Essay-Paragraph on “My Aunt” English Composition in 200 words for kids and Students of Classes 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, College and Competitive Exams.

Aunt Janet is my mother’s youngest sister. She lives in America. Last week, she came to visit us.

Aunt Janet arrived in the small hours of the morning. My brother, Daniel, and I were jolted from our sleep by Aunt Janet’s thunderous voice. Although she travelled for a long time, she was not tired. In fact, she was so chirpy that she could not wait to talk to everyone. It was the school holidays so Daniel and I did not have to go to school. We went for breakfast with Aunt Janet at the coffee shop downstairs. She had not come to Singapore for a long time so she missed the local food. She ordered a lot of food. After breakfast, Daniel and I showed Aunt Janet where the nearest shopping centre was. We were delighted when Aunt Janet bought us our favourite PSP games. After that, she even went rollerblading with us. She was very skillful. She taught us a few tricks.

Aunt Janet left a week later. Daniel and I were exhausted as we had to keep her company the whole week. However, we missed her energetic self. We kept in contact with her through email.

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Being an Aunt Is One of the Greatest Joys of My Life

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I will never forget the day I became an aunt 22 years ago; my 19-year-old self was rabidly excited. I was in a college class (Western Classics, as I recall) when my roommate busted in, completely interrupting the entire class to announce that I had gotten a phone call in our dorm room to tell me that my nephew Charles had arrived.

It’s still one of the best days of my life.


My two brothers soon began providing me with a niece or nephew to love every 18 months to two years for quite awhile, until I’d amassed a trove of six little ones to love before I became a parent myself at age 26. (This is only on my side of the family, my husband’s siblings were even more prolific!)

Being an aunt has been one of the greatest joys of my life. I loved babysitting them before I had kids, having sleepovers or taking them for special outings. I loved being with them and I loved caring for them.

I learned this epic aunting from my own great aunt, Polly. She was my grandfather’s sister. My grandfather died before I was born, but that didn’t stop Aunt Polly from being very involved in her great-nieces and great-nephews’ lives. She had grandkids of her own, but she loved us just as well, showing us with constant invitations to her home and delicious meals, playing games with us and attending our special events.

She had a family of “her own.” But she loved us like she loved them, not because she had to, but because she wanted to. She loved us because we were her brother’s family.

Even though I’ve been a mom myself for 15 years, I thank God that I am an aunt . For all of their young lives, I still have loved going to my nieces and nephews’ basketball, baseball, and soccer games. To their plays and musicals, to their concerts and recitals {and in one case, his Rubik’s Cube competitions}. I would not miss a graduation or a birthday party to save my life. It has been such a privilege to be there for all these things, and I am so thankful I live close enough to be in their lives.


My Aunt Polly taught me about loving for loving’s sake, and I’ve tried to pass that along. My niece and nephews don’t owe me anything, and since I didn’t bring them into this world, I don’t bear any responsibility for them. Yet, they have brought me such joy. I don’t love them because they give me anything. I love them because they are my brothers’ children.

Being their cheerleader, their admirer, their encourager, and their #fanaunt (check the hashtag on Insta – it’s almost all me. HA HA HA!) is a huge privilege and a huge part of my identity. One I’ve been blessed abundantly with. As I’ve watched them grow (they are now, aged 22 to just 3!),they’ve all taught ME so much: about perseverance, about serving others, about hard work, and of course, about joy.

If your kids have an amazing aunt (praise the Lord, mine do!!), count them and yourself blessed. Aunts are the ones who teach our kids how wonderful and valuable they are to spend time with — just because. Aunts choose to love and invest in our kids without obligation. And many times, that kind of love is exactly what our kids of all ages need. 

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Jenny Rapson

Jenny Rapson is a follower of Christ, a wife and mom of three from Ohio and a freelance writer and editor. You can find her at her blog,  Mommin' It Up , or follow her on  Twitter .

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My aunt - the person who influenced you the most

yang 2 / 313   Dec 4, 2009   #2 has influenced my life more significantly than the others who has the most significance on me. and you should start with this directly. it's assumed that there are many people who have influenced your life strong person that I am today another adjective maybe? is it physically buff or psychologically tough? Strong is a generic word that might make you sound pretentious. overall, you focus a bit too much on what your aunt did, and not enough about how that made a difference in your own life or personality. It also lacks focus. Do you want to go about education? or strength of character? or struggling with a job? if you really have to talk about all three (I wouldn't recommend... pick the one or 2 you really want to talk about and go in depth) then make sure that you say that in your intro: my aunt taught me this, this, and this. or she is this, this and this and here's how she influenced me. It's easy to get distracted on pointless details, so try to narrow your thoughts a bit. most importantly, talk about you. the admin doesn't care about who your aunt is, but how she played a role in your life.

vananhdo 1 / 5   Dec 4, 2009   #3 "Strength is nothing more than well you hide the pain. " You mean "Strength is nothing more than how well you hide the pain. "? Just feel like pointing it out. also, I think you should start with a hook. You know, grab the reader's attention b/c chances are by the time they got to your essay they must have read tons of other essays already. So try to create something unique or funny. That would definitely help. Yang's right. You have several irrelevant details there but overall, I think you get the point accross. Only need to work on the wording and structure. Good work though!

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essay on my aunt

I feel I really began to appreciate my aunt when I saw how gracefully and diligently she took care of my grandmother, not the same grandmother I spoke of last week. My grandmother was an extremely compassionate and loyal person to our family, but as she had gotten older, she had become more difficult to take care of. Unfortunately, my grandmother, who I called Pappama, was not always the most patient or understanding person, and when frustrated, she would often take her anger out on my aunt. While many other family members often got frustrated with my grandmother or talked back to her, my aunt always remained calm and never held a grudge against her. I have never seen someone be so understanding towards someone who treated them badly at times. When my grandmother became terminally ill, the need for my aunt’s constant care and love for my Pappama increased exponentially. My aunt had to travel long distances to see my grandmother in the hospital, cook her mashed food, and make sure my grandmother had everything she needed. Even though the experience was draining for the entire family, especially for my aunt and uncle, my aunt never complained, and continued to exhaust herself taking care of my grandmother until my grandmother took her last breath. After hearing all that my aunt and uncle went through in ensuring my grandma lived her last few months peacefully, I had a newfound respect for my aunt. She had handled a horrible and depressing situation with dignity and perseverance, and I will always admire her for that.

essay on my aunt

3 thoughts on “ My Aunt ”

Your aunt reminds me so much of my aunt! My aunt lives in Connecticut, and while that is definitely not as far as India, I do not get to see her as often as I would like too. It is really great that your aunt took care of your grandma as she was getting older. That is a hard job and one that requires love and patience. I hope your aunt is doing well and you get to see her again soon. Great post.

