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Essay on Teachers Day

essay on teachers day

Here we have shared the Essay on Teachers Day in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Teachers Day in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Teachers Day in 150-250 words

Essay on teachers day in 300-400 words, essay on teachers day in 500-1000 words.

Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 5th September every year in India to honor and appreciate the contributions of teachers in shaping the lives of students. This special day provides an opportunity to express gratitude toward teachers and acknowledge their dedication, knowledge, and guidance.

Teachers play a vital role in shaping the future of individuals and society as a whole. They not only impart knowledge but also inspire, motivate, and mentor students to achieve their full potential. Teachers provide guidance, support, and encouragement, nurturing the intellectual and emotional growth of their students.

On Teachers’ Day, students and educational institutions organize various activities to honor their teachers. Students express their gratitude through speeches, poems, and performances. Awards and recognition are given to exceptional teachers who have made a significant impact on their students’ lives.

Teachers’ Day serves as a reminder of the importance of teachers in our lives. It highlights the tireless efforts and sacrifices made by teachers to educate and inspire generations. It is a day to reflect on the influence teachers have on shaping individuals and the society they live in.

In conclusion, Teachers’ Day is a significant occasion to appreciate and honor the invaluable contributions of teachers. It is a time to express gratitude and acknowledge the important role they play in shaping the future. Teachers’ Day reminds us of the lasting impact teachers have on their students and serves as a tribute to their dedication and commitment.

Teachers’ Day is celebrated on the 5th of September every year in India to honor and recognize the invaluable contributions of teachers in shaping the lives of students. It is a day dedicated to expressing gratitude and appreciation for the selfless efforts of teachers who play a pivotal role in imparting knowledge and molding future generations.

Teachers are the guiding lights who inspire, motivate, and educate students. They not only share their knowledge but also instill values, build character, and ignite a passion for learning. Teachers create a nurturing and stimulating environment in which students can grow intellectually, emotionally, and socially.

On Teachers’ Day, educational institutions organize special events and programs to celebrate and honor teachers. Students actively participate in organizing cultural performances, speeches, and presentations to express their gratitude. This day is an opportunity for students to acknowledge the profound impact teachers have had on their lives and to convey their appreciation for their dedication and hard work.

Teachers’ Day also serves as a reminder of the challenges and sacrifices teachers make to fulfill their role as educators. Teachers often go above and beyond their responsibilities, spending countless hours preparing lessons, providing guidance, and mentoring students. They create a supportive and inclusive environment that fosters learning and personal growth.

This day also recognizes the importance of professional development for teachers. It highlights the need for continuous learning and upskilling to stay updated with evolving educational practices. Teachers’ Day provides a platform to honor outstanding educators and their commitment to lifelong learning.

Furthermore, Teachers’ Day encourages society as a whole to value and support the teaching profession. It serves as a reminder to policymakers, parents, and the community to invest in quality education and provide teachers with the necessary resources and support they need to excel in their profession.

In conclusion, Teachers’ Day is a significant occasion to celebrate and appreciate the contributions of teachers. It is a time to acknowledge their unwavering dedication, compassion, and expertise in shaping the future of individuals and society. Teachers’ Day is an opportunity for students, educational institutions, and society to express gratitude and recognize the profound impact teachers have on our lives.

Title: Teachers’ Day – Celebrating the Guiding Lights of Education

Introduction :

Teachers’ Day is a special occasion celebrated worldwide to honor and express gratitude towards teachers for their invaluable contributions to the education and development of students. It is a day to recognize the tireless efforts, knowledge, and guidance of teachers who play a pivotal role in shaping the future of individuals and society. This essay explores the significance of Teachers’ Day, highlighting the importance of teachers in our lives and the various ways in which they impact students and the education system.

The Role of Teachers: Inspiring Minds, Shaping Futures

Teachers are the guiding lights who inspire, motivate, and educate students. They possess the power to ignite curiosity, nurture talents, and build the foundation for lifelong learning. Teachers not only impart academic knowledge but also shape students’ characters, instill values, and foster personal growth. They create a safe and inclusive learning environment that promotes critical thinking, creativity, and the development of essential life skills. The role of teachers extends beyond the classroom, as they serve as mentors, role models, and confidants, providing guidance and support to students during their formative years.

Teachers as Agents of Change in Education

Teachers play a crucial role in transforming education and adapting to the evolving needs of students and society. They are at the forefront of educational innovations, implementing new teaching methods, integrating technology, and tailoring instruction to meet individual student needs. Teachers act as facilitators, encouraging active learning, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. They embrace diversity, promote inclusivity, and create a positive classroom culture that celebrates individual strengths and differences. Furthermore, teachers contribute to curriculum development, assessment strategies, and educational policies, shaping the overall educational landscape.

Celebrating Teachers’ Day: Expressing Gratitude

Teachers’ Day is an opportunity to express gratitude and appreciation for the selfless efforts of teachers. Educational institutions organize special events, assemblies, and programs to honor and recognize teachers’ contributions. Students actively participate in organizing cultural performances, speeches, and presentations to convey their heartfelt appreciation. Teachers receive tokens of gratitude, cards, and gifts from students, parents, and the community as a symbol of respect and recognition. This celebration reinforces the significance of teachers and acknowledges their dedication, commitment, and passion for their profession.

Professional Development and Support for Teachers

Teachers’ Day also highlights the importance of professional development and support for teachers. It emphasizes the need for ongoing training, workshops, and opportunities for growth to enhance teaching skills, subject knowledge, and instructional strategies. Society and educational institutions must provide teachers with the necessary resources, professional networks, and supportive environments to excel in their profession. Collaboration among teachers, sharing best practices, and continuous learning are essential to creating a vibrant and progressive educational ecosystem.

Conclusion :

Teachers’ Day serves as a reminder of the pivotal role teachers play in shaping the future of individuals and society. It is a time to honor and appreciate their tireless efforts, dedication, and commitment to the noble profession of teaching. Teachers inspire, mentor, and guide students, imparting knowledge, values, and life skills. Their impact extends far beyond the classroom, influencing generations and leaving an indelible mark on society. As we celebrate Teachers’ Day, let us express gratitude to teachers and work towards creating a supportive and empowering environment that enables them to continue their invaluable contribution to education.

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Teachers Day Essay: शिक्षक दिवस पर हिंदी निबंध 10 लाइन में, 250 शब्द लिखकर बन जाएं टीचर्स के फेवरिट

Teachers day ka nibandh:  5 सितंबर को शिक्षक दिवस मनाया जा रहा है। हमारे जीवन में शिक्षकों का महत्व केवल पढ़ाई तक सीमित नहीं है। वे हमारे जीवन में एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं और हमें अच्छा इंसान बनने में मदद करते हैं। शिक्षक दिवस हमें यह अवसर प्रदान करता है कि हम अपने शिक्षकों को धन्यवाद कह सकें और उनके द्वारा दिए गए ज्ञान को अपने जीवन में उतार सकें।.

teachers day essay in 10 lines and 250 words shikshak diwas nibandh in hindi

टीचर्स डे निबंध: क्यों मनाते है शिक्षक दिवस?

टीचर्स डे निबंध: क्यों मनाते है शिक्षक दिवस?

शिक्षक दिवस हमारे देश में हर साल 5 सितंबर को मनाया जाता है। यह हमारे देश के पूर्व राष्ट्रपति डॉ. सर्वपल्ली राधाकृष्णन के जन्मदिन के अवसर पर मनाया जाता है। यह दिन शिक्षकों के योगदान को स्वीकार करने और उनके प्रति सम्मान व्यक्त करने के लिए मनाया जाता है।

डॉ. सर्वपल्ली राधाकृष्णन ने भारत के विकास में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दिया था। वे एक सच्चे शिक्षक थे, जिन्होंने अपने जीवन को शिक्षा और ज्ञान के लिए समर्पित किया था।

हमारे जीवन में क्या होता है शिक्षकों का महत्व

हमारे जीवन में क्या होता है शिक्षकों का महत्व

गुरु गोविंद दोऊ खड़े, काके लागू पाय। बलिहारी गुरु आपने, गोविंद दियो बताय।

शिक्षकों का महत्व हमारे जीवन में बहुत अधिक है। वे हमारे जीवन को सुधारने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं। शिक्षक हमें सही और गलत के बीच का अंतर सिखाते हैं, जो हमें जीवन में सही रास्ते पर चलने में मदद करता है। वे हमें भविष्य के लिए तैयार करते हैं, जिससे हम अपने लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। वे हमें अपने जीवन को सुधारने में मदद करते हैं, और हमें एक अच्छा इंसान बनाते हैं।

शिक्षक देते हैं हमारे जीवन को आधार

शिक्षक देते हैं हमारे जीवन को आधार

शिक्षक हमारे मार्गदर्शक हैं, जो हमें सही रास्ते पर चलने में मदद करते हैं। वे हमें शिक्षा देते हैं, जो हमारे जीवन का आधार है। इसके साथ ही हमें सही दिशा में आगे बढ़ने में मदद करते हैं। वे हमें जीवन के हर पहलू में सहायता करते हैं, जैसे कि कैसे अच्छे इंसान बनना है, कैसे समाज में योगदान करना है, और कैसे अपने लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करना है।

आओ मिलकर करें शिक्षकों को धन्यवाद

आओ मिलकर करें शिक्षकों को धन्यवाद

हमें अपने शिक्षकों को धन्यवाद देना चाहिए, जिन्होंने हमें पढ़ाया और हमारे जीवन को सुधारा। वे हमारे रोल मॉडल हैं, जिन्होंने हमें सही रास्ते पर चलने में मदद की है। यह दिन हमें मौका देता है उनके प्रति सम्मान और आभार व्यक्त करने का। वे हमारे जीवन को सुधारने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं, इसलिए उनको जितना भी धन्यवाद दो कम ही है। आओ मिलकर शिक्षकों को धन्यवाद दें, जिन्होंने हमें पढ़ाया और हमारे जीवन को सुधारा।

शिक्षकों को समर्पित एक दिन

शिक्षकों को समर्पित एक दिन

वैसे तो शिक्षक दिवस का महत्व केवल एक दिन के समारोह तक सीमित नहीं होना चाहिए। लेकिन तब भी, शिक्षक दिवस हमें अपने शिक्षकों को धन्यवाद देने और उनके योगदान को स्वीकार करने का अवसर प्रदान करता है। हमें अपने शिक्षकों द्वारा दिए गए ज्ञान को अपने जीवन में उतारना चाहिए। इस दिन हमें उनके योगदान की सराहना करते हुए, उन्हें धन्यवाद कहना चाहिए, क्योंकि उनके बिना हमारा जीवन अधूरा है।

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Teacher’s Day Essay in English for Students and Children

Teacher's Day is celebrated on September 5, 2024. It is a special day to thank teachers for their hard work and care. We show our appreciation by giving them gifts and saying kind words. Students can check Teacher's Day Essay in 100, 200, and 500 words here.

Teacher's Day Essay in English

Table of Contents

A teacher is a person who guides and inspires both young and old. They help us learn new things and understand important values like respect and kindness. Teachers play a big role in shaping how we think and act. Their hard work and dedication are celebrated every year on Teachers’ Day, which is an opportunity to thank them for their contributions. This day highlights how important teachers are in our lives and the positive impact they have on our society. All the students and children can check the Essay on Teacher’s Day in an Easy and Short way in the article below.

Essay on Teacher’s Day In English

Teacher’s Day is celebrated on September 5th in India to honor Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a great teacher and the second President of India. On this day, students show their love and respect for their teachers. In schools, students organize special programs like dances, songs, and skits. They give cards and flowers to their teachers. Sometimes, older students even take on the role of teachers for a day.

This day is important because it reminds us how much teachers do to help us learn and grow. It is a fun and memorable day for both students and teachers. Around the world, Teachers’ Day is a special occasion to honor the efforts of teachers, and International Teachers’ Day is specifically celebrated on October 5.

10 Lines on Teacher’s Day For Children

  • Teacher’s Day is a special day to celebrate our teachers.
  • It is usually celebrated on September 5th in India.
  • Teacher’s Day is celebrated in honor of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a great teacher and leader.
  • Teachers help us learn new things and grow.
  • They teach us important subjects like math, science, and languages.
  • Teachers are kind and patient with us.
  • On Teacher’s Day, Students give cards, flowers, and small gifts to their teachers.
  • We can give them cards, flowers, or small gifts.
  • Some schools have special programs and performances on this day.
  • It’s a day to show our appreciation for their hard work.

