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Essays About Journeys: Top 5 Examples and 7 Easy Prompts

Essays about journeys require recounting the events of your travel. Discover our guide with examples and prompts to help you write your essay.

No two journeys are the same, and various factors will always be at play. It’s the reason many documents their expedition through different mediums. Writing about journeys is similar to telling a real-life story that influenced your character or perspective. 

Writing essays about journeys helps to develop your writing and observation skills as you recall and pick the highlights of your travel. Sharing your experiences can entice readers to take on a journey themselves. So, aim to inspire with this exciting essay topic.


5 Essay Examples

1. the best journey in my life by suzanne pittman, 2. road trips: everything you need for a comfortable journey by car by anonymous on, 3. the first day of my journey to adulthood by anonymous on, 4. life is a journey essay by anonymous on, 5. long essay on train journey by prasanna, 1. reasons to go on a journey, 2. trip vs. journey, 3. how to enjoy long journeys, 4. my most memorable journey, 5. what makes a journey meaningful, 6. my dream journey, 7. a hero’s journey.

“I had to save a lot of money because I wanted very much to go on this journey with my friends. We planned our trip to take us around Europe. We were going to stop in various parts of Europe with family members and friends.”

The essay mimics Pittman’s travel itinerary during her journey in Europe. She includes all the trip details from the first to the last day and makes the readers feel as if they’re traveling with them. Pittman also offers some travel tips to help anyone who wants to visit Europe on a budget. These tips include staying with friends and relatives and taking comfortable train rides despite long distances.

“With proper planning, everything else seems effortless. You need to consider all factors when planning in order for you to enjoy a successful, stress-free adventure.”

The author believes that the primary purpose of traveling is to relax and have fun. They use the essay to teach how to plan car trips properly. Travelers must learn to budget and estimate expenses, including accommodation, gas, activities, and food. Picking a transportation means is also crucial as one needs to consider factors such as capacity, range, and utility. 

“Although things didn’t go how I planned I’m still in college bettering myself and furthering my education. Anything is possible with a good support system and positive mindset.”

The essay narrates how the author’s journey into adulthood becomes a mini-vacation in Georgia after their top university rejects their enrollment. This rejection offers the opportunity to understand many great life lessons. Despite having five other universities to choose from, the writer realizes they only provide free tuition for the first semester. Ultimately, the author receives a full scholarship to a university closer to home.

“All people have the same journey to take – their life. As well as in the other journeys, there may be some inconveniences, disappointments and joys, and a lot depends on how we plan this particular journey and what attitude we develop towards it.”

In this essay, the writer shares that the best way to go on a life journey is with the most joy and minor damage you can endure. It’s constant work to continuously improve one’s life while developing positive qualities and thinking. But in doing so, you’ll have a solid foundation to achieve what you want out of life. However, the author still reminds the readers that they should always be ready to face unexpected events and deal with them in the best way possible.

“These days, people prefer traveling via airplanes because it is time-saving. But going by plane gets boring and monotonous. Train journeys are a relief from the monotony.”

For Prasanna, whether it’s a short or extended tour, a train journey offers an exciting travel experience. She talks about the local and regional trains in India, which are often overcrowded but still used by many as they are the cheapest, safest, and fastest mode of transport in the country. She also mentions that you’ll never get hungry when riding their local trains because of the vendors who sell Indian delicacies. 

7 Prompts for Essays About Journeys 

Essays About Journeys: Reasons to go on a journey

Everyone has different motives for traveling. Some go on a journey to appreciate beautiful sceneries, while some move to attend family or work-related gatherings. Some do so to run away from problems. For this prompt, research the common reasons to travel. You can also interview people on why they go on a journey and add any personal experiences. 

It’s a trip when a person travels from one point to another without any transfers. Meanwhile, a journey is a more extended voyage that includes transfers and several trips. Compare and contrast trips and journeys to make your readers understand their similarities and differences. You can also have the advantages and disadvantages of each in your paper.

If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

The idea of having a long journey and discovering new things is exciting. However, the excitement can disappear when you’re far away from home. This is especially true for longer and farther travels. This prompt will help readers have a safer, more affordable, and more enjoyable trip by discussing the best long-distance travel tips. You can present an imaginary itinerary with estimated costs to make the essay more digestible.

Write about an unforgettable journey you’ve had through this prompt. Include the purpose of your travel, how you planned it, and if your timetable was followed. Share what you’ll improve on next time to make your journey even better; you can also talk about your companions and the activities that make the adventure worthwhile.

Journeys become meaningful when they enrich lives. It can be because of the destination, the people you are with, or the travel’s goal. Use this prompt to suggest how journeys improve us as humans. You can section your piece based on an individual’s objectives. For example, someone who wants to recharge and get away from the city will find meaning in going to a location far from technology.

Essays About Journeys: My dream journey

Although traveling can be tiring, 43% of travelers appreciate the experience they gain. Think of journeys you desire to be in and add your reasons. Then, you can share your plan on how to make it happen. For instance, you want to tour Southeast Asia and visit countries like the Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand. To make this dream journey come true, you’ll save for an entire year and work around a tight budget.

It’s normal to see the main character in a movie or novel go through a character arc before they become a true hero. Use this prompt to explain a hero’s journey and why the character must go through it. To give you an idea, Peter Parker was a shy and introverted kid who lived an everyday life before becoming Spider-Man. This makes him relatable to the audience and lets them understand his decisions in the following scenes.

For more examples, check out our guide to movies that follow the hero’s journey .

You can also talk about real-life heroes, such as doctors and firefighters. Interview someone with that profession and ask them why they decided to have their current career.

The Journey

By Mary Oliver

‘The Journey’ captures the essence of self-discovery, portraying the brave trek from external noise to inner truth and peace.

Mary Oliver

She won the National Book Award in 1992; and the Pulitzer Prize in 1984.

Emma Baldwin

Poem Analyzed by Emma Baldwin

B.A. English (Minor: Creative Writing), B.F.A. Fine Art, B.A. Art Histories

Within  ‘The Journey’  Mary Oliver delves into themes of struggle and strength/determination. These are represented through various symbols relating to a house, natural elements like the wind, and the landscape.

Explore The Journey

  • 3 Structure
  • 4 Poetic Techniques
  • 5 Analysis of The Journey 

The Journey by Mary Oliver

In the first lines of this piece the speaker addresses “you”. The second person narration means that the reader is included in the poem. They are part of the story and are therefore asked to consider themselves within the same situation as the intended listener.  

The speaker describes how this person reached a point in their life when they knew “what they had to do”. Voices follow this person, trying to get them to return to the past and focus on them instead. But, this listener does not give in. They continue to move forward and brave the uneven path that is set out before them.  

The speaker states that it was “already late enough”. The listener had wasted enough of their life paying attention to the voices. Now there is no time to spare in moving into the new world. Once the old voice has dissipated, “you” were able to hear a new voice. It took a moment to realize that this voice was “your own”. The listener moves away from the world they knew, and “deeper and deeper” into a new one. The only thing they have on their mind at this point is to save their own life.  

Due to the deeply metaphorical nature of ‘The Journey,’  there are several themes a reader can investigate within Oliver’s poem. The text includes themes related to the progression of time/life, strength, and renewal. The latter is one of the most poignant as it only makes itself known in the concluding lines of  ‘The Journey’.  

When the poem begins the reader is introduced to “One day” in “your life”. It is chaotic, with various symbols representing struggle, discontent, anger, and strife . But, towards the end of the poem the mood and tone lighten, and the second person subject “you” strides “deeper and deeper / into the world” with determination. There is light ahead, and the ability to save “the only life you could save”. This is a true showing of strength that ends the poem on a very optimistic note.

‘ The Journey’ by Mary Oliver is a thirty-six-line poem that is contained within one block of text. The lines do not follow one specific rhyme scheme , but there are moments of half or slant rhyme , as well as full rhyme at the end of, and in the middle of lines. Oliver chose to make use of these scattered instances of rhyme in order to provide the text with some rhythmic unity, but not get bogged down by a particular structure. This technique also ensures that the focus remains on the images and their meanings.

For example, the endings of lines one and three rhyme perfectly, with the words “knew” and “you”. The word “you” is used so many times in the text that it works as a connecting element from the beginning to the end. This makes sense as the entire poem is about re-centering oneself in one’s own life.

There are a number of examples of half or slant rhyme in the text as well. These are seen through the repetition of assonance or consonance . This means that either a vowel or consonant sound is reused within one line or multiple lines of verse . For example, “life” and “cried” in lines ten and eleven. They are connected due to their similar long “i” sound. There is an example of consonance in line twenty-one with “full” and “fallen” and the repetition of the double “l”.

Poetic Techniques

Oliver makes use of several poetic techniques in ‘ The Journey’.  These include metaphor , enjambment , and alliteration . The first, metaphor, is the most important technique in the poem. The entire piece is one long extended metaphor for life itself.

A metaphor is a comparison between two unlike things that does not use “like” or “as” is also present in the text. When using this technique a poet is saying that one thing is another thing, they aren’t just similar.  The “journey” that’s referred to in the title is that of life itself. Through the image of a house, a reader is taken through the ups and downs of existence. There are challenges, represented through the elements, the roads, and nighttime . 

Alliteration  occurs when words are used in succession, or at least appear close together, and begin with the same letter.  For example, “fingers” and “foundations” in lines fifteen and sixteen and “full of fallen” in line twenty-one. 

Another important technique commonly used in poetry is enjambment. It occurs when a line is cut off before its natural stopping point. Enjambment forces a reader down to the next line, and the next, quickly. One has to move forward in order to comfortably resolve a phrase or sentence.  There are examples throughout the poem because of Oliver’s sporadic use of punctuation. For instance, the transition between lines one and two as well as four and five. 

