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Top 300+ Ideas For Research Paper Topics in 2024

Updated 24 Jul 2024

research paper topics

Some say the most difficult part of writing a text – is to start. But topic selection even precedes this starting point. This activity takes off a lot of time, and sometimes, imagination just doesn’t work in your favor. That’s where our list of best research paper topics will be useful.

Our  research paper writing service collected the most unhacked and powerful ideas to turn the average piece of writing into a research paper. Discover  what is a research paper and how to choose suitable and interesting research topics with our help. 

Writing a research topic on your own requires either producing one from scratch (based on your interests and goals and potentially, on some brainstorming) or getting inspiration from a number of sources, like preassembled topic lists, course material, teachers, real life, news headlines, published research in the respective field, etc.

What are the 3 Types of Research Questions?

Before formulating your research questions ideas, note that there are 3 important types of research questions:

  • Descriptive – these employ careful and comprehensive observation of a phenomenon/ event, subject, trait, etc. in order to characterize it in detail and to reveal important/ interesting/ undescribed aspects or patterns potentially.
  • Causal – these investigate whether altering some variables leads to changes in other variables, suggesting a causal relationship.
  • Comparative – these look into similarities and differences between two or more entities

What is a Good Research Paper Topic?

Features that tend to characterize good research questions are as follows:

  • specific and concrete – investigation goals and (expected results) have to be clear and focused
  • original – investigating aspects/ entities/ relationships that have not been researched before
  • highly important/ impactful for community/ society/ a professional field.
  • highly relevant for potential readers/ reviewers
  • trending – emerging disciplines/ topics spark more interest due to their novelty and yet unexplored potential

College Research Paper Topics

  • The bias in the selection of the college internships and scholarships
  • The problems of reverse discrimination in post-college employment
  • Should multicultural education concepts be implemented at a greater depth?
  • The drug and alcohol abuse on college campuses
  • Does social media help students to find appropriate information and learn?
  • The psychological disorders and the support groups in modern colleges
  • Should people with ADHD and Autism be separated from the other students?
  • The art of college political campaigns
  • Pros and cons of religious colleges
  • Should college athletes be paid and provided with additional advantages?
  • The Influence of Social Media on College Students' Academic Performance and Well-being
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Online Learning Platforms in Higher Education
  • The Role of College Education in Fostering Entrepreneurial Skills
  • The Impact of Student Loan Debt on Career Choices Among Graduates
  • Analyzing the Shift in College Admissions Criteria in the Post-COVID Era

Health Research Paper Topics

  • The challenges of deafness and communication difficulties among special needs students
  • The concept of global health security
  • The ways to decrease household air pollution
  • How the information about infectious diseases is distributed online
  • Should people be allowed to know more about climate change issues?
  • The privacy factor and the personal health issues
  • The role of fitness ads in exercising practices
  • The healthy food standards are not always unbiased
  • The role of social media in the medical care system
  • The psychological aspect in the perception of allergies
  • The Long-term Effects of COVID-19 on Respiratory Health
  • Mental Health Outcomes of Prolonged Social Media Use Among Adolescents
  • The Efficacy of Plant-based Diets in Preventing Chronic Diseases
  • The Role of Telemedicine in Improving Accessibility to Healthcare
  • Analyzing the Impact of Sleep Quality on Daily Cognitive Functioning

Research Paper Topics on Medicine

  • Is life-sustaining therapy needed when it’s futile?
  • The role of placebo treatment
  • How to avoid animal testing?
  • Pros and contras of medical marijuana
  • Is being a vegetarian useful for child’s health?
  • How obesity affects our health?
  • Vaccines for kids: their usefulness or damage
  • Should prescription drugs be advertised directly to consumers?
  • Do doctors turn their patients into drug addicts?
  • Advancements in Gene Editing: Ethical Implications and Future Prospects
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Diagnostic Medicine
  • Personalized Medicine: Tailoring Drug Therapies to Genetic Profiles
  • The Impact of Microbiome Diversity on Human Health
  • Stem Cell Therapy: Current Applications and Ethical Considerations
  • The Challenges and Successes of Vaccine Development in the 21st Century

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Education Research Paper Topics

  • How can standardized tests improve education?
  • Does college graduates make more money?
  • Should education be cheaper?
  • How will modern technologies change the way of teaching in the future?
  • The creation of particular learning methods for blind children
  • Social networking and school
  • Metal detectors at schools
  • The effects of contemporary teaching methods
  • The role of technology in lesson planning
  • How to manage bullies and take actions against bullying at education institutions?
  • The Effects of Bilingual Education on Cognitive Development in Children
  • Evaluating the Long-term Impact of Early Childhood Education Programs
  • The Role of Technology in Enhancing Special Education
  • Standardized Testing: Measuring Intelligence or Memorization?
  • The Influence of Teacher-Student Relationships on Academic Achievement
Read also: 150+ Best Sociology Research Topics

Environmental Research Paper Topics

  • How to reduce global warming?
  • How to stop wasting paper and save trees?
  • Can overpopulation be managed?
  • Should more films about environmental issues be produced?
  • Human impacts on forests
  • Underground effects of earthquakes
  • How to elaborate the optimal adaptation of buildings threatened by hurricanes?
  • Is it possible to predict hurricane impacts?
  • Is nuclear power safe for humans?
  • How dangerous is GMO food?
  • Assessing the Impact of Urban Sprawl on Local Ecosystems
  • The Effectiveness of Plastic Ban Policies on Ocean Health
  • Carbon Capture Technology: Viability and Potential in Mitigating Climate Change
  • The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Biodiversity Conservation
  • Analyzing the Environmental Consequences of Fast Fashion

Research Topics on Entertainment and Sport

  • Are social networks good for our society?
  • Do violent video games make kids angry and cruel?
  • Is it necessary to forbid using animals for entertainment?
  • Do beauty contests set the non-achievable beauty standards?
  • Are newspapers going to be replaced by online sources of information?
  • How gaming consoles influence the youth?
  • Should women be allowed to compete against men?
  • What television programs should be banned?
  • How tv shows impose fake moral standards?
  • Can the use of social media, such as Facebook, lower teens’ self-esteem?
  • The Psychological Impact of Competitive Sports on Young Athletes
  • The Influence of Celebrity Endorsements on Consumer Behavior
  • E-Sports: The Rise of Competitive Gaming and Its Recognition as a Legitimate Sport
  • The Role of Sports in Promoting Intercultural Dialogue and Understanding
  • The Economic Impact of Major Sporting Events on Host Cities

Research Paper Topics on Media and Communication

  • Should the media programming of ads aimed at children be made illegal?
  • The role of mediation in the media
  • Should bloggers be considered as journalists?
  • The ethical side of modern news reports
  • The freedom of speech online
  • The copyright law restrictions and the vague concepts
  • The importance of psychology and communicative skills in journalism
  • The role of gender in interpersonal communication
  • The modern standards of nonverbal communication
  • The negative influence of Instagram and body image distortion
  • The Evolution of News Consumption: Impact of Social Media on Traditional Media
  • The Role of Media in Shaping Public Opinion During Political Campaigns
  • The Ethics of Surveillance and Privacy in Digital Communication
  • The Effects of Smartphone Usage on Face-to-Face Communication Skills
  • Virtual Reality: The Future of Immersive Journalism

Research Paper Topics on Politics

  • Should the drinking age be lowered?
  • Should adults have the right to carry a concealed handgun?
  • More gun control laws should be enacted
  • How can the international community prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons?
  • How can ethnic killings be stopped?
  • Current prospect for peace between Israel and the Palestinians
  • What world would be like without wars?
  • How to avoid workforce reduction?
  • Should the death penalty be allowed?
  • Is socialism possible?
  • The Influence of Social Media on Political Mobilization and Public Protests
  • Campaign Finance Reform: The Effects on Political Representation and Elections
  • The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Shaping Global Policy
  • The Impact of Populism on Traditional Political Party Systems
  • Cybersecurity in Elections: Protecting the Integrity of Democracy

Psychology Research Paper Topics

  • Is autism a disease or a development idiosyncrasy?
  • How to forecast and shape behavioral patterns?
  • How to manage child violence?
  • How to deal with a mental breakdown?
  • The impact of classical music on the work of the brain
  • How insomnia affects our health?
  • How bad dreams influence our mood?
  • Is stress really harmful?
  • How depression impacts the immune system?
  • Intellectually gifted people: how is it possible?
  • The Psychological Effects of Social Isolation in the Digital Age
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy vs. Mindfulness: Comparative Outcomes in Treating Anxiety
  • The Role of Resilience in Recovery from Trauma
  • The Impact of Parenting Styles on Child Personality Development
  • Neuroplasticity: How Learning and Experience Shape Brain Function

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Science & Technology Research Paper Ideas

  • How is light being used to treat cancer and other diseases?
  • What is the current evidence that Mars has had water and maybe life?
  • Can nanomedicine potentially extend the human lifespan?
  • What is the future of computing and artificial intelligence?
  • The role cryogenics may play in future
  • Can alternative energy effectively replace fossil fuels?
  • Is it beneficial for wild animals to have interactions with people?
  • What evidence do we have that CMB is the result of the big bang?
  • How will self-driving cars change the way people live?
  • Can using system like bitcoin help protect identity theft?
  • The Potential of CRISPR and Gene Therapy in Curing Genetic Diseases
  • Nanotechnology in Medicine: The Next Frontier for Drug Delivery Systems
  • The Role of Quantum Computing in the Future of Cybersecurity
  • The Ethical Implications of Humanoid Robots in Society
  • Renewable Energy Technologies: Assessing the Efficiency and Sustainability of Solar Power Solutions

Research Topics Ideas on Culture

  • A new comprehension of past events
  • The origin of racial discrimination
  • The roots of antisemitism
  • The impact of advertisements and commercials on modern art
  • The most remarkable cultural achievements of the 20th century and their influence on our society
  • Cultural revolutions throughout history
  • How pop culture trends influence youth?
  • Should pregnant celebrities be exposed on magazine’s covers?
  • Why was Greek cultural influence so important for the ancient Mediterranean world?
  • Why was the Victorian period a time of cultural change?
  • Cultural Impact on Climate Change Response: A Comparative Study
  • The Preservation of Folklore and Oral Traditions in the Digital Age
  • Cross-Cultural Communication: Overcoming Language and Ethical Barriers
  • The Influence of Globalization on Indigenous Cultures
  • Cultural Diplomacy and Its Role in International Relations

Research Paper Topics on Math

  • The influence of algorithms
  • Is it possible to build a winning monopoly strategy?
  • Why is 'x' the unknown?
  • How math changed the world?
  • What's the solution to the McDonald's math problem?
  • How do math geniuses understand extremely hard math concepts so quickly?
  • Should high school math contests be banned?
  • What is the relationship between music and math?
  • Are math formulas ever used in real life?
  • What are some of the most confusing math problems ever?
  • The Role of Mathematics in Cryptography and Cybersecurity
  • Mathematical Models in Predicting Pandemic Outcomes: A Case Study of COVID-19
  • The Application of Game Theory in Economic and Social Decision Making
  • Chaos Theory and Its Implications in Weather Forecasting and Climate Science
  • The Impact of Big Data on the Evolution of Statistical Methods and Theories

Research Paper Topics on Business

  • How do dirty business tactics work?
  • Can business be started without money?
  • Notorious business leaders
  • Entrepreneurship and family business
  • Ethical decision making in everyday work situations
  • What are the most effective strategies for promoting a small business?
  • Is it worth it to expand the business into a new region or country?
  • How to build a successful startup
  • The role of international business and sustainable development
  • The impact of climate change on international business strategies
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Measuring the Impact on Business Performance
  • The Gig Economy: Challenges and Opportunities for the Modern Workforce
  • Innovative Business Models in the Age of Sustainable Development
  • The Influence of Organizational Culture on Employee Productivity and Satisfaction
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Shaping Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategies

Research Paper Topics For Middle School

  • Is going vegan the healthiest choice for you?
  • Is the greenhouse effect artificial or natural?
  • The causes, effects, and consequences of earthquakes
  • How much computer games can one play without getting addicted
  • Princess Diana and her dynasty
  • Why is competition so critical for humans?
  • How did poetry evolve?
  • Methods used by ancient sailors to navigate the globe
  • Gender roles in children’s books and cartoons
  • Who is the greatest general who has lived on the planet?
  • The Science Behind Video Games: How Gaming Affects Reflexes and Learning
  • The History and Cultural Significance of a Popular Holiday
  • The Impact of Recycling Programs in Schools
  • Animal Habitats: How Urban Development Affects Local Wildlife
  • The Role of Social Media in Modern Communication Among Teens

High School Research Paper Ideas

  • The ways to address drug addiction cases in high school
  • The physical vs digital communications
  • The body image and the K-Pop culture
  • The importance of school volunteering and social work
  • The changes to the academic process due to Covid-19
  • The legacy of the Trail of Tears
  • The role of motivation in becoming a better student
  • The role of books in print and the libraries
  • The ways to improve school safety
  • The role of parental involvement in school work
  • Exploring the Psychological Effects of Social Media on Teen Self-Esteem
  • The Physics of Sports: Analyzing the Science Behind Athletic Performance
  • Climate Change and Its Effects on Local Ecosystems
  • The Evolution of Language in the Digital Age
  • The Rise of Cryptocurrency: Economic Education and the Future of Money

History Research Paper Topics

  • What were the impacts of World War II on the rights of women?
  • What factors initiated the WWII
  • Is liberalism the most optimal solution?
  • What were the consequences of women suffrage movements
  • What was the impact of Martin Luther King’s protest against the Catholic church
  • What is the most effective military strategy of all time
  • How has Asian art influenced contemporary art
  • How have different monetary systems affected the development of humanity
  • What is the correlation between the Roman and Greek culture?
  • Aztec empire and its architecture
  • The Role of Women in World War II and Its Impact on Gender Roles
  • The Influence of the Silk Road on the Cultural Exchange between East and West
  • The Effects of the Cold War on Space Exploration Competition
  • The Historical Accuracy of Popular Historical Films: A Case Study
  • The Impact of the Printing Press on the Renaissance and European Society

Art Research Paper Ideas

  • The reasons why digital museums must be present and made available
  • The peculiarities of the Flemish artists
  • Should Japanese anime be considered as a separate art form?
  • The role of Photoshop and similar digital solutions in the perception of modern art
  • The history of photography and the artistic expression forms
  • The challenges of the modern artists during social distancing times
  • The Middle Eastern perception of color and the light
  • Ancient Rome's role in the creation of the sculptures
  • Should the artists be allowed to represent their works in public parks?
  • The importance of art education in middle schools
  • The Evolution of Street Art and Its Acceptance into Mainstream Art Culture
  • The Influence of Digital Media on Traditional Painting Techniques
  • The Role of Patronage in the Development of Renaissance Art
  • The Psychological Impact of Color in Abstract Art
  • Cultural Representation and Diversity in Modern Art Museums

Literature Research Paper Topics

  • The American dream literature
  • How does harry potter reflects the ideal of the time
  • Can you show a new aspect of prose based on the independent investigation
  • The prose of women suffrage movements
  • The dawn of literature on modern society
  • Why do authors use metaphors and similes
  • Evaluate and discuss the allegory of 2 random novels
  • What factors are helpful in allowing you to identify the genre of a novel you are reading
  • Is fanfiction considered an independent literature
  • Romance and sex in Renaissance
  • Fiction as an instrument of propaganda
  • The Representation of Gender Roles in Victorian Literature
  • Postcolonial Voices: How Literature Has Shaped National Identity
  • The Journey Motif in Classic American Road Novels
  • Dystopian Visions: What Modern Dystopian Literature Tells Us About Today's Society

Law Research Paper Topics

  • How is the Islamic law perceived around the globe
  • Is ECOLEX a pathway to environmental law
  • Why is it critical to learn the GATT documents?
  • What does the European patent office do?
  • Mass communication law
  • Impact of women’s authority in different countries on the planet
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the international criminal law court tools
  • Detailed analysis and report of the comparative criminal procedure
  • Exciting outtakes from the inter-American human rights library
  • Does the US copyright office really help writers defend their businesses?
  • The Impact of International Law on Human Rights Practices in Developing Countries
  • Cyber Law: The Challenges of Regulating Online Behavior and Privacy
  • Intellectual Property Rights in the Digital Age: Balancing Innovation and Protection
  • The Effectiveness of Rehabilitation in Juvenile Justice Systems
  • Comparative Analysis of Gun Control Legislation and Its Impact on Violent Crime Rates

Religion Research Paper Topics

  • The Role of Religion in Modern Secular Societies
  • Interfaith Dialogue: Benefits and Challenges in a Pluralistic Society
  • The Influence of Religious Beliefs on Ethical Decision-Making in Business
  • Religion and Politics: An Analysis of Their Intersections in Contemporary World Affairs
  • The Impact of Religious Education on Tolerance and Cultural Understanding
  • The Evolution of Religious Practices and Their Adaptation in the Digital Age
  • The Psychological Effects of Religious Rituals and Traditions
  • Comparative Study of Creation Myths Across Different Cultures
  • The Role of Women in Organized Religions: A Historical Perspective
  • Secularization: The Decline of Religious Influence in Western Societies
  • Religious Extremism: Understanding the Causes and Seeking Solutions
  • The Impact of Pilgrimage on Religious and Spiritual Life
  • Religious Symbols in Public Spaces: Freedom of Expression or a Call for Regulation?
  • The Relationship Between Religion and Morality in Contemporary Ethical Debates
  • The Effects of Globalization on Indigenous Religions and Spiritual Practices

Argumentative Research Paper Topics

  • Should education be made free for everyone?
  • The influencers and bloggers cannot be considered as a job
  • The role of military service is the way towards maturity
  • Should Internet access be limited during college lectures?
  • The death penalty service is not an ethical solution
  • Fashion industry creates a bad influence on young people
  • The Fairplay concept should be rewarded financially
  • Should tobacco be made illegal indoors?
  • Religious differences often become the cause of wars
  • The majority of mobile applications represent the invasion of privacy
  • Universal Basic Income: Economic Savior or Road to Dependency?
  • Mandatory Vaccinations: Public Health Requirement or Personal Choice Infringement?
  • The Death Penalty: A Necessary Deterrent or a Violation of Human Rights?
  • Climate Change Policies: Economic Hindrance or Long-term Investment?
  • Animal Testing in Medical Research: Ethical Consideration or Scientific Necessity?

These are the 200+ topics on various subjects, which you might find useful when creating your own. In case you need help aside from creating topics, you can also order the original research on Politics, Media & Communication, to do my Math homework , Law, and even Nursing papers for sale on nursing essay writing service Edubirdie.

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How to Choose a Good Research Paper Topic?

While it may seem challenging to come up with a good research paper topic as you try your best to narrow things down, the trick is to choose something that influences you because you know it well and can support your arguments with relevant evidence. The subject should be well-structured and relevant to your thesis statement. Always take time to research the list of sources to compose your topic sentences as well to make them relate to your thesis part. It’s always best to check a good research paper introduction example before you start working on the paper and choosing your topic, or contact our essay writing service for help. Here are the steps to consider:

  • Start With Observing Your Interests.

If you are confused with a variety of interesting topics for writing a creative essay, it’s better to decide what interests you the most. Don’t stick to easy research paper topics just to complete the task fast. If you are allowed to freely choose what to write an essay about, use the opportunity to create something unique. Write down the list of your interests and break down every idea into small certain topics. When you have a list in front of your eyes, it will be easier to make up your mind and start considering a particular issue.

Then you should examine what aspect of the topic is preferable for you to outline in your research paper. A list will save you here again. Use pros/cons template to include all the arguments and objections to the issues.

  • Come Up With an Argumentative Research Question.

The most challenging part of choosing a competitive research paper topic is finding an aspect that poses some importance for your course and the subject per se. While it may seem that it is sufficient to make a general statement, your argumentation should include a clear research question. Consider asking yourself why you have chosen a particular topic and how your research will make it clearer or provide innovative solutions.

  • Study Available Research Topic Ideas.

Since we have already mentioned the dangers of choosing something too broad, it is vital to narrow things down and brainstorm the list of possible research paper ideas that deal with the same subject. In other words, you can write down at least five different subjects and see whether you can find sufficient information to support them with the sources or statistical data. Remember the importance of your topic’s wording!

  • Compose Strong Thesis Statement.

It must be done at the same time as you choose your research paper topic because these two concepts must be interconnected. Your subject must reflect your main idea of the thesis statement. Make sure that you have the list of sources prepared in advance to incorporate relevant information in your body paragraphs. As always, they must be the supporting evidence for your thesis statement’s idea and the research purpose.

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Written by David Kidwell

David is one of those experienced content creators from the United Kingdom who has a high interest in social issues, culture, and entrepreneurship. He always says that reading, blogging, and staying aware of what happens in the world is what makes a person responsible. He likes to learn and share what he knows by making things inspiring and creative enough even for those students who dislike reading.

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Top-notch Research Paper Topics List

29 November, 2020

16 minutes read

Author:  Kate Smith

You know how they say: “Be strong; the beginnings to great things are always the hardest”? And though you might not consider writing a research paper and choosing a good research paper topic a really great thing, you see our point. If you are having troubles getting started with the composition in question, we have good news for you.

Research Paper Topics

We have come up with a lengthy list of good research paper topics that will come in handy if you are running out of research paper ideas. Sounds like something you can use? Then don’t hesitate to make the most out of it!

And if you would rather order a whole piece from a professional, we can be of much help here too. Our research paper writing service can craft a piece for you at any time and on any topic. Just drop us a line!

But before we dive into various topics we have to offer, consider checking out our recommendations on how to find argumentative research paper topics all by yourself.

What is a Good Topic for a Research Paper?

good research paper topic

There are several facets of a good research paper topic. To put it short, your theme should be:

When you pose a topic for your research, be sure that it is clear. A reader should be able to understand its purpose right away. If he doesn’t, you did not do a very good job formulating the subject line.

No kidding: you should do your best to be innovative even if you are writing a paper on something as old as time. It might not be simple, but we’re sure you can find a new perspective if you dedicate enough time to the search.

The paper must contain precise figures or facts. They are at the core of your research. Don’t confuse this type of composition with descriptive writing. They have nothing in common. So, focus on precise data: that’s exactly what your readers expect from you.

How to Choose Interesting Research Paper Topics

how to choose research paper topic

Before you take one of the topics we suggest, we recommend you to try to come up with a good topic yourself. It might be easier than you think. Here are several ways to spot an interesting idea:

Think of Something You Find Interesting.

There are always things we find astonishing but don’t have enough time to explore deeper. Maybe this is your chance to give it some time and conduct in-depth research. Of course, take into account the discipline and the academic level required. Thus, it’s pretty clear that you can’t talk about the Vietnam War for the Social Studies class paper (unless you’re looking into the differences of the military operations impact on the civilians and soldiers).

Choose a Topic With Sufficient Data for the Research.

The main point of writing this paper lies in finding information at various credible sources and refining it. Therefore, if you pick a subject that is somewhat new or wasn’t studied well in the past, you’ll have no information to work with. That is why the availability of credible information is vital to the success of the writing process.

Narrow the Subject Down.

The subject you find great interest in might be too broad. Not to sound too shallow, it’s better for you to pick just one perspective of the problem and study it carefully. This way you will be able to dive deep enough into the research instead of just hitting the high spots.

These are our recommendations on how to choose a theme on your own. Now let’s look into other tips we’d like to offer to you before you get down to writing.

Related post: How to write an Argumentative essay 

How to write an outline for a research paper

While you can find all the essential information in our guide on how to write a perfect research paper outline , here we’ll introduce you to the basics.

  • Find an engaging topic. For it, read on to see what subject line we have to offer.
  • Create a list of credible sources to take a look at. You can either ask you tutor for recommendations, surf the web, or go old school and visit a library for suggestions.
  • Mark all the elements you will add to your outline.
  • Briefly explain what each of these components will be about. But don’t bury the blueprint under too many details. Keep it short!
  • Finally, find good examples to explore.

Now, that you understand how to craft a plan for your paper, have our tips to help you out along the way, your only job is to find good topic ideas to write about. And we can help you with that too!

Note that our company provides academic writing help. You can buy a research paper written from scratch by our  essay writer .

Now that you know your ways around crafting good research papers, we want to introduce you to our list of various ideas you can conduct a thorough research on. Use our ideas if coming up with your own is something you don’t want to deal with at the moment.

Psychology Research Paper Topics

  • Are people with the IQ level above the average really unhappy?
  • Eating disorders: Are they necessarily associated with the self-image issues?
  • The impact of stress on the mental health of a person.
  • The nature and causes of child violence.
  • Insomnia as a valid excuse for breaking the rules or committing crimes.
  • Race relations in the USA in the 20th century and today.
  • The nature and causes of sexual orientation: Different perspectives on the issue.

Easy Research Paper Topics

  • The glass ceiling: Myth or reality?
  • Popular ventures started without money.
  • The history of the social media boom around the globe.
  • Top tech startups of the 21st century.
  • Video games and their impact on the development of young people.
  • Animal testing across the globe.
  • Is global warming real?
  • Has the Internet become a safer place with the cybersecurity principles implementation?
  • The impact of the screen time on a child’s mental development.
  • The US election system: The history and principles behind it.

World History Research Paper Topics

  • The life and traditions of the first Gladiators.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Bits and pieces of the tragedy.
  • The history of Singapore: From worst to first.
  • North Korea: Dictatorship ideology and its complications.
  • The establishment of the League of Nations.
  • Racial discrimination origins.
  • The history of the Gutenberg Bible.
  • The most powerful opponent of Germany in the WWI.
  • Egyptian pyramids: The history and meaning.
  • The history of Christianity.

Controversial Topics for Research Paper

  • The history of modern Israel.
  • Abortion: “My body – my rules” or the discrimination of the unborns’ rights?
  • How Facebook shaped the way people communicate today.
  • Beauty pageants: Celebration of the beauty or discrimination in disguise?
  • Death penalty around the globe.
  • Implications of gun control in the USA.
  • Creationism against Evolution.
  • Physical punishment as a core principle of children’s upbringing.
  • The origins of the “invasion of privacy” notion across the world.
  • The impact of social media addiction on young people.
  • Genetic predisposition to committing a crime.

High School Research Paper Topics

  • School uniform: The good, the bad, and the ugly.
  • The effect of sexual acts displays on TV.
  • The American Dream of Generation X and the Millennials.
  • Biggest cults existing today in the world.
  • Learning disabilities: Their nature, causes, and solutions.
  • The history of Somalia.
  • The portrayal of a woman in the social media today and 20 years ago.
  • Freedom of expression.
  • The poorest nations in the world.
  • The effect of feminism on Europe.
  • The impact of classical music on one’s brain.

Literature Research Paper Topics

  • The relevance of the US Literature class choices to the modern youth.
  • Examples of literature pieces that shaped whole cultures across the globe.
  • Feminism in literature.
  • The issue of the Holocaust in the world’s literature.
  • The first translations of the Bible.
  • Literature is known to be most effective in the struggle against illiteracy in different cultures.
  • The brightest images of Death in literature.
  • The history of slavery in Africa in world literature.
  • Romanticism in Spanish literature.
  • The moralism of the British literature of the 20th century.

College Research Paper Topics

  • Success stories of college dropouts.
  • The rarest phobias and fears people have.
  • The history of e-learning around the globe.
  • Can higher education grant a successful future career?
  • Should grades be banned from the educational system?
  • The use and harm of vaccination.
  • The new emerging specializations and professions of the 21st century.
  • The most effective teaching methods today.
  • The History of the Ivy League.
  • College re-organization for the better future of education.
  • Private vs. Public colleges in the USA: Pros and cons.

Persuasive Research Paper Topics

  • Antisemitism origins.
  • Sex education pushes the youth to involve in sexual relations too early.
  • The last days of newspapers in our media-controlled world.
  • The danger of the GMO.
  • Impact of Instagram on teenagers’ self-esteem.
  • Pros and cons of studying at a single-sex school.
  • Overpopulation management.
  • Deforestation: Are we digging our own grave this way?
  • People using cell phones while driving should be held criminally liable.
  • Paying children for good grades: Different perspectives on the issue.

Sports Research Paper Topics

  • The greatest athlete in the history of the world.
  • The history of the Olympic Games.
  • Why are cybersports considered sports?
  • The history of marathons and their use today.
  • Doping in sports.
  • The use of playing competitive sports.
  • The most dangerous sports from all over the world.
  • Should sports be used as a therapy in prisons?
  • Should student athletes be paid for playing sports?
  • The effect of physical activities on the human’s brain.

Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics

  • Prisoners falsely accused and then released should receive financial compensation from the state.
  • Sexual harassment problem in Europe and the USA.
  • Should corporate abuse be considered a criminal injustice case?
  • The death penalty in different countries.
  • Hate crime history in the USA.
  • Control over the brutal behavior of guardsmen at prisons.
  • Should mental issues affect the court judgment?
  • Sex slavery: Should people buying and selling sex slaves be sentenced to the death penalty?
  • Should the criminals be allowed to vote?
  • Two sides of the Mandatory Minimum sentencing.

Topics about Technology for the Research Paper

  • Will artificial intelligence substitute humans at a workplace?
  • Saving the Earth today with the aid of state-of-the-art technologies.
  • Self-driving cars development history.
  • The history of Virtual and Augmented realities.
  • Positive use of nuclear energy and the future.
  • How does the lie detector work? Is this a trustworthy technology?
  • The history of aviation in the world.

Medical Research Paper Topics

  • Why animal testing should be stopped.
  • The history of the Placebo treatment.
  • Euthanasia: What doctors from different countries think about it.
  • The use of vegetarianism: The myth or reality?
  • Mental breakdown: Causes and prevention.
  • The notion of mood in medicine.
  • Should marijuana be allowed for recreational purposes?
  • Should vaccination be mandatory?
  • The history of plague in Europe.
  • The most dangerous virus of today.

