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11 Excellent Post-Webinar Survey Questions

June 16th, 2020 Michael Mayday

Man typing on a laptop. A yellow espresso cup and saucer sits on a table to his left.

In today’s data-conscious age, we all know that it’s critical to gather attendee feedback after your webinars . 

Asking the right post -webinar evaluation survey questions will: 

1) provide the meaningful engagement data you need to improve the quality and responsiveness of your programs.

2) understand your attendees and deepen the relationships you’ve begun with them.

10 Tips for Creating Great Webinar Content That Drives Engagement

The Best Post-Event Question Examples

Female looking at laptop

Below is a robust, post- event survey used by one of our clients that serves as a great example for a webinar follow-up. 

It provides three specific pieces of audience feedback that you can use to make your programs better: their views on the value of the webinar , the knowledge and skills of the speaker(s) and the likelihood that they will recommend your program to colleagues (the ‘net promoter score’). Note that, when it comes to surveys, timing truly is everything. More on that below. 

Pick and choose among these, or consider using all:

[Event Name] Feedback

Thank you for attending [Event Name].

Your views on the program are important to us. Please provide feedback on this session by completing this survey.

1. What percentage of the information was new to you?

Select: 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%

2. I can use this session information:

Select: Immediately In 2-6 months In 7-12 months Never

3. Would you like to learn more about this topic?

Select: Yes No

4. Please rate the speaker’s knowledge of the topic:

Select: Excellent Good Fair Poor

5. Please rate the speaker’s presentation skills:

6. Please rate the content of the slides/virtual aids:

7. How accurate was the session description?

8. How did the session compare to your expectations?

9. Overall session evaluation:

[If relevant: Additional comments about the breakout:]

10. How likely are you to recommend this session to a colleague? (with 10 being most likely to recommend)

Select: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11. Please rate your overall experience:

You can of course ask other webinar feedback questions to gain further insight into the needs and interests of your audience. Keep in mind, though, that longer surveys – those that take more than a few minutes to complete – typically generate fewer responses, so if you’re looking for different feedback you may want to swap out questions rather than tacking on new ones.

Remember: with follow-up surveys, timing is everything

Female typing on laptop

Mention the post-webinar survey — and ask people to fill it in — just after the presentation has concluded, right before you start Q&A.

Your attendees are engaged, they’ve either asked questions and are waiting to hear them answered, or are ready to participate in Q&A. The worst time to first mention a survey is in an email when the webinar concludes. By then, your audience is completely disengaged. Recipe for success: mention the survey at engaged moments in the webinar and send soon after.

Post-Webinar Evaluation Questions to Ask for Written Responses

  • How could we make the program better?  


The answers help you identify improvements you could make to your webinars in general and the current presentation in particular.

  • Takeaways: What was your single biggest takeaway?


Responses to this question will confirm you’re focusing on the right issues and/or identify modifications you might want to make to the substance of your webinar.

  • Length / pace: The [length / pace] of the webinar was: Too Long/Slow / Just Right / Too Short/Fast

Questions on the length and pace of your program can help you understand how to adjust the delivery of your insight to make the session more relevant and interesting to your audience.

  • Additional interests: What would you like to see next?


This question is a good one to include because it helps you align your content calendar to the actual interests and needs of your targets.

  • Reasons for attending: Why did you attend today’s program? Required for job / Interesting Topic / Knowledgeable Presenters / CLE

While it doesn’t need to appear on every survey, this question can help if you’re trying to understand what motivates your audience to sign up for your webinars.

  • Prior webinars: Have you attended any of our webinars in the past? If so, which ones?

This is a useful question to include when you want to find out how well you’re attracting new participants to your programs.

Your Post-Webinar Survey Checklist

Be ready to ask the right question at the right time. Download our post-webinar survey checklist. Just click here or on the image below.

Download our post-webinar survey checklist.


Survey Results

What do you think of this template.

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After creating and conducting your survey, you must now process and analyze the results. These require strict attention to detail and, in some cases, knowledge of statistics and computer software packages. How you conduct these steps will depend on the scope of your study, your own capabilities, and the audience to whom you wish to direct the work. Before actually beginning the survey, the researcher should know how they want to analyze the data. If you are collecting quantifiable data, a codebook is needed for interpreting your data and should be established prior to collecting the survey data. This is important because there are many different formulas needed in order to properly analyze the survey research and obtain statistical significance. Since computer programs have made the process of analyzing data vastly easier than it was, it would be sensible to choose this route. Be sure to pick your program before you design your survey – some programs require the data to be laid out in different ways. After the survey is conducted and the data collected, the results must be assembled in some useable format that allows comparison within the survey group, between groups, or both. The results could be analyzed in a number of ways. A T-test may be used to determine if scores of two groups differ on a single variable – whether writing ability differs among students in two classrooms, for instance. A matched T-Test could also be applied to determine if scores of the same participants in a study differ under different conditions or over time. Secondary analysis of survey data is an accepted methodology which applies previously collected survey data to new research questions. This methodology is particularly useful to researchers who do not have the time or money to conduct an extensive survey, but may be looking at questions for which some large survey has already collected relevant data.

The Survey Results template consists of four professional slides, each with a large number of infographics, charts and graphs. All slides of the template are made in a bright color scheme and have all the necessary tools to build a professional presentation. This template will be useful in providing data from various social surveys. The first slide allows you to divide your respondents into age categories and give a short description for each of them. For example, you can provide information about respondents’ preferences for your new shampoo or new car model. The next slide will be useful for financiers and economists. You can use this slide to provide your complex analytical calculations and cash flow projections. This template will also be useful for marketing specialists when preparing a report on an advertising campaign for a new product. The slides of this template can also be used by airlines to display the number of passengers carried. If necessary, you can independently change the size and color of the infographic and the position of the blocks. The Survey Results template will also be useful for startups and investment companies in preparing their complex analytical data and forecasts for potential clients.

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How to present survey results in PowerPoint or Google Slides

How to present survey results in PowerPoint or Google Slides | Quick Tips & Tutorial for your presentations

A survey is a technique that is applied by conducting a questionnaire to a significant sample of a group of people. When we carry out the survey, we start from a hypothesis and it is this survey activity that will allow us to confirm the hypothesis or to see where the problem and solution of what we are investigating lies.

We know: fieldwork is hard work. Many hours collecting data, analyzing and organizing it until we have our survey results.

Well, we don't want to discourage you (at Slidesgo we stand for positivism) but this is only 50% of the survey work. After having organized the results, it's time to share and present them! Such good work can't be hidden and, besides, sharing is living, and can determine the next step of your research or your following survey.

Close your eyes for a moment. Imagine now that you are listening to a large number of figures, percentages, and other quantitative expressions typical of a survey. Would the result of that survey be clear to you? Probably not. A picture is worth a thousand words (one of our catchphrases, yes). Now, imagine (or continue reading this post, because you will find images) that all these data are represented in graphs or infographics, with colors, eye-catching fonts... The feeling is very different! The human brain interprets an image 60,000 times faster than a text!

