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How To Write An Essay On Good Manners For Classes 1, 2 & 3 Children

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Good Manners For Lower Primary Classes

10-line essay on good manners for kids, a paragraph on good manners, short essay for children on good manners in english, long essay on importance of good manners for kids, what will your 1st, 2nd or 3rd grader learn from an essay on good manners.

Good manners have a very important role in a child’s nurturing. When your child writes an essay on good manners for classes 1, 2 and 3, they start learning courteousness from a very early age. They understand the importance of behaving well from their early years. Essay writing is very important for the development of children. When they write essays, it improves their thought process and develops their creative writing skills. Essay writing also lays the foundation for English grammar as your child expresses their ideas in simple structured sentences. The act of writing also develops your little one’s fine motor skills.

There are a few essential points that your child needs to remember while writing an essay. Let us show your child simple steps to write an essay on good manners.

  • The first step is to ask your child to structure the ideas (in the head) they want to write about good manners.
  • In the second step, let your child note down the ideas to form an outline to cover all the points while composing the essay.
  • They will form easy-to-read short and simple sentences from the pointers in the third step.
  • Encourage your child not to get too deep describing any single idea, and maintain the word count.
  • Help your child write with the rhythm, making them cherish writing the essay.
  • Your child can write about the importance of good manners, how being courteous helps build one’s character, etc.

Good manners play a very important role in moulding a person’s character. Let us help your child write an amazing essay for class 1 and class 2 on good manners.

  • Good manners are a very important value for us to learn.
  • Good manners mould our character.
  • It is important for us to start practising good manners from a very early age.
  • We may be extremely charming and successful, but it is pointless if we are not well-mannered.
  • Good habits and politeness make us good people.
  • It is always nice to be humble, gentle, and courteous as a person.
  • When we are courteous, we honour others without selfishness or greed.
  • We learn good manners from our parents at home, and then from our teachers at school.
  • Good manners imply behaving well with everyone, irrespective of their age or other differences.
  • A well-mannered person spreads positivity and makes the world a better place to live.

Good manners lay the foundation of a person. Let us help your little one write a paragraph on good manners.

Good manners are a very important value to learn from an early age. Good manners show the behaviour of a person. However charming a person may be, if they are not well mannered, it is pointless. It is one’s behaviour that people first notice. When a person is polite, they set an atmosphere of positivity around them wherever they go. One’s courtesy defines who the person is.

Good manners mould your little one’s character as they grow up. Let us help your little one write an amazing essay on good manners in 150 words.

Good manners form an extremely important part of our life. They are necessary, and we should learn them from a very early age. Parents teach us good manners at home. When we go to school, our teachers further develop this value. We should always understand the value of respecting everyone. We should respect our elders, those younger than us, and even our pets. We should also handle each thing we use with respect and care. We should learn to value every little thing from an early age. A well-mannered person spreads positivity wherever they go and makes the world a better place. However beautiful one may be, it is pointless if they do not have good manners. Being courteous and mannered is extremely important for us.

Good manners will play a very important role in making your child a good person. Let us help your little one write an amazing essay for class 3 on the significance of being courteous and well-mannered. Let us look at the significance of good manners in this paragraph. 

Good manners are an important value. We should learn manners and courtesies from a very early age. Our parents teach us good manners at home, and our teachers further develop these values at school. When we show good behaviour, we set a good example for our younger siblings and friends too. Being well mannered is not just restricted to saying ‘Thank you, ‘Please’, ‘Sorry’, and ‘Excuse me’. It is way beyond that. We should respect our elders and each and everyone around us. It is important to treat everyone with respect, whether it is someone younger than us, different from us, our pets, or even the things we use. We should also be honest and sincere in our work. It is also very important for us to be polite. Whenever we want to express our opinion, we must be polite and never hurt anyone.

Whenever we see our siblings or friends doing anything good, we should appreciate their actions and give them credit. At the same time, we should take responsibility if anything has gone wrong. It is very important for us to learn not to blame others. 

Small actions can make a big difference. It is good to open doors for someone, help someone carry loads, and stop to help if we see anyone in distress. We should also never interrupt when someone is talking. It is polite to greet someone when we meet them or come across them on the way. 

Good manners will build our character from a young age. We will certainly stand out because of the courtesies we show. However charming or successful we become in life, it is pointless if we are not well-mannered.

Writing an essay on good manners will infuse the value of politeness and courtesy in your children from a very young age. It will encourage children to treat others the way they want to be treated. Writing essays will improve your little one’s creative writing skills and thought process, and it will also develop their vocabulary.

We hope the above examples of essays have a positive impact on building your child’s character. Your little one can compose a beautiful essay on the importance of manners and courtesies using these ideas. We kept the language very simple so that it’s easy for your child to understand.

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Student Essays

Good Manners Essay | 10 Lines, Short Essays & Paragraph for Students

Good manners are the meaningful part of our lives. They are the pride of mankind. The following article discusses the essay, Paragraph & few more lines on Good manners & their importance in our lives. These essay are wonderful, quite helpful and useful for children & students of Ukg class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 & 10th level students.

Good Manners; Meaning, Value & Importance | Essay & Paragraph for Children & Students | Quotes, Images & info graphs

What if everyone acted what he liked? As the nature of a man is uncontrollable, he could have done the worst things ever. To live in such a community would have been unbearable.

The conscience and ego of man with so many things in his nature like hunger, lust, greed, etc would have made this world a living hell. Therefore, to live in a community, mankind need to understand the others.

What are Good Manners?

Manners are thereby, the rules of conduct or behavior for a man to enable him live in a society. Good manners teach a man how to behave, respond or act in specific situations. They are the essential parts of human life without which the human life, progress and prosperity would have been impossible.

Basic Good Manners

Good manners are the good habits in fact that are taught to us since our childhood. The basic good manners include being respectful, sincere, loyal, truthful, honest, committed, careful and kind. Since the human nature is flexible. It can accept good manners as well as bad manners.

Essay on Goo Manners, its role & importance in our Life

Therefore, it is essentially stated that the good manners should be the part of a child’s socialization. Man should know the good habits at home, good manners at school, office, or even at public places.

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2. Essay on Good Manners in School

A man is known by his character and his company. A man with good manners would be respectful, characterful, kind and lovely. Because, the character is thing that you can’t hide for long.

It is the part and parcel of human nature. The good manners are good habits that make a good, responsible and realist man. Good manners are like the precious possession of a man. They are the important part for the good social behavior. They make a man lovely, respectable and known to all.

The children with good habits are liked by all. However, as stated earlier, one can’t adopt good manner quickly. Good manners need to be inculcated into the children since childhood. Habits are the repeated social behaviors. The good habits take long to develop. Therefore, it is essential for parents to teach their children the good manners since childhood for a happy and respectful life.

The good manners are very important during the life a student. As the man is known by his habits and manners therefore, the good manners of a student reflect how well he is socialized. A student with good manners is respectful, kind and caring for others. He loves and studies and he value his work. They are liked and loved by teachers as well. That’s why the students with good manners always come first in their schools.

Punctuality and discipline are the most important values of good manners. A student with the sense of discipline, dedication and punctuality always becomes successful. He knows how to manage his time and his work. He sorts out the things that work best for him. He is always optimist, respectful, helping, caring and kind to all.

The good manners teach you to become helpful and kind to everyone. A student with good manners is always willing to help others selflessly. He is conscious and careful about others. He never sits idle rather he likes to devote his time for the good of other students. He earns the true respect in not only in his classroom but through out the school.

List of 10 Valuable Good Manners in our Life

Following are the list of good manners for students in a school. These 10 good manners would let us to have a complete idea of good manners and their importance.

1. You must give respect and honor everyone, to your juniors as well seniors, irrespective of color, creed or caste.

2. Be helpful to others, do not expect any reward or something for your help. You need to be selfless, true and kind.

3 . Accept your mistakes openly and let yourself open for any change. Appreciate the right things in your life.

4. Always say thanks for everything to others. Small words of thanks and gratitude pay a lot.

5. Forgiveness is a virtue. Always keep your heart clean and forgive others.

6. Be sincere, dedicated and committed to your goal. Work hard and never complain.

7. Always speak truth. You should be straightforward and true in your words.

8. Keep cleanliness next to your heart. Always stay clean and prefer it in your life.

9. Always obey the rules and discharge your responsibilities obediently.

1 0. Always take permission whenever you need anything or stuff of other to use.

