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Pakistan’s Defence Day: A Tale of Courage and Heroism

short essay on 6 september

In the hardest of times, living nations emerge stronger and more resilient. When the enemy threatened our survival in the 1965 war, the Pakistani people stood steadfast and resolute. To this date, every year on September 6th, Pakistan celebrates Defence Day to honour Pakistan’s successful defence against India, which marked the end of the 1965 war.  

The entire world has watched the Pakistani nation’s devotion and tremendous sacrifices in standing firm with its military forces during difficult times. So, on this day, the entire nation honours the Ghazis and Shuhada who fulfilled their responsibilities to defend the motherland.   

In addition, the Pakistani armed forces personified the spirit of bravery and selfless sacrifice in defending the country’s territorial boundaries. Thus, we pay homage to the valiant Shuhada who gave their precious lives in order to defend their country.   

Table of Contents

What Happened on September 6, 1965?  

On September 6, 1965, the Indian army crossed Pakistan’s international borders without a formal declaration of war.  They targeted Lahore, Sialkot, and the desert areas of Sindh. The war lasted until September 22, 1965, when both sides agreed to a UN-supervised cease-fire.  

The Lahore Offensive   

The Indians crossed the international boundary of West Pakistan at 3 a.m. on September 6, 1965, and launched a three-pronged onslaught against Lahore. On the Punjabi plains, there was a fierce tank battle. The domestic Indo-Pak dispute escalated into an international conflict, raising concerns among superpowers.  

This action by India was a clear violation of international law, the United Nations Charter, and principles of civilized behaviour among countries. In its arrogant aim to conquer the region, India tossed aside its international commitments.   

The Indian invasion of Lahore was repulsed, and the invaders suffered terrible losses. With the assistance of the Pakistan Air Force, the Pakistan Army’s ground defence troops were able to delay and then repel the Indian attack.  

The Sialkot Invasion

On September 8, exactly two days after the Lahore attack, India launched its main attack against Sialkot, employing its armoured division and other strike formations. The largest tank battles since World War II took place during this seventeen-day conflict.   

India suffered from major casualties in this war. Pakistan repelled an invasion of its territory by an enemy four times its size, and the entire nation rose to the occasion with strong resolve.   

Every kid, man, and woman contributed to the war effort, whether it was to raise funds, train as civilian guards, or work as nurses in hospitals.  

How Did the War Come to an End?  

The United Nations led the main diplomatic effort to end the conflict, and a truce was declared on September 23, 1965. The events that took place are as follows:  

  • During the Indo-Pak War, the United States stopped military supplies to both sides.   
  • The Soviet Union and the United States established a united stance to prevent the war within the subcontinent from escalating into global warfare.  
  • China threatened to interfere and promised Pakistan military assistance.   
  • Both the Soviet Union and the United States pressured the United Nations to negotiate a rapid ceasefire in order to keep China out of this conflict.  

The Soviet Union, which had remained neutral during India’s and Pakistan’s conflict, then acted as a mediator in Tashkent. On December 8, a Soviet government communiqué formally stated that Indian Prime Minister Shastri and Pakistani President Ayyub Khan would meet in Tashkent on January 4, 1966.   

The USSR’s efforts at mediation led to the conclusion of the war, and a peace treaty was signed in Tashkent.  

The Martyrs of the 1965 War

So many people have lost their lives fighting for our country in this war. However, 11 of the soldiers showed extraordinary heroism and were awarded the Nishan-e-Haider. Major Aziz Bhatti won the highest Nishan-e-Haider award for his exceptional role in defending the Bedian region of Lahore in 1965.   

How is Defence Day Celebrated in Pakistan?  

Every year, Pakistan celebrates this day and pays tribute to the Shuhada with great zeal and zest. The multiple ways we honour the sacrifices of our brave heroes are as follows:  

‘Change of Guards’ Ceremony

The ‘change of guards’ ritual occurs every 6th of September at Mizar-e-Qaid and Iqbal’s mausoleum. The new cadets of the Pakistani Army replace their comrades on guard duty.   

The Pakistan Army displays its heaviest weaponry, including tanks, missiles, and aircraft, each year as part of the celebrations on Defence Day. The parades and air shows occur across many cities in Pakistan.   

In addition to attending the parades in person, you should watch the Defence Day events in Pakistan live from the comfort of your own home. All major news channels are broadcasting live coverage of the events. To maintain the spirit of sacrifice and patriotism, special documentaries featuring officers who are either active-duty or retired are broadcast.   

Pakistan: A More Powerful Nation after the 1965 War

Pakistan emerged from the September 1965 war with India as a strong and self-assured country, proud of itself and its military capabilities. We stood as one nation.   

With the assistance of the government, Pakistan’s Armed Forces repulsed India’s naked aggression across the international border. We forced them to accept a truce, return to the negotiating table, and quit each other’s territory. It was certainly the greatest hour of glory, and a day to remember for future generations of civilians and soldiers.

short essay on 6 september

short essay on 6 september

Home Article 6 SEPTEMBER 1965: A TALE OF VALOR AND SACRIFICE | By SufianQazi


  • by News desk
  • September 6, 2022
  • in Article , Islamabad



September 6 th is celebrated every year to pay tribute to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives while defending the country during 1965 Indo-Pakistan War.

On this historic day, the people of Pakistan stood united against the onslaught of an enemy that cowardly chose the shadows of darkness to dent Pakistan’s territorial integrity and freedom of its people.

It is imperative to recount the achievements of our brave soldiers so our youth may not fall prey to propaganda of detractors of Pakistan.

With the backing of nation, the coordinated response of the Armed Forces of Pakistan ruined the Indian dreams of celebrating victory in Lahore. Pakistani Forces, despite relative small numbers and limited resources, routed the invading Indian forces in air, land and sea.

On the night of 6 th September 1965, the Indian Army crossed the international border and attacked Lahore sector.

The plan was to take over Lahore swiftly as a part of blitzkrieg strategy and get the upper hand in Indo-Pakistan conflict which sparked over the Indian-occupied Kashmir region.However, the Pakistan Army units defending on the ground, supported by the Pakistan Air Force were able to blunt the Indian offensive and roll it back. Major Raja Aziz BhattiShaheed (Nishan-e-Haider) showed an unparalleled courage and gallantry.

On 6 September 1965, as a Company Commander in Burki area of Lahore sector, Major Aziz Bhatti chose to stay with his forward platoon, facing armour division attack under incessant artillery shelling for five days and nights in the defence of the strategic BRB Canal.

Throughout, undaunted by constant fire from enemy small arms, tanks and artillery shelling, he organized the defence of the canal, directing his men to respond until he was hit by a tank shell and embraced martyrdom on 10 September 1965.

Two days later on 8th September, India launched its main attack against Sialkot using its armoured division and other strike formations.

What ensued has been described as the largest tank battle since the Second World War. It was a hard and bitter struggle fought over many days and nights, resulting in casualties on both sides. In the end the Indian main attack was held and severely mauled.

Its armoured division was forced to withdraw owing to very high losses in men and material. In response, Pakistan launched its own counter attack in South of Lahore sector and captured Indian areas of Khem Karan and beyond.

In air, Pakistan Air Force (PAF) had also proved its mettle by continuous air attacks from Pathankot to Agra; for the loss of only 06 aircraft, PAF had destroyed 50 enemy aircraft on ground and in the air, and damaged 08, not counting the undermined losses inflicted by PAF’s night bombing.

The PAF pilot Muhammad MehmoodAlam made history by shooting down five Indian planes in less than a minute; his record still remained unbroken. Commonly known as “Little Dragon”, Alamreceived the Sitar-e-Jurat twice for his outstanding flying abilities and valor in air warfar.

On naval front, despite numerically less in size Pakistan Navy (PN) conducted a number of operations for creating strategic deterrence and offering a befitting response to Indian Navy.

The prowess exhibited by PN ensured that Pakistani waters and sea lanes remain operational for ships coming to Pakistani ports. Pakistan Navy had played its part by launching a successful ‘Operation Dwarka’, vehemently destroyed the Indian Radar system which was guiding Indian Air Force to launch attacks against Pakistan.

The core objective of ‘Dwarka’ was multi-fold in effect as it was not only aimed at destruction of the radar but to provoke Indian warships stationed at erstwhile Bombay (now Mumbai) port to come to the Arabian Sea where Pakistani submarine “Ghazi” was prowling and waiting to engage enemy’s ships namely INS Vikrant and INS Mysore to dock out and get destroyed.

This maneuver had adversely affected the Indian Navy’s operational capability .Operation Dwarka was launched on 8th September and the bombardment on identified targets was completed in merely four minutes.

Far away from home, Pakistan was equally fighting another war on the diplomatic front. The US had suspended military supplies to both sides during the Indo-Pak War.

Both the Soviet Union and the United States took a united stand to curtail the conflict within the boundaries of the sub-continent from escalating into a global conflict.

China threatened to intervene and offered military support to Pakistan. It was to keep China away from this conflict that both the Soviet Union and the United States pressured the UN to arrange for an immediate ceasefire.

The main diplomatic effort to stop the fighting was conducted under the auspices of the United Nations and a ceasefire came into   effect on September 23, 1965. The war ended, both armies went back to pre-1965 war positions, but the tale of valor and sacrifice written by Pakistan Armed Forces became immortal.

To conclude, Pakistan Defence Day is a day to pledge that Pakistani nation will never compromise its freedom and sovereignty.

This day reminds us that Pakistan Armed Forces are ready to defend their motherland no matter what may come.

To date, our forces have remained committed to protect Pakistan, be it the territorial sovereignty or war on terror, earthquakes or floods, pandemics or aiding civilian governments to maintain law and order. People of Pakistan pay tribute to martyrs who bled to protect our future, keeping the idea& state of Pakistan alive and thriving.

SufianQazi is Islamabad-based independent researcher.

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6th September Defence Day

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6th September Defence day is one of the most important events in the history of Pakistan. Defence day is celebrated every year in memory of the sacrifices made by the Pakistani armed forces in the war of 1965. Indian army crossed the Pakistani borders without a formal declaration of war. This is the day when Pakistanis pay tribute to heroes, Ghazis and Shuhada who sacrificed their lives in order to defend our homeland.

short essay on 6 september

Background of the war: 

Since the British India partition, Pakistan and India had disputes over various issues. Kashmir issue remained unresolved and both countries have fought previously. In April 1965 the Indian armed forces intruded into Pakistani area Rann of Kutch. Pakistani soldiers ejected Indian armed forces and proposed ceasefire which Indian army accepted.

Events that happened on 6th September: 

On 6th September 1965 at around 3 AM the Indian army crossed the Pakistani border of West Pakistan without a warning of war and attacked Lahore, Kasur, Sialkot and Rajasthan. There was a fierce tank battle on the Punjab plains.

 Our soldiers fought bravely and sacrificed their lives to save our beloved country. The Indo- Pak war became an international war. United Nations had to intervene and eventually a ceasefire came into effect on 23rd September 1965.

 Martyrs of Defence day 6th September 1965:

 Pakistani armed forces fought with gallantry and courage but many soldiers had to sacrifice their lives to defend the country from its enemy i.e. India. In defending the Lahore bedian region Major Raja Aziz Bhatti was martyred. He was awarded Nishan e Haider military award for his extraordinary role. He is among a handful of other fierce military personnel who have been martyred and in other battles and wars given the same honour. Major Raja Aziz Bhatti and other Martyrs gave the greatest sacrifices in Pakistan’s defence. The list of other martyrs are shown below:

  • Captain Muhammad Sarwar Shaheed
  • Naik Saif Ali Janjua Shaheed
  • Major Tufail Muhammad Shaheed
  • Pilot Officer Rashid Minhas Shaheed
  • Major Shabbir Sharif Shaheed
  • Captain Muhammad Sarwar Muhammad Hussain Shaheed
  • Major Muhammad Akram Shaheed
  • Lance Naik Muhammad Mahfuz Shaheed
  • Captain Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed
  • Havildar Lalak Jan Shaheed

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Defence Day: A Promise of Proud and Strong Nation:

This is the day when Pakistanis renew their pledge that they are a strong, powerful, proud country and no foreign power no matter how strong it is can destroy the peace of the state. Our army is the sign of all that and much more. Our troops represent great nation’s fighting spirit, courage and intelligence.

Defence day Celebrations today:

A number of military parades and activities are arranged on 6th September throughout the nation. The latest innovations and modern tactics are seen in military parades. Also, on this day testlaunches of newly designed weapons occur. 

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The Pakistani armed forces show their latest missiles, guns, tanks, aircrafts and helicopters. The main purpose is to highlight military strength of the armed forces. TV channels and social media play an important part in promoting these activities on this day. Through media everyone watches the function live. Special documentaries on for example, the soldiers that were martyred on 6th September 1965 and National songs are on aired on TV channels. This boosts patriotism in the people of Pakistan. 

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September 6, 1965 — the war that changed Pakistan

Apart from these home-truths, the “thousand-year-war” remains an essentially untold and largely forgotten story

the writer is chairman of the senate defence committee

The September 1965 War is a turning point in Pakistan’s chequered history. It nurtured many a myth about white gowned “holy men” gently deflecting Indian bombs with an angelic wave of divine hands. It fed our hero-loving masses with new tales of valour and glory in the tradition of Khalid bin Walid and Mohammad bin Qasim. And it turned out to be the first step in accentuating the yawning chasm between East and West Pakistan, which subsequently gave birth to the Third World’s first successful secessionist struggle.

The war also changed our geopolitical environment, unleashed dormant forces and generated a momentum which effectively destabilised a seemingly well-entrenched military dictatorship, while greatly radicalising the Pakistani political consciousness. The rise of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and the decline of Ayub Khan are inextricably linked with the 1965 War. Fifty-six years on, cynics recognise that whatever success Pakistan managed to achieve on the battlefield was attributable to three As: Allah, Artillery and Air Force, besides the inspiring melodies of Madame Noor Jehan.

Apart from these home-truths, the “thousand-year-war” which turned into a 17-day stalemate, backed by the climb-down at Tashkent in January 1966, remains an essentially untold and largely forgotten story. Why did the normally cautious Field Marshal decide to take the initiative in 1965? He was a sure-footed General who avoided taking risks, particularly of the kind entailed by Operation Gibraltar.

Since no authoritative account of the 1965 War is available, it is difficult to really understand or analyse the reasons behind Ayub Khan’s decision to launch Operation Gibraltar which sent in forces into Indian Occupied Kashmir to foment a popular uprising against Indian rule. Three explanations are generally offered.

