Application Management

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Application Requirements

There are a number of things to accomplish—and deadlines to be aware of—when applying to graduate or professional school. Understanding sooner rather than later what to do and when to do it can help make the application process less daunting. Below you’ll find some general information and insights to help make your first steps toward applying to an NYU graduate program a bit easier.

First Things First

Common application requirements, additional application requirements, deadlines and decisions.

Virtual Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern In-Person Drop-in Hour s:  Monday, Wednesday - Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Email: [email protected] Phone: 212-992-GRAD (4723)

The first thing to understand when applying to an NYU graduate or professional program is that each graduate school, center, or institute—and their individual departments and programs in many cases—determines its own application requirements. While this page provides a general introduction to applying to NYU, the information here may or may not apply to your specific program. Therefore, it is extremely important for you to speak directly with the admissions counselors at your school and program of interest. When you determine the NYU program that’s right for you, don’t wait to reach out.

There are a handful of items that, in many cases, are common across graduate school applications. It’s worth repeating, however, that you should get in touch with your school and program directly to learn exactly what your application requires. Some more common application items include:

  • Letter(s) of Recommendation: Some programs ask for one. Others may ask for up to four. There may also be specific expectations about who should write these letters, but in general they should come from individuals who know you well and are able to speak directly to your abilities, accomplishments, and potential.
  • Statement of Purpose/Personal Statement/Personal Essay: This is your chance to tell admissions who you are, explain your goals (both academic and professional), and share the ways in which the program will benefit by bringing you in. It’s possible that the program may have a more specific prompt or ask you to address a specific question or series of questions.
  • Transcripts and Degrees: Since you’re taking your academics to the next level, you need to prove that you’ve successfully completed the previous level(s). The graduate or professional program to which you’re applying will usually determine the transcripts and degree(s) you’re expected to provide. Applying to a master’s program commonly requires a bachelor’s degree and transcripts from all undergraduate institutions. Similarly, applying to a PhD or other doctoral program may require a master’s degree and transcripts from all graduate institutions.
  • English Language Proficiency Exam: If you’re an international applicant, or you completed your previous degree outside the United States at an institution where English is not the language of instruction, you may be required to submit scores from an English Language Proficiency Exam (ELPE). There are a number of ELPEs out there. Make sure you’re taking the right one by contacting your program’s graduate admissions office.
  • Application Fee: Application fees vary by school and program. Get in touch with your program’s graduate admissions office if you have questions.

Depending on the program you’re interested in, there may be some requirements in addition to—or in place of—the more common ones listed above. You’ll often encounter these additional requirements when applying to programs in the medical, legal, or artistic fields, but they’re not limited to those areas. While your program’s graduate admissions office will be able to tell you exactly what you need to submit with your application, you can learn about a few of them here:

  • Entrance Exam(s): While graduate school entrance exams might be considered common by some, exactly which exam you might be required to take can vary across programs. The most common exam is the GRE (Graduate Record Examination), but the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test), LSAT (Law School Admission Test), and MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test) are also quite well known.  
  • Creative Submission(s): Even though portfolio submissions and auditions are common when applying to an arts program, others may also ask you to provide writing samples, musical scores, or video submissions. These requirements give you the chance to display your abilities and show programs firsthand why they should admit you.
  • Interviews: You may be asked to sit for an in-person interview with one or more individuals from your program. Like a job interview, these conversations give you the chance to introduce yourself to the people you’ll be working with and answer questions about your academic, professional, and personal goals. 
  • Résumé or CV: You may be expected to submit a résumé or CV that showcases your academic and/or professional experiences, particularly those that are most relevant to your field of study. A résumé or CV is also an opportunity to share your research experience and academic publications, which may be required for certain research-based programs.

Application deadlines and admissions decision dates are quite varied across NYU’s graduate and professional schools, centers, and institutes. Application deadlines depend on a number of factors, including the program you’re applying to, when you’re planning to start, and whether you plan to be a full- or part-time student. Additionally, early decision applications have a different deadline than regular decision applications. Talk to your admissions counselor and make sure you understand your program’s application deadlines.