The society is made by human who live together with respect and care for each other. Every society has a culture for itself. The good habits are the good expectations that a society wants from you. Good manners vary for each situation and they need to taught to since childhood.

Being the parents it is your responsibility that your child should know how to behave at home, at school, classroom, at public place during shopping or while meeting with strangers etc. The discipline and good manners are the way to a healthy, prosperous and peaceful life. Therefore, we need prioritize and practice in our life.

3. Ten (10) Lines on Good Manners

1 . Good manners are like good habits that mean a respectful and careful social behavior. 2 . Good manners are the rules that tell us the right things in our life. 3. Good manners are very important to become successful in our life. 4. They teach us to become honest, truthful and loyal to the goals of life. 5. Good habits make us to become hardworking, careful and kind to others 6. The person with good manners is respected while the one with bad habits is rejected by all. 7. They are like the good habits that we are taught in our childhood. 8. Good manners teach us to accept our mistakes and do more hard work for success. 9. Cleanliness is also the important part of good manners. We should accept and appreciate it. 10. Good manners should be adopted by all of us to become a good citizen of our country.

4. Paragraph on Good Manners

Manners are the essential part of human life. The society as a whole is composed of people who live together with a certain rules and regulations for social behavior.

The manners are defined by society itself. The society tells us the good and the bad manners. Therefore, good manners are those behaviors that are liked and preferred by the society for collective social benefits. The society where we live gives us a culture that defines expected social behaviors. Every society has a culture that is learned and shared by the members of society throughout the life.

Good manners are the good habits that are taught to us by our society. They are very important in our life. They serve as the guidelines for the rightful conduct in our life. Good manners are the part of good character. They reflect the real personality and strong background of a man. A well behaving man would never allow the wrong over the right, he would respect, love, help and take care of everyone.

He would believe in equality, justice and freedom. He earns respect and dignity everywhere due to it. Whereas, the bad manners give disrespect and degradation. Therefore, the good manners are liked and appreciated by everyone over the bad manners.

Good manners are very important in our life. The nations who have good manners, are very developed and progressing. It is the only secret of success of many developed countries today. Good manners teach us to be true, loyal, committed and passionate about our goals.

They make it possible our ways to success and superiority in this world. Certainly there is the success and growth in being honest, dedicated, humble, loyal and truthful in all purposes and in all means of life.

Good manners can never be had quickly rather they are to be developed gradually. They are the parts of human nature and, therefore, they take their time to be completely absorbed into a man. It is very important that we value good manners in our life.

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The parents should feel their responsibility and act accordingly to let their children learn good manners. Children can learn good manners at home, school and from the company of their friends and well wishers. Therefore, good manners are very precious elements of life without which the life has no meaning and purpose.

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English Aspirants

Paragraph on Good Manners in English [100, 150, 200 Words]

Paragraph on Good Manners: Good Manners are important in life. In this article, you are going to read paragraphs on Good Manners in English. Here, we’ve included both short and long paragraphs on good manners (100, 150, and 200 words). The paragraphs will be helpful for the students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.  So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Short Paragraph on Good Manners: 100 Words

Good manners cost nothing, but they help us a lot. Good manners are necessary in life as they help us to grow in personal and professional life. A person is judged by his behavior. Being polite, humble, respectful, etc. are good manners. A man with good manners earns love and respect of all. He shows respect towards the feelings and sentiments of others.

Parents should teach their children about their behavior with family, teachers, friends, relatives, etc. A person who does not have good manners loses dignity and self-respect. So, we must learn good manners and it should be maintained throughout life.

Paragraph on Good Manners

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Good Manners Paragraph: 150 Words

Good manners cost nothing, but pay much. By simply saying Yes Sir’ or “No Sir’ in place of Yes’ or No’, a man can win the goodwill and affection of everyone. A simple word ‘thanks’ is of immense effects. Such signs of good manners are man’s important assets. They create favourable impressions, get friends and make all pleasant. Good manners are very important.

They are to be cultivated by all means. The beginning must be made at home. The practice is to be continued in the school, on the play ground, in the market-place and in all places. A man must be polite, civil and tolerant. He must remember that bad manners create enemies and good manners make friends.

Good Manners Paragraph in English

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Paragraph about Good Manners: 200 Words

Good manners occupy a unique place in our life. They are to be acquired and cultivated , and childhood is the best period for learning and imbibing good manners. And it is only by submission to discipline that qualities like good conduct, behaviour and manners could be acquired. Good manners are the sure keys to success. They are valuable possession. They help in making friends, winning over people and in gaining appreciation and admiration. There should be strict propriety in our behaviour and conduct. Good manners are inseparable from modesty. In business and service they are indispensable. They help us to avoid unpleasant situations. We should never fail to say sorry if we disturb people.

It is good manners to thank people for service, guidance or a gift received. To respect elders, to greet them or to give them precedence is always praiseworthy. Good manners reflect how properly cultured, civilized, and educated we are. They make a lasting and favourable impression on people. Without his manners, a man is nothing better than an animal or barbarian. Bad manners bring a bad name to the school as well as the family. Hence proper emphasis should be laid on learning good manners in the very early days of life. Parents must also observe good manners, for children like to imitate all that.

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Essay on Good Manners | Good Manners Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Good Manners:  “Good Manners” is something that a kid learns right from childhood. Parents try to teach good manners to their kids in the best possible way. Good manners make an individual a better human being and are essential for a person to live in a society. We have compiled some extended, short, and ten lines essays on Good Manners, Topic on Good Manners. Read on to know about how to Write An Essay On Good Manners.

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Long and Short Essays on Good Manners for Students and Kids in English

Given below is an extended essay about good manners of approximately 400-500 words and is suitable for the students of standards 7, 8, 9, and 10 and a short piece of essay on good manners essay 150 words for the students of standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Long Essay on Good Manners 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Good Manners is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Good manners are something we learn from our childhood, which is a stepping stone to achieve success in our lives.

A child first learns it from their parents and tries to copy their behavior. It is very important for the parents to behave appropriately in front of their kids and teach with good manners like brushing teeth twice, greeting people, maintain proper hygiene and choosing the correct way of speaking in front of the elders. If the child is taught right from childhood, it would be easier for him to process the behaviors as he grows up.

In the education sector, the students must respect their teachers and be conversational with their pals. They must follow what their teachers say and ask them to do. This will help them make a good impression in front of others and enhance the quality of the relationship between classmates.

In the work field, one must respect their co-workers, and the people ranked higher to them to maintain a smooth workflow and to avoid any negative feedback. The good manners and etiquette of an individual will help them in building up a trustworthy image in other’s eyes, and people will find it easy to have a conversation with him. Good manners imbibe a positive attitude in the workplace where the employer, as well as the employees, feel comfortable. This helps in maximizing the workflow and enhances the quality of work.

There are no institutes where one can learn good manners. It is mostly a self-learned process in which one slowly develops by observing others as one grows up. We start learning good manners from our parents and elders, but as we grow up gradually, we come across many people and situations where even strangers and young kids leave a long-lasting impact on our brains, and we get to learn manners from even them.

There are many advantages to being well-mannered. First and most importantly, it makes the world a better place to live in. At home, it helps in maintaining a healthy atmosphere suitable for all. It helps one to become the favorite student of the teachers and favorite classmates. In the professional sector, one can put in their best efforts and put forward his best manner according to become the ideal employee or employer who can motivate others and make work fun.

Good manners and etiquettes do not depend on one’s look or appearance. In this growing world, well-mannered people are a blessing. They make life easier and happier as they keep on motivating others and spread positivity. We need to search within ourselves and the outer world to learn new manners and keep making the world a happy place.

Get to Know about Paragraph on Good Manners  which is helpful to all types of classes.

Short Essay on Good Manners 200 Words in English

Short Essay on Good Manners is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Good manners can be learned from everywhere and from everybody. Having good manners is essential to be socially accepted. Good manners can be defined as activities or habits that make a person civilized, mature, sensible, and gentle. We meet hundreds of people in our daily lives, and it is essential to behave nicely with them.

A kid needs to know how to behave with the people around him and behave in front of them.

Good manners help a person become successful in life and thrive. In the work field, one must take care of how he interacts because communication is the key to achieving milestones.

Respecting others also falls under the category of good manners. People of every age group need to be recognized as they deserve it. Respect is the utmost thing one should aim for.