Analysis of The Journey  

One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began, (…) and you felt the old tug at your ankles.

In the first lines of ‘ The Journey,’ the speaker begins by addressing a specific listener. This is less a single person than it is a type of person going through an intense emotional and mental transformation. The speaker describes how this person reached a point in their life when they knew “what they had to do”. Once they knew it, they began to make positive changes.

It was as if they reached a mark and finally stepped over it. Once they were on the other side they were able to ignore the voices, even though they “kept shouting”. They gave the listener bad advice and tried tactics that had worked in the past. The voices, which could be representative of people known to the listener, or alternative mental voices that have too much control, shook the world around them.  

Just as this person had experienced many times over, they felt their old life and their old choices tugging at their ankles. They were moving away from a certain way of living, and into a new world. The fact that the speaker does not give any great detail about who this kind of person is, or the life they’re leaving behind, or even the life they are entering, allows the reader to project their own experiences onto “you”.  

Lines 10-18

“Mend my life!” each voice cried. (…) though their melancholy was terrible.

In the next lines of ‘ The Journey,’ the voices cry out to “you”. They ask this person to stop what they’re doing and go back to mending their lives. The voices want “you” not to focus on yourself, but to focus on them. From these lines, it is clear that the person, or people this poem is about, had in the past dedicated themselves to the care of others. But now, this person knows what they have to do.  

This is made clear by the fact that they are able to resist the wind which pried at them with its fingers. This is a haunting use of personification made even more impactful by the circumstances. The listener is able to ignore the melancholic voices, even though their sound and emotional quality were terrible.

Lines 19-29

It was already late enough, and a wild night, (…) which you slowly recognized as your own,

Continuing on in ‘ The Journey,’  the speaker states that it was “already late enough”. Enough time has already passed, the listener does not want to waste any more of their life living as they used to. And, they have a hard road ahead. It is full of fallen branches and stones. The path is a difficult one to walk, but, little by little, this person is able to leave their past, and all the greedy voices behind. As this person transitions from one life to the next, the sky begins to clear. They have their own renewed sense of purpose and direction.

Once the old voice has dissipated, “you” were able to hear a new voice. It took a moment to realize that this voice was “your own”. The fact that it took a period of time to recognize the sound of the voice, speaks to the fact that it had been a long time since this person took heed of their own thoughts and desires.

Lines 30-36

that kept you company as you strode deeper and deeper (…) determined to save the only life you could save.

Now, it is that voice that keeps “you” company as a very different journey begins. The listener moves away from the world they knew, and “deeper and deeper” into a new one. The only thing they have on their mind at this point is to save their own life. It is now the only thing “you could do”.  

This alludes to the dangerous spot the listener was in. It was now or never, they had to get out and move on. The repetition in these final lines, through the use and reuse of end words, gives the phrases greater importance when considered with the rest of the poem.  

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Baldwin, Emma. "The Journey by Mary Oliver". Poem Analysis , . Accessed 4 September 2024.

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My journey As a Student Essay

Essay on topic my journey as a student.

Introduction Lines

As a student, my journey so far has been full of challenges, growth, and self-discovery. I have learned a lot about myself, my abilities, and my passions. In this essay, I will reflect on my journey as a student, highlighting the milestones, struggles, and achievements that have shaped my academic life.

Body Paragraphs

My journey as a student started when I was in elementary school. I vividly remember the excitement and nervousness I felt on my first day of school. I was eager to learn and make new friends. As I progressed through the years, I encountered many challenges, such as adjusting to new teachers, making the transition from elementary to middle school, and learning how to manage my time effectively. Despite these challenges, I remained committed to my studies and continued to work hard to achieve good grades.

an essay on my journey as a student

In high school, I faced a new set of challenges. The workload was more rigorous, and I had to balance academics with extracurricular activities and part-time work. During this time, I also discovered my passion for writing and became an active member of the school newspaper. This experience taught me the value of teamwork, communication, and leadership.

As I entered college, I was both excited and nervous. I knew that college would be a new and challenging experience, but I was determined to succeed. I quickly learned that college required a higher level of dedication, discipline, and self-motivation. I had to learn how to manage my time efficiently, prioritize my tasks, and seek help when needed. Despite the challenges, I thrived in college and became more confident in my abilities. I also discovered new interests and passions, such as studying abroad and volunteering in my community.


My journey as a student has been a remarkable experience. It has taught me valuable life skills, such as perseverance, time management, and teamwork. I have learned to adapt to new situations and challenges, and to never give up on my dreams. I am grateful for the opportunities I have had and for the people who have supported me along the way. As I continue my academic journey, I am excited to see where it will take me and what new experiences and challenges I will encounter.

Paragraph Writing

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A Journey by Train Essay in 100, 200, 300, 400 & 500 Words

  • Post author: Grammar Library
  • Post category: Essay

Traveling to school every day can be boring and tiring, especially when it’s the same route over and over again.

You might feel like you’re missing out on something fun and exciting.

But what if there was a way to make your journey to school an adventure? A train journey can turn a simple trip into an unforgettable experience. In this essay, we will explore the joys and wonders of traveling by train, perfect for school kids looking for a change in their routine. With the rhythmic sound of the train and the beautiful views outside the window, every train journey is a chance to discover something new and exciting.

Table of Contents

A Journey by Train Essay in 100 words

Traveling by train in India is an exciting experience. Last summer, I traveled from Delhi to Jaipur with my family. We reached the station early and found our seats. The train was comfortable, and the journey started on time. The scenery outside was beautiful, with fields, rivers, and small towns. Vendors came to sell snacks and drinks, adding to the lively atmosphere.

During the journey, I read a book and talked with my family. The rhythmic sound of the train was soothing. We also met friendly co-passengers who shared interesting stories. The train made a few stops, allowing us to see different stations.

The journey was smooth and enjoyable. Traveling by train offers a chance to see the diverse landscapes of India and meet new people. It was a memorable experience, and I look forward to my next train journey.

Essay On A Journey by Train

A Journey by Train Essay in 200 words

A journey by train in India is a delightful experience. Last winter, my family and I traveled from Mumbai to Goa. We arrived at the station early and found our seats in the sleeper class. The train was well-maintained and departed on time. As the journey began, I was excited to see the changing landscapes outside the window.

The train passed through lush green fields, rivers, and small villages. Vendors walked through the aisles, selling a variety of snacks, tea, and cold drinks. The atmosphere was lively, with passengers chatting and children playing. I spent time reading a novel, playing games on my tablet, and talking with my family.

At every station, new passengers boarded, and some got off. This gave us a chance to see different people and their cultures. We also met a friendly family traveling to the same destination. They shared interesting stories and travel tips.

The rhythmic sound of the train was relaxing, and the cool breeze made the journey even more pleasant. As we approached Goa, the scenery changed to beautiful beaches and palm trees. The train journey was comfortable and enjoyable, offering a glimpse of India’s diverse landscapes and cultures.

Traveling by train in India is an enriching experience. It allows you to see different parts of the country and meet new people. The journey from Mumbai to Goa was memorable, and I eagerly await my next train adventure.

A Journey by Train Essay in 300 words

A journey by train in India is always an exciting adventure. Last summer, my family and I traveled from Kolkata to Darjeeling by train. We arrived at Howrah Station early in the morning, eager to begin our journey. The station was bustling with activity, and we quickly found our seats in the reserved compartment. The train departed on time, and soon we were on our way.

As the train moved out of the city, the scenery began to change. We saw vast fields, rivers, and small villages. The sight of farmers working in the fields and children playing by the tracks was fascinating. Vendors passed through the aisles, selling hot tea, snacks, and cold drinks. The aroma of freshly made samosas filled the air, making us feel hungry.

During the journey, I read a book, played cards with my sister, and enjoyed the views outside. The rhythmic chugging of the train was soothing, and the gentle swaying made me feel relaxed. We made a few stops at various stations, where we saw people from different parts of India, each with their unique attire and language.

At one of the stations, a group of musicians boarded the train and played traditional Bengali music. It was a delightful experience, and many passengers joined in singing and clapping. The journey offered a chance to witness the rich cultural diversity of India.

As we approached Darjeeling, the landscape changed dramatically. The train started climbing the hills, and the temperature dropped. We could see tea gardens, mist-covered mountains, and beautiful valleys. The journey became even more picturesque, and we took many photographs to capture the stunning views.

Finally, we reached Darjeeling, and the train journey came to an end. It was a memorable experience filled with beautiful sights, delicious food, and interesting people. Traveling by train in India is a unique way to explore the country’s diverse landscapes and cultures. The journey from Kolkata to Darjeeling was unforgettable, and I look forward to my next train adventure.

A Journey by Train Essay in 400 Words

A journey by train is an experience that offers both excitement and learning. It begins with the anticipation of boarding the train, hearing the announcements, and seeing the train approach the platform. The clatter of the wheels on the tracks, the hustle and bustle of passengers, and the scenery flashing by all contribute to the unique charm of train travel.

In India, train journeys are particularly special. They offer a glimpse into the diverse landscapes and cultures of the country. As the train moves from one region to another, the changing scenery outside the window is fascinating. From bustling cities to tranquil villages, and from lush green fields to arid landscapes, a train journey in India showcases the country’s rich diversity.

One of the highlights of a train journey is the opportunity to observe and interact with fellow passengers. People from different walks of life come together, sharing stories and experiences. It is a chance to learn about different cultures, languages, and traditions. The camaraderie among passengers often turns strangers into friends by the end of the journey.

