Attilio Reinhardt Event Emcee Host Speaker

What to Say in a Company Anniversary Speech: Ideas and Tips

As an emcee for company anniversary events, one of my key responsibilities is to introduce the individuals who will be delivering the company anniversary speech. However, it is not uncommon for these speakers to seek my guidance on what to say and how to deliver their speeches effectively.

Celebrating a corporate anniversary with an event is a great opportunity, but the main speech is a responsibility. If you are preparing your speech, I will provide some ideas and tips to assist you.

1. Reflect on the Company’s Journey

A company anniversary is a significant milestone that calls for reflection on the journey and achievements of the organization. That’s why you should highlight key milestones, challenges overcome, and successes achieved throughout the years. This will help create a sense of pride among the audience.

2. Acknowledge and Appreciate Employees

A company anniversary speech is an ideal opportunity to express gratitude and appreciation for the employees’ hard work and dedication. This is an opportunity to acknowledge the contributions of individuals and teams, highlighting their commitment and the role they played in the company’s growth and success.

3. Share Success Stories

Success stories are powerful tools to inspire and motivate the audience. To do this, share specific examples of projects, initiatives, or individuals who have made a significant impact on the company’s success. These stories should highlight the values and culture of the organization.

4. Discuss Future Goals and Vision

A company anniversary speech should not only focus on past achievements but also look towards the future. It’s the moment to discuss the company’s vision, goals, and plans for the future. This will instill confidence in the audience and create excitement for what lies ahead.

5. Connect with the Audience

Effective communication is about connecting with the audience on an emotional level. That’s why you should share personal anecdotes, experiences, or challenges they you faced during their journey with the company. This will help create a genuine connection with the audience and make the speech more relatable.

6. Use Visual Aids

Visual aids such as slides or videos can enhance the impact of a company anniversary speech. Incorporate relevant visuals that support your key points or showcase memorable moments from the company’s history. However, it is important to ensure that these visual aids are not overpowering and do not distract from your message.

7. Practice and Rehearse

Delivery is as important as the content itself. I suggest you to practice and rehearse your speech to ensure a confident and engaging delivery. Some good techniques are recording yourself, seeking feedback from trusted colleagues, or even engaging in public speaking courses to improve your presentation skills.

8. Keep it Concise and Engaging

A company anniversary speech should be concise and engaging to hold the audience’s attention. Keep your speech within a reasonable time limit and avoid unnecessary jargon or technical details. You should aim to deliver a speech that is both informative and enjoyable for the audience.

9. End on a Positive Note

End your speech on a positive and inspiring note. It’s the moment to express your optimism for the future, thank the audience for their support, and leave the attendees with a sense of pride and excitement about the company’s journey ahead.

Remember, each company anniversary speech is unique, and it is important to tailor the content and delivery to the specific audience and company culture. These ideas and tips will help you in delivering a memorable and impactful speech that celebrate the company’s achievements and inspire the audience.

Contact a professional Emcee

I am an Emcee  in Milan, Rome and all over Italy, I work in private and corporate events, conferences and all types of events. I am also a Facilitator for Team Building. If I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to  contact me »

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What to Say in a Company Anniversary Speech: Ideas and Tips

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50+ Meaningful Work Anniversary Messages

Published: August 9, 2023

Last Updated: August 6, 2024

  16 min read

By: Anouare Abdou

Meaningful Work Anniversary Messages

Work anniversary messages provide a vital opportunity for employee recognition, which fosters a healthy culture and boosts engagement and retention. Here are 50+ meaningful employee anniversary message examples to inspire you.

In this Article

You probably celebrate events such as your wedding anniversary or your best friend's birthday. Professional milestones like work anniversaries matter just as much.

Writing a thoughtful message to acknowledge a team member's job tenure is a small gesture that can have a big impact in terms of employee engagement.

“Celebrating work anniversaries is a simple yet powerful way to let employees know how much we value their hard work and dedication. It's all about making them feel appreciated, and that positivity can do wonders for their motivation and engagement,” says Zianya Escamilla, Senior People and Culture Business Partner at Unito .

“Considering that lack of recognition is a major reason people leave their jobs, why not seize this chance to make our team feel special?”

Enter work anniversary messages. What exactly do they consist of? A work anniversary message can take various forms, from a handwritten card to an acknowledgment on LinkedIn or a speech at a work event. The idea is to share work anniversary wishes in a thoughtful, genuine way.

A good employee anniversary message shouldn't stop at wishing someone a very happy work anniversary. It should also include mentions of their contributions in the workplace, from their positive attitude to their unique skills and strengths. Specific examples of the impact of their contributions on their team and organization are key.

You can also include personal anecdotes or mention the way a person has impacted you as a work friend if your relationship warrants it. Ending with wishes for continued success is a good idea. The core purpose of the message is recognition, so keep that in mind while writing work anniversary wishes.

The Importance of Work Anniversary Wishes

Employee recognition increases employee engagement, boosts job satisfaction and promotes a healthy work environment.

However, less than a quarter of employees strongly agree that their organization has a system in place to recognize professional milestones such as work anniversaries, according to Gallup research .

This means that there is an opportunity to seize to create a positive company culture and increase engagement through employee recognition.

According to Escamilla, work anniversaries are more than fun celebrations – they can be leveraged as a tool to strengthen the bond between employees and their organization.

Acknowledging the dedication of your employees creates positive feelings and makes them feel valued, which, in turn, boosts loyalty, productivity and employee retention .

“Knowing we appreciate their contributions motivates them to keep giving their best. Plus, work anniversaries bring teams together, fostering a strong sense of belonging and promoting a collaborative, positive culture. It's a win-win for everyone,” she adds.

Karyn Martin, leadership expert and President and CEO of Interprise/Southwest Interior & Space Design, agrees.

She wishes more leaders understood how important work anniversaries are to people, and how easy it is to acknowledge them:

“Recognizing work anniversaries is important because it shows the employee – and the world around them – that their time stands for something. People want to stay in companies where they are ‘seen', especially by senior management, so recognizing work anniversaries is critical to keeping your best talent . It's only human to feel happier and do better work when your contributions are recognized.”

While wishing a team member a happy anniversary can have a long-lasting impact on morale, the opposite is also true: forgetting a milestone can be detrimental to employee engagement.

“Looking at it from the employees' point of view, they know that it's simple to put things in annual calendars, so if their milestone – whether it is a birthday or a work anniversary – slips by unmentioned, they know that leadership just didn't care enough to input the dates and acknowledge the employee's service milestones,” says Martin.

In other words, celebrate work anniversaries and make each person feel like a valuable team member who plays a key role in your team's success.

Happy Work Anniversary Messages to Increase Employee Engagement

Crafting an appropriate and impactful work anniversary message can be tricky. You want it to feel personal yet be workplace-friendly. Maybe you're questioning whether a funny work anniversary message would work well or is best avoided.

To strike the right balance between personal and professional and lighthearted and serious, get inspiration from the examples below.

1-year work anniversary messages

An Entelo study revealed that people are most likely to leave after their first year, making it a critical work anniversary to celebrate.

A one-year work anniversary message should highlight the employee's successful integration into their team and company and recognize any wins from the past year.

  • Happy one-year work anniversary! It's only been a year and it's hard to imagine our team without you now. I appreciate your hard work and contributions and can't wait to see what the future holds!
  • Congratulations on your one-year work anniversary! I am thrilled that you have joined our team. Thank you for your hard work and dedication and the positive attitude you bring to the table.
  • Happy work anniversary! Seeing how much you've evolved in the past year has been amazing. It's a pleasure to work with you and I'm excited to get to know you more in the next year. Thank you for all the great work.
  • Congratulations on wrapping up your first year at [name of company] . I love how effortlessly you fit right into our team and brought so much value to [project examples] . I am excited about what else we can do together!
  • Happy one-year work anniversary! Thank you for making a positive impact on our team from the get-go. We are grateful to work with you and can't wait to keep collaborating in the year to come.

5-year work anniversary messages

If someone has been with a company for five years, they're either going to end up staying for much longer or start looking for other challenges.

Make sure they feel special with a five-year work anniversary message, which should be more personalized than one-year work anniversary wishes and include several mentions of the employee's contributions through the years.

  • Wow, five years already! I still remember the time you [example of contribution or anecdote] . You've kept crushing it since then, especially [mention other examples of contributions] . Thank you for being such a rockstar and a valuable member of our team. I hope to share many more wins with you in the future.
  • Congratulations on reaching your five-year work anniversary. Thank you for your [list of strengths and skills] . Our team is lucky to have you as both a coworker and a friend. It's been a pleasure to watch you grow and I can't wait to see what the future holds.
  • Happy five-year work anniversary! Your skills and contributions have been instrumental to our success, from [example of contribution] to [example of contribution] . Thank you for your relentless commitment and positive energy. We are lucky to have you!
  • Congratulations on your five-year work anniversary! It's been a pleasure to share this journey with you as both a coworker and a friend. I am inspired by your [list of strengths and skills] and am looking forward to continuing to work together. Thank you for all your contributions to our team's success!
  • Happy anniversary! Thank you for five years of dedication, hard work and lots of laughter. You make the workplace brighter and have helped us achieve so many goals, from [example of contribution] to [example of contribution] . We are grateful to celebrate this milestone with you.

10-year work anniversary messages

A 10-year anniversary is no small feat. If someone has been with your company for a decade, a significant celebration is in order, complete with meaningful work anniversary wishes and bigger gestures such as organizing a catered lunch for the entire team or giving a unique gift.

  • Congratulations on your 10-year work anniversary. You've helped make this company what it is today through your contributions in the past decade. From taking [department/project] to the next level to always showing up with a smile, you bring so much value to the table. Thank you for your passion and commitment. Celebrate well!
  • Wow, 10 years! Congratulations on reaching this huge milestone. You've experienced so many changes here in the past decade and you've navigated them all with grace and skill. Thank you for your invaluable contributions to our company's success. You are an inspiration!
  • Thank you for an amazing decade of service. It has been such a pleasure to work with you over the last few years and witness your [skills and strengths] in action. I especially admire the way you've [example of contribution or anecdote] . It's an honor to celebrate this milestone with you!
  • Congratulations on your 10-year work anniversary. Time flies by when you're well-surrounded and we are lucky to have you. Thank you for everything you've done and continue to do, from [example of contribution] to [example of contribution] . You've helped make this workplace what it is today. Cheers to your accomplishments!

20-year work anniversary messages

Being with a company for 20 years is huge. 20-year work anniversary messages should focus on the impact that the employee has had on the organization over the years and be accompanied by a gift.

  • Happy 20-year work anniversary! Thank you for your unwavering loyalty to this organization. From [example of contribution] to [example of contribution] , you've made so many impactful contributions over the past two decades that it would be impossible to list them all. You are an inspiration to anyone who has had the pleasure of working with you.
  • Congratulations on your 20-year work anniversary! I feel so lucky to have had the chance to work with you over the years. I've learned so much from you, from [example of contribution] to [example of contribution] . You've helped make this company successful while positively impacting your colleagues. Thank you for everything you've done and continue to do.
  • Congratulations on this impressive career milestone – you make 20 years of tenure look easy but I know you've put in countless hours of effort to become the professional you are today. You inspire our team with your [skills and strengths] and we feel so fortunate to work with you.
  • Thank you for giving your 100% over the past two decades. Your [skills and strengths] have been essential to the growth and success of this organization. We are proud to call you a coworker and honored that you've chosen to work with us!
  • Happy 20-year work anniversary! Thank you for reminding us all that hard work and dedication pay off. From [example of contribution] to [example of contribution] , you have shown time and time again that you are an outstanding team player. You embody the values of this company and lead by example. We are so grateful for all you have done here!

25-year work anniversary messages

Bust out the balloons because 25-year work anniversaries are a rare occurrence these days. This is a time to celebrate an employee's professional journey and their continued success throughout the years.

Dig into their accomplishments and promotions and look for personal anecdotes to make your work anniversary wishes feel extra special.

  • Congratulations on your 25th work anniversary! This is a huge accomplishment and we are lucky that you have chosen to grow with us over the years. From starting as a [role] to successfully evolving into a [role] and a [role] , your career here is truly an inspiration. Your hard work and contributions have been invaluable to our success, from [example of contribution] to [example of contribution] . And you've done it all with a smile on your face. Thank you!
  • Happy 25-year work anniversary! Thank you for your unwavering commitment to greatness – you continue to inspire us with your [skills and strengths] and positively impact everyone around you. There are no words to express the immense impact you've had on this organization, such as the time you [anecdote or example of contribution] . Celebrate well – you deserve it!
  • It's hard to believe it's been 25 years since you joined the company. From [anecdote] to [anecdote] , anyone who has been lucky enough to work with you can speak to your [skills and strengths] . It's a pleasure to work with you and I admire your dedication and loyalty. Thank you for everything you've done and continue to do!
  • Happy 25-year work anniversary and congratulations on reaching such an impressive career milestone! From working as a [role] to [role] , your professional journey is an inspiration and you embody the qualities required to succeed in the workplace and in life. We are so lucky to have you and grateful for your contributions throughout the years – this company wouldn't be what it is today without you!
  • Wow, 25 years! Thank you for being an example of commitment and perseverance and for your invaluable contributions to the success of this company. From [example of contribution] as a [role] to [example of contribution] as a [role] , you show up with [skills and strengths] and keep crushing it regardless of the challenge. Thank you for being you and for inspiring us all in the process. Congratulations!

Work anniversary messages for your boss

Bosses deserve appreciation too. When crafting a work anniversary message for anyone in a leadership position, it's always nice to mention their impact as a leader.

  • Congratulations on reaching another big milestone! Your leadership is a daily source of inspiration and it's truly a pleasure to learn from you. Happy work anniversary!
  • Thank you for leading by example and setting such a high standard for our team. Wishing you a wonderful work anniversary and looking forward to many more years of success together!
  • Celebrating another year of your inspiring leadership! Your vision and support help our team thrive. Here's to another year of crushing goals. Happy work anniversary!
  • On your work anniversary, we want to express our appreciation for your leadership and guidance. Your passion and commitment inspire us to give our best every day. Cheers to another year of working together towards greatness. Happy anniversary!
  • Congratulations on another year of leading with excellence! We are so grateful for your mentorship and support. Here's to another year of achievements and collaboration. Happy work anniversary!

Work anniversary messages for close work friends

Forming close friendships at work is common. When celebrating the work anniversary of your office bestie, it's OK – and encouraged – to get a little more personal. 

  • Happy work anniversary to my dear friend! It's been awesome to witness your growth and successes over the years. Here's to many more years of chasing dreams and evolving alongside each other!
  • Celebrating another year of collaborating with you and learning from you, my friend! Your hard work and passion inspire me daily. Here's to another year of shared wins and memorable career highlights. Happy work anniversary!
  • Congratulations on reaching another career milestone! Your friendship and support have enriched my life at work in countless ways. Wishing you continued success and growth in your career. Cheers to many more years of friendship and collaboration!
  • Happy work anniversary, buddy! Time does indeed fly when you're having fun – and it's a blast to work with you. Here's to another year of learning, laughing, and crushing goals together!
  • Cheers to another year of growing and celebrating wins together! I am so grateful for your friendship – it makes every day at work that much more fulfilling. Wishing you a happy work anniversary!

Funny work anniversary messages

When someone is a good friend and also happens to have a great sense of humor, you can keep things light-hearted with a funny work anniversary message. Stay appropriate, of course, but don't be afraid to crack a joke or two. 

  • Happy work anniversary! Can you believe it's been [X] years of pretending to know what we're talking about? Here's to many more years of meme-sharing and goal-crushing!
  • Congratulations on surviving another year of office shenanigans! Your ability to tolerate my barrage of Slack messages deserves a medal. Here's to another year of strategically dodging meetings so we can get actual work done. Cheers!
  • Happy work anniversary! I don't know what I would do without our daily coffee breaks and inside jokes. Thanks for making the mundane moments more enjoyable and the big work milestones easier to achieve!
  • Can you believe it's been [X] years of perfectly balancing procrastination with productivity? So grateful for my work BFF. Happy work anniversary!
  • Can't believe it's already been [X] years of coming up with the best acronyms together! It's always a pleasure to work with you. Keep crushing it, you office rockstar!

Simple work anniversary messages

Sometimes less is more. If you're not sure what to say or how to say it, you can't go wrong with a simple yet thoughtful work anniversary message.

  • Happy work anniversary! Your hard work is truly appreciated.
  • Congratulations on another year with us! Thank you for your ongoing commitment to growth and success.
  • Grateful for your valuable contributions this year and every year. Happy work anniversary!
  • Congratulations on your work anniversary! Wishing you continued joy and success in your career.
  • Congrats on reaching another milestone. Your hard work and positive attitude do not go unnoticed.

Work anniversary messages for remote workers

Remote workers are more at risk of feeling disengaged, so it's crucial to celebrate their work anniversaries with enthusiasm.

When sending a hybrid or remote team member work anniversary wishes, make sure to acknowledge that their contributions are felt from a distance – your words can help make them feel included and valued. 

  • Congratulations on your work anniversary! Even though we're collaborating remotely, your contributions are felt every day in our team. Here's to another year of success!
  • Happy work anniversary! Your dedication to your role, even from miles away, is truly admirable. Here's to many more years of asynchronous teamwork and Slack banter!
  • Celebrating another year of outstanding virtual collaboration! Your commitment to excellence is felt and appreciated, even through a screen. Happy work anniversary!
  • Happy work anniversary! Despite the distance, your impact on our team is immeasurable. Here's to another year of teamwork and wins!
  • Wishing you a happy work anniversary! Your ability to excel in your role, even from a distance, is inspiring. Thanks for making remote collaboration such a pleasure!

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Work anniversary captions for a social media post

Maybe your organization uses LinkedIn to spotlight employee anniversaries while giving the world a glimpse into your culture.

Perhaps you have an internal social media platform – like Applauz ’s news feed feature – that allows you to post employee recognition messages and work anniversary wishes. When crafting the perfect caption for a work anniversary post, be concise and warm.

  • Cheers to [Employee's Name] for [X] amazing years with [Company Name] ! Your dedication and hard work inspire us all to stay on top of our game. Thank you for everything you do. 
  • Happy [X] year work anniversary to [Employee's Name] ! Your journey with us has been filled with so many achievements and wins. Thank you for your commitment to excellence (and for making us laugh with your jokes). 
  • Today marks [Employee's Name] [X] -year work anniversary with us! Your passion and contagious positive energy have left their mark over the years. We are grateful to have you on our team. 
  • We are thrilled to celebrate [Employee's Name] 's [X] years with [Company Name] . Your hard work, stellar communication skills and emotional intelligence have been a driving force in our success. Here’s to celebrating many more milestones together. 
  • Congratulations to [Employee's Name] on [X] years with [Company Name] ! You have certainly left your mark here over the years, from [example of achievement] to [example of achievement] . Can’t wait to see what the future holds. Happy work anniversary!

Short happy work anniversary wishes

Some occasions call for a short-and-sweet work anniversary message, such as sending a DM to a peer or signing a collective card. Keep in mind that short doesn’t have to mean impersonal.

  • Happy work anniversary! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication over the past year. 
  • Congrats on [X] successful and memorable years with us, [Employee's Name] ! Here's to many more!
  • It’s your work anniversary! Your contributions and uplifting attitude mean the world to us.
  • Celebrating the fact that you’ve been with us for [X] years. We’re so grateful to have you on our team. 
  • Happy work anniversary, [Employee's Name] ! Keep crushing it!

Tips for Writing a Thoughtful Work Anniversary Message

Writing a meaningful anniversary message is all about striking the right balance of sincerity, appreciation and professionalism. Here are some tips to help you craft a stellar one.  

Reflect on the recipient's accomplishments

Highlighting specific achievements or anecdotes is one of the best ways to amp up the meaningfulness factor of a work anniversary message.

It shows that you've been paying attention. Before writing a single word, take the time to reflect on the recipient's accomplishments and their contributions to your team's success.

Express gratitude

Remember that the main intent of a work anniversary message is to express gratitude, so make that the core of your message.

Thank the recipient for their dedication, hard work, and commitment to the team. Be clear about the impact of their efforts. 

Keep it positive

A work anniversary message is not the time to give constructive feedback. Always focus on the positive and use the occasion as an opportunity to celebrate what has gone and is going well. 

Be mindful of tone

Consider your relationship with the recipient when choosing the tone of your message. Are you going for friendly and informal, polished and formal, or somewhere in between? What's more appropriate given the context?

Be mindful and always keep things professional and aligned with company culture, even with more casual work anniversary wishes.

Keep it concise 

While it's important to do enough to celebrate work anniversaries, there is such a thing as a work anniversary message that's too long. Rambling or including unnecessary details can dilute the impact of your words. Happy work anniversary wishes can be concise.

Express your excitement for the future 

Not sure how to wrap up? Always end your message with a note about the future and your confidence in the recipient's continued success within the company.  

Proofread carefully 

Finally, read through your message one last time with fresh eyes before sending it. Errors and typos can turn a great attempt at showing appreciation into one that appears half-hearted. 

Tips to Deliver Work Anniversary Wishes

The messages above can be used as a starting point to craft your own personalized note. Don't be afraid to add your individual touch based on your unique relationship with the employee and the context of your team and organization.

As far as delivering your message and wishing an employee a very happy work anniversary, there are many ways to go about it. Let the tips below guide you.

Do it during an all-hands meeting

Do you hold regular all-hands meetings? Use them as an opportunity to recognize work anniversaries and you'll have a simple system to celebrate every milestone.

Have all attendees cheer and celebrate each milestone and watch your team members beam with pride. Public recognition is powerful because it makes people feel valued for their contributions. 

Integrate work anniversaries into your onboarding process

You can also integrate work anniversaries into your onboarding process by asking employees about their preferences.

For instance, when new employees join Escamilla's organization, they are offered a choice between a gift card or company swag for their anniversary.

This step in the process kicks things off on a positive note and lets people choose how they would prefer to be acknowledged. 

PTO and a personal note are always appreciated

If you're looking for universally appreciated gift ideas, PTO is always well-received. First, it sends the message that hard work should be balanced out by a fulfilling personal life. Treating people like human beings with other priorities outside of work is a pillar of a healthy culture.

There's also the fact that it's hard to miss the mark when offering extra time off – almost all workers would be enthusiastic about this perk. Just make sure to accompany the gesture with a thoughtful message. 

Allocate a budget for personalized surprises

Personalized work anniversary gifts are always better than generic corporate ones. Allocate a budget for work anniversary celebrations so you can come up with interesting ideas year-round as milestones come up.

Get to know each team member and their interests so that you can pick something that genuinely fits their taste and personality – they'll be touched and truly feel that they are part of a caring team.

An Employee recognition platform like Applauz has an integrated service awards management program that simplifies the process of recognizing milestones and ensures that employees get meaningful gifts and the recognition they deserve.

Gifts aren't the only option. Depending on your budget, a lunch outing can be a nice way to celebrate too. If you're on a tight budget, you can still do something small yet impactful, like leaving their favorite Starbucks drink with a note on their desk. 

Go the extra mile for the big milestones

That said, if someone has been with the company for a decade or more, it's important to allocate resources to mark the occasion in a significant way.

Getting upper management involved is a nice touch. For example, a senior leader can present the guests of honor with a gift and thank them for their contributions over the years.

Make it fun

Don't forget to have fun. It's a key piece of the puzzle when delivering a work anniversary message, after all.

This is a happy occasion, especially in a time when employee retention is harder to achieve. Now that you have a wealth of insights to help craft the perfect note, it's time to celebrate. 

Celebration Ideas to Complement Work Anniversary Messages

In some teams, it makes sense to throw a little celebration to go with work anniversary wishes. You have to have the budget for it, and it also has to make sense in terms of the size of your team. It has to be sustainable to do it for every single employee in order to keep things fair.

If it sounds like something that would make sense for you, consider the following work anniversary celebration ideas.

Offer a custom plaque 

Offer a custom-designed plaque with your team member’s name and years of service on it. This highlights the occasion in a more formal way – and it’s a memorable keepsake for the recipient.

Surprise them with a personalized video 

Want to be extra thoughtful and maybe make your team member shed a tear or two? Ask coworkers to share what they appreciate the most about them on camera. Create a video montage of everyone’s answers (and don’t forget to include cheesy music).

Decorate their workspace 

If you have an in-office team, come in early to decorate your team member’s workspace with balloons and a banner. It will start the day on the right foot.

Order a cake 

Cakes aren’t just for birthdays – and who doesn’t love cake at the office? Order a custom cake with Happy Work Anniversary written on it. Include remote employees by calling them in virtually and sending them a cupcake.

Book a unique team outing 

While you can bring your team to lunch to celebrate a work anniversary, you can also get creative and book an activity like ax throwing to sneak in extra team-building time.

There are plenty of ways to make work anniversary celebrations feel special while adapting them to the unique needs of your team. For more resources and tools that will help you celebrate anniversaries and appreciate employees, dive into the Applauz blog .

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Work Anniversary Messages-FAQ

How do you say happy work anniversary to a colleague.

Leaders and managers should always be acknowledging the work anniversaries of their reports. But peers can – and should – say happy work anniversary to each other too. When wishing a teammate a happy work anniversary, keep your message warm and show them that you appreciate working with them.

What is the best message for a work anniversary?

The best message for a work anniversary depends on the context. It has to be adapted to your company culture and fit the occasion – a 25-year work anniversary is a much bigger deal than a 10-year one, for example. However, there are universal principles for writing a work anniversary message. Keep things personalized and sincere. Highlight specific achievements and contributions and always express appreciation and gratitude.

Is a work anniversary an accomplishment?

Yes, a work anniversary is an important accomplishment. Even though it can seem like you’re just highlighting the time passed, it’s about much more than that. It marks the dedication and loyalty of an employee over a sustained period of time. Celebrating work anniversaries recognizes their contributions and hard work and acknowledges their role in the company’s success. This is crucial to increase employee engagement and foster a healthy, people-centric culture.

When should I send a work anniversary message?

Sending a work anniversary message on the day of the anniversary or right around then is your best bet. This shows that you remembered the occasion and took the time to highlight it. If you're unsure of the exact date, check with HR or other coworkers – and build a calendar of work anniversaries so you can easily keep future ones on your radar.

Should I include a gift with a work anniversary message?

It depends on the context. You don’t need to include a gift with a work anniversary message. Ultimately, the most important thing is to convey your genuine appreciation for the recipient’s contributions. That said, a little something can be thoughtful if you have the budget for it. And a bigger gift is definitely called for when it comes to celebrating longer tenures. Common gift ideas for coworkers include gift cards, rewards, and personalized items based on the recipient’s personality and preferences.

Is it OK to send a work anniversary message virtually?

Yes, you can absolutely send a work anniversary message virtually, through company communication channels or a video call. Nowadays, virtual communication is often widely accepted and preferred, especially for hybrid and remote teams.

How do you caption a work anniversary post?

When captioning a work anniversary post on social media, be extra mindful of voice and tone. The message might be seen by both internal and external stakeholders and needs to be appropriate – it’s not necessarily the time for inside jokes. Keep things concise and positive. Highlight the employee’s contributions, express your appreciation and end with wishes for continued success in the future.

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Your company anniversary speech can be an excellent opportunity to connect with clients, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders at your celebratory event. Based on my experience writing many of these speeches, here are some ideas of what to include in your company anniversary speech.

Use stories in your company anniversary speech.

A good point to begin is to start collecting stories to include in your company anniversary speech. Foundation stories from the early days of the business can highlight your company’s formative years and values. Stories about overcoming challenges show the human face of the business.  In addition, use stories about significant milestones and successes in your company anniversary speech to create a narrative about the development of the business and its ethos.

How do you find relevant stories for your company anniversary speech? If you are new with the organisation, getting stories will require research. Interviews with the founders and current and past employees are often essential to uncovering interesting stories. Research can also include searching the archives (if they exist) and finding news articles about the business online or in libraries.

Welcome guests attending the company anniversary event.

You can begin by welcoming VIPs and special guests to the event. These might include government representatives, company founders and key suppliers. You could also welcome spouses and other family members who are attending, as well as guests who have travelled long distances to participate in the festivities.

Don’t be afraid to include humour in your company anniversary speech.

Every organisation has funny stories from its past. Finding and using these stories in your company anniversary speech will help you connect with the audience and highlight the organisation’s personality. Your research can include speaking with some of the ‘old timers’ to discover some of the funny things that happened in the past.  Remember to avoid humorous stories that could make your organisation or staff look bad.

Show your gratitude during the anniversary speech.

Your company anniversary speech is the perfect time to thank the people and organisations that have played a role in helping your business grow and succeed. You also can thank the people who participated in organising the event. It’s also nice to thank the service staff, entertainers and others who made the event possible.

Look to the future.

Besides looking at the past, your company anniversary speech should also look to the future. This could include your vision for the future and how employees and stakeholders can play a part in making it happen. Your focus on the future can make a powerful speech ending by inspiring people to build on the foundation created since the establishment of the company.

Your company anniversary speech is an excellent opportunity for your organisation to review its past and inspire for the future. Including the elements outlined above will help you create company anniversary speech that connects with the audience and boosts your organisation’s image.

If you need assistance with your company anniversary speech, we will be glad to discuss it with you. Call 1300 731 955 or use the contact form on the right to get in touch. Visit our Speech Writing page for more information on our speech writing services.

About the Author

Michael Gladkoff is a speechwriter, author and speaker who has writes and delivers speeches and presentations for many of Australia’s leading organisations. He is the author of  Speech Power: The Leader’s Guide to Creating Powerful Speeches and Presentations . Visit  to learn more about the writing and training services offered by Michael and his team.

