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How To Buy Your First Car: Free Financial Literacy Lessons

Such a fun way to teach students in grades 6-12 the steps to buying their first car! đźš—

Feature image of activities from the How to Buy Your First Car lesson plan bundle

Ramsey Education exists to equip educators across the country with the tools and resources they need to teach their students how to successfully manage their money and their lives. Together with educators, Ramsey Education wants to see every student in America enter adulthood with the confidence needed to set and achieve their goals — and ultimately live up to their fullest potential.

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Many of our students daydream about cars they’d like to buy one day. So, how can we take students from daydreaming to making an informed financial decision and reaching their goal? Check out the Ticket to Drive: Your Path to Car Ownership lesson bundle.

Four different activities take your students from brainstorming their dream car to researching what cars truly cost, to creating a realistic budget to purchase their first car in cash. A reflection activity ties up the experience and provides a perfect opportunity for students to share their learning with each other. Your students will love being able to look at real cars currently available for purchase and seeing what it would take for them to actually buy one on their own.

Lessons included:

Activity 1: my dream car.

Image from the first activity of the How to Buy Your First Car lesson plan

Many students already have a “dream car” in mind when they think about buying their first automobile. This activity asks students to research the cars they’re most interested in, while also encouraging them to consider the features they actually need in a car and which features are unnecessary “wants.”

Activities 2 and 3: Comparison Shopping and Building a Budget

Image of the second activity worksheet from the How to Buy Your First Car lesson plan

In “Comparison Shopping,” students will dive into the world of car shopping by selecting three vehicles that fit their needs. They’ll choose which features are truly essential in their first car, and which ones they can live without. Then comes the fun part: deciding which one is the perfect match and why. Once that’s settled, it’s time to crunch some numbers. In “Building a Budget,” students will figure out how much they need to save to buy their car. Additionally, they’ll determine how long it’ll take to reach their goal.

Activity 4: Student Reflection

Image that shows several of the pages from the how to buy your first car lesson plan bundle

After completing Activities 1 through 3, students will have the chance to reflect on their newfound knowledge. The questions are perfect as a take-home assignment or as a tool to assist with a post-activity group discussion. This activity provides a great opportunity for students to realize that they can approach this huge financial milestone with confidence.

Keep the financial literacy learning going with great resources

Our students want to learn about practical ways they can improve their lives after leaving high school. A strong financial literacy program that focuses on real-life applications can leave our students feeling empowered instead of anxious about their financial future. Check out Ramsey Education’s Foundations in Personal Finance curriculum to learn more about their life-application approach to financial literacy.

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of the car.  Often, a percentage of that price, also called the , must be paid.  The is the remaining amount.


, (months to finance) will impact the monthly payment.  Calculating monthly payment requires a financial calculator or solving an amortization formula.







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Buying a Car

Buying a car

Buying a car is usually the first big purchase a person will make. There is also no shortage of horror stories of people immediately regretting the decision, either by buying a new car and later struggling to meet payments, or a used car with hidden mechanical problems demanding costly repairs.

When you need to buy your first (or next) car, make sure these factors weigh in on your decision.

Establishing a Budget for Buying a Car

Before you get started, step 1 is establishing a budget for how much you want to spend on a vehicle. A common trap is picking the car you want first, then trying to find a way to pay for it.

Buying a car is not the same as buying a TV or most other big purchases. Your budget needs to factor in the life of the car’s loan, the interest rate you pay, and the cost of insurance. Most of these factors are negotiable, so a key is establishing your hard limits before you walk into a dealership.

Car Loan Life and Interest Rate

Buying a car

If you take a car loan, the price you pay will be a balance between the “sticker price”, the interest rate for your loan, and the length of the loan. Car dealers want to try to make cars seem as affordable as possible, so their negotiation point is usually the monthly payment (since this is the number in your budget), but smart shoppers know this is just a distraction.

Dealers want to lower your monthly payment to make the car seem affordable, so they might just extend the life of your loan. If you are concerned about the initial sticker price, they might be happy to lower it by a few hundred dollars, but give a slight bump to your interest rate.

This means when you are planning to purchase a car, you should have two budgets prepared. One is for the total cost of the car (including all interest payments over the life of the loan), and the other is how much you can afford in monthly payments. The dealer will always try to sell based on monthly payments alone, but make sure to keep the total cap in mind during negotiations. You can even keep a car loan calculator app on your phone as part of the discussion to keep both numbers in front of you.