Short Essay on Teacher’s Day in English

Teacher’s Day is celebrated on 5th September every year. This day is special because it is the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He was a great teacher and the second President of India. He loved teaching and believed that teachers are very important for the growth of students and society.

On Teacher’s Day, students show their respect and love for their teachers. They give them cards, flowers, and sometimes organize small programs in school. Teachers guide us, help us learn new things, and make us better people. Without teachers, we would not know how to read, write, or solve problems.

Teacher’s Day reminds us to be thankful to our teachers for all their hard work and dedication. It is a day to say “Thank you, Teacher” for everything they do for us.

Teacher’s Day Speech in English

Long Essay on Teacher’s Day

Teacher’s Day is celebrated on September 5th every year in India to honor and appreciate the hard work and dedication of teachers. This day marks the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a respected teacher, philosopher, and the second President of India. His love for teaching and his belief in the importance of education led to the celebration of this day in his honor.

Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the future of students. They are like candles that burn themselves to give light to others. A good teacher not only imparts knowledge but also instills moral values and life skills in students. They guide us through the right path, help us understand the difference between right and wrong, and encourage us to dream big. Teachers inspire us to achieve our goals and become better individuals.

On Teacher’s Day, students express their gratitude and respect towards their teachers in various ways. In schools, students organize programs that include songs, dances, and speeches dedicated to their teachers. Some students also present flowers, cards, and gifts as tokens of appreciation. These gestures, though small, carry a deep sense of respect and love for the teachers.

Teachers, on the other hand, feel proud and happy to see the affection and respect they receive from their students. It reminds them of the impact they have on the lives of young learners and motivates them to continue their noble work. Teaching is not just a profession but a passion for many, and Teacher’s Day is a reminder of the responsibility they carry in building the future of the nation.

However, the significance of Teacher’s Day goes beyond just the celebrations. It is a day to reflect on the importance of education and the role teachers play in our lives. It reminds us that we owe much of our success to our teachers, who have been our mentors, friends, and guides.

In conclusion, Teacher’s Day is a special day to recognize and appreciate the contribution of teachers in our lives. It is a day to show gratitude to those who have dedicated their lives to the noble profession of teaching. As students, we should always remember the lessons taught by our teachers and strive to make them proud through our achievements and good deeds.

Essay on Teacher’s Day in 400 Words

Teacher’s Day is celebrated across India on the 5th of September each year. This date is significant because it marks the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a respected teacher who also served as the second President of India. On this occasion, we express our appreciation and respect for the teachers who guide and inspire us.

Teachers play a very important role in our lives. They guide us, help us learn new things, and shape our future. Without teachers, we would not know how to read, write, or solve problems. They teach us good manners, discipline, and how to be a good person. They work hard every day to make sure we understand our lessons and succeed in life.

Teacher's Day Essay in English for Students and Children_3.1

On Teacher’s Day, students organize different programs to make their teachers feel special. Some students prepare speeches, while others sing songs or perform dances. Many schools have small celebrations where students give flowers, cards, or gifts to their teachers as a token of love and appreciation.

Teachers are like second parents to us. They care for us, correct us when we make mistakes, and encourage us to do our best. They are always there to help us, even outside the classroom. We should respect our teachers every day, not just on Teacher’s Day, because they play such an important role in our lives.

In conclusion, Teacher’s Day is a day to remember and honor our teachers for all the hard work they do for us. We should always be thankful to our teachers and show them that we appreciate everything they do. After all, without teachers, we wouldn’t be where we are today.

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Essay in English 300 Words

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was one of India’s greatest teachers, philosophers, and leaders. He was born on September 5, 1888, in a small town called Tiruttani in Tamil Nadu. His father wanted him to become a priest, but young Radhakrishnan was very interested in studying, especially in philosophy. He was very bright and hardworking, which led him to achieve great success in his education.

Dr. Radhakrishnan was an excellent student, and he later became a professor of philosophy. He taught at many prestigious institutions, such as the University of Mysore, the University of Calcutta, and Oxford University in England. His knowledge and wisdom were so great that people all over the world respected him. He wrote many books on philosophy and religion, which are still studied by scholars today.

In 1962, Dr. Radhakrishnan became the second President of India. Before that, he was the Vice-President of India for two terms. Even as a President, he was a humble and simple man who believed in the power of education. He always said that teachers are the real nation-builders because they shape the future of the country through their students.

Dr. Radhakrishnan’s birthday, September 5th, is celebrated as Teachers’ Day in India. This day is a tribute to him and to all the teachers who work hard to educate and inspire students. On this day, students show their appreciation for their teachers by giving them cards, flowers, and gifts.

Dr. Radhakrishnan’s life teaches us the importance of education, humility, and respect for teachers. He was a true role model, and his legacy continues to inspire people across the world.

What can we do on Teachers’ Day?

On Teacher’s Day, we can do many special things to show our teachers how much we appreciate them. These small gestures can make your teacher feel very happy and appreciated on Teacher’s Day! Here are some simple ideas:

  • Make a Card: Create a handmade card with a nice message to thank your teacher.
  • Say Thank You: Simply say “thank you” to your teacher for all they do.
  • Give a Flower: Bring a single flower or a small bouquet to your teacher.
  • Sing a Song: If you like to sing, you can sing a special song for your teacher.
  • Draw a Picture: Draw a picture of something that reminds you of your teacher.
  • Share Memories: Tell your teacher about your favorite moment in their class.
  • Be Extra Nice: On Teacher’s Day, be extra polite and helpful in class.

History Behind Teacher’s Day

Teacher’s Day is celebrated to honor teachers and their contributions to society. In India, it is observed on September 5th every year. This day is special because it is the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a great teacher, philosopher, and the second President of India.

Dr. Radhakrishnan was born on September 5, 1888, in a small village in Tamil Nadu, India. He served as the Vice President of India from 1952 to 1962 and then as the President from 1962 to 1967. He was highly respected for his integrity and intellect. He loved learning and teaching. He believed that teachers play a very important role in shaping the future of the country by guiding students. When his students wanted to celebrate his birthday, Dr. Radhakrishnan suggested that instead of celebrating his birthday, they should celebrate it as Teacher’s Day to honor all teachers.

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Since then, September 5th is celebrated as Teacher’s Day in India. On this day, students show their respect and gratitude to their teachers. Schools and colleges organize special programs, where students give speeches, perform skits, and present flowers to their teachers.

Teacher’s Day reminds us of the importance of teachers in our lives and encourages us to appreciate their hard work and dedication.

Essay on Teachers Day in 500 Words

Teacher’s Day is a special occasion to honor and appreciate the hard work and dedication of teachers. It is celebrated on different dates around the world, but in many countries, it is observed on October 5th. This day is a chance for students to express their gratitude and respect for their teachers.

Why We Celebrate Teacher’s Day

Teachers play a very important role in our lives by helping us learn and grow. They don’t just give us facts but explain ideas, show us how to solve problems and encourage us to follow our dreams. As William Arthur Ward said, “A regular teacher tells, a good teacher explains, a great teacher shows, but the best teachers inspire.” This means that the best teachers don’t just teach; they help us believe in ourselves and aim for our best. Teacher’s Day is a special day to thank our teachers for all their hard work and care. It’s a time to show how much we appreciate them for helping us learn and shaping our futures. Teachers make a big difference in our lives, and it’s important to say thank you.

When Is Teacher’s Day Celebrated?

Teacher’s Day is celebrated on various dates in different countries. In India, it is celebrated on September 5th, marking the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a great philosopher and educator. In the United States, it is celebrated on the first Tuesday of May. The international version of Teacher’s Day, recognized by UNESCO, is observed on October 5th.

How Teacher’s Day Is Celebrated

Teacher’s Day is celebrated in many ways. Schools often organize special events to honor teachers. Students might prepare performances, speeches, or presentations to show their appreciation. Flowers, cards, and small gifts are common ways to say “thank you.” In some schools, students may even take over the teaching duties for a day to give their teachers a break.

One famous quote by Albert Schweitzer, “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful,” reflects how teachers find joy in their work and strive for success in their students’ achievements.

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Teacher’s Day is more than just a day off from regular classes; it is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the hard work of teachers who contribute so much to our growth and development. As we honor them, we are reminded of the important role they play in our lives and the positive impact they have on our future. On this day, let us remember to say a heartfelt “thank you” to the teachers who inspire and guide us every day.

Quotes For Teacher’s Day

Teachers’ Day quotes express love and respect for teachers. Some quotes say, “A teacher plants the seeds of knowledge,” or “Teachers inspire and guide.” Another quote might be, “Thank you for helping me grow.” These quotes show how important teachers are in our lives. Some heart-touching quotes for Teacher’s Day have been shared below:

  • Teachers plant seeds of knowledge that grow forever.”
  • “A good teacher is like a candle; it consumes itself to light the way for others.” — by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
  • “The influence of a good teacher can never be erased.”
  • “Teachers don’t just teach; they inspire, encourage, and guide.”
  • “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” — by Henry Adams
  • “Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions.”
  • “The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don’t tell you what to see.” — by Alexandra K. Trenfor
  • “To the world, you may be just a teacher, but to your students, you are a hero.”
  • “Teachers are the compass that guides us through the dreams of tomorrow.”
  • “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” — by Nelson Mandela

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Q. What should be the main focus of a Teacher’s Day essay?

Ans: The primary focus of a Teacher’s Day essay should be to recognize and celebrate the vital role teachers play. The essay should highlight their impact on students' lives, the importance of Teacher’s Day, and personal reflections on what makes teachers exceptional. Including examples of how teachers inspire and guide their students toward a brighter future can also enrich your essay.

Sonika Singh

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Essay on Teachers Day (2024) in English [Short, Simple & Best]

Essay on Teachers Day in English: Teachers are an important part of society. In this article, you are going to read 3 easy and simple essays on Teachers’ Day (100, 150, and 300 words). If you are looking for paragraphs on Teachers’ Day, this article will also help you with that. So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Short Essay on Teachers Day: 100 words

Teachers’ Day is celebrated in India on the 5th of September. It is celebrated to mark the birthday of former President, scholar, philosopher, and Bharat Ratna recipient Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. It’s a day to acknowledge and honor the hard work and contributions of teachers in our life.

Teachers are the backbone of our society. They not only give us knowledge but also teach us good manners, discipline, and moral values. They guide us to become good human beings and sensible citizens. 

On Teachers’ Day, various cultural events are held in schools and colleges. Students express their feelings and gratitude to teachers through speeches and poems. Teachers’ Day creates a special bond between teachers and their students.

Essay on Teachers Day in English

Also Read: 10 Lines on Teachers Day

Teachers Day Essay in English: 150 words

5th September is observed every year as Teachers’ Day. This is Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan’s birthday. He was a great teacher, philosopher, and scholar. He became the first Vice President and second President of India. His birthday is deemed most appropriate as this Teachers’ Day.

This day has a deeper sense. It is the day to show honour and respect to the teachers for their service to the students.

Teachers are role models for their students. Teachers play a key role in shaping students future. They always show us the best path in our life.

Classes are not usually held on Teachers’ Day. Classrooms are decorated with flowers and festoons. Students organize various cultural programs on this day. The teachers are garlanded and given gifts by their students. Students extend their sincere gratitude to their beloved teachers. Teachers’ Day is a special occasion to celebrate and enjoy the relationship between teachers and students.

Teachers Day Essay in English

Also Read: Teachers Day Speech in English

Teachers Day Essay: 300 words

In India, teachers’ day is celebrated every year on September 5 with great enthusiasm. It is celebrated on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, the first Vice President of India. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was a philosopher, educationist, and teacher. He dedicated his life for the betterment of education. He had a unique way of teaching and he was favourite among students.

Teachers’ Day reminds the importance of teachers in society. It is a day to honour the invaluable contribution of teachers in our life and society.

