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Home > Admissions > Admission to a PhD

Admission to a PhD

Candidates who already hold a Master's degree or equivalent and who wish to enter a PhD programme at thesis level, regardless of their previous studies (international or French), should apply directly online . The doctoral programme must be chosen carefully: only one application per year is possible, all doctoral programmes combined. If your second year of Master is currently ongoing, you may still apply pending your final results. 

Degree requirements

  • Criteria for the application evaluation


Financing studies, co-supervised thesis, joint thesis, doctoral programmes in economics, history*, political science and sociology**.

Applications starting 11 October 2023

To be eligible for assessment, your application must be  complete and submitted before:

  • 10 January 2024 at 11:59pm (Paris time),   for an admission result mid-March 2024
  • 17 May 2024 at 11:59pm (Paris time),   for an admission result mid-July 2024

Auditions for applicants may be organised  on 18 June 2024 for the Doctoral programme in History (*) Possible sociology doctorate auditions on 26 June 2024 (**).

Doctoral programme in Law

Only one admission session this year for the Doctoral programme in  Law (*)

  • 12 March 2024 at 11:59pm (Paris time) for an admission result from mid-April 2024

(*) This year, there will be only ONE admission session for the Law doctoral programme with results communicated from mid-April 2024. Contact: Professor Vincent Forray , Head of doctoral studies in Law

The PhD application is open to students with a Research Master's degree , a postgraduate degree (Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies - DEA) or an equivalent degree (bac +5).  There must be a match between the candidate's graduate studies and the discipline of the requested doctoral programme. 

For the record, the IEP awards PhDs in Economics , History , Law , Political Science and Sociology .   For candidates who do not have the required degrees to be directly admitted into the First thesis year, see admissions into Master’s programmes offered by the School of Research.

In Sociology only,  the PhD application can only be reviewed if the thesis supervisor has provided you with a preliminary letter of consent and if a   research unit Director has provided you with a preliminary letter of consent. In Economics, Law and Political science , no preliminary letter of consent is requested. In History , the name of the potential research supervisor must be indicated (in the “Personal statement” tab), no preliminary letter of consent is requested.

The candidate must identify a host research laboratory . See the list of Sciences Po's research units and affiliated researchers.

Sciences Po's Graduate School is careful to limit PhD admissions to students whose thesis proposal is likely to succeed. It is therefore important that the candidate have a developed vision of his/her thesis subject and the implications of this choice for his/her research and career plans.  The thesis topic might change during the first months of the PhD programme, but it is important that the candidate formulate in the most precise and coherent way possible the key elements to evaluating his/her research project. 

Criteria for the Application Evaluation

Several criteria are taken into account for the selection of candidates applying for a doctorate: 

  • The selection of the research problem must be supported by previous work. 
  • A presentation of the chosen methodology to address the given problem.
  • An evaluation of the feasibility of the planned research from both a scientific and practical perspective.  Some topics require access to areas or data that are not easily accessible. 
  • The candidate must also indicate his/her availability to produce a thesis.  This is particularly important for employed candidates.  (1)(See the section "Financing of studies" below).
  • The financing of studies (See the section "Financing of studies" below).
  • Finally, it is important that the candidate be able to explain his/her project in relation to his/her academic and/or professional background . The academic record should preferably be consistent and coherent. In all cases the requisite academic track record must be very good. Moreover, for employed candidates, the professional career must be explained and related to the thesis project: how might the candidate's professional experience tie into the thesis project?  Is the thesis part of a professional development plan?

The application must be submitted  exclusively online , according to the Admissions calendar.

Documents for your application may be uploaded in French or in English  (CAUTION: only png, jpeg, jpg or pdf formats are accepted):

For all doctoral programs:

  • Two academic recommendations (an optional professional recommendation may be added)
  • Proof of identity
  • Cover letter (to be typed directly in the dedicated field on the Admissions platform, not added as attachment) 
  • Thesis project ( PDF or Word format, 5,000 words maximum, i.e. about ten pages, excluding bibliographic references)
  • Thesis project synopsis (two pages, PDF or Word format)
  • Copy of last completed academic degree (Master or equivalent)
  • Master transcripts ( the documents must be attached in the original language, along with an official or informal translation in English or French if necessary. Please add a sworn statement of compliance if the translation is yours)
  • If obtained, official proof of doctoral funding obtention (see the  "Financing of studies" section below).

PLEASE NOTE : no supporting document  will be accepted after the evaluation process has begun. Please make sure that your application is complete before submitting it. For candidates currently in the process of obtaining the requested diploma, please attach all the transcripts available at the time of your application.  Incomplete applications will not be assessed.

Additional information for the following doctoral programmes

  • If you have a potential supervisor in mind, please indicate his/her name after your Thesis project title in your online space
  • Indicate at least one potential Thesis supervisor from Sciences Po’s Center for History in the “Personal statement” tab.
  • The Thesis project mustn’t exceed 3,000 words excluding bibliography, that shouldn’t exceed 20-25 titles
  • A grade of 16/20 or equivalent is required for the Master Thesis

Political science

  • A signed letter from a thesis supervisor authorised to supervise research, indicating that he/she accepts to supervise your thesis ; 
  • A letter from the laboratory Director indicating that he/she accepts to host you in the laboratory (contact the laboratory Director) ;
  • A grade of 16/20 (if graded) is required for the Master Thesis.

The result of the language test is optional.

  • Economics: English C2, French
  • History: French B2
  • Law: English C2, French
  • Political Science (Compared politics, International Relations, Political Theory) : French B2
  • Sociology: French B2

CAUTION:  "Required languages" is a mandatory field in our application file; i f you do not have a CECR test result or self-assessment to upload, please select "two years of study in the language" by default.

The €100 application fee is not refundable.   We do not offer fee waivers, unless you have a refugee status or are a recipient of a CROUS scholarship. In that case, please contact the Admissions Department to inform them, and attach the official proof of your current situation to your file.  Please note: Paying the application fee does not mean that your application form has been submitted. Make sure to submit your application form within the deadline by clicking on the “Submit“ button.  If you are unable to pay by credit card, please contact the Admissions Department to obtain our bank details. Your payment will be validated on receipt of a copy of the proof of transfer. 

Do not wait until the last day to submit your application. To be assessed, your application must be complete and submitted before the deadline of the programme you are applying to.  Deadlines always refer to Paris time (23:59pm).    Please note:

  • As our platform does not automatically invalidate incomplete files, it is your responsibility to submit an application that includes all required documents (including references).
  • Once you have submitted your application, you will not be able to bring any change, please be very careful. 

Applicants may be contacted for an interview as part of the admission procedure.

In accordance with the decree of 25 May 2016 setting the national training framework and the procedures leading to the issuing of the national doctoral degree, the financial preconditions must be met to ensure the orderly conduct of the research work and preparation of the thesis. Doctoral funding is therefore necessary to engage in a doctoral thesis.  The doctorate is full-time at Sciences Po (except in the particular case of full-time employees who work on a research subject directly related to their job and have obtained the employer's agreement to have the necessary time to carry out their research) and the funding must meet the following criteria :

  • a duration of at least three years;
  • a net monthly amount akin to that of the doctoral contrat in force ;
  • the obligations attached to the financing must not represent more than one day per week (with the exception of CIFRE, where the obligations must be assessed on a case-by-case basis);
  • the funding organisation must respect the academic freedom of the doctoral student regarding the content of his research and the composition of the defense jury;
  • funding must not come from personal resources but from public or private organisations (foundations, associations, companies, public authorities, international organisations, local authorities or others to be validated beforehand by the doctoral school) offering doctoral funding.

For more information on funding opportunities, see the section on Funding .

For all students entering the PhD programme, the annual fee for 2022/2023 is 380 euros, irrespective of tax residency.

In addition to receiving guidance from their thesis supervisor, some PhD students receive assistance from another Professor or Researcher who may be based in a different institution. 

The role of this co-supervisor must be formalised through a co-supervised thesis agreement established :

  •  between the PhD student's institution and the co-supervisor if the co-supervisor works at a different institution,  or 
  • between the supervisor and co-supervisor if both work at IEP Paris. At Sciences Po the co-supervision is formalised through an exchange of letters.

The PhD student will obtain a PhD from his/her home institution. The co-supervisors commit to following the PhD student's work and to sit on the thesis examining committee.  The thesis will explicitly state it was co-supervised and include the names and titles of the co-supervisors on the thesis cover page. 

The Administrative Officer of the program must be informed of the co-supervised for validation.

The joint thesis involves guidance from two supervisors : a professor at IEP Paris and a professor from a foreign institution.   It allows the issuance of two PhD degree, or of a joint degree where applicable.   In France, joint theses are governed by the amended decree of 6 January 2005 on international joint theses (PDF, 45Ko)   At Sciences Po, joint theses may only be permitted if:

  • The student has already been admitted to Sciences Po
  • The two thesis supervisors approached have conferred and provided their consent in writing.