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85+ Work Anniversary Wishes And Messages They’ll Love

Showing appreciation improves engagement, productivity, and well-being. Discover how to write messages that honor employees (and bosses!) for their time, talent, and impact.

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What keep employees engaged at work for the long haul? One of the many factors that contribute to engagement includes employee appreciation. In fact, employees are 56% less likely 1 to look for work elsewhere if they feel appreciated!

A great way for managers, bosses, and colleagues to show appreciation is to recognize work anniversaries with memorable and meaningful words of affirmation and gratitude that honor their time, talent, and impact.

In this article, we’ll look at what work anniversary messages are, why they’re important, and examples of how to write and deliver great messages that make people feel valued.

What Are Work Anniversary Messages?

Work anniversary messages are a great way to show appreciation for someone’s hard work and dedication to an organization and their teammates. They are shared in various contexts, including emails, cards, LinkedIn messages, and speeches at work events. 

They usually include an acknowledgment of the work someone has done and its specific impact on the organization. And depending on the relationship, these messages may also include an anecdote or personal sentiment about the impact on someone’s life personally as a close colleague or work friend. 

Ultimately, the more personalized the message, the more meaningful it is! Let’s look at what the science says about the positive impact of appreciating employees.

What Are Examples of Work Anniversary Messages?

Utilize the examples of work anniversary messages below for various scenarios—from bosses to close colleagues to one-year anniversaries to 10+ year anniversaries. Try putting more than one message together, and personalize them to connect with your colleague to make them feel valued and appreciated. 

Work anniversary messages for bosses

These messages are great to share with a boss and acknowledge their leadership and support. To make them even better, add as much specification as possible, calling out specific ways they have impacted you and your team.

  • Happy work anniversary! It’s been a pleasure working under your leadership for the past year. Thank you for your guidance and support.
  • Congratulations on another year with the company! Your dedication and hard work are truly appreciated. I look forward to many more years of working together.
  • Wishing you a happy work anniversary and a heartfelt thank you for all you do. Your leadership has made a significant impact on our team’s success.
  • Your commitment to excellence is truly inspiring. I’m grateful to work for and learn from you. 
  • Congratulations on reaching another milestone with the company! Your contributions have not gone unnoticed. We are lucky to have you as our boss!
  • Wishing you a happy work anniversary and a heartfelt thank you for your guidance and mentorship over the last year. Your leadership has helped me grow both personally and professionally.
  • Happy work anniversary! Your dedication to the company and our team is truly admirable. I’ll never forget how you rallied us to overcome challenges this year. Thank you for being such a great boss.
  • Congratulations on another year of success with the company! Your hard work and commitment are deeply appreciated. I’ll always appreciate how you advocated for me and cheered me on. Here’s to many more years of working together!
  • Wishing you a happy work anniversary and a sincere thank you for all you do. You truly make a difference in the lives of those you lead, including mine! Thank you for bringing out the best in us. 
  • Your leadership and guidance have been invaluable to our team’s success. Thank you for your continued unwavering support.

Watch our video below to learn how to feel happier at work:

Work anniversary messages for employees

These messages are best for employees or colleagues you maybe don’t know as well. If you can add personalization or specification to them, please do!

  • Happy work anniversary! I admire your dedication to our success as a team. Thank you for all that you do!
  • Congratulations on another year with us! Your hard work and commitment to excellence are much appreciated.
  • We are lucky to have you on our team! Your contributions have not gone unnoticed and made our lives better!
  • Happy anniversary! You make our workplace a better place with your positive attitude and hard work.
  • Thank you for your ongoing commitment to our company. We are better because you’re here! Congratulations on another year!
  • Your work ethic and positive attitude inspire us all. Happy work anniversary!
  • Congratulations on another year of making a difference at our company. Your contributions are invaluable.
  • Thank you for the time and incredible talent you’ve dedicated to our company. Happy anniversary!
  • Thank you for your continued commitment to excellence and for bringing your best self to work every day. You inspire me to be my best too. Happy work anniversary!
  • We appreciate you and how you make this a great place to work. Congratulations!
  • I’m excited to celebrate another year working together! You are such a bright spot in my life, and I’m honored to work with you daily!
  • Thank you for making our company what it is today! You’re an important part of the team. Happy anniversary!

Work anniversary messages for close colleagues

These messages are crafted to feel more personal and are meant for friends or colleagues you feel closer to. Make them your own with specific anecdotes, stories, or inside jokes!

  • I’m excited to celebrate another year working together! You are such a bright spot in my life, and I’m honored to work with you every day!
  • You make coming to work every day a little brighter. Happy anniversary, and thanks for all you do!
  • Happy anniversary to one of the kindest and most hardworking people I know. Thanks for all you do!
  • You’ve been a rockstar on our team! I don’t know what I would do without you. Thank you for always going above and beyond and bringing a smile to my face daily.
  • Congratulations on reaching this milestone in your career! Your dedication to your craft and commitment to excellence have truly made a difference in the lives of those around you, including mine. Keep up the good work, and let’s celebrate!
  • It’s hard to believe it’s been another year since we celebrated your last work anniversary. You continue to inspire and motivate us all with your creativity, passion, and unwavering work ethic. Beyond that, you’ve also been a great friend, and I’m so grateful to you!
  • Happy work anniversary! Your positive attitude, attention to detail, and willingness to go above and beyond have made a real impact on our team and organization. I’m so grateful to work alongside you daily.
  • Thank you for being such an integral part of our team! I’m grateful for the front-row seat I’ve had watching you work through trials and triumphs with unwavering dedication. You’re an inspiration to me and the whole team!
  • It’s amazing to think about everything you’ve accomplished over the past year. Your hard work, dedication, and innovative ideas have helped us achieve remarkable things.
  • Happy work anniversary! Your talent, dedication, and positive attitude have made a real impact on our team and organization. We are so lucky to have you!
  • Congratulations on another successful year in your career! Your skills, strengths, and creativity continue to inspire and amaze me. Here’s to many more years of success and fulfillment!

Funny work anniversary messages

Want to add a little humor to your message? Try adding some puns and TV joke references to your note.

  • I looked up “best coworker ever” in the dictionary, and your picture was there! Happy anniversary!
  • You’ve been with us so long you practically run the place. Thanks for all your hard work, and happy anniversary!
  • You’re like the Swiss Army knife of our team—you can do anything! Thanks for all your hard work and dedication. Happy anniversary!
  • You’re the reason we all keep coming back every day. Thanks for being an amazing colleague and friend. Happy anniversary!
  • Happy work anniversary! “Do or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda (and you definitely did!)
  • Congrats on another year of being a rockstar employee! Let’s raise a glass (or three) to all your hard work! I’m excited to celebrate with you!
  • Happy work anniversary! May your coffee be strong and your Mondays be short.
  • You’re a wizard at your job! Keep up the great work, and let’s celebrate like the Hogwarts crew after a Quidditch win!
  • Congrats on another year of being an all-star employee! Let’s party like it’s 1999 (or at least like it’s Friday at 5 pm).
  • Happy anniversary! You’re the Chandler Bing to my Joey Tribbiani. Let’s celebrate with some pizza and beer!
  • You’re a shining star in the workplace! Keep up the great work, and let’s celebrate like the cast of Parks and Recreation on Treat Yo Self Day!
  • Happy work anniversary! You definitely deserve a standing ovation and a trophy for “Best Coworker.” I don’t know where we’d be without you!

1-year work anniversary messages

These messages acknowledge how a new employee jumped in during their first year and brought value to the team.

  • Happy one-year work anniversary! It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year since you joined our team. I’m so grateful for all of the hard work and dedication you’ve brought to the table.
  • Congratulations on reaching your one-year work anniversary! Seeing how much you’ve learned and grown in such a short time has been amazing. I can’t wait to see what the future holds!
  • Happy one-year work anniversary! Your contributions to our team have been invaluable this past year. Thank you for jumping in and making a difference right from the start.
  • Congratulations on reaching your one-year work anniversary! You’ve positively impacted our team, and I’m grateful for everything you’ve done. Here’s to many more years of success!
  • Happy one-year work anniversary! It’s been a pleasure working with you this past year. I’m excited to get to know you more and see even more of the amazing things you can do!
  • Congratulations on reaching your one-year work anniversary! The way you jumped in and fit right into the team is impressive. It feels like we’ve been working together for years already! I’m excited about what else we can do together!
  • Happy one-year work anniversary! It’s been an amazing year working with you. Our future is very bright because you’re here!
  • Happiest 1st work anniversary! It’s been exciting to see your creativity, talent, and ideas come to life in the short time you’ve been here. I hope we keep you around for a long time!
  • Happy one-year work anniversary! You’ve made such a positive impact on our team this past year. I’m grateful for all you’ve done, and I look forward to many more years of success together.
  • Congratulations on one year at the company! It’s been amazing to see how much you’ve learned and grown in such a short time. Thank you for all you do, and I’m excited for what’s to come.
  • Happy one-year work anniversary! It’s such a delight to work with you every day. What you bring to the table has made us a stronger team and company. I look forward to many more years to come!

5-year work anniversary messages

Use these messages for teammates who’ve been around for five years. This is an important milestone to acknowledge. Research shows 2 that employees tend to stay with an employer for an average of about four years (approximately five years if they are in manager or professional positions).

  • Congratulations on reaching your five-year work anniversary! Your skills, talents, and creativity have contributed greatly to our company’s growth. Thank you for being an integral part of our team.
  • We are so grateful for your dedication and hard work over the past five years. Your contributions have helped us achieve great success as a company. Thank you, and happy work anniversary!
  • Congratulations on your five-year work anniversary! Your ideas and strengths have been invaluable to our team. I’m excited to watch you continue to grow and achieve great things here!
  • Thank you for five amazing years of hard work, dedication, and innovation. It’s been awesome to see your direct impact on the company’s success. Happy work anniversary!
  • We have been so fortunate to have you on our team for the past five years. Your skills and talents have been instrumental in our success. Thank you, and happy work anniversary!
  • Thank you for your five years of service! Your contributions made what felt impossible possible. We owe a debt of gratitude to you! Congratulations on your work anniversary!
  • Congratulations on reaching your five-year work anniversary! Your talents and ideas have helped us achieve great things as a team. Thank you for your commitment.
  • We are so grateful for your contributions over the past five years. Your skills and creativity have helped us grow and thrive as a company. And personally, you’ve also helped me to grow and thrive! Thank you, and happy anniversary!
  • Congratulations on your five-year work anniversary! We appreciate your hard work, dedication, and contributions to our team. Thank you for being an important part of our success.
  • Wow! Five years. What a journey of triumphs, trials, and celebration. Thank you for going above and beyond. Your skills, ideas, and talents have been instrumental in our growth. Happy work anniversary!
  • We are grateful for being there through thick and thin over the past five years. Your contributions have helped us achieve great things! Congratulations on your work anniversary!

10-year work anniversary messages

If someone has been with a company for ten years, I hope you’re having a celebration or acknowledging this person’s achievements in a significant way! Utilize the messages below, but be sure to personalize them with specific recognition of their accomplishments.

  • Congratulations on reaching your ten-year work anniversary! It feels like the time has flown by. As I look back on the last decade, I especially admire how you pushed through every challenge, came up with innovative ways to overcome obstacles, and inspired and encouraged us all the while. Thank you!
  • Happy ten-year anniversary! It’s no wonder that you’ve been here for ten years. You are a catch with amazing skills, talent, and wisdom. You’ve made this company what it is today. Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do!
  • You’ve been with us for a decade, and your fingerprints are everywhere! You’ve made this company what it is today, and we wouldn’t be here without you. Thank you for your time, dedication, and invaluable service. Celebrate well!
  • Thank you for ten wonderful years of service! You’ve been here for the best and even the worst times, sticking with us through it all! You’ve helped make this company what it is today. Thank you!
  • Working with you over the last ten years has not only made this company stronger, but you’ve also managed to pull out the best in me and everyone around you as well! We wouldn’t be where we are without you. Congratulations on ten years!
  • The passion, skills, and excitement you bring to this company are so appreciated. Congratulations on ten years and making this place all that it can be!
  • I can’t believe it’s been ten years already! Time flies when you’re having fun with the best of the best. Thanks for all you’ve done and continue to do for this company!
  • Do you remember where you were ten years ago? New and eager, you joined the team with enthusiasm, awesome skills, and big aspirations. Over the years, you’ve taken this place to another level, and I couldn’t be more grateful for being part of the foundation of a great place to work!
  • Over the last ten years, you’ve been there through so many ups and downs at the company! Thank you for your dedication and for making this an amazing workplace.
  • Ten years have flown by! Congratulations on this incredible milestone. I so appreciate the way you’ve upheld our company’s values and been an example of excellence to everyone around you. You are an inspiration!
  • Working with you has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life! I’m so honored to have had the chance to meet you and work with you on different projects over the years. You’ve taught me a lot and inspired me to bring my best self to work every day. Congratulations on ten years!

20-year work anniversary message 

If someone has been with a company for 20 years, plan something big to celebrate. In addition to notes or even a group video message from everyone on the team, consider a gift, bonus, and additional time off. Utilize the messages below, but be sure to personalize them with specific recognition of their impact on the organization over the years.

  • Congratulations on reaching your 20-year work anniversary! Thank you for your unwavering dedication and unparalleled commitment to our company. Your contributions over the years have been invaluable, and we are grateful for all you have done.
  • Happy 20-year work anniversary! Your hard work and contributions have been an inspiration to our team. Your loyalty and dedication to our company have helped us achieve great success, and we are truly grateful for your continued service.
  • It’s amazing to think that you have been with us for 20 years! Your unwavering commitment and tireless efforts are truly inspiring. Your contributions have been essential to our growth and success, and we are grateful for all you have done.
  • Congratulations on reaching this significant milestone in your career! I admire your strength, commitment, and loyalty to the work we’re doing here together. Thanks for being an inspiration to me and everyone around you!
  • Happy 20-year work anniversary! You are such an important part of the history of this company. I know we wouldn’t be where we are today without you. Thank you for contributing your wisdom, creativity, and skills to the success of this team. You will leave a lasting legacy for years to come!
  • It’s hard to believe it’s been 20 years since you joined our team! You have definitely proven your worth, and we are honored that you’ve chosen to work with us and make such an invaluable contribution to our success. There aren’t enough words to say thank you!
  • Congratulations on your 20-year work anniversary! I’m so proud to have had the chance to work with you over the years. You’ve not only made this company a great place to work, but you’ve also made a huge impact on everyone who’s had the honor to work with you, including me. Thank you!
  • Happy 20-year work anniversary! You are an inspiration to all of us and a reminder that dedication and commitment really do pay off. We are so fortunate to have you on our team. Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do!
  • Thank you for your 20 years of service to our company. When I think of a winner, I think of you. Thank you for all you’ve done to help make this company all that it can be. 
  • Congratulations on reaching this impressive milestone in your career! We are proud to have you as part of our team. Thank you for giving 100% and helping us progress toward our goals, but never failing to recognize the people around you and encouraging us all along the way. 
  • Happy 20-year work anniversary! If I’m ever unclear about how to embody the company values and culture, all I have to do is think of you. You remind me of what I love about working here every day. Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do!

Why Are Work Anniversary Messages Important? 

Work anniversary messages are important because they make people feel valued and recognized for who they are and what they bring to the organization, increasing their job satisfaction and motivation. 

This is important because, according to recent surveys 3 , 63% of workers feel unappreciated by their employers. However, even when an employee’s manager doesn’t appreciate them, employees are 65% more likely to stay with the company if they are at least appreciated by their peers. Not only does employee recognition strengthen a company, but it also strengthens relationships between colleagues and creates a positive work environment.

By acknowledging the important role that employees play in a company’s success, work anniversary messages can also foster a sense of loyalty and commitment. In fact, research shows 4 that organizations with employee recognition programs have 14% more engagement than organizations that don’t. Additionally, employees are 56% less likely 1 to seek another job when organizations prioritize employee appreciation!

When appreciation is personalized, specific, and especially honoring, people often keep them for a long time. Personally, I have a box where I keep special notes I’ve received over the years from bosses, colleagues, and friends. When I’m feeling down about whether or not I can make a difference, I turn to these notes for a confidence boost and reminder about who I am. 

Ultimately, work anniversary messages are an effective way to celebrate employees’ achievements and show them that their hard work is truly appreciated.

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How to write work anniversary messages.

Writing an effective work anniversary message that makes someone feel appreciated comes down to three essential elements, personalization, specification, and gratitude . You’re definitely on the right track if you can incorporate all three elements into your message. You also get bonus points for humor and sentimentality, especially if you can make them laugh because it’s funny or cry because it’s so touching!

Let’s look at the three essential elements of a work anniversary message, as well as the bonus elements of humor and sentiment that put the icing on top.

  • Personalization: Acknowledge something unique to them or your relationship.
  • Specification: Call out how they impacted your life at work, the organization, or a project. Be as specific as possible about outcomes or goals they’ve achieved.
  • Gratitude: Say thanks for the specific ways they’ve benefited you or the company.
  • Humor: If you can, incorporate an appropriate funny story, inside joke, or something about them that brings you joy. (Attention: Be careful about using humor in public acknowledgments, as you don’t want to embarrass them inadvertently!)
  • Sentimentality: If you can, acknowledge them with a story or phrase about their impact on your life or how they’ve made you feel. Perhaps they’ve been an advocate or mentor to you. This is the place to gush a bit for going above and beyond.

Here’s how I take these elements and apply them in real life!

Before writing a note to someone I want to honor, I grab some scratch paper and then ask myself different questions that help get my juices flowing. Ultimately, you want the note to be all about them, so this helps you focus your mind on thinking about who they are. These questions include:

  • What are the first three words that come to mind when I think of this person? Why did I pick those words? Are there any stories that go along with them?
  • What are their specific skills, strengths, or personality traits that I admire?
  • How have they very specifically made my life, the team, or the company better?
  • What happened over the last year of working together that was special or memorable?
  • Where would the team, the company, or I be if they hadn’t been here?
  • How does this person make me feel?

Once I’ve written down my thoughts, I have the building blocks to craft a thoughtful congratulations message for my colleague that I hope makes them feel valued!

Pro Tip: Be careful with how personalized you decide to get. While specification and personalization are key to an effective message, you also don’t to get so personal that you end up embarrassing someone! In general, try to avoid calling out people’s age, appearance, or stories that could get them in trouble (especially if it’s a public speech or toast).

How To Deliver Work Anniversary Messages

How you deliver a work anniversary message will vary by context, the length or depth of your relationship, preferred communication style, and potentially how your organizational culture honors work anniversaries. 

Here are some methods of delivering a work anniversary message, as well as where and when to use them.

  • Handwritten Card or Note: Handwritten notes rank high on personalization. There’s something special about receiving a card that someone picked out, took time to think about and write, and sent in the mail or dropped on your desk. This is a definite go-to to deliver your message if you’re honoring a close colleague or friend. 
  • Email: Writing a personalized email to a colleague is a great way to acknowledge someone you may not work with regularly. However, note that emails from colleagues are often associated with work and may not be received with the same special sentiment as a handwritten note. 
  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn makes honoring anniversaries easy, fun, and public. Their helpful reminders about the anniversaries in your network make it convenient to drop in a quick anniversary note for people both in and outside your organization. It also lets people within their network see the public praise around important milestones. Feel free to use these with acquaintances and close colleagues alike!
  • Speech: Giving a speech for a work anniversary is best used in the context of a work event or group meeting, celebration, or function (like a dinner or outing). A carefully crafted message that publicly honors someone’s contribution may be a great way to celebrate. Be careful, though! Not everyone enjoys public praise. Consider the person you’re honoring and what they would appreciate most. 
  • Video: Receiving a video message is a fun, personalized way to honor someone’s anniversary. You can share them on social media directly or curate clips from various teammates and compile them for one awesome group video! A group video is a fun option for teams that don’t mind being on camera. However, note that some teammates may feel uncomfortable, so do what makes the most sense for your group.
  • Group Note: Much like a group video, a group note incorporates messages from your whole team on a single card, poster, or even memory book. It might take a little coordination to get everyone to sign or contribute, but it’s a sweet way to give someone a keepsake, especially if it’s in the form of a memory book that includes photos!

Not sure which method is best? When in doubt, consider how the individual might like to be honored—what’s their personality? Are they sentimental? Enjoy public praise? If you’re still unsure, think about how you would want to be acknowledged. Treating others how you’d want to be treated is rarely a bad plan!

Pro Tip: Improve retention and engagement by taking work anniversaries seriously with annual celebrations as an organization, giving personalized gifts and bonuses, and hosting team outings. Activities like these honor your employees’ unique contributions beyond their paychecks and show people you recognize their important value. 

Notice for leaders: If employees are not paid fairly or treated well 5 on an ongoing basis, employee recognition programs, anniversary messages, and gifts may actually backfire. While these acknowledgments may be appreciated, they can feel like tokens or “bandaids” to compensate for an inadequate salary and unfair working conditions. This is not to say that you shouldn’t honor employees this way but make sure to consider the complete picture of how employees are compensated and valued.

Do’s and Don’ts in Writing Work Anniversary Messages

Celebrating a work anniversary is more than just a formality; it’s an opportunity to express genuine appreciation and strengthen your connection with your colleagues. Let’s delve into the art of crafting the perfect work anniversary message with a touch of personalization and warmth. Here are some key do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:

The Do’s:

Do Personalize with Panache : A little personal touch goes a long way. Mention that hilarious team-building day or the big project they aced. Make it unmistakably about them.

Do Celebrate Their Growth : Highlight how they’ve blossomed since day one. “Remember when you first started and were baffled by the coffee machine? Now you’re the team’s go-to Java expert!”

Do Mix in Mirth with Meaning: If humor is part of your repertoire, sprinkle in a light, work-appropriate joke. “Is it just me, or have these years zoomed by faster than deadlines?”

Do Keep It Upbeat : Channel positive vibes. Focus on achievements, growth, and the exciting times ahead. Think of it as a mini pep talk in text form.

The Don’ts:

Don’t Dabble in the Generic: Steer clear of the bland “Happy Work Anniversary!” It’s like gifting a plain, un-iced cake. Where’s the fun in that?

Don’t Drag in the Downsides: This isn’t the time to mention any lows or critique their performance. Keep the spotlight on the positives.

Don’t Make It a Me-Story: Avoid turning the message into a narrative about your experiences. Keep the focus firmly on them.

Don’t Delay the Delivery: Timing is key. A belated message might come off as an afterthought. Mark your calendar or set a reminder if you must!

Key Takeaways On Work Anniversary Messages

In summary, take note of these tips to help you craft and deliver the perfect anniversary message for someone celebrating an important milestone in their career:

  • Use work anniversary messages for key employee milestones to improve retention, motivation, and engagement. 
  • Incorporate five elements to craft a special work anniversary message: personalization, specification, gratitude, humor, and sentiment. 
  • Share your message in a card, email, LinkedIn, speech, video, or group message.
  • If you’re in leadership, ensure your employees are paid and cared for fairly; otherwise, your employee recognition programs may backfire. 

For more ideas on how to make someone feel valued at work, check out our article

100+ Ways to Congratulate Someone Professionally with Scripts .

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Popular guides, how to deal with difficult people at work.

Do you have a difficult boss? Colleague? Client? Learn how to transform your difficult relationship. I’ll show you my science-based approach to building a strong, productive relationship with even the most difficult people.

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Happy Work Anniversary Wishes, Messages & Quotes

By: Angela Robinson | Updated: November 23, 2022

You found our list of the best work anniversary wishes .

Work anniversary wishes are messages and quotes for coworkers’ workiversaries. These phrases celebrate an employee’s dedication to the company and the team and acknowledge hard work and commitment. You can use these sayings in work anniversary cards, emails, and speeches. These wishes are also known as “work anniversary messages” and “work anniversary quotes.”

These messages work well for virtual work anniversary parties and work anniversary gifts , and are similar to employee appreciation quotes .

This list includes:

  • happy work anniversary wishes

1 year work anniversary quotes

10 year work anniversary quotes.

  • 30 year work anniversary messages
  • funny work anniversary quotes
  • work anniversary wishes to managers
  • congratulations on work anniversary messages
  • job anniversary wishes
  • work anniversary memes

Here is the list!

Happy work anniversary wishes

  • Today marks the day you joined the company– and that is worth celebrating!
  • Happy work anniversary. We are so glad you chose to join us and that you choose to stay with us.
  • We would miss you if you were to leave. However, you are still here, so instead, we will say– happy work anniversary!
  • Here’s to another year of having you here!
  • Once upon a time, a new employee started working here, and the company was never the same. Happy work anniversary!
  • Happy workiversary to the hardest working person I know!
  • We are so happy every year you are here! Happy work anniversary!
  • You may know more than you did when you started working here, but you are just as curious as you were on day one. Thankful to have an employee who is excited to always be learning. Happy work anniversary!
  • You could go anywhere, yet choose to stay here– a fact we are grateful for every day! Happy work anniversary.
  • Wishing the best work anniversary to the best coworker around!
  • The future has big things in store for you, but we are so glad you are here with us in the present. Happy work anniversary!
  • Happy work anniversary to a colleague who makes work fun!
  • If every colleague were as wonderful as you, then the work world would be a much better place. Happy work anniversary!
  • You make a difference every day, and we are grateful for every day you spend with us. Happy workiversary!
  • From the bottom of my heart, I hope you have an amazing day. Happy workiversary.
  • Today is a day to reflect on all you have achieved so far, and all you hope to accomplish in the time to come. Happy work anniversary.
  • Happy work anniversary! It has been one heck of a journey so far, and I cannot wait to see where the work world takes you next!
  • Happy workiversary to the most gracious team player I know!
  • We were so happy to welcome you to the team this year, and are so excited to see what you will do in the years to come!
  • Has it been a year already? Time flies when you are having fun with teammates!
  • Today marks your one year work anniversary, but it feels like you have been here forever. We are so happy to have you as part of our team!
  • You should be proud of what you have accomplished this past year– we sure are!
  • One year down, countless more to go.
  • Thanks for giving us these past twelve months, and giving your all during that time!
  • One year ago today was your first day. The moment you sat down at your desk, everything changed! So grateful to have you as part of the team.
  • Consider this your one-year-cheer. Woo-hoo!
  • Thank you for the hard work you have put into this past year.
  • You can do a lot in one year– you are living proof of that fact! Happy work anniversary, and thank you for all of your hard work!
  • This is the first of many happy milestones. Congratulations on reaching one year!
  • Happy first anniversary! Looking forward to a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and more!
  • Thank you for the time and commitment you have shown the company. We are so grateful to have loyal employees like you.
  • Ten years down, now let’s go for twenty!
  • Happy work anniversary! With you onboard, it has been an amazing decade!
  • Ten years, and each has been better than the last. Cannot wait to see what you achieve in the next ten!
  • Ten years have passed since you were hired, and I have not regretted a single day since.
  • Thanks for sticking it out with us over this past crazy decade! So happy to have had you along for the roller coaster ride!
  • The last ten years have had ups and downs, and you have stuck by the company and the team through good times and bad. Thank you for being here and being reliable.
  • Think of all you have accomplished in the past ten years, and how much you will accomplish in the next ten.
  • Entering double digits is no small deal. Happy workiversary!
  • Sending you the warmest wishes for your tenth work anniversary.
  • Happy year ten to a perfect ten!
  • Here’s to ten years, and ten thousand reasons we are happy to have you on the team!

Funny work anniversary quotes

  • Another year! …You still here?
  • Happy work anniversary! Maybe next year you will finally win the lottery.
  • I would’ve gotten you a work anniversary card, but I’m trying to save the environment. So please, accept these heartfelt sentiments instead.
  • Happy work anniversary. I’ve lost count of the years you have been with us, so I will just say it has been a looooooong time.
  • Happy work anniversary, if you want to call sending memes to your coworkers all day work.
  • Another work anniversary? You just had one last year!
  • Happy work anniversary. What are you waiting for? A gift? Is my endless gratitude not enough for you?
  • Happy work anniversary! I would shout it from the rooftops, but, safety issues, so I’ll just say it to your face instead.
  • Happy workiversary! We were going to hire a plane to write it in the sky, but, budget cuts, so just enjoy some cake instead.
  • Happy work anniversary. Yippee! An excuse to eat cake!
  • I heard you started so long ago, that instead of filling out paperwork your first day, you chilseled your W-2 in stone. Anyway, happy work anniversary.
  • Happy work anniversary, to someone who has worked here so long, their employee ID is “1.”
  • Happy work anniversary to my favorite coworker to get into mischief with.
  • Congrats for making it through another year at work, with only a few mental meltdowns.
  • I will never know how you stay here so long and still stay sane. Thanks for sticking it out in the madhouse with us!
  • Huh? Haven’t you retired yet? Well, happy work anniversary I guess!
  • Happy work anniversary to someone whose tenure with the company has outlasted the average length of most celebrity marriages!
  • We do not need a reason to party, but today we have one– it is your work anniversary! Woo!

Work anniversary wishes to managers

  • Of all the managers in the world, we are grateful that you are ours! Happy anniversary!
  • Happy work anniversary to someone who has been indispensable to our team.
  • Thank you for everything you have taught me in the years so far, and everything you will teach me in the years to come.
  • Happy workiversary to the nicest boss around!
  • I am so lucky to have worked under you for so long, and hope to be on your team for a long time to come!
  • Happy work anniversary to a manager who is more like a teammate, in all the best ways.
  • Happy workiversary! We hope your bosses appreciate you as much as this team appreciates having you as a manager!
  • You are more than a manager, you are a leader. We are so glad to have you with us for another year.
  • I hope that when I work here as many years as you have, I am just as excellent of a leader as you are.
  • If I accomplish half of what you have in your time here so far, I will consider it a success.
  • Happy work anniversary to the boss who never forgets our workiversaries!
  • Happy work anniversary to the boss who made all of our work anniversaries possible!
  • I cannot imagine working here without a boss as great as you. Happy work anniversary!