Ethics Research Paper Topics

  • Religion and morality: Are people with strong moral beliefs more moral than atheists?
  • Should teachers be allowed to carry weapons to school?
  • Prostitution across the globe.
  • Should recycling be made mandatory?
  • Paparazzi and the invasion of celebrities’ privacy.
  • Parents should monitor their kids’ Internet use.
  • Do laws generally patronize women and discriminate against men?
  • Adoption by single parents vs. adoption by a two-parent family today.
  • Countries that use child labor: Should we use their products?
  • Should breastfeeding in public be banned?

Tips on Writing a Research Paper

  • Write an outline. An outline will help you stay focused. Since this type of writing is quite lengthy, it is easy to lose track along the way. That is why crafting a detailed outline is in your best interest. It will serve as a roadmap or a blueprint of the whole project.
  • Start bright. You only have one chance to make a positive first impression. That is why you simply cannot afford writing a dull introduction. There are certain rules on how to start a research paper, and you’d better stick to the rules as described in our guide. A bright opening paragraph will ensure the genuine interest of your audience in what you have to say about the topic and will keep them engaged as you write.
  • Use immaculate grammar and spelling. Nothing kills a good paper like poor grammar or spelling. It distracts the reader from the main point and makes him stumble while reading. And if you’re worried that grammar and spelling checking will take up too much of your time, don’t worry: you can always use technologies like Grammarly to do the job for you in seconds.
  • Compose a compelling thesis statement. A thesis statement is the central point of your research paper. You need to insert it in the introduction and make sure that this central idea is exactly one sentence long. Make it loud and clear. However, given the length of this vital part of a research paper, don’t bore readers with too many unnecessary details. This means that you should mention what issue you will look into and why but don’t explain in which ways you will achieve this. Here is a complete guide on what is a thesis statement that will walk you through the process step by step. Enjoy!
  • Stay within the word count limits. This type of writing has a rather strict word count limit. And you need to stay within it. Tutors don’t have all the time in the world to read long pieces. If you can’t stay within word count limits, they’ll assume you didn’t spend enough time filtering the most vital information out of the research (even if you did). So, not to give them that false impression, don’t make it too short or too long. Make it just right. This is the case when the size matters!
  • Ask for help. After spending long hours crafting this paper, you are likely to miss some important points. The thing is that you know exactly what you wanted to say, and mistakes seem to be left unnoticed. Not to let them slip into your text, ask your peers, friends, or family to take a look at your writing. Their fresh perspective might be of much help to you!

tips on writing a research paper

We hope our research paper topics ideas will help you pick a theme you are genuinely interested in. We promise: conducting research and diving into the search can be a lot of fun as long as you choose an engaging subject.

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200 Best Ideas for Research Paper Topics in 2023

The discussion you have started should be provoking and intriguing. If your statement is unique and interesting, you will definitely get a high grade and respect from your professors.

Writing a research paper may seem challenging, even though it is a substantial part of everyday student life. You are required to write at least one research paper in a semester for the majority of your subjects.

Do not underestimate research projects. They will demand a lot of time and effort from you. At the same time, do not let your research paper give you anxiety or hurt your overall studies.

To minimize worries and stress while working on the research paper, you must be confident in your topic. There are times when you are assigned the topic, but more frequently, you will have to create one yourself.

The discussion you start should be thought-provoking and intriguing. If your content is unique and interesting, you will definitely get a high grade and respect from your professors.

How to Select the Best Research Paper Topic?

When choosing your research paper topic, you need to make sure it is neither boring nor overdone. An interesting and innovative topic will intrigue your readers and motivate them to read the entire piece. But if you don’t know how to create a topic on your own, use the help of our editors.

Here are some things to consider when selecting an appropriate topic:

The Field Of  Your Interest

It’s no secret that you will not be able to write a good insightful research paper if you are not interested in the subject overall, or in the topic in general. On the other hand, if the topic is linked to the field of your interest, you can consider yourself lucky.

Passion and interest in a topic will make it easier to explore the theme and write about it. If you enjoy science, you should be able to talk non-stop about it. The same goes for writing about it.

A Topic Should Be Clear

You need to be sure to understand everything clearly when you choose an essay topic . Do not hesitate to ask questions if there are some unclear points. The more you understand, the simpler it is for you to write a successful research paper. You need to show the readers that you’re a master of the topic and not a confused newbie who does not know what you’re talking about.

Be Precise And Specific

You need to completely understand that you are not writing a descriptive essay. A research paper is an accurate and thorough work, which is based on facts. You cannot waterdown your text. Your statement should be supported with examples or references to other reputable research and academic work.

Be Innovative

How innovative can you be when discussing The French Revolution or Pearl Harbor? However, an innovative approach can give you the edge among other students. A topic should address the matter from a different and surprising perspective. With a deep investigation, you may even find the little known facts that can blow your readers’ minds. This approach will intrigue your readers and will make you research paper stand out..

Visit Edusson Samples   to brainstorm possible research paper topics and find relevant paper examples. It is 1000+ papers database. Besides samples, you can find excellent writing tools such as Plagiarism Checker, Title Page Maker and many more.

Ideas for Research Paper Topics

Without a good topic, writing a research paper can be a student’s worst nightmare. So, how do you come up with one? There are dozens of ways to brainstorm, such as discussing with classmates, reading topic prompts, sample papers, magazines, journals, blogs, or books.

Research Paper Topic by Category

Here are some examples of topics you may choose:

Argumentative Research Paper Topics

You have to present facts to demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic. Your introduction and concluding paragraph must be equally strong. Take a look at the following argumentative research topics examples:

  • Are athletes good role models?
  • Is the minimum wage too high?
  • Homelessness: Who is to blame?
  • Do we need shorter working weeks?
  • What is the ideal age of consuming alcohol?

Persuasive Research Paper Topics

As a speaker or writer, it is your responsibility to persuade the reader about an issue. Persuasive writing, therefore, should move people and shake their emotions. If, for example, you want to convince people coffee is good for their bodies, then you must do it artistically, and convincingly.

Take a look at these examples of persuasive research topics:

  • Using animals to conduct research experiments is wrong.
  • Parents should monitor the websites their children visit.
  • Domestic gender violence is on the rise.
  • Children’s exposure to media: Do parental controls work?
  • There are many cybercrimes today, and they are going to increase.
  • America should adopt a policy of non-involvement in global conflicts.

Controversial Topics for Research Paper

There are people who like to court controversy whenever they say or do something, more so in public. A good example here is an activist. Whether it is advocacy for gay rights or same-sex marriage, writing on issues like these can be painstakingly difficult. So, you need a strong topic right from the beginning. Controversial topics for a research paper like the following will most certainly get you moving in the right direction:

  • Gay partners and child adoption.
  • Surrogate mothers and societal worldview.
  • Violence in media content.
  • STEM subjects should be mandatory.
  • Sex education in middle school.
  • Should homework be abolished?
Are you having a hard time looking for a comprehensive research paper topic? Try to find the best one by using our topic generation tool.

Best Research Paper Topics 2023

Maybe you have picked a research topic from the above categories for your paper. However, a good college student knows you need a plan B. So here are some other great topics.

  • Is college education in line with the job market?
  • Should colleges be faith-based institutions?
  • Should universities have special accommodation facilities for the disabled?
  • How has the institution of marriage changed in the postmodern world?
  • Is there a difference between a man’s and a woman’s heart?
  • What are the possible health benefits of childbearing and parenting?
  • Exploring unfair child labor in the workplace.
  • The significance of ethics to business and how to control bad behavior.
  • How is cross-border BPO affecting the gross domestic product in your country?
  • Which companies will make it to the top 5 best in the next decade?
  • Terrorism and how it affects businesses.
  • Are universities becoming business-driven?
  • Causes of data rape and how to prevent it.
  • Should licensed gun holders be allowed to carry their weapons to school?
  • Ex-convicts and job searching. Is it difficult finding employment?
  •  Should colleges pay student-athletes and how should they do it?
  • What should be the basis of workplace promotion: seniority, degree, or performance evaluation?
  • The significance of search engine optimization on businesses today.
  • Should women be allowed into extreme sports?
  • Is feminism changing American society?

Research Paper Topics By Level of Education

Notably, topic difficulty or complexity varies with the level of education. A graduate student will write a high school essay with great ease, while the reverse will result in a lot of difficulties on the part of the student.

In this post, we also help you choose topics based on your academic level while keeping in mind that research paper writing lends credence to student performance.

The research paper topics can often be overwhelming, and to make the process easier and more reliable, many students look for APA format paper writing services . The services are beneficial and provide access to professional knowledge in writing a research paper and ensure that all guidelines are followed.

High School Research Paper Topics

If you are a student in high school, here is a list of topics that you may consider:

  • Should the government legalize the use of smartphones in high school classrooms?
  • Leadership training in high school.
  • Are secondary schools doing enough in harnessing the debating skills of students?
  • Explore Plato’s philosophy of mathematics.

College Research Paper Topics

Next, here are some college research paper topics to choose from. They include the following:

  • Explore the design and construction of thermal plants around the globe.
  • Analyze how the free software movement is positively transforming the world.
  • Analyze cognitive development in children.
  • How does the government assess the health care needs of communities?
  • Pre-election and the effects on voter conduct.
  • Discuss how to plan for college tuition.
  • How does menstruation affect young girls?
  • Substance abuse among college students and its effects on their performance and behavior.
  • What brings about societal stereotypes?
  • Factual evidence that AIDS originated from monkeys.

Research Paper Topics By Subject

Another way of choosing the best research paper topic is based on the subject, whether you are a college or high school student. Whether it is in biology, physics, science, literature, history, or psychology, this approach works at all levels of education. Research papers are quite challenging for the average student to write, so it’s no wonder why many students may want to look into options for high school essays for money . A great topic for your research paper should be something engaging that captures the reader’s attention and encourages them to continue reading.

Research Paper Topics on Technology

  • Cybersecurity: Can we really be safe?
  • How can technology help in preventing terrorist attacks?
  • How close did we get to Artificial Intelligence?
  • What technological innovations promise to change the third decade of the 21st century?
  • How do regular people influence technological progress?
  • What technologies does NASA use to explore Mars?
  • How did Bill Gates and Steve Jobs change the world?
  • How did cloud technologies change data storing?
  • Can virtual reality substitute for an actual reality?
  • What is the future of the internet?

Research Paper Topics on Environment

  • How did climate change in the last 30 years?
  • Why some believe that global warming is a hoax?
  • What are the best ways to reduce global warming?
  • How does global warming alter wildlife?
  • Ocean pollution: Unseen tragedies.
  • Effective ways of reducing air pollution.
  • How can alternative types of energy help to preserve the Earth’s natural resources?
  • Endangered species – How can we preserve them?
  • Recycling. What did you do to make the world a better place?
  • Drinking water for all – How can we achieve it?

Research Paper Topics on Legal Issues

  • How do torrenting sites influence creativity and copyright?
  • Should marijuana be legalized at the national level?
  • How did the legalization of same-sex marriage influence the USA?
  • Are punishments for sex crimes fair?
  • Should there be a law preventing cyber-bullying?
  • Where is the line between artistic photos and pornography?
  • How does a new adoption law in Russia refuse orphans their chance for happiness?
  • Various laws on abortion around the world.
  • How do prostitution laws differ around the world?

Topics on Business

  • How can one turn a business idea into a successful startup?
  • How can creative marketing increase your sales?
  • Does taxation aim to kill small businesses?
  • Effective time-management for big and small teams.
  • Is multitasking a productive method of work?
  • Sexual harassment in the working environment.
  • How benefits can make your employees happy.
  • How do big corporations regularly break the law and get away with it?
  • What are the various minimum wages around the world? Should The Universal Declaration of Human Rights control them?
  • What were the most successful businesses in the first two decades of the 21st century?

Topics on World Politics

  • How did Angela Merkel change Europe?
  • Impeachment against Donald Trump: Will it happen?
  • The consequences of Brexit for European values.
  • Is Vladimir Putin sponsoring global terrorism?
  • How can world politicians unite against the threat that Russia poses?
  • Can North and South Korea unite again?
  • How can we eliminate dictatorial regimes in the 21st century?
  • Conflicts in Africa.
  • Do refugees pose any threat to the hosting country?
  • How can the world unite to fight racism?

Topics on Religion

  • Is Christianity at its dusk?
  • Can any religion justify crimes against humanity?
  • The most popular new age religions.
  • Sexual abuse in the church.
  • Should religious beliefs influence health matters?
  • How do various religions oppress women?
  • The political context of the global religions throughout time.
  • How does agnosticism balance between atheism and various religions?
  • Are we witnessing a new religion forming?
  • Myths of creation through global religions.

Topics on Health

  • The effects of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana on a human body.
  • Vaccination in the 21st century.
  • The most controversial issues of birth control.
  • Alzheimer’s: ways of prevention.
  • Euthanasia – An assisted suicide?
  • How can research help cure AIDS?
  • Are there effective ways to prevent cancer?
  • How do fats positively affect the human body and the mind?
  • Anorexia and obesity – Two sides to one story.
  • The importance of mental health.

Topics on Social Issues

  • How does social media influence interpersonal communication?
  • How can team sports affect social abilities?
  • LGBT tolerance around the world.
  • Global citizenship: Pros and cons.
  • How to deal with social anxiety.
  • How can one defend privacy issues on Facebook and other social media?
  • How to stop bullying in schools.
  • Discrimination of black women in modern-day America.
  • Ethnicities that created the USA.
  • Gender stereotypes in the workplace.

Topics on Education

  • How to achieve literacy for all.
  • Is it worth accumulating a huge debt to achieve higher education in the USA?
  • How can the government make a teacher’s profession become more appealing?
  • How can we modernize education to make it more appealing?
  • How do dress codes in schools discriminate against women?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling?
  • Is the present educational system capable of creating geniuses?
  • The importance of multilingual education.
  • Guns in school. How to achieve a safe environment.
  • Do grades do justice to students’ knowledge?

Topics on Popular Culture

  • The best music projects of 2020.
  • How do reality shows influence teenagers?
  • Do celebrities form a specific cast in today’s world?
  • How much do people depend on heroes? Marvel and DC Cinematic Universes.
  • How do American and Japanese popular cultures intertwine with each other?
  • Sexism and ageism in modern Hollywood.
  • Do shows like American Idol, the Voice, and X-factor really aim to find and develop talents?
  • The female role in the world according to Beyonce’s Lemonade.
  • How did YouTube change popular culture?
  • The meaning of the Harry Potter Book Series in promoting reading.
Still lost? Download a Comprehensive Research Paper Guide completely FREE. It consists of 7 simple steps that can lead you to a perfect paper. We based it on analysis of 1000+ student’s papers, ordered by Edusson customers Get it now

Easy Research Paper Topics

Women’s issues.

  • Are birth control pills good or bad?
  • Are married women with children happier than single women who did not give birth to a child?
  • Are there health benefits to having children?
  • Breast cancer rates are increasing among women in the US. What factors contribute to these rates?
  • Do women with higher testosterone levels have an athletic advantage compared to women whose testosterone levels are not high?
  • Has the feminist movement been a help to women or not?
  • Has the modern-day feminist movement lost its track?
  • How are cultural expectations of women different in Muslim vs. Western nations?
  • How common is domestic abuse, or child abuse?
  • How do the female hormones protect women from heart disease?
  • How does the education of women change society?
  • How has feminism changed America? The world?
  • How has marriage changed?
  • How is heart health different for men and women?
  • How has society’s expectations for women to get married and have kids haven’t changed for centuries, even today?
  • How to help girls from unprivileged towns and neighborhoods get educated?
  • Should women participate in extreme sports?
  • What are the most important health risks for women to be aware of?
  • What is a maid? Is there an acceptable or unacceptable definition for this job?
  • What is female genital mutilation and how is it connected with AIDS in Africa?
  • What is the effect of birth control and pregnancy on the mental health of a woman?
  • What is the history of marriage?
  • Why do a vast majority of women refuse to report their husbands for domestic abuse? What can be done to help them?
  • Why do people marry?
  • Women in politics: why do a small percentage of them succeed?
  • Are athletes overpaid? Do footballers deserve multi-million contracts? How their salaries influence their performance?
  • Can anyone compete in a marathon? Should everyone try it at least once? Necessary measures to take in order to compete in this kind of race
  • Choose a sport and the best athlete that has ever played it. Justify why is that person the greatest of all times
  • Has Title 9 hurt men’s athletics? Should there be changes?
  • Have Olympic Games improved or worsened through history?
  • How money influences the football world today
  • How much does the crowd at sports events influence the game? Does the roar of the fans or their chants really cause the team to win or lose?
  • How successful has Title 9 been in changing access to sports for women?
  • Is there a sport that should be added to the Olympic Games?
  • Research the history of a sport of your choice. How has the game changed throughout history?
  • Should college athletes get paid? If so, how should that be done?
  • Should male and female athletes be paid equally?
  • Should players form unions to protect their rights?
  • The impact of the Olympic Games on the economy of the hosting nation?
  • What do people learn from playing competitive sports?
  • What does the public think about female athletes?
  • Why do all children need to play competitive sports in school? How would regular sports activity benefit their health and school performance?
  • Why do so many young people get injured while playing sports? Is it accidental and unavoidable or is there a way to prevent injuries? Choose between talking about sports in general or discussing some specific sport of your choice.

Criminal justice

  • African-American men are more likely to spend time in prison in the United States than any other group.  What is the underlying cause of this negative trend? What can be done to stop it?
  • After every terrorist attack, it turns out police received reports about the potential danger. Why do they always ignore these calls?
  • Are prison sentences for rapes effective? Do convicted rapists recommit their crimes later?
  • Criminal activities are widely prevalent in news shows, reality TV, television shows, and movies. Does the constant exposure to crime on TV promote these activities and give people ideas?
  • The death sentence has a long history, but did it help decrease crime rates across the US?
  • Do convicted criminals abandon their ways and turn into law-abiding citizens?
  • Do organizations like Prison Fellowship, which attempt to reform prisoners through faith, produce long-term results in changed lives?
  • Do some people have a genetic predisposition to commit a crime? If so, should government approve genetic testing on criminals?
  • Does non-dangerous “hazing” add to the rituals and community of an organization? Describe pros and cons of having new members participate in initiation traditions.
  • How can prisoners help rehabilitate prisoners?
  • How difficult is it to ex-convicts to find a job?
  • How does Trump’s victory at the presidential election affect the judicial system in the United States today?
  • How should the background of the criminal (psychosis, intelligence, family environment, genetic predispositions) affect the decision in a criminal case?
  • Is Mandatory Minimum sentencing a good idea? Does it aid crime prevention?
  • Many prisoners re-commit crimes because they find it difficult to cope with “real world” after spending years in prison. What can be done to help them adapt to the new reality after leaving prison?
  • The number of DUI arrests increases constantly. What can be done about this problem?
  • On-campus violence: causes and solutions
  • Online bullying is a common occurrence nowadays. Should cyber-bullies face criminal prosecution?
  • Out of fear of potential mistake, prisoners on a death row in many states are still waiting for their executions. Does the possibility of wrong death outweigh the need for justice? Is there justice for family members of victims?
  • Police brutality: causes and potential solutions
  • Rates of teens engaging in criminal activities keep increasing. How did media contribute to this negative trend?
  • Should all states have equal laws? Would it prevent some criminals from committing their unlawful deeds?
  • Should DUI laws be the same across all states?
  • Should girls and women who falsely accuse someone of raping them face criminal prosecution?
  • Should people convicted of a DUI be able to attend classes to prevent having their driver’s license revoked?
  • Should schools allow people with licenses to carry concealed weapons?
  • Should some crimes require a mandatory death sentence?
  • Should terrorist suspects be tried in American courts?
  • Some states have already legalized marijuana. How did cannabis use affect crime rates in these states? Did they go up or down?
  • Teen gangs and socioeconomic status of households: are they related?
  • The Innocence Project has released more than 300 convicted criminals based primarily on DNA evidence. Many states give no compensation to those released. Should the compensation be mandatory?
  • The use of art, music, or theater therapy is a common method of rehabilitating prisoners. How effective are these approaches?
  • What are the causes of acquaintance rape? How can it be prevented?
  • What does the general public think about death penalty?
  • What is the underlying cause (or more of them) behind re-committing crimes?
  • Why do some people become serial killers? Are there any signs in their behavior to look for?
  • Why is police brutal when arresting black suspects?
  • Are older children more successful?
  • Child labor is a sad reality in third-world countries. Do we contribute to child labor by purchasing products from companies who employ children in their factories?
  • Do small businesses have a chance to succeed in the competitive market today?
  • How do blogs help revolutionize businesses?
  • How did the NAFTA agreement affect business in the United States?
  • How does birth order affect people in a work environment?
  • How has terrorism affected businesses?
  • How important is branding for a business?
  • Importance of ethics in business: what are the consequences of unethical behavior?
  • Past, present, and future of search engine optimization (SEO)?
  • Should companies promote employees based on seniority, college degrees or evaluations of performance?
  • Should employees be allowed more flexible leave time for caring for children and elderly parents?
  • What is the best way to grow jobs and reduce the unemployment rate?
Psst. There’s also a more relaxed way  ?

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research paper questions 2023

Frontiers | Science News

  • Science News

Research Topics

10 most viewed research topics in 2023.

research paper questions 2023

This year, researchers explored a wide range of topics, including:

cancer combinational immunotherapy

COVID-19 research

the physiology of breathing during exercise

and the future of animal experimentation

With over 1.8 million views, the following Research Topics sought answers to your biggest research questions from 2023.

1 | Towards a New 3Rs Era in Experimental Research

36 articles │ 177,000 views

With the persisting need of animal experimentation for fundamental and applied research, the relevance and importance of the 3Rs Principle cannot be ignored. The 3Rs Principle of Replace, Reduce, Refine provides an essential framework for more humane animal experimentation in research.

This multi-disciplinary research review is a pan-European initiative supported by all EU 3R centers exploring the 3Rs Principle advances, challenges, and opportunities. The Research Topic draws upon multiple scientific disciplines, including biomedical, veterinary, biostatistical, biotechnology, and computer science, as well as perspectives from education, social, political, and ethical research in the 3Rs field.

2 | Combinational Immunotherapy of Cancer: Novel Targets, Mechanisms, and Strategies

84 articles │ 176,000 views

Cancer immunotherapy, including immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) and chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy, has revolutionized the paradigm in cancer treatment. However, the clinical outcome of immunotherapy varies considerably among patients, and only a minority of patients achieve long-term clinical benefits.

This Research Topic gathers novel insights into the cancer immunity mechanisms, novel therapeutic targets, and effective combinational strategies of cancer immunotherapies. It also addresses the fundamental understanding of mechanisms underlying cancer immunotherapy and the therapeutic potential of novel combinational therapy.

3 | Breathing in Sport and Exercise: Physiology, Pathophysiology and Applications

37 articles │ 180,000 views

The respiratory system has long been considered overbuilt for exercise as it is usually not the limiting factor for maximal oxygen uptake. However, growing evidence suggests that ventilatory variables such as respiratory frequency (ƒR) especially are closely associated with perceived exertion and exercise tolerance in different populations and exercise conditions, with important implications for endurance physiology and performance.

This Research Topic advances our understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of breathing during exercise to advance the field of respiratory monitoring in applied settings. It also bridges the gap between the physiology/pathophysiology of breathing and respiratory monitoring.

4 | Multidisciplinary COVID-19 research

91 articles │ 148,000 views

The outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has seriously impacted mental and physical health worldwide. New and emerging solutions to global health threats posed by COVID-19 are urgently needed.

This second volume brings together scientists and clinicians in artificial intelligence, mathematics and statistics, neural science, neurorobotics, social sciences, computational biology, medical health care, psychiatry, and psychology to promote COVID-19 research and stimulate collaboration between researchers in these diverse fields.

5 | Sustainable Career Development in the Turbulent, Boundaryless and Internet Age

40 articles │ 115,000 views

Government’s social policies, such as school-to-work transitional regulations, and the extended retirement age, suggest that people today may face a different labor market situation, compared to other generations.

Career sustainability is a key issue, and it is particularly the case for vulnerable groups, such as the underemployed, (re) employment of laidoff workers, and those who strive to balance between work and personal life. Therefore, this research topic investigates the antecedents and outcomes of career sustainability in different social contexts.

6 | The Nobel collection, Volume 2 - Frontiers for Young Minds

10 articles │ 673,000 views

This second Volume of our unique Nobel Collection brings you more articles by Nobel Prize winners written specifically for young minds. These amazing research leaders explain their ground-breaking discoveries and how they achieved them, and also share their thoughts on making a career path in science with advice for becoming a successful researcher and having a happy life.

7 | Psychiatrization of society

17 articles │104,000 views

Worldwide, there have been consistently rising incidences of people classified as mentally ill, paired with increasing mental healthcare service utilization over the last decades. This process can be described as the psychiatrization of society.

Individuals or groups might well benefit from aspects of psychiatrization. Yet psychiatrization can be potentially harmful to individuals and to public healthcare, through overdiagnosis and overtreatment, the psychological burden of being labeled, and, in the Global North, exploding costs to meet the needs of the ‘worried well’.

This article collection seeks to theoretically and empirically assesses the causes, mechanisms, and effects of psychiatrization, as well to understand, prevent, and manage its negative aspects.

8 | Patterns, Functions, and Processes of Alpine Grassland Ecosystems under Global Change

76 articles │ 102,000 views

Alpine grassland ecosystems provide important ecological services and functions, such as biodiversity conservation, carbon storage, and water resource regulation, and critical ecosystem services, such as pastoral production, cultural inheritance, tourism, and recreation. In recent decades, some of these regions have experienced rapid climatic warming and changes in precipitation regimes.

This Research Topic elucidates the patterns, functions, processes, and mechanisms of alpine grassland ecosystems responding to changing environments. The goal is to influence the development of adaptive management practices for alpine grassland ecosystems under future environmental change.

9 | Abiotic Stress-Induced Responses and Tolerance Mechanisms in Plants : Molecular, Cellular, Physiological and Biochemical Levels

59 articles │ 99,000 views

In nature, plants are constantly facing adverse environmental conditions, including abiotic stresses caused by extreme low and high temperature, salinity, drought, flood, heavy metal toxicity and oxidative stress. These stresses, especially drought, salinity, and high temperature, are the major causes of crop loss around the globe.

This Research Topic advances our understanding of the fundamental processes, stress signaling, and adaptation mechanisms that develop in plants in response to various abiotic stresses.

10 | Serving Vulnerable and Marginalized Populations in Social and Educational Contexts

26 articles │ 97,000 views

There is evidence that the global COVID-19 crisis is exacerbating existing inequalities and marginalization of vulnerable groups. These multi-sectoral and intersecting challenges require multi- and interdisciplinary interventions to inform inclusive responses.

This Research Topic addresses the educational and socio-emotional needs of marginalized, vulnerable, at-risk, and exceptional learners during and after crises. It also addresses the psychological, educational, sociological, health, gender, cultural, and economic aspects of vulnerable and marginalized children and adolescents in developed and developing countries.

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How to Write a Research Question: Types and Examples 

research quetsion

The first step in any research project is framing the research question. It can be considered the core of any systematic investigation as the research outcomes are tied to asking the right questions. Thus, this primary interrogation point sets the pace for your research as it helps collect relevant and insightful information that ultimately influences your work.   

Typically, the research question guides the stages of inquiry, analysis, and reporting. Depending on the use of quantifiable or quantitative data, research questions are broadly categorized into quantitative or qualitative research questions. Both types of research questions can be used independently or together, considering the overall focus and objectives of your research.  

What is a research question?

A research question is a clear, focused, concise, and arguable question on which your research and writing are centered. 1 It states various aspects of the study, including the population and variables to be studied and the problem the study addresses. These questions also set the boundaries of the study, ensuring cohesion. 

Designing the research question is a dynamic process where the researcher can change or refine the research question as they review related literature and develop a framework for the study. Depending on the scale of your research, the study can include single or multiple research questions. 

A good research question has the following features: 

  • It is relevant to the chosen field of study. 
  • The question posed is arguable and open for debate, requiring synthesizing and analysis of ideas. 
  • It is focused and concisely framed. 
  • A feasible solution is possible within the given practical constraint and timeframe. 

A poorly formulated research question poses several risks. 1   

  • Researchers can adopt an erroneous design. 
  • It can create confusion and hinder the thought process, including developing a clear protocol.  
  • It can jeopardize publication efforts.  
  • It causes difficulty in determining the relevance of the study findings.  
  • It causes difficulty in whether the study fulfils the inclusion criteria for systematic review and meta-analysis. This creates challenges in determining whether additional studies or data collection is needed to answer the question.  
  • Readers may fail to understand the objective of the study. This reduces the likelihood of the study being cited by others. 

Now that you know “What is a research question?”, let’s look at the different types of research questions. 

Types of research questions

Depending on the type of research to be done, research questions can be classified broadly into quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods studies. Knowing the type of research helps determine the best type of research question that reflects the direction and epistemological underpinnings of your research. 

The structure and wording of quantitative 2 and qualitative research 3 questions differ significantly. The quantitative study looks at causal relationships, whereas the qualitative study aims at exploring a phenomenon. 

  • Quantitative research questions:  
  • Seeks to investigate social, familial, or educational experiences or processes in a particular context and/or location.  
  • Answers ‘how,’ ‘what,’ or ‘why’ questions. 
  • Investigates connections, relations, or comparisons between independent and dependent variables. 

Quantitative research questions can be further categorized into descriptive, comparative, and relationship, as explained in the Table below. 

