have for you: Are you happy with your career choices? Have you achieved the fitness goals you set?”
  • “I am grateful for the support from my family and friends through challenging times.”
  • “My current goals are to learn a new language and to complete a half marathon.”

Reflecting on the Present

Current achievements and challenges.

Recognizing your accomplishments means acknowledging both professional and personal milestones. Maybe you got a promotion at work, completed a big project, or started a new hobby. These achievements result from your hard work and dedication. On the other side, it’s important to note the challenges you face. Balancing work and family life, overcoming health issues, or managing financial stress are examples. This reflection offers perspective on how far you’ve come and where you wish to go.

Expressing Present Emotions and Thoughts

Being honest with your feelings means capturing your emotional state. Write about your happiness, anxieties, and hopes. Are you content with your job? Are you feeling stressed about a particular issue? What are your dreams for the future? This reflection allows you to see growth in your emotional well-being and thought processes as time passes.

  • Feeling proud of recent accomplishments
  • Experiencing career-related stress
  • Feeling excited about future prospects
  • Battling feelings of self-doubt
  • Enjoying quality time with family
  • Feeling anxious about financial stability
  • Relishing moments of peace and calm
  • Stressing over health issues
  • Feeling grateful for current blessings
  • Dreaming of future adventures

Acknowledging Relationships and Support

Examining your relationships means noting the significant people in your life. This includes your love life, family, and friends. Consider the support systems you rely on, such as a supportive partner, understanding friends, or caring family members. These relationships shape your experiences and provide the emotional and practical support that aids your journey.

  • Cherishing a supportive partner
  • Enjoying close friendships
  • Leaning on family during tough times
  • Seeking advice from a mentor
  • Building a strong bond with siblings
  • Sharing special moments with friends
  • Finding comfort in parental support
  • Nurturing a budding romance
  • Showing appreciation for supportive coworkers
  • Maintaining a healthy work-life balance with support networks

Looking Toward the Future

Career and professional goals.

Think about where you want your career to be in the future. Do you aspire to be in a leadership role, or perhaps start your own business? Consider your desired work environment and the kind of impact you want to make. Reflect on the skills you need to acquire and the milestones you aim to achieve.

  • Achieving a promotion to a management position
  • Completing a professional certification or degree
  • Switching to a more fulfilling career path
  • Starting your own company or freelancing
  • Expanding your professional network
  • Leading a significant project or initiative
  • Receiving an industry award or recognition
  • Developing a new product or service
  • Learning a new skill like coding or public speaking
  • Balancing work and personal life effectively

Personal Life and Family Aspirations

Consider your personal life and family aspirations. Whether you hope to start a family, strengthen relationships, or cultivate personal hobbies, these goals shape much of your daily life and long-term happiness. Reflect on what kind of family environment you wish to create and how you want to spend quality time with loved ones.

  • Getting married
  • Having children or growing your family
  • Buying a home
  • Strengthening relationships with family members
  • Traveling to new places with loved ones
  • Celebrating major life events such as anniversaries or birthdays
  • Creating family traditions
  • Spending more quality time together
  • Supporting your kids in their education and hobbies
  • Developing personal hobbies and interests

Health and Well-Being

Reflecting on your health and well-being is essential for long-term happiness and fulfillment. Think about physical and mental health goals, such as staying active, eating well, and managing stress effectively. Your future self will appreciate the efforts you make today to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  • Adopting a regular exercise routine
  • Eating a balanced and nutritious diet
  • Scheduling regular health check-ups
  • Practicing mindfulness and meditation
  • Getting enough sleep each night
  • Reducing stress through hobbies or relaxation techniques
  • Staying hydrated
  • Building a support network of friends and family
  • Quitting harmful habits like smoking
  • Setting realistic health goals and tracking your progress

Sealing and Storing the Letter

Deciding on an open date.

Choose a meaningful date to open your letter. This could be an anniversary, a birthday, or a significant milestone. Make sure to pick a date far enough in the future to allow for personal growth and reflection. For example, you might decide to open the letter on your 30th birthday or after five years. Commit to this date, and mark it on your calendar. Setting a reminder on your phone or email can help you stay committed to this date.

Safekeeping Your Letter

Store your letter in a safe place where it won’t be easily damaged. A drawer, a keepsake box, or even a safe are good options. If you want to get creative, consider sealing the letter in an envelope with wax or a special sticker. Ensure the place you choose is both secure and memorable, so you don’t forget where you put it.

Anticipation and the Future Reveal

The anticipation of opening your letter can be exciting. Think about what you hope to achieve or experience by the time you open it. A reminder set for the open date can build excitement as the day approaches. When you finally unseal your letter, it will offer a unique opportunity to reflect on your past self and see how much you’ve grown.

Conclusion and Moving Forward

Now that you’ve written a letter to your future self, think about how this experience can shape your outlook. Writing to your future self helps you commit to your goals and offers a unique way to track your personal growth.

Keeping the momentum going is important. Set a reminder to read your letter in the future. This could be in one year, five years, or even a decade.

Consider writing more letters to your future self at different stages in your life. Each letter can serve as a checkpoint for your learning and aspirations.

Writing to your future self is not just a one-time activity. It’s a habit that can bring clarity and purpose. Write frequently, reflect often, and enjoy the journey of self-discovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should i include in a letter to my future self.

Consider including your current goals, dreams, worries, and achievements. Reflect on recent events and how you feel about them. You might also want to ask your future self questions about how life has changed or what’s been accomplished.

How do I start writing a letter to my future self?

Begin by addressing your future self directly. Set a date for when you’ll read it. Introduce the current context of your life, mentioning details like the date, your age, and significant aspects of your present situation.

What tips can you give for writing a reflective letter to my future self?

Be honest and open about your feelings. Think about what aspects of your life you want to examine in the future. Reflect on your current emotions, challenges, and achievements. Use the opportunity to offer advice or words of encouragement to your future self.

In what ways can I make my letter to my future self meaningful and inspiring?

Write from the heart and be genuine. Share your dreams and aspirations, no matter how big or small. Reflect on your growth and what you’ve learned lately. Pose questions that your future self might find intriguing or motivating.

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Writing a Letter to Your Future Self: Benefits, Guide, and Template

Writing a Letter to Your Future Self: Benefits, Guide, and Template

Writing a letter to our future selves is a simple yet profound practice that has the power to transform our lives.

 This act of self-expression serves as a conduit to our innermost thoughts, allowing us to capture our hopes, fears, and desires in a tangible form. By embarking on this journey of self-reflection, we open ourselves up to the possibility of profound personal growth and positive change. In this article, we delve into the remarkable impact of writing a letter to your future self and explore how this practice can shape the trajectory of your life.

3 Reasons to Write a Letter to Your Future Self: Benefits

1. reflection and self-awareness.

Writing a letter to your future self provides a unique opportunity for reflection and self-awareness. By capturing your current thoughts, emotions, and experiences, you gain insight into who you are at this moment in time. This act of self-reflection allows you to understand your desires, fears, and motivations, enabling you to navigate your life with greater clarity and purpose.

2. Goal Setting and Intentions

One of the remarkable benefits of writing a letter to your future self is the ability to set clear goals and intentions. As you pen your thoughts, dreams, and aspirations, you articulate your vision for the future. This goal-setting process helps you identify what truly matters to you and creates a roadmap for achieving your desired outcomes. The act of writing down your goals significantly increases your commitment to them, making you more likely to take the necessary steps to turn them into reality.

3. Personal Growth and Transformation

Revisiting the letter to your future self allows you to witness your personal growth and transformation over time. Months or even years later, as you open the letter, you gain a fresh perspective on your past self. You can celebrate the progress you've made, acknowledge the challenges you've overcome, and recognize the person you've become. This powerful reminder of your resilience and personal evolution serves as motivation to continue growing and striving toward your dreams.

message to my future self essay

How to Write a Letter to Your Future Self

Choose a meaningful timeframe.

Select a timeframe for your letter that aligns with your goals. You may opt for a year, five years, or even a decade into the future. Consider both long-term and short-term perspectives to capture different aspects of your life journey.

Find a Quiet and Inspiring Environment

Create a calm and distraction-free space for writing your letter. Find a place that inspires you and allows your thoughts to flow freely. Consider incorporating elements such as soothing music, scented candles, or natural surroundings to enhance your creativity and introspection.

Reflect on Your Current State

Take the time to reflect on your current thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Explore your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth. Use this opportunity to gain clarity about what you want to achieve and the person you want to become.

Set Clear Goals and Intentions

Define specific goals and aspirations in your letter. Be clear about what you want to accomplish and the steps you plan to take to achieve them. Write down your intentions with conviction, and visualize the future you desire.

Express Your Emotions and Dreams

Let your emotions flow onto the paper. Be authentic and vulnerable as you share your hopes, fears, and dreams. Use this letter as a safe space to express yourself fully and honestly.

In the TED video below, Meg Jay shares the essential questions to ask your future self thus enabling your present and future to align so you can start achieving your goals.

Use the ‘GROW’ Template for Writing To Your Future Self

G - Gratitude and Reflection

R - Realizations and Lessons Learned

O - Outlook and Aspirations

W - Wishes and Dreams

Now let's break down each step of the acronym:

G - Gratitude and Reflection:

Express gratitude for the experiences, people, and opportunities that have shaped your life. Reflect on the positive aspects and milestones you have achieved. Acknowledge the blessings and lessons you have received along the way.

R - Realizations and Lessons Learned:

Share the realizations you have had about yourself, others, and the world around you. Reflect on the lessons you have learned from various experiences and challenges. Discuss how these insights have impacted your growth and understanding.

O - Outlook and Aspirations:

Describe your current outlook on life and the future. Share your aspirations and goals for personal and professional development. Discuss the vision you have for yourself and the steps you plan to take to achieve it.

