• PhD Study in Sweden – A Guide for 2024

Written by Mark Bennett

A PhD in Sweden is an opportunity to study in a country that combines a historic higher education system with a culture of ingenuity and invention. The country’s universities date back to the fifteenth century, whilst Swedish brands and technologies such as Spotify, IKEA and Bluetooth continue to shape the modern world.

This covers what you need to know about PhD study in Sweden , including information on applications, funding opportunities and doctoral fees (spoiler: there aren’t any).

PhD opportunities in Sweden – what’s on offer for 2024?

If the goal for your doctorate is to produce original and potentially innovative work (it should be) then a PhD in Sweden may well be the ideal choice.

Like its Scandinavian neighbours, Sweden is also a highly tolerant country, with progressive and inclusive laws that support LGBT rights and welcome international students and visitors.

Here's some reasons to consider a PhD in Sweden for international students:

  • Creativity and originality – You may not discover the next big music streaming solution (and even a PhD may not help you understand *that step* in those IKEA instructions) but your doctoral research will be right at home in a country that celebrates free-thinking and supports new ideas
  • Prize-winning research - Sweden's status as the home of the Nobel Prize (with 34 winners) reflects its proud history of recognising and rewarding research, excellence and innovation
  • No PhD fees – Swedish PhD programmes normally charge no tuition fees to their students (regardless of nationality)
  • Historic (and respected) universities – Higher education in Sweden dates back to the 1400s and the country’s universities are well placed in modern rankings, with particular specialisms in Medicine, Life Sciences and related subjects

We’ve studiously avoided making any ABBA references in this section, but if you want a university to take a chance on your research proposal and eventually give you, give you, give you a PhD without charging much money, money, money for fees*. . . well, there are worse destinations to choose than Sweden.

*We're sorry.

PhD Study in Sweden - Key Details
4 years
August to June

Swedish universities

There are 39 state-funded universities and equivalent institutions in Sweden, alongside a smaller number of privately funded higher education providers.

Degrees are organised using a three-cycle system , in common with the wider European Higher Education Area . Your PhD in Sweden will be a third-cycle qualification , usually taking place after Bachelors (first cycle) and Masters (second cycle) study.

Universities and university colleges

Higher education providers in Sweden are divided into two types:

  • Universities ( universitet ) are large institutions awarding degrees in a broad range of subjects. They carry out original research alongside academic teaching and therefore have the capacity to support and train PhD students.
  • University colleges ( högskola ) focus on technical and professional training, often in applied sciences and related subjects. They are less likely to award PhDs but may do so in certain subject areas.

The distinction between these two categories isn’t always obvious or clear from an institution’s name (university colleges may simply refer to themselves as universities). The good news is that you don’t need to worry too much about it. As a PhD student you’re likely to end up studying at a university, but the smaller number of doctoral programmes offered by university colleges are equally rigorous and respected.

Swedish university rankings

Sweden is home to one of Europe’s top-performing higher education systems, at least so far as university rankings are concerned. Of the 38 universities in Sweden, 10 rank within the current Times Higher Education world top 400.

Top 10 Swedish Universities in 2024
University THE 2024 QS 2024 ARWU 2023
Karolinska Institute 50 - 37
KTH Royal Institute of Technology =97 =73 201-300
Lund University =106 =85 151-200
Uppsala University =140 105 82
Stockholm University =185 118 98
Chalmers University of Technology 189 129 401-500
University of Gothenburg 201-250 187 101-150
Linköping University 251-300 =268 301-400
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 301-350 - 301-400
Umeå University 401-500 =465 601-700
World University Rankings, and . Visit their websites for more information.

Do rankings matter for PhD study?

University rankings can help you choose a PhD project or programme, provided you know what to look at. Our guide explains how to use rankings as a prospective postgraduate.

PhD structure

A PhD in Sweden represents the highest level of academic achievement for students. As in other countries, the emphasis is on your independent research towards an original thesis that makes a new contribution to knowledge in your field.

Swedish doctoral degrees

Doctoral level study in Sweden takes one of two forms:

A standard PhD in Sweden requires a minimum of four years full-time work (equivalent to 240 ECTS credits ) and awards a full doctorate (along with the all-important title of ‘doctor’).

Alternatively, you may choose to study for a shorter licentiate degree. This generally only requires two years of full-time work towards a shorter and less ambitious thesis (equivalent to 120 ECTS credits ). The Swedish licentiate is similar to the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) offered in the UK or other countries and some students initially enrol for this qualification before upgrading to become full PhD candidates.

The academic year in Sweden runs from August to June with two teaching terms (August to January and January to June) separated by summer and winter holidays. As a PhD student you’ll normally work more flexibly throughout the year, but some additional courses and other activities may be linked to specific teaching periods.


You’ll complete your PhD (or licentiate) with the support of two or more expert supervisors whose job it will be to guide your work. Their roles will vary slightly depending on your field:

  • Supervisors for Arts , Humanities and some Social Science projects will serve primarily as mentors. They won’t be directly involved in your research, but they will be able to advise on the direction your project is taking.
  • Supervisors for Science , Technology , Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) projects may also be carrying out similar research as the lead or principal investigator for the laboratory or research group your PhD is part of. This means they may also work alongside you or even collaborate on some experiments. However, your PhD thesis will still be an independent piece of work, based on your personal findings and analysis.