First, fresh from his “victory” over Miss Fatima Jinnah in the rigged Presidential poll of January 1965, Ayub Khan really wanted to do something spectacular so that he would go down in Pakistan’s history as one of its heroes and he was egged on by his sycophants as well as powerful hawks in the bureaucracy. In this regard, his March 1965 China visit proved crucial. Ayub and important members of his entourage were apparently very much impressed by the zeal, dedication and sincerity of the Chinese. At that time, the Chinese were promoting their theory of “People’s War”. This appealed to Ayub Khan and his colleagues in the context of a possible military adventure in Occupied Kashmir. It meant maximum gains (fomenting popular uprising in Occupied Kashmir with possible liberation) via minimum risks (Pakistan Army disclaiming involvement). Second, the brief successful military encounter with India in April 1965 over the Rann of Kutch produced illusions among Pakistani policymakers. They derived broader conclusions from this limited engagement in a desert area and this perhaps formed the basis of the confidence in GHQ that Occupied Kashmir could be targeted to change the status quo. Third, there was the apparent Foreign Office assessment conveyed to Ayub Khan which said that whatever Pakistan might do in Occupied Kashmir, India would somehow never dare violate the international border.

Whatever may have been the Foreign Office view and it would have been naive for Ayub to accept it in toto, the fact remains that ultimately the sole responsibility for his actions and its consequences rests on his shoulders since, as President, he was Supreme Commander and a professional soldier as well. The war which started as a two-phased military operation combining guerrilla and conventional aspects was undoubtedly a brilliantly conceived plan, but which fell victim to poor execution. Mediocre general-ship, lack of coordination and jitters among the high command managed to nullify the bravery and supreme sacrifices of jawans and officers on the battlefield. Inspired by the Maoist dictum that “guerrillas are like fish in water; just as fish cannot live without water, guerrillas cannot survive without people”, a “decisive solution” of the Kashmir conflict was attempted by employing Chinese-style people’s war tactics. On July 5, 1965 a clandestine station calling itself the ‘Voice of Kashmir’ declared that the war of liberation against Indian occupation had begun. The “Gibraltar force” of Pakistani regulars, said to number five thousand men, had started its operations in Occupied Kashmir.

The conventional phase of the operation code-named Operation Grand Slam (like Gibralter Force, also a brainchild of Major General Akhtar Hussain Malik, an avid bridge-player) was aimed at the capture of Chhamb, Jaurian and Akhnoor — the last one being a vital link in India’s communication with Occupied Kashmir. A daring military commander, General Akhter Malik saw an opportunity offered by an Indian military machine that was still recovering from its humiliation at the hands of China in 1962 and the popular agitation in Occupied Kashmir over the Hazratbal incident in 1964, when stealing of the sacred hair of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) preserved in a mosque in Srinagar sparked serious riots. The Gibralter Force plan was undertaken without reference to the Kashmiri people, the need for adequate groundwork, or necessary psychological mobilisation among the Muslims of Occupied Kashmir for an arduous liberation struggle. With the successful completion of Operation Grand Slam near at hand (Chhamb and Jurian already been liberated), General Akhtar Malik was relieved of command in the middle of the battle and replaced by the then Major General Yahya Khan. By ousting a successful military commander and holding back on attacking Akhnoor, Operation Grand Slam was slammed shut! The decision remains inexplicable. One view has it that Field Marshal Ayub Khan personally ordered the change of command and a halt to the attack on Akhnoor under pressure from his former American friends. They had reportedly conveyed to him that an attack on Akhnoor would lead to a full-scale war with India. The other explanation for the change of command was that “credit” for the “victory” should go to the general being groomed for the top Army slot i.e. General Yahya Khan, rather than Akhtar Hussain Malik.

When India did attack Pakistan on September 6, it was a beaming American Ambassador who told Ayub Khan with an air of arrogance: “The Indians have got you by the throat, Mr President, haven’t they!” Concurrently, the CIA was said to have planned a covert operation to oust Ayub Khan through an in-house coup. The Telegraph, in its issue of September 13, 1965, wrote that the CIA tried to recruit Lt Gen Azam Khan, an estranged confidante of Ayub, also a former Governor of East Pakistan, as a potential coup-maker but, Azam “refused to play ball” and promptly informed his former boss. Ayub had earned the wrath of the US because of his friendship with China — the US ‘enemy number one’ then. Pakistan was punished by Washington in another important way. Its sole supplier of weaponry cut off all arms aid during the war.

The war had deep ramifications both in foreign policy and domestic politics. The Sandhurst-trained Field Marshal, with an impressive exterior, emerged with a much-reduced stature. He was found lacking in both military decisiveness and political astuteness. He was unable to stand up to external pressure when he had the entire nation to back him up with unprecedented patriotic fervour in both wings of Pakistan, establishing, for a fleeting 17 days at least, the mirage of a unified monolithic nation. The September war effectively sealed Ayub Khan’s political fate. He had failed in his attempt to liberate Occupied Kashmir. At Tashkent, he reneged on his solemn commitment that Pakistan would never withdraw its troops from the borders until the Kashmir issue was resolved. Kashmir wasn’t even mentioned in the Tashkent Declaration, brokered by the Soviet Union with American endorsement.

While soldiers and officers fought gallantly on September 6, 1965, with the people solidly united around their armed forces, the nation was let down by its leadership which could not take external pressure. What are three key lessons of the September War which remain relevant even today? First is a fundamental flaw in the absence of institutional decision-making. Decisions are taken in Pakistan, both by civilians or the military, secretly, even surreptitiously, by mostly a cabal, rather than through a democratic debate. Second, flawed assumptions become the reason for failure. For instance, the assumption of the September War was repeated in the Kargil conflict 34 years later: India wouldn’t respond effectively to Pakistani military incursions. Third, Occupied Kashmir can only be liberated and the status quo changed through an indigenous and popular struggle of the Kashmiri people, not remote-controlled operations.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 7 th , 2021.

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What Happened on 6th September in Pakistan

What Happened on 6th September in Pakistan On the night of 6 th September Pakistan Defense Day 1965 in the darkness and silence; India who has been always frustrated with Pakistan after Independence made a big mistake as they enhanced their dirty intentions toward the Muslim state after they attacked Pakistan, un-warned and un-noticed. Their main intention was to get Punjab cut off from independent Pakistan and for that purpose, they attacked vigorously the areas like Lahore and Sialkot. But someone should have told these cowards that firstly if they wanted to attack they should have done it in the daylight so that they could get the response that Pakistan was capable of, secondly they should have been informed that the area in which they were willing to attack was not a bunch of nuts that would have split into pieces, this was the biggest mistake India could ever make; thinking attacking Pakistan.

6 September 1965 History in Urdu

Although the Pakistan army, air force, and the local people were unaware and were not prepared for the attack Pakistani people and our forces are not to be underestimated as they stood as the stable and rigid wall in front of the coward Indian army, as after one another the battalions which entered Pakistani borders were being thrashed and blown away in no time. The border of Lahore which is known as Wagha Border was the gateway for the Indian army which Pakistan blocked by deploying their brave men who were ever ready to get their lives laid down in the way of the protection and life of our beloved country.

6 September Pakistan Defense Day Speech, Essay

There were so many army officials and soldiers who led their lives in the way of this defense as they preferred losing their lives but didn’t let the Indian army get succeed in their dirty intentions of conquering Lahore and Punjab. The Army officers like Captain Sarwar Shaheed, Major Tufail Shaheed, Major Raja Aziz Bhatti Shaheed, Major Shabbir Sharif Shaheed, Major Muhammad Akram Shaheed, Sarwar Muhammad Hussain Shaheed, Lance Naik Muhammad Mehfooz Shaheed, and Havaldar Lalak Jan Shaheed gave sacrifices of their life for Pakistan and were awarded “Nishan-e-Haider” for their acts of exceptional bravery. Nishan-e-Haider is the highest military award given to brave martyrs of the Pakistan army those who left remarkable examples of bravery and sacrifice for nation and country.

Pakistani people remember and observe this day as the national day, as they proudly celebrate the day of 6 th September every year which is known as Defence Day or Yom-e-Diffa; in remembrance of those brave souls who gave the presence of their lives and blood for our country and they have given India one very crucial lesson that never makes the mistake of attacking Pakistan, because 6 th September was the Defence Day, Indian should fear from that day when we start celebrating the Attack Day anytime.

You can read What Happened on 6th September in Pakistan and could speak these words in any of the debates as well as competitions.

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i beleif that our country Pakistan will be proud of his people <3 may ALLAH bless pakistan

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Educated Pakistan

Speech on Pakistan Defence Day in English

Speech on Pakistan Defence Day in English can be downloaded from this page. 6th September is a Defence day in the history of Pakistan. Our Heroes and soldiers built examples of bravery on that day. They saved our beloved home from the enemy. India attacked Pakistan during the night. Pakistan Army, Pakistan Air Force and Naval Force participated in the war of 1965. Pakistan won the 1965 war against Indian forces. Every year Pakistan celebrates Youm e Dafa on the 6th of September to appreciate our martyred heroes. In this article, we will like to share the importance of Defence day. Nowadays we should stand with our army so that they can defend Pakistan successfully.

Best Speech on Pakistan Defence Day in English

Defence day encourages us to fight for Pakistan. Now we are living in the area of Hybrid warfare. All of us will have to stand and fight for our beloved Pakistan. Pakistan army saves our boundaries while we have to save the economy, and morality of Pakistan. Indian Army attacked us like a night thief. They dreamed to win Pakistan within one night. But Pakistan Army remained successful. Major Raja Aziz Bhatti (Shaheed) embraced martyred in 1965.

Flag hoisting, parade, military exhibitions, award ceremonies, etc.
6 September
6 September 2024

6th September Defence Day Essay in English

The main purpose of Defence day is to appreciate our martyred heroes and soldiers. They have sacrificed their lives for the sake of Pakistan. Today we are enjoying freedom in Pakistan on the basis of that scarifies. Defence Day motivates us to love Pakistan. Particularly Pakistan Military celebrates Defence day with great zeal and zest.

Student Defence Day Speech in English with poetry

Many poets appreciate the devotion and scarify of Pakistan Army during the September war. They dedicated their poems and verses to Pakistan Deference day. Students can add Defence day poetry to their speeches. Many professionals, students, and debaters include poetries in their speeches and easy.

We are all gathered here today to celebrate the day of our military valour. Today is the day our soldiers surprised the enemy with their ability to defend the country. Let me tell you about the biggest tank battle after World war 2. On the Punjab plains, the battle of tanks happened.

The Pakistani troops successfully defended their homeland against the enemy tanks. They sacrificed their lives to prevent the enemy tanks from entering Pakistani soil. Then, the destroyed tanks were used to create the Nishan-e-Haider medal for Raja Aziz Bhatti. The region has a history of producing some of the bravest people in the world.

Speech on Pakistan Defence Day Part 2

6 September is the perfect example of valour. If you look at the facts about Pakistan’s defence day, you will see how bravely the Pakistan army fought. At 3 am, Indian forces entered Pakistan without formally declaring war. Then, when the war ended on 22 September, between these 17 days, India did not get a single piece of land from Pakistan which it hoped for.

After we discuss history, let’s talk about celebrations. We celebrate this special day in different ways, like having parades and ceremonies at schools and colleges. Some people post defence day quotes on social media. But the best way to celebrate is to make a promise to ourselves that we will protect our country at all costs.

We will protect our country from any foreign aggression, corruption or poverty, and most importantly from any attack on our unique Muslim Ideology. With these promises, I would like to end my speech with our most popular slogan: Pakistan Zindabad!

Defence Day Speech in English with poetry PDF Download

Check Also: Speech on Quaid E Azam in English

Defence Day Speech in English for Class 1

Students of class 1 can prepare Defence day speeches by giving content. Always students should choose easy speech so that they can deliver it with confidence. More school teachers and trainers will help students in order to select the topic of speeches.

Short Speech on Defence Day

A short speech on Defence Day is available here for students. Students who wish to prepare a short speech on Defence day they should click on the given link. All students who want to deliver a speech on Defence day they should learn tips and tricks for a good speech.

Defence Day Speech in Pdf

More we have gathered here important Defence day speeches in Pdf format. Anyone can download the Defence Day speech in Pdf free of cost. That speech is written by authentic writers and professionals. Always students should remember the speech before delivering it.

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Best and Short Speech on Pakistan Defence Day (6th September ) in English for Students -- Defence Day of Pakistan (Yume Defa Pakistan)

6th September  

Pakistan defence day  .

Honorable Principal,  Distinguished Guests,  Worthily Judges,   my beloved teachers, and dear fellows...


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Best and Short Speech on Pakistan Defence Day (6th September ) in English for Students -- Defence Day of Pakistan (Yume Defa Pakistan)

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جنگ ستمبر ، پاک افواج کی جرات و بہادری اور قربانیوں کی داستان

یہ اب کس کام کی ہے --- کچھ بےکار چیزیں جو اکثر افراد سالوں سنبھال کر رکھتے ہیں

یہ اب کس کام کی ہے --- کچھ بےکار چیزیں جو اکثر افراد سالوں سنبھال کر رکھتے ہیں

82 سال تک زندہ رہنے والا شخص جس نے کبھی کسی عورت کو نہیں دیکھا

82 سال تک زندہ رہنے والا شخص جس نے کبھی کسی عورت کو نہیں دیکھا

گاڑی چلاتے ہوئے کون سی غلطیاں آپ کو ایک برا ڈرائيور ثابت کرتی ہیں

گاڑی چلاتے ہوئے کون سی غلطیاں آپ کو ایک برا ڈرائيور ثابت کرتی ہیں

چند باتیں جو آپ نہیں جانتے ہوں گے، کچھ معلومات جو کسی کتاب میں موجود نہیں

چند باتیں جو آپ نہیں جانتے ہوں گے، کچھ معلومات جو کسی کتاب میں موجود نہیں

دنیا کے کچھ ایسے سچ جنہیں کوئی بھی نہیں مانے گا

دنیا کے کچھ ایسے سچ جنہیں کوئی بھی نہیں مانے گا

اگر کالا آپ کا پسندیدہ رنگ ہے تو آپ کی یہ 5 عادتیں دوسروں کو پریشان کرسکتی ہیں؟

اگر کالا آپ کا پسندیدہ رنگ ہے تو آپ کی یہ 5 عادتیں دوسروں کو پریشان کرسکتی ہیں؟

پیدائش کے 4 گھنٹے بعد ماں کا انتقال ہوگیا اور٬ 82 سال تک زندہ رہنے والا شخص جس نے کبھی کسی عورت کو نہیں دیکھا

Defence Day is celebrated in Pakistan as a national day on 6 September in memory of those who martyred in the Indo-Pakistani war of 1965 and successful defence of Lahore, Sialkot and other important areas of the country.The Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 was a culmination of skirmishes that took place between April 1965 and September 1965 between Pakistan and India.

