Tesi di Laurea


The master degree thesis is a test of the cultural maturity, both technical and scientific, acquired by a student during the course of study under the guidance of a lecturer. The degree thesis therefore represents the culminating moment of the entire curriculum of studies. It is the student’s task to contact the teacher via email to fix an appointment in which to discuss the possibility of assigning the thesis and the topic to be treated.

The teacher, at the master's level, prefers experimental theses, i.e. based on the processing of original data (acquired through analysis of business cases, surveys, etc.), or literature reviews, i.e. based on an exhaustive and detailed analysis of the state of the art and emerging problems or aspects that are still controversial in a specific field of enquiry. It is also possible for students to propose only descriptive theses, but in such a case, for the master’s degree theses, honors cannot be proposed. Experimental theses and literature review theses may lead to the development of new perspectives and theories useful for interpreting business phenomena or for better understanding their development dynamics. In this regard, Sapienza University offers wide access to national and international databases accessible via the following link:


It is useful also to use the following search engine:


The drafting of a scientific report is an integral part of the research carried out, of which it represents the phase of communication of the results, without which a research cannot have value. For its preparation, the student is supported by the teacher who must be periodically informed of the progress of the work, will sign the thesis for approval and will present the topic and the student / author to the Graduation Commission. The thesis must be an original work: that is to say that the contents, considerations, critical comments, conclusions presented by the candidate to the Degree Commission must not be mere repetitions of what was conceived, developed and published by others, but must be the result of the work done by the candidate himself, obviously guided by his supervisor. This does not exclude that on the date of discussion of the thesis the data contained therein (or part of them) have already been formally published or communicated in a congress venue by the candidate alone or with other co-authors.

In drafting your proposal, it is mandatory to specify two main issues: the area of enquiry and the problem under investigation. It is not important which of the two issues comes first. It is instead necessary to clearly define both of them. Note that it may be possible a scenario in which you defined a given area of enquiry. Right after, once elaborated your idea, you could need to come back again to the research field level and eventually to select a new, different area of enquiry in which to position your idea.

Concerning the area of enquiry, students must position their work within one of the following areas: firms' performance, positioning, resources and capabilities, firms' growth and change, implementation of a strategy (i.e., see research field in strategy).

Concerning the problem, you need to come up with a fresh, new idea for your thesis. What are you looking for? Are you interested in studying the size of the effect of a variable A on a variable B? Are you looking for "how" a variable A is influencing a variable B? Are you searching for "under what conditions" a variable A is influencing a variable B? Do you want to develop a fully new theory around the influence of a variable A on a variable B?

To this purpose, it is mandatory to carefully read and understand the following works:

Lave, C.A, March , J.G., 1993. An Introduction to models in the social sciences . Lanham, MD: University Press of America , 1-85.

Once selected your research field, defined your fresh, new idea, you have to draft your proposal. Here below there are some other useful references:

- Kerlinger, F., 1986. Foundations of behavioral research . Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace & Company, Ch.2, "Problems and hypotheses", pp. 15-25

- Singleton, R.A., Straits, B. C., 2017. Approaches to s ocial r esearch. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

- Davis, M.S., 1971. That’s i nteresting! Towards a p henomenology of s ociology and a sociology of p henomenology . Philosophy of Social Science, 1, 309-344.

- Sutton, R.I., Staw, B.M., 1995. What a theory is not . Administrative Science Quarterly, 40, 371-384.

With regard to the content, a thesis must be an opportunity to effectively train a student in scientific research or in high-level professional activity. For example, it is suggested that the thesis work is not formally concluded before the contents of the thesis are sufficiently qualified to a level that can be considered potentially presentable for publication or for a conference communication. In addition, the thesis must be linguistically correct. Any formal defect (grammatical, syntactic, phraseological, logical, etc.), will make the thesis difficult to read and not understandable. The language must be plain, clear and free from colloquial, slang or too technical expressions. If the use of very technical expressions is believed to be useful or indispensable, candidate must be explained such terms in an understandable form to a general reader. It is neither required nor useful to present texts with excessive spacing and with too large margins. The Degree Commission evaluates the quality and not the quantity of the thesis.

Please write your text in good English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these). Students must also use inclusive language which acknowledges diversity, conveys respect to all people, is sensitive to differences, and promotes equal opportunities. Content should make no assumptions about the beliefs or commitments of any reader; contain nothing which might imply that one individual is superior to another on the grounds of age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability or health condition; and use inclusive language throughout. Authors should ensure that writing is free from bias, stereotypes, slang, reference to dominant culture and/or cultural assumptions. We advise to seek gender neutrality by using plural nouns ("clinicians, patients/clients") as default/wherever possible to avoid using "he, she," or "he/she." We recommend avoiding the use of descriptors that refer to personal attributes such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability or health condition unless they are relevant and valid. These guidelines are meant as a point of reference to help identify appropriate language but are by no means exhaustive or definitive.