So, in this post, we are going to show you some ways to present survey results in Google Slides and PowerPoint , so that your surveys can be understood in a very clear and concise way. Here we go!

Graphs and charts


When it comes to providing an audience with numerical data, one of the best ways is with a graph. A good graph conveys the most relevant features of your survey and also allows you to compare, highlight a trend or show other related elements.

If you are afraid of working with charts, don't worry! To solve those doubts and concerns you may have before using a chart, we have several very interesting posts at Slidesgo School : whether you want to learn how to modify a graph in our templates or if you want to make and insert a chart in PowerPoint or Google Slides previously created by you.

EXTRA TIP! Use different colors in your graphs, one for each value or result of the survey, it will provide a lot of clarity on the subject.

Below, we are going to show you different types of graphs and charts with which you can represent your survey data. Just select the types that you think are ideal for the characteristics of your survey.

presentation on sample survey

They are a safe choice, as they are very easy to create and interpret. All values can be compared very easily!

Line charts

presentation on sample survey

These types of charts are very well suited to illustrate how different elements vary over time or a given distance. In the example, you can see the evolution of two elements over time. Where is your research going? This type of graph will answer this question.

Venn diagram

presentation on sample survey

Venn diagrams (named after its creator, John Venn) are infographics that show the grouping of one or several elements delimited by closed lines so that the elements of each group remain inside.

In the image, you can see a Venn diagram in an abstract style, without following very fixed lines, in case you would like to give a more casual touch to your results!

However, understanding and knowing how to generate Venn diagrams can be difficult, that's why, on our blog, we have two posts dedicated to how to create a Venn diagram , both in Google Slides and PowerPoint . Grab paper and a pencil, there is some very interesting information!

presentation on sample survey

Mmmm, it smells like cake! We're sorry to tell you this, but this is not a pie, but a pie chart, perfect for your survey results! This type of graph is very popular and is used to compare different parts that together make a whole, a total. Going back to our tip of using colors... Notice how clear it is to use a different color for each element! 

Infographics are perfect for talking about surveys. They are eye-catching, they organize the information in a very appropriate order, they make the data look more pleasant and impactful and they are the ideal complement for your presentations. At Slidesgo , we have a very complete section of infographics for all types of presentations. Which one fits best with your content? 

We are going to show you a series of examples of infographics so that you can see how clear everything is with the use of infographic resources. Maybe even a set of infographics will come in handy for your survey results!

Fashion Portraits Newsletter Infographics

presentation on sample survey

Project Management Infographics

presentation on sample survey

Technology Consulting Infographics

presentation on sample survey

This post is coming to an end... Hopefully, you have learned a lot about how to present your survey results! To conclude, we want to give you a few last tips, because we want your presentation to turn out great: 

  • In addition to numerical data, present the objectives and conclusions of your survey . The audience will appreciate it if you make them part of the survey interpretation process.
  • Explain how you collected the information . Detail the process of conducting the survey, so that the audience can see the hard work behind it.
  • Talk about the different variables in your survey . Age, locations where the survey took place, and other variables that are part of your different surveys.
  • Use a moderate number of graphs or infographics . Balance is the key, so include only those data that are relevant to the development of the survey and eliminate those variables or parts that are not influential.

And that's all! If you apply all these recommendations, everyone will internalize the results of your surveys and will want to know about future projects.

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Home PowerPoint Templates Survey

100% Editable Survey Templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Accurately implement data-driven decisions by showing customer research results with Survey Presentation Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides . Survey PowerPoint templates are specifically designed to help professionals showcase their survey data in a clear, engaging, and visually appealing manner. These templates provide a structured way to present survey findings, ensuring that key insights are communicated effectively to stakeholders and team members. Download now!

Conjoint Analysis PowerPoint Slide

Conjoint Analysis PowerPoint Template

Customizable Before & After PPT Template

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presentation on sample survey

Survey Results PowerPoint Template

4 Option Multiple Choice PPT

4 Options Multiple Choice PowerPoint Template

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Likert Scale PowerPoint Template

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Gauge Sentiment Analysis PowerPoint Template

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Global Concept Slide for PowerPoint

PowerPoint survey templates are crafted to streamline the process of converting survey data into professional presentations. With features tailored to display statistical information, these templates help illustrate complex data through charts, graphs, and tables, making it easier for audiences to understand the findings.

Advantages of Using Survey PPT Templates

The main advantage of using these survey results templates for PowerPoint is saving time, as they considerably reduce the effort required to showcase data in an easy-to-understand format. With sleek designs and a fully customizable layout, these templates project a professional image, helping presenters build their authority in the field.

The visual aids featured in these survey results PowerPoint templates allow the audience to connect with the discussed topic, making complex data easier to comprehend and retain for further reference. As a result, teams and stakeholders can align their vision toward the main business objectives, supporting informed decision-making.

What is a Survey Presentation Template?

A survey presentation template is a pre-made slide deck that displays a survey’s results. It includes slides for graphical data representation, text explanations, and summary insights, all formatted to convey the survey’s findings clearly and effectively.

How to do a Survey Presentation?

Start with an introduction that outlines the purpose of the survey and the methodology used. Present the key findings using graphical data representations like charts and graphs, and be ready to discuss how to implement your findings in relation to business or project goals. Conclude with a summary of the most important insights and propose the next steps or recommendations based on the data.

How do you Present a Survey in PPT?

To present a survey in PowerPoint:

  • Use a dedicated survey presentation template to ensure your data is organized and visually appealing.
  • Use various charts and graphs to represent your data visually. Where appropriate, use pie charts, bar graphs, and line charts.
  • Highlight key statistics and findings prominently.
  • Offer insights and interpretations alongside the raw data to add value and context.
  • Ensure each slide is clear and not overloaded with information to maintain audience engagement throughout the presentation.

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Top 10 Survey Form Templates with Samples and Examples

Top 10 Survey Form Templates with Samples and Examples

Nawsheen Muzamil


Businesses often offer freebies in exchange for form-filling exercises. Customers are easily drawn toward the end-of-the-survey coupons, free samples, and other times, gifts in return for their Point-of-Views (POVs). This business expense in lieu of valuable information is a price that intuitive brands find worth it.  Survey form templates , thus, become crucial to better understand your business’s relevance, favorability, accessibility, and utility.

A cogent analysis of a survey form throws up numbers and attitudes of customers that speaks the truth to you on whether your business is a customer delight, or if you are likely to run out of business. 

Want to get insights on how customers perceive your products and services ? Deploy a Likert Scale.

Want to evaluate if customer touchpoints function as per expectations? Invest in a poll maker.

Want to check if the brand messaging is being correctly perceived? Create a survey.

Want to know the reason why the customer satisfaction metrics are how they are? Employ a questionnaire template.