Insurance Costs

All cars are not insured equally. When you are examining your options for vehicles, remember that while your car payments will eventually end when you pay it off completely, your insurance payments are for the life of the vehicle. Luckily, you can get multiple quotes for car insurance for any vehicle you are considering within a few seconds from insurance comparison websites. Get two or three quotes for any vehicle you are considering, and keep that number figured in to your monthly budget.

New Vs Used

The first choice you make will probably be deciding if you want to buy a new car or used car. There are some serious advantages and disadvantages of each, so keeping both in mind can end up saving a lot of money in the long run.

Depreciation and Resale

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Cars lose value over time, but not at a constant rate. As soon as you drive a new car off the lot, it usually loses about 15% of its value (just because it is no longer “new”). Cars also tend to lose value every year older they get, so by the end of your first year, your car could be down 30% of the sticker price.

On the other hand, used cars do not have the same “lot” problem. If you buy a used car and try to sell it the next day, you will probably get back about as much as you paid for it. Used cars also lose value over time, but the dollar amount of loss is lower.

Take two car buyers. One buys a $30,000 car new, while the other buys the same car 3 years later at its fair market value. This is what the resale value of the car looks like if each of the owners hold the car for 4 years before trading it in.

$15,660.19 $  15,660.19$13,311.16$11,314.49$9,617.31$8,174.72

We can look at the direct loss of value over time for each buyer as well:


The used car buyer is both saving $14,339.81 in the initial purchase price, but is also getting $9,203.37 less depreciation over the life of the car.

Financing Charges

On the other hand, new cars almost always have more flexible financing options than used cars, usually with much lower interest rates (nearly half!). This is important because used cars are so much cheaper. It is rare for a potential buyer to look at the exact same car and decide new vs used – instead, it is usually an inexpensive new car versus a higher-quality used car.

To find out how they balance, try out our Car Loan Calculator.

Reliability and Warranties

The biggest difference between a new car and a used car is basic reliability. A new car will always have a manufacturer’s warranty, which covers nearly all repairs, replacements, and any mechanical problems with the car for the first three years. Used cars usually have no or very little warranty, pushing all of the risk of a breakdown onto the buyer. There are many databases available to help gauge the risk of a used car purchase, like  Dashboard-Light .

Before you buy used, it is also a great idea to take the car to a mechanic for a check-up. Spending a few dollars on an inspection is far cheaper than replacing a transition a few months later!

Technologies and Mileage

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One of the main reasons why people choose new cars is simply the improved technology of cars built today versus cars built a year ago. The same model of car will have new and better features, like better crash resistance, better gas mileage. New technologies are also introduced, like electric motors and self-driving options.

These new features are what pushes most buyers to spend a bit more for the new cars. The new technology should enter your buying decision in two ways:

Directly Offsetting Cost

This is especially true for cars with better gas mileage, or electric motors. A small increase in gas mileage means it costs less to fill the tank every week, which adds up very quickly.

For 30,000 miles driven, a car with 30 mpg saves 1,200 gallons of gasoline compared to 25mpg!

Value of Technology

Finally, you can try to directly estimate how valuable the new technologies are to you. If you have a crushingly long commute every morning, you will probably put a high value on a self-driving car, allowing you to do other things. If you have a shorter commute, the technology is still valuable, but saves you less time and effort, so deserves less of your hard-earned cash.

Getting a Good Deal

When you are at the dealership, your main concern is always getting a good deal. One of the oldest tricks in the book for dealers is the 4 Square Presentation.

The 4 Square Presentation

A 4 Square Presentation divides your attention between 4 factors impacting the sale:

  • Sticker price
  • Trade-In Value of your current vehicle
  • Down Payment
  • Monthly Payment

The 4 Square Presentation does not need to be as bad as the video makes it look, but one of the main drivers is to keep your attention divided between those 4 areas instead of focusing on one at a time. Since many buyers come into the dealer focused on making sure the monthly payments can fit into their monthly budget, dealers will move around the other “squares” to get the monthly payment down to what you can afford.

Unfortunately, the 4 Square Presentation does not really focus at all on the items that you should be worrying about: both your Interest Rate and the Length of the loan are absent from the discussion, which is what really determines how much you pay over the life of the loan. There are a few ways to push the conversation back to the numbers that really matter.