W - Wishes and Dreams:

Articulate your wishes and dreams for the future. Share the things you hope to experience, the places you want to visit, or the achievements you aspire to. Express your deepest desires and the possibilities you envision for yourself.

By following the "GROW" acronym, you can structure your letter to your future self, covering gratitude and reflection, realizations and lessons learned, outlook and aspirations, as well as wishes and dreams. This framework allows you to reflect on your journey, express your aspirations, and inspire your future self.

Revisiting Your Letter

Timing and frequency.

Decide when and how often you will open the letter to your future self. Give yourself enough time to grow and experience life before revisiting it. Some choose to open it on a specific date or milestone, while others prefer to keep it sealed for several years.

Reflection and Assessment

As you read your letter, reflect on the goals and intentions you set. Assess your progress, achievements, and the lessons you have learned along the way. Celebrate your successes and use any setbacks as opportunities for growth and course correction.

Adjusting and Realigning

Based on your newfound insights, make adjustments and realign your path as needed. Goals may change, and priorities may shift over time. Use the letter as a guide to navigate your journey and stay connected to your authentic self.

Writing a letter to your future self is a powerful practice that invites self-reflection, goal-setting, and personal growth. It allows you to capture the essence of who you are today and provides a glimpse into the person you aspire to become. Embrace this transformative journey of self-discovery, and let the act of writing guide you toward a future filled with purpose, fulfillment, and growth. So take some time to sit down and put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, and send a message to the person you hope to become.

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Example Letter to My Future Self (With Structure Suggestions)

This example letter to my future self puts into practice the many tips and best practices that help you get the most of out the exercise.

message to my future self essay

This example of a letter to your future self is based on what I wrote this year for Future Chris to read a year from now.

I’m sharing it so you can see how I put into practice the extensive tips and suggestions I’ve covered in other posts. To make the structure clear, I’ve broken it up with headings. They aren’t actually part of the letter.

I’ve also changed some details and replaced chunks with “ [blah, blah, blah] ” for brevity and privacy.

Jan 6, 2022

How’s it going? It’s me, your younger, hopefully less wise, less wealthy, and less actualized self here.

  • Start off with the present.

Where are you, and what’s going on in your life?

I’m writing you while drinking an americano in Origin Coffee in Cape Town. Kim’s across from me because we just dropped off our rental car from our trip to Plett.

The trip was s-Plett-tacular! Memorable moments were [blah, blah, blah].

Also, the trip was a timely reminder of how awesome it would be to live right on the beach. Let’s make that happen one day.

The driving was also a reminder of how much more of a hassle it is with a baby. Man, I hope Zac’s learned to like his car seat more by the time you read this. But, even if not, I hope it hasn’t slowed you down from going on trips and adventures.

Anyway, I just finished recapping last year and reading the letter I wrote to myself on the Orange River on Dec 30, 2020. You might want to read it, too. I was blown away by how much of what I had written then I had forgotten. For example [blah, blah, blah] .

Goes to show how bad our memories and perceptions of our past selves are. These letters help me remember that.

What has you worried, frustrated, and excited?

Reading the letter and recapping the year was a wake-up call.

I feel I’ve gotten too complacent with the blog. And as fun as it’s been to make videos and write Consider This , their growth fell below predictions. Way below. Also, [blah, blah, blah] .

But the biggest surprise from the letter from my past self?

Many of the things I’d planned to write to you to focus on in 2022, my past self wrote to me to get done in 2021! I’ve been passing the buck rather than building momentum. No bueno.

Let’s change that this coming year.

On the bright side, I think I’ve finally—FINALLY—started to get a grasp of the branding and vision for the blog. My plan now is “go full unconventional” and [blah blah blah] .

Outside of “work,” life’s pretty sweet.

Zac’s just started crawling, mimicking us, and even standing. He makes lots of noise and loves to roughhouse. And he often crawls over to me when I come home to play with me! It’s like having a dog at this point… but way cooler because [blah, blah, blah] .

As fun as raising Zac is, it’s been a blessing to have Irene come look after him a few days a week, and the odd night, so Kim and I can go on date nights. (Remember our attempt at a date night with Zac at Zest? Disaster. Chaos. Haha.)

My relationship with Kim is going as well as could be expected. Aside from a few debates on food and eczema treatment, we’ve been a cohesive team. And I’m encouraged that she’s going to make huge progress professionally in the year to come because [blah, blah, blah] .

Financially, I made [x] last year and my portfolio’s gone from [y] to [z]. Below expectations of [a, b, and c] from last year, but not disastrous. The problem is, expenses picked up from [x] to [y]. This has me worried. I’m struggling to figure out fun, sustainable, and beneficial-to-others ways to monetize. $15k per month, I feel, would be enough for us to do whatever we want comfortably.

Maybe it’s worth considering a completely different business that’s less fun and spiritually rewarding but more financially lucrative? (So basically anything…) Some ideas are [blah, blah, blah] .

What’s going on in the world at large?

Or maybe there’s some way to get involved in all this web3 brouhaha? A creator coin or something? Probably not, though. I feel like it’s a lot of hype pumped up by people who make money from the attention. A lot of hype. All this crypto, NFT, DAO, stuff was one of the top stories in my bubble of the world this year.

Inflation, too, like we predicted.

And, of course, COVID. So many people we know got it in December, but somehow not Kim, Zac, or I. [blah, blah, blah] .

Climate change seems to be moving more and more to the center of the general public’s radar. Hard to avoid with crazy weather like the heatwave in Vancouver in June. Remember that? Camping out at the park by the beach all day to avoid overheating at home, then retreating to Kim’s parents’? Wild.

I predict (hope) that pretty soon a lot of the hype (and $$$) directed towards mostly meaningless NFT-esque crap goes toward greener technology. Maybe not in a year, but soon.

  • Look back before looking forward.

Before getting into more predictions, here’s a recap of some of what’s changed between Jan 1 and Dec 31 of this past year:

  • Investment portfolio performance: [blah, blah, blah] (Big lesson: Trust your gut more. Every time you delayed or didn’t act, it cost you. Examples are [blah, blah, blah] .)
  • Blog traffic, subscribers, stats, income: [blah, blah, blah] .
  • Favorite things I’ve learned and mind changes I’ve made: [blah, blah, blah] .
  • Most memorable moments: [blah, blah, blah] .
  • Other big changes in my life and the life of those around me: [blah, blah, blah].

As you can see, for the first time, I spent a lot of time recapping 2021. It was worth it. You ought to do the same for 2022.

  • Brainstorm and ask for help.

One more big mind shift I made in 2021 came from reading books like Designing Your Life , Dedicated , and Four Thousand Weeks . I’ve come to conclude we ought to commit one way or another and move on with it rather than overthink things or keep our options open.

But I’m still unsure about what to commit to.

These are the big questions I’m thinking a lot about:

  • Have another kid or not? Before having Zac, [blah, blah, blah] .
  • Try new ways to make more money with the blog, or redirect that time to more efficient but perhaps less rewarding and fun money-making endeavors? My thinking now is [blah, blah, blah] .
  • Change the name of the blog? I was strongly leaning toward changing it to something “Fresh” related, but recent conversations have me swinging the other way. [blah, blah, blah] .
  • Where to live? Cape Town’s awesome, but far from family and old friends in Vancouver. Should we look harder at a beach town in Mexico or Costa Rica? I was thinking [blah, blah, blah] .
  • Should I hire a coach? No doubt the right coach at not too ridiculous of a price could be the best investment I could make, but how do you find that? Or I? The curse of being so independently-minded is it’s hard to find someone we’ll listen to. My plan now is to [blah, blah, blah] .
  • Should I start something new—new hobby, friends, language, business, podcast—or go deeper on the things I already love doing?

What do you think? Or what new questions have jumped to the forefront for you?

  • Make a bunch of predictions.

Anyway, enough with the stress-inducing tough questions. Time for some fun stuff:


Make predictions about your future life.

I bet you’ll be in Cape Town again, reading this. You’ll probably be sitting on a patio overlooking the sea because I learned this year just how much that’s worth to us.

Differences between you and me I predict:

  • You’ll have a few more grey hairs, but still not visible. Same amount of head hair. Maybe a bit more facial hair. Almost enough to finally have a beard.
  • In the same shape, if not slightly better. More mobile, for sure, cuz you’ll have kept up with your daily mobility and maybe even hired someone in Vancouver.
  • You’ll finally be decently good at beach volleyball. The solo practice at Virgin will pay off.
  • You’ll have 2-3 new little daily habits that you’ll have incorporated into your life thanks to various experiments and 30-day challenges throughout the year.
  • You’ll have some idea about a book you want to write.
  • You’ll be spending less time making YouTube videos. Maybe considering a podcast?

Memorable moments:

  • Zac will say his first word in March and it’ll be something to do with food, like “baba” to mean bottle.
  • Zac will take his first step by the end of Feb.
  • Zac will have 8 teeth.
  • We’ll have gone on one big road trip to the US over the summer and I’ll have done another escape to nature, leaving Zac and Kim behind.
  • We won’t visit any new countries.
  • [blah, blah, blah]

Make measurable predictions.

  • My net worth will be around [x] .
  • The blog will have made [x] and I’ll have dipped my toes into something new but not dove into it yet.
  • Traffic, Consider This subscribers, YouTube subscribers will be [x, y, z] .
  • Zac will weigh 26 pounds, so slightly above average, but not a ton.
  • I will only read 20 new books this year because I’ll re-read and review many from the past.
  • [x] will be in a serious relationship. [y] will still be single.
  • [x] will be engaged. Maybe even married.
  • [x] will be separated or divorced.

Make wild card predictions.

