Overview of the TOK essay (first assessment 2022)

There have been some important changes to the TOK with the new curriculum (first assessment 2022). Overall, the “heart” of the essay remains the same but there are some key differences. When searching for resources online about the TOK essay, pay careful attention to whether or not they are geared towards the new essay. While many older resources are still somewhat relevant you need to be aware that some of has been written about the older curriculum may not apply anymore.

Additionally, there are a large number of sample essays available online but the vast majority of them are written for an older TOK curriculum. Older TOK curricula have some different requirements and different assessment criteria. Looking at older TOK essays can be beneficial as the basic core of the new essay has not changed dramatically. Be careful though.

The first place to look when trying understand the TOK essay is the assessment instrument. Page 48 of the TOK subject guide states a basic question that underlines the marking of all TOK essays:

“ Does the student provide a clear, coherent and critical exploration of the essay title?”

Each of the three “c” key terms needs further investigation:

  • Is the essay as a whole clearly linked to the essay title?
  • Are all of the key terms in the essay title clearly addressed in the essay?
  • Are the arguments clearly linked to the essay title?
  • Do the specific examples have a clear connection to the prescribed title?
  • Is the writing clear? Writing clarity is itself not assessed by TOK markers but markers can only give you credit for your arguments if they are written clearly enough to be fully understood.
  • Does the essay overall have sufficient coherence?
  • Do the arguments flow logically from one to another?
  • Do the AOKs flow logically from one to another? You do not have to separate your essay into two distinct AOK sections but there needs to be a logical reason for the order of your body paragraphs.
  • Are the specific examples organized in a logical way?
  • Are the different points of view discussed in an effective and logical sequence?
  • Does the essay use transitions words and phrases effectively to improve the coherence of the essay?

Note: To be able to create a coherent TOK essay you first need to be able to create a coherent essay. You need to develop your general essay writing skills before your start working on your TOK essay.

  • Do the arguments in the essay have sufficient depth of critical analysis in its approach to the prescribed title? Does the essay overall have sufficient depth of critical analysis?
  • How are the specific examples used to support the arguments? Are the specific examples examined in sufficient depth?
  • Do the different points of view in the essay have sufficient depth? If a different point of view in the essay is fairly superficial it make it more difficult for the essay to be successful.
  • Does the evaluation of the different points of view in the essay have sufficient depth? Is this evaluation linked directly to the arguments and the prescribed title?
  • Are the implications in the essay critically considered ? Just mentioning a couple of implication may not quite be enough.

Most of the points above are drawn directly from the TOK essay assessment instrument. It is extremely important that very early on you take some time to closely examine the TOK essay assessment instrument. All parts of your essay must directly connect to both the essay title and to the TOK essay assessment instrument.

  • During the TOK essay writing process make sure you examine and re-examine whether or not your essay fully addresses the prescribed title .
  • If there is some part of the essay title that you are not covering sufficiently in your essay, make sure you make the necessary changes as soon as possible
  • If there are parts of your essay that have weak links to the prescribed title strongly considering cutting them out. Save space in your essay for in-depth critical analysis that is directly linked to the prescribed title.
  • During the TOK essay writing process make sure you examine and re-examine whether or not your essay fully addresses the TOK assessment instrument .
  • If there is some part of the TOK assessment instrument that you are not covering sufficiently in your essay, make sure you make changes before you hand in your final draft.
  • If there are parts of your essay that have indirect / weak links to the TOK assessment instrument strongly considering cutting them out. Use the space in your essay for in-depth critical analysis that is directly linked to the prescribed title and the TOK assessment instrument.

Essay requirements

Beyond the basics (making sure you address the essay title as well as the TOK assessment instrument), there are additional requirements for the TOK essay. Check the TOK subject guide for details.

  • Academic honesty / authenticity: Page 44 of the TOK subject guide is quite clear: “The TOK essay must be the student’s own work.”
  • You must submit both your essay and the TOK essay Planning and Progress Form (TK/PPF) for marking. The form is not taken into consideration in the marking of your essay but it may be important if questions are raised about the authenticity of your work.
  • Maximum 1600 words (make sure you are clear about what is and is not included in the word count).
  • 12 point, double spaced, standard font. This is now the standard for most if not all IB EAs and IAs. If you do not follow these simple basic requirements you are indicating to the marker right from the start that you are not careful and do not follow basic instructions. That is not the frame of mind you want the marker to be in when they start reading your essay.