Descriptive research questions These measure the responses of a study’s population toward a particular question or variable. Common descriptive research questions will begin with “How much?”, “How regularly?”, “What percentage?”, “What time?”, “What is?”   Research question example: How often do you buy mobile apps for learning purposes? 
Comparative research questions These investigate differences between two or more groups for an outcome variable. For instance, the researcher may compare groups with and without a certain variable.   Research question example: What are the differences in attitudes towards online learning between visual and Kinaesthetic learners? 
Relationship research questions These explore and define trends and interactions between two or more variables. These investigate relationships between dependent and independent variables and use words such as “association” or “trends.  Research question example: What is the relationship between disposable income and job satisfaction amongst US residents? 
  • Qualitative research questions  

Qualitative research questions are adaptable, non-directional, and more flexible. It concerns broad areas of research or more specific areas of study to discover, explain, or explore a phenomenon. These are further classified as follows: 

Exploratory Questions These question looks to understand something without influencing the results. The aim is to learn more about a topic without attributing bias or preconceived notions.   Research question example: What are people’s thoughts on the new government? 
Experiential questions These questions focus on understanding individuals’ experiences, perspectives, and subjective meanings related to a particular phenomenon. They aim to capture personal experiences and emotions.   Research question example: What are the challenges students face during their transition from school to college? 
Interpretive Questions These questions investigate people in their natural settings to help understand how a group makes sense of shared experiences of a phenomenon.   Research question example: How do you feel about ChatGPT assisting student learning? 
  • Mixed-methods studies  

Mixed-methods studies use both quantitative and qualitative research questions to answer your research question. Mixed methods provide a complete picture than standalone quantitative or qualitative research, as it integrates the benefits of both methods. Mixed methods research is often used in multidisciplinary settings and complex situational or societal research, especially in the behavioral, health, and social science fields. 

What makes a good research question

A good research question should be clear and focused to guide your research. It should synthesize multiple sources to present your unique argument, and should ideally be something that you are interested in. But avoid questions that can be answered in a few factual statements. The following are the main attributes of a good research question. 

  • Specific: The research question should not be a fishing expedition performed in the hopes that some new information will be found that will benefit the researcher. The central research question should work with your research problem to keep your work focused. If using multiple questions, they should all tie back to the central aim. 
  • Measurable: The research question must be answerable using quantitative and/or qualitative data or from scholarly sources to develop your research question. If such data is impossible to access, it is better to rethink your question. 
  • Attainable: Ensure you have enough time and resources to do all research required to answer your question. If it seems you will not be able to gain access to the data you need, consider narrowing down your question to be more specific. 
  • You have the expertise 
  • You have the equipment and resources 
  • Realistic: Developing your research question should be based on initial reading about your topic. It should focus on addressing a problem or gap in the existing knowledge in your field or discipline. 
  • Based on some sort of rational physics 
  • Can be done in a reasonable time frame 
  • Timely: The research question should contribute to an existing and current debate in your field or in society at large. It should produce knowledge that future researchers or practitioners can later build on. 
  • Novel 
  • Based on current technologies. 
  • Important to answer current problems or concerns. 
  • Lead to new directions. 
  • Important: Your question should have some aspect of originality. Incremental research is as important as exploring disruptive technologies. For example, you can focus on a specific location or explore a new angle. 
  • Meaningful whether the answer is “Yes” or “No.” Closed-ended, yes/no questions are too simple to work as good research questions. Such questions do not provide enough scope for robust investigation and discussion. A good research question requires original data, synthesis of multiple sources, and original interpretation and argumentation before providing an answer. 

Steps for developing a good research question

The importance of research questions cannot be understated. When drafting a research question, use the following frameworks to guide the components of your question to ease the process. 4  

  • Determine the requirements: Before constructing a good research question, set your research requirements. What is the purpose? Is it descriptive, comparative, or explorative research? Determining the research aim will help you choose the most appropriate topic and word your question appropriately. 
  • Select a broad research topic: Identify a broader subject area of interest that requires investigation. Techniques such as brainstorming or concept mapping can help identify relevant connections and themes within a broad research topic. For example, how to learn and help students learn. 
  • Perform preliminary investigation: Preliminary research is needed to obtain up-to-date and relevant knowledge on your topic. It also helps identify issues currently being discussed from which information gaps can be identified. 
  • Narrow your focus: Narrow the scope and focus of your research to a specific niche. This involves focusing on gaps in existing knowledge or recent literature or extending or complementing the findings of existing literature. Another approach involves constructing strong research questions that challenge your views or knowledge of the area of study (Example: Is learning consistent with the existing learning theory and research). 
  • Identify the research problem: Once the research question has been framed, one should evaluate it. This is to realize the importance of the research questions and if there is a need for more revising (Example: How do your beliefs on learning theory and research impact your instructional practices). 

How to write a research question

Those struggling to understand how to write a research question, these simple steps can help you simplify the process of writing a research question. 

Topic selection Choose a broad topic, such as “learner support” or “social media influence” for your study. Select topics of interest to make research more enjoyable and stay motivated.  
Preliminary research The goal is to refine and focus your research question. The following strategies can help: Skim various scholarly articles. List subtopics under the main topic. List possible research questions for each subtopic. Consider the scope of research for each of the research questions. Select research questions that are answerable within a specific time and with available resources. If the scope is too large, repeat looking for sub-subtopics.  
Audience When choosing what to base your research on, consider your readers. For college papers, the audience is academic. Ask yourself if your audience may be interested in the topic you are thinking about pursuing. Determining your audience can also help refine the importance of your research question and focus on items related to your defined group.  
Generate potential questions Ask open-ended “how?” and “why?” questions to find a more specific research question. Gap-spotting to identify research limitations, problematization to challenge assumptions made by others, or using personal experiences to draw on issues in your industry can be used to generate questions.  
Review brainstormed questions Evaluate each question to check their effectiveness. Use the FINER model to see if the question meets all the research question criteria.  
Construct the research question Multiple frameworks, such as PICOT and PEA, are available to help structure your research question. The frameworks listed below can help you with the necessary information for generating your research question.  
Framework Attributes of each framework
FINER Feasible 
PICOT Population or problem 
Intervention or indicator being studied 
Comparison group 
Outcome of interest 
Time frame of the study  
PEO Population being studied 
Exposure to preexisting conditions 
Outcome of interest  

Sample Research Questions

The following are some bad and good research question examples 

  • Example 1 
Unclear: How does social media affect student growth? 
Clear: What effect does the daily use of Twitter and Facebook have on the career development goals of students? 
Explanation: The first research question is unclear because of the vagueness of “social media” as a concept and the lack of specificity. The second question is specific and focused, and its answer can be discovered through data collection and analysis.  
  • Example 2 
Simple: Has there been an increase in the number of gifted children identified? 
Complex: What practical techniques can teachers use to identify and guide gifted children better? 
Explanation: A simple “yes” or “no” statement easily answers the first research question. The second research question is more complicated and requires the researcher to collect data, perform in-depth data analysis, and form an argument that leads to further discussion. 


  • Thabane, L., Thomas, T., Ye, C., & Paul, J. (2009). Posing the research question: not so simple.  Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d’anesthĂ©sie ,  56 (1), 71-79. 
  • Rutberg, S., & Bouikidis, C. D. (2018). Focusing on the fundamentals: A simplistic differentiation between qualitative and quantitative research.  Nephrology Nursing Journal ,  45 (2), 209-213. 
  • KyngĂ€s, H. (2020). Qualitative research and content analysis.  The application of content analysis in nursing science research , 3-11. 
  • Mattick, K., Johnston, J., & de la Croix, A. (2018). How to
 write a good research question.  The clinical teacher ,  15 (2), 104-108. 
  • Fandino, W. (2019). Formulating a good research question: Pearls and pitfalls.  Indian Journal of Anaesthesia ,  63 (8), 611. 
  • Richardson, W. S., Wilson, M. C., Nishikawa, J., & Hayward, R. S. (1995). The well-built clinical question: a key to evidence-based decisions.  ACP journal club ,  123 (3), A12-A13 

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113 Great Research Paper Topics

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General Education


One of the hardest parts of writing a research paper can be just finding a good topic to write about. Fortunately we've done the hard work for you and have compiled a list of 113 interesting research paper topics. They've been organized into ten categories and cover a wide range of subjects so you can easily find the best topic for you.

In addition to the list of good research topics, we've included advice on what makes a good research paper topic and how you can use your topic to start writing a great paper.

What Makes a Good Research Paper Topic?

Not all research paper topics are created equal, and you want to make sure you choose a great topic before you start writing. Below are the three most important factors to consider to make sure you choose the best research paper topics.

#1: It's Something You're Interested In

A paper is always easier to write if you're interested in the topic, and you'll be more motivated to do in-depth research and write a paper that really covers the entire subject. Even if a certain research paper topic is getting a lot of buzz right now or other people seem interested in writing about it, don't feel tempted to make it your topic unless you genuinely have some sort of interest in it as well.

#2: There's Enough Information to Write a Paper

Even if you come up with the absolute best research paper topic and you're so excited to write about it, you won't be able to produce a good paper if there isn't enough research about the topic. This can happen for very specific or specialized topics, as well as topics that are too new to have enough research done on them at the moment. Easy research paper topics will always be topics with enough information to write a full-length paper.

Trying to write a research paper on a topic that doesn't have much research on it is incredibly hard, so before you decide on a topic, do a bit of preliminary searching and make sure you'll have all the information you need to write your paper.

#3: It Fits Your Teacher's Guidelines

Don't get so carried away looking at lists of research paper topics that you forget any requirements or restrictions your teacher may have put on research topic ideas. If you're writing a research paper on a health-related topic, deciding to write about the impact of rap on the music scene probably won't be allowed, but there may be some sort of leeway. For example, if you're really interested in current events but your teacher wants you to write a research paper on a history topic, you may be able to choose a topic that fits both categories, like exploring the relationship between the US and North Korea. No matter what, always get your research paper topic approved by your teacher first before you begin writing.

113 Good Research Paper Topics

Below are 113 good research topics to help you get you started on your paper. We've organized them into ten categories to make it easier to find the type of research paper topics you're looking for.


  • Discuss the main differences in art from the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance .
  • Analyze the impact a famous artist had on the world.
  • How is sexism portrayed in different types of media (music, film, video games, etc.)? Has the amount/type of sexism changed over the years?
  • How has the music of slaves brought over from Africa shaped modern American music?
  • How has rap music evolved in the past decade?
  • How has the portrayal of minorities in the media changed?


Current Events

  • What have been the impacts of China's one child policy?
  • How have the goals of feminists changed over the decades?
  • How has the Trump presidency changed international relations?
  • Analyze the history of the relationship between the United States and North Korea.
  • What factors contributed to the current decline in the rate of unemployment?
  • What have been the impacts of states which have increased their minimum wage?
  • How do US immigration laws compare to immigration laws of other countries?
  • How have the US's immigration laws changed in the past few years/decades?
  • How has the Black Lives Matter movement affected discussions and view about racism in the US?
  • What impact has the Affordable Care Act had on healthcare in the US?
  • What factors contributed to the UK deciding to leave the EU (Brexit)?
  • What factors contributed to China becoming an economic power?
  • Discuss the history of Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies  (some of which tokenize the S&P 500 Index on the blockchain) .
  • Do students in schools that eliminate grades do better in college and their careers?
  • Do students from wealthier backgrounds score higher on standardized tests?
  • Do students who receive free meals at school get higher grades compared to when they weren't receiving a free meal?
  • Do students who attend charter schools score higher on standardized tests than students in public schools?
  • Do students learn better in same-sex classrooms?
  • How does giving each student access to an iPad or laptop affect their studies?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of the Montessori Method ?
  • Do children who attend preschool do better in school later on?
  • What was the impact of the No Child Left Behind act?
  • How does the US education system compare to education systems in other countries?
  • What impact does mandatory physical education classes have on students' health?
  • Which methods are most effective at reducing bullying in schools?
  • Do homeschoolers who attend college do as well as students who attended traditional schools?
  • Does offering tenure increase or decrease quality of teaching?
  • How does college debt affect future life choices of students?
  • Should graduate students be able to form unions?


  • What are different ways to lower gun-related deaths in the US?
  • How and why have divorce rates changed over time?
  • Is affirmative action still necessary in education and/or the workplace?
  • Should physician-assisted suicide be legal?
  • How has stem cell research impacted the medical field?
  • How can human trafficking be reduced in the United States/world?
  • Should people be able to donate organs in exchange for money?
  • Which types of juvenile punishment have proven most effective at preventing future crimes?
  • Has the increase in US airport security made passengers safer?
  • Analyze the immigration policies of certain countries and how they are similar and different from one another.
  • Several states have legalized recreational marijuana. What positive and negative impacts have they experienced as a result?
  • Do tariffs increase the number of domestic jobs?
  • Which prison reforms have proven most effective?
  • Should governments be able to censor certain information on the internet?
  • Which methods/programs have been most effective at reducing teen pregnancy?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of the Keto diet?
  • How effective are different exercise regimes for losing weight and maintaining weight loss?
  • How do the healthcare plans of various countries differ from each other?
  • What are the most effective ways to treat depression ?
  • What are the pros and cons of genetically modified foods?
  • Which methods are most effective for improving memory?
  • What can be done to lower healthcare costs in the US?
  • What factors contributed to the current opioid crisis?
  • Analyze the history and impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic .
  • Are low-carbohydrate or low-fat diets more effective for weight loss?
  • How much exercise should the average adult be getting each week?
  • Which methods are most effective to get parents to vaccinate their children?
  • What are the pros and cons of clean needle programs?
  • How does stress affect the body?
  • Discuss the history of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
  • What were the causes and effects of the Salem Witch Trials?
  • Who was responsible for the Iran-Contra situation?
  • How has New Orleans and the government's response to natural disasters changed since Hurricane Katrina?
  • What events led to the fall of the Roman Empire?
  • What were the impacts of British rule in India ?
  • Was the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki necessary?
  • What were the successes and failures of the women's suffrage movement in the United States?
  • What were the causes of the Civil War?
  • How did Abraham Lincoln's assassination impact the country and reconstruction after the Civil War?
  • Which factors contributed to the colonies winning the American Revolution?
  • What caused Hitler's rise to power?
  • Discuss how a specific invention impacted history.
  • What led to Cleopatra's fall as ruler of Egypt?
  • How has Japan changed and evolved over the centuries?
  • What were the causes of the Rwandan genocide ?


  • Why did Martin Luther decide to split with the Catholic Church?
  • Analyze the history and impact of a well-known cult (Jonestown, Manson family, etc.)
  • How did the sexual abuse scandal impact how people view the Catholic Church?
  • How has the Catholic church's power changed over the past decades/centuries?
  • What are the causes behind the rise in atheism/ agnosticism in the United States?
  • What were the influences in Siddhartha's life resulted in him becoming the Buddha?
  • How has media portrayal of Islam/Muslims changed since September 11th?


  • How has the earth's climate changed in the past few decades?
  • How has the use and elimination of DDT affected bird populations in the US?
  • Analyze how the number and severity of natural disasters have increased in the past few decades.
  • Analyze deforestation rates in a certain area or globally over a period of time.
  • How have past oil spills changed regulations and cleanup methods?
  • How has the Flint water crisis changed water regulation safety?
  • What are the pros and cons of fracking?
  • What impact has the Paris Climate Agreement had so far?
  • What have NASA's biggest successes and failures been?
  • How can we improve access to clean water around the world?
  • Does ecotourism actually have a positive impact on the environment?
  • Should the US rely on nuclear energy more?
  • What can be done to save amphibian species currently at risk of extinction?
  • What impact has climate change had on coral reefs?
  • How are black holes created?
  • Are teens who spend more time on social media more likely to suffer anxiety and/or depression?
  • How will the loss of net neutrality affect internet users?
  • Analyze the history and progress of self-driving vehicles.
  • How has the use of drones changed surveillance and warfare methods?
  • Has social media made people more or less connected?
  • What progress has currently been made with artificial intelligence ?
  • Do smartphones increase or decrease workplace productivity?
  • What are the most effective ways to use technology in the classroom?
  • How is Google search affecting our intelligence?
  • When is the best age for a child to begin owning a smartphone?
  • Has frequent texting reduced teen literacy rates?


How to Write a Great Research Paper

Even great research paper topics won't give you a great research paper if you don't hone your topic before and during the writing process. Follow these three tips to turn good research paper topics into great papers.

#1: Figure Out Your Thesis Early

Before you start writing a single word of your paper, you first need to know what your thesis will be. Your thesis is a statement that explains what you intend to prove/show in your paper. Every sentence in your research paper will relate back to your thesis, so you don't want to start writing without it!

As some examples, if you're writing a research paper on if students learn better in same-sex classrooms, your thesis might be "Research has shown that elementary-age students in same-sex classrooms score higher on standardized tests and report feeling more comfortable in the classroom."

If you're writing a paper on the causes of the Civil War, your thesis might be "While the dispute between the North and South over slavery is the most well-known cause of the Civil War, other key causes include differences in the economies of the North and South, states' rights, and territorial expansion."

#2: Back Every Statement Up With Research

Remember, this is a research paper you're writing, so you'll need to use lots of research to make your points. Every statement you give must be backed up with research, properly cited the way your teacher requested. You're allowed to include opinions of your own, but they must also be supported by the research you give.

#3: Do Your Research Before You Begin Writing

You don't want to start writing your research paper and then learn that there isn't enough research to back up the points you're making, or, even worse, that the research contradicts the points you're trying to make!

Get most of your research on your good research topics done before you begin writing. Then use the research you've collected to create a rough outline of what your paper will cover and the key points you're going to make. This will help keep your paper clear and organized, and it'll ensure you have enough research to produce a strong paper.

What's Next?

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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research paper questions 2023

Research Aims, Objectives & Questions

The “Golden Thread” Explained Simply (+ Examples)

By: David Phair (PhD) and Alexandra Shaeffer (PhD) | June 2022

The research aims , objectives and research questions (collectively called the “golden thread”) are arguably the most important thing you need to get right when you’re crafting a research proposal , dissertation or thesis . We receive questions almost every day about this “holy trinity” of research and there’s certainly a lot of confusion out there, so we’ve crafted this post to help you navigate your way through the fog.

Overview: The Golden Thread

  • What is the golden thread
  • What are research aims ( examples )
  • What are research objectives ( examples )
  • What are research questions ( examples )
  • The importance of alignment in the golden thread

What is the “golden thread”?  

The golden thread simply refers to the collective research aims , research objectives , and research questions for any given project (i.e., a dissertation, thesis, or research paper ). These three elements are bundled together because it’s extremely important that they align with each other, and that the entire research project aligns with them.

Importantly, the golden thread needs to weave its way through the entirety of any research project , from start to end. In other words, it needs to be very clearly defined right at the beginning of the project (the topic ideation and proposal stage) and it needs to inform almost every decision throughout the rest of the project. For example, your research design and methodology will be heavily influenced by the golden thread (we’ll explain this in more detail later), as well as your literature review.

The research aims, objectives and research questions (the golden thread) define the focus and scope ( the delimitations ) of your research project. In other words, they help ringfence your dissertation or thesis to a relatively narrow domain, so that you can “go deep” and really dig into a specific problem or opportunity. They also help keep you on track , as they act as a litmus test for relevance. In other words, if you’re ever unsure whether to include something in your document, simply ask yourself the question, “does this contribute toward my research aims, objectives or questions?”. If it doesn’t, chances are you can drop it.

Alright, enough of the fluffy, conceptual stuff. Let’s get down to business and look at what exactly the research aims, objectives and questions are and outline a few examples to bring these concepts to life.

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Research Aims: What are they?

Simply put, the research aim(s) is a statement that reflects the broad overarching goal (s) of the research project. Research aims are fairly high-level (low resolution) as they outline the general direction of the research and what it’s trying to achieve .

Research Aims: Examples  

True to the name, research aims usually start with the wording “this research aims to
”, “this research seeks to
”, and so on. For example:

“This research aims to explore employee experiences of digital transformation in retail HR.”   “This study sets out to assess the interaction between student support and self-care on well-being in engineering graduate students”  

As you can see, these research aims provide a high-level description of what the study is about and what it seeks to achieve. They’re not hyper-specific or action-oriented, but they’re clear about what the study’s focus is and what is being investigated.

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Research Objectives: What are they?

The research objectives take the research aims and make them more practical and actionable . In other words, the research objectives showcase the steps that the researcher will take to achieve the research aims.

The research objectives need to be far more specific (higher resolution) and actionable than the research aims. In fact, it’s always a good idea to craft your research objectives using the “SMART” criteria. In other words, they should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound”.

Research Objectives: Examples  

Let’s look at two examples of research objectives. We’ll stick with the topic and research aims we mentioned previously.  

For the digital transformation topic:

To observe the retail HR employees throughout the digital transformation. To assess employee perceptions of digital transformation in retail HR. To identify the barriers and facilitators of digital transformation in retail HR.

And for the student wellness topic:

To determine whether student self-care predicts the well-being score of engineering graduate students. To determine whether student support predicts the well-being score of engineering students. To assess the interaction between student self-care and student support when predicting well-being in engineering graduate students.

  As you can see, these research objectives clearly align with the previously mentioned research aims and effectively translate the low-resolution aims into (comparatively) higher-resolution objectives and action points . They give the research project a clear focus and present something that resembles a research-based “to-do” list.

The research objectives detail the specific steps that you, as the researcher, will take to achieve the research aims you laid out.

Research Questions: What are they?

Finally, we arrive at the all-important research questions. The research questions are, as the name suggests, the key questions that your study will seek to answer . Simply put, they are the core purpose of your dissertation, thesis, or research project. You’ll present them at the beginning of your document (either in the introduction chapter or literature review chapter) and you’ll answer them at the end of your document (typically in the discussion and conclusion chapters).  

The research questions will be the driving force throughout the research process. For example, in the literature review chapter, you’ll assess the relevance of any given resource based on whether it helps you move towards answering your research questions. Similarly, your methodology and research design will be heavily influenced by the nature of your research questions. For instance, research questions that are exploratory in nature will usually make use of a qualitative approach, whereas questions that relate to measurement or relationship testing will make use of a quantitative approach.  

Let’s look at some examples of research questions to make this more tangible.

Research Questions: Examples  

Again, we’ll stick with the research aims and research objectives we mentioned previously.  

For the digital transformation topic (which would be qualitative in nature):

How do employees perceive digital transformation in retail HR? What are the barriers and facilitators of digital transformation in retail HR?  

And for the student wellness topic (which would be quantitative in nature):

Does student self-care predict the well-being scores of engineering graduate students? Does student support predict the well-being scores of engineering students? Do student self-care and student support interact when predicting well-being in engineering graduate students?  

You’ll probably notice that there’s quite a formulaic approach to this. In other words, the research questions are basically the research objectives “converted” into question format. While that is true most of the time, it’s not always the case. For example, the first research objective for the digital transformation topic was more or less a step on the path toward the other objectives, and as such, it didn’t warrant its own research question.  

So, don’t rush your research questions and sloppily reword your objectives as questions. Carefully think about what exactly you’re trying to achieve (i.e. your research aim) and the objectives you’ve set out, then craft a set of well-aligned research questions . Also, keep in mind that this can be a somewhat iterative process , where you go back and tweak research objectives and aims to ensure tight alignment throughout the golden thread.

The importance of strong alignment 

Alignment is the keyword here and we have to stress its importance . Simply put, you need to make sure that there is a very tight alignment between all three pieces of the golden thread. If your research aims and research questions don’t align, for example, your project will be pulling in different directions and will lack focus . This is a common problem students face and can cause many headaches (and tears), so be warned.

Take the time to carefully craft your research aims, objectives and research questions before you run off down the research path. Ideally, get your research supervisor/advisor to review and comment on your golden thread before you invest significant time into your project, and certainly before you start collecting data .  

Recap: The golden thread

In this post, we unpacked the golden thread of research, consisting of the research aims , research objectives and research questions . You can jump back to any section using the links below.

As always, feel free to leave a comment below – we always love to hear from you. Also, if you’re interested in 1-on-1 support, take a look at our private coaching service here.

research paper questions 2023

Psst... there’s more!

This post was based on one of our popular Research Bootcamps . If you're working on a research project, you'll definitely want to check this out ...


Isaac Levi

Thank you very much for your great effort put. As an Undergraduate taking Demographic Research & Methodology, I’ve been trying so hard to understand clearly what is a Research Question, Research Aim and the Objectives in a research and the relationship between them etc. But as for now I’m thankful that you’ve solved my problem.

Hatimu Bah

Well appreciated. This has helped me greatly in doing my dissertation.

Dr. Abdallah Kheri

An so delighted with this wonderful information thank you a lot.

so impressive i have benefited a lot looking forward to learn more on research.

Ekwunife, Chukwunonso Onyeka Steve

I am very happy to have carefully gone through this well researched article.

Infact,I used to be phobia about anything research, because of my poor understanding of the concepts.

Now,I get to know that my research question is the same as my research objective(s) rephrased in question format.

I please I would need a follow up on the subject,as I intends to join the team of researchers. Thanks once again.


Thanks so much. This was really helpful.


I know you pepole have tried to break things into more understandable and easy format. And God bless you. Keep it up


i found this document so useful towards my study in research methods. thanks so much.

Michael L. Andrion

This is my 2nd read topic in your course and I should commend the simplified explanations of each part. I’m beginning to understand and absorb the use of each part of a dissertation/thesis. I’ll keep on reading your free course and might be able to avail the training course! Kudos!


Thank you! Better put that my lecture and helped to easily understand the basics which I feel often get brushed over when beginning dissertation work.

Enoch Tindiwegi

This is quite helpful. I like how the Golden thread has been explained and the needed alignment.

Sora Dido Boru

This is quite helpful. I really appreciate!


The article made it simple for researcher students to differentiate between three concepts.

Afowosire Wasiu Adekunle

Very innovative and educational in approach to conducting research.

SĂ lihu Abubakar Dayyabu

I am very impressed with all these terminology, as I am a fresh student for post graduate, I am highly guided and I promised to continue making consultation when the need arise. Thanks a lot.

Mohammed Shamsudeen

A very helpful piece. thanks, I really appreciate it .

Sonam Jyrwa

Very well explained, and it might be helpful to many people like me.


Wish i had found this (and other) resource(s) at the beginning of my PhD journey… not in my writing up year… đŸ˜© Anyways… just a quick question as i’m having some issues ordering my “golden thread”…. does it matter in what order you mention them? i.e., is it always first aims, then objectives, and finally the questions? or can you first mention the research questions and then the aims and objectives?


Thank you for a very simple explanation that builds upon the concepts in a very logical manner. Just prior to this, I read the research hypothesis article, which was equally very good. This met my primary objective.

My secondary objective was to understand the difference between research questions and research hypothesis, and in which context to use which one. However, I am still not clear on this. Can you kindly please guide?

Derek Jansen

In research, a research question is a clear and specific inquiry that the researcher wants to answer, while a research hypothesis is a tentative statement or prediction about the relationship between variables or the expected outcome of the study. Research questions are broader and guide the overall study, while hypotheses are specific and testable statements used in quantitative research. Research questions identify the problem, while hypotheses provide a focus for testing in the study.

Saen Fanai

Exactly what I need in this research journey, I look forward to more of your coaching videos.

Abubakar Rofiat Opeyemi

This helped a lot. Thanks so much for the effort put into explaining it.

Lamin Tarawally

What data source in writing dissertation/Thesis requires?

What is data source covers when writing dessertation/thesis

Latifat Muhammed

This is quite useful thanks


I’m excited and thankful. I got so much value which will help me progress in my thesis.

Amer Al-Rashid

where are the locations of the reserch statement, research objective and research question in a reserach paper? Can you write an ouline that defines their places in the researh paper?


Very helpful and important tips on Aims, Objectives and Questions.

Refiloe Raselane

Thank you so much for making research aim, research objectives and research question so clear. This will be helpful to me as i continue with my thesis.

Annabelle Roda-Dafielmoto

Thanks much for this content. I learned a lot. And I am inspired to learn more. I am still struggling with my preparation for dissertation outline/proposal. But I consistently follow contents and tutorials and the new FB of GRAD Coach. Hope to really become confident in writing my dissertation and successfully defend it.


As a researcher and lecturer, I find splitting research goals into research aims, objectives, and questions is unnecessarily bureaucratic and confusing for students. For most biomedical research projects, including ‘real research’, 1-3 research questions will suffice (numbers may differ by discipline).


Awesome! Very important resources and presented in an informative way to easily understand the golden thread. Indeed, thank you so much.


Well explained

New Growth Care Group

The blog article on research aims, objectives, and questions by Grad Coach is a clear and insightful guide that aligns with my experiences in academic research. The article effectively breaks down the often complex concepts of research aims and objectives, providing a straightforward and accessible explanation. Drawing from my own research endeavors, I appreciate the practical tips offered, such as the need for specificity and clarity when formulating research questions. The article serves as a valuable resource for students and researchers, offering a concise roadmap for crafting well-defined research goals and objectives. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced researcher, this article provides practical insights that contribute to the foundational aspects of a successful research endeavor.


A great thanks for you. it is really amazing explanation. I grasp a lot and one step up to research knowledge.


I really found these tips helpful. Thank you very much Grad Coach.

Rahma D.

I found this article helpful. Thanks for sharing this.


thank you so much, the explanation and examples are really helpful

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Ever struggled to find the perfect topic for your research paper ? We get it – it can be a bit overwhelming. 

Picking something interesting and valuable for your academic journey isn't always easy. But don't worry, we're here to help!

Here, we have listed more than 300 research paper ideas for a variety of subjects.

These topics can help you get creative and find the inspiration you need. 

So read on! 