For more messages for managers, check out this list of Boss Day quotes .

Final Thoughts

Acknowledging work anniversaries is a relatively new practice, and some bosses or coworkers may struggle to find the right words to honor the occasion. The work anniversary wishes on this list aim to make employees feel valued and appreciated. However, heartfelt and personalized messages are often the most meaningful, so feel free to tweak the wording or expand upon these sayings to find the perfect sentiment for your treasured teammate on their special day.

Next, check out these fun work anniversary memes , our list of positive quotes for work , these years of service award ideas and these ideas for celebrating work anniversaries .

We also have a list of important work milestones for employees .

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FAQ: Work anniversary wishes

Here are answers to common questions about work anniversary wishes, messages and quotes.

What are some good ways to say happy work anniversary?

Some good ways to say happy work anniversary include:

There are many other ways to acknowledge the accomplishment of completing another year with the company and making teammates feel special.

Why is wishing coworkers a happy work anniversary important?

Recognition is an important component of employee satisfaction, and wishing coworkers a happy work anniversary recognizes the time and hard work colleagues have put into the company. Acknowledging the occasion can make the milestone feel more momentous, and can also incentivize teammates to remain with the company longer term.

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Author: Angela Robinson

Marketing Coordinator at Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

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Marketing Coordinator at

Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

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Happy 3-Year Work Anniversary: Why, Messages, and Celebration Ideas


If a birthday is meaningful in an individual's life, a work anniversary is meaningful in their professional journey at a company.

In my own professional path, I realize how significant it is to remember and value the work anniversaries of our people.

Many of us celebrate the first year, often excited about the novelty, and admire the fifth for its symbol of enduring commitment. Still, the three-year milestones also hold a unique significance. 

It could be a turning point for growth, contribution, and mutual loyalty between a team member and your company.

In this article, I'll share with you why the three-year anniversary is a pivotal moment in one's career and how managers can effectively use this occasion to boost morale, encourage career development, and foster a culture of recognition and engagement.

Why is the 3-Year Work Anniversary Important?

Why the 3-Year Work Anniversary Is  Important

A three-year work anniversary is a significant milestone in an individual's career and team dynamics. Here are the reasons why it is important:

1. It marks a significant investment of time at a company. 

At this stage, people have a good understanding of their role and are making significant contributions to the company. 

However, it is also common for them to hit their first major work plateau. 

Recognizing a team member's dedication at this point is about celebrating their past achievements and acknowledging their potential for future growth. 

The employee's deeper understanding and improved skills reflect personal growth and contribute significantly to the team's ongoing success.

Pro Tip: By using an employee engagement tool , you'll have automated workflows to celebrate milestones like these, taking the manual work out of your hands.

2. It's time to re-bond and foster engagement.

According to a 2023 Gallup survey , employee engagement in the U.S. has continued on a downward trend. Only 33% of full- and part-time employees reported feeling engaged at work, a 1% increase from 2022 but still lower than the 34% engagement rate in 2021 and 36% in 2020.

This decline is due to various factors, including a lack of opportunities for growth and development, especially for younger workers. 

When people start a new job, they are usually excited and eager to learn. However, after a few years, that enthusiasm can fade if they're not given new challenges or opportunities to grow. 

This can lead to feelings of boredom and frustration, which can cause them to become disengaged from their work. 

Therefore, managers need to stay connected with their team members, especially those who have been with the company for a few years. 

By discussing their career goals, offering training opportunities, and providing challenging projects, managers can help reignite their passion and interest in their work. 

Maintaining high levels of employee engagement is not only good for workers' well-being but also essential for maintaining overall productivity and morale in the workplace.

Pro Tip: With employee survey tools , you can design and launch regular pulse surveys , keeping a close eye on your team's engagement levels, especially around milestones like a three-year work anniversary.

3. It's a pivotal point for career evaluation. 

After three years of working, many employees reflect on their career paths. This is a time for them to assess their progress, determine if they are advancing at the desired pace, and evaluate whether their skills are developing in the right direction. 

I believe this moment is a "make it or break it" point where people may re-evaluate whether the company's values align with their personal values.

To ensure employees feel supported, managers like us should engage in open and honest dialogues, providing a platform for employees to express any concerns or aspirations. 

It's essential to offer personalized feedback and development plans that align with company objectives, individual career goals, and personal values.

4. It leads to leadership considerations. 

Usually, between three to five years into one's tenure, there's an opportunity for employees to advance into management positions. This period is an important checkpoint to assess one's leadership abilities and readiness for more significant responsibilities.

If your team member has potential, leading them with a coaching leadership style , providing supportive mentorship, and structured leadership development programs tailored to their unique strengths is essential.

How your team members engage with and grow during this period is a critical indicator of their potential and future path within the company.

Best 3-Year Work Anniversary Messages 

Best 3-Year Work Anniversary Messages 

Messages from the heart, touch the heart!

It's easy to type a quick message sending to your team member, but the right words can make a big difference. 

You don't have to express your three year milestone in only words, check out our work anniversary images here.

Here are some aspects you can refer to when crafting a message with a personal touch, making it more meaningful and memorable:

  • Reflect on a Memorable Moment : Share a specific memory that brings a smile when thinking of their journey with you. This could be a moment of overcoming a challenge, a shared success, or a recall of your first impressions with them. Personal stories will strengthen the emotional connection in your message.
  • Highlight their Impacts and Achievements: Let their hard work, efforts, and achievements shine on their special work day. Mention in your message how valuable and impactful they have been during their three years with the team. Your recognition as their manager means a lot to them and will reinforce their sense of belonging.
  • Express Hope for Future Collaboration : Consider the question, "What more can you do to "still" keep them for the next four or five anniversaries?" Show your excitement for upcoming projects and outline opportunities for their career growth. This message segment should motivate them for ongoing personal development and collaboration.

An example of an anniversary message:

3-year Work Anniversary Message Example

Pro Tip: If you use employee management software , there's usually a place where you can celebrate your team member's third anniversary. Highlight their milestone for all to see!

Happy 3-Year Work Anniversary Message Examples

  • Wow, it has been three amazing years since you joined the team. I have no more than to say thank you for all your hard work, dedication, and significant contributions. Cheers to the progress we've made and to the future successes that await us! ‍
  • I recall the first day we met; my first impression of you was that you were a man full of enthusiasm and a can-do spirit. That energy has translated into incredible contributions and achievements. Happy three-year journey we have worked together! Super excited about our upcoming projects. ‍
  • Cheers to three years! Your ownership and ability to handle complex projects have been impressive throughout these years. Your dedication to the team's goals has made a significant difference. I’m so lucky to have you on the team; cheers to more years of working side by side! ‍
  • Woohoo! Happy 3-year work anniversary! Time flies; it's incredible that three years have passed since you joined our team. Your presence and efforts have been pivotal to the team's success and growth. I am looking forward to many more years of working together! ‍
  • Happy 3-year work anniversary! Working alongside you has been not just a professional journey but a personal joy. I'm grateful for your unwavering dedication and the significant impact you've made. Thank you for everything; I'm excited for more collaborative years ahead! ‍
  • Three years ago, you joined my team, and since then, you've become an incredible member. Happy work anniversary! Your hard work, persistence, and innovative thinking have greatly contributed to the team's achievements. Here's to more years of making a difference. ‍
  • Congratulations on three incredible years! Working alongside someone as dedicated and talented as you is a pleasure. I celebrate not just your time with us but the wonderful impact you've made. I’m lucky to have you on the team, friend. Looking forward to continuing our journey together with even more accomplishments! ‍
  • OMG, three years already!! I still remember our first project together and how impressively you handled the challenges to create positive impacts. Your growth since then has been remarkable. Looking forward to achieving more milestones together! ‍
  • Three years of shared coffees and deadlines! Happy anniversary! Thank you for always being there whenever I need support and making things impossible possible. Cheers to your hard work and the many more achievements to come! ‍
  • Happy 3-year work anniversary! You light up the team with your bright ideas and brighter smile. Thanks for making work feel less like work and more like a fun adventure. I'm eager to support your long-term growth, achieve more, and celebrate more anniversaries together!

Personalized 3-Year Work Anniversary Celebration Ideas

I remembered a quote saying that people will forget what you said but never forget how you made them feel.

When milestones like work anniversaries come around, go above and beyond with a personalized celebration.

Whatever you do, do it with your best enthusiasm; your team members will record and store it as a beautiful piece of their memory.

Here are more ideas to celebrate with your team besides your message:

1. Create a commemorative video

3-Year Work Anniversary Create a commemorative video

Gather all your team's favorite memory pieces and create a surprise video for the person who takes them down memory lane.

This is the best vivid way to splice together stories, team photos, and video messages from their colleagues.

Don't forget to end the video with your own message and plan for a team meeting or special moment to play the video. Some happy tears may fall!

I used Canva, Invideo, or Capcut as an easy-to-use editing video platform.

2. Throw an unforgettable team party

3-Year Work Anniversary - Throw an unforgettable team party

If the team member is an extrovert, and your team loves a party, why not throw a fun and surprise celebration that makes your team member the party's main character?

To make it personalized, decorate the party with a big banner:" Happy 3-year work anniversary" and themes based on their interest or hobbies.

Everyone loves having fun, so create this special occasion to let them be surrounded by close colleagues, playing games and activities to celebrate together.

>> Check out my suggestions for getting-to-know-you activities you could play on this special occasion.

3. create a story of their work.

3-Year Work Anniversary - Create a story of their work

Designing an album of a diary journey that narrates their career journey over the past three years will surely wow them. 

Put all the photographs from team events, stories from team members, and highlights from different facets of their journey.

It could be the time of the whole team working together on specific projects, their cute moments in the office, team gatherings, or their big achievements.

4. Send an appreciation gift box with your handwritten letter

3-Year Work Anniversary - Send an appreciation gift box with your handwritten letter

Customizing a special gift box that aligns with their interest would be a great idea. 

The box could be a selection of candles with their loved fragrant, a book by their favorite author, or gadgets related to their hobbies. 

You can accompany it with a handwritten appreciation letter and put it inside.

>>> For more ideas, check out our 100+ happy work anniversary quotes, wishes and celebration ideas.

Towards the culture of appreciation.

Celebrating team members’ milestones intentionally honors their past achievements and inspires their future journey within your team. 

Every happy work anniversary marks an important milestone. And so do the 3 year work anniversaries for their reasons.

Seize this moment to express to your members how much you appreciate their time, efforts, resilience, and immense contributions through heartfelt words and actions.

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110+ Best Work Anniversary Messages & Tips on How to Write Them

Avatar for Milica Vucicevic

Table of Contents

Work anniversaries may become a rare occasion in the future. With the average tenure of employees steadily decreasing over the last decade, work anniversaries are an increasingly important milestone for employees .

As such, they should be celebrated. 

But, how can we extend our warm wishes and congratulations to our coworkers on their work anniversaries? 

In this blog post, we’ll give you some ideas and examples you can use to wish your team members happy work anniversaries . We’ll also go over why it’s a good idea to make it a habit to wish colleagues happy work anniversaries and give you some tips on crafting a perfect work anniversary message.

Let’s start!

Work anniversary messages - cover

  • Example of a best work anniversary message: “ Happy work anniversary! Your professionalism and dedication are a valuable asset to our team. Thank you for the incredible [number] years of hard work and commitment.”
  • Example of a best simple work anniversary message: “Happy work anniversary! Cheers to another year of growth and success.”
  • Example of a best 1-year work anniversary message: “Congrats on hitting the 1-year mark! Your hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed – looking forward to more great times ahead.”
  • Example of a best work anniversary message to your employee: “Wishing you an amazing work anniversary! Your [number] years of service have been marked by professionalism and dedication. We are very lucky to have you on our team.”
  • Example of a best work anniversary message to your boss: “Wishing you a happy work anniversary! Your leadership has inspired us all to strive for excellence. Looking forward to many more years of your valuable guidance.”

What is a work anniversary?

A work anniversary is a date that marks the start of an employee’s job at a company . Many companies celebrate their employees’ work anniversaries with parties, gifts, or other celebrations.

However, even if your company doesn’t do anything special to celebrate work anniversaries, sending a message to congratulate your colleagues is a nice way to bond and celebrate achievements.

Let’s take a look at some examples of the best work anniversary messages.

The best ‘Happy work anniversary’ messages

Firstly, we’ve compiled a list of the 10 best general work anniversary messages you can use in many different situations.

“Congratulations on reaching [number] years with our team! I truly appreciate your dedication and hard work. Here’s to many more years of achievement together!”
“Happy work anniversary! Your commitment and passion for what you do are truly commendable. Wishing you continued success in your career.”
“Celebrating [number] years of collaboration! Your contributions have made our team great, and we look forward to many more years of shared success.”
“Time flies when you’re having a great time! Congratulations on [number] years of outstanding service. Your commitment and positive attitude inspire us all.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your professionalism and dedication are a valuable asset to our team. Thank you for the incredible [number] years of hard work and commitment.”
“Cheers to [number] years of accomplishments and milestones! Your commitment to great work has set a high standard for all of us. I wish you continued success and growth with our team.”
“Congratulations on your work anniversary! Your passion, hard work, and dedication have been instrumental in our success. Looking forward to achieving even greater things together!”
“Wishing you a happy [number]th work anniversary! Your efforts and commitment to excellence have not gone unnoticed. Here’s to more shared achievements and successes.”
“Happy work anniversary! Thank you for [number] years of dedication and hard work. We are grateful to have you on board.”

speech on office anniversary

Simple work anniversary wishes

If you need a short and simple work anniversary message, here are some examples:

“Happy work anniversary! Cheers to another year of growth and success.”
“Congratulations on your work anniversary! Your dedication is truly appreciated.”
“Celebrating [number] years of your valuable contributions to our team. Thank you!”
“Wishing you a happy work anniversary and continued success in your career.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your hard work and commitment are an inspiration to us all.”
“Congratulations on another year of achievements. Here’s to many more!”
“Thank you for [number] years of dedication. Your input is invaluable to us.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your positive influence makes our team stronger.”
“Cheers to your work anniversary! Your efforts are key to our success.”
“Congrats on [number] years with us! Your hard work does not go unnoticed.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your contributions have made a significant difference.”
“Celebrating the milestone of [number] years with gratitude for your hard work.”

‘Happy 1-year work anniversary’ messages

The first work anniversary is a big milestone for everyone. It celebrates the successful integration of an employee to a team and it’s the first big milestone. 

Here are some examples of 1-year work anniversary messages to celebrate this big achievement:

“Hey [colleague’s name], can’t believe it’s been a year already! Cheers to your first work anniversary – your positive energy has been a game-changer for the team!”
“Happy 1-year work anniversary! Time flies when you’re having fun, and your presence has made it an awesome year for all of us.”
“1 year down, many more to go! Happy work anniversary, and thanks for making our workplace a better one.”
“Congrats on hitting the one-year mark! Your hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed – looking forward to more great times ahead.”
“Happy first anniversary at [company name]! Your dedication and enthusiasm are truly appreciated. Here’s to many more years of success together.”
“It’s been an incredible year with you on the team! Happy work anniversary – looking forward to more shared successes and milestones.”
“Cheers to you on your 1-year work anniversary! Your positive impact and hard work make each day better for all of us.”
“Happy work anniversary! Time to celebrate your first year, and here’s to many more filled with achievements and growth.”
“1 year and counting – congrats on your work anniversary! Your presence has made our team stronger and we’re lucky to have you.”
“Happy 1-year work anniversary! Thanks for being an awesome colleague and making our workplace a great one. Here’s to many more years together!”
“Congratulations on your first year with [company name]! Your dedication has been a driving force for the team. Looking forward to even more success ahead.”

speech on office anniversary

‘Happy 5-year work anniversary’ messages

The next big milestone for a team member is the 5-year work anniversary.

Congratulate your colleague with any of the messages below and you will surely make their work anniversary a great one:

“Hey [colleague’s name], high-five for hitting the 5-year mark! Your dedication and hard work have been the backbone of our success. Here’s to many more years of rocking it together!”
“Happy 5-year work anniversary! Can you believe it’s been that long? Looking forward to the next 5 years of greatness!”
“Congratulations on reaching the 5-year milestone! Your commitment and contributions have shaped our success, and we’re lucky to have you on the team. Cheers to even more fantastic years ahead!”
“Wow, has it been 5 years already? Time really does fly when you’re surrounded by awesome colleagues like you. Happy work anniversary! Your hard work and dedication inspire me every day.”
“Happy 5th work anniversary! Your dedication to excellence and teamwork have made these years special. Here’s to the countless successes we’ve shared and the many more to come!”
“Happy 5th work anniversary, [colleague’s name]. Your commitment to our team’s success is truly commendable and I’m grateful to have you as a colleague.”
“Celebrating half a decade of excellence with you! Happy 5-year work anniversary – your hard work and positive spirit continue to make our team as amazing as it is.”
“Happy work anniversary! 5 years of your incredible contributions have made our team stronger. Here’s to the journey so far and the exciting adventures ahead!”

speech on office anniversary

“Celebrating 5 fantastic years with an amazing colleague like you! Happy work anniversary! Your hard work and positive attitude make our workplace a better one each day.”
“Time really does fly when you’re having a great time. Happy 5-year work anniversary! Your dedication and teamwork have been essential to our shared success.”
“Happy work anniversary! 5 years of your expertise and enthusiasm have been a driving force for our team. Looking forward to many more years of collaboration and achievements!”
“Happy work anniversary – your continuous commitment to our team’s success is truly appreciated. Here’s to the next chapter of accomplishments!”

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‘Happy 10-year work anniversary’ messages

A decade is an incredible occasion for both the team member in question and the organization. It signals mutual satisfaction and respect.

Here’s how you can congratulate a team member on this huge milestone:

“Congratulations on a decade of dedication! Your 10 years of hard work and commitment have set a standard for us all. Here’s to the next chapter of success!”
“Wishing you a happy 10-year work anniversary! Your professionalism and expertise have been invaluable to our team. Thank you for a decade of excellence.”
“Happy 10-year work anniversary! Your leadership and unwavering commitment have played a vital role in our collective achievements. Here’s to the continued journey of success!”
“A decade of excellence – congratulations on your 10-year work anniversary! Your contributions have been integral to our success, and we look forward to many more years together.”
“Celebrating a decade of great work with you! Happy 10-year work anniversary. Your dedication and professionalism continue to inspire us all.”
“Hey [colleague’s name], can you believe it’s been 10 years? Time flies when you’re having fun! Happy work anniversary, and thanks for making our workplace awesome!”
“Double digits! Happy 10-year work anniversary! Your positivity and hard work make this team great. Here’s to more laughs and achievements in the years ahead.”
“Cheers to a decade of awesomeness! Happy work anniversary! Your vibe is a great addition to our team, and I can’t wait to see what the next 10 years bring.”
“Happy 10-year work anniversary! Can you believe it? Thanks for making our workplace feel like a second home. Here’s to the next decade of greatness together!”
“A whole decade of putting up with us – you deserve a medal! Happy work anniversary, [colleague’s name]! Thanks for being an incredible part of the team.”
“Happy 10-year work anniversary! Here’s to a decade of achievements and many more to come!”
“Celebrating 10 years of excellence with you! Cheers to a decade of success!”
“Congratulations on a decade of hard work and dedication! Happy 10-year work anniversary!”
“Happy work anniversary! 10 years of your hard work have made our team great.”

‘Happy 20-year work anniversary’ messages

If a 10-year work anniversary is impressive, imagine what a 20-year anniversary feels like. It’s an incredible feat and one that should be celebrated.

Here’s how you can wish your colleague a happy 20-year work anniversary:

“Congratulations on an impressive 20-year milestone! Your 2 decades of dedication and expertise have been invaluable to our success. Here’s to you!”
“Happy 20-year work anniversary! Your contributions and expertise have been instrumental in our collective achievements. Here’s to the remarkable journey and continued success.”
“Celebrating 20 years of your service! Your leadership and contributions have left an indelible mark on our organization. Thank you for 2 decades of commitment.”
“Congratulations on reaching the 20-year mark! Your continuous commitment to great work sets a high standard. Here’s to 2 decades of success and many more to come!”
“Hey [colleague’s name], 2 decades of putting up with us – you’re a legend! Happy work anniversary, and thanks for making our team awesome for 20 years!”
“20 years of work, laughter, and greatness! Happy work anniversary! Your positive energy has made our workplace better. Here’s to more amazing years ahead.”
“Cheers to 20 years! Happy work anniversary! Your dedication and hard work make our team shine. Here’s to more memories and successes!”
“Happy 20-year work anniversary! Can you believe it’s been 2 decades? Thanks for being a fantastic colleague and making our workplace feel like family.”

speech on office anniversary

“A whopping 20 years with us – you’re a legend! Happy work anniversary, [colleague’s name]! Here’s to more years of success and camaraderie.”
“Happy 20-year work anniversary! Two decades of your brilliance have made a lasting impact on our team.”
“Celebrating 20 years of excellence today! Cheers to an amazing journey and continued success!”
“Congratulations on 20 years of hard work and dedication! Happy work anniversary!”
“Happy work anniversary! It’s an incredible milestone to celebrate. I wish you all the best in the years to come.”
“Wishing a happy 20-year work anniversary to an incredible colleague! Here’s to many more years of success!”

Work anniversary messages for employees

If you’re a boss or manager looking for ways to congratulate your team members on their work anniversaries, we have some examples for you:

“Congratulations on reaching [number] years with our company! Your dedication and hard work are not going unnoticed. Thank you for your continued commitment.”
“Happy work anniversary! It’s been [number] years of collaboration and achievements. We look forward to many more years of success together.”
“Celebrating your work anniversary is a joyous occasion for the entire team. Your hard work and expertise have been invaluable. Here’s to [number] years of shared accomplishments and growth.”
“Wishing you a happy work anniversary! Your dedication to our goals and your positive impact on the team have not gone unnoticed. Thank you for [number] years of exceptional work.”
“Congratulations on [number] years with our organization! Your hard work, commitment, and leadership have made a lasting difference. Looking forward to more years of collaboration and success.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your tenure of [number] years has been marked by excellence and innovation. Thank you for your continued dedication to our team’s success.”
“On your work anniversary, I want to express my appreciation for your hard work and dedication. Your contributions over the past [number] years have been integral to our growth and success. Thank you.”
“Congratulations on [number] years with us! Your commitment to great work sets a high standard for our team. Here’s to more years of achievements and shared success.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your hard work and dedication have played a key role in our company’s success over the past [number] years. Thank you for your continued commitment to our mission.”
“Wishing you an amazing work anniversary! Your [number] years of service have been marked by professionalism and dedication. We are very lucky to have you on our team.”
“Congratulations on [number] years with our company! Your hard work, passion, and leadership have been pivotal to our success. Looking forward to achieving new milestones together in the coming years.”

💡 Pumble Pro Tip

Acknowledging and celebrating your team member’s milestones is important if you want to be a good manager. To learn more about what makes a good manager and get some actionable tips on how to become a great one, read our blog post:

  • How to Be a Good Manager: Qualities, Benefits and Expert Tips

Work anniversary wishes to colleagues

As a team member, it’s important to build connections and relationships with other team members and celebrate their achievements. 

Here are some more examples of work anniversary messages for your colleagues:

“Congratulations on reaching [number] years with our team! Your commitment to excellence has been a driving force in our success.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your hard work, dedication, and professionalism are truly appreciated. Here’s to more years of collaboration.”
“Wishing you a joyful work anniversary. Your contributions over the past [number] years have been integral to our team’s success. You’re a great colleague.”
“Celebrating your work anniversary is a testament to your dedication and valuable contributions to our team. Here’s to [number] years of excellence.”
“Congratulations on [number] years with our team. I value how dedicated and hard-working you are. You’re great to have on the team.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your professionalism and positive attitude have made our team great. Here’s to more years of shared accomplishments.”
“On your work anniversary, I want to express my appreciation for your hard work and commitment. Your contributions over the past [number] years have been outstanding.”
“Happy work anniversary, [colleague’s name]! Can’t believe it’s been [number] years already. Your positivity and dedication to teamwork make every day better for us. Here’s to many more years!”
“Cheers to you on your work anniversary! Your humor, dedication, and hard work bring so much to our team. Looking forward to more shared successes and laughter ahead.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your friendship and support have made our workplace feel like a second home. Here’s to many more years of incredible moments together.”

speech on office anniversary

“Happy work anniversary, [colleague’s name]! Your kindness and dedication have been a constant source of inspiration. Here’s to more years of working and achieving great things together.”
“Wishing you a great work anniversary! Here’s to many more years of shared accomplishments.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your talents and contributions have been a breath of fresh air for our team. Here’s to more years of creativity and success.”
“Celebrating your work anniversary is a team event. Your warmth, dedication, and friendship have made the office a better place. Here’s to [number] years!”

Acknowledging and celebrating your colleagues’ accomplishments is vital for a successful and connected team. To learn more about how to congratulate your colleagues, read our blog post:

  • How to Say Congratulations Professionally

Work anniversary wishes to boss

Many employees feel uncomfortable with any type of upward communication . However, it’s an important skill to master if you want to maintain a positive relationship with your higher-ups. 

A thoughtful work anniversary message can be a stepping stone to a stronger relationship with your boss. Here are some examples:

“Congratulations on your work anniversary! Your leadership and guidance have been instrumental in our team’s success. Wishing you continued achievements in the years ahead.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your strategic vision and dedication have led our team to great things. Here’s to another year of excellence under your leadership.”
“Celebrating your [number]th work anniversary today! Your unwavering commitment and managerial prowess are the power behind our team’s success. Here’s to [number] years!”
“Wishing you a happy work anniversary! Your leadership has inspired us all to strive for excellence. Looking forward to many more years of your valuable guidance.”
“Congratulations on [number] years of exceptional leadership! Your vision and commitment to excellence are amazing. Here’s to more successful years ahead.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your insights and dedication to our team have played a pivotal role in our success. Thank you for [number] years of great leadership.”
“On your work anniversary, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your leadership and commitment to our team. Wishing you continued success in the coming years.”
“Congratulations on your work anniversary! Your professionalism and dedication to our team are truly commendable. Here’s to many more years of shared accomplishments.”
“Happy work anniversary, [boss’ name]! Your leadership style has made our team stronger, and your support means a lot. Cheers to [number] years of growth and collaboration.”
“Celebrating your work anniversary is a reminder of the incredible leader you are. Your mentorship has been invaluable to my professional journey. Here’s to more years of learning from the best!”
“Wishing you a happy work anniversary! Your guidance and support have been a driving force in my career. Thank you for being an inspiring leader and mentor.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your leadership has created a positive and motivating work environment. I’m grateful to be a part of your team, and looking forward to more successful years ahead.”
“Congratulations on [number] years of leadership excellence! Your dedication and encouragement have been a source of inspiration for us all. Here’s to more years of collaboration and success.”
“Happy work anniversary, [boss’ name]! Your leadership has not only shaped my professional path but also created a sense of unity within our team. Here’s to many more years of shared success.”
“Wishing you a fantastic work anniversary! Your leadership has not only achieved business goals but also fostered a positive and inclusive team culture. Cheers to more years of success together.”

How are you going to send a ‘Happy work anniversary’ message? Try Pumble, for better team communication.

3 Tips on how to write a work anniversary message

Writing a thoughtful and professional work anniversary message doesn’t have to be hard. Just remember to:

  • Personalize it,
  • Highlight accomplishments, and
  • Remain positive.

We’ll go over these tips in more detail.

Tip #1: Personalize your work anniversary message

It’s essential to personalize your work anniversary message to make sure it’s sincere and tailored to the individual.

Personalization makes the congratulatory message more authentic and resonates with the receiver on a deeper level.

You can easily personalize your work anniversary message by:

  • Sharing an inside joke or reference,
  • Including their name in the message,
  • Mentioning shared accomplishments or experiences, or
  • Highlighting certain achievements.

We talked to Rick Joi , an Author, Speaker and Researcher at the Workiversary Group, about his opinion on work anniversaries. He explained that including shared memories and experiences can be a great way to connect with team members :

Rick Joi

“If you work close enough with them that you have shared experiences, share your favorite memory with them from the past year. Sometimes the memory is funny, sometimes it’s heartwarming, but, whatever it is, it can be a great bonding experience to remember good shared experiences.”

Personalizing your work anniversary wishes will ensure they transcend mere formality and actually convey your warm wishes and appreciation.

Tip #2: Highlight some milestones/achievements

In line with personalization comes the appreciation for the milestones and achievements your colleague has had with the company.

This can be a powerful motivator for team members to continue to excel. Expressing your appreciation for their hard work and your awe of their achievements will instill confidence and pride, motivating them to continue their hardworking efforts.

Highlighting milestones and achievements can come in the form of:

  • Adding the number of years of their anniversary,
  • Including specific accomplishments they had along the way,
  • Referencing positive feedback they’ve received, or
  • Including client testimonials of their dedication and great work.

Recognizing your colleagues’ hard work and accomplishments will make for a more positive work environment and send a clear message that their work is valued.

Tip #3: Be positive and supportive

Lastly, make sure your work anniversary message is always uplifting and supportive .

Don’t include any negative talk or mention any uncomfortable topics in your message. For example, steer clear of any sarcastic statements or jokes you’re not sure will land. 

Joi also agrees that work anniversary messages should be focused on the positive:

“Work anniversaries are most meaningful when they celebrate shared purpose rather than time passing. That is, don’t celebrate that the employee neither got fired nor found a better opportunity for yet another year. Instead, celebrate that for the past year, the employee and the organization were joined together working towards a common purpose that makes the world better!”