Likert scales, polls, questionnaires, and quizzes are nothing but types of survey layouts. In this blog guide, we have curated our most popular and highly responsive survey form templates .  Create an interactive survey with these survey form templates to address business bottlenecks.

The 100% customizable nature of the templates provides you with the desired flexibility to edit your presentations. The content-ready slides give you the much-needed structure.

Let’s have a tour!

Template 1: Employee Survey Form PowerPoint Slide

Generate an in-depth and detailed perspective report of your employees with this survey form template. Request your users, customers, visitors, etc, to take a few minutes of their valuable time in filling out this concise Employee Satisfaction Survey Form. Know your staff’s capabilities in terms of customer support and service where customers answer questions like: Was the staff courteous and helpful, and so on. The scale runs from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). Download now.

Employee survey form template PowerPoint slide

Download this template

Template 2: Customer Satisfaction Survey Form PPT Slide

Create a crisp questionnaire to perform customer satisfaction surveys with this PPT Layout. Let your customers rate your products, services, and support anywhere between highly dissatisfied and highly satisfied. Add up to seven questions that target areas where you can improve upon. Download this easy-to-customize slide now!

Customer satisfaction survey form PPT Slide

Template 3: Survey Form to Measure Brand Awareness

Is your audience aware of your brand framework ? Is your brand messaging clicking with them and occupying their mind space? Use this survey form template to find out. Explore the emotions customers associate with your brand and how they perceive it with this questionnaire template. Using this slide, allow them to choose from five opinions. Get this scientifically-designed presentation template now!

Survey form to measure brand awareness

Download this template 

Template 4: Evaluation Survey Form for Team Building Exercise Event

Employee training programs or other such sponsored events rely heavily on post event survey forms. This poll maker template is your tool to collect feedback from participants. Guide your future events in light of the response received to plan successful gatherings. The slide helps businesses record feedback of employees involved in team-building exercises. Get it now! 

Evaluation Survey Form For Team Building Exercise Event

Template 5: Business Process Automation Survey Form

To increase the effectiveness of your online training programs, here’s a questionnaire template to collect and implement feedback. Questions are designed to reveal the perception of participants and offer them a range between very good to very bad. Use this color-coded survey template to perform this assessment now. The post-training form asks questions like how would rate the trainer, and respondents’ rating on overall training experience et al. Get it now!

Business Process Automation Survey Form

Template 6: Customer Loyalty Program Survey Form Template

With this template you will be able to ascertain the loyalty of your customers to reward them accordingly. The questions demonstrated in this template will help you know the shopping instincts of your customers for your products and services which can be edited too. Identify up to five sets of options for them to rate you on. Instead of creating this organized look from scratch, grab this ready made format from the link below. The design, which asks for a check mark, also aids participation, as doing this is perceived as easier. Get this wonderful, professional design in blue to ace the loyalty factor for your brand. 

Customer Loyalty Program Survey Form

Template 7: Survey Form to Rate Product Performance

Product testing and automation test plans must be run in the initial stages of the offering of a product and service and this survey template helps you with it. Select a group of testers, including customers, to determine the utility, feasibility, and ease of use by filling this form post usage. Add questions to this editable survey form template that will help you implement changes better. For instance, questions about product performance ask users to share their additional comments to help you develop better products. Download now.

Survey Form To Rate Product Performance

Template 8: Survey Form for Organisation Safety Program

Here’s a template to invest in the safety programs and ensure general workplace safety. Connect with employees to identify activities and elements that disturb their sense of security and address situations post escalations . Ask questions and discover solutions in their feedback using this editable questionnaire template. Download now.

Survey Form For Organisation Safety Program

Template 9: Patient Satisfaction Survey Form Template

Know about your patients’ feedback with this satisfaction survey form template. Address aspects like communication, patient support, and ease of taking an appointment for your healthcare unit with this PowerPoint Design. Share these editable survey forms with your clients and then arrive at conclusion with respect to each survey conducted. You can also share it and make it accessible over Google Slides. Why waste time creating it from scratch when you can download this ready-made layout?

Patient satisfaction survey form

Template 10: Evaluation Form for Supplier Performance Survey

Assessing suppliers to identify the most suitable one for your business is a task that requires survey form templates to arrive at the accurate decision with speed. Identify profitable suppliers based on their dependability, knowledge, work quality, and punctuality with this editable tabular survey template. Generate final comments based on this assessment and make better business decisions. The queries for the form are segmented into three: Supplier information, evaluation and evaluation report. Download now.

Evaluation form for supplier performance survey


Just a look at these survey form templates and business managers know how valuable these are in helping them make accurate decisions. Yet, designing these forms is not a cakewalk; solid research knowledge and the wording of each query/question needs to be vetted at the highest level to get reliable, valid results. At SlideTeam, we have covered all major industries and business scenarios with these survey form templates. Get the one most suited to your purpose and reap the benefits. 

PS: Routine checks ensure quality and accountability and this blog on inspection plan templates will help you keep up with the quality of your products and services as well as your organization. 

FAQs on Survey Form

What is a survey form.

A survey form is a type of questionnaire used to gather information and opinions from a group of people about a particular topic or subject. It contains a series of questions designed to elicit specific responses, and can be distributed either in print or electronically.

Survey forms can be used for market research, customer satisfaction surveys, employee feedback, political polling, and more. These may include a range of question types, including multiple choice, open-ended, Likert scales, and rating scales.

Survey forms can be designed to be completed anonymously or with identifying information, depending on the goals of the survey and the preferences of the respondents. The information gathered from survey forms can be used to make informed decisions, improve products or services, identify areas for improvement, and more.

How do I create a survey form?

Creating a survey form can be done in a few simple steps. Here's a general guide:

  • Determine your purpose: First, you need to determine the goal of your survey. What kind of information do you want to gather, and what do you plan to do with it?
  • Choose a platform: There are many survey platforms available that make it easy to create and distribute your survey. Some options include SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, Typeform, and Qualtrics.
  • Create your questions: The questions you include in your survey will depend on your goals. Make sure your questions are clear, concise, and relevant.
  • Choose question types: Consider what types of questions you want to ask, such as multiple choice, rating scales, or open-ended questions.
  • Design your survey: Use your chosen platform to design your survey form. Customize the look and feel of your survey to make it engaging and user-friendly.
  • Test your survey : Before you distribute your survey, make sure to test it to ensure it works as intended.
  • Distribute your survey: Once you're happy with your survey form, it's time to distribute it to your audience. You can share it via email, social media, or embed it on your website.
  • Collect and analyze responses: As responses come in, you can analyze the data to gain insights. 

What is the best survey method?