Like application deadlines, admissions decision dates vary across NYU. Admissions decisions also depend on the program and starting term as well as the schedules of individual schools, centers, or institutes. Some programs have set admissions decision dates, while others provide time frames or utilize rolling decisions. Your admissions counselor will be able to give you an idea of when you can expect to receive your admissions decision.

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Computer Science Tandon (MS)

Program description, additional entrance requirements, gre requirements.

We offer a highly adaptive MS in Computer Science program that lets students shape the degree around their interests. Besides our core curriculum in the fundamentals of computer science, students have a wealth of electives to choose from. Students can tailor their degree to their professional goals and interests in areas such as cybersecurity, data science, information visualization, machine learning and AI, graphics, game engineering, responsible computing, algorithms, and web search technology.

Job opportunities in computer science are challenging and diverse, and we expect to see steady demand for highly qualified graduates at all levels. Our graduates are prepared to explore careers in areas such as applications programming, big data, software engineering, game design and programming, peer-to-peer networks, computer vision and imaging, machine learning and AI, urban computing, and interactive data visualization.

With our MS program in Computer Science, students will have significant curriculum flexibility, allowing them to adapt their program to their ambitions and goals as well as to their educational and professional background. Students will gain a solid grounding in the fundamentals of computer science, along with access to professional-level courses, and an opportunity to specialize in subareas of their choice. 

To apply for admission to any Tandon graduate program, please contact the Office of Graduate Admissions .

Required Background Knowledge

Admission to this program requires applicants to have an undergraduate degree in computer science, mathematics, science, or engineering, with a superior undergraduate record from an accredited institution. Applicants with degrees in other fields may also be considered for admission.

  • At least 1 year of university-level science.
  • A working knowledge of a high-level, general-purpose programming language (preferably C++).
  • A basic understanding of computer fundamentals such as computer organization and operation, data structures, and computer architecture.
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate in written and spoken English is required for regular status. Foreign students and others for whom English is a second language may be required to undertake preparatory work to improve their language skills.

Students entering with a bachelor’s in computer science or with a bachelor’s in a technical area and a strong minor in computer science should be able to satisfy entrance requirements for the master’s degree program. Generally, entering students are expected to know mathematics through calculus.

 A maximum of 9 credits from previous graduate work at an accredited institution may be transferred to the MS degree.

Students with an undergraduate background in a field outside of computer science or a related area of study are encouraged to enroll into the preparatory NYU Tandon Bridge program . Upon successfully completing the Bridge program, students could then be considered for admission to the master's.

Applicants who satisfy one of the following conditions are not required but encouraged to submit a GRE score:

  • MS Applicants without a Computer Science or similar background who successfully complete the  NYU Tandon Bridge .
  • Applicant completes 9 credits under  Visiting Student Registration  from an approved list of CSE courses and maintains an average grade of B+ or better.
  • Applicant has a BA or BS degree in computer science or computer engineering from NYU, with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Program Requirements

Note: not all courses are offered every semester.

Course List
Course Title Credits
Algorithms Requirement
Design and Analysis of Algorithms I 3
or  Design and Analysis of Algorithms II
Core Requirements
Select at least four of the following: 12
Software Engineering I
Principles of Database Systems
Introduction to Operating Systems
Programming Languages
Big Data
Artificial Intelligence I
Information, Security and Privacy
Computer Networking
Machine Learning
Select one of the following: 3
Foundation of Data Science
Software Engineering I
Big Data
Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Analysis
Artificial Intelligence I
Network Security
Artificial Intelligence for Games
Application Security
Computer Science Electives
Select two (6 credits) of the following:6
Foundations of Computer Science
Design and Analysis of Algorithms I
Design and Analysis of Algorithms II
Foundation of Data Science
Software Engineering I
Principles of Database Systems
Introduction to Operating Systems
Programming Languages
Big Data
Human Computer Interaction
Game Design
Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Analysis
Artificial Intelligence I
Computational Geometry
Theory of Computation
Information Systems Security Engineering and Management
Information, Security and Privacy
Network Security
Computer Networking
Applied Cryptography
Web Search Engines
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence for Games
Digital Forensics
Application Security
Free Electives
Select 6 credits courses of your choosing. 6
Total Credits30

Most students will take the Algorithms I course to satisfy the algorithms course requirement. Students are expected to have knowledge of Discrete Math equivalent to CS-GY 6003 Foundations of Computer Science prior to taking the Algorithms I course. Students lacking that knowledge may be required to take CS-GY 6003 Foundations of Computer Science . Advanced students who previously took an equivalent Algorithms I course, and received a grade of at least A-, may want to take the Algorithms II course to satisfy the requirement.