Therefore, remain professional and polite, and always focus on the positive.

A healthy and effective workplace relies on positive communication. If you want to learn more about why positive communication is important, and how you can be a more positive communicator, read our blog post:

  • The Effects of Negative and Positive Communication in the Workplace

Why should you send a work anniversary message?

Congratulating a colleague on a work anniversary is a professional way to strengthen your relationship and show appreciation for their work , as Joi shared:

“It is definitely professional to congratulate your colleagues on their work anniversaries. It’s a thoughtful gesture that shows you value them and the work they do. ”

He also highlights the importance of reflecting on our peers’ contributions to our own lives :

“Work anniversaries celebrate the many unique and varied ways in which we contribute to each other’s lives in an indescribably beautiful web of interconnectedness.”

Therefore, in his opinion, sending a happy work anniversary message has a twofold purpose:

“The obvious answer to why we should celebrate work anniversaries is because it’s kind and makes the other person feel good .

The less obvious answer is that it’s an opportunity for us to reflect on how dependent we are on each other’s work and to strengthen our sense of gratitude for the magic of how millions of people do some sort of work that has an impact on our lives every single day.”

However, not every work anniversary celebration is created equal. When it comes to LinkedIn, Joi believes that it may not always be the most appropriate way to congratulate your colleagues on their work anniversaries:

“Clicking the congratulate button on LinkedIn for someone you barely know at some point during their work anniversary month — LinkedIn doesn’t know the exact day — is not professional. Don’t do that!”

Celebrate work anniversaries with Pumble

To skip out on that awkward and impersonal LinkedIn work anniversary celebration, try out Pumble.

Pumble is a team communication app that allows you to collaborate with colleagues and stay connected to your team.

You can congratulate your team members privately via direct messages , or start a thread to include everyone in the celebration.

speech on office anniversary

You can also schedule your message in advance, to make sure you never forget to wish your colleagues happy work anniversaries.

If you are a fan of real-time communication , you can also extend your well wishes via audio or video call.

With a user-friendly interface and many customization options, Pumble is the best tool for team communication. So, if you’re interested to see what Pumble is all about — try it today!


Milica Vucicevic is a communication author and researcher at Pumble, focused on team communication in remote work environments. Through her posts, you’ll learn more about professional communication, workplace culture, and tools and techniques for better team communication.

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Anniversary Speech for the Company

Anniversary speech for the company - company anniversary speech.

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Anniversaries are curiously awaited! But what if it’s the anniversary of a company? It is equally an opportune moment for the founders as well as the employees associated with it. So if the anniversary of your company is around the corner, then anniversary speech for the company can be prepared in advance so as to make the moment even more memorable for all and touch the hearts of everyone present there.

Keeping this in mind, we have come up with the short speech on company anniversary as well as the long speech on company anniversary to help you make the most of this special occasion and create an everlasting memory with your employees or co-employees. So what are you waiting for? Get started now!

Speech on Anniversary of the Company

Anniversary speech for the company 1.

Warm greetings to all the Ladies and gentlemen as well as distinguished guests present over here! I would like to welcome all of you to our event and I hope you will enjoy being a part of it.  Anniversaries are the opportunities to recollect our year gone memories and to cherish them again.

Tonight we are celebrating our company’s 15th anniversary and I value you all who are sharing this special day with me. It is rightly said that it doesn’t matter where you go in your life, but what matters the most is whom you have beside you all the way. It’s a pleasure for me to invite you all to the milestone dinner of ________’s 15th anniversary. 2003 was a notable year for us for many reasons. We initiated this organization with the blessings of our Mom, Dad and Almighty. It’s due to their blessings that we have expanded our organization to this extent that we are celebrating 15 years of its commencement.

My first task was to paint a picture of where I wanted to take my business and my employees have equally contributed to making this day possible.  Our healthy organization started with the incorporation of core human values, such as Trust, Integrity, and Teamwork. I have always tried my level best to offer my employees with better business, flexible work culture and perfect learning atmosphere.

These 15 years can be defined as a kaleidoscope of happy and best memories of my life, new friendship and relationships. I have found my new friends in terms of my employees who have worked day and night to make this day possible for me. Over the last fifteen years, this business has undergone massive changes like restructuring, globalization etc but our organization has become stronger and efficient than ever before. I have had my employees who were, are and will always be my intellectual assets that have always stood by my side. I am lucky to have such a fantastic team of dedicated and loyal employees.

What I have learned in these 15 years is that the businesses and employees know what they need and want and they are willing to tell only if the owner listens. This is the change I brought in my personality. I started listening hard to my business and employees; I started getting engaged in conversations with you for learning and possibility, and find new ways of solving problems. Of course, there have been so many paths that were slightly difficult for me but you guys have helped me a lot in those odd stumbling blocks. This is all because of your constant support and blessings that have made this journey possible.

On this auspicious day, I promise all my employees to be friendly and supportive to them as I have been in these past years. I promise to help you all whenever necessary. So let’s look forward to another amazing year with strong professional relationships even further and to take this company to reach greater heights. As we all took time to express gratitude and to celebrate these fantastic 15 years gone by, let’s turn eagerly to the years that lie ahead. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being a part of this special day. We are grateful to you for taking your time out from your busy schedules and to help us in making our 15th anniversary, more memorable.

Huge thanks to all!

Anniversary Speech for the Company 2

A warm welcome to all the guests, friends, relatives and of course to our young and dynamic employees! I thank all the esteemed personalities who have taken their time out to attend this occasion.

It’s a matter of great pride to see our company growing, embracing good value system and achieving more than what we have ever thought of. There is a set of people whom I would want to thank on this auspicious day from the bottom of my heart. First of all, our present and ex-employees who have worked to help this organization to the zenith of success. I take pride in saying that we have the best and extraordinary employees with equally high aspirations and dreams. They have worked against all the odds that occurred in these 20 years to make what seemed impossible, possible. Our company has become a shining example amongst the leading organization in our country that has created quality income jobs in the city.

So my friends, by celebrating this 20th year of our company________ we are celebrating the success of our employees, their wives, and children who have sacrificed significantly. I congratulate all my employees who have worked hard and waited for days to obtain part of their own hard-earned salaries.

Trust is the glue that holds the relationships together and I knew I have fulfilled my promise of staying transparent with my investors, partners and employees. I promise to go on and on with all my promises and pledges. For me, trust has two parts, one is the ability to believe in others and another is being trustworthy to others. For a successful business, it is important to take both the sides together hand in hand. I have the most reliable dependable and predictable employees who are benevolent enough to put aside their self-interests. The best way to make things happen is through the deep understanding of employee’s needs and aspirations that can be achieved by the perfect blend of demand winning performance and compassionate side for the employees.

Often, I have been asked as to what is the reason behind the success of our company ________ and what’s its biggest strength is and I always have one impromptu reply: My employees. To all the new and old employees, I would say that a team can perform best only when it is united. I am extremely proud of my team and I can wholeheartedly say that I have the best human resources in my organization.

Before I conclude, I want to say that the road ahead will be challenging, as unpredictability will continue to rule, but I will continue to motivate you all to strengthen your capabilities to understand yourself in a better way.

Last but not the least, I have to thank my wife and mom for the immense pillar of support, they have been. Thank you for standing behind me and help me in fighting against all the odds, thick and thin, travel and travails. I have no words to express my gratitude for your relentless support. Your contribution is worth more than diamonds for me.

Thank you for your attention and please enjoy the 20th anniversary celebration of our company.

Anniversary Speech for the Company 3

Good Morning everyone – I warmly welcome you all on the occasion of our company anniversary and for having successfully completing 10 years.

So on today’s occasion, I would like to say few words. Companies are like families. We build them with all our heart, putting our blood and sweat into it with solely one purpose to fulfil, that is to make it grow and flourish. In a family, we take care of each other’s wellbeing and make sure that everything functions smoothly. Similarly, we all are a family. Here, we all take care of each other, take care of the responsibilities we have so that we all, together can make our dream come true. The dream of taking our company to the list of the best companies in the country, the dream of making it a company which is known for its quality products, quality services and commitment towards work. Today, on this fortunate day of us completing one more successful year, I, the _____ of the company is feeling extremely proud to say that we are constantly getting closer to our bigger dreams as we make the smaller ones true, one by one.

In all these years which have passed, we have seen it all – success and failures, highs and lows, celebrations and crisis, everything. But one thing which we never did was to ‘give up’. This, go getter attitude, our faith in each other and our commitment towards the company are the factors which have brought us where we are. I would never have been able to picture this successful journey without you people. My employees have always been my strength and backbone to the company.

For the entire year, we work like workaholics. Extending working hours, early logins to the systems, working from home and what not, we have done it all when work has demanded. But today is a day to enjoy, it’s a day to celebrate our dedication, our passion towards our work and the vision of perfection in everything we have been assigned. It’s a day, I owe to all of you. So let’s turn our party mode on and party like no one is watching. Let all your targets, files, deals and every other tension be on side for these few hours and congratulate yourself and each other for having been able to achieve so much. This is your day; our day and we will make it memorable forever.

Let’s make this day a treat for yourself and a reservoir of energy for the coming days so that our chariot of victory doesn’t stop here but goes on for years. Many more anniversaries, many more success stories and many more achievements are yet to come our way. Till then, let’s just keep up the good work and keep aspiring for more. As they say “those who dream big, achieve big”. So let’s not stop ourselves from dreaming, let’s not settle for less, let’s not restrict ourselves to what is conventional and let’s not let the failures discourage us.

Keep experimenting, keep growing and keep celebrating. A very happy annual day to all of you! Let’s start the celebration with big cheers to all of us!

Anniversary Speech for the Company 4

Warm Greetings to all of you! Welcome to our company anniversary speech!

I still remember the day when I had started this company with just a handful of people and a very limited amount of resources. Starting from there till today, the company has covered a long and evolutionary journey. Years back, we had started with millions of dreams, hope and immense enthusiasm and today when we are celebrating another year of its birth nothing has changed, except the fact that we have made our dreams true and have the new ones now.

Since the inception we have been adding on to everything we have, the manpower, list of achievements, areas we deal in and even to the enthusiasm and dedication we have for our work and responsibilities. This is obviously an amazing sign for any organization. This positivity has been reflecting clearly in our growth rates ever since the beginning. As they say, “slow and steady wins the race”, we might not have been on the list of the most rapidly growing company, but it has undoubtedly been one of the most steadily growing companies.

My employees have always been my true assets. Without you all, the company would have been nothing. This happy occasion will remain incomplete if I do not raise a toast to you guys. The credit of achieving all that we have, getting the chance to stand here today and talk about all this and being able to earn the huge customer base that we have, goes to nobody else but you people. Not every day I get the chance to interact with you guys and pour my heart out but today when I have got one, I would like to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you all for being there with the company in the bad times and showing your patience and support when it was needed the most.

Today, when we have completed one more successful year, let’s celebrate for being able to make a significant space for ourselves in the market and hope to keep achieving new milestones and beat our own records. Let’s take a pledge that we are not going to restrict ourselves to only this but make and achieve new bench marks in the industry. I not only hope but strongly believe that we together can make anything happen. All we need to do is to believe in ourselves and our mates, to support each other and direct our talent and energies to the right direction.

On this note, let’s end this chit chat and let the celebration begin! Let’s give a huge round of applause to our unity and efforts. Cheers to this happy occasion, cheers to all of you and cheers to the company we have been nourishing like a baby! Wish you all the very best for the coming challenges and tasks and always remember, together we can make anything happen. Unity has the power to fight back every hurdle on our way.

Let’s party hard and get refreshed for a new tomorrow my dear all!

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11 happy work anniversary messages for employees

by Aleksandra Masionis

Updated on January 10, 2023

Work anniversary celebration

Create a culture that means business™

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Work anniversaries mean something to everyone. They’re an opportunity to celebrate an employee’s accomplishments and contributions while strengthening the relationships between team members. And it all starts with a heartfelt message of congratulations for a happy work anniversary.

While there’s much more to an anniversary celebration than a quick message — like a meaningful gift and a public ceremony — the right words can mean a big difference. Will your co-worker’s anniversary be a joyful milestone you remember for years to come, or one that causes them to wonder whether anyone at their company really appreciates them? Help make it the former with inspiration from the many great ways to say “happy anniversary”.

2022 State of Employee Recognition Report

1. One-year anniversary

It’s hard to believe that it’s already been a year since you came on board! I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you and see you excel in your role. From onboarding, to tackling your first project, to contributing in team meetings, it’s been a great start to your journey here, and I’m truly excited to see what the future holds.

An employee’s first work anniversary sets the tone for everything to come. Will it be a memorable occasion, celebrating every step of their journey so far? Or will it be a brief mention in a team meeting, quickly brushed over? Do your part by sending a personalized message that notes the growth they’ve shown and what they’ve brought to the company. As the first work anniversary is also the most future-focused, so be sure to note your excitement for all the milestones to come.

2. Five-year anniversary

Our organization has benefited from your incredible dedication and expertise every one of the last five years. You’re an example to all of us with your commitment to professional growth, contagious good humor, and willingness to listen. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done, and I’m looking forward to working with you for years to come!

Five years might not seem like an incredibly long stretch to spend at an organization, but it’s a real accomplishment, especially today, when it seems like employees are switching jobs more than ever. Highlight some of your team member’s positive qualities when this notable anniversary comes around, noting how they’ve impacted your company for the better.

3. Ten-year anniversary

Happy work anniversary, Michelle! I’m so grateful you’ve made [organization name] your work home over the last 10 years. I knew when I saw you present during our first client meeting together that you were something special. You’re a dedicated, talented coworker, and we’re lucky to have you. I’m looking forward to the ceremony later today, and we should grab lunch at your favorite place whenever you have the time — my treat!

A 10-year work anniversary might be the most important — or at least the most thought-about — professional milestone of all. A quick “happy anniversary” won’t cut it here. Hopefully, your organization is moving ahead with a celebration and reward that suits the occasion . In addition to sending a meaningful anniversary message like this one, go above and beyond by offering to take your coworker out for a bite, sending them a gift card, or giving them an extra helping of reward points.

4. Thirty-year anniversary

Congratulations! A 30-year anniversary is something most people can only dream about, but you made it happen. Not only that, you’ve been a huge reason behind the organization’s success since you started, and you still take the time to help out new team members. We can’t thank you enough, and we truly treasure each and every day you remain with us!

Multi-decade work anniversaries are a real rarity, and it’s hard for most people to really understand what reaching one feels like. It signals exceptional commitment to an organization and what it stands for, and it also indicates that — for most — the majority of their career is behind them . An anniversary message should then touch on the dedication the employee has shown across all their years of service , while noting that you realize how valuable the time they’ve chosen to spend with your company is. And more than perhaps any other anniversary listed here, it calls for company-wide recognition of this once-in-a-lifetime milestone.

5. Recognizing your manager’s anniversary

It’s been another great year, Alyssa! A great manager means everything, so let me take this anniversary as an opportunity to tell you that I don’t take your amazing coaching, support, and guidance for granted. You always set me and the team up for success. Please keep doing what you’re doing, and know we all appreciate it.

Managers make a huge difference in the quality of employee experience for their direct reports. When you’ve got a supportive, thoughtful manager in your corner, you don’t want to let any opportunity for recognition slip — especially one as important as a work anniversary. Call out the traits you really appreciate so your manager remains motivated to coach and guide your team for another year.

6. Saying thanks on a team member’s anniversary

Happy anniversary, Val! We’ve worked together for six years now, and I can safely say that there’s no one who I’d rather have at my (virtual) side! You’re everything anyone could ask for in a teammate — hardworking, welcoming, and always open to new ideas. Our collaboration is one of the things that I enjoy most about working here. Cheers to reaching another milestone!

Next, there’s the work anniversaries of those you’re likely to build the closest relationships with on the job — the other members of your team. They’ll notice if you let the occasion slip by, undermining the trust you’ve both worked so hard to develop . Keep the good vibes and great camaraderie going with a heartfelt congratulations and a few words of thanks.

7. Celebrating a peer’s anniversary

We started just a few weeks apart, and now we’ve both been here two years! Happy anniversary, my friend, and thank you for always acting as the perfect sounding board no matter what project I was working on. Can’t imagine this place without you!

You won’t be aware of every co-worker’s anniversary. But be sure to reach out when you do, whether it’s because you started around the same time or you caught wind of it through an announcement or message on your employment recognition platform. After all, what better opportunity to maintain or renew a connection than an anniversary? Even a brief message will remind your peer that you care and that you’re all in this together.

8. Recognizing a direct report’s anniversary

It’s been another great year, Catherine! You’ve again been so important to our group’s success — we never would have been able to keep [client name] without your exceptional data analysis. And there’s no one I’d rather have on my team going forward. Happy anniversary!

Giving a direct report a shout out on their work anniversary is a must. If you can’t be bothered to remember the most important day of the work calendar for them, why should they believe you have any investment in their professional growth or success? Be specific regarding their successes and what they bring to your team, so they know you’ve noticed all their hard work over the past year.

9. Celebrating a leader’s anniversary

These past few years have come with more than their share of challenges, but you guided our company through them without missing a beat. Our business is stronger than ever before, and it wouldn’t have been possible if we didn’t have you to inspire us. I hope you have the amazing anniversary you deserve!

Managers aren’t the only leaders who deserve a genuine anniversary message. The people leaders across your company, from HR professionals to executives, serve as examples and set the tone on culture, business practices, and more. Wish them a happy anniversary and acknowledge the key role they play in keeping your organization successful and a great place to work.

10. A happy work anniversary for a recognition champion

There’s no one who deserves a hearty congratulations on their anniversary more than you, Nathan! You never fail to give a shout out to a team member who excels in big or small ways. Spend your reward points on something fun — you’ve more than earned it!

If you’ve got someone at your company who excels in providing recognition year-round, return the favor manyfold when their work anniversary rolls around. If your organization has implemented a points-based employee rewards system , you should also send some redeemable points their way, as they’ve doubtless sent plenty to others over the course of the year. Highlighting the way they show frequent appreciation also makes it more likely fellow employees will take note and follow suit, contributing to a culture of recognition .

11. Appreciating great feedback on an anniversary

I can’t say enough about how valuable your feedback this year has been, Claire. Your insights have helped us reshape our processes and culture for the better. Please keep exercising your voice, and happy anniversary!

If there’s an employee who always has meaningful input to share, whether it’s regarding long-standing cultural issues or improvements to processes and deliverables, they deserve a special shout out on their anniversary. When employees feel comfortable exercising their voice and organizations show they’re really listening , engagement rises and companies know exactly what they have to do to improve. Remember, though, that private or anonymous feedback must stay confidential, so only send this type of message to team members who have provided input publicly.

Make that happy work anniversary feeling a year-round employee experience

If your anniversary is the only time of the year you receive recognition, you’re not likely to believe the congratulations you receive are genuine. And it probably won’t be long before you look for a workplace that will show a bit more appreciation for what you bring to the table. So while wishing employees a happy work anniversary is important, don’t make it an exception. Instead, turn recognition into a key part of the employee experience and a cultural pillar at your company with the right employee recognition and reward platform.

The Achievers Employee Experience Platform is dedicated to meet the needs of your changing workforce, starting with facilitating company-wide, frequent recognition. Using Achievers Recognize , everyone at your organization can send meaningful messages of appreciation using an intuitive, mobile-friendly platform. And it empowers employees to reward their colleagues without having to go through HR or any other department, leveraging a points-based reward system backed by a marketplace featuring products from over 2,500 global brands. Combined with the science-backed feedback collection and analysis capabilities of Achievers Listen , your organization will have everything it needs to create an amazing employee experience.

Ready to see your employees’ work anniversary messages join the millions of recognitions sent using Achievers? Try a free demo today .

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100+ Company Anniversary Wishes and Messages

Company Anniversary Wishes : Company anniversary day is a big day. It’s a day to celebrate your success and achievements. It’s also a day for appreciating your colleagues , staff, associates, bosses, CEO, and even your customers for all the support and efforts they put into the company. Company anniversary messages are not very regular things on the internet. You may have to spend a good amount of your time searching for perfect company anniversary messages for your staff, associates, and customers. Here we have some extraordinary company anniversary wishes and business anniversary messages for the big corporate day.

Company Anniversary Wishes

Foundation day wishes, office anniversary wishes, shop anniversary wishes.

  • Company Anniversary Messages To Employees
  • Company Anniversary Messages To Boss

Company Anniversary Wishes To Customers

1st business anniversary wishes.

Happy company anniversary. Wishing more success in the upcoming future. All the best for the company.

Happy company anniversary. Let us always remember that teamwork makes the dream work come true.

Happy office anniversary! Cheers to future achievements and past glories. May God bless you.

company anniversary wishes

Wishing a happy anniversary. Thanks to everyone for making the journey smooth and easy.

Happy office foundation day. Let us keep on inspiring others and make the journey glamorous.

Sending you warm greetings on our company anniversary. Keep up your excellent work and make the company utmost proud.

Congratulations to you on this very big occasion. It has been a wonderful journey altogether. Let’s hope for the best in the coming years!

You have taken us to a whole new height with all the successes in all these years. Let’s make this day a big one for each one of us!

Happy {put year} anniversary! Cheers to future successes and past triumphs.

Your dedication and creativity can only be matched with an unquenchable thirst for success. On this special, I want to congratulate all of you for yet another great year!

We started with a few but now we are many, not only in numbers but also in talents and creativity. Congratulations dears for all your efforts and accomplishments!

company anniversary quotes

It’s not just a corporate anniversary, it’s an anniversary of a family that only grew strong defying the odds. Happy (put year) anniversary!

Wishing you many more years of unparalleled success and unrivaled corporate services. Congratulations on this special day. Happy anniversary!

May this journey of corporate success continue in the coming years. Wish you and your excellent crews a happy anniversary!

You are surely destined for the biggest corporate successes in history. A big congratulation goes to you on this special day!

A big round of applause for all the fantastic employees like you who made this company incredible. Without the help of yours, the company is nothing. Happy anniversary!

Happy anniversary to your hard-built company, boss. Congratulations on achieving all the glories and the triumphs which are yet to come! Best wishes.

The company is nothing without you; thanks for staying with us and making our purpose and goal come true. May God bless us together to achieve great things.

Congratulations on the monumental occasion. Wishing many more successes in the future. Let’s make this big day fabulous.

Happy Foundation Day! May God bless us with success and achievements.

May we get to celebrate more of our foundation day with glamour and great deals. Happy foundation day, everyone.

On this foundation day of our company let’s celebrate and congratulate each other because we matter! Happy foundation day.

foundation day wishes

Happy foundation day. Wish to become more productive as the company and achieve more together.

Sending my heartfelt wishes on the special occasion of the Foundation day of our company to my bosses, colleagues, and customers.

I wish everyone in our organization continued success and glory today and in the days, to come.

Wish you a great office anniversary. Hope to achieve more and keep the company shining brighter than ever.

Happiest office anniversary, guys! We have made it to another year filled with hardship, success, and meeting deadlines. Cheers to us.

Sending my warmest regards for surviving another year on this dope company. Happiest office anniversary.

This office anniversary day gives me chance to express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to my motivating boss and colleagues. It feels good to work in this amazing company with you.

Happy Anniversary to our office. May there are many more extraordinary milestones left for us to achieve!

Thank you and congrats to all of our office staff who have always given their best to the organization.

Congratulations on this happy shop anniversary. We have made it sending lots of happy vibes on this day.

Happy shop anniversary, guys. Your dedication and hard work made everything possible. Grateful to have you on the team! Cheers.

Shop Anniversary Wishes

Want to congratulate you on making it to another year and making the shop gleaming with your efforts. Happy shop anniversary.

Happy Shop Anniversary! For making the journey simple and uncomplicated, I thank all of my dedicated, honest employees and loyal consumers.

On this special day of our shop, I’d want to congratulate all of my coworkers on another successful year! Together we indeed did some amazing business.

Our customers’ pleasure and employees’ good work are what drive us to keep growing in the industry. Happy Shop Anniversary!

Company Anniversary Messages To Employees / Staff

You all deserve a big round of applause for all your hard works and unconditional dedication. Congratulations to you for being a part of the journey!

This company was blessed from its first day when you decided to be part of it. You deserve all the appreciation. Happy anniversary!

You are the proudest and most valued employees because, without you guys, nothing would have been possible. Congratulations!

Thank you all for not letting this company fail even for once. You have proved in all these years why you are the best in the field. Congratulations!

When a company has a staff like you, success is no more a dream, it’s a sure thing to be achieved. Happy corporate anniversary!

company anniversary wishes to employees

Thank you for your positive and enthusiastic vibes towards the workplace. Happy company anniversary.

It is a day of rejoice and happiness. Thank you for serving the company with your hard work and talent. May we keep on astonishing the world with our epicenes.

Dear Employee, thank you for always giving your best shot and doing your works with such dedication. The company feels honored to have you through thick and thin.

Happy company anniversary to one of the most dedicated and efficient co-workers in the office. You are a valuable asset to this company. Keep up the excellent work.

Read: Thank You Messages for Employees

Company Anniversary Messages To Boss, CEO or Manager

All these successes in all these years would not have been possible if this company didn’t have someone like you leading us from the front. Congratulations!

If there is ever a corporate history written on this company, it will start with you and end with you. You are not just another amazing boss, you are THE BOSS!

You have brought so many successes for this company that it’s impossible to look into the future without you. Congratulations to the greatest CEO ever!

Your leadership and compassion in our organization have enabled us to accomplish everything in such a short period of time. Thank you, sir. Happy Anniversary.

May we stay true to our ethics and mesmerize the world with our work. Congratulations on the birthday of the company. May God bestow us with blessings.

Dear boss, all these years were successful because of your wisdom and contributions. You are one of the essential parts of our company. Wishing you a happy anniversary.

It has been our pleasure to work with you. The success you have achieved all these years is an inspiration for all of us. I hope to spend many more company anniversaries with you.

Thank you for being the strongest pillar of our company. Thank you for everything that you have done and sacrificed for the company—my heartiest wishes to you on this company anniversary.

We don’t need to look far to find inspiration. We have you in our midst and we all know no one can do it better than you. Congratulations!

Dear sir, our office is nothing without your guidance and leadership. Happy Office Anniversary!

From the moment you chose to join this firm, it was fortunate. All of the praise is due to you. Happy Anniversary day sir!

On this special even of our anniversary, we want you to know that your trust and support has always been the biggest drivers for our continued growth!

Thank you for being someone who made us capable enough to celebrate such a glorious day. On our company birthday, sending you warm greetings.

Thank you for inspiring us in all these years. Your satisfaction is what motivates us to thrive continuously in the market. Congratulations!

You have been the most supportive and inspiring customer base in the entire market. We are proud to have you with us on the journey. Happy anniversary!

We do business to bring smiles to your face. Your satisfaction matters the most to us. We congratulate you for being with us in all these years!

company anniversary message to customers

It’s our company’s anniversary! Thanks for choosing us over and over again it’s always a pleasure to serve you.

Dear customer, on our company’s birthday we would like to thank you for trusting us and for always having us save your back. Sending warm wishes on our wonderful day.

On our company’s birthday, we would like to thank you for all your appreciation and support. It is an absolute honor to serve you. Keep us in your prayers. Have a great day.

On this particular day of our company, we want to thank you from our hearts for putting your trust in us. You made our company number 1, and we cannot express our gratitude in words.

Thank you for inspiring and supporting us all these years. Without your help of yours, our journey would never be so successful. Thank you for being with us. Happy anniversary.

Anniversary Messages To Clients, Associates or Partners

You are not just our partners, you are the assets that we value most. Happy corporate anniversary. Thanks for being a part of us!

Clients like you are our capitals for the future. You have been our greatest inspiration and biggest supporter in all these years. Congratulations!

We would never have made it this far if we didn’t have associates like you. You are the prime example of corporate excellence! Happy anniversary!

We may have been the perfect showstopper for all these years but it was always you behind the curtain. Happy corporate anniversary!

On this special occasion, we wish you all the joy and smiles because you were always the greatest friends we had in all these years. Happy anniversary!

Read: Motivational Messages for Team

Company Anniversary Message from CEO

I’m deeply indebted to have you in our company. Thanks for making things easier. Have a great company anniversary.

Constantly inspired by your contribution to the company. Sending you warm wishes on this notable day. May we lead for many more years!

Company Anniversary Message from CEO

You are the reason we get to celebrate days like this. Thank you for all your incredible work. Best wishes.

On the occasion of our company’s anniversary, I’d want to express my gratitude to all of my diligent staff and devoted customers for their support during this trip.

Thank you to all of my staff who have helped me along the way, and I wish you a wonderful company anniversary.

Our employees’ unwavering support and dedication have contributed to the company’s success. Happy company anniversary everyone

Time flies fast! Happy 1st anniversary to our company. May we keep on thriving. I hope to outshine our past achievements in the future. Have a great day ahead.

Congratulations on this special day, may we celebrate 100 more years while giving all the companies a great competition. Hurrah, Happy 1st Anniversary to the company.

Cheers to all of the wonderful employees like you who have contributed to the success of this organization. Happy 1st anniversary!

one year business anniversary quotes

Happy 1st Anniversary to our company. May we keep on shining and glamming brighter than the past year.

Congratulations! I think all our hard work deserves a party on this precious day. May we keep dominating the best company charts.

Sending you warm wishes on our company’s 1st anniversary. Keep us in your prayers.

Today we crossed our very first milestone. May we all strive together to grow and thrive more in the upcoming days. Happy 1st anniversary!