Train journeys are also educational. They provide insights into geography, history, and sociology. The journey might pass through historical landmarks, allowing passengers to learn about the significance of these sites. For students, this is an excellent way to see and understand what they read in their textbooks. The experience becomes a living classroom, enriching their knowledge.

The onboard experience itself is an adventure. The rhythmic movement of the train, the sound of the wheels on the tracks, and the periodic announcements create a soothing environment. Passengers enjoy the scenic views, read books, or play games. Vendors passing through the aisles selling snacks and beverages add to the lively atmosphere. Each station brings new sights and sounds, making the journey continually interesting.

Safety and comfort are also important aspects of train travel. Indian Railways has made significant improvements to ensure passenger safety and convenience. Cleanliness, hygiene, and timely services are prioritized, making train journeys pleasant and enjoyable.

In conclusion, a journey by train is more than just traveling from one place to another. It is an enriching experience that combines education, adventure, and cultural exchange. It allows passengers to see India’s diversity, learn new things, and create lasting memories. For students, it is an opportunity to broaden their horizons and gain practical knowledge outside the classroom. A train journey truly embodies the spirit of discovery and learning.

A Journey by Train Essay in 500 Words

A journey by train is a delightful experience that combines adventure, learning, and cultural exploration. In India, train travel holds a special place due to the country’s vast and varied landscapes. From the moment one steps onto the platform, the excitement begins. The sound of the train approaching, the hustle of passengers, and the final whistle signaling departure all add to the anticipation.

Indian Railways, one of the largest railway networks in the world, connects different parts of the country. This vast network offers a unique opportunity to experience India’s geographical diversity. As the train moves from one region to another, passengers witness a changing panorama of landscapes. From the bustling cities with their skyscrapers and busy streets to the serene countryside with its green fields and quaint villages, the journey is a visual treat.

The social aspect of train travel is equally fascinating. Passengers from diverse backgrounds share the same space, creating an environment rich in cultural exchange. Conversations with fellow travelers often lead to learning about different customs, languages, and traditions. This interaction promotes a sense of unity and understanding among people from various parts of the country.

For students, a train journey is an excellent educational opportunity. It provides practical knowledge about geography, history, and sociology. As the train passes through different regions, students can see geographical features such as mountains, rivers, and plains. Historical landmarks and monuments visible from the train offer a glimpse into India’s rich heritage. This firsthand experience complements classroom learning and makes education more engaging and memorable.

The onboard experience is another highlight of train travel. The rhythmic motion of the train, the sound of the wheels clattering on the tracks, and the occasional horn create a unique ambiance. Passengers often pass the time by reading, playing games, or simply gazing out of the window at the passing scenery. Vendors moving through the compartments selling snacks and drinks add to the lively atmosphere. Each station brings new sights, sounds, and opportunities to taste local delicacies.

Safety and comfort are essential aspects of train journeys in India. Indian Railways has made significant strides in improving passenger safety and convenience. Cleanliness and hygiene are maintained, and modern facilities are provided to ensure a comfortable journey. The introduction of various classes of travel, from luxurious to budget options, caters to different preferences and budgets.

Moreover, train journeys can teach valuable life skills such as planning, time management, and adaptability. Preparing for a journey involves checking schedules, packing essentials, and managing time effectively. During the journey, passengers must adapt to changing conditions and interact with different people, enhancing their social skills and adaptability.

In conclusion, a journey by train is a multifaceted experience that offers adventure, learning, and cultural enrichment. It allows passengers to witness India’s diverse landscapes, interact with people from different backgrounds, and gain practical knowledge. For students, it is an opportunity to extend their learning beyond textbooks and classrooms. The memories created during a train journey are cherished for a lifetime, making it a unique and valuable experience. Train travel in India truly embodies the essence of exploration and education, making every journey a story worth telling.

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Essay on Train Journey for Students and Children

500+ words essay on train journey.

First of all, a journey refers to traveling from one place to another. When it comes to journeys, train journeys take the top spot. A train journey certainly is a wonderfully joyous occasion. Furthermore, train journeys fill individuals with a feeling of intense excitement. This mode of the journey is best when the travel distance is long. A train journey creates an aura that cannot be experienced with other types of journeys.

Essay on Train Journey

My Experience of Journey by Train

I have always been an avid supporter of train journeys. My involvement with train journeys began in childhood . I live in Lucknow and from here I have undertaken many train journeys. Furthermore, since childhood, I have paid several visits to the hill station of Almora to meet my relatives. Almora is a hill station located in the state of Uttarakhand. Most noteworthy, Almora is situated in the Himalayan mountain region. Due to this, trains cannot travel directly to Almora. Consequently, Kathgodam is the last town station accessible by trains before the mountain range begins.

The trip from Lucknow to kathgodam is quite a lively experience. I have always ensured the reservation of my seats beforehand. So, my train journey begins from Lucknow railway station. As the train undergoes motion and leaves the Lucknow railway station, my excitement begins to rise. Moreover, as the train gathers speed, a thrilling feeling overtakes me.

My train journey from Lucknow to Kathgodam is probably 8-10 hours duration. However, I enjoy every minute of it in spite of the journey being so long. Furthermore, all along the journey, one can purchase items of food and drinks. I almost always purchase meals and refreshments at least twice in the journey.

When slumber overtakes me, I make use of the sleeping berth. I personally find sleeping on the train berth very comfortable. When I wake after a deep sleep, mountains are visible from a distance. Moreover, as the train approaches Kathgodam with menacing speed, the view of mountains gets bigger and bigger. Also, my amusement greatly rises as I see the Himalayas draw closer. Finally, as the train stops at Kathgodam, my delightful train journey comes to an end.

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Why Do I Like to Travel by Train?

Comfort is one of the biggest advantages of a train journey. Most noteworthy, one can move freely in a train cabin. Furthermore, in trains, there is a possibility of an ample foot room. Moreover, trains offer comfortable sleeping berths. All of this makes the train journey a relaxing experience.

Beautiful sightseeing is another noteworthy benefit of train journeys. As the train travels, one can enjoy the views of the countryside, farms, forests , factories, etc. This makes train journeys more comprehensive than journeys by air or road.

Train journeys offer a variety of opportunities to pass time. Furthermore, the train offers a sociable environment. In train journeys, conversations between passengers almost always take place. One can make new friends with traveling passengers on the train easily. Also, one can spend time in a handsome manner on a train journey. In a train journey, one can spend time reading something, listening to music, watching videos, sleeping/resting comfortably, etc.

To sum it up, train journeys are truly one of a kind. The train journey offers uniqueness like no other journey. Most noteworthy, the charm of such a journey is unmatchable. The train journey certainly offers an unforgettable rich experience.

Q1 Why does the writer sleeps so deeply in trains?

A1 The writer sleeps deeply in trains because he finds sleeping on the train berth very comfortable.

Q2 What makes train journeys so journeys so comfortable?

A2 Trains journeys certainly are very comfortable. First of all, one can move freely in a train cabin. Furthermore, there is ample foot room possibility and comfortable sleeping berths on the train.

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Exploring the characters and key themes in 'The Journey'

I can understand the key themes and the characters’ emotions in ‘The Journey’.

Lesson details

Key learning points.

  • A theme is a big idea, topic or message that appears in a story.
  • Themes in a story are used to convey deeper meaning and messages to the reader.
  • ‘The Journey’ explores the following themes: war and conflict, resilience, hope and displacement.
  • The girl’s emotions change throughout the narrative.
  • Expressing thoughts and emotions is a key part of writing a diary entry.

Common misconception

Pupils might find it hard to understand the girl's comparison to the migrating birds at the end of the story.

The girl is comparing the birds' journey to her family's journey. The birds are also migrating to another country, but the difference is that the birds didn't have any difficulty crossing borders. Explore this comparison with pupils in detail.

Theme - a big idea, topic or message that appears in a story

Character - a person, being, thing or animal in a story

Emotions - strong feelings that result from a person’s circumstances, mood, or relationship with others

Perspective - a person’s point of view

Empathy - the ability to understand other people’s feelings and points of view

You will need a copy of the 2016 Flying Eye Books edition of ‘The Journey’ by Francesa Sanna for this lesson.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended

This content is © Oak National Academy Limited ( 2024 ), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).

Starter quiz

6 questions.

war and conflict -  

violent dispute between states or nations

displacement -  

the forced removal of a person from their home or country

holding on to the belief that there will be a positive outcome

resilience -  

adapting to and withstanding difficulties

1.2 Your Academic Journey and Personal Story

Estimated completion time: 14 minutes.

Questions to Consider:

  • How can your academic journey develop skills needed for college success?
  • How can your personal story prepare you for applying to college?

Your Academic Journey

Now that you have a better understanding of what college can do for you, it is time to focus on how high school is preparing you for college, or better yet, how you can prepare yourself in high school to become college ready. It is clear that what you do (or don’t do) in high school can affect your ability to get into the colleges of your choice, but there is more to preparing yourself than just earning a high GPA or class rank. Your high school education can provide you with ample opportunity to help you hone your academic skills.

Take Difficult Courses

Any student who is serious about applying to college should consider taking challenging classes while in high school. Why? Because those classes can help lay a foundation of high expectations and hard work and they are often highly regarded by college admissions counselors. These classes are sometimes called Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or honors/advanced classes. If you are considering taking such courses, talk to your guidance counselor or current teachers. They may be able to offer suggestions for how to get selected (if there is an application process) and give you a realistic picture of what will be expected. There is no need to take all AP, IB, or advanced classes to prove you are ready for college, but taking a few can provide a college admissions committee evidence that you are open to challenge.