Teachers play a very significant role in a student’s life. Teachers are the ones who ignite the minds of the youth. They are the main pillars of a sound and progressive society. They make us strong enough to stand on our own feet and face any challenge. Teaching is a profession that teaches all other professions. A teacher is not just an instructor but also a friend, a guide, and a philosopher who not only imparts knowledge but also gives us moral and spiritual values for life. It is rightly said that teachers are the real builders of the nation.

Special programs are organized in schools, colleges, and other educational institutions on the occasion of Teachers’ Day. Schools and colleges are beautifully decorated by the students on this day. Students sing, dance, perform dramas, recite poems to express their sincere gratitude towards their teachers. On this day teachers are honored with various awards. Many students make the day even more special by handing teachers handmade gifts or greeting cards.

Teachers’ day is a celebration of the special bond between children and their mentors who influence their lives in numerous ways. It is impossible to imagine an ideal society without the contribution of Teachers.

Teachers Day Essay

Read More: 1. Report Writing on Teachers Day Celebration 2. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Essay 3. 10 lines on My Favourite Teacher

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Teacher’s Day Essay for Students in English

The teacher’s day is to honor and appreciate teachers for their dedication and hard work. Because teachers play a great role in everyone’s life. From teaching science and languages to giving life-long lessons, teachers help us build ourselves in every field of life. Therefore, they deserve to be honored. So, we should at least dedicate a day to thank them for everything that they do for us. With that being said, in the article below, we have written a teacher’s day essay and we have listed some best teacher’s day quotes for you to add icing on top of the cake.

Teacher’s Day

Teacher’s day is a very special occasion for students, teachers, and everyone in general. Every year students celebrate teacher’s day on the 5th of September to honor teachers and pay tribute to their dedication and hard work. In India, 5th September is celebrated as teacher’s day as a reminder of one of the greatest teachers, in Indian history, Dr. Servepalli Radhakrishnan’s birth. Dr. Radhakrishnan was also the second president of India besides being a great mentor. On this special occasion, students present their best wishes and respect to their teachers. They also give cards, flowers, gifts, and write a teacher’s day essay for their favorite teacher to express their love. Among all, writing a special teacher’s day essay for their favorite teacher is most appreciable.

Moreover, on this day, students organize teacher’s day events that include inspirational acts, singing competitions, speeches, and debates to make their teachers feel proud and honored. Students also dress up as teachers, on this special day, and perform.

It is indeed true that there is no other profession as honorable as the profession of teaching. And it is the most respectable profession in the world. September 5 was dedicated to the teaching profession by celebrating this day as Teachers’ Day across India. It is celebrated annually to commemorate the birthday of one of the greatest teachers in Indian history and former President of India, Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, as well as to honor teachers. India’s former president’s birthday was dedicated to highlighting the nobility of the teaching profession and the contributions of our teachers to society and the development of the country.

In the life of a student, a teacher reserves a place above the parents. Parents give birth to and care for their children while teachers create their future. Only teachers make children successful in their lives. A good teacher can lead children to limitless heights of success in life. Besides, teaching is a prophetic profession. Because teachers disperse knowledge which is the most precious thing ever found. Knowledge shows us the right path and enables us to distinguish right from wrong. Moreover, teachers are a source of inspiration and guidance for students. It is rightly said that “The mediocre master tells, the good master explains, the superior master demonstrates and the great master inspires”. Masters inspire students with diligence, hard work, and dedication.

Moreover, there is no doubt that teachers are like real potters who not only shape our lives but also allow us to light ourselves like a lamp forever after dispelling darkness from all over the world. So that our nation can be illuminated with many luminous lamps. Therefore, we pay homage and respect to all teachers in the country on this honorable day. However, we cannot give our teachers anything in return for their excellent work; we must always respect them and be grateful for their hard work and dedication. Besides, we must make a commitment to respect and wholeheartedly honor our teachers in our daily lives. Because without a good teacher we are all incomplete in this world.

In conclusion, we need to realize the need and importance of teachers in our lives and celebrate Teachers’ Day every year to honor them for their great work. Teachers are more than our parents who shape our minds for success in every field of life. Besides, they only become happy and successful in life if their dedicated students go ahead and spread the name of teachers all over the world through our activities and by reflecting back on all the lessons that we learned from our teachers. Thus, we should follow all the good lessons in our life taught by our teachers.

Best Teacher’s Day Quotes

“A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.’” ~Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

“If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother, and the teacher.” ~ Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression & knowledge.” ~Albert Einstein

“Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.” ~Malala Yousafzai

“Teaching is only demonstrating that it is possible. Learning is making it possible for yourself. ” ~Paulo Coelho

“There are two kinds of teachers: the kind that fills you with so much quail shot that you can’t move, and the kind that just gives you a little prod behind and you jump to the skies.” ~Robert Frost

“Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.” ~Aristotle

“Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.” ~Bill Gates

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ~Nelson Mandela

“The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterward.” ~Anatole France

Best Essay on Teachers Day in English for Students

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  • Teacher Essay for Students in English


Importance of Teachers in Our Lives

Teachers are those who make children knowledgeable and cultured. A teacher is a beautiful gift given by god because god is a creator of the whole world and a teacher is a creator of a whole nation. A teacher is such an important creature in the life of a student, who through his knowledge, patience and love give a strong shape to a student’s whole life. 

A teacher shares academic knowledge, ethical values and assimilates moral values that help us shape our personality as better human beings. They represent an open book and try to share their life experience for a better tomorrow. A teacher has many qualities, they are efficient in their student’s life and success in every aspect. A teacher is very intelligent. They know how the mind of students gets concentrated in studies.

 During teaching, a teacher uses creativity so that students can concentrate on their studies. They are a repository of knowledge and have the patience and confidence to take responsibility for the future of the student. They only want to see their students successful and happy. Teachers are very prestigious people in the society, who through their magic of education, take the responsibilities of raising the lifestyle and mind level of the common people. 

Parents expect a lot from teachers. Teachers are the second parents who help the students balance their lives and spend the maximum childhood time. Just as our parents influence our childhood years, our teachers help shape us into the people we want to become when we grow up, having a huge impact on our lives. Students have complete faith in their teachers. In younger years, Students used to listen to their teachers more than anyone else as they used to spend more time with them than anyone else. 

The role of the teacher varies from class to game. A teacher is an important creature in everyone’s life who appears to do different things in our life. They are the creator of a wonderful future for our nation. 

Importance of a Teacher

A teacher has an important place not only in student life but also in every phase of life. They have all qualities which they distribute in their students. They know that not everyone has the same ability to receive, so a teacher observes all the abilities of each of their students and in the same way, they teach children. A teacher is a great listener of knowledge, prosperity, and light, from which we can benefit greatly throughout our life. Every teacher helps their students in choosing their path. Teachers teach their students how to respect elders. They tell their students the difference between respect and insult and many more. A teacher equips his/her student with the knowledge, skills, and positive behavior honored which the student never feels lost. The teacher makes them aware of how to use time and the restriction of time. A good teacher makes a good impression on his students. When any student makes a mistake, the teacher teaches them a lesson and also makes them realize their mistake. They teach us to wear clean clothes, eat healthy food, stay away from the wrong food, take care of parents, treat others well, and help us in understanding the importance of completing work. 

A teacher has many qualities which hold a special place in every student’s life. Teachers embrace various roles they are our friends when we get sad, our parents when we are hurt, and always good advisers. Teachers reward their students for their good work while sometimes punishing them for realizing the mistake to understand that this is not right for their lives.

Children’s future and present both are made by the teacher. He also enhances a good society by creating a good student throughout his life. Only a teacher knows what kind of association his student lives in and what kind of association he holds.

Teachers are great role models. The teachers influence students’ decidedness. For example, India’s most respectable President, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, achieved his position as a great aerospace engineer because of his teacher. Mr. Siva Subramania Iyer’s teachings on how birds fly influenced Dr. Kalam’s contribution to society.

Not only in the education field, but there are also numerous examples in sports too, where teachers played a vital role in shaping the career of the athletes. A notable example is batting maestro Sachin Tendulkar, who credits his coach and teacher, Mr. Ramakant Achrekar, for success. Like this, there are numerous examples in various fields of dance, music, acting, arts, science where teachers act as a pivotal role in shaping the life of their disciples.

Relation of Student and the Teacher

The relationship between the teacher and the student was very sacred in ancient times as education was so perfect. There are so many stories written in our scriptures that revolve around student and teacher relationships. Out of all those, the supreme sacrifice made by Eklavya is of prime importance and showcases a student’s dedication towards his teacher. 

Alas, This relation is lacking in recent times. Nowadays, it is considered a mere profession. It has become a business or source of income compared to earlier days where it was considered a noble profession. We should be conscious enough not to stain this noble profession and should not create an example that lifts people’s trust in teachers.

In India, we gave great importance to the teacher. According to the Indian concept, the teacher is the spiritual and intellectual father of the teacher. No education is possible without the help of the teacher. He is regarded as the “Guru” – a speculator, a companion, and a guide.

In ancient India, the transmission of knowledge was oral, and the teacher was the sole custodian of knowledge. The relationship between the teacher and the students was amiable and deep in ancient times. 

Hard Work is the Key to be a Teacher

It takes a lot of hard work to be a good teacher. First of all, always respect the elders and also obey them. Concentration should be increased toward society and education. To be a good teacher, one has a sense of unity in the heart, does not discriminate against anyone, everyone should be seen with a glance. They always encourage students, they never criticize their students. Develops a good interpersonal relationship with a student. One should always tell good things to their younger ones and always treat the classmate well, always take inspiration from the teacher.

The teacher has a huge contribution to our life. No one can developmentally, socially, and intellectually in their life without a teacher. Many teachers slap students, many give punishment but in the end, the teacher is never bad. It only depends on the way they teach, which is different for everyone and this creates a different image in the student’s mind. They do whatever just to make our future bright.

Every year, some teachers get honored. Teachers’ day is celebrated every year on 5 September, in memory of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, India’s second President. India is a home ground of some great teachers like Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Premchand, Swami Vivekanand, who have given some great lessons of life which are still in trend. On this day a special ceremony takes place in the school, in which students participate enthusiastically. A nation always honors all those teachers who help in eradicating ignorance of darkness. A teacher is an ocean of knowledge, we should keep acquiring knowledge on a subject for as long as possible.


FAQs on Teacher Essay for Students in English

1. Why are Teachers are Important?

Teacher are building block of the nation. Children’s future and present both are made by the teacher. He also enhances a good society by creating a good student throughout his life.

2. What Makes a Good Teacher?

It takes a lot of hard work to be a good teacher. They always have to study and gain knowledge. To be a teacher good one have a sense of unity in the heart, do not discriminate against anyone, everyone should be seen with a glance.

3. What Should Be the Qualities to Be a Good Teacher?

Given are some qualities to be a good teacher

They always encourage students, they never criticize their students.

Develops a good interpersonal relationship with a student.

Imparts moral values and values of life.

Develop self-confidence in students.

4. When is Teacher’s Day celebrated and after whom?

Every year, teachers’ day is celebrated on 5th September, in memory of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, India’s second President.

5. Give an example reflecting how a teacher shaped the life of their disciple.

One of the prominent examples is of our Ex-President, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam achieved his position as a great aerospace engineer because of his teacher, Mr. Siva Subramania Iyer who introduced him to the science behind birds being able to fly.

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Teacher’s Day Paragraph 100, 150, 200, 250 To 300 Words For Kids, Students And Children

September 11, 2024 by Prasanna

Teacher’s Day Paragraph: Teacher’s Day is said to be as one of the favourite celebrations among all the students of the nation, especially for the children. Teacher’s Day is celebrated just like a festival to properly appreciate their teachers for all the efforts and sacrifices they made to brighten their student’s life and future.

You can read more  Paragraph Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Teacher’s Day Paragraph For 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students

Paragraph on teacher’s day – 100 words for classes 1, 2, 3 kids.

Teacher’s Day in India is a yearly celebration on the fifth of September. This is a day to respect our teachers for their significant work. Teachers hold the real knowledge, empathy and generosity for their students. We receive massive help from our teachers behind our success.

We celebrate Teachers’ Day yearly in memory of Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. The former President of India, Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, adored the youngsters a lot. He loved educating. He had additionally filled in as a teacher, and he was most loved by his students. We ought to consistently regard our teachers, and, attempt to be their obedient student.