Hard work and grace of God brought us this far! May we continue to commemorate 100 years while challenging all businesses.

5th Company Anniversary Quotes

Happy 5th anniversary of the company. It has been a successful journey because of you. We started with nothing but today, and we have everything that we dreamt for. Let’s enjoy this big day.

Happiest 5th company anniversary. Best wishes for yet another year of creating opportunities and making things possible. Have a great day.

It feels like yesterday we started our journey with a few people. Five years have passed with the blink of an eye. Congratulations on our five years journey. Happy 5th anniversary.

It’s not just our company, I consider this company as my 2nd family, and all the co-workers and staff are my family members. Without the help of yours, today’s 5th anniversary was never possible.

It has been an exquisite journey with all of you. Congratulations on our 5th company anniversary.

On this occasion, I want to thank all of you to make this happen—happy 5th anniversary to our company.

We are delighted to celebrate the 5th anniversary of our company. Thanks for all your contribution to making us reach the peak.

Happy 5th year of the company anniversary. Thanks for dedicating your unique skills and hard work to the company. Grateful to have you.

10th Company Anniversary Wishes

Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of the company. On this blissful day, let us recall all our achievements and celebrate like there is no tomorrow. May God bless.

Sending my heartiest congratulations on the 10th anniversary of our company. Hope to succeed more in the upcoming years. Have a great celebration, everyone.

Congratulations on your company’s anniversary. May you keep proving how much of an asset you are. Best wishes on the anniversary.

10 year company anniversary message

Today we celebrate all our great times! Congratulations on the magnificent ten years of the company. May God bless us.

Happy 10th anniversary to the company. We have such potential and hardworking employees who deserve all the cheers.

May we continue to inspire others in our profession and keep on boasting about all the upcoming glories. Happy 10th anniversary; the past has been a blast for real.

Times fly so fast today we are celebrating our 10th Anniversary. Thanks for serving and being a part of this company. Kudos to us for making an impact!

Happy 10th company anniversary, dear. May we continue to inspire and make a difference. Let’s celebrate that.

20th Office Anniversary Messages

Many many happy returns of the company’s 10th anniversary. Thank you for all your efforts and accomplishment. Congratulations, and let’s hope for the best—happy 10th anniversary.

May this journey of our company continues in the upcoming year. Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of our company. Happy 10th anniversary. All the best for the company.

Great work has been done by all the employees and staff all these years. Your dedication has lead our company to a higher level in these ten years. Let’s enjoy the 10th anniversary together.

All these successes in 10 years would never be possible without all of your support. Happy 10th anniversary.

Congrats to another year of success. Happy 10th anniversary to everyone.

We are not only many in numbers of years but also in many inexperience, talents, and creativity. Happy 20th anniversary everyone!

With all your efforts and accomplishment, we have come this far. let’s hope for the best! Happy 20th anniversary.

25th Anniversary/Silver Jubilee Wishes

Witnessing such a historic moment is an honor. May the coming years bring more fortune and prosperity. Happy 25th anniversary.

Thank you for being such a valuable asset to the company. Let us cheer for more jubilees. Happy 25th anniversary.

It is truly amazing to see the company grow from nothing to a big name in the market. Congratulations on the 25th anniversary of the company.

25 year company anniversary message

It is an honor to provide top-notch service to our customers for the past 25 years. Let us call for the biggest silver jubilee celebration for the company.

It is your hard work and loyalty that made this journey possible, so employees- remember that you keep this place running. Happy 25th anniversary.

50th Anniversary/Golden Jubilee Wishes

Congratulations on this significant occasion. Fifty years’ journey was never easy, but with everyone’s support, we made it happen—happy golden anniversary.

Many ups and downs happened over 50 years. But together, we fought every struggles and suffering—happy golden jubilee to all the dedicated co-worker.

Happy golden anniversary to the #1 company. I am looking forward to celebrating the next 50 years with the company—a happy golden anniversary.

This 50th anniversary of our company reminding me of thousands of good memories. Happy golden jubilee.

Congratulations to all of you who work hard to make our company #1. Happy 50th anniversary to everyone.

Read: Business Thank You Messages

Be it a message of appreciation or a text to be printed on a company anniversary card, we have here all the types of company anniversary messages you can think of. So, save your time and take the best ones out of this list. Company anniversary day is a big occasion and everyone expects the best of wishes. There’s no way these company anniversary messages can go without impressing them because we always bring the best of the bests for you!

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100 Quotes to Celebrate a Work Anniversary

Work anniversaries are an important milestone in an employee's career! Take the time to acknowledge and celebrate the anniversary with one of these quotes.

by Allie Berloco

No one should overlook work anniversaries. Whether it be one year or twenty, they are all important. It celebrates how much work an employee has put in and what they are doing to help move the company forward. Honoring a work anniversary is a great way to show that you are noticing all their hard work and dedication. No matter if it's a co-worker, employee, or family member, they deserve the recognition.

If you’re looking for ways to say “Happy Work Anniversary,” you’re in the right place. I have compiled 100 different ways to wish someone a happy workiversary. You’ll be sure to find something that fits the special occasion or person you want to celebrate.

In This Article...

One-year work anniversary quotes.

  • 10-Year Work Anniversary Quotes
  • 15-Year Work Anniversary Quotes

20-Year Work Anniversary Quotes

Funny work anniversary quotes, work anniversary quotes for boss, work anniversary quotes for co-workers, work anniversary quotes for your work bestie, work anniversary quotes for self, work anniversary quotes for significant other.

One-Year work anniversaries are a big deal! Staying with a company for 365 days deserves a shout-out. This employee has worked hard from day 1 and proved that they have what it takes. Acknowledge the not-so-new team member with words of encouragement, like these:

  • “We were so happy to welcome you to the team this year, and are so excited to see what you will do in the years to come!”
  • “This is the first of many happy milestones. Congratulations on reaching one year!”
  • “Today marks your one-year work anniversary, but it feels like you have been here forever. We are so happy to have you as part of our team!”
  • “Congratulations on your 1-year work anniversary! You've accomplished a lot in the past year, and I can't wait to see what you do in the future.”
  • “Congratulations on completing your first year of employment! Every business requires a hardworking and intelligent employee like you. Best wishes!”
  • “Pretty sure our company’s future is brighter because it has you in it. Congratulations on completing one year here successfully. Happy 1st work anniversary to you.”
  • “Congratulations on your work anniversary. You continue to be a key player on this team, and your efforts help make it a success. Thanks again, and congratulations!”
  • "You are an essential part of our company, and I’m really impressed with your work thus far. Have a wonderful work anniversary!"
  •  "We are lucky to have you on our team. Wishing you a happy work anniversary."
  • “You have come a long way and it is our pleasure to see you grow here as a confident person. Happy Work Anniversary.”

10-Year Work Anniversary Quotes


A whole decade! Staying at a company for 10 years shows more than hard work and dedication. It proves that this employee is a true part of the company and is someone who you can always count on. They’ve seen all the good and all the bad and are still sticking with it. Honor this full decade with quotes like these: 

  • “10 years is a long time, but we hope you’ll be spending many more years with us. Your dedication and hard work are much appreciated.”
  • “Congratulations on achieving ten years of service. The organization depends on your dedication to your job and the quality work that you do. We couldn’t do it without you!”
  • “It's been a decade since you joined us and used your brilliant expertise to help us achieve what seemed impossible. Today is your tenth work anniversary, and I wanted to send you our warmest anniversary greetings.”
  • “We all can take inspiration from your hard work, dedication, passion, and loyalty that you have displayed throughout these ten years of service. Congratulations on your Work Anniversary!”
  • “Congratulations on your 10th work anniversary! With your expertise and willingness to lead by example, you deserve this recognition. Congratulations on your accomplishment.”
  • “Entering double digits is no small deal. Happy workiversary!”
  • “Ten years and each has been better than the last. Cannot wait to see what you achieve in the next ten!”
  • “Thanks for sticking it out with us over this past crazy decade! So happy to have had you along for the roller coaster ride!”

15-Year Work Anniversary Quotes

15 years may have gone by in the blink of an eye, but that doesn’t mean it should go unnoticed. This employee has always gone the extra mile to make sure that all their work (and others!) gets done. They’ve trained newcomers and have always been the first to volunteer to stay late. Make sure that you remind them how valuable they are with one of these work anniversary quotes: 

  • “I’m grateful that I found someone like you as one of my employees. You have stood by our side through thick and thin for more than a decade now. And today marks the 15th work anniversary of your professional life. I congratulate you on your achievement and convey my best wishes on your work anniversary.”
  • “Congratulations on your 15th anniversary! You’ve come a long way since you started as a Research Clerk. When handed that first program, maybe before you were ready, you stepped up and made it work. Congratulations again, and keep up the exceptional work!”
  • “Every organization needs someone who stands out from the rest to be an inspiration for others to emulate. You are that person, and I am proud of you and everything you do daily. Happy work anniversary!”
  • “Success never comes in a day. It comes with strong determination and with great hard work, and you are an example of that. I wish you a Happy work anniversary.”
  • “You are a loyal employee, and the confidence you bring to the job is genuinely admirable. We’re grateful you joined our team and wish you a Happy Work Anniversary!”
  • “You have more than proved your capabilities in the 15 years you have worked with us. The company could not be prouder. Thank you and congratulations on your 15-year work anniversary.”
  • We feel lucky and glad to be a part of your team. Your exceptional leadership is beyond words. Happy work anniversary.
  • “With a team member like you, it becomes easier for the company to achieve goals. Happy anniversary!”
  • “Happy 15-year work anniversary! From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank you for all that you’ve done. We wish you many more memories and years ahead!


If an employee has been with you for 20 years, they’re in it for the long run. All their hard work has changed the company for the better. Their dedication has made a lasting impression and without them, you’d be clueless. Make sure everyone knows they’ve been with you for two full decades with one of these meaningful sayings:

  • “We are grateful for your contribution and dedication to our organization. Today, you complete 20 years with us. Continue to climb new heights with your hard work, zeal, and commitment. Wishing you a happy work anniversary.”
  • “My heartiest congratulations to you on achieving another milestone in the journey of your success. I wish you a happy 20th working anniversary.”
  • “You have shown everyone the true meaning of dedication and loyalty by confirming your association with our organization for 20 years. Today marks the day of this milestone. Cheers to your two decades of service.”
  • “Let me congratulate you on your 20th anniversary. Your leadership in the recreation department is worthy of all the praise you will hear today. Thank you for the high level of service that you provide. Wishing you more successes and best wishes always!”
  • “For the past 20 years, you have been a great member of this organization, serving in various roles. Your time and dedication to the company and the mission are much appreciated. You are always willing to help where it is needed in addition to doing your job. Thanks again, and congratulations!”
  • “Congratulations on achieving 20 years of exemplary work service. We truly appreciate your dedicated service to the organization, and I am personally thankful for your example as a role model in your local community. Happy Anniversary!”
  • “Today marks the culmination of your two-decade tenure as a valued member of our team. We are honored and grateful to have you here. Thank you for choosing to stay with us and inspire us for many years to come. Once again, congratulations on your work anniversary.”
  • “You are a source of inspiration and positivity which makes these 20 years colorful, fun, and full of success. Happy 20th work anniversary to you.”
  • “You are a winner indeed and we are so proud of having you among us over these 20 years. Your dedication to work is beyond admiration. Celebrate this day with joy.”
  • “The 20-year mark is a time to sit back and celebrate. You deserve it for your hard work, dedication, and commitment to this company. We love working with you-happy 20 years!”

We all have that one co-worker who brings all the laughs. Whenever they’re around, you know it’s going to be a good time. The company wouldn’t be the same without their sense of humor. Appreciate them on their work anniversary by speaking their language. Use a saying filled with humor when wishing them a “happy workiversary”:

  • “I heard you started so long ago that instead of filling out paperwork your first day, you chiseled your W-2 in stone. Anyway, happy work anniversary.”
  • “A work anniversary may seem like a lot of fun today. But just wait until you’ve been here as long as I have!”
  • “I bet you’d hope we’d forget, or at the very least that you’d forget how long you’ve been here. Afraid not! Happy anniversary.”
  • “Do you remember what you were doing this time last year? Probably the same thing you’re doing right now.”
  • “To us, it feels like just yesterday you started working here. To you, I bet it feels like a lifetime.”
  • “‍It’s another year down of tolerating you and looking ahead for many more years to be passed working with you. Happy work anniversary!”
  • “I think everyone would say that you are a gift to this company. Your dedication and contributions would be hard to replace. Please don’t regift yourself somewhere else.”
  • “I will never know how you stay here so long and still stay sane. Thanks for sticking it out in the madhouse with us!”
  • “Happy workiversary! We were going to hire a plane to write it in the sky, but, budget cuts, so just enjoy some cake instead.”
  • “Happy work anniversary! I would shout it from the rooftops, but, safety issues, so I’ll just say it to your face instead.”


When all your friends are sharing horror stories about their bosses, you don’t find yourself with any. Your boss has been the person who is always in your corner and encouraging you to go the extra mile. It’s important to recognize their work anniversary also! Thank them for all the hours and work they put into the company while also mentoring their employees. Make your boss feel appreciated on their work anniversary with one of these quotes: 

  • “Thank you for your unlimited patience with us and for guiding us relentlessly with your valuable experience. Thank you for everything. Have a wonderful work anniversary.”
  • “Your dedication and passion for your work make you the success that you are. Keep raising the bar, and have a happy work anniversary.”
  • “Congratulations on your work anniversary. You always saw possibilities in us and inspired us to spark that. It’s our honor to work under your supervision.”
  • “Happy work anniversary. Today’s achievement of this organization is only possible for your supreme leadership, inspiring support, dedication, and passion. Thanks for all your efforts.”
  • “Through all these years, your guidance and support helped to accomplish all the targets. Wish you a blissful future and thank you for your inspiring and supportive leadership.”
  • “Congratulations on all of your hard work and dedication over the years. You are a pillar of our organization, a great leader, and a supportive colleague. It is an honor to be part of your team. Happy Work Anniversary!”
  • “On behalf of our [team/department], we would like to congratulate you on your work anniversary. You demonstrate dedication, passion, and loyalty by devoting [years of service] to this company. You are a valuable member of our community and a fantastic leader. We wish you all the best and success in the years to come.”
  • It’s your leadership and patience that got us to where we are today. Happy work anniversary!
  • “Our team has exceeded targets and risen to new heights due to your leadership, guidance, and decisions. Happy work anniversary!”
  • “You are a brilliant manager whose passion for excellence is unparalleled! Congrats on your (X)th year!”

Let’s face it. Without your co-workers, work wouldn’t be the same. You look forward to seeing them every day and being able to build friendships with them. They have helped you grow and are always a shoulder to cry on when you need them. Show them their work anniversary is worth celebrating with one of these quotes:

  • “On your anniversary, we appreciate all your hard work and dedication. Best wishes for another successful year.”
  • “It is a blast to work with an amazing co-worker like you every day. Looking forward to many more years of working together.”
  • “You are a source of inspiration, as your work ethic is exemplary. Thank you for being there every time we have needed you. Wishing you a happy work anniversary!”
  • “We want you to know that you are a valuable member of our team. We wish you all the success in your career!”
  • “Happiest work anniversary dear colleague. We feel lucky to have you on our team. We feel powerful and enlightened being with you in this professional field. Have a good one this year.”
  • “If every colleague were as wonderful as you, then the work world would be a much better place. Happy work anniversary!”
  • “Today is a day to reflect on all you have achieved so far, and all you hope to accomplish in the time to come. Happy work anniversary.”
  • “The future has big things in store for you, but we are so glad you are here with us in the present. Happy work anniversary!”
  • “This place would not be the same without you around. The way that you have led this company on its journey from good to great is incredible. Happy anniversary!”
  • “From the minute that I stepped into this office, I looked up to you as a leader, a role model, and a friend who would never steer me wrong. Happy anniversary to such a great force in this company.”


It’s not every day that you get the chance to work with someone who becomes your best friend. They’re the person that you always go to for advice and you know you can trust. In fact, you don’t even need to be at work to hang out. You two have become inseparable. Make sure to go all out for their workiversary with words like these: 

  • “Happy work anniversary! Working with me every day is your gift.”
  • “Through good times and bad times, you have been beside me always. Happy anniversary! Hope you continuously enjoy every minute of your stay in this office.”
  • “To the person who makes coming into work every day worth it! Happy work anniversary!” 
  • “Happy x year work anniversary! With a work bestie like you, Mondays aren’t so bad after all.” 
  • Whoever said work isn’t fun doesn’t have a work friend like you. Happy workiversary!” 
  • “Chance made us co-workers, but fun and laughter made us friends. Happy work anniversary!” 
  • “Work BFF (noun): Someone you love dearly, and also happen to work with. Happy Workiversary!” 
  • Happiness is having a colleague who becomes a friend. Happy x year work anniversary1” 
  • “Motivation comes from working on things we care about. It also comes from working with people we care about.” – Sheryl Sandberg
  • The best coworker is a friend, a teammate, a sounding board, and a shoulder to cry on.” – Unknown

You deserve to celebrate your own workiversary too! Make sure that you honor your own workiversary by reflecting on your accomplishments. Whether you want to write it out or personalize a piece of meaningful jewelry, try one of these quotes:  

  •  “X years at [company name] and many more to go. I’m so proud of myself.” 
  • “I worked so hard to get to where I am and it only goes up from here!” 
  • “On even the hardest days, I still pushed through. Happy workiversay to me!” 
  • “Another year down! It feels like just yesterday I started, and here I am not achieving my dreams.” 
  • “Congratulations to me for my (number) year of work! I hope to give my hundred and a thousand percent to this company and help it progress at light speed.”
  • “I'd like to wish myself a happy work anniversary. I am grateful to many people for this achievement because they all helped me stay motivated here with their sage advice and inspiration. Thank you very much, everyone.”
  • “Congratulations on completing another year of work successfully. Growing professionally at this place was a privilege and an honor. I'd like to wish myself a happy work anniversary.”
  • “I’ve made it so far in these short few years. I’m so proud of the person I’ve become and all the dedication I put into my work.” 
  • “Happy workiversary to me! I’d like to thank everyone who has helped me along the way.” 
  •  “Working X years at [company name] is such an important milestone. I can only hope for many more successful years!”


Your significant other is the hardest working person that you know. They go to work every day with no complaints and give it their all. They may not want you to make a big deal of their work anniversary, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn't acknowledge it. Let them know how proud you are of them with one of these quotes: 

  • “I am so proud of you my dear husband/wife. Your dreams are finally becoming a reality. Happy Job anniversary!”
  • “The success of your company has been upwards since the day you joined it. Wishing you a happy anniversary my dear husband/wife!”
  • “The way you show commitment to your work is so inspiring. Happy work anniversary, my love!”
  • Congratulations on your joyous work anniversary my dear husband/wife. I want you to know I am so happy with the achievements you have made.
  • “I know you put in so much hard work each day, and it pays off. I’m so proud of you. Happy work anniversary!” 
  • “Happy work anniversary to the person who works hard each and every day. I appreciate all that you do.” 
  • “You bring so much to your company, it’s no small feat to hit your X-year work anniversary. Congratulations to my favorite person!”
  • “Your company is so lucky to have you! Your hard work and determination have got them to where they are today. Happy work anniversary!” 
  • “Today we celebrate you and all you have accomplished over the past x years. Happy workiversary. I love you!”

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speech on office anniversary

Allie Berloco

Allie Berloco is a writer for Fortune & Frame. She graduated from Marist University with a double major in Media Studies, TV & Film Production and Communications, Journalism. She's sown here in her official Harry Styles fangirl outfit after seeing him perform live on the Today Show in NYC.

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  • November 15, 2021
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Post: 21 Ways to Say Very Happy Work Anniversary to a Team Member

cheerful man all dressed in pink holding a chocolate cake in celebration of a work anniversary

This post was last updated on, January 17th, 2024

Don’t you wish you could shout “Happy Work Anniversary” every day?

That would mean that every work day, someone on your team, in your department, in your company has hit a milestone like a 1-year anniversary, and hopefully, fingers crossed , even longer. This means you, as a manager, company, or brand, are WINNING.

Employee retention is hard, and in this current world of remote work, hybrid work, and asynchronous work (say that ten times fast), keeping valuable, hardworking, and loyal employees is HARD! #truestory.

Table of contents: 1. Tribute to Dedication and Achievement 2. Honoring Milestones 3. Happy 1 Year 4. Cheers to 5 Years 5. The Almost-There 9-Year 6. A Decade of Dedication 7. 15 Years of Excellence 8. 20 Years and Beyond 9. Why Are Work Anniversary Wishes Important? 10. Professional Work Anniversary Messages 11. Encouraging Work Anniversary Wishes

A Tribute to Dedication and Achievement”

Work anniversaries represent special moments of acknowledgment and celebration in an employee’s journey with your organization.

These occasions are not just about marking another year; they’re about appreciating the time, energy, and skills that employees have dedicated to the growth and success of your business.

Celebrating these milestones is an excellent way to express gratitude and recognize the hard work and commitment demonstrated by your team members. It’s a time to reflect on the collective achievements and individual contributions that have propelled the company forward.

A work anniversary goes beyond a simple congratulatory message; it’s an acknowledgment of an employee’s positive attitude, professional growth, and aspirations for the future.

It’s an opportunity to reinforce their sense of belonging and show them how integral they are to the team and the organization’s overall success.

An excited businessman wearing a blue suit, standing in front of a pink background, with confetti all around him.

Honoring Milestones: The Significance of Work Anniversaries

Work anniversaries are more than just a marker of tenure; they are significant milestones that celebrate the journey and evolution of an employee within your company.

These occasions provide a unique opportunity for both the organization and the employees to reflect on the past, acknowledge the present, and look forward to future aspirations.

These celebrations are an excellent way for a business to demonstrate its care and appreciation for its team members, fostering a culture of recognition and employee engagement.

Whether it’s their first year or a decade-long journey, each work anniversary is a testament to an employee’s loyalty, dedication, and the unique role they play in the team’s success.

By honoring these milestones, you not only show your deepest gratitude for the employees’ contributions but also reinforce their importance to the team and the company’s vision.

Celebrating work anniversaries, regardless of whether it’s a first-year milestone or a multi-decade commitment, helps build a culture of acknowledgment and appreciation, contributing significantly to overall job satisfaction and employee morale.

Celebrating Prominent Work Anniversary Milestones

A gold candle sitting on top of a cupcake in front of a pink background.

Happy 1 Year Work Anniversary

Celebrating a one-year work anniversary marks an important milestone in an employee’s journey with your company.

This year is pivotal as it encompasses learning, growing, and becoming a crucial part of the team. It’s a period where the employee transitions from being a newcomer to an integral team member, contributing their unique skills and perspectives to the company’s success.

This first anniversary is not just a celebration of tenure, but a recognition of the employee’s adaptability, achievements, and the positive impact they have made.

Acknowledging this milestone reinforces their value to the team and the organization, boosting morale and laying a strong foundation for their continued growth and success within the company.

Happy Five

Cheers to 5 Years

Reaching a five-year work anniversary is a momentous occasion, marking half a decade of consistent service, growth, and dedication. This significant milestone is a testament not just to being a committed employee but also to the vital role played in the team’s success.

This anniversary celebrates an enduring commitment, recognizing the employee’s substantial contributions and strides in their role. Congratulations on another year of hard work and loyalty; it’s a testament to the meaningful impact and progress they’ve achieved within the organization.

Recognizing this five-year milestone is pivotal for employee engagement. It honors not only the past efforts of the individual but also underscores their essential role in shaping the future of the company.

This acknowledgment is an opportunity for the organization to demonstrate genuine appreciation, thus strengthening the employee-company bond and setting a positive example for team cohesion and morale.

Celebrating this anniversary is more than just a formality; it’s an affirmation of the employee’s valued presence and a nod to their continued journey with the company. It’s a chance to reflect on the shared achievements and look forward to many more collaborative successes.

Number nine in gold, with white and gold ballons around, holding gift boxes all in front of a pink background.

The Almost-There 9-Year Celebration

Let’s not forget the 9-year mark — because who actually makes it to ten, right? Celebrate this ‘almost-a-decade’ milestone with a sense of humor and appreciation for such a valuable member of your team.

It’s a quirky yet significant achievement, proving that the employee is just a step away from a decade-long commitment. A playful “Happy 9th Workiversary! Almost a decade and still rocking it!” can lighten the mood and show that every year counts, even the often-overlooked ninth year.

This fantastic work anniversary is not just a celebration of time but a recognition of an incredible team member who is greatly appreciated. Organizing fun celebrations like humorous awards or a mock ‘countdown to ten’ activity can keep the spirit light-hearted yet appreciative.

It’s a way to say, “You’re an integral part of our journey, and we’re excited to see you hit the big ten!” Celebrating the ninth year underscores the value and contributions of the employee, setting a positive tone as they approach a full decade of dedication and service.

Ten year gold ballon, with white party flags in front of a pink background.

A Decade of Dedication – 10 Years

Reaching a ten-year work anniversary is a significant landmark in an employee’s career, representing a decade of unwavering loyalty and resilience.

This milestone not only signifies a long tenure but also embodies a journey filled with dedication, adaptability, and pivotal contributions to the company’s growth and success. Celebrating ten years with a company is an extraordinary achievement that deserves special recognition and appreciation, marking a wonderful work anniversary.

Throughout this decade, an employee evolves, adapts to various changes, and becomes a valuable member of the team by contributing significantly to key projects and initiatives.

Acknowledging a ten-year anniversary is essential to highlight the employee’s steadfast commitment and the invaluable experience they bring, enhancing overall job satisfaction within the team.

Congratulations on your work over these ten years – it’s a celebration of past accomplishments and a recognition of future potential. This anniversary reinforces the employee’s crucial role in the unfolding narrative of the company’s success, acknowledging their integral place in its ongoing journey.

6 white and pink gift boxes surrounding a pink number 15 in a white background.

15 Years of Excellence

Celebrating fifteen years at a company marks a substantial epoch in an employee’s career, woven with innumerable stories, achievements, and valuable learning experiences.

This significant milestone represents not just longevity but a journey rich in professional development, milestones achieved, and knowledge gained. Recognizing fifteen years of service honors the depth of expertise and steadfast dedication the employee has contributed to the company’s narrative.

Over a decade and a half, an employee becomes a cornerstone of the organization, often witnessing and contributing to its evolution and successes.

This anniversary is a moment to reflect on the past and to appreciate the employee’s integral role in shaping the company’s future.

A blue colored hair woman, wearing a pink suit in front of a dark pink background.

20 Years and Beyond

Reaching a twenty-year work anniversary is an exceptional and rare achievement, symbolizing not just a long tenure but a profound commitment and a rich tapestry of experiences contributed to the company.

This milestone represents a journey filled with unwavering commitment, deep expertise, and a significant impact on the organization’s history and culture.

Over these two decades, an employee establishes themselves as a valuable member and an amazing colleague, embodying a legacy of knowledge, resilience, and adaptability.

Celebrating this landmark is not only a tribute to their enduring loyalty but also an opportunity to honor employees for their invaluable role in mentoring and shaping the company’s future.

It’s a moment to recognize the lasting contributions they have made and the enduring relationships they have fostered over the years. A twenty-year work anniversary is a testament to an employee’s steadfast dedication and their integral part in the company’s ongoing success story.

Work anniversaries are appropriate at any point during someone’s tenure with your company; not just when celebrating their yearly anniversary.

Show your team members your deepest gratitude for a job well done with our work anniversary ideas and how-tos below. Scroll down to read more.

happy anniversary in blocks letters on a striped pink and white background

Don’t let an employee’s work anniversary pass you by.

Why Are Work Anniversary Wishes Important?

Work anniversary wishes make employees feel like they have a brand new lease in their work career..

Employee work anniversaries are a chance for your company to show how much you value your employees.

A day-one spark of enthusiasm should be rekindled, and you can do that by getting creative with what’s important in the workplace; like celebrating.

Start by planning an amazing event, like a virtual happy hour or team building activity like Bingo , or simply start by sending out some kinder wishes on a Slack channel or internal communication app.

Employees Take a Trip Down Memory Lane

Employee memories are a treasure , and employees share sweet reminisces with their team members to help them recall their first time and how far they have come.

In those early days of being an intern or even just starting out as someone in your company’s mailroom, it’s these little stories between coworkers which make up for all those long hours spent together during crunch times at work.

Reinforce the Strength Amongst Teams

If you’re an organization that’s looking to recognize your dedicated employees, then it might be time for some employee recognition service awards. And that means a work anniversary celebration!

Work anniversary parties and events can help build camaraderie, and good work ethics and strengthen teams by giving credit where credit is due.

After all, these are the team of workers who give their all each day so we don’t have these long commutes or stressful jobs all to ourselves.

Many employees deserve our thanks and employee appreciation just as much if not more than those of us at home with desks filled with machines.

a pink post-it note with the words let's party written on in, on a cork background.

A Great Way to Remind People Why They Love Their Job

Work anniversaries are an important time to take stock of what you love about your job. The organization’s culture and values are also something that helps keep people on the job, so it can be fitting to commemorate this with kind words or actions at their annual celebration.

An employee’s anniversary gift also helps show how great things can get and resonates through time in all the upcoming years. After all employers/employees come together in more than just dollar signs: they share mutual care towards each other which means their relationship goes beyond business transactions.

What Do You Say During a Work Anniversary Event?

When you have a person who is loyal to his or her profession, they can really make life better for other people. An employee’s work anniversary is a perfect opportunity to show how much you care and appreciate this fact.

Your message should be tailored to the one employee and their interests, not something general so that they feel enthusiastic upon reading or receiving their recognition.