Manage Time and Tasks

If there is one skill that you can develop now that will help you throughout your college career, it is the ability to manage your time and complete tasks. If you already use a planner to track what you need to do and when it is due , then you are on the right track. You can enhance these skills by setting reminders for yourself—and not relying on teachers or parents to tell you when to complete or submit an assignment. The most important part of managing your time and tasks effectively is to build in time well before something is due to complete the work and to overestimate (at least initially) how long you need, which can provide time “buffers” that will keep you from rushing through work to finish it.

Learn to Learn

Earlier, you were introduced to the argument that the purpose of college is to become a learner. You don’t have to wait until college, though, to figure out how best to learn different subject matters. This is one reason you should consider taking challenging classes–they require that you put more time and effort in them to learn the material. And those skills will make transitioning to college much easier. How can you “learn to learn”? You may have little control over what you are learning and how you are tested, but you can control how you approach the learning. One way to learn how to learn is to space out your learning over time (as best as you can—sometimes teachers like to give you a pop quiz when you least expect it!). Reviewing a bit of material for a short amount of time over several days (as opposed to cramming it in right before a test) produces better results. Another way to learn how to learn is to monitor how well your learning strategies work. Did you do well on a test? Take some time to reflect on what you did that resulted in a good grade. Did you space out your studying? Did you look for connections in the material? Likewise, if you do poorly on a test, determine what led to the result. The more you can identify what works and doesn’t for you, the easier it is to make improvements in your learning strategies.

Demonstrate Integrity and Ownership of Learning

Being a high school student often means having a lot on your plate. It can be easy to put off homework and studying, not do it at all, or cut corners to complete the work. While you may be able to get away with some stumbles like forgetting to turn in an assignment, other behaviors, such as getting someone (including Artificial Intelligence software) to do your homework or write a paper for you can get you into trouble. Now is the time to build the skills you will need later in college. Taking full responsibility for your learning as well as demonstrating integrity in all assignments no matter how big or small are the foundation of those skills. How do you do this? For one, you acknowledge that every action or inaction will produce a result. If you put in the work to write the paper, you will earn the grade you receive. If you do not put in the work or find a way to shortcut the process by using someone else’s writing, then you have missed an opportunity to improve your writing, your thinking, and your project management skills. Plus, you may get into trouble for academic dishonesty, which could mean failing an assignment or a course, or getting a more substantial punishment, such as expulsion. The stakes only get higher when you are in college.

Keep Test Scores in Perspective

You will learn more about standardized test scores and their purpose for getting into college later in this chapter, but it is worth noting that while what you make on the ACT, SAT, or equivalent standardized test, may factor into your ability to get into and pay for the college of your dreams, it is not necessarily a reflection of who you are and what you are capable of. Definitely do all you can to raise your test scores through practicing, prepping, and doing your best on the day of the test. But do not assume that a low test score will be the end of your long-term goals or educational journey. They are just one piece of information by which an institution may evaluate your potential, but it shouldn’t be the only thing that tells who you are.

Your Personal Story

Just as important as your academic journey is your personal story. You will need to develop and reflect on both for your applications to college and scholarships. Those who read about you will want to know not only about your accomplishments, but also your challenges and how you have overcome them.

What Makes You Unique

It may seem cliché to say “There is only one you!” But there is some truth in the fact that you are unique—there is no one else like you. To that end, you may want to draw upon those unique characteristics as you begin to shape the story that you will share with college admissions staff and scholarship committees. Will you be the first in your family to go to college? Do you live on a working farm and feed the goats, cows, and horses every morning before school? Can you ride a unicycle or juggle or both? There may be both personal characteristics as well as experiences that make you stand out from others, and if there are, consider weaving these details into the tapestry of your story. Start by making a list of your characteristics—no trait is too small or typical at this point. You can eliminate items later when you start building your story, but for now, create the list and add to it as you think of new things that you are or can do.

Getting Gritty

Many college essay prompts include an opportunity to share a time in your life in which you faced adversity and overcame it. For some students, this prompt is difficult for they have either not experienced a life-changing setback or not considered themselves challenged. It is important to remember that any setback or disappointment—no matter how inconsequential it may seem to you—can be the basis for an essay that responds to such a prompt. There is no need to embellish the circumstance if it is truly not harrowing, but it is acceptable to frame the experience as something that was difficult for you. Most readers of essays are less looking for a made-for-Hollywood story and more wanting to see someone who has demonstrated tenacity, resilience, and reflection no matter how big or small the adversity is. Even if you are not required to write an essay on a time in your life in which you failed or experienced disappointment, having a story handy for interviews (for scholarships, internships, or jobs) can help you share insight into your personality and strengths in a succinct way.

Finding the Themes of Your Life

In Katharine Brooks’ (2010) book You Majored in What? 3 she shares a writing and reflecting activity called “Wandering Pathways and Butterfly Moments” that guides readers through a series of prompts to develop a list of life experiences for the purpose of discovering what career pathway may be most fruitful for them to pursue. These life experiences could be as monumental as moving to a new state and starting a new school or they can be as mundane as spending the summers fishing. The goal of the exercise is to record what you have done or what has happened to you to get a sense of a “story.” These stories are built upon the connections and themes that you see in the experiences. Here are some of the life experiences Brooks wants you to consider when you are crafting your personal story.

  • What have you done during the summer or holiday breaks from school?
  • What did you play when you were a young child?
  • What are some of your major life experiences (e.g. family events such as births, deaths, marriages, divorces)?
  • What do people say you do well or have a talent for or seek you out for?
  • What do you consider your greatest achievements?
  • What jobs have you had?
  • What groups have you belonged to?
  • What awards have you won?
  • What lessons have you learned?
  • What do you like to do for fun?
  • What kind of “secret” talent do you have?

The goal of answering the questions is to capture as much about who you are and how you have been shaped to develop clear connections among the life elements and create themes. These themes can drive your personal story that can share on a deeper level who you are or who you are becoming.

Consider this scenario: Raphael has taken the time to write down his life experiences so he can build his personal narrative. Some of the answers to the questions above include the following:

  • Raphael’s jobs: lifeguard, babysitter for his nieces and nephews, tutor, art teacher for elementary students
  • Raphael’s hobbies and interests: watching old movies, volunteering at the library, creating original jewelry from natural objects
  • Raphael’s awards and accolades: he won a writing contest in 11th grade, his friends come to him for advice, he has earned high grades in all of his classes
  • Raphael’s major life events: parents divorced when he was 6 years old, he started a new school in junior high, his aunt passed away when he was 14 years old

From this short list, Raphael can begin to draw out themes that he can use to create a detailed picture of who he is. He has found himself in teaching roles with his jobs. He has a love for the arts as evidenced by his hobbies. He is a good communicator evidenced by his awards and accolades, and relationships are an important part of his life. Raphael can use those themes—and details from his experiences—to craft his story as someone who has demonstrated an interest in connecting with and helping others by sharing his expertise and experience.

Recognizing the themes in your life helps you to describe how you've become the person you are now, and helps you to understand who you will become.

"For me, becoming isn't about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn't end" —former First Lady Michelle Obama , Becoming (2018)

Analysis Question

In what ways is your academic journey in high school shaping your personal narrative? Describe how the following experiences are helping you “become":

  • The classes that you are taking
  • The activities you participate in as part of school (e.g., sports, performing arts, etc.)
  • The learning that you are doing outside of school (e.g., community language class)

In what ways are your personal experiences shaping your story? Describe how the following experiences are helping you “become”:

  • Major life events
  • Favorite activities
  • Awards and accomplishments
  • Jobs or volunteer work
  • 3 Brooks, K.(2010). You majored in what? Plume.

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  • Authors: Amy Baldwin
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Preparing for College Success
  • Publication date: Jul 12, 2023
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Why Life Really is a Journey and Not a Destination

  • January 7th, 2019

Ralph Waldo Emerson is often credited with the iconic cliche (made famous by Aerosmith in their 1992 hit single, Amazing), “Life is a journey, not a destination.”

In fact, Emerson never wrote those words. It’s possible what he did write was its impetus:

“To finish the moment, to find the journey’s end in every step of the road, to live the greatest number of good hours, is wisdom.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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the journey essay

I’ve always hated the “Life is a journey” meme. Life is about the destination. It’s about where you finish. Did you win or lose? If it isn’t, what the heck are we doing all this work for? Maybe it was being raised in rural Upstate New York, watching my working-class parents show up and “Do the work” every day without any tangible improvement in our lives. Maybe it’s that as a kid, I never had a vision of what I wanted my life to be… other than better. I knew I needed to get out of my small town and anything beyond that seemed like gravy. That life could ever be about the painful grind of the “Journey” seemed a sentiment more suited for the privileged and self-indulgent. Then I read  The Artist’s Way  by Julia Cameron in 2013. The Artist’s Way My reason for reading The Artist’s Way was how terrible I felt after committing to writing my first book,  Content Warfare. I wanted the goal (or, in context, the destination) of publishing a collection of stories outlining the evergreen content marketing tactics and strategies I’d used to dominate my local marketplace. The problem was I had no idea how to write a book. The task felt overwhelming. My son, Duke, was only six months old, and I still had a full-time job at the insurance agency. There was no “Extra time” to sit and write a book. In The Artist’s Way, Cameron outlines her “Morning Pages” ritual (the daily practice of writing three unscripted stream-of-consciousness pages each morning). Cameron’s morning pages gave me a process, and the process gave me hope. “As you move toward a dream, the dream moves toward you.” ~  Julia Cameron

As crazy as this might sound, I’d never set a specific process against a goal before sticking to it. Not in sports, not in school, and certainly not at work.

It turns out cliche motivational advice can still be good advice.

Publishing Content Warfare wasn’t nearly as satisfying as the grind of producing the work. Writing a book is mentally and emotionally exhausting, but you also get the opportunity to open your creativity valve.