Arrow Down

  • 1. What are Good Topics for a Research Paper? 
  • 2. Research Paper Topics for Your Academic Level
  • 3. Research Paper Topics for Science & Technology
  • 4. Research Paper Topics For Social Sciences
  • 5. Research Paper Topics for Humanities
  • 6. Research Paper Topics on Economics
  • 7. Research Paper Topics Related to Marketing
  • 8. Best Research Paper Topics 2023
  • 9. How to Choose a Good Research Paper Topic?

What are Good Topics for a Research Paper? 

An interesting research topic is the one that has the following characteristics:

  • Specific and Clear . The topic should cover a specific aspect or question within a broader subject area. A focused topic allows for in-depth exploration.
  • Original and Unique - Great research topics are original. They explore a unique angle or perspective on a subject.
  • Significant - Good topics have academic or real-world significance. They contribute to existing knowledge or address a problem with practical implications.
  • Relevant - Topics that are timely and related to the current issues and debates in your field of study are better for research.

Research Paper Topics for Your Academic Level

All students get research writing assignments, whether they are in high school, college, or higher. Here are some engaging ideas suitable for different academic levels.

High School Research Essay Topics

  • Examine the impact of social media on teenagers' well-being.
  • Assess the effects of climate change and its consequences.
  • Analyze the dynamics of cyberbullying and online safety.
  • Explore the influence of music on adolescents.
  • Investigate the importance of financial literacy education.
  • Assess gender inequality in high school sports programs.
  • Examine the impact of technology on the education system.
  • Analyze youth voting trends and political engagement.
  • Investigate the role of video games in cognitive development.
  • Assess teenage substance abuse and prevention programs.

College Research Paper Topics 

  • IELTS vs. TOEFL - Discuss the similarities and differences.
  • College admission policies and criteria in the United States.
  • How to plan to pay college tuition?
  • Elaborate on ACT vs. SAT.
  • Benefits of Distance Learning.
  • Impacts of China's one-child policy.
  • Do college students learn better in same-sex classrooms?
  • Effect of the No Child Left Behind Act.
  • Analyze the history of the relationship between the United States and North Korea.
  • Should people be able to donate organs in exchange for money?

Graduate Research Paper Topics

  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business Operations and Strategy
  • Environmental Sustainability in Supply Chain Management: Strategies for Global Corporations
  • The Ethical Implications of Gene Editing Technologies: CRISPR-Cas9 and Beyond
  • Financial Derivatives and Risk Management: Advanced Strategies for Portfolio Optimization
  • The Role of Big Data Analytics in Healthcare: Improving Patient Care and Outcomes
  • Cybersecurity Threats and Mitigation in Critical Infrastructure: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • The Intersection of International Trade and Intellectual Property Rights: Trade Agreements and Dispute Resolution
  • Exploring the Impacts of Climate Change on Urban Planning and Infrastructure
  • Educational Leadership and School Reform in the 21st Century: Innovative Approaches and Challenges
  • Theoretical Advances in Quantum Computing: Applications, Limitations, and Future Prospects

Research Paper Topics for Science & Technology

Looking for research paper ideas in your discipline? The list of topics below covers a variety of subjects and disciplines to help you out.

Research Paper Topics for Computer Science 

  • Quantum Computing: Current State and Future Prospects
  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Blockchain Technology and Its Applications Beyond Cryptocurrency
  • Cybersecurity in the Age of IoT: Challenges and Solutions
  • The Ethical Implications of Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Natural Language Processing for Sentiment Analysis in Social Media
  • The Role of Computer Vision in Autonomous Vehicles
  • Big Data Analytics for Business Intelligence and Decision-Making
  • Human-Computer Interaction: Enhancing User Experience
  • The Evolution of Cloud Computing: Trends and Innovations

Research Paper Topics in Machine Learning

  • Explainable AI (XAI): Techniques and Challenges in Interpretable Machine Learning Models
  • Federated Learning: Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Across Decentralized Data Sources
  • Transfer Learning in Deep Neural Networks: Methods, Applications, and Limitations
  • Reinforcement Learning: Recent Advances and Real-World Applications
  • Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning: Detection, Mitigation, and Ethical Considerations
  • Multi-Modal Learning: Integrating Data from Multiple Sources for Improved Performance
  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): Innovations in Image Generation and Beyond
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Healthcare: Applications in Clinical Data Analysis and Diagnosis
  • AutoML (Automated Machine Learning): Tools, Challenges, and Implications for Non-Experts
  • Quantum Machine Learning: Harnessing Quantum Computing for Advanced Data Analysis

Research Paper Topics in Chemistry

  • Green Chemistry: Sustainable Approaches to Chemical Synthesis
  • Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery: Innovations and Challenges
  • Chemical Analysis of Environmental Pollutants and Their Remediation
  • Advancements in Organic Synthesis: New Methods and Strategies
  • The Role of Catalysis in Industrial Chemical Processes
  • Chemical Kinetics: Studying Reaction Rates and Mechanisms
  • Analytical Chemistry Techniques for Food Safety and Quality Control
  • Supramolecular Chemistry: Self-assembly and Molecular Recognition
  • The Chemistry of Renewable Energy Sources
  • Chemical Bonding in Complex Molecules: Insights from Quantum Chemistry

Information Technology Research Paper Topics

  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Information Technology
  • Blockchain Technology: Security and Privacy Implications
  • Data Governance and Compliance in the Digital Age
  • Cloud Computing Adoption Strategies for Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Security Challenges and Solutions
  • E-Government: Advancements and Challenges in Digital Transformation
  • The Role of Machine Learning in Healthcare Data Management
  • Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence: Trends and Best Practices
  • Digital Twins and their Applications in Industry 4.0
  • Human-Centric IT: Designing Systems with User Well-being in Mind

Research Paper Topics Environmental Science

  • Climate Change and Its Impact on Global Ecosystems
  • Biodiversity Conservation and Habitat Restoration
  • Sustainable Agriculture Practices for Food Security
  • Air Pollution Control Strategies in Urban Environments
  • The Effects of Deforestation on Watersheds and Biodiversity
  • Waste Management and Recycling: Towards a Circular Economy
  • Ocean Acidification and Coral Reef Conservation
  • Environmental Impacts of Renewable Energy Technologies
  • Eco-friendly Transportation Solutions: Promoting Sustainable Mobility
  • Human Health and Environmental Pollution: Assessing Risks and Mitigation

Research Paper Topics for Medical Students

  • The Role of Telemedicine in Improving Healthcare Access and Delivery
  • Epidemiology and Management of Infectious Diseases: A Focus on Emerging Pathogens
  • Precision Medicine and Personalized Healthcare: Advancements and Challenges
  • Ethical Considerations in Medical Research: Informed Consent and Human Rights
  • Mental Health in Medical Education: Strategies for Reducing Burnout and Promoting Well-being
  • Global Health Disparities: Analyzing Causes and Strategies for Health Equity
  • Advancements in Surgical Techniques and Robotics in Medicine
  • The Opioid Epidemic: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
  • Healthcare for Underserved Populations: Access, Barriers, and Innovations
  • Medical Innovations in Diagnostic Imaging: Impact on Patient Care and Diagnosis

Research Paper Topics in Zoology

  • The Impact of Climate Change on Wildlife Migration Patterns and Habitats
  • Behavioral Ecology of Apex Predators: From Wolves to Tigers
  • Zoonotic Diseases: Investigating the Transmission of Diseases Between Animals and Humans
  • Marine Biology and Conservation: Coral Reefs, Ocean Acidification, and Marine Biodiversity
  • The Role of Zoos in Conservation and Species Preservation
  • Invasive Species: Ecological Impacts and Management Strategies
  • Bird Migration and Navigation: Mechanisms and Conservation Implications
  • Animal Communication and Language: Insights from Studies on Dolphins and Primates
  • Endangered Species Recovery Programs: Successes, Failures, and Lessons Learned
  • Evolutionary Biology: The Coevolution of Predators and Prey

Research Paper Topics For Social Sciences

Are you a student of social sciences? The list of research paper topics below is for you!

History Research Paper Topics

  • The Causes and Consequences of the American Civil War
  • The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Society and Labor
  • The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire: Lessons from History
  • Women's Suffrage Movements Around the World
  • The Cold War: Origins, Conflicts, and Effects on Global Politics
  • The Role of Religion in Ancient Civilizations: Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Greece
  • The Renaissance Era: Art, Science, and Cultural Transformation
  • The Development of Culture in Mughal India
  • The Decolonization of Africa and Asia: Struggles for Independence
  • The Civil Rights Movement in the United States: Progress and Challenges

Research Paper Topics for Education

  • The Impact of Technology in the Classroom: Enhancing Learning or Distracting Students?
  • Inclusive Education: Strategies for Supporting Students with Disabilities
  • The Role of Parental Involvement in Student Academic Achievement
  • Education and Socioeconomic Inequality: Bridging the Gap
  • The Effectiveness of Online Learning: Pros and Cons
  • Early Childhood Education: The Importance of Preschool Programs
  • Teacher Burnout and Strategies for Teacher Well-being
  • The Influence of Standardized Testing on Curriculum and Instruction
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion
  • Education Policy Reform: Challenges and Impacts on Student Success

Sociology Research Paper Topics 

  • The Impact of Social Media on Social Interaction and Relationships
  • Gender Inequality in the Workplace: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
  • Racial Profiling and Policing: Examining Bias and Discrimination
  • The Sociology of Deviance: Understanding Criminal Behavior
  • Income Inequality and Its Effects on Society
  • The Influence of Family Structure on Child Development
  • Migration and the Social Integration of Immigrants
  • Environmental Sociology: Exploring the Relationship Between Society and the Environment
  • The Role of Religion in Shaping Societal Norms and Values
  • Health Disparities in Marginalized Communities: A Sociological Perspective

Psychology Research Paper Topics

  • The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult Mental Health
  • Psychological Effects of Social Media Use on Adolescents
  • Stress and Coping Mechanisms: Strategies for Resilience
  • The Psychology of Decision-Making: Biases and Heuristics
  • The Role of Attachment Theory in Parent-Child Relationships
  • Mental Health Stigma: Barriers to Seeking and Receiving Treatment
  • The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Functioning
  • Psychological Factors in Addiction and Recovery
  • Cognitive Development in Infants: Theories and Milestones
  • The Psychology of Happiness and Well-being: Factors and Interventions

Research Paper Topics On Media And Communication

  • The Influence of Social Media on Political Discourse and Public Opinion
  • Media Bias: Examining News Coverage and Its Impact on Perception
  • The Evolution of Journalism in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities
  • The Effects of Advertising on Consumer Behavior and Purchasing Decisions
  • Media Literacy Education: Preparing Citizens for a Digital World
  • The Role of Media in Shaping Gender Stereotypes and Representation
  • Fake News and Misinformation: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
  • Cultural Appropriation in Media: Analyzing Its Implications
  • Media and Crisis Communication: Case Studies and Best Practices
  • Media Effects on Body Image and Self-esteem: Exploring the Impact of Beauty Standards

Political Science Research Paper Topics

  • The Role of Political Parties in Shaping Government Policies
  • Electoral Systems and Their Impact on Representation and Governance
  • The Rise of Populism: Causes and Consequences
  • The Influence of Lobbying and Interest Groups on Policy-Making
  • Comparative Analysis of Political Systems: Democracies vs. Authoritarian Regimes
  • Foreign Policy Decision-Making: Case Studies and Models
  • Political Polarization: Understanding the Divisions in Contemporary Politics
  • Human Rights and International Relations: Challenges and Solutions
  • Environmental Politics and Climate Change Agreements
  • The Role of Social Media in Shaping Political Discourse and Activism

Research Paper Topics for International Relations

  • The Impact of Globalization on International Security
  • International Human Rights Law: Challenges and Progress
  • Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution: Case Studies in Successful Negotiations
  • The Role of International Organizations in Promoting Peace and Cooperation
  • Nuclear Proliferation: Examining the Threats and Non-Proliferation Efforts
  • Cybersecurity in International Relations: Challenges and Strategies
  • Global Economic Governance: The Role of International Financial Institutions
  • The Refugee Crisis: International Responses and the Humanitarian Challenge
  • Climate Change Diplomacy: Agreements, Obstacles, and Climate Justice
  • The Geopolitics of Energy: Resource Competition and Security Issues

Research Paper Topics On Culture

  • Cultural Appropriation: Understanding the Controversy and Implications
  • Cultural Relativism vs. Universalism: Debates in Anthropology and Ethics
  • Cultural Expressions in Art: Analyzing Cultural Identity Through Creative Works
  • Globalization and Its Impact on Cultural Homogenization vs. Cultural Diversity
  • Cultural Influences on Gender Roles and Identity
  • The Role of Culture in Shaping Dietary Habits and Food Traditions
  • Cultural Heritage Preservation: Challenges and Strategies
  • Language and Culture: The Relationship Between Linguistic Diversity and Cultural Identity
  • Cultural Rituals and Their Significance in Different Societies
  • Intercultural Communication: Navigating Cultural Differences in a Globalized World

Research Paper Topics for Humanities

Here are some engaging ideas for research paper topics in humanities disciplines.

Research Paper Topics for English Literature

  • Exploring the Themes of Love and Desire in Shakespeare's Sonnets
  • Postcolonial Literature: Analyzing the Works of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
  • The Role of Symbolism in F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby"
  • Feminist Critique of Classic Literature: Reevaluating Jane Austen's Heroines
  • The Gothic Tradition in Literature: A Comparative Study of Edgar Allan Poe and Mary Shelley
  • Dystopian Literature: Examining Social Commentary in George Orwell's "1984"
  • The Evolution of Science Fiction: From H.G. Wells to Contemporary Authors
  • The Modernist Movement in Poetry: T.S. Eliot and "The Waste Land"
  • Literary Representations of War: Analysis of Ernest Hemingway's Works
  • The Influence of Mythology in Literature: A Study of Greek and Roman Epics

Research Paper Topics for English Linguistics 

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  • Exploring Dialectical Variations: A Study of Regional English Accents
  • Syntax in Shakespearean English: Unraveling Linguistic Patterns
  • Code-Switching in Bilingual Literature: Impacts on Linguistic Identity
  • The Influence of Technology on Modern English: A Linguistic Perspective
  • Gendered Language in Literature: Analyzing Linguistic Representations
  • Sociolinguistic Aspects of English in Global Communication
  • Cognitive Linguistics: Understanding Language Processing and Comprehension
  • The Role of Phonetics in English Language Teaching: Strategies and Challenges
  • Linguistic Analysis of Online Discourse: Trends in Digital Communication

Research Paper Topics on Arts

  • The Influence of Renaissance Art on Modern Visual Culture
  • The Evolution of Street Art: From Vandalism to Urban Beautification
  • Gender and Identity in Contemporary Performance Art
  • The Role of Public Art in Shaping Urban Spaces and Communities
  • Censorship in the Arts: Balancing Expression and Sensitivity
  • The Intersection of Technology and Art: Digital Media and New Frontiers
  • Art as a Form of Political Protest: Examining Contemporary Activist Art
  • The Psychology of Art Appreciation: Understanding Aesthetic Experiences
  • Art Conservation and Preservation: Challenges and Ethical Considerations
  • Art Therapy: Exploring the Healing Power of Creativity

Research Paper Topics on Religion

  • Religious Pluralism and Interfaith Dialogue: Promoting Understanding and Tolerance
  • The Role of Religion in Shaping Moral Values and Ethics
  • Religion and Politics: Examining the Influence of Faith on Governance
  • Religious Rituals and Their Significance in Different Cultures
  • Secularism and Its Impact on Religious Practice and Belief
  • Religion and Science: Exploring the Compatibility and Conflict
  • The Influence of Religion on Gender Roles and Equality
  • Religious Fundamentalism and Its Implications for Society
  • Religion and Environmental Ethics: Perspectives on Stewardship
  • Religious Conversion and the Psychology Behind Faith Changes

Philosophy Research Paper Topics

  • The Philosophy of Ethics: Exploring Different Ethical Theories
  • The Problem of Free Will and Determinism: Philosophical Perspectives
  • Existentialism in Literature: A Philosophical Analysis
  • The Philosophy of Mind: Dualism vs. Materialism
  • The Nature of Reality: Metaphysical Approaches and Debates
  • Moral Dilemmas and Ethical Decision-Making: A Philosophical Examination
  • Philosophy of Technology: Ethical Implications of Advancements
  • Political Philosophy: Theories of Justice and Social Contracts
  • Philosophy of Religion: The Existence of God and Theodicy
  • Environmental Ethics: Philosophical Perspectives on Nature and Sustainability

Research Paper Topics for Ethics

  • Ethical Dilemmas in Medical Decision-Making: Balancing Autonomy and Beneficence
  • The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Accountability and Bias in AI Systems
  • Corporate Ethics: Ethical Responsibility of Multinational Corporations
  • Ethical Considerations in Environmental Conservation: Sustainability and Future Generations
  • The Ethics of Genetic Engineering and Designer Babies
  • The Intersection of Ethics and Technology: Privacy, Surveillance, and Data Ethics
  • Ethical Implications of End-of-Life Care and Euthanasia
  • Animal Rights and Ethical Treatment of Animals in Research
  • The Role of Ethics in Criminal Justice: Police Conduct and Criminal Punishment
  • The Ethics of Whistleblowing: Balancing Loyalty and Accountability

Law Research Paper Topics

  • The Evolution of Privacy Rights in the Digital Age: Legal and Ethical Considerations
  • Criminal Justice Reform: Assessing the Impact of Changes in Sentencing and Policing
  • Intellectual Property Rights in the Digital Era: Copyright, Trademarks, and Patents
  • The Role of International Law in Addressing Global Human Rights Violations
  • Environmental Law and Sustainable Development: Balancing Conservation and Economic Interests
  • Legal Aspects of Cybersecurity: Privacy, Data Protection, and Cybercrime
  • The Legalization of Marijuana: Implications for Criminal Justice and Public Health
  • Corporate Governance and Ethics: Analyzing Legal Frameworks for Accountability
  • Family Law and Child Custody Disputes: Examining Best Interests and Parental Rights
  • The Intersection of Law and Bioethics: Ethical Dilemmas in Medical and Scientific Research

Research Paper Topics on Criminal Justice 

  • Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System: Causes and Consequences
  • Police Use of Force: Policies, Accountability, and Community Relations
  • Criminal Profiling and Its Effectiveness in Solving Crimes
  • Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System: Diversion Programs and Treatment
  • The Impact of Mass Incarceration on Communities and Rehabilitation Efforts
  • Forensic Science and Criminal Investigations: Advances, Challenges, and Ethics
  • Cybercrime and Digital Forensics: Investigative Techniques and Legal Implications
  • Juvenile Justice: Rehabilitation vs. Punishment and the Recidivism Rate
  • The Death Penalty: Ethical, Legal, and Policy Considerations
  • Victim Rights and Restorative Justice Programs: Balancing the Scales of Justice

Research Paper Topics on Economics

  • Income Inequality: Causes, Consequences, and Policy Solutions
  • The Impact of Economic Globalization on Developing Countries
  • Behavioral Economics: Exploring Psychological Factors in Decision-Making
  • The Economics of Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies
  • Monetary Policy and Its Effects on Economic Stability
  • Trade Wars and Tariffs: Economic Effects and Global Trade Relations
  • Healthcare Economics: Examining Healthcare Costs, Access, and Reform
  • The Economics of Education: Investment in Human Capital and Economic Growth
  • Urban Economics: Challenges and Solutions in Sustainable City Development
  • Labor Market Trends: Gig Economy, Automation, and Future of Work

Research Paper Topics Related to Marketing

  • Influencer Marketing: Effectiveness, Ethics, and the Role of Social Media
  • Consumer Behavior in the Digital Age: Online Shopping Trends and Decision-Making
  • Brand Loyalty and Customer Retention Strategies in Competitive Markets
  • Neuromarketing: Understanding the Psychology of Consumer Choices
  • The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Image and Customer Engagement
  • E-commerce and Marketplaces: Strategies for Success in Online Retail
  • Content Marketing: Creating and Measuring the Value of Branded Content
  • Marketing to Generation Z: Preferences, Values, and Communication Channels
  • The Role of Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Marketing
  • Crisis Marketing and Reputation Management: Strategies for Navigating Challenges

Best Research Paper Topics 2023

Here are some impressive and easy research paper topics to write an extraordinary paper.

Argumentative Research Paper Topics 

  • Should the Minimum Wage be Raised?
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health: Harmful or Beneficial?
  • Is Genetic Engineering Ethical? Examining the Pros and Cons of Genetic Modification
  • The Death Penalty: Should it be Abolished or Retained?
  • Gun Control: Balancing Second Amendment Rights and Public Safety
  • Universal Healthcare: Is it a Right or a Privilege?
  • The Role of Government in Regulating Big Tech Companies
  • Climate Change: Is Human Activity the Primary Cause?
  • Online Privacy: Balancing Security and Civil Liberties
  • The Legalization of Recreational Marijuana: Weighing the Social and Economic Impacts

US History Research Paper Topics

  • The American Revolution: Causes, Key Figures, and Impact on the Nation
  • The Abolitionist Movement: Strategies, Leaders, and the Fight Against Slavery
  • The Reconstruction Era: Challenges, Achievements, and Failures
  • The Women's Suffrage Movement: Struggles and Triumphs in the Fight for Voting Rights
  • The Civil Rights Movement: Leaders, Events, and the Struggle for Equality
  • The Great Depression: Causes, Effects, and Government Responses
  • The Vietnam War: Origins, Controversies, and Legacy
  • The Space Race: The Cold War Competition for Supremacy Beyond Earth
  • The Civil War: Battlefronts, Political Divisions, and the Emancipation Proclamation
  • The American Westward Expansion: Manifest Destiny, Conflicts, and Impacts on Native Americans

Persuasive Research Paper Topics 

  • The Importance of Comprehensive Sex Education in Schools
  • Banning Single-Use Plastics: Protecting the Environment and Marine Life
  • Promoting Renewable Energy: Transitioning to a Sustainable Future
  • Mandatory Vaccination: Protecting Public Health and Herd Immunity
  • The Benefits of Telecommuting: A Win-Win for Employers and Employees
  • Promoting Healthy Eating Habits: The Case for Implementing Sugar Taxes
  • The Need for Stricter Animal Welfare Laws: Preventing Animal Cruelty
  • Accessible Education for All: The Case for Affordable College Tuition
  • Promoting Voting Rights: Ensuring a Fair and Inclusive Democracy
  • The Importance of Mental Health Awareness and Support: Breaking the Stigma

Easy Research Paper Topics 

  • The Benefits of Regular Exercise for Physical and Mental Health
  • The History and Impact of Social Media on Society
  • The Basics of Climate Change: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
  • The Life and Achievements of a Notable Inventor or Scientist
  • The Importance of Recycling and Waste Reduction in Daily Life
  • The Impact of Fast Food on Diet and Health
  • Effect of Global Warming on The Frequency And Intensity Of Natural Disasters
  • Should Marijuana be legalized in US? Costs, Economic And Social Benefits
  • How Do Terrorist Attacks Influence Public Opinion And Political Behavior In Democratic Countries
  • Crime Rates: Main Factors That Explain The Variation In Crime Rates Across Different Countries And Regions

Research Paper Topics on Current Affairs 

  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Global Health Systems and Preparedness
  • Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies
  • The Future of Work: Remote Work Trends and Implications
  • Economic Recovery Post-Pandemic: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Vaccine Hesitancy: Understanding Causes and Addressing Concerns
  • Cybersecurity in the Digital Age: Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Defense
  • Immigration Policies and Border Security: A Global Perspective
  • The Role of Social Media in Political Movements and Disinformation
  • Global Supply Chain Disruptions: Causes and Strategies for Resilience
  • Racial and Social Justice Movements: Progress and Ongoing Challenges

Controversial Research Paper Topics 

  • The Legalization of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Ethical and Legal Considerations
  • Gun Control Laws: Balancing Second Amendment Rights and Public Safety
  • The Death Penalty: Is it an Effective Deterrent or a Violation of Human Rights?
  • Animal Testing: Ethical Issues and Alternatives for Scientific Research
  • The Legalization of Recreational Drugs: Assessing Risks and Benefits
  • Abortion: Examining the Ethical, Legal, and Medical Aspects
  • Freedom of Speech vs. Hate Speech: Protecting Civil Liberties in a Digital Age
  • Climate Change Denial: Analyzing the Science and Skepticism
  • School Vouchers and School Choice: The Future of Public Education
  • Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs): Safety, Labeling, and Environmental Concerns

Research Paper Topics on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

  • Historical Roots of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Tracing the Beginnings
  • Media Framing of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Impact on Public Perception
  • The Role of International Diplomacy in Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
  • Human Rights Violations in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Critical Analysis
  • Refugees and Displacement: The Ongoing Humanitarian Crisis in the Conflict
  • Religious Perspectives in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Comparative Study
  • Water Scarcity and Resource Management in the Context of the Conflict
  • Education and Propaganda: Examining the Impact of Curricula on Perpetuating Conflict Narratives
  • The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Peacebuilding Efforts
  • Media and Social Media's Influence on Shaping Public Opinion in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Nursing Research Paper Topics 

  • The Impact of Nurse-to-Patient Ratios on Patient Outcomes
  • Nursing Shortages: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
  • Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Implementing Research into Clinical Care
  • Nursing Ethics: Ethical Dilemmas and Decision-Making in Patient Care
  • Palliative Care and End-of-Life Nursing: Improving Quality of Life for Patients
  • Nursing Informatics: Advancements in Healthcare Technology and Data Management
  • The Role of Cultural Competence in Nursing: Providing Culturally Sensitive Care
  • Nursing Burnout and Staff Well-being: Strategies for Prevention and Support
  • The Impact of Nurse Leadership on Patient Safety and Quality of Care
  • Pediatric Nursing: Specialized Care for Children and Families

How to Choose a Good Research Paper Topic?

Now that you have a plethora of ideas for your research paper, which one should you choose? Here are some steps you need to follow to choose a good research paper topic: 

  • Identify Your Interests: Start by considering your own interests and passions. Research is much more enjoyable when you're exploring a topic you're genuinely curious about. Think about subjects, issues, or questions that intrigue you.
  • Brainstorm and Mind Map: Write down potential topics or research questions and create a mind map to visualize how they connect to one another. This can help you see the relationships between different ideas and narrow down your options.
  • Do Some Preliminary Research: Conduct initial research to see what resources are available on potential topics. This will help you gauge whether there is enough information and credible sources to support your research.
  • Consider Your Audience: Think about who will be reading your research paper. Tailor your topic to your target audience's interests and knowledge level. You should also comply with the instructor's requirements. Make sure your topic gets approved before you begin with the writing process.
  • Discuss with Others: Talk to your peers, professors, or mentors about your potential topics. They may offer valuable insights, suggest relevant resources, or help you refine your ideas.

To conclude,

Selecting a good topic is the first and most important step in writing a research paper. Your decision should be guided by your interests, the assignment requirements, and the availability of credible resources. 

With this list of potential research paper topics and tips on how to choose a good topic, you are able to select a topic that is both engaging for you and relevant to your audience.

Remember that staying current and conducting preliminary research will help you make an informed choice. Seek feedback from peers and mentors, and don't shy away from challenging or controversial topics when appropriate. 

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Home » Research Questions – Types, Examples and Writing Guide

Research Questions – Types, Examples and Writing Guide

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Research Questions

Research Questions


Research questions are the specific questions that guide a research study or inquiry. These questions help to define the scope of the research and provide a clear focus for the study. Research questions are usually developed at the beginning of a research project and are designed to address a particular research problem or objective.

Types of Research Questions

Types of Research Questions are as follows:

Descriptive Research Questions

These aim to describe a particular phenomenon, group, or situation. For example:

  • What are the characteristics of the target population?
  • What is the prevalence of a particular disease in a specific region?

Exploratory Research Questions

These aim to explore a new area of research or generate new ideas or hypotheses. For example:

  • What are the potential causes of a particular phenomenon?
  • What are the possible outcomes of a specific intervention?

Explanatory Research Questions

These aim to understand the relationship between two or more variables or to explain why a particular phenomenon occurs. For example:

  • What is the effect of a specific drug on the symptoms of a particular disease?
  • What are the factors that contribute to employee turnover in a particular industry?

Predictive Research Questions

These aim to predict a future outcome or trend based on existing data or trends. For example :

  • What will be the future demand for a particular product or service?
  • What will be the future prevalence of a particular disease?

Evaluative Research Questions

These aim to evaluate the effectiveness of a particular intervention or program. For example:

  • What is the impact of a specific educational program on student learning outcomes?
  • What is the effectiveness of a particular policy or program in achieving its intended goals?

How to Choose Research Questions

Choosing research questions is an essential part of the research process and involves careful consideration of the research problem, objectives, and design. Here are some steps to consider when choosing research questions:

  • Identify the research problem: Start by identifying the problem or issue that you want to study. This could be a gap in the literature, a social or economic issue, or a practical problem that needs to be addressed.
  • Conduct a literature review: Conducting a literature review can help you identify existing research in your area of interest and can help you formulate research questions that address gaps or limitations in the existing literature.
  • Define the research objectives : Clearly define the objectives of your research. What do you want to achieve with your study? What specific questions do you want to answer?
  • Consider the research design : Consider the research design that you plan to use. This will help you determine the appropriate types of research questions to ask. For example, if you plan to use a qualitative approach, you may want to focus on exploratory or descriptive research questions.
  • Ensure that the research questions are clear and answerable: Your research questions should be clear and specific, and should be answerable with the data that you plan to collect. Avoid asking questions that are too broad or vague.
  • Get feedback : Get feedback from your supervisor, colleagues, or peers to ensure that your research questions are relevant, feasible, and meaningful.

