Mass Effect 3 Citadel Missions Guide

Finish all Citadel Missions and Find all Artifacts and Spectre Items to deliver to the needy in Mass Effect 3 with this guide

Mass Effect 3 Citadel Missions Guide

Citadel in Mass Effect 3 acts as a town hub where you can receive different side quests for some extra goodies like cash, reputation and war assets, etc. We have compiled a full guide to all Mass Effect 3 Citadel missions.

Since ME3 also aims to tie up the loose ends from the previous games; some of these side quests are related to Mass Effect 1 and 2.

If you are looking for something extra and plan to take on these missions, our walk through below will help your cause.

For more help on Mass Effect 3, read our Romance Guide , Squad Members Guide and Endings Guide .

Mass Effect 3 Citadel Missions Walkthrough

Aria You can find Aria in the Purgatory. She will ask you to unite the three; Blood Pack, Blood Suns and Eclipse. Depending upon your decisions with Zaeed in Mass Effect 2, there can be slight variation in this side quest. Head to the Embassies first through the apartment area for Eclipse.

Meet Bailey but forcing him won’t do any good. You need to head to C-SEC office in the Commons and deal with the subject yourself. She can be agreed to join your cause for Renegade points so make sure that you do that (This way you can take over the Eclipse).

For the Blue sons, you need to move to the holding area at Cargo Hold A. The person you meet, there will ask you to take care of Oraka in the commons.

Talk to the general and decide what you want to do next. Either choose the Renegade path or select Paragon and find a new weapons source. Kannik in the market will agree to render you with the weapons, but you will have to give him an artifact in return.

Head to planet Vana, in Vular system and then Kite’s Nest Cluster to find the artifact. This will convince Oraka to leave the blue sons alone. When you have all three groups, the mercenaries group will help you in your cause during war effort.

Hunar Diplomat After you get the email, head to the embassy and talk to Jondum Bau. Head over to the Spectre Terminal and enable the Hanar Embassy Tracking.

The first of the three evidence can be found in the terminal (Embassy Offices). The other two can be found in the Holding area (at security check point and one at Bay E28.

Go back to the Embassy to meet Bau again. When you confront Hanar, you should choose here whether you want to save Bau or let him die. The latter option will earn you Hanar and Drell Forces.

Liara’s Father Go to Commons and find the bartender Aethyta. You can now either select the renegade path or send her away.

You can also choose to talk to Liara (she is sitting on the table beside) directly and ask her to convince her father. The second option will earn you increment in your war Asset Asari Fifth Fleet.

Spectre and Artifact Delivery Missions

People on the Citadel and Normandy are looking for various items. Just by walking by someone you may overhear a request to pick up an item.

These fetch quests can be completed for rewards by scanning planets, searching area during missions, or sometimes buying them from your Spectre terminal.

Alien Medi-Gel Formula Mission After you are done with the Pavalen main mission, head to Huerta on the top floor and when you leave the elevator, listen to the conversation the doctor is having about the Medi-Gel.

To complete this mission, you need to head to the hospital in the Citadel and meet Dr. Raven, whom you should hand over the formula. You will get Hanar & Drell Forces war assets as a reward for this mission.

Asari Widow Mission The Asari Widow mission is obtained by looking into a datapad found next to an Asari Corpse whilst going through the Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery mission.

Once you have the datapad with you go to Weshra located on the stairs in between the Meridian Place Market and the Apollo’s Café in the Presidium Commons.

Barla Von Mission In order to acquire Barla Von, find Liara located in the Presidium Commons. After this, you will be sent to Barla Von found in the bank. You will now have received the quest.

Now your destination is the Krogan DMZ, from where you will be heading to the Dranek System. You might need to have completed the Priority Sur’Kesh first before you are able to see it on the galaxy map.

You will be able to acquire the Shadow Broker Wet Squad by scanning Rothla. Now head back to Barla Von to finalize the quest.

Batarian Codes Mission After completing Priority: Citadel 2, you can find Jordan Noles in Presidium Commons, who will ask for your help.

He will ask you to do something about the illegal use of batarian diplomatic codes. Head to the Spectre terminal first and then find the access points in the citadel.

Biotic Amp Interfaces After you have completed the main mission Palaven, head to the top floor in Citadel (Huerta Memorial). Move to the Inpatient wing and then hear the Asari’s conversation.

One thing you should keep in mind that the mission will fail after Priority: Citadel 2. So make sure that you complete it before the Priority.

The mission is fairly simple. Head back to the Citadel’s Huerta Hospital floor and talk to the Asari scientist among the patients. You will get Citadel Defence Force war assets as a reward.

Cerberus Automated Turret Schematics While you are completing Tuchanka: Bomb quest, grab the Turret Schematics to start the mission. A C-Sec officer will ask your help in tracking down the Cerberus turrets in Citadel.

You need to bring him the Cerberus automated turret Schematics in the Presidium Commons to get the job done. The mission, however, cannot be completed until you complete the main Priority: Citadel 2 tasks.

Citadel Defense Force war assets will be the reward you will get after finishing this task.

Cerberus Ciphers Mission Go to Citadel Embassies where you will find Delk. He will inform you regarding Cerberus Ciphers.

Delk requires you to bring him various Cipher Codes so he can break the Cerberus codes. These codes can be found whilst doing the quest N7: Communication Hub. During the quest, you will find a terminal that specifically says Cerberus Codes. Should you happen to miss this little detail in the mission, you can also alternatively obtain said codes for 1,000 credits from the Spectre Terminal. Talk to Delk to complete the mission once you have obtained the codes.

Cerberus Turian Poison Mission In order to start this quest you are going to want to make your way to the Huerta Memorial Hospital. You will notice after the events of Priority: Citadel 2, people are restless. During this, you will happen to eavesdrop on a doctor who is unable to deal with the turian poison.

There are two ways you can complete this mission. During the mission Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists, you will find the Turian Toxin Data lying under a microscope in the lab; but if you have missed it and the ship has sailed; then simply go ahead and buy it from the Spectre Terminal.

Chemical Treatment Mission The Huerta Memorial Hospital is under a perplexing situation once again as they ponder over how to deal with a patient with severe chemical burns.

Your job is to get the doctors a working treatment plan; which very conveniently can be found in the starting area during the quest N7: Fuel reactors. You will find it on a crate next to the ladders. Well, if you’re telling me you missed the item, then you know what to do. Get to the Spectre Terminal and buy it for 1,000 credits.