I forgot about writing a book.

I forgot about the deadline.

I forgot about what other people might think about a certain idea.

I just wrote.

Every day I wrote.

Slowly, word by word, page by page, day by day, I began to find enjoyment in the process of writing.

This hasn’t always been the case.

Early on, the joy of writing was publishing. All I wanted to do was hit publish. I couldn’t wait. I wanted to see my work live. I wanted others to engage with it and send me those little gratifying hits of dopamine we’ve all grown to need.

The crap I’ve published to have something new to share… ugh. But those five grueling months, grinding through Content Warfare, changed everything.

Now it’s all about the process: from research to narrative design to adding supporting media and editing. The process is satisfaction.

Today it takes me twice as long to publish an article as it did when I started writing.

At face value, it feels like the opposite should be true. But this is the dirty little secret of writing, as you mature into the skill, writing doesn’t become easier or faster.

You hold yourself to higher standards and demand more from the articles you share with the world. And it is through relenting to process doing the work that I finally came to understand the cliche, “It’s the journey, not the destination.”


When we focus on the goal over the process, we open ourselves up to fear and doubt.

“The amateur believes he must first overcome his fear; then he can do his work. The professional knows that fear can never be overcome. He knows there is no such thing as a fearless warrior or a dread-free artist.” ~ Steven Pressfield, The War of Art

We put the goal on a pedestal. As  James Clear writes ,

Winners and losers have the same goals.
Winners fall in love with the process (the journey).
“The opposite of fear is love — love of the challenge, love of the work, the pure joyous passion to take a shot at our dream and see if we can pull it off.” ~ Steven Pressfield, Do the Work

Winners fall in love with the process because that’s all they can control.

In a recent episode of  Tim Ferriss’s podcast , Jason Fried, founder of Basecamp, shared his perspective on goals:

“I don’t have any goals. I’ve never had any goals. Goals are not something that I pay attention to. I just sort of do what I feel like is the right thing to do in any given situation.”

Fried went on to explain:

“For me, I don’t want to compare myself to an idea I had two years prior of where I wanted to be. I don’t know where I’m going to want to be in two years. So, to set a goal that’s long-term, in some cases you’re actually setting it for who you are when you set it versus who you are when you’re going to get there.”

Goals are made up.

Worse, they’re made up to fit who you are today or who you think you may want to be. Neither of which is who you will be when you get there.

Instead, I recommend giving  James Clear’s Compass Theory  a try:

“The problem with a treasure hunt is that most people spend all of their time thinking about the treasure. The fastest way to get to a particular spot, however, is to set your compass and start walking. The idea here is to commit to your goal with the utmost conviction. Develop a clear, single-minded focus for where you are headed. Then, however, you do something strange. You release the desire to achieve a particular outcome and focus instead on the slow march forward. Pour all of your energy into the journey, be present in the moment, be committed to the path you are walking. Know that you are moving unwaveringly in one clear direction and that this direction is right for you, but never get wrapped up in a particular result or achieving a certain goal by a specific time. In other words, your goal becomes your compass, not your buried treasure. The goal is your direction, not your destination. The goal is a mission that you are on, a path that you follow. Whatever comes from that path — whatever treasure you happen to find along this journey — well, that’s just fine. It is the commitment to walking the path that matters.”

Using Clear’s metaphor, if your goal drives motivation, you’re leaving yourself open to lose course, lose hope, and ultimately never find the destination you seek.

However, by always focusing on the compass, you can easily adapt and adjust course as needed, staying true to the process.

Consistent forward progress for the win.

Worry about what you can control: the quality of your work and how often you produce that work.

These form the foundation of your process.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t set goals, don’t get all messed up about them.

Instead, focus every ounce of your energy on what you’re doing to get there.

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It is amazing that a worn-out cliche, such as “Life is a journey, not a destination,” can be cemented at the center of so much truth.

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Essay on Journey by Train | Journey by Train Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Journey by Train: Travelling by train is one of the most awe-striking experiences we have ever faced. It is exciting and full of adventure. It is an experience of a lifetime and is a memory to cherish.

Be it a short distance or an overnight journey, a train journey is beautiful, and there are no scopes to get bored. Local trains have their enigma, and every child loves traveling by train. Train journeys are exciting and brilliant. In this article, we have provided an extended essay and a brief essay along with ten lines on the topic.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Journey by Train for Students and Kids in English

We have given below one brief essay on the topic composed of 500 words and another brief piece comprising 100-150 words.

Long Essay on Train Journey 500 words in English

Journey by Train essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

A train journey is one of the most exciting travel experiences. It can usually be of two types, short trips and long, overnight tours. Children are very fond of train journeys because of the pure pleasure of getting window seats. These days, people prefer traveling via airplanes because it is time-saving. But going by plane gets boring and monotonous. Train journeys are a relief from the monotony.

On local trains which are meant for covering short distances, children lustily crave for the variety of available snacks. Regional trains in India are overcrowded and hardly offer any place to sit. Despite the apparent lack of comfort, they are life-sustaining forces for many people. Not only are they the cheapest but also the fastest mode of transport for many routes.

Local train journeys are every day for almost every stratum of society. The crowd is so universal that one can spot people belonging to the most meager professions and people belonging to high-paid jobs. Beggars, managers, midwives, and maidservants, everybody avails the local trains because of their sheer advantages.

Local trains have their attractions. We often marvel at the scenery fleeting past us, the ever inconspicuous crowd, and the vendors who never cease boarding the train with delicacies. They sell salted peanuts in small pouches, toffees of varied tastes and flavors, and other “namkeens.” Children often pester their parents to buy them goodies because they can hardly control their urges.

Coming to overnight journeys, trains are the safest mode of transport for that purpose. While traveling within the country, one must avail of passengers because they are affordable and comfortable. Traveling with infants and kids becomes more accessible in trains. Train journeys offer the serendipity to stare outside the windows for countless hours. It is indeed a source of great joy as we watch the moving sceneries. Hills, mountains, rivers, and fields rush past us, and all we can do is marvel at their beauty.

It is a familiar feeling to run outside and enjoy the luscious fields and grasslands. Children often tell their parents that they wish the train would stop and run miles on the green rice and cornfields. The urban set up has deprived most of us the fortune to appreciate greenery, and train journeys are a welcome retreat from pollution and noise in the cities.

At night, we are mesmerized by the starry sky outside our windows and the dark alleys that seem to lure us into exploring them. Youngsters find it very adventurous and wish they had one opportunity to explore those mysterious streets. Sleeping on trains is a task the children do not like. However, the mild motion lulls them to relax, and they get their much-awaited rest.

Certain trains offer food to their passengers. The quality of the food varies, but mostly, it is good. However, the excitement to rush to the platforms to buy food when the train halts at designated stations is both nerve-wracking and enjoyable. Train journeys are thus the sweetest and most exciting travel experience, and one must try it at least once in a lifetime.

Essay about Journey by Train

Short Essay on Train Journey 150 words in English

Journey by Train essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Train journeys are unique in a lot of ways. The memories they offer, the experiences made and the lessons learned are valuable. One should preserve their fond memories about train journeys, and it is bound to bring a smile on his face later in life. Apart from snacks and beautiful vista, trains offer co-passengers who become friends. There is nothing more marvelous than having a pair of friendly co-passengers who accompany us, talk to us and laugh with us.

The journey teaches us valuable lessons. The co-passengers show us how in the mission of our lives, we come across some kindred souls who make the distance bearable and accompany us. We lose them to the everlasting flow, and in the end, we walk alone.

10 Lines on Journey by Train Essay in English

  • Train journeys are exciting and make us feel great about ourselves.
  • Train journeys teach us life lessons and show us how to value the time we have with our fellow partners.
  • Local trains are busy modes of transport, and various people use them to reach their job destinations.
  • Children are always excited about train journeys as they love watching the picturesque beauty of nature from the windows.
  • Train journeys offer a variety of foods. Vendors who board the train sell child-friendly snacks.
  • The salted peanuts, chocolates, and cashews are a great source of happiness for kids.
  • Traveling by train is cheaper, more available and comfortable.
  • Train journeys are safer as there are fewer chances of theft or robbery. However, despite the safety measures, one must take care of their belongings.
  • Busy platforms and beautiful journeys give us memories that we will forever cherish.
  • One must experience train journeys to know how mind-blowing they are.

Essay on Journey by Train

FAQ’s on Journey by Train Essay

Question 1. What is the approximate cost of a train journey?

Answer: The train journey for a solo traveler approximately costs 7000-1200 INR.

Question 2. Is traveling by train better than traveling by air?

Answer: Traveling by train is cheaper and more affordable. It is also not dull because one can stare at the scenery for as long as he/she wants. This makes train journeys better.

Question 3. Is traveling by train time-consuming?

Answer: Yes, if one needs to travel faster, traveling by air is preferable. Train journeys take more time.

Question 4. How can I book a train ticket?

Answer: Booking a train ticket about four months before the date is preferable as one may get his choice of seat. One can book a ticket online or by visiting the counters itself.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Personal Experience — From Struggles to Success: My Journey


From Struggles to Success: My Journey

  • Categories: Personal Experience

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Words: 789 |

Published: Feb 7, 2024

Words: 789 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, childhood struggles, a. family background, b. personal struggles, c. overcoming challenges, educational journey, a. school experience, b. academic struggles, c. achieving success, professional development, a. career path, b. career struggles, c. achieving career goals, personal growth, a. relationship struggles, b. self-discovery, c. achieving personal happiness, lessons learned, a. reflection on journey, b. life lessons, c. impact on present and future.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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the journey essay

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Essay on A Journey by Train in English for Children

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Essay on A Journey by Train: Train journeys are quite exciting and interesting experiences. A journey by train is not only fascinating but also comfortable and economical for long distances. I have had the pleasure of traveling to several places by train, and these journeys have given me some of the best memories of my life. They have been the most relaxing and thrilling experiences one can have.