Here are some of the heartiest work anniversary wishes and messages we could find;

Professional Work Anniversary Messages

Happy anniversary! It wouldn’t be possible without your hard work and positive attitude. Thank you for making this place everything it is.

Another incredible anniversary! Another year of exceeding all my expectations. I don’t know how you do it, but thank goodness for you who makes everything seem possible.

You’re the best. I can’t imagine what this place would be like without your incredible work ethic and sense of humor.

It is always a pleasure working with you. Thank you for inspiring us every year and making this company so great!

We want to thank you for showing dedication and hard work in our organization. We hope that this will be a long-lasting anniversary of many happy years with us!

Happy Work Anniversary, pal! I’m so proud to call you my friend. You’re an inspiration and model for work ethic in this industry. Thank you again for another year of hard-working dedication that has led us here today.

You have been a great help to us, and we want you to know that. To show our gratitude for all of your hard work these past few years with this sweet treat! Happy anniversary from the entire team. We hope you enjoy the gift card.

I never expected it to be this amazing. You have come such a long way in the last year and I’m so proud of everything that you’ve accomplished! Congratulations on your one-year anniversary today–much-continued success! You deserve all those rewards and more.

It’s been an interesting and whirlwind year together. I can’t believe how much you have done for our organization in such a short time and what an essential part of the team you are! From following me around at work to cracking that signature deal – we really are grateful for people who enjoy working with good partners like yourself. Thankful as always- Kudos!!

We are so proud of your dedication and loyalty. You have shown everyone the true meaning of what it means to be a member for life! Congratulations on your first anniversary on behalf of our organization, we hope you enjoy this special award because it goes out from us with love for your years of service – congratulations.

Very happy work anniversary! I am so thankful for all your efforts and the way you’ve helped me on my work journey. Your invaluable contribution means a lot to us and it’s been an honor having your support these past few years, wishing you all of the success in this new year ahead.

It’s been an honor to watch you try and fail, learn from your mistakes (and successes), and grow into such a dependable employee. Thank goodness we get the privilege of having someone like that on our team! I hope all these years working together haven’t gone unnoticed; it means everything because without people who give their very best every day – there would be no success at all. Best wishes for many more successful eras ahead:)

You are the ultimate skilled professional, always showing your utmost dedication at work even when there is no one watching. We appreciate it and wish you a happy anniversary.

Congratulations on a remarkable 10-year journey with us! Your dedication over the last decade has been instrumental to our story. We look forward to continuing our collaboration. Happy 10th Work Anniversary!

Happy 20th Work Anniversary! Two decades of unwavering commitment and exceptional service have made you an integral part of our success. Thank you for your invaluable contributions. Here’s to the legacy you’ve built and to future accomplishments!

Happy Message

Encouraging Work Anniversary Wishes

Your hard work and dedication to this company has made you a precious gem in our crown over these past eight years. And I take the opportunity now, on your special day of celebration-to offer my congratulations for all that’s been accomplished together thus far with us!

Happy Work Anniversary! We all just wanted to say how much we enjoy having you with us. They say the best way to know people is by working side-by-side, and I think that says a lot about your character as an employee for this company – congratulations on X wonderful years of service alongside us.

Finding a co-worker like you is an honor. To this very date, I am inspired by your dedication and hard work even though it’s been some time since we started working together! Congratulations on your anniversary. I hope to see many more happy ones with all the best from one colleague to another.

You are a workhorse, and your hard-earned respect has not gone unnoticed. Today is an anniversary for you! Thankful to have someone as dedicated in our company with morals like yours on this day – Happy Work Anniversary!!

Happy Work Anniversary! Your blend of creativity and diligence is a rare find and has been key to our success. You’ve brought not just professionalism, but a unique spark to our team dynamic. Here’s to many more years of breaking boundaries and setting benchmarks

Happy Anniversary! With each passing year, you’ve transformed challenges into opportunities, setting the bar higher. Your commitment has been nothing short of inspiring, and your progress impressive. As you celebrate this milestone, know that you are a vital thread in the fabric of our company’s story. Cheers to your dedication and to many more years of shared achievements!

the word celebrate on a pink background

Every year, it is a joy and an opportunity for employee appreciation in your company.

Work anniversaries should not only provide them with employee recognition but also convey feelings of love from employers or co-workers on this special occasion.

Celebrating work anniversaries maintains a good work environment, reminisce on company history, maintain company culture, and helps people feel like valued employees.

Since you might have to deal with a few work anniversaries in your professional career, always ensure to observe work etiquette .

Either way, remember to curate a personal note for your esteemed employees or boss, include warm greetings from you and your colleagues, and maintain a positive vibe. Good Luck!

How have you celebrated work anniversaries in the past? Did you feel appreciated? Did your boss or manager spoil you with company swag?

Happy Celebration

Tell us all about it in the comments below!

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30 Classy Ways To Celebrate Work Anniversaries (Remote and In-Person!)


How would you feel if it’s your birthday and no one ends up wishing you? That will be pretty disappointing, and it may ruin your mood for the rest of the day. Amidst a busy schedule, it’s quite obvious for us to miss out on special occasions. However, as professionals, there’s one particular event that we shouldn’t forget, i.e., the work anniversary of your colleagues and employees.

Work anniversaries carry a lot of emotion for professionals who started working for a company and gained several experiences. It reminds them of their struggles and the good times spent with the team members. As such, celebrating work anniversaries has become an inevitable part of today’s company culture.

Further, such celebrations in the workplace positively affect employee engagement and motivate employees to stay connected with their jobs.

Therefore, to help you plan the perfect work anniversary celebration at your workplace, I have listed some great ideas.

30 Best Work Anniversary Celebration Ideas for Making Employees Feel Special

1. work desk explosion.

No, it’s not about setting off a bomb at your employees’ desk on his/her work anniversary. How would you feel coming to your workplace and finding your work desk already decorated with thank you cards, nice anniversary quotes , balloons, and personalized tokens of appreciation?

That’ll mark the beginning of a fabulous day at work, isn’t it?

As a manager or an HR personnel, you can plan something similar to surprise your employees on their work anniversary. Furthermore, it asks everyone in the workplace to convey their wishes by writing them on cards to their peers to achieve this milestone. And then fill that employees’ work desks with these wishes.

2. Granting Them a Day Off

A busy schedule at work is often responsible for disrupting an employees’ work-life balance . Allowing them to take breaks to rejuvenate and to spend some time with their loved ones is very impactful. Letting them enjoy their work anniversary by giving them some “me-time” is a great way to set the tone in the right way. This instills the thought that you care for your employees and acknowledge the importance of personal time.

3. E-Gift Cards

The world is going all digital today, and even workplaces are adapting to this changing scenario. Long gone are the days when paychecks and gift cards came in a sealed envelope. Sending out E-gift cards to an employee on his/her work anniversary helps you get flexible in gifting. An employee can use the gift cards against anything from online shopping, traveling, or booking tickets for a movie or park .

4. Silly Trophies

Work anniversary does not always need to be formal. Adding a little fun to it is fine. You can consider giving the employees celebrating their year anniversary silly trophies like “Best Downloader” , “Always on Leave” , and more. Thus, adding some fun to your daily work environment also makes it a memorable day for the employees’.

5. Personalized Gifts

Sending out pre-formatted emails wishing the employees on completing a year of service may not be fruitful. We, humans, love it when someone gifts us something personalized. Similarly, your employees too will love it when you get down to them on a personal level.

As personalized gifts , you can consider gifting them accessories such as a coffee mug or a shirt with their name on it. Also, you can gift them books based on their preference which is always a great idea. This way, you also get to know your employees on a personal level and pave the way for a great employee-employer relation .

6. Letter of Appreciation

Letter of Appreciation is another great way to appreciate an employees’ work and thank them for services over the year. Even a letter of appreciation can have a personal touch to it and vary from employee to employee. A well-written letter of gratitude thanking the employees’ for the loyalty and efforts in running the company is one of the best things which he/she can desire to have. Moreover, it helps boost the employees’ morale and motivates them to further their work quality.

Related article: 50 Best Words of Appreciation for Employees

7. Getting Them a Gym Membership

Healthy employees are like the jewel to the crown for every organization. But sometimes, amidst the hectic schedules at work, the employees put aside everything, which even includes their health.

As an employer, you can change this by encouraging the employees to embrace a more healthy lifestyle. On employees' work anniversary, you can gift them the chance to achieve the greatest wealth, i.e., “HEALTH”! Giving your employees company-sponsored gym memberships on their work anniversary will surely help them kickstart their health journey.

8. Executive Dining

Good Food Is Good Mood. Who doesn’t like to enjoy a nice meal amidst a rich ambiance? Executive dining is one of the best privileges you can get your employees on their work anniversary.

As the saying goes, “Food is the way to everyone’s heart.” You can opt for booking a table for your employee celebrating a work anniversary in an up-class restaurant. Employees feel appreciated when they know that they are being treated for the good things in life. This is very helpful in fostering positive feelings towards their work and superiors.

9. Recognition From The Top Level

Every one of us would feel good when our work and efforts get recognized by the top management. Getting the employees recognized by the top-level executives on their work anniversaries will raise their morale. This helps to improve their professional relations as well as get attuned to the management’s expectations. However, recognition from the top-level management shouldn’t be just limited to year-old anniversaries. Employee recognition for good work done should take place frequently for an efficient workforce.

10. Give Them The Spotlight

Nothing could get better than getting recognized for years of service in front of their peers. Also, let everyone know that today is one of their colleagues' work anniversary. Put up some of their most exciting pictures on the company's bulletin board and pin-up their long list of achievements. Encourage their team members to put up their rendition of their fond memories about him/her. You can also feature them along with their triumph over the company’s social media pages.

All in all, make it into a celebration worthy for an age-old comrade who helped you achieve your company's objectives. This way, it benefits the employers in two ways; First, it helps in employee recognition. Secondly, it motivates the rest of the workforce.

11. Promotional Opportunities

Not all employees work hard for money; sometimes, it’s more about earning the top spot. Employee work anniversaries provide an excellent opportunity for employers to upscale the roles for deserving workers. Announcing promotions based on the employees’ performance or their years of experience is one of the best ways to make work anniversaries memorable. This motivates and gives every employee an equal chance to prove his/her mettle at work and earn the top spot.

12. Appreciation From The Peer

Everyone is so busy with their work nowadays that they hardly would remember their co-workers’ work anniversaries. Work anniversaries hold equal importance like birthdays for professionals. You can make the moment when they look down on their years of service exceptional through peer appreciation . Fill up the employees' mail with messages of appreciation from the co-workers for one day.

And with the use of today’s technology, everything is now available with just a click. Here at Vantage Circle, with the power of cloud technology, we created an effective tool for employee recognition and appreciation making the task much easier for you.

13. Upgrading Their Work Desk

Amongst all the things at a workplace, an employee's work desk holds special significance for him/her. It is here where the ideas take birth, and the company's growth is also determined on certain levels as the employees spent most of his/her day at their work desks. Giving them an upgraded work desk with new pieces of equipment and other amenities will surely bring a smile to their faces on their work anniversary.

14. Master of The Day

This one idea is especially for the employees who have spent more than 5 or 6 years in the organization. They are highly experienced and are very familiar with the company culture . As an honor for their services, you can make these employees feel like a boss and run the show around the workplace for a day. On their day of work anniversary, you can introduce your employees’ to the new recruits. And then make the employees take up the orientation sessions and inspire them for their journey ahead.

15. Primo Parking

Does your company reserve premium parking spaces for the top executives?

If yes, then there is another great idea to make your employees feel privileged and important on their anniversary. Allowing employees access to the prime parking spot for their vehicles for a week beginning on the day of their work-varsary is an effective way to show their importance. Such acts would further motivate the employees to work hard and achieve the same spot permanently.

16. Give Them “The Space”

Most of the time, employees prefer having their desired space in the workplace. However, it may not be the case for all employees. An employee who performs the best in a quiet and crowd-free environment may get his/her work desk among the others. And it’s always not possible to allow them to shift as they like.

However, this can be made as to one of their work anniversary gifts. Giving the employees the liberty to choose their desired space on their work-varsary is a very subtle way to motivate and boost their productivity.

17. Depicting Their Journey

Remembering the long journey in an organization can be both fun and emotional for an employee. On the day of an employees’ work anniversary, you can play a video or series of photographs. Doing this on the sidelines while appreciating the employee will make the event even more special for them.

You can plan this by getting the videos and photos from the employees’ co-workers. And then further compiling and playing it during the appreciation event. Especially for employees serving long-term, depicting their journey as a timeline of their professional life will make it both inspiring and memorable for everyone.

18. One on One With A Pro

Every one of us has an individual interest and your employees are no different. Their interests can be about anything like painting, singing, dancing, football, tennis, carpentry and more. To make the employee work anniversaries more interesting and memorable, you can give them an hour or even a day with an expert from their area of interest. This shows how much the employer cares for employee satisfaction. And it also instils a positive emotion in the hearts and minds of the employees’ for their respective employers.

19. Get Them A Hot Wheel

No! It’s not the toy set. Here the deal is real. We all dream of owning or riding a posh car at least once in our lives, and your employees are no different. Making this dream come true for a day is worth the effort they put in at work daily. As an employer, you do this by hiring a luxury car service to celebrate their work anniversary. The joy which an employee will have on receiving a wow ride will be immense, and they would remember it for the years to come.

20. Open Up Stock Options

Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) allows the workers to invest in the company where they are working. Such programs let an employee buy company stock at a lower price than what is offered in the market. ESOP can be opened up for employees who have served the company for five or more years on their work anniversary. This way it also acts as a very effective employee retention strategy which an employer can implement

21. Educational Sabbaticals

It’s your employees who make you win at every step. Their development and career advancements directly impact the productivity of the organization in a positive way. And it’s never too late to learn anything new. Having said so, what could be better than supporting an employees’ quest for knowledge. Particularly for employees who had spent more than 7 years or equal in the organization this could be a very awesome gift to mark their work anniversary.

As a token of appreciation for their years of service, you can support your employees with educational sabbaticals. This will let them explore new avenues and explore the best out in them and will also let them achieve their dreams.

22. Company Sponsored Trip

Travelling is therapeutic.

Employees who have completed ten or more years of service deserve more than just appreciation or rewards on their work anniversary. They might have taken several trips at their own expense. So, sponsoring a trip can be both a memorable and meaningful token of appreciation. Employees who stay loyal to the organization for the long term always deserve the best. And nothing could get better than a company-sponsored trip for this purpose.

23. Take Up Their Cause

Your employees may work 8 to 10 hours a day for you, but at the end of the day, they are humans too. Like all, they may also support a charitable cause and actively participate in improving society's society. Sponsoring or taking up a social cause in which they are engaged is a very subtle gift an employer can vest upon them.

This is especially true for any employee who has spent most years serving the institution, like 10,15, 20 years, or more. Lending a hand to their philanthropic efforts not only makes up for a nice anniversary gift but it also makes for a strong CSR initiative .

Also read: Corporate Philanthropy- How It Benefits Employee Engagement?

24. Host Creative Workshops

Commemorate an employee's years-long success by helping them in learning new skills and reigniting their creative spark. You can also host a lunch and learn session where your employee can share their work experiences. Such activities strengthen both the sense of camaraderie and the level of collaboration between teams .

However, all workshops don't need to be work-related; in fact, it's preferable if they aren't. You can arrange workshops on self-development or mindfulness at work that demonstrate to employees that you care about their well-being on a personal level.

25. Roll Out The Virtual Red Carpet

Celebrating work anniversaries has a unique advantage in remote working. That is, you can welcome family and friends to join in the celebrations.

Also read: Work From Home Policy: A Definitive Guide For Managers

You can start by creating a presentation of their important milestones with congratulatory notes. You can host a virtual party where every one of the team joins in. You might tell some intriguing or hilarious stories about the employee, or you can ask if their closest coworker has anything to say about the special event.

Sending employee care packages are also a terrific way to show your employee how much they mean to your company. Such surprises have a big impact and make employees feel valued.

Related blog: 10 Best Virtual Team Building Activities for Remote Employees

26. Order Them A Cake

For those with a sweet tooth, sending a sweet treat is a fantastic virtual work anniversary idea! You can order a cake, and the whole team can join the cake cutting through a conference call. Make the event even more special by sending a batch of customized cupcakes to the entire staff from the bakery.

27. Upgrade The Tech

Technology is the key to establishing an effective and productive workforce. Your employee is probably in need of new tools and technology after years of service.

To express gratitude and dedication, commemorate the anniversary by updating the staff member's technology. It’s best to start the process by inquiring about your employee's technological preferences. The idea is to gift the technology that the employee actually wants.

28. Write A Great Linkedin Recommendation

Your employees contribute so much to the company. They, in turn, deserve your support! Make a fantastic LinkedIn recommendation for your employees who are celebrating their work anniversary. Describe every incredible skill your employee possesses, but make it brief and sweet.

29. Arrange A Session On Career Planning

Celebrate an anniversary by organizing a career planning session tailored to the employee's needs.

During this session, invite employees to an open-ended conversation about anything and everything they might like to do in the company. Make it obvious to employees that they are free to discuss any part of the business, even if they lack knowledge or experience in that area.

This discussion will help them determine what they truly want to do and where they are going next.

30. Boss For The Day

Allow an employee to be "the boss" for a day on their work anniversary. They can't make major policy changes, but they do receive some nice advantages. Like having the best parking spot in the lot or selecting their own seating arrangement for the next year. Not only that, but they also get to propose a new business idea to work upon.

Many of these new thoughts contribute significantly to the growth of businesses.

The Bottom Line

Employees who dedicate a considerable number of years of service at work deserve all the applause. It is their hard work as well as their loyalty that makes companies thrive.

Similarly, you can express your gratitude towards them by acknowledging their accomplishments. Celebrating employee work anniversaries is one of the few occasions when you can try out a variety of new things to make them happy.

You can start by trying any of the ways listed above but remember genuine appreciation always comes from within. So, don’t forget to say out loud, “HAPPY WORK ANNIVERSARY.”

Celebrating work anniversaries is an important part of today’s company culture. Here are the 23 best ways to make work anniversaries memorable for them.

speech on office anniversary

Working as a SEO Analyst and Content Marketer at Vantage Circle, Angshuman always stays curious and is passionate about learning new things. Got any question? Drop a mail at [email protected]

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44 Unforgettable Work Anniversary Ideas, Rewards & Gifts For Celebrating Years of Service at a Company

celebrate work anniversary ideas

With everything on your plate, it can be tempting to let anniversary celebrations fall to the wayside.

But neglecting them can turn out to be a costly cultural error. That’s because celebrating work anniversaries isn’t just a nice gesture for your employees or coworkers – there’s a strong business case to be made for making work anniversaries a priority at your company.

Sound strange? It all comes down to the fact that our emotions and our performance are intimately linked.

When employers offer an anniversary gift or reward, they’re really saying: “This is a symbol of what all your work means to me.” In other words, work anniversary acknowledgments can make or break an employee’s sense of meaning, and consequently their motivation and productivity .

Since gratitude and optimism affect performance, companies who proactively foster these positive emotions via a culture of recognition have an automatic leg-up on those who don’t. Bonusly recently reported that companies with high levels of employee engagement improved 19% in operating income.

Plus, there’s the fact that work anniversaries have a relatively high ROI – you get an outsized return for not much time or money. All it really takes is a little planning, some creativity, and genuine appreciation .

But it only works if you do it right. Here’s our top tips, tactics, and company anniversary ideas for employees to help you make the most of work anniversaries.

Some Of Our Favorite Work Anniversary Ideas:

  • 🎉 Automate Milestones
  • 🙌 Public Recognition
  • 💳 Virtual Spending Card
  • 🎁 Send a Work Anniversary Gift
  • 📈 Provide Growth And Development

1) Automate Milestones (So You Never Miss A Single One)

Work Anniversary Bonusly

If you are running a large team, keeping track of milestones can be a little difficult. Luckily, many employee milestone programs have built-in frameworks to manage work anniversaries, birthdays, and any other important milestones in an easy-to-manage dashboard.

The added bonus to automating your employee anniversary program is that managers do not have to stress about juggling dates, shipping times, gift selection and everything else!

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: They receive a milestone celebration from the team without making a big fuss!

How to get started: You can try a tool like Bonusly to explore their automated milestones program and track your entire team’s anniversaries in one centralized dashboard.

2) Do A LinkedIn Shout-Out

Look beyond your internal communication channels and take your recognition public with a LinkedIn shoutout. Publicly recognizing an employee’s anniversary and also their unique skills will give them an immediate rush of satisfaction and also potentially bolster their long-term feelings of career fulfillment. Plus, the post will bring recognition pouring in from other areas as well.

What is this? Employee anniversary recognition

  • 1 year work anniversary
  • 2 year work anniversary
  • 3 year work anniversary
  • 4 year work anniversary
  • 5 year work anniversary

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Public recognition amplifies the pride they already feel on their special day.

How to get started: Check out  this example  to plan your post.


Looking for more ideas? For additional ways to celebrate your colleague’s special day, request a FREE copy of Bonusly’s guide to How to Celebrate Work Anniversaries ! This downloadable is chock full of easy-to-follow games and activities that are perfect for the entire office!

3) Virtual Spending Card


Rest assured that employees get what they want by giving them the funds they need to get whatever it is. Pair the spending card with a thoughtful note to add a touch of customization to what’s a universally appealing  employee reward .

What is this? Work anniversary reward

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Choosing how to treat themselves. It’s both empowering and enjoyable.

How to get started: Select your gift cards, balances, vendors, and distribution by checking out SnackNation’s Employee Rewards Guide .

4) Publicly Recognize Them On The Company Recognition Feed

What could be more fast, easy, or effective than giving employees a public shout-out on their big day? This idea represents  employee recognition  amplification at its finest. Call out a few of the characteristics and accomplishments you admire most in them. Hearing this from you will make them feel good, and having you say it publicly will feel great.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Your public message is more than a message. Giving employees the recognition they crave in any format can instill in them a fulfilling sense of  meaning .

How to get started: Get the ball rolling by posting an initial workaversary message in your team’s shared workspace to encourage others to join in and celebrate your colleagues’ big day!

Pro-tip: Nectar is a highly-rated recognition tool that teams use to encourage meaningful shoutouts on a company recognition feed. Employees can redeem the recognition points they receive into rewards that fit their interests. If you want to learn more, 👉 see Nectar in action !

5) The Experience Of A Lifetime


Give employees an experience they’ll never forget, one perfectly suited to their personality, whether they’re adventurous (paragliding), curious (guiding hiking), or outdoorsy (river rafting).

A good experience provides the gift of novelty, which in turn leads to happiness. As Scott Bea, PsyD, told  Cleveland Clinic ,

“The brain latches onto new things. Novelty helps us learn, so the brain prefers it. New and different experiences reward the brain.”

What is this? Work anniversary experience

  • 10 year work anniversary
  • 15 year work anniversary
  • 20 year work anniversary

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: They’ll soak up all the novelty, happiness, and memories and return to work with renewed vigor and also a renewed commitment to the organization that enabled their experience.

How to get started: Request this world of experiences catalog at Stadium  to find all the possibilities you can place at your valued employees’ fingertips.

6) A Handwritten Note


Say “happy work anniversary” with a heartfelt handwritten note. This low-tech idea is simple but super effective. The fact that it’s handwritten demonstrates an extra level of care your team members will notice and appreciate.

Best for: 1 year work anniversary

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Old-fashioned handwritten anniversary cards represent a great deal of time and care in a world of digital shortcuts. Who wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of so much thoughtfulness? (Plus, writing the note might even make you  feel good .)

How to get started: When you draft this note, be sure to think about all the things that you appreciate about this person. Be specific. Is it their hard work? Years of loyal service? Fierce problem-solving? Optimism? Include everything and anything you can think of in the note. Get thoughtful work anniversary messages and inspiration from these recognition quotes  and anniversary  memes  and best wishes.

Pro-tip: Amplify the impact of your note with a work anniversary care package  filled with snacks and goodies that send feelings of appreciation skyrocketing.

7) Send A Work Anniversary Gift

Gone are the days where you are constantly having to remember whose anniversary is coming up and what to get them. Setting up an employee milestone program creates a streamlined process to engage with your employees on their big day regardless if they are working remote or in-person.

Delight your employees, managers, and executives with meaningful care packages of delicious snacks, premium gifts, and a personalized message to make their work anniversary a memorable one.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: It’s customizable. So your company and individual employees can create the anniversary experience that best fits their interests, company culture, and lifestyle.

Perfect for sending: 

➤ 🎂  Birthday Gift Boxes

➤ 🎉  Work Anniversary Gifts

How to get started: Goody’s reward platform does all the work for you, from address collection and management to international delivery. Take a tour of Goody’s gift catalog  to get personalized results and start making celebrating anniversaries a breeze!

The team celebrated a coworker’s one year with a nice bottle of scotch whiskey!

8) Give Them A Long Vacation


If the old adage that “you get what you give” holds any weight, then it stands to reason that the more time you put in for a company, the more time you should get back for yourself. Reward employees for putting in the time by giving them more vacation days to rest and recuperate mentally and physically.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Everyone appreciates a good vacation. More vacation is just more to love.

How to get started: Empower epic vacations that take the importance of play and leisure time to heart.

9) Achievement Timeline


When people celebrate their birthdays, many of them reflect on all they’ve done over the past year. Help employees celebrating anniversaries do the same thing by giving them a timeline of all their notable achievements and telling them why they make you proud.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: The timeline helps them feel that spark of pride and fulfillment in their work. Day-to-day busyness can make it hard to remember the big picture, and this timeline will encapsulate it for them in the best possible way. Reviewing their progress will only give them more motivation to continue forging their epic timeline.

How to get started:   Get help  to turn your rewarding trip down employee memory lane into a shareable anniversary recognition artifact they will treasure for years.

10) A Custom Bobblehead

All your favorite superheroes, cartoon and video game characters, and even public figures enjoy bobblehead representation. Why not your favorite employees (a.k.a. All your employees!)?  Show them that you see them as all the other famous figures who have their own bobbleheads by making them one of their very own.

What is this? Employee anniversary gift

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: It’s a quirky and legitimately one-of-a-kind reward.

How to get started: Find  an artisan  to create your custom bobblehead.

11) Celebrate Hiring Classes

Akin to celebrating all the May birthdays on one day, consider simultaneously honoring employees celebrating the same tenure milestone. Joint celebrations multiply the fun and take the pressure off any one individual. They can delight in their accomplishments and those of their colleagues.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: The more the merrier, as the saying goes. They’ll love not just celebrating their anniversary but also celebrating with their entire work family.

How to get started: Streamline your tracking of employee anniversaries and create buzz as you celebrate each cohort.

Pro-tip: Add this same recognition step to your  onboarding checklist  to give brand-new employees a proper  welcome and help them yearn to make it from the first day to that first anniversary.

12) Customized Swag


Get employees customized  company swag  to help them feel a powerful sense of group identity and affiliation — to help them feel part of something bigger. By adding your logo or designs to an  employee gift  (hats, bags, t-shirts, etc.), you’re really saying, “You’re part of the team and we couldn’t be more pleased about it.”

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: They’ll love the feeling of earning a symbol of belonging and unity to the larger group.

How to get started: Swag out your employees with the help of a  SwagMagic’s customized swag storefront  and also a team to handle your shipping and ordering logistics. This won’t only help your anniversary gifting strategy, but it will also streamline the purchasing and shipping of good luck gifts,  going away gifts ,  thank-you gifts , holiday gifts , and more.

13) Gift A Day Off

Most people don’t want more things; they want  non-monetary incentives  like more time, more “me time” to be precise. Give them the break they’ve earned by keeping the anniversary celebration simple with a bonus day off to share with loved ones, log some relaxation time, or just enjoy a brief respite from the stresses of the work environment.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: An experience and the powerful memory associated with it are enjoyable in the moment, in the reflection, and in the anticipation of next year’s special day.

How to get started: Help them make the most of their free-for-all day with an unforgettable experience.

14) Send Employee Care And Appreciation Box

Caroo Gifts

Celebrate anniversaries with  care packages , shippable tokens of employee appreciation packed with gifts, goodies, and other special treats. These gift boxes are especially helpful for remote or hybrid companies; they help you share meaningful moments, even when you can’t be together.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: They’ll love getting one gift that’s actually several gifts rolled into one awesome package.

How to get started: Find the perfect care package for any employee celebrating any anniversary.

15) Dinner At The CEO’s House


A special night with the company’s top official will make a more memorable anniversary present than a handful of other work anniversary gifts. Carefully plan the dinners to make sure you don’t overwhelm the CEO. Depending on the size of your company, you might only need to plan a dinner party once every few months.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: The opportunity to socialize with the CEO feels as special as any VIP access.

How to get started: Use engagement software  to create a custom “dinner with the CEO” reward you can dole out again and again.

16) Throw A Team Party


An  office party  perfectly blends recognition, celebration , and fun, making it a classic anniversary celebration. The party can have themes and costumes and complex games or it can be as simple as gathering everyone together into a conference room to share a cake with “congrats” scrolled in pink frosting. The key element of this idea is gathering to share work anniversary wishes and make the celebrant feel impossibly special.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea:   Having fun is something nearly everyone loves, and a party is a perfect way to stir up plenty.

How to get started:  The Go Game’s turnkey party resources  will help you throw a legendary party without logging a million planning hours.

17) Give Them A Years Of Service Personalized Trophy

Trophies are timeless universal symbols of accomplishments bestowed upon everyone from Academy Award winners to Super Bowl winners to spelling-bee champions. Elevate the accomplishment that is working for your organization with a worthy trophy.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: They’ll love how it feels when you put it into their hands, when they show it off, and when they see it in the display case day after day.