Divide your thesis into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ...), 1.2, etc.. Use this numbering also for internal cross-referencing: do not just refer to 'the text'. Any subsection may be given a brief heading. Each heading should appear on its own separate line.

Given the above formatting rule, the three-year degree thesis does not provide for a particular structure while the master's thesis should be structured as a formal publication and therefore it should be divided into traditional sections, such as:








INTRODUCTION : it consists in presenting the problem and framing it in the general scenario of the field as shown by the careful examination of an updated national and international literature and / or previous experience. Then, candidate must provide clearly and in detail the assumptions of the research. In an excellent Introduction, the student will be able to demonstrate that research question is interesting. At the same time, student can provide evidence of both his specific culture in the field and his ability to synthesize and communicate even to readers who are not strictly specialists in the field itself.

PURPOSE AND PLAN OF THE RESEARCH : consists in describing in a synthetic way the objectives of the research and in schematically listing the methods adopted in order to achieve the set objectives.

THEORY: it is the backbone of your work and comprises the theoretical background of on which a thesis is grounded. Usually, the theory section comprises and it is based on a systematic review of the extant literature on the problem under investigation. It is important, also, to include in this chapter the variables under investigation, their expected relationships and sign as well as an explanation of "why" such relationships between variables are expected to occur and, eventually, "under what" conditions the considered relationships will hold or not.

METHODOLOGY : consists of a detailed report on the approaches followed to achieve the objectives of the work. For the experimental theses, it is essential that the student understands that the accurate description of the procedures adopted must allow the reproduction of the described results to anyone interested. For literature review, it is equally necessary that a student clearly indicate the reference time period, journals and publications subject to examination, classification methods, criteria for selecting contributions within the journals and methods of analysis. In such a case, it is strongly suggested to follow the method proposed by Wolfswinkel, J., Furtmueller, E., Wilderom, C.P.M., 2011. Using grounded theory as a method for rigorously reviewing literature . European Journal of Information Systems, 35, 1-11.

RESULTS : consists of the qualitative and quantitative processing of the collected and processed material. It is appropriate to report only results consistent with the work plan, that is, those that bring an effective contribution to the field of research. In experimental theses, in dealing with the results of empirical observations or experimental procedures, statistical analysis is often indispensable. When this occurs, it is important that the student understands the reason for using a specific statistical method. In this vein, it is also useful (and often essential) to master both the principles that stand at the basis of statistical data processing and concepts. Numerical (Tables) or graphic (Figures) presentations of the results must be accompanied by progressive numbering for each category and self-explanatory captions, such that it is possible to read and interpret them even when they are extracted from the body of the thesis text.

DISCUSSION : contains a critical and comprehensive analysis of the data presented in the Results section. For experimental theses, the Discussion generally ends with considerations that enable the reader to understand whether the working hypothesis presented in the Research Purpose and Plan section has been verified and, if not, what the reasons could be. The candidate must demonstrate both the conceptual mastery of the evaluation methods used and the ability to correctly evaluate the acceptability of the results themselves.

A summary chapter of CONCLUSIONS could be added to summarize and underline the main points discussed: this is particularly useful when the Discussion section is very articulated and complex. If the candidate and his supervisor deem it necessary, the Results and Discussion sections can be merged, reserving to the concise section Conclusions the task of critically schematizing the entire paper, underlining the verification or not of the working hypothesis and any future prospects.

BIBLIOGRAPHY : consists of a list of references to the existing literature consulted during the work. Bibliographic references usually appear in two locations: within the text (in summary form) on every occasion in which the reference is useful. In-text references must be indicated in the round brackets, with evidence of Author’s surname, year and the number of the page (s). For example: (Panati, 1981, 48-53). At the end of the work, all references used must be included in a final list (in extended form), arranged alphabetically, with the following style:

Reference to a journal publication :

-Griffiths, W., Judge, G., 1992. Testing and estimating location vectors when the error covariance matrix is unknown. Journal of Econometrics 54, 121-138 (note that journal names are not to be abbreviated).

Reference to a book :

-Maddala, G.S., 1983. Limited d ependent and q ualitative v ariables in e conometrics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Reference to a chapter in an edited book :

-Reinganum, J., 1989. The timing of innovation: R esearch development and diffusion. In: Schmalansee, R., Willig, R. (Eds.). Handbook of Industrial Organization, Vol. I. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 849-908.