The list will be periodically updated by the CSE Department and certain courses may be substituted with departmental consent.

These can be additional courses from the previous lists, or courses from other departments and schools at NYU. However, these cannot be courses offered by the School of Professional Studies.

GPA Requirements

The MS in Computer Science has several specific GPA requirements. 1. Core GPA : A core GPA of 3.0 or higher is required in the algorithms and core courses. The core GPA is calculated based on the grades earned in these five courses. 2. Capstone GPA : A GPA of 3.0 or higher is required in the capstone course. This is achieved by earning a grade of B or higher in the capstone course. 3. Cumulative GPA :  A cumulative GPA (overall GPA) of 3.0 or higher is required in all graduate courses taken.

Capstone and Core Option

Some core courses may also count as capstone courses. These are those courses that appear on both the core and capstone lists above. Students may choose to use a core course to also satisfy the capstone requirement, if the grade earned in the course is B or higher. If the student chooses this option, the student must then take an additional computer science elective, so that the student may earn the required 30 credits needed for the MS degree. All students must earn 30 credits to graduate.

Sample Plan of Study

The particular courses that a student takes during the program will vary according to the student’s interests and background, course offerings, and whether the student does an internship. The following are two sample courses of study. These are just samples meant to help in planning the courses for the degree. Individual course plans may differ depending on when courses are offered.

Non-Internship Plan

Sample course plan for a student not doing an internship and taking CS-GY 6003 Foundations of Computer Science .

Plan of Study Grid
1st Semester/TermCredits
Foundations of Computer Science (computer science elective) 3
Principles of Database Systems (core) 3
Programming Languages (core) 3
2nd Semester/Term
Design and Analysis of Algorithms I (algorithms requirement) 3
Free Elective 3
3rd Semester/Term
Software Engineering I (core) 3
Big Data (capstone) 3
Machine Learning (computer science elective) 3
4th Semester/Term
Information, Security and Privacy (free elective) 3
 Total Credits30

Internship Plan

Sample course plan for a student doing internships and not taking CS-GY 6003 Foundations of Computer Science .

Plan of Study Grid
1st Semester/TermCredits
Design and Analysis of Algorithms I (algorithms requirement) 3
Principles of Database Systems (core) 3
Programming Languages (core) 3
2nd Semester/Term
Software Engineering I (core) 3
Free Elective 3
3rd Semester/Term
Internship for MS I (free elective, often taken in the summer term) 1.5
4th Semester/Term
Big Data (capstone) 3
Machine Learning (free elective) 3
Computer Science Elective 3
5th Semester/Term
Internship for MS II (free elective) 1.5
 Total Credits30

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will:

  • Develop laboratory software skills for graduate level work.
  • Learn advanced fundamentals in computer systems.
  • Learn advanced fundamentals in computer science theory.
  • Learn advanced fundamentals in software/programming.
  • Broaden their backgrounds by taking important electives to further their special interest knowledge.

NYU Policies

Tandon policies.

University-wide policies can be found on the New York University Policy pages .

Additional academic policies can be found on the  Tandon academic policy page . 

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New York University Tandon School of Engineering    
2020-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin (with addenda) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Degree Requirements

Entrance requirements.

Admission to the MS program requires a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering, electrical engineering or computer science from an accredited institution. Students without such prior degrees must complete appropriate undergraduate courses to remove any deficiencies in preparation. Topics in which deficiencies must be removed include logic circuits design, state analysis and synthesis techniques, computer architecture, data structures and algorithms and C or C++ programming. The Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is required for all applicants.

