How to Write a Business Newsletter: Examples, Format, and Strategy (2024)

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Michelle Troutman

Every message you send should promote your product, service, or mission successfully. But figuring out how to write a business newsletter can be frustrating. Where do you begin: with the design, the content, or both? Will people even find it engaging?

As a blank screen stares back at you, you may feel overwhelmed. Keep calm and read on to learn all about business newsletter writing from start to finish.

Table of Contents

What makes a business newsletter effective, what should be included in a business newsletter, what are some business newsletter examples, how do i create a newsletter for my business, what should i write in my first newsletter, how do you write a business newsletter template, how do you sign off a newsletter, how often should you send a newsletter, how do i make a newsletter for free, how do you write a professional newsletter.

A business newsletter informs potential customers about products or services. The benefits of sending an e-newsletter include cost-effective marketing, targeted messaging, and direct communication.

Learn more in What Are the Elements of an Effective Business Newsletter?

A successful newsletter starts with a well-defined content and design plan. Identify your target audience, determine your newsletter goals, and set a consistent publishing schedule.

  • Michael Katz of Blue Penguin Development suggests you answer the question, “What is this about?” in one clear sentence. And aim to give your readers information that will appeal to them. Ideally, it will help them do better jobs or live better lives.
  • If you publish blogs, social media posts, or press releases regularly, add your newsletter to your content marketing mix. Use it to recycle or reinvent existing content. Consider how your messages fit into your content calendar.
  • If you’re in business, your priority may be to get more leads, which can eventually turn into sales. You can address every stage of your buyer’s journey , from their awareness of your business to consideration, decision-making, and loyalty.

So feature content that informs potential customers about you and your products or services and how you can help them.

Content Ideas to Help You Build a Relationship With Your Readers

  • News or upcoming events: your own or from sources you credit
  • One or more of your recent blog posts (links with or without summaries)
  • Discounts, special offers, or giveaways (a free guide, a prize drawing, etc.)
  • Your thoughts on a topic tied to your product or service
  • Readers’ comments, including questions and answers

Writing a Business Newsletter in 5 Steps infographic.

And it doesn’t have to be all business. Katz also recommends you blend stories about your life experiences with your expertise to connect with readers and build trust.

A more personal touch may make you stand out as someone people can relate to rather than a faceless brand name. It can also keep your content interesting. Their responses to your content could reveal how popular it is or how well it converts.

When writing a company newsletter, consider:

  • The purpose of the content and if it fits the theme of your message; if not, find a suitable topic. To refine your subject, link your article goals to the different buyer’s journey stages (more on that later).
  • The writing style: will it be informational or tell a story? Will you go for laughs?
  • The outline or structure.

Artificial intelligence can help, but check any facts for accuracy and tailor any content it generates to your unique brand voice, language, and tone.

Learn how to write an article for a business newsletter.

How to Write a Business Newsletter: Tailoring Your Content to Different Audiences

Consider segmenting your audience by their needs and interests. This lets you craft content that connects deeply with each group. By offering a variety of content formats, you can cater to different learning styles and preferences. Here’s how.

1. Know Your Audience: Segment your target market based on factors like industry, company size, or legal or financial needs to address their challenges or goals. Potential segments for a professional services firm:

  • Startups: They might need help with forming a legal entity, fundraising strategies, and navigating early-stage regulations.
  • Established Businesses: This segment could benefit from content on contract negotiation, intellectual property protection, or tax-saving strategies.
  • High-Net-Worth Readers: This group might be interested in estate planning strategies, wealth management tips, and asset protection.

2. Craft Content in Their Language: Once you know your segments, change your language accordingly. Examples:

  • Startups: Add terms familiar to them like “seed funding” or “minimum viable product (MVP).” Simplify complex legal and financial concepts clearly.
  • Established Businesses: Use industry-specific jargon relevant to their field (e.g., “marketing and advertising law” for an ad agency). Provide in-depth analysis of legal or financial issues that affect their operations.
  • High-Net-Worth Readers: Explain wealth management and estate planning in formal language like insights on complex investment options and tax benefits.

3. Variety Adds Spice: Don’t bore your audience with the same format. Mix it up with different content to show your expertise:

  • Startups: Show infographics on business formation, offer Q&A sessions with legal or financial experts, or checklists for essential tasks.
  • Established Businesses: Share case studies featuring successful client outcomes, publish webinars on industry trends and legal updates, and go in-depth with exclusive white papers.
  • High-Net-Worth Readers: Feature interviews with wealth management specialists, discuss tax law changes that affect their portfolios, or grant access to gated content on estate planning strategies.

4. Track and Analyze: Track your email analytics to see how different segments respond to the content. Use this data to refine your strategy and give each audience useful information.

“I’ve picked up a few email marketing pointers along the way as a real estate investor. I’ve found that personalization is key — I always tailor my newsletters to the specific interests and needs of my audience. Plus, consistency is crucial. I make sure to send out regular updates to keep my subscribers engaged. And don’t forget about valuable content — I strive to provide useful information that adds value to my readers’ lives.” Harpreet Saini, CEO, We Buy Houses

5 Business E-Newsletter Must-Haves

Crafting compelling business emails requires a strategic approach. Five best practices to consider:

  • Plan for Scannability: People skim emails. Structure your content with clear headings, bullet points, and concise language to enhance readability. Many email marketing platforms offer mobile-friendly templates (learn more further below).
  • Embrace Consistency: Set a regular newsletter format. This streamlines creation and enhances familiarity. Consider sections like a welcome message, featured articles, a blog post, and a call to action.
  • Fuel Your Content Engine: Keep a three to 12-month content calendar. Explore content curation tools to collect industry news. Don’t be afraid to repurpose existing content from blog posts or white papers: reframe, summarize, and link back to your sources.
  • Content that Converts: Newsletters educate and nurture leads. Craft catchy headlines, interesting body copy, and clear calls to action. Share your unique experiences and insights to connect with your audience.
  • Stay Compliant: Ensure your email complies with laws like CAN-SPAM. This includes having clear unsubscribe options and avoiding deceptive subject lines. For international audiences, stay aware of CASL (Canada) and GDPR (Europe) compliance standards.

Follow these practices to send informative, engaging, and legally sound messages.

The Best Business Newsletter Structure

Research and marketing firm Fenwick studied 100 email newsletters by B2B (business-to-business) companies in different industries. They found four common newsletter formats:

  • The Summarizer: about 69 percent of the emails repackaged pieces the firms had already published
  • The Hard Sell: 18 percent of the messages focused on product/service benefits
  • The Homepage: eight percent of the newsletters curated content from across the web and provided analysis/context
  • The Forwarder: five percent of the emails the firm generated when it published a new piece of content without any context

Need more ideas? See the business newsletter writing examples below.

If you run a professional services firm (lawyers, insurance, real estate agents, etc.), see these business newsletter examples . I also have some thoughts on healthcare emails .

Among 501(3)(c) charitable nonprofits, I like the National Hemophilia Foundation’s HEMAWARExpress . It features a tasteful design with images and brief descriptions that link to the full articles. The headlines are short. Other copy, such as the sponsored content, is formatted into two columns to stand out from their own articles.

Every image is eye-catching, designed to help tell the story. The newsletter could, however, be shorter. With fewer content blocks, readers would scroll less and save time.

HEMAWAREExpress newsletter snapshot -- one of the best business newsletter examples.

Editing tip: Make sure your headlines follow a consistent case style. In the example above, one of the headlines among the sponsored content is lowercase, but the rest of the words in the headlines are capitalized — consistency is key for easy reading.

I’ve created e-newsletters for economic development nonprofits. One of my local chambers of commerce, the Bangor Region Chamber , excels at keeping their content and design short and sweet, without bold colors, large fonts, or other distractions.

These best business newsletter examples can guide you in choosing the content, design, and style of your newsletter. As shown, depending on your audience and subject matter, your copy should keep a friendly and informational tone throughout.

Next to your copy, the design also determines the basic business newsletter structure. Follow AIDA: attention, interest, desire, and action.

  • Attention – Start with a compelling subject or headline — the first thing readers will see. Use power words , numbers, emojis, news, or scarcity (“This Friday Only”). Subject Line , Sharethrough , Advanced Marketing Institute’s Headline Analyzer , and other analyzers can help you choose click-worthy titles. If your email marketing platform allows for it, include some preview text. It can offer more details to influence opens through helping readers see the value of your email. Inside, much of the age-old writing advice for articles applies, such as writing an appealing opener. Generally, that involves stating an intriguing fact, adding an interesting quote, or asking a question. Personalize the copy to users’ interests or behavior. Images should also draw readers in.
  • Interest – After you’ve started, the challenge is to keep people reading. HubSpot suggests you do that through “building relevance.” If you know why you’re sending people your newsletters, ask yourself, “What value are they going to get from it?”
  • Desire – Build on the initial steps: show readers the value of your product or service.
  • Action – This is the goal of your email. It involves a clear, persuasive, and eye-catching “call-to-action” (CTA), such as a sentence or a button that links to more information. Action verbs help. Focus on the benefits of the content — what readers will get from it — to earn clicks.

To write a great CTA, HubSpot recommends you ask yourself:

  • What do I want the reader to do?
  • Why should they do it?
  • How will they know to do it?

Beyond CTAs in link form, buttons are easy to see and click on, especially on mobile devices. Ensure the buttons are large enough for users to comfortably tap with their fingers. Add white space around them.

Also, write clear and concise button text that conveys the action you want readers to take. Some copywriters suggest you use the word “me” or “my” instead of “you” or “your” in your CTAs to enhance their appeal. Add a benefit — show what readers will get.

  • Book Your Tour and Save
  • Schedule My Free Consultation

The footer can include links to any social media pages and information that complies with CAN-SPAM (U.S.), CASL (Canada), and GDPR (Europe) . Per the CAN-SPAM Act, commercial emails must have your physical address and links for readers to unsubscribe or to email preferences. HubSpot sees these options as a way to build and maintain trust.

Explore how to write a law firm newsletter , including law firm newsletter topics, law firm newsletter templates, and legal newsletter examples for clients.

Keeping It Simple to Maintain Interest

Whatever you decide to include in your emails, the Content Marketing Institute recommends they be “simple and focused.” Stick to one topic. If you must add more information, mention it briefly after the body of the email. Too many details can stop the flow and decrease interest. The text should be conversational and helpful, written in a tone appropriate for your brand and your target market or buyer’s “persona.”

Some experts recommend the average newsletter be 300 words or fewer — or about six to seven lines of text per message — with simple words, short sentences, and action verbs.

Research backs this up. The Nielsen Norman Group (NNG) analyzed 117 newsletters with infrared emitters and webcams to capture people’s expressions. They also used eye-tracking heat maps that showed where users looked.

  • Their research reveals that people tend to skip introductory text. A little over one-third (35 percent), skimmed or glanced at the material.
  • Another of their usability studies of ten emails showed “users have highly emotional reactions to newsletters.” Because they arrive regularly in their inboxes, they tend to see them as an ongoing relationship, with more of a bond between them and the company than a website or a blog.
  • And the format must be simple. Only 23 percent read them thoroughly. Users skimmed, scanned, or didn’t open the rest.
  • A heat map , like those the NNG used that connects to your email platform, can note where people look. Tracking readers’ activity, including open rates, can help you determine future content.

Later, we’ll cover how to create a newsletter template to house your content.

Get The Easy 5-Step Business Newsletter Template

Your first newsletter can set the standard for later emails. It may serve as an introduction, apart from a “welcome” message or script you send new subscribers automatically. It can also state the purpose of your newsletter and cover content you feel is most relevant to readers. And you may mention when they can expect to receive it.

HubSpot follows a holistic approach to writing a company newsletter. They suggest you “consider how to send the right email to the right person at the right time.” They recommend you ask yourself:

  • When will this contact see value from this email?
  • Will they be able to do something with it right now?
  • Is this information relevant to their needs or goals?

Each potential customer is at a different stage in the buying process; some may be in an “awareness” stage and need more educational content compared to someone who is still deciding and needs more information, such as a consultation.

Popular email marketing platforms like MailChimp and Constant Contact offer templates you can customize with your own colors, text, stock photos, and branding.

You can also choose premade templates based on the audience and subject matter. They typically feature a header and a footer, with one column throughout or a mix of one- and two-column content blocks. There’s usually only one of each column style per email.

Fenwick suggests you keep the design simple (like your writing). The B2B newsletters they studied “buried whatever point they hoped to make in walls of tiny text, crammed non-essential images into two-column formats (not a death sentence, but difficult to pull off).” They also “produced an experience that felt nothing like their website.”

The newsletters Fenwick ranked the highest were:

  • An average of 241 words long
  • Used fewer images
  • Had one column
  • Featured the same colors and branding as the company websites
“We used automation tools like Mailchimp and Constant Contact to design our newsletters. They helped segment our audience and personalize content for higher conversion rates.” Fahad Khan, Digital Marketing Manager, Ubuy Nigeria

What Does A Well-Designed Email Look Like?

Fenwick gave the average newsletter a score of 1.83 out of three — just below average; newsletters in their top ten percent achieved a 2.6. They granted only 20 percent of the companies high marks.

The top email newsletters were simple, visually appealing, and kept readers’ attention throughout. “The lowest-scoring email newsletters were cluttered, poorly formatted, and featured several different nested headers, many columns, and a disorienting amount of text.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, great writing and great design are connected. Companies that have good copy also have good design instincts and vice versa.”

Planning Your Newsletter for Business by Design

MarketingProfs suggests you type or hand-draw a basic design before you begin. If you’re working with a designer or programmer, you can give it to them and they can go from there. They also suggest you ensure the look and feel are clear and consistent with your brand and its voice.

HubSpot recommends you keep the type of device your readers will use to see your messages in mind. Smartphones are among the smallest screens.

Plain text emails work best for newsletters that focus on content. This business newsletter writing format is also helpful if you’re linking back to a blog post or a website. Newsletters in HTML may be more eye-catching than text.

Plain text emails work best for newsletters that focus on content. This format is also helpful if you’re linking back to a blog post or a website. Click To Tweet

To quote HubSpot, “Regardless of which type of email you are sending, your reader needs to know what you’re trying to convey. Aim for a clean, straightforward design to display the value you are sending.”

Design Elements That Drive Engagement

Think about the different elements of your email. The top, or header, should be a focal point — put details you want people to see first here, such as your logo.

Headers, links, bold text, and white space throughout emphasize certain parts of your newsletter, making it scannable.

White space is a crucial design element. It gives your content room to breathe, breaking up text and images to enhance readability. Effective newsletter design uses it strategically. Margins, gutters, and spacing between lines add to an appealing and easy-to-read format.

In most email marketing platforms, the standard width is 600 pixels, but you may change the settings to suit different screen sizes.

Learn how to create a professional email newsletter .

How to Create an Engaging Design Template

HubSpot uses the following steps when creating a template to show the reader value, explain the action they should take, and create a conversation that feels natural:

  • Set a goal.
  • Outline your email design; write and design the content to involve the reader in your conversation (and convert).
  • Focus on creating a consistent experience.
  • Bring everything together and create a call to action to guide the reader to their next steps.

Essentially, everything should support the goal of your message and be consistent throughout. And format the writing and the design elements for easy scanning and reading across all devices That’s another part of building a relationship with your readers.

ADA Guidelines for People With Disabilities

An overlooked part of newsletter design is compliance with accessibility standards like the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and the European Union Accessibility Directive . The ADA requires certain businesses to accommodate people with disabilities. Web content for them should be accessible for navigation by voice, screen readers, or other assistive technologies.

The ADA guidelines apply to businesses that run 20 or more weeks yearly with at least 15 full-time employees or those that provide public accommodation, such as inns and restaurants.

Often, people believe websites must be ADA compliant — they can be subject to fines if they aren’t — but newsletters and emails aren’t often discussed. The ADA guidelines aren’t specific, so much of them are based on Web Content Accessibility Guidelines . The ADA legal requirements for an email include:

  • Maintain a logical reading order
  • Use heading elements in code — if you rely on templates and don’t know HTML, this won’t apply
  • Include enough contrast between text and background colors ( WebAIM contrast checker tool )
  • Provide “alt text” for images
  • Feature meaningful link text
  • Keep your code concise (not applicable if you rely on templates)
  • Use a descriptive subject line

Also, check how your emails look in light and dark modes and if necessary, change your design elements to improve accessibility . The dark mode setting in email clients shows the text, icons, and other user-interface elements in light colors against a dark background.

Adjusting Your Newsletter Design Further for Readability

The design elements can also include providing enough space around your text and not using colors that are too similar. Some people might find italics hard to read.

Links, ideally, include three or more words. Linking to an entire sentence (if it’s short) can be easier to read. Campaign Monitor recommends avoiding “click here” and “read more,” in favor of the more precise, like “Read our recommendations for better links.”

The content should make sense and work well with other devices, such as screen readers.

A descriptive subject line should refer clearly to the newsletter content.

Example: “Picked for you: Light Wash Jeans” (Levi’s®).

Whether or not your business must meet government accessibility laws, it’s practical to make your content easy to read for everyone.

Mobile-Friendly Elements of Design That Enhance Appeal

Today, many people read emails on smartphones or tablet PCs. Responsive design ensures your newsletter’s layout automatically adjusts to fit their screens.

For faster load times, use fewer images and keep them fairly small. To ensure smooth viewing on mobile devices, resize your images to dimensions appropriate for your content. MailChimp, for example, prompts users to size graphics 800 pixels wide and 600 pixels high.

Free tools like Irfanview or Promo’s Free Image Resizer can resize graphics. Also, consider image formats designed for web use like JPEG or PNG, which balance quality and file size effectively.

Though they can look good on desktop screens, too many columns can confuse readers and be harder to navigate on mobile devices. Consider a single-column layout; on smartphones and tablets, the text and images stack neatly on top of each other.

When you’re ready to test your design, check how it looks on all devices through your email platform or send yourself a copy.

“Establishing a template with minor customizable parts can drastically cut down on design time. For instance, at Businessmap, we have an evergreen template featuring our brand colors and fonts, but we switch up images and texts per edition to keep it fresh.” Pavel Naydenov, Head of Marketing, Businessmap

Email Design Best Practices - Email Uplers - writing a newsletter

Depending on the content, each “block” or section can have its own call-to-action (CTA). These usually appear at the end of the block. Campaign Monitor recommends you add some personality to the end of your newsletter or CTA. Your final message should match the tone of the rest of your content.

They suggest you:

  • Know your audience
  • Keep it pleasant, short, and sweet
  • Show gratitude when it’s appropriate

Less is sometimes more.

The short answer: it’s up to you. 🙂

If your emails will feature the latest news or promotions, it may be better to send them daily or weekly. For evergreen content, every two weeks or once a month can work well. At the least, it shouldn’t be less than four times a year or quarterly.

Ann Handley of MarketingProfs offers the following rules of thumb:

  • Quality matters more than frequency (with some exceptions). It takes her about eight hours to write and publish her newsletters, hence she issues them every two weeks. She also believes there’s no “right answer” to the question of how often you should publish. To her, weekly or every two weeks is a minimum. She sees monthly as too infrequent.
  • “Write only when you have something to say” doesn’t work. (The Content Marketing Institute has promoted that philosophy.)

For professional services firms or solopreneurs, Michael Katz advises that every two weeks is fine; he publishes his on that schedule and finds that “it keeps me very visible and top of mind.” And he says that nearly all of his clients publish theirs monthly.

For many people, more often is too much work. He reasons that with social media and other tools, you can get more mileage out of your newsletter through posting on other platforms. Like other forms of content, newsletters yield benefits over time.

Research can help you decide the best schedule. Fenwick — remember them? — suggests that “For a newsletter to remain enjoyable, one email per week is probably fine.” Their analysis found that companies sent an average of six emails monthly. The ones they ranked in their top ten percent averaged 11 per month. They advise that sending an email every other day is a lot and suggest sticking to the average.

Few email marketing platforms are truly free; many of them offer limited trials and then charge a monthly fee based on the number of subscribers and/or how often you send.

MailChimp is among the most well-known free providers for lists of 500 or fewer subscribers. It offers a decent variety of templates for non-designers or programmers, but if you know HTML, there’s an option for that.

You can also preview your newsletters, send tests, and check links. And you can send every new subscriber a “thank you” or “welcome” email. Plus, the platform provides solid metrics, letting you track clicks and opens, including the best dates and times for sending. A/B tests are available for paid accounts.

Other services offer similar options based on the number of contacts and emails you send. With Mailjet , the free limit is 6,000 subscribers and 200 emails daily. The plan includes:

  • Unlimited contacts
  • Advanced statistics
  • Advanced email editor

ConvertKit (aka Kit), popular with content marketers, provides their free plan to users with up to 1,000 subscribers. It includes:

  • Unlimited landing pages and forms
  • Sending email broadcasts
  • Selling digital products and subscriptions
  • Email support

Other extras are available through their paid plans.

Sender : Their free plan includes:

  • Access to all features, including automation
  • Up to 2,500 subscribers
  • Up to 15,000 emails per month

Sender offers several features suitable for everyone from bloggers to businesses of all sizes and types.

Among the notable options are automation in the form of product data added to emails from a link and the ability to collect user data after a purchase. Like other platforms, Sender provides:

  • Segmentation
  • Personalization
  • Social sharing
  • Automated welcome messages
  • Email sequences

But compared to other ESPs, their free plan is more generous with subscriber and email send limits.

Though it might seem small compared to more prominent email service providers, Sender boasts more than 300,000 users, including well-known brands such as Deloitte, Disney, and the World Wildlife Fund. It’s also fairly versatile, supporting integration with apps like Cloudflare, WooCommerce, Zapier, WordPress, and Shopify.

“Automation is a game-changer. Leverage email marketing software to automate certain aspects like sending the newsletters, tracking performance, and adjusting strategies based on analytics.”  Gianluca Ferruggia, General Manager, DesignRush

Other Types of Platforms

Sending a newsletter directly from a social media platform or a blog can be easier than using an email newsletter provider. Essentially, your blog serves as the newsletter, as you email everyone an update whenever you post.

Creating the newsletter on the platform is more “plug-and-play,” and doesn’t require coding or much design, saving set-up time.

Some popular free options:

Depending on the platform, you might not own all of your data there, namely your subscriber list. As Ann Handley of MarketingProfs has said of LinkedIn , access to that data can be a problem if the company folds. Major changes could also happen under new owners, like when Elon Musk bought Twitter.

These platforms could also change their content policies and limit what they deem acceptable for posting.

If you meet the access criteria and have over 150 followers on LinkedIn, you can make newsletters through a personal profile or a company page. Google and other search engines may index them, and with LinkedIn’s high domain authority, they could outrank your website or blog content.

Sending an existing newsletter through the platform can cross-promote your content to a wider audience. Once you publish, unless you’ve opted out, everyone in your network will be notified.

beehiiv and Substack: Social vs. Blog Hosting

beehiiv and Substack look similar. Substack is more of a social platform, letting people react to posts and offering audio/video features, including podcast hosting. It’s geared more toward those interested in monetizing their content.

Both sites let you email blogs to an established list for free. If you decide to charge for subscriptions, however, Substack will get a 10% cut and their payment processor, Stripe, will take 2.9% plus $0.30 (USD) per subscriber transaction.

Compared to Substack , beehiiv is more SEO-friendly and is more of a web-hosting blog service. It bills itself as the solution for writers who want more flexibility and options, like access to surveys and advanced analytics (mainly for paid users). It’s free for lists of fewer than 2,500 subscribers with unlimited sends.

With its application programming interface (API), it’s similar to a provider like MailChimp.

After you’ve finished writing a company newsletter, check for errors. A thorough read-through to catch mistakes before you hit “send” will make your newsletter look polished. Email yourself and anyone else on your team a test message (or three). Use this list to spot mistakes:

  • Check all links.
  • Nowadays, many email marketing platforms convert your e-newsletter content for viewing on mobile devices. Explore the design element, like font sizes and colors and links to images, to ensure they’re consistent across all devices. Is everything easy to read and scan? Keep your sentences three to four lines long (or less) to enhance scannability.
  • Check the readability level. Some grammar experts recommend your content read at an eighth or ninth-grade level or below. To check the level, use The Hemingway App .
  • Edit and proofread .
  • Ensure everything makes sense and is correct, including any names, dates, and times. Figures should add up.

If you follow all the steps I outlined above and avoid mistakes , you’ll be well on your way to mastering how to write a business newsletter.

The best of luck to you in your efforts!

To see my newsletter, subscribe below. Plus, you’ll get a gift — my Easy 5-Step Business E-Newsletter Template .

  • First published: September 7, 2021
  • Last updated: June 11, 2024

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By Michelle Troutman

For more than ten years, Michelle Troutman has crafted newsletters and other content for service providers. She has spent a decade creating attention-getting e-newsletters for law and economic development firms. Her marketing and business administration background and education enhance clear and persuasive copy.

Through features in publications like "Attorney at Work" and "Law Fuel," and her e-newsletter and YouTube channel, she inspires professionals to create engaging content. She enjoys helping businesses who serve others reach their marketing goals.

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7 excellent newsletter examples to spark ideas for your own

newsletter assignment examples

Before you can start cultivating a dedicated network of readers, you need to know what makes a good email newsletter.

We’ve collected some of our favorite newsletter examples that demonstrate exactly what to do right.

The characteristics of a good marketing newsletter

Before we dive into the examples, let’s take some time to go over the shared qualities of highly effective company newsletters . These factors range from strategy to email design and mobile responsiveness, so be sure to sit your marketing team down to hammer through each point.

In particular, focus on:

  • Mission and message: These are basic concepts, but twin pillars to newsletter success. You need a clear mission and message behind every email you send. You can draw on your brand identity here to help inform what you want to say and why you’re sending an email about it. Your mission should reflect your brand values and the message should align with your marketing efforts to engage customers. For example, a business that sells subscription beauty boxes may want to project an uplifting mission through messaging that emphasizes personal care and well-being.
  • Design elements: Newsletter design factors heavily into how likely your emails are to be read. You need visuals that pop and attract the eyes of readers who may be scanning their inboxes. Like every good newspaper, your email newsletter should have a masthead with your newsletter name. From there, you should consider including design elements like pull quotes, illustrations, graphs, photos, GIFs and memes. Don’t forget that formatting is also functional, and should structure the email copy in a way that’s easy to read on both desktop and mobile. Don’t have the internal resources to design a newsletter from scratch? There are plenty of newsletter templates available on the web that you can leverage.
  • Clear calls to action: This point is more geared toward the content marketers in us, rather than online readers. Ultimately, the goal of your marketing newsletter is to drive traffic back to your site, resources and product or service landing pages. To that end, your email newsletter design should feature clear calls to action, whether those are CTA buttons or a quick link at the end of the email. However, the implied agreement is that your newsletter content has to be relevant and valuable for CTA buttons to stand any chance of being clicked.
  • Optimized emails: The technical aspects of email marketing can also influence the success of your newsletter. Simply, you need good emails. What’s a good email? It’s personalized, sent to an active address and it has a relevant subject line. This means you’ll need to continuously ensure your email lists are clean, as well as any emails you newly acquire. In terms of a subject line, it’s always good to have a unique subject line for each email to preview the content for readers. However, you can still make your newsletter emails recognizable by including your newsletter name in the subject line.

Lastly, the best newsletters are well-known.

Not just because they’re widely read, but because they’re promoted effectively. Your newsletter is just one cog in your overall digital marketing strategy. Your marketing team should have a plan for how you’ll distribute and promote the newsletter outside the email channel (like on social media or in blog posts). Also, be sure to define your metrics (e.g., open rates or CTA button clicks) so you can track, test and optimize your newsletter.

Now that we have an idea of all the elements that make up a good marketing newsletter, let’s take a look at some of your favorite newsletter examples and why we love them.

Audible has grown to become a household name, offering all sorts of book recordings including fiction, biographies, nonfiction, romance, sci-fi, young adult literature and more — sometimes with the help of a famous voice or two . Audible is a veritable online library catering to all sorts of readers, and it even segments them with targeted newsletters on the genres they most prefer.

Consider this nonfiction newsletter from Audible (which is available in addition to newsletters for thrillers, memoirs and more).

newsletter assignment examples

First off, the name is an absolute hit, playing on the fact-based nature of nonfiction writing. The stylistic illustration in the masthead is also simple but effective, transitioning seamlessly into the opening copy.

newsletter assignment examples

An anonymous newsletter is a missed opportunity. Readers crave personalization or brand personification, and Audible delivers this expertly by weaving in their editor throughout the content. The blurbs about featured books are easy to read and scrollable, plus they also act as CTA buttons, with each thumbnail image linking to that book in the Audible store. Altogether, this newsletter example belongs in an email marketing textbook.

2. Robinhood

Trading stocks and investing in the market has never been easier, thanks to the rise of apps like Robinhood that have democratized trading technology. With a clear focus on millennials and younger investors, the Robinhood Snacks newsletter aims to keep readers up to date on the latest market news , while also still being culturally relevant. What that amounts to is a mix of financial metrics and “have-you-seen-this?” type content that’s designed to engage readers.

newsletter assignment examples

The clean layout creates a very modern aesthetic that helps to keep the reader’s attention trained on the nuggets of information. Plus, the green and red accents on links give the email design a bit of color to liven it up.

3. Autodesk

Like Audible, Autodesk is a business that’s active in multiple verticals. Instead of book recordings, however, Autodesk is a leader in computer-aided design (CAD) software and other solutions for architecture, engineering and construction. That variety in business units also allows the company to craft targeted newsletters for each audience.

An example of this is the newsletter for Autodesk Forge , a cloud data visualization platform.

newsletter assignment examples

Notice the prominent CTA button after a reminder about an upcoming event. Also, the mission of the newsletter is included just below the masthead, which gives a reader everything they need to know about what to expect. In this case, platform updates, coding resources and community announcements.

newsletter assignment examples

The spotlight on community is a big differentiator to the Forge newsletter. The audience for your marketing newsletter is a dedicated and active readership that wants to be involved. Forge mobilizes that reader base with customer stories that feature personal stories as well as product testimonials. Giving your customer community a central place in the newsletter lets you recognize valued customers and potentially cultivate a network of brand evangelists.