Joint theses require the establishment of an agreement signed by all the partners (individuals and institutions). The three-year agreement must cover, among other things, the terms of registration, tuition, and the defence.  It must be established in the first thesis year: see the section below on administrative procedures .

A joint thesis only makes sense and is only possible if the research project is shared by two institutions. In cases where this condition cannot be met, the student might consider a co-supervision , which also provides guidance from two supervisors, but does not allow the issuance of a dual degree.  A joint thesis allows the student to: 

  • have access to greater resources (documentary resources, networks)
  • pursue international career opportunities.  
  • Have access to, joint thesis scholarships covering the costs of joint theses (student's residence and defence fees)  


Joint theses may be difficult if the thesis supervisors have divergent views on the PhD student's work, or if the institutions' rules are too far apart.

In this case, the student might consider a co-supervision, which also provides guidance from two supervisors, but does not allow the issuance of a dual degree.

Administrative procedures

Even if the student is already enrolled in a foreign university, he/she must also be admitted to Sciences Po's at the thesis level.

Upon admission, the student must submit his/her joint project to the administration (administrative manager).

The agreement must include the following information :

  • The university of primary enrolment
  • Terms of tuition payment
  • Terms of the defence
  • Terms of sharing the defence fees

Once the agreement is signed, all parties will receive a copy.

If any breach of agreement should arise, management should be contacted. 

Tuition fees will be paid in accordance with agreement.  However, until the agreement is signed, the student is liable for the tuition at both institutions.

The organisation of the defence is framed by the agreement. 

  • For the presentation of the thesis, certain specific rules must be observed. See "Presentation Norms" on the page "Defence"
  • For more on submitting a thesis in a foreign language, see the "Defence" page.
  • Some foreign universities require a pre-defence.  Inquire with the relevant academic authorities.

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Fees & Financial Aid

Limited financial resources are not a barrier to receiving a Sciences Po education.

Nearly one in three students receives a full-fee scholarship.

  • Tuition fees
  • Scholarships and financial aids

Applicants guide

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27, rue Saint Guillaume - 75337 Paris Cedex 07

Phone: +33 (0)1 45 49 50 50 | +33 (0)1 42 22 31 26


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Ecole Doctorale SDOSE

  • Les programmes doctoraux
  • Doctoral Program in Economics

Introducing the Doctoral Program in Economics

The doctoral program in economics is affiliated with the LEDA research center and aims to train researchers in theoretical and applied economics.

Among the research fields covered by the program are international economics, development economics, game theory, health economics, energy economics, financial economics, macroeconomics and public economics.

The students enrolled in the doctoral program in Economics at Université Paris-Dauphine either have a Master’s degree from that university or another university in France or abroad.

Program objectives

  • Offer students specific training in Economics while preparing them for professional life.
  • Mentor students as they prepare their doctoral theses.
  • Offer students opportunities to exchange ideas and present their work in progress.
  • Consolidate and strengthen our international policy (including co-supervision opportunities).
  • Strengthen our business connections (CIFRE).

Image satellite de la terre

Programme doctoral EDEEM

Doctoral program edeem.

Admission is based on excellence, with about 25 students expected each year. Competitive scholarships are offered to students from all over the world. Applicants should have a Master's degree or equivalent. High focus is made on research, publication and presentation, with dedicated Jamborees and Summer Schools. 

Students have a mobility requirement in two "mobility" universities of the Consortium, two semesters in each. They are jointly supervised by two advisers from the mobility universities and a single defense is organized. After successful completion of the programme, the student could be awarded the "European Doctorate in Economics - Erasmus Mundus" joint degree, which is officially recognized as a national doctorate from the two mobility universities. This joint degree is agreed upon by four universities of the Consortium. As for the other partner universities, the student is awarded a double degree, which consists of two independent degrees awarded by the mobility universities.

The students have the opportunity to do an additional mobility of one semester in the EDE-EM network that gathers worldwide universities, firms, banks, insurance companies, from Australia, Czech Republic, China, Denmark, Japan, Korea, Russia, South Africa, Tunisia, and large private and public companies. The consortium is fully committed to the placement of students at the end of the programme.

EDEEM Website

Edeem study program in paris 1.

  • Study program in D1
  • Study program in D2
  • Study program in D3

Latest News

  • Unveiling Gender Inequalities March 8, 2024
  • Mesurer le pluralisme à la télé avec l’IA : facile, à condition de savoir ce que l’on cherche March 7, 2024
  • Récit écologique et conditions de vie March 6, 2024
  • CRESTive Minds – Épisode 4 – Samuel Coavoux March 1, 2024
  • Adaptation climatique : pourquoi a t-on besoin d’investissements privés ? March 1, 2024
  • A panel organised and chaired by sociologist Paola Tubaro at the European Parliament in Brussels February 28, 2024
  • Le Cercle des Économistes : Une interview de Pauline Rossi pour le podcast Génération Économie. February 28, 2024
  • COP28 Sécurité de l’eau : question locale à impact international February 21, 2024


We provide orientation programs to help students become a part of the campus community. Click here for more orientation details .

Financial Aid is available for all students enrolled in classes. Click here for financial aid information .

  • Doctoral Studies

Students, following the completion of master studies (or equivalent), can pursue at CREST a doctoral degree in economics, finance, sociology or statistics at the Doctoral School of Institut Polytechnique de Paris and in applied mathematics, computer science, economics and statistics as part of the doctoral program of ENSAI .

Doctoral studies are one of the fundamental and strategic missions of CREST. Attracting, hosting and training a considerable pool of excellent and motivated doctoral candidates from top French and foreign institutions contributes greatly to spreading our scientific culture and expertise.

A doctoral program essentially consists in a preparation of a research thesis, under the supervision of a research supervisor. In addition, doctoral candidates are required to take a limited number of specialized courses as well as to participate in research seminars and regular activities of CREST.

The standard timeframe for a doctorate is 3 years, but extensions may be granted.

Potential candidates are required to hold a two-year Master’s Degree (French M1-M2 or international equivalent). Admission of candidates who are currently in their second year of master is conditional upon obtaining their degree. Candidates are encouraged to contact faculty members prior to applying in order to select potential advisors. 

During their doctoral studies, students are affiliated to CREST. At the Palaiseau campus of IP Paris , students in economics and sociology register at the IP Paris Doctoral School ; students in finance and statistics register at the Hadamard Doctoral School of Mathematics . At the Bruz campus of ENSAI , students register at the MathSTIC Doctoral School .

Acceptance in the doctoral program is conditional upon securing funding. There exist several funding opportunities for French and foreign students:

  • – Doctoral scholarships from GENES (ENSAE/ENSAI) – 2021 call for applications here ,
  • – Doctoral scholarships from Labex ECODEC – 2021 call for applications here ,
  • – CIFRE contracts funded through a private or public company (successful applicants spend time, usually about two days a week, at the company) – contact potential CREST PhD advisor for more information.

Thibaud Vergé (Scientific Coordinator, ENSAE Paris)

Alessandro Riboni (Scientific Coordinator, Ecole Polytechnique)

Fanda Traoré (Administrative Coordinator)

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Website URL: Program Website IP Paris ; Program Website ENSAI

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris offers a highly selective integrated five-year PhD program to high-potential students aiming for an international career in leading academic institutions or companies.

Based on the Anglo-Saxon model, the PhD track program enables selected students to benefit from the first-class ecosystem of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and to be closely associated with the research activities carried out in the Institute’s labs from the first year of the Master’s program. Each student benefits from individual and personalized supervision by a faculty member and will interact directly with the scientific community of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, within a world-renowned innovation cluster.

The first two years of the program, leading to the Master’s degree, are designed to enable students to acquire the tools necessary for the successful completion of an ambitious research project, supervised by an academic tutor.

The following three years are entirely dedicated to the student’s research project and lead to the PhD degree from the Institut Polytechnique de Paris. Each student who follows this program benefits from the unique and individualized supervision of a faculty member recognized in his or her discipline. The best candidates are eligible for excellence scholarships.

At CREST students can apply for the PhD track to pursue studies and research in economics or finance. See dedicated webpage for details on the coursework, admissions and fees.

Fundamental Limits of Deep Neural Network Learning – Helmut Bölcskei, ETH Zurich

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Fall 2024-2025: Key welcome dates!

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Administrative registration, the final step in the TSE application process

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August 2024 refresher courses for new students

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Should there be a compulsory retirement age for society's leaders? (podcast)

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All you need to know about preparing, submitting and following your enrolment

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Latest news you need to know about TSE members, awards, projects etc...

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Our researchers’ contributions in the media

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Selected publications

The latest TSE faculty articles in the top economics journals

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Job Market Candidates 2023-2024

Here is the list of PhD students available on the job market for interested institutions.

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Latest TSE Mag

We highlight the research carried out by the TSE community on a subject that is central to society: climate change!