You’ll always have at least two PhD supervisors, one of whom will be the principal supervisor for your PhD. Some universities also appoint additional assistant supervisors with responsibility for specific tasks (such as training or pastoral care and support).

Your supervisors’ roles and expectations will be set by your university. As a minimum they’ll usually include arranging regular progress meetings, reviewing results and drafts and supporting you as you prepare to submit your thesis. Some additional responsibilities might include identifying and fulfilling training needs or assisting with other aspects of your professional and academic development.

PhD supervision

Our guides explain how to choose (and contact ) a PhD supervisor and introduce the working relationship you'll have with yours as a doctoral student.

Programme structure

Your main focus during a PhD in Sweden will be the original research required for your thesis. You’ll normally begin by assessing the scholarship in your subject (a literature review) before moving on to collecting sources or experimental data and eventually writing up your conclusions and results.

Some universities also offer more structured training alongside your research. This may involve attending short courses and / or attending short courses on research methods and other useful skills for your project.

It’s also common for PhD students at Swedish universities to serve as junior academic staff within their departments or faculties as part of their funding arrangements. If so, you’ll also have additional duties such as teaching or demonstrating.

Assessment and examinations

The assessment of a Swedish PhD is based on the quality of the doctoral thesis you submit at the end of your research. This needs to demonstrate that your work has been original, that it has made a significant contribution to your subject and that you have personally been responsible for designing and carrying out the research involved.

All of these qualities will be formally assessed during a final public defence of your thesis.

This is similar to the viva voce used in the UK and other countries but follows a slightly different procedure. Instead of being examined in private, you will present your thesis to an examining committee in front of an audience that may include other academics, fellow PhD students and your family and friends.

One of the committee will be an external expert (from outside your university) appointed to serve as your ‘opponent’. They will ask questions about your thesis and challenge you to explain your findings and conclusions. Other members of the committee (and audience) may also ask questions.

At the end of the examination your committee will decide whether or not you have successfully defended your thesis and can be awarded your PhD. This ‘live’ examination process may seem daunting, but you should think of it as an appropriate climax for your research, allowing you to assert your expertise and prove your qualification. It’s also quite rare for students to fail at this stage.

Masters study in Sweden

Looking to study a Masters in Sweden? We have all the information you need on our sister site, FindAMasters .

Fees and funding

There are no fees for PhD study in Sweden at state-funded universities (note that this doesn’t apply to Masters or Bachelors degrees). Doctoral programmes are free for EU, EEA and international (non EU) students.

The same applies to application fees – you don’t need to pay these for a PhD in Sweden.

You will need to cover your accommodation and living costs, but support may be available from your university to help with this.

Study grants

It’s common for PhD students in Sweden to also be recognised as staff, subject to an employment contract with their university. If applicable, this pays you to a salary known as a study grant ( utbildningsbidrag ) worth approximately €1,500 per month (but subject to tax).

Your employment status may vary during your PhD. For the first two years you will receive your study grant, but not be entitled to benefits and social security. For the final two years you will normally hold a full employment contract ( anställning ) and be entitled to support during illness, parental leave or other circumstances. More information will be available from your university.

In return for your study grant you will normally be required to carry out some responsibilities within your department, such as teaching undergraduates or assisting with administrative work.

PhD funding

Other scholarships and bursaries for PhD study in Sweden may also be available to help top up (or substitute for) a study grant.

The main source of PhD funding for international students in Sweden is the Swedish Institute (SI). They offer scholarships for students from specific regions including Turkey, the Balkans and the Baltic. More information is available on the official Study in Sweden website.

Other funding may be available from universities in Sweden, or from specific academic organisations and research charities relevant to your subject area. Our guides provide information on a range of PhD scholarships and other funding options .

Applying for a PhD in Sweden

You should apply directly to universities for PhD study in Sweden. How you do so will depend on the kind of project you are interested in:

  • PhDs in Science , Technology , Engineering and Mathematics will often be advertised as specific projects. You should view current opportunities and apply according to the guidelines set by specific adverts. This will often mean submitting a personal statement along with your academic CV and references .
  • Students in Arts , Humanities and Social Sciences are more likely to put forward their own project ideas. You’ll need to submit a strong research proposal , perhaps after contacting a potential supervisor for guidance and advice.

However you apply, make sure you check the specific requirements and procedure with your university.

Admissions requirements

Swedish universities are free to set their own entry requirements for PhD study . The minimum qualification will usually be a Bachelors degree in an appropriate subject, but a Masters is also desirable – particularly if you’re applying for funding.

Just as important as your previous qualifications will be your ability to demonstrate previous research experience . This could simply be the dissertation project for one or both of your previous degrees, but it’s important that you can show some preparation for the independent research you’ll be doing on your PhD.

The general eligibility criteria for PhD applications in Sweden is similar to most other countries in the EU.

Language requirements

A large proportion of teaching at Swedish universities takes place in English. This means you won’t necessarily need to know Swedish to study abroad in Sweden, but it’s worth checking with the specific university or department you plan to study within. Even if English isn’t required, picking up some language skills will help you settle in and enjoy your degree.