4. CBInsights

CBInsights has a vast database that collects all sorts of intelligence to be used for market research or company analyses. It also has a well-regarded email newsletter that’s read by hundreds of thousands and contains some of the juiciest bites of information. But most of all, what’s apparent on the surface is that despite having a professional/B2B-leaning readership, the newsletter employs a relatable and friendly tone.

newsletter assignment examples

In terms of newsletter design, CBInsights does something particularly interesting. Its newsletter is chock full of graphs, charts and other data visualizations, but with portions of the image slightly blurred. What does this do? It creates incentive for the reader to progress to the site and get the full insights. It’s a rather clever way of leveraging visual aids, but not giving away the full store in the newsletter. The newsletter also utilizes branded CTA banners and other images to convey announcements or other information.

newsletter assignment examples

5. The Ready

Organizational agility and resilience don’t simply come by nature. The companies that succeed do so because of their approach to organizational design, which is something The Ready consults on. Driving business change and innovation isn’t easy, so The Ready helps out by publishing Brave New Work , its email newsletter rounding up the latest in business leadership and organizational design.

newsletter assignment examples

The masthead is a powerful brand statement and succinctly conveys the mission and message that readers can expect. The newsletter also understands the newspaper adage that every story should come with some type of art, as it places an image next to every linked article.

newsletter assignment examples

To wrap things up, the newsletter has a couple of quick hits of links to helpful resources, both external and internal. Once again, the email design sets the newsletter example apart by clearly delineating each element of the content. The external links are set in a shaded box while links to an associated podcast and playbook are broken out on their own.

newsletter assignment examples

6. Smashing Magazine

The world of UX and front-end web development and design is fast-paced, and Smashing Magazine helps its readers keep up with the latest in a weekly newsletter. Detailing all things to do with editorial, UX techniques and related subject matters, the Smashing Newsletter is a resource-rich email that readers can count on.

newsletter assignment examples

While the content of the newsletter is great, really the best thing about the newsletter is the cat mascot who makes appearances throughout. In terms of actual content, however, Smashing doesn’t disappoint. The newsletter provides both company news and announcements, as well as trending topics and think pieces from around the web. The design elements here reinforce how readers are supposed to approach the content. Certain phrases are bolded in announcements, while the numbered list of shared links makes the newsletter easy to read.

newsletter assignment examples

This newsletter example is perhaps the most impressive when it comes to design elements. The Litmus newsletter is filled with original illustrations that bring a truly unique atmosphere to the content.

newsletter assignment examples

But the newsletter design isn’t solely for aesthetic’s sake; it’s also highly functional. As you can see, CTA buttons are clearly distinguishable and the content is organized to be scrollable. There is no one chunk of text that disrupts the flow, keeping the reader on a linear path.

newsletter assignment examples

The above picture demonstrates how the copy and design elements are in near-perfect balance. The writing is also highly motivating and inspiring , which is something that likely resonates with newsletter readers who are looking for exclusive insights or information.

Choose a design that works for you

In the end, the design of your newsletter is highly reflective of mission and message. Once you have the latter two sussed out, you can begin expanding on your design approach, giving nuance and character to your newsletter.

Have any of these examples given you a creative kick-start? Or are there other marketing newsletters you’ve seen that you think are the cream of the crop? Drop a comment below to share with us.

Dominic Tortorice

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Dom, an English major and journalism enthusiast, was just happy to get a job out of college writing and editing professionally. That it turned out to be in the burgeoning content marketing industry with Brafton was all the better.

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10 Exceptional Newsletter Examples to Elevate your Email Marketing Strategy

company newsletter examples

Business newsletters are more than just a means of communication—they’re a powerful tool for businesses to engage and retain their audience while driving meaningful growth. 

With an impressive engagement rate of 21.33% and a click-through rate of 2.62%, email newsletters outperform social media (1.36%) and direct traffic (1.1%) as one of the most effective communication channels.

You can share updates, introduce new products, and directly provide valuable tips and tricks to your audience, ensuring stronger connection.

Newsletter also plays a crucial role in encouraging employee engagement, especially in today’s dynamic work environment characterized by distributed teams and remote work.

A well-crafted business newsletter serves as an essential communication tool, connecting employees across departments, locations, and levels. Its design, visuals, and easy-to-read format make it informative, relevant, and engaging, driving interaction and collaboration within the organization.

In this article, we’ll explore 10 compelling company newsletter examples that your business can use in 2024 to enhance communication, strengthen relationships, and drive success.

What is a company newsletter? 

A company or business newsletter is a digital publication sent to its customers, members, and subscribers, informing them about the latest news, updates, and activities of the organization. It serves as a communication medium, delivering valuable information to subscribers’ email boxes. 

Email marketing is one of the most effective mediums of revenue generation, with an ROI of 122% , four times higher than any other marketing formats, including direct mail, social media, and paid search. 

A great newsletter helps you

  • Own an email list of potential customers
  • Build relationships with customers
  • Strengthen relationships with your employee
  • Drive consistent traffic and sales through regular communication, informing about upcoming launches, new products, offers, and discounts

Finding a customizable email template is an easy way to get started with newsletters. Platforms like Piktochart offer a wide selection of free, professionally designed templates that can be tailored to your brand and content. Simply create an account to access the template library and begin building out your newsletter. 

Key elements of an effective company newsletter 

Whether you’re a professional marketer refining your marketing strategy or just a beginner, understanding the key elements helps you craft an effective newsletter.   

To help you finetune your company newsletter, we analyzed some great examples and honed in on key elements that you can try for yourself. 

Compelling subject line

The first thing a subscriber will see, even before opening the newsletter, is the subject line. A successful newsletter with a compelling subject line creates intrigue, and makes subscribers wonder what’s inside.

A strong subject line is not too long that doesn’t fit in the subscriber’s inbox, and it is not too short either! A descriptive yet precise subject line with a bit of humor creates curiosity and interest in the reader’s mind. That being said, humor should always be used sparingly, depending on what people consider funny. 

Engaging visuals and design 

A business newsletter represents your business’s brand.

The newsletter’s design and visuals decide how attractive and appealing it appears to the audience. 

For example, you can use appealing and readable fonts and colors in eye-catching images, business infographics , and subheadings to break up dense sections of the text. If your newsletter is about the upcoming product launch, the visuals and design of high-quality shots from different angles make it engaging.

Concise, skimmable content 

Good content is the highest  priority when crafting a business newsletter. 

It helps businesses sell and engage readers, making subscribers wait for the next newsletter. 

To create concise content, you can keep everything detailed and engaging. Further, you can use simple and straightforward words to speak to your audience instead of jargon, and complicated sentences. 

Clear calls-to-action (CTAs) 

CTAs are among the important elements of a newsletter that helps you to ask your audience to take action. 

A compelling call to action guides subscribers to take the next steps. The next step could be contacting the sales team for a demo, signing up for a webinar, following on social media, or forwarding it to a friend. 

It’s important to design your CTAs to make them easier for your readers to spot. 

Mobile-friendly formatting 

With nearly 1.7 billion mobile phone users  that check their emails on their mobile devices, it’s important to design an email newsletter that is optimized for mobile

Before sending the email, you must check how it appears on the mobile device.

Remember, if the mobile reading experience is poor, engagement and conversions will suffer. 

Employee spotlights and recognition 

Keeping employees engaged and informed is crucial for a successful business newsletter. 

Your newsletter can reflect and recognize the work done by employees. For example, you can award ’employee of the month’ in your monthly newsletter to appreciate their work and effort. Further, highlighting the team’s or individual’s accomplishments gives them the recognition they deserve. 

Upcoming events and important dates 

Your employees and subscribers are highly likely to open the newsletter. So, including an important event or a date is a great idea to inform everyone! 

You can add a section highlighting major events in your newsletter and ask your subscribers to mark a date. 

Message from leadership 

A business newsletter is a perfect way to share a few insights on leadership: a thought, a message, or something similar. This will motivate your employees and readers to remain focused. 

Instead of making your newsletter all about your products and promotions, a brief message from leadership makes it engaging and fun. 

10 Inspiring Company Newsletter Examples

Each corporate newsletter examples mentioned here has unique reasons to make it to the list. They attracted us with their exceptional design, great way of presenting the content, and a compelling CTA, serving as perfect examples to help you be creative for your next newsletter! 

Airbnb’s newsletter is an excellent example of effective email list segmentation.

They have sent personalized newsletter to their subscribers living near Salt Lake City suggesting beautiful destinations to travel around during their weekend. 

Their subscriber can learn more about the travel destination with a single-click that leads to the website’s page. 

What we loved is how considerate they’re of their subscribers. They have added a tutorial guide to book a place. This can be very helpful for someone who has never booked a place through Airbnb. 

Visually, the newsletter utilizes a clean, minimal template with ample white space. This uncluttered layout combined with the prominent use of Airbnb’s signature red color reinforces strong brand identity while enabling a mobile-friendly reading experience

newsletter assignment examples

Key takeaways: 

Email segmentation: Instead of targeting all their subscribers, Airbnb has segmented the email list based on location and created a personalized email newsletter that adds value to subscribers who reside in Salt Lake City. 

Curated experiences: The email newsletter focuses on places with different activities and events available around the destination, giving its subscribers various options to explore. 

Grammarly is popular for its writing assistance but also has its audience occupied with its flawless company newsletter. 

The company’s newsletter involves tips on writing, editing, and grammar.

What we like about Grammarly is the way it naturally promotes its product to inform and educate its audience. 

For example, in this company newsletter, Grammarly advertises its product, ‘Grammarly Cards’, ‘Custom Dictionary’, ‘Document Storage’, ‘Writing Style’, ‘Vocabulary Enhancement’ , while framing it as general writing advice. 

This approach to marketing a product doesn’t feel like you’re being sold a product but rather an opportunity to enhance your writing. 

What’s more interesting is its call-to-action that redirects its subscribers towards using it in their Grammarly account. 

newsletter assignment examples

Key takeaways:

Product enhancement: Grammarly shares its product in an educational way that makes it seem like a tip rather than a promotion. This allows subscribers to make use of Grammarly’s tools to enhance their writing. 

Multiple call-to-action (CTAs): Grammarly offers multiple call-to-actions to its subscribers. Here, if the subscriber has already used one of the tools instead of the other, they can access the link and direct to the page according to their need. 

Netflix is a subscription-based streaming service that offers original and acquired films and television. The platform is well-known to people who love watching movies, series, and shows online. 

Netflix offers a captivating company newsletter to its users who might have discontinued the platform!

The company sent an email newsletter with the heading ‘Just USD2.99 for a month of awesome entertainment.’

This is an email newsletter sent to existing customers who are no longer paying for the platform. It starts off with a description of the different genres of shows available on the platform and how cost-effective it is! It adds a compelling call-to-action that resonates with its brand identity and is a top recommendation for the shows. 

It further categorizes shows on the label ‘recently added’, and ‘new episodes’. It also adds a Help Center to its subscribers just in case they have some difficulty or questions! 

Netflix email newsletter example

New release and recommendation: Netflix often features new releases and recommendations in its newsletter to captivate the attention of its audience and inform them about the latest release. Each subscriber receives a personalized recommendation based on their viewing history and preferences. 

Categories and genres: Instead of showing a curated list of the shows on the platform, Netflix categorizes them based on different genres. This list helps subscribers navigate the extensive library and find content that interests them. 

SEMrush is a popular SaaS platform among marketers, designers, and developers. The platform is used for keyword research, site audits, backlink tracking, competitive analysis, and more. 

As convenient as its search results and keyword tools are, SEMrush also aces its company newsletter. 

SEMrush sends its email newsletter, which covers many insights, topics, promotions, and more. 

In this particular newsletter, the company highlights a webinar session with Brodie Clark, a renowned SEO consultant. This newsletter is somewhat of an interview in which Brodie is asked about his insights on various SEO terms and what subscribers can learn. 

What we loved about this newsletter is how detailed it is! From offering his personal insights to providing links to every concept that might be a bit difficult for its audience to understand, SEMrush has presented a wonderful newsletter. 

This newsletter can be generously helpful for someone struggling with SEO and implementing it! 

We love how the newsletter also highlights the role of SEMrush and asks questions relevant to it. 

SEMrush has an edition of such a newsletter in which they interview many famous marketers to learn about their SEO strategies! 

SEMrush email newsletter example

Educational resource: SEMrush offers its subscribers access to educational webinars, tutorials, and guides to help them better understand digital concepts and strategies. It integrates various blogs, tutorials, and guides into each of its newsletters. 

Collaboration opportunity: SEMrush is welcoming to its subscribers and offers them more than just promotional content. It interviews many industry experts to provide insights into various topics and how they can use them. 

Another great company newsletter example includes Kinsta – a WordPress hosting company. 

The company’s newsletter beautifully reflects its brand identity, which is reflected in its font, color, logo, and overall appearance. 

What we like about the newsletter is that it’s packed with valuable content and presented in a way that makes it easy for its subscribers to digest. 

In this newsletter, all the improved content is front and center, followed by smaller features below. 

The newsletter does a perfect job of embodying the brand image. 

It also helps add brand value by showing all the rewards the company has worn. This is an effective way to gain the trust of your audience and boost your reputation. 

Kinsta email newsletter example

Key Takeaways: 

Strong brand identity: Kinsta strongly reflects its brand identity through its overall appearance, design, and layout. The colors used in the newsletter, the fonts, the visuals, and everything else reflect back on the brand itself. It is an excellent example of embedding a brand identity in a newsletter. 

Readability: Kinsta has a straightforward yet efficient way to present content in the newsletter, making it easier for its readers to navigate. It has a centered format for the headings and an efficient interface to present the content. 

Calendly is a modern scheduling platform that allows teams to schedule, prepare, and follow up on external meetings. 

The company is widely recognized for its services and has appealing newsletters! It generally covers content on product updates, tips, best practices, use cases, success stories, event announcements, educational resources, customer assistance, and more. Each of its newsletters strongly resonates with the brand identity. The overall layout and fonts of the newsletter imply that it is Calendly’s. 

In this newsletter, Calendly has highlighted one of the most efficient features of its software workflow. 

Here, it’s asking its subscribers who have already signed up for the software to take necessary actions to ensure the clients know their availability. 

We love how this newsletter briefs you on workflow and its features. Instead of presenting it in a regular format, they have used a rectangular box to highlight the feature. This approach is similar to how business plan templates brief entrepreneurs on key business elements.

The newsletter is further accompanied by a compelling call-to-action.

Calendly has also offered some valuable links and social media links for its subscribers. 

Calendly email newsletter example

Key Takeaways:

Detailed feature description: Calendly has done a great job defining the key features. Instead of highlighting many features, they have kept their primary focus on explaining the single aspect of the software’s use, i.e., Workflow. The newsletter starts off with the issue that individuals might be having on a daily basis and how Calendly’s workflow functionality can help them!

Customer support and assistance: Calendly has a broader footer section that offers links to many useful resources, such as the help center, community, FAQs, and contact us! 

Duolingo is a popular language learning app that offers 40+ language courses online in bite-size lessons. It also offers courses on music and math. 

Duolingo is persistent with its learners with daily reminders, emails, and progress. And with the newsletter, it’s no different. 

It offers a simple yet compelling newsletter that informs its readers about the exact steps to take to enhance their learning process. 

What we love about Duolingo’s newsletter is its use of personalized data and irrigation to create a newsletter. Depending upon your process, your level, and the language you’re learning, it makes a suitable newsletter for you. 

It educates you on the steps. For example, the newsletter by Duolingo is sent to an individual who has just signed up with Duolingo and has yet to get started. It begins by explaining what the platform is all about, offers top tips and the option of personalized learning plans, and adds a compelling CTA. 

We love how simple and up-to-the-mark the newsletter is! There’s no exaggeration of any of the features, and direct to the point. This simple newsletter can be convenient for someone just starting with a platform! 

Duolingo email newsletter example

Personalized content: Duolingo delivers to each individual’s newsletter by retrieving their data and progress. It utilizes the information available to show the content’s accuracy. It makes personalized content for its subscribers on the other end. 

Learning tips: Dulingo’s newsletter also includes helpful learning tips to help its users enhance their learning. It includes learning tips, techniques, and strategies to help subscribers improve their skills. 

The New York Times

When it comes to promotional company newsletters, The New York Times takes impactful initiatives to offer its subscribers the best offers. The company might be famous for delivering news, but it also provides a subscription package that allows its audience to get extra-covered news and information. 

This newsletter by The New York Times asks its subscribers to sign up for 50% off! This is a hefty discount presented in bold letters to make it stand out. 

What we love about the newsletter is the way it presents its value through the tagline ‘In a sea of news, the Times stands alone’. 

newsletter assignment examples

Appealing  visual: The New York Times has used great images and videos to convey its message. It’s an excellent presentation of how ‘one picture is worth a thousand words.’ There is a perfect blend of text and image. 

Realistic promotion: Instead of forcing subscribers to sign up by presenting a number of advantages and burdening them, The New York Times has kept it basic for subscribers! There seems to be nothing forceful in the email newsletter asking their subscribers to save up their 50% worth. 

Skillshare is an excellent example of a company newsletter showcasing its employees as a top-front priority. 

In this newsletter by Skillshare, they celebrate Juneteenth, an annual holiday – the end of slavery in the United States of America. Here, the company interviewed a few of its black artists and presented their views and stories of what Juneteenth meant to them! 

Skillshare sent its newsletter to its readers with appealing visuals and beautiful quotes that brought life to the compelling topic. The newsletter serves a great idea of connecting a historical moment with its users. The layout of the newsletter has variations of colors, including its employees’ colors. This newsletter would mean a lot to the employees working in an organization, and it would serve them as a priority. 

Skillshare email newsletter example

Enhancing employee relationship: Skillshare did a phenomenal job interviewing the black artist for whom the day meant a lot. It is a great way to connect with your employees and share their thoughts and viewpoints with your subscribers. The newsletter detailed each individual’s thoughts.

Informative content:  Skillshare presented a to-the-point newsletter about the celebration and importance of Juneteenth. Instead of adding any promotional content, the company briefed it on the celebration of Juneteenth, emphasizing building a relationship with its subscribers and connecting with them more profoundly. 

example of piktochart newsletter

Last but not least on our list of best company newsletter examples is, Piktochart!

It utilizes one of their many creative email newsletter templates to come up with the next newsletter idea!

From company newsletters highlights to decorative holiday newsletters to employee onboarding emails , Pikctochart has responsive email templates available for its users to customize and tweak to fit their needs. 

The Employee Recognition newsletter helps connect employees and offers them a valuable service. 

We appreciate how this newsletter template reflects on rewarding employees for their hard work and giving them the recognition they deserve. Fostering a good relationship is an important aspect of the business, and this newsletter can help. It is one of the simple quarterly newsletter examples sent to its subscribers and employees to recognize them for their efforts. 

Our users can edit the templates for free and customize them to fit their business needs. They can change colors, fonts, images, layouts, and sections and add links and social media icons to the newsletter templates.  

Piktochart email newsletter example

Employee spotlight and recognition: Piktocharts’ email newsletter template is the best example of how a newsletter can enhance employee relationships. The newsletter recognizes the work done by their employees, showcases them for celebration, and congratulates them for their efforts. 

Minimal design: Piktochart has done a great job presenting the employee recognition newsletter in the best way possible. We love how the newsletter gives equal space to each employee and showcases them in the same way! While each employee has a different recognition heading, all of them are placed in a beautiful boxed layout. 

Tips for Crafting Your Own Company Newsletter 

Creating a professional newsletter for your business will help you achieve excellent results, such as enhanced relationships with employees and customers, increased traffic, clear communication of goals and vision. A newsletter can be presented to show a year in review showcasing how the company performed, your progress, and the updates.

But how do you craft a compelling business newsletter? Here are a few important things to consider when starting your business newsletter journey!

Define your goals and target audience 

What exactly do you aim to achieve with your newsletter? Common objectives include driving product trials, promoting webinars, generating social follows, or sharing company news?

Depending upon the goal behind your newsletter, you can select your audience. 

It’s important to understand that not all audiences are the same. 

For example, you wouldn’t want to craft a newsletter for your subscribers who have already purchased the product to try out the demo. Here, you can separate your audience based on the customer journey. This will help you create more personalized content. 

If you’ve released a new version of your SaaS product, your target audience is the existing customers. 

Depending on the goal set, you can select your target audience and craft a personalized email newsletter. 

Choose an email marketing platform 

Crafting an email newsletter manually is a tough job, and luckily, there are a number of email marketing software available to select from. 

Whether you want to send your subscribers a business newsletter, a survey, or customer ads, email software is available. 

A few popular email marketing software include Mailchimp, MailerLite, Brevo, and GetResponse. 

Choosing the best platform also depends upon your needs. Each email marketing tool’s basic function is to help you create, send, and track emails. For advanced features and additional factors, you might have to consider these factors!

Volume: What is the number of your subscribers? Is the email marketing platform’s send limit comparable to the price it charges? 

Migration: Does the software allow you to migrate the customer data

Integration: Depending on your needs, can you easily integrate ads? Are the platforms friendly to CRM, online stores, and other platforms? 

Design: Does the software offer templates and customization options that fit your brand? Do they offer free templates? 

Ease of use: How easy is creating, sending, and tracking the business newsletter on the software? 

Upon considering these factors, you can select the email marketing platform to craft your email newsletter. 

Incorporate your brand’s visual identity 

A business newsletter is the representation of your business and your brand! Unlike any business, you have a brand identity that might reflect through recognizable communication, colors, designs, visuals, and more. 

Incorporating your brand’s visual identity in your company newsletter is vital. This will help your subscribers identify your business right away. Incorporating the identity might include using consistent branding elements like the logo, color palette, typography, and imagery, or a branded deader that features your company tagline. Most business newsletters have a personality and style that matches their brand, reflected in their fonts, headlines, bold text, and content.

Write compelling subject lines and preheader text 

Your subject line creates the first impression among your subscribers—it is the first thing they see! It should be attention-grabbing, concise, and curious. 

Depending on the content inside the newsletter, you can create a preheader text that leaves your audience with a question mark! 

Instead of using clickbait tactics, focus on creating a subject line that adds value. This will increase the chances of your email newsletter being opened and read! 

Keep content concise and easy to skim 

Content is the heart of your business newsletter. It can be a mix of information, entertainment, and writing that adds value to its readers. 

In your company newsletter, you can highlight company updates, product launches, news, tips, how-to guides, and exclusive discounts and offers. 

To make the email appear personalized, you can address the recipients by their names and segment your email list based on behavior, interests, and demographics. Targeted content can make the email more personalized, boosting engagement and conversion rates. 

Use a conversational and friendly tone to ensure your content is engaging. 

Utilize engaging visuals like images, GIFs, and videos 

Images, videos, and GIFs can help you create a visually appealing newsletter that enhances engagement. That being said, it’s important to strike a striking balance between the images and texts in your newsletter. Instead of overwhelming your readers with too many visuals, you can use them where they add value. For example, if you ask your subscribers to test the product, you can add a short video of the exact steps they need to perform. Here, a video of the text will be more helpful to them.

For the images and GIFs you use, you can select one relevant to your brand’s identity and supporting the overall text in your newsletter. 

Include clear CTAs 

A business newsletter with a clear and compelling call to action directs subscribers to the necessary steps. The CTA could direct readers to your website, encourage them to test the new product, sign up for a webinar, or follow you on social media. It’s important that the CTA stands out and directs the readers. 

Test and optimize for mobile devices 

Given the number of users who open an email on their mobile phones, ensure your business newsletter is mobile-friendly. 

You can test the email across various devices to ensure the content is accessible and visually appealing, even on smaller screens. Further, you can also optimize the fonts and images for mobile devices to ensure readers have no problem accessing the content.  

Send consistently and measure engagement 

Consistency is the key to an email newsletter. You can dedicate a specific day and time to sending out your email newsletter to your subscribers. It could be every Monday at 2:30 pm because your subscribers might be busy during the weekend, and your email might miss out! It’s important to be consistent with your email newsletter and analyze its performance. Various measuring metrics include open rates, click-through rates, and conversion. You can use these insights to work on your content strategy further.  

Using Newsletter Templates to Save Time  

Newsletter templates are designed to help you save time by avoiding writing the same content repeatedly. It also ensures consistency and professionalism for your brand. Using an email template that resonates with your business, you can use the same tone, style, brand color, and logo. 

When it comes to email templates, you can create your own or use online tools and platforms that offer ready-made templates across various industries and scenarios. 

Benefits of starting with a pre-designed template 

Designing a template from scratch can be daunting. You need to figure out the fonts to use, how to place the logo, and how to present the content. Creating a newsletter requires a lot of time and design expertise. 

But with templates, it becomes easier. Here are a few benefits of pre-designed templates. 

Efficient and time-saving: A pre-built email newsletter helps you save time and effort by offering pre-designed layouts and features. Imagine you just launched an online store. With an e-commerce template, you can access a pre-designed layout of product listings, shopping cart functionality, and payment integration, allowing you to focus on adding your product rather than designing everything from scratch. Instead of doing everything from scratch, you can quickly select and customize a template that matches your version.

Cost-effectiveness: Using a template for your email newsletter offers a significant advantage in cost-effectiveness. Templates are affordable compared to hiring a professional web designer. Using a template, you can save a considerable amount of money that can be allocated for another important aspect of your business. Templates have built-in features and functionalities, navigation menus, a contact section, and social media integration. They are affordable, allowing you to use the available resources wisely.  

Beginner friendly: Email templates are designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind, making them accessible for everyone! These templates have an intuitive interface and pre-built sections. So, even if you’re crafting the email newsletter for the first time, it can be an effortless experience for you rather than having to do it all independently. The beginner-friendly nature of the templates empowers individuals to create a professional-looking email newsletter with relative ease. 

Professional design and layout: A pre-built template is built with the latest design and marketing trends in mind. It allows you to design a professional template with visually appealing elements. They offer consistency in design and layout throughout your email, providing a polished appearance. By selecting an excellent email template, you have fonts and typography that ensure the content is easy to read. Further, the templates can be customized to reflect your brand identity by incorporating your logo, color scheme, and other brand elements. 

Built-in functionality and features offered by an email template provide multiple benefits, including enhanced user experience, effective media showcasing, and improved communication. These templates save time and effort, allowing you to focus on creating valuable content. 

How to customize templates to fit your brand 

While thousands of newsletter templates are available for you within a few clicks, you can’t probably send them without editing or customizing them. Depending upon your brand’s need, you might have to tweak and customize the template. Here’s how you can effectively customize templates: 

Understand your brand identity: Start by understanding your brand identity. How do you want to present your newsletter to your subscribers? Is it promotional? Informative? Or a combination of all? Using images, graphics, icons, and illustrations that align with your brand’s aesthetics helps your audience differentiate your business.

Choose a template: Depending on the message you want to deliver, you have many templates available. For example, you can select from promotional newsletter templates if it’s a promotional newsletter. Suppose it is an informational newsletter where you want your subscribers to sign up for an event. In that case, you can select the template accordingly. The selection of a template depends upon your goal and objective. 

Update branding elements: Once you’ve selected your template, start by making it your newsletter. You can do this by including your branding elements, including the color, logo, font, images, visuals, and everything else. You need to be consistent with the branding elements you use in your newsletter to differentiate it from the wide range of newsletters your audience receives daily in their email boxes. 

Modify layout and structure: While the selected template might fit your brand identity in every way, a few changes are still required. You can modify the layout with the exact color, fonts, and how you present each section in your newsletter. 

Personalize content: Personalized content can help you connect with your readers more deeply. Tailor the content present in the template to present your brand’s message and communication style. Personalizing the content involves customizing the text, the images, and the graphics to meet the brand’s voice, tone, and values. 

Recommended newsletter template resources

With so many template options out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Focus on reputable email marketing platforms and design tools that offer a wide selection of professionally designed, industry-specific templates. Some top resources to consider include:

Piktochart : Offering a wide range of highly customizable and responsive newsletter templates, Piktochart allows you to easily edit and personalize the newsletter to resonate best with your brand identity. The templates are visually appealing and designed to create an impression. 

Canva : Canva has a vast collection of templates for various purposes, including the company email newsletter. It includes multiple templates ranging from business updates to educational content. 

HubSpot : HubSpot stands out for its professionally designed newsletters, which are highly customizable. Its templates are compatible with HubSpot’s marketing automation. 

Mailchimp : Mailchimp, an email marketing platform, has a wide range of email newsletter templates optimized for different devices. Their templates are easy to use. 

Adobe Spark : Adobe Spark has intuitive design tools that allow you to customize newsletter templates to fit your business needs. They offer modern, sleek templates for various business purposes. 

Beefree : Beefree offers a library of templates that can be customized with an easy drag-and-drop editor. You can easily export them to your email marketing platform and send them to your subscribers. 


Crafting a company newsletter that engages employees, delights customers, and drives meaningful business results is both an art and a science. As the examples and tips in this guide show, the most impactful newsletters combine captivating design, relevant content, savvy targeting, and a deep understanding of audience needs. We hope that by applying some of these tips and best practices, you’ll be well on your way to newsletter success.

A great company newsletter

provides valuable content 

reflects the brand identity

engages the audience

offers a variety of content

promotes actions

As you move forward with crafting your company’s email newsletter, consider experimenting with various designs, layouts, and content types to figure out what works best for your audience. Piktochart’s template can be a great way for you to try and test various visually appealing templates that will help you communicate your message effectively!

Check Out Our Email Newsletter Templates Today!

Piktochart’s wide library of business newsletter templates, with an easy-to-use editor, allows you to browse and try hundreds of templates to find your best fit. You can implement the inspiration and strategies into your newsletter for improved engagement and better communication!

Happy newsletter crafting! 


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15 brilliant newsletter examples (and why they work)

  • Lena Sernoff
  • 15 min read

15 Brilliant Newsletter Examples (And Why They Work)

When creating email marketing campaigns , newsletters are one of the most effective ways to connect your business with your audience. That's because email newsletters can help nurture customers, build brand loyalty and drive traffic and conversions when you create a website .

In order to reap the benefits of your newsletter, your emails need to be engaging, insightful and visually appealing. It might seem challenging to follow all these best practices in one email, but it can be done. In this article, we've gathered 15 outstanding newsletter examples for your inspiration. They've been categorized accordingly so that you can find the best example for your type of business and your specific marketing strategy .

What is an email newsletter?

An email newsletter is a regularly sent email that informs subscribers about the latest news and updates about a product or brand. It's a valuable tool for businesses to stay connected with their customers, promote new products and services and build brand awareness.

Newsletters can be sent weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, depending on the frequency of updates and the preferences of the subscribers. They typically include a variety of content, such as:

Company news: Announcements about new products, services or initiatives

Industry news: Updates on trends and developments in the industry

Thought leadership: Articles and blog posts on relevant topics

Promotions and discounts: Special offers for subscribers

Customer stories: Case studies and testimonials from satisfied customers

Newsletters are a great way to nurture relationships with customers and keep them engaged with your brand. They can also be a powerful tool for generating leads and driving sales.

What makes a good newsletter?

Before you make a newsletter , you should know what separates the good from the great. Here are some of the best practices to keep in mind as you craft your own newsletter:

Set clear goals: We recommend you have a clear mission and message behind every newsletter . You can segment your email list based on goals set for certain groups, whether it's to generate awareness or drive sales. Segmentation is important because it helps you send the most relevant content in correlation to where the user is in their customer journey.

Use a range of newsletter ideas: To keep your readers’ attention, you can change up your content using different newsletter ideas . From success stories and listicles to guides, these types of content engage users so that they look forward to your next outreach.

Be visual with your design: Your newsletter design should aim to be eye-catching and intriguing. The best newsletter examples include illustrations, photos or videos. Whichever you choose, your newsletter design needs to stand out.

Include a CTA: Incorporate a strong call to action (CTA) button somewhere in the newsletter that leads to a relevant business page. If you have not yet done so, creating a website will allow you to maximize your newsletter’s traffic, elaborate on your offer and best drive conversions.

Keep it mobile-friendly: Since most emails will be read on a smartphone, you should make sure your newsletters are mobile-friendly. For instance, readers will only be able to see the first 30 characters of your subject line when opened on a phone. With this in mind, write your copy considering these space limitations.