10 Lines on Good Manners Essay 150 Words

  • The way we must behave with others in a respectful and polite way is called good manners.
  • It includes our gestures, behavior, way of talking with others, and thinking.
  • It transforms a regular human being into a well-civilized person.
  • Good manners are infused in the children at a very early age.
  • When one has made some mistake, they should always say “Sorry” to apologize.
  • Always stand and greet when someone visits your home and at the time when they leave. Before entering into somebody’s room, make sure to knock on the door as it is also a good manner.
  • Always ask “May I” before taking something which belongs to someone else and still share things owned by you with others; this projects how caring you are.
  • When someone offers something, one must say “Thank You” to respect his offer.
  • When two people are talking, and someone else wants to talk to them, the person should say “Excuse Me,” as it’s not a good manner to interrupt two persons while they are talking.
  • Don’t try and impose your opinion on others, respect other people’s views, and listen to those as well.

Good Manners to Teach Your Kids

FAQ’s On Essay on Good Manners

Question 1. Are good manners important for an individual?

Answer: To live in a society, it is very important to have good manners. People who behave correctly with their fellow human beings and politely talk to them are liked more than comparison with others.

Question 2. Why is respecting others so important?

Answer: We should keep in mind that if we want to be respected, we must first learn how to respect others. Respect helps in building bonds of trust and safety.

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Essay on Good Manners

Living in society requires respect. A respectful person is happy, strong, confident, and blessed. But how do we earn respect? Can respect be bought in shops with money? Or can we gain it by haunting others? Does intelligence alone help us in owning respect? All these questions have only one answer, and that is No. The only method to get respected is through good manners. No matter whether you are rich, intelligent, or educated, good manner is the only way that helps us to earn respect in society. Therefore, to highlight the importance of good manners, today we will discuss it in detail. 

Short and Long Good Manners Essay in English

Here, we are presenting Short and Long essays on Good Manners in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250, words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays on Good Manners will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on this topic.

Good Manners Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Good manners represent how we talk and act to others.

2) Manners basically show what kind of person someone is.

3) Good manners are what make a man look like a gentleman.

4) Good manners are important in every part of life from personal to professional.

5) The first thing kids learn in life is good manners.

6) People need to learn good manners in order to live in a society respectfully.

7) A person with good manners is liked by everyone.

8) Parents teach good manners to their kids at an early age.

9) Using words like excuse me, thank you, sorry, please, etc are good manners.

10) Good manners are necessary to achieve great heights in life.

Short Essay on Good Manners (250 – 300 Words)


Good manners are not something we are born with; we have to learn them. Everyone and everything can teach us good manners. Parents are the first and foremost people who teach good manners. “Sorry”, “Thank you”, “Please”, etc words reflect good manners. If the child learns good manners right from a young age, it will be easier for him to deal with all the situations of life as he gets older.

Benefits of Good Manners

Good manners are essential in every field of life. It will help us to build a trustworthy image in the eyes of others. It will help you give the world a good impression of yourself. A person’s manners show what kind of person you are. Before we say anything, people get to know us through our manners. From earning respect to popularity, everything is possible with good manners.

Good Manners: The Step to Success

Having good manners is the first step to getting ahead in life. To be successful and achieve your goals in life, you need to have good manners. Good manners will not only make things better around us, but they will also make things better for us in the long run. Also, good manners lead to good habits, and good habits lead to growth and success.

A man without good manners is like a wallet without money, which looks nice on the outside but empty on the inside. Having good manners can help us in many ways. Therefore, we should always act good to others and follow good manners in life.

Long Essay on Good Manners (500 Words)

We know that parents are our first teachers. They teach us everything from the first word to the first step. Another important thing that they teach us is good manners. A person can be a gentleman if they have good manners. There are no places where people can go to learn good manners. It is mostly something that people learn on their own as they grow up by watching others and utilizing childhood learning. Having good manners help us to make a good impression that lasts forever. It helps us get where we want to go in our lives.

What are Good Manners?

Good manners are how we act around other people. Every situation needs a different set of rules, and it’s very important to get fit in the right way. In other words, good manners are a set of rules for how to behave in a way that is polite, socially acceptable, and liked by everyone. Good manners teach a man what to do or say in different situations.

Some good manners are listed below:

  • One should respect everyone whether they are younger or older.
  • Always help everyone by saying may I help you.
  • One must be ready to apologize for their mistakes by saying sorry.
  • Always show gratitude to others by saying thank you.
  • Do not disturb others and ask excuse me to talk.
  • Always seek permission while entering someone’s room.

Importance of Good Manners in Personal Life

Manners are a very important part of a person’s life. Having good manners helps a person get ahead in life and do well. These actions and words will also make our minds and hearts feel good. Manners help keep things in order and on the right track. Our manners reflect our personality and character which can help to establish a good impression on others. Good manners are the basis for making new friends and strengthening existing ones. It also makes you feel good about yourself and gives you confidence.

Importance of Good Manners in Social Life

People need to have good manners in order to live in a society. This keeps the environment calm, and people will like you as a person. To fit in with other people, you need to have good manners. A student with good manners treats others with respect and kindness and cares about them. Even the teachers like and love them. Also, you should always be on time for work. People like those who treat others right and talk to them nicely more than those who compare themselves to others.

Everyone knows the importance of good manners. It is good for both the individual and the country as a whole. Therefore, keeping in mind how important and helpful good manners are, everyone should try to make them a part of their everyday lives. Everyone loves people who are polite. However, they are more likely to do well in their personal and professional lives.

I hope the above provided essay on Good Manners will be helpful in understanding the role of good manners in our life.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Good Manners

Ans. Good manners are taught by parents, teachers, and elders. One can learn good manners by observing people around and learning good habits from around.

Ans. A person without manners is called an ill-manner, rude, uncivilized, etc.

Ans. In public, one should speak politely to everyone, not point to anyone or anything, not disturb others, don’t make noise, etc.

Ans. Respect, consideration, and honesty are the three major pillars of good manners.  

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Importance of Good Manners Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on importance of good manners.

Man is the most intelligent creation of God on the earth as he lives in society. Also, he has the capacity to think, talk and act accordingly. So, he must know how to behave well and perform good manners. Parents must teach their kids about their behavior with family members, neighbors, friends, teachers, etc. Some people behave well with sweet words only in front and not behind. This is not a good manner. Good manners are very essential in life as they help us to behave well in society. Good manners help us to win the heart of people in the public place. Therefore, one can create a unique personality due to good manners.

importance of good manners

What are Good Manners?

A person with good manners shows respects towards feelings and sentiments of others living in the surroundings. He/she never differentiates people and shows equal regard to everyone. Modesty, humbleness, kindness, and courtesy are the essential traits of a well-behaving person. Hence, a well-behaved person never feels proud or arrogant and always take care of the feelings of others. Practicing good manners and following them all through the day will definitely bring sunshine and add qualities to life.

Must have Good Manners

Though traits within good manners are uncountable, some traits are a must. These good manners are necessary for all. Some of such good manners which we can practice in our daily life are like:

  • We must learn the habit of sharing things to others.
  • We should be helpful, polite and humble to others in every possible way.
  • We must use the words ‘sorry’, ‘please’, ‘thank you’, ‘excuse me’ and ‘time wish’ as and when required.
  • We must respect the other’s property and always take permission before using.
  • We must be responsible as well as self-dependent for everything at every place.
  • We must behave in a good way with humble respect to our teachers, parents, other elders and senior citizens.
  • We should always maintain cleanliness at home, school, and all other public places.
  • We should not use any offensive or abusive language to others at home or any other place.
  • We must give the seat for senior citizens while using public transport.

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Importance of Good Manners in our Life

Good manners are very important in our daily life. Importance of these in life is the well-known facts. Good manner creates an effective interaction with friends as well as make a good impression on a public platform. It helps us to be positive throughout the day. Therefore, parents must help their kids to inculcate all possible good manners in their habit.

Good manners always give the opportunity for a new conversation with people and hence the ultimate success in life. If someone talks to you badly, then still don’t talk him in the same way. Always talk him in your own positive way of behaving to give him the chance to change.

Good manners are vital to each and everyone in the society. These will definitely help us for getting popularity and success in life because nobody likes mischief and misbehaved person. Good manners are like a tonic to the people living in society.