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Watching villages, cultures, and houses pass by as you speed across the countryside has always piqued my curiosity for better. It’s truly fascinating how a train journey can enhance your knowledge about cultures, regions, languages, and cuisines. The journey is like reading a captivating book that has all the ingredients to keep you entertained until you reach your destination.

One significant advantage of a journey by train is that it provides an excellent opportunity to interact with people from completely different ethnicities and linguistic backgrounds. The diversity of passengers on a train is like a Railway Journey Narrative in itself, where you can learn from the stories and experiences of your fellow travelers.

Long and Short Essay on A Journey by Train in English

Below we have provided long and short essay on ‘A Journey by Train’ of varying lengths in English.

These ‘A Journey by Train’ essay will take you through the experiences of a train journey and their advantages.

They will also prove helpful to help you with the topic in your exam.

You can select any A Journey by Train Essay as per your interest like essay on a journey by train 100 words, essay on a journey by train 100 words essay on my first train journey in 200 words and present it in your class, essay writing or debate competitions.

Short Essay on a Journey by Train Essay 1 (100 words)

Train journeys are both exciting and memorable. My first train journey was when I was in the 2nd standard, traveling to my aunt’s wedding in Dehradun. It was a night journey, and we boarded the train with eager anticipation. With family and relatives, the journey was filled with laughter, games, and delicious train food.

As morning broke, I gazed out of the window, captivated by the picturesque scenery. The lush green fields, the rising sun, and the distant hills created a mesmerizing view. This train journey left an indelible mark on my memory, combining the joy of travel with the beauty of nature.

Short Essay on ‘A Journey by Train’ – Essay 2 (200 words)

Short essay on ‘a journey by train’ – essay 1 (200 words).

Train journeys are super fun, especially when traveling by train with a group of friends. One of my most memorable journeys by train was my journey from Delhi to Jaipur. It was a school trip, and we were all really excited about it. We had numerous plans for the trip and were especially looking forward to having a great time on our way.

We all reached the railway station by 6 in the morning, and the train ride started within a few minutes. I occupied the window seat to see the view outside. The view of the green fields, muddy roads, and huts on the way was delightful. My best friend sat beside me, and we chatted as we looked outside.

Soon, it was time for breakfast. I loved the cutlets and bread served on the train. We also had hot tomato soup after having a plate of bread and cutlets. After breakfast, we all decided to play antakshari . Playing antakshari in large groups is always fun. Our teachers also joined us, thereby adding to the fun. We played antakshari for the rest of the journey, and before we even knew it, we had reached our destination. It was a great experience. The company of my friends made this train journey all the more gleeful.

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Essay on ‘A Journey by Train to Shimla’ – Essay 3 (300 words)

Train journeys hold a unique charm, especially when they lead to enchanting destinations like Shimla. However, what makes the journey even more captivating is the special toy train that runs from Kalka to Shimla, winding through breathtaking landscapes. A trip to Shimla remains incomplete without experiencing this iconic train ride. Thus, we planned our Shimla trip well in advance and secured our tickets for this much-talked-about train journey.

Our Journey to Shimla by Toy Train

During last year’s autumn break, we embarked on a memorable journey to Shimla. We began our travel by bus to Kalka, the starting point of our adventure with the toy train. Initially, I expected it to be just another train journey, offering glimpses of mountains and valleys. However, it turned out to be an exhilarating and extraordinary experience. Throughout our journey, we found ourselves immersed in the lap of nature, not merely observing the mountains, valleys, and lush greenery, but feeling like an integral part of this natural wonder as the train gracefully traversed the mountains.

Spanning a duration of 5-6 hours, this journey was filled with thrills and excitement. The route featured a multitude of tunnels and bridges that added to the allure. There were more than 100 tunnels and approximately 800 bridges along the route. I remained glued to the window seat, relishing the splendid vistas outside. At one point, the train made a brief stop at a quaint station, affording us a brief ten-minute break to explore.

Throughout the journey, my parents and brother shared in my delight, finding it as enjoyable as I did. We chose the same train for our return journey, unwilling to miss out on a second opportunity to savor this captivating experience.

Undoubtedly, this train journey stands out as the most remarkable one in my life. My deep love for nature made this journey even more special. I sincerely hope for a chance to traverse this enchanting route once more, as it left an indelible mark on my heart.

Essay on ‘My First Train Journey’ – Essay4 (400 words)

My First Train Journey

My very first train journey was an unforgettable experience that I embarked on when I was in the 2nd standard. It was a special trip to attend my maternal aunt’s wedding in Dehradun. As soon as the news of the wedding spread, excitement and joy filled our home. My mother began planning her outfits, while my father organized our travel arrangements. We decided to travel by train, accompanied by a few relatives, marking my maiden voyage on a train.

Planning the Train Journey

Train journeys require meticulous planning for a smooth and enjoyable trip. My parents carefully studied the available trains on our route to select the most convenient option. We booked our tickets well in advance, packed our bags, and ensured that all necessary arrangements were in place for our journey.

The Journey Begins

Our train journey commenced as a night voyage. We arrived at the railway station on time, settled into our seats, and, within a few minutes, the train began its journey.

Fun on the Way

As we greeted our relatives and settled in for the long journey, there was an air of excitement. Many of us hadn’t seen each other in months, so there was plenty to catch up on. I sat with my cousins, and we eagerly planned to make the most of this train journey. They had brought along board games, and we engaged in an entertaining one.

After a few rounds of the game, it was time for dinner. The food served on the train was surprisingly delectable. Following dinner, I found a cozy spot by the window. Despite the darkness of the night, I enjoyed the rhythmic sounds of the moving train, a novel experience for me.

As everyone finished their meals, we decided to play antakshari . Our relatives enthusiastically joined in, and we sang songs and played antakshari for an hour before it was time to rest.

A Scenic Morning

The next morning, I awoke early and was greeted by a stunning view outside the window. The lush green fields, the rising sun, the distant hills, and the charming huts along the way — everything appeared exceptionally beautiful. This scenic morning view was the highlight of my train journey.

In hindsight, my first train journey was incredibly exciting and fascinating. I cherished every moment of it, and the delightful company of my cousins added an extra layer of enjoyment to the experience.

Long Essay on Journey by Train

Essay on ‘a memorable journey by train’ – essay 4 (500 words).


I have gone on many train journeys with my family as well as friends. Travelling by train is comfortable and enjoyable. I always prefer train journeys over road trips for the experience they offer. I have made great memories on these trips. While I have enjoyed all my train journeys, my train travel from Delhi to Goa is the closest to my heart.

Journey from Delhi to Goa

I went for a trip to Goa with my classmates when I was in seventh standard. The trip was planned by the school. After much persuasion, my parents agreed to send me on the trip. Most of my friends also got the consent from their parents. We planned to do a lot of fun things on the trip.

Besides, site-seeing and having fun with friends on the trip, I was also excited about the train journey. The train journey from Delhi to Goa was for around one and a half day. This was the longest journey I had ever gone on. I was really looking forward to it.

My parents dropped me to the station. They were a bit anxious as this was the first time I was travelling so far without them. My mother gave me last minute instructions and I nodded obediently as I eagerly awaited the train. We left from Delhi at around 5 in the evening. I sat by the window with one of my friends by my side.

Travelling with Friends

Travelling with friends is always fun. I had been to Jaipur, Nanital and Shimla with my friends. All these trips were planned by our school. We travelled by train on all these trips and had a lot of fun on the way but none of them involved so much travelling. Most of these were overnight journeys. But on our trip to Goa we spent one night and one and a half day in the train.

I kept sitting by the window for the first two-three hours of the journey. I loved the view outside. As it started getting dark, I joined my friends who were playing dumb charades. We kept playing this game until it was time for dinner. After having our dinner, we chatted until late night. We shared our experiences, narrated interesting stories and mimicked our teachers. It was all great fun. I slept comfortably at night and woke up late.

The breakfast was served almost immediately after I woke up. After having the breakfast, I went and stood by the train door which was half opened. The view outside was beautiful. I love nature and I can watch the trees, hills and the water bodies for hours. It soothes and pleases my senses and offers a delightful experience.

I kept standing there for a long time. One of my friends joined me there. We enjoyed the view and spoke about our love for travelling and nature. During the rest of the day, we played games, had food and chatted with each other. We reached Goa at around 11 at night.

This train journey was an awesome experience. I enjoyed it thoroughly and made several beautiful memories on the way.

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Long Essay on ‘A Journey by Train’ – Essay 5 (600 words)

Train journeys are economical, comfortable and fascinating. It is a complete experience in itself. While travelling by train, I am not eager to reach the destination, I rather enjoy each moment of the journey. I have made many friends during my train journeys and had several new experiences.

Advantages of Journey by Train

Train journeys offer numerous advantages. Some of these advantages are shared below:

  • One of the main advantages of train journey is the comfort and convenience it offers. Unlike cars, buses and aeroplanes, you have the option to lie down and sleep while travelling by train. Overnight journey by train is thus much more convenient compared to that by car or bus. One can sleep comfortably through the night and wake up fresh.
  • There is no restriction on the luggage. One can carry as much luggage as he wants while travelling via train unlike the aeroplanes where a limit is set for the same.
  • Trains have washrooms that make long journeys more convenient.
  • One can study or work comfortably on a laptop during train journey. Thus, the time spent in travelling can be put to productive use.
  • Trains are quite economical as compared to cabs and aeroplanes. One can travel long distance at a nominal cost.