According to Dor Cohen , Content Distribution Specialist for,

"The optimal newsletter frequency depends on your audience's preferences and engagement levels. Monitor metrics like open and click-through rates to find the sweet spot - too often can lead to burnout, while too infrequent may cause loss of interest. A/B test different variables and adjust based on what maximizes readership and conversions."

Best newsletter examples:

We Are Travel Girls

Foreign Policy Design Group

AIGA Design

Deakin University

Tech Will Save Us

Passion City Church

Holiday newsletter examples

01. skillshare.

Subject line: Honoring Juneteenth

Online learning community Skillshare celebrates Juneteenth, an annual holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. In its newsletter, the company interviews its own Black artists and creators and shares their stories about what Juneteenth means to them.

Readers of the email newsletter received compelling images and powerful quotes that brought this complex topic to life. We believe this is a strong newsletter example because Skillshare successfully connects a historical moment to its own users in a unique and engaging way.

Why this newsletter example works:

Ties a national holiday back to their business

Showcases users in an effective way

Incorporates interviews and quotes

Skillshare newsletter example for juneteenth

02. John Lewis

Subject line: Perfect gifts for Mother's Day

Mother's Day is a big holiday, especially for retail brands. As a business owner, or someone starting a business , you’ll need to know how to make your email newsletters stand out on this important day.

Take John Lewis’ email example as a model to base your next holiday campaign. Readers are greeted with a clear and concise Mother’s Day message in the subject line and an easy to find link to the company’s gift guide.

The brand also uses storytelling to help promote its products. For example, there is an image of breakfast being served in bed, accompanied by a text about letting your mother enjoy her favorite morning treats in her new John Lewis pajamas. After all, people want to buy products with great stories associated with them. And this newsletter example perfectly carries out that concept.

Has a clear subject line

Adds value with a holiday shopping guide

Uses narrative storytelling to drive interest in their products

Newsletter example of John Lewis

Home decor newsletter example

Subject line: June newsletter + floral styling tips for beautiful home

MiMOKO sells beautiful handmade ceramic planters and vases. Although the company is primarily an online store , MiMOKO does not merely focus on promoting products and sales in its newsletter. Instead, they use many high-quality photographs to give inspiration for the product’s use.

In this newsletter example, you can find tips for styling tall vases, including using flower diversity, varying heights, and different forages in one vase. MiMOKO is able to introduce subscribers to new concepts relating to their products. Furthermore, their email helps solve a reader's pain point and puts the focus on the customer and not the business.

Emphasizes on photographs, thus letting the “images speak for themselves”

Offers helpful design tips that are embedded in the newsletter

Solves a pain point and puts the customer first

MiMOKO newsletter

Food and restaurant newsletter examples

04. allplants.

Subject line: New Dish Alert! Tempeh Rendang Curry

Instead of inviting users to open their wallets, the company opens its readers’ appetites with mouth-watering photos and detailed descriptions that foodies won’t be able to resist.

A vegan food delivery service, Allplants’ email newsletter is a great example to follow. With it, the company is able to update users about new dishes on offer, as well as ingredients and nutritional information.

Allplants also hosts a giveaway campaign for its users on their next order. Using a free incentive, like a promotion code, can be a strategic way to get people to take immediate action on your newsletter.

Writes descriptive text

Uses a promotion code

Creates strategic content

Food and restaurant newsletter examples: Allplants

Subject line: New on the Resy At Home Hit List: Cassava, Miss Ollie’s, Z Zoul, and More

Not all reservations are created equal, which is why Resy, a restaurant website , is on the mission to reinvent the way we book our reservations.

In its newsletter, Resy cooks up a selection of 10 local restaurants it recommends that month. This list is displayed using an off-balance symmetry and different-sized numbers that culminate into a truly engaging experience.

Furthermore, the newsletter content is accompanied by strong CTAs, displayed in a consistent blue font. Resy also drives people to download their mobile app with the large font that reads, “Don’t have the Resy App? Get instant access to the best restaurants.”

Visual way to use numbers in a listicle

Consistent and clear CTAs

Drives users to download an app

newsletters examples: Resy

Travel newsletter example

06. we are travel girls.

Subject line: Wanderlust Wednesday (June 30th, 2021)

We Are Travel Girls is a community that inspires, connects and empowers female travelers. Their newsletter below includes diverse and helpful content, including travel book recommendations, travel news and relevant product suggestions.

As a best practice for newsletter layout, they’ve included numbers, images and clear CTAs. You’ll also want to consider ways to diversify your own newsletter content, where each section continually adds value for readers.

We Are Travel Girls’ email subject line is always “Wanderlust Wednesday,” with the date added at the end. This is in reference to a day recognized in the online community in which people share travel tips, tricks and trips. The group strategically sends out its newsletter on this day. Can you think of a day of the week or month that your brand might be most relevant and take advantage of it?

Diversifies content

Beautiful layout and design

Is sent on a relevant day of the week for its target audience

We Are Travel Girls's email newsletter example

Design newsletter examples

07. foreign policy design group.

Subject line: Foreign Policy Design: Memo

By turning its newsletter into a memo, Foreign Policy Design’s marketing emails show to be artistic and undoubtedly creative. At the top of their email, they use a checklist, acting as a captivating teaser. Also, their typewriter font adds to their signature look. Keeping this in mind, consider adopting some consistent design in your campaigns that will enable users to immediately recognize your emails in their inbox.

The group's layout isn't the only reason we included Foreign Policy Design in our newsletter examples. We also admire this newsletter's implementation of a survey as part of its email marketing strategy. Asking your readers directly what they want will help you create a tailor-made and relevant newsletter. As a result, you can expect higher open rates and better engagement.

Uses a memo layout instead of the traditional newsletter format

Has a consistent font and design to create its signature look

Surveys its readers directly to improve content relevancy

Subscribe to the Wix blog newsletter  for a weekly dose of web design tips and trends.

Foreign Policy Design Group's email newsletter example

08. AIGA Design

Subject line: Big Data’s Biases, and the Artists and Designers Filling in the Blank Spots

Professional association for design AIGA knows exactly who its audience is and speaks directly to them in its Eye on Design newsletter. The organization chooses a story from its website each week and highlights what makes it so exciting.

In the email newsletter example we've chosen below, you can see how AIGA does an excellent job summarizing a complex article about big data. You'd think a piece written about such a topic would be dry or possibly daunting to follow in an email. However, by using clear headings, images to break up text, and even a quote excerpt, the whole article becomes exciting and easy to read.

Another factor that stood out to us is that the whole newsletter consists of three: colors pink, black and white. This simplistic yet stylish email allows for a clear newsletter layout.

Highlights a story each week

Makes long-form content digestible

Is simple and stylish

AIGA Design's newsletter

Technology newsletter example

09. wetransfer.

Subject line: We say it best when we say nothing at all

Sometimes it's good to think outside the box. WeShare's whole newsletter is image-based which makes a statement about the file-sharing app. Knowing its users are primarily designers and creators, this newsletter example is “eye candy” to them. We can learn that you do not have to be traditional in your email newsletters. In fact, going against the stream can help you stand out and send the right message.

At the bottom, WeTransfer writes “bring your ideas to life,” and links to their products. They've thereby connected the dots between the newsletter's focus on art and its tool that allows you to share your creativity and files.

Goes against the norm with an image only newsletter

Knows its exact audience and caters to them

Bridges between the newsletter and the company’s products

WeTransfer email newsletter example

Blog newsletter example

10. wix blog.

Subject line: The dos and don'ts of great logo design

When you subscribe to the Wix Blog newsletter , you're updated with tips and guides across website design, business growth and marketing to help you succeed online. We assign themes to our weekly newsletters to help readers focus and go in-depth into a specific topic.

We also support each niche topic using three closely related blog posts. Looking at the example of our logo-focused newsletter below, you can find one article about dos and don'ts of logos, a second one analyzing logo colors and a third post showcasing the best logos.

On top of content depth, we also find it helpful to add a product link to the landing page where users can take action and begin their creation journey. In the case of our example, you can go directly to the logo maker from the Wix Blog newsletter to get started.

Creates weekly newsletter themes that go in-depth into one topic

Strong CTA’s for each blog post

Includes a link to the end product to help readers get started

Looking to start a blog ? Get started with our blog maker.

blog newsletter examples: Wix Blog

Banking newsletter example

Subject line: Your Account is Still Waiting

While the color green might make you think of money, it also represents sustainability. In the case of Ando bank, the group is fighting climate change and wants clients to know that all its investments support green initiatives.

Since a lot of thought goes into where we deposit our money, Ando is wise to include that as part of its mission: "Banking with purpose" and "Banking for a more sustainable tomorrow" to help build a brand that's authentic and generates trust.

Additionally, Ando uses powerful repetition in its subheadings like "Banking for balance," "Banking with clarity," and "Bank with confidence." There is a good rhythmic feel to this text that also informs readers and establishes trust. Then, at the bottom comes the CTA "open my account" to convert the lead.

Educates readers about the bank’s values and mission

Is well-written content

Uses strong CTAs to drive conversion

Ando banking business newsletter example

Education and school newsletter examples

12. deakin university.

Subject line: Congratulations, you made it!

Who said school newsletters have to be dull? Deakin University welcomes its accepted students with a celebratory greeting, "Congratulations, you made it!" The bright design sets the tone for an exciting future ahead upon opening the email.

Each section in this newsletter example is sectioned off with a different neon color—courses in yellow, upcoming events in pink, scholarships in blue, and preferences in purple. This type of organization method greatly enhances the user experience and makes it effortless to find what you need.

Friendly subject line

Well organized color coding of categories

Exemplifies that long newsletters can still be intuitive

school newsletter example by Deakin University

13. Tech Will Save Us

Subject line: Prepare For The Future

The subject line "prepare for the future" helps contextualize Tech Will Save Us' newsletter. The education company promotes projects and games that help students prepare for future careers such as in AI, robotics and space travel.

Tech Will Save Us uses cartoon images, boasting oversized typography and solid colors that make the email playful and engaging. There are sticker-like overlays such as a power voltage, pencils and stars that encompass an educational tone.

Lastly, its included subscription prices make it easy for the reader to understand the different tiers that they can choose. The group also makes the wise choice to add pricing toward the bottom email, hoping to convert at the end of a user's scrolling journey.

Contextualizes its mission

Adds playful design and colors that align with the educational brand

Incorporates subscription tiers in an effective way

tech will save us business newsletter example

Church newsletter example

14. passion city church.

Subject line: Watch "The Long Way Up" streaming on YouTube now!

Passion City Church's newsletter comes in bright colors, providing a happy and cheerful tone. In this newsletter example, the church starts by prompting new videos which are uploaded to its YouTube channel. You, too, can use a video maker to create engaging video content for your email campaigns.

A church newsletter is also a great place to remind people of upcoming gatherings and important speakers. Passion City Church advertises its pastor series effectively with a CTA button where readers can learn more about him before the event. Just like Passion City Church, in your own newsletter, you’ll want to remind people of your church's gathering times and days.

Uses an inviting visual language

Promotes video content successfully

Shares the church’s gathering times and upcoming speakers

 Passion City Church newsletter example

Health and beauty newsletter example

Subject line: Hey, you're in!

Multivitamin company Ritual is a good example of a company staying on brand throughout its email marketing efforts. If you go to its website, you can see the same font, colors, and logo present in Ritual’s newsletter, conveying a consistent professional look. Try to use the same visual language in your newsletter as you do in your website design .

This email newsletter example has an engaging product image above the fold that is sure to pique visitors’ curiosity. It also informs readers about the company’s mission, promise and products. Ritual has kept each section to just a few sentences that educates without overwhelming the reader.

Lastly, Ritual utilizes the bottom section of the newsletter to prompt readers to follow the company on social media. Driving people from their newsletter to their social media might have likely helped grow Ritual’s Instagram to 267,0000 followers, and counting.

Shows consistency in design and colors that align with its website design

Displays great use of a large image in the newsletter

Offers a strategic way to gain social media followers

Ritual email newsletter

What are the elements of an email newsletter?

An effective email newsletter blends engaging content with a visually appealing layout to capture subscribers' attention and convey the desired message. Here are the key elements of an email newsletter:

Compelling subject line:  The subject line is the first impression your newsletter makes, so it should be clear, concise and attention-grabbing. Use strong verbs and relevant keywords to entice recipients to open the email.

Preheader text:  The preheader text is a brief summary that appears below the subject line. It provides additional context and encourages readers to open the email. Keep it concise and informative, highlighting the main points of the newsletter.

Header:  The header is the top section of the email newsletter, typically featuring your brand logo and establishing a consistent visual identity. Use a clean and professional design that aligns with your brand aesthetic.

Hero image:  The hero image is a large, visually striking image that captures the essence of the newsletter. Choose a high-quality, relevant image that sets the tone for the content.

Content sections:  Divide the newsletter into clear and distinct sections, each focused on a specific topic or theme. Use clear headings and subheadings to guide readers through the content.

Body copy:  The body copy is the main text of the newsletter, where you deliver your message. Keep it concise, informative and engaging. Use a clear and readable font, and break up the text with bullet points, numbered lists or short paragraphs.

Call-to-action (CTA):  The call-to-action is a prominent button or link that tells readers what you want them to do next. Use clear and actionable language, such as "Shop Now," "Sign Up" or "Learn More."

Unsubscribe link:  Include an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the newsletter, allowing subscribers to opt out if they no longer wish to receive your emails. This is required by law and demonstrates respect for your audience.

Footer:  The footer provides additional information about your company, such as contact details, social media links and copyright information. Keep it concise and professional.

Remember that the layout of your email newsletter should be visually appealing and easy to navigate. Use a consistent color scheme, ample white space and a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes.

How to make a newsletter

Creating an engaging and effective newsletter involves planning, designing and writing content that resonates with your target audience. Here's a step-by-step guide to crafting a compelling newsletter:

1. Define your goals and audience

Start by clearly defining the purpose of your newsletter. What do you want to achieve with it? Are you aiming to inform, educate, promote or simply connect with your subscribers? Once you have a clear goal, identify your target audience. Who are you trying to reach with your newsletter? Understanding their interests, preferences and online behavior will help you tailor your content effectively.

2. Choose an email marketing platform

Select an email marketing platform that aligns with your needs and budget and that provides tools to manage your email list and analyze campaign performance. Wix Email Marketing is a built-in email marketing platform that seamlessly integrates with your website. It offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop editor, a variety of designer-made templates and advanced data analytics to help you create, send and track email campaigns effectively.

3. Design a visually appealing template

The layout and design of your newsletter play a crucial role in capturing attention and conveying your message effectively. Choose a template that matches your brand identity and use visuals strategically. Consider using high-quality images, consistent branding elements and a clear hierarchy to guide readers through the content.

4. Craft compelling subject lines and preheader text

The subject line is the first impression your newsletter makes, so it's critical to craft a concise, attention-grabbing line that entices recipients to open the email. Use strong verbs, relevant keywords and a sense of urgency to pique curiosity. The preheader text provides additional context and encourages readers to open the email. Keep it concise and informative, highlighting the main points of the newsletter.

5. Write engaging and informative content

The content of your newsletter should be informative, valuable and relevant to your target audience. Use clear and concise language, break up text with bullet points or numbered lists and personalize the content whenever possible. Include a mix of content formats, such as articles, blog posts, tips, customer stories and event announcements.

6. Incorporate a clear call-to-action

Every newsletter should have a clear call-to-action (CTA) that tells readers what you want them to do next. Whether it's visiting your website, signing up for a webinar or making a purchase, make your CTA prominent, easy to find and actionable. Use strong verbs and enticing language to encourage clicks.

7. Proofread and test your newsletter

Before sending your newsletter, thoroughly proofread the text for any grammatical errors or typos. Ensure that all links are working correctly and that your newsletter displays well across different email clients and devices. Consider sending test emails to yourself or colleagues to check the overall look and feel.

8. Send and track your newsletter

Once your newsletter is ready, schedule it to send at a time when your audience is most likely to be engaged. Use email marketing platform analytics to track open rates, click-through rates and unsubscribe rates. Analyze this data to identify what resonates with your audience and make adjustments to future newsletters.

9. Continuously improve and adapt

Newsletter marketing is an ongoing process, so it's essential to continually monitor your results and adapt your strategy accordingly. Gather feedback from subscribers, experiment with different content formats and CTAs and stay updated on email marketing trends to keep your newsletters fresh, engaging and effective.

Thank you, Really Good Emails , for providing some of the images for the newsletter examples in this article.

Newsletter examples FAQ

What is a good opening sentences for a newsletter that works.

A great opening sentence for a newsletter should grab the readers attention and want them looking for more. Here are some examples:

Ever wondered how to [insert relevant topic]?

Get ready for [benefit] with our latest tips!

Don't miss out! This week only, [special offer].

Hey [name], let's talk about [topic].

The future of [industry] is here, and it's exciting!

Remember to tailor your opening sentence to your target audience and the newsletter's content.

What's an effective newsletter format?

Related posts.

10 newsletter design ideas for your next email campaign

How to make a newsletter your audience will love

30 newsletter ideas that will interest your readers

Was this article helpful?

newsletter assignment examples

How to Write A Newsletter Step-By-Step

Today I’m going to show you how to write a successful newsletter—AppSumo-style.

In fact, it’s the same newsletter writing tips we used to make $1,846 monthly recurring revenue when we promoted this blog post to our email list:

Screenshot of monthly recurring revenue when we promoted this blog post to our email list

Want to learn how to write an email newsletter for yourself? Then keep reading!

In today’s article, I share how to write a newsletter, including tips, step-by-step instructions, advanced tactics, and even how to outsource it. Here we go!

4 tips on how to write a newsletter

Before we dive into the practical steps, here are the basics of what makes a great newsletter.

1. Make it something people want to read

This one should be obvious, but I get emails telling me someone’s life story or things I couldn't care less about all the time. It’s a waste of my time.

Screenshot of email

And that’s still not the end of the email! (Sorry Jonathan, love your work, but this is just too much for me to read in my email.)

I’m not saying this to be harsh — I’m saying it because it’s true. ‍

Your audience doesn’t care about your life or your problems. They only care about how you can help THEM with THEIR life and problems.

‍ It’s just human psychology.

By the same token, don’t only send ads to your list. (Unless that’s why they opted in for, then give them what they want.)

Ask yourself: If I got this email, would I care? It’s hard to be objective, but try.

2. Fix your open rates

Getting people to open your emails is half the battle.

‍ MailChimp ran a study of their customers and found the average open rate across all industries on their platform is just 20.81%. [ * ]

‍ In other words, only a fifth of your subscribers will open your email. Not great.

Luckily, you can improve that drastically by:

  • Writing high-quality subject lines.
  • Building trust with your audience that your emails are worth reading.
  • Using your name in the “From” address instead of a brand name.

Put another way, here’s an equation:

Interesting Subject Line + Audience Trust = Open Rates

If your audience trusts you as a person (or as a brand) and they trust your emails are usually valuable to them, they’ll probably open your email regardless of the subject line.

On the flip side, if they don’t know you well but your subject lines pique their curiosity or touch on something they really want, they’ll also open.

When you have trust AND a great subject line? Boom! High open rates.

3. Be consistent in your delivery

This one’s easy! Don’t send so many emails you annoy your audience, but don’t be a ghost, either. Find a schedule, and stick to it (within reason).

Don’t send three emails one week, then none the next. Your email campaigns should stay consistent.

Send weekly emails every Friday? Great! Send biweekly or monthly emails? Awesome. Send emails daily or multiple times a day? That’s probably bad unless your subscribers knew what they were signing up for.

If you’re a statistics-driven person, note that a HubSpot study which shared open rate medians also looked at the median open and engagement rates based on the number of emails sent per month. [ * ]

‍ Here’s what they found for impact on open rates for their customers:

Screenshot of impact of monthly email campaigns on email open rate

And for impact on click rates:

Screenshot of impact of monthly email campaigns on email click rate

It seems the sweet spot is between 16-30 emails per month (an email daily or every other day).

“Note: Campaigns are defined as targeted, individual emails sent to a portion of a database — not an email blast to everyone.”

That said, you should always test different frequencies to see what works best for you. A best practice is to set expectations in your welcome email to tell people how often you’ll be emailing them.

4. Keep it short and simple

The final tip before we dive into the nitty-gritty: Don’t tell your life story!

‍ I already mentioned this in the first tip, but it’s worth mentioning again from another angle. People are getting busier every day. Nearly 3.4 million emails are sent every second . [ * ]

‍ Ain’t nobody got time for that!

So do yourself and your readers a favor, and make your emails short and sweet.

Keep your emails no longer than 3 to 5 paragraphs. Use short sentences and simple, easy-to-read wording. Try to write at a seventh-grade reading level or lower (you can use Hemingway Editor to check your content’s reading level).

Screenshot of Hemingway Editor

Check out these great deals on email marketing software that can help supercharge your newsletter!

How to write your first newsletter in 5 steps

Now that you’ve got those tips in your back pocket, let’s write your first email newsletter !

1. Decide what you want to share

The first step is to figure out what you want to say or share.

Some ideas include:

  • New content you created (blog posts, videos, infographics, etc.).
  • Other people’s content you found relates to things your list cares about.
  • Projects you’re working on.
  • New product launches.
  • Discounts and flash sales (use sparingly).
  • *Mini blog posts (emails that are written well enough to be a blog post on their own).

*Mini blog posts are the only emails I’d ever send that are fairly long, because they provide lots of value. For example, Kai Davis often sends his list mini blog post emails: [ * ]

Screenshot of mini blog post emails

Once you know what you want to share, it’s time to draft your newsletter!

2. Write a draft like you're writing to a specific person

Whenever you write an email, you should always write as if you’re writing to a specific person. This could be a persona you made up to act as your ideal subscriber, or it can be someone you know.

Either way, write the email as if you’re writing to that person. This will help you make it more personal and interesting than if you just wrote to “everyone.”

3. Review the draft

After you finish your draft, don’t forget to review and proofread it. Make sure it sounds interesting, you haven't forgotten to finish a sentence, and you don't have spelling and grammar errors.

I highly recommend you read the email out loud at least once. Reading your words out loud makes it easier to catch typos and helps you see if you've written in an interesting, conversational tone.

If you’re feeling lazy, you can copy and paste the email into a text-to-speech tool like Natural Readers or even Word to have it read to you.

Screenshot of text-to-speech tool like Natural Readers

While you’re at it, have someone else read the email. Try to find someone who resembles your audience, if possible. Otherwise, a friend or family member will do in a pinch. They’ll help you further refine the email.

4. Send to a portion of your list first

Before sending your newsletter to all of your subscribers, consider sending the draft you just proofread to a small chunk of your list (10-15%). This will help you see what kind of open rates the email gets, and make sure everything works OK.

If you don’t have a large enough list to do this, follow our guide to growing your email list so you can get more newsletter subscribers!

5. If all is well, send to everyone

Finally, if everything sent OK and you didn’t get any warnings or people emailing you back saying something is broken or doesn’t make sense, send it to your entire email list.

Give yourself a pat on the back! You wrote and sent a newsletter.

How to optimize and improve your newsletter using analytics

Feeling the itch to improve? I’ve got you covered! Here are three advanced tips to take your newsletter to the next level:

1. Segment your list for better engagement

Segmenting your email list means separating your subscribers into different “segments” or “buckets”. Here is an example using a digital marketing agency:

Digital Marketing Agency Example List Segmentation

Segmented lists perform far better than non-segmented lists. MailChimp found segmented lists receive 14.31% more opens and double the clicks compared to non-segmented lists. [ * ]

‍ There are a few ways to segment a list:

  • Based on what they opted in for on your website (i.e., guide to email marketing versus guide to SEO).
  • Based on which emails they open (i.e., email about email marketing versus email about SEO).
  • Based on which CTAs (call to actions) they click within the emails (i.e., link about email marketing versus link about SEO).

Ideally, you’d want to segment based on all three.

For example, if someone opts in to your content upgrade about how to lose weight, send them articles about exercise, nutrition, and supplements.

Depending on which emails or links they click, send them more emails about the topic they’re most interested in. So if they’re most interested in exercise, send them more emails about exercise.

To start segmenting in Sumo List Builder , go to the Success section of any form.

Then use the dropdown under Add Subscribers To Group to select a group to put them in.

Screenshot of steps to start segmenting in Sumo List Builder

To use this successfully, you need to segment them by how they opt in on your site.

So if they opt in for a certain content upgrade or discount, put them in a group that sends emails related to that upgrade or discount.

2. A/b test your email subject lines

The next “advanced” technique I want to talk about is split-testing your email subject lines. (I put “advanced” in quotes because it’s actually pretty simple.)

Split testing, or A/B testing, means sending two or more variants of your subject line to see which one performs the best (i.e. gets the highest open rate).

You can also split-test the newsletter content itself, such as the email copy, type of discount, etc., but we’ll stick with subject lines for the sake of simplicity.

To A/B test your subject lines, first brainstorm some ideas. Come up with 5-10 ideas, then pick the two most promising to test.

Many email providers, such as ConvertKit , allow you to do this automatically. Click the A/B button next to the subject line.

Screenshot of steps to A/B test subject lines

3. Survey your audience to see what they want

My final advanced technique is the least technical! Surveying your audience is easy, quick, and gives you some great insight into what they want.

You can create a survey to figure out what kind of content they want to see more of, what they like or dislike about your product(s), how often they want to receive emails, and more. The sky’s the limit!

Here’s how it’s done:

  • Decide what questions you want to ask (use what I said above to brainstorm ideas).
  • Create a free Typeform account or use a Google Form (they both work great).
  • Add the questions with choices to your survey. You can choose from multiple choice, short text, long-form text, etc..

Screenshot of Google Form

  • Copy the URL for the survey. Write up an email to send to your list and include the URL for your audience to take the survey.
  • Wait for the results and review!

Here’s an example survey email template you might send to your list:

Hey, [name]…

I need your help.

You see, we’re trying to [mission, such as teach a million people make $100 through Facebook ads]. But we can’t do that without you!

We want to make sure our [content/product] is the best it can be. To do that, we need you to tell us what you need so we can provide it.

Please take 60 seconds to fill out this ultra-quick survey and help us send you better [content/product]: URL

Thanks so much!

Keep crushing it,

The survey might then have questions like:

  • What struggles are you having with Facebook Ads? (Long-form answer)
  • Which part of the advertising process are you most stuck on? (Multiple choice)
  • How many emails would you like to receive every week? (Multiple choice)
  • Is there anything else you’d like us to know? (Long-form answer)


How to outsource your newsletter

Let’s say you’re not too keen on writing newsletters every week. Is it possible to hire someone else to do it for you? If so, how?

It is, and you have plenty of options:

  • Hire someone from a freelance site like FreeeUp, Fiverr, or UpWork.
  • Hire someone locally or someone you know and train them to do it.
  • Hire an agency that specializes in email marketing campaigns.

The first two options are cheaper but time-consuming. The third option takes virtually no time at all, but can be extremely expensive.

If you opt to hire someone as your virtual assistant or newsletter writer, here are a few tips to help smooth out the process:

  • Try to find people with raving reviews. Testimonials speak a thousand words.
  • In your job listing, be as thorough as possible. Explain the exact skillset you need, what your business is about, a little about you if it makes sense, and your expectations in terms of the results you’re after.
  • Always give your job applicants a test. This could be a trial newsletter written in your tone and style, for example.

On average, it costs anywhere from $10 to $100 per newsletter, depending on who you hire and how involved you want your newsletters to be.

newsletter assignment examples

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Blog Marketing How to Create a Newsletter From Scratch [Templates Included]

How to Create a Newsletter From Scratch [Templates Included]

Written by: Jessie Strongitharm Jan 30, 2023

how to create a newsletter

Email newsletters are a great way to stay connected with subscribers, customers and employees alike — especially when it comes to highlighting company updates, sales offers and new products and services. But if you want to stand out in the inbox, your newsletters need to look and sound compelling.

Creating a powerful newsletter that drives results is easier than you think. In this guide, I’ll break down the process into just 10 simple steps, making you a newsletter pro in no time.

We’ll cover the benefits of newsletters, the key elements for success, and even design tips using handy newsletter templates . Get ready to confidently connect with your audience through the power of email marketing!

Click to jump ahead: 

What is a newsletter?

  • What are the benefits of creating a newsletter?

How to create a newsletter

Newsletter faq .

Newsletters are emails that companies used to share information with a given audience . They are typically sent out on a regular basis, and may be sent externally to subscribers or customers, or  internally to employees .

That means there’s no shortage of topics and content you can cover! Some common uses for newsletters include:

  • highlighting new products and services
  • advertising promotions, sales and discounts
  • showcasing upcoming events   with add to calendar buttons
  • sharing company information, updates and news
  • distributing educational content (i.e. industry insights, articles and tips)
  • nurturing relationships with subscribers and customers

Here’s an example of an  email newsletter template  relaying promotional info: 

Cosmetics Brand Valentine's Day Email Newsletter Template

And here’s a newsletter used for providing resources and important information with your mailing list:

Breast Cancer Awareness Newsletter

Finally, here’s one that’s great for sharing internal updates with your team:

Corporate Newsletter Template

As you can see,  newsletters sent by businesses  or organizations are a great way to build loyalty and foster conversation with subscribers and prospects. They provide valuable information, help build brand awareness and engage people right where they spend a lot of time: their inbox. 

From communicating organizational news and inviting subscribers to purchase, to managing remote teams and keeping everyone in the loop, these digital messages — when constructed well — are guaranteed to deliver results.

Related: 12+ Best Newsletter Examples to Inspire Your Next Email Campaign Strategy

What are the benefits of creating a newsletter 

Sending newsletters is a cost-effective way to reach a larger audience and achieve your business goals. For example, newsletters can help you with:

  • Reaching a large audience in a targeted and personalized manner.
  • Promoting new products and services , announcing sales and special offers.
  • Enhancing brand awareness and recall.
  • Building customer loyalty by providing them with valuable information, keeping them informed and engaged,
  • Improving communication and collaboration among employees
  • Providing a forum for sharing information and ideas.

According to research by Statista , the number of email users worldwide is set to reach 4.6 billion by 2025 — which means that a significant portion of the population can be reached through email newsletters. 

So don’t wait, start taking advantage of all these benefits today! Here are 10 simple steps to help you create amazing emails:

Creating a successful newsletter involves planning, design and consistent effort. Here’s a step-by-step approach to get you started:

  • Define your goals, audience and email marketing strategy
  • Select a newsletter design and email marketing software or tool
  • Choose a template and email layout accordingly
  • Add your content, personalize your design and prioritize accessibility
  • Export your newsletter to HTML 
  • Decide on a subject line for your email
  • Preview and send a test mail
  • Send your newsletter via an ESP
  • Review your email metrics 
  • Analyze and iterate your email marketing results

1. Define your goals, audience and email marketing strategy

The first step to creating a newsletter is to have a clear understanding of the goal of your emails, your audience and your strategy for reaching people . Defining these elements is your key to crafting successful newsletters that resonate.