The best survey method depends on the goals of your survey and the characteristics of your target audience. Here are some of the most common survey methods, along with their advantages and disadvantages:

  • Online surveys: Online surveys are easy to distribute and cost-effective, and can reach a large audience. However, they may suffer from low response rates and limited demographic representation.
  • Phone surveys: Phone surveys allow for personalized interactions and can provide a higher response rate than online surveys. However, they can be time-consuming and costly to administer.
  • Mail surveys: Mail surveys target a specific population segment and can provide a higher response rate than online surveys. However, they can be expensive and may take longer to receive responses.
  • In-person surveys: In-person surveys allow for direct interaction and can provide a higher response rate than other methods. However, they can be time-consuming and costly to administer, and may be limited in their reach.
  • Focus groups: Focus groups allow for in-depth exploration of attitudes and opinions, and can provide rich qualitative data. However, they can be expensive to conduct and may not be representative of the broader population.

 It's important to consider advantages and disadvantages of survey methods and choose the one that will provide the most reliable and accurate data for your purposes.

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Presentation Feedback Survey Template

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Startquestion is a free survey platform which allows you to create, send and analyse survey results.

Improving Presentations: The Importance of Feedback Surveys

Presentations are an integral part of various fields, including business, education, marketing, and more. They provide an opportunity to convey information, engage with audiences, and share knowledge. However, to ensure the effectiveness of presentations, feedback from the audience is crucial. That's where the Presentation Feedback Survey Template comes into play. This survey is designed to collect valuable insights and opinions from the audience regarding the quality, delivery, and impact of presentations. By incorporating this survey into your presentation strategy, you can gather feedback and make improvements accordingly. The Presentation Feedback Survey Template consists of a series of questions, categorized under different aspects of the presentation. It includes questions about overall satisfaction, message communication, content clarity, visual appeal, delivery style, engagement with the audience, and more. The survey uses various question types, such as single choice, multiple choice, and open-ended questions. Using this template, you can get specific feedback on areas that need improvement, identify what aspects of the presentation were most valuable to the audience, and gauge their interest and level of understanding. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your presentation, you can make necessary adjustments to enhance audience engagement and impact. This feedback survey template is suitable for various purposes. It can be used for customer feedback to evaluate the effectiveness of sales presentations or client pitches. Human resources professionals can utilize it to assess the training and development sessions delivered by internal or external trainers. In the educational field, teachers and professors can gather student feedback to enhance their lecture delivery and ensure an optimal learning experience. Implementing the Presentation Feedback Survey Template not only helps you gather valuable insights but also demonstrates your commitment to continuous improvement and customer-centricity. By actively seeking feedback, you show that you value your audience's opinions and are dedicated to providing them with the best possible experience. In conclusion, feedback surveys play a vital role in improving presentations. The Presentation Feedback Survey Template offers an easy-to-use tool to collect feedback and make data-driven improvements. By leveraging the insights gained from such surveys, presenters can enhance their communication skills, tailor their content to the audience's needs, and create impactful and memorable presentations. So don't miss the opportunity to gather feedback, refine your skills, and deliver exceptional presentations!

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5 Examples of How to Present Survey Results to Stakeholders

5 Examples of How to Present Survey Results to Stakeholders

When you’ve lovingly designed, built, and distributed your survey and responses start flooding in, it’s time to begin the process of sorting and analyzing the data you’ll be presenting to stakeholders.

Once you’ve weeded the unusable responses, begin recording relevant responses through your survey platform or in a spreadsheet. If you use survey software like CheckMarket , you can easily transfer data into visuals with pre-built reports and dashboards.

Decide your data groups. Was the survey just answering one over-arching question? Or do you have multiple areas covered? Represent each data group separately.

For each result, provide additional information such as why you conducted the survey, what questions you were trying to answer, how the results help businesses, and any surprising answers.

When you have the data separated, the next step is to identify and prioritize the information your stakeholders will most want to see.

Choosing the Right Data to Share

First things first: who is your audience? Is it your boss? Is it your peers? Is it your direct clients or customers? The information that clients want to see, for instance, may be completely different to what your boss is interested in. The information you choose to share will vary drastically depending on the campaign you’re working on.

For example, if you’re working on a new marketing campaign, your audience may be interested in how you plan on advertising your business and what perks that may bring them.

However, when it comes to your stakeholders, they will be less interested in the customer perks, and more interested in how this new campaign will work for the business. They might want to know:

  • How is it going to grow your audience?
  • How will it turn them from leads to paying customers?
  • How can this help improve your business’s bottom line?

When you’re presenting results, clearly define the purpose of the survey and why it matters to your stakeholders. Your story should be specific and concise.

Raise vital questions early on and have the answers ready to go. Your stakeholders have a limited amount of time to listen to what you have to say – make sure you are making the most of it.

This means you’ll have to pick and choose your data results carefully. All results need to be relevant and essential. Your stakeholders will be interested in information that makes a difference. And you’ll want the answers to be presented in the easiest way possible – which is why you want to choose your display method carefully.

presentation on sample survey

5 Ways to Display Your Survey Results

When you present results, you are looking to be clear, simple, and memorable. So, viewers should not have to ask you to explain your results.

Here are five common ways to present your survey results to businesses, stakeholders, and customers.

1. Graphs and Charts

Graphs and charts summarize survey results in a quick, easy graphic for people to understand. Some of the most common types of graphs include:

  • Bar graphs are the most popular way to display results. Easily create, customize, and show results. Most people also know how to read a basic bar graph to interpret survey results.
  • Line graphs show how results change over time by tracking the ups and downs of the data.
  • Pie charts show the breakup of a whole into sections. For example, your whole could be the total number of respondents, and the sections represent percentages that answered a certain way.
  • Venn diagrams show the interaction between respondents and their answers. For example, overlapping circles could show the differences and similarities in responses between parents who use a product versus non-parents who use a product.

When creating a chart or graph, make the findings clear to read. Avoid too many intersecting lines and text options. If you can’t fit all the information into one graph, create several graphs rather than making one complex chart. Using colors to differentiate groups is another way to make results easy to read.

2. Infographics

Infographics add a creative twist to otherwise bland charts and graphs. A good infographic will use images to enhance the message, not distract from the data.

One survey results presentation example is to use silhouettes of people to convey a percentage of the population instead of a bar graph. This image helps those who see it connect the statistic to real people.

A word cloud is a powerful way to display open-ended question responses graphically. As more people respond with a specific word, that word will appear in the cloud – emphasizing the most relevant answers.

presentation on sample survey

3. Video and Animations

People spend over 100 minutes a day watching videos – which is why marketers have tapped into this strategic area for reaching an audience. Nearly 88% of marketers say video marketing yields a strong return.

A video is a powerful tool for presenting information, including the results of your survey. You can capture your audience’s attention with motion, sound, and colorful statistics to help them remember information and react accordingly.

If you present findings through video, be aware that sharing options will be limited to platforms that can play a video – such a blog posts, websites, and PowerPoint presentations. Also, creating a PDF of the findings for people to look over at their leisure is a helpful way to support a video presentation.