If English isn’t your first language you may need to submit a recognised test score . Exceptions might be made if you’ve completed a previous university degree taught in English.

Your university may invite you for an interview as part of the admissions process (in person, or online). This is a good sign! It means your application is suitably interesting and impressive and the university wants to hear more from you.

Student visas

Visa information for uk students in sweden.

UK students will no longer be EU citizens from the 2021-22 academic year onwards. This means you may be considered as an international student when studying in Sweden. You may be subject to different visa requirements and fee rates, unless otherwise stated.

You won’t need a visa to study in Sweden as a PhD student (student visas are required for visits of less than three months, but your PhD is guaranteed to take longer than this!).

EU, EEA and Nordic students

If you’re a citizen of an EU, EEA or Nordic country (a group that includes Finland, Denmark, Iceland and Norway as well as Sweden) you won’t need a residence permit to live in Sweden during your PhD. However, you will need to register with a local branch of the Swedish Tax Agency ( Skatteverket ).

You’ll need to bring your passport plus any marriage or birth certificates (if you are married and / or have children). You’ll also need to bring proof of admission to a Swedish university and a signed declaration that you have sufficient funds to live on during your PhD (the minimum requirement is €826 per month ).

Other international students

Students from countries outside the EU, EEA and Nordic group must formally apply for a residence permit in order to study in Sweden for longer than three months.

You can do this online. You’ll need to provide copies of your passport, along with proof that you have been admitted to a Swedish university, have paid the first instalment of your tuition fees and can support yourself financially during your PhD the minimum requirement is €826 per month ).

Health insurance

All students in Sweden will need full health insurance. If you already hold a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) you will normally be automatically covered. Alternatively, your university may provide cover as part of your study grant, or offer an affordable policy for you to purchase.

Sweden is a multicultural and inclusive country with plenty of opportunities for talented PhD graduates to apply their skills and expertise. Who knows – your work could be part of the next great Swedish innovation.

Can I work in Sweden after my PhD?

EU, EEA and Nordic students can live and work in Sweden without restriction. Other international students will need to apply for a post-study residence permit , allowing you to stay in Sweden for another six months as you look for work. To obtain this you’ll need to have completed your degree, still be in Sweden and hold a valid passport.

If you are successful in finding a job within six months, you can go on toapply for a work permit. Further information is available from the Swedish Migration Office .

Find a PhD in Sweden

Ready to start browsing some current PhD opportunities in Sweden ? Alternatively, you can look at our other guides to PhD study abroad .

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7 exciting scholarships in Sweden for international students

study for free in sweden

Ask graduates and many will say to study for free in Sweden is a dream come true for any international student. Why? First off, you’ll be part of a student-centric system, where relationships between students and teachers are very relaxed — you are even expected to call your teachers by their first names).

Another key reason is the famed Swedish education system. It focuses on your academic interests and values team players. Most degree programmes combine lectures with practical work in direct preparation for the job market.

In Sweden, you’ll also be surrounded by inspiring innovation. As one of the world’s most modern countries, it’s also where many successful corporations are founded. Spotify (now worth US$67 billion!), H&M, and IKEA are a few of the many businesses that have made it big. 

scholarships for Sweden

From unique food to breathtaking vistas, there are hundreds of reasons to study for free in Sweden. Source: Tom Little/AFP

More reasons you should study for free in Sweden

Sweden is just as green as it is innovative. It is known to be the most sustainable country in the world — some of this can be seen through their efforts through electric buses, urban farming, food banks, and encouraging beekeeping. 

We could go on and on but we’ll skip to the best part: if you’re an EU citizen, tuition fees are free. If you’re from a non-EU country, costs are approximately 7,500 euros to 25,000 euros a year (depending on the uni and programme).

This makes it cheaper than the 21,000 euros to 30,000 euros at public unis in the US. What’s more, PhD courses are free for all international students. 

Several scholarships — by the government and unis — make it possible for international candidates to study for free. We take a look at some below. 

ICLD 2022 Women’s Political Leadership for elected young women in developing countries

This is a 12-month training programme for women who hold an elected seat in their local government. This programme is open to women candidates in Albania, Botswana, Georgia, Indonesia, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Namibia, North Macedonia, Rwanda, Serbia, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, Vietnam, Zambia and Zimbabwe. It focuses on political leadership skills.

scholarships for Sweden

Many scholarships let you study for free in Sweden, home to innovative companies like Spotify. Source: Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP

The Swedish Institute Scholarships for global professionals

Offered the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden and the Swedish Institute, the programme provides a fully-funded journey for master’s candidates. If you are ambitious with a side of great expertise, this programme is for you. 

As a contribution to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , it seeks out scholars with a professional backgrounds from the following regions: Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the Middle East. 

Fully-Funded Rotary Peace Fellowships

Every year, Rotary chooses around 130 peace and development leaders around the globe for full academic fellowships related to peace and conflict resolutions. You can study for free at Sweden’s Uppsala University, pursuing an MSc in Peace and Conflict Studies. 

In the international relations field, the fellowship is for professionals with work experience in it. Demonstrating leadership skills and committing to cross-cultural understanding is a key here.