Reference to a website:

- http://www.uniroma1.it

The candidate must be well aware of the importance that any statement reported in the text, when not original (i.e., when it is not the result of observations, considerations, deductions or opinions of the writer of the text), is attributed to its Author. All publications cited in the text must be included in the Bibliography section, marking those actually consulted by the student. Where necessary, synthetic bibliographic citations must also be included in the captions of Figures and Tables that are not original or modified by the author of the thesis.


Once approved the proposal, the student must develop her/his thesis according to the following steps:

1) Search for relevant literature, prepare a full list of references well formatted according to the standard here included and submit such a list to the supervisor for revision. Please label the file (in word format) as: References_[your last name]_[your first name]_[your matricula]_[date]

2) Once approved the list of references by the supervisor, the student must carefully read the considered references, draft a document that includes the structure of the thesis in chapters and paragraphs and submit it to the supervisor for revision. Please label the file (in word format) as: Structure_[your last name]_[your first name]_[your matricula]_[date]

3) Once approved the structure of the thesis, a student must develop one chapter at a time, discuss it with the supervisor and once satisfactory proceed with the next chapter. In submitting a new chapter, please include also, if available, previous discussed and revised chapters. Please label the file (in word format) as: Chapter[1 or 2 or 3…]_[your last name]_[your first name]_[your matricula]_[date]

4) A final version of the thesis must be sent to the supervisor at least 10 days before the submission deadline for discussion and revisions. Please label the file (in word format) as Full thesis_[your last name]_[your first name]_[your matricula]_[date]


Since it is common for scientific reports to be presented in oral form (in congress venues, for example), an oral presentation of the thesis and a consequent public discussion of the same are fundamental moments for the cultural preparation of the candidate. During the graduation exam, the candidate will therefore present to the Commission a comprehensive summary of the work done and already delivered in writing, according to an expository sequence agreed with the supervisor. For this purpose, it will be the candidate's responsibility to choose the illustrative material to show, which usually consists of a series of images (in text and / or tabular and / or graphic format) projected with a video projector via computer. For the presentation of the thesis, the candidate will have a maximum time of about 20 minutes (5 minutes for three-year degree theses), which is generally followed by a discussion moderated by the President of the Degree Commission, in which the student must demonstrate mastery both of the results achieved and of the methodologies used and of the general framework of knowledge in which the experimental work is inserted and of the new contributions achieved with the work exhibited. They will also have to demonstrate an ability to understand any questions asked and to develop relevant answers.

Note 1 : if you are a master degree student and are interested in having me as your supervisor, please, read carefully the above introduction, download and fill the form available at the bottom of this page and send it to me via email.

Note 2 : Quanto sopra riportato vale nello specifico per le lauree magistrali. Per gli studenti di laurea triennale, l'elaborato è generalmente di natura descrittiva e riguarda un problema di ricerca rispetto al quale si può sviluppare un approfondimento mediante o analisi della letteratura (max 3 lavori scientifici) o attraverso l'utilizzo di casi di studio. Per l a mia supervisione di una tes i triennal e è sufficiente inviarmi una email di richiesta in forma libera oppure, se ritenuto opportuno, allegando alla mail il modulo richiesta tesi in italiano qui reso disponibile.

La Sapienza - Università di Roma

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Master Thesis

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  • Industrial Liaison Program
  • Student honors
  • Flyer Data Science
  • Data Science Graduate students
  • Internships and stages

Reference person Prof. Ioannis Chatzigiannakis < [email protected] >

Data Science Masters Programme - Guidelines for Master Thesis 

The master thesis (24 CFU) requires the development of an original data science project which must be relevant for industry and/or research. The master thesis project must involve some of the following activities: i) collection, organization and analysis of real-world data;  ii)  software development for data science applications;  iii) modelling and investigation of real-world data science problems; iv) data driven innovation in business, production or services.

Students can perform their master thesis projects either at Sapienza under the supervision of an instructor of the course or in external institutions such as companies, public bodies,  public or private research institutes, foreign or Italian universities.

Master thesis projects performed in an external institution will be supervised both from a professor of the data science course ( Prof. Ioannis Chatzigiannakis < [email protected] > ) and from an external tutor that will be appointed by the Data Science Masters Programme Council ( MORE INFO... )

The students will be assigned master thesis projects that can be completed in about 4/6 months of full time work.  The work done by the student must be reported in a thesis written in English that can also include on a digital support the software and the data produced during the project.

The publication of the results produced by the student during the master thesis cannot be restricted by the external institution that hosted the master thesis project.  However, the external institution can retain the right to not include in the thesis or in publications extracted from the thesis any internal data or information made available for the project under a non disclosure agreement signed with the student.  