4. Spreadsheets

Spreadsheets like Excel are not visually appealing, but they work well for organizing large amounts of information to create a survey results report.

While an image or video works best on websites, sometimes you may need to add more information than can fit in one picture.

Suppose you wanted to provide stakeholders or business partners with a detailed look at the survey and all the responses. A spreadsheet will allow the freedom to display all the necessary information at once. You can still use attractive infographics to summarize the findings and a video to present the report along with the spreadsheet.

5. Interactive Clickable Results

Interactive results are a fun way to allow viewers to explore results. You can also organize the findings to help break up large amounts of information.

Interactive maps are a common way to display survey results graphically. For example, results can be viewed by region when they click on a specific map area. Interactive maps and displays work best for websites and blogs.

An infographic that summarizes all the data as a global average allows people who don’t have the time to explore the map to see the information.

Customize Your Results in One Place

Time is precious in the marketing industry. You don’t want to spend days analyzing and sorting through survey results.

And you don’t have to.

By using CheckMarket, you can create, gather, and present survey results with one easy-to-use platform.

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Presenter Feedback Survey Template

Following a presentation, hear from participants to understand if their expectations were met, how well the presentation conveyed the intended points, and whether the presenter succeeded. Results from a presentation feedback survey can be used to improve the presentation or to inform future decisions and schedules. Core presentation survey questions may be standardized for multiple events, making it easy to track common metrics across all of your events. As needed, you may also add customized presentation feedback questions that appeal to specific events, too. Consider asking about the choice of topic, the clarity of the delivery, and the level of engagement participants feel during the presentation. Specific presenter survey questions can help to inform future decisions about who to invite back and what improvements can be made. Ready to launch? Consider sharing presentation feedback surveys through QR codes at the event or embedding in your event app!

A good presentation can be inspiring, engaging, and compelling. A bad presentation can be boring, confusing, or disappointing. Either way, the audience is left with a lasting impression of the presenter and the topic. How would you rate your latest presentation? No matter the opinion of the presenter, the experience of the audience matters most, and presentation survey questions can help to uncover their candid thoughts.

Some audience feedback will be obvious right away, from attendance to facial expression to levels of applause. Still, an applause meter can only tell you so much. As a presenter or an event organizer, gather more valuable feedback with the Presenter Feedback Survey. Nobody wants to disappoint an audience, but it’s much easier to make improvements if you know how well expectations have been met.

Presentation feedback surveys can be used to improve the quality of the presentation, the style of the presenter, or even the schedule of future presentations. The best presentations are a collaboration between presenter, audience, and organizer. Be sure your next presentation meets your goals by ensuring communication is more than just one-way.

Once you sign in to your Sogolytics account, simply select a template from the bank to get started. Edit, add, or remove questions as per your needs, and create the survey you need easily.

A survey template is a professionally designed questionnaire designed to meet the specific goals of the identified project type. The structure, questions, and answers have been carefully developed to enable users to connect with the right audiences to achieve the appropriate purpose. This template is already built and waiting within the Sogolytics platform, saving time in both the generation of ideas and actual development of the survey. Survey templates also provide a source of inspiration for those uncertain where to begin or seeking guidance and new insights on existing projects.

Yes! While a template provides a solid starting point, most users will choose to customize the survey template before launching. Customization may include adding or removing questions or answers, modifying text, and revisiting logic, pre-population, or other functionality. Visually, a template may also be customized to reflect the appropriate branding, such as a logo, colors, and styles.

If you don’t already have a Sogolytics account, click “Try This Template” below. You’ll receive a copy of the template in your inbox and you’ll also complete sign-up for a free Sogolytics account. When you log in to the account, the template will be ready and waiting for you to get started.

If you already have a Sogolytics account, you’ll find the Template Bank on the home screen when you log in. You’ll also see the option to start from a template every time you create a new project. Create a project on the home screen, from All Projects, or while you’re working on another project. Interested in just a few questions from a specific template? Add them to the Question Bank in your account and re-use them when and where they work best.

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Presentation feedback survey template

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Could your presenting skills use a refresher?

Delivering a presentation at a meeting or an event isn’t easy. But, in the moment, it’s hard to know if well it went. Pressure can get to the best of us, so invite your audience to share their thoughts with a presentation feedback survey.

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Presentation feedback survey FAQs:

Getting open and honest feedback.

It’s hard to critique someone face to face. If you want honest feedback, an anonymous survey is the way forward. It’ll make getting opinions from your audience a much easier process.

But, how do you get feedback that actually helps you improve? It’s all about the questions you ask. We recommend a mix of open and closed questions. Be as specific as possible—our flexible typeforms make it easy.

Embedding surveys into your event strategy

Whether you’re running a two-day conference, a webinar or a small networking event, feedback surveys are an essential part of your strategy.

In order to provide the best event, you need to know more about your audience’s experience. Following your presentation, gather your feedback and analyse areas for improvement ahead of your next event. Reviewing your feedback survey results is easy with Typeform. Download a shareable report, or simply export the data into a spreadsheet.

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Create Speaker Evaluation Survey

Create Speaker Evaluation Survey now. This survey assesses the effectiveness and impact of a speaker's presentation. Use this survey to gather feedback after an event or presentation.

Speaker Evaluation Survey

The Speaker Evaluation Survey is designed to collect feedback on the performance, content, and delivery of a speaker during an event or presentation. By using this survey, organizers and speakers can gain insights into areas of improvement, audience engagement, and the overall effectiveness of the presentation. It's an essential tool for anyone looking to refine their public speaking skills or understand the needs and preferences of their audience.

This example survey will be copied into your survey account and you will be able to fully edit it if needed.

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U.S. Hotel Development Cost Survey 2024

Luigi  Major


In 2023, the national lodging market continued to achieve high performance levels. While occupancy growth was minimal, compared to the level achieved in 2022, average daily rate (ADR) and revenue per available room (RevPAR) reached all-time highs. This robust performance reflects a strong recovery and growth trajectory following the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Data for 2024 illustrate that the hotel industry has continued to experience minimal improvements in key performance metrics. Despite occupancy remaining relatively flat, both ADR and RevPAR have shown continued growth thus far this year. These healthy metrics typically create a supportive environment for new hotel construction; however, the elevated costs of debt and capital compared to previous years have been a significant deterrent, effectively slowing down construction activity.

While the market is generally thriving in terms of topline operational metrics, elevated construction costs as well as the increased cost of financing new projects has led to a slowdown in the pace of new hotel developments. High interest rates and stringent lending conditions are challenges for developers trying to push new projects through the pipeline. Thus, supply growth moderated in 2023 and is only expected to increase minimally over the next few years as the economy continues to normalize.

