essay writing programming language

Topics for Essays on Programming Languages: Top 7 Options

essay writing programming language

Java Platform Editions and Their Peculiarities

Python: a favorite of developers, javascript: the backbone of the web, typescript: narrowing down your topic, the present and future of php, how to use c++ for game development, how to have fun when learning swift.

‍ Delving into the realm of programming languages offers a unique lens through which we can explore the evolution of technology and its impact on our world. From the foundational assembly languages to today's sophisticated, high-level languages, each one has shaped the digital landscape.

Whether you're a student seeking a deep dive into this subject or a tech enthusiast eager to articulate your insights, finding the right topic can set the stage for a compelling exploration.

This article aims to guide you through selecting an engaging topic, offering seven top options for essays on programming languages that promise to spark curiosity and provoke thoughtful analysis.

"If you’re a newbie when it comes to exploring Java programming language, it’s best to start with the basics not to overcomplicate your assignment. Of course, the most obvious option is to write a descriptive essay highlighting the features of Java platform editions:

- Java Standard Edition (Java SE). It allows one to develop Java applications and ensures the essential functionality of the programming language;

- Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE). It's an extension of the previous edition for developing and running enterprise applications;

- Java Micro Edition serves for running applications on small and mobile devices.

You can explain the purpose of each edition and the key components to inform and give value to the readers. Or you can go in-depth and opt for a compare and contrast essay to show your understanding of the subject and apply critical thinking skills."

Need assistance with Java programming? Click " Java Homework Help " and find out how Studyfy can support you in mastering your Java assignments!

You probably already know that this programming language is widely used globally.

Python is perfect for beginners who want to master programming because of the simple syntax that resembles English. Besides, look at the opportunities it opens:

- developing web applications, of course;

- building command-line interface (CLI) for routine tasks automation;

- creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs);

- using helpful tools and frameworks to streamline game development;

- facilitating data science and machine learning;

- analyzing and visualizing big data.

All these points can become solid ideas for your essay. For instance, you can use the list above as the basis for argumentation why one should learn Python. After doing your research, you’ll find plenty of evidence to convince your audience.

And if you’d like to spice things up, another option is to add your own perspective to the debate on which language is better: Python or JavaScript.

If you are struggling with Python assignments? Click on " Python homework help " and let Studyfy provide the assistance you need to excel!

"This programming language is no less popular than the previous one. It’s even considered easier to learn for a newbie. If you master it, you’ll gain a valuable skill that can help you start a lucrative career. Just think about it:

- JavaScript is used by almost all websites;

with it, you can develop native apps for iOS and Android;

- it allows you to grasp functional, object-oriented, and imperative programming;

you can create jaw-dropping visual effects for web pages and games;

- it’s also possible to work with AI, analyze data, and find bugs.

So, drawing on the universality of JavaScript and the career opportunities it brings can become a non-trivial topic for your essay.

Hint: look up job descriptions demanding the knowledge of JavaScript. Then, compare salaries to provide helpful up-to-date information. Your professor should be impressed with your approach to writing."

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"Yes, you guessed right - this programming language kind of strengthens the power of JavaScript. It allows developers to handle large-scale projects. TypeScript enables object-oriented programming and static typing; it has a single open-source compiler.

If you want your essay to stand out and show a deeper understanding of the programming basics, the best way is to go for a narrow topic. In other words, niche your writing by focusing on the features of TypeScript.

For example, begin with the types:

- Tuple, etc.

Having elaborated on how they work, proceed to explore the peculiarities, pros, and cons of TypeScript. Explaining when and why one should opt for it as opposed to JavaScript also won't hurt.

Here, you can dive into details as much as you want, but remember to give examples and use logical reasoning to prove your claims."

"This language intended for server-side web development has been around for a really long time: almost 80% of websites still use it.

But there’s a stereotype that PHP can’t compete with other modern programming languages. Thus, the debates on whether PHP is still relevant do not stop. Why not use this fact to compose a top-notch analytical essay?

Here’s how you can do it:

1. research and gather information, especially statistics from credible sources;

2. analyze how popular the programming language is and note the demand for PHP developers;

3. provide an unbiased overview of its perks and drawbacks and support it with examples;

4. identify the trends of using PHP in web development;

5. make predictions about the popularity of PHP over the next few years.

If you put enough effort into crafting your essay, it’ll not only deserve an “A” but will also become a guide for your peers interested in programming.

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C++ is a universal programming language considered most suitable for developing various large-scale applications. Yet, it has gained the most popularity among video game developers as C++ is easier to apply to hardware programming than other languages.

Given that the industry of video games is fast-growing, you can write a paper on C++ programming in this sphere. And the simplest approach to take is offering advice to beginners.

For example, review the tools for C++ game development:

- GameSalad;

- Lumberyard;

- Unreal Engine;

- GDevelop;

- GameMaker Studio;

- Unity, among others.

There are plenty of resources to use while working on your essay, and you can create your top list for new game developers. Be sure to examine the tools’ features and customer feedback to provide truthful information for your readers.

Facing hurdles with your C++ assignments? Click on " C++ homework help " and discover how Studyfy can guide you to success!

"Swift was created for iOS applications development, and people argue that this programming language is the easiest to learn. So, how about checking whether this statement is true or false?

The creators of Swift aimed to make it as convenient and efficient as possible. Let’s see why programmers love it:

- first of all, because it’s compatible with Apple devices;

- the memory management feature helps set priorities for introducing new functionality;

- if an error occurs, recovering is no problem;

- the language boasts a concise code and is pretty fast to learn;

- you can get advice from the dedicated Swift community if necessary.

Thus, knowing all these benefits, you can build your arguments in favor of learning Swift. But we also recommend reflecting on the opposite point of view to present the whole picture in your essay. And if you want to dig deeper, opt for a comparison with other programming languages."

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Learn How to Write a Compelling Essay with Python Programming Language

essay writing programming language

In today’s digital age, programming languages have extended their reach beyond traditional software development and into various domains. Python, a versatile and powerful programming language, has found its way into the realm of writing essays. This article aims to explore the intersection of Python and essay writing, addressing questions such as whether Python can write an essay, the characteristics of a Python programming language essay, the debate between Java and Python, tips for writing good code in Python, the best AI tools for essay writing, and how to achieve success in Python programming.

Can Python Write an Essay?

Python, being a programming language, is primarily designed to process and manipulate data, automate tasks, and build applications. While Python can assist in automating certain aspects of the essay-writing process, it is important to note that it cannot independently generate an entire essay from scratch. The creativity and critical thinking required for crafting an essay are inherent to human intelligence and are yet to be replicated by machines.

What is a Python Programming Language Essay?

A Python programming language essay refers to an essay that delves into the intricacies and applications of Python programming. It typically covers topics related to Python syntax, libraries, frameworks, and various use cases. Python essays serve as valuable resources for learners, enabling them to understand the language’s concepts and explore its potential.

Why Java is Better than Python?

The debate between Java and Python has long been a topic of discussion among developers. While both languages have their strengths and weaknesses, it is essential to consider the context and purpose of their usage. Java is known for its performance, robustness, and wide range of applications, particularly in enterprise-level software development. On the other hand, Python boasts a simpler syntax, ease of use, and a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, making it an ideal choice for tasks like data analysis, web development, and artificial intelligence.

Writing Good Code in Python

To write good code in Python, it is crucial to follow best practices and adhere to certain principles. Here are a few tips to help you:

1. Maintain code readability: Python emphasizes readability with its clean and concise syntax. Use meaningful variable names, comment your code, and structure it in a logical manner.

2. Follow the PEP 8 style guide: PEP 8 provides guidelines for writing Python code. Adhering to these standards ensures consistency and improves code readability across projects.

3. Utilize modular and reusable code: Break your code into functions or classes that perform specific tasks. This promotes code reusability, readability, and easier maintenance.

4. Handle exceptions gracefully: Python provides robust error handling mechanisms. Utilize try-except blocks to catch and handle exceptions, making your code more resilient.

5. Test and debug your code: Thoroughly test your code to identify and fix any issues. Utilize debugging tools and techniques to streamline the debugging process.

The Best AI for Writing Essays

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant strides in natural language processing, including essay writing. Some notable AI tools for generating essays include OpenAI’s GPT-3, ChatGPT, and other language models. These models can assist in generating coherent text, providing ideas, and improving language fluency. However, it is important to remember that AI-generated content should always be used as a supplement and not a replacement for human creativity and critical thinking.

How to Be Successful in Python Programming

Becoming successful in Python programming requires dedication, practice, and continuous learning. Here are some tips to help you on your journey:

1. Start with the fundamentals: Develop a strong foundation by learning the basic syntax, data types, and control structures of Python.

2. Work on projects: Apply your knowledge to real-world projects. Building practical applications helps

 reinforce concepts and improves problem-solving skills.

3. Engage with the community: Join online forums, participate in coding communities, and collaborate with other Python enthusiasts. Sharing ideas and experiences can accelerate your learning process.

4. Read code: Analyze and study well-written Python code. Understanding how experienced developers structure their code and solve problems can provide valuable insights.

5. Embrace documentation and resources: Python has extensive documentation and numerous online resources. Make use of them to deepen your understanding of the language and its libraries.

Python, although unable to independently write essays, can significantly aid in the essay-writing process through automation and data processing. Understanding the characteristics of a Python programming language essay can help learners utilize these resources effectively. Additionally, while the Java versus Python debate continues, both languages have their strengths depending on the task at hand. By following best practices, utilizing AI tools wisely, and embracing a growth mindset, you can embark on a successful journey in Python programming. So, dive in, explore, and leverage the power of Python to enhance your essay writing and programming skills.

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What is Python? Executive Summary

I wrote a programming language. Here’s how you can, too.


By William W Wold

Over the past 6 months, I’ve been working on a programming language called Pinecone. I wouldn’t call it mature yet, but it already has enough features working to be usable, such as:

  • user defined structures

If you’re interested in it, check out Pinecone’s landing page or its GitHub repo .

I’m not an expert. When I started this project, I had no clue what I was doing, and I still don’t. I’ve taken zero classes on language creation, read only a bit about it online, and did not follow much of the advice I have been given.