The final exam will include the oral presentation in English of the project and the defence of it.  The student will illustrate during the final exam the originality and the importance of the results obtained in the master thesis and the data science methodologies he mastered for their achievement.

The criteria for grading master thesis have been discussed and approved by the Data Science Masters Programme Council of February 3rd, 2016:

             Base grade = weighted average x 11/3

            1 bonus point for graduation within the legal duration of  the course (2 years for full time students, 3 or more years for part-time students)

            1 bonus point for at least three “30 cum laude”

            At most 7 points for the thesis project and the final exam.

6 and 7 points are reserved for master thesis which will contain practical results with strong impact on industry or research results which will be reported in publications.

Anti-plagiarism policy: The internal and the external supervisor are required  to declare under his/her own responsibility that all the novel results presented in the thesis have not been copied from other sources.

Please, check the website of our Administrative secretary office to know more about the thesis’ application: https://www.uniroma1.it/en/pagina/information-engineering-computer-science-and-statistics-student-office



Thesis Layout and Logo

Teaching calendar:  http://www.i3s.uniroma1.it/it/node/7334

For further information, please contact prof. Ioannis Chatzigiannakis < [email protected] >

  • AuthorizationExternalThesis Data Science EN.pdf Authorization for external thesis - Master degree in Data Science.pdf Master Thesis- How2apply.pdf How to register for the graduation

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Francesco Biccari

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Questa è la pagina web ufficiale della classe LaTeX sapthesis.cls . Una classe per la composizione delle tesi della " Sapienza Università di Roma ". Per informazioni consultare il manuale della classe.

This is the official web page of the LaTeX class sapthesis.cls . A class for the typesetting of the theses of the " Sapienza University of Rome ". For further information read the class manual.

Installazione - Installation

Il modo più semplice per installare sapthesis è quello di usare il package manager della vostra distribuzione TeX (TeXlive, MiKTeX, MacTeX). Una volta lanciato il package manager, cercate sapthesis e installatelo. Qui sotto riportiamo come lanciare il package manager sotto Windows. Per gli altri sistemi operativi il procedimento è analogo. Se usate Overleaf, sapthesis è già disponibile.

The simplest way to install sapthesis is by the package manager of your TeX distribution (TeXlive, MiKTeX, MacTeX). Once the package manager is launched, search for sapthesis and install it. Below we report how to launch the package manager on Windows. For the other operating systems the procedure is analogous. If you use Overleaf, sapthesis is already available.

Se invece non volete usare il package manager ma volete procedere manualmente, scaricate l'archivio riportato sotto e seguite la documentazione al suo interno.

Instead, if you don't want use the package manager but you want to install sapthesis manually, download the archive reported below and follow the documentation inside.

L'archivio sapthesis.zip contiene (*: file necessari):

  • la classe LaTeX sapthesis.cls *
  • il logo della Sapienza in formato pdf *
  • il manuale sapthesis-doc.pdf (con il sorgente)
  • un file di stile per BibTeX, sapthesis.bst (solo per tesi in inglese)
  • un file README con informazioni sulla licenza
  • un file sapthesis.layout per poter usare sapthesis con LyX

The sapthesis.zip archive contains (*: required files):

  • the LaTeX class sapthesis.cls *
  • the logo of the Sapienza in pdf format *
  • the manual sapthesis-doc.pdf (with source code)
  • a BibTeX style file, sapthesis.bst (for english theses only)
  • a README file with license informations
  • a sapthesis.layout file for using sapthesis with LyX

Recent changes (only in english)

Version 5.1 (2022-07-04), version 5.0 (2022-01-01).

Old source files cannot be compiled with this version. Some changes are necessary.

  • Removed the options for different types of theses.
  • Source code of the class greatly simplified.
  • Added support for A5 paper and B5 paper in original format and with cropmarks on a A4 paper.
  • Removed the mnote command. The style of the classic marginpar command has been changed accordingly.
  • Added automatic detection of Sapienza logo presence in the working directory.
  • Added subtitle and alternative title commands.
  • Personalization commands of the main labels of the frontispiece (thanks to Massimo Coppotelli, Emanuele Petriglia, Federico Porretta, Francesco Scotti)
  • Added extrainfo command to add arbitraty text on the back of the frontispiece.
  • Restyling of the frontespiece due to the new official model (thanks to Daniele Pierini, Giuseppe Scriva, Gianluca Pignalberi)
  • Documentation updated, especially with a FAQ section.
  • Minor bugs fixed

News! Sapthesis on the official Sapienza page! (2018-10-05)

Exactly after 10 years since I started the Sapthesis project, the Communication and Press Unit of the Sapienza university mentioned Sapthesis in the official Sapienza webpage for the theses templates (only in Italian). Finally, the Sapienza - University of Rome has an official LaTeX class! Unfortunately Sapthesis was mentioned only in the Italian version of that webpage, not in the English page .