People with polite and pleasant nature are always popular and respectable by a large number of people. Obviously, such people are having magnetic influence over others. Thus, we must practice and follow good manners in our life always.

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Essay on Good Manners in 250 Words, in 500 Words

10 lines short essay good manners paragraph

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  • Mar 15, 2024

Essay On Good Manners

Good manners are known as the social lubricant that makes our interactions with others easy and respectful. These etiquettes and behaviors are an important way of shaping our relationships and personal character. Since our teachers and parents are continuously striving to teach the young ones about good etiquette, students often receive an essay to write on this topic. In this article, we will be sharing some samples to help you a little with this little essay of yours. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Importance of Good Manners in Our Lives
  • 2 Essay on Good Manners in 250 Words
  • 3 Essay on Good Manners in 500 Words

Importance of Good Manners in Our Lives

Good manners are very essential in the life of an individual. Every student should understand the value of the same. Good manners should be taught from the very beginning of childhood because they help us develop a good personality and become a better person. They help us in staying positive all through the day. Wherever required, we should say the words like “please”, “thank you”, “sorry”, “excuse me”, etc. These words make us humble and polite. Good manners open doors to new opportunities and new conversation. They teach us to show kindness to everyone. Parents should teach their kids the value of good manners.

Some of the good manners are mentioned below:

  • Punctuality
  • Being Honest
  • Asking for Permission
  • Using the words like “sorry” and “excuse me”
  • Being compassionate and kind
  • Always speaking the truth
  • Greeting elders

Essay on Good Manners in 250 Words

When you interact with others outside people, good manners play a vital role. An individual’s upbringing, character, and respect for others are the foundation of good manners. All these habits contribute to a more sophisticated and civilized society. The most important aspect of good manners includes politeness. It means that whenever you are having a conversation with anybody, use polite words, as these words convey consideration and respect toward the other person. It also means to listen actively when the other person is when they are speaking or conveying anything. Doing this will show your empathic behavior toward their feelings. 

Being on time is another sign of respecting other people’s time. Being present on time for appointments, meetings, or social gatherings shows consideration for others’ schedules and commitments. It also reflects your responsible and reliable behavior of yours. 

One more aspect of good manners is having Kindness and empathy. They are an inseparable part when we talk about good manners. Treating other people with kindness and understanding their opinions leads to building positive relationships. The simplest acts of kindness, like holding the door for somebody or helping someone unknown in need, promote a sense of community and good integral behavior . 

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Essay on Good Manners in 500 Words

Good manners are important for having positive social interactions and having strong social relationships. It includes polite behavior, respect for others, and respect for their feelings. Good manners also include having simple gestures like saying “please” and “thank you,” showing patience, and having etiquette in various situations of life. The two important factors of good manners include politeness and courtesy. Having them two in your conversation makes people feel valued and respected. Respecting other one’s personal space, actively listening to them, and not interfering in their personal decisions are collectively known as good manners. Respecting people and behaving appropriately is the short mantra of good manners.

This is the main foundation of civil society, shaping the way individuals will react, communicate, and relate to each other. These behaviors ensure that our interactions are respectful, considerate, and harmonious. Good manners are a broad range of good behaviors and etiquette. They are not just a set of rules but are also a reflection of our character and upbringing. These manners are essential for multiple reasons.

First and foremost, good manners leave a positive and welcoming effect on our daily environment. When the other person is calm and polite it conveys a sense of ease and comfort, which makes a conversation interactive and joyful without any hesitations. Politeness conveyed with simple pleasing and comforting gestures sets a tone of consideration and appreciation.

Additionally, it also contributes to making strong and lasting relationships. Kindness, empathy, and understanding are all the foundation of good manners. Small acts of kindness, such as helping a friend in need or listening to a friend going through a tough time, strengthen the bonds between individuals. Good manners are an important factor in both professional and social success. In the business world, individuals who are well-have, such as they are punctual, and having decent communication skills are more likely to be perceived as reliable and trustworthy. In social gatherings, individuals with good manners are generally more approachable to form friendships and social networks.

Respect the physical boundaries and ensure that others feel comfortable in your presence. Avoid breaching other one’s personal space, and stand at an appropriate distance while you are communicating with others.

Table manners, particularly during meals, are a specific set of good manners that are very important during various social situations. Table etiquette includes using utensils correctly, chewing with one’s mouth closed, and avoiding conversing while you are chewing food. These behaviors not only convey a pleasant dining experience but also reflect respect for other people at the table. Having good manners is a lifelong behavior that starts in childhood and goes up to adulthood. Parents and teachers constantly try to teach these important life lessons to young individuals. 

They are important for building good relations and achieving personal and professional success. In short good manners include politeness, respect for personal space, punctuality , kindness, and proper table etiquette. By including and practicing these manners in our day-to-day lives, we contribute to a more respectful and considerate society.

Related Reads:-

It is essential to form a sophisticated society, to promote respect, courtesy, and harmony in social interactions.

Good manners are the base of respectful and harmonious interactions, including politeness, respect for personal space, punctuality, and kindness.

Yes,  they are an integral part of good manners.

Hence, we hope that this blog has assisted you in comprehending what a essay on a good manners must have. For more such essays, check our category essay writing .

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Essay On Good Manners

10 lines short essay good manners paragraph

Table of Contents

Short Essay On Good Manners

Good manners are an important aspect of personal behavior that help to create a positive and harmonious social environment. Good manners help us to interact with others in a respectful and courteous manner, and they play a crucial role in building and maintaining relationships. In this essay, we will explore the importance of good manners and how they contribute to our daily interactions with others.

Good manners start with basic social etiquette, such as saying “please” and “thank you,” and treating others with respect and kindness. Simple acts of kindness, such as holding the door open for someone or offering to help carry a heavy load, can have a big impact on the way others perceive us. Good manners also involve active listening, paying attention to what others are saying and showing genuine interest in their thoughts and feelings.

Good manners are also important in the workplace. Professionalism, punctuality, and good communication skills are all essential aspects of good manners in a professional setting. Employers appreciate employees who display good manners, as they help to create a positive and productive work environment. Good manners can also help to resolve conflicts in the workplace, as they foster an atmosphere of respect and understanding.

In addition, good manners play a crucial role in building and maintaining personal relationships. Good manners help to create a positive and respectful environment, and they demonstrate that we value and respect the people in our lives. By showing appreciation, offering sincere compliments, and treating others with kindness and consideration, we can strengthen our relationships and build strong bonds with those around us.

Furthermore, good manners help us to make a good impression in social and professional situations. People who display good manners are seen as polite, respectful, and considerate, and they are more likely to be respected and valued by others. Good manners can also help to build self-esteem and confidence, as they demonstrate that we are capable of showing respect and consideration to others.

In conclusion, good manners are an important aspect of personal behavior that play a crucial role in our daily interactions with others. Good manners help us to create a positive and harmonious social environment, and they contribute to the building and maintenance of personal and professional relationships. By demonstrating good manners, we show respect and consideration for others, and we help to create a more positive and productive world for all.

Long Essay On Good Manners

What are some good manners that everyone should know? There is no one answer to this question, as good manners will vary depending on the culture and society in which you live. However, there are a few basics that all people should learn, regardless of their location or background. In this article, we will discuss some of the best manners to follow, and provide tips on how to improve your own etiquette skills.

Definition of Good Manners

There are many ways to be polite and act like a gentleman. Here are some tips:

1. Always say please and thank you. This demonstrates that you appreciate the person or thing you are receiving. 2. When meeting someone new, ask their name, where they are from, and what they do for a living. This will help you get to know them better. 3. If you are invited to a party, RSVP as soon as possible so that the host knows how many people will be there. Do not show up unannounced, as this can make people feel uncomfortable. 4. If you have to leave early, say goodbye to everyone and thank them for having you over. This shows that you took the time to get to know them and that you respect their space. 5. When eating out, always use your hands when eating bread or other food with fingers spread wide apart; this is considered polite etiquette in most cultures around the world.

Types of Good Manners

The following are some types of good manners:

1. politeness: always being polite and taking the time to say hello, thank you, sorry, please, etc. 2. consideration: giving other people their space and not rushing them or speaking over them; also, being sensitive to others’ feelings and not making them feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. 3. respect: treating others with courtesy and respect, even if you don’t agree with them or they don’t have anything nice to say about you. 4. honesty: being truthful and up-front with others; also, not pretending to be something you’re not in order to gain someone’s trust or friendship. 5. integrity: living up to your own values and beliefs; also, standing up for what’s right, even if it means facing opposition or criticism from others.