And yet, I still made a completely new language. And it works. So I must be doing something right.

In this post, I’ll dive under the hood and show you the pipeline Pinecone (and other programming languages) use to turn source code into magic.

I‘ll also touch on some of the tradeoffs I’ve had make, and why I made the decisions I did.

This is by no means a complete tutorial on writing a programming language, but it’s a good starting point if you’re curious about language development.

Getting Started

“I have absolutely no idea where I would even start” is something I hear a lot when I tell other developers I’m writing a language. In case that’s your reaction, I’ll now go through some initial decisions that are made and steps that are taken when starting any new language.

Compiled vs Interpreted

There are two major types of languages: compiled and interpreted:

  • A compiler figures out everything a program will do, turns it into “machine code” (a format the computer can run really fast), then saves that to be executed later.
  • An interpreter steps through the source code line by line, figuring out what it’s doing as it goes.

Technically any language could be compiled or interpreted, but one or the other usually makes more sense for a specific language. Generally, interpreting tends to be more flexible, while compiling tends to have higher performance. But this is only scratching the surface of a very complex topic.

I highly value performance, and I saw a lack of programming languages that are both high performance and simplicity-oriented, so I went with compiled for Pinecone.

This was an important decision to make early on, because a lot of language design decisions are affected by it (for example, static typing is a big benefit to compiled languages, but not so much for interpreted ones).

Despite the fact that Pinecone was designed with compiling in mind, it does have a fully functional interpreter which was the only way to run it for a while. There are a number of reasons for this, which I will explain later on.

Choosing a Language

I know it’s a bit meta, but a programming language is itself a program, and thus you need to write it in a language. I chose C++ because of its performance and large feature set. Also, I actually do enjoy working in C++.

If you are writing an interpreted language, it makes a lot of sense to write it in a compiled one (like C, C++ or Swift) because the performance lost in the language of your interpreter and the interpreter that is interpreting your interpreter will compound.

If you plan to compile, a slower language (like Python or JavaScript) is more acceptable. Compile time may be bad, but in my opinion that isn’t nearly as big a deal as bad run time.

High Level Design

A programming language is generally structured as a pipeline. That is, it has several stages. Each stage has data formatted in a specific, well defined way. It also has functions to transform data from each stage to the next.

The first stage is a string containing the entire input source file. The final stage is something that can be run. This will all become clear as we go through the Pinecone pipeline step by step.


The first step in most programming languages is lexing, or tokenizing. ‘Lex’ is short for lexical analysis, a very fancy word for splitting a bunch of text into tokens. The word ‘tokenizer’ makes a lot more sense, but ‘lexer’ is so much fun to say that I use it anyway.

A token is a small unit of a language. A token might be a variable or function name (AKA an identifier), an operator or a number.

Task of the Lexer

The lexer is supposed to take in a string containing an entire files worth of source code and spit out a list containing every token.

Future stages of the pipeline will not refer back to the original source code, so the lexer must produce all the information needed by them. The reason for this relatively strict pipeline format is that the lexer may do tasks such as removing comments or detecting if something is a number or identifier. You want to keep that logic locked inside the lexer, both so you don’t have to think about these rules when writing the rest of the language, and so you can change this type of syntax all in one place.

The day I started the language, the first thing I wrote was a simple lexer. Soon after, I started learning about tools that would supposedly make lexing simpler, and less buggy.

The predominant such tool is Flex, a program that generates lexers. You give it a file which has a special syntax to describe the language’s grammar. From that it generates a C program which lexes a string and produces the desired output.

My Decision

I opted to keep the lexer I wrote for the time being. In the end, I didn’t see significant benefits of using Flex, at least not enough to justify adding a dependency and complicating the build process.

My lexer is only a few hundred lines long, and rarely gives me any trouble. Rolling my own lexer also gives me more flexibility, such as the ability to add an operator to the language without editing multiple files.


The second stage of the pipeline is the parser. The parser turns a list of tokens into a tree of nodes. A tree used for storing this type of data is known as an Abstract Syntax Tree, or AST. At least in Pinecone, the AST does not have any info about types or which identifiers are which. It is simply structured tokens.

Parser Duties

The parser adds structure to to the ordered list of tokens the lexer produces. To stop ambiguities, the parser must take into account parenthesis and the order of operations. Simply parsing operators isn’t terribly difficult, but as more language constructs get added, parsing can become very complex.

Again, there was a decision to make involving a third party library. The predominant parsing library is Bison. Bison works a lot like Flex. You write a file in a custom format that stores the grammar information, then Bison uses that to generate a C program that will do your parsing. I did not choose to use Bison.

Why Custom Is Better

With the lexer, the decision to use my own code was fairly obvious. A lexer is such a trivial program that not writing my own felt almost as silly as not writing my own ‘left-pad’.

With the parser, it’s a different matter. My Pinecone parser is currently 750 lines long, and I’ve written three of them because the first two were trash.

I originally made my decision for a number of reasons, and while it hasn’t gone completely smoothly, most of them hold true. The major ones are as follows:

  • Minimize context switching in workflow: context switching between C++ and Pinecone is bad enough without throwing in Bison’s grammar grammar
  • Keep build simple: every time the grammar changes Bison has to be run before the build. This can be automated but it becomes a pain when switching between build systems.
  • I like building cool shit: I didn’t make Pinecone because I thought it would be easy, so why would I delegate a central role when I could do it myself? A custom parser may not be trivial, but it is completely doable.

In the beginning I wasn’t completely sure if I was going down a viable path, but I was given confidence by what Walter Bright (a developer on an early version of C++, and the creator of the D language) had to say on the topic :

“Somewhat more controversial, I wouldn’t bother wasting time with lexer or parser generators and other so-called “compiler compilers.” They’re a waste of time. Writing a lexer and parser is a tiny percentage of the job of writing a compiler. Using a generator will take up about as much time as writing one by hand, and it will marry you to the generator (which matters when porting the compiler to a new platform). And generators also have the unfortunate reputation of emitting lousy error messages.”

Action Tree


We have now left the the area of common, universal terms, or at least I don’t know what the terms are anymore. From my understanding, what I call the ‘action tree’ is most akin to LLVM’s IR (intermediate representation).

There is a subtle but very significant difference between the action tree and the abstract syntax tree. It took me quite a while to figure out that there even should be a difference between them (which contributed to the need for rewrites of the parser).

Action Tree vs AST

Put simply, the action tree is the AST with context. That context is info such as what type a function returns, or that two places in which a variable is used are in fact using the same variable. Because it needs to figure out and remember all this context, the code that generates the action tree needs lots of namespace lookup tables and other thingamabobs.

Running the Action Tree

Once we have the action tree, running the code is easy. Each action node has a function ‘execute’ which takes some input, does whatever the action should (including possibly calling sub action) and returns the action’s output. This is the interpreter in action.

Compiling Options

“But wait!” I hear you say, “isn’t Pinecone supposed to by compiled?” Yes, it is. But compiling is harder than interpreting. There are a few possible approaches.

Build My Own Compiler

This sounded like a good idea to me at first. I do love making things myself, and I’ve been itching for an excuse to get good at assembly.

Unfortunately, writing a portable compiler is not as easy as writing some machine code for each language element. Because of the number of architectures and operating systems, it is impractical for any individual to write a cross platform compiler backend.

Even the teams behind Swift, Rust and Clang don’t want to bother with it all on their own, so instead they all use…

LLVM is a collection of compiler tools. It’s basically a library that will turn your language into a compiled executable binary. It seemed like the perfect choice, so I jumped right in. Sadly I didn’t check how deep the water was and I immediately drowned.

LLVM, while not assembly language hard, is gigantic complex library hard. It’s not impossible to use, and they have good tutorials, but I realized I would have to get some practice before I was ready to fully implement a Pinecone compiler with it.


I wanted some sort of compiled Pinecone and I wanted it fast, so I turned to one method I knew I could make work: transpiling.

I wrote a Pinecone to C++ transpiler, and added the ability to automatically compile the output source with GCC. This currently works for almost all Pinecone programs (though there are a few edge cases that break it). It is not a particularly portable or scalable solution, but it works for the time being.

Assuming I continue to develop Pinecone, It will get LLVM compiling support sooner or later. I suspect no mater how much I work on it, the transpiler will never be completely stable and the benefits of LLVM are numerous. It’s just a matter of when I have time to make some sample projects in LLVM and get the hang of it.

Until then, the interpreter is great for trivial programs and C++ transpiling works for most things that need more performance.

I hope I’ve made programming languages a little less mysterious for you. If you do want to make one yourself, I highly recommend it. There are a ton of implementation details to figure out but the outline here should be enough to get you going.

Here is my high level advice for getting started (remember, I don’t really know what I’m doing, so take it with a grain of salt):

  • If in doubt, go interpreted. Interpreted languages are generally easier design, build and learn. I’m not discouraging you from writing a compiled one if you know that’s what you want to do, but if you’re on the fence, I would go interpreted.
  • When it comes to lexers and parsers, do whatever you want. There are valid arguments for and against writing your own. In the end, if you think out your design and implement everything in a sensible way, it doesn’t really matter.
  • Learn from the pipeline I ended up with. A lot of trial and error went into designing the pipeline I have now. I have attempted eliminating ASTs, ASTs that turn into actions trees in place, and other terrible ideas. This pipeline works, so don’t change it unless you have a really good idea.
  • If you don’t have the time or motivation to implement a complex general purpose language, try implementing an esoteric language such as Brainfuck . These interpreters can be as short as a few hundred lines.

I have very few regrets when it comes to Pinecone development. I made a number of bad choices along the way, but I have rewritten most of the code affected by such mistakes.

Right now, Pinecone is in a good enough state that it functions well and can be easily improved. Writing Pinecone has been a hugely educational and enjoyable experience for me, and it’s just getting started.

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How to Write an Essay for Programming Students

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Programming is a crucial aspect of today’s technology-based lives. It complements the usability of computers and the internet and enhances data processing in machines.

If there were no programmers-and, therefore, no programs such as Microsoft Office, Google Drive, or Windows-you couldn’t be reading this text at the moment.