Let me explain…

Newsletter Goal

Knowing what you want to achieve with your newsletter will guide your content development and other aspects of your email marketing plan. A word of advice:  your goals should be specific and measurable . For newsletters to subscribers, you may be looking to increase your website traffic or conversion rates. So you’ll need to send promotional emails that link back to your site and products.

Mailchimp Newsletter Examples

Perhaps a little something like the newsletter template above.

For a company newsletter, you might have the goal of increasing engagement and getting everyone on the same page. 

Business Newsletter Example

A concrete and measurable example of this would be to increase sign ups for internal events, or grow your email engagement by noting any boosts in click-through rates (CTR). Tracking the results gained by using the email template above would make it easy to see how you’re doing.

Newsletter audience 

You’ll also need to define who your newsletter is being delivered to —this includes stuff like building an email list or segmenting your contacts. 

Knowing your audience allows you to tailor and personalize your newsletter content and marketing strategy to their interests and needs. Consider things like their age, gender, occupation and location, as well their interests and preferences for receiving emails. 

Email marketing strategy

Your outreach strategy should include a plan for how often you’ll send your newsletter and the  time and date you’ll send them , what kinds of content you’ll include and how you’ll promote it. 

Be sure to consider how you’ll measure the success of your newsletters and email marketing campaigns, and which metrics you’ll track.

By clearly defining your goals, audience and outreach strategy, you’ll forge ahead with a concrete plan that’ll ensure your newsletter is primed for success.

Want a handy doc you can customize to write out and present your email strategy? 

newsletter assignment examples

This  marketing plan template  has everything you need. Feel free to customize each section, the layout and the text so it reflects your own personal newsletter action plan.

2. Select a newsletter design and email marketing software or tool

Remember how I said you don’t need to be a graphic designer to create amazing email newsletters? 

It’s true. By using an email marketing software and creation tool like  Venngage’s Newsletter Creator , you can start designing engaging emails in minutes — no design experience, technical coding or HTML knowledge required . 

You’ll find the free tool incredibly simple to use: there’s virtually no learning curve, especially if you’ve used any kind of drag-and-drop editor before.

All you need to do is sign up for a free account select from hundreds of professionally-designed newsletter templates to act as your starting point. Then, customize any visual asset on the page to suit your needs. Wha t’s more, Venngage’s Newsletter Creator gives you access to a ton of  amazing features , like: 

  • 100% customizable newsletter designs
  • Countless  data visualization  options (e.g. charts, graphs etc.)
  • Millions of royalty-free  stock images  and illustrations
  • Thousands of  diverse, customizable icons
  • Automated branding with  My Brand Kit  ( paid plans )
  • Real-time Team Collaboration  (paid plans)
  • Direct export to HTML for clickable email campaigns (paid plans)
  • Accessibility features to ensure you’ve created (paid and free plans soon)

Sign up for free  to start creating newsletters like the one below quickly and easily.

Indigo Startup Email Newsletter Template

3. Choose a template and email layout accordingly

The next step is to choose a template that suits your needs and email content goals (see #1). This involves considering what kind of  email layout  will serve you best. 

Email layout refers to the look and feel of elements in your email, its aesthetic appearance and visual qualities. Besides design choices surrounding its  color palette , font choices, design style,  contrast  and  white space , the email layout also speaks to how the content is  laid out . Single column newsletters  are great for simplifying the browsing experience by streamlining info into one continuous flow from top to bottom, just like how we naturally read.

In the editable newsletter template below, you can see how placing all the promo details within a single column gives interested readers the ability to instantly understand all they need to participate.

Light Playful Email Newsletter Template

This motivates your email subscribers to convert by placing all relevant information and the CTA smack-dab in the middle, right where readers would naturally come across them. No distractions — just the offer.

This is also key if you’re trying to relay a message clearly and directly.

Outreach Mobile Email Newsletter

By sending this single column outreach email, you can be assured potential leads will get the message loud and clear. 

Meanwhile,  double or two column newsletters  are fabulous for image or information-heavy content or when you’re covering multiple topics, since they divide content into two separate blocks.

Remote Working Guide Newsletter Template

This internal company update newsletter highlights different kinds of information effectively.

Need more sections to advertise products, for branding purposes or to curate info the way it’s intended to be consumed? Multi column or hybrid layouts got you.

Here’s an  infographic-style email that shows this off:

Real Estate Marketing Tips Email Newsletter Template

No matter which kind of layout and  email design  you believe suits your content best, Venngage has tons of free and premium newsletter templates you can quickly and easily customize. All you need to do is add in your content. 

Related: 15+ Email Marketing Infographics to Spark New Ideas and Plan Strategy

4. Add your content, personalize your email design and prioritize accessibility

Once you’ve chosen a newsletter template, the next step in the production process is to  1) swap in your desired content  and  2) personalize your email design .

Generally, that means you’ll need to:

  • Swap out the template’s text, images/illustrations and buttons
  • Adjust the size of each section to your liking
  • Add your colors/color palettes 
  • Change out or add icons
  • Hyperlink any CTAs and buttons
  • Check for accessibility

I’ll use Venngage’s templates and editor to showcase: 

Let’s say our Human Resources team needs to alert staff of my upcoming resignation. To do so, I can start off by using this company announcement newsletter template.

Staff Voluntary Separation Email

The first thing I’ll do is replace the placeholder text content for my own. I’ll then adjust the font style and size to suit my liking.

After, it’s time to customize my design. I like the main graphic, so I’ll keep that. But I want to add my own flair, plus integrate our brand colors and logos (you know, to maintain brand consistency and all that good stuff!)

Here, I’ve adjusted the background color based on my brand colors, and added an image overlay on top of the background using our stock image library. I’ve adjusted the value (opacity) of the image to help it all blend together too. 

I’ll select My Brand Kit at the top left of the page to automate my branding with a few clicks.

Looking to add more visual interest? Add icons quickly and easily by searching for a keyword in the icon search bar. (I’m not actually adding these, but just know that I could) .

Make sure to clickable links to your newsletter designs, of course. This is vital when exporting your design to HTML so subscribers can act on those CTAs.

And there we have it, a completely customized email design that suits my needs.

newsletter assignment examples

Note that you can add data visualizations or other interactive elements as you see fit. But for my purposes, this’ll do the trick.

Don’t forget about newsletter accessibility !

I’ve noticed many “how-to” guides gloss over this subject, and it’s a shame. Because  accessible design  is a crucial consideration when it comes to creating a newsletter. 

Not only is it  a legal requirement to provide accessibility for people with disabilities , but it also ensures everyone can engage with your content while improving the overall user experience. So consider the needs of people with visual, auditory, motor, and cognitive impairments when creating your newsletter.

Definition of accessible design

This includes things like using  high-contrast colors  for text and images, providing  alt text  and using simple and clear language and navigation. (Psst!  Venngage’s editor has built-in accessibility tools and checks .)

Looking for accessible color palettes? Try out Venngage’s FREE Accessible Color Palette Generator.

You should also try to use a  responsive email design  that adapts to different screen sizes and devices, since  nearly 50% of the world’s population  opens their email on mobile devices. 

how to create a newsletter

All of the above will not only help you comply with legal requirements — it’ll also show your commitment to providing an inclusive and equitable email experience for everyone. 

5. Export your newsletter to HTML 

Finally, it’s time to export your creation and get it all ready to send. To do that, you’ll need to export your email as an HTML file. HTML allows you to create a visually appealing, interactive email that can be easily viewed on any device . By exporting your newsletter to this format, you can include hyperlinked content and graphics, and embed videos and other multimedia elements that enhance users’ experience. 

You can include alt text tags and abide by other accessible design best practices. (FYI, it’s a major email accessibility no-no to send newsletters as one giant image file).

Venngage’s email marketing features allow you to export your design as a clickable HTML file directly.

6. Decide on a subject line for your email

The first thing your audience will see is the subject line of your emails. So, make sure you spend time scheming up some winning words.

how to. create a newsletter

Here are a few tips to help you write great newsletter subject lines:

  • Keep it short and sweet : The subject line should be brief (ideally no more than 60 characters), to ensure it doesn’t get cut off.
  • Get personal : If you’re able to, add recipients’ names or other personal information to make the email feel more personal and relevant.
  • Create a sense of urgency: For product and sales newsletters, use words that encourage readers to act fast (i.e. “limited time”, “last chance”, “24 hours left”)
  • Write a pre-header : Use pre-header text to give a preview of the email content and entice opens.
  • A/B test : Segment your list and try out different subject lines to see which styles perform best.
  • Be creative : Use emojis, questions, numbers or puns to grab email subscribers’ attention and make it stand out.
  • Follow email best practices : Avoid spam trigger words and keep your subject lines in line with your content to avoid misleading your recipient or getting marked as SPAM.

One email marketing tool I’ve found useful is this  Headline Analyzer by AMI institute . Input a subject line, and the site will assess its “Emotional Marketing Value” — AKA its ability to connect with viewers. You can test out a few and see where they land. 

7. Preview and send a test mail

It’s best practice to preview your templates on the email clients and devices across various devices, platforms and settings. (Particularly, the email clients most used by your audience!)

Using an email testing service ensures your audience can interact with the design and understand your newsletter content — which is key if you want to engage and/or convert them.

Oh, and be sure to check your links. With that, you’ll have full confidence that you can send successful emails every time.

8. Send your newsletter via an ESP 

newsletter assignment examples

After testing your email newsletter and making any adjustments, the next step is to send it out to your audience via an email service provider. 

An email service provider (ESP), is a platform that allows you to send bulk emails to a large audience, track metrics and manage your email list. HubSpot , Mailchimp , Constant Contact, Moosend and Active Campaign and its alternatives are a few notable options. 

While not all email providers have the same features, they generally allow you to upload a contact list, create a new email campaign , and schedule emails as needed. 

ESPs also offer a wide range of customization options to personalize your emails and segment your audience. You can also set up automations, such as  welcome emails , and use analytics tools to track your email’s performance. 

Which brings me to my next point…

9. Review your email metrics 

Reviewing your email metrics a few days after is an important step in the newsletter creation process, allowing you to measure the success of your email marketing campaigns and make data-driven decisions to improve future ones.

email metrics

Your  Open Rate (OR)   indicates how many people are actually opening your newsletter. Low ORs may indicate your subject line is not compelling enough, or your recipients are not interested in newsletter content.

Your  Click-Through Rate (CTR)  indicates how many people are clicking on links within your newsletter. Low CTRs can indicate the content of your newsletter is not engaging or relevant with your audience.

Your  Unsubscribe Rate (UR)  also matters. A high unsubscribe rate may indicate your newsletter is failing to deliver value, or you’re sending too many of them.

10. Analyze and iterate your email marketing results

Last but certainly not least, you should use those learnings to track your email marketing results and improve your strategy over time. 

For example, if you notice that a certain subject line or type of content led to a higher open rate, you can use that information to inform future newsletter campaigns.

Similarly, if you notice that a certain call-to-action or design element led to a higher click-through rate, you can incorporate those elements next time. 

Here’s a document for showcasing all those fancy stats: 

newsletter assignment examples

By iterating on the elements that garnered good results, you can improve the effectiveness of your newsletter campaigns over time.This will help you to deliver more relevant and engaging content to your audience, which will in turn lead to better results. Remember: it’s easy to adjust as needed with Venngage’s editable newsletter templates.

What is the best application to create a newsletter?

There are many email marketing platforms and programs that can help you create a newsletter, such as Adobe, Lucidpress, Microsoft Publisher and Venngage. But Venngage is the best choice if you want to create a professionally-designed newsletter in just minutes. 

A huge selection of easy-to-edit newsletter templates and drag-and-drop visual editor makes Venngage the superior option over other email production options that require technical design skills or HTML knowledge. You can easily change your layout and content to suit your needs whenever you need. 

Plus, you can tell a story with your data by selecting from a range of data visualization options and access other great benefits, like  automated branding and real-time Team Collaboration . And when it comes to accessibility, Venngage has you covered: with built-in accessibility checks.

What is the easiest way to create a newsletter?

The easiest way to create a newsletter is to start with a customizable newsletter template. With ready-made email layouts and easy-to-edit components, there’s no need for prior design knowledge, technical skills or steep learning curves. Simply swap out the content of your email newsletter template, add your desired visual assets and you’re good to go.

What are 5 elements of an effective newsletter?

The most effective newsletter contain these 5 elements:

  • Compelling subject line : the subject line and pre-header should entice readers to click the email right away.
  • Appealing visuals:  avoid an unorganized, cluttered layout; use a pre-made template instead.
  • Engaging content:  keep your content focused.
  • Responsive design:  mobile-friendly layouts are important to accommodate those who check their email on smartphones and other mobile devices.
  • Clear CTAs:  whatever you’re trying to accomplish with your email, make sure subscribers can understand and take the next step by ensuring your call-to-actions are obvious and accessible.

How do I create a free newsletter?

To create a newsletter for free, look no further than Venngage’s huge selection of  free email newsletter templates  and intuitive, no-code editor. Here’s how to get started:

  • Sign up for a free Venngage account .
  • Visit the  newsletter template page  and sort the results by ‘Plan Type’ to filter out paid options. Hit the “Create” button on the template page once you’ve found one you like.
  • Swap in your desired email copy, icons and colors to make it suitable for your business and use case. Looking to keep your branding consistent and your team in the loop? With a  Business Plan , you get access to premium features that your comms team will love — like  real-time Team Collaboration  and automated branding via  My Brand Kit .
  • Once you’re happy with your newsletter design, you can share the link publicly for free, or  upgrade to a paid plan  to download your custom template / export it to an HTML file you can use with your preferred app. Venngage files work with Mailchimp, Outlook and other mass email service providers .

Launching a successful email marketing strategy is easier than you think

Creating a newsletter is a great way to communicate with your audience, promote your business and build relationships with subscribers and employees alike. With thoughtful design, compelling content and a clear purpose, readers will welcome you into their inboxes.

Plus, there’s no need to feel daunted. Just remember these 10 steps to learn how to create a newsletter :

With Venngage’s Newsletter Creator and email marketing tools, you can design great emails quickly and easily, using a wide range of pre-made newsletter templates as your launchpad. Get started for free and reach your audience effortlessly. 

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tiny email logo r white

— the tinyEmail blog

  • February 21, 2023
  • email-archives

How to Write Newsletter Introductions (With Examples)

How to Write Newsletter Introductions With Examples

An email marketing specialist can spend days, weeks, or months coming up with a spectacular email newsletter, but they still don’t have control over whether or not a subscriber engages with that newsletter.

While you may not have control over the subscriber’s actions, you can still make an effort to create the kind of newsletter a subscriber won’t ignore. This can be done by using a structure that appeals to your average subscriber.

This begins with the introduction. In a newsletter, your introduction should be one of the first things you consider, as it impacts the rest of the message and your subscribers’ impression on you. 

In practice, the introduction is the initial text that describes what the newsletter is about. It should be short, to the point, and informative, since it will introduce the content you hope to inspire interest in.

Newsletter Introduction Tips

Here are some tips for creating an amazing newsletter introduction:

Personalize the greeting

Address your subscribers by their name to make the introduction more personal and engaging.

Be clear about the purpose

Explain why you’re sending the newsletter and what subscribers can expect to receive.

Create a sense of excitement

Use language that entices your subscribers to read further and engage with your content.

Provide context

If your newsletter is part of a larger communications plan, provide context, so that subscribers understand its importance.

Keep it brief

Keep your introduction short and to the point, so that subscribers don’t get bored or overwhelmed.

Newsletter Intro Examples

Here are some examples of email newsletter introductions:

  • “Welcome to the latest edition of our monthly newsletter! We’re excited to share with you some exciting updates and news from our company.”
  • “Hello [Name], we’re back with another edition of our weekly newsletter, packed with all the latest industry insights and trends.”
  • “It’s time for another edition of our weekly newsletter, where we bring you the latest insider secrets about how to save by shopping with us.”
  • “We hope you’re having a great start to the week! In this edition of our newsletter, we’re excited to share some new product launches and updates.”
  • “Greetings [Name], welcome to the latest edition of our quarterly newsletter. We’re excited to share some of our most recent achievements and updates with you.”
  • “Happy [Day of the Week], [Name]! We’re excited to share our latest newsletter with you, packed with information about our upcoming sales event.”

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How To Create A Winning Newsletter (8-Step Checklist And Examples)

Ammar Mazhar

Ammar Mazhar

Last updated on

April 4, 2023

Whether you’re new to email marketing or have been around the block, you’ve likely heard of email newsletters.

Email newsletters are one of the best ways to not only provide value to your audience but also to encourage them to engage with your brand and buy your products. 

In today's article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about email newsletters, including what they are, give you a step-by-step checklist to create an effective one, and show you some great email newsletter examples you can learn from.

What is an email newsletter?

An email newsletter is an occasionally-sent email that informs your subscribers of the latest updates, tips, or information about your business, products, or services. 

The information provided in a newsletter can be anything from in-depth guides, announcements about upcoming sales, or simply sharing a super inspiring quote that you think your audience will find useful. 

The goal here is to engage your audience either by educating or entertaining them — and in so doing, getting them to keep coming back to your business.

Why are newsletters important?

Here are some of the benefits of creating an email newsletter for your business. 

1. Wide coverage

It’s estimated that there’ll be around 4.6 billion email users globally by 2025 — with the number already being well over 4.2 billion this year. That’s more than half the world’s population!

This means that email marketing is one of the marketing channels with the widest reach. No matter what industry you’re in, chances are, you can reach your target audience through email. 

There are endless amount of online resources like StuDocu that provide hundreds of free educational materials covering all types of marketing — including email. You can access this material from anywhere to increase your knowledge and improve your business’s email marketing strategy .

2. Builds relationships

In 2021, 86% of U.S. advertisers agreed that newsletters provide a vital connection point with customers. They offer you the opportunity to build relationships with your audience and get them to recognize your business as the ideal solution to their problem.  

Newsletters help in building relationships

By adding unique content and design elements to your newsletter, you’ll differentiate yourself from competitors — which will give your audience a reason to choose you over them.

Make your newsletter emails unique and visually appealing by customizing them with free vector graphics and fonts.

3. More likely to convert

Sharing your latest offers and content in your newsletter is a great way to indirectly advertise to your readers without coming across as “salesy.” Instead, you’re giving them value first. You’re investing in building a positive relationship with potential customers, so you have to focus on review management , gathered data, so that your newsletter is in accordance to your audience.

MOS is an excellent example of a startup that consistently offers value to its audience (students looking for affordable banking) by sharing useful, fresh content in its newsletters. This way, young adults looking for the student bank accounts get all the information they need, and view MOS as a reliable authority in the industry.

Who should send an email newsletter?

Newsletters work better for some businesses than others. Here’s a list of businesses that can benefit from newsletters. 

Who should send an email newsletter?

  • Small businesses: Newsletters are especially useful for small businesses since they help you build trust and relationships with your ideal buyers. In doing so, you’ll have a better chance of not only growing your business but competing with authoritative brands. In a 2021 survey, 64% of small businesses said they utilized email marketing — which means your competitors are more than likely already in your target audience’s inbox.
  • eCommerce websites: Since eCommerce stores heavily rely on website traffic and conversions, email newsletters are the perfect marketing solution to generate traffic and increase product sales. For example, Biohm (an eCommerce store selling probiotics) increased its revenue by 250% by providing useful content in its email newsletter. 
  • Blogs and news websites: Email newsletters are great for notifying readers of the latest articles on your site and will ultimately help in keeping your blog on the top of their minds. Your audience will be notified every time you post something new — which will increase website traffic and post views. 

Publish newsletters on blogs and news website

  • Non-profits: Newsletters are a great way to engage with prospective volunteers and donors. Often, these newsletters will convert subscribers into donors when they see all the excellent work that’s being done. 
  • Education-based businesses: By sharing useful educational information in your newsletter, people will trust your business above all others. It can help you come across as the expert they need to solve their problem. 

8-Step beginner’s checklist to create a newsletter

Let’s get into our checklist (using a pre-send checklist helps brands improve email marketing ROI by 42% ).

8-Step beginner's checklist to create a newsletter

1. Select an email marketing software

The first step is to choose an email newsletter software that suits your goals, technical skills, and budget. There are several different types of email marketing tools out there that offer tons of great features. 

For example, Mailmunch is a complete email marketing solution for creating amazing newsletters, including email automation , premium email templates , advanced analytics , unlimited landing pages , and more.  

2. Choose a newsletter template

Once you’ve chosen your software, you can go ahead and choose an email template that suits your needs and looks good.

The templates that you choose will depend on the type of business that you have, your customers, and the goal of the newsletter. 

For example, if you want to announce an upcoming sale, you can choose a template like the ones shown below. 

Mailmunch's email template library

Luckily, Mailmunch offers 1,000+  great templates for different occasions and business types — so you’re guaranteed to find one that’ll work really well for your business.

3. Customize the newsletter template 

After you’ve selected a template, you can customize it to suit your brand. Make sure that your newsletter visually transmits what the email is about. Use Mailmunch to customize the templates according to your requirements.

To make your newsletter unique to your brand, you can add: 

  • Custom images and fonts
  • Brand elements and colors
  • Unique content that suits your brand voice

If you want to take it a step further, you can include interactive elements in your email. A survey conducted by Dyspatch shows that 60% of people are likely to engage with interactive emails. 

4. Add Alt text and plain text 

Alt text appears when a picture isn’t loaded. Since not all email providers are equal, your images may sometimes take longer to load. In this case, it’s great to have alt text so that your readers know what they’re looking at, even if the image isn’t there. 

Also, make sure that your email looks great in plain text as not all email providers display HTML properly. The best practice is to look at your specific email provider’s features and send test emails frequently to make sure that all your text, images, and buttons are visible and functioning correctly.  

Related Guide: HTML vs. Plain Text Email: Which Works Better in 2022?

5. Personalize the newsletter 

Personalizing your newsletter is the key to making it stand out and driving more clicks/conversions.  

Personalization comes in many forms — from catering your emails to different audiences and their interests, to adding subscribers' first names in subject lines and content, and more.

For example, the company Tempest often takes a personal angle in its emails. It addresses the specific issues that its audience segments are facing and talks to them about these issues like they’re long-time friends.

Personalize the newsletter: Tempest's example

This approach helped the company 10x their email click-through rate . 

6. Craft a good subject line and preview text

To create click-worthy email subject lines , you need to try out different things. Generally, subject lines that have fewer words have higher open rates. In fact, a study conducted by Invespcro found that subject lines with 6–10 words have the highest open rate.

Invespcro's finding on subject lines

For example, boutique Scented candle manufacturer Otherland introduces its subscribers to three new candles with the subject line “3 Scents for Summer: the Beach Club Collection is here!” 

Otherland's example

The subject line alone tells a story about the product and entices the readers to open the email to learn more. If they instead used something uninspired like, “we’re launching 3 new candles for summer,” it changes the entire mood of the email. Don’t be afraid to get creative, but always keep your brand’s positioning and target audience in mind (i.e. don’t make millennial jokes if you’re selling insurance to middle-aged businessmen).

Furthermore, subject lines that include the recipient’s name have an 18.30% open rate, whereas subject lines without the recipient’s name have a 15.70% open rate . 

Try out different subject lines and perform A/B tests to identify which types of headlines drive the most engagement.

7. Launch newsletter campaign

After you’ve created your campaign and finalized all the content and design elements, you can launch it. Be sure to bring attention to the newsletter through your website and social media marketing so that more people will sign up. 

If you don’t have a lot of subscribers yet, you can leverage lead magnets to build your email list. 

Learn how to create super-effective lead magnets that convert like crazy. 

8. Monitor performance and results 

Keep an eye on your newsletter to see how it’s performing. Look at which emails in your newsletter performed the best and which subject lines had a better open rate. 

For the best results, you need to set up metrics and KPIs for your email newsletter campaigns to determine whether you’re reaching your goals and to identify any problem areas that need to be addressed. 

4 Email newsletter examples for inspiration

Here’s a list of four great email newsletter examples. 

1. Flywheel

Subject line: This FREE eBook has the secret to scaling your agency!

Flywheel's newsletter example

Copy: The copy in this email was written with the intent to “sell” the free eBook to readers by including more information about its contents and how it’ll help readers’ agencies grow. 

Design: The striking image of the eBook cover, bright and big eBook title, and smaller descriptive text create a design hierarchy that leads the reader’s eye straight to the CTA button . 

CTA: “Download it now!” encourages the reader to download the eBook right away. 

Subject line: Last Chance: Get $100 Off Accessories With Your Bike Purchase

Peloton's example

Copy: The copy used in this e-newsletter is concise and straight to the point. It announces a special limited offer where customers can get money off when they purchase a bike. 

Design: The red “Limited Time Offer” banner at the top of the email creates a sense of urgency since readers know that the offer will expire soon. The image used in the email also shows the product in action — which helps the user visualize themselves using it.  

CTA: The call to action “Get the bike” is straight to the point and tells readers exactly what to do next. 

Subject line: Something new is launching tomorrow.

Soylent's example

Copy: The copy in this email does an excellent job of piquing the reader’s curiosity. The tone is so casual and relatable that readers can’t help but be intrigued by the “mystery product.”

Design: The image used in this email almost resembles a puzzle (or a “guess this pokemon” outline) which supports the message all the more. 

CTA: Though this newsletter doesn’t have a direct CTA, the reader knows that they need to read the next day’s email to discover the new product. 

Subject line: Are you doing THIS after you shave?

Harry's example

Copy: Instead of trying to sell something, this email adds value to customers’ lives by informing them about the right post-shave routine.

Design: The email has a lot of white space and comes across as simple and clean — which supports the message of a cleanly shaved face perfectly. 

CTA: The call to action “Follow these steps” guides people to the blog post that they can read on Harry’s website. 

Start creating your email newsletter with Mailmunch!

Email newsletters are ideal for businesses to disseminate information about their brand, and consequently, build trust with their customers. Moreover, newsletters provide a wide range of coverage which means you can attract more customers to your business with exquisite and insightful newsletters.

Hence, newsletters are an essential part of any email marketing campaign , and thus, shouldn’t be dispensed with or thought of as an afterthought. But rather, they should be carefully planned and designed to meet the requirements of your business.

newsletter assignment examples

A voracious reader and a music lover, Ammar has been writing engaging and informative content for over 3 years for B2B and B2C markets. With a knack for writing SEO-optimized content, Ammar ensures the results speak for themselves.

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How To Write an Effective Email Newsletter (Instructions and Examples)

How to write an effective email newsletter (instructions and examples).

By Anna Meyer

You probably already know that email marketing isn’t going anywhere. [1] You’re looking for ways to grow your email list and keep your subscribers interested in what you do. Which is why you’re itching to know how to write a newsletter.

But you’re stuck. “Aren’t newsletters the same thing as emails?” you may be asking. “Where do I even start with writing one? And how do I make it a good one without wasting my time?”

This blog post will give you crystal-clear instructions on how to write a newsletter from start to finish, along with some solid examples from different industries to get your creative juices flowing. By the end of this post, you should be able to sit down and create an amazing newsletter for your email list.

But first, let’s understand what a newsletter even is and go from there.

What Is a Newsletter?

Knowing how to write a newsletter starts with understanding what it is. A newsletter is a report or document that provides relevant and worthwhile information to a particular audience of clients or potential clients.

The word “newsletter” implies that it has journalistic elements because it contains the word “news”. Like newspapers and magazines, newsletters are typically sent periodically—once a month, once a week, or even once a day. 

Newsletters often contain “news” from the business or individual, such as new job openings or company milestones. And three, like newspapers and magazines, newsletters often have valuable content, like podcast episodes, stories, how-to articles, and even discounts.

People tend to confuse newsletters with other types of emails. Newsletters are usually sent as one single email. Meaning they’re not typically part of a sales sequence, nurture sequence, or marketing campaign.

The main goal of a newsletter is to build and nurture a relationship with your subscribers and keep them in the loop on things related to your business.  

Common examples are: 

  • Upcoming sales
  • Product launches
  • The latest content on your blog or podcast
  • Making a purchase (careful with this one!)

People who subscribe to your newsletter want to stay up-to-date on your business and get free value on a regular basis. Keep this in mind as you start brainstorming.

Now that we know what a newsletter is, let’s start writing it.

How to Write a Newsletter

Quick note: we’re going to focus only on the process of writing and constructing a newsletter, not the graphic design elements or the marketing side of things, like segmenting or A/B testing.

Search for Newsletters in Your Industry

Here’s your permission slip to get a little snoopy. 

Take a look at what others are doing by observing trends and best practices in your industry. Do a Google search for “best newsletters in [your industry]” and see if you can find out why they’re the best.

For example, say you’re a food and recipe blogger. After researching other food and recipe bloggers, you’ll notice many of them create weekly or monthly “roundup” newsletters that include links to the top-performing recipes on their blogs.

This doesn’t mean you have to use the same strategy if you’re a food and recipe blogger yourself, but finding out what’s out there can give you lots of ideas.

Subscribe to newsletters in your field or take a look at what’s already sitting in your inbox to get your creative juices flowing. What newsletters do you enjoy receiving on a regular basis? What’s included in each newsletter?

Get Clear on Your Newsletter Strategy

Now that you know common practices within your industry, it’s time to focus on your business. 

One common mistake people make when starting a newsletter for their business is throwing together random pieces of content and sharing them with no goal in mind. Don’t do this! All you’re doing is confusing your readers. You may even frustrate them enough to unsubscribe from your list. 

Now it’s time to decide why your newsletter exists and why you want people to sign up.

Start asking questions about your subscribers. Who is your audience? What are their interests? What problems do they need help solving? How can you meet their needs with your newsletter?

Next, start asking questions about your business. What is your goal with sending a newsletter? Driving sales? Growing traffic to your blog, podcast, or YouTube channel? Starting conversations with your subscribers?

A combination of goals is perfectly fine. In fact, it’s very common for newsletters to do more than one thing. T he key to achieving all your goals with a newsletter is to stay focused on your readers’ pain points and their needs.

Let’s examine the most common types of newsletters to help you brainstorm a strategy that works for you.

(A) Curated Newsletters

Curated newsletters have a journalistic feel to them, and the send frequency is pretty high—a few per week or even a few per day is common.

As the name suggests, curated newsletters are filled with relevant, industry-specific content often created by a third party.

The main goal of curated newsletters is to create and share content that your subscribers can’t find anywhere else.

For example, The Hustle , an email newsletter from the CRM platform HubSpot, has a team of writers and researchers who collect the latest trending news in business, tech, and digital marketing. They send a newsletter to their subscribers every weekday. Yep, five times a week.

In each newsletter, they start with “The Big Idea,” where they expand on a trending news story within roughly 200-300 words.

Then they add in smaller “bite-sized” news updates, data reports, funny memes and tweets, the latest blog post and podcast episode, and resources their subscribers will likely find useful. And they do it all with a witty charm in their writing.

It takes a lot of work to find, organize, and share this much information in a newsletter five times a week . But The Hustle is a top-tier example of curated newsletters.

Their goal with each newsletter is to help young business pros stay up-to-date on the latest news in business and tech. And with 2 million+ subscribers, I’d say they’re meeting that goal and then some.