Paragraph On Teacher’s Day - 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

Paragraph On Teacher’s Day – 150 Words for Classes 4, 5 Children

We as a whole have learned a lot from our teachers. Their lessons direct us at each phase of our life. They value the most in our lives, and this is the motivation behind why we observe Teacher’s Day devoting them. It is a day to praise the most encouraging bond between the teachers and the students.

Each student should value and regard their teachers. Their challenging work and sacrifices for our mental development are unimaginable. A teacher, some of the time, plays a more critical job than our parents. They shape up our future and build up our mind to differentiate between good and evil.

Get to know how to write 10 Lines on Teachers Day from here.

A teacher additionally does the country building work by making the future of every individual living in a nation. Teachers show us, yet they likewise improve our character, ability level and certainty. They think for each person, that is the reason we should consider and respect them on Teacher’s Day every year.

Paragraph On Teacher’s Day – 200 Words for Classes 6, 7, 8 Students

Teacher’s day celebrated on 5th September in India is an essential day in the calendar. This is the day that we celebrate as a tribute to the efforts and work of our teachers. The job of teaching is one of the hardest professions on the planet because the teachers have the duty of teaching the young people of the country.

A teacher has the whole class of kids to teach, control and motivate. It is an entirely capable activity because each student is not the same as the other and have the same capacity. A decent teacher consistently keeps his students’ enthusiasm and perceives their capacities to work toward that path. He instructs them to sharpen the aptitudes of their subject or work and simultaneously takes care that their different activities or subjects ought not to be affected.

Even though we cooperate with our teachers consistently or all the time, we barely comprehend their qualities throughout our life. We comprehend their significance just when they are far from us. The Teacher’s Day reminds us to offer our thanks towards them. In any event, we can give them an appreciation for what they implied for us, and appreciate them for their essence in our life.

Paragraph On Teacher’s Day – 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams Students

Teacher’s Day is the festival of birth anniversary of Bharat Ratna beneficiary Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. He was a practical and inspirational teacher whom each student of the country used to cherish. In the memory of his contributions as a teacher, we praise the Teacher’s Day to respect our teachers and give them all the regard they deserve.

Teacher’s Day is a day for which the teachers and particularly students energetically wait for the entire year. Teacher’s Day is a celebration of joy, enthusiasm and worship that is the reason the individuals from various parts of India praise the day to offer appreciation to their teachers.

Indian Schools and Colleges direct the most fabulous celebration on Teacher’s Day. Even though the School stay open, the students get a temporary leave from the regular studies and are permitted to appreciate the day in their manner. A few students take on the appearance of their teachers and arrive at the lower classes to control the students in those classes. They do as such to help their youngsters for their upcoming tests and have a sentiment of a traditional teacher.

Students additionally decorate their School and Classes and arrange some cake and snacks for their teacher. Their teachers cut the cake, and they convey some speech on Teachers Day . Singing, Dancing and other fun activities are likewise a part of the celebration of the day which students perform to engage their teachers. The students likewise present a speech to show their appreciation towards their teacher. The event of Teacher’s Day help strengthens the bond between a teacher and a student.

Read More: Paragraph On Teachers Day

Paragraph On Teacher’s Day - 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams Students

FAQ’s on Paragraph on Teacher’s Day

Question 1. Which was the first year to celebrate the teacher’s day?

Answer: In the year 1962, the first teacher’s day was celebrated as a Radhakrishnan’s Day. The students celebrated this teacher’s day to appreciate the position of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who was serving as the second president of India.

Question 2. When is the world teacher’s day celebrated?

Answer: On October 5th, the world teacher’s day or International teacher’s day is celebrated.

Question 3. Who can be said as a great teacher?

Answer: A teacher who not only teach their students gracefully but also guides them in every other knowledge so that they can lead to a great path in the future, is whom we can call them as a great teacher. Behind every successful person, there is the support and guidance of a great teacher.

Question 4. How a teacher’s day is celebrated in schools?

Answer: The students celebrate teacher’s day all over the nation in their respective schools, arranging various functions for their teachers which ultimately is the form of saying their teachers how much the students appreciate them and their hard work.

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  • Teachers' Day Essay

Teachers Day Essay

500+ words teachers’ day essay.

In ancient times, a Teacher was called a “Guru”. A Guru is a person who enlightens the lives of thousands of students. In Sanskrit, Guru literally means a dispeller of darkness. That’s why in Indian tradition, Guru is given supreme importance and respect. Teachers are considered Gurus in today’s world as they transfer knowledge and power to their students. With the guidance of a teacher, the path of the learner becomes enjoyable and successful. Here, we have provided Teachers Day Essay in English. The Teachers’ Day Essay will help students become familiar with why we celebrate Teachers’ day, the role of teachers in students’ lives, and how the day is celebrated in India.

Teachers’ Day Essay

A teacher is considered the second most important person in a child’s life after parents. Teachers are given the place equivalent to a mother since they spend their whole life imparting education to students.

Why We Celebrate Teachers’ Day?

World Teachers’ Day is celebrated on October 5, but Teachers’ Day is celebrated on different dates in different countries. In India, Teachers’ Day is observed on September 5 of every year. This day is celebrated as a mark of tribute to the contribution made by teachers to the society. It is the day on which Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was born in the year 1888. His birthplace is Thiruttani, located in Andhra Pradesh state.

Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was a great teacher, philosopher and Bharat Ratna recipient. He was the first Vice President and second President of independent India. During 1962-67, when he was serving the country as a President of India, his students and friends requested him to celebrate his birthday. To which he replied, “ Instead of celebrating my birthday, it would be my proud privilege if September 5 is observed as Teachers’ Day. ” Since then, his birthday has been observed as Teachers’ Day.

Role of a Teacher in the Lives of Students

Teachers shape the future of the students. They take up the responsibility to educate the newer generations to build a better world. A great teacher instils a passion for knowledge and a heart to spread that knowledge for humanity. Teachers have the most important job as compared to any other occupation. They have the power to change the lives of many students through their teaching and thus impact society.

The role of teachers is like a facilitator who encourages collaborative learning in the classroom. They help in the development of not only academic skills but also multiple skills in students. They draw real-life connections to explain topics with the help of examples, real-life scenarios, etc. Teachers make learning fun by imparting knowledge, good values, tradition, modern-day challenges and ways to overcome them. Thus, the influence of teachers extends beyond the classroom. They not only improve the quality of school education but also enrich the lives of their students.

How Teachers’ Day is Celebrated in India?

The contribution of teachers is enormous in everyone’s life. It is vital they are respected and honoured. In India, on the eve of Teachers’ Day, the National Teachers Awards are given to meritorious teachers by the President of India. The awards are conferred as public gratitude to praise teachers working in primary, middle, and secondary schools. The purpose of the National Teachers Awards is to celebrate the unique contribution of some of the finest teachers in the country and to honour them.

Teachers’ Day is a wonderful occasion for celebrating the beautiful bond between teachers and students. To make this day more memorable, students in schools and colleges organise various activities and games for the teachers. They perform dances, sing songs, do mimicry of teachers, recite poems, etc. Some students thank their teachers by gifting them flowers and handmade cards. Students who pass out from school and college try to meet their teachers on this day and convey their wishes. If they are far away, then they send them a message or call them.

Happy Teachers’ Day!

To practise more such essays similar to “Teachers Day Essay” on different topics, visit the CBSE Essay page. Keep learning and stay tuned with BYJU’S for the latest update on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams.

Frequently Asked Questions on Teacher’s Day Essay

What role does a teacher play in a student’s life.

A teacher is given supreme importance as he/she imparts valuable knowledge, and moral values to children. Teachers are responsible for shaping the overall attitude, and behaviour of a student.

Are teachers today given the deserved and earned respect?

The majority of students definitely know and value teachers and give them due respect. However, there still remain a few who criticise and are not very respectful towards teachers. Students should be taught about this from a young age.

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Teacher’s day essay in english: for the occasion of teacher’s day (september 5), we have provided here 10 lines, both short and long essays that students can use for essay and speech competitions at school.  you can also download the essays in pdf format. pour out your appreciation and gratitude for your teachers with these impactful essays..

Garima Jha

Teacher’s Day Essay 2024: Teacher’s Day is celebrated every year on September 5. This day is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of renowned scholar and philosopher, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.Teacher’s Day is an occasion to honour teachers and express gratitude towards them for their relentless dedication and unwavering efforts. Teachers mould the minds of students, nurture their dreams and shape their futures with wisdom and care. 

Teacher’s Day is an opportunity to thank teachers for all the wonderful things they do for students. Teachers not only teach students how to read and write but they show them how to be kind to others and to do their best. The amazing teachers inspire children to dream big and work hard to achieve the goals. They not only teach students but also shape their minds and characters. This event is celebrated with much fervour and excitement in schools. 

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10 Lines on Teacher’s Day 

1. Teacher’s Day is celebrated on September 5 every year in India. 

2.Teacher's Day is the day to pay gratitude and tribute to the guiding lights of your lives, the remarkable teachers.

3. On this special occasion of Teacher's Day, students express their deep gratitude for their tireless dedication and inexhaustible efforts.

4.Teachers are the force that shape minds and futures and nurture dreams with extreme wisdom and care.

5. The dedication and commitment of teachers towards fostering knowledge and character is commendable and inspiring.

6. On Teacher’s Day, let us appreciate the hard work and devotion of teachers. 

7. Teachers are like second parents just like how parents take care of students at home, teachers take care of them at school. 

8. On this day, let us also remember the great scholar, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, whose birthday we celebrate as Teacher's Day. He believed that teachers are the true builders of a nation's future. 

9.Let us all take a moment to thank our teachers for their dedication, patience and hard work.

Short Essay on Teacher’s Day in 100 Words 

Teacher’s Day is an occasion to honour the teachers who play an irreplaceable role in the lives of students. This day is celebrated every year on September 5. This marks the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, distinguished scholar and teacher. Teacher’s Day is the occasion to honour teachers and express gratitude towards them for their relentless dedication and unwavering efforts.

Teachers are like beacons of knowledge, guiding students through the journey of learning. They ignite their curiosity, encourage critical thinking and inspire students to explore the world around them. Let us celebrate and appreciate the invaluable contributions of teachers. 

Short Essay on Teacher’s Day in 200 Words 

Teacher’s Day, celebrated on September 5, is the occasion to honour the invaluable contributions of teachers. September 5 is celebrated as Teacher’s Day as it commemorates the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a revered scholar and philosopher. The choice of this date originates from Dr. Radhakrishnan's own humility and his strong affinity for teaching.

During his tenure as the President of India, Dr. Radhakrishnan's associates proposed that his birthday be observed as a national holiday. He humbly suggested that instead of honouring him, the day should honour teachers. He firmly believed that teachers played a pivotal role in shaping the nation's future and should be duly acknowledged.

Teachers are the guiding lights who illuminate the path of knowledge, wisdom and character-building for students. The essence of this day lies in appreciating and understanding the hard work of teachers. History tells us that in India, a teacher was called 'Guru'. In Sanskrit, Guru means 'Remover of Darkness'. 

Long Essay on Teacher’s Day in 500 Words 

Teacher’s Day is an occasion dedicated to honour and celebrate the remarkable contributions of teachers in the lives of students. Teacher’s day is observed on September 5 every year. This date was selected to mark the occasion as it commemorates the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, renowned philosopher and scholar. He was the second President of India. 

The essence of Teacher’s Day lies in not just celebrating teachers, but paying gratitude to all teachers who devote their lives to the purpose of imparting knowledge and inspiring students. Dr. Radhakrishnan was a firm believer in the principles of education as a transformative tool for society. He believed that education is not just about acquiring knowledge, but also about fostering a sense of empathy and compassion.

It was his humility that led him to suggest that his birthday should be celebrated not as his own, but as a day to honour teachers. This gesture exemplifies the selflessness that defines the teaching profession. Teachers play an indispensable role in the lives of students as their role goes beyond the four walls of classrooms, shaping the minds of children. 

The journey of education is one that cannot be taken alone. Children need a hand that they can hold and trust. It requires the guidance, mentorship and support of dedicated teachers who nurture children along the way.

They invest their time, energy and passion in ensuring that students are equipped with the tools they need to succeed both academically and in life. They believe in students even when they doubt themselves and encourage them to reach for the stars. 