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tok essay rubric 2022

Guide to the TOK Essay

What’s covered:.

  • What is Theory of Knowledge (TOK)?
  • What is the Theory of Knowledge Essay?

How is the Theory of Knowledge Essay Scored?

How to structure your theory of knowledge essay.

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB/IBDP) is a rigorous and rewarding internationally based educational program that offers courses in numerous studies, from humanities to chemistry. Students take part in a two-year curriculum that includes external examinations, internal assessments, research papers and community service hours. Essentially, students will have to do a bit of everything, especially with IB’s core, which is CAS, TOK, and the extended essay (EE). Understanding how TOK, IB’s flagship class, is assessed with its essay is important to success in the course overall. 

What is Theory Of Knowledge (TOK)?

Theory of Knowledge is IB’s way of introducing a more intuitive way of thinking into classrooms. TOK is at its surface as simple as it sounds: you essentially learn the “what” and “why” of how we learn and understand knowledge. In order to assess students of their skills in TOK, IB uses an essay and a presentation. The essay makes up 67% of your total TOK score, making it the most important task to focus on for getting a high score. 

What is the Theory Of Knowledge Essay?

The TOK essay is a 1600 word essay written about topics usually given to students from their teachers from a list of numerous options. It is an essay that promotes arguments and counterarguments for the topic at hand. Understanding your ways of knowing (WOKs) and areas of knowledge (AOKs) is extremely crucial before you even start choosing a topic to write on, as your essay will revolve around and structure itself based on these two concepts. Being able to demonstrate higher-level thinking and using examples to solidify the points you make in your essay is also important. Additionally, you’ll need to reference every source of information that you use, since that is something examiners look for as well.

As said earlier, 67% of your grade is from the essay, and your overall TOK score receives a letter grade using a calculated score out of thirty. Your essay score and presentation score are each out of ten. The grades for your TOK presentation and essay are determined by sending material to the board of IB, from which they designate a grader/examiner to read your essay and grade based on a rubric that determines the level of knowledge you exhibit in your writing.

The following formula should better explain how to find your TOK grade. 

(presentation score) + (essay score * 2) = overall score out of 30

The grade boundaries out of 30 that determine your letter grade can vary each year so checking in with your school for the most recent ones is the best course of action, but an example set would be like this:

Once you have a letter grade for IB, your extended essay, which is another part of the core, is also included into a larger grading schema to calculate your core score, which is three additional points required to complete and earn the diploma. The following table details this grade further:



Excellent (A)

Good (B)

Satisfactory (C)



Elementary (E)

Not Submitted

Excellent (A)





1 + Failing Condition


Good (B)





Failing Condition


Satisfactory (C)





Failing Condition


Mediocre (D)





Failing Condition


Elementary (E)

1 + Failing Condition

Failing Condition

Failing Condition

Failing Condition

Failing Condition


Not Submitted







Doing well in the core is important to passing IB and getting three points out of the total 45 attainable points. 

There’s a trick that most IB students use in writing the TOK essay, and it boils down to understanding four key components of learning:

  • Content : Understanding knowledge issues
  • Clarity : Structuring your essay in a legible and clear/easy to read manner
  • Creativity : Using your personal ways of thinking and applications of knowledge specific to your understanding of the knowledge issue
  • Critical Thinking : Using a counter argument for every argument you have to analyze your own claims constantly 

Dividing your actual essay into three main chunks helps, starting with an introduction. Your introduction should be where you state your knowledge question, the central point of your essay, and you should make use of jargon specific to the concept. As the basis of your essay, the introduction should be where you form claims and counterclaims that either support or challenge the knowledge question through heavy analysis and evaluation. 

The body of the essay follows the introduction, and it is where most of the conceptual analysis of your knowledge question takes place. Every argument and its counterargument should have a dedicated paragraph of its own, and make sure to not jump back and forth too much throughout the essay. to avoid creating messy transitions for the reader and potentially harming your score. Understanding the essay from the reader’s point of view is important, as it will help you better understand how to structure the body of your essay.