(B) Promotional Newsletters

Again, the name suggests a lot. Promotional newsletters typically include promotions about your business, like sales, events, limited-time offers, and product launches.

E-commerce stores benefit immensely from promotional newsletters.

It’s easy to think promotional newsletters only work with sales or discounts, but you can do way more than that. You can promote your business, yourself, or an event.

But wait, I don’t want to bug my subscribers with tons of promotions. Won’t that be a turn-off?

It will if promotional newsletters are the only thing you’re sending to your subscribers. Promotional newsletters are typically sent before a sale or event takes place, so be sure you’re sending valuable newsletters outside your promotional ones. Types like…

(C) Blog-Style Newsletters

Yes, you can write a mini blog post or article inside a newsletter and make that your newsletter.

One newsletter that uses this approach (and nails it) is The Freelancer’s Year by freelance writer and content creator Lindy Alexander.

Lindy knows her target audience (newbie freelance writers) and she tells stories about her experience as a social worker and freelance writer based on her audience’s needs . People subscribe to her newsletter with a specific goal in mind: to improve as a writer. And Lindy’s newsletters focus on that goal every time.

Blog-style newsletters are powerful. But they’re newsletters, not your diary. Make whatever you have to say relevant and useful to your audience.

(D) Roundup Newsletters

If you’re creating a high volume of content on a regular basis and want to get the latest (or top-performing) content out to your audience without overwhelming them with emails, roundup newsletters are perfect for you.

Whether you’re a content creator for blog posts, podcast episodes, YouTube videos, or even e-commerce products, organization is key to creating a clean and aesthetically pleasing roundup newsletter.

You don’t have to “round up” online content. Book giant Goodreads sends monthly newsletters that link all the new book releases for that month. By sending the latest book releases straight to your inbox, you can easily browse their website for reviews, interviews, and more.

Roundup newsletters are the heart of sending newsletters: they keep your audience in the loop by “rounding up” all the resources they need in one place.

(E) Hybrid Newsletters

What if you want to share more than one thing? What if you want to share a roundup of your latest content and promote an upcoming event your readers may want to sign up for? Introducing hybrid newsletters.

Hybrids are probably the most popular type of newsletter because the design is super flexible and can be used across nearly every industry. You can add as much or as little content as you want. Remember, you don’t want to confuse or overwhelm your readers, so like roundup newsletters, organization is key.

For a large digital marketing company like Wix , hybrid newsletters are a great way to keep subscribers in the loop on multiple parts of the company. In each monthly newsletter, Wix subscribers can browse the latest features on the platform, sign up for an upcoming event or webinar, or read a case study all in only a few clicks. 

From curating to promotion, hybrids do it all while keeping the information organized and easy to skim.

Hopefully by now, you have a few ideas in mind for your newsletter strategy. Maybe you want to share your latest podcast episodes on a regular basis. Or you have an event coming up and you want to share your expertise related to that event so you can promote the event later on.

Building your strategy will take some work. You can add as much or as little to your newsletter as you’d like. Just make it relevant and helpful to your audience.

Now that you have an idea of what’s out there and what you want your newsletter strategy to be, it’s time to start organizing.

Start O utlining

Newsletters typically have a subject line, an email header, body text, at least one CTA, and a footer.

No matter how large or small your newsletter is, you want to create a flow that makes sense to your readers.

Pro tip: To appeal to your readers, format each newsletter so it has the same look every time you send it . This will not only save you time but will also keep your newsletter from getting progressively cluttered over time. 

People like consistency and predictability, so you want each newsletter to deliver the same value, in the same way, every time.

Templates are an excellent option if you’re struggling to organize your newsletter. Email marketing platforms like ConvertKit or Mailchimp have templates available. You can also find templates in the backend of your website, or design tools like Canva.

Start Writing

Whew! If you’ve gotten this far with creating your newsletter, you should be proud! 

Online writing requires a lot of research and prep work. But the more you do upfront, the easier the writing process will be because you’re not chasing trends or relying on templates. You’re focused on your subscribers and how you can help them.

Here are some tips on writing each important element of your newsletter.

  • A strong subject line & preheader copy

Your subscribers are likely getting dozens of emails each day. This means they don’t have time to slowly digest each one. So what do they do? According to FinancesOnline, 64% of email recipients make a decision to open an email based on the subject line alone . [2]  

You want to aim for a subject line that’s short yet enticing enough to capture your readers’ attention amidst all the inbox noise.

Once you’ve captured their attention with the subject line, use the preheader copy to entice your readers enough to click your email.

  • Relevant content

If you plan on creating a blog-style newsletter, make sure each topic and story is interesting and relevant to your readers. 

If you want to add promotions, don’t be afraid to crank up the urgency by informing your readers how long the promotion is, what’s included, and when it expires.

If you’re creating a roundup post, be short and sweet with each piece of content. Too much text and unnecessary information will make each piece of content look cluttered or overwhelming. Avoid beating around the bush. Explain what it is and why it’s worth you readers’ time.

  • Conversational writing

I could write a whole blog post on how to write in a conversational tone. 

But for the sake of time, here’s one of the best tips out there.

Write like you’re talking to someone else. Or more specifically, someone who knows little to nothing about your industry or what you do. This will force you to simplify your phrasing and summarize complicated backstories and context.

Simplifying and summarizing are key to strong newsletters. Email subscribers generally can’t afford to spend 20 minutes reading an email, so you cannot afford to sound stuffy. 

You could have the most helpful content in the world for your subscribers. But if you’re delivering it through rambly, boring, academic-style writing, your subscribers will click to the next email before taking the time to invest in it. 

Conversational writing allows you to deliver value in a direct and easy-to-digest manner.

  • A strong CTA

Never leave your readers hanging! CTAs in your newsletters help guide your readers along to continue interacting with you rather than moving on to the next email in their inboxes.

The correct amount of CTAs depends on your marketing goals and your newsletter strategy. But a good goal to aim for is not including too many CTAs, or your readers will get confused—or they’ll lose interest and leave.

And yes, if they’re overwhelmed, they won’t click anything at all, which will hurt your conversion rates.

Add Finishing Touches

Once you have everything in place and each section written out, it’s time to fine-tune your newsletter. 

  • Clean formatting and design

You want to incorporate enough white space to make the newsletter readable and easy to skim. Templates can help with this.

The vast majority of your subscribers will be skimmers, so make sure your text, graphics, buttons, links, and formatting are pleasing to the eye and clutter-free.

  • Contact information

This is common practice so your subscribers can reach out to you if they have any questions or concerns about your newsletter or business. Your business’s contact information (or at the very least, social media links) is typically included in the footer of your newsletter.

  • An unsubscribe button

It may sound counterintuitive to give your subscribers a chance to opt out of your newsletter, but it’s the ethical thing to do. Plus, it protects your business legally. And it keeps your newsletter out of your subscribers’ spam folders.

Once you have everything in place, it’s time to look at the more technical elements of your newsletter. This includes things like adding an unsubscribe button, optimizing your newsletter for mobile-friendly viewing, adding the sender name for personalization, making sure links work and open in a new window, and adding alt text to images.

Test It Out

After sending a few newsletters, it’s time to access how they’re performing.

You should be able to find your email metrics in the backend of your email marketing platform or your website platform. 

The range for each metric will vary depending on your industry. But here are a few general benchmarks to aim for. [3]

  • Open rate (17-28% is ideal)
  • Click rate (2-5% is ideal)
  • Unsubscribe rate (the smaller the better)
  • Conversion rate (2-5% is a good range)
  • Bounce rate (2% is good, the smaller the better)
  • Forwards (the more the better)
  • New signups (the more the better)

If your numbers are low starting out, that’s okay! That means it’s time to…

Keep Improving

A lot of small details go into creating a newsletter that converts. But the good news is that sometimes all it takes to boost your metrics are a few small changes. 

Let’s say you discover the open rates are low. This probably means a few things.

  • Your subject line isn’t up to par.

Maybe the copy isn’t interesting or attention-grabbing. Maybe it’s too long and you need to shorten it (25-30 characters is ideal).

  • Your newsletter is being flagged as spam.

Words that sound too good to be true or over-sensationalized often get flagged by email providers. Other malpractices include extreme punctuation (!!!!!!!!) or even using all caps too much.

There could be many other reasons your open rates are low. Your job is to channel your inner Nancy Drew and figure out what could be causing it, make small changes, one at a time, and see what happens.

Remember: The goal of a newsletter is to build and nurture a relationship with your subscribers and keep them in the loop on things related to your business. If your metrics are low in the beginning, that doesn’t mean you’ve failed. All you need to succeed with newsletters are your subscribers’ needs and desires, and an analytics tool to help you measure your progress.

Now let’s address some commonly asked questions regarding newsletters. 

How Long Does a Newsletter Need to Be?

Whatever length is necessary to deliver the value your readers need. I know this sounds like a lazy answer, but the ideal length for your newsletter will depend on your industry, your audience, and what your marketing strategy looks like.

But if you still need a number, here’s one for the sake of getting started.

According to Constant Contact, the best length for an email newsletter is approximately 20 lines of text, [4] or about 200 words.

Here’s a good way to tell if you need to make your newsletter longer: the bigger your CTA or offer, the more information you’re going to need to include.

This rule applies whether you’re asking your subscribers to read a blog post or purchase a $3,000 course. The bigger the commitment, the more space you’ll need to address objections and explain why it’s worth the investment.

How Should I Organize My Newsletter?

The general skeleton of a newsletter is the header, the body text, and the footer. Introduce yourself with the header (a logo or your newsletter’s name is commonly placed in the header), organize your content and CTAs in the body, and include your contact information and unsubscribe button in the footer.

Again, templates are the perfect place to start if you’re unsure how to organize the contents of your newsletter. Marketing and design platforms like ConvertKit or Canva offer free templates with easy-to-use formatting.

What Can I Include in My Newsletter? 

Common examples you’ve seen so far are blog posts, discount codes, and even a story or blog-type entry that shares your expertise. 

But you can add anything that your readers find interesting or valuable.

Yarnspirations (a company that manufactures yarn brands like Patons, Bernat, and Caron) includes knit patterns in their newsletters. That’s it.

Knit patterns may not seem like a big deal, but subscribers can easily click a knit pattern in the newsletter and explore more patterns on Yarnspirations’ website—and hopefully make a purchase.

You can include a huge assortment of content in your newsletters if you want, but you don’t have to. And just because your newsletter is focused on one thing (such as knit patterns) doesn’t mean it isn’t valuable to your readers.

There You Have It!

Writing a newsletter takes a lot of thought and work. But as long as you’re focusing on your subscribers’ needs, you’re well on your way to building relationships with them and boosting sales for your business.

Need help adding a newsletter into an email strategy that works for you? Fill out a form to book a call so we can chat about reaching your goals with email marketing.


  • How Many Emails Are Sent Per Day? (2022-2026). Oberlo, . Accessed 28 February 2023. 
  • Chang, Jenny. 52 Email Subject Line Statistics: 2023 Trends & Effective Ideas . FinancesOnline , . Accessed 28 February 2023.
  • What are good open rates, CTRs, & CTORs for email campaigns? Campaign Monitor,,those%20in%20your%20specific%20industry . Accessed 28 February 2023.
  • Charest, Dave. What’s the Best Length for My Email Newsletter? Constant Contact,,through%20rate%20for%20most%20industries . Accessed 28 February 2023.

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How to Write A Newsletter: Step-By-Step Guide (With Real Examples)

Email Marketing

Today I’m going to show you how to write a newsletter — Sumo-style.

In fact, it’s the same newsletter writing tips we used to make $1,846 monthly recurring revenue when we promoted this blog post to our email list:

Screenshot showing google search results

Want to learn how to write an email newsletter for yourself? Then keep reading!

In today’s article, I share how to write a newsletter, including tips, step-by-step instructions, advanced tactics, and even how to outsource it. Here we go!

4 Tips for Writing A Great Newsletter

  • Make It Something People Want to Read
  • Fix Your Open Rates
  • Be Consistent in Your Delivery
  • Keep It Short and Simple

5 Steps for Writing Your First Newsletter

  • Decide What You Want to Share
  • Write A Draft Like You’re Writing to A Specific Person
  • Review the Draft
  • Send to A Portion of Your List First
  • If All is Well, Send to Everyone

3 Advanced Tips for A Newsletter Your Subscribers Will Love

  • Segment Your List for Better Engagement
  • A/B Test Your Email Subject Lines
  • Survey Your Audience to See What They Want

How to Outsource Your Newsletter

4 tips for writing a great newsletter.

Before we dive into the practical steps, here are the basics of what makes a great newsletter.

1. Make It Something People Want to Read

This one should be obvious, but I get emails telling me someone’s life story or things I couldn't care less about all the time. It’s a waste of my time.

Screenshot showing google search results

And that’s still not the end of the email! (Sorry Jonathan, love your work, but this is just too much for me to read in my email.)

I’m not saying this to be harsh — I’m saying it because it’s true.

Your audience doesn’t care about your life or your problems. They only care about how you can help THEM with THEIR life and problems. 

It’s just human psychology.

By the same token, don’t only send ads to your list. (Unless that’s why they opted in for, then give them what they want.) 

Ask yourself: If I got this email, would I care? It’s hard to be objective, but try.

Want more examples of great newsletters? Click the button below!

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2. Fix Your Open Rates

Getting people to open your emails is half the battle.

MailChimp ran a study of their customers and found the average open rate across all industries on their platform is just 20.81%. [ * ]

In other words, only a fifth of your subscribers will open your email. Not great.

Luckily, you can improve that drastically by:

Writing great subject lines.

Building trust with your audience that your emails are worth reading.

Using your name in the “From” address instead of a brand name.

Put another way, here’s an equation:

Interesting Subject Line + Audience Trust = Open Rates

If your audience trusts you as a person (or as a brand) and they trust your emails are usually valuable to them, they’ll probably open your email regardless of the subject line.

On the flip side, if they don’t know you well but your subject lines pique their curiosity or touch on something they really want, they’ll also open.

When you have trust AND a great subject line? Boom! High open rates.

3. Be Consistent in Your Delivery

This one’s easy! Don’t send so many emails you annoy your audience, but don’t be a ghost, either. Find a schedule, and stick to it (within reason).

Don’t send three emails one week, then none the next. Stay consistent.

Send weekly emails every Friday? Great! Send biweekly or monthly emails? Awesome. Send emails daily or multiple times a day? That’s probably bad unless your subscribers knew what they were signing up for.

If you’re a statistics-driven person, note that a HubSpot study which shared open rate medians also looked at the median open and engagement rates based on the number of emails sent per month. [ * ]  

Here’s what they found for impact on open rates for their customers:

Screenshot showing google search results

And for impact on click rates:

Screenshot showing google search results

It seems the sweet spot is between 16-30 emails per month (an email daily or every other day).

“Note: Campaigns are defined as targeted, individual emails sent to a portion of a database — not an email blast to everyone.”

That said, you should always test different frequencies to see what works best for you. A best practice is to set expectations in your welcome email to tell people how often you’ll be emailing them.

4. Keep It Short and Simple

The final tip before we dive into the nitty-gritty: Don’t tell your life story!

I already mentioned this in the first tip, but it’s worth mentioning again from another angle. People are getting busier every day. Nearly 3.4 million emails are sent every second . [ * ]

Ain’t nobody got time for that!

So do yourself and your readers a favor, and make your emails short and sweet.

Keep your emails no longer than 3 to 5 paragraphs. Use short sentences and simple, easy-to-read wording. Try to write at a seventh-grade reading level or lower (you can use Hemingway Editor to check your content’s reading level).

Screenshot showing google search results

Now that you’ve got those tips in your back pocket, let’s write your first email newsletter!

1. Decide What You Want to Share

The first step is to figure out what you want to say or share. 

Some ideas include:

New content you created (blog posts, videos, infographics, etc.).

Other people’s content you found that relates to things your list cares about.

Projects you’re working on.

New product launches.

Discounts and flash sales (use sparingly).

*Mini blog posts (emails that are written well enough to be a blog post on their own).

*Mini blog posts are the only emails I’d ever send that are fairly long, because they provide lots of value. For example, Kai Davis often sends his list mini blog post emails: [ * ]

Screenshot showing google search results

Once you know what you want to share, it’s time to draft your newsletter!

2. Write A Draft Like You’re Writing to A Specific Person

Whenever you write an email, you should always write as if you’re writing to a specific person. This could be a persona you made up to act as your ideal subscriber, or it can be someone you know.

Either way, write the email as if you’re writing to that person. This will help you make it more personal and interesting than if you just wrote to “everyone.”

Need some inspiration? Click the button below to get my email newsletter swipe file with five awesome examples.

Get My Newsletter Swipe File

3. Review The Draft

After you finish your draft, don’t forget to review proofread it. Make sure it sounds interesting, you haven't forgotten to finish a sentence, and you don't have spelling and grammar errors.

I highly recommend you read the email out loud at least once. Reading your words out loud makes it easier to catch typos helps you see if you've written in an interesting, conversational tone.

If you’re feeling lazy, you can copy and paste the email into a text-to-speech tool like Natural Readers or even Word to have it read it to you.

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While you’re at it, have someone else read the email. Try to find someone who resembles your audience, if possible. Otherwise, a friend or family member will do in a pinch. They’ll help you further refine the email.

4. Send to A Portion of Your List First

Before sending your newsletter to all of your subscribers, consider sending the draft you just proofread to a small chunk of your list (10-15%). This will help you see what kind of open rates the email gets, and make sure everything works OK.

If you don’t have a large enough list to do this, follow our guide to growing your email list so you can get more subscribers!

5. If All is Well, Send to Everyone

Finally, if everything sent OK and you didn’t get any warnings or people emailing you back saying something is broken or doesn’t make sense, send it to your entire email list

Give yourself a pat on the back! You wrote and sent a newsletter.

Feeling the itch to improve? I’ve got you covered! Here are three advanced tips to take your newsletter to the next level:

1. Segment Your List for Better Engagement

Segmenting your email list means separating your subscribers into different “segments” or “buckets”. It looks like this:

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Segmented lists perform far better than non-segmented lists. MailChimp found segmented lists receive 14.31% more opens and double the clicks compared to non-segmented lists. [ * ]

There are a few ways to segment a list:

Based on what they opted in for on your website (i.e., guide to email marketing versus guide to SEO).

Based on which emails they open (i.e., email about email marketing versus email about SEO).

Based on which links they click within the emails (i.e., link about email marketing versus link about SEO).

Ideally, you’d want to segment based on all three. 

For example, if someone opts in to your content upgrade about how to lose weight, send them articles about exercise, nutrition, and supplements.

Depending on which emails or links they click, send them more emails about the topic they’re most interested in. So if they’re most interested in exercise, send them more emails about exercise.

To start segmenting in Sumo List Builder , go to the Success section of any form. 

Then use the dropdown under Add Subscribers To Group to select a group to put them in.

Screenshot showing google search results

To use this successfully, you need to segment them by how they opt in on your site. 

So if they opt in for a certain content upgrade or discount, put them in a group that sends emails related to that upgrade or discount.

2. A/B Test Your Email Subject Lines

The next “advanced” technique I want to talk about is split-testing your email subject lines. (I put “advanced” in quotes because it’s actually pretty simple.)

Split testing, or A/B testing, means sending two or more variants of your subject line to see which one performs the best (i.e. gets the highest open rate). 

You can also split-test the content itself, such as the email copy, type of discount, etc., but we’ll stick with subject lines for the sake of simplicity.

To A/B test your subject lines, first brainstorm some ideas. Come up with 5-10 ideas, then pick the two most promising to test.

Many email providers, such as ConvertKit, allow you to do this automatically. Click the A/B button next to the subject line.

Screenshot showing google search results

3. Survey Your Audience to See What They Want

My final advanced technique is the least technical! Surveying your audience is easy, quick, and gives you some great insight into what they want.

You can create a survey to figure out what kind of content they want to see more of, what they like or dislike about your product(s), how often they want to receive emails, and more. The sky’s the limit!

Here’s how it’s done:

Decide what questions you want to ask (use what I said above to brainstorm ideas).

Create a free Typeform account or use a Google Form (they both work great).

Add the questions with choices to your survey. You can choose from multiple choice, short text, long-form text, etc..

Screenshot showing google search results

Copy the URL for the survey. Write up an email to send to your list and include the URL for your audience to take the survey.

Wait for the results and review! 

Here’s an example survey email you might send to your list:

Hey, [name]…

I need your help.

You see, we’re trying to [mission, such as teach a million people make $100 through Facebook ads]. But we can’t do that without you!

We want to make sure our [content/product] is the best it can be. To do that, we need you to tell us what you need so we can provide it.

Please take 60 seconds to fill out this ultra-quick survey and help us send you better [content/product]: URL

Thanks so much!

Keep crushing it, [Name]

The survey might then have questions like:

What struggles are you having with Facebook Ads? (Long-form answer)

Which part of the advertising process are you most stuck on? (Multiple choice)

How many emails would you like to receive every week? (Multiple choice)

Is there anything else you’d like us to know? (Long-form answer)


Let’s say you’re not too keen on writing newsletters every week. Is it possible to hire someone else to do it for you? If so, how?

It is, and you have plenty of options:

Hire someone from a freelance site like FreeeUp, Fiverr, or UpWork.

Hire someone locally or someone you know and train them to do it.

Hire an agency that specializes in email marketing.

The first two options are cheaper but time-consuming. The third option takes virtually no time at all, but can be extremely expensive. 

If you opt to hire someone as your virtual assistant or newsletter writer, here are a few tips to help smooth out the process:

Try to find people with raving reviews. Testimonials speak a thousand words.

In your job listing, be as thorough as possible. Explain the exact skillset you need, what your business is about, a little about you if it makes sense, and your expectations in terms of the results you’re after.

Always give your job applicants a test. This could be a trial newsletter written in your tone and style, for example.

On average, it costs anywhere from $10 to $100 per newsletter, depending on who you hire and how involved you want your newsletters to be.

Get My Email Newsletter Swipe File

Now you know how to write a newsletter. But coming up with ideas, formatting, and design can still be hard!

That’s why I created a list of five awesome newsletter examples for you to draw inspiration. Click the button below to get my list!

Get The Newsletter Swipe File


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Inspiring Newsletter Examples by Writers 

Writers sometimes need new outlets to feed their creativity, to boost their online presence, or even just as something fun to do that isn’t the “big book project” or “work.” With the new uptick of email newsletters, writers may have actually found something interesting that also could make a bit of money on the side. Wondering why you should write an email newsletter? Here are four inspiring newsletter examples and helpful observations from theirs writers who corresponded with me over email. 

Illustration of inspiring newsletter examples and their authors

“You get the impression when reading it that you’re not alone…” Illustration by Josh Quick

Want more details on how to write a great newsletter? Read my previous post on what’s involved in an email newsletter.

Samantha Irby doesn’t want you to laugh at her (but with her)

Hilarious blogger and author Samantha Irby sends out her newsletter, “ books/snacks/softcore ,” when she has something to share (lately with hilarious recaps of the day’s Judge Mathis episode). She also still has her blog at Bitches Gotta Eat and her latest book of essays, Wow, No Thank You, is due out in March from Penguin Random House. She writes emails to her subscribers in between writing her next book and sending back proofs to her editor. 

I asked her if it’s hard to think of things to write about for her newsletter, what with all her other writing outlets pulling at her attention. 

“Sometimes,” Irby replied. “But I don’t write when I can’t think of something that might be funny or interesting. I never ever want someone to open my newsletter and think UGH THE WELL MUST BE RUNNING DRY.”

Despite having a lot of other places to write, Irby finds her newsletter to be a positive addition to her regular routine. 

“So far it’s been a good and low stakes way to exercise my writing muscle while also making enough money to pay my phone bill,” she said. “My ultimate goal, in all things, is to convince strangers to love me. I’ll report back when I figure out whether or not it’s working.”

Irby’s plan has been to just try this new thing out and see what happens, which is about as relaxed and healthy as you can get with a new venture. 

“I don’t think I could ever rely on a newsletter for my sole income (I really don’t believe that you can live forever on a creative job *gestures wildly at entire life* or whatever) BUT if I look at it as I do everything (it’s a laugh! maybe I can buy face cream and a sandwich!) then that makes it feel worthwhile to me? I feel like everything is easier when I attach the lowest stakes possible.”

She added, “It’s also a way to boost other people’s projects/articles/websites, because there’s only so much instagram and twitter signal boosting a person can reasonably do.” 

Wendy Mcclure is mining her family history

Author and children’s book editor Wendy McClure had similar feelings on writing her newsletter, “ Space and Time .”  

“One part is just miscellany—links to things I’m reading and collected thoughts about some of my favorite subjects (the Little House books, children’s publishing, anything that’s roughly in the realm of the stuff I write about in my books),” McClure said. “The other part is an old photo of a dead person or lost place—usually from my huge collection of old family pictures—and some kind of short essay about the photo.”

About how she got started, McClure said it fit well with what she was looking for in her writing life. 

“I was reading other people’s newsletters and I liked those a lot,” she said. “I missed blogging—the way it gave me an outlet, a regular writing assignment—but posting things on a blog hasn’t felt right to me since Google Reader went away. It got so nobody knew you had a new blog post up unless you linked to it on Facebook and Twitter, and then everyone would comment on the link, essentially defeating the purpose of having a separate site (which nonetheless still appealed to me).

That’s not all that McClure likes about a newsletter’s separation from social media.

“I like the way newsletters have a direct connection,” she said. “A reader doesn’t have to be on a particular platform or social media site to access me, and when I write a new installment I don’t have to chase down my audience by linking to it on three different sites.” 

Rosamund Lannin offers travel tips and lipstick picks

Rosamund Lannin , a writer who also co-founded the Chicago female live lit show, Miss Spoken , puts out “ It Means Rose of the World ,” on a quarterly basis. She started writing it back in the spring of 2016 via Tiny Letter, but recently moved over to Substack. 

When asked about how and why she got started writing an email newsletter—Rosamund already writes pretty prolifically on social media and in a variety of publications and outlets, in addition to working a fulltime 9-to-5 job—she said it seemed like fun. 

“Some friends of mine who were also writers had started TinyLetters and I liked the idea of sharing what I was doing in a less constant, immediate format than social media,” Lannin said. “I wanted something curated and put together but still accessible and fun. It’s a way for you to keep up with what I’m reading, writing, and thinking in a roughly quarterly format, which sounds dry but includes lots of words about books, lipstick, and carne asada burritos.” 

Claire Zulkey enlists a team of evil witches to help write a great newsletter

Claire Zulkey is a freelance writer and author who brings a no-nonsense parenting perspective to her newsletter, Evil Witches , with a little help from her fellow mom friends. 

“After forming a private/informal community of mothers I knew, I started getting the impression that maybe the discussions we were having might be interesting to a larger audience,” Zulkey said over email. “I considered different platforms/community models but at the end of the day a.) I’m a writer and b.) I do not want to moderate something gigantic and/or cater to every conceivable interest (like a general interest publication).”

What’s different about “Evil Witches” is its group approach to editorial content, some of which comes from questions posed on social media to followers or readers, which also adds to its authenticity. You get the impression when reading it that you’re not alone with your wild child or clueless spouse.

“I make the editorial decisions and write a chunk of the content but E.W. wouldn’t exist without other Evil Witches,” she said. “It toes the line between reporting and crowdsourcing I’d say (to make it a quicker read I strip away a lot of the niceties of an actual written article), and capturing the knowledge, stories, complaints, jokes, and so on from like-minded folks.”

Zulkey isn’t sure where her newsletter is headed, but with the option of making a little bit of money from this adventure, it may turn into a regular source of at least part of her freelance income.

“It’s truly been an experiment; I have no big plans at this time, no idea how long it will go on for,” she added. “The payment model however helps me envision it as a legitimate work project instead of something that’s totally done in my spare time.” 

Looking for more inspiring newsletter examples? Consider subscribing to Submishmash Weekly , Submittable’s free newsletter for creatives, packed with arts and literary news, curated opportunities for submission, and more.

Ann Holub, Author Photo

Anne Holub holds a creative writing MA from Hollins University and an MFA from the University of Montana. Her poetry has been featured on Chicago Public Radio and in The Mississippi Review , The Asheville Poetry Review , and The Beacon Street Review , among others. Originally from Virginia, she now lives in Billings, Montana with her husband Dan and their two dogs, Merle and Rosie.

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Bringing The Classroom Together: How To Write a Class Newsletter

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by Stacia Levy 51,398 views

Producing a newsletter creates as students interview each other and report on news in each other’s lives. With desktop publishing programs available, class newsletters are also easy to publish these days. Students can be involved in every step of the process from brainstorming the articles, to writing and editing them, to the final publication, and in the process gain a sense of authentic purpose and audience for writing.

This is an entire unit of instruction that could very well stretch out over the course of a week. It’s probably best to , however, and see if there is enough student enthusiasm for the project to carry it through.

First . Give out a sample news article and study its structure: the , the , and the .

Have students , an important writing skill, and also a check for understanding of main ideas.

Analyze , such as the how is used in a news story, such as simple past and past progressive.

Teach the , which is much used in the news. . Passive voice is prevalent in the news as the focus is usually on the event (e.g., “ ”) not a specific person (e.g., “ ” is not standard grammar in news reporting.)

Have students . Provide them with headlines, either real or made up. Divide into groups, and students write stories to go with the headlines.

To provide , students can read the stories aloud.

Now that students have some familiarity with newspapers and news writing, they are ready for the . This can be as simple or complex as you would like it.

Explain what a class newsletter is, why the students should publish one, and . Show an example newsletter if possible. If you don’t have an example newsletter from a prior class, a community newsletter will do in showing the format and the types of stories covered.

Work with students to . Students can volunteer information about events they have heard about that may prove newsworthy. Some students may be involved in a competition, for example, or working on a particular project. They should receive recognition for their efforts.

Now that the general project is organized, it’s time to talk about actually writing the newsletter.

Teach or review the : e.g., an with an early paragraph including the core information and why it is important, and the remainder of the article, which including supporting paragraphs with quotes and interesting facts of decreasing importance to the main idea. News articles are written this way so that they can be cropped as necessary to space requirements.

Go over the to get information for the articles, such as the five “ “ questions.

After this preparation of seeing an example  newsletter, a couple of news articles, and some practice in the genre of news writing and its conventions, students are now ready to begin interviewing and writing. Each student should .

Students should then type the articles and save them to disk, so the teacher or volunteer student can put them together in a desktop publishing program, and it can be as simple as that, a one-time project.

If you and your students would like to see the newsletter expand beyond a one-assignment project to a more ongoing one, following are some steps.

Some students may be more comfortable with just writing the news articles while others may want to branch out and take pictures or work on the layout. Get some assistance in expanding the project by recruiting interested students to do some of the work.

One student with leadership skills might want to take on the role of editor and decide how to organize the stories each issue by class news, school and local news, and so forth.

If the class has a web page, the newsletter can also go on the website to keep the class and community informed of school events and news, or students can hand out the newsletter. A regular readership provides an authentic sense of audience and purpose to writing.

Students can take more control as they gain more confidence and skill, thinking up and suggesting stories to write about.

A class newsletter takes time and planning, but the results in student interaction, team building, leadership, and writing skills as well as the final product are all well worth the effort.