Given the significance of this field, many programming students are asked to write a paper about it, which makes them be looking for college essay services , and address their “where can I type my essay” goals.

However, if you’re brave enough to write your essay, here’s everything you need to know before embarking on the process.

What is Computer Programming

Computer programming aims to create a range of orders to automate various tasks in a system, such as a computer, video game console, or even cell phone.

Because our daily activities are mostly centered on technology, computer programming is considered to be crucial, and at the same time, a challenging job. Therefore, if you desire to start your career path as a programmer, being hardworking is your number one requirement.

Coding Vs. Writing

Writing codes that can be recognized by computers might be a tough job for programmers, but what makes it even more difficult is that they need to write papers that can be understood by humans as well.

Writing code is very similar to writing a paper. First of all, you should understand the problem (determine the purpose of your writing). Then, you should think about the issue and look for favorable strategies to solve it (searching for related data for writing the paper). Last but not least refers to the debugging procedure. Just like editing and proofreading your document, debugging ensures your codes are well-written.

In the following, we will elaborate more on the writing process.

Essay Writing Process

Writing a programming essay is no different from other types of essays. Once you get to know the basic structure, the rest of the procedure will be a walk in the park.

Write an Outline

An outline is the most critical part of every writing assignment. When you write one, you’re actually preparing an overall structure for your future work and planning for what you intend to talk about throughout the paper.

Your outline must have three main parts: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion, each of which will be explained in detail.


The introductory paragraph has two objectives. The first one is to grab readers’ attention, and the second one is to introduce the thesis statement. Besides, it can be used to present the general direction of the subsequent paragraphs and make readers ready for what’s coming next.

The body, which usually contains three paragraphs, is the largest and most important part of the essay. Each of these three paragraphs has its own topic sentence and supporting ideas to justify it, all of which are formed to support the thesis statement.

Based on the subject and type of essay, you can use various materials such as statistics, quotations, examples, or reasons to support your points and write the body paragraphs.

Another important requirement for the body is to use a transition sentence at the end of each body paragraph. This sentence gives a natural flow to your paper and directs your readers smoothly towards the next paragraph topic.

A conclusion is a brief restatement of the previous paragraphs, which summarizes the writing, and points out the main points of the body. It conveys a sense of termination to the essay and provides the readers with some persuasive closing sentences.


If you want to get into an elegant result, the final work shouldn’t be submitted without rereading and revising. While many people consider it to be a skippable step, proofreading is as important as the writing process itself.

Read your paper out loud to spot any grammatical or typing errors. It’s also possible to pay a cheap essay service to check for your potential mistakes or have your friends to the proofreading step for you.

Essay Writing Tips for Programming Students

● Know your audience: Programming is a complex topic, and not everyone understands it well. Consider how much your reader knows about the topic before you start writing. In case you are using service essays, make the writers know who your readers are.

● Cover different technologies: There are so many programming frameworks and tools out there, and new ones seem to pop up every day. Try to cover the relevant technologies in your essay but do stay focused. You shouldn’t confuse your reader by dropping names.

● Pay attention to theory: Many programming students love to get coding and hate theoretical stuff. But writing an essay is an academic task, and much like any other one, it needs to be done based on some theory.

Bottom Line

People who decide to work as programmers need to be all-powerful because they should be able to write documents for both computers and humans. As for the latter, we offered a concise instruction in this article. However, if you are a programming student and have not fairly developed your writing skills or you lack enough time to do so, getting help from a legit essay writing service will be your best option.

How to Write an Essay Using Python Programming Language

OpenAI Write an Essay Using Python Programming Language

The python programming language is one of a computer’s most highly readable languages, a major feature that has made it a go-to tool for writers. The python language uses clear English keywords, while other languages use punctuations and symbols in data structures. This makes for an easy flow and understanding of the codes.

What is Python?

Python language is a general-purpose programming language designed by Guido Van Rossum and developed by the Python Software Foundation. Majorly it is used in web development, software development, mathematics, and system scripting. For writing, it has a syntax that is very similar to the English language, which enhances readability in so many ways.

Journalists, social media marketers, SME owners, students, or any group of individuals who are looking for novel possibilities that would help them simplify their daily tasks, then you can develop an open source code written in Python for ease and convenience. There are several available resources that can help make this easier.

Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 3

The generated texts are practically indistinguishable from humans because the GPT 3 has higher parameters supporting higher writing comprehension. If you want to implement a Natural Language Processing tool into your daily life as a writer, then GPT 3 should be your go-to.

As we mentioned above, with 175 billion parameters, GPT 3 is still the most advanced language model created by OpenAl. It generates texts resembling a human and can be used by anyone ranging from attorneys to scientists, to mathematicians, to college students.

The GPT NEO might not be as strong as the GPT 3, but it is a close clone and equally sophisticated. What’s more? It’s open source, so anyone can access the standard library and use the code. The processes are not as cumbersome as the many advantages you will gain. Simply install Pytorch , download a generator, and then use the available writing commands to generate texts for your essays, articles, etc.

NLTK in Python

The NLTK is a computer program called the Natural Language ToolKit. It is mainly used to build programs that work closely with Natural Language Processing to develop codes closely related to human language.

For those who want to write with NLTK code, you must know that this doesn’t work with long texts because it isn’t the most advanced NLP tool. It will give accurate results for the first few hundred words and might get repetitive or odd as the texts get longer. It is, however, efficient for essays, landing pages, short articles, etc.

However, if you are tech-savvy, and are looking to do this yourself, get started by installing Python on your device, install NLTK with pip, and then start tokenizing by splitting up your texts into words or sentences.

We can see how far advancements in technology have gone in helping us simplify everyday tasks. Students, professors, journalists, and every other professional can now automate codes that will effectively write their essays by copying their unique and individual styles. From GTP 3 to GTP 2 to NLTK, professionals created these tools to assist and minimize stress.

We are also aware that not everyone is tech-inclined, so we appreciate the advancements that developed educational platforms where students can get professional human help on their assignments without using these tech tools.

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Crafting the Perfect Essay: A Programming Tutorial Approach

The connection between programming and essay writing.

At first glance, programming tutorials and essay writing might seem to occupy completely different spaces in the academic world. Yet, these two practices share more in common than you might think. Writing an essay can be akin to programming; both require meticulous planning, organizing thoughts (or codes) in a logical manner, and delivering a clear, concise output.

Just as you may seek a legit essay writing service when you need help crafting your essay, you might also turn to a programming tutorial when you’re stuck on a coding problem. Both provide structured guidelines and assistance to help you reach your goal.

Treating Your Essay like a Programming Project

Writing an essay can be broken down into five main steps, much like the process of creating a software program:

  • Understanding the Task : The first step is akin to understanding the software requirements. In essay writing, you need to understand the question or prompt, just as in programming, you have to understand what the software should accomplish.
  • Planning Your Response : Once you understand the task, plan your response. In essay writing, this involves brainstorming and outlining. Similarly, in programming, you design the software architecture before writing any code.
  • Writing : The third step involves writing the body of your essay, just as you would write the code for your software. Each paragraph in an essay is like a block of code; it serves a specific purpose and fits into the overall structure.
  • Revising and Editing : After writing, it’s time to revise and edit. In essay writing, this means refining your language and ensuring your argument is sound. In programming, this is similar to debugging the code and making improvements for better efficiency.
  • Final Review : Finally, conduct a final review of your work. For essay writing, this includes proofreading and checking the formatting. For programming, it’s like testing the software to ensure it works as expected.
EmojiAction in Essay WritingEquivalent Action in Programming
💡Understanding the TaskUnderstanding the Software Requirements
🗺️Planning Your ResponseDesigning the Software Architecture
📝Writing the EssayWriting the Code
🛠️Revising and EditingDebugging and Improving Code
✔️Final ReviewTesting the Software

When to Seek Professional Help

While learning to write an essay or learning to program can be a rewarding process, it can also be challenging. That’s why resources exist to help you. If you need assistance with your essay, don’t hesitate to reach out to the best college essay writing service . These services can provide guidance and support, much like a programming tutorial can help you navigate a tricky coding problem.

It’s perfectly okay to hire an essay writer if you’re struggling with your workload. Just as in programming, where it’s normal to seek out a tutor or additional resources, it’s entirely acceptable to get help with your essays.

In choosing a service, don’t forget to read about the Best Essay Writing Services Online and consider the factors that are important to you, such as cost, quality, and reliability. There are services tailored to different needs, whether you’re looking to buy a cheap essay or want specific Essay help in UK .

Writing an essay is a process that requires a systematic approach, much like programming. By breaking down the task into manageable chunks, planning your response, and seeking help when necessary, you can write an essay that truly shines. Remember, you can always turn to a cheap essay writing service or an essay writing guide to ensure that you’re on the right track.

Finally, when you’re ready to share your masterpiece with the world, whether it’s an innovative piece of software or an engaging essay, don’t forget the final step – reviewing and polishing your work to ensure it’s the best it can be. Much like the satisfying feeling of a code running smoothly, there’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of a well-crafted essay. It’s all part of the exciting journey of learning, whether you’re delving into the world of programming or exploring the art of essay writing.

essay writing programming language

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Writing a College Essay Using Python Programming Language


We all know Python as one of the most highly readable computer languages. It’s one of the most studied programming languages, as well as one in high demand when you’re looking for a job. But, did you know that you can write an essay with Python?

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The Python language is different from others because it doesn’t use symbols and punctuation in data structures. It actually uses clear keywords in English, which is why it’s the perfect tool to write your essays .


Using Python to Write Your Papers: The Why and How

Of course, there’s another, much easier option to get that college paper on time. You can pay for essay writing to Edubirdie service. Edubirdie allows you to choose your essay writer as well as the price you’ll pay for the paper. If you do this, you won’t have to go through the trouble of writing a python program or crafting your essay from scratch. Thanks to a writing service, thousands of students in the world are meeting their deadlines and getting high grades without any effort – and without anyone knowing.

All you need to do to get your paper ready is order it from the writing company of your choice. As a result, you can sit back and relax while your assignment is written, and simply download it when it’s done.

You can complete your papers on time by doing this, of course. Still, if you want to learn programming alone by practicing your Python skills, you can use this as an opportunity to write an essay whilst using this language. It is no longer just developers who use Python. It’s simpler, which makes it great for newbie developers, as well as writers.