  • The Nets will win the NBA title. The Raptors will lose in the first round. MVP will be… it’s a crapshoot… KD?
  • The Super Bowl… I really can’t even bother guessing because I gave up the NFL this year!
  • The stock market’s going to be down for the year, adjusted for inflation.
  • Bitcoin will be roughly the same as today, $45k US.
  • More advances in preventing and treating COVID will mean no more masks indoors by June in Vancouver.
  • The hype about web3, the metaverse, NFTs, and all that will have died down substantially. Or I’ll have completely escaped from hearing about it, because it doesn’t make much difference to my day-to-day life.
  • South Africa, Cape Town especially, is going to be crazy with tourism in December. With more digital nomads, too. Pent-up demand and good PR are going to give it the hype it deserves.

End with the most important message you want to send.

Ok. My hand’s getting tired from all this writing. But it’s been fun to let loose my thoughts upon you.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this and got something out of it, like I did reading last year’s letter.

I’ve gotta run to go do a workout with Alex and Darren. It’s a beautiful, scorching hot day. I’m already looking to plunging in the pool after. And then I’m looking forward to returning to work on the blog.

Bigger picture, I’m looking forward to this coming year.

If you still believe like I do that our life’s y-axis is “Growth,” let’s keep making moves (and not thinking too much) that push us upward in that direction.

So here’s to continuing living a life full of adventures and always having more to look forward to.

Yours truly,

To recap, here’s the structure from my example:

  • End with your most important message.

For more guidance and ideas on future self letter writing, check these out:

  • How to Write a Letter to Your Future Self
  • The Benefits and Lessons of Writing a Letter to Your Future Self
  • Extensive Tips for Writing a Wonderful Letter to Your Future Self

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A Letter to My Future Self

With the knowledge of our present-day selves, we put forth advice for the years to come. Want to add your letter to our collection? Add it in the comments!

We often think of advice as passing on wisdom from elder to youth, teacher to student, parent to child. The veteran guides the novice, the process didactic in nature.

But what if the coin flips, and we, as our present-day selves, offer advice to an older, more worn version of ourselves? Think of it as an exercise in self-love , a means of preserving and protecting what’s important today well into the future.

We asked members of the Wanderlust family to pen letters to their future selves. Here’s what they had to say.

Dear Future Self, 

Whatever you’re doing right now, stop. Go outside. Call your parents (if you’re lucky enough that they’re both still here). Take a moment and go have yourself a proper personal day. And don’t—don’t you dare—feel guilty for taking the time for yourself.

This year has been a crazy one. You learned what love really means, the lengths to which friendship can be tested (and lost), and became a yoga teacher . You’ve lived in New York for 14 years, and you’re ready to go to the mountains. Did you? Do you have a garden and goats and a fireplace? You’ve started thinking about having children, though you’re not sure whether or not children or heading out on another epic backpacking trip is the way to go. Know that whatever decision you made, it was the right one. You’re here now, and you’re exactly where you need to be. 

A couple things to remember: You learned how to honor and treat your body well this year, and how to honor and treat those around you. Don’t ever settle for the easy way—just don’t settle, period. Life is too short. And remember that this current version of yourself loves you… And that’s not going to change.

Dear Future Self,

Remember your wedding day (of course you do!)? It is exactly ten days from today. Ten days before you marry the love of your life, a man who not only puts up with your quirks (like your neurotic, gluten-free, obsessively healthy diet), but has taught you how to laugh at them and love them, removing insecurity. You had a lot on your plate this year, and despite a few major meltdowns and wedding dress nightmares, you survived. You’re going home to see your family, and 150 of your closest friends; this is pretty much the most fun ever and I hope you look back on this time with love.

Tell your children you love them, a lot, I’m sure they are incredible humans and deserve to hear it. Also, let them eat a cookie once in a while. Hang out with your mom as much as possible, words cannot describe what she has done for you over the years.

You probably work really hard, so this is an order: take a vacation with your husband, this month. Book it today, but don’t think too much about it, wherever you go will be perfect, as everything is right now, and always.

I love you. 

Take a breath. Look down at your two feet. Where are they right now? Look around you. Do you see nature? Go touch the leaves. Pick a flower and deeply inhale its beautiful fragrance. Do you hear birds? Stop and take a moment to go listen to their music, because not everyone is so fortunate enough to be able to hear and enjoy that experience. Do you feel the sunshine on your skin? If not, go step outside and be grateful for the fact that it is constantly shining down on you, and that you are alive. Go take a bite of something delicious and savor every moment with absolutely no concern around any kind of weight gain. Not everyone is so privileged to have access to food, so superficial aesthetics should be the least of your worries regardless of the deep societal impositions. How have you been of service to others today?

You spent your whole childhood yearning to be an adult, impatiently waiting for the rite of passage that would grant you the maturity, respect, and validation you so desperately sought. Now that you’re an adult, all you crave is the sweetly uninhibited moments of play and lack of responsibility that childhood granted you. Life isn’t a sprint, it’s a long race and you’re not in it just to “win.” Be gentle with yourself. Be messy sometimes. Let it all go. Embrace all of your learnings and cherish your experiences because they truly are divinely fated.  

ENJOY IT. ALL OF IT. You will have enough time to do everything that you love, so stop stressing so much. You miss the beauty when you are stressed. Be here now. Hug those around you. Ask them how they are doing, and truly listen (without plotting your response at the same time). The inexplicable sensation of true connection and understanding is the best feeling in the entire world. Money is just a number. It comes and it goes. Love is the true currency.  

No one lives forever so be sure to cherish every moment, and when they pass and when you pass, find comfort in knowing that we are simply souls within these bodies, and we will all be connected at some point again. Life is a gift, not something that is a given, so enjoy every second while you’re here.

Hey, Future Self,

What’s up! Life has been interesting, crazy, fun, boring, unexpected, expected—a lesson in opposition.

Despite all the constant frustration, you’ve managed to wear glitter every damn day, and hey, that’s kinda a victory, right? Your clothes are on point—a ton of of shiny stuff, colors, and general epic yoga outfits fit in your closet.

You’ve got the most epic dog, sweet friends, and an above average family (well, let’s not include your extended family).

You get to spend time outside in one of the most beautiful places on earth and you’re in the best shape of your life thus far, so that’s great.

As you continue to age, you’ll continue to get more awesome. Remember, the goal is to peak at 90 (or later). You’ve got a lot of time.

Despite the frustration, you’re on your way to making all your dreams come true (probably).

Now go on an epic vacation and buy a new outfit with your sweet bank account that you hopefully acquired by now. You’ve earned it.

Keep killing it.

Everything that has happened has lead you to this moment. Don’t change a thing. Everything worked out exactly as it should be. All the puzzle pieces fit, all the paths make sense. All the people were meant to be. All the successes and failures and heartwarming and heartbreaking moments were all worth it. No regrets. You were and are and have been and always will be yourself, and that’s what matters above all.

I’m assuming you’re reading this on some sort of graphene screen strapped around your wrist or glued to your face. Cool! Fancy! High-tech!

Right now your life is one giant crossroads. It’s exciting. It’s frustrating. It’s temporary. I hope you have a few more things figured out by now. But I also hope you still have some questions. Keep asking them.   

I’m sure you’ve got a lot going on right now, and that’s good. Just don’t lose track of what’s important, what’s worth making time for. Spend time with people you love. That’s first and foremost, always. Pick up the phone. Make some plans. Get outside, even when the couch is calling. Camp in the woods. Build a fire. Have some wine. Stay up late. Climb a mountain. Go for a sail. Trust that things will work out, or change them if you don’t like the charted course. Eat good food cooked from scratch. See live music. Travel abroad with someone you care about. Immerse yourself in a good book. Do you have kids? Raise them right. Spend time with them. Teach them how to shake someone’s hand properly. Write down your thoughts. Tell your stories. Tell others’ stories. Listen. Set goals, both lofty and reasonable. Move your body. Give back.

And never forget to be grateful. You should be oh, so very grateful.

Keep going.

Hey girl, slow down for a second—I have some things I want to share.

Some stuff is going to happen to you. You won’t be able to plan for it, pencil it in your schedule for when is good for you, or always have someone pick up the phone to guide you through it. You’re going to have to just roll with the flow , take it in, glean lessons from it, and then carry on, head held high. Maybe journal on it—sometimes insights don’t come quick, but there’s something positive to be found from most experiences in life. Focus on that.

You’re going to have a lot of mantras throughout your life that are going to help you. No, just because one strikes you when you’re practicing a hip-opener doesn’t mean you should get a tattoo of it on your forearm. You’d be covered by now. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but mantras—like people—will come and go in your life. And as much as you’d like to you can’t hold on to them all. You best realize this now and just try and enjoy what you have in the present moment. Just because it passes doesn’t mean it wasn’t powerful or important. And you’re not silly for believing in it. Please never stop holding on to hope. It will cause you pain, but it will also help you get through the days, excite you, and make you feel like your heart is a big thing of cotton candy. Are you still eating cotton candy? Good. Go high-five that inner child we sometimes think is so silly. She reminds you of your mother. Go buy yourself one of those Spongebob Squarepants popsicles you get so excited about and give her a call. She misses you too. Your to-do list can wait.

You got this. 

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Letter to My Future Self | Wit & Delight

I’ve seen a lot of letters to past selves. Here’s what I would say to my post-pandemic self, they read. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You are the only one you can count on. Slow down. You can’t go through life afraid to live it. You’re going to be so proud of yourself! I even wrote one in 2019, a tough love letter to my twenty-something self. But why look back? What about our future selves? What questions do we want to ask? What do we wonder?

The theme on Wit & Delight this month is “Show Up As Yourself.” So, I was intrigued to write about the possibility of change and speak to a portion of myself I don’t know. I want to explore how the future me might feel. I want to dedicate time to that mystery soul. This person could have children, not have children, experience loss, grow old, find growth, experience unknown pain, and develop new habits. When we write to selves about the past, we know them and there’s a pompous clarity in the writing. Sure, giving advice to our past selves is fun. But is it helpful? How can we best explore who we might become? How can we best break down the walls of the person we’re afraid to see? How do we write about the unknown?