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Discover what our former students have to say and join the TSE Alumni Network

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Press release and contacts to schedule interviews

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Giving to TSE

Join us in making economics a force for good in the world

  • Conferences

13 September 2024

14 September 2024

CSIO-TSE 21st Joint Workshop on Industrial Organization

21 September 2024

Journées Européennes du Patrimoine 2024

26 September 2024

27 September 2024

Postponed 2025 - 4th BdF - TSE Workshop

15 October 2024

18 October 2024

36ème Colloque de la Société Francophone de Primatologie - Enjeux Science-Société en Primatologie

2 September 2024

Parental Pressure on Educational Choices: Implications for Social Mobility and Gender Differences in Occupational Sorting

TSE Campus talk

Maximilian Müller

3 September 2024

Undergraduate Course Allocation through Competitive Markets

Economic Theory Seminar

Alexey Kushnir (Carnegie Mellon University)

Data, Privacy Laws and Firm Production: Evidence from the GDPR

Economics of Platforms Seminar

Mert Demirer (MIT-Sloane)

9 September 2024

To be announced

Environmental Economics Seminar

Maya Eden (University of Zurich, Switzerland)

economics phd france

« Together, let's bridge the gap »

Key figures.

Department in economics worldwide (RePEc)

Full faculty members

Students (from Licence 1 to PhD)


Events per year

Paris School of Economics - École d'Économie de Paris

"économie de l’éducation", winner of the afse best book prize.

The first prize for the best economics book awarded by the French Economic Association (AFSE) has been awarded to Luc Behaghel, Julien Grenet and Marc (...)

Guglielmo Zappalà, winner of the 2024 AFSE PhD Prize

Each year, the French Economic Association (AFSE) awards its PhD Prize : the 2024 AFSE PhD Prize has been awarded to Guglielmo Zappalà (...)

Replay : PSE-CEPR Policy Forum 2024

Katheline Schubert, winner of the 2024 Prize (...)

Lecture by Mordecai Kurz: "Technology-Based (...)

"L’Europe : du marché à la puissance publique" | (...)

Suanna Oh, winner of the 2024 Edmond Malinvaud

Placements of PSE PhD students on the Job (...)

PSE - Environment Initiative

Opening economics, the eu tax observatory is recruiting a junior policy advisor - w/m.

economics phd france

Graduate Program in Economics

Program objectives.

The PSL Graduate Program in Economics offers a comprehensive curriculum of advanced study and research, from the Master's to the Doctorate degree, in theoretical and applied economics. It equips the professional economist with the powerful tools required to understand the rapidly changing, complex, and uncertain modern world economy. Thanks to its association with 3 research departments (LEDa at Université Paris Dauphine, CERNA at Mines ParisTech and Center for the Economy of Innovation at Collège de France) with a high-level international reputation, if offers a training in which research plays a central role, starting at the Master level.

Skills acquired:

  • Advanced training in a large number of fields in economics: macoeconomics and finance, international and development economics, public policies, health economics, energy and environment, industrial organisation and economic theory.
  • Advanced skills in quantiative methods including econometrics, data sciences and statistics.
  • Making use of advanced economic theories and models as well as quantiative methods to the analyse complex problems relevant for economic and social policies.
  • Making policy recommendations based on state-of-art scientific knowledge regarding economic and social issues.

Job market candidates

The graduate program also offers dedicated training and financial support for students who are about to defend their PhD and want to go on the national or international job market.

Job market placement

When you enroll in a Graduate Program, you also join  Université PSL . Ranked in the top 50 universities in the world (THE and QS), PSL offers excellent graduate programs at the Master's and PhD level, which benefit from the scientific capabilities of its member institutions.

Organization of the Graduate Program

year year

The research departments associated to the graduate program are :

  • LEDa at Dauphine-PSL
  • CERNA, I3, at MINES Paris-PSL
  • Center for the Economy of Innovation at Collège de France

The degree is issued by Université PSL and taken at Université Paris Dauphine - PSL.

economics phd france


Opportunities for students enrolled in the graduate program in economics.

Research Internships,  PhD Presentation Workshop, Job Market training program, International mobility program... For First and Second year Master and PhD students

Look for Opportunities

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Certificate of Advanced Quantitative Methods in Economics (AQME)

For master 1 and 2 students.

The Certificate of Advanced Quantitative Methods in Economics (AQME) is a specific course expanding over the first and second years of Master. It offers advanced training in quantitative methods particularly designed for Master students who want to proceed towards a PhD or work in research departments or institutions.

AQME Certificate graduate program


Professor of economics

Head of the program

Université Paris Dauphine-PSL

Managing establishment

MINES ParisTech

Member Establishment

Collège de France

Véronique charrier.

Training Assistant

Executive board of the graduate program:

Sidartha Gordon

Head of international affairs of the Graduate Program in Economics and Job Market Officer

Anne Epaulard

University Professor

Head of the Doctoral Program in Economics of Université Paris Dauphine-PSL

Najat El Mekkaoui-de Freitas

Associate Professor

Co-Head of the Master in International Economics and Development

Gianluca Orefice

Lise patureau.

Head of the Master in Quantitative Economic Analysis

  • Application
  • Tuition & fees

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Replay - Presentation of the Double Degree Research in Management

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Magister  /  Graduate Programs

New application session – Research in Management

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Call for applications  /  Certificate  /  PhD  /  Magister

15 days left to apply for the PhD Track of the Graduate Program in Finance

  • PhD program
  • ETE Research Master
  • Doing a PhD at AMSE
  • PhD On-the-job

How to apply?

  • PhD courses
  • PhD Placement

Welcome to the PhD Program of Aix-Marseille School of Economics

Our PhD track is an international PhD Program, tailored for talented and passionate students. Our PhD candidates are trained in advanced economic theories and empirical methods, closely supervised by scientifically recognized faculty and produce frontier research in all fields of theoretical and empirical economics. Our PhD naturally leads to academic jobs as well as to positions in international organizations and in the private sector.

As full members of the research department, our PhD students benefit from AMSE’s dynamic academic environment. They attend our  various seminars series , present their work at our PhD brownbag seminar  as well as at international conferences, participate to summer schools to acquire skills in their specific fields of specialization, and do visiting research stays in the best international universities. They also benefit from the expertise of  AMSE senior faculty members , who are leading researchers working in all areas of economics and publishing their work in the best international journals. Finally, they benefit from interactions with their fellow students from all over the world.

As researchers at the service of society, AMSE PhD students can also disseminate their research through our  Sharing department , and in particular through its online media  Dialogues Économiques .

On top of the standard academic track, the AMSE PhD program offers an  “on-the-job” track , which is an in-service training which allows PhD candidates to write a PhD dissertation while in employment.

The PhD program at AMSE consists of two parts: first, the one-year ETE Research Master during which students follow advanced coursework in economics and training to research; second, the actual PhD which lasts three to four years. Note that, though the ETE Master is the main entry door into the PhD, direct external entry is also possible for candidates holding a degree in Economics equivalent to the ETE Master.

Doing a PhD at AMSE has been, so far, an excellent experience. AMSE has a high academic level and it is a dynamic institution with constant progress. Diverse seminars are organized weekly. For instance, each Monday an academic from an external institution comes to present his or her research and each Tuesday at the PhD seminar, one or two of us present our works and receive useful comments from other students and professors. Besides, PhD courses in Economics and professional seminars (such as presentation or academic writing skills) are internally organized. As PhD students we also have the chance to benefit from funding to attend conferences, summer schools and to do research stays in foreign universities. I also highlight the enjoyable daily life in the lab, where the atmosphere is remarkably pleasant and with the feature of having a high share of international students. Julieta PEVERI , AMSE PhD 2022
I defended my PhD thesis at AMSE in 2014. My research area is time series econometrics with a focus on fractionally integrated processes. During my PhD training, I had the opportunity to meet several renowned AMSE econometricians and statisticians that helped me overcome some very technical issues I encountered.  I also enjoyed the AMSE PhD program that greatly enhanced my ability to deal with theoretical econometrics and macro-finance applied economics questions.  Besides, I appreciated the intensive academic activity of the AMSE and notably the numerous research seminars organized each year. They gave me the opportunity to meet many international researchers in my field. The AMSE has also always encouraged me to attend international conferences, thereby contributing to the development of my research network. Overall, I would say that AMSE has undoubtedly helped me reach my professional objectives as I have earned the Aix-Marseille University PhD thesis price and I am now Associate Professor in the economics department “EconomiX” of the University of Paris-Nanterre. Gilles de Truchis , AMSE PhD 2014
AMSE has been a very good incubator and I am glad to have done my thesis there. The economics department is on a human scale and the doctoral student community is great. The researchers in the department are accessible and are a source of inspiration. I enjoyed working at AMSE: the material working conditions (offices, work equipment), the opportunities for research stays abroad (visiting, conferences, summer schools), and all the exposure to research (seminars, globalization lectures, workshops, conferences, guest researchers, to name a few). The support provided to students after their PhD is also very much appreciated. Samuel Kembou Nzale , AMSE PhD 2019

economics phd france

Institut Polytechnique de Paris

  • PhD student
  • Faculty member
  • Entrepreneur

Institut Polytechnique de Paris

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of École Polytechnique, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.