Teachers are not just educators, but they also play the roles of mentor, guide and friend. Their commitment to their profession is unparalleled. Every teacher is unique and brings their own approach to the classroom. Some teachers are strict taskmasters, pushing students to achieve their best, while others are compassionate listeners, ready to offer a guiding hand when students face challenges. 

Whatever be their method, every teacher has a common goal – to empower students with knowledge. Our wonderful teachers often leave an indelible mark on our lives. Teachers not only impart knowledge but instill the values of honesty, empathy and perseverance in children. 

Teachers are the driving force behind inspiring students to be curious and to seek knowledge beyond the confines of textbooks. On Teacher’s Day, students present tokens of admiration like cards and flowers to their teachers.  However, the significance of this day goes far beyond the celebrations. 

It is the day to reflect on the importance of both teachers and education. The teaching profession is one of dedication and sacrifice. It is essential that students acknowledge their efforts and convey appreciation not just on this day but throughout the year. 

On this Teacher's Day, let us honour the dedication of teachers and express our heartfelt gratitude. As students embark on the journey of learning, they should carry the torch of knowledge that their teachers have passed on to them and make them proud. 

Students use these essays to express your admiration and gratitude for teachers who are the guiding lights illuminating the path of knowledge, wisdom and character-building. Happy Teacher’s Day!

Interesting Facts 

You can use these additional facts to add value to your essays. 

1.Teachers’ Day was celebrated first in 1962 when Dr. Radhakrishnan became the President of the nation.

2.He went on to serve as a professor in several renowned universities, including the University of Mysore and the University of Calcutta.

3.The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared October 5 to be World Teachers' Day in 1994.

4.Dr. Radhakrishnan's philosophical and intellectual pursuits earned him the Spalding Professorship of Eastern Religions and Ethics at the University of Oxford.

5.He served as the Vice President of India from 1952 to 1962.

6.When India became independent in 1947, Radhakrishnan represented India at UNESCO (1946–52) and was later Ambassador of India to the Soviet Union, from 1949 to 1952.

7.Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was nominated for the Nobel Prize 27 times- 16 times for the Nobel Prize in Literature and 11 times for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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Paragraph on Teachers Day in English – Long and Short Paragraphs

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Teachers Day is observed mainly to thank and respect the teaching community . The day is observed on different dates in different parts of the world. The tradition started in the 19 th century, when countries commemorated a local educator or a distinguished achievement, especially in education. This is the main reason why Teachers’ Day is celebrated on different dates across the globe.

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To state a few examples – The Central American country Costa Rica celebrates Teachers Day on 22 nd December to commemorate the birth date of one of the education reformers Mauro Fernandez Acuna; similarly, India celebrates Teachers Day on 5 th September to mark the birth anniversary of a great teacher-scholar and its second President, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan .

Paragraph on Teachers Day

Long and Short Paragraphs on Teachers Day in English

We have provided paragraphs on Teachers’ Day of varying lengths. These Teachers Day Paragraphs are written in simple English so that school students can easily memorize them and be easily presented when needed.

After going through the paragraphs, you will have every basic knowledge about Teachers Day, including the reason for its celebration; why it is celebrated on different dates; how Teachers Day is celebrated in schools; how Teachers Day is celebrated throughout India; what is the importance/significance of Teachers Day, etc.

These Teachers Day Paragraphs will be useful during essay writing, debates, speeches, or other events, especially during the Teachers Day celebrations in your school.

Paragraph on Teachers Day 100 Words

Teachers’ Day is celebrated on different dates worldwide as per local customs. In India, it is celebrated on 5 th September to mark the birth anniversary of its second President, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

Dr. Radhakrishnan was a scholar par excellence and a wonderful teacher who his students hugely admired. He was also the first Indian to teach at the prestigious Oxford University.

The birth Day of Dr. Radhakrishnan on 5 th September is considered an appropriate day to express love, gratitude, and respect towards the teachers. Thus, students throughout the country, on this date, organize events in honour of their teachers.

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Paragraph on Teachers Day 150 Words

In India, Teacher’s Day is celebrated on the 5 th of September every year. It is celebrated with much enthusiasm and joy by the student community. Students leave no stone unturned in expressing their love and respect towards the teachers.

It isn’t a holiday; the teachers and students get a day off from regular classes. Students organize several programs in honour of their teachers. They do dance performances, sing songs, enact plays, etc., to entertain the teachers.

The celebration isn’t necessarily grand in every school and varies depending on school and other related factors. However, thanking the teachers and presenting them with gifts/flowers is common.

Teachers Day is a significant occasion to recognize the efforts and contribution of teachers towards building the nation by educating its youths. A teacher doesn’t only functions as an educator but also as the moral guardian of the students.

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Paragraph on Teachers Day 200 Words

Teachers’ Day is a day devoted to the teachers. It is observed by at least a hundred countries over the globe, though, on different dates. The difference in dates is because every country celebrates Teachers’ Day, either on the birthday of a local educator or the date when a commendable achievement was made, especially in the field of education.

Slovakia celebrates Teachers Day on 28 th March to commemorate the birthday of John Amos Comenius; a Czech philosopher considered the father of modern education. Similarly, Taiwan celebrates Teachers Day on 28 th September to commemorate the birth of a distinguished philosopher and politician – Confucius.

India celebrates Teachers Day on 5 th September, which is also the birth date of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He was a philosopher and an excellent teacher who consecutively served as the first Vice-President and the second President of India. Dr. Radhakrishnan always believed that teachers should be the best minds in the country.

Many schools in India begin the celebrations by paying floral tribute to the photograph or bust/statue of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. His contribution to the field of education and his scholarly achievements are told to the students. Also, the students take this opportunity to felicitate their teachers for their love and efforts.

Paragraph on Teachers Day 250 Words

Teachers Day in India is observed on the 5 th of September every year to mark the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

School and college students celebrate the day like a festival, especially in the lower standards. Usually, the routine classes are suspended, and teachers, as well as students, enjoy the occasion.

In some schools, it is celebrated more spiritually by the students venerating their “gurus,” i.e., teachers, and showing their respect towards them. In others, the celebration is done extravagantly like a little fair.

Teachers come to school dressed in new clothes or sometimes traditional attire. Unlike any other usual day, students hand gifts/flowers to their favourite teachers as a token of their love and respect.

Students also do many activities to please their teachers and gain their love and affection. They perform on stage, give speeches, and felicitate their teachers by garlanding them or simply gifting cards.

It is a very significant occasion both for the students as well as the teachers. Latter put tremendous efforts throughout the year to make the students improve not only academically but also socially.

A teacher also contributes to a nation’s economic and social growth by educating the youth and making them productive.

Teachers Day is, therefore, a day when the students and even society can return the gesture by honoring the teachers. Be it in India or some other part of the world, the students primarily celebrate Teachers Day to reinstate their faith in teachers and their skills.

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Paragraph on Teachers Day 300 Words

A teacher’s contribution to society and a country can hardly be summed up in words. They are the epitome of dedication and always think about the growth and welfare of their students.

With our teachers’ indomitable spirit and persistence in providing education, we celebrate 5 th September as Teachers Day every year. The day is also observed to commemorate the birth of a notable scholar and a teacher par excellence India has ever produced – Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He also served as the Vice President and the President of India, but above all, he was a teacher who was highly revered and respected by the student community.

Teachers Day becomes way more significant, considering a teacher’s efforts towards building a nation. A teacher educates a child, making him/her confident enough to not only dream but also skilled enough to realize that dream.

Teachers turn curious misguided young souls into goal-oriented and productive adults, which is an essential parameter for a nation to progress socially and economically. How fast a nation progresses depends on how productive its people are, which, by and large, depends on the efforts of the teachers.

A teacher’s tremendous hard work, persistence, and dedication call for a grand celebration for at least one day, if not throughout the year. It is a day for the students to return the gesture for the care and knowledge their teachers have given them.

The method of celebration, however, varies from person to person and from place to place. Some might prefer to subtly thank their teachers by giving a card or a flower as a token of their love and respect. On the other hand, some students may prefer a more large kind of celebration.

Paragraph on Teachers Day 350 Words

Teachers Day in India is celebrated on 5 th September every year to thank the teachers for their contribution and effort. It is celebrated enthusiastically in every school by the students to thank their teachers.

In our school also, Teachers Day is celebrated with extreme joy and fun. The preparations for the main day begin a month secretly in advance. Students rehearse for performances and other events, taking all necessary precautions, so the teachers don’t get a clue about the events. This is done perhaps to surprise the teachers with unexpected performances.

A couple of days before Teachers Day, after school, students could be seen rehearsing for several performances in their respective classes or the assembly hall. Speech rehearsals are also very common during Teacher’s Day, as students memorize and rehearse speeches on their favourite teachers.

In my school, Teacher’s Day is celebrated like a school fest, and the students have the liberty to choose and call a distinguished personality the Chief Guest. Last Year we called on the mayor as Chief Guest, and this year we are planning to call the Chief Medical Officer of our city.

My school suspends the regular classes on Teachers Day so that both the teachers and the students take maximum advantage of the day and enjoy themselves.

With the help of nonteaching staff, students erect a temporary stage, surprisingly robust to sustain dance performances. The students collect the money for the stage and other decorations voluntarily through donations.

On Teachers Day, the celebration is inaugurated by the Chief Guest and the principal together. The inaugural ceremony is followed by a number of dance, singing, and speech performances dedicated by the students dedicated to their loving teachers.

Once the performances get over, the host calls the teachers on stage and hands them the gift, card, or flower by their students. The teacher who gets the maximum number of gifts is coined as the “Teacher of the Year” and presented with a memorandum.

The Teachers Day celebration is one of the most significant celebrations in my school.

Paragraph on Teachers Day 400 Words

Teachers Day in India is celebrated on 5 th September to mark the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who also served as the first Vice-President and second President of India. As a student, he obtained several scholarships throughout his career.

Apart from being a statesman and a seasoned politician, Dr. Radhakrishnan was also a distinguished scholar of the 20 th century. He taught as a professor of Philosophy in many prestigious universities like Madras Presidency College, the University of Mysore, and the University of Calcutta. He also served as a lecturer at Oxford University and the University of Chicago.

There is a small story about how the birthday of Dr. Radhakrishnan came to be celebrated as Teachers Day. The incident dates back to 1962 when he served as the second President of India.

He addressed a group of his students and supporters in the President’s House when they asked his permission to celebrate his birthday. Being a simple and sober personality, Dr. Radhakrishnan declined the request. He told his supporters that – “instead of celebrating my birthday separately, it would be my proud privilege if 5 th September is observed as Teacher’s Day”. Thus, began the tradition of observing Teachers Day on 5 th September.

The day is celebrated with unparallel zeal and enthusiasm in schools throughout India. Students express their love and gratitude towards their teachers by presenting gifts, giving speeches, or other ways. Teachers usually relax, taking a day off from regular classes and enjoying what the students have in store.

There are many significances of celebrating Teachers Day. Firstly it is a way to thank the teachers for their efforts in the educational development of the children. Moreover, after their parents are at home, it is the teachers whom the children see as their second guardians.

Secondly, the celebrations strengthen the student-teacher emotional bond. Both get to know each other and discard the differences if any.

Thirdly, the teachers also get to know and review their popularity among the students and what is the students’ general perception of them. This helps them to assess their performance and make necessary changes for improvement.

Teachers are an integral part of society and a very essential one too. Without teachers, education would be a nearly impossible task to achieve. Therefore, celebrating Teachers’ Day is the least we can do to commemorate the teaching community, which puts persistent efforts into our growth and progress

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Frequently Asked Question on Teachers Day

Who is radhakrishnan teachers day.

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was an esteemed Indian philosopher and statesman who became the second President of India. Teachers' Day in India is celebrated in his honor.

What is the best line for teachers?

Teachers plant the seeds of knowledge that last a lifetime.

Who is the World's First Lady teacher?

Savitribai Phule, an Indian social reformer, is often considered the world's first female teacher. She played a key role in promoting women's education in India.

Who is the father of Teachers Day?

Teachers' Day in India is dedicated to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, so he can be regarded as the father of Indian Teachers' Day.

How do you say Happy teachers day?

Simply express your gratitude with the phrase, Happy Teachers' Day! You can also add personal notes or anecdotes to make it more heartfelt.