I want to write a letter with more intention. I want to ask questions and discover what scares me about getting older. In a way, that’s what the most honest writing does for us anyway.

When I think about it, we are always (sort of) writing to future versions of ourselves. We write through dreams and aspirations, ideals, and healing. We imagine the future in great depth, struggling to center on the present. But, I want to write a letter with more intention. I want to ask questions and discover what scares me about getting older. In a way, that’s what the most honest writing does for us anyway. Right? Okay, here goes nothing/everything.

Dear future self,

Hi, it’s me from the past. I’m thirty-five. I don’t know how old you are now. I’m envisioning you’re in your sixties. You’ve lived an entire life. You’re as old as your mom was when you wrote this letter. I guess this letter is sort of like inception. I’m so afraid to write this. I’m struggling to imagine who you are. Can I be honest? You’re you, after all. Right now, I feel selfish. I want to tell you all the things I want in my life. I hope you got them. Right now, your thirty-something self is needy. I want a baby. I don’t want a baby. I want more money. I want to live within my means. Beyond my means. I want more time. I want to scoop minutes up and feel like I can’t possibly carry all the hours to the end of my driveway. I want everyone to live forever. I don’t want to experience deep grief. I’m so lucky. I’m so selfish. 

If you’re sixty, lucky enough to live until then, I know you’ve experienced pain by now. The deep kind, the oceanic kind, the kind that is so dark and expansive, you wouldn’t be able to explain it to me. Are you okay with that grief? I read this quote in Susan Cain’s book Bittersweet recently (you should read it again and see how you feel). “If we could honor sadness a little more, maybe we could see it—rather than enforced smiles and righteous outrage—as the bridge we need to connect with each other. We could remember that no matter how distasteful we might find someone’s opinions, no matter how radiant, or fierce, someone may appear, they have suffered, or they will.” I didn’t mean to jump right into suffering. That must be my fear pouring through. You’ve always been a deeply melancholic person. You love sad music. You have an acute awareness of passing time. You have a joyful curiosity about specific beauty points in the world. Lately, I’ve identified with the Arabic proverb, “Days of honey, days of onion.” You are the definition of bittersweet. Are you still? 

I also read in Bittersweet that, as we get older, we find comfort with the passing of time. I imagine you don’t try and slow it down. You are a quiet way of being, a force of storied tradition, loss, and joy. Does that feel beautiful?

I’m sure you’ve turned toward many humans, loved them, held them, and cared for them. But I hope you’ve done the same for yourself. Somehow, I know you will.

I have some wishes, as well. I hope you transform your sorrow and longings into art. I hope you’ve written a lot of letters. I hope work didn’t consume you, even though you let your job get away from you in your thirties. I hope you gave your parents the stage and the time. I’m sure you’ve turned toward many humans, loved them, held them, and cared for them. But I hope you’ve done the same for yourself. Somehow, I know you will. I want you to remember a few things about this time in your life. I want you to remember how light you felt when you rode Crow, that big chestnut horse you adored. I want you to remember how it felt to see your words in print for the first time, proof you exist. I want you to remember your little yard in front of your first home, the mow lines, and how much you care about grass and impressing the neighbors. I want you to remember late nights in the garage with Jake, refurbishing furniture so everything in your home always reminds you of the work, the polish. I want you to remember the smell of hot tomatoes and summer with your small niece and nephew. I want you to remember their sticky cheeks and bursting, tiny voices. Remember that Jake loves to build you things. Remember the ocean with your mom and sister, how it feels to reach out to them, and love them in the morning fog of Carmel. Remember the Northwoods with your friends when none of you had children. Remember hot, fried buttered buns at fish fries and how much time you had to watch your peonies grow. Remember the feverish wanting of pregnancy , the unknown hope of craving expansiveness, a physical outwardness. 

I also want you to remember the hard things. I want you to remember living paycheck to paycheck, not being able to get the things you wanted because you didn’t have enough money. I want you to remember the doctor bills you struggled to pay, crying on the way home from work, not being able to imagine traveling to other countries, and wondering if your life was limited to 200 miles north, east, south, and west of your home. Did you travel more? Do you still feel this? All these things will feel different to you now, perhaps as distant memories. Small moments in your thirties that you’ll read later like you’re starving. Perhaps there’s something else entirely that makes you feel light. I hope you’re still riding. I can imagine you still care about clean yards and a pretty lawn. That’s what makes you a lot like your dad. We carry our family with us everywhere.

When you were in grade school, you’d write long lists of “favorite things” so you could look back years later and read about how much you’d changed. You were obsessed with seeing that, five years ago, you had a crush on so-and-so and loved (god forbid!) The O.C. and the color blue . 

All these things will feel different to you now, perhaps as distant memories. Small moments in your thirties that you’ll read later like you’re starving. Perhaps there’s something else entirely that makes you feel light.

Let’s try that again! Right now, I’m really into Brené Brown’s podcast (are podcasts still a thing?), Dirty Shirleys, antiquing, The Vermont Country Store catalog, my Gentle Reminder Calendar , Paper Mate colorful pens , watching Love Island (sorry, future me), dressing like Meryl Streep in It’s Complicated , sleep aids like sipping iced Sleepy Time Tea before bed, horse head bookends, weather patterns, gingham accents, and how Jake looks at me when I’m talking about something I love. Do you still love these things? Do you wish for them? In my Passion Planner , I write down the biggest lesson I learn every month. Here’s what I’ve written this year:

  • Resonance is important.
  • Nothing beyond love and kindness matters.
  • Your anger is you. Not anyone else. Sit inside that.
  • Stop anticipating, trust the burn.
  • Being uncomfortable is progress.
  • Sadness is wide, grief is a close friend.
  • Nothing should be rushed.
  • You can always go back.
  • Hold fear and joy in equal glory. Both can exist at once.
  • You are always doing better than you think.
  • Dandelions are good.
  • To be happy, be more tree.
  • Don’t go to a concert high.

I’m sure you have so many to add now. Or maybe you don’t. Or maybe you think these are ridiculous. Or maybe you no longer find the need to make “lesson lists.” I’m happy. I have my hard days. I have bad habits. I haven’t gone to the dentist to fill those cavities, so I hope you don’t have five crowns by now. I am putting a lot of money toward my 401K, so I hope I’m setting you up for success. I’m doing my best. That’s the lesson here. My thirty-something best is hopefully your sixty-something peace of mind. 

Will people find this article on the internet in twenty-five years? ( Writer’s Note: Please don’t talk to me about how I’ll be sixty years old in twenty-five years.) Will they find it funny? Weird? I’m not sure. Perhaps, like in the past, internet articles will wash up like a lost bottle in the sea—little shards of the lived. And someday, I will come back to this past self, searching for my future. I might have to print it out, just in case. Either way, I hope you’re happy too. I hope life feels full. I hope the people in your life reflect how you have shown your beacon of light in the world, no matter how faint or how strong.  Sincerely, Brittany, your thirty-something (past) self

Lastly, I highly recommend you try this exercise.

Writing to a later version of myself gave me some specific clarity about who I want to be and how I want to grow. 

Here are some tips to try to write your own “future-self” letter:

  • Write down what you want to remember.
  • Write down what you don’t want to remember.
  • Write about your favorite things.
  • Jot down notes about how you’re feeling right now.
  • Scribble down the lessons you’ve learned.
  • Ask your future self how you’re different now.
  • Lastly, write a note to yourself in a year, three years, five years… put them in an envelope and write down the date you can read them again.

Will you write yours?

message to my future self essay

Brittany Chaffee is an avid storyteller, professional empath, and author. On the daily, she gets paid to strategize and create content for brands. Off work hours, it’s all about a well-lit place, warm bread, and good company. She lives in St.Paul with her baby brother cats, Rami and Monkey. Follow her on Instagram , read more about her latest book, Borderline , and (most importantly) go hug your mother.

BY Brittany Chaffee - September 20, 2022

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amazing article.

Thank you! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

What an interesting thing to do I love this idea!

xo Jessica <a href=””>an indigo day</a>

Thank you, Jessica! Let me know if you give it a try!

This was absolutely beautiful – I did not expect to stumble across this this morning. Your writing is soft, and clever, and inspiring. You should be proud of what you created here. Thank you for sharing.

I appreciate this so much 🙂 Thank you so much for reading and commenting. Trying this exercise truly helped me feel closer to myself and I hope it helps others do too! xoxo

This was absolutely beautiful. I didn’t expect to get emotional reading it but as a 36 year old woman so much of what you said was relatable. Thank you

Thank you so kindly, Melissa! This makes my day to hear you could relate to this letter. It was so meaningful for me to write, so I’m happy it was for you as well!

Amazing article! Thanks for the positive and encouraging words of wisdom! 😊

Thank you so much for reading, Britney! Have a lovely weekend!

Thank you for this. I am 70 and my 8 year old adopted daughter has an assignment to do this very thing. I think it will be a great experience for her. Your words reached my heart and came out of my eyes. Thank you

Hello, Diane. It is so incredible to me that your daughter is doing this exercise! I think I did something like it at her age too and I wish I could find that letter now. Thank you for reading and loving.

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How to Start a Letter to Your Future Self: What to Say & Include

Last Updated: September 12, 2024 Fact Checked

Talking About Who You Are Now

Speaking to your future self.

  • Sealing & Storing the Letter
  • Benefits of Writing to Your Future Self
  • Sample Letters

Expert Interview

Expert q&a.

This article was co-authored by Celena Hathaway and by wikiHow staff writer, Luke Smith, MFA . Celena Hathaway is an English & Creative Writing Teacher at Cornerstone Schools of Alabama in Birmingham, Alabama. She specializes in entry-level creative writing, such as fundamental poetry and fiction short story techniques, and 8th-grade-level grammar and reading. She earned her B.S.E. in Secondary Education and B.A. in English from Samford University. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 523,054 times.