GX12 Thermal Pipe Mission Specialist Traynor will contact you and inform you that Adams would like to speak to you once you board the Normandy. Head to Adams once you have received the message from Traynor in order to receive the quest.

Adams needs a GX12 Thermal Pipe for safety measures. These pipes can be bought from the Elkoss Combine Arsenal Supplies at Presidium Commons. It is known as E-Gel Thermal Conduit. Buy these life-saving pipes for 1,000 credits and deliver them to Adams. The quest won’t complete immediately, so just return after a while to finish the quest.

Hanar Diplomat Mission Jondum Bau; a Salarian can be found outside Commander Bailey’s Office once you complete Priority: Palaven. Talk to the Salarian to get the mission.

Jondum suspects that a member of the Hanar Diplomatic Staff is indoctrinated. You must investigate this matter at once.

Note that you will not be able to do this mission after completing Priority: Tuchanka.

Get to the Citadel Embassies floor and access the good old trusty Spectre terminal. From here you are going to enable the Hanar Embassy tracking.

Access another terminal found by the seating area near the Office Suite.  Another terminal needs to be accessed found outside the elevator to the Docks: Holding Area, it can be found at the very end of the walkway.

Go to the elevator where you first accessed the Second Terminal. You will now be directed to go to meet Jondam Bau near the Office Suite.

Speaking to Bau will initiate a cutscene, after which you will find out Hanar Zymandas actually uploaded a virus to shut down the Hanar planetary defense systems.

At this point, you will be given a prompt, if you select it, you will knock the human out and Bau will shoot the Hanar.

Choosing to ignore the prompt makes Shepard race to the terminal and counter the upload. Jondam Bau will either live, or die

Heating Unit Stabilizers You will find a Salarian in Presidium Commons of the Citadel through which you can start this mission. He will ask you to get heating unit stabilizers for him, which is not a difficult task if you know where to go.

Head to Spectre office on the second floor and then you can buy the Stabilizer from Spectre Requisitions section. After handing over the Stabilizer, you will get Salarian third fleet as a reward.

Improved Power Grid You can get this mission from the women in Purgatory talking to herself. The upper floor will be available only when you return to the Citadel for the second time after completing Priority: Pavalan.

Your task is to find the schematics for the technician for the power grid. You can either purchase them via credits from the stores, or you can find Old Grid Schematics during the N7: Cerberus Attacks mission on Tuchanka.

You will get 1000 credits and Alliance Fifth Fleet as a reward after you are done with this task.

Inspirational Stories Mission After you are done with Priority: Citadel 2 tasks, head to the refugee camp and find a Salarain named Solik.

He will ask you to capture a footage that can be made useful in War effort. Find it on the Citadel and head back to the refugee camp to complete the mission.

Kaklisaur Fossil Mission Talk to Salarian busy talking on his comms, next to the apartments. He should appear after you complete Priority: Citadel 2. The scientists needs a Kakliosaur speciem so that he can help Krogans fight on toxic worlds.

Head to Argos Rho cluster and then to the Phoenix System, here you will be scanning a planet known as Intai’sei in order to acquire the Kakliosaur Fossil. Give this to the scientist in order to complete the reward.

Krogan Dying Message Mission When you are on Attican Traverse: Krogan Team mission, you will find a dead body of a Krogan holding a love letter.

Ereba is her love and she (an asari merchant) can be found in the Meridian Place in the Presidium Commons of the Citadel.

Medical Supplies Mission Normandy’s doctors needs basic necessities for the patients. Speak to the doctor on Normandy in order to get this mission.

You will have to negotiate with Tactus who is wearing purple armor in the refugee camp. In order to broker a trade, you will need the specific required amount of Paragon or Renegade points. Once done, talk to your selected doctor and gain your reward.

Medi-Gel Sabotage Head to the refugee camp to learn that there is a refugee camp doctor worried about the Medi-gel dispensers being sabotaged.

For this quest, you will be repairing a total of three dispensers. Examine all three of these and return to the doctor to finish the quest.

Reaper Code Fragments After Priority: Citadel 2, head to Citadel Embassies to start the mission. The asari war strategist wants you to find the Reaper code fragment and hand it over to her. The code can help in predicting enemy movements.

Target Jamming Technology If you trespass in Presidium Commons, you will over-hear a C-Sec Officer talking about the Jamming technology. So fetch him the technology, he wants to save lives and get your reward.

Volus Ambassador Mission You will receive an E-Mail from Primarch Victus detailing you regarding Din Korlack who may or may not be a Cerberus informant. The E-Mail is received after completing Priority: Citadel 2.

Go to the Embassy level and talk to the officer guarding the office left of the elevator. Once you gain access to the office, grab the ambassador’s log and listen to the three entries.

Now get the listening device in the corner. The ambassador should contact you at this point and tell you where he is being held hostage.

You will find that the ambassador is being held hostage in the apartment area on the right after going up the staircase.

You will find two doors, select one of them, which will turn out to be the wrong door, then go ahead and select the second door. You will now run into the ambassador, everything will be explained and the quest will be completed.

Wounded Batarian The quest can be simply obtained by hearing intently in the Presidium Commons after completing Priorirty: Citadel 2. Through eavesdropping you will learn that a wounded batarian may actually be a terrorist.

Go to the refugee camp on the second floor of the Citadel in order to locate the batarian. After talking to him you will have two choices, end his suffering, or let the suffering continue.

Artifacts and Spectre Item Locations

Key NPC (NPC Location) – Item (Item Location)

Preacher (Docking: Holding Area\Cargo Hold: C) – Pillars of Strength (Kite’s Nest\Harsa\Khar’Shan)

Diplomat (Citadel Embassies\Embassy Offices) – Prothean Obelisk (Shrike Abyssal\Urla Rast\Talis Fia)

Dr. Ravin (Hospital\Patient Lounge) – Alien Medi-Gel Formula (Sigurd’s Cradle\Decoris\Sanctum)

Officer (Purgatory\Lower Bar) – Banner of the First Regiment (Apien Crest\Castellus\Digeris)

Doctor (Hosptial\Examination Rooms) – Advanced Biotic Implants (Ismar Frontier\Aquila\Metaponto)

Asari Scientist (Hospital\Lab Services) – Biotic Amp Interfaces (Petra Nebula\Vetus\Grissom Acedemy)

Kannik (Commons\Market) – Black Market Artifacts (Kite’s Nest\Vular\Vana)

Dominic (Citadel Embassies\Embassy Offices) – Information on Bilal Osoba (Spectre Requisitions)

Alison (Purgatory\VIP Entrance) – Improved Power Grid (Krogan DMZ\Aralakh\Tuchanka)

Sellea (Commons\Courtyard) – Heating Stabilizers (Spectre Requisitions)

Angry Accountant (Commons\Bank) – Book of Plenix (Aethon Cluster\Aru\Irune)

C-SEC Officer (Commons\Courtyard) – Automated Turret Schematic (Krogan DMZ\Aralakh\Tuchanka)

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...