Home — Essay Samples — Government & Politics — Terrorism & Political Violence — 9/11

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Essays on 9/11

9/11 essay topics for college students.

Choosing the right essay topic is crucial in showcasing your creativity and personal interests. This page is designed to help you explore various types of essays and topics related to the events of 9/11, ensuring your work is both engaging and academically rewarding.

When selecting a 9/11 essay topic, consider focusing on different perspectives such as the historical context, the political aftermath, the personal stories of survivors, or the impact on international relations. You might explore the changes in U.S. foreign policy post-9/11, the development of security measures, or the social and cultural ramifications of the attacks. Analyzing the long-term effects on global terrorism and examining how the event reshaped global alliances are also compelling avenues. By choosing a specific angle that resonates with you, your essay will not only be informative but also reflect your unique viewpoint on this pivotal moment in history.

Good Titles for 9/11 Essays

  • The Day That Changed the World: An Analysis of 9/11
  • From Ground Zero to Recovery: The Aftermath of 9/11
  • Unseen Heroes: The First Responders of 9/11
  • The Global Impact of 9/11: A New Era in International Relations
  • Resilience and Rebirth: The Story of Ground Zero
  • 9/11 and the Evolution of National Security
  • Personal Stories of Survival and Loss: Remembering 9/11
  • The Psychological Scars of 9/11: Healing and Recovery
  • Media, Memory, and 9/11: How the Attacks Shaped Public Perception
  • The Legacy of 9/11: Changes in U.S. Foreign Policy

By exploring a variety of topics related to 9/11, you can broaden your knowledge and hone your critical thinking skills.

9/11 Essay Topics to Write about

Argumentative essay topics for 9/11 essay.

  • The impact of 9/11 on national security
  • The role of conspiracy theories in shaping public opinion
  • The ethical implications of the war on terror
  • The effect of 9/11 on immigration policies
  • Changes in airline security post-9/11
  • How 9/11 influenced U.S. foreign policy
  • The economic repercussions of 9/11 on global markets
  • The psychological impact of 9/11 on American society
  • The evolution of counter-terrorism strategies post-9/11
  • The influence of 9/11 on international relations and global politics
  • Introduction Paragraph Example: Analyze the effects of the 9/11 attacks on national security and consider the lasting implications for our nation. This essay will explore the complexities of balancing security measures with civil liberties, ultimately arguing for a more transparent and accountable approach to protecting our country.
  • Conclusion Paragraph Example: In conclusion, the events of 9/11 have fundamentally altered our understanding of national security. By examining the ethical dilemmas and practical challenges that arise in the aftermath of such attacks, we can work towards a more secure and just society.

Descriptive Essay Topics for 9/11 Essay

  • The emotional impact of 9/11 on American society
  • The physical devastation of the World Trade Center towers
  • The heroism of first responders on that fateful day
  • The immediate aftermath of the attacks in New York City
  • The global reaction to the 9/11 attacks
  • The rebuilding of Ground Zero
  • The stories of survivors and their experiences
  • The changes in New York City's skyline post-9/11
  • The role of memorials and commemorations in preserving the memory of 9/11
  • The atmosphere and tension in the U.S. in the days following 9/11
  • Introduction Paragraph Example: Explore the emotional aftermath of the 9/11 attacks on American society, delving into the personal stories of those affected by this tragedy. By examining the human experience of loss, resilience, and hope, this essay will paint a vivid picture of the lasting impact of 9/11.
  • Conclusion Paragraph Example: Through the lens of personal narratives and historical accounts, we can better understand the profound impact of 9/11 on individuals and communities. By honoring the memories of those lost and celebrating the resilience of survivors, we can ensure that the legacy of 9/11 endures.

Expository Essay Topics for 9/11 Essay

  • How 9/11 changed international relations
  • The history and significance of the 9/11 Memorial
  • The role of media coverage during and after 9/11
  • The economic impact of the 9/11 attacks
  • The psychological effects of 9/11 on survivors
  • The legislative changes following 9/11, such as the Patriot Act
  • The influence of 9/11 on airport security measures worldwide
  • The response of emergency services during the 9/11 attacks
  • The impact of 9/11 on U.S. military strategy and operations
  • The role of intelligence agencies before and after 9/11
  • Introduction Paragraph Example: Examine how 9/11 changed international relations, focusing on the shift in global alliances and the rise of new security protocols. This essay will provide a comprehensive overview of the political, economic, and social changes initiated by the attacks, highlighting their lasting influence on global dynamics.
  • Conclusion Paragraph Example: In summary, 9/11 has left an indelible mark on international relations, prompting a reevaluation of global security strategies and diplomatic approaches. By understanding these changes, we can appreciate the interconnectedness of our world and the importance of cooperation in addressing global threats.

Narrative Essay Topics for 9/11 Essay

  • A personal account of witnessing the 9/11 attacks
  • The story of a survivor’s journey to recovery
  • The experience of a first responder on 9/11
  • Recollections of the immediate days following 9/11
  • How 9/11 influenced a career choice in public service or the military
  • The impact of 9/11 on a specific community
  • A family’s experience of losing a loved one in the attacks
  • The perspective of a child growing up in the post-9/11 era
  • The journey of a volunteer who helped in the aftermath of the attacks
  • The story of a foreigner’s view of 9/11 and its global implications
  • Introduction Paragraph Example: Share a personal account of witnessing the 9/11 attacks, capturing the raw emotions and immediate reactions to the tragedy. This essay will weave together personal memories with historical context, offering a poignant and intimate perspective on one of the most defining moments in recent history.
  • Conclusion Paragraph Example: By narrating personal experiences of 9/11, we can preserve the emotional and historical significance of that day. These stories serve as powerful reminders of the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring importance of unity in the face of adversity.

As you explore these essay topics, remember to engage your readers with compelling arguments, vivid descriptions, and thought-provoking insights. Use your unique perspective and voice to make your essay stand out and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

9/11 Thesis Statement Ideas

Here are some thesis statement ideas for essays about the events of 9/11:

  • The 9/11 attacks fundamentally altered U.S. foreign policy, leading to the War on Terror and significant shifts in international relations.
  • The impact of 9/11 on civil liberties in the United States demonstrates the tension between national security and individual freedoms.
  • The psychological effects of the 9/11 attacks on survivors and first responders highlight the need for comprehensive mental health support systems.
  • Examining the changes in airport security post-9/11 reveals how the attacks reshaped global travel regulations and practices.
  • The media's portrayal of 9/11 influenced public perception and policy decisions, showcasing the power of media in times of crisis.
  • The socio-economic repercussions of 9/11 on New York City underscore the resilience and recovery efforts of affected communities.
  • The role of intelligence failures leading up to 9/11 highlights the necessity for improved interagency communication and data sharing.
  • The global rise of Islamophobia post-9/11 reflects the broader implications of terrorism on societal attitudes and policies.
  • The influence of 9/11 on American cultural and artistic expressions underscores the event's profound impact on national identity and memory.
  • The legislative aftermath of 9/11, including the Patriot Act, illustrates the balance between enhancing security and protecting constitutional rights.

The Impact and Legacy of The 9/11 Attacks

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The Effects of 9/11 Attack on America

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The Impact of The 9/11 Tragedy on The Marketplace in The Reluctant Fundamentalist

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Conspiracy Theory: No Truth About 9/11

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September 11, 2001: Lower Manhattan (New York), Arlington County (Virginia), Stonycreek Township (Pennsylvania)

Deaths: 2,977 + 19 Al-Qaeda terrorists. Injured: 6,000–25,000+

On September 11, 2001, the United States experienced one of the most devastating terrorist attacks in its history. Nineteen al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial airplanes, crashing two into the World Trade Center towers in New York City, one into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and the fourth into a field in Pennsylvania after passengers intervened. The attacks resulted in nearly 3,000 deaths, significant destruction, and long-lasting psychological and economic impacts. In response, the U.S. launched the War on Terror, leading to military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq, and implemented sweeping changes in national security policies and practices.

The 9/11 attacks were orchestrated by the extremist group al-Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden, in response to perceived injustices faced by Muslims, including U.S. military presence in the Middle East. The terrorists exploited vulnerabilities in aviation security to target symbolic landmarks in the U.S., resulting in nearly 3,000 deaths. Factors such as ideological radicalization, recruitment efforts, and meticulous planning, along with geopolitical conflicts and intelligence failures, set the stage for this tragic event.

The 9/11 attacks had profound effects, resulting in the loss of thousands of lives and significant destruction, including the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Socio-political impacts included heightened fear, stricter security measures, and increased surveillance. The attacks also influenced U.S. foreign policy, leading to military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq. Economically, the destruction affected global markets and caused job losses. Psychologically, the attacks left lasting trauma and grief among survivors, victims' families, and affected communities.

  • The Twin Towers collapsed shortly after being hit: the South Tower (WTC 2) fell 56 minutes after impact, and the North Tower (WTC 1) fell 102 minutes after. These failures demonstrated the attacks' devastating impact.
  • The 9/11 attacks resulted in 2,977 deaths from over 90 countries, including office workers, first responders, tourists, airline passengers, and business attendees.
  • The attacks caused an estimated $123 billion loss in economic output within weeks, significantly disrupting tourism, aviation, and finance, affecting employment and global markets.

The topic of 9/11 is crucial as it profoundly impacted global politics, security, and society. Understanding the events and their consequences through various 9/11 essay topics helps us analyze the shifts in foreign policy, the rise of anti-terrorism measures, and the long-term psychological and economic effects. This analysis is essential for preventing future attacks and fostering a more secure and informed world.

1. National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States. (2004). The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States. W. W. Norton & Company. 2. Summers, A., & Swan, R. (2011). The Eleventh Day: The Full Story of 9/11 and Osama bin Laden. Ballantine Books. 3. Jenkins, B. M. (2006). The 9/11 Wars. Hill and Wang. 4. Smith, M. L. (2011). Why War? The Cultural Logic of Iraq, the Gulf War, and Suez. University of Chicago Press. 5. Bowden, M. (2006). Guests of the Ayatollah: The Iran Hostage Crisis: The First Battle in America's War with Militant Islam. Grove Press. 6. Wright, L. (2006). The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11. Vintage. 7. Bamford, J. (2008). The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America. Anchor Books. 8. Thompson, W., & Thompson, S. (2011). The Disappearance of the Social in American Social Psychology. Cambridge University Press. 9. Boyle, M. (2007). Media Mythmakers: How Journalists, Activists, and Advertisers Mislead Us. Potomac Books. 10. Zelikow, P., & Shenon, P. (2021). The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions. Interlink Publishing Group.

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short essay on 6 september

September need not be the end of summer - Michael's essay

short essay on 6 september

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For me there are few sadder sights than a school yard in late August.

All the accoutrements are in place. The empty swings still swing. The white baseball lines are in place, but barely visible. If there is grass, it is tired, overdue for a trim.

What is missing is sound. The screams, the laughter, the pitta-pat stomp of small sneakers. The children in all their kinetic glory.

The last week of August, in our tradition, is the last week of summer, although fall doesn't come officially until September 22nd. It is the great winding down. The pivot time when our minds  have to be reset, our inner compasses boxed.

Growing up in the big city, the last week of August was something to be endured. The toxic phrase, Back-To-School Supplies, surrounded us like soulless mosquitos.

School, which had successfully been effaced from our cerebral cortex in late June, was becoming a looming reality.

We tried desperately to stuff into those seven days those things we missed in the high summer.

Once, just once, let me successfully turn a double play.

Let me find the key to my bicycle lock. We jumped the turnstiles to get into the CNE for free and headed to the Pure Food building for the handouts. 

We pleaded with our parents to skip the haircut and the new shoes.

When Shakespeare said "Summer's lease has all too short a date," he wasn't kidding.

In the dying days of August, the skies start to grow darker earlier. The sun takes its own sweet time to rise in the morning.

The warming summer winds still blow, but their breath is weaker. There is a tang in the air, a bit of a chill.  Nothing serious, but perhaps tonight we won't need the fan.

In the dying days of August, the skies start to grow darker earlier. The sun takes its own sweet time to rise in the morning. - Michael Enright

September is a time of new beginnings. And a return to old ones.

School, home from the cottage and summer camp, back to the workplace with something approaching mild enthusiasm.

Despite the weather, Canadians can take only so much summer.

September is a kind of prep time, an anteroom to fall and winter. The L.L. Bean catalogues jam the mailbox offering Farmer Brown shirts and thick socks. 

Our minds turn to the unsettling reality that we will soon have to return to our indoor lives.

short essay on 6 september

At the same time, we have to remember that September is notorious for dark things.

In his poem September 1, 1939 , poet W.H. Auden warned of the coming horrors in the "darkened lands of the earth."

And "The unmentionable odor of death 

Offends the September night."

Hitler invaded Poland in early September and touched off the deadliest war in human history.

And of course 9/11 entered our terrorism vocabulary in September 2001. 

Henry David Thoreau said that "One must maintain a little bit of summer even in the middle of winter."

With Albert Camus, we discover, "In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer."

That's the lesson of September. 

As we watch the leaves turn, as we feel the crisp days and growing chill in the air, as we realize that February is not that far away, we will have September with its memory of gentle winds and its message that winter is a sometime thing; summer is forever.

Click 'listen' above to hear Michael's essay. 

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Short Story Reviews

Dry September by William Faulkner

In Dry September by William Faulkner we have the theme of gossip, rumour, reliability, repression, justice, hypocrisy and prejudice. Taken from his Selected Short Stories collection the story is narrated in the third person by an unnamed narrator and very early on in the story the reader realises that Faulkner is exploring what is commonly referred to as the White Goddess concept. This is a concept in whereby the Southern male believes that a woman, particularly a white Southern woman cannot tell a lie. In essence they are to be held up on a pedestal and everything they say is to be believed, without any need for proof. It is through this concept that the story develops, Faulkner highlighting to the reader the willingness of the men of Jefferson, particularly John McLendon, to believe Minnie Cooper and form a lynch mob to kill Will Mayes.