Who started Teachers Day?

Teachers' Day in India was initiated in honor of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Different countries might have different origins for their respective Teachers' Day celebrations.

Who was the first woman teacher in India?

The first woman teacher in India was Savitribai Phule. She opened the first school for girls in India.

Why does the Teachers Day is celebrated?

Teachers' Day is celebrated to honor and appreciate the contributions of teachers in shaping minds and imparting knowledge. It's a day to show gratitude for their pivotal role in education.

Which is the World teacher day?

World Teachers' Day is celebrated on October 5th. It was established by UNESCO in 1994 to appreciate the contributions of educators globally.

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Paragraph on Teacher’s Day

Teachers are the foundation upon which a strong and prosperous society is built. Teachers’ Day is a celebration to honor and appreciate the significant role that teachers play in shaping the lives of their students. This special day is a tribute to the dedication, hard work, and commitment of our teachers towards imparting knowledge and shaping the future of the nation. Teacher’s Day is a favourite event of almost all the students of the nation, especially of children. Therefore, here are some paragraphs to highlight the importance and celebration of Teachers Day.

Short and Long Paragraphs on Teacher’s Day

Paragraph 1 – 100 words.

Teacher’s Day in India is an annual celebration observed on 5th of September. This is a day to honour our teachers for their valuable work. Teachers hold the actual knowledge, compassion and benevolence for their students. There is huge support from our teachers behind our success.

We celebrate Teachers’ Day every year in the memory of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. The former President of India, Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, loved the children a lot. He liked teaching and also served as a teacher. He was the favourite teacher of his students. We should always respect our teachers, and try to be their obedient student.

Paragraph 2 – 120 Words

India celebrates Teacher’s Day on 5 September every year. There is a significant reason for celebrating the day. 5 September is the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. He was the first vice-president of India. Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan had also served as the president of India from 1962 to 1967.

Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan respected the teachers most. Before joining politics, he had taught in many popular institutes like Calcutta University, University of Mysore and Oxford University. When he became the President of India, his students expressed their wish to celebrate his birthday every year. Dr. Radhakrishnan suggested celebrating his birthday as Teacher’s Day every year. Since then, entire India celebrates his birthday as Teacher’s Day and honours their teachers.

Paragraph 3 – 150 Words

We all have learned a lot from our teachers. Their teachings guide us at every stage of our life. They value the most in our lives, and this is the reason why we celebrate Teacher’s Day dedicating them. It is a day to celebrate the most promising bond between the teachers and the students.

Every student should value and respect his teachers. Their hard work and sacrifices for our mental growth are incredible. A teacher sometimes plays a more important role than our parents. They shape up our future and develop our mind to differentiate between right and wrong.

A teacher also does the nation-building work by making the future of people living in a country. Teachers not only teach us, but they also improve our personality, skill level and confidence. They think for every individual, that is why we should think about and honour them on Teacher’s Day annually.

Paragraph 4 – 200 Words

Teacher’s day celebrated on 5 September in India is an important day in the calendar. This is the day that we celebrate as a tribute to the efforts and work of our teachers. The profession of teaching is one of the most difficult professions in the world because the teachers have the responsibility of educating the youth of the nation.

A teacher has the entire class of children to teach, guide and motivate. It is a very responsible job because every student is different from the other and has his or her ability. A good teacher always keeps his students’ interest in his mind and recognizes their abilities to work in that direction. He teaches them to hone the skills of their subject or work, and at the same time takes care that their other activities or subjects should not be affected.

Although we interact with our teachers regularly or very often, we hardly understand their values in our life. We understand their importance only when they turn away from us. The Teacher’s Day reminds us to express our gratitude towards them. At least we can show them what they meant for us, and also admire them for their presence in our life.

Paragraph 5 – 250 Words

Teacher’s Day is the celebration of birth anniversary of Bharat Ratna recipient Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. He was a practical and inspirational teacher whom every student of the nation used to love. In the memory of his contributions as a teacher, we celebrate the Teacher’s Day to honour our teachers and provide them with all the respect they deserve.

Teacher’s Day is such a day for which the teachers and especially children eagerly wait for the whole year. Teacher’s Day is a festival of joy, enthusiasm and reverence that is why the people from different parts of India celebrate the day to pay respect to their teachers.

Indian Schools and Colleges conduct the grandest celebration on Teacher’s Day. Though the School remain open, the students get a temporary leave from the regular studies and are allowed to enjoy the day in their way. Some students dress up as their teachers and reach the junior classes to guide the students in those classes. They do so to help their juniors for their upcoming exams and have a feeling of a traditional teacher.

Students also decorate their School and Classes and arrange some cake and snacks for their teacher. Their teachers cut the cake, and they deliver some speech. Singing, Dancing and other fun activities are also a part of the celebration of the day which students perform to entertain their teachers.

Students also present a speech to show their gratitude towards their teacher. The occasion of Teacher’s Day help strengthens the bond between a teacher and a student.

Paragraph on Teacher’s Day

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans. India’s second President was Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

Ans. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was assigned the post of Vice President.

Ans. He was born on 5th September 1888.

Ans. Satya Ki Khoj, Indian Philosophy, The Hindu View of Life etc are some famous books by him.

Ans. World Teachers’ Day is celebrated in more than 100 countries, and each one does it in its own way. However, different countries celebrate Teacher’sDay on different days. For example, India has been celebrating National Teachers’ Day on September 5 every year.

Ans. World Teacher’s Day is an international event that takes place every year on October 5 to honor teachers and their work. Since 1994, we have celebrated World Teachers’ Day. The International Labour Organization (ILO), UNICEF, and Education International (EI) all work together to plan World Teachers’ Day.

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Essay on Teacher for Students and Children

500+ words essay on teacher.

Teachers are a special blessing from God to us. They are the ones who build a good nation and make the world a better place. A teacher teaches us the importance of a pen over that of a sword. They are much esteemed in society as they elevate the living standards of people. They are like the building blocks of society who educate people and make them better human beings .

Essay on Teacher

Moreover, teachers have a great impact on society and their student’s life. They also great importance in a parent’s life as parents expect a lot from teachers for their kids. However, like in every profession, there are both good and bad teachers. While there aren’t that many bad teachers, still the number is significant. A good teacher possesses qualities which a bad teacher does not. After identifying the qualities of a good teacher we can work to improve the teaching scenario.

A Good Teacher

A good teacher is not that hard to find, but you must know where to look. The good teachers are well-prepared in advance for their education goals. They prepare their plan of action every day to ensure maximum productivity. Teachers have a lot of knowledge about everything, specifically in the subject they specialize in. A good teacher expands their knowledge continues to provide good answers to their students.

Similarly, a good teacher is like a friend that helps us in all our troubles. A good teacher creates their individual learning process which is unique and not mainstream. This makes the students learn the subject in a better manner. In other words, a good teacher ensures their students are learning efficiently and scoring good marks.

Most importantly, a good teacher is one who does not merely focus on our academic performance but our overall development. Only then can a student truly grow. Thus, good teachers will understand their student’s problems and try to deal with them correctly. They make the student feel like they always have someone to talk to if they can’t do it at home or with their friends.

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Impact of Teachers on a Student’s Life

Growing up, our parents and teachers are the first ones to impact our lives significantly. In fact, in the younger years, students have complete faith in their teachers and they listen to their teachers more than their parents. This shows the significance and impact of a teacher .

essay teacher day par

When we become older and enter college, teachers become our friends. Some even become our role models. They inspire us to do great things in life. We learn how to be selfless by teachers. Teachers unknowingly also teach very important lessons to a student.

For instance, when a student gets hurt in school, the teacher rushes them to the infirmary for first aid. This makes a student feel secure and that they know a teacher plays the role of a parent in school.

In other words, a teacher does not merely stick to the role of a teacher. They adapt into various roles as and when the need arises. They become our friends when we are sad, they care for us like our parents when we are hurt. Thus, we see how great a teacher impacts a student’s life and shapes it.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why are teachers important?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Teachers are the building blocks of a nation. They are responsible for making thousands of people educated. Teachers push us to do better and succeed in life.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What makes a good teacher?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”A good teacher is one who is well-prepared. They always care for their students even outside the classroom. They instill good values in them and teach them subjects efficiently.”} }] }

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Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History Essays

Saint petersburg.

Ewer and basin (lavabo set)

Ewer and basin (lavabo set)

Probably made at Chisinau Court Workshop


Andrei Nikiforovich Voronikhin

Alexander Danilovich Menshikov (1673–1729)

Alexander Danilovich Menshikov (1673–1729)

Unknown Artist, Swiss, Austrian, or German, active Russia ca. 1703–4


Samuel Margas Jr.

The Empress Elizabeth of Russia (1709–1762) on Horseback, Attended by a Page

The Empress Elizabeth of Russia (1709–1762) on Horseback, Attended by a Page

Attributed to Georg Christoph Grooth

Table snuffbox

Table snuffbox

Niello scenes after a print entitled Naufrage (Shipwreck) by Jacques de Lajoüe , published in Paris 1736

Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet) (1694–1778)

Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet) (1694–1778)

Jean Antoine Houdon


Imperial Porcelain Manufactory, St. Petersburg

Cup with cover and saucer

Cup with cover and saucer

Two bottle coolers

Two bottle coolers

Zacharias Deichman the Elder

Catherine II The Great, Empress of Russia

Catherine II The Great, Empress of Russia

Jean-Baptiste Nini

Coffee service

Coffee service

Johan Henrik Blom

Tureen with cover

Tureen with cover

Tureen with cover and stand

Tureen with cover and stand

Jacques-Nicolas Roettiers


Possibly by Pierre-François-Mathis de Beaulieu (for Jean Georges)

Pair of scallop-shell dishes

Pair of scallop-shell dishes

Sugar bowl (from a tea service)

Sugar bowl (from a tea service)


Workshop of David Roentgen

Beaker and saucer

Beaker and saucer

David Roentgen and Company in Saint Petersburg

David Roentgen and Company in Saint Petersburg

Johann Friedrich Anthing

Drop-front desk (secrétaire à abattant or secrétaire en cabinet)

Drop-front desk (secrétaire à abattant or secrétaire en cabinet)

Attributed to Martin Carlin

Pair of Flintlock Pistols of Empress Catherine the Great (1729–1796)

Pair of Flintlock Pistols of Empress Catherine the Great (1729–1796)

Johan Adolph Grecke


Gardner Manufactory

Center table

Center table

Imperial Armory, Tula (south of Moscow), Russia

Female Shaman

Female Shaman

Pair of vases

Pair of vases

Nikolai Stepanovich Vereshchagin

Jugate busts of Czarevitch Paul and Maria Feodorovna of Russia

Jugate busts of Czarevitch Paul and Maria Feodorovna of Russia

James Tassie

Wolfram Koeppe Department of European Sculpture and Decorative Arts, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

October 2003

The Birth of Saint Petersburg Russia, or “Muscovy” as it was often called, had rarely been considered a part of Europe before the reign of Czar Peter I (Piotr Alexeievich), known as Peter the Great (r. 1682–1725). His supremacy marked the beginning of the country’s “Westernization,” whereby the political, economic, and cultural norms of the western European monarchies would become the basis for “civilizing” Russia. A radical transformation was needed to launch Russia into the modern world, a transformation later called the Petrine Revolution. The young czar, feeling oppressed by the medieval traditions and ecclesiastical patriarchy of seventeenth-century Moscow, wanted to Westernize Russia in a hurry, defying the sluggish pace of history.

Saint Petersburg was born on May 16, 1703 (May 5 by the old Julian Russian calendar). On that day, on a small island on the north bank of the Neva River, Peter cut two pieces of turf and placed them cross-wise. The setting was inauspicious. The area was a swamp that remained frozen from early November to March, with an annual average of 104 days of rain and 74 days of snow. The army, under the command of Alexander Menshikov ( 1996.7 ), had conquered the region shortly before. To show his gratitude, the czar later appointed Menshikov the first governor-general of Saint Petersburg. The fortification of the territory kept the Swedish enemy at bay and secured for Russia permanent access to the Baltic Sea. The partially ice-free harbor would be crucial to further economic development. All buildings on the site were erected on wooden poles driven into the marshy, unstable ground. Stones were a rare commodity in Russia, and about as valuable as precious metals.