Trade In vs Selling

Most people trade in their vehicle when buying a new one, and almost every dealership is happy to accommodate. However, you always have the option of selling your car yourself, which changes the nature of the discussion when talking with the dealer.

Resale Value

car resale

When you trade in your vehicle, the dealership will take your old car and either try to resell it themselves, put it up for auction for specialized used car dealers to pick up, or simply scrap it entirely and sell off any working parts.

How much you can get reselling your car yourself vs trading it in to your dealer will depend largely on its condition. If your car is in good condition and is a popular model, you will likely have no trouble selling it on your own quickly, and will make more money than if you trade it in. This is because the dealership needs to factor in the cost of selling your car when they give a trade-in offer. If they need to store it, clean it, and sell it, it takes some of their resources, which get reduced from your offer.

On the other hand, if your car is older with mechanical problems, trading it in might get you a better deal. It saves you the time of trying to sell it, and since the dealership already has established scrapping and resale networks, they will probably get a better price for the parts than you would alone. Even if you have an old junk car, your salesman will probably try to offer you a better deal just to get you to buy at his dealership.

Total Price

One of the main advantages of selling your car yourself is that it removes one thing from the negotiations when buying your new car – helping you turn the conversation back to loan terms and interest rates. This is why it is important to have the total budget in mind for how much you plan on spending on the vehicle in total, not just monthly payments. Keep focusing on lowering the sticker price first – get this in writing as a quote, then focus on financing.

Financing Options

You are not tied to financing your vehicle through your dealership. The only advantage of doing so is usually that they make it required for trade-ins (which is another advance of selling your car yourself). The financing is also where you need to be the most wary of your salesman.

Precomputed Interest

With most loans, you can simply increase your payments each month to pay off the loan sooner. This is usually not allowed with car loans that you get from the dealership, which use something called “precomputed interest”.

Precomputed interest means no matter how much you pay and how quickly, your total interest charge is fixed. This means there is no advantage of paying off your loan early, since you can never lower the interest payments.

Avoid precomputed interest loans whenever possible. Ask your dealer up front if their loans use precomputed interest. If they only have precomputed interest financing options, then simply take out the loan from somewhere else (like your bank). Since you already got the sticker price negotiated, you can get your financing from anywhere with better terms.

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Challenge Questions

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying a new car?
  • In your opinion, is having a new or used car better for you and why?
  • Using examples, what do you understand by the term depreciation?
  • If you are to lease or take out a loan to buy a car, how does the down payment affect your payments?
  • Would you rather have a bigger down payment and a smaller monthly payment, or a small down payment and a larger monthly payment?
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Are you trying to teach your students how to make informed financial decisions, but can't think of a way to do it in an engaging way? This task is the answer.

This assignment teaches students how to make informed financial decisions through the context of purchasing a car. However, the skills developed apply equally to any financial decision that your students may have to make in the future.

So what do students have to do?

The task requires students to play the role of a buyers' advocate for a person seeking to purchase a car.

They are presented with a case study of a client, and are then taken through the process of developing criteria for their client based upon their case study.

The criteria are subsequently employed to assess three alternative cars for the client, and as a result, the student selects the most appropriate car for the client.

At the conclusion of the task, the student calculates the 5 year cost of owning the car, and writes a written report.

Each step of the task includes a worked example, demonstrating an exemplar of how to complete the task in scaffold skill development.

The task includes developmental rubrics that can be employed on subsequent financial decision making tasks to track student growth and assist students to develop their understanding of financial decision making.

Included resources [all fully editable!]:

-Step by step task instructions

-Client profiles

-Worked examples for each task

-Student templates for recording responses

-Developmental rubrics for assessment





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Guide to Buying a Car Assignment

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Buying a car on assignment..

Trying to figure out how to accomplish buying a car. I'm from Colorado and on assignment in Washington state. I need to buy a new car. The dealership is telling me that I can register the car here in Washington with an out-of-state driver's license and then register it in Colorado once I get there. I'm not even sure if this is actually correct. But if it is, I'm worried that having the car registered for 2 months in Washington could be a problem with my residency status in Colorado from a tax home standpoint. I own and register another car in Colorado and I pay a mortgage in Colorado for a house I still go back to several months out of the year. So I feel like I'm otherwise covered. Anyone else had to buy a car while on assignment out of state? Any advice? Thanks!

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Our dedicated team is here to guide you, not pressure you, ensuring you find the perfect car with a down payment and financing terms that suit your budget. Drive away with a deal that feels as good as your new set of wheels.