It is also at the beginning of the story that Faulkner explores the theme of gossip and rumour. With the exception of Henry Hawkshaw (the barber) each man in the barber shop believes the rumour that Will Mayes has raped Minnie Cooper. Hawkshaw is an important character in the story because he represents reasoning. Of all the men, he appears to be the one who is prepared to give Will Mayes the benefit of the doubt. Faulkner may also be suggesting, through Hawkshaw, that the hierarchical system in the South (black people beginning at the bottom of it) may also need to be looked at. Rather than focusing on Will Mayes, the focus, at least through Hawkshaw’s eyes needs to be on the veracity of what Minnie Cooper has said about Will Mayes. It is also interesting that one of the men, who remains unnamed but who the reader is aware is not from Jefferson tells the other men that ‘I’m with him (McLendon). I don’t live here, but by God, if our mothers and wives and sisters…’ This may be significant as by introducing a character who is not from Jefferson but who agrees with McLendon, Faulkner may be suggesting that throughout the South there is a belief of the White Goddess concept.

The theme of justice or rather the lack of it is also explored in the story. By organising a lynch mob, McLendon is taking the law into his own hands and dispensing what he considers to be justice (killing Will Mayes). There is no sign of a trial or a presumption of innocence or investigation into what has happened, rather instead the men in the barber shop, along with McLendon, dispense a justice that they deem appropriate. Again this sense of justice is based on prejudice. Will is guilty simply because Minnie Cooper has suggested that he raped her and like other black people at the time the story was written, he would be considered to be at the bottom of the hierarchical system that was predominant in the South.

Faulkner also continues to explore the theme of gossip in section four of the story when the reader learns that Minnie Cooper’s friends appear to be more concerned about hearing all the details about what has happened Minnie rather than showing any genuine concern for her well-being. It is also interesting that Minnie appears to suffer a breakdown while she is in the movie theatre. Perhaps the reality of what she has done (lied about Will Mayes) has become too much for her. It would appear that Minnie’s main difficulty is that she is sexually repressed and by lying about Will Mayes raping her she has succeeded in people showing an interest in her again, however it is at the expense of Will Maye’s life. It would also appear that none of Minnie’s friends really believe that she has been raped. Just as Henry Hawkshaw doubted it, so too do Minnie’s friends.

Faulkner also appears to be using symbolism in the story, particularly the weather. In the first section of the story, Faulkner uses the word ‘dead’ to describe the air. This is significant as it in some ways acts as foreshadowing to what will happen Will Mayes later in the story. The opening line of the story also acts as foreshadowing to the eventual killing of Will Mayes, Faulkner using the word ‘bloody’ to describe the September twilight. Also in section three of the story Faulkner again describes the air, though this time uses the word ‘lifeless.’ He also describes the day as having ‘died in a pall of dust.’ This may be significant as Faulkner could be suggesting that the residents of Jefferson, particularly McLendon and the lynch mob are morally dead, by taking the law into their own hands.

Other notable symbolism in the story may include McLendon’s gun. It not only can be seen as a symbol of violence but it can be seen to represent violence in the past, present (possibly) and future. It is first introduced when McLendon walks into the barber shop, the reader learning that McLendon was a soldier in WWI (past violence). It is assumed the McLendon uses the gun to kill Will Mayes in section three of the story, which would suggest violence in the present and at the end of the story, McLendon puts the gun down on the table in his bedroom, which would suggest that it is to be used again, sometime in the future.

The ending of the story is also significant as it is through McLendon’s interaction with his wife that Faulkner appears to be introducing irony into the story. Will Mayes has been killed by McLendon in order to preserve Minnie Cooper’s integrity and honour. However McLendon strikes out at his own wife when he returns home from the killing. It would appear that there is one rule for McLendon and one for Will Mayes (and other black people). At no stage does the reader suspect that McLendon respects his wife in any way, if anything there is a sense that McLendon’s violence against his wife may be a daily occurrence. Unlike Minnie Cooper who McLendon has held up on a pedestal, even though she has lied about what has happened her, McLendon’s wife is not afforded the same luxury. In many ways McLendon, who has acted as the authority figure throughout the story, is a hypocrite.

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I really appreciate with this note…

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Amazing analysis. Thank you:)

Thanks Khushi. It’s great to know that you found the post helpful.

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Thanks. It really helped me out.

Thanks Gauri. It’s nice to know that you found the post helpful.

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Very good analysis scholar bhai.

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Very well written analysis . Shows the critic knows what and where to focus.

Thanks Suman.

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Really appreciable well-done.

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I really appreciate your lucid analysis unearthing all the intricate nuances of the tale by one of our great literary masters.

Faulkner is a master of both the short story and the novel.

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It’s really a helpful note for everyone

That’s great.

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Wow! I was extremely impressed with your insightful analysis. Truly, well done!

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I am from Iran and I really enjoyed your careful analysis, I did not come across Iranian stories on your site, also research Iranian writers, especially Bahram Sadeghi.

Thanks Naser. I will look up Iranian writers.

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How to Write a Short Essay

Last Updated: January 17, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Christopher Taylor, PhD . Christopher Taylor is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 119,826 times.

Essay writing is a common assignment in high school or college courses, especially within the humanities. You’ll also be asked to write essays for college admissions and scholarships. In a short essay (250-500 words), you will need to provide an introduction with a thesis, a body, and a conclusion, as you would with a longer essay. Depending on the essay requirements, you may also need to do academic or online research to find sources to back up your claims.

Picking a Topic and Gathering Research

  • If you have any questions about the topic, ask your instructor. If your essay doesn't respond to the prompt, you likely won't receive full credit.

Step 2 Choose a single arguable point for your brief essay.

  • If you're writing an essay for an in-class test or for an application, tailor the essay to the given prompt and topic. Quickly brainstorm a few ideas; for example, think of positive things you can say about yourself for a college-entrance essay.
  • For example, the topic “depression in American literature” is far too broad. Narrow down your topic to something like “Willie Loman’s depression in Death of a Salesman .”
  • Or, you could write about a narrow topic like “the increase in the USA’s national debt in the 1950s” rather than a broad topic like “the American economy in the 20th century.”

Step 3 Find 1-2 appropriate secondary sources in an online research database.

  • Depending on the field in which you’re writing the essay—e.g., hard sciences, sociology, humanities, etc.—your instructor will direct you towards appropriate databases. For example, if you’re writing a high-school or college-level essay for your English class, visit online literary databases like JSTOR, LION, and the MLA Bibliography.
  • If you're writing the essay for a college or graduate-school application, it's unlikely that you'll need to include any secondary sources.
  • If you're writing a timed or in-class essay, you may not be able to find research articles. But, still do draw information from texts and sources you've studied both in and out of class, and build from points made in any provided reading passages.

Step 4 Use an article...

  • If you’re writing about current events or journalism topics, read articles from well-known news sites like CNN or the BBC.
  • Avoid citing unreliable websites like blogs or any sites that have a clear bias about the topic they’re reporting on.

Composing the Essay

Step 1 Create an outline...

  • If you write the essay without outlining, the essay will be poorly organized.

Step 2 Write a convincing,...

  • This thesis statement is far too weak: “ Death of a Salesman shows the difficulty of living in America after WWII.”
  • Instead, hone your thesis to something like: “Arthur Miller uses Death of a Salesman to show that the American Dream is materialist and impractical.”

Step 3 Use your introduction paragraph to explain the essay’s topic.

  • So, avoid beginning the paragraph by writing something like, “Since the beginning of time, all people have been consumed with the desire for their father’s approval.”
  • Instead, write something like, “In the play Death of a Salesman , Willie Loman’s sons compete for their father’s approval through various masculine displays."
  • Then, you can say, "To examine this topic, I will perform a close reading of several key passages of the play and present analyses by noted Arthur Miller scholars."

Step 4 Keep the introduction and conclusion under 75 words each.

  • In a short essay, the conclusion should do nothing more than briefly restate your main claim and remind readers of the evidence you provided.

Step 5 Use body paragraphs to prove various aspects of your central argument.

  • So, take the example about Death of a Salesman . The first body paragraph could discuss the ways in which Willie’s sons try to impress him.
  • The second body paragraph could dive into Willie’s hopelessness and despair, and the third paragraph could discuss how Miller uses his characters to show the flaws in their understanding of the American Dream.

Step 6 Add information from your research sources to strengthen claims.

  • Always cite your sources so you avoid charges of plagiarism. Check with your instructor (or the essay prompt) and find out what citation style you should use.
  • For example, if you’re summarizing the inflation of the American dollar during the 1930s, provide 2 or 3 years and inflation-rate percentages. Don’t provide a full-paragraph summary of the economic decline.
  • If you're writing an in-class essay and don't have time to perform any research, you don't need to incorporate outside sources. But, it will impress your teacher if you quote from a reading passage or bring up pertinent knowledge you may have gained during the class.

Step 7 Ask someone else to read your first draft.

  • If no one agrees to read the essay, read over your own first draft and look for errors or spots where you could clarify your meaning. Reading the essay out loud often helps, as you’ll be able to hear sentences that aren’t quite coherent.
  • This step does not apply to essays written during a timed or in-class exam, as you won't be able to ask peers to read your work.

Step 8 Revise the first draft into the final essay.

  • It’s always a mistake to submit an unrevised first draft, whether for a grade, for admissions, or for a scholarship essay.
  • However, if you're writing an essay for a timed exam, it's okay if you don't have enough time to combine multiple drafts before the time runs out.

Condensing Your Essay

Step 1 Quote only from secondary sources that are related to your topic.

  • So, if you’re writing about Death of a Salesman , an article about symbolism in Arthur Miller’s plays would be useful. But, an article about the average cost of Midwestern hotels in the 1940s would be irrelevant.
  • If you’re writing a scholarship essay, double-check the instructions to clarify what types of sources you’re allowed to use.

Step 2 Remove verbiage to keep your essay under the word count.

  • A common cliche you might find in an essay is a statement like, "I'm the hardest working student at my school."
  • For example, this sentence is too verbose: “I have been a relentlessly stellar student throughout my entire high school career since I am a seriously dedicated reader and thoroughly apply myself to every assignment I receive in class.”
  • Shortened, it could read: “I was a stellar student throughout my high school career since I was a dedicated reader and applied myself to every assignment I received.”

Step 3 Write short sentences...

  • Avoid writing something like, “Willie Loman can be seen as having achieved little through his life because he is not respected by his sons and is not valued by his co-workers.”
  • Instead, write, “Arthur Miller shows readers that Willie’s life accomplishments have amounted to little. Willie’s sons do not look up to him, and his co-workers treat him without respect.”

Step 4 Present only the most relevant argument in your essay.

  • For example, if you’re trying to prove that WWII pulled the USA out of the Great Depression, focus strictly on an economic argument.
  • Avoid bringing in other, less convincing topics. For example, don’t dedicate a paragraph to discussing how much it cost the USA to build fighter jets in 1944.

Short Essay Template and Example

short essay on 6 september

Expert Q&A

  • When composing the text of your essay, resist the temptation to pull words from a thesaurus in an attempt to sound academic or intelligent. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • If your high school or college has an online or in-person writing center, schedule an appointment. Taking advantage of this type of service can improve your essay and help you recognize structural or grammatical problems you would not have noticed otherwise. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

short essay on 6 september

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  • ↑ https://mlpp.pressbooks.pub/writingsuccess/chapter/8-3-drafting/
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  • ↑ https://wordcounter.net/blog/2016/01/26/101025_how-to-reduce-essay-word-count.html

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Christopher Taylor, PhD

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How to Write a Short Essay, With Examples

Parker Yamasaki

Writing clearly and concisely is one of the best skills you can take from school into professional settings. A great way to practice this kind of writing is with short essays. A short essay is any essay that has a word count of fewer than 1,000 words. While getting assigned a short essay might seem preferable to a ten-page paper, writing short poses its own special challenges. Here, we’ll show you how to write a convincing short essay in five simple steps.

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What is a short essay?

A short essay is any type of essay condensed to its most important elements. There is no universal answer to what a short essay length is, but teachers generally assign short essays in the 250- to 750-word range, and occasionally up to 1,000 words.

Just because the essays are short doesn’t mean the subjects must be simple. One of the greatest challenges of short essays is distilling complex topics into a few telling words. Some examples of short essay topics are:

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  • The pros and cons of online learning
  • The influence of music on human emotions
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Why write short essays?

Short essays have a number of advantages, including effective communication, critical thinking, and professional communication.

Effective communication: In the short essay, you don’t have the space to wander. Practicing short essays will help you learn how to articulate your message clearly and quickly.

Critical thinking: Writing a short essay demands the ability to think critically and identify key points that support the central thesis. Short essays will help you hone your ability to find the most relevant points and shed irrelevant information.

Professional communication: Whether it’s writing a persuasive email, a project proposal, or a succinct report, the ability to convey information effectively in a brief format is a valuable skill in the professional world.

Developing writing skills: As with all writing practice, short essays provide an excellent platform for you to refine your writing skills, such as grammar, sentence structure , vocabulary, and coherence. The more you practice crafting short essays, the more your overall writing proficiency improves.

How to write a short essay

The tactics you use for longer essays apply to short essays as well. For more in-depth guides on specific types of essays, you can read our posts on persuasive , personal , expository , compare-and-contrast , and argumentative essays. Regardless of the essay type, following these five steps will make writing your short essay much easier.

Don’t be afraid of learning too much about a subject when you have a small word count. The better you understand your subject, the easier it will be to write clearly about it.

2 Generate ideas

Jot down key points, arguments, or examples that you want to include in your essay. Don’t get too wrapped up in the details during this step. Just try to get down all of the big ideas that you want to get across. Your major argument or theme will likely emerge as you contemplate.

Outlines are especially helpful for short essays because you don’t have any room for excess information. Creating an outline will help you stay on topic when it comes time to write.

You have to actually write the essay. Once you’ve done your research, developed your big ideas, and outlined your essay, the writing will come more easily.

Naturally, our favorite part of the process is the editing . The hard part (writing) is done. Now you can go back through and make sure all of your word choices make sense, your grammar is checked, and you have cleaned up any unessential or irrelevant information.

Short essay examples

Why small dogs are better than big dogs (209 words).

Small dogs are beloved companions to many, and their unique qualities make them a perfect fit for some pet owners. In this essay, we explore why a small dog might be the right choice for you.

Firstly, the compact size of small dogs makes them ideal for people living in apartments or homes with limited space. As long as you can get your furry friend to fresh air (and grass) a couple of times per day, you don’t have to worry about having a big yard.

Secondly, small dogs require less food, which can be advantageous for those on a budget.

Small dogs are also easier to handle and control. Walks and outdoor activities become less physically demanding, making them a preferable choice for children, the elderly, or those with limited strength.

If you travel a lot for work or family, small dogs are much easier to bring along than their larger counterparts. Some travel companies make dog carriers that tuck neatly under a bus or plane seat.