How to get started: Find  an Etsy artisan  to create perfect one-of-a-kind company years of service awards trophies, medals, and plaques.

18) Provide Growth And Development Experiences


Instead of looking backward, try celebrating an anniversary by looking forward to future growth and development. Your employees have spent years helping you achieve goals; celebrate their anniversary with a learning experience they can leverage to meet theirs.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Employees crave professional development. They’ll relish an opportunity to grow in both their personal and professional life.

How to get started: Provide access to all the growth experiences your employees have ever imagined by setting up a professional growth program.

19) Give A Custom Reward To The Entire Team

The perfect way to celebrate hiring class anniversaries, custom awards bring a festive sense of camaraderie and a deepened feeling of team unity to anniversary celebrations. Be creative with customizations to get the most out of this idea. Nicknames and inside jokes make bond-inducing customizations.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: They’ll love the personalization that comes with this work anniversary idea since every award will be different!

How to get started: Put together a committee to dole out the custom awards for each work anniversary.

Tip! For distributed teams, you can use a recognition program like Nectar to shout out your award winners on your digital recognition feed!

20) Plan A Happy Hour With A Themed Drink


They don’t call happy hour “happy” hour for nothing. Maximize the happiness factor of any happy hour by creating a custom anniversary cocktail. Your formula could be based on the anniversary celebrant’s personality, an inside joke you share, or even the number of years they’ve worked for you. It will be special no matter what you choose.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: If they thought they enjoyed sharing a toast with friends, then they’ll be tickled to do the happy hour dance with a drink themed around themselves.

How to get started: Find a local happy hour to meet up after work or set up a virtual happy hour to connect with distributed employees.

21) Donate To A Charity Of Their Choice

Purpose-driven companies perform better. A  Deloitte study  found that your ability to communicate your company’s purpose has a direct link to how engaged your team is (and therefore affects their performance).

Use work anniversaries to remind your team about the bigger picture by making a charitable donation in their name. Align the charity to your company’s mission, or with a cause that’s close to his or her heart. For instance, if you know that your employee is an animal lover, donate to a local animal shelter.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Giving back satisfies their deeply human need for meaning and purpose.

How to get started: Use recognition software  to create a custom charity reward you can dole out again and again.

22) Career Planning Session


Celebrate an anniversary with a no-holds-barred, company-centric career planning session. During this session, invite employees into an open-ended conversation where they can discuss anything and everything they might want to do in the company. Make sure employees know they can talk about any area of the company, even those they have no training or experience in.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: If they’ve reached any anniversary milestone at your organization, then they know where they’ve been. This experience helps them pinpoint what they really want to know: where they’re going next.

How to get started: Brainstorm the perfect session using  a template  as inspiration for a custom discussion.

23) Give Them Some “Whole Self” Fulfillment

Deliver whole-self experiential rewards to show employees you understand their life outside of work with what fuels their happiness. Who are they? What do they like to do? What excites and  motivates them ? Consider these questions to easily figure out what kind of experience to offer.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: An experience that helps employees do exactly what they love to do will leave them far more refreshed than any trip to the local coffee shop.

How to get started: Explore experiences that offer paths to holistic happiness or check out SnackNation’s guide to employee wellness program ideas .

24) A Framed Picture Of Their Early Days


Find a picture from a company outing or party with the employee smiling with co-workers. (If you don’t have one, it looks like you need to schedule an impromptu party and add “taking more pictures” to your official  new employee onboarding process .) Print and frame the picture to help the employee stay mindful of fulfilling work friendships.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: One  Globoforce survey  revealed that employees who don’t have close friends at work said they would be more likely to accept a job offer than employees who have several close friends at work. While you can’t give employees friends for their anniversaries, you can help them celebrate the relationships they have formed.

How to get started: Find the perfect custom frame .

25) Creative Workshops


Celebrate an employee’s years of success by helping them pick up new creative skills in areas and outlets that interest them and rekindle their creative spark. It’s the perfect way to show you appreciate them for the whole creative person they are.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: The novelty of learning something new sparks joy, fulfillment, and maybe even opens up new doors of creative thinking.

How to get started: Allow them to pick the perfect creative workshop experience designed to spark learning and creativity.

26) Share Their Story In Your Company Newsletter


Give employees celebrity status by spotlighting them in your company newsletter on their anniversary. The spotlight can be as simple as their name and picture and a fun fact for newer employees or as in-depth as a long Q&A article for veterans. Choose whatever fits best with your company culture and newsletter format.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: They can save and print the piece for their scrapbook or refrigerator.

How to get started: Browse  some examples  to get your format down.

27) Give Them A Workspace Upgrade

speech on office anniversary

The completion of another year of work merits a workspace upgrade. Both onsite and remote employees log tons of desk time in the line of company duty. Show your appreciation by giving them something new, something special for their desk. It can be practical, just for fun, or just for looks, as long as it’s something you know the employee in question will love.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: After looking at the same desk for so long, employees will drink up the refreshment that even just one new item can provide.

How to get started: Browse  Amazon to find anything and everything you ever envisioned perched on your employee’s desk.

28) A Seat At The Table

improving employee engagement at the meeting level

As they celebrate another milestone, many employees may find themselves yearning for a stronger voice in the company, and they might be ready for it, too. Instead of handing out a tangible anniversary gift, try handing out an invitation that conveys trust and recognition better than any gift.

Consider what meetings the employee might be ready to attend, especially those where people make key decisions or exchange strategic ideas. If you want to make sure the employee has a gift to open, offer a handwritten card that explains all the reasons you believe the employee is ready to be part of the meeting.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Anniversaries are prime time for reflection. This idea keeps their excitement channeled toward forwarding progress.

How to get started: Browse these  appreciation speech  ideas for inspiration on how to communicate how much you appreciate their work and recognize their potential.

29) Provide A Few Paid Months Of Fitness Classes

Perks  that benefit employees’ lives in more ways than one boost employee loyalty. Make it easier for employees to work out, and they’ll want to stick around for a few more years. This anniversary gift adds true value to employees’ day-to-day routines and overall lives.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Employees who were looking to “shake things up” might just find new fitness journeys more compelling than looking for new jobs.

How to get started: Find a variety of creative ways to boost fitness by checking out local fitness clubs or gyms for staff members to try out!

30) Make A DIY Custom Video

Consider creating a custom anniversary message video surprise on employees’ anniversaries. You don’t need any cameras or fancy equipment; most modern mobile phones will do the trick. A custom video will capture more feeling than any greeting card and probably more than even a thoughtfully written note.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: It works as a little emotional time capsule. Employees can watch it any time in the future and remember how fantastic they felt on their big day.

How to get started: Come up with a list of funny questions to ask a group of 5-10 people who work with the recipient and know him or her pretty well.

Ask each person your questions and record their answers with your phone or video camera. Important – make sure you conduct the interviews separately so that people aren’t influenced by previous answers. You want genuine, off-the-cuff responses.

Edit the responses together using your video editing software of choice. (Here’s a list of the ten best mobile video editing apps.)

Debut the video during a big team or department meeting. This is key – the idea is to extend the celebration to the larger team.

Here are a few sample questions to get you started:

  • What is _____ most known for around the office?
  • What was _____’s first thought when he woke up this morning?
  • If _____ didn’t work at this company, where would she work?
  • What’s the weirdest part of your first interview with _____?
  • If _____ was on a deserted island, what three things would he want with him?
  • What do you like most about working with _____?

31) Give A Mindfulness Journal


Give gratitude in the form of a mindfulness journal for anniversaries. You will make employees feel good in the present and also well into the future. A journal makes it incredibly easy for your team to start their days focused on gratitude. Recipients use the journal to name the things they’re grateful for, name their long and short-term goals, and pause for reflection.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Employees appreciate corporate anniversary gifts that help them focus on their personal growth and development! It shows that managers are committed to investing in their skills and future success at your organization.

How to get started: Pick up the  perfect journal .

32) Offer Stock Options

Consider rewarding the impeccable work ethic of your veteran employees with some anniversary stock options and the sense of ownership that comes along with them.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: It provides a motivating and rewarding sense of ownership and purpose, and also a renewed sense of drive. They likely know that the company’s success is their success already, but this reward makes it so.

How to get started: Read all about Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOPs)  here .

33) Send Them On A Paid Sabbatical


Reward employees for putting some serious time in by giving them some serious time off, paid time they can use to learn a new hobby, participate in a local service project, or experience a new culture abroad.

Encourage employees to reap all the benefits of their sabbatical by setting clear ground expectations of no email or work communication at all.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: The priceless feeling of returning from one of these truly mind-clearing trips with new ideas, new perspectives, and a renewed energy to tackle their next big projects.

How to get started: Learn how to make a  sabbatical leave policy .

34) Give Them Leadership Training


Celebrate an employee’s work anniversary by empowering them with priceless leadership skills. This reward makes employees feel valued and also helps your “long-termers” (who have an interest in sticking around to advance along with the company) effectively convert their years of experience into leadership skills that generate all-around growth.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: It will make the employee feel valued as a key member of the team, one valued enough to earn an investment in their promising growth.

How to get started: Browse some of the top  leadership training providers .

35) Have A Good-Natured Comedy Roast

During a comedy roast, everyone tells jokes about a guest of honor. (Pop culture roasts have a reputation for getting nasty and sometimes escalating into hurtful territory, but your anniversary roast doesn’t have to include ridicule to be entertaining.)

Host the event after hours, preferably in a location where people can enjoy a few drinks if they wish. Be sure to tell the anniversary guests of honor what to expect during the event so they can come with their game faces.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Laughter mixed up with a healthy dose of recognition and also some self-deprecation will make anyone feel understood in a refreshingly authentic way.

How to get started: Start planning the anniversary roast at least a month in advance. Invite everyone in the company to submit rough “scripts” of what they plan to talk about during the roast. (Feel free to ask for stories and memories as well as jokes and impersonations.) Remind everyone to keep their “roasts” good-natured, but be sure to read through all the submissions before the event to watch for anything that might legitimately damage someone’s feelings. Send along links to some roast examples  with your request to help everyone warm up their comedic chops.

36) Take Something Off Their Plate


Reward good work by taking some of it away. Maybe it’s an administrative task they’ve never complained about over the last ten years. Maybe it’s a meeting they don’t see value in. This anniversary reward sends a message of achievement and reassures loyal employees, should they need reassurance, that they can say “no” without fear of retribution.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: The incredible lightness of dropping something they didn’t realize they dreaded so much until they found out they no longer had to do it.

How to get started: Have a candid conversation to discover exactly what task they may want to give up.

37) Support Their Hobbies


Empower employees to achieve a new level of fulfillment by celebrating anniversaries with the gift of hobby support. Give them what they need to finally take that textile dyeing class or martial arts training or citizen naturalist classes or whatever other activity makes them feel invigorated and fulfilled.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: They’ll be giddy to get from their employees exactly what they need to pursue the extracurricular activities they find meaningful but that often go neglected.

How to get started: Discover  online courses  to support practically any hobby.

38) Send Them A Shippable Experience


Send an “experience in a box” to give them unforgettable and rewarding memories while avoiding the logistical nightmare of actually planning an experience for them. Whether the shippable experience is relaxing, adventurous, or playful, you can be sure it will leave behind a strong impression.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Enjoying the interactive component — the learning, cooking, exploring, creating, or playing — provides more satisfaction than opening any average gift.

How to get started: Find a ready-to-go  shippable experience  that sends the perfect anniversary message.

39) Endorse Their Skills On LinkedIn Recommendation


Every day, employees leverage their skills and strengths to benefit their employers. Celebrate their years of work by publicly acknowledging and praising those skills on social media, affirming online what you know without a doubt: this employee is incredibly good at their job.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Their feelings of pride will be absolutely priceless.

How to get started: Pick the top 5 skills to endorse along with a thoughtful supporting comment.

40) Throw A Puppy Party


Add a pack of four-legged guests to a classic office party and you’ve created a puppy party, the ideal anniversary celebration for animal lovers. Ask the employee of honor to bring in their pet and invite co-workers to do the same. If that still doesn’t add up to a party, then connect with a local shelter or service to bring in all the furry fun at work  you need.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: They’ll see the  reduced stress levels  as the anniversary award of their dreams.

How to get started: Get your  puppy party planning guide .

41) Take Them To Lunch


A perfect option for all employees at all levels, a timeless lunch will always be an enjoyable, welcomed, and appreciated anniversary celebration. All you have to do is get together virtually or in person to share a meal, say a few words of praise, and enjoy the timeless art of communal eating.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Lunch and good conversation are almost always guaranteed to be a hit across all times and industries.

How to get started: Ask them where they would like to go.

Work Anniversary Gift Ideas

42) let your employee choose their gift.

“Professional, personal, and perfection!”

Give your employees the ultimate gift of choice on their work anniversary with Goody , an innovative platform that empowers them to select a meaningful and personalized reward from a vast array of options.

From rejuvenating spa days to cutting-edge tech gadgets and delightful culinary experiences, this gifting platform ensures that every employee feels appreciated and valued on their special day.

Why we love this this work anniversary gift: Goody allows employees to choose a reward that resonates with them personally and generates a sense of autonomy and recognition. With Goody , you can celebrate your team’s milestones in a thoughtful way, tailored to individual preferences, and create memorable work anniversary occasions. Join us in spreading joy and appreciation!

Giving your employee a chance to pick out something nice for their big day is a new idea that many companies are opting to use.

43) Work Anniversary Plaque or Trophy

“Honoring work anniversaries and milestones with elegance”

rcognize and reward your employees

Celebrate the dedication and loyalty of your employees with exquisitely crafted work anniversary plaques and trophies that can be fully customized with your company logo.

These timeless branded corporate gifts commemorate their years of service and serve as a lasting symbol of your sincere appreciation for their invaluable contributions to your organization.

Why we adore this work anniversary gift: We love work anniversary plaques and trophies because they effortlessly blend elegance and gratitude. These meticulously designed awards acknowledge employees’ unwavering commitment and ignite a sense of pride and accomplishment, transforming work anniversaries into extraordinary milestones for both individuals and the organization as a whole.

Employee anniversary gift ideas like an award or trophy are a physical representation of your appreciation for your employees’ loyalty and contribution to your business.

44) Whiskey Stones & Glasses

“Cheers to years of dedication”


Celebrate your employees’ years of hard work and dedication with a sophisticated work anniversary gift – Whiskey Stones & Glasses .

This exquisite set allows your team members to indulge in their favorite spirits with style, while also commemorating their loyalty to your organization.

Why we love this work anniversary gift: We are thrilled about the Whiskey Stones & Glasses as a work anniversary gift because it combines practicality with celebration. These beautifully crafted crystal glasses and whiskey stones offer employees a touch of luxury while symbolizing the longevity and warmth of their journey within your company. It’s a meaningful way to express gratitude and celebrate the milestones achieved together!

This work anniversary gift is a classy way to thank them and will be used for years to come.

Years of Service Tips & Ideas

1 year of service.

The Gen Xers at your workplace probably scoff at the idea, but celebrating employees who make it to the one year mark is a vital retention strategy.

According to the Harvard Business Review , a study of more than a million respondents found that voluntary turnover peaked one year after their start dates. Celebrating that first anniversary re-engages employees at a critical juncture, and provides an emotional lift right when employees are most likely to see if the grass really is greener elsewhere.

That said, you don’t have to go overboard. There are plenty of budget and time-friendly ways to keep your team engaged at this critical juncture.

2 Years Of Service

Two years is a big deal, especially if your workforce skews younger. For people between the ages of 21 and 23, the average tenure is barely over a year, so hitting that second anniversary is definitely a cause for celebration.

Just like getting through year one, hitting the two-year anniversary marks another critical juncture in any company-employee relationship. At this point, people who decided to stick with the company for another year to see how “things would go” might be reevaluating their long-term plans and goals.

Employees might decide to sever their relationship with a company after two years for the same reasons many experts say  lovers choose to end relationships after two years:

  • The excitement wears off. After a few years, even eager employees may start admitting their current job is not the dream job they expected.
  • They stop wanting to make it work. Two years is plenty of time to perform an honest assessment of compatibility. Things you could deal with at the 6-month mark suddenly become dealbreakers.
  • Things get real. Both bosses and employees stay on their best behavior during the first few years on the job. When both parties start to relax, problems might arise. Maybe the boss isn’t as easy going as she pretended. Maybe the employee isn’t as ambitious as he pretended.

3 Years Of Service

Three years is the time to remind your employees why they love working at your company, so really focus on making things fun, personalized, and social. Especially in today’s work environment, three years signifies a commitment that a lot of businesses may not see from other employees.

Take the time to game plan and create a special day for them. Whether this involves a celebration, gift, speech, or opportunity to recognize them publicly — think about what your employee will appreciate the most. Everyone is different, so tailoring their work anniversary to their interests is a no-brainer.

4 Years Of Service

Step up your work anniversary gift game at year four. All the same concepts apply, but really up the ante to make your appreciation known.

Your 4-year employees have proven their loyalty by sticking around; they’ve clearly found a long-term work home at your company. A heartfelt anniversary gift helps employers send clear messages of gratitude that will keep dependable employees happy and engaged at work.

Depending on the size of your company and any budgetary restrictions — make sure you are giving yourself plenty of time to properly research, order, and wrap their gift. You do not want to be scrambling while trying to get approval to purchase the gift all while the 4th year anniversary day approaches.

5 Years+ Of Service

In our era of job-hopping Millennial employees, average job tenure in the U.S. for workers in every industry (and of all ages) is just 4.4 years. Keeping someone around five or more years is definitely cause for celebration.

A “happy anniversary” email is not going to cut it in this case. A tenure like this may not come up all year, so take it as an opportunity to show them you really value their contribution to the team and company. This will also have a positive effect on the rest of your coworkers since they will see the benefits to a long and healthy stint at the business.

Planning a happy hour on their 5th year of service, bringing in their family for a party in the office, or gifting them a week of a paid sabbatical are all ideas we have found to work well for this big 5!

Benefits To Celebrating A Work Anniversary

You might be asking, why is recognizing work anniversaries and years of service important?

Well, in addition to cultivating meaning and a heap of other general feel-good benefits, recognizing anniversaries — by hosting work anniversary celebrations and giving work anniversary gifts, for example — also carries enough business-aligned benefits to turn any strategically-minded head.

Companies who commit to celebrating work anniversaries may benefit from:

1 – More engagement. You don’t just have to assume that a solid employee recognition program boosts engagement. Some studies  validate this assumption, linking recognition to engagement and also job satisfaction. If recognition boosts engagement, then the employee anniversary, the Super Bowl of all employee recognition touchpoints, provides a prime opportunity to solidify feelings of appreciation and teamwork.

2 – Better employee retention , and therefore lower turnover cost burden, which can be  hefty , Celebrating work anniversaries demonstrates your caring and appreciation, and employees who know how you feel about them tend to stick around, while those left wondering or assuming that you don’t appreciate them (over half according to one study ) will be more inclined to walk away.

3 – Elevated morale . By acknowledging an employee’s anniversary and pointing out a few examples of the best work they did, you’re infusing their work with deeper meaning, and helping them care more about it and engage deeply with it.

4 – Stronger company cultures . Establishing a tradition of celebrating work anniversaries creates a company culture rich with all the essential benefits (namely consistency, community, and reassurance) that come along with holding any tradition .

5 – Enhanced employee wellbeing , especially in the career area of the  five wellbeing essentials . Anniversary celebrations reinforce a sense of value, community, and security in a career path, a vitally important sentiment.

To recap, celebrating work anniversaries opens doors to optimal engagement, retention, morale, culture, wellbeing, and surely taps into even more benefits that haven’t yet been documented by studies or surveys.

People Also Ask These Questions About Work Anniversaries

Q: what is a work anniversary.

  • A: A work anniversary is a celebration of continued employment as measured by the number of years dedicated to an employer.

Q: How do you celebrate an employee’s work anniversary?

  • A: You can celebrate an employee’s work anniversary by giving them a memorable experience, providing professional development, or even thoughtfully recognizing their strengths and skills. Find a variety of specific anniversary celebration ideas here .

Q: Why should we celebrate work anniversaries?

  • A: You should celebrate work anniversaries because doing so improves your levels of engagement, retention, group morale, culture, and employee wellbeing.

Q: What are some unique employee anniversary gifts?

  • A: When it comes to anniversary gifts for employees, the best gifts are the ones that fit particularly well with the intended recipient. If your employee is outdoorsy, then a weekend trip might be something they could look forward to. If your employee works remotely, you and your team can group together to send a digital ecard along with a gift that your employees can choose themselves. It’s all about picking the gift for the person rather than just grabbing something off the shelf.

Q: How do you celebrate work anniversaries virtually?

  • A: Celebrate work anniversaries virtually by sending a care package or even shipping an out-of-the-box experience. Find other virtual anniversaries ideas .

Q: What is the best work anniversary gift?

  • A: The best work anniversary gift is the one with the potential to make the employee you’re celebrating feel as good as possible. Take a second to think about their interests and start researching based on topics and ideas that they will appreciate more than a general gift they may not use.

Q: Why is it important to focus on employee anniversary recognition?

  • A: With so much turnover and a competitive job market, workaversaries are few and far between. Employee anniversary recognition can go a long way to appreciate colleagues for their contribution to the team while celebrating another year at your company. The ways to recognize employees can differ from year to year, but making work anniversary recognition a priority at your company can have many long-term benefits.

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SnackNation is a healthy office snack delivery service that makes healthy snacking fun, life more productive, and workplaces awesome. We provide a monthly, curated selection of healthy snacks from the hottest, most innovative natural food brands in the industry, giving our members a hassle-free experience and delivering joy to their offices.

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I love these ideas Jeff! It’s so important to recognise the efforts from your team and celebrating their work anniversaries is an awesome way to do this!

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Great ideas. !!!!

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I love the information on what matters to Millennials regarding recognition and longevity. Our current anniversary gift program gives a card signed by the manager, general manager, and president. Gifts are only given on years, 1, 5, 10, 15, etc. I’ve always heard complaining from employees that “all I get for year two is a card?!” This helps explain why a second year anniversary might be so important to some.

' src=

These are all very clever ideas….

' src=

Amazing can’t wait to do this

' src=

Thank you Jeff! We are currently working on our work anniversaries and how to make them special. These are some great ideas. I enjoy the weekly emails that contain great ideas that I receive from Snack Nation! Keep them coming!

' src=

What about longer serving employees? 10 Years?

' src=

Great Article! This information is very helpful, your performance is outstanding. I request more Anniversary Gift Ideas give us. Thank you, Jeff!

' src=

There are so many good ideas here! Thanks for sharing and passing on this positivity so others can benefit!

' src=

I like idea #16 a lot. Donating to a charity of their choice is a lovely idea! Reminds me of my grandmother. She always asked us to donate to a charity instead of buying her a gift, because she thought the money would be better spent this way. Wise woman!

' src=

I think creative workshop is a great idea. Our employee is a sculptor in her free time, workshop will give her the opportunity to really shine and show all her coworkers her artistic self.

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50 years after Gerald Ford became president, scholars ponder modern parallels

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As the nation looks ahead to the upcoming presidential election at a time of political uncertainty, some in Michigan will look back on Friday to the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of a man who became president under extraordinary circumstances .

During a Aug. 9, 1974, ceremony at the White House, Vice President Gerald R. Ford — who had been a long-time U.S. representative from Michigan's 5th district — took the oath of office.

His wife, Betty, held the Bible, which was open to Proverbs 3:5-6 , verses that emphasized trusting "in the Lord;" and Ford, who was appointed vice president just eight months earlier, became the first — and only — person to hold both top offices without having been elected to either.

Leading up to Ford's presidency, the nation had faced some dark times, the assassinations of a sitting president and presidential candidate, including racial strife, international conflict, economic hardship, scandal and discord. How would Ford view the juncture America finds itself in now?

"I think Ford would look at this moment and say tumultuous times are part of the long arc of history," Celeste Watkins-Hayes, dean of the University of Michigan's public policy school that now bears Ford's name, said during a recent PBS segment about the anniversary. These times, she added, can feel "very anxiety producing and very worrying," but Ford would likely ask "what are the areas of common ground, what are the areas of common concern, and how do we move forward on the basis of those?"

In many ways, Ford’s inauguration and presidency is a reminder to Michiganders of the place the state holds in history in shaping the only president to come from it. It also is reassurance to Americans that, even in challenging times, the message that Ford delivered in his first presidential address is true: The democratic process works.

After leaving office, Ford, a Republican, also offered some thoughts on women in the White House, which some voters find relevant today.

To mark the milestone anniversary, the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids is opening a year-long exhibit, " Ford at 50: Decisions that Defined a Presidency ," displaying artifacts and film footage that chronicle some of Ford’s most difficult and controversial decisions.

Moreover, at 6:30 p.m., the museum is sponsoring a variety of activities and tributes at a West Michigan Whitecaps game at the LMCU Ballpark just north of Grand Rapids in Comstack Park . Ford’s nephew, Greg Ford, is scheduled to throw out the first pitch, and the first 1,000 attendees will receive a Gerald R. Ford bobblehead.

But, history shows, Ford was no bobblehead politician.

While in office, one contemporary told Ford he was acting like " too much of a boy scout ," taking principled stances on issues. Ford, who was an Eagle Scout, responded that a boy scout was what the American people wanted and he intended to use the aspirations and ideals of scouting as a "guide and compass."

"In a time of ethical relativism and political cynicism, Ford’s personal integrity stood out," Gleaves Whitney, the executive director of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation in Grand Rapids, wrote in a yet-unpublished essay he emailed the Free Press. "His presidency was characterized by transparency and accountability, with frequent news conferences to rebuild trust with the media and the American people."

An office he never sought

Ford’s tenure as president was short — just 2 years and 164 days — but not the shortest in history .

William Henry Harrison died of pneumonia after 32 days in office. James Garfield was shot and died after 199 days. Zachary Taylor suffered from a bacterial infection after a year and 127 days. Warren Harding died from a heart attack after 2 years and 151 days.

In many ways Ford's presidency was a test of a peaceful transfer of executive power, which was an area of the Constitution that was clarified by the 25th Amendment and ratified in 1967, Daniel Clark, an Oakland University history professor , explained.

"No one anticipated, when that amendment was passed, it would be put to the test so quickly," Clark said, adding that the question of transfer of power is one of the parallels of what happened then has for today. "Can we continue to rely on peaceful transfers of power?"

Clark, who grew up in Midland and was 15 when Ford became president, recalled that he had gone on a week-long canoe trip up north. When he left, he said, Nixon was president; when he came back home, Ford occupied the Oval Office.

Ford's presidency, Clark also noted, was — and is — a source of pride for Michiganders, who recognized Ford, a son of Grand Rapids, as one of their own, even though he was born in Omaha, Nebraska .

Ford, who was named Leslie Lynch King Jr. at birth after his biological father, ended up in Michigan after his parents separated. Ford said his father was abusive to his mother. To get away, his mother moved them to Oak Park, Illinois. Then they relocated to Grand Rapids, where his grandparents lived.

Ford’s parents divorced and his mother married Gerald Rudolff Ford , a businessman.

Ford adopted his stepfather’s name, becoming Gerald Rudolff Ford Jr. To his friends, he was just Jerry.

As a boy, Ford got involved with sports and scouting, becoming an Eagle Scout, the only president to do so . A standout athlete, Ford went on to play football at the University of Michigan . While on the team, the Wolverines won two national titles.

Ford went on to Yale Law School, where he also coached football and boxing .

Still, Ford loved football and his undergraduate alma mater so much that, as president, instead of "Hail to the Chief," he reportedly would have the band play "The Victors," the U-M fight song .

Ford joined the Navy, served as an officer , and returned to Grand Rapids, where he had a law practice and became active in politics, running for congress. He held the seat for 25 years, with an ambition to become Speaker of the House. Instead, he settled for minority leader.

In 1973, Vice President Spiro Agnew pleaded no contest to income-tax evasion and resigned. To replace him, President Richard Nixon selected Ford, which, the congressman from Michigan figured, was the highest political position he would attain, according to Ford’s obituary in the New York Times .

But a few months later, Nixon resigned and Ford became president.

When Ford died at his home in Rancho Mirage, California, in 2006, the Times praised Ford, who it said had "gently led the United States out of the tumultuous Watergate era." It noted the 93-year-old former president had a "common touch" and "uncommon virtue."

And yet, the Times obituary also pointed out, Ford was thrust into an office "he had never sought."

 Our 'national nightmare is over'

Ford’s inauguration speech — a talk, he called it — was brief.

"I am acutely aware that you have not elected me as your President by your ballots, and so I ask you to confirm me as your President with your prayers," he told the nation, making clear that he had not "gained office by any secret promises."

But in becoming president though a Constitutional process, as opposed to a party nomination and election, Ford reasoned he was not bound by a "partisan platform" nor was he "indebted to no man, and only to one woman — my dear wife, Betty."

During that speech, he also uttered some of the best-known phrases of his presidency.

"My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over," Ford said, referring to the Watergate office building break-in that had gripped the nation and forced Nixon to resign, the first president ever to do so. "Our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men. Here, the people rule."

A month later, Ford pardoned Nixon, a controversial decision that led to the resignation of the Detroit News reporter Ford had appointed as his press secretary , and, some said, was an act that helped doom Ford’s chances for re-election.

But many historians also recognize Ford's pardon — Proclamation 4311 — was the right decision for America.

Nixon, who, until Ford's pardon insisted he had not committed crimes, released a contrite statement , expressing "regret and pain" at the "anguish my mistakes over Watergate have caused the nation and the presidency."

He added: "I was wrong in not acting more decisively and more forthrightly in dealing with Watergate, particularly when it reached the stage of judicial proceedings and grew from a political scandal into a national tragedy."