Course Requirements

To obtain the MS degree in Computer Engineering, students must complete a total of 30 credits, with restrictions described below.

Core Courses (6 Credits):

The core courses cover fundamental material and should be taken as early as possible. An advanced course subsequent to a core course may be taken in lieu of the core course, upon by the program advisor. All students must choose two out of the following core courses:

  • ECE-GY 6913 Computing Systems Architecture 3 Credits
  • ECE-GY 6463 Advanced Hardware Design 3 Credits
  • ECE-GY 6473 Introduction to VLSI System Design 3 Credits
  • ECE-GY 6483 Real Time Embedded Systems 3 Credits
  • ECE-GY 6353 Internet Architecture and Protocols 3 Credits

(Note that ECE-GY 6913 is a newly developed course that replaces CS-GY 6133 Computer Architecture I as a core course. ECE students interested in computer architecture should take this course instead of CS-GY 6133. CS-GY 6133 will be approved as a core course for MS-CE only if it was taken prior to Fall 17.)

Electives (24 Credits):

At least 24 out of 30 credits should be ECE-GY prefixed courses including the core courses. The robotics courses listed below count as ECE-GY courses. Up to two non-ECE courses (equivalent to six credits) can be taken from other science, engineering, or management departments at NYU. The total number of credits for 5000-level ECE courses and non-ECE courses cannot exceed 12 credits. Note that CP-GY 9911    and CP-GY 9921    can be counted towards the ECE-GY course requirement. Furthermore, credits from 5000-level courses from other departments cannot be counted towards MS/CE degree, except with approval by Program Director.

The following robotics courses count as as ECE-GY prefixed courses:

  • ROB-GY 6003 Foundations of Robotics 3 Credits
  • ROB-GY 6213 Robot Localization and Navigation 3 Credits
  • ROB-GY 6323 Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Control for Robotics 3 Credits
  • ROB-GY 6333 Swarm Robotics 3 Credits
  • ROB-GY 6423 Interactive Medical Robotics 3 Credits

Project requirement (3 Credits):

One 3-credit advanced project in ECE/CSE ( ECE-GY 9953    or CS-GY 9963   ) is required. Certain courses with significant project component may be used to partially satisfy the project requirement, subject to approval by the program director.

Note about CS-GY 6843 Computer Networking:

We expect most students have covered this material in an undergraduate course. Therefore students can only take this course in exceptional cases and only if approved by Professor Yong Liu.

Thesis, project, and reading

Students are encouraged to participate in research by registering for a master’s thesis ( ECE-GY 997x    , 6 credits, can be taken over two semesters), an advanced project ( ECE-GY 9953    or ECE-GY 9963   , 3 credits each, ECE-GY 9941   , 1.5 credits) or a reading course ( ECE-GY 9933   , 3 credits). Students must secure a faculty member’s commitment for advising such individual studies. Oral defense of the master’s thesis with at least three professors (at least 2 ECE professors) in attendance is required. For the project and reading courses, a project report and an oral presentation is required. The total credits for thesis, projects, readings, and internships (see below) should not exceed 9 credits within the 30 credits required for the MS degree.


International students must register for an internship course (CP-GY 9911, CP-GY 9921, 1.5 credit each) to do an internship. Up to 3 credits of approved internships can be applied towards the 30 credits MS degree requirement. International students cannot do internship after they have completed the degree requirement. For an internship to be approved for credits, the internship job must provide industry and/or research experience relevant to the Electrical Engineering degree program. All internships must be approved and supervised by an ECE faculty member. Students must secure a faculty member’s commitment for advising an internship. The internship supervisor should submit a midterm and a final term evaluation report to the advisor. The student must submit a project report to the faculty advisor upon completion of the internship for the evaluation and grading of the internship course. The total credits for independent studies including MS thesis, projects, reading, and internship cannot exceed 9 credits within the 30 credits towards the MS degree. Note that CP-GY 9911 and CP-GY 9921 can be counted towards the ECE-GY course requirement. However, if a student has already taken more than 7.5 credits of independent studies, he/she will not be approved for another CP course.

Transfer Credits:

No transfer credits are accepted towards the MS degree.