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When do you complete UNC/Citadel assignments? ME1 mission order.

I always like to do every side quest and visit every world but want to complete them in a way which makes sense in the story.

During the first visit to the Citadel you are supposed to investigating Saren and accepting/completing too many side missions breaks immersion for me.

Additionally when you are given the 3 planets to go to, how do you decide when to do UNC missions and how often do you return to the Citadel to mop up any remaining side missions?

I guess what I’m asking for is a loose guideline to follow as this has become a big problem for me and I can’t get 5 hours into a play through without resetting (which I must have done about 4 or 5 times now).

There are guidelines and mission order posts already but these only cover the main storyline ( )

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mass effect 3 citadel assignments

Mass Effect Guide & Walkthrough by

Mass Effect Guide & Walkthrough

Mass Effect: Citadel p. 3 - walkthrough Mass Effect Guide

Last update: 20 May 2021

When Garrus will join your squad ( 3.2. Garrus ), you'll find out than Fist, thug hired by Saren, and mysterious quarian, who has some information about geths, are supposed to meet. Of course you need to find Fist and wring everything he knows of him. According to Garrus, you'll find him in Chora's Den. Before you go there, take the opportunity to gain another ally, Wrex ( 3.3. Wrex ).

Fist's thugs will be waiting for you in the bar ( C6-1 ). Eliminate them and head to the room inside ( C6-2 ). Two storehouse workers will be waiting for you behind the doors. You can kill them or use charm/intimidation to make them run away - your choice. Then you'll meet Fist himself. He'll be hiding behind the desk and he'll activate two turrets. You can easily put them down using overload.

Now you can question Fist. You'll find out that he set a trap for quarian and she'll be soon dead unless you hurry. You have four minutes to save her.

Hint! In this place you can also find optic disk which will be required to complete mission 3.9. Reporter's Request. If you haven't spoken to her yet, picking it up is tantamount to taking this mission.

Return to Chora's Den main room ( C6-1 ) and eliminate the enemies. Then head fast to the alleyway in Upper Ward ( C7-4 ), kill all opponents and speak with Tali.

You'll be moved to the ambassador Udina office ( C1-1 ). Thanks to Tali, things will change for better. You now have proof which will make council to be more favorable for you. Tali will ask whether she could join your squad. Say yes and you'll gain a great technician.

Meet with the council again. Before entering the Tower ( C1-B ), speak with captain Anderson and go inside with him. After examining the evidences, members of the council will change their mind about Saren. You will get a new function and your mission will be to catch ex-Spectre.

Before going on the mission, youll need to meet ambassador Udina at the docks (C8) - Mass Effect: Citadel p. 3 - walkthrough - Citadel - 1st visit - Mass Effect Guide & Walkthrough

Before going on the mission, you'll need to meet ambassador Udina at the docks ( C8 ). You'll be told that captain Anderson handed you over command of Normandy. We'll also learn about three trails which may lead you to Saren. The first one is in Artemis Tau, the second on Feros and the third on Noveria. Which order you'll choose, it's up to you.

3.2. Garrus

The whereabouts of Garrus should be known by Harkin, but he's suspended and spends all day in Chora's Den ( C6-1 ).

After getting there you'll be attacked by hired thugs. Eliminate them and go inside. You'll witness a scene in which you'll see krogan Wrex for the first time. Find Harkin and talk with him. You'll learn a few things about Anderson's past and Garrus whereabouts. You'll find him in Upper Ward, in medical clinic ( C7-1) .

You must eliminate enemies there and talk with Garrus, who helped you with that. The thugs were hired by Fist, who stays at Chora's Den ( C6-1 ) and is Saren's henchman. Before you go there (together as a team now), Garrus proposes to ask another ally to join your squad - Wrex ( 3.3. Wrex ).

While speaking with Garrus in the medical clinic ( 3.2. Garrus ), you'll learn that krogan battle master Wrex has a score to settle with Fist. It seems you can gain another ally. He's now being questioned in C-Sec Academy ( C3-3 ). You'll find him there. Speak with him and he'll gladly join you.

3.4. Xeltan's Complaint

Near ambassador Udina office ( C1-1 ), you'll find volus and elcorian office ( C1-2 ). Go inside and talk with Xeltan. He's troubled because of Sha'ira.

Her chamber ( C1-7 ) is situated near the Presidium financial district. By the entrance stands Nelyna. Talk to her trying to make an appointment with Sha'ira. After the conversation, the consort herself will contact acolyte and grants the permission for you to enter. It looks like Sha'ira has an assignment for you ( 3.5. Asari Consort ). Only after completing it she will speak with you again.

After meeting with general and making him change his mind (3 - Mass Effect: Citadel p. 3 - walkthrough - Citadel - 1st visit - Mass Effect Guide & Walkthrough

After meeting with general and making him change his mind ( 3.5. Asari Consort ), he'll propose you an assignment. When you'll take it, you'll receive an evidence which will make Xeltan's day. You just need to return back to his office ( C1-2 ) and show him the object.

3.5. Asari Consort

After speaking with Sha'ira ( 3.4. Xeltan's Complaint ), you'll get an assignment to convince general Septimus not to spread rumors about her. Septimus is in Nora's Den ( C6-1 ). You could ask acolyte Nelyna about him; she stands near the entrance to consort chamber ( C1-7 ).

General Septimus sits in the corner of Chora's Den ( C6-1 ). He won't be eager to change his mind easily, but few matter-of-fact arguments (or charm/intimidation talent) will work. After convincing him to stop being cross, he'll propose us a little job ( 3.4. Xeltan's Complaint ).