Your aunt seems like a really great women and it was inspirational to read about how she took care of your grandmother with no complaints even when she wasn’t very nice. It takes a special kind of person to take care of someone that is terminally ill. I don’t really talk to any of my aunts very much so I don’t quite know what it’s like to have someone other than my parents to talk to, but, from reading your blog, it sounds great and I’m glad you have someone like that. It must’ve been so scary when she had the stroke and heart attack but like you said, she probably pulled through because of all the great deeds she has done.

Your aunt seems like a she has such a beautiful soul. To have the ability to be so compassionate and understanding despite all that she has been through speaks greatly to her character. I believe that everyone needs someone like that in their lives. You should always have someone who can be there for you no matter what. As I get older, I truly strive to be a person like your aunt. I am glad that she made it through the stroke and heart attack, because to lose someone like her would be truly tragic.

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What Being An Aunt Means To Me

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Short Essay on My Family [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

Writing essays on Family has always been in trend in many English comprehension tests around the world. In this lesson today, you will learn how you can concisely write short essays on ‘my family’ within the recommended word limit.

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Short Essay on My Family in 100 Words 

Family is an important part of everyone’s life. I live in a joint family with my grandparents, parents, uncle and aunt as well as my siblings and cousins. We also have a pet dog whom we consider a part of our family. All the members of my family love, respect and care for each other. No matter how busy everyone is, we make sure to sit down and have dinner together every night.

We share our happiness and discuss our problems with each other. The elders always give us good advice and guide us in our lives. We also love going out for family picnics and outings during holidays. I love my family. 

Short Essay on My Family in 200 Words 

A person’s family is an integral part of his or her life. Some people have a small family while others are blessed with a large family. I live in a joint family with my grandparents, parents, uncles and aunts as well as my siblings and cousins. All the members of my family love, respect and care for each other. My siblings, cousins and I go to the same school and are always there for each other.

My parents are teachers while my uncles are in the police force. Despite being busy with their jobs, all the elders share the responsibility of doing household chores and do not leave all the burden on the women of the house. My mother also helps us with our studies and homework. 

We have a huge dining table and every night, all the family members sit together to dine. We share our happiness and troubles with each other. If a family member is in some kind of difficulty, other members do their best to help him or her.

The elders always share their wisdom with us and show us the right path. We also love going out together and we go for family outings every once in a while. I am thankful that I am blessed with such a wonderful family. 

Short Essay on My Family in 400 Words 

A family can mean different things to different people. In a traditional sense, it is a group of people related by blood, marriage or adoption living together. Some people have a small family while some others are blessed with a large family. I live in a joint family. My parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts all live together. I also have two siblings and three cousins. We go to the same school and get along very well. 

My parents are teachers while my uncles work in the police force. One of my aunts is a nurse and the other is a housewife. My grandfather used to work in a steel factory and is now retired. All the members of my family love, respect and care for each other. No matter how busy everyone is, we make sure to spend quality time with each other.

All the members share the responsibility of the household chores and do not let the entire burden fall on the women of the house. Being teachers, my parents also tutor us children at home and help us with our homework. 

We have a huge dining table in our living room and every night, all the family members sit together to dine. We share our happiness and discuss our problems with each other. The elders always share their wisdom and guide us in our lives. Whenever my parents or uncles are in some sort of difficulty, they consult my grandparents for their advice.

My grandfather loves to talk about politics and my father and uncles often join him. Oftentimes their opinions don’t match, yet they are very respectful of each other and the difference in their views. My family has taught me how to always be respectful and polite. 

My family loves to go out together and we often go for family outings. Our favourite is a picnic spot near our house where we go almost every two weeks. We also have good relations with our other relatives and they visit us during the holidays. Having a large family is amazing. Even when our parents are busy or out of town, we are never left alone.

There is always someone to take care of us when we fall sick and there is always someone to rely on when we need help. It is said that a person’s family influences their nature, character and personality a lot. I am blessed to have such a wonderful family. It is because of their good influence that I have become a good person. 

That was everything about writing short essays on ‘My Family.’ In these essays, I have adopted a very simplistic approach with easy words and sentences for easy understanding of all kinds of students. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly mention that in the comment section below. To read more such essays on various important topics, keep browsing our website.

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My Favourite Relative Essay: Topics, Tips, & Examples

The picture provides introductory information about a family essay.

A family essay is a popular task in college and high school. It might seem a simple topic, but that’s the trick. Some students don’t expect such a task or ignore the structure. Remember that an essay about family is like any other paper. It needs an outline, consistency with the structure, and proofreading English grammar and spelling.

Use this article to write a perfect short essay about family. We have prepared a list of useful tips, fifty essay topics, and some writing examples at the end.

đŸ—‚ïž My Relatives Essay: How to Write

👹‍👹‍👧 74 my relatives essay topics, đŸ‘©â€đŸ‘§â€đŸ‘Š my favorite relative essay: 5 examples.

An essay about family, love, and support is an excellent topic that allows you to explore your inner world. It doesn’t require much research in most cases. That is why you have to build a narrative that will be interesting to your audience and academically valuable.

My Relatives Essay: What to Include

At some point, it might be hard to filter what you’re saying. Avoid going very deep into details that only family members understand. Such things are very dull for readers, and they don’t do any good to your essay.

Instead, consider using the following themes in the paper:

  • Your position in the family. Describe your role and responsibilities in the family.
  • Family traditions. Write about your customs and usual time spending together.
  • Extended family. Define your relationships with distant family members and tell how often you see them.
  • Family conflicts. Explain how you cope with them and how to avoid such situations.

Describing Your Favorite Relative: Choose Your Focus

Focus on one strong idea. Most probably, it will be your personal experience and your reflection on it. Put this idea in the form of a thesis statement and make it prominent in each paragraph.

Once you define the storyline of your essay about family, stick to it. Devoting some time to planning what you are going to write is very helpful. However, consider the word limit: 100 words and 250 words are two different papers. The shorter the essay, the fewer details it should include.

Share the Unique Detail in Your Family Essay

Think about the things that make your family special. Use it as the main idea of the essay. It can be an unusual hobby, a story, a tradition, a possession, or even a person.

For example, if you describe family traditions, try to find something in your regular practices. The family members don’t notice it, but it might be a very unusual thing to do.

The picture provides tips for writing an essay about family.

Now that you know what to write, it’s time to choose a topic . You can adjust any of these to your writing goals.