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Instead of doing monotonous tasks like writing essays all the time, you can automate them by writing code using this programming language.

In that regard, let’s examine the variables you can use in order to accomplish this.

Use the GPT 3

The GPT 3 or the Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 3 is a highly advanced language prototype, great for writing tasks. Many applications were developed with this model that are now used for writing product descriptions, essays, articles, headlines, landing pages, etc.

The GPT 3 compares to the GPT 2 with 175 billion parameters (compared to 1.5 billion in the previous version). This makes the text generated with Python very similar to those created by humans.

Knowing this, if you want a program that has the highest potential of creating human-like content, this tool is what you need.


Use the NLTK in Python

Another option is the NLTK or the Natural Language ToolKit. This computer program is used to build Natural Language Processing programs and develop human-like codes. As you can imagine, it’s frequently used to create programs to write content.

Even so, you should be familiar with the downsides before you consider it. NLTK code works great with short texts, but it is not as advanced as the first option in this link, so it’s not ideal if you need long papers to write. It can create great essays and articles, but if you need hundreds of pages, it’s not ideal.

To create a program with it, you need to be tech-savvy and know how to install and create programs with NLTK. If you are, install Python followed by NLTK, and start tokenizing!

Use the GPT NEO

Finally, you can use the GPT NEO version. If you’re looking for an open-sourced alternative to the GPT 3, this is a great alternative. With GPT NEO, you do not have to access the application or wait for approval as you do with GPT 3. Millions of people don’t have access to the GPT 3.

If you are one of them or are looking for something more flexible, the NEO version is a good choice. Created by EleutherAI, it has a very similar architecture to the GPT 3 with 125 million parameters to match.

Since it is open-source, anyone can access and use this code, and creating programs will be much simpler. It’s an option to check out if you aren’t an expert in Python.

Wrapping Up about Python

Technology has advanced a lot and while programs cannot replace humans altogether, they certainly do a great job simplifying our tasks. If you are good at Python and have the time to create some code, use the tips here to make your essay writing much easier in the future!

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Programming Languages Essay Examples

Programming languages refer to a set of keywords, phrases, and rules that help you to communicate with a computer system. An introduction to programming languages essay shows how these languages are instructions written to perform specific tasks. The most common examples of programming/coding languages are Ruby, Perl, COBOL, ALGOL, Python, Java, C, C++, C#, JavaScript, R, and PHP.

Every essay about programming languages must also detail the common types of languages and their uses. App developers, video game developers, web designers, and control systems engineers use the knowledge of coding in their daily work. If you are curious and motivated enough, you can learn how to code.

Also, it might prove difficult to find high-quality, simplified content about programming languages as an Art student. When you write your essays in programming languages, you’ll definitely need a solid guide to complete the perfect paper. Instead of whining like other students, avail yourself of the perfect outstanding coding-related paperwork online today.

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Top 15 Programming Languages To Learn

Top 15 Programming Languages Worth Learning

essay writing programming language

Intriguingly, Kotlin, a relatively recent addition to the programming scene, secured an official endorsement from tech giant Google as the preferred language for Android app development. This critical endorsement underscores the dynamic nature of the programming landscape in 2023. The tech industry is constantly evolving, driven by the emergence of increasingly advanced best AI writer tools , and this evolution brings with it a growing demand for highly skilled programmers. To navigate this ever-changing landscape, it's essential to acquaint yourself with the top programming languages that can elevate your career.

Top 15 Programming Languages: Short Description

This article delves deep into this ever-changing landscape to bring you insights into the most popular programming languages 2023 that are poised to dominate the digital realm. These languages, ranging from the versatility of Python to the precision of C and the innovation of languages like Zig and Ballerina, hold the keys to your success in the world of coding. We'll help you understand the strengths, use cases, and potential career opportunities associated with each of these programming languages, ensuring you can make informed decisions about your coding journey.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Programming Language

The importance of selecting the right programming language cannot be overstated. It's a decision that can significantly impact your efficiency as a developer and the success of your projects. Here's why:

choosing programming language

  • Project Compatibility: Different programming languages are suited for different types of projects. For instance, if you're working on web development, you might lean towards JavaScript, while data analysis tasks often require Python. The wrong choice can lead to unnecessary complications and hinder progress.
  • Career Opportunities: Your expertise in a particular language can open or limit career opportunities. Industries and companies often have preferences for specific languages, so aligning your skills with market demands is essential for career growth.
  • Project Efficiency: Some languages are more efficient for specific tasks. Choosing the right one can mean faster development, fewer bugs, and, ultimately, cost savings. On the other hand, selecting an inappropriate language can lead to lengthy development cycles and increased expenses.
  • Community and Support: The community around a programming language can be a valuable resource. It provides access to libraries, frameworks, and a wealth of knowledge. Popular languages tend to have larger and more active communities, offering better support for troubleshooting and learning.
  • Scalability: Consider the scalability of your project. Will it grow over time? Some languages are better suited for scalability than others. If you anticipate growth, it's crucial to choose a language that can accommodate it.
  • Personal Preference: Your own preferences and coding style matter. Enjoying the process of coding in a particular language can significantly boost productivity and job satisfaction.

High-Level Programming Languages

High-level languages are the workhorses of modern software development, prized for their ease of use and versatility. Let's delve into three prominent types:

high level programming

Python has evolved from a niche language into an absolute juggernaut in the programming world. Known for its readability and simplicity, As one of the high-level programming languages, it is often the first choice for beginners and seasoned developers alike. Here's why:

  • Versatility: Python is incredibly versatile and capable of powering web applications, data analysis, machine learning, and more. Its extensive standard library and third-party packages make it an excellent choice for a wide range of tasks.
  • Readability: Python's elegant syntax emphasizes readability, making it easy to understand and maintain code. This feature has contributed to its popularity among developers.
  • Large Community: Python boasts a large and active community. This means abundant resources, libraries, and a helpful community that is always ready to assist.

essay writing programming language

Being one of the popular programming languages, JavaScript is the backbone of web development, responsible for the dynamic and interactive features you encounter on websites. Key points about JavaScript include:

  • Client-Side Dominance: JavaScript primarily operates on the client side, making web pages more interactive and responsive. It's essential for building modern web applications.
  • Node.js: With the advent of Node.js, JavaScript has expanded its reach to server-side development. This 'full-stack' capability has made JavaScript even more indispensable for web developers.
  • Frameworks and Libraries: JavaScript has a vast ecosystem of frameworks and libraries like React, Angular, and Vue.js, which simplify front-end development.

C# is a high-level language developed by Microsoft, known for its versatility and applicability across various domains. Here's why C# stands out:

  • Platform Independence: C# is not confined to Windows; it's cross-platform. With .NET Core (now .NET 6), you can develop applications for Windows, Linux, and macOS.
  • Unity Game Development: C# is a staple in game development, particularly with the Unity engine. This makes it an attractive choice for aspiring game developers.
  • Strongly Typed: C# is statically typed, which means it catches errors at compile-time, enhancing code reliability.

Functional Programming Languages

These programming languages are gaining prominence in the software development world, offering a different paradigm that emphasizes immutability, first-class functions, and a focus on declarative programming. Let's explore three notable examples:

functional programming

Haskell is often regarded as the gold standard of pure functional programming languages. It's a language where mathematical rigor meets practical coding. Key features include:

  • Immutability: Haskell encourages immutability, making it easier to reason about the behavior of code and preventing many common bugs related to mutable data.
  • Type System: Haskell boasts a powerful and expressive type system that can catch many errors at compile-time, ensuring a high degree of code correctness.
  • Lazy Evaluation: Haskell uses lazy evaluation, meaning it only computes values when needed. This can lead to more efficient code in some cases.

Scala combines functional and object-oriented programming seamlessly, offering the best of both worlds. Here's why Scala stands out:

  • Compatibility with Java: Scala runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), allowing for easy interoperability with Java code and access to the extensive Java ecosystem.
  • Functional Features: Scala incorporates functional programming concepts like immutability and higher-order functions, which provide concise and expressive code.
  • Concurrency: Scala has powerful concurrency libraries like Akka, making it an excellent choice for building highly concurrent and distributed systems.

Being one of the best programming languages to learn, Clojure is a Lisp dialect designed for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), focusing on simplicity, immutability, and interactive development. Key attributes include:

  • Simplicity: Clojure's minimalist syntax and functional approach make it a compelling choice for developers who appreciate clean and concise code.
  • Immutable Data Structures: Clojure encourages the use of immutable data structures, which leads to safer and more predictable code.
  • Concurrency: Clojure excels at managing concurrency with its software transactional memory (STM) system, making it suitable for building robust and scalable systems.

Low-Level Programming Languages

Low level programming languages are the bedrock of system programming, providing precise control over hardware and resources. Here, we delve into three influential low-level languages: C, C++, and Rust.

low level

C is a legendary low-level programming language known for its simplicity, portability, and power. It has stood the test of time and continues to be a critical language for systems programming. Key aspects include:

  • Portability: C was designed to be highly portable, allowing code to run on different platforms with minimal modification. This makes it an ideal choice for developing operating systems and embedded systems.
  • Efficiency: C offers a high level of control over system resources, making it possible to write extremely efficient code. This efficiency is crucial for tasks where speed and resource utilization are paramount.
  • Legacy: Many foundational software systems and libraries are written in C, cementing its significance in the programming world.

C++ builds on the foundation of C and extends it with object-oriented features. It offers both low-level control and high-level abstractions, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of applications. Highlights include:

  • Object-Oriented: C++ supports object-oriented programming, enabling developers to model complex systems using classes and objects. This approach enhances code organization and reusability.
  • STL (Standard Template Library): C++ comes with a robust standard library that includes containers, algorithms, and utilities. The STL simplifies many common programming tasks.
  • Performance: C++ retains the performance advantages of C while adding high-level abstractions. This makes it suitable for projects where performance is crucial.