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How to Write a Newsletter Article

Creating a newsletter can be a difficult task and doing it effectively can be even harder. Knowing how to write a newsletter article is crucial here and you need to learn which elements should be included and how to use them properly.

But first, you have to be clear if you really need to send a newsletter or not. Think about what you want to achieve and if you have enough content available.

An online newsletter complements your existing communication accompanied by announcements about product updates, offers, events and general news about the company. It is not a promotional email dedicated to a single topic, promotion or event that includes additional content to make bulk.

If you feel that you can not provide enough important content or that the newsletter focuses on a single event or promotion, you should consider the option of designing an independent email marketing campaign to support these marketing objectives.

In this guide, you will see some newsletter article examples and learn some key elements that you should include in your campaigns.

You can use these to get newsletter article ideas for your emails and create something that could get more email subscribers  so you can continue to build your list effectively. Then, you can focus on implementing your  email marketing strategy  and achieving the results you desire.

How to Write a Newsletter Article

How to Write a Newsletter Article: Getting Started


If you really want to focus on personalization, you should go beyond simply including the name of the recipient of the email in the  subject line . Currently, most companies already do, so subscribers are accustomed to this type of customization and do not perceive it as something new and exclusive.

If you want to differentiate yourself to the maximum, try to adapt the content of your emails to each recipient.

The first step to achieve relevance is to understand who the person really is that receives your emails. If you have a large amount of information about the tastes, tendencies, and habits of each recipient you will be able to select relevant content for each one of them.

For example, an eCommerce site that has differentiated targets in terms of products, showing in their emails a specific selection of goods and/or promotions based on the characteristics of a purchase will make the communication more relevant to that recipient.

Regardless of the specific profile of the target you are targeting, in terms of content, remember that you are talking to real people, not robots. Use, as far as possible, a relaxed, accessible and personal tone. This way, you can create and maintain fruitful relationships with your customers.

One Email For Every Topic

Don’t confuse your subscribers with multiple topics in one email. This makes it cluttered and hard to convey a particular message.

Every email should have its own specific topic that it addresses. If needed, you can add other parts at the bottom such as “What’s New This Week”, or “What You May Have Missed”.

The main part of the email, which is the start where people will read first, is where your main message should be.

If you want to draw people to a specific page on your website, do it straight away at the top of the email. This increases the clickthrough rate to your desired page and conveys the message immediately.

Find A Striking Headline

To open or not open an email? That is the question. We live in an age where we are bombarded by the inbox and the subject of each mail is a very important factor in deciding whether to open it or throw it in the trash.

The headline is everything when it comes to sending out emails to your subscribers.

It can literally be the difference between someone opening your email or not.

DON’T USE ALL CAPS for your headlines or stupid forms of clickbait.

People are a lot savvier online than they used to be and scan their inbox in a few seconds to see if you look like spam or not.

There are various forms of headlines you could try, but you will ultimately need to experiment to find out what your subscribers are more receptive to.

“ [OPEN] Have you seen the latest about… “

If you saw this in your inbox, would you open it?

I probably would to be honest. Nothing about it looks spammy to me and it finishes on an unfinished note that intrigues me to open it.

Share Valuable Content

People gave you their email address for a reason.

And it was most likely because they want to receive future communications from you about your website.

They could have subscribed for other reasons, like to get a discount code or freebie for example.

But these people are still subscribed nonetheless and offer you the potential to work with.

Offering them something of value in every email you send increases the chance that they will purchase something from you.

This is where you can create high-quality blog posts and let your readers know about it.

The blog posts can even have a few  upsells or cross-sells  in it but should be made for the purpose of providing great information for free.

Start Writing

Sometimes you can think of what to put in your newsletter. So, just start writing and see what comes out.

As we mentioned before, don’t send out newsletters for the sake of it.

If you start writing and you manage to crank out something of substance, see if you can provide value to your readers with it. Sometimes the best ideas can come from nothing, so just give it a go.

Tips For Writing an Email Newsletter Article

Offer Real Value

Offer value as no one else can and start building lasting relationships with your audience. There are many fakers in the world of marketing, offering the illusion of valuable content but with the delivery of nothing. Real value will deliver you real results, so treat this element properly and your audience will appreciate it.

Keep a Schedule

This can be one of the easiest solutions on the list. The fact that you publish constantly and on a similar schedule helps readers to establish an “appointment” with your content.

Thus, excitement and anticipation are established that can be fulfilled. If you publish daily, but for three days you do not publish anything, your credibility may be affected. But if you always follow a schedule, your reputation may increase.

Also, you should be aware that there are certain  times for email marketing  that are better than others, so take this into consideration before you send out your emails.

Maintain Attention

You may have only 15 seconds to convince a reader that your content is worthwhile. You must hook them; Remember that it is very easy for any reader to be distracted and stop reading your content.

Careless work provides an easy way out of your content and this is a very common email marketing mistake  to commit. Try to retain them, provide the right quality and quantity so that they do not go to the competition and remain by your side.

Consistent and Simple Design

The design should be consistent with a large number of blank spaces that make it attractive and easy to read. If you follow a fixed structure, readers will become familiar with the design format and each time it will be easier to navigate through each edition.

The key is to make it as practical as possible so that readers find the sections they are most interested in so that they do not get lost and frustrated with so much information.

The presentation is important since the opening rate is provided by the subject line but many times the click rate depends on whether the user is impacted by the image of the email or not.

So remember to include the logo of your company, use a clean template, check the spelling, and test before sending.

Optimized for Mobile

A lot of people admit that they will delete any email that is not adapted to mobile . If your email does not take into account this factor for a correct design and launch, your marketing budget is not being spent effectively.

With the segmentation by device, you can send the correct message on the right device and thus capture a larger number of customers.

Every article or post is a story. But there are so many “storytellers” in the business at this time that the next marketing conference should be around a campfire.

In this context, however, narration means providing proof with a narrative. Use examples from the real world, for example, testimonials from your customers whenever you can.

When you can not, involve the imagination of your audience with the story of how your life will change with the solution you bring.

Don’t Include Excess Information

Newsletters usually contain news that covers all areas of the company, which makes it difficult to try to group all the articles together. You could create master sections that are constituted by relevant subtitles and images that help guide the reader through the information.

Instead of placing the launch of a product and opening a new office between the announcement of a partnership and an article about a new employee, a good tip would be to create a section called “Our Team” that contains all the information related to employees and another section called “Business Expansion” with company news?

Your newsletter has to be easy to read and direct, so you must maintain a minimal design and copy. In turn, the text should be clear and concise and point to a call-to-action markup that redirects readers to the web page in question or  landing page .

Sending A Newsletter Article

Once you have gone over everything and optimized your newsletter article for each different element you can prepare to execute your campaign and send out your emails.

You can use an email service provider to do this such as GetResponse who will be able to help you build a subscriber list, create newsletters, segment lists, and much more to in order to build an effective campaign.

You can then  study and track your analytics  after the campaign is finished so you can chop and change things round in order to get better results in the future.

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How to Write a School Newsletter

Last Updated: February 1, 2024

This article was reviewed by Gerald Posner . Gerald Posner is an Author & Journalist based in Miami, Florida. With over 35 years of experience, he specializes in investigative journalism, nonfiction books, and editorials. He holds a law degree from UC College of the Law, San Francisco, and a BA in Political Science from the University of California-Berkeley. He’s the author of thirteen books, including several New York Times bestsellers, the winner of the Florida Book Award for General Nonfiction, and has been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in History. He was also shortlisted for the Best Business Book of 2020 by the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing. This article has been viewed 138,946 times.

Creating and publishing a school newsletter can be an excellent way to keep everyone in the community informed and up-to-date. Your school newsletter can be as complex or as simple as you'd like. However, the content of the newsletter should always be informative, so that it can best meet the needs of your community. Learning some of the standard practices behind creating a newsletter can help make your own school newsletter a success.

Sample Newsletter

newsletter assignment examples

Planning the Newsletter

Step 1 Set goals for your newsletter.

  • Should your newsletter focus on events or policies?
  • Are you going to create and publish the newsletter on your own?
  • Do you plan on building a team to publish the newsletter?
  • How big do you want your newsletter to be?
  • How many people do you want to reach with your newsletter?
  • What should the newsletter be called?

Step 2 Decide how often to publish.

  • If your school is either very large or very active, you may want to publish more often or publish larger papers, less frequently.
  • If you are unsure of how often to publish, you may try publishing monthly to begin with.
  • You probably won't need to publish any editions over the summer months if your school isn't active during them.

Step 3 Know your audience.

  • You'll likely want to include some sections or content for the students in the community.
  • Your main readers are likely to be the parents and adults in the community.
  • Your newsletter should also keep staff informed, describing current events at the school.
  • You might also want to include content that supports your local community.

Step 4 Pick a distribution method.

  • It's important to remember that not everyone might be able to receive digital newsletters. You will likely want to print out physical copies as well.
  • Physical copies will either need to be delivered or placed in a public space that allows for people to easily pick up a copy.
  • Digital copies will likely be the most cost effective option and will allow you to reach a large number of readers.

Creating the Newsletter

Step 1 Get some publishing software.

  • Adobe InDesign, Corel Draw, and QuarkXpress are all professional publishing software.
  • Scribus is open-source desktop publishing software.
  • You can make a newsletter using Microsoft Word or OpenOffice
  • Some people find Google Docs to be a good solution, as it allows many people to collaborate on-line.

Step 2 Create or find a template.

  • Most publishing software will include a number of templates for you to choose from.
  • You can try searching on-line for free school newsletter templates.
  • Templates allow you to easily add your own information or update old information.
  • A good template will have spaces for both your articles and photos to go with them.
  • You might want to make templates for specific months. For example, you might have a template for February that has a heart theme because of Valentine's day.
  • For text areas, it's a good idea to have predefined spaces for your title, headings, and the main body of text.

Step 3 Customize your newsletter.

  • Place the school name at the top of the front page.
  • Add in a footer with page number, date, edition, or other information you might want to include.
  • Putting your school logo somewhere on the front page can be a good idea.
  • Include clip-art to give your newsletter an appealing and interesting look.
  • You might want to have dedicated pages for certain content. For example, you could put contact information for school staff on the last page of your newsletter.
  • You'll likely want to decide the basic layout for articles and pages. A simple two column layout can be a good way to start.

Step 4 Create content.

  • A calendar of the year and upcoming events.
  • Current news.
  • Upcoming activities or programs.
  • Community news.
  • Changes in school policy.

Step 5 Keep content informative.

  • An opinion piece on the quality of cafeteria food might be nice. However, it's probably a better idea to include a lunch schedule instead.
  • Detailing the repair process of a restroom might be too much information. It might be better to focus on things like how long the renovation took or how much it cost.
  • Updates on school policies should always be included.
  • You might want to highlight student achievements in your newsletter.
  • It can be a good idea to have small articles that introduce new staff members.

Step 6 Involve others.

  • Asking students to write articles can be a good way to let them express a student's viewpoint and get in some writing practice.
  • Having staff write articles can result in more detailed or informative pieces. For example, asking a math teacher to write about the new high-level math course would be a good idea.
  • You might have students form a club around creating and publishing the newsletter.
  • Asking for help with printing, publishing, or distributing might be necessary. You can check with local school staff, send a request for volunteers, or check with local businesses.

Delivering Your Newsletter

Step 1 Deliver physical copies of your newsletter.

  • You'll likely want to create a list of people who want to subscribe to your newsletter.
  • Try leaving it near the entrances to your school or local businesses.
  • Bring some copies to your nearby library to put out for people to take.
  • Leaving some copies on the front desk of the main office can be a good idea.
  • If you have the budget, your school may mail printed copies to the community.
  • Give the paper to students to take home. Some have found that giving the newsletter to younger children increases the chances of it getting home. [10] X Research source

Step 2 Deliver digital copies of your newsletter.

  • You can use group emails to send out your newsletter.
  • You might post new editions on your school's homepage.
  • Use your school's social media accounts to let people know about new editions of your paper.
  • You could build a dedicated website or blog to post new editions of your newsletter.

Step 3 Keep track of your paper.

  • Keep track of how many paper copies are taken by readers. This can tell you if you need to print more or less copies in the future.
  • Counting how many copies are taken from different locations will tell you where the best places are to distribute the paper.
  • For digital versions, you can track how many people download the paper and from where. This can help you learn if people are finding the paper on your school's homepage or from social media.
  • You might include reader surveys that would allow for constructive feedback.

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newsletter assignment examples

21 of the Best Newsletter Examples to Learn From

Great newsletter examples are interesting, captivating, and functional. Sometimes this means bright colors and breathtaking photos, and sometimes it means minimalism and simplicity to focus attention on what’s most important. 

The best brands are always searching for new, relevant marketing newsletter content ideas that go outside of predictable sale announcements and boring confirmation emails. They keep their subscribers in mind 100% of the time, offering real solutions to the pain points and problems they face, while also entertaining and engaging them—not to mention building trust and confidence.

In this article, we’ll cover:

  • Some newsletter templates and ideas for all sorts of purposes and occasions, from welcome emails to company news to upcoming events
  • A few best practices to get maximum engagement from your newsletter layout and design
  • Creative newsletter examples, as well as some classic, traditional, and “safe” examples
  • Impressive newsletter campaign examples from ecommerce and non-ecommerce companies

21 of the best newsletter examples:

  • Tailor Brands
  • Casper Labs
  • The Hill-Side
  • Anthropologie
  • Story Matters

Ecommerce newsletter examples

Let’s look at 10 real newsletter examples that were sent by ecommerce brands.

You don’t always have to push your products (in fact, you shouldn’t). In this newsletter example, men’s shaving and grooming products company Harry’s sends an instructional, educational email that’s relevant to its business line. Instead of trying to outright sell stuff, Harry’s shares helpful content telling its customers how to better take care of their skin and get more from their shaving experience.

It’s all done in a clean, simple newsletter format that gives white space the love it deserves. It uses the company’s signature brand font, which is easy to read and digest while still being unique and reinforcing the Harry’s brand.

Subject line: Are you doing this AFTER you shave?

2. Tailor Brands

Online branding and marketing solutions company Tailor Brands uses a classic incentive strategy to get subscribers to fill out a survey. (Because sometimes, you just gotta bribe people to get that coveted feedback!)

This newsletter example is beautifully simple, using color contrast to point your eyes in all the right directions. The green background is the perfect shade to allow for a red and white contrast for the main headline and subheadline, while still using black as the main body copy. This clever use of color puts it in the top examples of newsletter headlines.

Plus, the subject line is a fun play on a popular saying, while also making the reader curious about how much more is being hinted at.

Subject line: Penny (or more) for your thoughts?

newsletter for emails

Sock company Bombas has mastered the art of the referral email . One of the most straightforward newsletter headline examples, the email’s header leaves nothing to interpretation: “Refer a friend, get free socks.” Simple as that.

Instead of using blurbs or blocks of text, they use short numbered lists to explain how it all works. The blue subtitles create a clear distinction and visual separation as they lead down to the bright pink “Refer a friend here” button. And the “Get free socks” button in the header image leads to the same link, to avoid distracting from the main CTA (call to action).

All this while maintaining the cool, fun personality of the brand.

Subject line: Free Socks Are Not A Myth

newsletter examples

4. Casper Labs

Casper Labs is the research branch of the premium mattress company Casper. In this dedicated product email, it introduces a company innovation with grace and poise. They use a problem-solution framework and simple storytelling to show the reader how they solved a problem.

Simple graphics help to enhance the newsletter story format while reinforcing the company’s branding. Instead of the hard sell, the “Learn more” CTA button (as well as the play button in the header GIF) leads the reader to Casper’s Kickstarter page —the ingenious way the brand helped fund the development and manufacturing of a new duvet.

To add to its cleverness, the brand used a trackable URL so it could see how much Kickstarter engagement it got from the email.

Subject line: Casper Labs: Creating a Humidity-fighting Duvet

newsletter examples

Here’s another product newsletter example from shoe company Toms. It has a one-two punch here: using the seasonal approach to make its everyday brand relevant to Halloween, and doing so by using a creative email newsletter image format.

When you hover your mouse over the slider, you can see a photo of their glow-in-the-dark shoes in action.

Interactive newsletter examples like this one are a fun way to show off your product while standing out from the crowd. The only downside here is that the shoes are designed for women and kids only. Not fair, Toms.

Subject line: These Classics glow in the dark! 🎃

how to create an email newsletter

6. The Hill-Side

Men’s clothing company The Hill-Side takes a unique and clever approach to standing out on the most popular ecommerce day of the year: Cyber Monday . Anyone with an email account can attest that Cyber Monday turns an inbox into a battlefield.

This email is completely off-brand, using a tech theme that’s reminiscent of a hacker, or a late-90s hacker. In any event, it really hits home on the “cyber” concept while catching you off guard (and hopefully making you smile).

This is certainly one of the more creative email newsletter examples out there.

Subject line: Cyber Monday Sale: 30% Off Everything

7. Anthropologie

Anthropologie is a women’s clothing , accessory, and home décor company known for its quirky and laid-back-yet-glamorous “bohemian” style. Because of this, visuals are an important part of the company’s identity.

This email seamlessly blends being promotional and informational, advertising the brand’s 20% off sale while providing home décor style tips to guide a customer’s purchases. And it does it all with the help of beautiful product photography .

Anthropologie’s emails also have a great use of fonts to add personality while still keeping it clean. On top of this, it’s one of the more naturally responsive newsletter examples, as it uses a mobile-first layout that also looks good on desktop. Win-win.

Subject line: Catnaps. ZZZs. Shuteye. SALE!

Peloton is an indoor exercise bike company that streams live cycling classes through the bike’s monitor. The format of the newsletter in this example is short and simple. It uses concise and action-oriented copy, and there’s only one CTA here: get the bike.

For encouraging subscribers to act, the bright “Limited time offer” banner and “Get the bike” button are a good contrast to the rest of the email, which is in black and white. This immediately draws your eyes to the most important details.

Peloton also did a great job with its lifestyle photo (one of the top product photography tips ), which shows the product in action while helping the reader visualize themselves using it in the comfort of their own home.

Subject line: Last Chance: Get $100 Off Accessories With Your Bike Purchase

peloton newsletter

Generally speaking, if you want to send an email that builds hype for an upcoming announcement, you need to make sure it really does the job. Otherwise, it can just dilute your campaign and seem a bit spammy. However, this is one of those newsletter teaser examples that does a good job of piquing the reader’s curiosity.

Soylent, a meal replacement product company, sends a simple and clean teaser for a new mystery product in its line. The tone is casual, relatable, and self-aware, which catches the reader’s attention and perhaps makes them giggle.

Subject line: Something new is launching tomorrow.

Fab is an ecommerce company that sells a wide range of products, including women’s, men’s, art, home, and tech accessories. In this newsletter example, Fab takes a more personal approach by putting the spotlight on the men who designed a popular watch line.

By putting a face to the products and adding a human aspect to the shopping experience, Fab is helping to build stronger relationships with its subscribers (and therefore more brand loyalty).

The email uses a neutral color scheme that has nice visual contrast, while keeping the high-end feel. Beautiful product photography and lifestyle photos show different variations in the product line, as well as how they look in action.

Subject line: Designer Spotlight: MVMT Watches

designer newsletter

Non-ecommerce newsletter examples

Now for some great business newsletter examples from service-based companies, software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies, and some others in between.

11. MailCharts

This is one of those short-and-sweet newsletter welcome message examples that’s brilliant in its simplicity. Competitive email monitoring tool MailCharts skips the frills for a text-only welcome letter to new subscribers. It’s written directly from the co-founder and director of marketing, Carl Sednaoui.

In the letter, Carl sets clear expectations by telling subscribers they’ll receive a few emails each month. The best part: he asks them to hit Reply to tell him their biggest email marketing challenge, and urges them to ask him any questions. The subject line “How can I help you with email marketing?” immediately tells readers that Carl really cares.

This is a wonderful way to build trust, humanize a company, and encourage engagement. It’s also a clever way to get valuable customer feedback to help improve MailCharts services in the future.

Subject line: How can I help you with email marketing?

how to build an email newsletter

12. Grammarly

When it comes to email marketing tools , Grammarly is one of the best. It is a writing app that helps make your messages and copy top notch. As part of its email marketing initiatives, Grammarly sends users a weekly newsletter that summarizes their activity with the app.

The update discusses the user’s activity and accuracy, and the quality of their vocabulary in comparison to other app users. It also shows top grammar mistakes to help keep the user mindful, as well as a writing tip of the week.

It’s one of the more classic newsletter format ideas that includes a fair amount of information, but the Grammarly team does it well. They keep the copy short while using colors to help create visual separation and easy skimmability. Overall, this email is a great value-add for regular users.

Subject line: Grammarly Weekly Progress Report & Tips

fix issues with newsletters

13. Story Matters

Story Matters is a cool publication dedicated to celebrating storytelling in all its forms. Its monthly newsletter gives subscribers curated content like recent articles, poems, and podcasts, each of which has different stories featured.

In this newsletter example, the email is pristine, with a classic and simple format. Instead of images, the header has an artistic use of fonts. The copy drops some key phrases and takeaways from the article, which is linked to the header’s clever “Waste not” CTA. Visual hierarchy leads you down the page to smaller content links, each with vibrant photos and illustrations to catch your attention.

You can tell that this publication is all about storytelling, as the copy uses powerful, descriptive—and borderline poetic—language.

Subject line: What is in the stuffing?

top 10 email newsletters

14. Listrak

Digital marketing automation platform Listrak has a quality newsletter template for promoting its upcoming webinar to help businesses make more money on social media. In the header, you find every detail you need to know: what it is, what it’s about, when it is, and a “Register now” button.

Keeping with the social media theme of the webinar, the main graphic shows a social media ad displayed on a smartphone. To display the key pain points that the webinar will solve, Listrak cleverly uses boxes that mimic social media posts, complete with tallies for likes and comments. Two thumbs up for this creative newsletter format.

Below the scroll, you see photos of the two speakers, helping to humanize the company and familiarize readers with the people they’ll be learning from.

Subject line: [Tomorrow] Beyond the Inbox: Social Acquisition

email newsletters 2018

Soapbox is a Wistia Chrome extension for recording and sharing videos . To announce the plug-in, Wistia used Soapbox to embed a video into its email. Needless to say, using the tool’s functionality to promote the tool is a solid idea.

The video is a helpful explainer that tells you all the basics of the extension in a little over a minute. As for the rest of the email, it’s nice and clean, with minimal copy that gets right to the point. The CTA “Get on your Soapbox” is a fun play on words of the saying “get off your soapbox.” 

While background photos and patterns can be risky and potentially distracting, Wistia does a good job of choosing a light and colorful pattern that doesn’t overwhelm the rest of the message.

Subject line: Introducing Soapbox, Wistia’s video creation tool

engagement newsletter

Food delivery service Caviar knows how to keep its brand relevant through the changing seasons. This newsletter example focuses on springtime Daylight Savings, where the clocks roll forward and everyone gets an extra hour of daylight.

While food delivery has no direct relation to this twice-yearly phenomenon, Caviar makes itself relevant by offering a $0 delivery fee to celebrate the fact that dinner time is no longer spent in dark. The clever headline tells readers they can look their food in the face now, with a GIF of some fries wearing sunglasses.

Overall, it’s a fun, quirky newsletter content example that reminds people of the brand and gets them to order some food, especially with that bright (but still on-brand) “Order now” button.

Subject line: No eating dinner in total darkness anymore!

On-demand transportation company Lyft has an engaging take on the classic New Year’s email. The company typically takes the opportunity to review a user’s interactions with them over the year. But this time, it shared information about all Lyft users in the recipient’s hometown.

They turned it into an awards ceremony of sorts, called the Lyfties, showing things like the city’s top trending destination, as well as the most visited bar, university, event venue, and restaurant. Based on the topics, we can infer that Lyft is appealing to its key demographic of young, 20-something adults.

This is valuable content—the kind you’d want to click on and share from your social media accounts, just out of curiosity and entertainment. So Lyft includes Facebook and Twitter sharing buttons to encourage readers to do just that.

Subject line: Your New Year with Lyft

inspirational email newsletters

18. Typeform

Typeform, an online form and survey tool, really knows how to get a subscriber’s attention. With a subject line like “Siri is dying,” could you resist clicking? This email keeps it simple with just one CTA, which is to visit Typeform’s newest interactive article. In the article, readers learn the story behind Susan Bennett, the woman who unknowingly became the voice of Apple’s Siri.

The email has a minimalist, simple newsletter template. The tech-inspired blue soundwave GIF makes a low-key-yet-interesting header image. As for the copy, there’s only a short headline and subhead, two-sentence blurb, and green “Listen In” CTA button. That’s it. And the great thing is: that’s all it needs.

Subject line: Siri is dying

newsletters for campaigns

19. 1973 Ltd

A great newsletter marketing strategy is to keep subscribers in the loop with company news. UK marketing agency 1973 Ltd does this well, using its newsletter to take subscribers behind the scenes of the company’s recent branding redesign. In this newsletter example, they also share three blog posts—a good amount for more content updates in this newsletter template design without having too many things going on.

The subject line is classically clickable (though a bit vague for my taste): “We’re so excited to share this with you!” The body has a good use of contrast, with white text on a dark background for the header. As an added personal touch to humanize the brand, the email includes the first name of the team member who wrote each article.

Subject line: We’re so excited to share this with you!

what to look for in a newsletter

20. Flywheel

Like we discussed earlier, a newsletter is a great opportunity to promote your company’s premium content. Here, managed WordPress hosting company Flywheel sends an email to encourage downloads of its free ebook.

This is one of the “louder” newsletter header examples. When you open the email, you see a big, bold image that immediately draws your attention to the ebook’s cover. The larger headline shows the ebook’s title in an eye-catching bright blue color, then the smaller subhead is bold and italicized in a serif font , with the description in a smaller, plainer font.

This is a nice use of colors and fonts to create a visual hierarchy, which highlights the most important details first and leads you down to the “Download it now!” CTA. It also mentions that the ebook gives you four tips in four chapters. It’s a nice way to set expectations for readers.

Subject line: This FREE ebook has the secret to scaling your agency!

21. Cordial

You could also promote your latest blog post in your email newsletter. In this example, cross-channel marketing platform Cordial pings subscribers about a new blog it recently published.

The design of the newsletter is minimalist, with only essential elements featured. Besides that, the newsletter contains a chunk of text meant to offer more information about the blog post. There's also a CTA button at the end to help subscribers quickly jump from the email to the full-fledged article.

Subject line: Cordial Blog Post: Upcoming iOS Privacy Updates

newsletter assignment examples

That’s a wrap

So there you have it! Hopefully, you feel ready to start designing, building, and sending out awesome email marketing campaigns that help accomplish your unique business goals.

Subscribe to the newsletters of some of your top competitors and favorite brands. Pay attention to trends and new developments. Try new things, but look closely at the results.

To be a real email marketing winner, you’ll need to grow and evolve just as fast as consumerism is growing and evolving. What works today may not work tomorrow.

And that’s the beauty of it all!

Did we leave out any awesome strategies that have worked well for you? Let us know in the comments.

Process AI

17 Stellar Ideas to Perfect Your Business Newsletter and 30 Free Templates

newsletter assignment examples

This is a guest post by Hannah Butler , who works as a web developer, designer, and writer .

According to a study by Digiday , Vanity Fair’s newsletter readers consume 2x more content than any other audience segment.

Another study by found that Greentech Media’s newsletter visitors spend 80% more time on site than visitors from other channels.

These studies reflect the effectiveness of business newsletters for engaging your audience, retaining readers, and converting prospects.

However, we at Process Street know that writing a business newsletter can be challenging.

That is why we have put together this article detailing how to write a business newsletter . You will learn the underlying principles behind newsletter writing, along with top tips and tricks for how to create compelling content consistently. And if that isn’t enough, we give you 30 top – free – template resources to speed up the process, helping you save time on tedious, repetitive tasks.

Check out our Creating a Newsletter checklist given below for a quick taster regarding what our templates have to offer.

Click here to access our Creating a Newsletter checklist!

Click on the relevant subheader to jump to the section of choice. Alternatively, scroll down to read all we have to say.

Why bother writing a business newsletter?

How to write a newsletter, business newsletter templates to streamline your newsletter campaigns, sending your business newsletter using an email marketing campaign process.

With that said, let’s get started.

Business newsletter template

A newsletter reports news and activities related to an organization or business in a general sense. This report is sent to members, customers, or employees in an electronic or printed form.

What’s the point of a business newsletter ?

The point will be different per organization, but in general, newsletters need to provide value to your readership.

Exactly what you write in your newsletter will depend on whether you’re targeting existing customers or prospects, but the principle of delivering value holds up, regardless of the intended audience .

If you start with an underlying intent to provide value , you’re one step closer to writing good newsletters.

Ask yourself: Who is going to read the newsletter, and how can I deliver value to their inbox ?

If you’re targeting customers, you might want to communicate how your new features can help them. If you’re targeting prospects, it might make more sense to offer less product-focused content , and point them to interesting or useful resources.

Depending on your target audience, your tone, as well as the content type, will differ.

When I review clients’ newsletters, more than 75% of the time they are inundated with hard-sale messages. After several mailings, their target audience learns to tune the newsletter out and toss it in the trash. This is a costly mistake that can be avoided with some simple foresight and consideration.

Do you need a newsletter?

Newsletters serve a purpose in your marketing communications collateral mix. We are talking beyond direct sales here, with the newsletter acting as a positioning piece.

That is, a business newsletter will help position your business as expert content and advice , providing a trusted information source for your target audience, customer, client, or whomever it reaches.

If you deliver consistent quality in your newsletters (see newsletter ideas below ⬇), you will eventually build an audience who respect you as an expert, looking to you as a source of truth to educate themselves on making a purchase, and to seek additional expert information.

Whilst this article is targeted towards the email business newsletter, the newsletter ideas below can be easily used for business’s posting newsletters on their website. Whichever delivery channel you utilize, I’m certain you will find the newsletter ideas valuable and an excellent springboard for generating topic ideas.

17 Stellar Ideas to Perfect Your Business Newsletter and 30 Free Templates

I have broken down how to write a business newsletter into 17 steps, which are as follows:

  • Provide newsworthy content
  • Produce how-to articles
  • Provide product or service stories
  • Provide product or company background information
  • Give information on how to solve a problem
  • Provide technical tips
  • Give a checklist of sorts
  • Provide industry updates
  • Detail employee news
  • Display new employee profiles
  • Give community-related news
  • Conduct interviews
  • Include a section: Letters to the editor
  • Include a product/service selection guide
  • Give any seminar/trade show conference dates
  • Include a photo section with captions
  • Provide promotional sales information

Step #1: Provide newsworthy content

One way to guarantee readership of your newsletter is to provide your audience with information that is deemed newsworthy or of interest to them.

Example : If you are a financial planner , information about luxury tax increases or decreases by the federal government would be a newsworthy article because it affects how your customers invest their money.

Step #2: Write how-to articles

How-to articles do not need to be lengthy, but should provide easy to understand steps that your readers can comprehend in a short amount of time.