We’ve prepared a list of titles below:

  • Describe your family’s customs and traditions.
  • Family Changes in American and African Cultures.
  • What is the most exciting thing about your family’s history?
  • Parent-Child Relationships and Parental Authority.
  • What does your family mean to you?
  • How can you define the word family ?
  • Who is your favorite relative, and why?
  • How close are you to your parents?
  • Early Childhood Education Activities and Trends.
  • Describe your relationships with siblings.
  • How much time do you usually devote to your family and friends?
  • Stress Factors and Effects on Person and Family.
  • What is the most critical advice that one of your family members has given you?
  • Barriers That Influence and Prevent Parental Involvement.
  • How can you describe a happy family?
  • Effective Parent and Teacher Communication.
  • What is your position in the family, and how does it affect your life?
  • Do you share any hobbies with your family members?
  • How do technologies influence communication in your family?
  • What are the best ways to prevent conflicts in a family?
  • Mother and Son: Hamlet and Gertrude’s Relationship.
  • How often do you see your extended family members?
  • Family Structure and Its Effects on Children.
  • How does the media portray a typical American family?
  • Who is the closest person to you among family members?
  • The Family Engagement in Growth of a Child.
  • Who is your role model in your family?
  • Divorce: Psychological Effects on Children.
  • What do you want your future family to be like?
  • How does the ethnicity of your family affect your life?
  • How can a family support a queer child?
  • What is your brightest memory connected with your family?
  • Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Families.
  • Have you ever felt any kind of pressure from your family?
  • Who are you similar to in your family?
  • Parents’ Perception of Children With Disabilities in Saudi Arabia.
  • What are the main problems parents face while raising a child?
  • In what ways are modern families different from families 50 years ago?
  • Developing Family Relationships to Prevent Substance Abuse Among Youth Population.
  • How do you think your life will change when you have children?
  • How does growing up in a low-income family affect a person?
  • Military Families’ Experiences: Medical Studies.
  • How does religion affect family life?
  • Discuss the difficulties single parents have to face.
  • Would you prefer to work with your family members or friends?
  • In what ways is your family special?
  • Negative Impact of Technology on Children’s Growth .
  • How well do you remember your early childhood?
  • Families and Households in Different Nations.
  • Describe the best vacation you had with your family.
  • Primary Prevention for Families with Domestic Abuse Cases.
  • What character features have you inherited from your parents?
  • How does divorce affect a child’s life?
  • Describe the way you share responsibilities in your family.
  • Would you prefer to be an only child or have siblings?
  • Family Violence – Debunking a Common Myth.
  • Describe a difficult situation that made your family bonds stronger.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of a big family.
  • How Parental Styles Influence Children With ADHD?
  • What is the point of family counseling?
  • The Chinese One Child Policy, a Birth Planning Method.
  • Does the generation gap affect your communication with parents?
  • Are there gender roles in your family?
  • How do families in Hindi culture differ from American ones?
  • What is your attitude to divorce and re-marriage?
  • Mother’s and Father’s Role in Childcare.
  • What is your attitude to surrogate parenting?
  • Does your family support your ideas and aspirations?
  • Solution-Focused Therapy in Marriage and Family.
  • What is the most important lesson your family has taught you?
  • How does having a pet affect family life?
  • Language Choice of Intermarried Families in Japan.
  • Did your parents devote you enough time when you were a child?
  • How an Autist Child Affects a Functional Family?

Here are some short essay samples that you can use to outline your writing. Pay attention to the structure and the narrative. Try to find some ideas for your future essay using these examples.

Family Traditions Essay

My family has one interesting tradition. Each time we plan our vacation, everyone writes their destination ideas on paper. We put these papers in an old hat, and then my father chooses one without looking at it. It is a great tradition because it allows us to see beautiful places, enjoy time together, and each one knows that their opinion matters. Last time we went to explore Alaska. It was my mother’s idea. I have never seen such beautiful views and landscapes. And it wasn’t as cold as I expected. We spent most of our time hiking, walking, and trying local restaurants. It is probably one of my favorite trips. A couple of years ago we just stayed at home. My older brother had just bought a new Xbox and wanted to spend most of his time with it. Although we wanted to travel that Christmas, it wasn’t a problem for us. We chose a Christmas tree, decorated it together, cooked many foreign dishes, and played Mark’s Xbox. I wanted to go to Disneyland so much when I was a child. It was unbelievable when I saw my handwriting on a piece of paper my father was holding. It felt like a fairytale. However, there were long lines in the amusement park, and we didn’t see everything we planned. But that doesn’t seem a problem to an eight-year-old kid. Even my older brother liked the trip. A tiny family tradition can lead to multiple adventures and exciting experiences. You can travel, explore new locations and communicate with each other. And it feels so nice to know that each family member is equal in vacation planning.

Family History Essay

Half of my family originally comes from Germany. It’s the third generation of us in the United States. My grandparents moved here in the ’70s and faced many difficulties on arrival. It was hard for them to become fluent in English, get used to new customs, and stop missing their friends and relatives. Paul and Anna, in their mid-twenties at the time, were enjoying their family life in Munich. They already had one child, Nicole. Then Paul had an opportunity to obtain a new position in the American office as they were looking for people who knew English and were fluent in German. But the problem was that Anna didn’t know English at all, and Paul knew only the basics. They moved to Chicago. The company helped my grandfather find a place to live, but Anna faced the most difficulties. She had to buy groceries that seemed different from German ones, cook, clean, and look after their children. Anna spent most of her daytime alone as she had too many household chores and didn’t know anybody she could talk to except Paul. Anna missed her friends and family who stayed in Germany. His new job almost entirely consumed Paul, but he also felt homesick from time to time. Anna gave birth to their second child, Nick, my father. When both of their kids went to school and had more time to themselves, they finally felt at home in the United States. I love listening to my grandparents’ stories about Munich and moving to the USA. It took a lot of courage to move to a different continent and start their life from scratch. I also hope I will visit Germany one day so I can see their motherland.

What Does Family Mean to You Essay

My family, especially my parents, are the dearest people to me. I respect their wisdom and the way they treat others. Having a family means that you always have support, people you can trust, and unconditional love. I knew my mother would support my career choice even though it was untypical for my family. I have decided to become a photographer in a family of lawyers. She was happy that I finally decided what I wanted to do and told me that creativity always was one of my strengths. I was the happiest person in the world when we went to choose my first camera together. When I was choosing a college, my parents became my best advisors. They found some people to talk to in these colleges, helped me structure all the information, and make the right choice. I know I can always rely on my parents when I am not sure what to do. We never had this barrier of children and parents. I trust them all my secrets, and I know I won’t be judged. They assured me I could ask them anything and tell anything about my life. That is why I have never had anything to hide because I knew they would accept and love me the way I am. In conclusion, nothing can be compared to having a family which will be entirely on your side no matter what you choose. It means I can always count on them and never be afraid that they will not support me. My parents love and respect me the way I am, and I feel the same way about them.