By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of ENSTA Paris, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Ecole des Ponts

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of Ecole des Ponts, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.


By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of ENSAE Paris, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Télécom Paris

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of Télécom Paris, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Télécom SudParis

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of Télécom SudParis, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

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Phd track in economics, start of an "exceptional" academic year for ip paris master's students, phd program at ip paris: expanding the boundaries of science.

25 phd-economics positions in France

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  • Scholarship 9
  • Research Job 7
  • Postdoctoral 6
  • Ecole Centrale de Lyon 1
  • Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques 1
  • Grenoble INP - Institute of Engineering 1
  • Ifremer - French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea 1
  • Institut Pasteur 1
  • IÉSEG School of Management 1
  • La Rochelle Université 1
  • Télécom Paris 1
  • University Paul Sabatier 1
  • Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté - UBFC 1
  • Economics 10
  • Computer Science 8
  • Materials Science 2
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Experimental researcher in the physics of mechanical metamaterials H/F

within CEA, at Paris-Saclay University, national and international levels. He/she will also contribute to the supervision of student interns, apprentices, PhD students, and post-docs. He/she will be

Sufficiency in cloud distributed datacenters

their energy consumption and their carbon footprint are significant. This has led many research projects to focus on optimizing these two objectives. This PhD takes place in the context of distributed

Assistant Professor in Politics and/or International Relations

International Relations and our BSc in Economics & Politics (both in partnership with the London School of Economics ) and our interdisciplinary Bachelor’s in Social Sciences and Technology. Develop impact

BeamLine Operation Manager (BLOM) on ID20

: [email protected] You hold a higher university degree (Master or equivalent diploma offering 300 ECTS) in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, or a closely related scientific discipline. A PhD would be an

Contrat doctoral en philosophie des mathématiques et/ou linguistique M/F

researchers who teach in mathematics, engineering, and economics departments at the Universités of Lorraine and Strasbourg. At the Archives Poincaré, the PhD student will benefit from all ordinary facilities

PhD Integrating strain-hardening and damping behaviour of plant fibre composites in the design of structures for high performance applications

demonstrate its recyclability. All developments are monitored and adjusted by means of LCA. Description of the PhD position: The main objective of the PhD thesis is to optimize the structural damping

(M/F) PhD offer : Automatic prediction of intonation from speech gestures

, physiology and biomechanics, etc. Due to the nature of its research, Gipsa-lab is in direct and constant contact with the economic environment and society. Its potential as teacher-researchers and researchers

BeamLine Operation Manager (BLOM) for X-ray Nano-imaging activities in the XNP group

university degree (Master or equivalent diploma offering 300 ECTS) in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, or a closely related scientific discipline. A PhD would be an asset. Proven experience in beamline

PhD in Molecular Modeling of Gas Hydrates (M/F)

in the global energy economy , interface phenomena in multi- phase fluids remain poorly understood and their understanding requires substantial theoretical developments. These developments are all

Doctoral contract in Human and Social Sciences / Territorial Sciences M/F

Framework Programme? Not funded by an EU programme Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No Offer Description The PhD student will be recruited by CNRS, a major French

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Top Universities in France for Economics

study economics in France

Many French universities are constantly looking for international students who are interested in collaborating in numerous industries to promote international relations between countries. From undergraduate studies to master’s and doctoral degrees, France has been the top study destination for students worldwide. 

The most prestigious universities are always delivering some of the most popular degrees , and programs that have higher chances of employability. A degree in economics, finance, and business is the top choice for students studying in France. These are considered some of France’s most sophisticated fields of study because of their competitiveness with other European countries. 

Here are some of the top universities in France for economics:  

Paris School of Economics

The PSE mission is to deliver the information of the course, through an international teaching methodology. Being the first in Europe for economics, the PSE is also ranked in the top five in the world. The Paris School of Economics curriculum includes seminars, workshops, and other group-work-specific activities. To make the courses as clear as possible and let the students pick according to their preferences, the school is built around eight research groups: 

  • Development. 
  • Economic and Social History.
  • Economic Theory.
  • Economics of Human Behavior.
  • Globalization, Political Economy, Trade.
  • Labour and Public Economics.
  • Macroeconomics.
  • Regulation, Environment, Market.

Each of these research groups delivers the information needed in different forms, depending on the course. Publications, conferences, and significant networking events are an essential part of such groups. 

Pantheon Sorbonne University 

The Faculty of Economics invites international students to participate in the exchange program: Erasmus+ and apply for a degree in economics at Pantheon Sorbonne University. Another advantage for international students, who cannot in any way travel to Paris, is the online learning option for the economics department. Numerous programs are available at the faculty of economics, beginning with simple economics licenses to dual licenses, university degrees, Ph.D. courses, and more. 

According to the economics faculty at Pantheon Sorbonne, the most important courses are those related to professional pieces of training. Through these courses, the academic staff tries to prepare students for their future careers. Two of the leading training courses are Business Space and Tax Learning. One of the most popular degrees at Pantheon is also the Master Program in Development Economics and Sustainable Development. What makes this program special is its reputation for being one of the oldest programs in economic development in France. 

Ecole Polytechnique 

The economics department at Ecole Polytechnique is the best option for students interested in the engineering aspect of economics and its implementation in the industry. Candidates can choose from a wide variety of courses, depending on their preferences and career goals. The Faculty of Economics offers basic introductory courses, specialized courses, and research programs in economics. 

The areas of specialization in research economics with the most attention are: 

  • Macroeconomics and Labor Economics.
  • Microeconomic Theory and Applications.
  • Economics and Sustainable Development.

Getting a degree in economics, especially at doctoral and post-doctoral levels, is the favored route to employment at one of the most important industries such as finance, business, insurance, sustainable development, and environmental organizations/institutions.  

PSL Research University

PSL Research University is a public university, and the only programs offered are related to research. More than 900 students attend master’s degrees in the graduate programs of economics, and around 80 Ph.D. candidates enroll annually. The graduate program includes economics, finance, and risk management. Aside from the compulsory courses in the master’s degree, students can choose electives depending on the aspect of economics they are interested in. The subjects that the academic staff treats at the graduate program in economics are: 

  • Globalization and Development.
  • Energy and Raw Materials.
  • Financial Economy and Macroeconomics.
  • Innovation and Property Rights.
  • Health and Aging.
  • Public Policy.
  • Industrial Organization.

The PSL master’s degrees in economics are numerous, and students can choose from an extensive array of programs listed below. 

  • Master’s Degree in Economics and Finance.
  • Master’s Degree in International Affairs and Development.
  • Master’s Degree in Health Economics and Management.
  • Master’s Degree in Quantitative Economics.

Paris Institute of Political Studies

The Department of Economics at Sciences Po was created in 2009, and they were focused on creating and developing a new method of teaching based on the latest technologies. With an emphasis on research, the economics department tries to introduce students to a new perspective on economics and share this knowledge worldwide. The permanent faculty at the economics department has numerous specializations in their qualifications, starting from labor economics, cultural economics, social interactions, international trade, macroeconomics, applied econometrics, urban economics, etc. 

The graduate programs at the faculty of economics include both master’s and doctoral degrees in economics. Students interested in gaining analytical, technical, and communication skills in the financial industry can enroll at master’s degree programs where these abilities are primary. 

Ph.D. candidates and graduate students can receive intensive training at any of the following industries: 

  • International Organizations. 
  • Research Institutions. 
  • Government Agencies.
  • Insurance Companies. 

Toulouse 1 University Capitole

The Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) is ranked in the top 10 economic schools in the world. More than 2,200 students have been enrolling yearly, some getting a license and a few Ph.D. candidates. The TSE encourages international students to apply to any degree level they prefer to promote diversity within classes and the economy industry. According to the school, the faculty of economics is home to more than 80 nationalities. 

TSE’s innovative teaching methods show successful results because of the many academic events. These events include conferences and press releases, debates where economists from different countries gather to share ideas and collaborate on several research projects. 

The academic courses at TSE are divided into licenses instead of the usual semester plan. The first and second licenses include preparatory years. Throughout these years, students prepare for a bachelor’s degree. Whereas the L3 with master’s degrees one and two prepares students for the graduate programs. 

ESSEC Business School

The Economics Department at ESSEC presents students with two research degree programs to choose from, each of them introducing a few themes, which are: 

  • Microeconomics and Applied Game Theory.
  • Health Economics.
  • Experimental Economics
  • Macroeconomics 
  • Monetary Economy.
  • International Economy.
  • Institutional Economy.