Disadvantages of Journey by Train

While train journeys offer a number of advantages, there are certain disadvantages attached to them too. Here is a look at these disadvantages:

  • One of the biggest disadvantages of travelling by train is that one needs to plan the trip and get the tickets booked days before the journey. This is quite unlike travelling by car or bus wherein one can plan the trip and get going even the next day.
  • Booking the ticket can be quite taxing. People who go to the railway station to book the tickets need to stand in the queue for hours. Booking train tickets online is also quite time consuming as the railway booking site sometimes get quite slow due to increased traffic.
  • Though the trains have washrooms and restrooms, these are not as clean and hygienic as they should be.
  • Trains often get delayed due to different reasons. This can be quite annoying and exhausting.
  • Compared to aeroplanes, travel time taken by trains is much higher. It is not a good option for those who need to reach somewhere urgently.

My Train Journey Experience

I have been on many train journeys since my childhood. I have gone to Mount Abu, Udaipur, Varanasi, Shimla, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Bombay and many other places with family, friends and relatives. I have travelled to most of these places by train. What I love most about train journeys is the view outside. I love to sit by the window and watch the natural surroundings that come by during the journey. I often take a novel along as I love reading while travelling.

Train journeys become all the more fun when we are travelling in groups. There are so many fun things to do on the way. We crack jokes, sing songs, play games and chit chat for hours during the journey. We also get a chance to meet new people. It feels great when we meet like-minded people on our way. It makes the trip quite enjoyable. There is so much to talk about and share. I have made quite a few friends during my train journeys.

Train journeys have their set of advantages and disadvantages. While planning ahead, booking tickets and strict train schedules can be a put off; comfortable travel and good utilization of time are some of the advantages it offers. I have been on several train journeys and I really look forward to them.

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Frequently Asked Question on Essay on Journey by Train

How do you write a train journey.

To write about a train journey, vividly describe the sights, sounds, and emotions experienced during the trip. Begin with an engaging introduction, narrate the journey's details, and use descriptive language to engage your readers. Share personal anecdotes or reflections to make your account unique and relatable.

How do you write a journey by train essay?

Crafting a journey by train essay involves structuring your narrative. Start with an introduction, set the scene, and introduce any characters or events. Describe the journey, including scenery and experiences, and reflect on its significance or impact. Conclude by summarizing your thoughts and feelings.

What is a journey by train called?

A journey by train is commonly referred to as a train journey or simply traveling by train. It encompasses the experience of traveling on a train, often involving scenic views, interactions with fellow passengers, and the unique ambiance of train travel.

Is it travel by train or by train?

Both travel by train and by train are grammatically correct. You can use either phrase based on your preference. For example, you can say, I prefer to travel by train or I enjoy the experience of traveling by train.

Why should we travel by train?

Traveling by train offers several advantages. It's an eco-friendly mode of transportation, reducing carbon emissions. Trains are often cost-effective, comfortable, and allow passengers to appreciate scenic routes. Additionally, train travel can be less stressful than other modes, as it avoids issues like traffic congestion.

How was your first train journey?

My first train journey was a memorable experience filled with excitement. Traveling with my family, I marveled at the changing landscapes, relished train food, and enjoyed the camaraderie of fellow passengers. The rhythmic sounds of the train and the anticipation of the destination made it an unforgettable adventure.

Do we say travel by bus?

Yes, you can say travel by bus to describe a journey on a bus. It's a common and straightforward way to express the mode of transportation, indicating that you are using a bus as your means of travel.

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The Best Journey of My Life

There is nothing better than the emotions and feelings one can receive from setting out on an adventure. Journeys help us to forget about our everyday issues. That is why I want to tell you about the best journey of my life.

It started at home as I began to pack items for a journey. I was excited because my parents and I were going to Thailand, the most interesting place to me. I could not imagine what it would be like.

The first experience we had when we got out of the plane to enter Thailand was the tropical, wet, hot air that permeated the environment. We arrived at our hotel on the south of Phuket Island. Beauty seemed to be all around us. From the one side of the road there was the lush greenery of the tropical forest, from the other there were turquoise waves of the Andaman Sea.

We decided to spend our first days on a cozy seacoast and take a rest from a tiresome trip. The weather was wonderful. The sun was shining and the water was so warm, placid and limpid that we could see our shadows in it. I had the impression nothing else existed in this world besides us, nor the cares of everyday life nor urban fuss. We were enjoying every minute of our rest, slowly sipping coconut milk through a tube straight out of a coconut. The days were changing from one to another with new, bright, unforgettable emotions and impressions.

We wanted to pass one day away on motorbikes, studying the island. Our trip took a whole day and we managed to bike the half of the island riding along the coast. The views we saw on our journey showed us another side of local life. People were in a hurry going to work or attending other business. The traffic in Thailand is extremely busy and noisy. A lot of people ride motorbikes, which is a distinguishing feature of Thailand.

All the way long, we made breaks to taste the delicacies of the local cuisine in snack bars. I enjoyed Thai food immensely with its extraordinary combination of sweet, sour, and spicy flavors. Sometimes the dishes were so spicy, that tears streamed from my eyes.

We also decided to diversify a bit, and go to less touristic parts of the island. Our island was covered by steep hills. The picturesque view of the tropical jungles and endless spaces of the sea with many adjoining islands, and the beauty and splendor of local nature was opened to us. I was overfilled with the sense of infinite freedom and peace of mind. There was the impression that nothing is necessary in life except this place and moment.

It was a truly sad realization when we knew we had to travel back home. The whirlwind of emotions and feelings swept over my mind: this is completely another world, with its climate, people, food, traditions, and customs that charm and dip you in the extraordinary atmosphere of calmness and composure. I remember it now with freshness and understand that it was the best journey of my life.

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  • Essay On Train Journey

Train Journey Essay

500+ words essay on train journey.

A journey by train is the most common thing in today’s modern world. Since all of us need to travel far distances, we need transportation for that. Trains come out to be the best and most economical option among all transportation facilities available. The journey by train makes us feel pleasure and fills us with excitement. All of us must have gone on a vacation with family by taking a journey by train. In this essay on a train journey, I am going to share my first time travelling experience by train. You can also check out the list of CBSE Essays . Practise writing “a Train Journeyssay” to boost your writing skills.

A Journey by Train Essay

A train is not just a transport vehicle. It connects people; it provides access to jobs, communities and goods. It delivers vital social services. Trains are the backbone of the transportation system, which help in creating a sustainable economy. We have often read books and magazines that mention the beautiful experience of train journeys. By reading them, our heart fills with adventure, thrill and happiness.

My First Experience of Train Journey

A journey by train always excites me. It is fun to travel by train. I have been travelling by train since my childhood. The first time I experienced the train journey was when I was studying in Class 6. During my summer vacation, my parents planned to visit Nainital. My father had already booked the train tickets for AC3 Class two months before.

We were staying in Lucknow, and from there, our train journey began. We reached Lucknow Charbagh Station one hour before the train departure time. Lucknow station was 7-8 km far away from our home. So, my father booked a taxi, and we reached Lucknow station. After reaching the station, my father checked for the train timing and platform number on which the train had to arrive. The train was on time, and we had to go to platform number 5. We did not have much luggage, so we did not take coolies. My father took 2 suitcases, and my mother took one bag. Before going to platform number 5, we purchased some chips, water bottles and biscuits.

The station was crowded with people. There were tea stalls, food counters, coolies and many other passengers like us waiting for their train. I could hear a lot of noise in the station, which was due to train announcements, coolies and tea sellers. Hearing the noise and looking at the trains as 1 hour passed, I didn’t get to know. Now, it was time for our train to arrive. We comfortably entered the train and reached our seats. My seat was in the lower berth, so I was happy that I could see all the views from my window seat.

The train gave a hooter sound, and then it started. I was so excited and filled with curiosity and enthusiasm. As the train has taken up speed, I feel as if trees and homes are moving along with us. I asked my mother, “Is it really happening?” Then, my mother replied, “Trees and homes are not moving. As we are sitting in the train and the train is moving at a fast speed, that is why things around us seem to be moving along with us. In reality, we are moving, and other things are static in their respective places.” Then, I understood the concept. For some time, I was peacefully enjoying the scene from my window.

On the train, my experience was very joyful. In our front seat, there was also one family. We played the ludo game, name the places and antakshari. In between the games, we also had snacks and lunch. The train had stopped at the major station, and people were getting down and sitting up on the train. As the train stops at any station, many of the food sellers enter the train to sell their items and get down when the train starts running. This process repeats at every station where the train stops.

Finally, after 10 hours of travelling, it was time for the Kathgodam station to arrive, where we had to get down. Before the Kathgodam station, I could see the mountains and greenery from the window seat. At that time, I got to know that we had come to Hill station to enjoy our summer vacation. We got down in Kathgodam station, and from there, we booked a taxi for Nainital. After 2 hours of road journey, we reached Nainital.

Nainital is such a beautiful place. It is surrounded by mountains all around. From the mountains, a lake called “Nani Lake” was flowing, which increased the beauty of Nainital. The temperature of the Nainital was so pleasant that we felt relieved from summer and heat. We did many activities like boat riding and mountain climbing. We have visited many sites and also done a lot of shopping. After spending 3 days in Nainital, we again took a train from Kathgodam station to Lucknow and came back home. The experience was awesome for me. I will never forget this enjoyable journey by train.

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Essay on My First Train Journey

Students are often asked to write an essay on My First Train Journey in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My First Train Journey

Excitement of the journey.

My first train journey was an exciting experience. I was about seven years old and the journey was to my grandmother’s place.