Family Definition Essay

A family might have different sets of values but still do their best to understand each other. There are three children in my family. My younger brother Kyle, my older sister Cathy, and me. We all have different hobbies and interests, but try to find common ground and spend time together. Cathy taught Kyle and me to play tennis, even though we are not huge sports fans. We had a great time learning and making jokes. It doesn’t mean that we didn’t take the game seriously. Kyle and I know that we will never become such good players as Cathy, but we wanted to try the game. Kyle always tries to impress us with his amateur guitar concerts in our living room. He even has a band. They play in our garage sometimes. Knowing that learning to play a musical instrument would be too hard for me, I just try to listen to their music and support the band. I love Korean culture, so I often tell my siblings about interesting series and music. We watched a couple of doramas and anime cartoons together. We even went shopping for Korean fashion once or twice. I feel grateful that they appreciate my interests and try to understand my hobbies. Family is more than just a group of people. These are in some ways alike and some ways different personalities. They all have their own lives but still make an effort to share their time and interests.

My Favorite Relative Essay

All of us have the closest family member. My sister Claire is two years older than me. There is no other person who can understand me better. I like her because she is honest, caring, and, most importantly, my best friend. Probably, my sister is the most honest person I’ve ever met. She doesn’t try to make any false impression on other people pretending to be cooler or better. My sister also believes in a fair contest and never cheats. Claire always tells others what she thinks. Even if a dress that I’ve chosen doesn’t suit me, she will be honest. Claire is the one who completely takes care of our dog. She walks with it, feeds it, and deals with all the problems it creates. She also helps me with my homework and gives advice when I ask for it. Claire is always ready to assist our parents with all kinds of tasks, and I see how proud they are of her. I believe we have a special bonding that only sisters can have. Claire is the closest person to me. I can trust her with all my secrets and entirely rely on her, and she can do the same. I am delighted that we became such good friends even though we used to fight a lot when we were children. Claire is so adorable. I feel lucky that I am her sister. She is probably the most sincere and responsive person I know. I believe that relatives can make the best friends. The way you know each other like no one else is the reason why you can understand each other so well.

Thanks for your advice it’s amazing

" My Aunt, the essay ", a story by Harvey Sutlive.