Writing a letter to yourself is like jumping into a time capsule and mailing yourself to the future. It can help you sort out your thoughts, discover more about yourself, and remind yourself of memories you may have forgotten years from now. It’s fun and easy, and there aren’t really any rules, but we chatted with English teacher Celena Hathaway to make a helpful guide for how to talk about yourself in the letter, talk to your future self, and how to seal and send it.

What to Include in a Letter to Your Future Self

  • Summarize yourself in the present. Who are you? What do you enjoy doing? What are your beliefs and values?
  • Make goals for yourself. Is there a bad habit you want to quit? How do you want to improve yourself? What's something you've always wanted to do?
  • Ask your future self questions. Do you like your job? Are you in love? Have you realized your dreams? Are you happy?

Step 1 Start by deciding when you want your future self to read the letter.

  • You may want to choose an age that puts you in different circumstances than you are currently in, like 5 years from now.
  • If you write the letter as a freshman in high school and read it when you’re in college, you’ll be able to see how much your life has changed and whether or not your goals have been met.

Step 2 Keep your letter casual and loose.

  • When talking about your current self in this letter, use “I” language. When talking about your future self in this letter, use “you” language.
  • Or, refer to yourself in the third person to make this more of an exercise in self-reflection. This helps you talk about yourself more objectively.

Step 3 Tell your future self about your current situation.

  • In addition, write about books or movies you like and why, your favorite objects, your current hobbies, or anything else that you tend to enjoy.
  • Note any important life events. Did you just move recently, or will you in the future? Are you graduating? Are you in a relationship?

Step 4 Describe your worries and fears.

  • Have you done something you're ashamed of but can’t tell anyone else about? Do you struggle with certain vices or bad habits?
  • Remember, your future self is your greatest ally! They’re a smarter, more experienced version of you, so don’t hesitate to get intimate or deep with what you say. Your secrets are safe with you.

Step 5 Identify your key values and beliefs.

  • Include information about your church, if you belong to one, or values like accepting everyone’s faith, or lack thereof. Add morals that guide you, such as always being kind, or helping others in need.

Step 6 Mention your skills and abilities.

  • Do you want to start a family? What sort of career do you want? Are there new hobbies or interests you hope you’ll take up?
  • What changes do you want to see to society when you read your letter? What do you think the future will look like?

Step 1 Ask yourself lots of questions.

  • Do you enjoy your job, or school?
  • What do you do in order to relax?
  • Who is the most important person in your life?
  • What is your relationship with your parents like? How do they treat you and how do you treat them?
  • If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

Step 2 Add things you want to stop, continue, and start doing.

  • Don’t worry too much about whether or not you’ll actually accomplish them. Even if you don’t, your future self will have plenty of other accomplishments to feel good about.

Step 3 Give yourself advice.

  • Writing your advice down also helps the present version of yourself follow it!

Sealing and Storing a Letter to Your Future Self

Step 1 Seal the letter in an envelope to keep it hidden.

  • Write the date of when you want to open the letter on the envelope so you know when to look at it.

Step 2 Store the letter in a safe, dry place.

  • Or, put the letter in a filing cabinet or box with other important documents. That way, you’ll find it in the future when you’re going through your things.
  • If you keep a journal, consider writing the letter directly in your journal and marking the page, or writing the letter separately and tucking it in between the pages of your journal.
  • You might also give the letter to a trusted friend or family member who can actually mail it to you in the future.

Step 3 Or, use technology to send your letter.

  • You might consider using a digital calendar (like Google Calendars), or note-taking software (like Evernote ).

Benefits of Writing a Letter to Your Future Self

Step 1 You’ll see how much you’ve grown.

Sample Letter and Things to Include and Avoid

message to my future self essay

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About This Article

Celena Hathaway

Writing a letter to your future self can be a great way to look back on how your life has changed and find out if you're achieving the goals you set for yourself. To do this, first choose the age you want to be when you read it, which will help you decide on realistic goals. When you begin your letter, summarize who you currently are by including recent achievements and interests. After you’ve introduced yourself, write down your hopes or goals, like getting into a good college or starting a family. Once you’ve written out your goals, ask some questions to help your future self reflect on their life. For example, you could ask, “Do you like your job?” or “What do you do to relax?”. Throughout your letter, use “I” when you’re writing about yourself now and “you” when referring to your future self so you can easily tell the difference between them. For tips on where to hide your letter, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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message to my future self essay

  • 3 Letter to Future Self Samples
  • Dear Future Me: How to Write Letters to Yourself
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A Letter to Myself in the Future: A Step-by-Step Guide

Postage stamps for a letter to your future self.

Imagine opening a letter from your past self, filled with your current dreams, fears, and aspirations. Writing a letter to yourself in the future can be a transformative experience. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process, helping you capture your present thoughts and set meaningful goals. Perfect for those seeking self-reflection and personal development.

Step 1: Set Your Intentions

Before you start writing, take a moment to consider why you want to write a letter to your future self. Are you hoping to track your progress toward specific goals? Do you want to remind yourself of important values and priorities? Setting clear intentions will help you stay focused and make your letter more meaningful.

Example: "I want to write a letter to myself in the future to reflect on my current life, set personal goals, and remind myself of the values I hold dear."

Step 2: Choose a Time Frame

Decide when you want your future self to read this letter. It could be a year from now, five years, or even longer. The time frame will influence the content of your letter and how you frame your questions and reflections.

Example: "I'll write this letter to be opened on my 30th birthday, five years from now."

Step 3: Reflect on Your Current Self

Start by reflecting on your current life situation. Write about your daily routines, significant relationships, career, and any challenges or achievements. This snapshot of your present self will be fascinating to look back on in the future.

Example: "Today, I'm working as a marketing coordinator at a tech startup. I'm living in my first apartment, and I'm focused on building my career and personal relationships."

Step 4: Outline Your Goals and Aspirations

Think about what you hope to achieve by the time you read this letter. Outline your goals, both big and small, and describe the steps you plan to take to reach them. Be specific and realistic, but also allow yourself to dream.

Example: "In the next five years, I want to advance to a senior marketing role, travel to three new countries, and complete a half-marathon. I'll achieve these goals by continuing my education, saving money, and maintaining a consistent training schedule."

Step 5: Offer Encouragement and Advice

Give your future self some words of encouragement and advice. What do you need to hear from yourself to stay motivated and positive? This part of the letter can be incredibly uplifting when you finally read it.

Example: "Keep pushing forward, even when things get tough. Remember that perseverance is key, and don't be afraid to take risks. Trust in your abilities and stay true to your values."

Step 6: Ask Questions

Pose some questions to your future self. These can be reflective or goal-oriented and will help you see how much you've grown and changed over time.

Example: "Have you achieved your career goals? What new hobbies or interests have you discovered? How have your relationships evolved?"

Step 7: Seal and Store the Letter

Once you've finished writing, seal your letter in an envelope and mark the date when it should be opened. Store it in a safe place where you won't be tempted to open it prematurely.

Example: "I'll place this letter in a sealed envelope and store it in my desk drawer, with a note to open it on my 30th birthday."

Step 8: Use Past Postal

To ensure your letter reaches you at the right time, consider using Past Postal. This web app allows you to write letters to yourself or others and have them delivered via email on a specified future date. It's a convenient and reliable way to keep your letter safe and ensure it's delivered right on time.

Writing a letter to yourself in the future is a powerful exercise in self-reflection and personal growth. By following these steps, you can create a meaningful letter that captures your current self, outlines your aspirations, and offers encouragement for the future. So, grab a pen and paper, or open your laptop, and start writing a letter to yourself in the future today. You'll be amazed at how much you can learn and grow from this simple yet profound activity.

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Past Postal : Send letters to the future

Send letters to your future self or loved ones. Write your time capsule letter, schedule a future delivery date, and we'll make sure it gets delivered!

Blog Writing letters to the future

Dear Future Self letters: a FutureMe compilation

If you’ve ever written a letter to your future self, you know it can be a valuable tool for reflection. You can even use it as a form of expressive therapy similar to diary writing. But how do others to it? And what can we learn from them?

Published Feb 27th, 2023

You can write a FutureMe letter to encourage your future self and stay on track to your goals. Or you can just use it get your thoughts from the present moment out on paper, to clear your mind and let your future self look back on what your life was like, and see how far you've come.

The letter writing process seems simple, right? You just write what you want to say to yourself in the future, choose when you want it to be sent, and even choose to share it publicly but anonymously. Easy!

…or is it? All too often we suffer from writer’s block and can’t work out what to put in that empty space on the letter page . Where should we start? What’s most important? What does it all mean?!

Chill. Those Public Letters we mentioned a minute ago are full of great letter writing inspo. Here’s a quick compilation of some hand-picked goodies to get your creative juices fizzing. Hopefully, the writers’ words will serve not just to uplift their future selves, but to give you and idea or two for your own letters.

Strength in adversity

First up, a beautiful letter that provides words of encouragement during times of challenge. It reminds us of the beauty of motherhood, and the author’s remarkable inner strength.

Dear FutureMe,

This is your past self, I'm glad you have your license and many more accomplishments you have achieved so far. Just know it wasn't easy. Stay humble and realize where you came from. Take a minute to reflect on the things you struggled on and cried about. The support you have, the love you showed and many more. You are a boss babe and a boss mom. You wanted this so bad so your children can live the life you always wanted and never have to worry about anything. Break generational curses and be the one who makes millions have more money and gives the most. Don't stay where you are now, elevate to the highest point you can and continue to go forward. Have a healthy mind and a healthy body. Have an incredible life experience, which includes all the things you want. Better: person, money, love life, best friend, family, relationship, pay.  No hate or evil things can bring you down as long as the universe is within you.


This super-inspiring letter highlights that you — yes you! — should be your greatest and most loyal supporter. It's important to high-5 yourself for your achievements and to remember that you have the power to manifest your dreams by forging your own path with hard work.