From the establishment year in 1907, the ESSEC Department of Economics promotes student collaboration and participation in the fundamentals of the economy, which according to the school, is the ideal starting point for the industry to thrive. Moreover, master’s degree candidates must also attend classes in managerial economics to gain skills needed in the business world. 

Aix Marseille University

The Economics Faculty at Aix Marseille University welcomes students to join and choose one of the multidisciplinary courses they offer. The Marseille School of Economics focuses on training students with the best skills necessary for securing jobs in the economy and business industry. Degrees offered at the Marseille School of Economics are the Master of Economics, DESU Data Science for practitioners, and the Ph.D. program. 

To get a master’s degree in economics at Marseille, applicants must possess a bachelor’s diploma with at least 180 ECTS credits. The Marseille School of Economics offers more than two master’s degree programs entirely taught in English to promote collaboration between international students and the global job market. 

AMSE students can participate in student exchange programs, both incoming and students currently enrolled in this school. The exchange programs include numerous study abroad options: one semester abroad or one year with the possibility of a double degree. 

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We have 2 Economics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in France


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Economics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in France

Phd in business administration at grenoble ecole de management, awaiting funding decision/possible external funding.

This programme is waiting to confirm funding from a university or external source. This may depend on attracting suitable students and applications are welcome. Please see the programme details for more information.

France PhD Programme

A French PhD usually takes 3-4 years and often involves additional training and courses alongside research towards an original thesis. This will be assessed by external examiners before being presented at a public examination and eventually awarded with one of three grades. Some programmes are delivered in English.

INSEAD PhD in Management

Funded phd programme (students worldwide).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualified candidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set of nationalities and you should read the full programme details for further information.

Business Research Programme

Business Research Programmes present a range of research opportunities, shaped by a university’s particular expertise, facilities and resources. You will usually identify a suitable topic for your PhD and propose your own project. Additional training and development opportunities may also be offered as part of your programme.

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Ragini Srinivasan

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Ph.D. Job Candidate Placement

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Guo, Luiyi Assistant Professor, Renmin University of China Yonghong An
Liu, Jinliang Assistant Professor, Shandong University, China Alex Brown
Mikdash, Maya Assistant Professor, LSU Mark Hoekstra
Yang, Nanyin Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Sydney, Australia Catherine Eckel
Youn, Sora Researcher, Korea information Society Development Institute Marco Castillo
Zhong, Jiee Assistant Professor, Miami University, Ohio Andrew Barr & Jason Lindo
Bai, Xiaoxiao Assistant Professor, Mississippi State University Sarah Zubairy
Bestenbostel, Adam Assistant Professor, US Air Force Academy Mark Hoekstra
Oh, Byeung-Kuk Research Fellow, Korea Insurance Research Institute Jonathan Meer
Pineda Torres, Mayra Assistant Professor, Georgia Tech Jason Lindo
Pritchard, David Economist, US Census Bureau, Center for Economic Studies Jason Lindo
Roberts, Adam Financial Economist, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington D.C. Andrew Barr
Tajali, Hedieh Early Career Researcher in Economics (Postdoc), University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland Jonathan Meer
Temple, Chelsea Instructional Assistant Professor, Texas A&M Department of Economics Jennifer Doleac
Rholes, Ryan Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS following a Post-Doc at Oxford University, Oxford, England Catherine Eckel
Saboury, Piruz Instructional Assistant Professor, University of Houston Silvana Krasteva
Tangvatcharapong, Meradee Assistant Professor, Hitotsubashi University's Institute of Economic Research, Tokyo, Japan Mark Hoekstra
Adger, Chandon Management and Program Analyst, U.S. Government Office of Personnel Management Steve Puller
Cao, Andy Research Analyst, Center for Naval Analyses, Arlington, VA Danila Serra
Choo, Dongho Research Economist, Economic Modeling Division, Bank of Korea Tatevik Sekhposyan
Hwang, Sunju Associate Research Fellow, Korea Development Insitiute, Sejong, S. Korea Sarah Zubairy and Pedro Bento
Je, Hyundam Post-Doc Research Fellow, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia Alex Brown
Song, Melissa Assistant Professor, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia Sarah Zubairy
Vitaku, Valon Post-Doc Research Fellow, Human Behavior Lab, Texas A&M Alex Brown
Wang, Qiaoyu Assistant Professor, Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing, China Qi Li
Dai, Chaoyi Citibank, Assistant VP for Model Analysis Sr Analyst, Tampa, Florida Li Gan
Guo, Xiongfei Assistant Professor, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China Li Gan
Hoffman, Manuel Post-doc, University of Heidelberg Ragan Petrie/Marco Castillo
Kelly, Andrea Assistant Professor, Grinnell College Jason Lindo
Li, Shixuan Assistant Professor, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China Yonghong An
McNamara, Trent Assistant Professor, Abilene Christian University Steve Puller/Fernando Luco
Odunowo, Mofioluwasademi Citigroup Marco Castillo
Priday, Benjamin Texas Public Policy Foundation Catherine Eckel/Jonathan Meer
Sara, Raisa Assistant Professor, Sam Houston State University Marco Castillo
Sloan, CarlyWill Assistant Professor, Claremont Graduate University Mark Hoekstra
Witter, Joshua Correlation Research Division at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Jonathan Meer
Zheng, Li Assistant Professor, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China Qi Li
Aksoy, Billur Assistant Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Catherine Eckel
Alston, Mackenzie Assistant Professor, Florida State University Catherine Eckel
Anders, John Texas Research Data Center (post-doc) followed by Assistant Professor at Trinity University, San Antonio Andrew Barr
Bacine, Noah Nuffield College (post-doc) Catherine Eckel
Gan, Dunpei University of Arkansas, Visiting Assistant Professor followed by VP of Economic Forceasting Team at Citigroup Dennis Jansen
Hsu, Su-Chin Research Fellow, National University at Singapore Tim Gronberg
Li, Xin Mercer Consulting Yuzhe Zhang
Ma, Euseong "Mark" Assistant Professor, LSU Sarah Zubairy
Mosquera, Roberto Assistant Professor, Universidad de las Americas, Quito, Ecuador Steve Puller/Jason Lindo
Si, Ruichao Assistant Professor, Nankai University Li Gan
Street, Brittany Assistant Professor, University of Missouri (Following CJARS post-doc at The University of Michigan) Mark Hoekstra
Yan, Xueqing "Karen" Assistant Professor, Georgia Tech Qi Li/Yonghong An
Bondurant, Sam Dallas/Fort Worth RDC Administrator, US Census Bureau Jason Lindo
Campbell, Brandon Professor, Tyler Junior College Guoqiang Tian
Dai, Darong Assistant Professor, Institute for Advanced Research, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Guoqiang Tian
Gao, Wenzheng Assistant Professor, Nankai University of China Qi Li
Hunag, Ta-Cheng Resarch Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore Qi Li
Karsagi, Ephraim Senior Transfer Pricing Associate, KPMG, Houston, TX Steve Puller
Kovaliukaite, Ada New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD), Post-Doctorate Associate Catherine Eckel/Alex Brown
Peralta, Abigail Assistant Professor, LSU Mark Hoekstra
Scott, Jonathan Assistant Professor, SUNY - Binghamton following a Post-Doc at UC-Berkeley Steve Puller
Sun, Yongzhi Associate Professor, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Li Gan
Zhao, Naibao Associate Professor, Research Institute of Economics and Management, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Li Gan
Ahmad, Ghufran Assistant Professor, National University of Sciences and Tech., Islamabad Guoqiang Tian /Vikram Manjunath
Chen, Xirong Assistant Professor, Beihang University Li Gan
Jiang, Shenzhe Assistant Professor, Peking University Dennis Jansen / Yuzhe Zhang
Lee, Douyoung Research Fellow, Korea Rural Economics Institute Dennis Jansen
Lee, Jin Hyung Korea Fair Trade Mediation Agency Silvana Krasteva
Li, Zheng Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University Qi Li / Yonghong An
Lim, Jaegeum Korean National Assembly Jonathan Meer
Padilla-Romo, Maria Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee Jason Lindo
Stephenson, Daniel Assistant Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University Alex Brown
Wang, Yaojing Bank of America Li Gan
Wang, Zhengzheng (Zoey) Ernst & Young Catherine Eckel
Zhan, Wei Assistant Professor, Hamilton College Catherine Eckel
Zhang, Daiqiang Assistant Professor, SUNY Albany Qi Li / Yonghong An
Zheng, Yiying (Emily) Assistant Professor, Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Jason Lindo
Harwell, Haley Assistant Professor, University of Richmond Catherine Eckel
Koppa, Vijetha Assistant Professor, Stephen F. Austin University Mark Hoekstra
Liu, Guannan Assistant Professor, Xiamen University Qi Li
Long, Xinghua Assistant Professor, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Guoqiang Tian
Packham, Analisa Assistant Professor, Miami University Jason Lindo
Shi, Yutang Wells Fargo Haeshin Hwang
Yao, Hsin-Hung Orchild Gene, Financial Analyst Ke-Li Xu
Zhu, Dongni Assistant Professor, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Qi Li
Carr, Jillian Purdue University Mark Hoekstra
Castillo, Jose Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral Li Gan
Green, Carl BBVA Compass Qi Li
Hongsakulvasu, Napon Chiang Mai University (Thailand) Ke-Li Xu
Kim, Wongi Korean Institute for International Economic Policy Ryo Jinnai
Long, Wei Tulane University Qi Li
Mouganie, Pierre American University of Beirut (Lebanon) Mark Hoekstra
Sanchez, Gonzalo Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral Mark Hoekstra
Tang, Xin Amazon Steve Puller
Viriyavipart, Ajalavat American University of Sharjah (UAE) Alex Brown / Catherine Eckel
Zhang, Pian Ernst & Young Li Gan
Zhao, Xi Bank of America Li Gan and Qi Li
Zhou, Cheng JP Morgan Chase Dennis Jansen
Cheng, Cheng University of Mississippi Mark Hoekstra
Hazra, Devika California State University-Los Angeles Dennis Jansen
Lee, Jinkook Korea Development Institute (KDI) Steve Wiggins
Li, Hongjun Capital University of Economics and Business Qi Li/Jianhua Huang
Lin, Zhongjian Emory University Venkatesh Shankar
Liu, Chia Hua Tankang Univ (Industrial Economics) Asst Professor Li Gan
Pellerano, Jose Inter-American Development Bank Steven Puller / Steve Wiggins
Peng, Hui-Chun Tunghai University, Assistant Professor-Tenure Track Timothy Gronberg
Wang, Xiaoyuan University of Electronic Science & Technology of China Steve Wiggins/Alex Brown
West, Jeremy David Massachusetts Institute of Technology (post-doctoral Fellowship) Steven Puller
Williams, Jacob Forrest Portland State University Alex Brown/Jonathan Meer
Wu, Xi Sun Yat-Sen University Li Gan
Yang, Jui-Chung National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan Qi Li/Ke-Li Xu
Yao, Shuang Wuhan University Qi Li
Zhu, Jian-Da National Taiwan University Steve Puller/Stephanie Houghton
Gao, Yichen Capital University of Economics and Business (China) Qi Li
Han, Sungmin Korea Development Institute (KDI) Timothy Gronberg
Nighohossian, Jeremy FTI Consulting (Center of Health Economics and Policy) Li Gan
Peng, Yulei University of Arkansas (visiting assistant professor) Dennis Jansen
Sharma, Priyanka Illinois Institute of Technology Silvana Krasteva/Guoqiang Tian
Zhu, Siyi Bank of America Li Gan
Bejarano, Jesus Central Bank of Columbia Dennis Jansen
Cancho, Cesar World Bank - Washington D.C. Steven Puller
Cho, Sung-Ick Korean Development Institute (KDI) Steve Wiggins
Hsueh, Shao-Chieh Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Guoqiang Tian
Hu, Xu Fudan University Leonard Auernheimer/Rajiv Sarin
Ji, Fan Mercuria, Pricing Analyst Steve Wiggins
Ju, Gaosheng Fudan University Li Gan/Qi Li
Karakaplan, Mustafa Texas State University Timothy Gronberg
Kim, Eul Jin Korea Financial Supervisor Services Hwagyun Kim
Li, Xinrong Central University of Finance and Economics Li Gan/Qi Li
Liang, Zhongwen SUNY - Albany Qi Li/Joel Zinn
Ma, Guangyi Bank of America Keli Xu
Mueller, Graham Giant Oak Rajiv Sarin
Nam, Changwoo Korea Development Institute Hwagyun Kim
Zhang, Shuoxun Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Li Gan