How to Write Research Questions

Guide for Writing Research Questions:

  • Start with a clear statement of the research problem: Begin by stating the problem or issue that your research aims to address. This will help you to formulate focused research questions.
  • Use clear language : Write your research questions in clear and concise language that is easy to understand. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to your readers.
  • Be specific: Your research questions should be specific and focused. Avoid broad questions that are difficult to answer. For example, instead of asking “What is the impact of climate change on the environment?” ask “What are the effects of rising sea levels on coastal ecosystems?”
  • Use appropriate question types: Choose the appropriate question types based on the research design and objectives. For example, if you are conducting a qualitative study, you may want to use open-ended questions that allow participants to provide detailed responses.
  • Consider the feasibility of your questions : Ensure that your research questions are feasible and can be answered with the resources available. Consider the data sources and methods of data collection when writing your questions.
  • Seek feedback: Get feedback from your supervisor, colleagues, or peers to ensure that your research questions are relevant, appropriate, and meaningful.

Examples of Research Questions

Some Examples of Research Questions with Research Titles:

Research Title: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

  • Research Question : What is the relationship between social media use and mental health, and how does this impact individuals’ well-being?

Research Title: Factors Influencing Academic Success in High School

  • Research Question: What are the primary factors that influence academic success in high school, and how do they contribute to student achievement?

Research Title: The Effects of Exercise on Physical and Mental Health

  • Research Question: What is the relationship between exercise and physical and mental health, and how can exercise be used as a tool to improve overall well-being?

Research Title: Understanding the Factors that Influence Consumer Purchasing Decisions

  • Research Question : What are the key factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions, and how do these factors vary across different demographics and products?

Research Title: The Impact of Technology on Communication

  • Research Question : How has technology impacted communication patterns, and what are the effects of these changes on interpersonal relationships and society as a whole?

Research Title: Investigating the Relationship between Parenting Styles and Child Development

  • Research Question: What is the relationship between different parenting styles and child development outcomes, and how do these outcomes vary across different ages and developmental stages?

Research Title: The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Treating Anxiety Disorders

  • Research Question: How effective is cognitive-behavioral therapy in treating anxiety disorders, and what factors contribute to its success or failure in different patients?

Research Title: The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity

  • Research Question : How is climate change affecting global biodiversity, and what can be done to mitigate the negative effects on natural ecosystems?

Research Title: Exploring the Relationship between Cultural Diversity and Workplace Productivity

  • Research Question : How does cultural diversity impact workplace productivity, and what strategies can be employed to maximize the benefits of a diverse workforce?

Research Title: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

  • Research Question: How can artificial intelligence be leveraged to improve healthcare outcomes, and what are the potential risks and ethical concerns associated with its use?

Applications of Research Questions

Here are some of the key applications of research questions:

  • Defining the scope of the study : Research questions help researchers to narrow down the scope of their study and identify the specific issues they want to investigate.
  • Developing hypotheses: Research questions often lead to the development of hypotheses, which are testable predictions about the relationship between variables. Hypotheses provide a clear and focused direction for the study.
  • Designing the study : Research questions guide the design of the study, including the selection of participants, the collection of data, and the analysis of results.
  • Collecting data : Research questions inform the selection of appropriate methods for collecting data, such as surveys, interviews, or experiments.
  • Analyzing data : Research questions guide the analysis of data, including the selection of appropriate statistical tests and the interpretation of results.
  • Communicating results : Research questions help researchers to communicate the results of their study in a clear and concise manner. The research questions provide a framework for discussing the findings and drawing conclusions.

Characteristics of Research Questions

Characteristics of Research Questions are as follows:

  • Clear and Specific : A good research question should be clear and specific. It should clearly state what the research is trying to investigate and what kind of data is required.
  • Relevant : The research question should be relevant to the study and should address a current issue or problem in the field of research.
  • Testable : The research question should be testable through empirical evidence. It should be possible to collect data to answer the research question.
  • Concise : The research question should be concise and focused. It should not be too broad or too narrow.
  • Feasible : The research question should be feasible to answer within the constraints of the research design, time frame, and available resources.
  • Original : The research question should be original and should contribute to the existing knowledge in the field of research.
  • Significant : The research question should have significance and importance to the field of research. It should have the potential to provide new insights and knowledge to the field.
  • Ethical : The research question should be ethical and should not cause harm to any individuals or groups involved in the study.

Purpose of Research Questions

Research questions are the foundation of any research study as they guide the research process and provide a clear direction to the researcher. The purpose of research questions is to identify the scope and boundaries of the study, and to establish the goals and objectives of the research.

The main purpose of research questions is to help the researcher to focus on the specific area or problem that needs to be investigated. They enable the researcher to develop a research design, select the appropriate methods and tools for data collection and analysis, and to organize the results in a meaningful way.

Research questions also help to establish the relevance and significance of the study. They define the research problem, and determine the research methodology that will be used to address the problem. Research questions also help to determine the type of data that will be collected, and how it will be analyzed and interpreted.

Finally, research questions provide a framework for evaluating the results of the research. They help to establish the validity and reliability of the data, and provide a basis for drawing conclusions and making recommendations based on the findings of the study.

Advantages of Research Questions

There are several advantages of research questions in the research process, including:

  • Focus : Research questions help to focus the research by providing a clear direction for the study. They define the specific area of investigation and provide a framework for the research design.
  • Clarity : Research questions help to clarify the purpose and objectives of the study, which can make it easier for the researcher to communicate the research aims to others.
  • Relevance : Research questions help to ensure that the study is relevant and meaningful. By asking relevant and important questions, the researcher can ensure that the study will contribute to the existing body of knowledge and address important issues.
  • Consistency : Research questions help to ensure consistency in the research process by providing a framework for the development of the research design, data collection, and analysis.
  • Measurability : Research questions help to ensure that the study is measurable by defining the specific variables and outcomes that will be measured.
  • Replication : Research questions help to ensure that the study can be replicated by providing a clear and detailed description of the research aims, methods, and outcomes. This makes it easier for other researchers to replicate the study and verify the results.

Limitations of Research Questions

Limitations of Research Questions are as follows:

  • Subjectivity : Research questions are often subjective and can be influenced by personal biases and perspectives of the researcher. This can lead to a limited understanding of the research problem and may affect the validity and reliability of the study.
  • Inadequate scope : Research questions that are too narrow in scope may limit the breadth of the study, while questions that are too broad may make it difficult to focus on specific research objectives.
  • Unanswerable questions : Some research questions may not be answerable due to the lack of available data or limitations in research methods. In such cases, the research question may need to be rephrased or modified to make it more answerable.
  • Lack of clarity : Research questions that are poorly worded or ambiguous can lead to confusion and misinterpretation. This can result in incomplete or inaccurate data, which may compromise the validity of the study.
  • Difficulty in measuring variables : Some research questions may involve variables that are difficult to measure or quantify, making it challenging to draw meaningful conclusions from the data.
  • Lack of generalizability: Research questions that are too specific or limited in scope may not be generalizable to other contexts or populations. This can limit the applicability of the study’s findings and restrict its broader implications.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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How to Write a Research Question

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  • Writing Strong Research Questions | Criteria & Examples

Writing Strong Research Questions | Criteria & Examples

Published on 30 October 2022 by Shona McCombes . Revised on 12 December 2023.

A research question pinpoints exactly what you want to find out in your work. A good research question is essential to guide your research paper , dissertation , or thesis .

All research questions should be:

  • Focused on a single problem or issue
  • Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources
  • Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
  • Specific enough to answer thoroughly
  • Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis
  • Relevant to your field of study and/or society more broadly

Writing Strong Research Questions

Table of contents

How to write a research question, what makes a strong research question, research questions quiz, frequently asked questions.

You can follow these steps to develop a strong research question:

  • Choose your topic
  • Do some preliminary reading about the current state of the field
  • Narrow your focus to a specific niche
  • Identify the research problem that you will address

The way you frame your question depends on what your research aims to achieve. The table below shows some examples of how you might formulate questions for different purposes.

Research question formulations
Describing and exploring
Explaining and testing
Evaluating and acting

Using your research problem to develop your research question

Example research problem Example research question(s)
Teachers at the school do not have the skills to recognize or properly guide gifted children in the classroom. What practical techniques can teachers use to better identify and guide gifted children?
Young people increasingly engage in the ‘gig economy’, rather than traditional full-time employment. However, it is unclear why they choose to do so. What are the main factors influencing young people’s decisions to engage in the gig economy?

Note that while most research questions can be answered with various types of research , the way you frame your question should help determine your choices.

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Research questions anchor your whole project, so it’s important to spend some time refining them. The criteria below can help you evaluate the strength of your research question.

Focused and researchable

Criteria Explanation
Focused on a single topic Your central research question should work together with your research problem to keep your work focused. If you have multiple questions, they should all clearly tie back to your central aim.
Answerable using Your question must be answerable using and/or , or by reading scholarly sources on the topic to develop your argument. If such data is impossible to access, you likely need to rethink your question.
Not based on value judgements Avoid subjective words like , , and . These do not give clear criteria for answering the question.

Feasible and specific

Criteria Explanation
Answerable within practical constraints Make sure you have enough time and resources to do all research required to answer your question. If it seems you will not be able to gain access to the data you need, consider narrowing down your question to be more specific.
Uses specific, well-defined concepts All the terms you use in the research question should have clear meanings. Avoid vague language, jargon, and too-broad ideas.

Does not demand a conclusive solution, policy, or course of action Research is about informing, not instructing. Even if your project is focused on a practical problem, it should aim to improve understanding rather than demand a ready-made solution.

Complex and arguable

Criteria Explanation
Cannot be answered with or Closed-ended, / questions are too simple to work as good research questions—they don’t provide enough scope for robust investigation and discussion.

Cannot be answered with easily-found facts If you can answer the question through a single Google search, book, or article, it is probably not complex enough. A good research question requires original data, synthesis of multiple sources, and original interpretation and argumentation prior to providing an answer.

Relevant and original

Criteria Explanation
Addresses a relevant problem Your research question should be developed based on initial reading around your . It should focus on addressing a problem or gap in the existing knowledge in your field or discipline.
Contributes to a timely social or academic debate The question should aim to contribute to an existing and current debate in your field or in society at large. It should produce knowledge that future researchers or practitioners can later build on.
Has not already been answered You don’t have to ask something that nobody has ever thought of before, but your question should have some aspect of originality. For example, you can focus on a specific location, or explore a new angle.

The way you present your research problem in your introduction varies depending on the nature of your research paper . A research paper that presents a sustained argument will usually encapsulate this argument in a thesis statement .

A research paper designed to present the results of empirical research tends to present a research question that it seeks to answer. It may also include a hypothesis – a prediction that will be confirmed or disproved by your research.

As you cannot possibly read every source related to your topic, it’s important to evaluate sources to assess their relevance. Use preliminary evaluation to determine whether a source is worth examining in more depth.

This involves:

  • Reading abstracts , prefaces, introductions , and conclusions
  • Looking at the table of contents to determine the scope of the work
  • Consulting the index for key terms or the names of important scholars

An essay isn’t just a loose collection of facts and ideas. Instead, it should be centered on an overarching argument (summarised in your thesis statement ) that every part of the essay relates to.

The way you structure your essay is crucial to presenting your argument coherently. A well-structured essay helps your reader follow the logic of your ideas and understand your overall point.

A research hypothesis is your proposed answer to your research question. The research hypothesis usually includes an explanation (‘ x affects y because 

A statistical hypothesis, on the other hand, is a mathematical statement about a population parameter. Statistical hypotheses always come in pairs: the null and alternative hypotheses. In a well-designed study , the statistical hypotheses correspond logically to the research hypothesis.

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McCombes, S. (2023, December 12). Writing Strong Research Questions | Criteria & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 5 August 2024, from

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Collection  04 April 2024

Top articles of 2023

This collection highlights the top ten research papers published in Humanities and Social Sciences Communications in 2023 according to three criteria*: citations, downloads and Altmetric attention score. The papers highlighted feature authors from around the world and span a wide range of research areas.

* Data correct as of April 3rd 2024 obtained from SN Insights, which is based on Digital Science’s Dimensions.

Abstract liquid art in a teal colour scheme.

Top 10 by citations

research paper questions 2023

Emotion classification for short texts: an improved multi-label method

  • Wenfeng Zheng

research paper questions 2023

One country with two systems: The characteristics and development of higher education in the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macau Greater Bay Area

  • Xiujuan Xie

research paper questions 2023

The evolutionary mechanism of haze collaborative governance: novel evidence from a tripartite evolutionary game model and a case study in China

  • Zhenhua Zhang
  • Guoxing Zhang

research paper questions 2023

Impact of artificial intelligence on human loss in decision making, laziness and safety in education

  • Sayed Fayaz Ahmad
  • Antonio Ariza-Montes

Green finance, renewable energy development, and climate change: evidence from regions of China

  • Yunpeng Sun
  • Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary

COVID-19 vaccine communication and advocacy strategy: a social marketing campaign for increasing COVID-19 vaccine uptake in South Korea

  • Shin-Ae Hong

research paper questions 2023

Eco-tourism, climate change, and environmental policies: empirical evidence from developing economies

  • Yunfeng Shang
  • Ehsan Rasoulinezhad

research paper questions 2023

A bibliometric analysis of cultural heritage research in the humanities: The Web of Science as a tool of knowledge management

  • Ionela Vlase
  • Tuuli LĂ€hdesmĂ€ki

research paper questions 2023

Mechanism of attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control influence the green development behavior of construction enterprises

research paper questions 2023

Social trust, social capital, and subjective well-being of rural residents: micro-empirical evidence based on the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS)

  • Chuqiao Zhang
  • Yawen Huang

Top 10 by downloads

research paper questions 2023

Ethics and discrimination in artificial intelligence-enabled recruitment practices

  • Zhisheng Chen

research paper questions 2023

Profiling low-proficiency science students in the Philippines using machine learning

  • Allan B. I. Bernardo
  • Macario O. Cordel II
  • Unisse C. Chua

Artificial Intelligence in studies—use of ChatGPT and AI-based tools among students in Germany

  • Jörg von Garrel

research paper questions 2023

Faculty perceptions of unidentified aerial phenomena

  • Marissa E. Yingling
  • Charlton W. Yingling
  • Bethany A. Bell

research paper questions 2023

Implications of the POCSO Act and determinants of child sexual abuse in India: insights at the state level

  • Shrabanti Maity
  • Pronobesh Ranjan Chakraborty

research paper questions 2023

Integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria: their impacts on corporate sustainability performance

  • Anrafel de Souza Barbosa
  • Maria Cristina Basilio Crispim da Silva
  • VinĂ­cius Fernandes de Souza

research paper questions 2023

The benefits of tourism for rural community development

  • Yung-Lun Liu
  • Jui-Te Chiang

research paper questions 2023

Influence of motivation on teachers’ job performance

  • Joti kumari

research paper questions 2023

The technology, management, and culture of water in ancient Iran from prehistoric times to the Islamic Golden Age

  • Masoud Saatsaz
  • Abolfazl Rezaei

Top 10 by Altmetric attention score

research paper questions 2023

Wasted GDP in the USA

  • Morten TĂžnnessen

research paper questions 2023

The effects of war on Ukrainian research

  • GaĂ©tan de Rassenfosse
  • Tetiana Murovana
  • Wolf-Hendrik Uhlbach

research paper questions 2023

Antisemitism is predicted by anti-hierarchical aggression, totalitarianism, and belief in malevolent global conspiracies

  • Daniel Allington
  • David Hirsh
  • Louise Katz

The concept of inclusive education from the point of view of academics specialising in special education at Saudi universities

  • Abdullah Madhesh

The functional differentiation of brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) and its ethical implications

  • Xiao-yu Sun

research paper questions 2023

Semantic scope of Indus inscriptions comprising taxation, trade and craft licensing, commodity control and access control: archaeological and script-internal evidence

  • Bahata Ansumali Mukhopadhyay

research paper questions 2023

American cultural regions mapped through the lexical analysis of social media

  • Thomas Louf
  • Bruno Gonçalves
  • Jack Grieve

research paper questions 2023

Negativity bias in the spread of voter fraud conspiracy theory tweets during the 2020 US election

  • Mason Youngblood
  • Joseph M. Stubbersfield
  • Alberto Acerbi

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How to Write a Research Paper

Use the links below to jump directly to any section of this guide:

Research Paper Fundamentals

How to choose a topic or question, how to create a working hypothesis or thesis, common research paper methodologies, how to gather and organize evidence , how to write an outline for your research paper, how to write a rough draft, how to revise your draft, how to produce a final draft, resources for teachers .

It is not fair to say that no one writes anymore. Just about everyone writes text messages, brief emails, or social media posts every single day. Yet, most people don't have a lot of practice with the formal, organized writing required for a good academic research paper. This guide contains links to a variety of resources that can help demystify the process. Some of these resources are intended for teachers; they contain exercises, activities, and teaching strategies. Other resources are intended for direct use by students who are struggling to write papers, or are looking for tips to make the process go more smoothly.

The resources in this section are designed to help students understand the different types of research papers, the general research process, and how to manage their time. Below, you'll find links from university writing centers, the trusted Purdue Online Writing Lab, and more.

What is an Academic Research Paper?

"Genre and the Research Paper" (Purdue OWL)

There are different types of research papers. Different types of scholarly questions will lend themselves to one format or another. This is a brief introduction to the two main genres of research paper: analytic and argumentative. 

"7 Most Popular Types of Research Papers" (

This resource discusses formats that high school students commonly encounter, such as the compare and contrast essay and the definitional essay. Please note that the inclusion of this link is not an endorsement of this company's paid service.

How to Prepare and Plan Out Writing a Research Paper

Teachers can give their students a step-by-step guide like these to help them understand the different steps of the research paper process. These guides can be combined with the time management tools in the next subsection to help students come up with customized calendars for completing their papers.

"Ten Steps for Writing Research Papers" (American University)  

This resource from American University is a comprehensive guide to the research paper writing process, and includes examples of proper research questions and thesis topics.

"Steps in Writing a Research Paper" (SUNY Empire State College)

This guide breaks the research paper process into 11 steps. Each "step" links to a separate page, which describes the work entailed in completing it.

How to Manage Time Effectively

The links below will help students determine how much time is necessary to complete a paper. If your sources are not available online or at your local library, you'll need to leave extra time for the Interlibrary Loan process. Remember that, even if you do not need to consult secondary sources, you'll still need to leave yourself ample time to organize your thoughts.

"Research Paper Planner: Timeline" (Baylor University)

This interactive resource from Baylor University creates a suggested writing schedule based on how much time a student has to work on the assignment.

"Research Paper Planner" (UCLA)

UCLA's library offers this step-by-step guide to the research paper writing process, which also includes a suggested planning calendar.

There's a reason teachers spend a long time talking about choosing a good topic. Without a good topic and a well-formulated research question, it is almost impossible to write a clear and organized paper. The resources below will help you generate ideas and formulate precise questions.

"How to Select a Research Topic" (Univ. of Michigan-Flint)

This resource is designed for college students who are struggling to come up with an appropriate topic. A student who uses this resource and still feels unsure about his or her topic should consult the course instructor for further personalized assistance.

"25 Interesting Research Paper Topics to Get You Started" (Kibin)

This resource, which is probably most appropriate for high school students, provides a list of specific topics to help get students started. It is broken into subsections, such as "paper topics on local issues."

"Writing a Good Research Question" (Grand Canyon University)

This introduction to research questions includes some embedded videos, as well as links to scholarly articles on research questions. This resource would be most appropriate for teachers who are planning lessons on research paper fundamentals.

"How to Write a Research Question the Right Way" (Kibin)

This student-focused resource provides more detail on writing research questions. The language is accessible, and there are embedded videos and examples of good and bad questions.

It is important to have a rough hypothesis or thesis in mind at the beginning of the research process. People who have a sense of what they want to say will have an easier time sorting through scholarly sources and other information. The key, of course, is not to become too wedded to the draft hypothesis or thesis. Just about every working thesis gets changed during the research process.

CrashCourse Video: "Sociology Research Methods" (YouTube)

Although this video is tailored to sociology students, it is applicable to students in a variety of social science disciplines. This video does a good job demonstrating the connection between the brainstorming that goes into selecting a research question and the formulation of a working hypothesis.

"How to Write a Thesis Statement for an Analytical Essay" (YouTube)

Students writing analytical essays will not develop the same type of working hypothesis as students who are writing research papers in other disciplines. For these students, developing the working thesis may happen as a part of the rough draft (see the relevant section below). 

"Research Hypothesis" (Oakland Univ.)

This resource provides some examples of hypotheses in social science disciplines like Political Science and Criminal Justice. These sample hypotheses may also be useful for students in other soft social sciences and humanities disciplines like History.

When grading a research paper, instructors look for a consistent methodology. This section will help you understand different methodological approaches used in research papers. Students will get the most out of these resources if they use them to help prepare for conversations with teachers or discussions in class.

"Types of Research Designs" (USC)

A "research design," used for complex papers, is related to the paper's method. This resource contains introductions to a variety of popular research designs in the social sciences. Although it is not the most intuitive site to read, the information here is very valuable. 

"Major Research Methods" (YouTube)

Although this video is a bit on the dry side, it provides a comprehensive overview of the major research methodologies in a format that might be more accessible to students who have struggled with textbooks or other written resources.

"Humanities Research Strategies" (USC)

This is a portal where students can learn about four methodological approaches for humanities papers: Historical Methodologies, Textual Criticism, Conceptual Analysis, and the Synoptic method.

"Selected Major Social Science Research Methods: Overview" (National Academies Press)

This appendix from the book  Using Science as Evidence in Public Policy , printed by National Academies Press, introduces some methods used in social science papers.

"Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: 6. The Methodology" (USC)

This resource from the University of Southern California's library contains tips for writing a methodology section in a research paper.

How to Determine the Best Methodology for You

Anyone who is new to writing research papers should be sure to select a method in consultation with their instructor. These resources can be used to help prepare for that discussion. They may also be used on their own by more advanced students.

"Choosing Appropriate Research Methodologies" (Palgrave Study Skills)

This friendly and approachable resource from Palgrave Macmillan can be used by students who are just starting to think about appropriate methodologies.

"How to Choose Your Research Methods" (NFER (UK))

This is another approachable resource students can use to help narrow down the most appropriate methods for their research projects.

The resources in this section introduce the process of gathering scholarly sources and collecting evidence. You'll find a range of material here, from introductory guides to advanced explications best suited to college students. Please consult the LitCharts  How to Do Academic Research guide for a more comprehensive list of resources devoted to finding scholarly literature.

Google Scholar

Students who have access to library websites with detailed research guides should start there, but people who do not have access to those resources can begin their search for secondary literature here.

"Gathering Appropriate Information" (Texas Gateway)

This resource from the Texas Gateway for online resources introduces students to the research process, and contains interactive exercises. The level of complexity is suitable for middle school, high school, and introductory college classrooms.

"An Overview of Quantitative and Qualitative Data Collection Methods" (NSF)

This PDF from the National Science Foundation goes into detail about best practices and pitfalls in data collection across multiple types of methodologies.

"Social Science Methods for Data Collection and Analysis" (Swiss FIT)

This resource is appropriate for advanced undergraduates or teachers looking to create lessons on research design and data collection. It covers techniques for gathering data via interviews, observations, and other methods.

"Collecting Data by In-depth Interviewing" (Leeds Univ.)

This resource contains enough information about conducting interviews to make it useful for teachers who want to create a lesson plan, but is also accessible enough for college juniors or seniors to make use of it on their own.

There is no "one size fits all" outlining technique. Some students might devote all their energy and attention to the outline in order to avoid the paper. Other students may benefit from being made to sit down and organize their thoughts into a lengthy sentence outline. The resources in this section include strategies and templates for multiple types of outlines. 

"Topic vs. Sentence Outlines" (UC Berkeley)

This resource introduces two basic approaches to outlining: the shorter topic-based approach, and the longer, more detailed sentence-based approach. This resource also contains videos on how to develop paper paragraphs from the sentence-based outline.

"Types of Outlines and Samples" (Purdue OWL)

The Purdue Online Writing Lab's guide is a slightly less detailed discussion of different types of outlines. It contains several sample outlines.

"Writing An Outline" (Austin C.C.)

This resource from a community college contains sample outlines from an American history class that students can use as models.

"How to Structure an Outline for a College Paper" (YouTube)

This brief (sub-2 minute) video from the ExpertVillage YouTube channel provides a model of outline writing for students who are struggling with the idea.

"Outlining" (Harvard)

This is a good resource to consult after completing a draft outline. It offers suggestions for making sure your outline avoids things like unnecessary repetition.

As with outlines, rough drafts can take on many different forms. These resources introduce teachers and students to the various approaches to writing a rough draft. This section also includes resources that will help you cite your sources appropriately according to the MLA, Chicago, and APA style manuals.

"Creating a Rough Draft for a Research Paper" (Univ. of Minnesota)

This resource is useful for teachers in particular, as it provides some suggested exercises to help students with writing a basic rough draft. 

Rough Draft Assignment (Duke of Definition)

This sample assignment, with a brief list of tips, was developed by a high school teacher who runs a very successful and well-reviewed page of educational resources.

"Creating the First Draft of Your Research Paper" (Concordia Univ.)

This resource will be helpful for perfectionists or procrastinators, as it opens by discussing the problem of avoiding writing. It also provides a short list of suggestions meant to get students writing.

Using Proper Citations

There is no such thing as a rough draft of a scholarly citation. These links to the three major citation guides will ensure that your citations follow the correct format. Please consult the LitCharts How to Cite Your Sources guide for more resources.

Chicago Manual of Style Citation Guide

Some call  The Chicago Manual of Style , which was first published in 1906, "the editors' Bible." The manual is now in its 17th edition, and is popular in the social sciences, historical journals, and some other fields in the humanities.

APA Citation Guide

According to the American Psychological Association, this guide was developed to aid reading comprehension, clarity of communication, and to reduce bias in language in the social and behavioral sciences. Its first full edition was published in 1952, and it is now in its sixth edition.

MLA Citation Guide

The Modern Language Association style is used most commonly within the liberal arts and humanities. The  MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing  was first published in 1985 and (as of 2008) is in its third edition.

Any professional scholar will tell you that the best research papers are made in the revision stage. No matter how strong your research question or working thesis, it is not possible to write a truly outstanding paper without devoting energy to revision. These resources provide examples of revision exercises for the classroom, as well as tips for students working independently.

"The Art of Revision" (Univ. of Arizona)

This resource provides a wealth of information and suggestions for both students and teachers. There is a list of suggested exercises that teachers might use in class, along with a revision checklist that is useful for teachers and students alike.

"Script for Workshop on Revision" (Vanderbilt University)

Vanderbilt's guide for leading a 50-minute revision workshop can serve as a model for teachers who wish to guide students through the revision process during classtime. 

"Revising Your Paper" (Univ. of Washington)

This detailed handout was designed for students who are beginning the revision process. It discusses different approaches and methods for revision, and also includes a detailed list of things students should look for while they revise.

"Revising Drafts" (UNC Writing Center)

This resource is designed for students and suggests things to look for during the revision process. It provides steps for the process and has a FAQ for students who have questions about why it is important to revise.

Conferencing with Writing Tutors and Instructors

No writer is so good that he or she can't benefit from meeting with instructors or peer tutors. These resources from university writing, learning, and communication centers provide suggestions for how to get the most out of these one-on-one meetings.

"Getting Feedback" (UNC Writing Center)

This very helpful resource talks about how to ask for feedback during the entire writing process. It contains possible questions that students might ask when developing an outline, during the revision process, and after the final draft has been graded.

"Prepare for Your Tutoring Session" (Otis College of Art and Design)

This guide from a university's student learning center contains a lot of helpful tips for getting the most out of working with a writing tutor.

"The Importance of Asking Your Professor" (Univ. of Waterloo)

This article from the university's Writing and Communication Centre's blog contains some suggestions for how and when to get help from professors and Teaching Assistants.

Once you've revised your first draft, you're well on your way to handing in a polished paper. These resources—each of them produced by writing professionals at colleges and universities—outline the steps required in order to produce a final draft. You'll find proofreading tips and checklists in text and video form.

"Developing a Final Draft of a Research Paper" (Univ. of Minnesota)

While this resource contains suggestions for revision, it also features a couple of helpful checklists for the last stages of completing a final draft.

Basic Final Draft Tips and Checklist (Univ. of Maryland-University College)

This short and accessible resource, part of UMUC's very thorough online guide to writing and research, contains a very basic checklist for students who are getting ready to turn in their final drafts.

Final Draft Checklist (Everett C.C.)

This is another accessible final draft checklist, appropriate for both high school and college students. It suggests reading your essay aloud at least once.

"How to Proofread Your Final Draft" (YouTube)

This video (approximately 5 minutes), produced by Eastern Washington University, gives students tips on proofreading final drafts.

"Proofreading Tips" (Georgia Southern-Armstrong)

This guide will help students learn how to spot common errors in their papers. It suggests focusing on content and editing for grammar and mechanics.

This final set of resources is intended specifically for high school and college instructors. It provides links to unit plans and classroom exercises that can help improve students' research and writing skills. You'll find resources that give an overview of the process, along with activities that focus on how to begin and how to carry out research. 

"Research Paper Complete Resources Pack" (Teachers Pay Teachers)

This packet of assignments, rubrics, and other resources is designed for high school students. The resources in this packet are aligned to Common Core standards.

"Research Paper—Complete Unit" (Teachers Pay Teachers)

This packet of assignments, notes, PowerPoints, and other resources has a 4/4 rating with over 700 ratings. It is designed for high school teachers, but might also be useful to college instructors who work with freshmen.

"Teaching Students to Write Good Papers" (Yale)

This resource from Yale's Center for Teaching and Learning is designed for college instructors, and it includes links to appropriate activities and exercises.

"Research Paper Writing: An Overview" (CUNY Brooklyn)

CUNY Brooklyn offers this complete lesson plan for introducing students to research papers. It includes an accompanying set of PowerPoint slides.