Version 4.1 (2018-08-07)

  • Added \subtitle command in order to specify a subtitle.
  • Added override option to \course command in order to be completely free in the specification of the course.
  • Added ext option to \coadvisor command in order to specify External Advisors.
  • Added an optional argument to \examiner command to specify the type or role of the members of the commission.
  • Added \reviewer and \reviewerlabel commands in order to specify the reviewers/referees of the PhD theses.
  • Added \copyrightstatement command in order to change the copyright statement of the thesis.
  • The declaration at the bottom of PhD thesis titlepage has been eliminated.
  • Minor bugs fixed.

Version 3.8 (2015-12-04)

  • \der and \pder function improved. (Thanks to Enrico Gregorio) The new definitions of these two functions are not compatible with the old ones, therefore, if you want to compile a document which uses the old definitions, you have to change your source file accordingly or redefine \der and \pder as the old ones in the preamble of your LaTeX file. The old definitions are: \renewcommand*{\der}[3][]{\frac{d\if?#1?\else^{#1}\fi#2}{d #3\if?#1?\else^{#1}\fi}} \renewcommand*{\pder}[3][]{\frac{\partial\if?#1?\else^{#1}\fi#2}{\partial #3\if?#1?\else^{#1}\fi}}
  • Minor bugs fixed. (Thanks to Corrado Rainone)

Version 3.7 (2013-07-20)

  • Added support for "Corsi di specializzazione". (Thanks to Alessandro Esposito)

Version 3.5 (2013-06-14)

  • Some bugs for TFA fixed. Documentation slightly updated.

Version 3.4 (2013-05-23)

  • Added some options for TFA (school name, school address, etc...)

Version 3.3 (2013-05-22)

  • Added TFA option to write TFA final report

Version 3.2 (2012-08-15)

  • Added fem option to write "Candidata" instead of "Candidato" (thanks to Chiara Perrina)
  • Added LyX support (thanks to Cristina Manunta)
  • Fixed some bugs

Version 3.1.1 (2012-03-02)

  • Fixed bug in the back of the titlepage composition (thanks to Matteo Ipri)

Version 3.1 (2012-03-01)

  • Fixed bug in the IDnumber for Laurea and Master titlepage (thanks to Matteo Ipri)
  • Small style modification in the back of the titlepage.

Version 3.0 (2012-01-05)

  • Fixed bug in the abstract environment documentation (thanks to Davide Di Bucchianico)
  • Changed the fraction which approximates the golden ratio in some part of the class (thanks to Claudio Beccari)
  • Corrected the heigth of the text in order have a better golden ratio between heigth and width
  • The header is now included in the vertical page proportions
  • The top margin and bottom margin are now in golden ratio instead of 1/sqrt(2)
  • The header and footer code has been simplified.
  • Eliminated the wrong spurious spaces in the abstract and acknoledgments environments. Changed also their style.
  • Now frontmatter has the same style as the rest of the document.
  • Changed the plain style definition.
  • Removed the PhDA and PhDB options.

Version 2.8 (2011-09-13)

  • Support for "Master di primo livello" (First level master) and "Master di secondo livello" (Second level master) was added. (thanks to Giovanni Nuccetelli)
  • Stripping of newline commands from title in the colophon (the page after the frontispiece).
  • Small changes in the documentation.
  • Usage of a Times clone font (txfonts) for the documentation in order to obtain a smaller file size.

Version 2.7.2 (2011-07-05)

  • Small modifications of the documentation and reorganization of the zip archive in order to publish sapthesis on CTAN.

Version 2.7.1 (2011-01-05)

  • "Academic Year" only in italian. Fixed. (Thanks to Davide Paltrinieri)

Version 2.7 (2010-10-01)

  • Wrong accent in the italian University name. Fixed. (Thanks to Matteo Siccardi)
  • University name only in english with PhD. Fixed.
  • New option noexampart to suppress the exam information. (Thanks to Matteo Siccardi)

Version 2.6 (2010-07-28)

  • First official public release.
  • Tesi e appunti
  • Fotovoltaico
  • Informatica

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Uniroma 1

Dipartimento di Comunicazione e Ricerca Sociale

Dipartimento di Comunicazione e Ricerca Sociale


FIRST STEP: Request and assignment of the master thesis, only valid for Master's Degrees in:

  • Media studies, digital communication and journalism
  • Organization and Marketing for Corporate Communication

Based on the interests of the student and his/her curriculum, starting from the penultimate year of the degree programme, it is possible to contact a professor who has courses in the master’s degree programs, and agrees to tutoring the student for his/her thesis. 