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From Lab Coats to Launch Pads: Activate NY Fellows Visit Stony Brook University R&D Park

Activate Fellows at AERTC Lobby

The research labs at Stony Brook University's Research & Development Park were filled with wonder and intrigue during Activate NY's meeting with Stony Brook Economic Development on Thursday, August 15.

Activate NY, a nonprofit fellowship program that provides scientists and engineers with resources to bring their ideas to the marketplace, learned about the renowned facilities at Stony Brook University and Program Associate Natasha Feshbach reached out to Economic Development's David Hamilton to discuss collaboration opportunities.

Mr. Hamilton, Director of Ecosystems Growth and Impact, led the meeting with a high-level overview of the centers and programs at Economic Development, including the Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center (AERTC), Center for Integrated Electric Energy Systems (CIEES), Long Island High Technology Incubator (LIHTI), Small Business Development Center (SBDC), and Intellectual Property Partners (IPP).  Lisa Chichura, PhD, Director of the Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR), Amy Erikson, Interim Director of the Long Island Manufacturing Extension Partnership (LIMEP), and Chris Lange, Engineering Manager of the Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT), gave an overview of the mission and projects at their respective areas.

After reviewing the facilities in Economic Development, the floor was given to Jon Longtin, PhD, Associate Dean for Research in the Stony Brook University College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Fang Luo, Phd, Director of the spellman High Voltage Laboratory in CIEES, Devinder Mahajan, Director of the Institute of Gas Innovation and Technology (I-GIT) in AERTC, and Vyacheslav Solovyov, PhD, Associate Director of Technology and Engineering for Stony Brook Economic Development.  The researchers discussed their ongoing projects and the resources they have to help the Fellows take their ideas to the marketplace.

With each overview, the excitement in the air became tangible, leading to an engaging Q&A session before prompting the 18 Fellows to begin their tour of the CEWIT labs.

The first tour at CEWIT was to the Laboratory of Electrical Grid Monitoring and Control Systems (EGMCS) led by Michael Gouzman, PhD.  The lab, a collaborative project with the Office of Naval Research, focuses on energy transmission and piqued the interest of several Fellows.  After questioning the model had on display and hearing Dr. Gouzman's admiration for the women in STEM, the group was guided to the third floor to see the Reality Deck.

The Reality Deck  is a 30-foot-by-40-foot room covered with 416 27-inch screens, each with 4 million pixels to create a high-definition 1.6-billion pixel displey, the largest in the world.  Saeed Boorboor, PhD, CEWIT's Principal Research Scientist, demonstrated the capabilities of the Reality Deck by immersing the Fellows in a 360-degree model of the solar system and a 4K video of a race car.

The final tour of CEWIT was the SMART Cluster.  The Strategic Machine-Learning Acceleration and Ray Tracing (SMART) Cluster, also facilitated by Dr. Boorboor, is a dual use GPU Cluster, for both machine-learning and visualization, which is the fastest among New York State academic institutions.  Much like the reality deck, the SMART Cluster can process large amounts of data, including 3D models of molecules and structures for a more immersive, hands-on approach to research.

With the CEWIT labs fully explored, the group was given a guided tour of the AERTC by Vyacheslav (Slowa) Solovyov.  Dr. Solovyov's tour introduced the Fellows to CIEES and I-GIT, where they were able to speak with scientists in the hydrogen lab about their green energy storage projects.  Upon leaving the lab, the Fellows had the opportunity to hear encouraging words from Ray Sambrotto, Founder and CEO of Allied Microbiota, and Brian Gilman, Founder and CEO of Evolve Hydrogen.

Upon conclusion of the R&D Park tour, the Fellows buzzed at the possibilities of partnerships with Stony Brook Economic Development.  With it's mission to accelerate innovative impact across New York State, Stony Brook Economic Development is looking forward to collaborating with members of the Activate NY Fellowship and the opportunities their companies can create for Long Island.

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Understanding the Impact of Economic and Social Conditions on Health

A recent article by Catherine Ettman , PhD, an assistant professor in Health Policy and Management , published in the JAMA Forum examines how emerging evidence highlights the significant influence of economic and social conditions on population and individual health. These conditions, known as social determinants of health (SDOH), include factors such as place of residence, employment, and education. Recognizing the importance of these determinants suggests that policy interventions targeting SDOH can substantially improve health outcomes. However, crafting policy solutions that address these determinants and are acceptable to non-health policymakers presents a challenge.  

One way to guide policy thinking is through an assets framework, which identifies three types of assets that shape population health: financial assets, physical assets, and social assets. By understanding how these assets influence health, specific non-health interventions can be devised to improve health outcomes.  

Financial Assets  

Financial assets encompass income, savings, credit, and insurance. Wealth, more than income alone, is a crucial indicator of economic well-being and a predictor of health. Studies show lower debt and higher credit scores are associated with better health. Notably, financial disparities between racial and ethnic groups are more pronounced regarding wealth than income. For instance, the income gap between white and Black families is 2 to 1, but the wealth gap is 6 to 1.  

Addressing how financial assets affect health suggests non-medical interventions like wealth accumulation strategies. Policies such as baby bonds (savings accounts for newborns redeemable in adulthood) could help low-wealth groups build financial assets, leading to better health. Additionally, initiatives like cash transfers and insurance benefits to improve wealth could positively impact health.  