"Lesson Plan: How to Begin Writing a Research Paper" (San Jose State Univ.)

This lesson plan is designed for students in the health sciences, so teachers will have to modify it for their own needs. It includes a breakdown of the brainstorming, topic selection, and research question process. 

"Quantitative Techniques for Social Science Research" (Univ. of Pittsburgh)

This is a set of PowerPoint slides that can be used to introduce students to a variety of quantitative methods used in the social sciences.

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A List of 580 Interesting Research Topics [2024 Edition]

In school and college, you will be required to write research papers. Yes — papers in the plural. And that’s the first reason you may want to turn to Custom Writing and seek help with research projects.

When assigned a paper, the very first undertaking is to choose from a list of research topics. This is a daunting, even intimidating task, one that many people would prefer to circumvent altogether.

The good thing is:

There are hundreds of exciting and fun research topics for high school or college students from which to choose. With a variety of options, you are likely to find some interesting things to research. When you have good ideas and help available, this task becomes less threatening and more engaging.

But first: Let’s verify you have a complete comprehension of what writing a research paper entails. After all, you can’t be creative with an idea if you don’t know how to write about it. Then, you’ll find numerous interesting research topics for your work.

  • 🔝 Top 10 Research Topics

❓ What Is a Research Paper?

  • ✍ How to Find Topics to Write About

⭐ A List of Research Topics

  • đŸ’» IT Topics
  • đŸș History Topics
  • 🧠 Psychology Topics
  • 🎓 Education Topics
  • đŸ“ș Cultural Topics
  • đŸ—Łïž Topics for an Argumentative Essays

🔬 Science Research Topics

💉 health topics for research papers.

  • 👔 Business Research Topics
  • 📚 Literature Topics
  • đŸ—łïž Political Topics

😂 Fun Research Topics

  • đŸ‘„ Sociology Research Papers

🎯 Specific Research Proposal Topics

  • đŸ‘©â€âš•ïž Nursing Research Papers
  • 🎹 Art Topics
  • đŸŽŒ Music Topics
  • ✍ Creative Writing Topics
  • 🎈 Other Topics

🔝 Top 10 Research Topics for 2024

  • Maintaining social bonds via music
  • Use of AI in robotics
  • Narcissistic personality disorder: genetic factors
  • Mental effects of remote work
  • Use of infrared detectors in alarm systems
  • Cosmological simulations and machine learning
  • Achieving climate-positive agriculture
  • Emerging infectious diseases: detection and prevention
  • Technology-enhanced education in the post-COVID era
  • Disability inclusion in the workplace

If you aren’t clear on what a research paper is, then you won’t get very far when writing one. A research paper is just as its name suggests — a form of academic writing that necessitates the independent investigation of a specified topic and reports the unique results of that investigation.

Suny Empire State College provides a great and exhaustive explanation of what a research paper is.

In order to write a paper, you are required to formulate a research question. This is a question associated with your topic that acts as a guide during your research, enabling you to focus and provide unique arguments.

Before you can produce a research question, you have to choose from countless research topics available. Another useful thing to do would be checking out free sample research papers . With that in mind, let’s examine how you can discover some unique research paper topics.

✍ How to Find Research Topics to Write About

The choice of a research paper topic can be influenced by a number of factors, including:

  • The course for which the paper is assigned
  • Whether there is a topic assigned to you by the professor
  • Whether you are given a broad-spectrum subject area
  • How much freedom you are given to branch out and select a topic

Hopefully, you have been given some freedom of choice regarding academic paper topics. However, if you do have some choice in the matter, you might be speculating about how to narrow it down.

You are in luck!

6 surprised ways to find topicsю

There are a number of ways to effectively comb through the abundance of research paper topics and discover one that will work well for you. Here are some suggestions:

  • Ask your professor. Chances are your professor has some fabulous research paper ideas. You can also inquire with other university staff and graduate students for ideas. These people know your discipline well, which can work to your advantage.
  • Browse through scientific journals and research papers , but be sure to adhere to the most recent research possible. You will definitely find interesting ideas in published papers that would make great research paper topics.
  • Investigate other professional and government publications for research project ideas. Again, keep to the most recent publications within the last three to five years, if possible.
  • Browse through your library catalog to uncover the most interesting areas of study in your field.
  • Take notes everywhere you go! It doesn’t matter if you are in class listening to your professor, traveling, reading a magazine, or watching TV. Research paper ideas are absolutely everywhere! Write things down whenever you come across something unique and interesting, and you just might find a topic to pursue.

When it comes down to it, deciding on one of the many academic essay topics is the most substantial step of the process.

Once you have that narrowed down, you can focus your research and write a remarkable paper. Now, we want to give you some help. What follows is an extensive list of the most interesting research topics to get you started.

Now that you have a good idea of how to search for college research paper topics, you are ready for some suggestions. You might like one of them right off the bat, or you might be inspired by a particular topic and write something related to it.

Want to know the best part?

By the time you are finished reading this academic topics list, you will feel much more equipped for writing your research paper. For even better result, have a brainstorming session with a research topic generator to introduce a bigger variety of options.

đŸ’» IT Research Paper Topics

Perhaps some of the best college research topics these days are in the IT field. Explore one of these interesting ideas in your paper:

  • Has big data changed our lives for the better? Big data is a trendy study subject. Large IT companies use it for purposes such as advertising and logistics. However, it has also raised substantial privacy concerns over non-consensual data gathering. Are the benefits companies get by collecting your data worth them learning everything about you?
  • Neural networks are algorithms that can learn to solve problems. Both their name and method of learning are derived from how the human brain works. Can neural networks lead to the creation of a true AI? If so, how soon?
  • The current state of cryptography and how it may develop. The entire Internet’s security relies on a relatively small number of ciphers. If they were to be broken, the potential damage would be immeasurable. How likely is that to happen? What challenges are we likely to face in the future?
  • The pros and cons of transitioning to cloud technologies. Cloud services are very convenient for various purposes. They might not work as fast as physical devices, but they are portable, cheap, and very convenient. Should humanity switch entirely to cloud services?
  • What issues does automation raise, and how can they be solved? Robots don’t get tired and work very precisely. That’s why automation is great for business. Many manufacturing companies rely on robots heavily in their production. However, robots in the workplace mean fewer jobs for humans. When most blue-collar positions disappear, what will humanity do?
  • Should we keep using multi-factor authentication?
  • Are big tech companies monopolistic in their behaviors?
  • Is remote work the future of office jobs employment?
  • The pros and cons of software ownership vs. subscription models.
  • Explore the evolution of wireless communication standards and their implications.
  • Describe the Internet of things and its effects on security.
  • The issues of IPv4 and the adoption of IPv6.
  • How do computers manage to generate random numbers?
  • The infrastructure and contingencies of the World Wide Web .
  • Are computers entirely unbiased in their treatment of people?
  • Procedures to enhance IT security
  • New methodologies and challenges to IT management in health
  • Interrelation, patterns, and existing theories on behavior and IT
  • Common services center vs. community multimedia center: selecting the correct variety of IT service
  • Racial and gender issues in the IT domain
  • Innovative theories regarding computer imitation of a human being
  • The impact of digitization of medical records on the IT domain

đŸș Topics for your Research Project on History

Human history is full of exciting events, and despite what you might believe, not all of them have been explored. There are many incredible history research topics, such as:

  • The history of the Chinese Empire over the millennia. The Chinese Empire is rarely discussed in history classes as much as its Western counterparts. However, it existed for over two millennia, only falling in 1912. Many curious events happened in that time that merit discussion.
  • The Ottoman Empire and the Barbary slave trade. The word “barbarian” comes from the Barbary Coast in Africa. It was infamous for its pirates, who raided European vessels for loot and slaves. Only ending in the 19th century, this phenomenon can make for an interesting case study.
  • The rise and fall of Ancient Greek city-states. Ancient Greece is often viewed as mostly monolithic and united against threats. In fact, it was comprised of numerous city-states that fought as much as they cooperated. Research the region’s fascinating and nuanced history.
  • The effects of the printing press on the world . The printing press was invented in 1440 AD by Johannes Gutenberg. Before it, each copy of a book had to be written by hand. It limited the literature’s availability dramatically. What effects did mass production of books have on Europe and the world?
  • The fracturing of Christianity: causes and effects. Since its inception, Christianity has gone through multiple schisms. Some of them were remarkably violent. As a result, there are now three main Christian churches and a multitude of lesser ones. Explore what caused believers to split apart into Orthodox Christians, Catholics, and Protestants.
  • The underlying causes of the World War I.
  • Provide a detailed history of the Hundred Years’ War and its results.
  • Holy Roman Empire: from successor to the Romans to a Nazi symbol.
  • Liberalism in national politics: emergence and evolution.
  • The history of the world as a series of conquests.
  • Were the Crusades motivated purely by religious devotion?
  • Why did Texas secede from Mexico to the United States?
  • Apartheid in South Africa and its heritage.
  • Centers of scientific activity throughout history.
  • How did China’s geography influence its history?
  • Palestine and the Golan Heights
  • Premises, progression, and consequences of the cold war
  • The most remarkable revolutions in history
  • Has Slavery transformed the development of the western world?
  • Could damage from the bubonic plague have been diminished?
  • Strange medieval family laws and their influence on society
  • Life in London in the 15th century
  • Religious cults in ancient societies

🧠 Psychology Research Paper Topics

Psychology has to offer plenty of interesting ideas for you to research. Just look through the discoveries made over the past decades, and you can understand that the human mind holds as many mysteries as the deep ocean.

It is why we would like to suggest a list of great experimental research topics in psychology. The science of human behavior is even more exciting when you can try your theories on practice.

If you still can’t decide on the topic for your research paper or thesis, just look through this collection of compelling proposals to give yourself an inspirational boost.

  • What is the correlation between personality and taste in literature? It’s obvious that people with similar interests get in groups. Does it mean that they have similar personalities, though?
  • Conformity in college and high school: a scientific approach. Check how your course mates tend to agree with others and don’t forget to write it down!
  • Do men and women have different short-term memory mechanisms? It’s quite easy to conduct an experiment, but be careful approaching it in terms of gender issues.
  • Optical illusions from the perspective of people with creativity skills. What if people who tend to be artistic and creative can see something in the common optical illusions that others can’t?
  • The gut feeling: how do you feel when others stare at you? Some studies showed that you are more likely to wake up in the night because someone is staring at you. It’s creepy, though

  • Tricking the taste buds: how does smell affect the taste? How much can the smell of an onion confuse your sense of taste while you are eating an apple?
  • What is the Stroop Effect, and how does age influence it? Check whether the age of the participants influences their ability to name the colors.
  • Does having a symmetrical face make us seem more attractive? It is very rare that someone has perfectly identical left and right sides of the face. But how noticeable is it?
  • Analyze the capacity of the short-term memory of your peers. The easiest way is to measure it by memorizing words and comparing the numbers later.
  • Do people eat more popcorn when watching movies of a specific genre? Chewing something is almost a must-do in the cinema. But what type of movies triggers this behavior more than others?
  • What signs of social media addiction are noticeable in public? Spend some time in the local coffee shop, watching people on their phones, and note any signs of addiction they show.
  • The psychological effects of having breakfast: learning performance. Check if your course mates who have breakfast are more successful in learning than those who don’t.
  • Music vs. body: how does your body respond? Measure different biomarkers while listening to different types of music. Maybe you’ll find perfect motivational beats!
  • What color should your room be to improve your learning outcome? Blue is more calming than red, which is often used in sports halls. But what about boosting your learning abilities?
  • Favorite color as a result of childhood attraction. Try to trace the childhood memories of your friends. Maybe their favorite color is pink because they had pink walls in their room.
  • Biomarkers and colors: what is the correlation? Check how seeing different colors can stimulate specific responses from the body, for example, in heart rate.
  • Colors and mood: can the color of your bedsheets make your day? The first thing you see in the morning is quite important. How would a specific color affect your mood?
  • What is the correlation between stress levels and procrastination? There is a relation for sure, but does procrastination cause stress or the other way around?
  • How much can we trust the long-term memory? Ask people to tell you about some random event from their past. Then, ask them to do the same later. Do the stories match?
  • Negative influences of sleep deprivation on social behavior. Track some students’ behavior when they don’t get enough sleep and see how it affects their relationship with others.
  • The origin of phobias and fears: engaging the monster within
  • Dreams : are they messages from within?
  • Mechanisms of thinking: it’s all in your head
  • Factors that influence behavior and character
  • Mechanisms of aggravating habits
  • The function of short- and long-term memory

Differences between long term short term and working memory.

  • Why people yearn for their past
  • What entices people to amass the most preposterous things?
  • Is autism a disease or a natural variation of the norm?
  • The impact and outcomes of social networks and mental health
  • How memory works: recalling the essential
  • How depression impacts the immune system

American psychiatric association Definition of depression.

  • A phenomenon-oriented approach to the study of depression
  • How to manage post-traumatic stress disorder in children
  • Depression as a cause of celiac disease
  • Fighting depression with techniques to relieve anxiety
  • The consequences of depression and relationship problems
  • Eating behaviors in different cultures
  • How behavioral patterns develop
  • How to forecast and shape behavioral patterns
  • Differences and similarities in the behavioral patterns of diverse cultures
  • Is there a genetic link to optimism that can shape behaviors and attitudes?
  • The causes and consequences of insomnia
  • How to combat child violence

Violence in the lives of children report.

  • How defense mechanisms and behavioral patterns work
  • How bilingualism works: the secret of processing mechanisms
  • How fear-related beliefs fit into the cognition process
  • Following the cognitive process involved in anxiety disorders
  • How to fight emotional distress
  • Unusual mental health cases and cognition deviations
  • Applying psychological approaches to ethical reality
  • How motivation plays a role in human development
  • The shared elements of self-affiliation and self-determination
  • An examination of the causes and results of drug and alcohol abuse
  • New ideas regarding the peculiarities of rational and social development
  • How practicing a healthy lifestyle cures disease and promotes wellness
  • Conflict solution in parent-child relationships
  • Evaluating the challenges of preterm development in children
  • How to battle cognitive deficit in Parkinson’s disease
  • Is attention deficit disorder a neuropsychological problem?
  • Examining the process of making decisions and taking risks
  • The impact of music genres on how the brain works
  • How to fight childhood disorders
  • Shattering long-standing myths about ADHD
  • Intellectually gifted people: how is it possible?

🎓 Research Paper Topics on Education

Research project ideas around education are always changing. This has resulted in a wide range of research topics, such as:

  • Computers in classrooms: useful tool or obstacle to equality ? Computers have proved to be capable of improving many aspects of our lives. For instance, they allow children to interact with content instead of just consuming it. However, computers further the disparities between those who can and cannot afford one. Explore these factors in your research paper.
  • A review of potential methods for solving America’s education crisis. The US invests a substantial portion of its budget into education. However, the system’s equality is average at best. You can study proposals on how we may change its design for the better. Choose the most promising ones, or suggest one of your own.
  • Individualized vs. group learning: which is better suited for current reality? Every child’s learning should be tailored to their specific situation. Unfortunately, there are far more children than teachers. Answer these questions: is group learning the only available option despite its drawbacks? Can we reduce its shortcomings by blending the models?
  • Are standardized tests helpful or damaging to children’s education ? Standardized tests are convenient from a bureaucratic standpoint. They convert children’s learning into numbers that are easy to work with. But the practice is often criticized for prioritizing memorization over understanding. Should standardized tests be abandoned?
  • How should the education system approach children with special needs ? Special needs children have experienced a broad range of treatment throughout history. What are the current ideas on how to teach them? What are their special needs in an educational context, and how can schools satisfy them?
  • Are the world’s best education systems based on similar foundations?
  • How can schools help children maintain their mental health ?
  • What does equality of opportunity mean in the context of the school?
  • Review how the essential qualities of a teacher evolved since 2000.
  • Should every school student aim for higher education
  • What traits define an excellent teacher, and can they be cultivated?
  • Is homeschooling a viable alternative to public schools ?
  • The school choice debate in the US: arguments for and against.
  • Authoritative sources: what qualities make information available on the Internet valid?
  • Is cheating on tests an expression of an educational failure?
  • Where theory encounters reality in gender issues
  • Test anxiety with regard to contemporary methods of teaching
  • The effects of contemporary teaching methods
  • The mental process behind human learning
  • The interpretation of IQ test results
  • Should children be rebuked when they misbehave?
  • How to prevent bullying and harassment in schools

It is estimated that 160 000 children miss school every day due to fear of attack or intimidation by other students.

  • The creation of particular learning methods for blind children
  • Positives and negatives of contemporary methods of teaching and state-of-the-art innovations
  • The function of technology in lesson planning
  • Is there a one-size-fits-all strategy for education?

đŸ“ș Cultural Research Topics for Papers

Perhaps there is nothing more complex than human culture and how people have interacted with each other throughout history. For this reason, these cultural topics might be of interest to you:

  • Harlem Renaissance: how a single neighborhood created modern African American culture. In the 1920s, numerous African Americans moved to the Harlem neighborhood of New York. Influenced by the ideas of thinkers such as W. E. B. Du Bois , they built the foundations of Black culture and art. How did this happen?
  • Is third-wave feminism still a movement for equality? First-wave feminism gave women equal rights with men. Then the second wave started the fight with discrimination. However, third-wave feminism claims that the second wave failed, especially with regards to matters such as race and ethnicity. Are its claims valid, and what does it work to achieve?
  • Is the Western way of thinking the only correct one? Non-Western civilizations lay claim to different schools of thought that emphasize different viewpoints. Should Westerners adopt aspects of non-Western philosophical thought?
  • Are the factors that informed the Constitution still relevant? The Constitution was created in a different time than now. Some of its provisions, notably the Second Amendment, have been challenged repeatedly in recent years. Explore if the ideas of the Founding Fathers still apply today.
  • Should the postmodern school of art be considered art? Postmodern art is challenging to define in plain terms. Many people are confused when a seemingly random series of brush strokes sells for millions of dollars. Think of how such artworks fit into the history of art movements.
  • The impact of advertisements and commercials on how people comprehend the world
  • The implicit messages of mass media : what you see is what you get
  • How the most remarkable cultural achievements of the 20 th century influenced contemporary art
  • The repetition of cultural tendencies: the Greeks did it first
  • Social roles adults endorse to children via toys
  • Social models mass media bestows on teenagers and adults
  • Eating habits in dissimilar cultures
  • The origin of racial discrimination
  • The segmentation and integration of humans
  • The impact of AIDS on mankind
  • A new comprehension of past events
  • Unearthing a common language: divorce prevention and family therapy
  • Painting a portrait of the average American family
  • The roots of antisemitism and how it manifests today
  • A case against cruelty to living beings
  • An examination of the current job market and unemployment

đŸ—Łïž Argumentative Essay Topics

It is easy to find unique argumentative research paper topics. After all, we live in a crazy world in which all kinds of interesting things happen. Here are some suggestions:

  • Is the Electoral College a better system than the popular vote? The United States uses the unique Electoral College system for its presidential elections. Over the centuries, calls have been made to change it to the popular vote approach. So far, these attempts have been fruitless. In this debate, whose position has more merit?
  • Should the continued expansion of the government be reversed? Starting small, governments around the world took on more and more functions. As a result, they now guarantee the operation of many services. They also collect massive taxes and demonstrate bureaucratic inefficiencies. Is there a valid argument for privatizing most public services?
  • Should the US continue acting as the world’s peacekeeper? The US’s military is present in many areas around the world. Usually, they take the form of military bases and peacekeeping forces. However, its efforts often fail, with Iraq as a recent example. Should the nation continue spending its resources abroad?
  • Does the public or private healthcare produce better results for the cost? The US’s healthcare system is often criticized for its massive costs and underwhelming quality. There have been calls to both make it more private and more public. Which of the two approaches ensures a more affordable, efficient system?
  • Is teenage gender transition ethical? Recently, medical professionals in the US have started transitioning teenagers with gender dysphoria. Yet, some of them de-transition later. Should the practice continue regardless?
  • Political commitment and television
  • Should marijuana be legalized?
  • Can people of different races ever understand each other
  • Abusive relationships: where to draw the line on what relationships should Be allowed to exist
  • Are there realistic limitations on abortion?
  • The many guises of violence in society
  • The impact of women on world history

Contributions women fact.

  • Are social interactions possible without lies?
  • Dealing with overpopulation: can it be accomplished ethically ?
  • Torture: is it ever acceptable?
  • The ethics of using animals in research
  • Human dependence on computers: beneficial or harmful
  • Post-9/11 security measures: an invasion of privacy or good sense

Science is always bursting with new and exciting topics as we delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe and technology. Here are a few topic suggestions:

  • The potential of space resources and the technologies for extracting them. Space contains a vast quantity of resources, many of which are rare or expensive on Earth. Plans to use them have been arising for a long time. Can we implement any of them in the near future, and do they justify the costs?
  • Recent promising developments in cancer treatment and their validity. Cancer is a significant concern for humanity largely because it cannot be treated without harming the body. However, ideas such as targeted medications and imitations of whale biology have promised an end to this problem. Research them and assess their validity.
  • Large-scale recycling methods and their effectiveness in reducing waste . Most of the resources humanity uses are still on the planet in the form of waste. Some, such as fossil fuels, cannot be recovered, while metals and many others can. Is it possible to address resource scarcity through large-scale recycling? Is it economically viable?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of proposed thorium nuclear reactor designs. Thorium has been touted as the solution to the problems of uranium-based atomic reactors. It’s not as dangerous and produces less waste. Is it indeed superior, or should its issues prevent its use?
  • Potential benefits and issues of genetic modification. Genetic modification is broadly used but also criticized by many. It has its benefits, but critics argue that overreliance may lead to unexplored side effects. Are there reasons to believe these claims?
  • What cloning has in store for humanity: altering the personality
  • How nanotechnology will impact modern science
  • Will uranium isotopes precipitate the next scientific revolution?
  • How psychoactive drugs influence the central nervous system
  • Deafness and using echolocation
  • The role of erythropoietin and calcitriol in the human body
  • The process of feeling pain: treatment and pain relievers of the future
  • Is nuclear energy too hazardous to use?
  • Nuclear weapons: a responsibility for which no country is prepared
  • People’s impact on climate change: the cost of a technological breakthrough
  • Key issues and potential solutions for toxic waste disposal
  • Are the effects of global warming reversible ?
  • The future of NASA
  • Endangered species : causes and concerns
  • Black mold: the bathroom invasion

Just like science, health care is always changing, particularly as technology advances. With new discoveries in disease research and new technology being developed every day, the following topics are great examples of what you can write about in your paper:

  • Race and ethnicity-based differences in normal health indicators. People of different races and ethnicities tend to have varying normal health indicators. For example, African Americans tend to have a higher blood pressure than average. What causes such differences? Why do medical workers need to understand them?
  • The effects of the Affordable Care Act on American healthcare. The Affordable Care Act, colloquially known as Obamacare, was introduced to improve health insurance’s affordability for disadvantaged people. However, the costs of insurance have grown since through premiums. Did Obamacare cause this increase, or did it happen independently?
  • Strategies for prevention of obesity and associated heart disease risks. Heart disease is a leading cause of death in the United States. Obesity, which is also prevalent in the nation, is associated with the condition. How can the healthcare system reduce the rates of obesity and associated heart disease?
  • For- or non-profit hospitals: which offer superior treatment? Both for- and non-profit hospitals are private entities. The former operate as businesses, while the latter only seek to cover their costs. Is the former’s drive to compete and lower prices preferable to the latter’s not charging a profit margin?
  • Mental health in the United States: issues and proposed solutions. Mental healthcare is a complicated topic. Many conditions are difficult to diagnose, and some are associated with stigma. Conflicts of interest often arise among psychiatrists, incentivizing them to diagnose fake conditions. How can mental health be improved in the US?
  • Should medicine be more focused on the prevention of illnesses or their treatment?
  • Is it possible to eliminate a disease forever?
  • The development of prosthetics: current technologies and promising ideas
  • Barriers to the adoption of electronic health systems and how to overcome them.
  • Sedentary behavior and sports: what are the health outcomes?
  • Psychological treatment for adolescents: how to address their needs.
  • Caring for seniors: current problems and potential solutions.
  • US nursing shortage: causes and potential effects on the nation’s health.
  • The effects of circumcision on the health of newborn infants.
  • Analyze the experiences of children with autism in school and at home.
  • Should image scan radiation be reduced to a minimum level?
  • Health care and insurance: concerns and problems
  • The most likely outcomes of recent health care reform
  • Old theories and new methods of sports injury rehabilitation
  • A look at celebrities who have battled cancer
  • A comparison of conventional and alternative cancer treatments
  • How clean needle programs benefit society
  • The need for education on nutrition in school
  • The impact of diet on health

👔 Business Research Paper Topics to Write About

Business is a broad field, so there are plenty of topics you can write about, such as:

  • Best contemporary practice in green supply chain management for businesses. Green supply chain management aims to overturn the stereotype of polluting factories. Companies that adopt it seek to generate as little waste as possible and require their suppliers to do the same. What policies do researchers currently recommend for this purpose?
  • Corporate social responsibility : theoretical framework and practical implementations. Corporate social responsibility is an approach where a company seeks to give back to the community where it works. It’s a popular concept, often discussed in business schools. But how does it translate into practice?
  • The effects of different office arrangements on the productivity of employees . Offices have evolved substantially over the 20th century. Cubicles replaced isolated rooms, and today open offices are popular. Is there a meaningful difference between these different arrangements? Are the changes improvements or lateral movements?
  • Remote work and its effects on the operations of businesses. Remote work is more popular than ever. It seems convenient for workers, but some companies worry that they will stop being productive without oversight. Are their concerns reasonable?
  • A cross-cultural comparison of leadership styles . In the West, a number of leadership style theories have crystallized that are considered best. However, other regions use distinct approaches that work for them. They’re also not rushing to change to the Western model. Do Western styles work best everywhere, or are they limited to the appropriate mindset?
  • Social media marketing strategies and the determinants of success.
  • Compare the functions of administration and management.
  • Prevention of organizational misconduct: barriers and strategies.
  • Review the latest developments in performance management theory and practice.
  • What is the future of e-commerce business environments ?
  • Innovation in the workplace: current thought and generation methods.
  • How does outsourcing influence business performance?
  • Describe the effects of kaizen and total quality management on performance.
  • Discuss economic viability in corporations that operate at a loss.
  • Overtime work, employee well-being , and company performance.
  • Deliberating in the secrets of effective leadership
  • How time management influences the prosperity of a company
  • How to resolve a conflict between staff and management
  • The function of diversity in the workplace of the 21 st century
  • Management by walking around: effective or fruitless?
  • Should businesses be regulated: pros and cons
  • Social media and word-of-mouth in the digital age
  • How the digital age has transformed small businesses
  • How mobile technology is altering the workplace
  • The future of the franchise
  • How the millennial employee is transforming the workplace

📚 Literature Research Paper Topics

Sometimes, there is no surrogate for a great paper on literature, and with the changing world, there are always innovative ways to observe literature, even the classics. Here are a few topic suggestions:

  • The depiction of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby . Jay Gatsby first appears as an example of the American Dream. Starting poor, he becomes wealthy and popular in the city. However, he does not achieve his desires and stays unhappy. You can research how the novel criticizes the concept while also reinforcing its idea.
  • The evolution of Japanese literature in the Meiji Era. The Meiji Era began after the end of Japanese isolationism. Due to encountering new cultures, its art evolved rapidly. Writers such as Akutagawa Ryunosuke and Dazai Osamu created unique works. From what context did they emerge?
  • The traits of 20th century dystopian works. The worlds of Aldous Huxley, Ray Bradbury, George Orwell, and others are bleak. However, they are all substantially different. Can you distinguish unifying themes in the stories that these writers tell?
  • How does literature reflect contemporary social issues? Writers often try to draw attention to problems of their time. Dickens wrote about the exploitation of the poor, and Langston Hughes discussed racial discrimination. Can this trend be traced across most literature?
  • Classic vs. modern poetry. Classical poetry follows a variety of rules, such as rhymes and stanza organization. Contemporary poets often reject these constraints and create works that are closer to prose in form. What caused this change?
  • Study the Four Great Works of Chinese Literature as cultural reflections.
  • Examine the influence of romantic tendencies on Walther Scott’s works.
  • What issues are raised in contemporary African literature?
  • Analyze Milton’s interpretation of Biblical myth in Paradise Lost .
  • What characterizes the depiction of war in Heller’s Catch-22 ?
  • Discuss real and fake loyalty in King Lear .
  • How was grotesque used in 19th century American Gothic fiction?
  • The Old Man and the Sea : Hemingway’s depiction of the unconquerable spirit.
  • How were gender issues depicted in 19th and 20th-century feminist literature?
  • Compare the themes of The Iliad and The Odyssey.
  • The innovative era: poets of the 21 st century
  • A dissection of the most illustrious novels in history
  • The hunger games: over and above pulp fiction
  • The future of copyright
  • An examination of racism in novels from the 1960s and 1970s
  • The perception of exile in literature
  • Culture and literature: which affects which?
  • An examination of homosexuality in literature

đŸ—łïž Political Research Topics

The world of politics is ever-changing. Understanding the complex mechanisms that regulate our lives is challenging. That’s why a research paper is a great way to clarify the matter. Whether you’re interested in global or local affairs, this section has got you covered.