Being one of the fastest programming languages, Rust is a relative newcomer that has quickly gained attention for its emphasis on safety, memory management, and performance. Here's why Rust stands out:

  • Memory Safety: Rust's borrow checker enforces strict rules about memory management, preventing common programming errors like null pointer dereferences and data races.
  • Concurrency: Rust excels at handling concurrent programming with its ownership system, making it safe to write concurrent code.
  • Performance: Despite its strong safety features, Rust delivers performance comparable to C and C++. It's an excellent choice for systems programming, where security and efficiency are paramount.

Specialized Carbon Programming Languages

In the ever-evolving field of technology, specialized carbon programming languages are emerging as cutting-edge tools that promise to shape the future of computing. Two prominent examples in this category are Carbon and Silicon.

carbon programming

Carbon is a groundbreaking programming language designed specifically for quantum computing. Quantum computers harness the mind-boggling properties of quantum mechanics to perform computations that were previously thought to be impossible. Key characteristics of Carbon include:

  • Quantum Abstractions: Carbon abstracts complex quantum operations, making it accessible to a broader range of developers. It shields programmers from the intricacies of quantum mechanics while allowing them to leverage its power.
  • Scalability: Carbon is built with scalability in mind, enabling developers to work on increasingly powerful quantum hardware as it becomes available.
  • Quantum Simulators: Quantum computing is still in its early stages, but Carbon provides a means to simulate quantum algorithms on classical computers, allowing developers to experiment and innovate.

Silicon is another specialized programming language, but it's tailored for an entirely different realm of computing—neuromorphic computing. Neuromorphic systems aim to mimic the functioning of the human brain, opening doors to novel approaches in artificial intelligence and cognitive computing. Silicon offers:

  • Neural Circuit Abstractions: Silicon simplifies the development of neuromorphic systems by providing abstractions for neural circuits. It allows programmers to model and implement brain-inspired algorithms more effectively.
  • Energy Efficiency: Neuromorphic computing emphasizes energy efficiency, and Silicon is designed with this principle in mind. It enables the creation of energy-efficient systems capable of processing massive amounts of data in real time.
  • AI and Robotics: Neuromorphic computing powered by languages like Silicon has the potential to revolutionize artificial intelligence, robotics, and other fields that require real-time, brain-like processing.

SQL Programming Languages

Structured Query Language, or SQL, is the backbone of database management systems (DBMS) and plays a pivotal role in handling and manipulating data. In this section, we'll explore SQL and its specialized extension, PL/SQL.


SQL is the de facto standard language for managing and querying relational databases. Its capabilities include:

  • Data Retrieval: SQL allows you to retrieve specific data from a database with precision. It uses queries to filter, sort, and retrieve information from tables.
  • Data Modification: SQL enables you to add, update, or delete data within a database. This is essential for maintaining data accuracy and integrity.
  • Data Definition: SQL also provides commands for defining the structure of databases, including creating tables, specifying constraints, and defining relationships between tables.
  • Multi-Platform Compatibility: SQL is supported by virtually all major relational database management systems, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server.

PL/SQL, or Procedural Language for SQL, is an extension of SQL introduced by Oracle Corporation. It adds powerful procedural capabilities to SQL, allowing developers to build robust database-driven applications. Key features of PL/SQL include:

  • Procedural Logic: PL/SQL enables the creation of procedures, functions, triggers, and packages, adding a layer of procedural logic to SQL. This makes it possible to develop complex applications within the database.
  • Error Handling: PL/SQL includes robust error-handling mechanisms, making it easier to identify and manage errors within database procedures and functions.
  • Security: PL/SQL provides a secure environment for executing code within the database. It's a key component in ensuring the security and integrity of sensitive data.
  • Performance Optimization: PL/SQL allows developers to optimize the performance of database operations by precompiling and storing procedures and functions within the database.

New and Emerging Programming Languages

In the ever-evolving landscape of coding languages, innovation is constant. Two notable new programming languages are Zig and Ballerina, each designed to address specific challenges in software development.

new programming languages

Zig is an open-source programming language that has gained traction for its focus on safety, simplicity, and performance in system-level programming. Here's why Zig is making waves:

  • Safety First: Zig prioritizes safety, emphasizing predictable behavior, error prevention, and memory safety. It aims to eliminate common pitfalls like null pointer dereferences and buffer overflows.
  • Efficiency: Despite its safety features, Zig doesn't compromise on performance. It allows developers to write code that is both secure and highly efficient, making it a promising choice for low-level system programming.
  • Self-Contained: Zig aims to reduce reliance on external build systems and dependencies, simplifying the development process and enhancing portability.
  • Growing Community: While relatively new, Zig has gained a growing and enthusiastic community of developers who appreciate its innovative approach to systems programming.

Ballerina is a cloud-native programming language designed to simplify the development of microservices and cloud applications. Key features that set Ballerina apart include:

  • Integration-First Approach: Ballerina places integration at the forefront, providing built-in support for common integration patterns and protocols. This makes it easier to connect and communicate between services.
  • Type-Safe: Ballerina is statically and strongly typed, which helps catch errors at compile-time, improving reliability and maintainability.
  • Concurrency Support: Ballerina is built for concurrent and asynchronous programming, crucial for handling the demands of cloud-native applications.
  • Rich Standard Library: Ballerina includes a rich standard library for common cloud operations like handling HTTP requests, interacting with databases, and working with REST APIs.

How to Choose the Best Programming Language to Learn

In the vast and diverse world of programming languages, selecting the right one to learn can significantly impact your career and project outcomes. To make an informed choice, consider these key factors:

Purpose and Goals:

  • Determine your programming goals. Are you interested in web development, mobile app development, data science, or something else?
  • If you're looking for a versatile language, consider a general-purpose programming language like Python, Java, or JavaScript.

Project Requirements:

  • Tailor your choice to the specific project or industry you're interested in. For instance, if you want to develop mobile apps, focus on languages like Java (for Android) or Swift (for iOS).
  • For data science and analytics, Python and R are top choices due to their rich libraries and support.

Object-Oriented or Scripting:

  • Understand the paradigms of object-oriented programming and scripting languages. Object-oriented programming languages like Java and C++ are suitable for building large-scale applications, while a scripting language like Python excels at automation and rapid development.

Market Demand:

  • Research the job market to identify which languages are in demand. General-purpose languages like Python and JavaScript often have a wide range of job opportunities.
  • Be cautious about proprietary languages, as they may limit your job prospects to specific companies or industries.

Community and Resources:

  • Check the size and activity of the language community. A vibrant community means more resources, libraries, and support.
  • Popular languages like Python and JavaScript have extensive online resources, making learning easier.

Learning Curve:

  • Consider the complexity of the language. Some languages, like Python and Ruby, are known for their readability and ease of learning, making them great choices for beginners when wondering how to study faster .
  • Languages like C++ or Rust may have steeper learning curves but offer unparalleled control and performance.

Evolving Trends:

  • Stay updated with industry trends. Emerging languages like Rust, Go, or Ballerina are worth exploring if they align with your interests and career goals.
  • Keep an eye on the adaptability of your chosen language. Technologies evolve, and languages that can adapt easily to new trends tend to remain relevant.

Programming Languages Ranking: 

  • Consider learning languages that consistently rank high, as they often have robust ecosystems, job opportunities, and long-term viability. However, don't discount languages that are climbing the ranks, as they may represent emerging trends.

Our helpful guide has provided insights into a list of programming languages, from versatile general-purpose ones to specialized and emerging options. And should you ever find yourself in need, remember that you have the opportunity to simply ask us, ‘ do my programming homework for me ,’ and we'll ensure it's professionally completed.

Meanwhile, stay adaptable, stay curious, and remember that the world of coding is a realm of endless possibilities waiting to be explored!

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Home — Essay Samples — Information Science and Technology — Computer Programming — Python scripting language


Python Scripting Language

  • Categories: Computer Programming Computer Software

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Words: 503 |

Published: Jan 4, 2019

Words: 503 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Records of Python

Python functions.

  • easy-to-learn - Python has few key phrases, easy shape, and a virtually described syntax. This lets in the scholar to select up the language speedy,
  • clean-to-examine - Python code is more absolutely defined and seen to the eyes.
  • smooth-to-keep - Python’s supply code is reasonably smooth-to-hold.
  • a huge well-known library - Python’s bulk of the library could be very portable and cross-platform compatible on UNIX, windows, and Macintosh.
  • Interactive Mode - Python has aid for an interactive mode which lets in interactive trying out and debugging of snippets of code.
  • portable - Python can run on an extensive type of hardware structures and has the identical interface on all platforms.
  • extendable - you may add low-degree modules to the Python interpreter. these modules permit programmers to add to or customise their gear to be more efficient.
  • databases - Python gives interfaces to all predominant industrial databases.
  • GUI Programming - Python helps GUI packages that can be created and ported to many device calls, libraries and home windows structures, which include windows MFC, Macintosh, and the X Window device of Unix.
  • scalable - Python offers a higher shape and help for massive packages than shell scripting.

Image of Alex Wood

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How simple or detailed should be put into describing program code in a essay?

I am writing an essay about a problem that I had in a program that I was creating, of course, I managed to fix the problem, but I am wondering how much detail I should put into describing the actual code. The audience that this essay is going to be presented to doesn't know anything about programming.

My question is, should I break down what little code I have in the essay into something more understandable to a random person that knows nothing about code, or should I keep the code the way it is?

I am very conflicted about this.

Also, I do describe what programming is in the essay, it goes into special detail about the programming languages that I used, which are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

I do want to give some more of the code, but I think that it won't be all that feasible to add more than what I have and have the readers still understand it.

Also, currently, I just have links at the bottom of the essay that takes you to the posts that are used in the essay.

Basically, I am asking, should I keep it the way it is or add more detail to the bits of code that are currently in it and possibly add some more?

  • programming

Officer Erik 1K-88's user avatar

  • How complicated is the code? Could a more visual approach (flow-diagram) work? Or pseudo-code in natural language? –  user54131 Commented Nov 2, 2022 at 20:59
  • 1 What is the audience for this essay? Developers would love to see the actual code, while non-IT people would be turned away by it. –  Alexander Commented Nov 3, 2022 at 0:04

There is no point there being any words on the page the reader won’t understand. It wastes space, and may slow down or deter your reader from reading any further. If your audience won’t understand any code, then you should only include as much code as you are willing to explain line by line. That means very short blocks and eliding any lines the reader doesn’t need.