How to Perform Good Manners

Good manners are essential in any civilized society, and can make a big impact on the way people interact with one another. There are a few simple things you can do to improve your etiquette skills:

– Always say please and thank you. This shows that you respect other people’s time and feelings, and makes them more likely to cooperate with you.

– Follow the Golden Rule: Treat others as you would want to be treated. This means trying not to act superior or condescending, and being aware of how your words and actions might affect others.

– Be considerate of other people’s space. If someone is sitting down, don’t sit down in front of them; wait for an opening. If someone is standing, don’t walk in front of them; wait for an opening.

– Don’t hog the conversation. If someone else wants to talk, let them have their turn. And if someone seems uncomfortable talking, try to give them some space.

Good manners are essential in any society. They not only set the tone for how we act around each other, but also help us to form relationships that are positive and beneficial. Good manners can be learned through observation and experience, but they can also be improved with practice. Whether you are at home or at a social event, always remember to conduct yourself in a manner that is respectful of others and demonstrates good etiquette.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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Short Essay: Good Manners

Writing a short essay on good manners involves not only a clear understanding of the etiquette and rules that govern behavior in various social contexts but also the ability to express these ideas in a concise and engaging manner. Good manners encompass a wide range of behaviors, from simple acts like saying “please” and “thank you” to more complex social etiquettes such as knowing how to respectfully disagree with someone. Here is a simple guide on how to write a compelling short essay on this topic:

Table of Contents

Understanding Good Manners

Exploring specific aspects.

Divide the body of your essay into paragraphs, each dedicated to a specific aspect of good manners, such as their role in family settings, schools, workplaces, or digital communication. Use relevant examples and anecdotes to illustrate how good manners operate in these different environments and support your thesis. This section should persuasively argue the benefits and necessity of good manners through well-organized points.

Concluding with Impact

Good manners essay example #1.

One of the essential aspects of good manners is showing respect and consideration towards others. It involves treating people with kindness and empathy, considering their feelings and opinions, and showing appreciation for their efforts. Good manners also require one to be attentive and listen carefully when others are speaking, avoiding interrupting or talking over others. Furthermore, good manners require one to be patient and understanding, especially when dealing with people who have different opinions or lifestyles.

In conclusion, good manners are essential in enhancing social interactions and creating a pleasant social environment. They involve showing respect and consideration for others, proper etiquette in social situations, and building positive relationships. Good manners are not just a set of rules to follow but a way of life that reflects kindness, empathy, and consideration for others. By practicing good manners, individuals can create a more harmonious and enjoyable social environment for everyone.

Good Manners Essay Example #2

Moreover, good manners also include being courteous and considerate towards others’ feelings and needs. For instance, respecting others’ privacy and space, avoiding offensive language or gestures, and not criticizing others in public. These are some of the essential aspects of good manners that can help us maintain healthy relationships with others.

Common examples of good manners include saying “please” and “thank you,” holding doors open for others, and not interrupting when someone else is speaking. These small gestures of kindness can have a significant impact on our daily interactions with others. Saying “please” and “thank you” can show appreciation and respect for others, while holding doors open for others can demonstrate our willingness to help and support others.

Practicing good manners can help build strong relationships and create a positive social environment. It can help individuals feel valued, respected, and appreciated, which can lead to more significant opportunities and success in life. Good manners can also help individuals develop a positive reputation, which can lead to more significant social and professional opportunities.

Good Manners Essay Example #3

Good manners are a fundamental aspect of our daily lives. They are essential in showing respect and consideration towards others in our communities. In essence, good manners are the building blocks of healthy relationships, both personal and professional. Good manners range from simple acts of kindness to more complex social behaviors. In this essay, we will delve into the importance of good manners and how they contribute to better relationships, social success, and a positive reputation.

One of the most important aspects of good manners is showing respect and consideration towards others. This means displaying empathy and understanding towards people’s feelings and opinions. Good manners entail being courteous, polite, and refraining from using offensive language. For instance, saying “please” and “thank you” when requesting or receiving something is a simple gesture that goes a long way in showing appreciation and gratitude.

Good manners are also about using polite language when interacting with others. It is essential to use phrases such as “excuse me” when trying to get someone’s attention or “I’m sorry” when apologizing for a mistake. Using polite language when speaking to others creates a positive environment that fosters healthy relationships.

Moreover, having a positive reputation is crucial in today’s society. People with good manners are often perceived as trustworthy and dependable, which can lead to more opportunities in both personal and professional settings. In conclusion, practicing good manners is essential in creating a positive environment that fosters healthy relationships, increased social success, and a more positive reputation.

In conclusion, good manners are essential in every aspect of our daily lives. They are a reflection of our character and how we treat others. Practicing good manners involves showing respect and consideration towards others, using polite language, and respecting other people’s space and property. By practicing good manners, we can create a positive environment that fosters healthy relationships, increased social success, and a more positive reputation.

About Mr. Greg

English Compositions

Short Essay on Good Manners [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this lesson, I will show you how to write short essays on Good Manners . These essays will be written in very simple words for a better understanding of all kinds of students. 

Table of Contents

  • Short Essay on Good Manners in 100 words 
  • Short Essay on Good Manners in 200 words 
  • Short Essay on Good Manners in 400 words 

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Short Essay on Good Manners in 100 words

A person’s outward bearing and his behaviour towards another person is described as his manner. Someone with good manners will be polite, and respectful and care about how others feel. While someone else who has bad manners is going to be rude, disrespectful, irresponsible and inconsiderate. A person learns his manners when he is still a child.

Our parents, grandparents, family members and teachers help us understand the right way to be and behave, and thus, help us cultivate good manners. Some examples of good manners are saying “please”, “thank you” and “sorry”, holding doors open for others and helping elders cross the road. A person who has good manners is going to be well-liked by his friends, colleagues and employers. Good manners take a person far in life. 

Short Essay on Good Manners in 200 words

Manners stand for a person’s outward bearing, his demeanour and the way he behaves towards another person. Someone who has good manners is going to be polite, respectful and care about how others feel. He would be gentle in his demeanour and would help others. Someone else who has bad manners is going to be rude, disrespectful, irresponsible and wouldn’t bother about how others feel. He would be harsh, inconsiderate and ungrateful. 

Having good manners is very important. A person learns his manners when he is still a child. His parents, grandparents, school teachers as well as the society in which he grows up play an important role in his behavioural development. A child should always be taught good manners like respecting his elders, being honest, being kind, gentle and compassionate as well as being giving and helping. A child with good manners grows up into a good adult who is well-liked and respected amongst his friends and colleagues. 

Good manners take a person far in life. Some examples of good manners are saying “please”, “thank you” and “sorry”, holding doors open for others, helping elders cross the road, being disciplined and punctual as well as treating everyone with respect irrespective of their social status. When we are respectful and kind towards others, other people also respect us and treat us kindly. Manners tell a lot about a person and his upbringing. Hence, we must always focus on cultivating good manners. 

Short Essay on Good Manners in 400 words

A person’s outward bearing and his behaviour towards another person is described as his manner. A person who is kind, gentle, polite, respectful and who cares about how others feel has good manners. On the other hand, a person who is rude to others is irresponsible, inconsiderate and disrespectful, and has bad manners.

The manners of a person can tell us a lot about them as well as their upbringing. A person learns his manners when he is still a child. His parents, grandparents, school teachers as well as the society in which he grows up play an important role in his behavioural development. 

Having good manners is important. A child learns how to be and behave by copying his parents and other elders. So, parents and family members of a child need to be mindful of their own behaviour. When parents treat other people with kindness and respect, the child learns to do the same. When parents are abusive and disrespectful, the child copies their negative behaviour.

A child should always be taught good manners like respecting his elders, being honest, being kind, gentle and compassionate as well as being giving and helping. Not using bad words, not abusing others, being tolerant of others and being warm and welcoming are good manners. A child with good manners grows up into a good adult who is well-liked and respected amongst his friends and colleagues. After all, no one likes to hang out or work with people who are rigid and rude or who say offensive things without caring about other people’s feelings. 

Good manners are not the things one does in a forced manner. It is not about social protocols or rules that need to be followed. Instead, it is about the kindness and respectful attitude that comes naturally to a person, that the person displays in his day-to-day life while dealing with other people.