GPA Requirements:

An overall GPA of 3.0 or above in all graduate courses taken at NYU is required. In addition, an average of 3.0 is required among the two core courses.

Graduate Manual

For more information, please refer to the graduate manual, which can be found on the student resources page:

Admissions for M.S. in Computer Science and M.S. in Information Systems

Applications are still open for Fall 2023 admissions. We are still in the process of reviewing applications. Due to the volume of applicants, we are unable to give you the status of your application or tell you if your application is complete. However, you are encouraged to log in to your application to check the status of your supporting materials.

The application for the PAC is open for the 2023-2024 academic year. Late applications are being accepted. The courses will be taught entirely online.

Applications are now open for Spring 2025 admissions for both MSCS and MSIS programs, with an application deadline of November 1, 2024. Applications will open for Fall 2025 admissions in September, with an application deadline of March 1, 2025.

The PAC Program is paused for the 2024-2025 Academic Year. We will not be accepting any non-degree applications for the PAC Program during this academic year.

For information on admission to the M.S. in Computing, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, please click here.

Submitting your application online

To apply, you must use our online application. When using the online application, you can submit all materials electronically.

The online procedure is user-friendly; however, if you have any questions regarding the application process, please view the Application Resource Center.

Note: You must arrange with the Educational Testing Services (ETS) to electronically submit GRE and TOEFL/IELTS scores (if necessary) to our Graduate School of Arts and Science (GSAS). Our institution code for the GRE and TOEFL is 2596. You do not need to use a special department code for the GRE. For IELTS, contact your test center directly and request that your test scores be sent electronically to New York University, Graduate School of Arts and Science, New York, NY. An institutional code is not required. The GMAT and LSAT will not be accepted as a substitute for the GRE.

If you are required to take the TOEFL, this examination requires you to list a department code that is most appropriate for your field of study or you can simply use code 99. However, do not use code 00 and do not leave this field blank. We will not receive your test scores if you report it this way.

To expedite the processing of your application, you may include the unofficial copies of your results on these tests. However, we must receive the official scores from ETS before the admissions deadline.

Applicants should note the following:

  • Students with a BA/BS degree may apply directly to the PhD program.
  • There is no NYU or departmental based financial support for master's students.
  • GRE scores are recommended but not required for the MSCS/MSIS programs.

GSAS admissions deadlines

Program Spring Fall
MSCS November 1st March 1st
MSIS November 1st March 1st

The admissions evaluation process

All regulations governing admission to the Graduate School of Arts and Science must be met by all those seeking admission to graduate study in computer science. In particular, students must have an accredited baccalaureate degree or its equivalent.

The following items are required:

  • A completed application, including a Statement of Academic Purpose
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • TOEFL or IELTS scores for any student whose native language or medium of undergraduate or graduate instruction is not English
  • A resume or CV of your work experience

Successful applicants to the MS program in Computer Science will generally have the following minimum qualifications:

  • Positive, specific recommendations.
  • Strong grades in relevant courses.
  • TOEFL, if required, above 620 (paper) or 260 (computer), or 100 (TOEFLI)
  • IELTS, if required, minimum band score of 7.0

MSIS applicants generally need the following to be admitted:

  • Some As and all Bs or better in business, engineering and science courses at most recent school; higher grades expected from less selective institutions
  • Strong recommendations from professor(s) and employer(s)
  • At least one year full-time experience in a demanding position
  • Evidence of leadership and management potential
  • Evidence of ability to excel professionally in a corporation
  • Evidence of ability to excel in graduate courses in computer science
  • Evidence of ability to communicate effectively in writing and speech in graduate school and American corporations

The minimum prerequisite background for admission to the MS program consists of:

  • Languages: Deep working knowledge of C and familiarity with object-oriented concepts and work with some object-oriented language such as Java or C++.
  • Data structures and mathematics: Understanding and working knowledge of pointers, lists, stacks, queues, trees, arrays and recursion; induction, order of magnitude growth, probability and elementary combinatorics, set notation.
  • Working familiarity with windows and Unix.
  • Knowledge of assembly language (e.g. Intel or Motorola) sufficient to understand self-modifying code.