Oh my gosh you did it! You formed your business and it's growing! You are reaching people and beginning to change peoples lives! Keep going and don't forget why you started this! Keep striving and giving people a different way to connect with themselves. You look so beautiful when you embody yourself and allow all of the criticism and judgment to fade away. Don’t let a few things hold you back.

Not everyone understands what you are doing, still just keep creating momentum around Authentic Soul, keep pushing your brand forward because you are going to reach millions of people. You are finally living in your soul assignment and helping the collective.

Keep striving, keep creating, keep connecting, you are the brightest star.

A person in purple pants removes a letter from a giant orange envelope.

One of the most common — and, tbh, depressing — forms of discouragement? Not seeing the results of our efforts immediately. We push, we hustle and yet … nothing seems to come of it. The whole world seems to be against us. We might even wonder what our past selves were thinking when we set out to achieve whatever it is we want. But of course, good things take time, and this letter speaks volumes about that.

Firstly, I am so proud of you - for the steps you are taking and the moves you are making. It seems like a slow process sometimes, but it's your process, only one day at a time and wherever it is you'll get there. Don't be discouraged, working and learning has always been challenging, and now more than ever you've got a lot on your shoulders. However, push and it will be worth it.

I must say I've been struggling to process why things have been as hard as they have. Why sometimes the darkness seems engulfing. I see glimpses of the light and I try to hold on to those moments for dear life. I hope when you read this that you are in a better space, that things are finally looking up and going in your favor.

I hope you learn a lot this year and that you grow in all the ways that you are expecting to. Remember we wanted our PhD before we turned 29? lol. Don't let that dream go. Remember to eat 3 meals a day and drink plenty of water. Oh and I love you, in case no one has told you lately.

Motivational memo

This FutureMe letter is a fantastic example of how your past self can motivate your future self to real progress! 

Remember that time moves quickly. The longer you put off getting started on your goals, the less you'll be able to achieve them and meet your future objectives. Act now; things don't need to be perfect. You can work on perfecting them as time goes. But you can't even start perfecting something that hasn't been started.

Everything doesn't have to be the worst version of itself. Know that the worst may happen, but remind yourself that in most cases, a positive outcome is the norm.

Dwell on the positive!

Staying focused

Another amazing letter of encouragement, this one tells the future self to stay focused on the goals that really matter. We love to see it!

Keep calm if you haven't achieved all the planned goals that you had. It is okay to be stuck somewhere and get delayed. This won't stop you from achieving what you want.

Just keep this in mind,

Life is a learning process, embrace every moment and work hard to achieve what you want.

See you soon.

Reflect and learn

This truly wonderful letter by Noah is an awesome take on how you can use FutureMe to reflect on the lessons you've learned in life. Did you take a knitting class, photography seminar, or maybe an interesting history course in college? Jot down what you learned and then ask your future self if you've used the lessons since then.

I am writing to you at the close of the mindfulness course you just took. Hello!

Here is what I have to say to you: if you can make a practice of being as warm and as forgiving and as generous to yourself as you are to others, it will unlock much of what you want to do in the world.

I hope this has been a year of being warm and forgiving and generous to yourself! And if not, just like in meditation practice when your mind drifts away, may this coming year be one of coming back to treating yourself with that love and respect that you insist on practicing for everyone you come across.

I love you! You should love you, too.

You get the idea: there are plenty of places to start your next letter to your future self. Whether you use it to reflect on some of your favorite things, reminisce about close friends and family, set some realistic goals and celebrate your success, or just have fun sending some words of inspiration and encouragement, writing a letter to your future self is worth it.

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How to Write a Letter to Your Future Self (with an Example)

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“ Dear future me , I’d love to remind you not to grow old.” These words were written quite boldly in one of my first future self letters . I didn’t have a letter to future self example to work off at the time, but I instinctively knew I wanted to discuss the things that scared me with my future self. 

Perhaps the assumption is that your future self will be wiser and more readily know how to handle your current worries , or maybe it’s important to remind your future self that you didn’t know now what you will know then.  

Either way, a future self letter is a vital tool for self-development and personal growth. It can also be a great giggle in a few years’ time when you read your thoughts and fears of today and realize you worried about things that didn’t happen. 

With my future self letters, I set goals , tracking my progress at different future dates, revising, and growing. What will your future self letter contain?

Table of Contents

The When, Where, and Why of Writing a Letter to Your Future Self

A letter to your future self is a record of your life right now , creating a document you can reflect on when you have traveled a few years down the line. It also gives you a way to reflect on your life right now and consider how it will appear in the future. 

I always loved the line from The Terminator , where one waitress tells the other, “ Look at it this way: in 100 years, who’s going to care ? ” A future self letter is about your current self wondering whether anyone will care about things in a decade, or when you’re 50, 60, or older. 

Future self letters are also about capturing special moments or pivotal experiences, so you won’t forget these in the future. Getting the job of your dreams only to quit it a day later because you realize other things matter more may be an example of a “future self letter moment.”

You can write a future self letter anytime, whenever you need to capture some important information or leave a bit of wisdom for yourself in the near future. The where of a future self letter may depend on the situations you experience and what you desire. You may be struck by inspiration while on your morning commute. Whenever an opportunity arises to write to your future self, you should take hold of it with both hands. 

Every person’s “why” of writing depends on what they experience and how they interpret their experiences in life. You may want to write to your future self to be heard , seen , and understood . Or you may write your future self letter to maintain a forward-facing attitude in life. Future self letters can also help you deal with issues and accept that not all worries will come true (in fact, most won’t). 

Pros and Cons of a Future Self Letter

There are several pros and cons to writing future self letters. Let’s consider the pros first:

  • It allows you to reflect and remember.
  • It brings planning into your control.
  • It helps to place life in perspective . 
  • It shares your daily legacy and records your growth .
  • It develops forward thinking instead of only focusing on the now (and the now can be totally overwhelming).

When you write future self letters, there are also a few cons to keep in mind :

  • You can become fixated on your future self , forgetting to live in the now.
  • Procrastination can worsen when you try to write a “perfect” future self letter—and the point is to just write one (no matter what’s in it).
  • You may try to make your life “epic,” forgetting that your life is unique and amazing as it is, so don’t dress up your life—just be you. 

Writing a Letter to Your Future Self: Step by Step

Ready to write your first future self letter ? It can be quite intimidating to know where to start. You may not even know what to put into the letter, and are you supposed to read the letter again, or do you bury it in a dated envelope like some secret mission instructions? 

what to include in a letter to your future self | benefits of writing a letter to your future self | template for a letter to future self

Here are a few steps to help you get started with writing your future self letters and demystify the process: 

1. Decide on Frequency and Reasons for Writing Your Future Self Letters

Before you put pen to paper, decide why you are writing to your future self. Are you hoping to remind yourself of things happening now for when you are living in the future? Perhaps you want to spread gratitude for something special a decade or more from now? 

Whatever your reason for writing to your future self, it’s helpful to know why you write as you can then identify topics you want to write about. 

Also, decide whether your future self will actually read these letters , and when would you like the future you to read them? Perhaps you want to date each letter to a specific age or date you will reach in the future? 

Try this: On a blank page, with no lines, create a spider-diagram where you start with “why” and branch out to reasons why: to remember , to celebrate , to caution , to ask , to feel less alone, and more. 

2. Pick a Medium to Write the Letter

Believe it or not, but how you write the letter (either on paper or digitally) will have a significant influence on the writing process. 

Digital letters are less personal, but you can add images , voice notes , and videos to make these more interactive. Handwritten letters have personality and show how you were feeling at the time of writing the letter. There’s something deeply personal about writing each letter by hand. 

Try this: Why not have the best of both worlds by writing by hand and then scanning these letters to your computer so you can add images , voice notes, and more?

3. Decide on Contents and Your Future Self Age

For the sake of clarity and to avoid letters that ramble on endlessly, choose a few topics to add to a letter. I try not to write about more than two or three topics per letter to keep things as clear as possible. I may also use creative headings to help split where one topic begins and another ends. 

While topic headings are typical tactics used by content writers for Google, you can borrow a leaf out of their book to keep your letter clear . A list of some topics you can write about includes:

  • Events 
  • Feelings 
  • Friends and enemies 
  • Animals or pets
  • The news 
  • Lessons learned 
  • Your health 
  • Spirituality 
  • Hobbies 
  • Relaxation 
  • Favorites 
  • Decisions you’ve made
  • Global issues such as climate change and how you are trying to stop this
  • Finances 
  • Forgiveness 

4. Keep It Real and Authentic 

Your future self letter shouldn’t be too formal. Try to assume the tone of voice that is normal for a good friend to use. You want your future self to want to read your letter , so keep it interesting and light without seeming to be pretending. 

Your future self needs to believe you , so keep it real . You can also write every morning , like a journal to your future self if that works best for you.

Try this: When you have finished your future self letter, try reading it aloud and noting your body’s reactions to the sound of your voice and the words you speak. If your letter sounds like you are speaking to an audience, it’s not written for your future self. This is an honest and open discussion, not an Oscars speech. 

5. Use Reflective Questions 

The secret to any speech or talk is to establish a connection.  Using reflective questions , words and associations, and real tasks are preserved for your future self to continue your introspection.

what to include in a letter to your future self | benefits of writing a letter to your future self | template for a letter to future self

Try this: Ask questions like:

  • Do you remember when …
  • How did you …
  • Was it always like this …
  • Have you forgotten about …

6. Don’t Forget Gratitude and Compassion

When you cultivate the attitude of gratitude , you create powerful forces in your future , namely positivity and creativity. Gratitude is often reduced to a simple word—“Thanks”—when you really need to practice gratitude daily. 

Letters of gratitude also help remind you of all you have to be thankful for now and in the future. 

Having compassion with your future self is also about having self-compassion, which is something most of us desperately lack. Take the opportunity of your letter to record your understanding of your future self and reflect on why you need to be more kind to yourself. 