Some examples of good manners are saying “please”, “thank you”, “excuse me” and “sorry”, holding doors open for others, helping elders carry their luggage or cross the road, being disciplined and punctual as well as treating everyone with respect irrespective of their social status. When we are respectful and kind towards others, other people also respect us and treat us kindly. This creates a joyful atmosphere and makes everyone happy. 

Good manners take a person far in life. We must always try to cultivate good manners and let go of our bad habits and manners. 

In this session, three essays have been written on the same topic covering different word limits relevant for various exams. Hopefully, after going through this session, you have a holistic idea about this very topic. You can let me know your doubts through some quick comments below. Join us on Telegram to get all the latest updates on our upcoming seasons. Thanks for being with us. 


10 Lines on Good Manners

Good manners can be described as behaviour of a person with other people, with courtesy and politeness. Good manners transform a human being into a civilized human being. Good manners define a behavioural pattern which is socially accounted and acceptable as well as respected. Teaching good manners to the children is a process which is nearly associated with the overall development of their personality.

Child first learns manners at home through his elders, he sees them while they are present in the home, from the instructions and examples which we give to him, a basic understanding is developed in his mind that how should I behave and interact with others.

Ten Lines on Good Manners in English

We are giving 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on good manners in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. After going through these lines, you will be able to understand about need for having good manners. It will also help you in writing your essay and paragraph in exam or in any competition.

1) Good manners tell us how we must behave with others in a respectful and a polite way.

2) It includes our thinking, behaviour, gesture and way of talking with others.

3) It converts a normal human being into a civilized well-being or a nobleman.

4) Good manners are inculcated in the children at a very young age.

5) While teaching good manners to children, always quote examples, as examples are the best way to make them learn.

6) Always stand and greet when someone comes to your home and at the time when he leaves.

7) Always ask “May I” before taking something from someone and always reply with “Please” if someone asks to take something from you.

8) When someone offers something to you, in order to greet him reply with “Thank You”.

9) When a child wants to say something, before that say “Excuse Me”, never interrupt two persons while they are talking.

10) Don’t try to impose your opinion on others, respect their opinion and listen to them also.

10 Lines and Sentences on Good Manners

1) Before entering into somebody’s room always knock the door as it is also considered a good manner.

2) When you have done some mistake; then always say “Sorry” to apologize to others.

3) Look for any kind of opportunity or occasion to compliment others; it helps you in having healthy relationships.

4) Always share your things with others, this shows how caring you are for others.

5) There is a general perception to ‘give respect and take respect’ i.e. treat others in that manner so that you get the same treatment from others.

6) Having food together with your family is a good manner, as some table manners are related with this and by doing so a child will learn those manners.

7) Shake hands and say “Hello” to others or “Namaste” to the elders whenever you meet them.

8) While talking to others don’t be harsh, be calm and polite with them and always talk good.

9) If you want to go out, ask your parents for permission and if they allow you to go then only you proceed, it also applies with your teachers in school.

10) You must try to be obedient and always follow what your parents are asking you to do.

10 Lines on Good Manners

5 Sentences on Good Manners

1) It means behaving properly.

2) Children should be taught good manners.

3) People respect a person with good manners.

4) Good manners make us good humans.

5) We should learn good manners from elders.

20 Lines on Good Manners

1) Good manners refer to how you make others feel good, loved and respected.

2) Saying please, thank you, you first, sorry and good morning are some of the good manners.

3) Any person acting in a socially acceptable way is known to possess good manners.

4) Giving up your bus seat to the elderly is a kind of good manner.

5) Holding/opening the door for someone in restaurant/office/school is also a good manner.

6) Listening politely and speaking only when the other person is finished, is a good manner.

7) Different situations demand different types of good manners as per the situation.

8) Not talking loudly and always talking in polite voice is a good manner.

9) Helping others in need, like helping a blind man to cross the road is a good manner.

10) Never bullying, making fun or harassing anyone is a good manner.

11) Good manners are very essential qualities for a person to be socially acceptable.

2) Good manners make a person to be loved and respected by friends, family and others.

13) We must practice good manners everyday so that they become a habit.

14) Good manners make you more popular and acceptable by an individual or the society.

15) Never interrupting a conversation between two people is a good manner.

16) Always saying sorry when you have unknowingly harmed or hurt them, is also a good manner.

17) Thanking God before taking food is a good table manner.

18) Waiting for everyone to be served the meal, before start eating, is also a good table manner.

19) Eating with your lips closed and always passing on food to others is a good table manner.

20) Good manners are like your gateway to the society and social recognition.

By adopting good manners, one can bring a change in his personality and will attract others also. Having good manners helps you to make friends and brighten the atmosphere. Good manners give you success in your life as they are more important to be successful because people will soon forget how successful you are, but will remember how you behaved with them.

Essay on Good Manners

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Essay on Good Manners in English for Students

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Essay on Good Manners in English: Good manners are very necessary to have for a person in order to live a happy, disciplined and peaceful life as well as get success in any field. Teachers generally assign their students to write something (paragraph, short essay or long essay) on good manners in the classroom during class tests or exam. It is a nice topic which can help students to be aware of all the good manners as well as encourage them to inculcate such manners.

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Long and Short Essay on Good Manners in English

So, we have provided here various paragraphs, short essays and long essays on good manners under different word limits. You can select any of the good manners paragraph or good manners essay according to your need and requirement.

Good Manners Essay 100 words

Good manner means having polite or well-bred social behavior by the people. Having good manners in life matters a lot for living a social life. It should be inculcated especially in children from childhood. Behaving in well or bad manner is the most important part of the human nature and life. Good manners help us in getting respect and dignity in the society whereas bad manners defame us. Good manners help us to develop good habits which improve the physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being (thus overall development of the society) of person. A well behaving man, having all the good manners, is becomes the important citizen in the society as he never hurts the feelings of others.

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Good Manners Essay 150 words

Good manner is the well behaving manner of the person which adds good impression on others as well as gives good feeling and confidence about oneself. Practicing good manners is very important for all of us and it is good if we do it from childhood with the help of parents and guardians. We must follow all the good manners whether we are at home, school, college, office, tourist places, or with friends.

Good manners are more than opening doors and writing thank you notes. Being polite and courteous to others shows our real behavior, thinking and mind level. It attracts people’s mind and attention if they get respect from us. Being a well behaved person, we set a standard for others too which encourage them to practice good manner and behave well. It is not easy to follow all the good manners for everyone however can be easily followed after practicing well.

Good Manners Essay 200 words

Man is considered as the most intelligent creation of God on the earth as he lives in the society as well as he has capacity to think, talk and act accordingly. So, he must know how to behave well and practice good manners to behave well with others in the society. Parents must teach their kids how should they behave with family members, neighbors, teachers, etc., and respect the views of others. Being a well behaved person, one must be polite, gentle, disciplined, and sweet. Some people behave well with sweet words only in front but behind they talk bad, that is not the good manner.

Good manners help a person to show the same character; both, in front and behind of people. The words and behavior of a good mannered person never changes and remain same in all conditions. Well mannered people know well that how to show or explain the bitter truth with sweet words. People, who lack good manners generally, have sharp and clever tongue. Bad people always behave roughly and abuse others without any reason. They never hesitate to behave badly in the society. They show that they lack a good culture, society and discipline, thus they hated everywhere. And good mannered people are honored everywhere.

Good Manners Essay 250 words

Good manner can be defined as behaving well with courtesy and politeness to show correct public behaviour to the people living in society. Some of the good manners are like polite, courteous, humble, respectful and well-cultured social behavior found in some people. Any of the men or women is distinguished and recognized in the society by his/her good manners. A person is known in the society not only for his intelligence but also for his behavior and manners.

Importance of Good Manners in our Life

Good manners are very important in our daily and every parent must teach their children the good manners and importance of them in life. Good manners are required to create an effective interaction with friends as well as make a good impression on them. It helps us to remain positive throughout the day. We must use the magic words like “sorry”, “please”, “thank you”, “excuse me”, etc whenever required without getting late in order to maintain a happy relationship. Parents must help their kids to essentially practice such words to behave well in everyday life. These words show the feeling of sorry, happy, appreciation and respect to the people.

Good manner open the door to new conversation with people and opportunities in life. If someone talks to you with rudeness, don’t talk him in his way, just talk him in your way of behaving well as rudeness creates rudeness.