In conclusion, small dogs offer a multitude of benefits, from their limited space requirements and economic advantages to their ease of handling and portability. These charming qualities undoubtedly make small dogs a cherished choice for pet owners seeking a new companion.

Why big dogs are better than small dogs (191 words)

Big dogs, with their impressive presence and gentle souls, have captured the hearts of countless pet owners. In this essay, we explore why big dogs are better pets than their smaller counterparts.

Firstly, big dogs exude an aura of protectiveness and security. Their size alone can act as a deterrent to potential intruders, making them excellent guard dogs for families and properties. Their mere presence provides reassurance and safety.

Secondly, big dogs tend to have more energy and strength, making them suitable partners for various outdoor activities and adventures. Hiking, jogging, or simply playing fetch becomes an enjoyable experience, fostering an active and healthy lifestyle for both pet and owner.

Lastly, big dogs often have a gentle and patient demeanor, especially when interacting with children and other pets. Their calm nature can bring a peaceful or grounding presence to otherwise chaotic homes.

In conclusion, big dogs possess a captivating blend of commanding protectiveness, physical capacity, and gentle disposition. These qualities make them exceptional companions, providing both security and emotional fulfillment. Big dogs are a great choice for potential pet owners looking for an animal with majestic appeal and a loving heart.

Short essay FAQs

A short essay is any essay that is shorter than 1,000 words. Teachers often assign short essays to teach students how to write clearly, coherently, and concisely.

When do you write a short essay?

Short essays help students practice effective communication, critical thinking, and persuasive writing. While short essays are often assigned in school, they are also useful in professional settings for things like project proposals or reports.

How do you format a short essay?

Short essays should be formatted according to your teacher’s guidelines or the requirements of your workplace. Check your assignment for the word count and stick to it. Make sure your essay flows logically from one idea to the next by presenting a clear thesis, using strong topic sentences, and providing a concise conclusion.

short essay on 6 september

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September 8, Ordinary 23B ( Proverbs 22:1–2, 8–9, 22–23)

There is no reward in heaven for those who work to accumulate wealth rather than care for people..

D oes God create certain people to be poor? Are poor people destined for struggle by God’s design?

A friend’s young child once asked her and her husband how to make love. They were startled. While they had assumed that one day they would have to answer this question, this seemed far too soon. They spoke quietly to each other, attempting to get out of the conversation without being dishonest but also without being too honest. The dad started to talk about how when two people are in love, they often get married. Their precocious son continued to ask, How do you make love? It was obvious their stalling tactics were not working.

short essay on 6 september

After a few moments of awkward, vague descriptions, the son interrupted them. “It starts with the letter L ,” he said.

A love of children often means volunteering to coach, helping in classrooms, attending school board meetings, being involved in endeavors that affect children. One does not love kids simply by saying so but by following through, by correlating action with emotion. God did not create humankind simply to feel love but to follow through with action.

But the Lord pleads the cause of the poor. It is good to give a lot. But generosity is not just the destination; it is integral to the journey. God sets it up perfectly: be grateful, and be generous. 

Katie Van Der Linden

Katie Van Der Linden is pastor of Ebenezer Moravian Church in Ebenezer, Wisconsin.

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It’s a month of new beginnings, heartwarming traditions, and the enchantment of golden leaves and apple orchards.

To help you absorb the allure of September, we’ve curated a selection of positive and inspiring quotes (and poems!) about the ninth month of the year .

And because we’re Good Good Good — we’ve also highlighted the best quotes around September’s awareness months and national days — like Hispanic Heritage Month , National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month , Arbor Day, and National Public Lands Day , and more. 

Plus, quotes from inspirational celebrities and leaders with September birthdays.

Whether you’re greeting autumn, celebrating a September birthday, or just looking to add a dose of positivity to kick off the month, these quotes are for you. Scroll all the way through to find some hidden gems.

Here’s to making the most of September!

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The Best September Quotes

Famous quotes about september.

“All the months are crude experiments, out of which the perfect September is made.” — Virginia Woolf

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“Happily we bask in this warm September sun, which illuminates all creatures.” — Henry David Thoreau

“Happily we bask in this warm September sun, which illuminates all creatures.” — Henry David Thoreau

“But the days grow short when you reach September.” — Maxwell Anderson

“But the days grow short when you reach September.” — Maxwell Anderson

“By all these lovely tokens, September days are here. With summer’s best of weather and autumn’s best of cheer.” — Helen Hunt Jackson

“By all these lovely tokens, September days are here. With summer’s best of weather and autumn’s best of cheer.” — Helen Hunt Jackson‍

“How smartly September comes in, like a racing gig, all style, no confusion.” — Eleanor Clark

“How smartly September comes in, like a racing gig, all style, no confusion.” — Eleanor Clark

“Wine is the divine juice of September.” — Voltaire

“Wine is the divine juice of September.” — Voltaire

“In many ways, September feels like the busiest time of the year: The kids go back to school, work piles up after the summer’s dog days, and Thanksgiving is suddenly upon us.” — Brené Brown

“In many ways, September feels like the busiest time of the year: The kids go back to school, work piles up after the summer’s dog days, and Thanksgiving is suddenly upon us.” — Brené Brown

“September is dressing herself in showy dahlias and splendid marigolds and starry zinnias.” — Olive Wendell Holmes

“September is dressing herself in showy dahlias and splendid marigolds and starry zinnias.” — Olive Wendell Holmes

Quotes for Awareness Holidays in September

A collection of quotes to celebrate September’s awareness months and national days. 

→ Explore more of this month’s awareness days in our September calendar

Library Card Sign-up Month

September 1 - September 30

“Having fun isn’t hard When you’ve got a library card.” — Arthur, Episode: Arthur’s Almost Live Not Real Music Festival

“Your library card is a passport to anywhere.” — Mary Schmich

“Access to knowledge is the superb, the supreme act of truly great civilizations. Of all the institutions that support to do this, free libraries stand virtually alone in accomplishing this.” — Toni Morrison

→ Read about why libraries are important

National Self-Care Awareness Month

“I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival.” — Audre Lorde

“Nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go is attainable, and you are worth the effort.” — Deborah Day

“Every one of us needs to show how much we care for each other and, in the process, care for ourselves.” — Princess Diana

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National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

“No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.” — Maya Angelou

“To anyone out there who’s hurting — it’s not a sign of weakness to ask for help. It’s a sign of strength.” — Barack Obama

“If you feel too much, there’s still a place for you here. If you feel too much, don’t go. If this world is too painful, stop and rest. It’s okay to stop and rest. If you need a break, it’s okay to say you need a break… There is still some time to ask for help. There is still some time to start again. There is still some time for love to find you. It’s not too late. You’re not alone.” ― Jamie Tworkowski, If You Feel Too Much: Thoughts on Things Found and Lost and Hoped For

→ Read more quotes about suicide prevention

→ Read about ways to take action during Suicide Prevention Month

Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15 - October 15

“I’m proud of being Hispanic.” — Lisa Guerrero

“Preservation of one’s own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures.” — Cesar Chavez

“It is important for all of us to appreciate where we come from and how that history has really shaped us in ways that we might not understand.” — Sonia Sotomayor

→ Read more quotes about Hispanic Heritage Month

→ Read about how to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

September 21

“We need to protect our forests to protect all of life.” — Samantha Lynch

“Learn character from trees, values from roots, and change from leaves” — Tasneern Harneed

“Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” — Martin Luther

→ Read more quotes about trees

National Public Lands Day

September 23

“A national park is not a playground. it’s a sanctuary for nature and for humans who will accept nature on nature’s own terms.” — Michael Frome

“In a world that is becoming increasingly virtual, the parks remain places of visceral beauty. Places where we can remember that we are but a small part of the life on this planet, and that it is a truly wonderful planet and the only one we’ve got.” — Nevada Barr

“National parks and reserves are an integral aspect of intelligent use of natural resources. It is the course of wisdom to set aside an ample portion of our natural resources as national parks and reserves, thus ensuring that future generations may know the majesty of the earth as we know it today.” — John F. Kennedy

→ Read more quotes about national parks

→ Read about how to celebrate National Public Lands Day

Quotes from Inspiring People with September Birthdays

Freddie mercury.

September 5

“The most important thing is to live a fabulous life. As long as it’s fabulous, I don’t care how long it is.” — Freddie Mercury

“I won’t be a rock star. I will be a legend.” — Freddie Mercury

“I love the fact that I can make people happy, in any form. Even if it’s just an hour of their lives, if I can make them feel lucky or make them feel good, or bring a smile to a sour face, that to me is worthwhile.” — Freddie Mercury

Ruby Bridges

September 8

“I believe it doesn’t do yourself any good to hate.” — Ruby Bridges

“We may not all be equally guilty. But we are all equally responsible for building a decent and just society.” — Ruby Bridges

“If kids have the opportunity to come together to get to know one another, they can judge for themselves who they want their friends to be. All children should have that choice. We, as adults, shouldn’t make those choices for children. That’s how racism starts.” — Ruby Bridges

Saint Francis of Assisi

September 26

“While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.” — St. Francis of Assisi

“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” — St. Francis of Assisi, The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi

“Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood, as to understand, to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying [to ourselves] that we are born to eternal life.” — St. Francis of Assisi

Inspirational September Quotes

“The windows are open, admitting the September breeze: a month that smells like notepaper and pencil shavings, autumn leaves and car oil. A month that smells like progress, like moving on.” — Lauren Oliver, Vanishing Girls

“The windows are open, admitting the September breeze: a month that smells like notepaper and pencil shavings, autumn leaves and car oil. A month that smells like progress, like moving on.” — Lauren Oliver, Vanishing Girls

“September is the month of maturity; the heaped basket and the garnered sheaf. It is the month of climax and completion. September! I never tire of turning it over and over in my mind. It has warmth, depth and color. It glows like old amber.” — Patience Strong

“September was a thirty-days long goodbye to summer, to the season that left everybody both happy and weary of the warm, humid weather and the exhausting but thrilling adventures.” — Lea Malot

“That old September feeling, left over from school days, of summer passing, vacation nearly done, obligations gathering, books and football in the air… Another fall, another turned page: there was something of jubilee in that annual autumnal beginning, as if last year’s mistakes had been wiped clean by summer.” — Donna Tartt, The Secret History

“As the alluring song of September begins to whisper in my ear, my passionate spirit yearns for the splendor of its promise.” — Peggy Toney Horton

“As the alluring song of September begins to whisper in my ear, my passionate spirit yearns for the splendor of its promise.” — Peggy Toney Horton

Welcoming Fall Quotes

“September days have the warmth of summer in their briefer hours, but in their lengthening evenings a prophetic breath of autumn.” — Rowland E. Robinson

“September days have the warmth of summer in their briefer hours, but in their lengthening evenings a prophetic breath of autumn.” — Rowland E. Robinson

“There comes a day each September when you wake up and know the summer is over and fall has arrived. The slant of the sun looks different and something is in the air — a coolness, a hint of frosty mornings to follow.” — Ann Rinaldi

“But when fall comes, kicking summer out on its treacherous ass as it always does one day sometime after the midpoint of September, it stays awhile like an old friend that you have missed. It settles in the way an old friend will settle into your favorite chair and take out his pipe and light it and then fill the afternoon with stories of places he has been and things he has done since last he saw you.” — Stephen King, Salem’s Lot

“September has come, it is hers whose vitality leaps in the autumn, whose nature prefers trees without leaves and a fire in the fireplace. ” — Louis MacNeice

“September has come, it is hers whose vitality leaps in the autumn, whose nature prefers trees without leaves and a fire in the fireplace.” — Louis MacNeice

“But there is a clarity about September. On clear days, the sun seems brighter, the sky more blue, the white clouds take on marvelous shapes; the moon is a wonderful apparition, rising gold, cooling to silver; and the stars are so big. The September storms — the hurricane warnings far away, the sudden gales, the downpour of rain that we have so badly needed here for so long — are exhilarating, and there’s a promise that what September starts, October will carry on, catching the torch flung into her hand.” — Faith Baldwin, Evening Star

“We know that in September, we will wander through the warm winds of summer’s wreckage. We will welcome summer’s ghost.” — Henry Rollins

“We know that in September, we will wander through the warm winds of summer’s wreckage. We will welcome summer’s ghost.” — Henry Rollins

“The leaves are all falling, and they’re falling like they’re falling in love with the ground.” ‍ — Andrea Gibson

September Poems

“Nostalgia — that’s the Autumn, Dreaming through September Just a million lovely things I always will remember.” — Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

“Nostalgia — that’s the Autumn,Dreaming through SeptemberJust a million lovely thingsI always will remember.” — Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

“O sweet September, thy first breezes bring The dry leaf’s rustle and the squirrel’s laughter, The cool fresh air whence health and vigor spring And promise of exceeding joy hereafter.” — George Arnold

“Lo! a ripe sheaf of many golden days Gleaned by the year in autumn’s harvest ways, With here and there, blood-tinted as an ember, Some crimson poppy of a late delight Atoning in its splendor for the flight Of summer blooms and joys­ This is September.” — Lucy Maud Montgomery, The Watchman & Other Poems

“September has come, it is hers Whose vitality leaps in the autumn, Whose nature prefers Trees without leaves and a fire in the fireplace.” — Louis MacNeice, Autumn Journal

“When I flashback to the lovely days of September Where I’ve kept some dreams and stories to remember Something like old streets and avenues to wander Something like my toys when I was younger I have a fond belief that September will stay forever There were many things in September, sweet and tender Something like love, something like adventure Something like childhood, something like the rain, like the water” — Hayet Ben Bada

“The sultry summer past, September comes, Soft twilight of the slow-declining year. All mildness, soothing loneliness, and peace; The fading season ere the falling come, More sober than the buxom blooming May, And therefore less the favourite of the world, But dearest month of all to pensive minds.” — Carlos Wilcox

“September’s Baccalaureate A combination is Of Crickets — Crows — and Retrospects And a dissembling Breeze That hints without assuming — An Innuendo sear That makes the Heart put up its Fun And turn Philosopher.” — Emily Dickinson, The Poems of Emily Dickinson

“This windy, bright September afternoon My heart is wide awake, yet full of dreams.” — Charles George Douglas Roberts

Funny September Quotes 

“Happy September! The world shall now transform into pumpkin everything.” — Keith Wynn

“Happy September! The world shall now transform into pumpkin everything.” — Keith Wynn

“September showed up right on schedule, and lasted a whole month.” — Jenny Wingfield

“I used to love September, but now it just rhymes with remember.” — Dominic Riccitello

“September tries its best to have us forget summer.” — Bernard Williams

“Rest your eyes well before September because with all its colours autumn is coming to visit them!” — Mehmet Murat Ildan