HVS has tracked hotel development costs for over three decades, collecting data from actual hotel cost budgets during our assignments. This 2024 survey reports per-room hotel development costs based on data compiled by HVS from hotel projects proposed or under construction during the 2023 calendar year. The data reflect eight product categories: limited-service, midscale extended-stay, upscale extended-stay, dual-branded, select-service, full-service, and luxury hotels, as well as redevelopment projects. Given that this survey provides a retrospective view, inflationary factors that continued through 2023 and the year-to-date 2024 period may not be fully reflected in the data.

The HVS U.S. Hotel Development Cost Survey sets forth averages of development costs in each defined lodging product category. The survey is not meant to be a comparative tool to calculate year-to-year changes, but rather, it reflects the actual cost of building hotels across the United States in 2023. As will be discussed, the medians and averages set forth in this survey are greatly affected by the types and locations of hotels being developed at this point in the economic cycle. Our goal in sharing this publication is to provide a basis for developers, investors, consultants, and other market participants to evaluate hotel development projects. Given that development costs for hotels are dependent on a multitude of factors unique to each development and location, this report should not be relied upon to determine the cost of actual hotel projects or for valuation purposes. Instead, it is intended to provide support for preliminary cost estimates, as well as to show a comparison across the various hotel categories.


In 2023, hotel occupancy remained fairly stable, while ADR exceeded previous levels. STR reported national year-end 2023 occupancy and ADR at 63.0% and $155.62, respectively. In the year-to-date period through June 2024, the metrics were reported at 62.6% and $157.50, respectively, equating to a 0.4% decline in occupancy and a 1.8% increase in ADR when compared to the same period in 2023. Meanwhile, RevPAR was up 1.4%, compared to the same period in 2023, highlighting the industry's ability to generate higher revenues and adapt to post-pandemic conditions.


Source: STR— Source: HVS

The travel market landscape in the United States is undergoing significant rebalancing in the post-pandemic era. While RevPAR, a key performance metric in the hotel industry, is up slightly on a nationwide scale, the growth has not been shared equally. Thus, while some markets are improving, others are stabilizing or declining, balancing out the overall performance.

Many leisure-oriented markets, which were the first to bounce back after the pandemic, are now experiencing a correction, with some resort destinations showing flat or declining performance as the initial surge in demand is now tapering off. The moderation in leisure market performance is partly due to an increase in outbound international travel, as more Americans opt for overseas vacations. At the same time, inbound international travel to the United States remains below pre-pandemic levels, further influencing these trends. Urban destinations, which suffered more during the pandemic because of group restrictions and reduced business travel, are now experiencing a stronger recovery, primarily driven by an increase in group demand.

To further illustrate this point, primary markets, which represent the top 25 cities in the United States, experienced an 8.3% increase in RevPAR in 2023, compared to 2022, and 2.5% RevPAR growth in the year-to-date 2024 period. In contrast, all other markets experienced more modest RevPAR growth of 2.2% in 2023 and 0.4% in the year-to-date 2024 period, demonstrating the stronger recovery of the larger markets in the last 18 months.

Supply growth typically lags the market because of the time it takes for projects to become feasible, obtain financing, and be developed. Growth in new supply following the 2009 economic downturn slowed substantially to an annual average of 0.4% from 2011 through 2013. In the early post-recession years, hotel revenue, net operating income (NOI), and values declined to levels that did not support new construction. Once RevPAR and NOI reached a point supporting feasibility, it took several years for projects to obtain financing and be constructed. The pace of supply growth more than tripled from that trough to an average of 1.4% from 2014 through 2019, reflecting the resurgence of hotel openings in those years, as illustrated below.


Source: STR (Historical), HVS (Forecast)— Source: HVS

Total supply decreased by 3.9% in 2020, attributed largely to the hotel closures resulting from travel restrictions imposed during the pandemic. In 2021 and 2022, national supply grew significantly; in addition to the reopening of many closed hotels, most hotel development projects completed during those years had been planned in or before 2019/20. However, in 2023, the addition of new supply slowed to 0.5%. This slowdown was due to a combination of supply chain issues, increasing construction costs, and the rising cost of debt, which hindered new hotel development in the post-COVID years. Going forward, supply increases will likely continue to be challenged by these factors and the relatively lackluster performance of some markets, as evidenced in the 2024 forecast, where supply is anticipated to grow by only 0.75%.

Based on available data from STR, the following table illustrates historical supply-growth data, coupled with our forecasts for 2024 through 2028.


Source: STR (Historical), HVS (Forecast)— Source: HVS

While high construction costs and the high cost of capital pose challenges for new hotel development, these periods may also present opportunity. Higher borrowing costs reduce the overall return on investment, making some projects financially unfeasible. Developers may struggle to secure loans or face unfavorable loan terms, which can delay or halt the progress of new developments. Despite these challenges, this could be an advantageous period for initiating the lengthy pre-development process, which may involve market/feasibility studies, entitlement efforts, architectural and design planning, brand/operator searches/negotiations, and pre-construction work. Economic downturns and high costs discourage some developers from starting new projects, reducing competition. This can provide an opportunity for those who proceed with development to capture market share once conditions inevitably improve.


In terms of inflation specifically related to development costs, we present historical information below from the Turner Building Cost Index, which has tracked costs in the non-residential building construction market in the United States since 1967. The Turner Building Cost Index is determined by the following factors on a nationwide basis: labor rates and productivity, material prices, and the competitive condition of the marketplace. The index generally increased year-over-year from 2011 through 2019, significantly outpacing inflation from 2013 through 2019. The index grew by 5.0% on average from 2014 through 2019, before slowing to 1.8% growth in 2020 and 1.9% growth in 2021; however, the cost index surged by 8.0% in 2022, followed by a 6.0% increase in 2023. Growth of the index fell again to 4.0% in the 2023/24 trailing-twelve-month (TTM) period ending June 2024. As an additional point of reference, Rider Levett Bucknall (RLB), which also compiles a quarterly construction cost report, also reported a construction cost index increase of 6.1% for year-end 2023.

The annual changes in the Turner Construction Cost Index compared with the annual changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) are illustrated in the following graph.


Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Turner Building Cost Index— Source: HVS

In recent years, the construction industry has experienced notable fluctuations in costs. However, as we move further into 2024, the landscape is shifting, with cost inflation aligning more closely with the CPI. This trend suggests a favorable environment for new developments to gain momentum. The latest data from Turner Building Cost Index indicate that cost inflation is now around 4.0%, reflecting a significant decline from the previously heightened rates.

Several factors have contributed to the reduction in cost inflation. First, the labor market has stabilized. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, labor shortages were rampant due to illness, movement restrictions, and safety concerns. The scarcity of workers led to increased wages and overtime expenses as companies competed to attract and retain labor; however, the workforce has now returned to more normal levels, mitigating these pressures. Additionally, the supply-chain disruptions that plagued the industry are now easing. During the pandemic, factory closures, lockdown measures, and transportation restrictions caused delays and material shortages, driving up prices. Today, these logistical challenges have largely been resolved, leading to more predictable and stable material costs. The competitive landscape of the construction industry is also normalizing. Post pandemic, there was a rush to resume delayed projects, leading to increased competition, higher bidding prices, and inflated budgets. As the backlog of projects has now been addressed, the market is reaching equilibrium, which is reflected in more stable and predictable project costs. This stabilization in costs opens the door for new developments to proceed with greater financial confidence in markets where the fundamentals support new supply.