For the purpose of assigning the supervisor, all students are required to complete the assignment-request form at any time for the current academic year. Within the indicated deadlines, the information is processed and the assignment lists relating to the various graduation sessions (see table below), are published. Note: all the students must complete the application form, whether or not they have already an assigned supervisor   


22 March 2024

21 June 2024

13 September 2024

10 January 2025

15 April 2024

15 July 2024

30 September 2024

27 January 2025

3 June - 22 July 2024

2 September -11 October 2024

December – January 2025

April – May 2025

8 October - 8 November 2024

3 December 2024 - 24 January 2025

March 2025

July 2025

Students are required to pay the graduation fee at least 5 working days prior to submitting the application as foreseen by the   Graduation Calendar and Deadlines , and upon reaching:

  • 96% of the total credits required for their degree programme, excluding the credits of theses (final exam) and internship.
  • Supervisor (relatore): mandatory for all. Enter the name and surname of your supervisor
  • Co-supervisor (correlatore): do not fill in the field. The Co-supervisor is automatically assigned to master's students by the Department's Thesis Committee, and cannot be chosen by the student. 
  • Additional supervisor (relatore aggiunto): Insert only if provided. The Additional Supervisor is a Sapienza professor who has the function of supporting the Official Supervisor in assisting and guiding the graduate student during the writing of the thesis. 
  • External supervisor (relatore esterno): Insert only if provided. The External supervisor is an expert, external to Sapienza who has the function of supporting the Official Supervisor in assisting and guiding the graduate student during the writing of the thesis.
  • Graduation session: mandatory for everyone. Indicate the graduation session chosen for the dissertation (March / July / October / December-January).
  • Thesis title: mandatory for everyone. Enter the final title of the thesis.
  • Thesis subject: mandatory for everyone. Insert the subject of the thesis, which must be present in your study plan, and the related scientific disciplinary sector. The scientific sector of the subject chosen for the degree thesis must correspond to the same disciplinary scientific sector to which the Supervisor belongs.
  • Valid identification document (if not already uploaded in your Infostud profile) - Mandatory for everyone
  • Health card or tax code card (if not already uploaded in your Infostud profile) - Mandatory for everyone
  • Receipt of the completion of the Almalaurea questionnaire - Mandatory for everyone
  • Upload of the degree thesis in .pdf - Mandatory for everyone by the deadline indicated on the Graduation Calendar and Deadlines
  • Form – exams to be taken- " Dichiarazione esami da sostenere ” - Upload only if there are exams that still need to be taken
  • Form - declaration of exams taken and not recorded on Infostud “ Dichiarazione esami sostenuti e non registrati su Infostud ”- Upload only if there are exams that you have taken that are not regularly recorded on Infostud
  • Form for validating exams taken abroad - Upload only if the exams that are not already registered regularly on Infostud
  • High school diploma (although not mandatory, it is possible to upload a scanned copy in pdf format).