A woman in the White House

After he left office, Ford put his presidential library in Ann Arbor, honoring his connection to the University of Michigan, and his presidential museum in Grand Rapids, his hometown until he went to Washington D.C. Both are operated as one entity.

And in 1989, Ford was in West Branch, Iowa, where former President Herbert Hoover was from, for a conference for former presidents. Ford spoke to a group of school children, and one of them, a girl, asked him a prophetic question.

"What advice would you give a young lady wanting to become president of the United States?"

Ford’s response, recorded on video , has had some relevance in these past few months, and recently has been circulating on social media. Ford gently told the girl that he hoped that at some point a woman would become president.

"I can tell you how I think it will happen," he said to her, although he added he didn't believe such an event would happen through the "normal course of events." He said he thought a woman might become president "sometime in the next four or eight years."

His prediction:

"Either the Republican or Democrat political party will nominate a man for president and a woman for vice president, and the woman and man will win," he said. "And in that term of office of the president, the president will die, and the woman will become president under the law, our Constitution."

But Ford didn't stop at forecasting how the first woman might become president, he added: "And once that barrier is broken, from then on, men better be careful because they’ll have a hard, hard time ever even getting a nomination in the future."

Contact Frank Witsil: 313-222-5022 or [email protected].

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Coraline 15 th Anniversary notched a nice no. 5 at the domestic box office with $8.63 million for the three-day weekend on 1,603 screens. The cume of $11.6 million including Thursday broke its previous record for Fathom Events. Last year, the stop-motion animated feature by Henry Selick became the distributor’s highest-grossing classic with $7m+ at the box office over four days.

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Elizabeth Banks, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Lee Daniels, Nick Jonas, Caligula & A Penguin Splash Into Crowded Market - Specialty Preview

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In theaters through Aug 22, available in 3D and 2D.

Rounding out the top 10, Prathyangira Cinemas’ Hindi supernatural comedy horror Stree 2 by Amar Kaushik saw a $2.18 million three-day weekend at 666 locations with a $2.57 million cume including Thursday. The fifth installment in the Maddock Supernatural Universe and sequel to  Stree  (2018) was the biggest opening in India this year.

Based on an urban legend out of Bangalore about a malevolent witch who roams the streets at night preying on unsuspecting men, convincing them to open their doors by mimicing the voices of the men’s mother, wife, or sister. They’re dead and disappeared in 24 hours, leaving only their clothes behind.

Roadside promoted the film with wildlife and oceanic groups as well as with both faith and Latino audiences, and performed the best in the West and Southwest. With many children still out of school, it could continue to find audiences through the rest of the summer. 

Mixing up new openings and holdovers here with Focus Features Sundance audience Award-winner DÌDI expanding into additional markets in week four with an A CinemaScore, a 94% RT Audience Score and 96% with critics. The film’s 3-day weekend estimate is $700k from 427 theaters. Its estimated cume to date stands at $2.7M.  NY, San Fransciso and LA continue to be the leading markets for the film.

IFC Films’ Skincare by Austin Peters opened to $316k at 768 theaters. The R-rated black comedy stars Elizabeth Banks as a famed Hollywood aesthetician convinced someone is trying to destroy her life and her business. The distributor noted that some theaters are having problems reporting Saturday grosses for the film so the number may be updated Monday.

Republic Pictures’ Rob Peace opened to a $253k weekend on 481 screens. Directed, adapted by and starring Chiwetel Ejiofor.

Sing Sing from A24 starring Colman Domingo, in week 4, grossed about $252k on 112 screens for a gross of $1.19 million for the Greg Kwedar film.

CatVideoFest 2024 saw $82.6k in week 3, with the kitty compilation by Will Braden, distributed by Oscilloscope, passed the $500k market for a cume of $540k. It’s the fastest the annual cinema event has reached that milestone since Oscilloscope began handling distribution in 2019, and with very limited showtimes — typically no more than weekend matinees. With dozens of sold out shows, theaters have been scrambling to book encores to meet demand, Oscilloscope said. 

Metrograph’s debut feature Good One  expanded to 13 theatres and 6 new markets in week 2 for a 3-day estimate of $45.3k and cume of $85.1k. The feature film debut by India Donaldson saw strong holdovers at existing runs in NYC and LA as well as encouraging numbers out of Toronto, Boston, and Washington DC, among others. Reviews are great with a Rotten Tomatoes Score at 97% and an audience score of 100% as word-of-mouth continue to drive strong audience responses. Expands into 8 new markets this coming weekend.

Sony Pictures Classics’ Kneecap by Rich Peppiatt saw $38.4k in week 3 on 58 screens (down from 204) for a cume of $948.4k.

Utopia opened Robert Schwartzman’s Tribeca-lauded  The Good Half   on select screens in North America this weekend. Led by Nick Jonas alongside Elisabeth Shue, David Arquette, Brittany Snow, Alexandra Shipp and more, the independent dramedy took in an estimated $38K over the weekend, propelled by a star-studded event screening in LA at the Saban theater earlier this week and has grossed $146K to date in theaters (factoring in nationwide sneak previews July 23 and 25 in partnership with Fathom Events which was paired with an exclusive virtual Q&A featuring Schwartzman and Jonas).

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Richard Nixon resigned 50 years ago. The political world has never been the same.

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WASHINGTON – Exactly 50 years ago, a beleaguered President Richard M. Nixon entered the Oval Office, stared into a television camera and performed an act that still echoes in today's very different political world.

He resigned the presidency.

"By taking this action, I hope that I will have hastened the start of that process of healing which is so desperately needed in America," Nixon said in a prime-time address on Aug. 8, 1974.

The level of political healing in America over the past half century is debatable.

Nixon's resignation remains a singular event in American history. It, and the Watergate scandal that devoured his presidency , bequeathed a political environment that is more partisan, cynical and distrustful of government.

'Vulnerable' to unscrupulous presidents

Some historians and political scientists said Watergate proved that "our Constitution works," in the words of Nixon's successor Gerald Ford . They also said that, half a century on, the institutions that held Nixon to account have frayed, and too many leaders have drawn negative lessons from Watergate, seeking to exercise Nixon-style power while avoiding the land mines that ended his presidency.

"We're still very vulnerable to an unscrupulous president," said Michael Genovese, a political scientist at Loyola Marymount University and author of "The Watergate Crisis."

A more partisan world

"To me, the story of Watergate is the story of the system working as intended," Garrett Graff , author of "Watergate: A New History," told USA TODAY. But Graff noted he's not sure it works as well in these polarized times.

"Unfortunately," Graff said, "the politics of today make it much harder to hold any president to the standard that was widely agreed upon in 1974."

Partisan polarization is one reason that another Nixon-like presidential resignation is hard to foresee.

Back in 1974, more than a few Republicans supported Nixon's removal from office.

In recent decades, the political parties have been more uniform in rallying around presidents in trouble, whether it was Bill Clinton over his relationship with a White House intern or Donald Trump and allegations surrounding the insurrection of Jan. 6, 2021.

U.S. Houses controlled by the opposition party impeached Clinton and Trump – Trump twice – but partisan base loyalty helped them win acquittals in the Senate and resist calls for their resignations.

No one wants to be another Nixon.

A system under strain

Nancy Kassop, a professor of political science at the State University of New York at New Paltz, said things have "changed so much" since Watergate and Nixon's resignation. "We're not playing traditional politics anymore."

Opposition to the Vietnam War in the 1960s had already caused a rising number of people to lose trust in government.

In the years after Nixon's resignation, the scandal inspired a reassertion of congressional authority and passage of new ethics laws, strengthened the role of the courts in restraining presidential power, and gave new prominence to the media as a public watchdog.

Over the past half-century, however, those institutions have taken many hits to their reputations, thanks in part to relentless attacks from Trump and his MAGA supporters. Trump's 2016 victory came as he vowed to "drain the swamp" in Washington.

But it's not just the former president's base. A Gallup survey last year found that 8% of Americans say they have a "great deal" or "quite a lot of confidence" in Congress as an institution. Seventeen percent said the same about the nation's criminal justice system.

"Faith in the system is essential," Kassop said, "and it is really under strain right now."

No one has tested the post-Watergate system more than Trump – the only former president to be convicted of crimes ( in his hush money case in New York ) and the only one to face criminal indictment, in four separate criminal cases − including allegations related to Jan. 6 and his hoarding of classified documents.

Trump was impeached twice , once for pressuring the leader of Ukraine to investigate Biden and again over the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

Former White House counsel John Dean , the key witness against Nixon back in the day, told CNN that Trump's efforts targeting the results of the 2020 election were "much bigger than Watergate."

Still, Trump, and many of his voters, have rejected the Nixon comparison.

In 2019, after Dean criticized Trump's actions during the 2016 election investigation into Russian interference, the then-president told reporters regarding Nixon: "He left. I don’t leave. A big difference. I don’t leave.”

A brief history of Watergate

Nixon's resignation capped the more than two-year Watergate scandal that, along with Vietnam, transformed the presidency and the politics surrounding it.

It began on June 17, 1972, with a break-in at the Watergate building complex along the Potomac River in Washington, D.C., a failed attempt by the Nixon reelection campaign to bug Democratic Party headquarters.

Shortly after the break-in, Nixon inserted himself into an obstruction of justice case by talking with an aide about blocking the FBI investigation – a probe that would lead to discovery of all kinds of "dirty tricks" by the Nixon campaign during the 1972 campaign.

That discussion was captured by a taping system Nixon had installed for purposes of the historical record. In the summer of 1973, a special Senate committee revealed the existence of White House tapes that would shed light on the Watergate cover-up .

The Nixon tapes

Special prosecutor Archibald Cox , in charge of a grand jury investigation, sought to subpoena the tapes. Nixon refused to turn them over, claiming executive privilege shielded them from legal scrutiny.

On Oct. 20, 1973, Nixon fired Cox over the tapes dispute, an event forever known as the Saturday Night Massacre. Public and congressional pressure forced Nixon to appoint a new special prosecutor, Texas attorney Leon Jaworski.

The House of Representatives, meanwhile, opened an impeachment inquiry. On July 27, 1974, the House Judiciary Committee voted to recommend that Nixon be impeached.

The full House never took up impeachment; the die had been cast for Nixon.

Three days before the first committee vote, the Supreme Court ordered Nixon to turn over the tapes − one of which would include the "smoking gun" discussion of interfering in the FBI investigation.

After that tape surfaced – in an event unimaginable today – a delegation of Republican congressional leaders trooped to the White House to tell Nixon he could not survive impeachment votes in Congress.

Folding his hand

Nixon decided to make his speech on the night of Aug. 8, 1974, telling the nation his resignation would become effective at noon the next day.

Rather than apologize, Nixon said, "I have concluded that because of the Watergate matter I might not have the support of the Congress that I would consider necessary to back the very difficult decisions and carry out the duties of this office in the way the interests of the Nation would require."

Before leaving the White House on Aug. 9, Nixon spoke to staff members in a valedictory that included advice he had tended to ignore himself.

"Always give your best," Nixon said. "Never get discouraged, never be petty; always remember, others may hate you, but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself."

Fear factor

As with many stunning political moments, including the pro-Trump riot on Jan. 6 , Watergate had its roots in an election.

Nixon and allies, having lost a very close election in 1960 to John F. Kennedy and won a very close election in 1968 over Hubert Humphrey, were somewhat paranoid about their chances of reelection in 1972.

Though Nixon wound up carrying 49 out of 50 states in 1972 against Democrat George McGovern, he and his allies engaged in activities that would land some of the aides in prison and lead to history's only presidential resignation.

Not that election shenanigans have stopped.

Trump and aides continue to lob false accusations over the 2020 election, claims that contributed to the Jan. 6 insurrection and are part of criminal charges pending against Trump in Washington, D.C., and Georgia.

"Elections are not our finest hour," said Tom Cronin, a political scientist and a co-author of the book "The Paradoxes of the American Presidency."

The echoes of Watergate

In 1999, near the 25th anniversary of Nixon's resignation, Watergate journalist Bob Woodward published "Shadow: Five Presidents and the Legacy of Watergate."

"After more than 25 years of covering presidents, I am still surprised that his successors did not fully comprehend the depth of distrust left by Nixon," Woodward wrote during the Clinton administration. "New ethics laws, a resurgent Congress and a more inquiring media altered the prerogatives and daily lives of presidents."

The echoes of Watergate are constant.

The Supreme Court ruled on July 1 that presidents are immune from prosecution for "official" acts while in office. Critics of the decision said Nixon could have beaten the Watergate rap with that kind of legal precedent.

Ford's 1974 decision to grant Nixon a preemptive pardon is still debated by historians, some of whom believe it inadvertently encouraged future presidents – particularly Trump – to test the boundaries of the law.

The pardon question may well surface again if President Joe Biden considers whether to pardon son Hunter Biden over his federal gun conviction – and if Trump is elected to a second term and put in a position to pardon himself over allegations against him.

'A much more cynical turn'

It is doubtful Watergate would play out the same way today because of what Graff called "a much more cynical turn in American politics."

Other experts agreed. Luke Nichter, who has edited books of Nixon tape transcripts and teaches history at Chapman University, said today's students have similar reactions during classes about the Watergate scandal: What was the big deal? They have become inured to allegations of government corruption and deep partisanship.

Said Nichter: "Our current political environment is starting to make that political environment look quaint."

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Did you know there's a Shore mastermind behind 'Coraline,' 'Nightmare Before Christmas'?

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The stop-motion masterpiece "Coraline" is back in theaters − and turning heads.

The 2009 animated film about an adventurous girl and the Other World she stumbles upon is celebrating its 15th anniversary.

It was written and directed by Glen Ridge-born and Rumson-raised Henry Selick, based on the 2002 Neil Gaiman novella.

"Coraline" was nominated for an Academy Award and stars Dakota Fanning, Ian McShane, Teri Hatcher, Keith David, John Hodgman, Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders. 

Selick's other films include the groundbreaking "The Nightmare Before Christmas," "James and the Giant Peach" and the recent Netflix offering "Wendell and Wild."

More: Monmouth County childhood inspires Henry Selick to create 'Wendell and Wild' on Netflix

Re-release of 'Coraline' shocks at box office

LAIKA film studio's "Coraline" was remastered and r e-released in theaters starting Thursday, Aug. 15, through partnerships with Fathom in the United States and Trafalgar Releasing internationally.

For the extended weekend, it earned more than $11 million domestically, breaking its own four-day record for largest Fathom classic re-release, according to Deadline.

More: 'Big Bang Theory,' 'Star Trek' stars started at the Shore, along with these 9 others

The $8.4 million it earned Friday through Sunday placed it fifth at box offices for the weekend, according to IMDB, behind "Alien: Romulus," "Deadpool & Wolverine," "It Ends With Us" and "Twisters." "Despicable Me 4," "Trap," "Inside Out 2," "Stree 2" and "Borderlands" rounded out the Top 10.

“LAIKA set the 3D standard with the 2009 release of Coraline,” said LAIKA CMOO David Burke in a news release. “This newly remastered version, in the works for three years, brings Neil Gaiman’s enchanting story to life in stunning, stereoscopic 3D detail, and is a love letter to LAIKA fans everywhere. 

According to Burke, the re-release, also available in 2D, includes "an early glimpse" of LAIKA’s upcoming film "Wildwood."

"Coraline" currently is set to remain in theaters through Aug. 29. Find showtimes and buy tickets at

Joshua Barajas

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WATCH: ‘The future is here,’ Hillary Clinton says in 2024 Democratic National Convention speech

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who made history running as the Democratic presidential nominee in 2016, spoke Monday at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Clinton nodded to the trailblazing women who have run for national office, including Shirley Chisholm, the first Black woman to run for president and a source of inspiration for Harris’ campaign.

WATCH LIVE: 2024 Democratic National Convention Night 1

Clinton herself was on the convention stage eight years ago, accepting her party’s nomination against her then-rival Donald Trump, who ultimately beat her in the election.

But after that loss, Clinton said, “we refused to give up on America. Millions marched, many ran for office, we kept our eyes on the future. Well, my friends, the future is here.

“I wish my mother and Kamala’s mother could see us. They would say: ‘Keep going!’” she added.

During the first day of the convention, delegates formally adopted a party platform. Later in the week, Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz will formally accept their nominations as the party’s candidates.

Find more of our DNC 2024 coverage

  • Live updates: Biden, Hillary Clinton and Shawn Fain expected to speak on Day 1 of the DNC in Chicago
  • Live fact check: Night 1 of the Democratic National Convention
  • A look ahead to this week’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago
  • As 2024 Democratic National Convention kicks off, here are 4 things to watch
  • What to expect on Day 1 of the DNC in Chicago
  • A look back at the 1968 Democratic convention and its relevance today

Joshua Barajas is a senior editor for the PBS NewsHour's Communities Initiative. He also the senior editor and manager of newsletters.

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Kishida vows to push rules-based order as Japan’s defense chief visits Yasukuni 79 years after WWII

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida stressed on Thursday the country “must never again repeat the devastation of war” as he spoke at a solemn ceremony marking the 79th anniversary of the nation’s defeat in World War II. (AP video shot by Ayaka McGill)


Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida visits the Chidorigafuchi National Cemetery as the country marks the 79th anniversary of its defeat in the World War II, in Tokyo, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024. (Kyodo News via AP)

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Japan’s Emperor Naruhito, rear right, and Empress Masako, rear left, observe a moment of silence during a memorial service for the war dead at the Nippon Budokan hall in Tokyo, as the country marks the 79th anniversary of its defeat in the World War II, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024. (Kyodo News via AP)

Japanese Defense Minister Minoru Kihara, center, speaks to media members after offering prayer for the war dead at Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo, Japan, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024, as the country marks the 79th anniversary of its defeat in the World War II. (AP Photo/Hiro Komae)

Japanese Emperor Naruhito, left, and Empress Masako, right, attend the memorial ceremony for the war dead at the Nippon Budokan hall in Tokyo, as the country marks the 79th anniversary of its defeat in the World War II, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024. (Kyodo News via AP)

Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida delivers a speech during a memorial service for the war dead at the Nippon Budokan hall in Tokyo, as the country marks the 79th anniversary of its defeat in the World War II, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024. (Kyodo News via AP)

Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, left, walks past Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako, after his speech during a memorial service for the war dead at the Nippon Budokan hall in Tokyo, as the country marks the 79th anniversary of its defeat in the World War II, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024. (Kyodo News via AP)

A man bows in front of the main hall of the Yasukuni Shrine, which honors Japan’s war dead, in Tokyo, Japan, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024, as the country marks the 79th anniversary of its defeat in the World War II. (AP Photo/Hiro Komae)

People observe a minute of silence at noon, while waiting in queue before reaching to the main hall to pray at Yasukuni Shrine, which honors Japan’s war dead, in Tokyo, Japan, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024, as the country marks the 79th anniversary of its defeat in the World War II. (AP Photo/Hiro Komae)

A man prays near the main hall at Yasukuni Shrine, which honors Japan’s war dead, in Tokyo, Japan, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024, as the country marks the 79th anniversary of its defeat in the World War II. (AP Photo/Hiro Komae)

A man clad in an outdated military uniform, center, raises a Japanese flag as another prays at the main hall of the Yasukuni Shrine, in Tokyo, Japan, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024, as the country marks the 79th anniversary of its defeat in the World War II. (AP Photo/Hiro Komae)

People walk through a gate to the main hall of the Yasukuni Shrine, which honors Japan’s war dead, in Tokyo, Japan, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024, as the country marks the 79th anniversary of its defeat in the World War II. (AP Photo/Hiro Komae)

Japanese lawmakers leave after their prayer to the war dead the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo, as the country marks the 79th anniversary of its defeat in the World War II, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024. (Kyodo News via AP)

A man salutes at the main hall of the Yasukuni Shrine, which honors Japan’s war dead, in Tokyo, Japan, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024, as the country marks the 79th anniversary of its defeat in the World War II. (AP Photo/Hiro Komae)

People wait in queue before reaching to the main hall to pray at Yasukuni Shrine, which honors Japan’s war dead, in Tokyo, Japan, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024, as the country marks the 79th anniversary of its defeat in the World War II. (AP Photo/Hiro Komae)

Police officers walk around the Yasukuni Shrine, which honors Japan’s war dead, in Tokyo, Japan, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024, as the country marks the 79th anniversary of its defeat in the World War II. (AP Photo/Hiro Komae)

TOKYO (AP) — Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida vowed to step up his country’s effort to defend a rules-based international order in a peace pledge made Thursday on the 79th anniversary of Japan’s defeat in World War II.

“We will never again repeat the tragedy of war” and will stick to the country’s postwar pacifist resolve, he said at a solemn ceremony at the Budokan hall.

“In the world where tragic battles have persisted, Japan will continue its effort to maintain and strengthen the rules-based, free and open international order” and endeavor to resolve difficult global issues, Kishida said.

Kishida noted that more than 3 million Japanese were killed in the war. He also talked about the destruction in bloody ground battles on Japan’s southern island of Okinawa, fire-bombings across Japan, and the atomic attacks on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. But he did not mention or apologize for Japanese aggression across Asia or the millions of lives lost there.

The omission follows a precedent set by then-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in his speech in 2013, a move critics call a whitewashing of Japan’s wartime atrocities.


Earlier Thursday, three of Kishida’s ministers, including Defense Minister Minoru Kihara, prayed at the Yasukuni Shrine — seen by Asian neighbors as a symbol of militarism.

The controversial shrine honors convicted war criminals among about 2.5 million war dead. Victims of Japanese aggression, especially China and the Koreas, see visits to the shrine as a lack of remorse, and visits by defense officials are considered especially controversial.

Kihara is the first serving defense chief to pray at the shrine on the anniversary since then-Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi’s 2021 visit .

“I offered my sincere condolences for those who sacrificed their precious lives in the war and expressed my respect,” Kihara told reporters, adding that he paid tribute as a private individual. Asked about a possible impact on the relationship with Seoul, he said he would continue his effort to strengthen ties with South Korea.

Kishida abstained from praying at the Yasukuni Shrine just a block away and sent a religious ornament instead.

Asian neighbors criticized the ministers’ visit to Yasukuni on Thursday.

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian, in a written statement, called Yasukuni visits by Japanese political leaders an “erroneous attitude towards historical issues.”

“Facing up to and deeply reflecting on the history of aggression is an essential prerequisite for Japan to establish and develop friendship and cooperation with its Asian neighbors after World War II,” Lin said, urging Japan to also “make a clean break with militarism, stick to the path of peaceful development, and take concrete actions to earn the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community.”

In Seoul, South Korea’s Foreign Ministry in a statement expressed “deep disappointment and regret” over the ministers’ visits to the shrine and said, “Our government calls for the responsible leaders in Japan to squarely face history and demonstrate through actions a humble reflection and genuine remorse for the past and we emphasize again that this would be an important foundation for the development of future-oriented Korea-Japan relations.”

Emperor Naruhito, who also attended the ceremony, repeated his “deep remorse” over Japan’s actions during the war that was fought in the name of the wartime emperor Hirohito, his grandfather.

Kishida accelerated Japan’s military buildup and spending as the country further deepens military cooperation with the United States and their Indo-Pacific partners in the face of growing threats from China and North Korea.

Kishida, who took office in 2021, announced Wednesday that he plans to step down after his governing party leadership vote in September.

Associated Press video journalist Mayuko Ono and writers Ken Moritsugu in Beijing and Kim Tong-hyung in Seoul, South Korea, contributed.

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    A three-year work anniversary is a significant milestone in an individual's career and team dynamics. Here are the reasons why it is important: 1. It marks a significant investment of time at a company. At this stage, people have a good understanding of their role and are making significant contributions to the company.

  10. Best Work Anniversary Messages: 110+ Examples & Tips

    Here's to the next decade of greatness together!". "A whole decade of putting up with us - you deserve a medal! Happy work anniversary, [colleague's name]! Thanks for being an incredible part of the team.". "Happy 10-year work anniversary! Here's to a decade of achievements and many more to come!".

  11. 50+ Company Anniversary Message Ideas

    Here's to many more!". "Wishing you a happy anniversary and all the best for the future. Your work has been essential to our continued success.". "Your dedication and hard work have been a driving force behind our success. Happy anniversary and here's to many more!". "A heartfelt congratulations on your anniversary.

  12. Anniversary Speech for the Company

    Anniversary Speech for the Company 3. Good Morning everyone - I warmly welcome you all on the occasion of our company anniversary and for having successfully completing 10 years. So on today's occasion, I would like to say few words. Companies are like families.

  13. 11 happy work anniversary messages for employees

    Ten-year anniversary. Happy work anniversary, Michelle! I'm so grateful you've made [organization name] your work home over the last 10 years. I knew when I saw you present during our first client meeting together that you were something special. You're a dedicated, talented coworker, and we're lucky to have you.

  14. 120+ Appreciative Work Anniversary Wishes and Quotes for All

    Keep up your excellent work, and continue to inspire. Cheers to all your incredible years of work. Happy Work Anniversary! Having someone like you is a matter of pride and gratitude. Your hard work and professionalism have set an example for our organization. Congratulations on completing another year with us.

  15. 60 Happy Work Anniversary Wishes, Messages and Quotes

    3. Thank you for your leadership, inspiration, and hard work. Hope you have an amazing day on your work anniversary. 4. Congrats on your work anniversary! So incredible to see all that you've ...

  16. 100+ Company Anniversary Wishes and Messages

    Happy company anniversary. Wishing more success in the upcoming future. All the best for the company. Happy company anniversary. Let us always remember that teamwork makes the dream work come true. Happy office anniversary! Cheers to future achievements and past glories. May God bless you. Wishing a happy anniversary.

  17. 100 Quotes to Celebrate a Work Anniversary • Fortune & Frame

    Best wishes!". "Pretty sure our company's future is brighter because it has you in it. Congratulations on completing one year here successfully. Happy 1st work anniversary to you.". "Congratulations on your work anniversary. You continue to be a key player on this team, and your efforts help make it a success.

  18. 21 Ways to Say Happy Work Anniversary

    Over a decade and a half, an employee becomes a cornerstone of the organization, often witnessing and contributing to its evolution and successes. This anniversary is a moment to reflect on the past and to appreciate the employee's integral role in shaping the company's future. 21 Ways to Say Very Happy Work Anniversary to a Team Member 19.

  19. 30 Classy Ways To Celebrate Work Anniversaries (Remote and In-Person!)

    Announcing promotions based on the employees' performance or their years of experience is one of the best ways to make work anniversaries memorable. This motivates and gives every employee an equal chance to prove his/her mettle at work and earn the top spot. 12. Appreciation From The Peer.

  20. 44 Unforgettable Work Anniversary Ideas, Rewards & Gifts

    29) Provide A Few Paid Months Of Fitness Classes. Perks that benefit employees' lives in more ways than one boost employee loyalty. Make it easier for employees to work out, and they'll want to stick around for a few more years. This anniversary gift adds true value to employees' day-to-day routines and overall lives.

  21. Michiganders recall how Gerald Ford became president 50 years ago

    During a Aug. 9, 1974, ceremony at the White House, Vice President Gerald R. Ford took the oath of office. ... to the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of a man ... speech — a talk, he ...

  22. Indie Film Box Office: 'Coraline' Anniversary', 'My Penguin Friend'

    Coraline 15 th Anniversary notched a nice no. 5 at the domestic box office with $8.63 million for the three-day weekend on 1,603 screens. The cume of $11.6 million including Thursday broke its ...

  23. Ferguson officer injured at protest on 10th anniversary of Michael

    Police in Ferguson, Missouri, say an officer was critically injured outside the city's police station during protests on the 10th anniversary of the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, a pivotal moment in the national Black Lives Matter movement.

  24. Nixon resigned 50 years ago. The political world changed forever

    WASHINGTON - Exactly 50 years ago, a beleaguered President Richard M. Nixon entered the Oval Office, stared into a television camera and performed an act that still echoes in today's very ...

  25. 'Coraline' shocks movie boxes offices in 15th anniversary re-release

    Re-release of 'Coraline' shocks at box office LAIKA film studio's "Coraline" was remastered and r e-released in theaters starting Thursday, Aug. 15, through partnerships with Fathom in the United ...

  26. WATCH: 'The future is here,' Hillary Clinton says in 2024 ...

    Clinton nodded to the trailblazing women who have run for national office, including Shirley Chisholm, the first Black woman to run for president and a source of inspiration for Harris' campaign.

  27. As an Afghan veteran, I say Joe Biden's legacy is one of betrayal and

    As an Afghan veteran, I say Joe Biden's legacy is one of betrayal and weakness It's the anniversary of his surrender to the Taliban, which was a disaster for so many

  28. Trump touts economic plan in North Carolina

    In a 90-minute speech in Asheville, North Carolina, Trump pledged to bring down consumer prices and increase wages through permanent tax cuts, energy policy reforms and eliminating environmental ...

  29. Trump downplays Jan. 6 on the anniversary of the Capitol siege and

    NEWTON, Iowa (AP) — Former President Donald Trump, campaigning in Iowa Saturday, marked the third anniversary of the Jan. 6, 2021 assault on the U.S. Capitol by casting the migrant surge on the southern border as the "real" insurrection.. Just over a week before the Republican nomination process begins with Iowa's kickoff caucuses, Trump did not explicitly acknowledge the date.

  30. Kishida vows to push rules-based order as Japan's defense chief visits

    TOKYO (AP) — Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida vowed to step up his country's effort to defend a rules-based international order in a peace pledge made Thursday on the 79th anniversary of Japan's defeat in World War II. "We will never again repeat the tragedy of war" and will stick to the country's postwar pacifist resolve, he said at a solemn ceremony at the Budokan hall.