Evaluating the comprehensiveness of a hotel development budget can often be challenging, as different line items are used, and some components are unintentionally omitted. HVS has been at the forefront of helping developers and industry participants make sense of hotel development costs through the consistent presentation of these costs. Based on our experience reviewing actual developers’ budgets, as well as preparing the annual HVS U.S. Hotel Development Cost Survey, we have created the following summary format for hotel development budgets, which forms the basis for the presented cost categories. We find that these categories are meaningful for hotel professionals when undertaking an analysis related to hotel feasibility, and they provide a basis from which to analyze proposed projects. The following illustration shows the six categories defined by HVS, as well as the typical items associated with each category.


Source: HVS— Source: HVS

The categories are not meant to be all encompassing but do reflect the typical items in a development budget. In construction accounting, development budgets are commonly presented in far greater detail than they are in general investment analysis.


HVS collected actual hotel construction budget data nationwide in 2023. While not every construction budget was captured (for a variety of reasons, including incomplete data, skewed data, or development attributes), our selection includes complete and reliable budgets that form the basis for this year’s survey. The budgets included both ground-up development projects and redevelopments of existing buildings throughout the United States. This year, the states most represented in the survey were Florida, California, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, North Carolina, New York, Georgia, and Arkansas, illustrating where the bulk of hotel development is occurring in the country. Furthermore, as would be expected, construction costs varied greatly in different parts of the country. In this sample, the highest construction costs on a per-room basis remained in markets with high costs of living—primarily California, followed by New York; however, a number of high-end luxury developments were also noted throughout the country. Developments with the lowest costs per room included limited-service or economy extended-stay hotels in the “Sun Belt” states.

We also examined the lodging product-tier breakdown of our data to further determine the most popular types and brands of hotels that were developed in 2023. In the limited-service category, the top five brands were Hampton by Hilton, Tru by Hilton, Holiday Inn Express, Fairfield by Marriott, and La Quinta by Wyndham. Within the extended-stay category, the top six brands were Home2 Suites by Hilton, WoodSpring Suites, TownePlace Suites by Marriott, Element by Westin, Residence Inn by Marriott, and Homewood Suites by Hilton. The select-service segment was most represented by brands such as Courtyard by Marriott, Hilton Garden Inn, EVEN Hotels, Hyatt Place, and Aloft Hotels. Lastly, the full-service category was represented by a variety of “collection” brands from Marriott, Hilton, and Hyatt, as well as a number of independent or unbranded projects at the time of the study.


The averages and medians below reflect a broad range of development projects across the United States, including projects in areas with low barriers to entry and those in high-priced urban and resort destinations.


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Limited-service and midscale extended-stay hotels illustrated median per-room costs in the $160,000 to $170,000 range and included the popular brands previously highlighted. The median cost for hotels in the upscale extended-stay and select-service categories was around $250,000 per room. Dual-branded hotels showed a median cost of $231,000, as this category often includes an extended-stay midscale or upscale brand paired with either a select-service brand or a limited-service brand.

The cost to develop full-service hotels is approximately $150,000 per room higher than select-service hotels, with a median cost of over $400,000 per room. Lastly, the median cost to develop luxury hotels was recorded at over $1,000,000 per room. This category reflected the lowest number of developments, considering the mathematics of making luxury projects feasible given the high development costs across the nation.

It is important to note that the median cost for all hotels increased 3.0% when compared to the results of our last survey.


The budgets analyzed in this survey were provided directly by the developers, owners, and lenders on both ground-up and conversion hotel projects during the illustrated period. The results of the survey combine the data from actual construction budgets organized across a variety of product types. The results also comprise unique hotel projects that cannot be replicated by the inherent nature of hotel development. As such, we would caution developers against relying on the information to estimate costs for a specific project, as a multitude of factors affect a hotel’s development budget. Thus, we recommend that users of the HVS U.S. Hotel Development Cost Survey consider the per-room amount in the individual cost categories only as a general guide for that category.

Construction and FF&E design and procurement firms are the best sources for obtaining hard costs and FF&E costs for a specific hotel project. It is also advised that developers consult more than one source in their hotel development process to more accurately assess the true cost of development. Additionally, the cost should always be adjusted for inflation over the development timeline given that the typical hotel development process can last three to five years. Lastly, we recommend that the projected performance of the proposed hotel be revisited periodically during the development process.

HVS is available to assist owners and developers in all aspects of the hotel development and ownership life cycle, from initial idea through development, opening, and beyond. For further information, please contact Luigi Major at (310) 270-3240 or [email protected] .

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Post Presentation Survey

A post presentation survey is a questionnaire used after a presentation to gather feedback and comments. Customize and access on any device.

Event Evaluation Forms

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  • Survey Templates

A post presentation survey is a questionnaire used after a presentation. Whether you’re a professor or a public speaker, use this free Post Presentation Survey template to gather feedback from your audience! Just customize the questions, embed the form on your website, or share it with a link, and start collecting responses instantly. It’s ideal for remote classrooms — helping you collect the feedback you need, fast.

Customize the form based on your own needs, add more question fields to get more feedback. To store responses in your favorite storage service or your other accounts — such as Google Sheets or Google Drive — do it automatically with Jotform’s 100+ free integrations! Add your logo, change the background image, or add more form fields to collect clients’ personal information! Make your presentations more impactful with a free online Post Presentation Survey.

Memphis Womens Summit Form Template

Memphis Womens Summit

Memphis Women's Summit Post Event Survey

Activity Evaluation Form Template

Activity Evaluation Form

An activity evaluation form is used by teachers to collect feedback on a learning activity from students. Whether you’re a teacher or education manager, our Activity Evaluation Form is a great way to get feedback from your students. Just customize the questions and survey to match the classroom, embed the form on your website, or share it with a link. All submitted responses are automatically sent to your Jotform account, where you can view it, export it to a spreadsheet, or add it to your CRM. Since our forms are 100% customizable, you can set up a template that fits your style and preferences — add your logo to the logo field, replace the background image, add a feedback button to your activity evaluation form, or change the text color. You can even use our powerful Form Builder to add more questions to your form and make it more comprehensive. If you’re looking for a way to boost communication, keep track of student activities, or just get more feedback from students, try our free Activity Evaluation Form.