SIXTH STEP:    Upload of the degree thesis in .pdf

EIGHTH STEP: The day of the thesis defence

  CRITERIA FOR AWARDING POINTS FOR THE DEGREE THESIS   For the thesis defence, the thesis Committee express their vote out of 110 and, unanimously , can grant the candidate the highest marks with honours. The minimum mark for passing is 66 out of 110. The final grade is given by the sum (over a total of 110 points) of the following contributions: weighted average of the grades obtained in the exams performed during the master course, with weights given by the credits; the result is normalised to 110 points (this information is available in your personal area on Infostud).  To the score deriving from the weighted average of the exams, the committee will add 1 point every 4 lodi the student has received during their degree. The committee will also add: a)    1 point if the candidate has obtained at least 12 cfu, or has undertaken research or internships in order to write their final thesis, in a foreign university b)    1 point if the student gets their degree within the number of years expected by their degree programme  To the score deriving from the weighted average of the exams, the Dissertation Panel can add points, based on its own unquestionable judgement regarding the performance of the candidate, both in the drafting of the theses and in its presentation. Without prejudice to the full autonomy of the Dissertation Panel in this regard, however, the Department has approved some suggestions, in order to make the decisions of the various Dissertation Panels as homogeneous as possible: in the final evaluation, the Dissertation Panel may add a score that normally ranges from 0 to 6, according to the following criteria: Completeness, accuracy, and validity of your Master’s thesis; Novelty and research capacity; Quality of your presentation and discussion; Assessment of your academic career. The Dissertation Panel draws up a special report on the performance and outcome of the final exam. For obvious reasons of safety and decorum, students are invited to celebrate the graduation in sober and dignified ways, which do not go beyond legitimate congratulations and photos, demonstrating that they have acquired, together with specific knowledge, also a sense of responsibility and of personal dignity. Therefore, celebrations in the courtyard of the Department with food and drinks, as well as noisy events that would interfere with other educational activities in progress, are therefore strictly prohibited. Students wishing to make use of any presentations to support the presentation will be required to send, 4 working days before the start of the session, to [email protected](link sends e-mail) their work, also in PDF format, to avoid display problems related to the different versions of Microsoft Office or Open Office, specifying in the subject and in the file name the surname, day and time of the presentation.   Students are reminded that the computers at our disposal generally use the 2013 version of Microsoft Office and it is therefore advisable to save your work in that version. Considering that the time available for the presentation of the thesis is about ten minutes, it is suggested to prepare an adequate presentation, without exceeding the number of slides and animations in the Power Point. It is also advisable to check the compatibility and availability of any audio video programs by sending your presentation well in advance to [email protected](link sends e-mail) .    If the candidate does not send the presentation by e-mail within the requested time or is late on the day of the presentation, his presentation will be uploaded, only if possible, to the computer close to the presentation of his thesis and the correct display of the file and the support of any multimedia files will not be guaranteed. Given the limited time for presentation and the large number of students, it is not possible to bring your own equipment, since the set-up would take time away to all graduands.      Collection of the Degree certificate   Starting ten days after the conclusion of the entire graduation session, it will be possible to download the graduation certificate directly from Infostud. After about twenty days, it will be possible to collected the degree certificate at the Student Affairs Office , located in the main campus (Città univeristaria- P.le Aldo Moro,5), Building CU029 (the nearest entrance is Viale Regina Elena, 334. Before going to the Student Affairs Office, it is suggested to write an email to [email protected](link sends e-mail) to make sure that the degree certificate it is ready.     Withdrawing the graduation application    If for any reason the student intends to give up the discussion, he/she must communicate it as soon as possible, following the instructions given at the link Graduation Application Instructions

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sapthesis – Typeset theses for Sapienza-University, Rome

The class will typeset Ph.D., Master, and Bachelor theses that adhere to the publishing guidelines of the Sapienza University of Rome.

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Version5.1 2022-07-04
Licenses TeX Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2008–2022 Francesco Biccari
Contained in X Live as sapthesis
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  • 2022-01-09 CTAN update: sapthesis
  • 2018-08-08 CTAN update: sapthesis
  • 2013-08-22 CTAN update: sapthesis


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Neurobiology Sapienza Rome

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Research internship.

Research internships can be chosen from a list of available laboratories, w hich is officially approved by the Board of Education and is renewed every academic year. The list includes thesis proposals in Rome (Sapienza University or other insti al postotutions), in other universities and research institutes nationwide, and abroad.

Potential supervisors in Rome, Italy or abroad who wish to propose a research traineeship should contact the program coordinators to be included in the list.

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Useful resources, thesis & graduation, who we are.

The Sapienza MSC in Neurobiology is a 2-year (120 CFU) full-time Neuroscience study program, with a strong emphasis on training in cutting-edge techniques in all major topics of brain research, from molecules to cognition.

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Biology and Biotechnology

"Charles Darwin"

Sapienza - University of Rome

P.le Aldo Moro, 5

00185 - Rome RM

(+39) 06 499 12 345

(+39) 06 499 12 758, [email protected].

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  5. Thesis/ Dissertation Formatting and Guidelines Workshop

  6. Thesis formatting on SciSpace (Formerly Typeset)


  1. Thesis Layout and Logo

    Here you can download: HR Sapienza Logo provided as Illustrator (cmyk) for typographic prints (e.g. covers, brochures, colour thesis pages created with graphics programmes), and Png (rgb) for digital graphics or Word processing (e.g. videos, animations, special slides, colour thesis pages created in Word), in positive and negative version.

  2. Impaginazione della tesi e logo

    In questa pagina si trovano i suggerimenti per impaginare la tesi di laurea e per applicare correttamente il logo Sapienza. Gli studenti che lo desiderano possono avvalersi del marchio/logotipo per il frontespizio e la copertina della tesi di laurea. L'utilizzo del marchio/logotipo sulla tesi ha l'unico scopo di segnalare l'appartenenza del ...

  3. Theses: Procedures and Calendar

    Theses: Procedures and Calendar. This section contains all the tools that are needed for the thesis process. Here are the deadlines for the graduation sessions and all the steps the student has to follow. There are also links to several useful services, such as regulations, ways to calculate your average and how to graphically format your thesis.