“Come September, children return to school, grownups to work, and the brain to the head.” — Roger Rosenblatt

“It must be September, July sun has disappeared” — Charmaine J. Forde

Short September Quotes

“The seasonal urge is strong in poets. Burns chose autumn. Longfellow liked the month of September.” — Helen Bevington

“The seasonal urge is strong in poets. Burns chose autumn. Longfellow liked the month of September.” — Helen Bevington

“It was September. In the last days when things are getting sad for no reason.” — Ray Bradbury

“It was September, and there was a crackly feeling to the air.” — Carolyn Parkhurst

“Making your Christmas cake in September is perfect, as too fresh a cake crumbles when cut.” — Mary Berry

“Let’s all be nice to September.” — Nitya Prakash

“I love September, especially when we’re in it.” — Willie Stargell

“I love September, especially when we’re in it.” — Willie Stargell

“September is the other January.” — Gretchen Rubin

“Ah, September! You are the doorway to the season that awakens my soul.” — Peggy Toney Horton

More September Quotes & Captions

“The roses hung their heads and dreamed under the still September clouds, and the water plashed and murmured softly among the pebbles of the shore.” — E.L. Voynich

“The roses hung their heads and dreamed under the still September clouds, and the water plashed and murmured softly among the pebbles of the shore.” — E.L. Voynich

“Time turns flames to embers You’ll have new Septembers Everyone of us has messed up too Minds change like the weather I hope you remember Today is never too late to be brand new” — Taylor Swift, Innocent 

“I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile So good to me, so right And how you held me in your arms that September night The first time you ever saw me cry Maybe this is wishful thinkin’ Probably mindless dreamin’ But if we loved again, I swear I’d love you right” — Taylor Swift, Back to December

“I’m not sure what August looked like for you, or what September will reveal to you but no matter the unknowns, you are still free to hope…” — Morgan Harper Nichols

“I’m not sure what August looked like for you, or what September will reveal to you but no matter the unknowns, you are still free to hope…” — Morgan Harper Nichols

“Let August be August. Let September be September. Let yourself just be even in the uncertainty. And doing this doesn’t mean you’re not doing anything. It means that you’re slowly learning to trust. You can give your all in this life and also identify where enough is enough.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

“ Let this be the September you always remember. The September you chose to accept: the best thing you could do was to let August fall behind you, and with an open heart embrace this new day that lies before you. ” — Morgan Harper Nichols

“For summer there, bear in mind, is a loitering gossip, that only begins to talk of leaving when September rises to go.” — George Washington Cable

“Outside the leaves on the trees constricted slightly; they were the deep done green of the beginning of autumn. It was a Sunday in September.” — Ali Smith

“The old summer’s-end melancholy nips at my heels. There’s no school to go back to; no detail of my life will change come the onset of September; yet still, I feel the old trepidation.” — Sara Baume, A Line Made By Walking

“It was a lovely afternoon — such an afternoon as only September can produce when summer has stolen back for one more day of dream and glamour.” — L.M. Montgomery

“September: it was the most beautiful of words, he’d always felt, evoking orange-flowers, swallows, and regret.” ‍ — Alexander Theroux

“September: it was the most beautiful of words, he’d always felt, evoking orange-flowers, swallows, and regret.” ‍— Alexander Theroux

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Teacher’s Day Essay in English for Students and Children

Teacher's Day is celebrated on September 5. It is a special day to thank teachers for their hard work and care. We show our appreciation by giving them gifts and saying kind words. Students can check Essay on Teacher's Day in 100, 200, and 500 words here.

Teacher's Day Essay in English

Table of Contents

A teacher is a person who guides and inspires both young and old. They help us learn new things and understand important values like respect and kindness. Teachers play a big role in shaping how we think and act. Their hard work and dedication are celebrated every year on Teachers’ Day, which is an opportunity to thank them for their contributions. This day highlights how important teachers are in our lives and the positive impact they have on our society. All the students and children can check the Essay on Teacher’s Day in an Easy and Short way in the article below.

Essay on Teacher’s Day In English

Teacher’s Day is celebrated on September 5th in India to honor Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a great teacher and the second President of India. On this day, students show their love and respect for their teachers. In schools, students organize special programs like dances, songs, and skits. They give cards and flowers to their teachers. Sometimes, older students even take on the role of teachers for a day.

This day is important because it reminds us how much teachers do to help us learn and grow. It is a fun and memorable day for both students and teachers. Around the world, Teachers’ Day is a special occasion to honor the efforts of teachers, and International Teachers’ Day is specifically celebrated on October 5.

10 Lines on Teacher’s Day For Children

  • Teacher’s Day is a special day to celebrate our teachers.
  • It is usually celebrated on September 5th in India.
  • Teacher’s Day is celebrated in honor of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a great teacher and leader.
  • Teachers help us learn new things and grow.
  • They teach us important subjects like math, science, and languages.
  • Teachers are kind and patient with us.
  • On Teacher’s Day, Students give cards, flowers, and small gifts to their teachers.
  • We can give them cards, flowers, or small gifts.
  • Some schools have special programs and performances on this day.
  • It’s a day to show our appreciation for their hard work.

Short Essay on Teacher’s Day in English

Teacher’s Day is celebrated on 5th September every year. This day is special because it is the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He was a great teacher and the second President of India. He loved teaching and believed that teachers are very important for the growth of students and society.

On Teacher’s Day, students show their respect and love for their teachers. They give them cards, flowers, and sometimes organize small programs in school. Teachers guide us, help us learn new things, and make us better people. Without teachers, we would not know how to read, write, or solve problems.

Teacher’s Day reminds us to be thankful to our teachers for all their hard work and dedication. It is a day to say “Thank you, Teacher” for everything they do for us.

Teacher’s Day Speech in English

Essay on Teacher’s Day in 400 Words

Teacher’s Day is celebrated across India on the 5th of September each year. This date is significant because it marks the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a respected teacher who also served as the second President of India. On this occasion, we express our appreciation and respect for the teachers who guide and inspire us.

Teachers play a very important role in our lives. They guide us, help us learn new things, and shape our future. Without teachers, we would not know how to read, write, or solve problems. They teach us good manners, discipline, and how to be a good person. They work hard every day to make sure we understand our lessons and succeed in life.

Teacher's Day Essay in English for Students and Children_3.1

On Teacher’s Day, students organize different programs to make their teachers feel special. Some students prepare speeches, while others sing songs or perform dances. Many schools have small celebrations where students give flowers, cards, or gifts to their teachers as a token of love and appreciation.

Teachers are like second parents to us. They care for us, correct us when we make mistakes, and encourage us to do our best. They are always there to help us, even outside the classroom. We should respect our teachers every day, not just on Teacher’s Day, because they play such an important role in our lives.

In conclusion, Teacher’s Day is a day to remember and honor our teachers for all the hard work they do for us. We should always be thankful to our teachers and show them that we appreciate everything they do. After all, without teachers, we wouldn’t be where we are today.

What can we do on Teachers’ Day?

On Teacher’s Day, we can do many special things to show our teachers how much we appreciate them. These small gestures can make your teacher feel very happy and appreciated on Teacher’s Day! Here are some simple ideas:

  • Make a Card: Create a handmade card with a nice message to thank your teacher.
  • Say Thank You: Simply say “thank you” to your teacher for all they do.
  • Give a Flower: Bring a single flower or a small bouquet to your teacher.
  • Sing a Song: If you like to sing, you can sing a special song for your teacher.
  • Draw a Picture: Draw a picture of something that reminds you of your teacher.
  • Share Memories: Tell your teacher about your favorite moment in their class.
  • Be Extra Nice: On Teacher’s Day, be extra polite and helpful in class.

History Behind Teacher’s Day

Teacher’s Day is celebrated to honor teachers and their contributions to society. In India, it is observed on September 5th every year. This day is special because it is the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a great teacher, philosopher, and the second President of India.

Dr. Radhakrishnan was born on September 5, 1888. He loved learning and teaching. He believed that teachers play a very important role in shaping the future of the country by guiding students. When his students wanted to celebrate his birthday, Dr. Radhakrishnan suggested that instead of celebrating his birthday, they should celebrate it as Teacher’s Day to honor all teachers.

Teacher's Day Essay in English for Students and Children_4.1

Since then, September 5th is celebrated as Teacher’s Day in India. On this day, students show their respect and gratitude to their teachers. Schools and colleges organize special programs, where students give speeches, perform skits, and present flowers to their teachers.

Teacher’s Day reminds us of the importance of teachers in our lives and encourages us to appreciate their hard work and dedication.

Essay on Teachers Day in 500 Words

Teacher’s Day is a special occasion to honor and appreciate the hard work and dedication of teachers. It is celebrated on different dates around the world, but in many countries, it is observed on October 5th. This day is a chance for students to express their gratitude and respect for their teachers.

Why We Celebrate Teacher’s Day

Teachers play a crucial role in shaping our lives and futures. They guide us, educate us, and inspire us to achieve our goals. As the famous teacher, William Arthur Ward said, “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” Teacher’s Day is a way to acknowledge their impact and hard work.

When Is Teacher’s Day Celebrated?

Teacher’s Day is celebrated on various dates in different countries. In India, it is celebrated on September 5th, marking the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a great philosopher and educator. In the United States, it is celebrated on the first Tuesday of May. The international version of Teacher’s Day, recognized by UNESCO, is observed on October 5th.

How Teacher’s Day Is Celebrated

Teacher’s Day is celebrated in many ways. Schools often organize special events to honor teachers. Students might prepare performances, speeches, or presentations to show their appreciation. Flowers, cards, and small gifts are common ways to say “thank you.” In some schools, students may even take over the teaching duties for a day to give their teachers a break.

One famous quote by Albert Schweitzer, “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful,” reflects how teachers find joy in their work and strive for success in their students’ achievements.

Teacher's Day Essay in English for Students and Children_5.1

Teacher’s Day is more than just a day off from regular classes; it is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the hard work of teachers who contribute so much to our growth and development. As we honor them, we are reminded of the important role they play in our lives and the positive impact they have on our future. On this day, let us remember to say a heartfelt “thank you” to the teachers who inspire and guide us every day.

Quotes For Teacher’s Day

Teachers’ Day quotes express love and respect for teachers. Some quotes say, “A teacher plants the seeds of knowledge,” or “Teachers inspire and guide.” Another quote might be, “Thank you for helping me grow.” These quotes show how important teachers are in our lives. Some heart-touching quotes for Teacher’s day have been shared below:

  • Teachers plant seeds of knowledge that grow forever.”
  • “A good teacher is like a candle; it consumes itself to light the way for others.” — by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
  • “The influence of a good teacher can never be erased.”
  • “Teachers don’t just teach; they inspire, encourage, and guide.”
  • “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” — by Henry Adams
  • “Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions.”
  • “The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don’t tell you what to see.” — by Alexandra K. Trenfor
  • “To the world, you may be just a teacher, but to your students, you are a hero.”
  • “Teachers are the compass that guides us through the dreams of tomorrow.”
  • “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” — by Nelson Mandela

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Q. What should be the main focus of a Teacher’s Day essay?

Ans: The primary focus of a Teacher’s Day essay should be to recognize and celebrate the vital role teachers play. The essay should highlight their impact on students' lives, the importance of Teacher’s Day, and personal reflections on what makes teachers exceptional. Including examples of how teachers inspire and guide their students toward a brighter future can also enrich your essay.

Sonika Singh

Hey there! I'm Sonika an experienced content writer. I craft captivating content for students on various events and subjects like chemistry, physics, and biology. Content perfect for young minds eager to explore the depth of education in India. From molecules to ecosystems, I make complex concepts simple and exciting, specializing in school-level education. Let's journey through the fascinating world of education together!

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5 Side Hustles To Start With Little To No Money

The Top 5 Best Side Hustles To Start With Little To No Money

Starting a side hustle can be a great way to supplement your income, build new skills, and even turn a passion into profit. However, often what holds people back from starting a small business is the lack of funds to get started . The good news is that there are plenty of side hustles you can start with little to no upfront cost.

Service-based businesses are often cheaper to start because they typically don't require significant upfront investments in inventory, equipment, or physical storefronts. Instead, the primary assets are your skills, knowledge, and time.

Whether you're offering consulting, virtual assistance, freelance writing, or any other service, you can often get started with just a computer, internet access, and a willingness to market your expertise. This low barrier to entry makes service-based businesses an attractive option for entrepreneurs looking to start a business with minimal financial risk.

Here are five side hustles you can launch today without breaking the bank:

1. freelance writing.

If you enjoy writing, freelance work can be a great side hustle . With platforms like Upwork and Fiverr, you can start pitching your services without needing to spend a dime. Whether you’re interested in blog posts, website content, or even ghostwriting books, there’s always a demand for quality writing. Plus, you can start with just a computer and an internet connection, making it one of the most accessible side hustles.

Getting Started:

  • Create a portfolio with samples of your work.
  • Sign up on freelance platforms and start pitching your services.
  • Start networking to find opportunities.

2. Virtual Assistance

With more businesses and entrepreneurs going digital, the need for virtual assistants (VAs) is on the rise. As a VA, you might handle tasks like email management, social media scheduling, customer service, or calendar management. This side hustle requires organizational skills, attention to detail, and good communication but doesn’t require any significant upfront investment.

  • Identify your strengths and what services you can offer.
  • Create a profile on platforms like Upwork.
  • Reach out to small business owners or solopreneurs who might need help managing their workload.

3. Online Education

If you’re knowledgeable in a particular subject, online tutoring can be a rewarding and profitable side hustle. Whether it’s math, science, language arts, or even SAT prep, there are students of all ages looking for help. Platforms like Tutor.com make it easy to connect with students and start tutoring from the comfort of your home.

  • Determine which subjects you are comfortable teaching.
  • Join tutoring platforms and promote your services on social media.
  • Consider offering a free initial session to build your reputation and get reviews.

4. Print on Demand

Print on demand (POD) allows you to design and sell custom products like t-shirts, mugs, and posters without needing to handle inventory or shipping. Websites like Printful make it easy to upload your designs and market your products. You only pay when you make a sale, making it a low-risk side hustle.

  • Create designs using free design tools like Canva.
  • Sign up on a POD platform and upload your designs.
  • Promote your products through social media or a personal blog.

5. Social Media Management

Many small businesses struggle with social media due to a lack of time or skillset. If you’re savvy with platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, you can offer your services as a social media manager. This role involves creating content, scheduling posts, engaging with followers, and analyzing performance metrics.

  • Build your own social media profiles to demonstrate your skills.
  • Offer your services to local businesses or through freelance platforms.
  • Consider taking free or low-cost online courses to enhance your social media marketing knowledge.