Promising students who do not have this background should consider applying to the non-degree program and if accepted, enrolling in our one year Preparatory Accelerated Course (PAC) . Please note successful completion of the PAC does not guarantee admission to the MS program. Students without adequate mathematical training should take Discrete Mathematics, which is offered in the summer only.

Where to Get Further Information

For general admissions inquiries for the PhD and MS programs, including troubleshooting the online application:

For admissions inquiries specific to the MS in Computer Science or Information Systems:

For information regarding open houses for prospective Master's students:

  • GSAS Graduate Fairs and Open Houses

For information regarding the CAS/GSAS Tuition Program:

  • CAS/GSAS Tuition Program

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  2. NYU Computer Science at CAS and Tandon (Differences between NYU CAS and NYU Tandon Computer Science)

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  1. Computer Science, Ph.D.

    Curriculum. To receive a Ph.D. in Computer Science at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, a student must: satisfy all School of Engineering requirements for the Ph.D. degree, as described in the NYU Tandon School of Engineering bulletin, including graduate study duration, credit points, GPA, and time-to-degree requirements.

  2. Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes, students may pursue their PhD research abroad with NYU faculty in Abu Dhabi or Shanghai. You can indicate your interest in these campuses within the Tandon Graduate Admissions portal where prompted. Doing so will mean you will be considered for admission to these campuses, in addition to Brooklyn, unless you indicate a sole preference.

  3. Program: Computer Science, Ph.D.

    Students can use any graduate course at NYU as free choice courses, but must obtain advisor approval to use a course not on the approved list. Students cannot use independent study courses (such as Advanced Project CS-GY 9963 or Readings in Computer Science, CS-GY 9413 and CS-GY 9423) or dissertation.

  4. Admissions Requirements

    General Requirements. To be eligible for consideration to any graduate program at NYU Tandon, you must hold a four-year U.S. Bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution, or its international equivalent. We do not accept undergraduate degrees that are equivalent to three years of study. However, degrees that are completed ...

  5. PhD. Hub

    PhD Hub, Room 212. Tandon School of Engineering. New York University. 5 MetroTech Center. Brooklyn, NY 11201. Phone: +1 (646) 997 - 3907. Welcome to the PhD Hub at Tandon! We are a comprehensive support resource for Tandon's PhD student community. We assist students in fulfilling requirements, professional development, connecting to resources.

  6. Computer Science (PhD)

    GPA and Grade Requirements. The Computer Science PhD has several specific GPA and grade requirements. Breadth Grade Requirement: A grade of B or higher is required in all courses used to fill the breadth requirement.Theory and Systems & Applications GPA: Students must earn a GPA of 3.5 or higher in the four courses used to fill the Theory and Systems & Applications course requirements above.

  7. PhD Degree Requirements

    To receive a PhD in Computer Science at NYU, a student must: 1. Breadth requirements. The breadth requirement form is availabe on the forms page for PhD students. Rationale: The breadth requirement is designed to ensure competence across three broad areas of computer science: theory, systems, and applications.

  8. Graduate Admissions

    Please mail all of your application materials to: NYU Tandon School of Engineering. Graduate Admissions Processing Center. 458 Pike Road. Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006. [email protected]. Phone: (646) 997-3182. Visit Tandon.

  9. Computer Science, M.S.

    NYU Tandon Bridge. The 100% online NYU Tandon Bridge course prepares students without a Computer Science degree or other substantial programming experience to apply for select NYU Tandon master's degree programs. In the course, students will learn computer science fundamentals and programming with C++.

  10. About NYU Tandon PhD Requirements

    PhD Hub, Room 212. Tandon School of Engineering. New York University. 5 MetroTech Center. Brooklyn, NY 11201. Phone: +1 (646) 997 - 3907. Welcome to the PhD Hub at Tandon! We are a comprehensive support resource for Tandon's PhD student community. We assist students in fulfilling requirements, professional development, connecting to resources.

  11. Tandon and CAS CS Programs

    NYU has two excellent computer science departments, one in the Tandon School of Engineering and one in the College of Arts and Science (CAS). Both offer degree programs at the undergraduate, masters and Ph.D. level and have vibrant research programs. Graduates of both programs have excellent job prospects and are well prepared for graduate study.