To finish this mission, you just need to speak with Sha'ira who stays in her chamber ( C1-7 ).

3.6. Strange Transmission (Major Kyle) [Uncharted world]

In C-Sec Headquarters ( C1-4 ), on the table near the executor's Pallin desk, stands a console. After hacking into it you'll find a message from Alliance Command about a group of biotic cultists led by a former Alliance soldier. It is situated in the Century system in the Hawking Eta cluster.

It looks like their seat is on Presrop ( ).

3.7. Scan the Keepers

After talking with the council ( 3.1. Expose Saren ), go downstairs. You'll perceive an alien tampering with one of the keepers. Talk with him (his name is Chorban) and agree to help him ( C2-2 ). He'll give you a small scanner which should be used to examine all keepers in Citadel (21). Their positions are marked on maps with symbol " O ".

On the Upper Markets youll be accosted by a man named Conrad Verner (C7-3), who is your fan - Mass Effect: Citadel p. 3 - walkthrough - Citadel - 1st visit - Mass Effect Guide & Walkthrough

3.8. The Fan

On the Upper Markets you'll be accosted by a man named Conrad Verner ( C7-3 ), who is your fan. He'll ask for your autograph. The rest of this quest could be done later, when you'll land on Citadel again.

3.9. Reporter's Request

On the Upper Ward some woman will be shouting at you ( C7-2 ). It's Emily Wong, reporter. She'll ask for your help with finding evidences of corruption in Citadel.

After defeating Fist ( 3.1. Expose Saren ), you'll find in his office ( C6-2 ) an optical disc. It stores data which may be useful for Ms. Wong. Go to the Upper Ward and give the disc to the reporter ( C7-2 ). During the conversation you can also offer her further cooperation and promise to give an interview after finishing the investigation.

3.10. Signal Tracing

At the back of the Flux casino there are gambling machines ( C4-1 ). At the end of the room there is one which seems suspicious. After examining it you'll find out that it has been reprogrammed in order to transfer money to someone's account. Activate signal tracking - it comes from the Wards access corridor ( C5-4 ).

Go there and examine the terminal ( C5-4 ) to learn that money is being transferred from Presidium financial district. The signal will lead you to the bank ( C1-5 ). There you'll find out that the source is situated behind Emporium ( C1-6 ).

Thats a rogue AI whos transfering the money - Mass Effect: Citadel p. 3 - walkthrough - Citadel - 1st visit - Mass Effect Guide & Walkthrough

That's a rogue AI who's transfering the money. It threatens to activate autodestruction which will destroy everyone in the room. When you'll want to finish the conversation, countdown will begin. Your task is to guess the abort sequence. You can use trial and error method. Remember, that after each error the sequence resets. The right pick is marked by green color, the wrong one by red. If you're lazy, here's the right combination: YXYAXAA.

Another way to get rid of the AI is to destroy the terminal, but it will gain you less experience points.

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The Citadel

Location: Milky Way / Serpent Nebula / Widow

  • 1 Description
  • 2.1 Modern Discovery
  • 2.3 Crucible and Catalyst
  • 3.1 Presidium
  • 3.2 Citadel Tower
  • 3.4 Defenses
  • 4 Unique Inhabitants
  • 5.1 Mass Effect
  • 5.2 Mass Effect Galaxy
  • 5.3 Mass Effect 2
  • 5.4 Mass Effect 3
  • 6.1 Mass Effect
  • 6.2 Mass Effect 2
  • 8 Cut Content
  • 10 References

Description [ ]

Supposedly constructed by the long-extinct Protheans , this colossal deep-space station serves as the capital of the Citadel Council . Gravity is simulated through rotation, and is a comfortable 1.02 standard G's on the Wards and a light 0.3 standard G's on the Presidium Ring .

Total Length (Open): 44.7 km Diameter (Open): 12.8 km Population: 13.2 million (not including keepers ) Gross Weight: 7.11 billion metric tons

—  for follow.

History [ ]

Modern discovery [ ].

The interior surface of one of the Citadel's Wards

The asari were the first race to discover the Citadel in 580 BCE , soon after learning to use the mass relays . They were joined shortly by the salarians , and soon after, the volus . As other races were contacted by the asari, or discovered the station independently, they gained embassies on the Citadel and came under the jurisdiction of the growing Council, eventually comprising the asari, the salarians, and the turians .

Strategically located at the junction of a number of mass relays leading to various parts of the galaxy, the Citadel quickly became a hub of activity. The station was chosen to house the Citadel Council, thereby cementing its importance in the galactic community. It is accepted to be the political and cultural heart of Citadel space , the unofficial name given to all systems that fall under the Citadel species' control.

Even after thousands of years of occupation, the Citadel retains many secrets. The precise age of the station is not known, nor what resilient material it is constructed from. The location of the Citadel's core and its master control unit, regulating systems such as life support and navigation, remain hidden. The most visible, and perhaps intriguing, mystery of the Citadel concerns its caretakers, the keepers . These mute alien creatures maintain the Citadel's vital systems, and can be seen working throughout the station, yet, despite this, little is known about them.

Normandy + Citadel

The Citadel was not, in fact, constructed by the Protheans; they were simply the last race to make use of the station before the asari arrived. It, and the mass relays, are the creations of the Reapers , and were built to help facilitate their cycle of galactic genocide. The Reapers were also responsible for the placement of the keepers on the station, in order that the occupying races would not discover the Citadel's key functions. The station is actually an inactive mass relay leading to dark space , designed as an elaborate trap so the Reapers can wipe out the heart of galactic civilization and leadership in a single, devastating strike.

According to Vigil , the last Protheans used the Conduit and traveled to the Citadel to try and break this cycle. They succeeded, but it was already too late for the Protheans. Because the Conduit portal only linked in one direction, Vigil feared that the Prothean scientists, unable to find any food or water on the Citadel, slowly starved to death. Due to this Prothean intervention, the Reapers were forced to travel to the Milky Way without the help of the mass relays, at normal FTL speeds.

During Commander Shepard 's visions on Eden Prime and Virmire , very brief glimpses of the Citadel can be seen (namely the Presidium ring from above, and the Ward Arms) presumably as part of the Prothean warning that the station is a dormant trap. However, this part of the vision appears to be too fragmented to be fully recovered, as neither Liara T'Soni nor Shiala mention it.

Crucible and Catalyst [ ]

The Citadel in orbit...