    Mom had this big house down in Charlotte, plus some cash, that she inherited from her grandfather. While she was a kid, a real estate company looked after the house, and her parents managed her cash. She and my dad met in law school. They fell in love and got married, and I was born. And we were a little family. Dad got a good job with a law firm in Charlotte. That worked out well, since we already had the house down there. Mom stayed home with me til I started first grade.   But Dad was not too productive as a lawyer for some reason. It took several years for that fact to become painfully obvious. In the meantime, he burned through the cash that Mom inherited from her grandfather. By the time I was in first grade, there was nothing left. After that, Dad moved out. Mom and I relocated to Marais, which is her hometown. Marais is in the mountains west of Charlotte. It has a small college, and a whitewater river. I finished first grade up there. By then Dad realized how unhappy he was without us, so he showed up, and Mom forgave him. She still owned the house down in Charlotte, which they sold for cash flow, to start over. By the end of fifth grade, the Charlotte house money was gone, and Dad left again. Gross betrayal, return plus forgiveness, gross betrayal, again – key paragraph topics, if you describe what happened in essay form. For a metaphor you could mention a Buick, stuffed up your ass twice. It should work well, as an essay. But in elementary school we didn’t do essays. Anyway Mom and I stayed together. But we had a lot of anger. Counselors love that expression. You’re fucked up in other words. You’re blown through an open airplane door, and your fingers are hanging onto the edges of the opening. Middle school in Marais was difficult for me, and for Mom. After that, it was time to do high school. Most of my dad’s family was from Cassina, South Carolina, fifty miles above Charleston. Mom talked to my aunts down there — my dad's three sisters. His old high school in Cassina was supposed to be good. All three aunts recommended it. My grandparents down there offered to pay for tuition. My aunt Celia said I could live with her. Celia was the oldest aunt. She was the boss of everybody. She was very active and youthful looking. She played a lot of golf, and she won quite a few tournaments on an amateur level. She looked like a sorority girl with a serious drug problem. If you saw her picture, you would think she was sexy. Celia was really busy the whole month before school started, so Teresa, my middle aunt, drove up to Marais to pick me up. Teresa was tall and skinny. She had thick black hair, and black eyes, and a wide, crumply mouth. I was impressed. Teresa talked a lot, and she smiled a lot. When she smiled, she showed her gums — they were dark but healthy-looking. Mom and Teresa took a walk around Marais. There are views of the mountains from some of the streets in downtown. Teresa had a camera with her, and she took some pictures. The three of us ate dinner together at home that night. After that, Mom and I packed. Teresa and I had a great time on the ride down to Cassina. We stopped in a few small towns along the way. I was turning over school in my head pretty constantly.             "High school's great I guess," said Teresa, after I mentioned it a few times. We were well out of the mountains, and we were driving through open countryside, sprinkled with pine trees and chicken houses, and quite a few mobile homes. "When you were born I was in high school," said Teresa. "Or I had just dropped out." She was drinking a light beer. Teresa, though she didn’t bother to finish high school, had a pretty good job at the port in Cassina. She worked for a chandlery that sold supplies and equipment to freighters. She visited all her ships in person. She met with the chief engineer, or the first mate and maybe the captain, and she took their orders for whatever they needed. There was something about Teresa's skinny body, and the way she walked, and how black her eyes were, that influenced captains and engineers to buy extra stuff from her. "How much younger are you than my dad," I said. "Your dad is not in Cassina right,” she said. "Yeah I know," I said. My dad was in Florida. He wasn't in touch with anybody really. “You should write him off," she said. She made a little snort though her nose. “That asshole,” she said, and she drank some more beer. We passed a road sign, and Teresa pointed to our map. I was supposed to be navigating. We stopped in four towns between Marais and Cassina. We walked around, and Teresa took a few pictures. She collected images of run-down old buildings in small towns in middle of nowhere places. She submitted them to photography magazines sometimes to be published, but I don't think any were ever accepted. She drank beers between the little towns while we were driving. Usually that trip is five hours, but we took somewhat longer. Celia was waiting and relaxing in her back yard in Cassina when we finally arrived.   At that time, Celia was still living with her wonderful-supposedly doctor husband Scotty. Scotty and Celia bought a big lot on the marsh, on the east side of Cassina, and they built this tall house, designed by an architect. It was block-shaped, and covered with dull red stucco, like a section of a motel on a busy interstate. Scotty loved that house. He put the architect’s plans in a chrome frame on the living room wall opposite their entrance foyer. Teresa and I walked through the house to Celia’s back yard. I hadn't seen Celia since kindergarten. Bette, my third aunt, was waiting with Celia. They were having drinks on Celia’s big patio. They were splashed into huge lounge chairs with super thick cushions. It was late in the day. Bette saw us first, and she crawled out of her chair and gave us a big welcome. Bette was short and blonde, and barrel-chested, with too-large breast implants. She had a musical voice, but it stayed on the same note. She had a musical, deadpan voice. She gave me a big hug. "You are so skinny, Mathew," she said. “How much do you weigh?" It was like listening to the dial tone on a telephone.  Celia sat upright in her lounge chair so I could hug her. Bette climbed back into her chair and grabbed her drink. Most of the back yard was one big concrete slab or patio. Bette wiggled her shoulder blades deep into her chair cushion. "God you've got thick hair," she told me. "I remember that. No kidding how much do you weigh." "120 pounds," I said.  "120 I seriously doubt that," said Celia rapidly. She was slurping her drink.    "With his clothes on ," smirked Bette. "Oink," I said almost automatically. I looked around the patio for a good place to sit down. I was having a bad feeling about Cassina. "Hey shut up talking like that," said Celia. “Fuck you,” I mumbled dispiritedly. I visualized Mom, who was going to be upset. Celia and Bette came out of their chairs pretty rapidly. Teresa wrapped her arm around my shoulders. “Be NICE to this guy,” she told them. “He's my little man.” She gave me a big sideways hug, and she drank some of her beer that was in her free hand. We did have a great time on the ride down from Marais. Celia made a couple of intense personal remarks about Teresa’s morality. Teresa did a loud kissing sound for a reply, and sloshed her beer on the cushion of Celia’s lounge chair. Bette screetched at Teresa, and lunged for Celia’s chair, and she was swatting the cushion with the palms of her hands. Teresa ignored Bette, except to give her the finger. Beyond Celia’s patio there was a small corner of regular yard, then the marsh grass began. The sun wasn’t visible anymore. The marsh was level all the way to the horizon. Giant streaks, dark colors, marked the bottom of the sky. The tide was high, and the marsh was filled with water. School started in two weeks. It was very humid in Cassina. Soft air from the marsh pushed by us in a solid current. The air had weight, - I could feel it on the hair on my arms. If I moved, I started sweating. Celia was doing a big scene. I was supposed to live with her etc. and become a family member and so forth, so she wanted an apology, or I should say I was kidding — she wanted some kind of signal I guess.  The sun was gone, but there was some light on the marsh. The stalks of grass out there seemed distinct. I was used to more pressure than Celia could possibly generate, so I ignored her. She got louder and louder, and she kicked over her lawn chair, then Teresa and Bette dragged her into the house. I guess Teresa suggested I could stay with her — that was the plan when they came out again. Then Scotty the husband called — Celia cursed and stomped inside to see what he wanted.         He was stuck in Atlanta at a conference, and now his flight number was different. He was giving Celia his new arrival time. He was letting her know. I remember Scotty as this fit, articulate guy, without a lot of hair, then Celia married two other guys after him. He always seemed nice enough. He seemed like a thoughtful person. He liked Celia, and he liked the house they built together. In fact he still lives in that house, as far as I know, with the woman he married after Celia divorced him. They have two kids. Celia, before I even arrived in Cassina, had already decided she was sick of Scotty, and she was having an affair with somebody else. "OK, no, that's great," Celia was saying on the telephone to Scotty. She was throwing her voice towards the patio so Bette and Teresa would hear her. "Uh huh," she said. “OK that's perfect." She hung up and returned to the patio and sat down in Bette’s chair. She looked at Bette and Teresa, and she made a face. Automatically, Bette and Teresa both made faces. Those three really stuck together. They always propped each other up. I always liked that. They bent whatever happened to fit their group version of reality. Now they started hashing over Celia's problems. I set her turned over lounge chair upright carefully, and flipped the cushion so the dry side was up, and sat down. I fell asleep — later they loaded me into Teresa's car. I don't even remember the first night at her house. So for high school, I moved in with Teresa. I lived with her four years, including summers, when Mom drove down to visit us. Teresa introduced me to her friends and to her boyfriends as "my roommate." She showed up for parent teacher conferences at school, and she took me to basketball games til I started driving. She never bossed me around. I was very loyal to her. I learned to do math in high school, and I learned to do essays. My freshman year I joined the Landscape Club. We did volunteer tree planting and lawn maintenance all over Cassina. Our Club among other things did trash collection at Lazaretta Ground, Cassina’s largest green space. One year Celia sponsored a tree-planting program for the edges of the Ground. My junior year in the Club in fact, I was elected president. Bette had us out that year to resod the grass at her condo complex. When I graduated, Teresa was really happy. She called it a milestone for everybody. Mom drove down with her boyfriend for the ceremony. Afterwards we had a reception at the high school cafeteria. Teresa brought her camera, and she took a lot of pictures. A regular debris trail of dads and older brothers, plus the assistant principal in charge of discipline, followed Teresa all over the cafeteria. They brought her food, or something to drink, and they talked to her, and they watched her while she took some pictures. I watched Teresa and admired her too. She’s the theme of this essay in other words. I have a picture of us, in the cafeteria, after graduation — we're smiling, and we’re holding my diploma together. The assistant principal took our picture using Teresa's camera. She says I graduated for both of us. She says the diploma in the picture is her diploma too. I agree with that, a hundred percent. Because I'm a big fan of my aunt Teresa. I consider her a poem, not some essay. That’s with or without any high school diplomas.
Harvey Sutlive's fiction has appeared in Offcourse Issues #18 , #17 , #16 , #20 , #25 , #28 and #34 as well as in many other print and online publications.
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  • Published: September 24, 2022
  • Updated: September 24, 2022
  • University / College: The University of Manchester
  • Language: English
  • Downloads: 48

It all started when I was in fifth grade.

I was bored staying at home during the weekends trying to coordinate times with my friends to find times for us to hang out. My mom talked to my Aunt Linda. We hardly ever saw each other because she lived 20 miles away from us in Rochester. She was always working and taking care of her kids, which was the right thing to do. When my mom talked to my aunt, she said. “ Do you think that Dougie can come out and stay with you for the weekend?” My aunt said, “ Of course I will find a way to get him out here and then we can talk about how he will get home.

Can he stay until Sunday so that we will be able to cut the grass and then I will find something for us to do.” So I went out that weekend , Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. When my mom came to get me on Sunday, I told my aunt, “ I would love to come out more often to help her with all of the work that you need done to the house.” I went to school the next couple of weeks with just Talking toy aunt but I wasn’t going out there. That Thursday night sh3e called me and asked me, “ do you want to come out tomorrow night and you can help me with the grass?” I said, “ YES!!!” After that weekend I did such a good job on all of the work that we did, my aunt was calling me all of the time to ask me, “ Do you want to come to my house to help me with the work around the hpouse and then I can take you somewhere fun to play!!” During the weekend I would help her cut the grass on the riding lawn mower which I though was so cool, and I would weed wack aroung her pool to make the flowers look even better. We took on little projects here and there to help maintain the equipment and things that she had.