A conclusion in the TOK essay is mainly for finding closure among the numerous arguments that have been taking place thus far in the essay. Make sure to summarize but not repeat previous information entirely to refresh the reader. A conclusion should essentially loop back to the beginning of the essay, the knowledge question. The knowledge question’s answer should be the conclusion and the stopping point of the essay, and by now the answer you provide should be backed by paragraphs of supporting claims and counterclaims. If done right, concluding the essay can be how you earn most of your points. 

Start Early

Starting early is an obvious and effective advantage to students. Aside from TOK, let alone the presentation, IB has substantial work that requires focus and allocated time dedicated to it, such as external examinations and the extended essay. These tasks are equally as important as the TOK essay, so starting your outlining, drafting or even just planning early will set you up for success.

Send Your Drafts to Your Teacher

Your TOK teacher is a great resource for drafting essays and making edits to perfect your final product. Making use of time outside of the classroom to catch your teacher for a quick review of your essay could be a bigger advantage than you realize. Making use of an outside perspective is essential to forming a great essay. 

While your final IB grade isn’t as important as you’d think regarding college admissions, understanding how to pass TOK and using the lifelong practices you’ll learn in the class is even more important. TOK creates students who think outside conventional methods, making them excellent candidates in the eyes of college admissions offices. Taking TOK and showing proof of understanding it as well as capability of academic rigor is what colleges are looking for. For more information on how your chances of college admissions might look, use CollegeVine’s admissions calculator !

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Theory of Knowledge: TOK Exhibition Rubric (as of Class of 2022)

  • Knowledge Framework in TOK
  • TOK & The Learner Profile Attributes
  • Areas of Knowledge
  • Knowledge Questions (as of Class of 2022)
  • TOK Essay (External Assessment)
  • TOK Exhibition (Internal Assessment)
  • TOK Exhibition Rubric (as of Class of 2022)
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  • Oxford 2020 TOK Textbook

Markscheme for the TOK Exhibition


(From the TOK Guide)

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  • Last Updated: Oct 27, 2020 12:41 PM
  • URL: https://purcellmarian.libguides.com/c.php?g=1094360

Theory of knowledge

Theory of knowledge (TOK) is assessed through an exhibition and a 1,600 word essay.

It asks students to reflect on the nature of knowledge, and on how we know what we claim to know.

TOK is part of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) core, and is mandatory for all students.

Learn more about theory of knowledge . You can also find examples of TOK essay titles and read about how the IB sets deadlines for TOK .

You may also be interested in the other components of the DP core: creativity, activity, service (CAS) and the extended essay .

Learn more about TOK in a DP workshop for teachers . 

DP subject briefs

Find out about what each subject offers within the Diploma Programme (DP).

Our DP subject briefs—for both standard and higher level—contain information about core requirements, aims and assessment.

  • Explore the DP subject briefs


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US IB Theory of Knowledge: TOK Exhibition Rubric

  • Knowledge Framework in TOK
  • TOK & The Learner Profile Attributes
  • The Learner Profile Attributes Quiz
  • Areas of Knowledge
  • Optional Themes
  • Knowledge Questions
  • TOK Exhibition
  • TOK Exhibition Prompts
  • TOK Exhibition Rubric
  • Ways of Knowing (Pre 2022)
  • Recommended Reading
  • RSS News Feeds

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The markscheme for the TOK exhibition*


  • << Previous: TOK Exhibition Prompts
  • Next: Ways of Knowing (Pre 2022) >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 21, 2024 2:31 PM
  • URL: https://asmadrid.libguides.com/IBtheoryofknowledge


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    Free TOK website for students and teachers of the IB DP. Contains a wealth of lesson materials as well as top tips for the assessments of the new 2022 theory of knowledge specification.

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    HOME Knowledge Framework in TOK TOK & The Learner Profile Attributes Areas of Knowledge Knowledge Questions (as of Class of 2022) TOK Essay (External Assessment) TOK Exhibition (Internal Assessment) TOK Exhibition Rubric (as of Class of 2022) RSS News Feeds Oxford 2020 TOK Textbook Markscheme for the TOK Exhibition

  21. Theory of knowledge

    Theory of knowledge. Theory of knowledge (TOK) is assessed through an exhibition and a 1,600 word essay. It asks students to reflect on the nature of knowledge, and on how we know what we claim to know. TOK is part of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) core, and is mandatory for all students.

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