Erasmus Mundus Scholarships

The EU programme for education, training, youth and sports funds academic mobility and cooperation projects throughout the world. Sweden is part of this programme that helps cover tuition, travel, and living costs. 

Swedish Institute Management Programme (SIMP) Africa 

This programme brings together business leaders that have a mission for economic, environmental and socially sustainable change. Under this programme, you’ll gain knowledge to understand sustainable and responsible business preparing you for a role in leadership and change. 

Working on a sustainability challenge, you’ll be making a positive business impact. You can apply for this if you are a citizen of Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda or Zambia. 

Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) African Scholar Programme

This is targeted at researchers based in Africa who need time and an environment for their ongoing research. Spanning 12 months, the scholarship requires that you tackle topis such as climate change, sustainable development, conflict, security and democratic transformation, mobility and migration, and gender equality.

NAI Claude Ake Visiting Chair for researchers in African countries

This is intended for scholars (like the person it’s named after, Claude Ake) who are committed to social justice. For three months, you’ll be based at Uppsala University. This is open to social scientists working at African universities on problems related to war, peace, conflict resolution, human rights, democracy, and development on the African continent. 

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PhD studies at Uppsala University

Uppsala University, like most universities in Sweden, regards PhD students as employees. Rather than apply for a doctoral programme, candidates must apply for an available doctoral position. PhD applications are handled by the relevant department. In addition to postgraduate studies, doctoral students are usually offered some form of departmental duties such as administration or teaching for up to 20 per cent of their time.

Newly graduated doctors stand in the crowded university hall with wreaths on their heads

Apply for a PhD position

Open PhD positions at Uppsala University.

Programme content

Uppsala University’s PhD programmes are comprised of courses and a dissertation in which students carry out a unique and significant individual research project. The project may result in either a monograph thesis, which is a cohesive scientific work, or a compilation thesis consisting of several scientific articles and a summary.

A PhD degree is equivalent to four years of full-time study; however, after two years of studies students can graduate with a licentiate degree.

Our PhD programmes give students the knowledge and skills to conduct independent research, a deep understanding of the subject area, and the ability to teach.

To be admitted as a doctoral student, candidates must:

  • fulfil the entry requirements stated in the announcement
  • possess good English language skills
  • have the ability to cope with the programme

Insurance for doctoral students with stipends

Uppsala University provides insurance cover for doctoral students whose studies are funded through a stipend. This insurance consists of three parts:

  • Sickness benefit
  • Parental benefit
  • Temporary parental benefit

International PhD students are also covered by Uppsala University’s group and personal insurance that provides accident insurance around the clock.

These insurance schemes are both managed by the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet). Please note that illness, parental benefit or claiming of temporary parental benefit must be reported to [email protected] no later than on the second day of sick leave or parental leave.

Doctoral Studies in the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology

Health and parental insurance for doctoral students with stipends on Kammarkollegiet’s website

Application and tuition fees for PhD students

PhD programmes are free of charge in Sweden, regardless of citizenship. However, if you are enrolled as a PhD student and wish to take additional courses at Bachelor’s or Master’s level that are not included as part of your research programme, you must pay application and tuition fees if you are a citizen of a country outside the European Union, European Economic Area or Switzerland.

The following applies to PhD students who are citizens of countries outside of the European Union, European Economic Area or Switzerland:

If you want to take courses at Bachelor’s or Master’s level included in your PhD programme , this is administered by your supervisor and/or department. You do not pay application or tuition fees.

If you want to take courses at Bachelor’s or Master’s level outside of your PhD programme , you must apply for courses through www.universityadmissions.se . You must pay application and tuition fees.

PhD studies at the University's three disciplinary domains

  • Doctoral studies in the disciplinary domain of science and technology
  • Doctoral studies in the disciplinary domain of medicine and pharmacy
  • Doctoral studies in the disciplinary domain of humanities and social sciences

Useful links

  • Insurance for foreign visitors on Kammarkollegiet's website
  • Publications
  • Conferment ceremony
  • Faculties and departments
  • The Doctoral Board of Uppsala University
  • About studying in Sweden at studera.nu

PhD studies at Stockholm University

Stockholm University stands as an attractive destination for those considering PhD studies. With a strong commitment to research excellence and a growing network of international collaborations, the university offers a favourable environment for advanced research and academic growth.

PhD students in a lab.

Stockholm University has a long tradition of research excellence spanning various fields of study, both in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Many faculty members are at the forefront of their respective disciplines, producing influential research that addresses pressing global challenges and contributing to the shaping of industries, policies and societies.

Doctoral students are employees

Moreover, Stockholm University recognizes international collaborations as an essential part of scientific research, thus actively fosters partnerships with esteemed institutions and scholars from around the world. This global perspective enriches the academic experience for PhD candidates, providing valuable insights and opportunities for cross-cultural engagement.

  • Stockholm University is one of the 100 highest-ranked universities in the world and one of the top 50 universities in Europe
  • We offer a wide range of research subjects within science and human science
  • There are no tuition fees for doctoral education in Sweden
  • Doctoral students are employees at SU and  receive salary and other standard benefits of employment.

Available PhD positions

free phd in sweden for international students

As the academia constitutes the cradle of knowledge, I am proud of being part of this community which actively contributes in the generation of innovative ideas which target to solve everyday problems. I also enjoy the close connection to the industry in Sweden.