My aunt is widowed so it is hard for her to take care of cutting the grass and doing all of that work on top of cleaning her house and making sure that everything is correct. I hope that me and my aunts relationship will be4 good for years to come. ” I love helping my aunt, and I lover her!!”

essay on my aunt

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Writing a Eulogy for Your Aunt That's a Beautiful Reflection of Her

Sally is a prolific non-fiction and fiction writer, who has appeared in multiple print and digital publications.

Learn about our Editorial Policy .

When you write the eulogy for your aunt, you want to make it personal and a tribute to the relationship the two of you had. It's easy to convey how special she was to you when you speak from your heart.

What to Include in Your Eulogy for Your Aunt

While your relationship with your aunt is the centerpiece of your eulogy, you also want to give those attending the funeral a glimpse into her personality, how she moved through life, and how she impacted your life as well as the lives of others.

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Some of those ways might include:

  • Each person plays a vital role within a family dynamic, so you want to highlight your aunt's role within your extended family.
  • If your aunt had a career, mention a few of her professional accomplishments.
  • Her involvement in the community or any special organization should also be mentioned.
  • If she was religious and participated in a church, synagogue, or other organized religious group, you can mention her contributions as a member.

Personalize Your Eulogy

You can structure your eulogy as a way to tell your story about how much your aunt meant to you. Certainly, you want to highlight your aunt's life with a brief introduction, but the main driving message of your eulogy should reflect how you saw her and what she meant to you. You don't want your eulogy to sound like you're reading an obituary, so weave in the details like you would when telling a story.

Eulogy for Aunt Who Was Your Best Friend

You can use this example of a eulogy for your aunt. There may be places where you can modify, change, or substitute to make it reflect your aunt.

Introduction of Who Your Aunt Was

My Aunt Mary was my best friend ever since I can remember. When I was a young child, I couldn't wait for her visits. She'd stop by on her way home from work almost every day just to see us. She was a loan officer at J.T. Bank here in town. I've had a lot of people confide in me over the last two days to tell me how she helped them buy their first homes or get their first business loan. She was also highly regarded by her colleagues. She was a volunteer at the church food pantry every Saturday, and she helped in the kitchen for the community meal at Thanksgiving. That was Aunt Mary. Of course, we always scheduled the family Thanksgiving meal for that night, so she didn't miss out on sharing the holiday with her family.

Share Your Memories of Your Aunt

And even though she had a very busy and full life with friends and family. She made time for each person, just like she did every evening when she stopped by our house. She always had a little something for me. It might be a piece of peppermint candy from her desk at work, a tiny plastic toy that came with the hamburger meal she brought me, or once a t-shirt with a cute character design she bought from one of her customers. It really didn't matter what she brought me; it was always special because I knew she'd taken the time to think of me.

That was just one of the many ways that Aunt Mary went out of her way to make me feel special. She just had a natural skill for making everyone she knew feel important to her. She had such a kind and giving heart. I remember one Easter when I was getting ready for church; she arrived to go with us, and the rest of my family was rushing about getting dressed, when I heard all these dishes and glassware clicking in the kitchen.

When I went downstairs, I found her cleaning up the breakfast dishes, dressed in her Sunday best and wearing one of her signature hats. She looked up at me and smiled, commenting that I must be the prize the Easter bunny had left. I don't think she ever realized that she was the prize. This was my wonderful aunt. She never sat idly by, she was always pitching in to help out and did so with such grace.

What Your Aunt Meant to You

Everyone in the family depended on Aunt Mary, the same way her friends and co-workers did. She always knew what to do in a time of crisis, and she was the one who made our family holidays extra special with all her personal touches. It might be a dish she prepared, playing Christmas carols on the piano, or sharing a story about her childhood growing up with my dad. It didn't matter what it was, Aunt Mary made everything seem magical.

She understood every member of our family and had a sixth sense about how to support each one of us whenever we needed that extra hug or encouragement. She was always there, no matter the circumstances, and certainly no matter how inconvenient I knew it must have been for her. She was positive about life. Even during those last weeks of her life, she was the one who comforted all of us and reassured us.

Final Goodbye for Your Closing

No words can express how deeply I miss my Aunt Mary. I am so grateful and blessed that she was my aunt and my best friend. May God bless you, Aunt Mary, and keep you safe in heaven, until we're reunited in his name.

Eulogy for Your Artistic Aunt

This type of eulogy reflects on your aunt's passion and love life as an artist. You can share a few stories that show her personality and zest for life.

Introduction of the Many Hats Your Aunt Wore

I wanted to share a side of my Aunt Barb you may not have known. You may have known her as Barbara McGinnes, the woman who owned the herbal shop downtown that was also filled with her vignette paintings of herbs and flowers. Perhaps you were one of her regular customers. You may have known her as Mrs. McGinnes from St. Michael's Parish, who served on the altar guild and taught Sunday School for most of her life. You may have been one of her students in Bible class. My aunt was all those people, but she was so much more to me.

Tell Who She Was to Her Family

She knew no boundaries when it came to loving and caring for others. She had an appreciation of the natural beauty of this world, and she instilled that same appreciation in me. Aunt Barb grew up as the only girl in a family of four boys. You can imagine how protective her brothers were. She told me lots of stories about how her brothers scared off most of her high school wannabe boyfriends.

None of them maintained the boyfriend status more than a few months. She used to say. "My poor dates were unnerved when one brother mysteriously showed up wherever we went." But a glint of mischief would then sparkle in her eyes when she talked about her high school graduation gift from her aunts.

You see, Aunt Barb was an extremely talented artist. Her aunts wanted her to have a unique opportunity and a chance to get away from her hawkish brothers. I'm kidding about the latter. So, these women pulled their money and sent Aunt Barb to Paris right after graduation to participate in a drawing program at the Louvre.

Reveal Your Aunt's Personality and True Nature

It was there she met Uncle Jonas. They fell madly in love as Aunt Barb would say, "Falling in love while studying art in Paris is an unspoken mandate." They had a great marriage. When Uncle Jonas passed, I remember Aunt Barb kept telling me how jealous she was of all the wonderful paintings he must be creating in heaven.

And that's what I keep thinking about now that she has joined her beloved Jonas. I imagine the two of them breaking out their paints in the morning sunlight as they overlook a field of lavender skirting a serene pond. This is the image I've been holding of this amazing woman ever since her passing.

Uplifting Message and Farewell to Your Aunt

She and Uncle Jonas painting in the sunlight is the ever after she so rightly deserves. I hope you'll hold that vision in your minds each time you think of her passing, and remember the joy she gave to all of us who knew and loved her. May you paint with Uncle Jonas every day until the last rays of sunlight, Aunt Barb. God's blessings.