Of course, if you are able to explain how the code works with interesting analogies, you don’t need the code there at all. It’s up to you to decide if your audience may enjoy being taught the very basics of coding as they read, and whether the absolute basics of coding would be enough to get your points across anyway. If your story is mainly about syntax errors then the code may be of value to make a basic point, but if it’s about class inheritance, or recursion, then your essay will never get your audience to that level. In that case there’s little point teaching them the basics, and you should do it entirely with analogies.

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essay writing programming language




Essay: Programming languages and their uses

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  • Subject area(s): Information technology essays
  • Reading time: 5 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 24 October 2015*
  • Last Modified: 24 October 2015
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,388 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 6 (approx)

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In general, there are 256 of programming languages exist in the programming world. Programming languages are classified in many ways. The most commonly used programming languages are Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Java and Php. The first most commonly used programming language is Hypertext Markup Language, or commonly known as HTML. HTML is the standard mark-up language used to create web pages. According to Shanon (2007), HTML is a language created for computer to read human command to develop websites. Human can view the websites by connecting to the Internet. HTML started as an easy way to transfer data between computers over the Internet. The earlier objective of designing HTML is for scientists and researches that do not have any experience in publishing articles or journals of their researches. In 1980’s, HTML was proposed and prototyped as ‘ENQUIRE’ by Tim Berners-Lee, a contractor at CERN Inc., for researches to share their research documents over the Internet (Wikipedia, 2015). HTML codes are written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle brackets. Some elements that are important in writing codes for HTML is the paragraph tags, the header tags, the image tags, the hypertext reference tags and the bold and italics tags. Each HTML tag describes different document content such as the body of the document, paragraph in the document, the title, links, header and footer, and others. In designing a website, user interface is the most important thing to be considered. This is because user interface is the first thing human sees when they open the website. In complementary of designing the website, HTML is coded along with Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). CSS controls the layout of the interfaces in the website while HTML provides the information displayed in it. In programming world, the line codes are called syntax. The example of HTML syntax is as shown in Table 1. Even though HTML is coded for websites that can be viewed by connecting to the Internet, ‘coding it can be done offline by saving it in the computer and later transfer the files onto the web’ (Shanon, 2007). There are many types of HTML deliverables such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol to send the HTML documents from the web servers to web browsers, HTML e-Mail and HTML Application. Over the time, HTML had gained acceptance through the world of Internet quickly. HTML version 4.0 or HTML4 and HTML version 5 or HTML5 was developed to enhance the websites. Some ‘What You See Is What You Get’ (WYSIWYG) editors (Rohde, n.d.), were developed so that user can get whatever appears in the HTML document using a graphical user interface or GUI. Programmers usually combine HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript to create a dynamic websites which are more interesting for users. The second type of most commonly used programming languages is Java language. Java language is currently one of the most popular programming languages being used. Java language is an object-oriented programming language was developed by James Gosling in 1995 at Sun Microsystems that can be run on many different operating systems (Wikipedia, 2015). It is also known as high-level language because it is easier for humans to read and write the command structures. It also helps programmers to write the computer instruction using English commands, rather than write in numeric code. There are a lot of applications and websites that working on Java application, such as to connect a laptop or desktop to data center and from mobile phone to the internet and so on. These applications are called applets. The applets can runs in websites (Arnold, 2005). Java programming is designed to create the functions as C++ programming language but with much simpler understanding and easy to learn and use. There are few things needed to codes Java programming. The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is the package that consists of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Java platform core classes, and supporting Java platform libraries. To run Java in the web browser, the JRE will be needed. Java Virtual Machine or JVM helps Java applications to run by compiling the ‘bytecodes’ into a workable codes as an another option to understand one instruction at a time; However, to run Java applets in browser, the JRE need to be installed along with the Java Plug-in software. According to Rouse (2015), ‘Java applets will run on almost any operating system without requiring recompilation and Java is generally regarded as the most strategic language in which to develop applications for the Web because it has no specific operating system extensions’. There are few major characteristics of Java. One of them is ‘the programs created are portable in a network’ (Rouse, 2015). It means that any programs created using Java programming can be run in the network on a server as long as the server has a Java virtual machine. Another characteristic is ‘the code is robust, which means unlike other languages, the Java objects can contain no references to data external to themselves or other known objects’ (Rouse, 2015). The objects inside the code have the same traits or inherit the traits of other objects by being a part of the object class (Rouse, 2015). Apart from that, java programming has the Java applet that was designed to make the programming run fast when executed at the client or server (Rouse, 2015). Besides that, Java is open source software, which means that this software is free to download. Like any programming language, Java language also has its own structure and syntax rules. Once a program has been written, the high-level instruction will be translated into a numeric code which is the computer can understand the instruction and execute the commands. Table 1 shows the example of differences structure to write the Java syntax compared to other programming languages syntax. However, there is a thing called JavaScript that people always confused with Java. Even though the name consists of the ‘Java’ word, but JavaScript is not Java programming. JavaScript is easier to learn than Java and it requires higher level of understanding but it does not have the Java mobility and ‘bytecode’ speed. The third most commonly used programming language that used in developing a program is Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP). PHP is suitable used in web development and also can be embedded into HTML. Besides, PHP scripts are usually used in three main areas which are server-side scripting, command line scripting and writing desktop applications. Usually, PHP used to read data and information from databases, and to add or update the databases content. A single PHP template can be written to retrieve and display the databases records. PHP is a language developed by Rasmas Lerdorf which originally an abbreviation of ‘Personal Home Page (tools)’ (Motive Glossary, 2004). PHP is a recursive programming where the command can be used over and over again to gain data. Before this, this language has been said that has been widely used in server-side scripting (Motive Glossary, 2004), which is can do anything that are related to any other computer graphic image (CGI) program likes collect data, generate dynamic page content or send and receive cookies. This language can be used in any operating systems, including Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and RISC OS. Each of the programming language has its function and same goes with PHP language which are can output images, form a server-side cache for content and easily output any text such as XHTML and XML file. Example code of PHP language that used in developing program can be seen in Table 1. PHP code can be inserted into the HTML webpage because it is an HTML-embedded web scripting language. When PHP page is opened, the PHP code is read from the located page by the server. The results from the PHP functions on the page usually read as HTML codes that can be read by the browser. This is because PHP codes do not have its own interface and were transformed into HTML codes first before the page is loaded and users cannot view the PHP codes on a page without a user interface from the HTML. The reason is to make the PHP page secure to access databases and other secure information. In conclusion, Hypertext Markup Language, Java and Hypertext Preprocessor are considered as the most commonly used programming language in programming world because it is used in creating websites that are essential to our daily lives nowadays.

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Essay on Coding

Students are often asked to write an essay on Coding in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Coding

What is coding.

Coding is like giving instructions to a computer. Just as you tell a friend to pass a ball, you tell a computer what to do by writing down steps in a language it understands. These languages are called programming languages, and some popular ones are Python, Java, and HTML.

Why Learn Coding?

Learning to code is useful. It helps you create websites, games, and apps. It’s like learning to build things, but in the digital world. Coding can also help you think better and solve problems because it teaches you to break big tasks into smaller steps.

Where to Start?

You can start coding at any age. Begin with simple languages like Scratch, which is made for beginners. There are many free resources online and books in libraries that can teach you how to start. Joining a coding club at school or in your community can also be fun.

Coding for the Future

Coding is important for the future. Many jobs will need coding knowledge. Even if you don’t become a programmer, understanding coding can help you in many fields like science, business, or art. It’s a skill that opens doors to many opportunities.

250 Words Essay on Coding

Coding is like giving commands to a computer to make it do what you want. It’s how we create websites, apps, and games. Imagine you’re the boss, and the computer is your helper. You need to give clear instructions so the helper knows exactly what to do.

The Language of Computers

Just like we speak English or Spanish, computers have their own languages, like Python, Java, or Scratch. These languages help us talk to the computer. When we write code, we’re writing down the steps the computer needs to follow to complete a task, like solving a math problem or drawing a picture.

Why Learn to Code?

Learning to code is powerful. It helps you think better and solve problems. When you know how to code, you can make your own games instead of just playing them. You can also make websites for your school projects or even to share your hobbies.

Coding in Everyday Life

Coding is everywhere. When you play a video game, use a phone, or even microwave popcorn, coding is involved. People who know how to code helped make all these things work.

Start Small and Grow

You don’t have to be a genius to code. You can start with easy projects and get better over time. The more you practice, the more you can make your computer do. It’s fun and like learning to build with digital legos. So why not start coding today and see what you can create?

500 Words Essay on Coding

Coding is like giving instructions to a computer to make it do things. Just like we follow recipes to bake a cake, computers follow codes to run programs. Codes are written in different languages, which are not like English or Spanish, but they are called programming languages. Some popular programming languages are Python, Java, and C++.

Learning to code is useful for many reasons. First, it helps you understand how the apps and games you use every day work. It also teaches you how to solve problems because when you code, you often have to find and fix mistakes. Coding can even help you be creative, as you can design your own games or websites. Plus, knowing how to code can lead to good jobs when you grow up, as many companies need people who can write code.

How to Start Coding

Starting to code is easier than you might think. You can begin by using simple programs that let you drag and drop pieces to make code, like puzzle pieces. These are called block-based coding platforms, and Scratch is a popular one for beginners. Once you get the hang of it, you can move on to typing out code in a text editor, which is how professionals do it.

Tools for Coding

To code, you need a computer and coding software. The software can be simple, like Notepad, or more complex, like an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which helps you write and test your code. Many coding tools are free and easy to download from the internet. There are also lots of books and websites with coding exercises for beginners.

Coding Projects for Beginners

Challenges in coding.

Coding can be tough at times. You might run into errors or ‘bugs’ that stop your code from working right. But don’t get discouraged. Finding and fixing bugs is part of learning to code. It’s like solving a puzzle. Sometimes you might need to ask for help from teachers, friends, or online communities. That’s okay because coders often work together and help each other out.