Physical Assets  

Physical assets include material possessions that provide shelter (homes), mobility (cars), and communication (devices and the internet). Homeownership, for example, offers stable housing, better living standards, and psychological benefits, all of which contribute to positive health outcomes. Conversely, financial strain from mortgage payments can negatively impact health. Homeownership also helps individuals accumulate capital to leverage to generate health benefits.  

Access to technology and the internet facilitates social interactions and economic opportunities, enhancing health. Policies like the U.K.'s Right to Buy, which subsidized home purchases, improved health indicators. Similarly, expanding access to high-speed internet in the U.S. could enhance access to health services.  

Social Assets  

Social assets include attributes that influence an individual's role and status in society, directly affecting health and providing access to other assets. These include education, marital status, and religious affiliation. Education promotes positive health behaviors such as regular exercise and healthy eating, while marriage is linked to reduced alcohol consumption and longer lifespans. Social support from religious affiliations and marriage also contributes to better health.  

Disparities in social assets contribute to health inequalities. For example, minority groups in the U.S. often have lower educational attainment and poorer health. Policies promoting affordable, quality education can improve health across the lifespan. Legalizing same-sex marriage has allowed LGBTQ+ individuals to access health insurance and other marital benefits, enhancing their health.  

Linking SDOH to Effective Policy Action  

A significant challenge in linking SDOH to effective policy is the abstract nature of social determinants. An assets framework can help pinpoint actionable policies that improve health. While not directly providing health benefits, financial resources facilitate access to essential resources like housing, food, education, and employment, which are critical for health. Although health policy often focuses on improving access to health services, expanding policy to include interventions that strengthen the assets producing health is crucial for comprehensive health improvement.  

By adopting the framework of an asset, policymakers can identify non-health interventions that bolster financial, physical, and social assets, ultimately leading to better health outcomes for populations.  

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Are ph.d. candidate zhiyao (yao) ma represents youth voice at 2024 g20 youth summit in brazil.

  • Graduate Students

Aug. 19, 2024

ARE Ph.D. candidate Zhiyao (Yao) Ma,was selected as an official delegate to represent China at the 2024 G20 Youth Summit in Brazil, known as Youth20 (Y20). This prestigious engagement group of the G20 gathers young leaders from across the globe to discuss and propose solutions to pressing global challenges, ranging from economic development to sustainability.

The 2024 Y20 Summit provided an invaluable platform for young leaders to voice their perspectives on key global issues. Selected through a competitive process, Yao joined an elite group of students, professionals, and activists tasked with developing a communiqué—a formal statement of policy recommendations presented to G20 leaders in November.

From August 10 to 17, Yao played a pivotal role in the discussions on “Fighting Hunger, Poverty, and Inequality.” His contributions were instrumental in shaping the final communiqué, particularly in securing the inclusion of critical recommendations such as:

  • “Secure a level playing field in international agricultural markets, especially oligopsonies and oligopolies”
  • “Recognize the agriculture sector can be a pathway out of poverty”
  • “Acknowledge the need to establish and enhance youth financial literacy in rural areas”

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The School of Information is UC Berkeley’s newest professional school. Located in the center of campus, the I School is a graduate research and education community committed to expanding access to information and to improving its usability, reliability, and credibility while preserving security and privacy.

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The School of Information offers four degrees:

The Master of Information Management and Systems (MIMS) program educates information professionals to provide leadership for an information-driven world.

The Master of Information and Data Science (MIDS) is an online degree preparing data science professionals to solve real-world problems. The 5th Year MIDS program is a streamlined path to a MIDS degree for Cal undergraduates.

The Master of Information and Cybersecurity (MICS) is an online degree preparing cybersecurity leaders for complex cybersecurity challenges.

Our Ph.D. in Information Science is a research program for next-generation scholars of the information age.

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The School of Information's courses bridge the disciplines of information and computer science, design, social sciences, management, law, and policy. We welcome interest in our graduate-level Information classes from current UC Berkeley graduate and undergraduate students and community members.  More information about signing up for classes.

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  • Technology for Developing Regions
  • User Experience Research

Research by faculty members and doctoral students keeps the I School on the vanguard of contemporary information needs and solutions.

The I School is also home to several active centers and labs, including the Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC) , the Center for Technology, Society & Policy , and the BioSENSE Lab .

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I School graduate students and alumni have expertise in data science, user experience design & research, product management, engineering, information policy, cybersecurity, and more — learn more about hiring I School students and alumni .

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images of Eric Meyer smiling with arms crossed wearing a yellow tie

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Master of Information and Cybersecurity

Master’s in cybersecurity online from uc berkeley.

The Master of Information and Cybersecurity (MICS) online program prepares students with the cybersecurity skills needed to assume leadership positions and drive innovation in the field.

Through a holistic approach to cybersecurity, students develop a thorough understanding of information security technologies as well as the economic, legal, behavioral, and ethical impacts of cybersecurity. Students graduate as competitive candidates in the job market with connections to UC Berkeley alumni and professionals in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Request more info

A Leadership-Focused Curriculum 

The interdisciplinary MICS curriculum provides students with hands-on practical experience with secure systems and applications, and the ability to lead, manage, and contribute to building cybersecurity solutions.

Students master core technical skills and become fluent in the business, political, and legal context of cybersecurity. They can expect to graduate with a comprehensive understanding of the following:

  • Secure coding
  • Government and national security
  • Network and web security
  • Usable privacy and security
  • Cryptography
  • Operating system security
  • Security in context: legal, behavioral, and ethical issues
  • Privacy engineering

The online MICS program is 9 courses (27 units) and can be completed in 20 months. Students complete foundation courses, electives, and a capstone project. They also attend one in-person immersion in the San Francisco Bay Area. The curriculum includes the following courses:

  • Beyond the Code: Cybersecurity in Context
  • Network Security
  • Software Security

Cryptography for Cyber and Network Security

Operating system security.

  • Managing Cyber Risk
  • Government, National Security, and the Fifth Domain
  • Usable Privacy and Security

Privacy Engineering

Learn more about about upcoming webinars, deadlines, and more, why a master’s in cybersecurity from uc berkeley.

Cybersecurity permeates almost all aspects of the human experience. Individuals, organizations, and societies are protected from cyber threats constantly without even realizing they occur. This is thanks to professionals who understand the complex relationship between human behaviors and advanced technology in securing information.

UC Berkeley is where the brightest minds from across the globe come together to explore, ask questions, and improve the world. Our MICS program does more than create experts in information security: it shapes leaders who understand the implications of cybersecurity across all industries and want to drive the future of innovation in cybersecurity.

Developed by faculty from the School of Information and the College of Engineering, the interdisciplinary MICS curriculum focuses on the intersection of technical, social, political, economic, legal, national security, and ethical components of cybersecurity. Students graduate with versatile knowledge needed to lead cybersecurity in private, public, or philanthropic sectors and with connections to the nearby technology hub Silicon Valley.

What Can You Do with a Master’s in Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity’s growth is turning it into a massive market with an increased demand for skilled cybersecurity labor. Due to constant evolution and escalation of threats, cybersecurity has become one of the most important and exciting career fields of the 21st century.

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects employment of information security analysts to grow 35% from 2021 to 2031, equating to an average of 19,500 new positions each year.¹

The cybersecurity industry is met with the challenge of not only filling the growing demand and talent shortage but with finding highly skilled professionals who can be trusted to effectively protect information systems. This creates an opportunity for graduates of the MICS program to enter the in-demand market as competitive cybersecurity experts.

Career Opportunities in Cybersecurity

No organization that operates online can ignore cybersecurity. With cyber threats growing and constantly changing, businesses, governments, and nonprofit organizations are making significant investments in cyber defense and hiring increasingly large numbers of cybersecurity professionals.

MICS graduates are poised to enter this market in leadership roles with the requisite multifunctional skill sets and a strong network provided by the program.

Cybersecurity Salaries

Salaries for cybersecurity professionals range from $85,000 to $151,547 per year.¹

Featured Courses

Students learn about the mathematical and practical foundations of cryptography and the many different cryptosystems.

Students compare approaches to security taken among several modern operating systems and learn techniques for establishing trust across a set of interoperating systems.

Students survey privacy mechanisms applicable to systems engineering, with a particular focus on the inference threat arising due to advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Admissions Requirements for the Master’s in Cybersecurity Online Degree

When evaluating applicants, we consider both qualitative and quantitative factors to determine if they can meet the demands of the rigorous MICS program. These include:

  • Academic coursework and performance
  • Professional experience
  • Communication skills
  • Statement of purpose
  • Letters of recommendation

¹ Cybersecurity Career Pathway, CyberSeek , 2023

economics phd france


  1. PhD track in Economics

    economics phd france

  2. PhD in France

    economics phd france

  3. Paris School Of Economics PhD

    economics phd france

  4. Paris School Of Economics PhD

    economics phd france

  5. (PSE Alumni) 2021 AFSE PhD Prize and nominations for the 2021 Best

    economics phd france

  6. PhD in Economics and Finance / Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

    economics phd france


  1. PhD Program

    PhD Program. The doctoral programme lasts in average 3 years during which students write their thesis within one of PSE laboratories. This programme is organized within the École Doctorale d'Économie ( ED465) that gathers research teams in Economics and related fields (applied math, statistics, sociology) of the University Paris 1, EHESS ...