  12. PhD Admission

    For admissions inquiries specific to the PhD program in Computer Science: [email protected]. For information regarding open houses for prospective PhD students. GSAS Graduate Fairs and Open Houses. Learn about the admissions process for the PhD Program at the Computer Science Department at New York University's Courant Institute.

  13. Application Management

    MS, PhD and Advanced Certificate applicants: Please be sure that you have reviewed the application requirements and follow all application deadlines. Tandon Bridge application: Please be sure that you have reviewed the application requirements and follow all application deadlines.When you are prepared, use this form to begin the application for the Tandon Bridge.

  14. Computer Science, Ph.D.

    satisfy all requirements for the PhD degree, as described in the NYU Tandon School of Engineering bulletin, including graduate study duration, credit points, GPA, and time-to-degree requirements. Upon entering the program, each student will be assigned an advisor who will guide them in formulating an individual study plan directing their course ...

  15. Graduate Academic Requirements and Policies

    Graduate certificate programs must be completed within 3 years from the time of admission to graduate studies at NYU Tandon. M.S. and M.E. Students. M.S. and M.E. degree programs must be completed within 5 years from the beginning of graduate studies at NYU Tandon. Ph.D. Students Admitted Prior to Spring 2019

  16. Application Requirements

    The graduate or professional program to which you're applying will usually determine the transcripts and degree (s) you're expected to provide. Applying to a master's program commonly requires a bachelor's degree and transcripts from all undergraduate institutions. Similarly, applying to a PhD or other doctoral program may require a ...

  17. PhD. Hub

    PhD Hub, Room 212. Tandon School of Engineering. New York University. 5 MetroTech Center. Brooklyn, NY 11201. Phone: +1 (646) 997 - 3907. Welcome to the PhD Hub at Tandon! We are a comprehensive support resource for Tandon's PhD student community. We assist students in fulfilling requirements, professional development, connecting to resources.

  18. Computer Science Tandon (MS)

    MS Applicants without a Computer Science or similar background who successfully complete the . Applicant completes 9 credits under from an approved list of CSE courses and maintains an average grade of B+ or better. Applicant has a BA or BS degree in computer science or computer engineering from NYU, with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Course List.

  19. Doctor of Philosophy

    Civil Engineering, Ph.D. Growing and established cities are continually meeting new infrastructure needs and maintaining older systems, such as highways, bridges, and airports. Tandon's Ph.D. in Civil Engineering program produces graduates dedicated to enriching the field. On Campus.

  20. Computer Science Tandon, M.S.

    To satisfy the requirements for the master's degree, the student must complete 30 credits, as described below, with an overall average of B. ... The NYU Tandon Bridge course is taught by faculty members of the Computer Science department at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, aided by NYU Tandon Graduate student teaching assistants ...

  21. Computer Engineering, M.S.

    Entrance Requirements. Admission to the MS program requires a bachelor's degree in computer engineering, electrical engineering or computer science from an accredited institution. Students without such prior degrees must complete appropriate undergraduate courses to remove any deficiencies in preparation.

  22. Master's Program Admission

    For general admissions inquiries for the PhD and MS programs, including troubleshooting the online application: [email protected]. For admissions inquiries specific to the MS in Computer Science or Information Systems: [email protected]. For information regarding open houses for prospective Master's students:

  23. NYU Tandon decisions. : r/gradadmissions

    NYU Tandon decisions. If you have received a decision from NYU Tandon for MS CS, can you all please share your decision and profile if it's okay. Status: Rejected GRE: 318 (Q: 165, V: 153) TOEFL: 108 CGPA: 9.1 Tier 2 college, India Work Ex: 2 years. Honestly thought NYU was a safe - moderate choice.

  24. New faculty

    Aaron Bernstein. Charles S. Baylis Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering "There's a certain freedom in working on a problem that's been open for a long time," Aaron Bernstein, one of the newest faculty members in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, has said. He was alluding to what is known as the negative-weight shortest-paths problem — a conundrum ...