  4. PDF Guidelines for Thesis Students (updated July 2020)

    Footnotes, like the bibliography, should follow the format conventions of an academic publication of your choice. • FORMAT: open a Word document, change the line spacing to double, widen the left margin a cm or two to accommodate the thesis binding. Type in New Roman Times, type size 12 or 14. • FINAL THESIS:

  5. Formati pronti

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  7. A sample Bachelor's thesis for Sapienza Università di Roma

    LaTeX template for the preparation of thesis submissions for Sapienza University of Rome. An online LaTeX editor that's easy to use. ... , linktoc=page, anchorcolor=black, citecolor=red, urlcolor=blue, pdftitle={A sample Bachelor's thesis for Sapienza Università di Roma}, pdfauthor={FirstName LastName}, pdfkeywords={thesis, sapienza, roma ...

  8. Gianluca Vagnani

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  9. Master Thesis

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  10. Sapthesis

    the logo of the Sapienza in pdf format * the manual sapthesis-doc.pdf (with source code) a BibTeX style file, sapthesis.bst (for english theses only) a README file with license informations; a sapthesis.layout file for using sapthesis with LyX; Recent changes (only in english) Version 5.1 (2022-07-04) Bug fixes. Version 5.0 (2022-01-01)

  11. PDF Short Summary of Degree Regulations and Requirements

    Master thesis and presentation YES II 36 Total 120 To obtain the 12 CFU satisfying the Elective Coursework requirement, the student may choose from courses available in any degree program delivered by Sapienza University, provided that the courses are coherent with the student's study plan.


    The final exam consists in the elaboration of a written thesis, the result of mature critical elaboration, assigned by a professor on a topic agreed with the student. The thesis will be presented, with the participation of a co-supervisor, in front of a Dissertation Panel composed according to the regulations in force. FIRST STEP: Request and assignment of the master thesis, only valid for ...

  13. Sapienza PhD Thesis template

    View PDF. Author. Srikanth Sathyanarayana. Last Updated. 4 anni fa. License. Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. Abstract. This is a rough template of the PhD thesis for Sapienza University of Rome which includes "frontespizio" for title page.

  14. Gallery

    This is a rough template of the PhD thesis for Sapienza University of Rome which includes "frontespizio" for title page. LaTeX template for the preparation of thesis submissions for Sapienza University of Rome. Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals, conferences, theses, reports, CVs and much more.

  15. sapthesis

    sapthesis - Typeset theses for Sapienza-University, Rome. The class will typeset Ph.D., Master, and Bachelor theses that adhere to the publishing guidelines of the Sapienza University of Rome. Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (308.9k).

  16. 2023 Tesi

    Configurazione della classe "sapthesis" per tesi di laurea magistrale in Medicina e Chirurgia presso Sapienza. Tags. International Languages University Thesis Sapienza - Università di Roma Italian. Find More Templates.

  17. Sapienza PhD Thesis template

    View PDF. Author. Srikanth Sathyanarayana. Last Updated. 4 years ago. License. Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. Abstract. This is a rough template of the PhD thesis for Sapienza University of Rome which includes "frontespizio" for title page.

  18. International Thesis Scholarship

    Thesis research can be done at institutions, companies, foreign or community companies, supranational or international institutions of a higher scientific and cultural level. International Thesis Scholarship must be conducted for at least two consecutive months. The amount for the whole internship is € 2.821,00 gross (Regional Income Tax ...

  19. Thesis

    The list includes thesis proposals in Rome (Sapienza University or other insti al postotutions), in other universities and research institutes nationwide, and abroad. Potential supervisors in Rome, Italy or abroad who wish to propose a research traineeship should contact the program coordinators to be included in the list. Research Internship.

  20. A sample Bachelor's thesis for Sapienza Università di Roma

    LaTeX template for the preparation of thesis submissions for Sapienza University of Rome. An online LaTeX editor that's easy to use. ... , linktoc=page, anchorcolor=black, citecolor=red, urlcolor=blue, pdftitle={A sample Bachelor's thesis for Sapienza Università di Roma}, pdfauthor={FirstName LastName}, pdfkeywords={thesis, sapienza, roma ...

  21. Modelli

    This is a rough template of the PhD thesis for Sapienza University of Rome which includes "frontespizio" for title page. LaTeX template for the preparation of thesis submissions for Sapienza University of Rome. Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals, conferences, theses, reports, CVs and much more.

  22. Ready-made templates

    Image Promotion and Dissemination Unit. Marino Midena. Mara Petrocelli. Francesca Reale. T (+39) 06 49910034. Settore Promozione e divulgazione immagine

  23. Templates

    This is a rough template of the PhD thesis for Sapienza University of Rome which includes "frontespizio" for title page. LaTeX template for the preparation of thesis submissions for Sapienza University of Rome. Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals, conferences, theses, reports, CVs and much more.