- Varvara Apostolopoulou Kalkavoura

Read the full interview with Varvara

Doctoral studies in Sweden

Our doctoral studies take four years and result in a degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), the highest academic degree in Sweden. During this period you will both take advanced courses in your field of interest and work in a original research project.  However, after two years, you might have the possibility to take an intermediate degree of licentiate.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to PhD studies, you need to meet the general entry requirements, the specific entry requirements, and have the ability to successfully complete your studies.

General entry requirements include a completed master’s degree from a Swedish university or at least 240 higher education credits including at least 60 at the master’s level, or the corresponding international equivalents.

Institutions may have specific eligibility requirements. Verify the requirements for your area of interest with the relevant institution.

How to apply

One thing that differentiates PhD programmes at Stockholm University and Sweden from those elsewhere is that most of our PhD students are treated like full employees of the university. PhD positions are posted alongside other jobs on our website and applications are made for specific positions. PhD positions can be announced once or twice per year, depending on funding availability.

Before sending your application, you can check the department’s website for further information about the faculty and the possibilities connected with the PhD position. You can also find specific information about the application process in the announce for the position, along with the contact person if you have further questions.

There is usually an opportunity to apply for doctoral studies both in the autumn and spring. On the institutions' websites about doctoral studies, you can find the specific dates applicable to that institution. You can also see the current doctoral positions advertised. 

Find available PhD vacancies at Stockholm University

Funding and financing doctoral studies

In most cases, doctoral students are treated as employees at Stockholm University, which means they receive a salary and other standard benefits of employment.  There is even the possibility for you to extend your period of studies by working with teaching or administrative tasks within your department, up to 20% of a full-time position, which can result in a full extra year of employment as PhD student.

However, it is possible to pursue doctoral studies at Stockholm University also in case you have an external scholarship or special agreement with a company or other external employers. In these special cases, you will be subject to your employer-specific conditions only, and be considered solely a student at Stockholm University.

Residence permits (if applicable)

If you are an international student from a country outside the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA), or Switzerland and you plan to pursue a PhD in Sweden, you will need a residence permit to study in the country. The residence permit is required for stays longer than three months.

You will find more information on the Swedish Migration Agency's website:

Residence permit for doctoral studies

Faculty information

Faculty of science.

Research at the Faculty of Science covers broad knowledge areas, ranging from the elementary particles of atomic nuclei to the outermost limits of the universe, for example. Several of the faculty's institutions have been behind discoveries and scientific breakthroughs that receive recognition worldwide.

The Stockholm University BioResearch School organizes PhD courses for students at any of the Biology departments at SU no matter their subject area.

Stockholm University BioResearch School

Faculty of Humanities

Research in the humanities maintains high quality, with a wide range of subjects, allowing university researchers to engage in collaborative efforts across scientific domains. Philosophy, history, art and literary studies, journalism, linguistics, and Swedish as a second language for the deaf are examples of subjects in which research is conducted.

Those admitted to doctoral education have the opportunity to participate in the Faculty of Humanities Research School.

Faculty of Humanities Research School

Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law achieves nationally leading and internationally outstanding research. The researcher's freedom characterizes the scientific work. Legal discussions are expected to be lively, open, and ongoing.

Faculty of Social Sciences

The Faculty of Social Sciences conducts qualified and high-quality research within its various established disciplines and interdisciplinary research fields. Strong connections to current challenges for society and politics generate central research questions.

The Faculty of Social Sciences offers doctoral education courses for those admitted to an institution belonging to the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Doctoral Education Courses

Research subjects at Stockholm University

Research infrastructures at Stockholm University

The departments provide education at the PhD level

The individual departments often publish specific information doctoral studies programmes at their respective website.  All institutions offering education at the PhD level are categorized into the following fields: humanities, languages, social sciences, and law, as well as natural sciences.

Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies

  • General Archaeology
  • Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
  • Archaeological Science
  • Osteoarchaeology

Doctoral studies at the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies

Department of Culture and Aesthetics

  • History of Ideas
  • Art History
  • Literary Studies
  • Theatre and Performance studies

Doctoral studies at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics

Department of Media Studies

  • Journalism Studies
  • Media and Communication Studies
  • Fashion Studies
  • Cinema Studies

Doctoral studies at the Department Media Studies

Department of History

Doctoral studies at the Department of History

Department of Philosophy

  • Practical Philosophy
  • Theoretical Philosophy

Doctoral studies at the Department of Philosophy

Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies

  • History of Religions
  • Gender Studies

Doctoral studies at the Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies

Department of Teaching and Learning

  • Mathematics Education
  • Science Education
  • Language Education
  • Teaching and learning with Specialisation in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Science Education

Doctoral studies at the Department of Teaching and Learning

Department of English

  • English Linguistics
  • English-language Literature

Doctoral studies at the Department of English

Department of Linguistics

  • Linguistics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Linguistics

Department of Romance and Classical Languages

  • Romance Languages

Doctoral studies at the Department of Romance and Classical Languages

Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies, Finnish, Dutch and German

  • Baltic Languages
  • Slavic Languages

Doctoral studies at the Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies, Finnish, Dutch and German

Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism

  • Scandinavian Languages
  • Bilingualism
  • Translation Studies

Doctoral studies at the Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism

Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

  • Asian languages and cultures
  • Middle Eastern languages and cultures

Doctoral studies at the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Social sciences and law

Department of child and youth studies.