  • What is the origin and purpose of powers separation in government? Most modern governments are separated into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. Thus they limit each other to avoid government overreach. How was this system founded, and how does it work?
  • The structure of the legislation approval process in the US. Every bill has to be approved by the Congress, the Senate, and the President. What factors can hinder the process?
  • A comparison between the two-party system and multi-party nations. The US is often critiqued for its two-party system by nations that have numerous parties. With that said, a common counterargument is that American parties made of people with diverse views. How do the political climates of the US and multi-party democracies differ in practice?
  • The purpose and effectiveness of term limits for government positions. Some government positions, such as that of the President, are limited to a specific number of years. At the same time, jobs in the Congress and Senate are not. Discuss the purpose of term limits and say if they’re effective.
  • Pros and cons of globalism as a political philosophy. The concept of globalism requires worldwide bodies that supersede governments. It looks past nations and ignores their interest in favor of global benefits. Is this approach valid, or are there problems with it?
  • How does the European Union membership affect its countries?
  • Review the evolution of China’s political system in the 20th-21st centuries.
  • The threat of terrorism in a world without ISIS.
  • Discuss the issue of mass incarceration in the United States.
  • What were the causes of the Soviet Union’s collapse ?
  • Write about violations of human rights worldwide and their causes.
  • Examine the critiques of capitalism .
  • What are the political aims of the Black Lives Matter movement?
  • Review the methods for effectively combating governmental corruption.
  • The issues of democracy and how to overcome them.
  • The American policy of intervention
  • The future of the European union
  • Causes of world hunger
  • Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction
  • The Justice system and juvenile criminals
  • Afghanistan—success or stalemate?
  • Was media coverage of SARS adequate
  • The new world war: fighting terrorism
  • Same-sex marriage: are laws keeping up with changing attitudes?
  • BREXIT: good or bad?

Who says you can’t combine academia and entertainment? Great conclusions can come from fun research. The most important thing is to ask the right questions. Check out the following prompts and get inspired:

  • Parallel universes, their origins, and potential organizations. Numerous authors have imagined parallel universes. Even some quantum physics theories assert their existence. Are parallel universes slightly different versions of our world, or are they entirely distinct?
  • The theories and paradoxes of various time travel mechanisms. Time travel is a popular science fiction trope. It’s also associated with multiple contradictions, such as the grandfather paradox. How do science fiction authors try to overcome these problems?
  • The attempts to create the theory of everything. Physicists are trying to develop an approach that would explain everything in the universe. It doesn’t exist yet, as general relativity and quantum physics often contradict each other.
  • What are the possibilities and problems of interstellar travel? Without a method to travel much faster than light, expansion beyond the Solar System is impossible. If it becomes feasible, what possibilities can it offer?
  • The history of the moon landing conspiracy theory. The moon landing conspiracy theory asserts that the Apollo 11 mission didn’t occur, and the evidence was filmed on Earth. It tries to find various flaws in this evidence and use them to prove its illegitimacy. How did it emerge, and does it still exist?
  • Are people who claim to have extrasensory perception frauds?
  • Research stories of the supernatural based on facts.
  • What is the origin of the modern Santa Claus?
  • If an afterlife exists, what form does it take?
  • Does meditation have benefits for physical and mental health?
  • Did Nostradamus’s prophecies come to pass?
  • Why do some people believe the Earth is flat?
  • Does Murphy’s Law always work?
  • Examine 19th-century occultism and its prominent leaders.
  • Alchemy and the quest for the Philosopher’s Stone.
  • How people are affected by the death of a game character
  • Challenges faced by people creating their own cartoon
  • Beloved comic strip characters and their influence on society
  • An examination of UFOs: fact or fiction
  • What if aliens do exist: the impact on humanity
  • Is there a differentiation between dĂ©jĂ  vu and precognition?
  • The existence of spirits and how to communicate with them
  • Theories regarding the Bermuda triangle
  • Investigating alternative cosmology theories
  • Does fortune telling have a scientific basis?
  • Law of attraction: fact or fiction?
  • Men and women’s brain: what’s the difference?

đŸ‘„ Sociology Research Paper Topics

As an additional interest for studies, a sociology research paper can be written with the purpose of learning this or that aspect of society’s life. You may use personal experience or continue the research started by other authors. Interesting research projects in this area can be based on the following topics:

  • Problems of the marriage and family: a divorce research paper. This article can study the relationship in different families and problems that can arise.
  • Observance of public behavior standards as the feature of the civilized society. You can describe modern social ideals.
  • Comparison of sociological laws in different historical epochs. In your paper, study the attitudes towards various social phenomena.
  • The influence of personality on public development and progress. You can describe the power of the personality and what one person can do to contribute to social development.
  • Opportunities for searching optimal criteria for the personality socialization. Such a paper aims at revealing the ways of how people can uncover their potential.
  • The society’s attitude to global problems : a global warming research paper and the impact of this phenomenon on people’s way of life. Describe this well-known ecological problem in your paper.
  • Cultural formation of the personality in the context of modern public reality. This type of work can be connected with describing the ways of people’s cultural development.
  • Attempts to socialize adolescents and people with deviant behavior. A research paper on this relevant topic should describe how people who are prone to criminal behavior can correct their way of life.
  • Ways of improving the microclimate in the work collective and creating conditions for comfortable work. The theme aims at finding optimal techniques to improve relationships among employees.
  • Equality problems in society. A paper on this topic should uncover modern problems connected with inequality and various forms of racism.
  • Explore the causes of poverty in disadvantaged communities around the US.
  • Review the health and education outcomes of children raised in single-parent families.
  • What are the effects of social media on users’ mental health?
  • Look into the presence of gender stereotypes in popular culture.
  • What are the effects of mass immigration on communities and nations?
  • Study the effects of lockdown-related social isolation on mental health.
  • Is the Internet an adequate replacement for face-to-face communication?
  • Research the causes of bullying and potential strategies for its prevention.
  • What’s the status of LGBT communities in nations around the world?
  • The effects of juvenile convictions on one’s life prospects.
  • Write about the American population’s views on the dangers of pollution .
  • Explore the stigma and social acceptance issues associated with transgender status.
  • How does cyberbullying affect one’s health ?
  • Review the Internet’s influence on education.
  • Assess the rationale of policies that restrict citizen reproduction.
  • Research your community’s views on the concept of privacy.
  • Health and education outcomes of children raised in same-sex families.
  • Explore intergenerational differences in views on social topics.
  • How do views on freedom of speech vary among people of different social categories?
  • Make a case study on the prevalence of workplace gender discrimination in your community.

It is essential to remember that a good research paper on the subject of sociology will be appreciated by readers if you study a specific social phenomenon in detail, carry out statistical analysis, and perform a number of important procedures. The purpose of a research paper in this field is to cover current public issues, reveal important aspects of various problems, and, if possible, offer optimal solutions. This science requires concrete and well-grounded answers. Any deviations and ambiguous arguments can be regarded as an author’s incompetent attempt to investigate a complex topic.

With all of these topics at your disposal, you might still be feeling a little overwhelmed. However, they are divided into categories to make choosing one easier. It might also be helpful to look at some great research paper samples .

Composing a research proposal can sometimes be a part of a big study. If you not only want to describe a specific problem or to convey an idea to your readers, but also expect to promote your personal theory and receive the approval of a respected scientific community, it’s necessary to choose a topic which allows you to present your own ideas. Different types of writing can be included in this category: an analytical research paper, work on identifying the best ways and techniques for a particular topic, etc. The preparation of research proposal articles has some nuances, and the following topics can be studied:

  • The way to conduct optimal trade relationships. Review appropriate techniques and offer specific methods to improve the situation in a particular company.
  • The advantages of electronic management systems. This theme will be connected with describing the merits of modern ways of managing specific spheres of production.
  • Useful innovations in modern life. Research paper subjects can be different: medicine, sociology, business, etc.
  • The best management techniques: methods of control . A paper on this topic should describe the behavioral features of successful managers.
  • The implementation of nursing theories in practice. The research paper proposal should have an appropriate scientific basis and describe corresponding medical issues.
  • Best practice in the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis.
  • What challenges are associated with the nationwide adoption of the DNP standard?
  • Research current developments in palliative care for senior patients.
  • Are there differences in leadership and management styles between genders?
  • Assess the effects of tutoring on the educational attainment of school children.
  • Compare the preferred management styles in different cultures.
  • How do different states’ populations view the legalization of marijuana?
  • Write about the underlying causes of Ancient Rome’s fall.
  • Challenges in the adoption of electronic health records in medical facilities.
  • What are the potential vulnerabilities of the AES-256 encryption standard?
  • Research the link between loyalty to a company and career growth.
  • How did Dante’s Inferno influence Christian depictions of Hell?
  • A case study of Singaporean government and its economic policies.
  • Review the financial environment and economic growth of Hong Kong.
  • Causes and implications of the human waste issues in San Francisco.
  • Assess the prevalence of smoking in the United States.
  • Study the beneficial effects of early childhood musical education on later development.
  • The philosophical and political underpinnings of the French Revolution .
  • What are the effects of successful social media marketing campaigns on videogame sales?
  • How did Confucian writings influence Chinese political thought?

The video below provides detailed instructions on how to write a research proposal. It is crucial to follow these rules so that the article to be up-to-date and properly formatted. Any attempts to bring something new are generally welcome; however, it is important not to forget about established rules.

đŸ‘©â€âš•ïž Nursing Research Paper Topics

A nursing research paper is an academic article that has specific format requirements. Citation rules in particular are very important, for example, an APA research paper format . In order to write a perfect paper and conduct high-quality research, follow the formatting rules and use any of these topics:

  • Nursing techniques to care for patients in intensive care units. The summary of your research paper can include a description of the best practical methods.
  • How do you implement nursing theories ? Your paper can consist of the enumeration of specific nursing theories and the ways of their implementation in practice.
  • Patients’ education and useful materials. The theme aims at discovering the best educational materials that would be suitable for patients.
  • Ideas on how to achieve a better quality of nursing care . You can offer various interpretations of this topic in your research paper.
  • Experienced researchers’ opinions on improving the state of nursing in hospitals. Use the ideas of different authors and don’t forget to follow the citation rules.

Lois Capps american politician quote.

  • Patient-oriented type of care and its advantages. This scientific research essay can reveal the merits of a specific nursing approach.
  • Potential risks for nurses in the workplace. Both a junior research paper and a senior research paper of this theme should competently describe all possible dangers that medical employees can face.
  • Care for people of different social backgrounds. If this research paper is written in English, it should uncover the ways how to care for people speaking other languages and having different cultural and social levels of development.
  • Do nurses need additional stimuli to improve their qualifications? You can write many interesting research papers on this topic, and all of them can include lists of possible bonuses and incentives for nurses.
  • The necessity for nurses’ additional education. A paper on this topic can describe subjects suitable for nursing education.
  • How do you promote healthy eating practices in disadvantaged communities through educational programs?
  • Research ways of providing preventative care for veterans affected by PTSD.
  • Review the strategies of organizing nurse shifts to maximize the quality of care in understaffed conditions.
  • Study cases of patient violence toward nurses in the intensive care unit.
  • Preventing pressure ulcers in immobile patients.
  • Ways of implementing quality improvement in nursing units.
  • What cultural competencies and challenges are typically encountered in nursing care?
  • Review the methods for controlling delirium in the intensive care unit .
  • Propose adjustments in sexual education to spread awareness of STD risks in same-sex relationships.
  • Suggest interventions to prevent falls in patients staying at home.
  • What are the issues of advanced practice nursing in different countries?
  • Strategies for remaining productive under pressure as a nurse.
  • Research alternatives to prescribing patients with infections antibiotics that bypass resistance.
  • How to design effective interventions for child obesity rates reduction.
  • Explore using exercise to maintain the physical well-being of hospital patients.
  • What interventions can reduce alcoholism rates in your community?
  • Analyze the implementation of evidence-based practice in nursing facilities.
  • Ethical standards and issues that arise in the nursing profession.
  • Review the methods of providing holistic care to patients.
  • The dangers associated with telemedicine in medical-surgical nursing.

The compliance with the specific research project ideas will allow you to write a high-quality paper and will give you the opportunity to conduct research at a high level. Having completed the document, you can summarize and identify its crucial points. Following the rules of formatting is an integral part of working on any academic text.

🎹 Research Project Topics on Art

In the process of writing research articles, it is necessary to adhere to a certain topic. You can choose any theme you want. A research paper will be successful if you stick to your topic and provide a real search for optimal ways of solving a particular issue. There are a few suggestions that can be helpful in the process of writing. If we talk about such an interesting sphere as the world of art, themes can be as follows.

  • How is ideology reflected in architecture? Naturally, ideologies are largely represented in media, but they also influence architecture in many ways. You can study this topic at several points in time.
  • How does photography represent reality? In this paper, you can discuss if photography reflects reality, interprets it, or constructs it.
  • The significance of linear perspective. If you draw a linear perspective on a flat surface, you will create the illusion of depth. Discuss how this magic trick works in your paper!
  • Art and the unconscious mind. It’s an excellent topic that lets you explore psychology. Try to answer the questions of how the unconscious mind influences the creation and perception of art.
  • The evolution of horror movies . This film research paper topic covers everything from silent films to modern horror movies. You can discuss the influence of film noir on the genre, literary works that influenced it, the concept of “suspense,” and so on.
  • Physiological aesthetics in Surrealism. It is a known fact that Surrealists were inspired by psychoanalysis and dream imagery. You can explore this topic in a paper or use it for a presentation!
  • Deconstruction in architecture. The philosophical movement of deconstructivism influenced many spheres of life and art, including architecture. It allowed the creation of seemingly nonsensical forms and environments.
  • Sociology of fine art. This is a relatively new branch of sociology, which deals with arts and social structures of their production. It also includes political trends that influence art, consumerism, and other social phenomena.
  • Jewelry as sculpture. This topic lets you explore fantastic avant-garde jewelry and how contemporary artists such as Jeff Koons use it to create sculptures.
  • The discourse of Modernist painting in the 1950s. This topic covers experimental and abstract paintings of artists who rejected the realistic approach. Mention political agendas that influenced modernism in the ’50th.
  • Abstract Expressionism. Here you can discuss postwar artists such as Rothko and Pollock , as well as their predecessors Ernst and Kandinsky.
  • Andy Warhol’s influence on art. This art research paper topic covers not only pop art, but also films, music, aphorisms, the concept of “superstars,” and other aspects of Andy Warhol’s influence.
  • The art of street photography. Street photography is usually spontaneous, which helps to create realistic and powerful imagery. Write about the art of photographing urban landscapes and the most influential candid photographers.
  • The history of animation. Techniques preceding animation have existed long before the invention of cinematography. Puppetry, shadow play, magic lantern – all these things relate to animation in one way or another.
  • Are video games art? This idea seemed impossible in the past, but now many video games are considered art for their use of imagery, music, and compelling narrative.
  • Art as a form of protest. This includes protests against tradition or political causes. You may also talk about the role of art in bringing about a change in society.
  • Renaissance sculpture. This topic is just as interesting as the Renaissance painting. During that period, the art of sculpture had reached its peak. Sculptors of the Renaissance were influenced by Ancient Greek sculptures, as well as by Humanism.
  • Relationship between architecture and environment. Here you can discuss eco-friendly or “ green” architecture .
  • Modern ceramics as an art form. In the last decade, ceramics became a very popular art form. From prehistoric pottery to intricate porcelain forms – ceramics is a great medium that can often be compared to sculpture.
  • Science fiction in cinema. The earliest science fiction films were created back in the late 19th century by Georges Melies. In 1927, Fritz Lang’s silent film Metropolis revolutionized science fiction cinema. Explore it in your research paper!
  • The peculiarities of Da Vinci’s masterpieces. The paper will reflect the talent of the great European master and describe his Best Works.

5 most famous artworks by Leonardo Da Vinci.

  • The trends of art in Medieval Europe. The topic should uncover modern trends in the art of the Middle Ages and include the description of some styles; it can the article of any format, even a 10-page research paper. The main thing is to fully reveal all the distinctive features of that epoch.
  • The history of European Art in the 20th century . The research can be devoted to some trends in the previous century.
  • The most outstanding artists in the world’s history. The paper should tell about the most famous artists of all the epochs.
  • Why do people appreciate art? This article can include your own ideas concerning the subject.
  • How do artists reflect their talent today? Your task is to try to study the methods that modern artists use to attract the audience.
  • Skills that a professional artist should possess. The aim of this article is to study some skills that should be necessary for the work of the artist. Regardless of whether you write research papers for sale or not, you should try to express not only well-known ideas but also your personal point of view.
  • Is it possible to develop artistic talent? Try to express your ideas concerning the opportunity for mastering proper skills.
  • The benefits of cooperation with other artists. This topic touches upon probable advantages that artists can gain when cooperating with their colleagues.
  • Themes that are the best for the canvas. You can develop a number of research abstract topics on this theme and convey the best motives to paint that seem the most successful for you.
  • The absence of inspiration. The theme should reveal what authors should do to develop their inspiration.
  • Chronological order of art development in the world. It is a rather accurate paper that should mention the most significant stages of art development.
  • Do people appreciate the work of artists? You could try to study the audience’s attitude toward artists’ work.
  • The methods to attract young people to art. The topic is connected with a social issue and aims at popularizing art in masses.
  • Do artists need additional knowledge? This theme implies for describing the necessity of education among all the professions, including artists and other creative posts.

Statistics of arts.

đŸŽŒ Music Research Topics

Every culture has its distinct music. For many people, music is an integral part of everyday life. Film and theater productions use it to steer our emotions. When writing about music, you can choose from an endless number of ideas to research. Here are some examples:

  • Music as a ritual. Back in prehistoric times, music was considered to be a powerful ritualistic practice. Some mythologies even include stories about gods introducing the art of music to humans.
  • Early polyphony in Christian Europe. The earliest choral music was mostly performed in a single melodic line. See how it changed when more melodic lines were added.
  • Indian ethnomusicology. This interesting music research topic is concerned with the peculiarities of Indian music culture. You can include the discussion of how Indian music influenced psychedelic rock in the ’60s.
  • Jazz performance and improvisation. The element of spontaneity is very important in jazz performance, and improvisation is its key component.
  • Medieval troubadours and their legacy. Troubadours were poets who sang their own music and played instruments. Their performances differed greatly from the traditional church music of that time.
  • Ecomusicology of North America. This research topic allows you to discover the ways in which American landscape and nature influenced music, including Native American music, folk music, and modern songwriters.
  • Baroque music. During the Baroque era, many important features of modern music were introduced. You can choose this topic if you like grandiose, dramatic, or playful classical music.
  • The classical period in music. This period followed the after the Baroque and was very different from it. You can recognize it by simple structures and minimalistic arrangements. Many of the world’s greatest composers, such as Mozart and Beethoven, lived during the Classical era.
  • Classical music of the 20th century. Over the course of the previous century, the music styles were changing like never before. Still, classical music survived, while also transforming itself in accordance with times.
  • Music therapy for children. In this exciting music research topic, you can discover how music is used to help children with developmental dyspraxia, autism, ADHD, and other disorders.
  • Music and sound in film. Discover for yourself the art of scoring – from improvised piano arrangements of early movies to modern stereo surround sound.
  • The history of Italian opera. The Italian language played a key role in the formation of classical singing techniques. This includes opera – an art form that unites music and singing with storytelling.
  • The 20th-century music industry. This topic is centered on various ways of recording and selling music. Vinyl records, wax cylinders, cassette tapes, and CDs – 20th-century technology allowed turning music into a business.
  • The birth of pop music. The history of popular music begins in the 1950s. The term refers to the songs appealing to a large audience, as opposed to classical or jazz music. You can discuss the elements of early pop music that made it so accessible.
  • The ideology and aesthetics of punk rock. Punk rock was enormously influential in the 1970th. Its philosophy of anti-conformity appealed to young people of post-war Britain and the USA.
  • The musicology of electronic music. This exciting topic covers the earliest repetitive devices such as Hammond organ, early experimentations with electronics, the first use of computers and synthesizers in songwriting, and more!
  • Sampling in electronic music: context and aesthetics. Sampling is a very interesting technique that allows using audio fragments in different contexts. It can be used for aesthetic or political reasons, or as a cultural commentary.
  • What is a sound sculpture? A combination of an art object and music, sound sculptures are exciting to research. You can use this topic for presentation and demonstrate sound sculptures in action!
  • Dadaism and music. Dadaist ideas of randomness and paradox influenced art as well as music. Discuss the noise compositions and avant-garde sonic experiments that influenced the latter half of the 20th century.
  • Robotic musical instruments. You may think that robots playing music is a relatively new idea, but in fact, they date back to ancient times.

✍ Creative Writing Research Topics

There are more rules to creative writing than one might think. For example, narratives should be coherent, and world-building has to follow certain logic. Analyzing these peculiarities brings you one step closer to becoming a better writer.

  • The role of reality within the psychological thriller genre. Psychological thrillers often aim at distorting or questioning reality. Study the ways in which this idea manifests in different narratives.
  • Graphic novels and their peculiarities. In modern times comic books are no longer considered to be just for entertainment, and graphic novel format is used to produce award-winning narratives.
  • Writing about the past: historical research and archaeology. When your narrative takes place in the distant past, you need to do extensive research to represent the time period properly. One way to do it is to turn to archaeology.
  • What is the role of landscape in supernatural narratives? Supernatural narratives rely on the atmosphere to evoke the feeling of uncanny. The setting and landscape are especially important to the writes of the supernatural genre.
  • How to write engaging crime fiction? This topic includes the ways of building suspense, the use of “red herrings,” complex character development, and other tips.
  • Digital storytelling. Here you can explore how to present your narrative in interactive digital form. It can be a video game, a visual novel, or a walking simulator.
  • Writing about the future. When you write about the past, you already know the characteristics of an epoch. But how do you invent the attributes of the future? Discuss it in your paper!
  • The influence of the author’s personal life on their writing. People often want to learn more about their favorite writers in the hope to understand their work better. But is there really such a connection between one’s personal and creative lives?
  • The role of diaries in creative writing . Almost all writers keep diaries. Sometimes the diaries are published and used in research or literary analysis. But how do authors themselves use their diary entries?
  • Creative writing for children. This excellent creative writing research topic deals with the ways of teaching children how to create their own narratives. You can discuss why writing is beneficial for children and how you can encourage them to be creative.
  • The art of teaching poetry. Poetry is one of the most exciting art forms that never gets old. However, not everybody appreciates poetry right away. See how you can change it!
  • What is the role of nature in romantic literature? Romantic artists and writers took lots of inspiration from nature, using it as a metaphor for one’s life and feelings.
  • The role of authorial intent. Some readers think that it’s essential to know what the author wanted to say in their literary work. Others believe that it’s one’s personal interpretation that matters the most.
  • A persona in poetry. The lyrical subject is someone who narrates a poem. Some people see it as the manifestation of the author, and others as a fictitious character. And what do you think?
  • Degrees of realism in fiction. When writing a work of fiction, some writers use excessive descriptions, while others keep things relatively minimalistic. Discuss the positive and negative sides of these approaches.
  • Forms of structure in films and novels: a comparison. Here you can compare different forms of narrative structures used in cinema and literature, such as linear and non-linear narratives, the use of flashbacks, and so on.
  • How to write a comedy. Comics say that making people laugh is much harder than to make them cry. Discuss what makes a literary work funny, and how one can write effective comedy.
  • The recontextualization of Hamlet . Recontextualization is a process by which something (e.g., a character) is taken from one context and introduced into another context. You can explore this notion through different recontextualizations of Shakespeare’s character Hamlet.
  • Writing a dystopia . See what techniques you can use when writing a narrative set in a bleak society.
  • Monomyth in literature. This exciting topic deals with the concept of “hero’s journey,” which serves as a basis for nearly all myths as well as countless works of fiction.

🎈 Other Research Paper Topics

You still haven’t found what you were looking for? This section might have what you need! Here you’ll find all kinds of topics. From psychology over physics to sociology, we compiled the most engaging ideas for you.

  • American teenagers–can they be called new species?
  • William Shakespeare : was this man the author of famous plays and sonnets?
  • Do you have any ideas about the field circles?
  • Black magic. Does it exist?
  • Censorship and its role in forming a society
  • The phenomenon of the penny press in the USA
  • Symbolism in literature
  • Alcatraz and its famous fugitives
  • Major sources of stress
  • Government grants–how do they work?
  • Election falsification: is it commonly used, and what are its main techniques?
  • Genetic engineering and your point of view on it
  • Stem cell research
  • What is a black hole
  • Loch Ness monster and your attitude towards this mystery
  • Joan of Arc –did she manage to escape the fires of Inquisition?
  • Do some research on techniques of brainwashing
  • Who invented the radio ?
  • There is a belief that American astronauts didn’t step on the Moon. Did they?
  • American international policy
  • Unique people who changed the world
  • Genius ideas that made their inventors famous and wealthy
  • Is education a necessary factor to become successful in today’s world?
  • Differences between the high school systems in the USA and Japan
  • Schindler’s list : the importance of moral roles over wealth
  • Educational programs’ impact on professional careers
  • Why do college students from all over the world come to the USA to pursue further education?
  • Examples of crop circles: Fake or real?
  • Humanity’s technological achievements in 2020

John Brunner quote: “It’s supposed to be automatic, but actually you have to push this button”

  • The importance of outlines in books and articles
  • Web-designers seem to be using the same template in their works
  • Exciting inventions of humankind in the nearest future
  • Modern students do not know how to do their homework without access to the Internet
  • The original cover page of the Holy Bible
  • The development of the MLA style
  • The cradle of psychology
  • Controversial policies of the USA and the USSR
  • How abortion affects a woman’s organism
  • What did Homer write about his lifestyle? 
  • Famous people in the world’s history that did not exist
  • Would people have become what they are today without science?
  • Parts of the world that will always remain uninhabited
  • Philosophical questions that humanity cannot answer for centuries
  • Medical stereotypes around the world
  • Will global warming ruin America’s economic system?
  • The USA government should be thankful for the mass immigration
  • The majority of scientific works are useless
  • Things to research in the sphere of modern gadgets
  • Should sociology make people happier?
  • The lack of pure water sources on Earth
  • The environment’s effect on human health
  • Humanity’s steps towards eco-friendly products, cities, and vehicles
  • Sherlock Holmes’ analytical mind and deduction skills
  • Should parents teach their children how to make the world better for other people?
  • Is business the only way to become wealthy in Third World countries?
  • Analysis of William Shakespeare’s literary language
  • Does a title tell everything about a book’s context?
  • The Great Wall: A legendary monument or China’s income source?
  • Should families report to the police that their relatives are guilty of something?
  • The first websites, available on the World Wide Web
  • New challenges to the society introduced by social media
  • If you created your government, what would you do for your citizens?
  • What career options are prevalent in modern societies?
  • Chemistry in people’s everyday life
  • Is there any person on Earth, whose life is considered to be easy?
  • Is bribery acceptable for criminal justice?
  • The most popular sports in Britain
  • The population biology of India
  • Basic nursing knowledge of everyday life
  • Renaissance literature in France
  • Think of a technology that would make our atmosphere cleaner
  • Development of different animals after forty days on Noah’s Ark.
  • What will the food be like in a hundred years?
  • Socialization of children with autism
  • The medieval art of Scandinavian people
  • Different ways to save Earth’s environment from pollution
  • Depression in adolescents: reasons and outcomes
  • The importance of computer science in today’s world
  • Coca-Cola marketing strategies

Richard Roeper quote.

  • Express your opinion on people’s purpose in life on Earth
  • How do early childhood memories and experiences influence our lives?
  • The history of video games era
  • Regulation of bullying in schools by law
  • Drugs industry in California, New Mexico, and Texas
  • The most prevalent economic issues in Greece after joining the EU
  • China’s rapid growth: is it going to become the first country in the world?
  • Global dangers that influence our planet’s ecology
  • Significant changes in the American media since the 1970s
  • What makes medicine an interesting subject to study?
  • The main factors to consider while conducting qualitative research

There are so many resources out there that will help you choose a topic and write an outstanding paper. This video gives you a bunch of topics for research papers, which means you now have even more from which to choose!

There is no doubt that writing a research paper is a daunting task.

If you feel you need help, even if you have managed to choose a topic, you can always hire a custom writing service to help you produce a fabulous research paper of which you will be proud and will guarantee you a good mark.

Whether you choose to write it on your own or get some help, we wish you luck writing your paper!

đŸ€” Research Topics FAQ

There are literally thousands of topics to choose from. “Biomarkers and colors: what is the correlation?” is a great topic on psychology. Should businesses be regulated: pros and cons is an exciting business research topic. Finally, Art as a form of protest is an art research topic worth exploring.

The first option is to ask your professor. Then you can browse through scientific journals and take a look at your library catalog. The final option for those who search for a creative idea is to take notes everywhere. Write things down while traveling, watching TV, and reading.

The Big Bang theory, Dwarf galaxies, and Supernova Astronomy are just a few of numerous astronomy research topics. Genetically modified organisms, Neurobiology of sleep, and Rainforest conservation are exciting research biology research topics. Artificial intelligence, Computer modeling, and Voice recognition are trendy computer science topics.

There are numerous exciting topics in various education research areas. Some of them are: Ability grouping, Computer literacy, Early childhood education, Multiculturalism, Parental involvement, Sex education, Violence in schools, and Virtual classrooms.

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🔗 References

  • APA Sample Paper
  • Painting Movements in the 20th Century Topic
  • The Discovery Themes Initiative at The Ohio State University
  • Quantitative Research in Education
  • Quantitative Research Works, Indiana University
  • Organizing Academic Research Papers: Choosing a Title
  • Research Topics, The University of Arizona
  • Research Topic Ideas, University of Michigan-Flint
  • National Archives—Research by Topic
  • Jet Propulsion Laboratory—Research Topics List
  • Global Health Research Topics
  • National Institute of Justice—Topics
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology—Topics
  • Research Topics at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Research & Development
  • National Institutes of Health—A to Z Topics Index
  • Evaluating Print Sources
  • Working With Sources
  • Developing a Thesis
  • Psychiatry: Medscape
  • Information Technology: NIST
  • Topics:
  • Research Programs: National Center for Education Research
  • Recent Computer and Education Articles: Elsevier
  • Basic Guide to Cross-Cultural Research: Yale University
  • Cultural Anthropology: Britannica
  • Top Physical and Tech News: Science Daily
  • Health Topics: National Institute of Mental Health
  • PhDs in Business & Management: Five Hot Research Topics: Top Universities
  • Research and Focus Areas in Business and Government: Victoria University of Wellington
  • Modern Literature: University of Portsmouth
  • Research Areas: Political Science: Florida University
  • Sociology Research Areas: Cornell University
  • Focus Areas: Nursing Research: Mayo Clinic
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Enago Academy

2023 in Review: Important updates in research and scholarly publishing

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As we bid adieu to 2023, an eventful year filled with monumental shifts in the world of scholarly publishing, we are thrilled to take you on the journey through the most notable events, milestones, and challenges faced by the scientific community.