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The bottom line is that starting a side hustle doesn’t have to require a large financial investment. The five side hustles mentioned above are all viable options that can be started with little to no money. Whether you’re looking to make extra cash, explore a new career path, or eventually turn your side hustle into a full-time business, the key is to take that first step and get started. With dedication, creativity, and a willingness to learn, your side hustle could become the next big thing in your life.

English Compositions

Short Essay on My Favourite Season [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

Here in this lesson, you are going to learn to write short essays on the topic ‘My Favorite Season.’ Here, I will write three different sets of sample essays on this topic that will cover different word limits important for various exams. 

Table of Contents

Short essay on my favorite season in 100 words, short essay on my favorite season in 200 words, short essay on my favorite season in 400 words.

Feature image of Short Essay on My Favourite Season

My favourite season of the year is summer. It begins in April and ends in June. During the summer season, days are long and nights are short. The skies are clear and the sun is bright. We get month-long summer vacation and can stay at home with our parents and family without having to worry about school. We usually go to visit our grandparents in the village during the summer season.

In the village, I get the opportunity to play with the neighbourhood kids in mango and guava orchards that surround my grandparents’ place. They teach me new games and I always have a great time with them. Summer is also the season of mangoes. We get to eat so many varieties of juicy, delicious mangoes. 

My favourite season of the year is winter. The Winter months are very cold as the temperature drops low. It also snows in the northern, high-altitude parts of the country. We wear a lot of warm clothes and eat hot foods to keep us warm. Our metabolism increases during the winter season and thus, we can eat a lot of delicious food. Hot drinks like tea, coffee and hot chocolate are also welcomed. 

During the winter season, we usually go on a week-long vacation to hill stations to enjoy the snow. I make snowmen with my parents and siblings and go ice staking as well. There, at night, we create small bonfires to warm ourselves and chit-chat with each other. Winter is also the season of festivities as we celebrate Diwali, Christmas and New Year in winter.

My mother always bakes cakes for us on Christmas and they are warm and delicious. When I don’t have school, I like staying in bed covered in a thick quilt and reading my favourite storybooks. I also go out to play cricket and badminton with my friends every afternoon as it warms my body and keeps me active. Due to the cold weather, we don’t sweat much and can play for a long time. Because of all these reasons, I like the winter season.

Out of the four predominant seasons, my favourite is the monsoon or the rainy season. It starts to rain heavily all over the country by July. As it rains, the water washes away all the dust from plants and trees, making them look green and beautiful again. As the rain hits the dried-up ground, the smell of wet earth fills the atmosphere and makes our hearts dance.

New seedlings begin to sprout and grasses and plants begin to grow all around us. Our surroundings are covered in green and look very mesmerising. As India is an agricultural country, the rainy season is very important for us. Rains irrigate fields and help crops grow. Without rain, most of our major crops will fail, causing loss of business and even starvation. As my grandparents and uncles are farmers, I have experienced the joy that the rainy season brings to farmers very closely. 

I also like the rainy season because when it rains heavily, I do not need to go to school. Sometimes, even my parents take leave and then our whole family gets to enjoy the day together. My mother makes delicious fritters with tea which we enjoy while playing board games like ludo and carrom. My father is very fond of flowering plants and we have a lot of plants in our garden. During the rainy season, our garden looks majestic with hundreds of blooming flowers in many different colours.

My friends often come over to my house and we enjoy playing in the garden when the rain stops. We make paper boats and put them in water puddles. Sometimes, we also compete to see whose boat would go farther. Sometimes our parents allow us to go outside when it is raining and then, we enjoy jumping in puddles, getting drenched and playing in rain. It is very fun to play in the rain. After that, my mother makes hot soup for us to warm us up. 

When it rains at night and electricity is cut, we get to enjoy our food in candlelight. After dinner, we go straight to bed and tell each other ghost stories. I and my siblings always try to scare each other. When it rains for days, I like to sit by the window and read my favourite books while watching the rain. The rainy season is very special for me and when it ends in September, I wish for it to come quickly next year. 

So hopefully, after going through this session, all your confusion regarding this topic has been cleared. Post your doubts if you have any, in the comment section below. I will try my level best to address your queries. Keep browsing our website for more such content. 

Join us on Telegram to get all the latest updates on our upcoming sessions. Thank you. 

Republic of China Armed Forces M60 tanks fire during an exercise.

No One Should Think the War Will Be Short

It is prudent to consider how a conflict over Taiwan might unfold. Within military circles, there is growing fatalism and an almost dogmatic certainty that China will strike first and target both U.S. and Taiwanese forces simultaneously in a Pearl Harbor–style surprise attack, but is that the most likely or most dangerous possibility? 1  

Chinese revisionism and designs for Taiwan could spur conflict that ranges from economic and political gray zone contests at one end to a massive preemptive conventional assault on the other. 2  

Across the range of possibilities, if conventional war breaks out between the United States and China, any notion of a short war with defined off-ramps fought solely over Taiwan’s independence seems naïve. 3 The Chinese Communist Party has staked its legitimacy on reunification and stated it would “pay any price,” which points to the unlikely availability of off-ramps. 4 Several recent articles have pointedly noted that a fixation among the United States and its allies and partners on a “short, sharp war” could have disastrous consequences. 5 A reflexive desire to immediately surge forces into combat and win a rapid victory also is misaligned with current capabilities, risk tolerances, and escalation management principles. 6 Worse still, short-war thinking encourages misaligned force design decisions prior to conflict and risk management decisions during it. Stunning an enemy and killing him are two different things, and both the United States and China must consider what comes next after a first, violent clash. 7 Ample research suggests surprise attacks and/or large-scale aggression are highly likely to invoke the human psychology for revenge, leaving rational cost-based analysis by the wayside as the desire to strike back at all costs takes the forefront. 8

The Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning and escorts at sea.

Force designs that champion speed and “decision advantage” as primary pillars of victory are custom-tailored to rely on high-risk, high-intensity engagements and small numbers of sophisticated, expensive, and exquisite capabilities. 9 Unfortunately, such an approach is fraught with the potential for disaster. High-risk, high-intensity combat is a double-edged sword: rapid escalation on one hand, and destruction of one’s own means to continue the conflict because of attrition on the other. Even if U.S. forces come out on top in fast-paced head-to-head engagements, their inability to reconstitute losses would give China an advantage and incentive to pursue protraction to “lose the battle, win the war.” If a nation still maintains the capability and will to fight, it is likely to do so. 10  

Similarly, low-number, high-cost exquisite systems only have an advantage if a conflict is either asymmetric, and the enemy has no way to counter such systems, or short, and the systems prove decisive before their complete exhaustion. The inability to mass produce exquisite systems often renders them nearly impotent even before first use. Consider the effect of Russian hypersonic missiles in the war in Ukraine. 11 New technologies are influencing the way the Russia-Ukraine war is being fought, but neither hypersonic missiles nor drones have proved decisive or prevented the war from dragging on. Protraction in any form gives the advantage to a force designed for staying power. 

Rather than focus on fast victory, the U.S. Sea Services should create an alternate strategy and complementary force design around capabilities that enhance strategic deterrence; provide response options that enable manageable escalation; and rely on tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) designed to produce sustainable lethality while husbanding forces and minimizing risk. To achieve these outcomes would require investment in capabilities that can:

• Survive or rapidly recover from an initial strike

• Be optimized to support Taiwanese forces

• Create and maintain their own antiaccess/area-denial (A2/AD) zones

• Emphasize the support and execution of non-attributional kinetic and nonkinetic effects that manage escalation and incorporate allies and partners

• Provide a hedge for enabling and arming for long-term offensive power

The strategic aim of a U.S.-led response to a Chinese attempt to take Taiwan should be broad and play the long game. As a Rand Corporation study, U.S. Military Theories of Victory for a War with the People’s Republic of China , points out, “The more ambitiously the United States defines its war aims, the harder it will be to persuade China to accept defeat.” 12 Strategic objectives following a failure of deterrence should center on turning the catastrophe of war and preemption into a unified commitment to resist China’s revisionist agenda and severely damage its capacity as a global leader. 

Time, after all, is not on China’s side. Its looming demographic collapse should point U.S. strategy toward allowing the Chinese Communist Party to hasten its ultimate failure through its global belligerence. 13 This slower strategy would be preferable to meeting China on its terms, in its preferred battle space, and under its timetables. Instead, there would be no strikes on mainland China, no battles with tens of thousands of service members killed on both sides, and no opportunities for China to land a knock-out blow to the U.S. military, which would reduce the risk of massive conventional or even nuclear escalation. Under such circumstances, it is hard to imagine how China could turn even a total occupation of Taiwan into the fait accompli military writers so often warn of. 

For a country that already spends more on internal security and population-control measures than military defense, old-school realpolitik tactics such as funding and supporting internal and external resistance groups and competitors would yield outsized results. 14 Thinking about future conflict with China through this lens produces a different set of priorities for force structures, tactics, and technology. As Andrew F. Krepinevich Jr. has written,  “A strategy designed to convince a rival it cannot win a protracted war entails convincing it that it cannot win a short war.” 15 The objective then, is convincing China that the United States does not accept even the possibility of a fait accompli and that, under any initiating circumstances, China can expect irreversible long-term damage, protracted military resistance, and geopolitical and economic ruin. 

The Tools Required

A Marine Corps F-35B Lightning II receives fuel and weapons on a forward arming and refueling point in May 2022. Hardened expeditionary bases and rapid repair capabilities would provide sustained enablement, reducing the possibility of China being able to deliver a knockout blow and maintaining the capability  to endure.

There are capability gaps that urgently need to be filled to enable this strategy. Fortunately, many options to do so are already funded. 

The cornerstone of a counterstrike and counter-A2/AD strategy is persistent intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) coupled with long-range targeting. The development of many capabilities is well underway and organized loosely under the Joint All-Domain Command and Control program, and the United States can achieve this goal, but doing so will require: additional funding—agreed on and spent ; standardization; and training for emerging C5ISRT capabilities. 

The main deficits in this area are not hardware or software. If anything, the legions of software suites, unmanned systems prototypes, and ISRT tools provide the perfect case study in “too much of a good thing.” Service-specific solutions to strategic problems have produced a barrage of software and systems with few clear leaders, limited standardization, and no time to train or fully implement them. The Department of Defense does not need dozens and dozens of varying versions of the same thing. It needs a few working models and time to get them into the hands of the soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen who will employ them in combat. Many amazing capabilities are being tested and fielded in small numbers. Pick the most promising to be iteratively upgraded and improved. Invest heavily in the winners and put all the others on program life support or pull the plug. 

The C5ISRT that is the foundation of the future force ultimately depends on kinetics to operationalize it. Numerous Proceedings articles have argued that the United States needs to prioritize weapons. 16 Production of long-range precision-strike capabilities, torpedoes, and surface-to-air missiles must be kicked into overdrive—starting a decade ago. Vastly more important than another fifth-generation aircraft or new class of warship, massively enlarged stockpiles of these weapons are required, as is immediate funding to maturity and fielding of all the near-future weapons. The containerization of these weapons already being planned and demonstrated would allow them to be more distributed, survivable, and scalable in any protracted conflict and, if such weapons are provided to proxies, would enable additional elements of escalation management through deniability. The combination of a common federated C5ISRT capability and adaptable mobile weapon systems will allow rapid force generation, if required, through existing land- and sea-based platforms. 

For a counter-A2/AD strategy employing concepts such as distributed maritime operations, expeditionary advanced base operations, and littoral operations in a contested environment, the Sea Services also need better enablement at scale. Construction battalions, construction equipment, and mobile versions of all the items required to create, repair, and sustain temporary bases, airfields, and port facilities need to be prioritized, funded, and stockpiled. Current bases in the Pacific also need to be vastly improved and hardened to provide increased survivability and alternate and contingency operational modes. 

The defeatism that often accompanies discussion of the defense of bases and airfields on Guam and Okinawa is too pessimistic. Yes, those locations are within range of enemy fires, but permanently cratering an airfield and destroying facilities is hard. Despite being at the receiving end of the largest missile barrages since World War II, Ukraine’s combination of mobility, deception, and training significantly mitigated the effectiveness of Russian attacks. 17 Hardened expeditionary bases and rapid repair capabilities would provide sustained enablement for a strategy that focuses, first, on strategic deterrence—by reducing the possibility of China being able to deliver a knockout blow—and, second, on maintaining the capability to endure. 

What Is Not Needed (For Now) 

To move out on producing the necessary tools, the Sea Services must free themselves from the burden of unnecessarily exquisite and expensive weapon systems of many types. While the Navy is certainly “divesting to invest,” nascent future capabilities and technology have been overhyped. 18 Hypersonic missiles and artificial intelligence–enabled next-generation unmanned loyal wingman platforms may be the future, but they are not the immediate future. To deter or defeat an increasingly revisionist and belligerent China, those programs should be placed on the back burner while more immediate and readily available priorities take the lead. 

In this artist’s concept, Air Force Special  Operations Command aircraft launch missiles from their cargo holds in a manner similar to the Air Force’s Rapid Dragon palletized system. In a war, submarines, special forces, multi­domain task forces, and Marines will pair with U.S. A2/AD systems and long-range strike capabilities, requiring large stockpiles of weapons that can be more distributed,  survivable, and scalable.

Improving the Tools We Have

Last comes the category of forces and capabilities already in place but that perhaps need some innovation and creativity to redefine their purpose in a future great power conflict—the reimagined tools and those that have gotten back to basics. The Navy’s surface forces need to focus less on dramatic, high-risk maneuver offense and more on securing sea lines of communication, prosecuting antisubmarine warfare, and carrying out escort duties, blockades, and maritime interdiction outside China’s primary weapons engagement zones. Risk-managed offensive raids may still be required, but they should be viewed as contingency operations for most conventional surface forces. 

Carrier strike groups need to transform into mobile command-and-control nodes and area air-defense providers that can linger outside most weapons engagement zones indefinitely. The air wings, enabled by expeditionary advanced bases, should plan and practice conducting very-long-range maritime strikes through dynamic multiday missions. Enabling this capability will require innovative thinking on all the small details, such as mobile access to classified networks and communications, mission planning, and prebased maintenance teams. Paired with long-range Air Force fighter and strike aircraft, Navy maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft, and Air Force strategic lift as long-range maritime-strike multipliers, the joint force would wield a potent ability to strike Chinese forces. 