The Dutch name “Piterburkh” (later changed to the German version, “Petersburg”) embodied the czar’s fascination with Holland and its small-scale urban architecture. He disliked patriarchal court ceremony and felt at ease in the bourgeois domestic life that he experienced during his travels throughout Europe on “the Great Embassy” (1697–98). However, the primary purpose of this voyage was to acquire firsthand knowledge of shipbuilding—his personal passion—and to learn about progressive techniques and Western ideas.

The victory over the Swedish army at Poltava in June 1709 elevated Russia to the rank of a European power, no longer to be ignored. Peter triumphed: “Now with God’s help the final stone in the foundation of Saint Petersburg has been laid.” By 1717, the city’s population of about 8,000 had tripled, and grew to around 40,000 by the time of Peter’s death in 1725. Saint Petersburg had become the commercial, industrial, administrative, and residential “metropolis” of Russia. By the 1790s, it had surpassed Moscow as the empire’s largest urban vicinity and was hailed as the “Venice of the North,” an allusion to the waterway system around the local “Grand Canal,” the Neva River.

Peter the Great’s Successors The short reign of Peter’s second wife, Empress Catherine I (r. 1725–27), who depended on her long-time favorite Menshikov, saw the reinstatement of the luxurious habits of the former imperial household. The archaic and ostentatious court display in the Byzantine tradition  that Peter had so despised was now to be restored under the pretext of glorifying his legacy. Enormous sums of money were lavished on foreign luxury items, demonstrating the court’s new international status and its observance of western European manners ( 68.141.133 ).

During the reigns of Empress Anna Ioannovna (r. 1730–40), niece of Peter I ( 1982.60.330a,b ), and her successor Elizabeth (Elizaveta Petrovna, r. 1741–62; 1978.554.2 ), Peter’s daughter, Saint Petersburg was transformed into a Baroque extravaganza through the talents of architect Bartolomeo Francesco Rastrelli (1700–1771) and other Western and Russian artisans. Foreign powers began to recognize Russia’s importance and competed for closer diplomatic relations. Foreign immigrants increased much faster than the local population, as scholars, craftsmen, artisans, and specialists of all kinds flocked to the country, and especially to Saint Petersburg ( 65.47 ; 1982.60.172,.173 ; 1995.327 ).

Catherine the Great (r. 1762–96) In a coup d’état assisted by the five Orloff brothers ( 33.165.2a–c ; 48.187.386,.387 ), Catherine II overthrew her husband, the ill-fated Peter III (r. 1762) and became empress. Catherine saw herself as the political heir of Peter the Great. A German-born princess of Anhalt-Zerbst who, after her marriage, became more Russian than any native, Catherine aimed at completing Peter’s legacy ( 52.189.11 ; 48.73.1 ). Having lived in isolation in the shadow of Elizabeth I since her marriage to the grand duke in 1745, the time had come to satisfy her thirst for life and her insatiable quest for culture and international recognition. An admirer of the Enlightenment and devoted aficionada of Voltaire’s writings, Catherine stimulated his cult in Russia ( 1972.61 ). In response, the French philosopher dedicated a poem to the czarina; her reply, dated October 15, 1763, initiated a correspondence that influenced the empress on many matters until Voltaire’s death in 1778. The hothouse cultural climate of Saint Petersburg during Catherine’s reign can be compared to the artistic and intellectual ferment in New York City in the second half of the twentieth century.

Catherine’s desire to enhance her fame and her claim to the throne was immortalized by her own witty play on words in Latin: “Petro Primo / Catharina Secunda” (To Peter the First / from Catherine the Second). This she had inscribed on the vast lump of granite in the form of a wave supporting the Bronze Horseman on the banks of the Neva in front of Saint Isaac’s Cathedral in Saint Petersburg. This triple-lifesize equestrian figure of Peter the Great took the French sculptor Falconet twelve years to complete, until it was finally cast—after three attempts—in 1782.

Catherine had military expansion plans for Russia and a cultural vision for its capital Saint Petersburg. Above all, she knew how to attract devoted supporters. Only nine days after the overthrow of her husband, Catherine wrote to Denis Diderot, offering to print his famous Encyclopédie , which had been banned in France. Catherine recognized the power of art to demonstrate political and social maturity. She acquired entire collections of painting ( Watteau , for example), sculpture, and objects. The empress avoided anything that could be called mediocre or small. With the help of sophisticated advisors, such as Prince Dmitrii Golitsyn, her ambassador in Paris, Denis Diderot, Falconet, and the illustrious Baron Friedrich Melchior von Grimm, the empress assembled the core of today’s State Hermitage Museum. Catherine favored luxury goods from all over Europe ( 33.165.2a–c ; 48.187.386,.387 ; 17.190.1158 ). She commissioned Sèvres porcelain and Wedgwood pottery as well as hundreds of pieces of ingeniously conceived furniture from the German manufactory of David Roentgen in Neuwied ( 48.73.1 ). Furthermore, she encouraged and supported Russian enterprises and craftsmen, like local silversmiths ( 47.51.1–.5 ; 1981.367.1,.2 ) and the Imperial Porcelain Manufactory ( 1982.60.171 ; 1982.60.177,.178 ; 1982.60.175 ), as well as privately owned manufactories ( 1982.60.158 ). Catherine especially liked the sparkling decorative products of the Tula armory steel workshop ( 2002.115 ), genuine Russian art forms with a fairy-tale-like appearance, and in 1775 merged her large collection of Tula objects with the imperial crown jewels in a newly constructed gallery at the Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg.

Catherine’s son and successor Paul I (Pavel Petrovich, r. 1796–1801) disliked his mother and her aesthetic sensibility ( 1998.13.1,.2 ). As grand duke, he had spent most of his time with his second wife Maria Feodorovna ( 1999.525 ) outside of Saint Petersburg, in Gatchina Palace and Pavlovsk Palace. These they transformed into the finest Neoclassical architectural gems in Europe ( 1976.155.110 ; 2002.115 ).

Koeppe, Wolfram. “Saint Petersburg.” In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History . New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000–. http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/stpt/hd_stpt.htm (October 2003)

Further Reading

Cracraft, James. The Petrine Revolution in Russian Imagery . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.

Koeppe, Wolfram, and Marina Nudel. "An Unsuspected Bust of Alexander Menshikov." Metropolitan Museum Journal 35 (2000), pp. 161–77.

Shvidkovsky, Dmitri, and Alexander Orloff. St. Petersburg: Architecture of the Tsars . New York: Abbeville, 1995.

Additional Essays by Wolfram Koeppe

  • Koeppe, Wolfram. “ Abraham and David Roentgen .” (June 2013)
  • Koeppe, Wolfram. “ Hungarian Silver .” (February 2016)
  • Koeppe, Wolfram. “ Collecting for the Kunstkammer .” (October 2002)

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Artist or Maker

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  • Beaulieu, Pierre-François-Mathis de
  • Blom, Johan Henrik
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  • Carlin, Martin
  • Chisinau Court Workshop
  • Deichman, Zacharias, the Elder
  • Feodorovna, Maria
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  • Grooth, Georg Christoph
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  • Margas, Samuel, Jr.
  • Nini, Jean-Baptiste
  • Prudhomme, Elie
  • Roentgen, David
  • Roettiers, Jacques-Nicolas
  • Rotari, Pietro
  • Sèvres Manufactory
  • Tassie, James
  • Vereshchagin, Nikolai Stepanovich
  • Voronikhin, Andrei N.
  • Watteau, Antoine

Online Features

  • 82nd & Fifth: “Curls” by Wolfram Koeppe

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By public transport

Electronic card "Podorozhnik" debit cards are the easiest and cheapest way to pay public transport fares for metro, bus, and trams. They can be acquired at the metro cash desks, charged at the desks or the automated ticket machines in metro stations and then used to pay metro and bus fare by simply swiping over the readers at buses or turnstiles. Funds or passes can be loaded onto the card. See info boards besides the cash desks for pricing. There is an additional RUB60 deposit for the card which will be refunded when you return it. The cards work for all metro, tram and trolleybus fares in St. Petersburg and many bus routes. Ticket controllers carry a small card reader to verify if the Podorozhnik card was swiped in the bus.

Fares can also be paid by tapping a Russian debit or credit card on the reader, but the fares are usually higher.

essay teacher day par

Saint Petersburg's metro system is the second largest in Russia, after that of Moscow . The metro is a cheap and effective way to get around the city, and also a major tourist attraction due to the beautiful decorations of the stations. Amateur photography (without a tripod, etc.) is allowed, although professional photography is prohibited. The trains are fast and run frequently. During rush hour, there are 2-3 minutes between trains. Fares , regardless of the distance traveled, are RUB49 per entry if paid via Podorozhnik debit card or RUB70 if paid by contactless Russian debit or credit card or via a token.

Opening and closing times vary; the subway is closed from approximately midnight to approximately 05:45, depending on the station.

Metro maps can be found in every train car and always have station names in the Latin alphabet. The station names on the platforms are also in the Latin alphabet, and many other signs are in English. Station announcements on the train are only in Russian, but if you listen carefully you will hear the conductor announce the current station name and the next station as the doors are closing.

Stations are deep underground, and transferring trains at transfer stations involves long walks that can take up to 10 minutes.

Trains can be extremely crowded during rush hour. Be aware of your belongings and expect to have to push your way out of the train upon arrival at your station.

Exploring more

The center has much more sights. Mars Field with the Memorial to the Revolutionary Fighters and the Eternal Flame, the Circus, wonderfully baroque Smolny Cathedral, Peter the Great's Cabin, the rolling parkland of the Tauride Palace and Gardens, Alexander Nevsky Monastery, the Yusupov Palace where Rasputin was killed (if you get the chance to see a performance in the theater inside, jump on it), the neoclassical bust-filled Summer Gardens, Mikhailovsky Castle, the Marble Palace, the small but powerfully heartrending Museum of the Defense and Blockade of Leningrad. Literary buffs should seek out Dostoevsky's local haunts, including the famous "Murder Walk" from Crime and Punishment , which will take you right from Raskolnikov's apartment to the door of the very apartment where the grisly deed was done.

Head back across the river to the Petrograd Side , past the Peter and Paul Fortress, you'll find the Saint Petersburg Mosque, the really impressive Military Museum, the museum-ship of the Cruiser Aurora, the ever... interesting Museum of Political History, and the Botanical Gardens. On Vasilievsky , the whole Neva embankment is filled with great museums and grand buildings. Especially great places to visit (aside from the aforementioned Naval Museum and Kunstkamera) include the Menshikov Palace (run by the Hermitage), the Twelve Collegia, and the Mining Museum. And don't forget to hunt down the some 3,300 year-old sphinx statues from the Theban Necropolis!

Further afield

There are many things to see in the north and south of the city—especially in the south. Southern Saint Petersburg is home to the Narva Triumphal Arch and its sister monument—the Moscow Triumphal Gate, the huge Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad (which honestly should be one of the main attractions in this city, if not for its distance from the center), Moscow Victory Park, and one of the best examples of Stalinist architecture (more interesting than you'd think) at the House of the Soviets, fronted by a very large Lenin statue. The most wonderful sight in southern Saint Petersburg, though, may be the whimsical, candy cane-colored Chesme Church.

The eastern part of the city (colloquially known as the Right bank ) is renowned for its nineteenth century industrial architecture in the districts of Okhta and Porokhovye (former gunpowder factories).

Northern Saint Petersburg is a bit less notable, but adventurous travelers can find some things of interest, especially in the old industrial district around the Finliandskii Station, at the Forestry Academy and Piskaryovskoye Memorial Cemetery for the fallen in the Siege of Leningrad.

The naval fortress of Kronstadt at Kotlin island, nowadays accessible by road across the dam, is a very significant site for fans of the history of military architecture, and makes for enjoyable day trips by boat.

, so detailed listings go in the . This article should only provide a brief overview.

The Telegram Messenger groups SPB_Hangouts , InterNational Events , SPb Couchsurfing , Say Yes Saint Petersburg , and English Meetup Saint Petersburg all contain almost daily events for meeting locals or other foreigners, excursions, or practicing languages.