Write a Moving Eulogy About Your Aunt

You want everyone to see your aunt through your eyes with a powerful eulogy. When you tell how you feel about your aunt and how important she was in your life, you'll end up with a moving eulogy.

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Published: May 7, 2019

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My Aunt is Here

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essay on my aunt


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My Family Siblings

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My Great Childmother And Irish Grandmother

As a fourth generation Irish citizen, my family emigrated from Ireland to the United States in approximately 1870, during the post-famine wave of Irish immigration. During this time, more females came to the new land without the fetters of a husband, seeking a better future for herself and marrying a man of whom has established himself in the U.S. In the case of my family, my great grandmother traversed the Atlantic on her own terms in search of a higher standard of living and ultimately an opportunity for advancement, marrying an established Irish man in Baltimore, eventually moving north to Philadelphia, where she and my great grandfather raised my grandmother and her four brothers. Interestingly enough, my great grandmother’s story is similar to that of many female Irish immigrants of her time.

Family was a word that made me feel like an empty bag, drifty down the wind, not having a clue about . It was a word I heard a lot, my family this and my family that, people I was surrounded with had a family to be with but I didn't have no family here to even spend time with. Sometimes when I heard people talk about their family, I would day dream and imagine how my family was like, what did they like to do and go to family reunions, how many people were in my family, were there some in my family characteristics that I shared with them or were there others that were totally different from mine. I would think what was my mom and dad's side like, what was different about them. All these questions I had floated in my head and left me wondering out for years. Whenever people asked about my family, I would just want to blast off, miles away to my destination and meet them, then land back to the conversion and tell them about my family.

I waited for the black truck to arrive at my door. I never knew my aunt, uncle, and cousin, and now they would become my new family. However no one could really replace my real family. My Mom, Dad and younger brother got into a car wreck. I was the only survivor. My heart still aches from the experience. To make matters worse, I would have to leave my home in New York to go and live with my closest relatives in the country. My emotions and thoughts were acting like they had been put in a blender. I was happy that my extended family was willing enough to take me into their care, I was sad because I would have to live away from my home and friends. Everything will be different nothing will ever be the same again.

Family. That word means everything to me. My parents, both immigrants from India, were raised in relative poverty in their hometown of Bengaluru. They courageously made the decision to leave their own family behind for the sake of a better opportunity for themselves and their children. They sacrificed a lot when I was growing up, as they worked hard to establish their careers. Thankfully, my grandparents were there to help take care of me. Travelling back and forth from India, they would help around the house, cook meals, and even pick me up from school. Their presence played a huge role in my childhood. I was lucky enough to basically grow up with four parents, each of whom instilled in me values that I hold today: hard work, sacrifice, and altruism.

Everyone has someone in their life that makes you feel better when you're sad or cares about you eternally, no matter what. That is my family, specifically my Dad, my Mom and my brother Brian. Some people take their family for granted, but I know that without my parents I wouldn’t have a roof over my head or food on a plate or even clothes on my back. Without my brother, I might not have played any sports, my brother is the one who introduced all types of sports into my life and motivated me to do my best.

Family provides a basis for how we interact with the world; when meeting someone new, or doing a new action, I think back on what my family has taught me. I have a large family and each member has done something that has impacted me in some way, but I have really analyzed how my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and parents have impacted my life. There are several aspects to consider however for this analysis I will be focusing on these socioeconomic events: immigration, poverty, gender, educational attainment, death, and health problems.

As a little kid I have always saw my family come together at the dinner table at the end of the day and really get together and talk about all the gossip and what things still have to be done. That was the routine and I thought it was something we were always going to do till we die but I was wrong. As sad it is to admit that good things never last it seems like this was something I came to realize was slowly but surely dying off in tradition. So who is to blame the parents, children, or the industries and society because fast food easy and quick didn’t require a homemade meal so there is less time spent at home, in the kitchen, and at the dining table with your family.

As a young girl I was brought up in a home where my parents had my older sister at a young age and fought hard to maintain the simplest necessities in life. My mother whom suffered to hide her 15 year abusive relationship with my dad still stood strong for us. When they were a couple they both made sure to work hard to give us a great home in a large yet great community in San Antonio, Texas. As a child I went through seeing my mother struggle to maintain her relationship while putting on a fake smile for her two daughters. I first handily saw horrible things happen to someone I have so much admiration for. She did anything possible to keep us safe but sadly my sister got some of the abuse too which went on to really put her in a different mental state as a teenager.

My Wife And My First Child

In December of 2008, my wife and I found out we would be having our fourth child. We were living in Sugarloaf Key, FL while I worked in Key West, FL. Due to some unforeseen circumstances with our land lord, we terminated our lease in Sugarloaf early, rather than trying to find a place for the remaining six months we would be there. We moved the family back home to North Carolina over the Christmas break from school. I still had six months or so remaining before I transferred to my new job in Tybee Island, GA. The military had moved us before, being a military family moving was a bitter sweet occurrence. The family adjusted well and settled right in. Having family close by to help ease this transition helped out greatly. The fourth addition to our family was developing on schedule, regular doctor visits, and checkups. We decided that he would be born in NC since my wife was comfortable with the doctor she was already seeing. The estimated delivery date also worked with my work schedule and being home for the birth.

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People tell me I don’t ‘look disabled,’ but I’m a Paralympian — and I’m going for gold

Para Swimming - Paris 2024 Summer Paralympic Games: Day 1

I was a collegiate swimmer at Florida State University with dreams of competing in the Olympics. Going to Beijing for the 2008 games was my goal. But in 2007, I was in a car accident where I was struck by a drunk driver, which left me with some instability in my spine. Then I was hit by a car as a pedestrian in 2008, and that accident caused a tumor to start growing in my brain, even though I didn’t know it at the time. Cars don’t like me. I kept swimming, though I could feel something had changed in my body. 

I decided to take a break from the sport, and that’s when I had my first daughter. But years later, in 2012, I got back in the pool. I had my sights set on the 2016 Olympics in Rio but then I fell and reinjured my lower back. 

And then, in 2018, I was playing in the snow with my kids when a block of ice — of all things — struck me in the head, and the blow caused a cavernoma bleed in my brain. Three weeks later, I had brain surgery. And that is the gist of how I got here — as an athlete who had her sights set on the Olympics throughout her career and is now competing in her first Paralympics at the 2024 games in Paris. (So far, so good .)

Para Swimming - Paris 2024 Summer Paralympic Games: Day 1

Not that it was that simple, of course. Back then, I didn’t know that I was eligible for the Paralympics. I had no idea what the requirements were. It wasn’t that I was hesitant to get into Paralympic sports; I just wasn’t aware it was an option. It was a lack of knowledge, which I think is the case for many athletes who have sustained life-changing injuries.