  2. Doctorate in Economics

    Objectives. The PhD program in economics trains top economists who seek to pursue university and academic careers in France or abroad, as well as careers requiring high-level doctoral training: in international organizations, think tanks, research institutions, government agencies, banks, and insurance companies.

  3. Doctoral program

    A world-class international doctoral program, training the brightest minds. First year. The "Doctoral track" (Master 2 ETE) allows students to acquire a thorough and advanced general training in economic theory (micro, macro and econometrics) before choosing a specific area of research.During this first year, students are also given training in research techniques and work one-on-one with a ...

  4. PhD track in Economics

    Completion of a Bachelor in economics, mathematics or social sciences, at Institut Polytechnique de Paris or equivalent in France or abroad. Evidence of research potential is essential as the main goal of such a PhD program is to train first class researchers. A GRE certificate is strongly recommended.

  5. Admission to a PhD

    Calendar Doctoral programmes in Economics, History*, Political Science and Sociology** Applications starting 11 October 2023. To be eligible for assessment, your application must be complete and submitted before: 10 January 2024 at 11:59pm (Paris time), for an admission result mid-March 2024; 17 May 2024 at 11:59pm (Paris time), for an admission result mid-July 2024

  6. Doctoral Program in Economics

    The students enrolled in the doctoral program in Economics at Université Paris-Dauphine either have a Master's degree from that university or another university in France or abroad. Program objectives. Offer students specific training in Economics while preparing them for professional life. Mentor students as they prepare their doctoral theses.

  7. PhD in Economics

    This field aims to produce new insights by promoting dialogue between disciplinary fields in contact with technological innovation. The "Economics" field brings together all the laboratories and research teams in economics, present in the various schools of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and at HEC Paris.

  8. Programme doctoral EDEEM

    Doctoral program EDEEM . EDEEM (European Doctorate in Economics - Erasmus Mundus) is a three-year doctoral programme in economics that gathers 7 leading European institutions coordinated by University of Paris 1, France.EDE-EM aims to produce top-quality researchers, who will gain international experience working within the research units with some of Europe's leading researchers in economics.

  9. Doctoral Studies

    Courses. Students, following the completion of master studies (or equivalent), can pursue at CREST a doctoral degree in economics, finance, sociology or statistics at the Doctoral School of Institut Polytechnique de Paris and in applied mathematics, computer science, economics and statistics as part of the doctoral program of ENSAI.

  10. Details about the programme

    The PhD courses, carried by the thematic groups of PSE, offer a high-level research training. He/she must also validate another doctoral course of his/her choice before the end of the second year. Seminars: The PhD student must actively participate in at least one international seminar, in which he/ she is exposed to the frontiers of research ...

  11. Economics in France: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Why Study Economics in France. Studying Economics in France is a great choice, as there are 18 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal. Over 252,000 international students choose France for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all over the world.

  12. TSE

    The Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) is a world-renowned center for research and education hosting more than 150 international faculty including Jean Tirole, 2014 Nobel laureate in economics, 2500 students from undergraduate to doctoral program.

  13. PSE

    French research center of international standing in Economics, PSE brings together 140 economists and more than 400 students in Master's and PhD (...) Paris School of Economics - École d'Économie de Paris

  14. Paris School of Economics

    The Paris School of Economics (PSE; French: École d'économie de Paris) is a French research institute in the field of economics.It offers MPhil, MSc, and PhD level programmes in various fields of theoretical and applied economics, including macroeconomics, econometrics, political economy and international economics. [1]PSE is a brainchild of the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales ...

  15. Graduate program in economics

    The PSL Graduate Program in Economics offers a comprehensive curriculum of advanced study and research, from the Master's to the Doctorate degree, in theoretical and applied economics. ... CERNA at Mines ParisTech and Center for the Economy of Innovation at Collège de France) with a high-level international reputation, if offers a training in ...

  16. PhD program

    The PhD program at AMSE consists of two parts: first, the one-year ETE Research Master during which students follow advanced coursework in economics and training to research; second, the actual PhD which lasts three to four years. Note that, though the ETE Master is the main entry door into the PhD, direct external entry is also possible for ...

  17. Economics

    The Institut Polytechnique de Paris offers a globally-recognized PhD program. Through its excellence and ambition, the PhD program prepares students for outstanding scientific careers in academia and industry, whether in France or abroad. The Institut Polytechnique de Paris brings together five major schools around a common ambition: to create ...

  18. Economics

    The Graduate Program in Economics offers a comprehensive curriculum of advanced study and research, from the Master's to the Doctorate degree, in economics, finance and risk management. ... Post-doctoral researcher, Bordeaux School of Economics, University of Bordeaux, France. Eugénie Joltreau (2022) Post-doctoral researcher, RFM-CMCC European ...

  19. 56 phd-economics positions in France

    Next. for phd-economics positions. 56 scholarship, research, uni job positions available phd-economics positions available on, France.

  20. Top Universities in France for Economics

    Here are some of the top universities in France for economics: ... More than 900 students attend master's degrees in the graduate programs of economics, and around 80 Ph.D. candidates enroll annually. The graduate program includes economics, finance, and risk management. Aside from the compulsory courses in the master's degree, students can ...

  21. Economics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in France

    INSEAD PhD in Management. INSEAD Postgraduate Opportunities. INSEAD PHD POSITIONS IN MANAGEMENT (FULL-TIME STUDIES, WITH SCHOLARSHIPS) for the mid-August 2025 intake. INSEAD, one of the world's leading and largest business schools, is looking for 16-18 bright potentials to join its premier PhD in Management programme in the following areas.

  22. Scholarships for Economics in France

    World Universities Ramsay Postgraduate Scholarship. Read more about eligibility. The Ramsay Centre. Location not available. 1 of 2. Find exclusive scholarships for international PhD students pursuing Economics studies in France. Search and apply online today.

  23. HEC Paris Economics PhD conference 2024

    Its purpose is to provide an opportunity to Economics PhD students to share their work, obtain valuable feedback, network with international peers and improve their presentation skills. The conference will be held on June 10-11, 2024 at the HEC Paris campus in Jouy-en-Josas. It will include paper presentations, two keynote lectures and several ...

  24. Andreas Petrou-Zeniou

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Morris and Sophie Chang Building 50 Memorial Drive, E52-300

  25. Ragini Srinivasan

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Morris and Sophie Chang Building 50 Memorial Drive, E52-300

  26. Ph.D. Job Candidate Placement

    Economist, US Census Bureau, Center for Economic Studies: Jason Lindo: Roberts, Adam: Financial Economist, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington D.C. Andrew Barr: Tajali, Hedieh: ... Claremont Graduate University: Mark Hoekstra: Witter, Joshua: Correlation Research Division at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints:

  27. Activate NY Fellows Visit SBU R&D Park

    Vyacheslav Solovyov, PhD (back right) with members of the Activate NY Fellowship (left to right: Ian McKendry, Richard May, Greg Schwenk, Mike Grzenda, Juniyali Nauriyal, Justin Beroz, Claire Nelson, Jiye Son, Gustavo Marquez, Natasha Feshbach, Yunha Hwang, Justin Slipe, Andre Cornman, Kaitlyn Suarez, Eric Bellefroid, Ilse Nava-Medina, and Brenna Boehman)

  28. Understanding the Impact of Economic and Social Conditions on Health

    A recent article by Catherine Ettman, PhD, an assistant professor in Health Policy and Management, published in the JAMA Forum examines how emerging evidence highlights the significant influence of economic and social conditions on population and individual health.These conditions, known as social determinants of health (SDOH), include factors such as place of residence, employment, and education.

  29. ARE Ph.D. Candidate Zhiyao (Yao) Ma Represents Youth Voice at 2024 G20

    Graduate Students; Aug. 19, 2024. ... ranging from economic development to sustainability. The 2024 Y20 Summit provided an invaluable platform for young leaders to voice their perspectives on key global issues. Selected through a competitive process, Yao joined an elite group of students, professionals, and activists tasked with developing a ...

  30. Master of Information and Cybersecurity

    Through a holistic approach to cybersecurity, students develop a thorough understanding of information security technologies as well as the economic, legal, behavioral, and ethical impacts of cybersecurity. Students graduate as competitive candidates in the job market with connections to UC Berkeley alumni and professionals in the San Francisco Bay Area.Request more infoA Leadership-Focused ...