Example : An auto mechanic may send out monthly newsletters that include a section on how to check a car owner’s battery cables , or how to check the car owners’ tire pressure .

Step #3: Tell product or service stories

People love reading stories about products or services. I am not talking about sales pitches, but genuine stories. Stories could include how a product helped a customer save time or how a service helped a customer save money. Stories can be viewed as a soft sale . I mean, the story and experience itself can persuade someone to use your service or product.

Example : An insurance agent can include a newsletter article that highlights how a renter benefited from having renter’s insurance after a home robbery.

Step #4: Provide product or company background information

People are often curious about the history of a product or company, when the organization was founded or developed, and anything that has influenced the development of a product.

Example : If you are a bakery, you can highlight how your bakery came into existence, when and why cupcakes or cakes were invented, or information about specific ingredients used in your products.

Step #5: Help people solve a problem

Helping people solve problems will put you in the spotlight as a hero .

Solving a problem is closely related to how-to articles. That is, a solving a problem article will give how-to steps.

Example : A personal trainer may send out a bi-weekly newsletter explaining the benefits of healthy eating to prevent inflammation in joints. Or how to lose weight through exercise and eating. Both solve a problem, the former solves the problem of pain whilst the latter solves the issue of potential health and self-esteem related problems.

Step #6: Provide technical tips

Technology has exploded over the last decade, with technological advancements hitting mainstream for all ages of people. Providing technical expertise related to your business and readership can be beneficial.

Example : A credit union may provide a monthly column on technical tips for its members. The technical part ties into their online banking products. Also, with an aging target audience, articles are provided giving technical tips for using smartphones, computers, and tablets in conjunction with their financial products. These articles prove to be extremely valuable.

Step #7: Create checklists

Checklists are easy to write and easy to read. You should take into account that people are not willing to read long bad-structured texts. They prefer a list of items. Using checklists in newsletters means customers can skim the list to catch the main idea.

Also, checklists provide a handy way for your readers to information.

Example : A marketing campaign checklist gives your customers useful, well-structured information stimulating them to find out more about the topic. It goes without saying that they then visit your web site.

Step #8: Demonstrate industry updates

Providing updates about the industry your business is part of keeps your readers informed about industry changes, as well as your business. This could relate to price increases due to changes in industry processing techniques or new regulations.

Example : A steel distributor may send out a quarterly newsletter, providing specific news on different markets, and how laws affect steel imports, which could drive up the cost of steel.

Step #9: Tell your employee news

You may be surprised, but your readers are interested in your employees, especially if your business provides personal services. Including a section dedicated to telling employee news can help you build trustworthy relationships with your customers. This will also increase company-level transparency.

Example : A local property management company that deals with tenants may include information about a recent employee giving birth, taking leave, and who will handle their account.

Step #10: Publish new employee profiles

This could fall under employee news, however, some place employee profiles in a separate section. In this case, your customers get to know how you treat your team , showing customers how they, as clients, can be treated too.

Example : A bicycle shop may include profiles of any new employees who join their team , providing additional information about the employee that is applicable to biking.

Step #11: Tell community related news

You’ll find that people like doing business with those that are involved with their community. Give news about your business’s involvement in the community, including any local sport sponsorships, donations, or charity events.

Example : A local cosmetology school sends out a quarterly newsletter to its students and potential clients with articles about how they are offering a free haircutting session to members of their community.

Step #12: Send over interviews and non-employee profiles

Newsletters often include expert or celebrity interviews. These types of stories can lend credibility to your newsletter since your customers find out testimonials on your business. By the way, they can see the people you are working with too.

Example : A local computer repair shop’s bi-annual newsletter may include interviews from industry experts about the state and direction of technology and specific computer brands .

Step #13: Accept letters to the editor

Soliciting letters from your readers is a great way to get them involved in your newsletter and your business. You already see this in newspapers, and newsletters aren’t an exception. People want to be heard and know that their opinions and thoughts are important.

Example : A local city government will send out monthly newsletters to provide letters from citizens who may express their concerns for city issues.

Step #14: Provide product/service selection guides

Consider adding a section that offers a guide for your products/services, especially useful if you have lots to offer. In this case, your customers can know clearly what you’re doing and what services you’re providing.

Example : A photography studio could send out a newsletter that includes a guide to your services and what’s included in each package.

Step #15: Send over seminar/trade show/conference dates

It’s always important to keep your readers informed about any of your upcoming trade shows, seminars that you may be giving, or conference dates. This helps you find and expand your target audience with loyal customers sharing this information with others.

Example : A local sports trainer may provide information about upcoming seminars they’re holding or any conferences they are attending as an exhibitor.

Step #16: Make a photo section with captions

People love photos and looking at them. After all, a photo is worth a thousand words. Consider including a section that shows professional, appropriate, and relevant photos of events that you host or attend with captions explaining where you are, what you are doing, and who’s in the photo. Doing this shows your human side, allowing your readers to relate to your business and its employees.

Example : A local fitness gym may include images of its members (with their permission) working out and enjoying an aerobics class.

Step #17: Add promotional sales information

Use this category sparingly. This category falls under the selling category. It’s okay to push your product or services, but it’s not okay to have your newsletter as a sales-only communication vehicle.

However, adding a truly valued sales promotion is always welcomed by your readers. If you are consistent with your promotional sales, your readers will learn to expect it and look forward to your newsletter.

Example : An auto service center that sends out monthly newsletters may include a monthly promotion for services or products offered at significant savings for their readers.

(Bonus!) Step #18: Say thank you

Whether your organization is a for-profit business or a nonprofit, using your newsletter to thank your supporters is a great way to build a more positive relationship with those who support you. This is especially true if your supporters have allowed you to reach a new milestone, such as opening a new location,

Example : A nonprofit organization uses their monthly newsletter to tell donors exactly where their donations are going, including pictures and videos to show donors how important their donations are.

Business newsletter templates

A newsletter template gives a reusable structure for the consistent and repeatable creation of quality business newsletters.

At Process Street we have been working hard to provide you with top template resources to help you perfect the creation of your business newsletters. Check out these templates below. They are all free and ready for you to jump in and use today .

Creating a Newsletter

Weekly newsletters are a fantastic way to communicate with your customers everything they need to know in a single, helpful email. However, unless you have some sort of process in place to regulate the quality of these newsletters, they could end up being fraught with spelling and grammatical errors , or even broken links.

That’s why we here at Process Street have come up with this template for creating a newsletter. Run our Creating a Newsletter template every time you need to create a newsletter

Click here to access our Creating a Newsletter template

Newsletter Template Process

Our Newsletter Template Process acts as a guide for you to create an engaging and actionable newsletter that you can send via email to your subscribers. The Newsletter Template Process is designed so you can focus and deliver your newsletter’s aim effectively.

Click here to access our Newsletter Template Process!

HOA Newsletter Template

Writing a newsletter is not particularly difficult. Writing an excellent newsletter that grabs and holds the attention of its readers, however, is much more of a challenge.

Thankfully, it’s not as hard as you may think.

Run our HOA Newsletter Template to create and deliver a first-class newsletter to your HOA members

Click here to access our HOA Newsletter Template checklist!

As it has been mentioned, newsletters should be a part of an email marketing campaign. For your email marketing campaign, I recommend you create several templates so as to not waste time.

Below I have listed 17 more template processes to perfect your email marketing campaign, from sending a newsletter, to email tracking, to sending an upsell sequence of emails .

  • Email Marketing Campaign Template
  • Email Scrubbing Template
  • Hubspot Email Tracking Template
  • MailChimp Merge Tags Template
  • Personalized Marketing Campaign Template
  • Remarket Leads In Gmail Template
  • Email Onboarding Sequence Process
  • Evangelist Sequence Email Process
  • Lead Nurturing Email Sequence Process
  • Purchase Reminder Email Process
  • Re-engagement Sequence Email Process
  • Sales Email Sequence Process
  • Training Sequence Email Process
  • Transactional Sequence Email Process
  • Upsell Sequence Email Process
  • Welcome Email Marketing Sequence, New Customer Process
  • Newsletter template process

Whilst you’re creating your campaign, don’t miss out on one more important factor – writing follow up emails .

Why is it important?

Since people can skip your email accidentally or delete it by mistake, reaching out to them again is a great idea.

Below I have listed 10 useful templates to help you do this:

  • Sales Email Sequence Process

Getting started with Process Street

Process Street is superpowered checklists.

So far you have been introduced to 30 top template resources to help you create a business newsletter, and then send this newsletter as part of your email marketing campaign. As you work through these templates you will come across features such as:

  • Stop Tasks to ensure task order.
  • Dynamic Due Dates , so no deadline is missed.
  • Role Assignments , to ease task delegation within your team .
  • Approvals , allowing decision-makers to give the go-ahead (or rejection) on important items.
  • Task Assignments , to assign users and groups to individual tasks in your checklists.
  • Embed Widget , allowing you to view and interact with other apps without leaving your checklist, automating steps that would otherwise sap your time.

As you can tell, Process Street as a lean software comes jam-packed with features that make any business process more effective and efficient.

You can create your template resources in Process Street, just like the ones given above. For more information on how you can do this, watch the below video: Basics of Creating and Editing Templates .

Simply sign up for Process Street today and get started!

Creating a newsletter via Process Street is both simple and effective

Newsletters can be an important part of your email marketing campaign and general communications collateral mix. The newsletter should not be used solely as a hard sales tool, but as a communication device that helps position your company as an expert in its field of business. By positioning your company, customers will recognize your leadership and begin to seek your advice, services, and products.

How do you create newsletters for your business or line of work? Do you use a newsletter template? What challenges and successes have you faced? We would love to hear from you so please comment below !

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newsletter assignment examples

Jane Courtnell

Hi there, I am a Junior Content Writer at Process Street. I graduated in Biology, specializing in Environmental Science at Imperial College London. During my degree, I developed an enthusiasm for writing to communicate environmental issues. I continued my studies at Imperial College's Business School, and with this, my writing progressed looking at sustainability in a business sense. When I am not writing I enjoy being in the mountains, running and rock climbing. Follow me at @JaneCourtnell.

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12 stunning and time-saving newsletter templates for Word

Hero image with an icon representing a newsletter

Newsletter marketing has come a long way since then, yet Microsoft Word remains a powerful tool for creating templates. Whether you're a business wanting to expand brand awareness or a preteen girl hoping to spread the gospel of three teenage brothers with the voices—and hair—of angels, newsletters are a stellar way to reach an audience.

What is a newsletter template?

A newsletter template is a pre-designed, customizable framework that enables you to efficiently create newsletters before emailing them in a platform like Outlook or Gmail. Think of them as the structural foundation that saves you from reinventing the wheel each time you want to send an update.

Using a word processor like Microsoft Word or Google Docs, as opposed to a professional design program, provides a flexible newsletter template—perfect for those who think bleed settings are what you tell the server when they ask how you want your steak.

Newsletter templates offer flexibility through editable elements like:

Header: Brand your newsletter with your logo, tagline, or a striking image.

Footer: Include contact information, social links, and unsubscribe options here.

Headings: Edit headlines and subheadings to capture attention and establish a hierarchy to guide readers through your content.

Colors: Align the color scheme with your brand's visual identity for consistency.

Fonts: Select typefaces that are easy to read and align with your brand. Avoid obscure fonts that might not display correctly.

Images: Break up text and increase engagement with photos, illustrations, or icons relevant to your content. You may also want to add captions to images for context or attribution.

Templates streamline the newsletter creation process and ensure your emails always look polished. Once you find a template you love, you can iterate on it for each edition, simply swapping out the content, saving you tons of time. That's what I did with my Hanson newsletter.

How to use newsletter templates in Word or Google Docs

In order to use a downloaded document as a template, you'll first need to save it as a template file. Luckily, this is a pretty simple process in both Word and Google Docs.

Microsoft Word

Create or open your base document: Begin by creating a new document or opening an existing one that has the structure and formatting you want.

Customize: Add all the essential elements you want in your future newsletters, such as company logos, placeholder text and images, and specific fonts and styles. (Or use one of the templates below.)

Save as a template:

Click File > Save As .

In the Save as type dropdown menu, select either Word Template (.dotx) or, to send your newsletter directly through email, Outlook Template (.oft) .

Give your template a name, and click Save .

To use your template in Word:

Click File > New from Template .

Select your template in the new window, and click Create .

Create a new email in Outlook.

Navigate to the Home Tab, and in the New group, click the New Items dropdown.

Select More Items > Choose Form .

Under the Look In: dropdown, select User Templates in File System .

Find and select your newly created template, and click Open .

Google Docs

Google Workspace subscribers can add custom templates by going to the Google Docs Template Gallery and selecting the Submit a template button.

If you have a personal Google account, there isn't a way to save a document as a reusable template, but there's an easy workaround:

Create or open your base document: Start with a new document, or make a copy of an existing one containing your desired newsletter format.

Customize: Design your document in Google Docs as you want your template to appear (or use one of the templates below).

Name and organize: Give it a clear title like "[Newsletter name] - TEMPLATE." Consider creating a dedicated "Templates" folder in your Google Drive to keep things organized.

When you need to use your template:

Locate the document in Google Drive.

Right-click on the file and choose Make a copy .

Rename the copy and start editing.

Click the Insert menu, then hover over Building blocks , and select Email draft .

12 newsletter templates for Word and Google Docs

The following newsletter templates for Word and Google Docs serve as a jumping-off point, featuring a basic layout with placeholders for content, images, and graphics. They're perfect for those who say, "I want to express myself, but not too much." Feel free to customize them to match your brand's style and the type of information you want to share, regardless of our suggested use case.

1. Corporate newsletter template

newsletter assignment examples

Best for: Internal communications or company leadership teams to share company updates, employee achievements, and industry news

Corporate newsletters serve as a central hub for employees and stakeholders to stay connected with a company's happenings. They typically cover a wide range of content, including things like new projects or initiatives, upcoming events, and the break room fridge clean-out schedule. This type of newsletter reinforces company values and objectives and builds a sense of community.

2. Education newsletter template

newsletter assignment examples

Best for: Educational institutions or corporate training programs to share educational content, course updates, and upcoming events

An education newsletter is perfect for schools, colleges, and other educational organizations. It helps celebrate achievements and keep everyone informed. This type of newsletter often includes important announcements, scholarship opportunities, and that one article about managing stress during exams.

3. Industry-specific newsletter template

newsletter assignment examples

Best for: Professional organizations, thought leaders, or specialized businesses to provide curated industry news, trends, and analysis for professionals looking to stay informed

Targeted and insightful, an industry-specific newsletter is the place to talk shop. It's like having a friend who only talks about work but in surprisingly riveting detail. Whether you're keeping accountants abreast of the latest tax loopholes or helping morticians stay on the cutting edge of embalming techniques, your content should match what your target audience expects and finds most useful or interesting.

4. Networking event newsletter template

newsletter assignment examples

Best for: Organizers promoting networking events, workshops, and conferences

Primarily used to promote and increase attendance at networking functions, a networking event newsletter builds excitement by highlighting speakers, sharing success stories from previous events, and detailing pertinent information like program schedules and registration instructions. With any luck, your guests will be exchanging business cards and LinkedIn requests before the end of the pre-event cocktail party.

5. Client showcase newsletter template

newsletter assignment examples

Best for: Agencies and freelancers to highlight projects, testimonials, and case studies

A client showcase newsletter demonstrates expertise, credibility, and success to potential clients while keeping current clients informed of the company's work. Because nothing screams humility like dedicating an entire publication to singing your own praises.

6. Seasonal/holiday newsletter template

newsletter assignment examples

Best for: Marketing teams, customer relations, or anyone wanting to connect with their audience during specific times of the year

Whether it's decking the halls or carving pumpkins, a seasonal/holiday newsletter connects with audiences on a celebratory, personal level. This is a chance to showcase your brand's personality by celebrating seasonal events or holidays, sharing themed promotions, or giving company updates in a festive context. Leave the hard-selling for another time—no one likes thinly veiled sales emails disguised as holiday cheer.

7. Personal branding newsletter template

newsletter assignment examples

Best for: Individuals building their personal brand with recent work, achievements, or personal anecdotes

A personal branding newsletter helps freelancers, solopreneurs, and small business owners strategically establish their reputation and expertise in their chosen fields. These newsletters promote their thought leadership and connect them with potential collaborators or clients.

8. Health and wellness newsletter template

newsletter assignment examples

Best for: Health care providers, wellness coaches, or HR departments to share health tips, wellness challenges, and resources

A health and wellness newsletter aims to inspire and support personal well-being goals. Its content is usually carefully curated from various sources to deliver valuable, healthy lifestyle information and articles packed with revolutionary advice like "drink water" and "exercise."

9. Real estate newsletter template

newsletter assignment examples

Best for: Real estate professionals to share market trends, new listings, and homeowner advice with potential and current clients

A real estate newsletter caters to home buyers, sellers, and everyone else, honestly. (I mean, who doesn't love a little real estate voyeurism?) It aims to inform and guide readers through the complexities of the real estate market, providing insights into market dynamics, property management tips, and the reason why something called a " short sale" takes so dang long.

10. Nonprofit organization newsletter template

newsletter assignment examples

Best for: Nonprofits to update supporters about upcoming events, successes, and involvement opportunities

Designed to tug at heartstrings and loosen purse strings, a nonprofit newsletter focuses on an organization's activities, achievements, and needs. It cultivates a sense of community, demonstrates transparency, and expertly executes the subtle art of gentle guilt-tripping.

11. Financial newsletter template

newsletter assignment examples

Best for: Financial services firms, consultants, or personal finance bloggers to provide market analysis, investment tips, and financial planning advice

The key to a successful financial newsletter is to focus on delivering useful, data-driven insights that will directly benefit readers and help them improve their financial literacy. Keep the content balanced and avoid hype, as your audience relies on you as a trusted source of financial information.

12. Creative inspiration newsletter template

newsletter assignment examples

Best for: Design firms, art galleries, or creative agencies to share resources, trends, showcases, and artist spotlights

Inspire a creative mindset, encourage innovation, and flex your superior taste with a creative inspiration newsletter. This type of newsletter helps agencies, creatives, or those in an artistic field motivate readers to push beyond their usual thinking and discover new ideas.

Customizing your newsletter template

Customizing a newsletter template in Word is like dressing up a Maltese in your stepsister's old American Girl Doll clothes—utterly delightful and surprisingly straightforward once you know how. Here are a few quick tips to jazz up your chosen newsletter template:

Add links by highlighting the text or image you want to become a link. Press Ctrl + K and paste your link in the address field.

Replace an image by right-clicking on the image and choosing Change Picture in Word or Replace image in Google Docs.

Change colors by selecting the text, then clicking on the Text color option in the formatting bar. Choose a new color from the palette or enter a specific hex code for perfect brand alignment.

Update fonts by highlighting the text you want to change and choosing a new font from the list that appears in the formatting bar. You'll typically find this next to the color picker.

Set default fonts and colors to ensure consistency throughout your entire document. In Word, this can be found in the Design tab. In Google Docs, go to Format > Paragraph styles .

Customizing a newsletter template is about making it your own while keeping it readable and engaging. Like accessorizing a seven-pound dog, a little can go a long way.

Newsletter best practices

Deliver value.

There's no point in sending out a newsletter if no one reads it. Be sure to understand what kind of information your readers want and reflect that in your content. Value means different things to different audiences—case studies, product how-tos, behind-the-scenes stories, dog photos—but I can all but guarantee your target audience doesn't value aggressive sales-y messaging.

Include your logo

Your logo helps establish brand recognition and makes your newsletter instantly recognizable. Place it prominently, usually at the top of your newsletter, so subscribers immediately identify who the email is from. Ensure your logo is appropriately sized and links to your website for easy navigation.

Use high-contrast colors and readable fonts for accessibility

While you should use colors and fonts that match your brand, don't forget about readers with visual impairments. Opt for high-contrast color schemes (e.g., black text on a white background) and stay away from tiny or overly decorative fonts. Instead, use clear, sans-serif typefaces like Arial or Verdana for maximum legibility and a positive reading experience for all subscribers.

Carefully select images

To keep the email size manageable, use just a few high-quality, relevant, and compressed images. GIFs can be great for eye-catching elements, but overuse can overload inboxes and potentially flag emails as spammy. Turn off text wrapping when adding images in Word or Google Docs. Otherwise, your text may decide it's time to explore the page while your image sits there, smug and untouchable, in the middle of the chaos it created.

The easiest way to create a newsletter layout in Word and Google Docs is by using tables. ​​They create visual separation, improve readability, and help organize different content areas. Use tables to arrange headlines, articles, images, and CTA buttons. Always make sure your tables are formatted with enough space for a visually clean appearance.

Write concisely

Use white space.

Unlike the aforementioned goldfish, your newsletter should be able to breathe. White space around text and images prevents your layout from feeling cramped, gives the reader's eye a chance to rest, and creates a clean, professional look.

Design with popular email clients in mind

Include an unsubscribe link.

An unsubscribe option is like the emergency exit on an airplane—nobody wants to use it, but everyone needs to know where it is. Include a clear, no-questions-asked unsubscribe link in the footer of your newsletter. This isn't just about being a good email citizen (though it totally is)—it's also the law in many places. Plus, making it easy for people to bow out keeps your engagement rates healthy and your audience genuine.

Stay on schedule

At the risk of sounding like a Jamie Lee Curtis yogurt commercial, it's important to stay regular. Whether you send your newsletter daily, weekly, or monthly, decide on a frequency and stick to it. Consistency builds anticipation and creates a routine, making you a familiar presence in your audience's inbox.

Automate newsletter templates in Word and Google Docs

Send office 365 emails to new calendly invitees.

Calendly logo

Send email via Gmail when there is a new Google Document

Google Docs logo

Related reading:

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Allisa Boulette picture

Allisa Boulette

Based in New England, Allisa is a content marketer and small business owner who hopes to make the internet a more interesting place than she found it. When she’s not working, you can find her lying very still not doing anything.

  • Email newsletters
  • Small business

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Beginner’s Guide to Stunning Email Newsletter Designs + Inspirational Examples


  • 1 Understanding Basics
  • 2 Essential Considerations
  • 3 Principles for Captivative Newsletters
  • 4 Tools and Resources
  • 5 Step by Step Guide
  • 6 Inspirational Examples
  • 7 Advance Tips and Tricks
  • 8 Common Pitfalls to Avoid
  • 9 Measuring Success through Key Metrics
  • 10 Frequently Asked Questions

The art of creating stunning email newsletters has transcended mere communication; it has become a pivotal element of marketing strategy, weaving together aesthetics, functionality, and engaging content to captivate the audience.

The significance of design in email marketing cannot be overstated—it’s the first impression that counts, and often, the design decides whether an email is opened or relegated to the bin. This guide delves into the intricate world of email newsletter designs, offering a comprehensive overview designed to elevate your marketing game.

Stunning email newsletter

We embark on a journey to explore the foundational pillars of email newsletter design, from understanding the basics and pre-design considerations to mastering design principles that ensure your newsletters are not just seen but remembered.

Prepare to be inspired, educated, and empowered to create email newsletters that not only convey your message but do so with unparalleled elegance and effectiveness. Let’s unlock the secrets to designing email newsletters that leave a lasting impression.

Understanding Basics

Understanding the Basics of Email Newsletter Design

Diving into the world of email newsletters, we find a canvas ripe for creativity, a medium where design meets direct communication. At its core, an email newsletter is not just a tool for marketing or information dissemination; it’s an art form that combines aesthetics, functionality, and strategic messaging to captivate an audience. The essence of email newsletter design lies in its ability to convey messages in a visually appealing and organized manner, making it crucial for businesses and creators aiming to maintain and deepen their connection with their audience.

What is an Email Newsletter?

An email newsletter is a digital bulletin sent out by organizations or individuals to a list of subscribers. These newsletters serve multiple purposes: from sharing news, updates, and content, to promoting products and services. The versatility of email newsletters is unmatched, allowing for a wide range of content including articles, blog posts, product recommendations, and personal narratives.

A Sample Email Newsletter

Key Components of Effective Email Design:

  • Clarity of Purpose: Every email newsletter should have a clear objective. Whether it’s to inform, educate, entertain, or sell, the design should reflect this purpose from the subject line down to the call-to-action (CTA).
  • Visual Hierarchy: A well-structured layout guides the reader’s eye through the content effortlessly. By using headings, subheadings, bullet points, and spacing effectively, you create a flow that enhances reader engagement.
  • Branding: Consistency in colors, fonts, and imagery with your brand helps in reinforcing brand identity and trust. A newsletter should be an extension of your brand’s visual narrative.
  • Responsiveness: With the majority of emails now opened on mobile devices , responsive design is non-negotiable. Your newsletter should look great and be easily navigable across all screen sizes.
  • Engaging Content: Beyond the visual elements, the substance of your newsletter must engage and provide value to your audience. This means curating content that resonates with your subscribers’ interests and needs.
  • Personalization: Tailoring content to meet the preferences and behaviors of your audience can significantly increase engagement rates. This can range from using the subscriber’s name to segmenting your audience and customizing content accordingly.
  • Imagery and Color: Strategic use of images and color can enhance the attractiveness of your newsletter. Images should be high quality and relevant, while the color scheme should evoke the desired mood and action.
  • CTAs: Clear and compelling calls-to-action are crucial for driving subscriber engagement with your content or offers. Whether it’s to read more, make a purchase, or follow on social media , your CTAs should stand out and be easy to find.

Understanding these foundational elements of email newsletter design is the first step towards creating communications that not only look stunning but also connect and convert.

As we continue to explore the intricacies of designing captivating newsletters, remember that the goal is always to merge form with function, beauty with effectiveness, creating newsletters that your audience looks forward to receiving.

Essential Considerations

Setting the Stage: Essential Pre-Design Considerations

Before diving into the creative process of designing an email newsletter, laying a solid foundation is crucial for ensuring its success. This preparation phase involves understanding your audience, setting clear objectives, and choosing the right tools for execution. These steps are vital in creating a newsletter that not only looks great but also resonates with your subscribers and meets your marketing goals.

1. Knowing Your Audience

The first step in creating an effective email newsletter is to understand who you are designing for. This knowledge goes beyond demographic data; it involves gaining insights into your audience’s preferences, behaviors, and needs.

Importance of knowing your audience

Conducting surveys, analyzing past engagement data, and keeping tabs on feedback are ways to collect valuable information. This deep understanding enables you to tailor your content and design to match the expectations and interests of your readers, ensuring higher engagement rates.

2. Setting Clear Objectives

Having a clear goal for each newsletter is essential. Are you looking to drive traffic to your website, increase sales, or perhaps enhance your brand awareness?

Your objective will dictate the content, design, and calls-to-action within your newsletter.

Setting clear objectives for email newsletters

For instance, a newsletter focused on product promotion will have a different layout and emphasis than one aimed at sharing industry insights. By defining what you wish to achieve with each send, you can better measure the success of your campaigns and refine your strategies over time.

3. Choosing the Right Email Marketing Platform

The choice of an email marketing platform can significantly impact the efficiency of your newsletter campaign. Features to look for include user-friendly design tools, automation capabilities, personalization options, and robust analytics. Platforms like Mailchimp, Constant Contact , and Campaign Monitor offer a range of functionalities tailored to various needs, from small businesses to large enterprises.

Choosing right email marketing platform

Consider the size of your email list , the complexity of your campaigns, and your budget when selecting a platform. Integration with other marketing tools and CRM systems can also enhance the effectiveness of your email campaigns, allowing for a seamless flow of information and a more cohesive marketing strategy.

In addition to these essential considerations, keeping the end user’s experience in mind is paramount. This means not only captivating them with beautiful designs but also providing value that encourages continued engagement. As you proceed to the design phase, remember that these pre-design considerations form the bedrock upon which successful email newsletter campaigns are built.

Principles for Captivative Newsletters

Design Principles for Captivating Newsletters

Crafting an email newsletter that stands out in a crowded inbox requires more than just attractive visuals. It’s about applying fundamental design principles that enhance readability, convey your message effectively, and resonate with your audience. Let’s explore further into the core principles that can elevate your newsletters from good to unforgettable.

1. Consistency and Brand Identity

Your newsletter is an extension of your brand, and every element, from the color palette to the font choices, should reflect your brand’s identity . Consistency in these elements across all your communications builds recognition and trust with your audience .

Creating brand identity

For example, if your brand is known for its minimalist aesthetic, your newsletters should also embody this through clean layouts and restrained use of color. This alignment ensures that subscribers have a cohesive brand experience, reinforcing their connection to your brand.

2. Hierarchy and Layout

A well-organized newsletter guides readers through your content effortlessly, from the most important headlines down to the finer details. Establishing a clear hierarchy through the use of headings, subheadings, and a logical layout helps prioritize information, making it easier for readers to digest.

Newsletter Hierarchy and Layout

Employing grid layouts or the F-pattern layout can enhance readability by aligning content in a way that naturally follows the reading habits of most people. Remember, the goal is to make the journey through your newsletter a seamless experience that encourages engagement.

3. Color and Imagery

The strategic use of color and imagery can dramatically affect how your newsletter is perceived and interacted with. Colors evoke emotions and can be used to highlight key sections, draw attention to calls-to-action, and create a mood that complements your message.

Psychology of colours for email newsletter

Similarly, high-quality images and graphics add visual interest and can help illustrate your points more effectively. However, it’s important to balance creativity with clarity—too many colors or overly busy images can distract from your message rather than enhance it.

4. Typography and Readability

Choosing the right fonts is crucial for ensuring your newsletter is easy to read and visually appealing. Stick to a maximum of two or three fonts: one for your headings, one for your body text, and an optional third for accents.

Typography for newsletter

Sans-serif fonts are generally more legible on digital screens, making them a popular choice for email newsletters. Additionally, pay attention to font size and line spacing to improve readability, especially on mobile devices.

5. Responsiveness and Accessibility

With a significant portion of emails being opened on mobile devices, designing for responsiveness is non-negotiable . Your newsletter should look great and function well on screens of all sizes. This includes using mobile-friendly layouts, ensuring clickable elements are easily tappable, and optimizing images for fast loading.

Newsletter accessibility and responsiveness

Accessibility should also be a priority, with considerations for subscribers who may have visual impairments. This includes using alt text for images and ensuring sufficient contrast between text and background colors.

Tools and Resources

Tools and Resources for Designing Email Newsletters

Creating stunning email newsletters doesn’t have to be a daunting task, especially with the plethora of tools and resources available today. These platforms simplify the design process, offering templates, drag-and-drop editors, and integration capabilities that make it easier than ever to produce professional-looking emails. Let’s explore some popular tools and resources that can help you design email newsletters that captivate and engage your audience.

Popular Design Tools and Platforms

  • Mailchimp : Renowned for its user-friendly interface, Mailchimp offers a range of customizable templates and design elements, making it ideal for beginners and professionals alike. Its analytics features also help track the performance of your newsletters, providing insights to refine your strategy.
  • Adobe Creative Cloud Express (formerly Adobe Spark) : For those looking to add a bit more customization and flair to their newsletters, Adobe Creative Cloud Express offers advanced design capabilities, including the option to create custom graphics and layouts.
  • Canva : With its intuitive design platform and extensive library of templates, Canva is a favorite among non-designers. It provides easy tools to create eye-catching email content, including images, icons, and fonts, even if you have no prior design experience.