If I’m being honest, I also didn’t want to admit to the depth of my disability. I had muscle spasms and immobility on my left side, and I tried to hide it. Although I’m in my wheelchair every day, sometimes I walk with forearm crutches if my muscles aren’t as spastic, but it still puts a heavy strain on my body. When I’m competing, I also use a tapper, a guide at each end of the pool who taps me when the wall is approaching because my vision goes blank during hard swims. 

It wasn’t until I read more about Michelle Konkoly , a Paralympic swimmer and NBC commentator for the Paralympics, that I began to understand that people don’t necessarily have to look like they have a disability to be disabled. I’ve dealt with bullying because I’m not missing limbs or because people think I don’t “look disabled.” However, when you read about how she fell five stories out a window , you realize that she has an incomplete spinal cord injury that she will have for the rest of her life — forever. I was inspired and in a way, she gave me permission to get back into the pool. Michelle played a huge part in just raising awareness to redefine what a Paralympian looks like. That’s what I hope to do, too. I want to show that Paralympians are more than athletes who are missing limbs. We are not just people in wheelchairs. We are not all blind. There is a spectrum of what makes someone eligible and there are many athletes who are missing out because they just don’t know. I want to help kids, the next generation of Paralympians, to embrace their sport. 

My response when people question my disability is that “I’m just that good.” Nick Mayhugh , a Paralympic sprinter with cerebral palsy , helped me find that voice. After he broke a world record and won a gold medal, people said he wasn’t disabled because he wasn’t in a wheelchair. He responded by saying, “I’m just that good.” That’s the nuts and bolts of it. When you’re fast, you’re going to be a lightning rod. And I was fast before my disability. 

Sometimes you have to dig deeper to find out an athlete’s story — in my case, to find out that I’m missing part of my brain and that I have a cyst in my spinal cord — and I believe this makes people like me less marketable. For example, I won four events at the Paralympic trials and I did zero media the entire meet. Nobody asked me to do a single interview. Mind you, I am there as a single mom with three kids, getting up early to train while sleeping with a child’s foot in my face all night. Until this essay and my recent profile in The New York Times , I’ve been off the media radar. It’s just been me, my three kids and our little circus show, going through life and figuring it out. But I’m grateful for these media opportunities because they make me more marketable and known, which ultimately, helps me provide for my family. 

I’m not just swimming for my kids; I’m swimming for my kids’ future. I’m swimming for them to have a safe and happy childhood. I am swimming for our family to be independent and live a wonderful life.

My kids are my motivation — they are my why. I believe God gave me the ability to swim and there’s not a single person in this world who has more motivation to succeed right now than I do. Because I’m not just swimming for my kids, I’m swimming for my kids’ future. I’m swimming for them to have a safe and happy childhood. I am swimming for our family to be independent and live a wonderful life. 

Christie Raleigh Crossley and her family.

When athletes win Olympic medals, sometimes they choose to give it to someone who’s helped them get to where they are. I want to win a medal so that on a world stage, I can acknowledge my oldest daughter for all that she’s done. She’s babysat for me for hours and hours on end so I can get to the pool and do what I do.

It’s the four of us against the world. My kids are incredible and I am so happy that I got to bring them to France. They want to eat croissants and baguettes and see the Eiffel Tower. They could care less about Mommy swimming. But this is my avenue to give them memories that will last a lifetime.

Every time I travel abroad without them, I’m sad they’re not with me. I don’t want to sightsee when we go places because if there’s something my kids would enjoy, I don’t want to see it without them. My love for them is crazy. It’s my identity. I’m not a swimmer; I’m a mom who swims. 

What I have to accept over and over again is that I will never be capable of doing the things that I used to be able to do. I will never be the swimmer that I was, but more importantly, I will never be the mom that I was. I will never run around the playground with my kids or dive into the ocean with my children. Aside from the abilities and bodily functions that I’ve lost, the thing that hurts the most is not being the mom that I used to be. So I hold on to what I can do. They still get a mom who does great things, is a world record holder, and wins gold medals. And that’s why I swim.

Christie Raleigh Crossley is a swimmer competing at the 2024 Paralympics in Paris. Aubree Nichols is a Los Angeles-based writer who covers the science of beauty, wellness and mental health.

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Since then, I've been recreating time apart from each other as often as possible, and I now think it's the key to maintaining a healthy relationship with my husband and myself.

We continue to take solo trips

I'm from Miami, while my in-laws live in Tennessee. After seeing how nice it felt to travel alone and return to an affectionate husband, we decided to start visiting our respective families separately.

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This gives each of us a handful of trips every year where we are not only apart from one another but we have the opportunity to remember where we came from and who we are as individuals.

Because we work together, it's actually a challenge to stay apart

Since my husband and I work together, our situation is unique. Potentially, we could be together almost all of the time.

To avoid this, we take our own cars to work, so it still feels like we're independent beings from one another. Plus, we really only see each other in passing during the day, and I never eat lunch with him. Even at employee meetings , we do our best to sit separately within our respective departments.

We respect each other's time with friends

Many of my good friends still live in Miami, while my husband has several friends who live in nearby towns.

Every summer, we each take a few days away from home to stay with a friend. While we check on the dates with each other to make sure there are no scheduling conflicts , we also encourage each other to please take some time away.

It's nice to get a break from each other, either at home or at our friends' — where we can be different versions of ourselves.

I do a lot of my self-care away from the house

I like to take long walks, go to yoga classes occasionally, and treat myself to a monthly massage.

I used to feel guilty for using my personal time for myself instead of doing something with my husband, but now I recognize that I'm a better person when I take time to care for myself, which, in turn, makes me a better wife .

Even when we're both home, we have what we call 'alone nights'

My husband and I have dinner together almost every night, but we do not always spend our time before bed together.

We only make a point to cuddle up on the couch and watch one of our shows together once a week. I'm usually up in our room reading every other night, and he's downstairs watching one of his shows.

I like relaxing at night because it's essentially how we operated before we lived together. I get to remember who I was before I found him and how happy I am that I did. When we take our TV night together, I really enjoy it, because it feels special instead of just the norm.

Now, our time together is prioritized

By prioritizing time apart from one another, the time we do spend together feels more important. I am grateful for the times we spend together, and because of that, I can be more present.

The things we do together suddenly become more meaningful. We also make the point to spend our time together in a quality way, such as going on a mini vacation to the beach or planning a weekend date night .

When we aren't spending every moment of our lives together, I don't get used to my husband being around, and it helps me not to take him for granted. Making the point to spend time apart from my husband has been one of the best things we've done for our marriage . It feels like we remain two separate people who are choosing to be with one another.

Plus, when I'm on my own, I fill my own cup and rejuvenate myself so that I come into our relationship feeling whole rather than looking to my husband to complete me.

essay on my aunt

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