At the height of the Reaper invasion in 2186, the races of the galaxy unite to construct the Crucible , a superweapon of ancient design with the power to destroy the Reapers once and for all. The final and most important component of the Crucible is the Catalyst , which is revealed to be part of the Citadel. Unfortunately, the Illusive Man learns of this and flees to the Citadel, where he alerts the Reapers of the galaxy's plans. The Reapers respond by seizing control of the Citadel, moving it into Earth's orbit to protect it. Though some occupants are able to flee before the arms close, the rest suffer an unfortunate fate. [1] With the Crucible unable to dock at the sealed station, Alliance leaders determine that someone must get inside the Citadel to manually open its arms.

During the battle for Earth, Commander Shepard boards the Citadel via a transport beam and opens the Wards to allow the Crucible to attach to the station. Shortly afterward, Shepard meets the Catalyst - now revealed to be the Intelligence that controls the Reapers. Shepard must then choose between destroying the Reapers, controlling them, or merging organic and synthetic life. Upon deciding, the Crucible releases its energy and the Citadel, with its Wards now open to their maximum extent, amplifies it and transmits it to the Charon Relay , which in turn transmits it to the rest of the Mass Relay network.


If Shepard chooses to destroy the Reapers, the Crucible's energy severely damages the Citadel and mass relays, but they are eventually rebuilt. If Shepard chooses to merge synthetic and organic life, the Citadel and mass relays are severely damaged, but rebuilt with the help of the Reapers. As the five wards were left largely intact in these two cases, it is possible that some of the Citadel's inhabitants managed to survive on them and were rescued. [2] If Shepard chooses to control the Reapers, the Citadel remains intact but the relays are damaged. Shepard, now in control of the Reapers, directs them to rebuild the relays.

The Citadel Presidium

The Citadel is a massive construct, similar in shape to a pentagram . It consists of a central ring 7.2 kilometers in diameter, from which five arms protrude, each 43.6 km long and 330m thick.

The station is capable of closing in on itself, via the convergence of its five arms, transforming it into a long, impenetrable cylinder. However, the Citadel is only closed in times of emergency, and normally the station retains its 'open' appearance.

The central ring and five arms are home to the Presidium and Wards respectively; the spaceports are also located on the central ring, as it is the center of rotation, facilitating easier access for ships attempting to dock with the station.

The Citadel has a labyrinthine interior superstructure, accessible through keeper tunnels.

Presidium [ ]

The Presidium is a massive, park-like complex containing the offices of the various branches of the galactic government, as well as the embassies of all the races represented in the Citadel. There are also shops, restaurants and recreational facilities, serving the wealthy residents who live and work throughout the sector. The Presidium is monitored by a Virtual Intelligence named Avina , and, unlike the Wards, incorporates an artificial 20-hour day schedule: lights are dimmed, and the holographic "sky" darkened, for 6 of the 20 hours, imitating the familiar day-night cycle.

Citadel Tower [ ]

The tower at the center of the Presidium houses the Council Chambers and the main traffic control for the station—any ship within a few thousand kilometers comes under the jurisdiction of Citadel Control. The Chambers themselves are not open to the public and access is only granted to officials and those with special clearance. They are beautifully furnished, with cherry trees and fountains, as well as numerous staircases leading up to the central platform where the Council convenes.

A view of the Citadel from the Wards

The "arms" of the Citadel, known as the Wards , constitute the residential and commercial sectors of the station. Densely populated, housing millions of residents from many galactic species, the Wards are akin to Earth cities such as Hong Kong and Singapore .

Numerous skyscrapers rise from the superstructure, sealed against vacuum, as breathable atmosphere is only maintained to a height of approximately 7 meters. Unlike the Presidium, there is no artificial day-night cycle; as a consequence of this, commercial activity rarely ceases, and residents work and rest according to personal need. Barla Von appropriately dubs the area the cultural heart of the Citadel, and therefore of Citadel space.

The Wards are policed by the Citadel Security Services (C-Sec), whose offices and custody suites are located in the Lower Wards. Flux is a popular night club, also located in the Wards. The Wards are also home to the Silversun Strip , a bustling commercial area featuring Silver Coast Casino , Castle Arcade , Armax Arsenal Arena , and the apartment complex Tiberius Towers . Below the Wards, the Citadel Archives function as a repository for artifacts and records deemed important.

Defenses [ ]

The station has a nearly impervious outer hull; closing the wards is a formidable defense against outside attack

As befits such an important galactic location, the Citadel boasts multiple layers of defense. The first is the Serpent Nebula itself: the nebula's composition is such that it is difficult for attacking fleets to navigate, thus preventing them from launching a concerted attack.

Another link in the Citadel's defensive chain is the Citadel Fleet . The fleet is a massive task force consisting mostly of turian vessels but also including ships from the other Council races. The Citadel Fleet, led by the imposing asari dreadnought Destiny Ascension , constantly patrols the space around the station. However, should any aggressor manage to break through the Citadel Fleet, reinforcements from all over the galaxy are only minutes away, due to the network of mass relays located nearby.

If any enemy gets close enough, the station is capable of closing in on itself to form a long, armored cylinder, 45 kilometers in length. The station's hull is sufficiently strong that, even when subjected to the most advanced weaponry available, it would take several days of sustained bombardment to inflict any serious damage to the superstructure.

The station also boasts its own internal security force, known as C-Sec . The 200,000 officers patrolling the station handle everything from customs to hostage negotiations.

The Citadel also has turrets to ward off small craft, such as dropships.

Unique Inhabitants [ ]

Duct Rats are poor, homeless children of the Citadel who travel in the ventilation system of the station. They often die by sudden deadfalls; laceration by fan blades; starving to death; or suffocating because of exposure to the open vacuum of space. Oftentimes, they are just never found. Thane Krios sometimes used duct rats, Mouse among them, to gather information on his targets in the Citadel.

The keepers are a mysterious, bio-engineered insectoid race that are native only to the Citadel. They are found throughout the Citadel in random locations, and are harmless. They are believed to be created by the Protheans as the caretakers of the Citadel.

Missions [ ]

Mass effect [ ].