Opera and Ballet

The Mariinsky is perhaps the most well-known institution for opera and ballet, but it is by no means the only theater in the city. Tickets are sold on each theater's website, at each theatre's box office, and at kiosks and shops called Teatralnaya Kassa. Sometimes blocks of tickets sell out at the kiosks but tickets are still available at the theater, or vice versa, so it is worth checking both places if you have your heart set on a particular performance. It is possible to take not-so-small children into some performances if you take a private box, although you will need to ask when you buy your tickets.

Other Theatres

  • Buff State Musical and Drama Theatre , Zanevsky Prospect, 26 , ☏ +7 812 573 95 95 . In a modern building. Offers rich program in drama performances, both classical and modern.  

The music scene in St. Petersburg is diverse, with several classical, jazz, and pop concerts to choose from each week. Tickets are available at the same Teatralnaya Kassa locations as ballet and opera tickets, although tickets to pop concerts - especially US and European stars on tour - sometimes use exclusive distributors. For pop and rock concerts, unless you buy tickets for the dance floor (tanzpol), you are expected to sit quietly in your seat as if you were at a ballet - ushers are vigilant about keeping the audience from standing up, dancing, or cheering (polite applause is allowed, but that's about all).

Several of the ballet and opera theaters above also offer orchestral and recital performances, so those are not repeated below. Also, don't forget the many small clubs where up and coming bands play.

Most cinemas in St. Petersburg show Hollywood films dubbed in Russian. Art cinemas like Dom Kino often show independent American or British movies subtitled in Russian.

Annual Message to Man international documentary, short, and animated films festival takes place in October, screening many films in English.

Canal boat tours

A tour of the canals by boat is a great way to see the city in the summer. The typical tour is through the Moika, out to the Neva to see the Peter and Paul Fortress and the Cruiser Aurora, then in through the Fontanka (sometimes as far as the Mariinsky Theater). Tours start at many points along the route and return to their starting point - hawkers for different boat companies abound on Nevsky Prospect. Boats may or may not have a cafe and toilet on board. Most tours are in Russian but English tours can booked from the Water Tourism Center . Prices range from RUB1,000 to RUB3,000.

Watch football: FC Zenit Saint Petersburg play in the Russian Premier League, the top tier of Russian football. Their home ground is Krestovsky Stadium, on Krestovsky island 10 km north of city centre. Take Metro M3 (Green Line) west towards Begovaya and get off at Novokrestovskaya. The stadium will host matches at the upcoming Euro 2020 tournament.

Viewpoints and rooftops

The best views in the city are from rooftops, such as rooftop bars and restaurants. Nice views can also be obtained by climbing the 250+ steps of St. Isaac's Cathedral. Rooftop tours , generally in Russian and costing RUB1,000, are also offered.

Tourist traps

Gypsy cabs are ubiquitous and a little risky; never take one lingering near bars/clubs where expatriates and tourists congregate.

Street children make their living out of stealing. They can be a hassle and can beg you aggressively. Act like any other Russian would: say no, then just ignore them and go away. If they start touching you, be very firm in pushing them away.

Gay travelers must practice extreme caution while staying in Saint Petersburg, as attacks often occur. Many Russian people look upon public demonstrations of homosexuality with undisguised contempt. It is advised to not openly display one's sexuality.

Natural hazards

Another subtle danger that can affect your trip is the inevitable effect of winter weather. Poor harvesting of snow and ice is a big problem in the city. Caution is advised in snowy winters because of falling ice from roofs, and pedestrians should pay special attention to ice on the streets. Snow on marble is very, very slippery—take small steps and watch your feet!

St. Petersburg regularly experienced floods during its history, sometimes catastrophic. However, the construction of the preventive dam has been completed, and catastrophic floods are unlikely to happen again.

Overall, be warned that if you are used to living in the US and/or Western Europe, Saint Petersburg, as well as the rest of Eastern Europe, will seem different, and, at times, a bit intimidating. On the other hand, Russian people are usually friendly, welcoming and interested towards foreigners, and nothing should happen to you unless you put yourself in harm's way. If you don't care about them they don't care about you, and nothing should get in your way of having a great holiday.

Saint Petersburg has a relatively big problem with street children who make their living out of stealing. They can be a hassle and can beg you aggressively. Act like any other Russian would: say no, then just ignore them and go away. If they start touching you, be very firm in pushing them away.

Another danger is the bar scams that abound in the city. Men have been known to have been drugged and robbed by women they met online or on the street. In general avoid any bar that is underground and you have to buzz to get into. Here's how the scam works: Girls approach you and invite to have drinks together, and they will even offer to pay for those drinks. They build trust and take you to other bars. After those bars they talk to a friend on the phone that says that whatever club you want to go is closed and so they take you to a scam bar. There you immediately start being served drinks and food without showing you the menu and then they charge you a ridiculous amount. Calling the police is pointless as they will not show up.

During the winter, poor clearance of snow and ice is a big problem in this city. Caution is advised in snowy winters because of falling ice from roofs, and pedestrians should pay special attention to ice on the streets.

Stay healthy

The private hospitals listed below have English-speaking Russian doctors (very few, if any, hospital staff are expats). Depending on the type of service provided and the terms of one's insurance policy, these hospitals may be able to arrange direct billing with European and American medical insurance companies.

The city's water-system is not ideal because of a number of old pipes and as a result does not provide 100% clean water (too much heavy metals). Some locals boil or also filter tap water before use; you might want to buy it bottled if water quality affects you. It's germ free, though, so brushing your teeth with it is fine—it's just not great for drinking. Cold water is cleaner than hot. Some lodging has no hot water for long periods of time.

There are numerous public toilets, although many charge a nominal fee and toilet paper is not always provided. Many canteens, restaurants, and hotels will allow tourists to use their bathrooms without being a customer.

Saint Petersburg is plagued by mosquitoes during the summer, especially in June, as the swampy surroundings of the city give the mosquitoes excellent living conditions. In budget accommodation with few countermeasures against the mosquitoes, this can be a problem at night, putting your well deserved sleep at risk. Less of an issue in the city center, mosquitoes can be much more numerous on the outskirts. They are not dangerous, though, just a nuisance.

Overnight trips

If you leave Russia and plan to return, make sure you have a multiple entry visa.

  • Novgorod — Ancient town with churches and museums, 180 km from St. Petersburg, can be accessed by high-speed trains.
  • Narva , Estonia — 160 km southwest of Saint Petersburg on the Narva river, which serves as the border between Russia and Estonia. Twin castles (Russian, established Grand Duke Ivan III, and Danish/Swedish).
  • Vologda — this city is considered the heart of Russian North, a popular local travel destination. Reachable by overnight train, from there you can go to Moscow or further north to Arkhangelsk .
  • Petrozavodsk and the rest of Karelia — popular Russian travel destination for its beautiful nature and access to White Sea islands. Reachable by overnight or high-speed train.
  • Moscow — the Russian capital is reachable by overnight train or in the daytime by the high-speed Sapsan train (about 4 hr) or by plane. As much to see as in St. Petersburg, so plan on several days here.
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    In India, 5th September is celebrated as teacher's day as a reminder of one of the greatest teachers, in Indian history, Dr. Servepalli Radhakrishnan's birth. Dr. Radhakrishnan was also the second president of India besides being a great mentor. On this special occasion, students present their best wishes and respect to their teachers.

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    5. Short Essay on Teacher's Day. 6. Teachers Day Essay - 150 Words. 7. Essay on Teachers Day - 500 Words. FAQs. In India, teaching and learning have always been a key part of how knowledge is developed. This approach helped students grow in all areas and made learning a real experience, not just something they read about.

  10. Teacher Essay for Students in English

    A teacher is a beautiful gift given by god because god is a creator of the whole world and a teacher is a creator of a whole nation. A teacher is such an important creature in the life of a student, who through his knowledge, patience and love give a strong shape to a student's whole life. A teacher shares academic knowledge, ethical values ...

  11. Teacher's Day Essay 2023: Short, Long Essay & 10 Line in English For

    2023 Teacher's Day Essay: Express your gratitude and thankfulness with an impressive essay this year. Check out this article for short essays, long essays and 10-line essays.

  12. Teacher's Day Paragraph 100, 150, 200, 250 To 300 Words For Kids

    They think for each person, that is the reason we should consider and respect them on Teacher's Day every year. Paragraph On Teacher's Day - 200 Words for Classes 6, 7, 8 Students. Teacher's day celebrated on 5th September in India is an essential day in the calendar.

  13. Teachers Day Essay For Students In English

    500+ Words Teachers' Day Essay. In ancient times, a Teacher was called a "Guru". A Guru is a person who enlightens the lives of thousands of students. In Sanskrit, Guru literally means a dispeller of darkness. That's why in Indian tradition, Guru is given supreme importance and respect. Teachers are considered Gurus in today's world ...

  14. Teacher's Day Essay 2024: Short and Long Essays for School Students and

    10 Lines on Teacher's Day. 1.Teacher's Day is celebrated on September 5 every year in India. 2.Teacher's Day is the day to pay gratitude and tribute to the guiding lights of your lives, the ...

  15. शिक्षक दिवस पर निबंध (Teachers Day essay in hindi): शिक्षक दिवस पर

    शिक्षक दिवस कोट्स (teachers day quotes in hindi) क्रम संख्या. शिक्षक दिवस कोट्स. किसने कहा. 1. मेरा सौभाग्य होगा यदि अलग से मेरा जन्मदिवस मनाने की बजाए 5 ...

  16. Paragraph on Teachers Day in English for Students & Childrens

    Teachers Day is observed mainly to thank and respect the teaching community.The day is observed on different dates in different parts of the world. The tradition started in the 19 th century, when countries commemorated a local educator or a distinguished achievement, especially in education. This is the main reason why Teachers' Day is celebrated on different dates across the globe.

  17. Paragraph on Teacher's Day

    Paragraph 1 - 100 Words. Teacher's Day in India is an annual celebration observed on 5th of September. This is a day to honour our teachers for their valuable work. Teachers hold the actual knowledge, compassion and benevolence for their students. There is huge support from our teachers behind our success.

  18. Essay on Teacher for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Teacher. Teachers are a special blessing from God to us. They are the ones who build a good nation and make the world a better place. A teacher teaches us the importance of a pen over that of a sword. They are much esteemed in society as they elevate the living standards of people. They are like the building blocks of ...

  19. Essay writing on teachers day in english

    Essay writing on teacher day.In this video you will learn and write how to write teacher day essay.This essay is very important for students to write essay o...

  20. Hindi Diwas Speech, Essay 2024 LIVE (हिंदी ...

    Hindi Diwas Speech, Poem, Essay In Hindi 2024, Hindi Diwas Par Bhashan, Nibandh LIVE: हिंदी दिवस प्रत्येक वर्ष 14 सितंबर को मनाया जाता है और यह दिन हिंदी भाषा के प्रचार-प्रसार और महत्त्व को बढ़ावा देने के ...

  21. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

    Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky [n 1] (/ tʃ aɪ ˈ k ɒ f s k i / chy-KOF-skee; [2] 7 May 1840 - 6 November 1893) [n 2] was a Russian composer during the Romantic period.He was the first Russian composer whose music would make a lasting impression internationally. Tchaikovsky wrote some of the most popular concert and theatrical music in the current classical repertoire, including the ballets Swan ...

  22. St. Petersburg Top Twenty

    Top 20 St. Petersburg attractions and experiences St. Petersburg has a true wealth of attractions and experiences to offer travelers, from spectacular Imperial palaces to quirky and absorbing museums, from boat trips along the city's majestic rivers and canals to walks in the footsteps of St. Petersburg's literary and artistic greats.

  23. Saint Petersburg

    Peter triumphed: "Now with God's help the final stone in the foundation of Saint Petersburg has been laid.". By 1717, the city's population of about 8,000 had tripled, and grew to around 40,000 by the time of Peter's death in 1725. Saint Petersburg had become the commercial, industrial, administrative, and residential "metropolis ...

  24. Saint Petersburg

    Saint Petersburg (Russian: Са́нкт-Петербу́рг Sankt-Peterburg), known as Petrograd (Петроград) in 1914-1924 and Leningrad (Ленинград) in 1924-1991, is the second largest city of Russia, with 5.6 million inhabitants (2021), the fourth most populous city in Europe, the world's northernmost city of at least a million residents, and the former capital of the ...