The remaining strategy must rely on in-place forces and the “hedge force” nearer to the fight, some of which can act in ways that might not be readily attributable—undersea and irregular warfare forces, for example. These more survivable forces will need to stand in for large traditional surface-action groups that cannot—and should not—be expected to close within range to conduct force-on-force naval brawls. 19 Submarines, special forces, multidomain task forces, and Marines will pair with U.S. A2/AD systems and long-range strike capabilities to provide a sting designed to last but unlikely to culminate existentially—in catastrophic escalation. These forces also provide more realistic avenues for allies and partners to support U.S. forces by virtue of their un- or less attributable nature. By avoiding the possibility of a knockout blow, any aggressor would be forced to grapple with another way out of the conflict. If China were to push outside its purpose-built A2/AD zone to force decisive battle, it would instantly find itself playing against the U.S. military’s greatest strengths and outside the support of the A2/AD system it spent decades developing. 

The Evolution in Military Affairs

These concepts are evolutionary, not particularly novel. They prioritize risk management, husband conventional forces for protraction, and slow the potential for escalation by avoiding large-scale destruction on either side. This is the strategy version of “no fast hands in the cockpit,” a saying among aviators that highlights that, during an in-flight emergency, often the worst thing an aviator can do is overreact by moving too quickly. 

Few nations would willingly start a war they knew would soon descend into protraction. Casting doubt on even the possibility of a short war for Taiwan would have an outsized deterrent effect. To accomplish this, the United States must strengthen and diversify presence, protect its forces, and display a credible offensive and defensive capability. This slower, more measured strategy is complemented by the ticking clock of geopolitical danger for China and helps ensure the United States does not risk more than it should in the early stages of a fight. 

Achieving the right mix of capabilities, forces, and posture to maximize strategic deterrence and prevail in any potential conflict is the most urgent challenge the U.S. military faces. Most of the necessary tools are available now, and dedicated leaders and policy-makers are making headway unifying the joint force. Military leaders must guard against preparing only for the perceived worst-case scenario or the siren call of a short war and instead design a force mindful of escalation and protraction and prepared to excel across the continuum of conflict. Many of the tools needed are neither flashy nor expensive, but they must be prioritized. Details such as data standards and TTPs should be better defined and enforced across the future-looking tools the joint force needs, and innovative TTP development and better enablement should continue rapidly to help reimagine the tools the Sea Services already have.

1. Seth Cropsey, “Pearl Harbor Redux: U.S. Risks Repeating Strategic Errors,” Asia Times , 7 December 2022.

2. Charity S. Jacobs and Kathleen M. Carley, “Taiwan: China’s Gray Zone Doctrine in Action,” Small Wars Journal , 11 February 2022; and CDR Paul Giarra and CAPTs Bill Hamblet and Gerard Roncolato, USN (Ret.), “ The War of 2026: Phase III Scenario ,” U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 149, no. 12 (December 2023).

3. Raphael S. Cohen, “America’s Dangerous Short War Fixation,” Foreign Policy , 28 March 2023.

4. Denny Roy, “China Struggles to Repurpose the Lessons of the Pearl Harbor Attack,” Asia Times , 28 December 2023.

5. Hal Brands, “Getting Ready for a Long War with China: Dynamics of Protracted Conflict in the Western Pacific,” American Enterprise Institute, 25 July 2022.

6. Ryan T. Easterday, “The Fallacy of the Short, Sharp War: Optimism Bias and the Abuse of History,” The Strategy Bridge, 16 March 2023.

7. Iskander Rehman, “Planning for Protraction,” The International Institute for Strategic Studies, 9 November 2023.

8. Rose McDermott, Anthony C. Lopez, and Peter K. Hatemi, “‘Blunt Not the Heart, Enrage It’: The Psychology of Revenge and Deterrence,” Texas National Security Review 1, no. 1 (December 2017).

9. Summary of the Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) Strategy (Washington, DC: Department of Defense, March 2022).

10. Andrew F. Krepinevich Jr., “Protracted Great-Power War: A Preliminary Assessment,” Center for New American Security, February 2020.

11. John Grady, “ Russian Hypersonic Missiles Underperforming in Ukraine Conflict, NORTHCOM Says ,” USNI News , 20 May 2022.

12. Jacob L. Heim, Zachary Burdette, and Nathan Beauchamp-Mustafaga, “U.S. Military Theories of Victory for a War with the People’s Republic of China,” RAND Corporation, 21 February 2024.

13. Michael E. O’Hanlon, “China’s Shrinking Population and Constraints on Its Future Power,” Brookings Institution, 24 April 2023.

14. Adrian Zenz, “China’s Domestic Security Spending: An Analysis of Available Data,” The Jamestown Foundation, 12 March 2018.

15. Krepinevich, “Protracted Great-Power War: A Preliminary Assessment.”

16. For example, CDR Graham Scarbro, USN, “ Strike Warfare’s Inventory Problem ,” U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 149, no. 12 (December 2023); LCDR Patrick Rawlinson, “ Torpedoes: Get Smaller to Think Bigger ,” U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 150, no. 3 (March 2024); and CAPT Sam Tangredi, USN (Ret.), “ Replicate Ordnance, Not Cheap Drones ,” U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 150, no. 3 (March 2024).

17. Jaganath Sankaran, “How Ukraine Fought against Russia’s Air War,” The Lawfare Institute, 22 January 2023.

18. Mallory Shelbourne, “ SECNAV, CNO Pushing Plans to Decommission 11 Warships in Fiscal Year 2024 ,” USNI News , 20 March 2023.

19. Bryan Clark and Dan Patt, “Hedging Bets: Rethinking Force Design for a Post-Dominance Era,” Hudson Institute, February 2024.

Commander Justin Cobb, U.S. Navy

Commander Cobb is the maritime fires officer with Carrier Strike Group 11. A rotary-wing aviator, he previously served as the commanding officer of the Helicopter Training Squadron 18 Vigilant Eagles at Naval Air Station Whiting Field, Florida. A graduate of the Joint Forces Staff College, he conducted his joint tour at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe in Mons, Belgium, where he was the lead action officer on the NATO joint command-and-control concept. 

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Yankees’ surge falls short after giancarlo stanton just misses tying grand slam in loss.

Giancarlo Stanton’s blast to center in the bottom of the eighth came just short of tying the game, and the Yankees had a chance to win in the ninth before Austin Wells struck out with two on to end a 6-5 loss Saturday to the Cardinals in The Bronx. 

Still, the Yankees head into September atop the AL East and with at least some reinforcements on the way, some as soon as Sunday. 

Now, the next test begins for a Yankee team that has visions of playing deep into the postseason. 

“It’s not been easy, but we’re in a great position,’’ Aaron Boone said after the loss. “We’re sitting atop the division, [with] the best record, or right around there, in the league. It’s definitely been a grind for us. It’s right there for the taking. I’m excited for this final push and hopefully to set us up to play in October.’’ 

New York Yankees designated hitter Giancarlo Stanton hits an RBI double against the St. Louis Cardinals during the eighth inning of a baseball game, Saturday, Aug. 31, 2024.

They had a chance to be in an even better spot. 

However, Stanton’s shot to dead center hit near the top of the fence and went for a three-run double, which still left them a run down. 

Juan Soto made things interesting in the bottom of the ninth with a two-out double.

Juan Soto #22 of the New York Yankees throws his bat after he grounds out during the fifth inning when the New York Yankees played the St. Louis Cardinals Saturday, August 31, 2024.

One day after pitching to Aaron Judge with a runner on and first base open, the Cardinals walked him intentionally to bring up the sizzling Wells . 

Wells, who had two hits earlier in the game, ripped a foul ball down the right field line before striking out on a 3-2 slider for the final out. 

The Yankees were placed in a five-run hole early thanks to another poor outing by Will Warren, who likely won’t make another start for the team this season, with Clarke Schmidt and Luis Gil close to returning from injuries. 

Austin Wells

And when the games get really important, Trent Grisham won’t be in center, where he played Saturday so that Judge could get a partial rest as the DH. 

Being shut down for seven innings by St. Louis right-hander Kyle Gibson was somewhat unexpected, as Gibson had allowed 15 earned runs over 14 ¹/₃ innings in his previous three starts. 

Will Warren #98 of the New York Yankees reacts on the mound after giving up a three-run home run during the third inning when the New York Yankees played the St. Louis Cardinals Saturday, August 31, 2024.

But left-hander Matthew Liberatore gave up four straight two-out hits in the eighth. 

The Yankees loaded the bases against Liberatore, as Judge, Wells and Jazz Chisholm Jr. all singled before Anthony Volpe’s dribbler went for a fourth straight hit and scored Judge to make it 6-2. 

Stanton pinch-hit for Grisham and St. Louis went to righty Andrew Kittredge. 

Stanton pummeled a first-pitch slider 417 feet to center to make it 6-5. 

Ben Rice ran for Stanton, but Alex Verdugo grounded out to end the inning. 

In the ninth, Oswaldo Cabrera worked a full count against Ryan Helsley, but was called for a pitch clock violation and struck out to lead off the inning. 

Alex Verdugo #24 of the New York Yankees reacts after he  hits a double during the fifth inning when the New York Yankees played the St. Louis Cardinals Saturday, August 31, 2024.

Gleyber Torres flied out, then Soto doubled and Judge walked before Wells came up empty. 

The Yankees got off to a solid start Saturday, as Wells continued his hot streak at the plate with a leadoff double in the bottom of the second and scored on Volpe’s single to left. 

Warren got in trouble in the third. 

Nolan Arenado’s RBI single to center tied the game and Brendan Donovan followed with a three-run shot to right to put the Yankees in a 4-1 hole. 

The 334-foot shot to right would have been a homer only at Yankee Stadium, according to Baseballsavant.com. 

Paul Goldschmidt #46 of the St. Louis Cardinals is tagged out at home by Austin Wells #28 of the New York Yankees during the third inning when the New York Yankees played the St. Louis Cardinals Saturday, August 31, 2024.

“The [outfield] corners are short here and I was really hoping it would stay in,’’ Warren said. 

The Yankees had a chance to get back in the game in the fourth, but with two on and one out, Volpe grounded out and Grisham whiffed on a questionable check swing call. 

They also wasted a leadoff double by Verdugo in the fifth. 

Mark Leiter Jr. allowed two runs — one earned — in the sixth, as the right-hander continues to be ineffective since coming over in a trade from the Cubs.

New York Yankees designated hitter Giancarlo Stanton hits an RBI double against the St. Louis Cardinals during the eighth inning of a baseball game, Saturday, Aug. 31, 2024.



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  16. Free Essay: Defence Day Pakistan

    Defence Day Pakistan. Defence Day 6 September 1965 is a very bright day in the history of Pakistan. It is the day on which everyone in the whole nation is proud of. This is because we Pakistanis on that day were able to protect ourselves from the aggression of our neighbour who was much bigger in power than us. It is also known as Youm-e-Difa.

  17. Defence Day Essay in English/Short Essay on Defence Day/ 6 September

    Defence day essay in english,Short essay on Defence day, 6th September Essay in English, 🔸Creative Spell🔸# defenceday ⭐⭐⭐ Welcome to my...

  18. September need not be the end of summer

    When Shakespeare said "Summer's lease has all too short a date," he wasn't kidding. In the dying days of August, the skies start to grow darker earlier. The sun takes its own sweet time to rise in ...

  19. Short Story Analysis: Dry September by William Faulkner

    In Dry September by William Faulkner we have the theme of gossip, rumour, reliability, repression, justice, hypocrisy and prejudice. Taken from his Selected Short Stories collection the story is narrated in the third person by an unnamed narrator and very early on in the story the reader realises that Faulkner is exploring what is commonly referred to as the White Goddess concept.

  20. Simple Ways to Write a Short Essay (with Pictures)

    Composing the Essay. Download Article. 1. Create an outline for the short essay. Before you begin writing the essay, use an outline to plan out what you want to say in each of your paragraphs. Number your paragraphs 1-3 and jot down a phrase or sentence that sums up the major point you want to make in that paragraph.

  21. How to Write a Short Essay, With Examples

    2 Generate ideas. Jot down key points, arguments, or examples that you want to include in your essay. Don't get too wrapped up in the details during this step. Just try to get down all of the big ideas that you want to get across. Your major argument or theme will likely emerge as you contemplate.

  22. Lectionary essay for September 8 Ordinary 23B Proverbs 22 1 2 8 9 22 23

    September 8, Ordinary 23B (Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, ... If one is focused on riches, one will fall short. There is no higher calling than to take care of others, no reward in heaven for those who work to accumulate wealth rather than care for people. ... Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays ...

  23. 85 Inspirational Quotes for the Month of September (2024)

    "Come September, children return to school, grownups to work, and the brain to the head." — Roger Rosenblatt "It must be September, July sun has disappeared" — Charmaine J. Forde ‍ Short September Quotes "The seasonal urge is strong in poets. Burns chose autumn. Longfellow liked the month of September." — Helen Bevington

  24. Teacher's Day Essay in English for Students and Children

    Short Essay on Teacher's Day in English. Teacher's Day is celebrated on 5th September every year. This day is special because it is the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He was a great teacher and the second President of India. He loved teaching and believed that teachers are very important for the growth of students and society.

  25. 5 Side Hustles To Start With Little To No Money

    Here are five side hustles you can launch today without breaking the bank: 1. Freelance Writing. If you enjoy writing, freelance work can be a great side hustle.With platforms like Upwork and ...

  26. Short Essay on My Favourite Season [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

    Short Essay on My Favorite Season in 400 Words. Out of the four predominant seasons, my favourite is the monsoon or the rainy season. It starts to rain heavily all over the country by July. As it rains, the water washes away all the dust from plants and trees, making them look green and beautiful again. As the rain hits the dried-up ground, the ...

  27. No One Should Think the War Will Be Short

    The Future of Naval Warfare Essay Contest—First Prize. ... September 2024. Proceedings. Vol. 150/9/1,459. ... any notion of a short war with defined off-ramps fought solely over Taiwan's independence seems naïve. 3 The Chinese Communist Party has staked its legitimacy on reunification and stated it would "pay any price," which points ...

  28. Best 6-Month CD Rates of September 2024: Short-Term Savings, Smart Returns

    Discover the best 6-month CD rates. A 6-month CD offers secure competitive returns for a span of 6 months. The top 6-month CDs pay up to 5.20% APY.

  29. Yankees end August with a frustrating loss

    The Yankees comeback fell short as the St. Louis Cardinals slipped away Saturday afternoon with a 6-5 win at the Stadium.

  30. Yankees late-game surge falls short after near Giancarlo Stanton grand

    Alex Verdugo #24 of the New York Yankees reacts after he hits a double during the fifth inning when the New York Yankees played the St. Louis Cardinals Saturday, August 31, 2024.