  • Mission: Citadel: Expose Saren
  • Mission: Citadel: Garrus
  • Mission: Citadel: Shadow Broker → Citadel: Wrex
  • Mission: Race Against Time: Final Battle

Mass Effect Galaxy [ ]

  • Mission: Into the Abyss
  • Mission: Protect the Council

Mass Effect 2 [ ]

  • Mission: Citadel: Captain Bailey
  • Mission: Citadel: The Council
  • Mission: Dossier: The Master Thief
  • Mission: Garrus: Eye for an Eye
  • Mission: Kasumi: Stealing Memory
  • Mission: Thane: Sins of the Father

Mass Effect 3 [ ]

  • Mission: Priority: The Citadel I
  • Mission: Priority: The Citadel II
  • Mission: Priority: The Citadel III
  • Mission: Apien Crest: Banner of the First Regiment
  • Mission: Aria: Eclipse
  • Mission: Aria: Blood Pack
  • Mission: Aria: Blue Suns
  • Mission: Athena Nebula: Hesperia-Period Statue
  • Mission: Benning: Evidence
  • Mission: Citadel: Alien Medi-Gel Formula
  • Mission: Citadel: Asari Widow
  • Mission: Citadel: Barla Von
  • Mission: Citadel: Batarian Codes
  • Mission: Citadel: Biotic Amp Interfaces
  • Mission: Citadel: Cerberus Automated Turret Schematics
  • Mission: Citadel: Cerberus Ciphers
  • Mission: Citadel: Cerberus Retribution
  • Mission: Citadel: Cerberus Turian Poison
  • Mission: Citadel: Chemical Treatment
  • Mission: Citadel: GX12 Thermal Pipe
  • Mission: Citadel: Hanar Diplomat
  • Mission: Citadel: Heating Unit Stabilizers
  • Mission: Citadel: Improved Power Grid
  • Mission: Citadel: Inspirational Stories
  • Mission: Citadel: Kakliosaur Fossil
  • Mission: Citadel: Krogan Dying Message
  • Mission: Citadel: Medi-Gel Sabotage
  • Mission: Citadel: Medical Supplies
  • Mission: Citadel: Reaper Code Fragments
  • Mission: Citadel: Target Jamming Technology
  • Mission: Citadel: Volus Ambassador
  • Mission: Citadel: Wounded Batarian
  • Mission: Dekuuna: Code of the Ancients
  • Mission: Dekuuna: Elcor Extraction
  • Mission: Hades Nexus: Obelisk of Karza
  • Mission: Hades Nexus: Prothean Sphere
  • Mission: Irune: Book of Plenix
  • Mission: Ismar Frontier: Prototype Components
  • Mission: Kite's Nest: Pillars of Strength
  • Mission: Nimbus Cluster: Library of Asha
  • Mission: Shrike Abyssal: Prothean Obelisk
  • Mission: Silean Nebula: Rings of Alune
  • Mission: Valhallan Threshold: Prothean Data Drives
  • Mission: Citadel: Aria T'Loak
  • Mission: Citadel: Dr. Bryson
  • Mission: Citadel: Identity Theft I
  • Mission: Citadel: Identity Theft II
  • Mission: Citadel: Leviathan I
  • Mission: Citadel: Leviathan II
  • Mission: Citadel: Leviathan III
  • Mission: Citadel: Party
  • Mission: Citadel: Shore Leave
  • Mission: Citadel Archives: Escape
  • Mission: Citadel Arena: Cerberus Challenge
  • Mission: Citadel Arena: Charity Reaper Challenge
  • Mission: Citadel Arena: Geth Challenge
  • Mission: Citadel Arena: Medi-Gel Challenge
  • Mission: Citadel Arena: Prothean Challenge
  • Mission: Citadel Arena: Reaper Solo Challenge
  • Mission: Citadel Arena: Spin Zone Elite Challenge
  • Mission: Citadel Arena: Thermal Clip Challenge
  • Mission: Citadel Arena: Unusual Scores
  • Mission: Citadel Docks: Retake the Normandy
  • Mission: Citadel Wards: Ambush
  • Mission: Silver Coast Casino: Infiltration

Assignments [ ]

  • Assignment: Citadel: Asari Consort
  • Assignment: Citadel: Doctor Michel → Citadel: Doctor Michel is Safe
  • Assignment: Citadel: Family Matter
  • Assignment: Citadel: Homecoming
  • Assignment: Citadel: I Remember Me
  • Assignment: Citadel: Jahleed's Fears → Citadel: Jahleed's Secret → Citadel: Jahleed and Chorban | Citadel: Jahleed Returns Materials | Citadel: Jahleed Arrested
  • Assignment: Citadel: Negotiator's Request
  • Assignment: Citadel: Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things
  • Assignment: Citadel: Old Friends
  • Assignment: Citadel: Our Own Worst Enemy
  • Assignment: Citadel: Planting a Bug
  • Assignment: Citadel: Presidium Prophet
  • Assignment: Citadel: Reporter's Request
  • Assignment: Citadel: Rita's Sister → Citadel: Rita's Sister and Chellick → Citadel: Rita's Sister is Safe
  • Assignment: Citadel: Scan the Keepers
  • Assignment: Citadel: Schells the Gambler → Citadel: Schells' Scanner Given Away | Citadel: Schells has his Data
  • Assignment: Citadel: Signal Tracking
  • Assignment: Citadel: The Fan
  • Assignment: Citadel: The Fourth Estate
  • Assignment: Citadel: Xeltan's Complaint → Citadel: Xeltan Convinced
  • Assignment: Citadel: Crime in Progress
  • Assignment: Citadel: Found Forged ID
  • Assignment: Citadel: False Positives
  • Assignment: Citadel: Krogan Sushi
  • Its role as a space station which serves as the central hub for commerce and diplomacy for multiple species was inspired by Babylon 5 . [3]
  • The Citadel may also draw inspiration from the city of Sigil from the Planescape Dungeons and Dragons setting. Attended to by enigmatic keepers without obvious motives, Sigil is considered the hub of the multiverse and is a vast melting pot for all cultures. Additionally, its strange, ring-shaped geometry (divided into Wards) means other parts of the city are constantly visible overhead: something it has in common with both the Presidium and the Wards of the Citadel.
  • Galactic Standard Time strongly resembles Decimal Time , a representation of time of day briefly utilised in Revolutionary France. The only major difference between the two is that one GSD (Galactic Standard Day) includes twenty hours, whilst one day in Decimal Time only has ten. Thus a second in Decimal Time is only approximately 1.16 times as long as a Terran Coordinated Universal second.
  • According to Mass Effect: Incursion , in 2183 there were 2,491,356 humans living on the Citadel.
  • The Galaxy at War map states that the Citadel is located within Inner Council Space, but on the Galaxy Map aboard Normandy, the Citadel is in Outer Council Space.
  • A Mass Effect 3 concept art of the Citadel has been appropriated for use in the music album "Futuristic Mob" by rap duo The Jacka and Double-00, as noticed by BioWare general manager Aaryn Flynn and Mass Effect producer Michael Gamble. [4] [5]