Practicing good manners is necessary to be a great and noble personality in the society. It maintains the positivity in our soul and mind. Our good behavior shows our ideal force of character. We should show respect and reverence to people to create positive interaction.

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Good Manners Essay 300 words

Good manners are very necessary in life as they help us to behave well in the society with people as well as help us to maintain smooth, easy and positive relationship. Help us to win the heart of people in the crowd and give us a unique personality. Good manner makes us person of pleasing and obeying nature which is genuinely loved and appreciated by all in the society.

What are Good Manners?

A person with good manners shows respects towards feelings and sentiments of people living around. He/she never differentiates people and shows equal regard and kindness to everyone whether elder or younger than him. Modesty and courtesy are the essential traits of a well behaving person. He/she never feel proud or arrogant and always take care of the feelings of other people. Practicing good manners and following them all through the day bring sunshine and add qualities to the life. He/she always becomes mentally happy as good manners enrich his/her personality.

Teaching good manners to all the students is a boon to them and country from parents and teachers as they are the bright future. Lack of good manners among youths of the country lead them at the wrong path. Practicing good manners cost nothing but pay us a lot all through the life. Some of the good manners are like:

  • Thank you: we must say thank you whenever we receive anything from someone.
  • Please: we must say please while requesting for something to others.
  • We should always support people who are in pain.
  • should always accept the mistakes and say sorry without hesitation.
  • We should be disciplined and punctual in daily life.
  • should always compliment others for their good behaviour and qualities.
  • We must listen to people very attentively who are talking to us.
  • should take permission before touching or using the things of someone else.
  • We should always respond with a smile to other’s questions.
  • should never interrupt between the meetings of elders and must wait for our turn.
  • We must be respectful to the elders (whether in family, relationship or neighbors), parents and teachers.
  • Excuse me: we must say excuse me while getting attention for something.
  • We must knock the door before entering to other’s home or bedroom.

Good manners are vital to us for getting popularity and success in life as nobody likes a mischief person. Good manners are like tonic to the people living in society as practicing them take nothing but benefits a lot whole life. People with polite and pleasant nature always asked by the large number of people as they put magnetic influence over them. Thus, we must practice and follow good manners.

Good Manners Essay 400 words

Good manner is very significant to the people living in society. People can benefited from the good manners in many ways at home, school, office or other places. People with good manners must have courtesy, politeness and respect to others and themselves too. Good manner is all which we behave well with others with humble respect. Bad behaviour never gives happy feelings to self and others. Just think that how sad and disrespected we will feel when someone is talking to our friend and turning his back to us.

Good mannered people are always liked and get respect and fame in the society as they behave well in same manner with all (good or bad). They consider the feelings of other people and always become kind. Teachers teach the lesson of good manners to their students in the classroom and instruct them to follow all that at all places forever. Parents also should help their kids at home to learn good manners properly as what kids learn in their childhood carry all through the life. We must first behave to others like what we wish in return from others. According to the Golden Rule “We should treat people the way we would like other people to treat us”. If we treat people with respect, we too will treated in the same way by them.

Following good manners everywhere we go, we can better encourage people to behave well in the same manner to everyone. Some of the important good manners we can practice in our daily life are like:

  • We must learn the habit of sharing (but not grabbing) things to others.
  • should be helpful, polite and humble to others at all places.
  • We must use ‘sorry’, ‘please’, ‘thank you’, ‘excuse me’ and ‘time wish’ whenever required.
  • must respect the property of others and always take permission before using.
  • We must help our family members in completing their chores.
  • must be responsible and self dependent for everything whether at home or outside the home.
  • We must behave well with humble respect to our teachers, parents, other elders and senior citizens.
  • should not interfere between elder’s talk and must wait for our turn.
  • We should hold the door open when someone is coming in and must hold his/her load if he/she is carrying something.
  • should maintain cleanliness at home, school, and all other public places.
  • We should not use offensive language to others at home or public place.
  • must leave the seat for senior citizens while using public transport.
  • We should never make fun of anyone as everyone has feelings and respect.
  • should not use mobile phone unnecessarily while being in group or public place.
  • We should chew food properly and don’t talk to anyone while eating.

Following good manners not only increase the respect in people’s mind but also make us pleasant from inside. It creates the good impression in society, school, sports team, friends group and family. Life becomes much more pleasant day by day. Practicing good manners take nothing but give much more all through the life. We must practice good manners as well as encourage others to practice for the welfare of oneself, family, society and nation.

FAQs on Good Manners

What is good manners?

Good manner can be defined as behaving well with courtesy and politeness to show correct public behaviour to the people living in society.

Write good manners essay.

Write short paragraph on good manners..

Good manners help us in getting respect and dignity in the society whereas bad manners defame us. Good manners help us to develop good habits which improve the physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being (thus overall development of the society) of person.

Why is good manners important for children?

Good manners are very important in our daily and every parent must teach their children the good manners and importance of them in life.

How to show good manners?

There are different ways to show good manners, but some basic ones include: Saying please and thank you. Listening when others are speaking. Respecting personal space. Being considerate of others

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Short & Long Paragraph On Good Manners For Students

Paragraph on good manners In English For 3, 5, 7, and 10 class students. You will find here 100 and 150 words of good manners paragraph writing examples for study and exercise.

A man is nothing without good manners. Best manners include those habits which make a person civilized, mature, and sensible.

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Good Manners Paragraph Writing Example in English For Children & Students

Manners teach a man how to behave and act in specific situations. They reflect the personality and strong background of a man.

Good manners also mean showing respect and consideration for the feelings of others. He cares for the happiness of others rather than his own.

Children should learn good manners from childhood, and it is the duty of parents to teach them the importance of good manners for a successful and respectful life.

Good manners Paragraph

1. Importance Of Good Manners

Nowadays, good manners are especially important because our younger generation has started to lose them.

Young adults lack respect for their elders, which clearly shows that good manners have been disappearing fast.

That is why corruption , crime, bribery, and snatching have found their roots in society. Our younger generation has become arrogant and insolent because of a lack of manners, and they have lost their way.

It is very important to have good manners in society. They make a person civilized enough to live in society and maintain peaceful relations among people.

People who have good manners are liked more and they are treated with respect. A man who has bad manners is not liked by anyone. No one likes a mindless person and does not like to talk to them.

There are no institutes where one can learn manners. It is a self-learned process in which we get to learn slowly by observing others.

At first, we learn good manners from our parents because home is the first learning institution for every kid. As we grow up, we learn manners from the people around us. If a child is taught manners from a young age, then it will be easy for him to maintain good behavior throughout his life.

2. Good Manners At School

1. Teachers are mentors of students, so a child should always respect their teachers.

2. They should always be greeted with respect.

3. He should always be punctual.

4. He should always help his fellow students without any expectation of reward.

3. Good Manners At Home

1. At home , we should always respect our parents.

2. We must always keep our hearts clean and forgive others, even if they have done us wrong.

3. We should always speak the truth.

4. It is important to maintain proper hygiene, so one must wash their hands before eating a meal and take a bath daily.

5. We should always get permission before using others’ stuff.

6. If we have made some mistake, then it is our duty to apologize.

7. When someone offers us something, it is our duty to always say “Thank you.”

8. When the elderly enter your room, stand up.

9. Allow others to pass through the door.

10. We should not impose our ideas on others. It is important to respect other people’s views.

4. Conclusion

Good manners are a very precious element of life, and without them, a person has no personality. They make a man a useful member of society and bring grace to one’s life. It is important to understand that if we want to be respected, then we must first learn to respect others.

5+ Paragraphs About Good Manners

1. good manners paragraph in 100 words.

It’s important to know and practice good manners when you’re around other people. The basics of good manners include being courteous to others, speaking respectfully, and acting considerately. It would be best if you also treated everyone with the same level of respect and kindness.

Greet people with a smile, offer your seat if you’re standing, and hold doors for others if they struggle. A polite person is easy to be around, so use these tips to improve your manners!

2. Short Paragraph About Good Manners in 150 Words

Manners can be defined as the social norms and rules governing conduct in a community, country, or organization. Manners are also considered good manners, which are the behaviors that are expected of people in a social setting. When someone exhibits good manners, it means that he or she has taken the time to learn the proper behavior in various situations. Good manners help foster a sense of unity among people and set an example for others to follow.