  • Child and Youth Studies
  • Preschool Didactics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Child and Youth Studies

Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

  • Computer and Systems Sciences
  • Information Society

Doctoral studies at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

Department of Criminology

  • Criminology

Doctoral studies at the Department of Criminology

Department of Economic History and International Relations

  • Economic History
  • International Relations

Doctoral studies at the Department of Economic History and International Relations

Department of Economics

Doctoral studies is provided in collaboration with:

Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES)

Swedish institute for social research (sofi).

Programs at the doctoral level at the Department of Economics

Department of Education 

Doctoral studies at the Department of Education

Department of Human Geography

  • Geography with a Cultural Geography focus

Doctoral studies at the Department of Human Geography

Department of Political Science

  • Political Science

Doctoral studies at the Department of Political Science

Department of Psychology

Doctoral studies at the Department of Psychology

Department of Public Health Sciences

  • Public Health Sciences

Doctoral studies at the Department of Public Health Science

Department of Social Anthropology

  • Social Anthropology

Doctoral studies at the Department of Social Anthropology

Department of Sociology

  • Sociological Demography

Studies at the doctoral level at the Department of Sociology

Department of Social Work

  • Social Work

Doctoral studies at the Department of Social Work

Department of Special Education

  • Special Education

Doctoral studies at the Department of Special Education

Department of Statistics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Statistics

  • Didactics of Mathematics
  • Didactics of Natural Sciences
  • Language Didactics
  • Subject Didactics with a focus on the didactics of aesthetic, humanistic, or social science subjects

Doctoral studies at the Department of Teaching and Learnin

  • International Economics
  • Research and higher education in economics

Doctoral studies in Economics

Stockholm Business School

  • Business Administration
  • Financial Economics

Doctoral studies at Stockholm Business School

  • Doctoral candidates at SOFI are enrolled in either the Department of Sociology or the Department of Economics.

Doctoral studies at the Swedish Institute for Social Research

Department of Law

  • Jurisprudence

Doctoral studies at the Department of Law  

Natural Sciences

Department of ecology, environment and plant sciences.

  • Ecology and Evolution
  • Ecotoxicology
  • Marine Biology
  • Plant Physiology
  • Plant Systematics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences  

Department of Molecular Biosciences, Wenner-Gren Institute

  • Molecular Biosciences

Doctoral studies at the Department of Molecular Biosciences, Wenner-Gren Institute

Department of Zoology

  • Functional Zoomorphology
  • Population Genetics
  • Zoological Ecology
  • Zoological Systematics and Evolution

Doctoral studies at the Department of Zoology

Stockholm Resilience Centre

  • Sustainability Science

Doctoral studies at Stockholm Resilience Centre

Earth and Environmental Sciences

Department of geological sciences.

  • Geochemistry
  • Marine Geology

Doctoral studies at the Department of Geological Sciences  

Department of Environmental Science

  • Environmental Science

Doctoral studies at the Department of Environmental Science

Department of Physical Geography

  • Physical Geography

Doctoral studies at the Department of Physical Geography

Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics Biophysics

  • Biochemistry
  • Biochemistry towards bioinformatics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics  

Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry

  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Materials Chemistry
  • Neurochemistry with Molecular biology
  • Inorganic Chemistry

Doctoral studies at the Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry  

Department of Organic Chemistry

  • Organic Chemistry

Doctoral studies at the Department of Organic Chemistry


Department of physics.

  • Chemical Physics
  • Medical Radiation Physics
  • Theoretical Physics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Physics  

Department of Astronomy

Doctoral studies at the Department of Astronomy  

Department of Mathematics

  • Computational Mathematics
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematical Statistics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Mathematics

Department of Meteorology

  • Atmospheric Science and Oceanography

Doctoral studies at the Department of Meteorology

For a general study plan in any natural science subject, please contact  [email protected].

The graduation ceremony

Every year, over 200 PhD students defend their thesis at Stockholm Universit, and get a chance to celebrate their achievement at the Stockholm City Hall.

Opportunities abroad for PhD students

There are several ways to participate in international mobility experiences during your PhD studies.

Find possible exchange opportunities for PhD students here

Available PhD Student Positions

On the employee web portal PhD students will find more detailed information about the dissertation defence process .

Last updated: May 30, 2024

Source: Offices of Human Science and Science, Communications Office and Student Services

Study Abroad: Tips & Updates

PhD in Sweden: A Complete Guide to Study PhD in Sweden for International Students


A PhD in Sweden is the highest level of educational qualification in Sweden. A PhD degree can be completed in 4 years of full-time study whereas you will graduate with a licentiate degree after 2 years of full-time study which is equivalent to MPhil of the British education system. Around 70% of the research in Sweden is privately financed and the remaining 30% is public funded. Research programs in Sweden are quite competitive and to be admitted as doctoral students you must fulfill the entry requirements, have good English language proficiency and also demonstrate strong interest and ability to cope with the program.