Cut Content [ ]

and is not to be considered canon in any way.
  • BioWare: Stories and Secrets from 25 Years of Game Development mentions that proposed names for the Citadel were "Optigon" and "Oculon". [6] The latter is widely referenced throughout the first game's internal data relating to the Citadel. Similarly, the acronym "C-Sec" was also shown to have been "Oc-Sec" at some point. [7]
  • A combat simulator planned on the Citadel was apparently scrapped during development. [8] It would have been located in the "Marshals training ground". When the idea was scrapped, that area was remade into the C-Sec academy. [9] A combat simulator was eventually implemented for the game's downloadable content Pinnacle Station , and later for the Armax Arsenal Arena in Mass Effect 3: Citadel .

See Also [ ]

  • Bonus Content Disc/Environments: Citadel

References [ ]

  • ↑
  • ↑
  • ↑
  • ↑
  • ↑
  • ↑ BioWare: Stories and Secrets from 25 Years of Game Development, page 142
  • ↑ Plot Database: LE1.CH1_Star_Citadel.Find_the_Quarian.knows_about_doctor.Oc_Sec_Contact
  • ↑ Plot Database: LE1.CH1_Star_Citadel.Combat_Simulator, Mass Effect Cut Content/Citadel Voicelines#sta20_amb_combat_simulator
  • ↑ Bonus Content Disc/Environments: Citadel#Image 11 , PC Tweaks#Main_levels
  • Mass Effect
  • 2 Romance (Mass Effect: Andromeda)

Mass Effect Mission Order: the best sequence to tackle story missions in

Mass Effect has a fairly open-ended structure where once you get your hands on your ship, the Normandy, you can tackle most of the game’s core story locations and missions in any order you like. However, we do think there is a best mission order in which to tackle things.

This is, of course, all suggested. The nature of Mass Effect’s story means that you can and should think about what sort of order you’d like to approach everything in and then go with your own gut.

With all that said, we do have our own favored mission order for Mass Effect 1 which is based on a few factors - primarily an even-handed difficulty ramp-up, and the best possible pacing for the story, especially in the later parts of the game. We’ll explain our optimum order below.


Mass Effect Mission Order: the optimal mission sequence, according to us

The game begins with a string of missions starting with Prologue: On the Normandy and Prologue: Find the Beacon. This is followed by Citadel: Expose Saren.

On the Citadel you’ll have the opportunity to recruit Urdnot Wrex (Citadel: Shadow Broker & Citadel: Wrex) and Garrus Vakarian (Citadel: Garrus) - and we recommend you do these, as these are two squad mates, great characters, useful in battle, and key players throughout the entire Mass Effect Trilogy - though you can opt not to recruit one of them at all if you wish. 

Also on the Citadel, there’s a wide range of side quest assignments you can pick up and play at your discretion. They’re covered in our full Mass Effect 1 side quest assignments list .

Once you get control of the Normandy, you’ll be able to fly to the other core story mission planets in any order you like. We recommend the following order:

  • Find Liara T’Soni: head to Therum in the Knossos System, Artemis Tau Cluster. You want to do this first as Liara is a squad member, and rounds out your team with an expert Biotic user (which is Mass Effect's mage-style class). 
  • Citadel: side quests mop-up. All quests from your previous visit remain open, but some new ones are available after finishing your first story planet, including the side quest exclusive to your Shepard's pre-service history background . We recommend you complete Citadel: Scan the Keepers using our Keeper Locations guide at this time, in particular.
  • Asteroid X57: Bring Down the Sky: this is DLC, but it slots better into the earlier part of the story. It’s included in the remastered legendary edition of the game.
  • Noveria: Geth Interest & Matriarch Benezia: you should take Liara on this mission if you can. Completing this story world unlocks more side content throughout the galaxy.
  • Citadel & Uncharted World Exploration: more side quests mop up
  • Feros: Geth Attack & The Thorian: Tali is a killer squadmate on this mission, where you’ll be fighting a lot of Geth.
  • Pinnacle Station: this is DLC, and isn’t available at all in the new legendary edition remaster; so skip this if you’re on that version.
  • Point of No Return: Complete any remaining side quests and assignments here, as the story becomes a rollercoaster from here on out. Remember, completing many side quests is key to a great many things, including amassing enough cash to unlock the best weapons in Mass Effect .
  • Virmire: Saren’s Plan / Assault: we’ve got a separate guide on the big choices on Virmire if you need help.
  • Ilos: Find the Conduit / Trench Run / Race Against Time: be aware that once you travel to Ilos, it truly is the point of no return aside from starting over in a new game plus. When you trigger the visit to Ilos, your Mass Effect romance option will be locked in and the romance scene will take place.

Obviously this is a suggested order, but we feel this is an optimum order for a well-paced, well-balanced    play-through of Mass Effect, even on Insanity difficulty. 

As a general suggestion, try not to use the same pair of squad members for all story missions and side missions. All have interesting things to say, and you’ll benefit from taking people with a vested interest - missions involving the Krogan, for instance, are Wrex’s deal. Tali will always have more to say when the Geth are involved. Additionally, you’ll want to think about how useful their powers are. Tali isn’t very good against biotic opponents, but her tech powers can tear Geth to pieces easily. 

This article is part of a series. As you move on to the next games, check out our Mass Effect 2 Mission Order and Mass Effect 3 Mission Order pages for the same advice in those games - which are longer and more complicated.



    mass effect 3 citadel assignments

  2. Citadel Assignments III (Mass Effect 3)

    mass effect 3 citadel assignments

  3. Citadel Assignments

    mass effect 3 citadel assignments

  4. Mass Effect 3: Citadel maps

    mass effect 3 citadel assignments

  5. Mass Effect Citadel assignments

    mass effect 3 citadel assignments

  6. Citadel Assignments

    mass effect 3 citadel assignments


  1. Citadel Missions

    Citadel Missions. By Samuel Claiborn , KBABZ , Bob , +77.8k more. updated Mar 7, 2012. advertisement. This section collects the Citadel Missions that are all started on the Citadel. Citadel ...