There are many different types of good manners. For example, there is the etiquette of eating, which includes such things as how to use utensils and plates, which food is served on, and how much to eat when. There is also table manners, which cover everything from how to sit at a table to whether or not one should drink from their own glass while at the table.

In addition, there are other types of good manners that include being respectful toward others, speaking politely, and using common courtesy when communicating with others. All of these different types of good manners help make communities and societies more cohesive and harmonious.

3. Paragraph On Good Manners For Class 6

Good manners are a way of demonstrating respect for others and yourself. They include both positive behaviors, such as using polite language and being on time, as well as negative behaviors, such as interrupting someone or being disrespectful. They can be seen in everything from how you greet people to how you dress, act, and eat your food.

There are many ways to learn good manners: by watching other people, by reading books, by role-playing with a friend, and by practicing them yourself. It’s important to start young because the more you practice them, the better you will get at it.

Everyone has different levels of good manners. Some people are naturally courteous, while others may need more time to develop these skills. The best thing is never to stop trying!

4. Good Manners in School Paragraph For Class 4

Manners are important in school because they set the tone for all interactions. There are many good manners that you can learn and practice. For example, it is polite to say “please” and “thank you” when someone helps you.

It is also polite to stand when someone enters a room and to hold the door open for people who need help with their bags or packages. Other good manners include keeping your hands, feet, and belongings to yourself when others are around and not talking with your mouth full.

There are more than just good manners to keep in mind, though. There are also bad manners that can make you look unkempt or unprofessional. Yeah..you should be aware of how this works:

1) Never talk on your cell phone in class 2) Don’t leave your drink unattended 3) Don’t smoke during class 4) Don’t chew gum or have food in your mouth (food can get stuck in braces and dental work)

5. Good Manners In classroom Paragraphs

Good manners are essential for classroom success. Not only does it show respect for teachers and classmates, but it also helps to foster a positive learning environment.

It’s important to be on your best behavior not only when you’re in school but also when you’re on the go. When you’re out and about, always be mindful of your surroundings and show consideration for others. Be sure to share the sidewalk with walkers, give up your seat or stop to let someone pass if they need to get around you.

This will not only make you a respectful member of society, it will also help keep your community clean and safe.

While good manners aren’t always easy to practice, there are a few ways you can help encourage them in your classroom:

1. Be attentive: Pay attention during class and make sure that everyone has the opportunity to contribute and learn.

2. Be respectful: Treat others with kindness, empathy, and respect at all times; this includes not calling students by their full names (i.e., “Joey” instead of “John Doe”), referring to adults as “Mr./Ms. Teacher/Principal/Assistant Principal” etc.

3. Be polite: Speak respectfully and listen carefully at all times; this includes using appropriate language (i.e., no profanity), not interrupt

6. Good Manners at Home Paragraph For class 7

It is very easy to learn good manners at home. We are taught from an early age what is expected of us in public. The same rules apply at home as well as at school, work, and other places you may visit. When we are out and about, we observe how people behave.

We see them listening to each other, saying please and thank you, and following the rules of common courtesy. Some people are naturally more polite than others. You can learn a lot simply by observing how others behave. Many children go through a period of rebellion when they reach adolescence. Often they want to do things their way instead of following the rules of good manners.

They may run away from home or act rudely towards others. A period of rebellion should be treated as a time to learn good manners and respect for authority figures. This usually only lasts for a few years before they become more respectful adults.

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Importance of Good Manners Essay

Manners are something we use every day to make a good impression on others and to feel good about ourselves. Practising good manners is important no matter where we are – at home, work, or with friends. Good manners are ways of treating people so that people feel better about themselves and about each other. Good manners cost us nothing but may win almost everything. If we show good manners to others, then we are more likely to encourage others to behave in the same way towards us. This ‘Importance of Good Manners Essay’ will help students to build good manners in their behaviour.

Students can also go through the list of CBSE Essays on different topics. It will help them to improve their writing skills and also help them to take part in different essay writing competitions conducted at the school level.

500+ Words Importance of Good Manners Essay

Good manners create respect, loyalty and gratitude in society. It attributes to a good social structure. Being well-mannered means acknowledging people each time we meet them. Good manners are a sure key to success. They help in making friends, winning over people and obtaining appreciation and admiration. Following the rules of the road, respecting the queues, helping the weak and old people, and saying ‘thank you’, ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘excuse me’ are a few examples of exhibiting good manners. When we give someone else our seat on a crowded bus, when we hold the door open for another person to walk through, when we wait for our turn, when we walk on the right-hand side of the mall or sidewalk, when we knock before opening the closed door of a room – all of these are also examples of good manners.

Good Manners at School

Childhood is the best period for learning and imbibing good manners. It is in the early formative years that good conduct, behaviour and manners are nurtured and developed. Good manners are learnt early in life. A child born in a cultured family will learn to be respectful to others because he will see his elders behaving gently.

In school, while interacting with teachers, children should listen attentively, raise their hands before speaking during lessons, make eye contact, and be polite when talking. Kids should also treat their peers well by listening when they speak and respecting their personal space. Respecting the classroom is another way to practise good manners. Even when children are playing outside, they can still keep manners in mind. Encourage children to invite another child, who is playing alone, to join the group game or activity.

Social Implications of Good Manners

Good manners are very necessary for progress in life. They help a person to win the favour and confidence of others. They are a sure passport to success in life. An ill-mannered person, on the other hand, is disliked by everyone and has no chance of success in any walk of life. They may be wealthy, great warriors, or intellectuals, but without manners, they can hardly win the respect of others. Good manners endear people to each other. Practising good manners on a daily basis makes life more pleasant.

The norms of human behaviour change in our fast-changing social life, but the status of ‘good manners’ remains constant. Good manners are closely linked to moral values. Basic manners are good to use everywhere, and that care and attention to manners should start at home, among all family members.

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Short Paragraph on Good Manners in 200 Words

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Short Paragraph on Good Manners for All Students

As human beings, we need to have some good manners in our life. These manners help us to become a better person. When you have lots of good manners then people will love you automatically. Let’s take a look at some important manners that we need to have in our regular life.

First of all, we need to become truthful. Truthfulness is a very important virtue in human character. It helps us to make a good position in society as an honest person. Then we need to have a broad mentality and need to share things with everyone. We need to become polite, humble, and gentle with everyone around us.

We need to ask for forgiveness when we make mistakes. Our behavior carries the sides of our character. It is important to keep respect for everyone around us. Before using someone else property, we need to take permission from them. Our parents are the most important person in our life, we need to love and take care of them.

Need to bring some rules and regulation in our life to make life better. First of all, we need to follow a daily routine and make a proper schedule for study and works. Get up early in the morning and sleep early too. All these good manners can change our life in a positive way.

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    Be polite: Speak respectfully and listen carefully at all times; this includes using appropriate language (i.e., no profanity), not interrupt. 6. Good Manners at Home Paragraph For class 7. It is very easy to learn good manners at home. We are taught from an early age what is expected of us in public.

  19. Essay on Good Manners in 300, 400, 500, 600 Words for Class 1-10

    Essay on Good Manners in 600 Words. Introduction: Good manners are some real-life lessons that anybody can learn from anywhere in the world. We need to use some manners in school, at home, and in public places. These manners will build our future characteristics. With our good manners, we can prove how gentle we are.

  20. 10 Lines on Good Manners in English

    10 Lines on Good Manners for Class 1, 2, 3. 1. Helping others is a good manner. 2. We need to practice these manners for making our society beautiful. 3. Having good manners is important when we want to live a social life. 4. These manners help us to grow good habits.

  21. Paragraph on Good Manners for Students

    Short Paragraph on Good Manners in 100 Words. As a human, we need to have a few good manners. The most important good manners are being honest, telling truth, forgiveness, and kindness. We should respect our elders and love the younger. Have to speak truth whatever the situation is. I need to become kind to every people.

  22. Importance of Good Manners Essay for Students in English

    Good manners create respect, loyalty and gratitude in society. It attributes to a good social structure. Being well-mannered means acknowledging people each time we meet them. Good manners are a sure key to success. They help in making friends, winning over people and obtaining appreciation and admiration.

  23. Short Paragraph on Good Manners in 200 Words

    First of all, we need to become truthful. Truthfulness is a very important virtue in human character. It helps us to make a good position in society as an honest person. Then we need to have a broad mentality and need to share things with everyone. We need to become polite, humble, and gentle with everyone around us.