Sweden provides a specialized environment for doctoral education. One of the main highlights of a PhD in Sweden is that it is free of cost for all students including non-EU/ EEA students. Along with the doctoral program, you will work as administrative or teaching staff at the university which is equivalent to not more than 20% of the full-time position. If you are planning to study PhD in Sweden, read this guide to get information regarding top universities, PhD programs in Sweden, PhD requirements in Sweden, top universities, cost of studying, funding opportunities and more.

Why Study PhD in Sweden?

Before diving deep into the details of PhD in Sweden for Indian students, let us take a look at reasons why studying PhD in Sweden is preferable:

  • Home to reputed institutions: Sweden is home to some historical institutions that enjoy world-class reputation as leaders of research especially in the field of Medicine, Health, Life Sciences among others.
  • No tuition fees: Yes, you read it right. Sweden does not charge any tuition fee for PhD from students of any nationality. It is one of the top reasons why international students prefer studying PhD in Sweden.
  • Progressive country: Sweden is quite a progressive country with high tech research facilities, promotes growth mindset and provides a very supportive environment for creative thinkers.

Suggested: Get acquainted with the education system of Sweden!

Popular Specializations for PhD in Sweden

Sweden is known for its world class research and about 3% of the country’s GDP is dedicated to research and innovation. All the 17 public universities in Sweden and 14 private universities in Sweden contribute significantly to research. Almost 30% of the research is carried out at top universities in Sweden for PhD. Sweden is home to some top pharmaceutical giants Astrazeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Bayer and more. Some key areas of research in Sweden are:

  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Biotechnology
  • Sustainable energy
  • Environmental technology
  • Life sciences

Top PhD Colleges and Universities in Sweden

Sweden is home to 8 universities that ranked in QS rankings 2022 which also has a very high research output. Though rankings of institutions are not relevant for research, it will definitely help you in understanding the area of specializations of the university. Take a look at the table below to learn about top universities in Sweden for PhD:









How to Apply for a PhD in Sweden?

The process to apply for PhD in Sweden is somewhat different than applying for bachelor’s or master’s in Sweden . Take a look at the steps in the application process to study PhD in Sweden:

  • You will have to apply directly to the universities in Sweden for PhD as there is no centralized application portal for PhD admission in Sweden.
  • Start by looking for projects advertised by top universities in Sweden for PhD if you are interested in STEM subjects or go ahead with your project ideas for PhD in Education in Sweden or research in the areas of Arts, Humanities and Social Science.
  • Depending on your area of interest, check whether you fulfill the PhD requirements in Sweden.
  • Universities in Sweden for PhD set their own entry requirements and also specify the procedure for applying.
  • Complete your application for PhD admission in Sweden and prepare all supporting documents.
  • Track the progress of your application and wait for the admission decision.
  • You may be invited to an interview regarding your research proposal.

Eligibility Criteria for PhD in Sweden

The Sweden PhD requirements are set by individual universities. The general eligibility criteria to study PhD in Sweden are:

  • Educational qualifications
  • Proof of English language proficiency

Research experience

  • Residence permit
  • Health insurance

Let us discuss the eligibility criteria to be met for admission to PhD programs in Sweden:

Educational Qualifications

To apply for PhD in Sweden, you will need a second-cycle qualification i.e. a master’s degree in a related field is recommended especially if you wish to apply for funding. You must have completed courses of at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits must be for a master's degree.

Proof of English Language Proficiency

Swedish universities offer PhD in English so if English is not your first language, you must submit IELTS or TOEFL scores as proof of language proficiency. There is no need to be proficient in Swedish language to study in Sweden. The minimum English language proficiency scores recommended for admission are:

  • IELTS score: Overall 6.5, no band less than 5.5
  • TOEFL-iBT: Overall 90, with minimum 20 in written test

Having some previous research or work experience in a field related to your research proposal can immensely help you in the application and selection process.

Residence Permit

International students need to apply for a residence permit to study in Sweden for programs longer than 90 days. To apply for residence permits, you will need to provide copies of your passports, proof of finances, educational qualifications, etc. You can apply for a residence permit after receiving a letter of acceptance from the university where you have been admitted.

Health Insurance

After coming to Sweden, all students will require health insurance. Your university may cover the health insurance as a part of funding for international students.

Suggested: Complete guide on student visa of Sweden!

Cost of Studying PhD in Sweden

Having learned about the Sweden PhD requirements, let us take a look at the cost of studying PhD in Sweden. The cost of studying for a PhD in Sweden includes tuition fees and cost of living.

  • One major relief for students applying for PhD in Sweden is that there is absolutely no tuition fees for all students irrespective of their nationality.
  • Universities in Sweden for PhD don’t even charge application fees.
  • So clearly you are only left with the living expenses which is around 8,568 SEK per month on an average. This can differ depending on your preferences and location in Sweden.
  • Usually, the rent of accommodation ranges between 2,500-6,500 SEK per month which is a major expense and you will find costlier accommodation in cities like Stockholm and Gothenburg compared to other places.

Suggested: Estimated cost of living in Sweden for international students!  