Try this: Write down what you do each day to show your gratitude for things that happen in your life. Some of us respond better to visual stimuli , so take a day to photograph all the things , moments, exchanges , and people you are grateful for having in your life.  

7. Future Self Example 

Dear Sara,  Hope you are doing well.  It’s New Year’s Eve, and as I write this letter, the fireworks and rowdy singing of the neighbors echo across the neighborhood. This year, I chose to spend the holidays alone , not traveling to my family for the first time. I wanted time for reflection and to find more inner peace.  I’ve discovered this year that there are too many people in my life who are here simply in a transactional nature , leaching time from me. Do you still find people like that? Have you stuck to the plan I’ve made today to only have people in your (my) life who reciprocate with love and kindness?   My spiritual journey this year has been huge, and I wish I could share it with someone. Are you still on the path of enlightenment , or have you given up and returned to easier roads where you know exactly what to do and what lies ahead? Of course, there’s nothing wrong with returning to your previous beliefs, but I do hope you stayed the course and have really discovered your own inner light. How has your health been? Have the yoga sessions I started this year helped? I really didn’t like feeling so tired and lethargic this year, so I hope you followed through and kept up the stretching. It’s not always easy to keep doing physical exercise when you’re tired, but I know you can do it and succeed in completing the yoga classes.  I have to talk to you about Ben and our relationship. Lately, Ben has been very clingy and needy, and I feel stifled . While I spoke to him about his behavior, he showed little interest in listening or changing. I feel lost, but I know you get me.  Please don’t fall for guys like Ben again. You are so much worthier than what he is like. I know you can find real love  where the other person communicates in your love language, and they show you the respect you are so worthy of.  On the job front, you know the hell I’ve been through the last few years, and I really appreciate all you’ve done to encourage me . Have you found a better job? I am proud of you, regardless of what you’ve chosen. Have you set a few career goals , and how are you planning to reach them?  As always, stay strong, keep your chin up , and eyes bright while fighting your battles each day. 

Final Thoughts on How to Write a Letter to Future Self Example

Before you know it, the future is here . While you may color your hair and botox your face, you are still aging , and you are not the same person you were 20 years ago. The future you , who is reading the letters written by you in the past, will appreciate the learning opportunities and moments for reflection that your letters bring. These letters create a bridge between the past and the future. 

Writing a letter to your future self also reads much easier when you use clear headings or themes to keep some structure in your letter —otherwise you are writing gibberish which nobody can decipher, least of all your future self. 

Sometimes, you need to write a letter of sympathy and empathy to your past self that has suffered greatly to help you feel that you were seen , understood , heard , and “ gotten .” Your own empathy can be the best gift you can give yourself with a future self-letter. When you read this future self letter in 10 or 20 years’ time, you may better understand yourself and the decisions you are making right now. 

To find out more about the power of writing letters , why not read my article writing a letter to your disrespectful daughter ? Happy writing!

Finally, if you don’t know the “right” way to journal, then check out this seven-step process for building a journaling habit that sticks .

letter to future self example | how to write a letter to your future self | examples of letters to future self


5 Letter To Future Self Examples For High School Students

Greetings, time-travelers, and future selves! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to communicate with your future self? Well, put on your wackiest imagination hats and join us on this journey. Writing a letter to your future self is a chance to step into a time machine and project yourself into the future. 

Think about it, what if in the future, we could travel back in time and meet our past selves? What would you tell them? Would you share some secrets or give them some sage advice? Writing a letter to your future self is the closest we can get to this phenomenon. It’s a chance to capture your current thoughts, hopes, and dreams, and send them off into the future.

Moreover, wouldn’t it be cool to have something like this on your bucket list? So, grab your pen, put on your craziest socks, and let’s start writing our letters to the future! Who knows what kind of zany adventures await us?

A time capsule from high school: A letter to my future self

Dear Future Self,

I hope this letter finds you well and happy. As I sit here writing this letter, I can hardly believe that several years have passed since I was in high school. I remember the excitement and anticipation of those years, but also the challenges and uncertainties that came with them.

If you’re reading this letter today, I hope you’re doing something that brings you joy and fulfillment. Maybe you’re pursuing a career that you’re passionate about or maybe you’re still figuring it out. Either way, I hope that you’re happy with the path you’ve chosen and the person you’ve become.

As I reflect on my time in high school, there are a few things I wish I could tell my younger self. First, I would remind myself to be kind to others, even in the face of adversity. Second, I would encourage myself to take risks and try new things, even if it felt uncomfortable or scary. And finally, I would tell myself to trust the journey and have faith in my own abilities.

So, if you’re ever feeling lost or uncertain about your future, remember these three things. You are capable of achieving great things, and you have the strength and resilience to face whatever comes your way. Keep pushing yourself to grow and learn, to take risks and try new things, and always remember to be kind to yourself and those around you.

Your Past Self

I hope this letter finds you happy and healthy, with a life that you love. As I write this, I am a high school student with dreams and aspirations that I hope to achieve in the future.

When I think back on my high school years, I remember the moments of self-doubt and uncertainty that sometimes held me back. But I also remember the people who believed in me and encouraged me to keep pushing forward. If you’re reading this letter today, I hope you’ve continued to surround yourself with positive influences who support and inspire you.

As you reflect on your journey thus far, I hope you can look back with pride on all that you’ve accomplished. Whether you’ve pursued a career that you’re passionate about or traveling the world to experience new cultures, I hope that you’ve lived a life full of adventure and purpose.

If there’s one thing I want to remind you of, it’s this: don’t forget to take care of yourself. In the pursuit of your dreams, it’s easy to forget about your own well-being. But self-care is essential for living a happy and fulfilling life. So, take the time to rest and recharge, explore your passions and hobbies, and prioritize your mental and physical health.

I believe in you, and I know that you’re capable of achieving great things. Keep pushing yourself to grow and learn, take risks, and try new things, and always remember to take care of yourself along the way.

Dear Future Me,

I hope this letter finds you well, happy, and surrounded by the people you love. As I write this, I am filled with a mix of excitement, anticipation, and a little bit of fear. Excitement because I know you have achieved great things and have lived a life full of adventure, anticipation because I can’t wait to see what the future holds, and fear because I know that life is unpredictable, and anything can happen.

One thing I know for sure is that you have not let fear hold you back. You have always been a risk-taker, willing to step out of your comfort zone and pursue your dreams. I hope you have continued to do so and that you have found success in everything you have set your mind to.

I also hope that you have stayed true to yourself and that you have not to compromise your values or beliefs to fit in with others. You have always been authentic, and I hope you have continued to be true to who you are.

Lastly, I hope that you have found happiness in all aspects of your life. That you have cultivated meaningful relationships, pursued your passions, and found fulfillment in your work.

Remember, you are capable of achieving great things. Keep pushing yourself, stay true to who you are, and never stop dreaming.

I can’t wait to see what the future holds!

Your past self

As I write this letter, I’m a high school student with big dreams and aspirations for my future. One thing that has always been important to me is making a positive impact on the world around me. I hope that, by the time you’re reading this letter, you’ve found ways to make a difference in the world.

Whether you’re working in a field that directly impacts people’s lives or volunteering your time to support a cause you’re passionate about, I hope you’ve found ways to use your talents and resources to create positive change.

But I also know that making a difference in the world can be overwhelming and exhausting at times. So, if you’re ever feeling burnt out or discouraged, remember that every small action counts. Whether it’s a kind word to a stranger or a donation to a local charity, every act of kindness and generosity adds up to make a difference.

I believe in you and your ability to make a positive impact in the world. Keep pushing yourself to grow and learn, to take risks and try new things, and always remember that even the smallest actions can make a big difference.

Your High School Self

As I write this letter, I’m a high school student with a passion for creativity and self-expression. Whether it’s through writing, painting, or music, I’ve always found joy in creating something new and unique.

If you’re reading this letter today, I hope you’ve continued to nurture your creative spirit and pursue your passions. Maybe you’ve published a book, exhibited your art in a gallery, or performed on stage in front of a live audience. Or maybe you’ve simply found ways to incorporate creativity into your everyday life.

Whatever your creative pursuits may be, I hope they bring you joy and fulfillment. And if you ever find yourself feeling stuck or uninspired, remember that creativity takes many forms and can come from unexpected places. Take a walk in nature, try a new hobby, or simply take a break and let your mind wander. You never know what new ideas or inspirations might come your way.

I believe in you and your ability to create something beautiful and meaningful. Keep pushing yourself to explore new ideas and take creative risks, and always remember that your unique perspective and voice are valuable and worthy of expression.

Many high school quotes suggest that in writing these letters to our future selves, we are setting goals and aspirations for ourselves. We are acknowledging our current selves and our hopes for what we will become. It’s important to remember that our futures are not set in stone and that we have the power to shape them.

Whether it’s reflecting on our past selves, making plans for the future, or exploring our passions and creativity, each of these letters is a reminder of who we are and who we want to be. As we continue to grow and evolve, we can look back on these letters as a source of inspiration and motivation.

So, let’s continue to write these letters to our future selves as a reminder of our dreams, aspirations, and goals. Let’s strive to become the best versions of ourselves and to create a future that we are proud of. The possibilities are endless, and the future is ours to shape.

message to my future self essay

Sananda Bhattacharya, Chief Editor of TheHighSchooler, is dedicated to enhancing operations and growth. With degrees in Literature and Asian Studies from Presidency University, Kolkata, she leverages her educational and innovative background to shape TheHighSchooler into a pivotal resource hub. Providing valuable insights, practical activities, and guidance on school life, graduation, scholarships, and more, Sananda’s leadership enriches the journey of high school students.

Explore a plethora of invaluable resources and insights tailored for high schoolers at TheHighSchooler, under the guidance of Sananda Bhattacharya’s expertise. You can follow her on Linkedin

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message to my future self essay

A Letter to My Future Self

Youth voices.