2023 was undoubtedly defined by the concerted actions against potential threats of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and instances of scientific misconduct, to fortify the bedrock of academic integrity. As we steer into 2024, it’s essential to look back at the significant happenings in the industry and grasp their implications for the future.

2023 was the year of:

Table of Contents

1. Upholding Academic Integrity

A. web of science delists over 50 journals.

Although 2023 witnessed an unfortunate surge in retractions and an increase in scientific misconduct, the community ensured resistance against it. The reasons for these retractions included data-manipulation and a compromised peer review process, among others. Furthermore, in March, Web of Science took a bold step by delisting over 50 flagged journals, signaling its commitment to maintaining a high-quality scholarly record.

b. Clarivate Releases its 2023 List of Highly Cited Researchers

Clarivate unveiled its 2023 list of 7,125 Highly Cited Researchersℱ across various fields, recognizing 6,849 influential individuals globally. The exclusion of over 1000 researchers from its final list came as a shock to the community.

c. Study Reports Over 67 Hijacked Journals in Scopus

A study published in November by Anna Abalkina revealed 67 hijacked journals in Scopus, prompting concerns within the community. Although some journals included legitimate work, instances of plagiarism, fabrication, or publication without peer review were reported. The study called for coordinated action within the scholarly publishing ecosystem to counteract hijacked journals.

d. Enago Academy Releases the Research Ethics Survey

In an effort to address the root causes of misconduct, Enago Academy released a Research Ethics Survey in November, to promote researcher awareness and capture their understanding of research ethics and compliance. The survey is closed and a comprehensive report highlighting the survey findings will be shared soon.

e. Number of Retractions in 2023 Crosses 10,000 Papers

The year ended with a shocking break in record as over 10,000 papers were retracted. This invited concerns over the worsening dynamics of research ethics and compliance. This also emphasized the collective responsibility to uphold the highest standards of research.

2. Pivoting New Peer Review Systems for a Sustainable Future of Publishing

A. niso introduces new peer review terminologies.

One of the pivotal developments in 2023 was the introduction of new peer review terminologies and standards, aimed at improving transparency in the process. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) jointly released new standard terminologies for peer reviewers in July 2023 to provide clear standard definitions and recommendations for communication in the peer review process. This initiative, although initially designed for the peer review of journal articles to ensure a more accountable system, intends to expand it into the other sources of scholarly knowledge dissemination.

b. Enago Participates in the Peer Review Week 2023

In a proactive effort to strengthen the future of the peer review process, Enago actively engaged with the global audience by participating in Peer Review Week , organized in September 2023. Acknowledging the concerns posed by AI on integrity and the future of the peer review process, we released a set of diverse resources. These resources, aimed at assisting researchers and peer-reviewers to navigate the future of publishing, included infographics , checklists , panel discussion , comprehensive resources on the latest ethical standards , and some insightful articles . This initiative not only provided a platform to share insights but also positioned us as a key contributor to the ongoing evolution of the peer review process.

3. Empowering Community Over Commercialization

A. enago academy launches open platform for researchers to increase their visibility.

In a significant movement toward open access and community engagement, Enago Academy launched Open Platform in April. This initiative aims to transcend the traditional boundaries in academic engagement and promote academic blogging, allowing researchers and academic writers to share their voices with a global audience of over 1000K+ readers. It’s a platform where a community is getting built—with more than 1500 registrants already. Open Platform beckons students, researchers and scholars worldwide to level up their visibility in scholarly space and connect with like-minded people, and collaborate with them.

b. Plan S Cuts Off 68% of the Transformative Journals

In June 2023, Plan S announced the cut off of 68% of the “transformative journals” eligible for funding. 77% of participating journals from Springer Nature, 63% from Elsevier, and 56% from the American Chemical Society (ACS) failed to meet their open access targets in 2022. Coalition S plans to end support for these transformative journals, stopping their funding from January 1, 2024.

c. ACS and Elsevier Announce New Policies for Open Access Publishing

ACS faced criticism for its introduction of an Article Development Charge (ADC) in October, where the authors are expected to transfer their rights to ACS for free but can buy back some rights for $2,500. ACS implemented ADC to empower authors and meet funder requirements for immediate green open access without embargo. The ADC covers all publishing service costs, including editorial and review activities, data verification, and author support, while allowing authors to share their accepted manuscripts immediately with a CC BY license.

In the same month, Elsevier announced the commencement of Geographical Pricing for Open Access (GPOA) pilot across 142 of its Gold Open Access journals in January 2024. The GPOA model is an industry first, and aims to make open access article publishing charges (APCs) more affordable for authors in low- and middle-income countries, after tailoring the pricing structure to countries’ local economic conditions and average income, based on Gross National Income (GNI) per capita. This initiative by Elsevier reflects a positive step toward a fairer and globally equitable pricing structure for scholarly publishing.

These innovative OA funding models demonstrate a dynamic evolution in OA publishing. While vigilance is necessary to ensure genuine benefits for the global research community, these initiatives reflect publishers’ efforts to adapt to evolving scholarly demands and enhance accessibility to quality research.

d. Enago Academy Advocates Open Access Globally

As the year progressed, Enago Academy actively participated in the Open Access Week held from October 23 to October 29 to promote meaningful discussions around open science . With an emphasis on open science practices and prioritizing the best interests of the academic community, we released a treasure of resources aimed at raising awareness and providing actionable steps to highlight the vital role of community control in knowledge-sharing systems. Furthermore, our checklist on securing open access funding sources was added in the guidelines of the journal ‘ eCancer ’.

e. cOAlition S Announces a New Proposal after PlanS

While commercial entities played their roles in contributing to open science, in November, cOAlition S introduced another bold proposal advocating for the open publishing of all versions of an article, along with associated peer-review reports, without charging authors. This shift aimed to empower authors in publishing decisions; thereby fostering a community-based and scholar-led open-research communication system. However, the proposal is currently seeking feedback from the global research community, and distinguishes itself from Plan S by encouraging discussion rather than imposing strict mandates.

f. Enago Academy Releases the Open Access Survey Report

Enago Academy released the Open Access Survey Report based on the findings of the 5th global Research Risk Assessment survey that focused on assessing perceptions and attitudes towards open-access (OA) publishing and the “Pay to Publish” model. The survey reveals a persistent lack of awareness about open science among researchers, mainly due to perceived financial burdens. The report also highlighted concerns regarding the increasing cost of Article Processing Charges (APCs) , including potential geographical inequalities, a shift towards subscription-based publishing, and authors opting for lower-quality, predatory journals with lower APCs. The findings point to a gap in researcher awareness about funding for APCs and best practices for accessing such grants.

4. Traversing the AI Domain

A. icml bans its authors from using ai tools.

The growing reliance on AI by researchers in conducting research and writing academic content left the community and the stake-holders unsettled. In January, the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) sparked a debate by banning authors from using generative AI tools like ChatGPT to write scientific papers.

b. Trinka AI Launches AI Content Detector and Trinka Paraphraser

After instances of journals banning researchers from using AI tools in manuscript writing were reported, Trinka AI introduced AI Content Detector to analyze written content for AI-generated text and elevate research integrity. Additionally, Trinka AI also introduced Trinka Paraphraser to enable users paraphrase their content, ensuring originality and clarity in their written work.

c. Enago Studied the AI Perspectives of Researchers in its Global Survey

Enago released a survey to understand researchers’ awareness of AI-driven technologies among researchers and to understand the future of automation in publishing through objective and impartial evaluation of data in research. The survey revealed that approximately 39% of participants supported the integration of AI-powered bots in proofreading their manuscript and 40% participants consider cross-media intelligence extremely valuable. Furthermore, 77.31% of the total participants preferred using GPT-4 among other AI-based writing tools. However, this not only raises concern over the trustworthiness of the AI-generated content, but also calls for the promotion of education programs that train for the responsible use of AI in research.

d. Science and AAAS Revokes the Ban on AI-assistance in Manuscript Writing

Although several journals initially banned researchers from using AI tools in research and writing sections of research papers, Science reportedly reversed its ban on ChatGPT in November. This decision allows authors to include content written by AI tools in their submitted papers. However, it prohibits the use of AI-generated images and other multimedia without explicit permission from the editors.

Also, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) publishing arm stated that authors can use AI-assisted technologies as long as it’s noted in cover letters and acknowledgements, with detailed information provided in the methods section. Furthermore, authors are required to submit all the prompts used in their work and they would remain accountable for the accuracy of the AI-generated content, avoiding potential bias and plagiarism. The new guidelines reflect changes in editorial policies by organizations. However, the use of AI in the reviewing process is still not permitted due to concerns about potential breaches of manuscript confidentiality.

e. Enago Launches Enago Reports and Copilot

In November, Enago launched Enago Reports , a suite of AI-powered reports designed  for a quick assessment of various documents. Joining Enago’s suite of AI-powered products alongside Trinka AI, Enago Read (formerly known as, offers seven distinct reports covering Language Quality, Inclusive Language, File Proofreader, Technical Check, Reference Quality, Journal Finder , and Plagiarism Check . Additionally, we launched Copilot to help researchers streamline their research process and optimize productivity.

5. Promoting Diversity and Inclusion Within the Academic Community

A. study reports barriers faced by historically excluded groups in peer review.

A study has shed light on the persistent disparities faced by scientists in the peer review process, revealing that certain authors, particularly those from historically excluded groups, experience worse outcomes. The study also made shocking revelation about the lower acceptance rates for authors from Asia, non-English-speaking countries, and those from socially and economically less developed nations.

b. Enago Addresses Diversity and Inclusion With Blogs

Recognizing the persistent barriers faced by historically excluded groups in peer review, Enago took a proactive stance in promoting diversity and inclusion within the academic community. We are contributing to raise awareness on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) by publishing articles that emphasized the importance of creating an inclusive research environment.

6. Educating the Academic Community

A. enago participates in external events.

Enago actively participated in educating the academic community by participating in conferences hosted by SSP and Unconference, and submitted articles to Upstream and EASE. These engagements provided a platform for sharing insights and contributing to the wider academic discourse.

b. Enago Academy Initiates Thought Leadership Pieces and News Updates

As a further step to advancing knowledge, Enago Academy took the lead in initiating thought leadership pieces to engage with the community through thought-provoking pieces and regular updates. This endeavor aimed to keep the academic community informed about the latest developments and best practices.

The transformative events and initiatives of 2023 reverberated to shape the future of academic publishing , and our active involvement in these endeavors reflects a commitment to fostering positive change on a worldwide scale. Here are some other happenings in the industry that captured attention in 2023.

Other Key Highlights

A. nsf released golden ticket for research grants.

The US National Science Foundation (NSF) was considering a “Golden Ticket” pilot program in January. This allows individual reviewers to fund proposals they find promising. The proposed pilot is part of a broader trend among scientific funding agencies to experiment with less conservative and bureaucratic grant-making, fostering higher-risk, higher-reward proposals. The NSF hopes to avoid a slowdown in scientific and technological breakthroughs by promoting new ways to support research. The NSF plans to trial the idea on close-to-market research, with the focus on observable short-term success or failure. However, the specific programs for the pilot are yet to be determined.

b. CrossRef Acquired Retraction Watch

In strategic move, CrossRef acquired Retraction Watch, making it a publicly accessible resource. The collaboration aimed to streamline the tracking of retractions, by creating the largest open-source database of retractions. However, retraction watch will continue its journalistic work independently of investigating retractions and related issues, while CrossRef will focus on facilitating access to reliable retraction data. The initiative simplifies the struggles faced by the publishers and readers to identify retracted work.

c. Enago Academy in the Top 25 Academic Blog and Websites

Enago Academy gets listed in the top 25 blogging sites listed by FeedSpot based on criteria such as content quality, relevance, engagement, and popularity. Being listed in the top 25 signifies the acknowledgement of Enago Academy as one of the leading blogging sites in its niche. Furthermore, this powers our commitment to providing high-quality content and reliable resources to our audience, and enhancing our credibility within the blogging community. For readers of Enago Academy, this recognition serves as an assurance of the reliability and authority of our resources.

d. Clarivate Added Preprint Citation Index to the Web of Science

Clarivate Plc introduced the Preprint Citation Index to its Web of Science platform allowing researchers to discover and link to preprint repositories. The index currently includes nearly two million preprints, and additional repositories will be added throughout 2023. Preprints are versions of research papers made publicly available before peer review. The new feature enables researchers to include preprints in their workflows, offering immediate access to up-to-date content. The Preprint Citation Index is designed to facilitate the connection between preprints and final versions of records, expanding the view of a researcher’s expertise. The addition of preprints is expected to speed up the research process and enhance scientific progress.

e. The United States Witnessed a Decline in Highly Cited Researchers

The 2023 list of Highly Cited Researchersℱ revealed a gradual decline from 43.3% in 2018 to 37.5% in 2023. However, Mainland China demonstrated a noteworthy increase from 7.9% in 2018 to 17.9% in 2023; thereby securing the second position. Also, the Chinese Academy of Sciences tops the list among institutions, reflecting a dynamic global shift in scientific contributions. The announcement underscores the commitment to maintaining stringent standards and transparent selection criteria in the evolving landscape of scholarly contributions.

From technological innovations to changing philosophies, the industry is undergoing a remarkable shift. These trends are not only shaping the present but also lay the foundation for a more robust, inclusive, and efficient future of research. As we end this year, the scientific community is poised to witness a renaissance in knowledge dissemination.

As the curtain drops on 2023, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our readers and the scholarly community. Your unwavering support has been instrumental in encouraging us to stay committed in providing perspectives that shape the publishing landscape. As we eagerly anticipate the unfolding of 2024, we remain committed to contributing to the evolution of the academic publishing landscape. Join us, as we move to another year of progress by collaborating and growing on your scholarly journey with us.

Happy Learning in 2024 with Enago!

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American Psychological Association

How to cite ChatGPT

Timothy McAdoo

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We, the APA Style team, are not robots. We can all pass a CAPTCHA test , and we know our roles in a Turing test . And, like so many nonrobot human beings this year, we’ve spent a fair amount of time reading, learning, and thinking about issues related to large language models, artificial intelligence (AI), AI-generated text, and specifically ChatGPT . We’ve also been gathering opinions and feedback about the use and citation of ChatGPT. Thank you to everyone who has contributed and shared ideas, opinions, research, and feedback.

In this post, I discuss situations where students and researchers use ChatGPT to create text and to facilitate their research, not to write the full text of their paper or manuscript. We know instructors have differing opinions about how or even whether students should use ChatGPT, and we’ll be continuing to collect feedback about instructor and student questions. As always, defer to instructor guidelines when writing student papers. For more about guidelines and policies about student and author use of ChatGPT, see the last section of this post.

Quoting or reproducing the text created by ChatGPT in your paper

If you’ve used ChatGPT or other AI tools in your research, describe how you used the tool in your Method section or in a comparable section of your paper. For literature reviews or other types of essays or response or reaction papers, you might describe how you used the tool in your introduction. In your text, provide the prompt you used and then any portion of the relevant text that was generated in response.

Unfortunately, the results of a ChatGPT “chat” are not retrievable by other readers, and although nonretrievable data or quotations in APA Style papers are usually cited as personal communications , with ChatGPT-generated text there is no person communicating. Quoting ChatGPT’s text from a chat session is therefore more like sharing an algorithm’s output; thus, credit the author of the algorithm with a reference list entry and the corresponding in-text citation.

When prompted with “Is the left brain right brain divide real or a metaphor?” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated that although the two brain hemispheres are somewhat specialized, “the notation that people can be characterized as ‘left-brained’ or ‘right-brained’ is considered to be an oversimplification and a popular myth” (OpenAI, 2023).

OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model].

You may also put the full text of long responses from ChatGPT in an appendix of your paper or in online supplemental materials, so readers have access to the exact text that was generated. It is particularly important to document the exact text created because ChatGPT will generate a unique response in each chat session, even if given the same prompt. If you create appendices or supplemental materials, remember that each should be called out at least once in the body of your APA Style paper.

When given a follow-up prompt of “What is a more accurate representation?” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated that “different brain regions work together to support various cognitive processes” and “the functional specialization of different regions can change in response to experience and environmental factors” (OpenAI, 2023; see Appendix A for the full transcript).

Creating a reference to ChatGPT or other AI models and software

The in-text citations and references above are adapted from the reference template for software in Section 10.10 of the Publication Manual (American Psychological Association, 2020, Chapter 10). Although here we focus on ChatGPT, because these guidelines are based on the software template, they can be adapted to note the use of other large language models (e.g., Bard), algorithms, and similar software.

The reference and in-text citations for ChatGPT are formatted as follows:

  • Parenthetical citation: (OpenAI, 2023)
  • Narrative citation: OpenAI (2023)

Let’s break that reference down and look at the four elements (author, date, title, and source):

Author: The author of the model is OpenAI.

Date: The date is the year of the version you used. Following the template in Section 10.10, you need to include only the year, not the exact date. The version number provides the specific date information a reader might need.

Title: The name of the model is “ChatGPT,” so that serves as the title and is italicized in your reference, as shown in the template. Although OpenAI labels unique iterations (i.e., ChatGPT-3, ChatGPT-4), they are using “ChatGPT” as the general name of the model, with updates identified with version numbers.

The version number is included after the title in parentheses. The format for the version number in ChatGPT references includes the date because that is how OpenAI is labeling the versions. Different large language models or software might use different version numbering; use the version number in the format the author or publisher provides, which may be a numbering system (e.g., Version 2.0) or other methods.

Bracketed text is used in references for additional descriptions when they are needed to help a reader understand what’s being cited. References for a number of common sources, such as journal articles and books, do not include bracketed descriptions, but things outside of the typical peer-reviewed system often do. In the case of a reference for ChatGPT, provide the descriptor “Large language model” in square brackets. OpenAI describes ChatGPT-4 as a “large multimodal model,” so that description may be provided instead if you are using ChatGPT-4. Later versions and software or models from other companies may need different descriptions, based on how the publishers describe the model. The goal of the bracketed text is to briefly describe the kind of model to your reader.

Source: When the publisher name and the author name are the same, do not repeat the publisher name in the source element of the reference, and move directly to the URL. This is the case for ChatGPT. The URL for ChatGPT is . For other models or products for which you may create a reference, use the URL that links as directly as possible to the source (i.e., the page where you can access the model, not the publisher’s homepage).

Other questions about citing ChatGPT

You may have noticed the confidence with which ChatGPT described the ideas of brain lateralization and how the brain operates, without citing any sources. I asked for a list of sources to support those claims and ChatGPT provided five references—four of which I was able to find online. The fifth does not seem to be a real article; the digital object identifier given for that reference belongs to a different article, and I was not able to find any article with the authors, date, title, and source details that ChatGPT provided. Authors using ChatGPT or similar AI tools for research should consider making this scrutiny of the primary sources a standard process. If the sources are real, accurate, and relevant, it may be better to read those original sources to learn from that research and paraphrase or quote from those articles, as applicable, than to use the model’s interpretation of them.

We’ve also received a number of other questions about ChatGPT. Should students be allowed to use it? What guidelines should instructors create for students using AI? Does using AI-generated text constitute plagiarism? Should authors who use ChatGPT credit ChatGPT or OpenAI in their byline? What are the copyright implications ?

On these questions, researchers, editors, instructors, and others are actively debating and creating parameters and guidelines. Many of you have sent us feedback, and we encourage you to continue to do so in the comments below. We will also study the policies and procedures being established by instructors, publishers, and academic institutions, with a goal of creating guidelines that reflect the many real-world applications of AI-generated text.

For questions about manuscript byline credit, plagiarism, and related ChatGPT and AI topics, the APA Style team is seeking the recommendations of APA Journals editors. APA Style guidelines based on those recommendations will be posted on this blog and on the APA Style site later this year.

Update: APA Journals has published policies on the use of generative AI in scholarly materials .

We, the APA Style team humans, appreciate your patience as we navigate these unique challenges and new ways of thinking about how authors, researchers, and students learn, write, and work with new technologies.

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

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How to Write a Research Paper | A Beginner's Guide

A research paper is a piece of academic writing that provides analysis, interpretation, and argument based on in-depth independent research.

Research papers are similar to academic essays , but they are usually longer and more detailed assignments, designed to assess not only your writing skills but also your skills in scholarly research. Writing a research paper requires you to demonstrate a strong knowledge of your topic, engage with a variety of sources, and make an original contribution to the debate.

This step-by-step guide takes you through the entire writing process, from understanding your assignment to proofreading your final draft.

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Table of contents

Understand the assignment, choose a research paper topic, conduct preliminary research, develop a thesis statement, create a research paper outline, write a first draft of the research paper, write the introduction, write a compelling body of text, write the conclusion, the second draft, the revision process, research paper checklist, free lecture slides.

Completing a research paper successfully means accomplishing the specific tasks set out for you. Before you start, make sure you thoroughly understanding the assignment task sheet:

  • Read it carefully, looking for anything confusing you might need to clarify with your professor.
  • Identify the assignment goal, deadline, length specifications, formatting, and submission method.
  • Make a bulleted list of the key points, then go back and cross completed items off as you’re writing.

Carefully consider your timeframe and word limit: be realistic, and plan enough time to research, write, and edit.

Don't submit your assignments before you do this

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research paper questions 2023

Try for free

There are many ways to generate an idea for a research paper, from brainstorming with pen and paper to talking it through with a fellow student or professor.

You can try free writing, which involves taking a broad topic and writing continuously for two or three minutes to identify absolutely anything relevant that could be interesting.

You can also gain inspiration from other research. The discussion or recommendations sections of research papers often include ideas for other specific topics that require further examination.

Once you have a broad subject area, narrow it down to choose a topic that interests you, m eets the criteria of your assignment, and i s possible to research. Aim for ideas that are both original and specific:

  • A paper following the chronology of World War II would not be original or specific enough.
  • A paper on the experience of Danish citizens living close to the German border during World War II would be specific and could be original enough.

Note any discussions that seem important to the topic, and try to find an issue that you can focus your paper around. Use a variety of sources , including journals, books, and reliable websites, to ensure you do not miss anything glaring.

Do not only verify the ideas you have in mind, but look for sources that contradict your point of view.

  • Is there anything people seem to overlook in the sources you research?
  • Are there any heated debates you can address?
  • Do you have a unique take on your topic?
  • Have there been some recent developments that build on the extant research?

In this stage, you might find it helpful to formulate some research questions to help guide you. To write research questions, try to finish the following sentence: “I want to know how/what/why

A thesis statement is a statement of your central argument — it establishes the purpose and position of your paper. If you started with a research question, the thesis statement should answer it. It should also show what evidence and reasoning you’ll use to support that answer.

The thesis statement should be concise, contentious, and coherent. That means it should briefly summarize your argument in a sentence or two, make a claim that requires further evidence or analysis, and make a coherent point that relates to every part of the paper.

You will probably revise and refine the thesis statement as you do more research, but it can serve as a guide throughout the writing process. Every paragraph should aim to support and develop this central claim.

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A research paper outline is essentially a list of the key topics, arguments, and evidence you want to include, divided into sections with headings so that you know roughly what the paper will look like before you start writing.

A structure outline can help make the writing process much more efficient, so it’s worth dedicating some time to create one.

Your first draft won’t be perfect — you can polish later on. Your priorities at this stage are as follows:

  • Maintaining forward momentum — write now, perfect later.
  • Paying attention to clear organization and logical ordering of paragraphs and sentences, which will help when you come to the second draft.
  • Expressing your ideas as clearly as possible, so you know what you were trying to say when you come back to the text.

You do not need to start by writing the introduction. Begin where it feels most natural for you — some prefer to finish the most difficult sections first, while others choose to start with the easiest part. If you created an outline, use it as a map while you work.

Do not delete large sections of text. If you begin to dislike something you have written or find it doesn’t quite fit, move it to a different document, but don’t lose it completely — you never know if it might come in useful later.

Paragraph structure

Paragraphs are the basic building blocks of research papers. Each one should focus on a single claim or idea that helps to establish the overall argument or purpose of the paper.

Example paragraph

George Orwell’s 1946 essay “Politics and the English Language” has had an enduring impact on thought about the relationship between politics and language. This impact is particularly obvious in light of the various critical review articles that have recently referenced the essay. For example, consider Mark Falcoff’s 2009 article in The National Review Online, “The Perversion of Language; or, Orwell Revisited,” in which he analyzes several common words (“activist,” “civil-rights leader,” “diversity,” and more). Falcoff’s close analysis of the ambiguity built into political language intentionally mirrors Orwell’s own point-by-point analysis of the political language of his day. Even 63 years after its publication, Orwell’s essay is emulated by contemporary thinkers.

Citing sources

It’s also important to keep track of citations at this stage to avoid accidental plagiarism . Each time you use a source, make sure to take note of where the information came from.

You can use our free citation generators to automatically create citations and save your reference list as you go.

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The research paper introduction should address three questions: What, why, and how? After finishing the introduction, the reader should know what the paper is about, why it is worth reading, and how you’ll build your arguments.

What? Be specific about the topic of the paper, introduce the background, and define key terms or concepts.

Why? This is the most important, but also the most difficult, part of the introduction. Try to provide brief answers to the following questions: What new material or insight are you offering? What important issues does your essay help define or answer?

How? To let the reader know what to expect from the rest of the paper, the introduction should include a “map” of what will be discussed, briefly presenting the key elements of the paper in chronological order.

The major struggle faced by most writers is how to organize the information presented in the paper, which is one reason an outline is so useful. However, remember that the outline is only a guide and, when writing, you can be flexible with the order in which the information and arguments are presented.

One way to stay on track is to use your thesis statement and topic sentences . Check:

  • topic sentences against the thesis statement;
  • topic sentences against each other, for similarities and logical ordering;
  • and each sentence against the topic sentence of that paragraph.

Be aware of paragraphs that seem to cover the same things. If two paragraphs discuss something similar, they must approach that topic in different ways. Aim to create smooth transitions between sentences, paragraphs, and sections.

The research paper conclusion is designed to help your reader out of the paper’s argument, giving them a sense of finality.

Trace the course of the paper, emphasizing how it all comes together to prove your thesis statement. Give the paper a sense of finality by making sure the reader understands how you’ve settled the issues raised in the introduction.

You might also discuss the more general consequences of the argument, outline what the paper offers to future students of the topic, and suggest any questions the paper’s argument raises but cannot or does not try to answer.

You should not :

  • Offer new arguments or essential information
  • Take up any more space than necessary
  • Begin with stock phrases that signal you are ending the paper (e.g. “In conclusion”)

There are four main considerations when it comes to the second draft.

  • Check how your vision of the paper lines up with the first draft and, more importantly, that your paper still answers the assignment.
  • Identify any assumptions that might require (more substantial) justification, keeping your reader’s perspective foremost in mind. Remove these points if you cannot substantiate them further.
  • Be open to rearranging your ideas. Check whether any sections feel out of place and whether your ideas could be better organized.
  • If you find that old ideas do not fit as well as you anticipated, you should cut them out or condense them. You might also find that new and well-suited ideas occurred to you during the writing of the first draft — now is the time to make them part of the paper.

The goal during the revision and proofreading process is to ensure you have completed all the necessary tasks and that the paper is as well-articulated as possible. You can speed up the proofreading process by using the AI proofreader .

Global concerns

  • Confirm that your paper completes every task specified in your assignment sheet.
  • Check for logical organization and flow of paragraphs.
  • Check paragraphs against the introduction and thesis statement.

Fine-grained details

Check the content of each paragraph, making sure that:

  • each sentence helps support the topic sentence.
  • no unnecessary or irrelevant information is present.
  • all technical terms your audience might not know are identified.

Next, think about sentence structure , grammatical errors, and formatting . Check that you have correctly used transition words and phrases to show the connections between your ideas. Look for typos, cut unnecessary words, and check for consistency in aspects such as heading formatting and spellings .

Finally, you need to make sure your paper is correctly formatted according to the rules of the citation style you are using. For example, you might need to include an MLA heading  or create an APA title page .

Scribbr’s professional editors can help with the revision process with our award-winning proofreading services.

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Checklist: Research paper

I have followed all instructions in the assignment sheet.

My introduction presents my topic in an engaging way and provides necessary background information.

My introduction presents a clear, focused research problem and/or thesis statement .

My paper is logically organized using paragraphs and (if relevant) section headings .

Each paragraph is clearly focused on one central idea, expressed in a clear topic sentence .

Each paragraph is relevant to my research problem or thesis statement.

I have used appropriate transitions  to clarify the connections between sections, paragraphs, and sentences.

My conclusion provides a concise answer to the research question or emphasizes how the thesis has been supported.

My conclusion shows how my research has contributed to knowledge or understanding of my topic.

My conclusion does not present any new points or information essential to my argument.

I have provided an in-text citation every time I refer to ideas or information from a source.

I have included a reference list at the end of my paper, consistently formatted according to a specific citation style .

I have thoroughly revised my paper and addressed any feedback from my professor or supervisor.

I have followed all formatting guidelines (page numbers, headers, spacing, etc.).

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