Free and Paid Resources for Images and Templates

  • Unsplash and Pexels : High-quality, royalty-free images can elevate the look of your newsletter. Unsplash and Pexels offer vast collections of free photos that you can use to add visual interest to your emails.
  • Envato Elements : For a subscription fee, Envato Elements provides access to a rich library of graphic templates, photos, and design assets, perfect for those looking to take their newsletter designs to the next level.
  • Creative Market : Offering both free and paid resources, Creative Market is a platform where you can find unique email templates, graphics, and fonts from independent creators.

Utilizing these tools and resources can significantly streamline the email design process, allowing you to focus more on content and strategy. Whether you’re a seasoned designer or a novice, leveraging these platforms can help you create newsletters that not only look professional but also resonate with your audience.

Step by Step Guide

Crafting Your First Email Newsletter: A Step-by-Step Guide

Crafting your first email newsletter can feel like a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be a rewarding way to connect with your audience. This step-by-step guide will walk you through planning, designing, and sending your first email newsletter, incorporating visuals and text, and finally, testing and analyzing its performance to ensure your message not only reaches but also resonates with your subscribers.

1. Planning Your Content

  • Identify Your Goal: Start by defining what you want to achieve with your newsletter. Whether it’s driving more traffic to your website, promoting a new product, or simply keeping your audience informed, having a clear goal will guide your content creation.
  • Know Your Audience: Understanding who your subscribers are will help you tailor your content to their interests and needs. Use any data you have about your audience to segment them into groups for more personalized content.
  • Curate Content: Based on your goal and audience, decide on the types of content you will include. This could range from blog posts, product updates, upcoming events, or behind-the-scenes peeks. Ensure your content is valuable and engaging to keep your readers interested.

2. Designing Your Newsletter Layout

  • Choose a Template: Most email marketing platforms offer a range of templates. Choose one that fits your brand and the type of message you’re sending. Customize it to add a personal touch.
  • Layout Considerations: Organize your content in a logical order. Start with the most important information or offers. Use headers and dividers to separate different sections, making the newsletter easy to navigate.

3. Incorporating Visuals and Text:

  • Visuals: Add high-quality images or graphics to complement your text and make your newsletter more visually appealing. Ensure they are relevant and add value to your message.
  • Text: Keep your copy concise and engaging. Use a friendly, conversational tone to make your content more relatable. Highlight key messages or offers, and use bullet points for easier readability.

4. Testing and Optimization for Different Devices

Before sending out your newsletter, it’s crucial to test how it looks on different devices and email clients. Use the preview and test features of your email marketing platform to check for any formatting issues and ensure that your newsletter is responsive and looks great on both desktop and mobile devices.

5. Sending and Analyzing Performance

  • Send Your Newsletter: Once you’re satisfied with the design and content, schedule your newsletter for the optimal time. Consider when your audience is most likely to engage with your email.
  • Analyze Performance: After your newsletter has been sent, use your email platform’s analytics tools to track its performance. Look at open rates, click-through rates, and any conversions or actions taken. This data will be invaluable for refining your strategy and improving future newsletters.

By following these steps, you can create a compelling and visually appealing email newsletter that engages your subscribers and helps you achieve your marketing goals.


  • Easy to use
  • Real Time Analytics
  • Event Triggered Actions
  • Drip Campaigns
  • Lead Generation
  • SMS Marketing
  • Plan expiry notification
  • Refund Policy

Inspirational Examples

Inspirational Examples of Stunning Email Newsletters

In the realm of email marketing, inspiration is everywhere. Yet, certain newsletters stand out for their exceptional design, compelling content, and innovative use of technology. These newsletters not only engage their readers but also set new standards for what email marketing can achieve.

Let’s explore further into some inspirational examples of stunning email newsletters and uncover what makes them so effective.

Airbnb Travel Inspiration Newsletters Airbnb email newsletters have consistently captivated audiences with their breathtaking imagery and personalized travel recommendations. By leveraging user data, Airbnb crafts emails that resonate with the individual interests and past behaviors of its subscribers.

Airbnb Newsletter

Each newsletter feels personally curated, featuring destination guides, local experiences, and accommodations that match the subscriber’s travel preferences. The use of high-quality, vibrant images invites readers to explore further, effectively driving engagement and bookings.

Patagonia Environmental Advocacy Campaigns Patagonia sets itself apart with newsletters that go beyond product promotion, focusing on environmental issues and advocacy. These newsletters combine compelling storytelling with striking visuals to raise awareness about conservation efforts and the brand’s environmental initiatives.

Patagonia Newsletter

The layout is clean and focused, making it easy for readers to digest complex information and take action. Through this approach, Patagonia builds brand loyalty and connects with its audience on a deeper level, proving that newsletters can be a powerful tool for change.

Buzzfeed Engaging Content Roundups Buzzfeed has mastered the art of creating newsletters that are as entertaining as they are informative. With a mix of humor, trending topics, and personalized content selections, Buzzfeed’s newsletters feel like a conversation with a well-informed friend.

BuzzFeed Newsletter

The design is vibrant and playful, with catchy headlines and GIFs that encourage clicks and shares. By understanding its audience’s preferences, Buzzfeed delivers newsletters that are consistently engaging and share-worthy.

Adobe Creative Tips and Tutorials Adobe newsletters are a treasure trove for creatives looking to enhance their skills. Each edition is packed with tutorials, tips, and inspiration, tailored to different skill levels and interests. The design reflects Adobe’s industry-leading aesthetic, with clean layouts, stunning visuals, and interactive elements that invite exploration.

Adobe Newsletter

This approach not only educates Adobe audience but also reinforces the brand’s position as a thought leader in the creative community.

Spotify Personalized Playlist Recommendations Spotify takes personalization to the next level with its newsletter campaigns, which feature customized playlist recommendations, new release alerts, and concert notifications based on the subscriber’s listening habits.

Spotify Newsletter

The design is sleek and user-friendly, with album art and artist images that make each newsletter visually appealing. This personalized approach keeps subscribers engaged and encourages more time spent on the platform.

These examples illustrate the diverse ways in which email newsletters can captivate and engage audiences. From personalized travel recommendations to advocacy campaigns and creative tutorials, the key to an effective newsletter lies in understanding your audience, leveraging data for personalization, and delivering content that resonates. By drawing inspiration from these examples, you can elevate your email marketing strategy and create newsletters that leave a lasting impression.

Advance Tips and Tricks

Advanced Tips and Tricks for Elevating Your Newsletter Designs

Taking your email newsletters from good to great involves diving into the finer details of design and content strategy. Here are some advanced tips and tricks that can help you elevate your newsletter designs, making them more engaging and effective.

1. Personalization and Dynamic Content

Personalization goes beyond addressing the subscriber by name. It involves tailoring the content of your newsletter to match the interests, behaviors, and past interactions of each subscriber. Use data analytics to segment your audience and deliver dynamic content that resonates on a personal level.

How to Use Dynamic Content in Email Newsletters

For instance, a retail brand can send personalized product recommendations based on browsing history, while a news outlet might customize content based on the reader’s preferences and reading habits.

2. Interactive Elements

Incorporate interactive elements into your newsletters to increase engagement and provide value in innovative ways. Polls, surveys, and quizzes invite participation, making the reader feel involved and valued.

Interactive elements for newsletter

Interactive elements can also provide you with valuable feedback and insights into your audience’s preferences and opinions. Moreover, embedding interactive product demos or explainer videos directly within the newsletter can enhance the user experience, making your content more memorable and shareable.

3. Animation and GIFs

The strategic use of animation and GIFs can bring your newsletter to life, drawing attention to key messages or calls-to-action. Whether it’s a subtle animation in your header or an eye-catching GIF showcasing your latest product, these elements can significantly boost the visual appeal of your newsletter.

Animation and gifs in newsletter

However, it’s important to use them sparingly and ensure they align with your brand’s tone and message. Overuse or irrelevant animations can distract from your content rather than enhance it.

4. Accessibility Considerations

Making your newsletters accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities, is not only a best practice but also expands your reach. Use alt text for images, ensure sufficient contrast between text and background colors, and use a logical structure for your content.

How alt text works in newsletter

Providing a plain text version of your newsletter is also a good practice, ensuring that all readers, regardless of their device or software, can access your content.

By implementing these advanced design strategies , you can create email newsletters that stand out in a crowded inbox, engage your audience on a deeper level, and drive meaningful interactions. Remember, the goal of your newsletter is not just to inform or sell but to create an experience that your subscribers look forward to.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Common Pitfalls in Email Newsletter Design and How to Avoid Them

Creating an email newsletter that captivates and engages your audience is an art. However, even the most experienced creators can fall into certain traps that may hinder their newsletter’s effectiveness. Recognizing and avoiding these common pitfalls is crucial for ensuring your newsletter not only reaches your audience but also resonates with them. Let’s explore some of these pitfalls and how to steer clear of them.

1. Overcrowding and Information Overload

One of the most frequent missteps in newsletter design is trying to pack too much information into a single email. Overcrowding can overwhelm subscribers, making it difficult for them to focus on any one element. To avoid this, prioritize your content and use design elements like spacing and dividers to create clear sections. Adopting a minimalist approach ensures that your most important messages stand out and are easily digestible.

2. Neglecting Mobile Users

With the majority of emails now opened on mobile devices, designing with a mobile-first mindset is essential . Failing to optimize for mobile can result in poorly formatted emails that are hard to navigate, leading to low engagement and high unsubscribe rates. Ensure your newsletters are responsive, with large, easily clickable buttons and legible text sizes. Testing your emails on multiple devices before sending can help catch any issues that might impact mobile readability.

3. Failing to Test Before Sending

Every audience is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Not testing your newsletters across different email clients and devices can lead to unexpected formatting issues or broken elements. Utilize A/B testing to try out different subject lines, layouts, and content to see what resonates best with your audience. Regular testing and iteration allow you to refine your approach and improve the overall effectiveness of your newsletters.

By being mindful of these common pitfalls and taking proactive steps to avoid them, you can significantly enhance the impact of your email newsletters. Remember, the goal is to create an enjoyable and valuable experience for your subscribers that encourages them to stay engaged with your content over time.

Measuring Success through Key Metrics

Measuring Success: Key Metrics for Email Newsletters

To truly understand the impact of your email newsletter campaigns, it’s essential to dive into the analytics. Measuring success goes beyond just sending out your emails; it involves analyzing specific metrics that reflect how your audience is engaging with your content. Here’s a closer look at the key performance indicators (KPIs) you should be monitoring to gauge the effectiveness of your email newsletters.

1. Open Rates

The open rate is a fundamental metric that indicates how many subscribers are opening your emails. A high open rate suggests that your subject lines are compelling and that your audience finds your content relevant.

email open rates

However, if your open rates are lower than expected, it might be time to experiment with different subject line strategies or review the timing of your sends.

2. Click-Through Rates (CTR)

While open rates tell you how many people are opening your emails, click-through rates provide insight into how many are engaging with your content by clicking on links.

Email newsletters CTR

A high CTR is a strong indicator that your content is resonating with your audience and that your calls-to-action (CTAs) are effective. To improve your CTR, focus on creating valuable content and clear, enticing CTAs that encourage interaction.

3. Engagement

Beyond opens and clicks, overall engagement encompasses metrics such as time spent reading the email, interactions with content (like video plays or survey participation), and social shares.

High engagement time for newsletter

These indicators can help you understand the depth of interest in your content and which elements are most engaging to your audience.

4. Conversion Rates

If your newsletter goal includes driving specific actions, such as making a purchase or signing up for an event, tracking conversion rates is crucial . This metric measures how effectively your email campaigns are achieving their intended objectives.

Conversion rate for newsletters

Optimizing for conversion can involve refining your message, enhancing the visibility and appeal of your CTAs, and ensuring a seamless user experience.

5. Unsubscribe and Bounce Rates

While it’s important to focus on positive engagement metrics, monitoring unsubscribe and bounce rates is also critical.

Average Bounce Rate

High rates in these areas can signal issues with content relevance, email frequency, or list quality. Addressing these issues promptly can help maintain a healthy and engaged subscriber base .

This ongoing analysis allows for data-driven decisions that can lead to more effective email newsletter strategies and stronger connections with your audience. Remember, the goal of your email newsletters is not just to reach your audience but to engage them in a meaningful way that fosters long-term relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions to ask before starting a newsletter

How often should i send email newsletters.

The frequency of your email newsletters should balance keeping your audience engaged without overwhelming them. This can vary widely depending on your industry, content, and audience preferences. A good starting point is monthly or bi-weekly, allowing you to provide value without cluttering inboxes. Pay attention to engagement metrics and subscriber feedback to adjust frequency as needed.

What are the best practices for A/B testing email designs?

A/B testing is a powerful tool for optimizing your email newsletters. To get the most out of your tests, focus on one variable at a time, such as the subject line, CTA, or layout. Ensure your sample size is large enough to yield significant results, and run the test for a sufficient duration. Analyze the outcomes to inform your future design decisions.

How can I increase my email open rates through design?

Increasing open rates starts with a compelling subject line and preview text that grabs attention. However, design elements like personalization, branding consistency, and visually appealing headers can also play a role. Subscribers who enjoy your newsletter’s look and feel are more likely to open future emails.

What are the most common mistakes in email newsletter design?

Common mistakes include overcrowding with too much content, neglecting mobile optimization, using unclear CTAs, and failing to align the design with your brand identity. Avoid these pitfalls by focusing on clear, concise, and visually appealing designs that offer value and encourage engagement.

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Shagun Rohilla

Shagun Rohilla stands out as a distinguished International Business Lawyer and Content Specialist with a keen focus on compliance and skilled research. Beyond her legal prowess, she excels as an SEO writer and content strategist, notably in the realms of software evaluation, analysis, and testing. Her work offers in-depth insights and critical analyses, helping businesses navigate the complex software landscape with confidence. With a track record of contributing to esteemed law firms and startups, Shagun merges legal expertise with technical acumen, providing comprehensive guidance on software solutions. Her dedication to excellence and innovation makes her a vital asset to firms looking to leverage technology for strategic advantage.


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Sep 02, 2024, the 13 best newsletters for startup founders right now.

Founder Institute Image

Staying sane in the fast-paced world of startups is no small feat. As a founder, you're juggling countless tasks—from securing funding to building a product that resonates with your audience. In such a dynamic environment, catching up with the latest industry trends, growth strategies, and insights can make all the difference between success and failure.

However, with the sheer volume of information out there, it’s tough to keep up. Therefore, subscribing to the right resources can be a tipping point. Ultimately, you discover the newsletters that condense the most valuable content, delivering it straight to your inbox. 

But with so many options, which ones should you choose? We’ve curated a list of the most insightful and practical newsletters that every startup founder should consider signing up for. Let's see what they have to offer.

1. Founder Insights

Founder Insights

Overview : Surprise, surprise, The Founder Institute has a neat newsletter! In it, we spotlight inspiring founder stories, share proven frameworks, and provide beneficial tools to smoothen your entrepreneurial journey.

Founder Insights is dedicated to sharing the lessons learned and insights gained by successful startup founders. 

Value Proposition : Delivers actionable advice from those who have been in the trenches, making it invaluable for founders looking to learn from the experiences of others.

Frequency : Weekly

Key Topics : Leadership, product development, fundraising, team, growth strategies, product-market fit, and founder experiences.

Content Quality : High-quality content that’s both practical and motivational, with a focus on real-world application.

Ideal Audience : Early-stage founders who would appreciate hands-on advice and inspiration from successful peers.

Why Is It Different: It has two versions - Updates and Editorial - both extremely handy and easy to digest. Gives access to a wide variety of content: videos, webinars, blog articles, social media posts, podcasts, etc.

Subscribe here

2. open source ceo.

Open Source CEO

Overview : A community built by Bill Kerr , founder and CEO at Athyna , focusing on content about tools and resources, ranging from playbooks, databases, courses, and more.

Open Source CEO is a newsletter that explores the intersection of technology, startup, and thought leadership. It’s ideal for those interested in tech entrepreneurship.

Value Proposition : Offers in-depth analysis of tools and technologies that can be leveraged to build and scale startups. 

Frequency : Several times a week

Key Topics : Tools, tech development, deep dives on famous visionary leaders, and step-by-step breakdowns of thriving projects.

Content Quality : Detailed and well-researched, with hints that are particularly useful for technically-minded founders.

Ideal Audience : Founders and CTOs involved with the technical and business growth aspects of startup development.

Why Is It Different: Serious topics are elaborated in a fun way; lots of pop culture references and designs.

3. Houck’s Newsletter

Houck's Newsletter

Overview : Houck’s Newsletter, written by serial entrepreneur Michael Houck , offers a unique blend of startup advice, industry analysis, and personal insights.

Value Proposition : Provides a mix of strategic advice and thought-provoking commentary, helping founders thrive in the broader startup ecosystem.

Frequency : Twice a week

Key Topics : Startup strategy, market trends, investment insights, and personal development.

Content Quality : Shrewdl and engaging, with a focus on both practical advice and big-picture thinking.

Ideal Audience : Founders and startup leaders looking for tactical recommendations on building, growing, and raising capital for their startups.

Why Is It Different: Comprehensive, profound, and a treasure trove of frameworks.

4. Seedtable


Overview : Seedtable is a data platform and newsletter on European tech founded by Gonz Sanchez , a marketing leader with experience scaling brands, teams, and revenue at hyper-growth startups. Their newsletter brings analysis, news, and insights on startups and venture capital. 

Value Proposition : Covers in detail the European startup scene and how it affects society, making it a must-read for those operating in or interested in this market. 

Key Topics : European tech, venture capital, startup news, and market analysis.

Content Quality : High-quality, with a strong emphasis on data-driven analysis and regional insights.

Ideal Audience : Founders, investors, and entrepreneurs interested in the European tech landscape.

Why Is It Different: Convenient links and access to a vast amount of sorted global data. 

newsletter assignment examples

Overview: Emily Kramer is the primary voice behind MKT1 Newsletter. Over the last 15+ years, she has worked with some of the fastest-growing startups as Head of Marketing, 1st marketer, advisor, and investor. In this marketing-focused newsletter, she’s sharing what she has learned along the way.

Value Proposition : Provides actionable marketing advice from industry veterans, making it an essential resource for startup founders looking to build and scale their marketing efforts. 

Frequency : Monthly

Key Topics : Startup marketing, growth strategies, customer acquisition, and brand building.

Content Quality : Actionable, with a focus on practical tips and strategies that can be immediately applied.

Ideal Audience : Startup founders, CMOs, marketers, and growth teams looking for expert, pragmatic guidance on marketing in a startup environment.

Why Is It Different: Laser-focused, organized, and spanning basically all aspects of B2B marketing. 

6. The Founder Playbook

The Founder Playbook

Overview: The Founder Playbook, brought to you by The Hustle Fund , is a sharp newsletter offering tactical, straightforward advice on fundraising and scaling your startup.

Value Proposition : Relies on the expertise of seasoned investors and entrepreneurs, helping founders tackle real-world challenges and grow their businesses effectively.

Key Topics : Fundraising, growth strategies, startup management, and investor insights.

Content Quality : High-quality, straightforward content that focuses on delivering actionable tips and clear takeaways.

Ideal Audience : Early-stage founders and startup leaders looking for practical, investor-backed guidance.

Why Is It Different: Incredibly simplified, The Founder Playbook flows effortlessly and captivates.

7. The Hustle

The Hustle

Overview : The Hustle is a daily newsletter that delivers a mix of business news, tech updates, and startup stories with a punchy, often humorous tone.

Value Proposition : Perfect for staying informed on the latest trends and stories in the business world, with a format that’s both engaging and easy to digest.

Frequency : Daily

Key Topics : Business news, tech industry updates, entrepreneurship, and emerging trends.

Content Quality : High-quality, concise, and engaging, with a blend of hard news and lighter 

Ideal Audience : Entrepreneurs and business professionals who want a quick, entertaining overview of what’s happening in the world of startups and tech.

Why Is It Different: Visually appealing and with an endless array of themes. 

8. Bay Area Times

Bay Area

Overview : The Bay Area Times informs about the tech scene, covering global news, trends, and events.

Value Proposition : Essential for founders who like to consume with concise visual analysis for each story, joined by a community of 250,000+ subscribers.

Key Topics : Tech news, data-driven insights on tech, business, and AI.

Content Quality : High-quality, with a focus on relevant and timely information.

Ideal Audience : Founders, entrepreneurs, and executives.

Why Is It Different: Links visualizations to stories, making them easy to understand and memorize.

9. Lenny’s Newsletter

Lenny Newsletter

Overview : Lenny’s Newsletter, created by former Airbnb product lead Lenny Rachitsky , is investigating the anatomy of product management, growth strategies, and startup best practices.

Value Proposition : Serves a blend of extensive reviews and sensible suggestions, making it particularly valuable for product managers and growth leaders.

Key Topics : Product management, growth strategies, leadership, and market trends.

Content Quality : Exceptionally detailed and well-researched, with a combination of case studies, interviews, and Lenny’s own insights.

Ideal Audience : Founders, product managers, and growth leaders looking for clear direction.

Why Is It Different: There is also the Lenny’s Podcast for diving even deeper into the subject matter.

10. Not Boring

Not Boring

Overview : Not Boring by Packy McCormick merges storytelling and crisp analysis on tech, startups, and venture capital.

Value Proposition : Combines engaging narratives with research, making complex topics accessible and interesting for founders.

Key Topics : Tech, startups, venture capital, future of business.

Content Quality : High-quality, with a strong focus on making complex concepts engaging and easy to understand.

Ideal Audience : Founders and startup enthusiasts who enjoy exploring new ideas and perspectives through well-crafted stories.

Why Is It Different: Unlimited topics and catchy headlines like The Daily Dose of Optimism.

11. First Round Review

First Round Review

Overview : First Round Review is an extension of First Round Capital’s library of startup knowledge, offering actionable advice from industry leaders.

Value Proposition : Provides in-depth articles, interviews with successful founders, and guides that you can directly apply to your business.

Key Topics : Leadership, growth, product development, and fundraising.

Content Quality : Exceptionally high, with well-researched articles featuring exclusive wisdom from industry experts.

Ideal Audience : Early-stage founders and curious startup teams looking for deep dives and validated tactics.

Why Is It Different: Remarkably on-point, educational, and inspirational at the same time.

12. StrictlyVC

Strictly VC

Overview : StrictlyVC is a newsletter dedicated to the venture capital landscape, providing news, analysis, and insights for founders and investors.

Value Proposition : Shares insider news and trends in venture capital, helping founders seeking investment understand the VC ecosystem.

Key Topics : Venture capital, fundraising, startup news.

Content Quality : Highly informative and particularly useful for those navigating the world of venture capital.

Ideal Audience : Founders actively fundraising or interested in learning more about the VC landscape, venture capitalists, and corporate innovators.

Why Is It Different: It has a diverse audience and always follows a specific, clean structure.


Overview : Every is a long-form daily newsletter revealing different perspectives on business, tech, and personal development. It is written by authors who have real-life experience.

Value Proposition : Delivers a wide range of forecasts and outlooks in an essay form: ‘’It’s not news, it’s context and opinion.’’

Key Topics : Business strategy, tech trends, productivity, AI, and industry analysis.

Content Quality : Premium, thought-provoking content with a focus on original viewpoints and expert commentary.

Ideal Audience : Impact-driven entrepreneurs and professionals.

Why Is It Different: It’s truly one of a kind for its outstanding design and beautiful writing.

Making the Most of These Resources

Staying informed is not just a luxury—it's a necessity. The right newsletter can provide you with the insights, strategies, and knowledge you need to rise above the challenges of entrepreneurship. By subscribing to newsletters that align with your needs and goals, you can ensure that you’re always a step ahead.

Take the time to explore the ones that resonate most with you, and make them part of your routine. Moreover, they will reveal a whole new world of other resources ready to be investigated. Knowledge is gold, especially when coming from experience.

The Founder Institute is the world’s most proven network to turn ideas into fundable startups, and startups into global businesses. Since 2009, our highly-structured accelerator programs have helped entrepreneurs raised over $1.8BN in funding across over 200 cities worldwide.

Learn more about the Founder Institute at , join an upcoming startup event at , or subscribe to our Insights Newsletter .

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  1. How to Write a Business Newsletter: Examples, Format, & Strategy

    Next to your copy, the design also determines the basic business newsletter structure. Follow AIDA: attention, interest, desire, and action. Attention - Start with a compelling subject or headline — the first thing readers will see. Use power words, numbers, emojis, news, or scarcity ("This Friday Only").

  2. 7 excellent newsletter examples to spark ideas for your own

    The external links are set in a shaded box while links to an associated podcast and playbook are broken out on their own. 6. Smashing Magazine. The world of UX and front-end web development and design is fast-paced, and Smashing Magazine helps its readers keep up with the latest in a weekly newsletter.

  3. 10 Exceptional Company Newsletter Examples

    For example, in this company newsletter, Grammarly advertises its product, 'Grammarly Cards', 'Custom Dictionary', 'Document Storage', 'Writing Style', 'Vocabulary Enhancement' , while framing it as general writing advice. This approach to marketing a product doesn't feel like you're being sold a product but rather an ...

  4. 40+ Newsletter Examples to Inspire You

    6. Conference or event newsletter examples. Get the word out about your conference or event with an attention-grabbing newsletter. When creating a newsletter, make sure you display all necessary details, including contact information, calendars, and a general overview. Pick colors, fonts, and images to embody your organization.

  5. 15 brilliant newsletter examples (and why they work)

    Why this newsletter example works: Ties a national holiday back to their business. Showcases users in an effective way. Incorporates interviews and quotes. Image source: 02. John Lewis. Subject line: Perfect gifts for Mother's Day. Mother's Day is a big holiday, especially for retail brands.

  6. How to Write A Newsletter Step-By-Step

    Now that you've got those tips in your back pocket, let's write your first email newsletter! 1. Decide what you want to share. The first step is to figure out what you want to say or share. Some ideas include: New content you created (blog posts, videos, infographics, etc.).

  7. How to Create a Newsletter From Scratch [Templates Included]

    Once you've chosen a newsletter template, the next step in the production process is to 1) swap in your desired content and 2) personalize your email design. Generally, that means you'll need to: Swap out the template's text, images/illustrations and buttons. Adjust the size of each section to your liking.

  8. How to Write Newsletter Introductions (With Examples)

    Here are some examples of email newsletter introductions: "Welcome to the latest edition of our monthly newsletter! We're excited to share with you some exciting updates and news from our company.". "Hello [Name], we're back with another edition of our weekly newsletter, packed with all the latest industry insights and trends.".

  9. How To Create A Winning Newsletter (8-Step Checklist And Examples)

    8-Step beginner's checklist to create a newsletter. Let's get into our checklist (using a pre-send checklist helps brands improve email marketing ROI by 42%). 1. Select an email marketing software. The first step is to choose an email newsletter software that suits your goals, technical skills, and budget.

  10. 11 top Newsletter Email Examples (+ the types of content they use)

    Podcasts. News articles related to your niche or industry. You can also share curated content as a section of your newsletter if you'd rather share a mix of content types. #3. Interviews and case studies. This is an easy way to add unique and engaging content to your newsletter without investing a ton of time.

  11. How To Write an Effective Email Newsletter (Instructions and Examples)

    Meaning they're not typically part of a sales sequence, nurture sequence, or marketing campaign. The main goal of a newsletter is to build and nurture a relationship with your subscribers and keep them in the loop on things related to your business. Common examples are: Upcoming sales. Product launches.

  12. How to Write A Newsletter: Step-By-Step Guide (With Real Examples)

    Here's how it's done: Decide what questions you want to ask (use what I said above to brainstorm ideas). Create a free Typeform account or use a Google Form (they both work great). Add the questions with choices to your survey. You can choose from multiple choice, short text, long-form text, etc..

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    Why it works. This email newsletter example illustrates why customization pays off. Before doing a mass send, remember that personalized emails get 6x the transaction rates.. Penguin Random House's email example also highlights multiple book genres and, by encouraging subscribers to update their reading preferences, increases the lifetime value of their subscriber base.

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  15. Bringing The Classroom Together: How To Write a Class Newsletter

    1. First help students become familiar with news articles. Give out a sample news article and study its structure: the headline (title), the byline (author), and the lead or summary. 2. Have students summarize the article, an important writing skill, and also a check for understanding of main ideas. 3.

  16. How to Write a Newsletter Article

    Real value will deliver you real results, so treat this element properly and your audience will appreciate it. Keep a Schedule. This can be one of the easiest solutions on the list. The fact that you publish constantly and on a similar schedule helps readers to establish an "appointment" with your content.

  17. How to Write a School Newsletter: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

    Take a look at this list to discover some of the things you might want to add to your template: [6] Place the school name at the top of the front page. Add in a footer with page number, date, edition, or other information you might want to include. Putting your school logo somewhere on the front page can be a good idea.

  18. A Helpful Guide for Writing an Email Newsletter

    1 Stick to one topic. Pick one theme for your newsletter. This will help it feel cohesive and avoid confusing your reader. Subscribers love consistency and knowing what they can look forward to. This could be freelance tips every Friday, new recipes every Thursday, or a roundup of local events each Sunday.

  19. 21 of the Best Newsletter Examples to Learn From

    Let's look at 10 real newsletter examples that were sent by ecommerce brands. 1. Harry's. You don't always have to push your products (in fact, you shouldn't). In this newsletter example, men's shaving and grooming products company Harry's sends an instructional, educational email that's relevant to its business line.

  20. 17 Stellar Ideas to Perfect Your Business Newsletter and 30 Free

    This is a guest post by Hannah Butler, who works as a web developer, designer, and writer.. According to a study by Digiday, Vanity Fair's newsletter readers consume 2x more content than any other audience segment.. Another study by found that Greentech Media's newsletter visitors spend 80% more time on site than visitors from other channels.

  21. 12 newsletter templates for Word

    Save as a template: Click File > Save As. In the Save as type dropdown menu, select either Word Template (.dotx) or, to send your newsletter directly through email, Outlook Template (.oft). Give your template a name, and click Save. To use your template in Word: Click File > New from Template.

  22. Beginner's Guide to Stunning Email Newsletter Designs

    These newsletters serve multiple purposes: from sharing news, updates, and content, to promoting products and services. The versatility of email newsletters is unmatched, allowing for a wide range of content including articles, blog posts, product recommendations, and personal narratives. A Sample Email Newsletter

  23. 9 Unique Company Newsletter Examples

    If you're interested in stepping up your business newsletter email game, we've rounded up examples of some of the most successful email newsletters, including a mix of big brands and smaller businesses. Each example illustrates a different lesson about email newsletter best practices. 1. Apple.

  24. The 13 Best Newsletters for Startup Founders Right Now

    4. Seedtable. Overview: Seedtable is a data platform and newsletter on European tech founded by Gonz Sanchez, a marketing leader with experience scaling brands, teams, and revenue at hyper-growth startups.Their newsletter brings analysis, news, and insights on startups and venture capital. Value Proposition: Covers in detail the European startup scene and how it affects society, making it a ...