Coding is a valuable skill that lets you tell computers what to do. It can be fun, like creating your own games, and it’s also important for future jobs. Starting with easy tools and simple projects is the best way to learn. Even though it might be hard sometimes, with practice, anyone can learn to code. So, if you like solving problems and making cool stuff, give coding a try!

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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It's hard to predict what life will be like in a hundred years. There are only a few things we can say with certainty. We know that everyone will drive flying cars, that zoning laws will be relaxed to allow buildings hundreds of stories tall, that it will be dark most of the time, and that women will all be trained in the martial arts. Here I want to zoom in on one detail of this picture. What kind of programming language will they use to write the software controlling those flying cars?

This is worth thinking about not so much because we'll actually get to use these languages as because, if we're lucky, we'll use languages on the path from this point to that.

I think that, like species, languages will form evolutionary trees, with dead-ends branching off all over. We can see this happening already. Cobol, for all its sometime popularity, does not seem to have any intellectual descendants. It is an evolutionary dead-end-- a Neanderthal language.

I predict a similar fate for Java. People sometimes send me mail saying, "How can you say that Java won't turn out to be a successful language? It's already a successful language." And I admit that it is, if you measure success by shelf space taken up by books on it (particularly individual books on it), or by the number of undergrads who believe they have to learn it to get a job. When I say Java won't turn out to be a successful language, I mean something more specific: that Java will turn out to be an evolutionary dead-end, like Cobol.

This is just a guess. I may be wrong. My point here is not to dis Java, but to raise the issue of evolutionary trees and get people asking, where on the tree is language X? The reason to ask this question isn't just so that our ghosts can say, in a hundred years, I told you so. It's because staying close to the main branches is a useful heuristic for finding languages that will be good to program in now.

At any given time, you're probably happiest on the main branches of an evolutionary tree. Even when there were still plenty of Neanderthals, it must have sucked to be one. The Cro-Magnons would have been constantly coming over and beating you up and stealing your food.

The reason I want to know what languages will be like in a hundred years is so that I know what branch of the tree to bet on now.

The evolution of languages differs from the evolution of species because branches can converge. The Fortran branch, for example, seems to be merging with the descendants of Algol. In theory this is possible for species too, but it's not likely to have happened to any bigger than a cell.

Convergence is more likely for languages partly because the space of possibilities is smaller, and partly because mutations are not random. Language designers deliberately incorporate ideas from other languages.

It's especially useful for language designers to think about where the evolution of programming languages is likely to lead, because they can steer accordingly. In that case, "stay on a main branch" becomes more than a way to choose a good language. It becomes a heuristic for making the right decisions about language design.

Any programming language can be divided into two parts: some set of fundamental operators that play the role of axioms, and the rest of the language, which could in principle be written in terms of these fundamental operators.

I think the fundamental operators are the most important factor in a language's long term survival. The rest you can change. It's like the rule that in buying a house you should consider location first of all. Everything else you can fix later, but you can't fix the location.

I think it's important not just that the axioms be well chosen, but that there be few of them. Mathematicians have always felt this way about axioms-- the fewer, the better-- and I think they're onto something.

At the very least, it has to be a useful exercise to look closely at the core of a language to see if there are any axioms that could be weeded out. I've found in my long career as a slob that cruft breeds cruft, and I've seen this happen in software as well as under beds and in the corners of rooms.

I have a hunch that the main branches of the evolutionary tree pass through the languages that have the smallest, cleanest cores. The more of a language you can write in itself, the better.

Of course, I'm making a big assumption in even asking what programming languages will be like in a hundred years. Will we even be writing programs in a hundred years? Won't we just tell computers what we want them to do?

There hasn't been a lot of progress in that department so far. My guess is that a hundred years from now people will still tell computers what to do using programs we would recognize as such. There may be tasks that we solve now by writing programs and which in a hundred years you won't have to write programs to solve, but I think there will still be a good deal of programming of the type that we do today.

It may seem presumptuous to think anyone can predict what any technology will look like in a hundred years. But remember that we already have almost fifty years of history behind us. Looking forward a hundred years is a graspable idea when we consider how slowly languages have evolved in the past fifty.

Languages evolve slowly because they're not really technologies. Languages are notation. A program is a formal description of the problem you want a computer to solve for you. So the rate of evolution in programming languages is more like the rate of evolution in mathematical notation than, say, transportation or communications. Mathematical notation does evolve, but not with the giant leaps you see in technology.

Whatever computers are made of in a hundred years, it seems safe to predict they will be much faster than they are now. If Moore's Law continues to put out, they will be 74 quintillion (73,786,976,294,838,206,464) times faster. That's kind of hard to imagine. And indeed, the most likely prediction in the speed department may be that Moore's Law will stop working. Anything that is supposed to double every eighteen months seems likely to run up against some kind of fundamental limit eventually. But I have no trouble believing that computers will be very much faster. Even if they only end up being a paltry million times faster, that should change the ground rules for programming languages substantially. Among other things, there will be more room for what would now be considered slow languages, meaning languages that don't yield very efficient code.

And yet some applications will still demand speed. Some of the problems we want to solve with computers are created by computers; for example, the rate at which you have to process video images depends on the rate at which another computer can generate them. And there is another class of problems which inherently have an unlimited capacity to soak up cycles: image rendering, cryptography, simulations.

If some applications can be increasingly inefficient while others continue to demand all the speed the hardware can deliver, faster computers will mean that languages have to cover an ever wider range of efficiencies. We've seen this happening already. Current implementations of some popular new languages are shockingly wasteful by the standards of previous decades.

This isn't just something that happens with programming languages. It's a general historical trend. As technologies improve, each generation can do things that the previous generation would have considered wasteful. People thirty years ago would be astonished at how casually we make long distance phone calls. People a hundred years ago would be even more astonished that a package would one day travel from Boston to New York via Memphis.

I can already tell you what's going to happen to all those extra cycles that faster hardware is going to give us in the next hundred years. They're nearly all going to be wasted.

I learned to program when computer power was scarce. I can remember taking all the spaces out of my Basic programs so they would fit into the memory of a 4K TRS-80. The thought of all this stupendously inefficient software burning up cycles doing the same thing over and over seems kind of gross to me. But I think my intuitions here are wrong. I'm like someone who grew up poor, and can't bear to spend money even for something important, like going to the doctor.

Some kinds of waste really are disgusting. SUVs, for example, would arguably be gross even if they ran on a fuel which would never run out and generated no pollution. SUVs are gross because they're the solution to a gross problem. (How to make minivans look more masculine.) But not all waste is bad. Now that we have the infrastructure to support it, counting the minutes of your long-distance calls starts to seem niggling. If you have the resources, it's more elegant to think of all phone calls as one kind of thing, no matter where the other person is.

There's good waste, and bad waste. I'm interested in good waste-- the kind where, by spending more, we can get simpler designs. How will we take advantage of the opportunities to waste cycles that we'll get from new, faster hardware?

The desire for speed is so deeply engrained in us, with our puny computers, that it will take a conscious effort to overcome it. In language design, we should be consciously seeking out situations where we can trade efficiency for even the smallest increase in convenience.

Most data structures exist because of speed. For example, many languages today have both strings and lists. Semantically, strings are more or less a subset of lists in which the elements are characters. So why do you need a separate data type? You don't, really. Strings only exist for efficiency. But it's lame to clutter up the semantics of the language with hacks to make programs run faster. Having strings in a language seems to be a case of premature optimization.

If we think of the core of a language as a set of axioms, surely it's gross to have additional axioms that add no expressive power, simply for the sake of efficiency. Efficiency is important, but I don't think that's the right way to get it.

The right way to solve that problem, I think, is to separate the meaning of a program from the implementation details. Instead of having both lists and strings, have just lists, with some way to give the compiler optimization advice that will allow it to lay out strings as contiguous bytes if necessary.

Since speed doesn't matter in most of a program, you won't ordinarily need to bother with this sort of micromanagement. This will be more and more true as computers get faster.

Saying less about implementation should also make programs more flexible. Specifications change while a program is being written, and this is not only inevitable, but desirable.

The word "essay" comes from the French verb "essayer", which means "to try". An essay, in the original sense, is something you write to try to figure something out. This happens in software too. I think some of the best programs were essays, in the sense that the authors didn't know when they started exactly what they were trying to write.

Lisp hackers already know about the value of being flexible with data structures. We tend to write the first version of a program so that it does everything with lists. These initial versions can be so shockingly inefficient that it takes a conscious effort not to think about what they're doing, just as, for me at least, eating a steak requires a conscious effort not to think where it came from.

What programmers in a hundred years will be looking for, most of all, is a language where you can throw together an unbelievably inefficient version 1 of a program with the least possible effort. At least, that's how we'd describe it in present-day terms. What they'll say is that they want a language that's easy to program in.

Inefficient software isn't gross. What's gross is a language that makes programmers do needless work. Wasting programmer time is the true inefficiency, not wasting machine time. This will become ever more clear as computers get faster.

I think getting rid of strings is already something we could bear to think about. We did it in , and it seems to be a win; some operations that would be awkward to describe as regular expressions can be described easily as recursive functions.

How far will this flattening of data structures go? I can think of possibilities that shock even me, with my conscientiously broadened mind. Will we get rid of arrays, for example? After all, they're just a subset of hash tables where the keys are vectors of integers. Will we replace hash tables themselves with lists?

There are more shocking prospects even than that. The Lisp that McCarthy described in 1960, for example, didn't have numbers. Logically, you don't need to have a separate notion of numbers, because you can represent them as lists: the integer n could be represented as a list of n elements. You can do math this way. It's just unbearably inefficient.

No one actually proposed implementing numbers as lists in practice. In fact, McCarthy's 1960 paper was not, at the time, intended to be implemented at all. It was a , an attempt to create a more elegant alternative to the Turing Machine. When someone did, unexpectedly, take this paper and translate it into a working Lisp interpreter, numbers certainly weren't represented as lists; they were represented in binary, as in every other language.

Could a programming language go so far as to get rid of numbers as a fundamental data type? I ask this not so much as a serious question as as a way to play chicken with the future. It's like the hypothetical case of an irresistible force meeting an immovable object-- here, an unimaginably inefficient implementation meeting unimaginably great resources. I don't see why not. The future is pretty long. If there's something we can do to decrease the number of axioms in the core language, that would seem to be the side to bet on as t approaches infinity. If the idea still seems unbearable in a hundred years, maybe it won't in a thousand.