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Welcome to University Auto Sales

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Welcome to University Auto Sales, your reliable destination for quality used cars in Moscow, Idaho , Lewiston, Idaho and the surrounding areas. We appreciate you choosing University Auto Sales as your used car dealership, catering to drivers in Moscow, Lewiston and the surrounding areas. Explore our diverse range of pre-owned vehicles, carefully selected to meet your expectations. Our dealership takes pride in offering a seamless car-buying experience. Navigate through our user-friendly website, where you can conveniently browse our extensive inventory from the comfort of your home. Whether you're in search of a dependable sedan, a versatile SUV, a spacious minivan, or a robust truck, we have the ideal vehicle to suit your requirements and budget. If we do not have the vehicle currently on our lot we can work to find a vehicle that meets your needs.

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Why Choose University Auto Sales?

At University Auto Sales, we recognize that purchasing a used car is a significant decision. To ensure your peace of mind, our team of automotive experts rigorously inspects and reconditions each vehicle in our inventory, maintaining stringent standards of quality and reliability. Customer satisfaction is our utmost priority, and our friendly sales team is committed to providing exceptional service.

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Our commitment to making the car-buying process easy and hassle-free is reflected in the competitive financing options we offer. Our finance experts are dedicated to assisting you in securing an auto loan that aligns with your budget. Visit our Moscow or Lewiston dealership today to experience the University Auto Sales difference firsthand.

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Whether you're perusing our inventory online , scheduling a test drive, or seeking personalized assistance, our team is ready to help. Drive home in your dream car from University Auto Sales and understand why we are the preferred choice for used vehicles in Moscow, Idaho , Lewiston, Idaho , and beyond. Thank you for considering University Auto Sales, where quality and exceptional service meet. We have 2 locations 2 serve in Moscow Idaho and Lewiston Idaho so please call us for the location of a vehicle you are interested in. 2308 HWY 95 South Moscow Idaho 83843 157 Thain Road Lewiston Idaho 83501

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  17. Buying a car on assignment. : r/TravelNursing

    Trying to figure out how to accomplish buying a car. I'm from Colorado and on assignment in Washington state. I need to buy a new car. The dealership is telling me that I can register the car here in Washington with an out-of-state driver's license and then register it in Colorado once I get there. I'm not even sure if this is actually correct.

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    Next time you buy a car or truck, look for language like this at the bottom of the financing paperwork: Seller assigns its interest in this contract to (name of financial institution like FMCC, GMAC, etc) (Assignee) under the terms of Seller's agreement with Assignee. This provision makes it clear the dealer is financing the sale of the car ...

  19. HOME

    We handle the financing in-house, making the process as straightforward as choosing your car. Let's get you on the road - it's simple, fast, and tailored just for you. BUY HERE, PAY HERE. Peace of mind comes standard with every purchase at Lawson Auto Sales. We stand behind the quality of our vehicles by offering a warranty with every car sold.

  20. PDF Financial Literacy: Lesson Plan for Introduction to Purchasing a Car

    With trade-in: Calculate 20% down payment amounts, then subtract trade-in value to determine the amount of cash needed at the time of sale. Sample: $30,000 car price x .2 (20%) = $6,000 down payment. $6,000 - $2,000 trade-in = $4,000, which is the amount of cash needed to complete the sale.

  21. Used Cars for Sale Moscow Idaho 83843 Used Cars for Sale Lewiston Idaho

    University Auto Sales is a premier dealership. Moscow Pullman Lewiston and Clarkston customers can visit our showroom for quality used cars, trucks, SUVs, auto parts, auto repair, or service. With a free 3-month 3000 powertrain warranty included in the asking price! We offer financing to help our customers get the best possible rates. We are a CUDL dealer so we work with many credit unions to ...

  22. Used Cars for Sale in Moscow, ID (with Photos)

    67 mi away. Used 2017 Ford. Super Duty F-250 Lariat Crew Cab 8' Bed 4WD. $36,995. Excellent Price. 64k mi. 69 mi away. Used 2023 Ford. Bronco Wildtrak 4 Door Advanced 4x4.

  23. Used Cars for Sale Near Me in Moscow, ID

    Test drive Used Cars at home in Moscow, ID. Search from 458 Used cars for sale, including a 2015 Chevrolet Colorado Z71, a 2016 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 LT, and a 2016 Ford Taurus Limited ranging in price from $6,179 to $95,000.