Art Contest Voting Form Template

Art Contest Voting Form

An art contest voting form is a survey that encourages voters to cast their vote in an art contest. Throughout art contest voting time, participants get to choose the best entries to win awards. This form collects information about art contest entrants, including the participants’ names and works in the contest. Artists and art contest organizers can use a free art contest voting form template to create a survey that helps them organize their contest. This form allows artists and art contest organizers to submit artworks through a simple online form. An art contest voting form is a survey that encourages voters to cast their vote in an art contest.Once you’ve customized your contest voting form, you can embed it on your website or share it with a link. This way, you can get as many people to vote as possible. You can also edit your form template to add other useful information, such as the number of entries and voting time. Once you publish the survey, you can view the results of your art contest voting form to find out which entries won and which entrants are the best.

GTW Suriname 2019 Participant Evaluation Form Template

GTW Suriname 2019 Participant Evaluation

Event evaluation

Event Completion Report Form Template

Event Completion Report Form

An Event Completion Report Form is a form template designed to evaluate, document, and communicate the outcomes of an event, gather feedback, identify areas for improvement, and inform future event planning efforts. It serves as a valuable tool for organizers, allowing them to contribute to organizational learning, continuous improvement, and the overall success of events. With this form, event planners can easily collect feedback from a diverse range of stakeholders involved in event planning, management, evaluation, and decision-making processes.Jotform, a user-friendly, drag-and-drop online form builder, offers the Event Completion Report Form as part of its customizable form templates. With Jotform, users can easily create and customize this form to meet their specific requirements. The platform's ease of use, along with features like conditional logic and extensive field options, allows event planners to create dynamic and comprehensive forms. Additionally, Jotform's integration capabilities with popular apps and services, such as Google Drive, Salesforce, and Dropbox, make it seamless to collect, analyze, and report event data. With Jotform, event planners can streamline their event evaluation processes and make data-driven decisions for future events.

Josh Dampf Events Post Event Feedback Form Template

Josh Dampf Events Post Event Feedback

Post event survey

An activity evaluation form is used by teachers to collect feedback on a learning activity from students.

An art contest voting form is a survey that encourages voters to cast their vote in an art contest

Post Presentation Survey Form Template

An Event Completion Report Form is a form template designed to evaluate, document, and communicate the outcomes of an event, gather feedback, identify areas for improvement, and inform future event planning efforts.

Church Event Evaluation Form Template

Church Event Evaluation Form

A church event evaluation form is a feedback form used by members of a congregation to evaluate their experience at an event. No coding is required!

Menu Tasting Form Template

Menu Tasting Form

The Menu Tasting Form is a valuable tool for restaurant owners, food bloggers, and event planners who want to gather feedback from their customers before serving their menu.

Pittard Evaluation Form Template

Pittard Evaluation Forms

Concert Evaluation Form Template

Concert Evaluation Form

A concert evaluation form is a customer feedback survey to help musicians or venue owners understand how well they performed at a concert.

Girl Scout Event Evaluation Form Template

Girl Scout Event Evaluation Form

A Girl Scout Event Evaluation Form is used by Scouts to rate the event. Whether you are a Girl Scout troop leader or are just supporting one, this Girl Scout Event Evaluation Form can be used to collect ratings from the event.

Astronomy Event Satisfaction Survey Form Template

Astronomy Event Satisfaction Survey

MASTER LMW Summit Survey Form Template

MASTER LMW Summit Survey

Summit Survey to rate speakers and get other feedback

Wine Blind Tasting Form Template

Wine Blind Tasting Form

A wine blind tasting form is a questionnaire used by connoisseurs to compare wines and discover unknown flavors.

Environmental Cleaning Form Template

Environmental Cleaning Form

An environmental cleaning form is used by companies to keep track of cleaning crew work.

Teacher Appreciation Form Template

Teacher Appreciation Form

This Teacher Appreciation Form template is a free, printable format that teachers can use to give a token of appreciation.

ITFI Evaluation Form  Form Template

ITFI Evaluation Form 

Evaluation form SDCP

Hallowfest Survey Form Template

Hallowfest Survey

A Halloween festival survey is used by businesses and organizations to survey and gather details from attendees.

Seminar Evaluation Form Template

Seminar Evaluation Form

A Seminar Evaluation Form is a form template designed to assess the effectiveness of seminars, workshops, or similar events.

About Event Evaluation Forms

An event evaluation form gathers feedback from guests and helps event coordinators learn what went well and what needs improvement. No matter what type of events you host or organize, get valuable feedback from guests with Jotform’s free Event Evaluation Forms. These readymade templates are fully customizable, so all you need to do is select the one that best suits your needs, makes it match your branding, and share it with guests to begin collecting feedback.

It’s easy to customize any of these Event Evaluation Form Templates for your event. Using our drag-and-drop Form Builder, you can add form fields, set up conditional logic, connect to apps, and upload images without any coding. When you’re happy with the look and feel of your form, embed it on your website or send it to guests via link or email. All responses will be stored in your secure Jotform account, where they can be viewed, downloaded, shared, or turned into visual reports . Find out what makes your event successful — and learn how to make your next one even better — with Jotform’s Event Evaluation Forms.


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The Polls Have Shifted Toward Harris. Is It Real, or Something Else?

A review of the Trump team’s critique of our surveys, and the surprising fact that a lot of people don’t seem to remember how they voted.

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Nate Cohn

By Nate Cohn

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Last week’s New York Times/Siena College polls showing Vice President Kamala Harris leading in three swing states led some Republicans and Democrats to ask the same question: Is this real?

At the center of this question is whether the Times/Siena polls have enough voters who supported Donald J. Trump in 2020. The Trump campaign released a memo arguing that our polls would have actually showed a Trump lead if we had weighted the results properly.

The Trump campaign’s critique focused on something pollsters refer to as “recalled vote.” In the polls of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, respondents recalled backing President Biden over Mr. Trump by six points, 52 percent to 46 percent, even though Mr. Biden actually won these three states by an average of about 1.5 points. The Trump campaign used this data point to say Mr. Trump would have led if the poll had the “right” number of Trump 2020 supporters.

This isn’t an absurd argument. In recent years, many pollsters have embraced recalled vote in exactly the way the Trump campaign describes: as an accurate measure of how people voted in the last election, which can then be used to evaluate the partisan balance of the sample. As an idea, it makes logical sense.

But over the longer run, recalled vote hasn’t usually been very reliable. Oddly enough, this is one of the first things I remember learning when I started getting interested in polling methodology in the fall of 2004 . Back then, it was George W. Bush who led the polls, and it was the Democrats trying to prove that the polls were skewed. Among other things, they argued the polls had too many Bush ’00 voters, based on recalled vote.

A CBS News/Times poll at the time, for instance, found Mr. Bush and John Kerry tied, but Bush ’00 voters outnumbered Al Gore ’00 voters by six points. Mr. Gore won the popular vote in 2000; if the poll had the “right” number of Gore supporters, Democrats thought, Mr. Kerry would have led — perhaps by a lot. Plausible, right?

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  22. Post Presentation Survey Form Template

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  23. The Polls Have Shifted Toward Harris. Is It Real, or Something Else

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