Just to be clear about this, I'm not proposing that all numerical calculations would actually be carried out using lists. I'm proposing that the core language, prior to any additional notations about implementation, be defined this way. In practice any program that wanted to do any amount of math would probably represent numbers in binary, but this would be an optimization, not part of the core language semantics.

Another way to burn up cycles is to have many layers of software between the application and the hardware. This too is a trend we see happening already: many recent languages are compiled into byte code. Bill Woods once told me that, as a rule of thumb, each layer of interpretation costs a factor of 10 in speed. This extra cost buys you flexibility.

The very first version of Arc was an extreme case of this sort of multi-level slowness, with corresponding benefits. It was a classic "metacircular" interpreter written on top of Common Lisp, with a definite family resemblance to the eval function defined in McCarthy's original Lisp paper. The whole thing was only a couple hundred lines of code, so it was very easy to understand and change. The Common Lisp we used, CLisp, itself runs on top of a byte code interpreter. So here we had two levels of interpretation, one of them (the top one) shockingly inefficient, and the language was usable. Barely usable, I admit, but usable.

Writing software as multiple layers is a powerful technique even within applications. Bottom-up programming means writing a program as a series of layers, each of which serves as a language for the one above. This approach tends to yield smaller, more flexible programs. It's also the best route to that holy grail, reusability. A language is by definition reusable. The more of your application you can push down into a language for writing that type of application, the more of your software will be reusable.

Somehow the idea of reusability got attached to object-oriented programming in the 1980s, and no amount of evidence to the contrary seems to be able to shake it free. But although some object-oriented software is reusable, what makes it reusable is its bottom-upness, not its object-orientedness. Consider libraries: they're reusable because they're language, whether they're written in an object-oriented style or not.

I don't predict the demise of object-oriented programming, by the way. Though I don't think it has much to offer good programmers, except in certain specialized domains, it is irresistible to large organizations. Object-oriented programming offers a sustainable way to write spaghetti code. It lets you accrete programs as a series of patches. imposes constraining caste restrictions. In any academic field there are topics that are ok to work on and others that aren't. Unfortunately the distinction between acceptable and forbidden topics is usually based on how intellectual the work sounds when described in research papers, rather than how important it is for getting good results. The extreme case is probably literature; people studying literature rarely say anything that would be of the slightest use to those producing it.

Though the situation is better in the sciences, the overlap between the kind of work you're allowed to do and the kind of work that yields good languages is distressingly small. (Olin Shivers has grumbled eloquently about this.) For example, types seem to be an inexhaustible source of research papers, despite the fact that static typing seems to preclude true macros-- without which, in my opinion, no language is worth using.

The trend is not merely toward languages being developed as open-source projects rather than "research", but toward languages being designed by the application programmers who need to use them, rather than by compiler writers. This seems a good trend and I expect it to continue.

Unlike physics in a hundred years, which is almost necessarily impossible to predict, I think it may be possible in principle to design a language now that would appeal to users in a hundred years.

One way to design a language is to just write down the program you'd like to be able to write, regardless of whether there is a compiler that can translate it or hardware that can run it. When you do this you can assume unlimited resources. It seems like we ought to be able to imagine unlimited resources as well today as in a hundred years.

What program would one like to write? Whatever is least work. Except not quite: whatever least work if your ideas about programming weren't already influenced by the languages you're currently used to. Such influence can be so pervasive that it takes a great effort to overcome it. You'd think it would be obvious to creatures as lazy as us how to express a program with the least effort. In fact, our ideas about what's possible tend to be so by whatever language we think in that easier formulations of programs seem very surprising. They're something you have to discover, not something you naturally sink into.

One helpful trick here is to use the of the program as an approximation for how much work it is to write. Not the length in characters, of course, but the length in distinct syntactic elements-- basically, the size of the parse tree. It may not be quite true that the shortest program is the least work to write, but it's close enough that you're better off aiming for the solid target of brevity than the fuzzy, nearby one of least work. Then the algorithm for language design becomes: look at a program and ask, is there any way to write this that's shorter?

In practice, writing programs in an imaginary hundred-year language will work to varying degrees depending on how close you are to the core. Sort routines you can write now. But it would be hard to predict now what kinds of libraries might be needed in a hundred years. Presumably many libraries will be for domains that don't even exist yet. If SETI@home works, for example, we'll need libraries for communicating with aliens. Unless of course they are sufficiently advanced that they already communicate in XML.

At the other extreme, I think you might be able to design the core language today. In fact, some might argue that it was already mostly designed in 1958.

If the hundred year language were available today, would we want to program in it? One way to answer this question is to look back. If present-day programming languages had been available in 1960, would anyone have wanted to use them?

In some ways, the answer is no. Languages today assume infrastructure that didn't exist in 1960. For example, a language in which indentation is significant, like Python, would not work very well on printer terminals. But putting such problems aside-- assuming, for example, that programs were all just written on paper-- would programmers of the 1960s have liked writing programs in the languages we use now?

I think so. Some of the less imaginative ones, who had artifacts of early languages built into their ideas of what a program was, might have had trouble. (How can you manipulate data without doing pointer arithmetic? How can you implement flow charts without gotos?) But I think the smartest programmers would have had no trouble making the most of present-day languages, if they'd had them.

If we had the hundred-year language now, it would at least make a great pseudocode. What about using it to write software? Since the hundred-year language will need to generate fast code for some applications, presumably it could generate code efficient enough to run acceptably well on our hardware. We might have to give more optimization advice than users in a hundred years, but it still might be a net win.

Now we have two ideas that, if you combine them, suggest interesting possibilities: (1) the hundred-year language could, in principle, be designed today, and (2) such a language, if it existed, might be good to program in today. When you see these ideas laid out like that, it's hard not to think, why not try writing the hundred-year language now?

When you're working on language design, I think it is good to have such a target and to keep it consciously in mind. When you learn to drive, one of the principles they teach you is to align the car not by lining up the hood with the stripes painted on the road, but by aiming at some point in the distance. Even if all you care about is what happens in the next ten feet, this is the right answer. I think we can and should do the same thing with programming languages.

I believe Lisp Machine Lisp was the first language to embody the principle that declarations (except those of dynamic variables) were merely optimization advice, and would not change the meaning of a correct program. Common Lisp seems to have been the first to state this explicitly.

to Trevor Blackwell, Robert Morris, and Dan Giffin for reading drafts of this, and to Guido van Rossum, Jeremy Hylton, and the rest of the Python crew for inviting me to speak at PyCon.


Procedural Programming Languages Cause and Effect Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Programming languages are used by software developers to design applications that can be run on computers. The choice of programming language depends on various factors including the “response time requirements of the system, time restriction of the project, and budget allocated for development and maintenance support” (Reilly, 2003).

Other determining factors are the requirement for coding the subroutines in varying languages and the choice between a compiled and an interpreted language (Reilly, 2003).

Object-oriented programming languages provide designers with a modern and powerful model with the capability of specifying data structures and operations that govern them. Examples of object-oriented programming (OOP) include Visual Basic, Python, C++ and Java. Despite the numerous benefits, OOP is still not as popular in business today like procedural programming language (Reilly, 2003).

Procedural programming languages like COBOL, FORTRAN and BASIC, use a simple paradigm whereby each program comprises a starting state, a list of operations, and an ending point. A section of the program can be split and re-used in the program to make the design work simple.

Procedural programming languages are used for business-oriented applications in commercial data processing (Khan, 2003). Common Business-Oriented Language (COBOL), for instance, is ideal for designing business applications since they can be easily integrated in Web-oriented business processes.

As a compiled language, COBOL uses efficient code that can be executed many times after the first compilation, which makes its programs more efficient and better performing than others.

The translation cost for compiled languages is incurred once, unlike interpreted languages which incur huge costs due to the several stages involved every time the application is run. This makes programming with COBOL cheaper than using other languages (Stern, Stern, & Ley, 2003).

COBOL was introduced in the 1960s. The entry of newer programming languages that make use of the latest computer features has led to transformation of COBOL for it to remain competitive. For instance, the development and deployment of the Net Express software package by Micro Focus Ltd has provided an ideal environment for COBOL coders. “This makes it easy and fast to build and modernize COBOL enterprise components and business applications for the Web, client/server platforms and Microsoft’s.

Net framework” (Khan, 2003). The application allows programmers to either modify or create COBOL programs without additional coding, which increases its use in business processes. Another development in COBOL was the development of a Technical Report (TR) that supports XML in COBOL applications.

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a vital part for the future of Information Technology. XML permits end-users to access and manipulate intricate documents through COBOL applications on any PC.

Companies supporting COBOL, such as Micro Focus and IBM, prepared the TR to make so that COBOL could remain viable in business processes programming. The TR standardized the process of handling XML as both an input and output for COBOL applications (Khan, 2003).

KOBOL is another development for COBOL. It was developed by to permit programmers to build and manipulate their programs. “KOBOL uses IDE to compile COBOL code into executables that can run on various platforms” (Stern, Stern, & Ley, 2003). This allows COBOL programmers to continue making COBOL applications for business processes.

While there are newer programming languages that are more exciting than COBOL and other procedural programming languages, COBOL is still in use today in the business world. Consequently, COBOL is still studied in higher education institutions, in order to serve the existing and new markets.

Hence, the modifications of COBOL platforms to run on multiple platforms have prolonged the use of procedural programming languages on businesses today (Stern, Stern, & Ley, 2003).

Khan, M. B. (2003). COBOL. In Bidgoli, Hossein (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Information Systems , 2, 113-126.

Reilly, E. D. (2003). Milestones in Computer Science and Information Technology. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Stern, N., Stern, R. A., & Ley, J. P. (2003). COBOL for the 21st Century 10th Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 18). Procedural Programming Languages.

"Procedural Programming Languages." IvyPanda , 18 June 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Procedural Programming Languages'. 18 June.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Procedural Programming Languages." June 18, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Procedural Programming Languages." June 18, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Procedural Programming Languages." June 18, 2019.


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