  2. Assignments

    Assignments are the side missions of Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. These have little to no bearing to the overarching narrative, but completing them may further understanding of the series' underlying workings. There is a large variety of assignments to complete; this page is a list of them. Click on a specific assignment in the list to read its detailed walkthrough. For a list of missions ...

  3. Side Missions

    Side Missions are broken up into several types in the Journal. N7 Missions involve Cerberus and mainly come from Specialist Traynor in the CIC. Citadel

  4. Mass Effect Assignments: how to start every side quest & assignment

    One advantage of the branching, multi-game narrative of Mass Effect is that several of these side quests and assignments can also feature choices that have consequences in Mass Effect 2 and 3 - if ...

  5. Mass Effect 3: Citadel

    Mass Effect 3: Citadel is a DLC pack for Mass Effect 3. It opens new areas of the Citadel, offers new attractions on the Citadel, and an opportunity to connect with characters from the series.

  6. Mass Effect 3 Mission Order: best sequence for all priority, DLC and

    Mass Effect 3 Mission Order - Part 1. Prologue: Earth, Priority: Mars, and Priority: The Citadel I: these three missions will follow sequentially at the very start of the game. Simply play them ...

  7. Citadel: Homecoming

    Acquisition. Prerequisite: Citadel: Expose Saren. Samesh Bhatia appears after Tali joins your party, in front of the embassy reception desk in the Presidium. He wants to speak to you when you pass him, and if you do he asks you to intervene on his behalf. Even if you decide this isn't worth your time, he hands out this assignment anyway.

  8. Citadel DLC

    Mass Effect 3: Citadel is the final single player DLC pack for Mass Effect 3, offering fans one last sentimental journey with Commander Shepard and their squad. Players explore and discover new ...

  9. Mass Effect 3 Citadel Missions Guide

    Citadel in Mass Effect 3 acts as a town hub where you can receive different side quests for some extra goodies like cash, reputation and war assets, etc.

  10. Mass Effect 3: best squad for each mission

    Mass Effect 3: Best Squad choices for main quest Priority missions Mass Effect 3 is split into two types of missions - main and side quests.

  11. Mass Effect 3: All missions and quests

    Main Missions - Mass Effect 3. In the following list we have included links to pages with walkthroughs of specific missions, as well as additional pages on how to prepare for the campaign's grand finale. Also, we have prepared information about the available game endings. The hashtag numbers, that is, #2 and #3 in the title of The Citadel ...

  12. When do you complete UNC/Citadel assignments? ME1 mission order.

    Return to citadel and finish the 2nd half of side quests (excluding ones that require you to leave the Citadel) Do some more UNC assignments (specifically the ones that reward morality points) Feros and it's assignments. Some UNC assignments and the ones that you were given on the Citadel that require you to leave.

  13. Citadel Assignment Cleanup

    Citadel Assignment Cleanup. This page of IGN's wiki guide concerns all the Assignments on the Citadel from when you first arrive on the station. In particular, it's designed to be done after you ...

  14. Mass Effect 3 Guide

    2.4Priority: Tuchanka. 2.5Priority: The Citadel II. 2.6Priority: Geth Dreadnought. 2.7Priority: Rannoch. 2.8Priority: Thessia. This page contains a walkthrough for the main missions of Mass Effect 3. Major changes in the gameplay from Mass Effect 2 are listed in the main Mass Effect 3 page, while the effects of importing a saved game from Mass ...

  15. Citadel Assignments

    Citadel Assignments. Citadel I: Assignments available after becoming a Spectre. Citadel II: Assignments available after completing Therum, Feros, or Noveria. Citadel III: Assignments available after completing the first four storyline planets. Citadel IV: Assignments dependent on Shepard's Pre-service History.

  16. Mass Effect 3: Priority, The Citadel #3

    On this page of the Mass Effect 3 game guide you will find the walkthrough for the main quest Priority - Citadel 3. This is the third visit to the Citadel as part of completing the main storyline. The following walkthrough explains, among other things, when to visit the Citadel for the third time, where to meet the Asari councillor, and how your previous choices may affect your eventual ...

  17. Citadel

    Citadel is a Location in Mass Effect 3. Citadel is located in the Widow system within the Serpent Nebula cluster. Locations can be explored while you traverse the galaxy. Locations may vary in size or scope, and may or may not have Missions associated to them. Some of them can only be scanned from atop the Normandy, while others can be landed on.

  18. Mass Effect: Citadel p. 3

    Mass Effect: Citadel p. 3 - walkthrough Mass Effect Guide. Mass Effect: Citadel p. 3 - walkthrough. When Garrus will join your squad ( 3.2. Garrus ), you'll find out than Fist, thug hired by Saren, and mysterious quarian, who has some information about geths, are supposed to meet. Of course you need to find Fist and wring everything he knows of ...

  19. Full Walkthrough Roadmap

    This section of IGN's Mass Effect Legendary Edition wiki guide details the Full Walkthrough Roadmap, which will help you complete each and every Mission, Assignment, Side Quest and DLC story in ...

  20. Citadel

    A Mass Effect 3 concept art of the Citadel has been appropriated for use in the music album "Futuristic Mob" by rap duo The Jacka and Double-00, as noticed by BioWare general manager Aaryn Flynn and Mass Effect producer Michael Gamble.

  21. Citadel: Side Quests

    Pre-Service History Side Quests. This trio of Assignments take place on the Citadel, and also appear after you complete either Therum, Feros or Noveria. Significantly, they are tied to the Pre ...

  22. Mass Effect Mission Order: the best sequence to tackle story missions

    Also on the Citadel, there's a wide range of side quest assignments you can pick up and play at your discretion. They're covered in our full Mass Effect 1 side quest assignments list.

  23. Mass Effect Assignments

    Citadel: Presidium Prophet. Citadel: Reporter's Request. Citadel: Rita's Sister → Citadel: Rita's Sister and Chellick → Citadel: Rita's Sister is Safe. Citadel: Scan the Keepers. Citadel: Schells the Gambler → Citadel: Schells' Scanner Given Away | Citadel: Schells has his Data. Citadel: Signal Tracking. Citadel: The Fan.