November 05, 2020

message to my future self essay

By Samantha Ferrer

This post is a letter to my future self, and to those who also feel lost, confused, and sad. I wonder about: Who will I turn out to be in the future? Will I be a good or bad person, will I gain or lose someone or something?

Will I lose myself? I'm not sure about any of these questions, but I hope that when I look back on this letter, I can make my future self proud of the person I turned out to be.

Dear Future Self,

I hope when you read this, you are okay. You are not sad, or anxious, or scared. I hope you accomplished everything you wanted to accomplish. I can only hope, for I don't know what the future holds.

message to my future self essay

Image Credit: mododeolhar, Pexels

I hope your friends are doing well, I hope you still have the same friends you have had. I hope you still remember it's the quality of friends, and not the quantity. If you still have at least one of the same friends, I want you to contact them right now and tell how much you appreciate them for staying in your life this long.

I'm surprised to see who stayed and who left, what changed in the friendship. I hope you made good memories over the years with the friends you have now. I really want you to appreciate what little moments we have with friends, before they're gone.

I want you to remember who they were, before life changed them. I hope you laughed, as well as cried with them. Those are the friendships that stay together.

Close friends you share a bond with, who care about you, who accept you for you, those are the ones worth fighting for. Don't let them go. For the friends that left, I hope you're still on good terms with them.

Don't burn your bridges, they have influenced you and kind of took a part in who you are today. Thank them for being your friend, for staying in the toughest of times, for being a part of your life, for helping you grow and mature.

message to my future self essay

Image Credit: Tyler Nix, Unsplash

I hope you are still close with your family. No matter what they say or do, they are still your family. Don't let an argument or a fight stand in the way of talking to them.

I hope mom and dad are okay and are doing well physically, emotionally, and mentally. I hope you are close with your sister, because she is the only sibling you have. Although you two may sometimes fight, you have to love her.

There is no one out there like her. You may have friends that you are close with, and they may act as your “siblings”, but she is the only one that is truly blood related and you can't change that no matter how bothersome she may get. I really do hope she is doing well, I hope you two are close and have a strong bond with each other.

message to my future self essay

Image Credit: Vån Thång, Pexels

I hope you found someone, someone who you trust, someone who will always be there for you. I hope he is your best friend, I hope he takes care of you, and protects you. Take care of him, love him, love him for all that he is.

Tell him how much you appreciate him for staying in your life. Show him that you care. Be with him through all the ups and downs that life throws at you guys. Relationships only stay strong because of trust, loyalty, and the strength to hold on even when it seems hard to.

I hope you got hurt looking for someone. I hope he broke your heart. Why do I wish this for you?

Because although broken hearts cannot be entirely fixed, they can heal over time. Broken hearts show you that sometimes what seems to be perfect, isn't always right or meant to last. You will only grow and mature into a stronger person with a heart that is impenetrable.

You will learn how to open your heart, and let others in; feel vulnerable. Find someone that makes life a little easier, makes you laugh a little harder, and smile a little longer.

message to my future self essay

Image Credit: Holly Mandarich, Unsplash

I hope that you get out of your comfort zone. Try something new, learn, try, fail, do it all. Take the chance, take the risk.

Doing something new and different could be exciting, you'll never know unless you try. Please try. Be more outgoing, be different.

You might end up liking something you'd never thought of liking. I want you to be proud of the chances and risks you took, because it made you a better, stronger person. You'll never grow unless you try new things and step out of your comfort zone.

I hope you don't become the same person that you are now, because that means you never experienced new things or stepped out of your comfort zone. I want to have hope for the choices and decisions you choose to make in the future. Trust and believe that it will work out in the end.

I hope life has changed you for the better because of it. I don't want you to look back on life and regret not taking that opportunity or seizing that moment. Please don't live life with regrets of anything.

Do it all if possible. Travel, love, cry, experience life's beautiful moments. Even if you fail, every choice you make will shape you into a different person. I can only hope.

message to my future self essay

Image Credit: Joel Mott, Unsplash

I hope you are happy, truly, genuinely happy. Happy with your life, your friends, family, happy with yourself. I hope you are successful with your career, life, social life, as well as accomplishments and goals.

I hope you take risks and still end up happy, no matter what happened in the end. I hope you lost as well as found something. I hope you become happy with your choices, your goals, as well as your failures.

Be happy in life. Do what makes you happy, not what others want for you. Express and impress yourself, not others.

It's your life, you choose whether you want to be positive in life. Choose to be happy, life is better when you are happy. Life is too short for what ifs or possibilities.

Take the risk, take the opportunity. Meet new people, effect others, start a chain reaction, make a difference in the world. Change your attitude, impact others with your actions and words.

You are valued, you are important. Make the choice to be happy.

Me, Your Past Self

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message to my future self essay

Samantha Ferrer 300k+ pageviews

Samantha Ferrer is a 21-year-old in California and is currently in her fourth year of college. She enjoys reading, writing, spending time with close friends, and binge-watching her favorite shows and movies. Samantha also enjoys watching Rom-Coms and John Hughes movies. In her free time, you can find Samantha thrift shopping, and enjoying/looking at nature.

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A Letter To My Future Self: This Is What I Hope For You

A Letter To My Future Self: This Is What I Hope For You

Kiana Azizian

I hope this message has found it’s way to you.

I hope you have managed to figure it all out , the ins and outs of life. I hope you have found the place you pictured yourself you would be. And hopefully, it’s everything you’ve imagined. I hope you’ve found the skin you feel the most comfortable in, and I hope you never take it off.

I hope you have found your happiness. I hope each day you wake up in awe of your life, and every night, you sleep with gratitude in your heart.

I hope you have found the person you’ve spent your whole life looking for. I hope they are kind and treat you how you’ve always deserved. I hope you never take them for granted, and I hope they never put you in a position to do so. I hope you have kept in touch with all the people who have changed you. I hope you have kept them close, through the good and the bad times. I hope you remind them of how important they are to you, and they know how grateful you are for them.

I hope your Sundays are filled with books in bed , and cups of tea in the sunshine. I hope your house in painted with pictures of all the places you promised you’d visit one day. I hope your home is filled with love, and I hope your heart filled with joy.

I hope your face has aged from all the laughter you’ve spread. I hope you look back on your past, and cannot help but smile at all the confusion and the mistakes. I hope you’ve let go and moved on from all the things which have hurt your soul. I hope you carry no regrets. And I hope you have finally freed yourself from all the negativity.

I hope you’ve created a life you love , one in which you cannot wait to get out of bed every morning. I hope you followed your path, and it’s led you to where you are meant to be. I hope your dreams challenged you, but you kept on despite the hardship.

I hope you still remember me, the younger version of yourself. I hope you look back on the person I am and are proud of who that was. I hope you carry around the things the past has taught you, but do not let them weigh you down.

I hope you’ve forgiven all the people who have hurt you , and I hope their pain doesn’t matter as much to you anymore. I hope you’ve filled your life with people who only lift you up, instead of the ones who constantly tear you apart. But above all of it, I hope you have forgiven yourself. I hope you have forgiven yourself for the mistakes and the bad decisions.

I hope you have picked up all your broken pieces , and put yourself back together. I hope you don’t feel as broken and lost. I hope you have found the place you feel you belong, and I hope you finally feel at home.

I hope you have loved hard. I hope you have given it all to the one you love, and I hope it was enough. I hope you have managed to mend that broken heart of yours, and I hope it never falls apart again.

I hope the best for you. I truly do.

Read more Self-Help .

About the author

message to my future self essay

Kiana Azizian

Graduate of University of Oregon. Professional wandered and avid coffee drinker.

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message to my future self essay

An Open Letter to My Future Self

by Jackie Boyle | Aug 20, 2018 | General

message to my future self essay

Disclaimer: This is not a typical HappyPharmD post. It was inspired by something I saw and started thinking very deeply about what I would want to tell myself in the future. I hope you consider writing the same letter. 🙂 

Dear Future Self,

I hope this letter finds you doing well.

I hope you’ve let go of the trivial things that bother you about yourself, but find joy in the little things that have truly meant so much in life.

I hope you have confronted your inner fears, smashed your insecurities, let go of your inner doubts; I hope you’ve embraced your inner strength, committed your will, flourished in your ability to positively impact others.

I hope you aren’t afraid of finding out what others think of you, and instead actively sought out others’ thoughts and incorporated them into the weave of your life’s blanket.

I hope you have given all that you could to your family, your friends, those you care for as a pharmacist while taking care of yourself.

I hope your dreams have come true, that you’ve lived life to the fullest and made the most of each day as you tried to when you were younger.

I hope you feel confident that you’ve tried your best to be the best mom, despite a constant weight of ‘mom-guilt’, worry, and trepidation that you carried, you have realized that you were just the mom your child(ren) needed.

I hope you continue to have a desire to learn and grow, to never stop contemplating how you can be a better version of yourself, and to help others see what they cannot.

I hope you have given your patients a new outlook on life, you’ve treated your colleagues with respect and kindness, and you’ve created an impact that others can look towards.

I hope you’re embracing feeling vulnerable, making connections, tending to relationships, and looking for adventures.

I hope you’re considering things you wish you would have told your younger self, and sharing that advice with your family and friends.

I hope you traveled and saw places in the world you thought you wouldn’t and made lasting memories with family and friends along the way.

I hope you’ve stayed steadfast in your faith, and trusted that He had you in his hands, always.

Until we meet, Future Self,

Jackie Boyle

Jackie is a coach at the Happy PharmD. She loves her family, changing the world, and pharmacy. 🙂

Creating Happy Pharmacists

If you really want to build the  career  and  life  that you’ve dreamed of , one where you are helping people and working in a field that you love, you need to do something different  than what you’ve been doing.

Through coaching you can re-discover why you became a pharmacist and find your passion again.

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