Funding Opportunities for Studying PhD in Sweden

Funding options include applying for various scholarships and bursaries awarded by universities in Sweden for PhD. As a general practice, doctoral students in Sweden are regarded as employees at most universities. Here is how this works:

  • You will be applying for doctoral positions available and universities offer them departmental administration service or teaching.
  • With an employment contract, you will be entitled to a salary which is commonly known as a study grant.
  • You can expect to get 1500 SEK as a study grant while studying PhD in Sweden for international students.
  • The Swedish government funds third-cycle education programs through direct government funding, government agencies, research councils, public research foundations and municipalities.

PhD in Sweden for international students is a lucrative option. Sweden happens to be a research and development intensive country in the world and an ideal location for young and innovative minds. There are various areas of specializations for pursuing research in Sweden which ensures opportunities for all. Post completion of Phd, you can apply for work permit in Sweden ! 

Frequently Asked Questions about PhD in Sweden

Is PhD in Sweden free?

Yes, PhD in Sweden is free for all students irrespective of their nationality. You will not be charged any tuition or application fee for PhD. The only expense you will be paying is the cost of living.

Is it hard to get a PhD in Sweden for Indian students?

PhD in Sweden is recognized worldwide. Therefore, expect stiff competition when it comes to selection of candidates. The application process is quite simple and open to all candidates. Try to maintain a research-oriented background from the beginning that will help you in being a suitable match for the position, if you wish to pursue PhD in Sweden.

Is a PhD in Sweden a job for students?

Yes, it can be said that a PhD in Sweden is a job for students. You are applying for a doctoral position rather than just a doctoral program and some part of your program will include administrative or teaching work.

Are international students allowed to stay in Sweden after PhD?

Once you have a residence permit for doctoral studies for four out of the last seven years and are employed in Sweden, you can apply for a permanent residence permit to stay in Sweden after PhD.

What are the top areas of research in Sweden?

The top areas of research in Sweden include healthcare, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, sustainable energy, environmental technology, etc.


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Doctoral studies at KTH

Complete a doctoral degree (PhD) in a dynamic, international research environment with world-class facilities and close collaboration with industry and prominent universities worldwide.

  • Being a doctoral student
  • Doctoral programmes and subjects
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KTH Royal Institute of Technology

KTH is Sweden's largest and most respected technical university—ranked top 100 in the 2022 QS World University Rankings. By choosing KTH, you gain access to a vibrant student life and a prestigious academic environment.

As one of our 2,000 doctoral students, you will take courses and devote yourself to a research project under the supervision of an experienced researcher. Most students are employed and receive a monthly salary. Begin your journey towards a KTH degree today. 

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Do I need a visa or residence permit to study in Sweden?


  1. PhD in Sweden

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  2. Free PhD in Sweden- Sweden PhD Requirements

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  3. 10 Universities in Sweden for International Students

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  4. PhD in Sweden: A Complete Guide to Study PhD in Sweden for International Students

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  5. How to Find PhD in Sweden 2024

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  6. PhD Scholarships in Sweden for International Students

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  1. PhD programmes - Study in Sweden

    So that means – no tuition fees, no scholarships. But you’ll receive a monthly salary instead. Nice, eh? And that’s why available PhD positions are listed on a university’s job board. How to apply for a PhD position? You’ll apply directly to the university. Just so you know, there’s no centralised application process.

  2. PhD Study in Sweden – A Guide for 2024 | FindAPhD.com

    There are no fees for PhD study in Sweden at state-funded universities (note that this doesn’t apply to Masters or Bachelors degrees). Doctoral programmes are free for EU, EEA and international (non EU) students. The same applies to application fees – you don’t need to pay these for a PhD in Sweden.

  3. Study for free in Sweden with these 7 international scholarships

    What’s more, PhD courses are free for all international students. Several scholarships — by the government and unis — make it possible for international candidates to study for free. We take a look at some below.

  4. PhD studies - Uppsala University

    PhD programmes are free of charge in Sweden, regardless of citizenship.

  5. PhD studies at Stockholm University - Stockholm University

    We offer a wide range of research subjects within science and human science. There are no tuition fees for doctoral education in Sweden. Doctoral students are employees at SU and receive salary and other standard benefits of employment. Available PhD positions.

  6. Study in Sweden: the ultimate guide for a PhD in 2024

    Why study in Sweden? 1. It's free for most European students. That's right! If you come from the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA), you don't have to pay any tuition fees to study at public universities in Sweden.

  7. PhD in Sweden: A Complete Guide to Study PhD in ... - Yocket

    One of the main highlights of a PhD in Sweden is that it is free of cost for all students including non-EU/ EEA students. Along with the doctoral program, you will work as administrative or teaching staff at the university which is equivalent to not more than 20% of the full-time position.

  8. Doctoral studies (PhD) | KTH | Sweden

    Virtual campus tour. Why KTH? Contact. Ask us about studies. KTH Royal Institute of Technology. KTH is Sweden's largest and most respected technical university—ranked top 100 in the 2022 QS World University Rankings. By choosing KTH, you gain access to a vibrant student life and a prestigious academic environment.

  9. Scholarships - Study in Sweden

    Sweden offers many scholarships for international students. Check out our scholarship database to see what's available for you.

  10. Study in Sweden - Live and learn the Swedish way ️

    Studyinsweden.se is a comprehensive, official resource on studying in Sweden for prospective and current international students.