The Train Ride

The train’s rhythmic chug-chug and the changing scenery fascinated me. I loved watching the fields, villages, and cities passing by.

The Destination

Finally, we reached our destination. I was thrilled to see my grandmother waiting for us. This journey left a deep impression on me.

250 Words Essay on My First Train Journey

The anticipation.

My first train journey was a blend of excitement, anticipation, and a hint of anxiety. As a child, I had always been fascinated by the rhythmic chugging of trains, so the prospect of experiencing it firsthand was thrilling. The bustling train station, with its myriad sights and sounds, was a sensory overload that both bewildered and intrigued me.

Boarding the Train

The journey.

The journey itself was a tapestry of experiences. The changing landscapes outside the window, from urban cityscapes to serene countryside, were like a slideshow of diverse geographical features. The rhythmic movement of the train, coupled with the occasional jolts, added a unique physical dimension to the journey.

Interactions and Insights

Interacting with fellow passengers was another highlight of the journey. Each person had a story to tell, and listening to them provided insights into different cultures, lifestyles, and perspectives. This social aspect of the journey was an unexpected but pleasant surprise.

My first train journey was an enriching experience that broadened my horizons and deepened my understanding of the world. It was not just a physical journey from one place to another, but also a journey of personal growth and discovery. The memories of this journey remain etched in my mind, serving as a reminder of the adventure that lies in exploring the unknown.

500 Words Essay on My First Train Journey

The genesis of the journey.

My first train journey was an experience that is etched in my memory forever. The excitement that was bubbling within me was akin to a child being handed a candy. It was my first ever experience moving away from the comfort of my home and embarking on a journey to a new city.

Preparation and Anticipation

The days leading up to the journey were filled with a mixed bag of emotions. I was eager, excited, but also a bit anxious. The thought of traveling alone was daunting, yet it was an adventure I was looking forward to. I spent days meticulously planning my journey, packing my bags and double-checking my tickets.

Embarking on the Journey

The journey unfolds.

As the train started moving, I felt a rush of adrenaline. The landscape outside began to change gradually, from the familiar cityscape to the unknown countryside. The train chugged along, cutting through the vast fields, crossing rivers, and piercing through mountains. The rhythmic sound of the train wheels against the tracks was almost hypnotic.

Experiencing Diversity

One of the most captivating aspects of my journey was the diversity I witnessed. The train was like a microcosm of our society, with people from different walks of life sharing the same space. I had the opportunity to interact with various people, each with their unique stories and perspectives. It was a humbling experience that broadened my horizon and enriched my understanding of the world.

Reflections and Learnings

In conclusion, my first train journey was an unforgettable experience that left an indelible mark on me. It was a journey that transcended the physical boundaries and ventured into the realm of personal growth and understanding. It was a testament to the fact that journeys are not just about reaching a destination; they are about the experiences we gather and the lessons we learn along the way.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Life is a journey — 15 inspirational quotes to make you treasure it

Life is not one but many journeys. here are quotes to help you treasure every journey you take in life..

Photo of Nirandhi Gowthaman

Sunday September 13, 2020 , 3 min Read

All of us have heard it — “Life is a journey” — so many times. It’s not a singular journey though. Every person has a different experience, a different destination and itineraries to tick off. However, it's a journey that we must learn to savour, cherish and treasure.

Everyone has a different meaning to their journey as well. Life’s journey is filled with roadblocks and achievements but we must savour every bit. Here are quotes to help you take on the many journeys that life has to offer.

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“Because the greatest part of a road trip isn’t arriving at your destination. It's all the wild stuff that happens along the way.” – Emma Chase, author

“Sometimes the longest journey we make is the sixteen inches from our heads to our hearts.” – Elena Avila, author

“Life is an opportunity, seize the day, live each day to the fullest. Life is not a project, but a journey to be enjoyed.” – Catherine Pulsifer

“The journey between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of life really takes place.” – Barbara De Angelis, relationship consultant and author

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“I haven’t a clue how my story will end, but that’s all right. When you set out on a journey and night covers the road, that’s when you discover the stars.” – Nancy Willard, writer

“Embrace your life journey with gratitude, so that how you travel your path is more important than reaching your ultimate destination.” – Rosalene Glickman, author and entrepreneur

“If ever there was a metaphor to illustrate the importance of the journey over the destination, it is life itself. For everyone who departs from birth is destined for death, so the journey IS life. Savour it!” – Michele Jennae, author

“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” – Ursula K Leguin, author

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“Winning and losing isn’t everything; sometimes, the journey is just as important as the outcome.” – Alex Morgan, professional football player

“Life is a journey and it’s about growing and changing and coming to terms with who and what you are, and loving who and what you are.” – Kelly McGillis, actor

“The benefits of the accomplished journey cannot be weighed in terms of perfect moments but in terms of how this journey affects and changes our character.” – Ella Maillart, adventurer, travel writer and photographer

“Learn to trust the journey, even when you do not understand it.” – Lolly Daskal, entrepreneur and leadership coach

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the journey essay

The Journey Is Everything

Teaching essays that students want to write for people who want to read them.

By Katherine Bomer

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"In the electric, pulsating world around us, the essay lives a life of abandon, posing questions, speaking truths, fulfilling a need humans have to know what other humans think and wonder so we can feel less alone." —Katherine Bomer

Sadly, many students only know “essay” as a 5-paragraph, tightly structured writing assignment that must check all the boxes of a standardized formula. How did essays in school get so far away from essays in the world?   Katherine makes a powerful case for teaching the essay as a way to restore writing to think—that it is in fact necessary for students’ success in college and career. “Essay helps students write flexibly, fluently, and with emboldened voices,” she writes in The Journey Is Everything, “qualities they can translate into any assigned writing task in school or in life.” She argues that the close reading of essays fulfills the recommendations of state and national standards, while practice in essay writing leads to better academic and test writing. More importantly, “Essay gives its author the space, time, and freedom to think about and make sense of things, take a journey of discovery, and speak her mind, without boundaries.”

Don’t students deserve the chance to develop their own topics, discover their own writing voices, and learn to structure prose organically, according to the content?  Katherine gives you tools, strategies, and activities to bring a unit on more authentic writing into your practice.  Rediscover the power of the essay to bring out students’ true thinking—their true selves.  Because after all, the journey is everything.

(click any section below to continue reading)

Part I: Informing Our Vision of Essay

Ch. 1: How to Read an Essay Closely

Ch. 2: Reclaiming Essay

Ch. 3: Naming Craft in Essay

Part II:  Translating the Vision to Classroom Practice: How to Write an Essay

Ch. 4: Living Like an Essayist

Ch. 5: Growing Topics into Ideas

Ch. 6: Drafting the Essay

Ch. 7: Shaping and Fine-Tuning the Essay

Part III: Transferring the Vision of Essay to Academic Writing

Ch. 8: Studying Essay Can Improve Academic Writing

Ch. 9: Assessing Essay

Afterword: Let Them Be Heroes

Guest Essays:

Amy Ludwig VanDerwater: Drop-Off Cats

Katie Wood Ray: You Are What You Eat

Randy Bomer: What I Want to Be...

Randy Bomer: There Is a Hercules of Everything

Vicki Vinton: The Thing About Cats

Georgia Heard: Querencia

Isoke Titilayo Nia: The List

Gianna Cassetta: Ice Girls

Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich: They Don't Tell You About That

Deb Kelt: Tattoos: Marked for Life

Lester Laminack: You Didn't Know Me Then

My dream in this book is to occupy essay ! I want to reboot the original name of it— essais : little attempts, experiments, trials—and bring essay writing back to its exploratory roots. I want to take the noun, essay , and convert it to the verb, essaying , as Paul Heilker suggests (1996, 180), to describe the trying out we do when we write. When I sit beside students in writing workshops and ask, “What are you working on in your writing?” I hope to hear something like one of my former fifth graders once said: “Well, I’m essaying how it’s weird that all us kids are friends and work together in this class, but at lunch, we sit in little groups with our own . . . um . . . colors . . . races? . . . and stuff. And does that mean those are our real friends and not the ones in the class? And why do we do that?”

In this book, I’ll ask you to occupy beautiful and brilliant essays, what Robert Atwan calls “the sparkling stuff ” featured in his annual Best American Essays series, to create possible models for how to teach essay in ways that will let students discover what they think and want to say. Beginning in Chapter 1, you’ll read closely two spectacular examples by Brian Doyle and Dagoberto Gilb just to see and hear and be moved, and to say, “Ah, this. This is it!” Chapter 2 defines explicitly what essay is and is not; then in Chapter 3, I use excerpts from published essays to name specific craft features you can show students. I also suggest how to help students read mentor texts to develop their own definitions of essay.

The chapters in Part 2 of the book will show you how to teach students to develop ideas into essays. We’ll explore the writer’s notebook as a place to generate, store, and experiment with material (Chapter 4) and then as a place to collect thinking and thickly texture the material to elaborate an essay idea (Chapter 5). Chapter 6 offers strategies for the move from notebooks to first drafts, and then Chapter 7 shows how to help students revise drafts and find a shape and structure without formulas.

As you consider how to teach your students to write essays, I invite you to write along with them because being a writer of your own essay will anchor your understandings and your knowledge of the content and process of writing. You can then teach from “what writers really do,” a phrase I borrow from Dorothy Barnhouse and Vicki Vinton, authors of What Readers Really Do (2012), who argue so eloquently for teachers to look to our own reading experiences to know how to teach reading. Our authentic experiences “need to serve as our rudder as we navigate through curricula and standards, data and assessments” (46).

In Part 3 of the book, I show how practicing essay writing can indeed lead to powerful and well-written academic writing (Chapter 8), and I explore assessment that honors the essay’s open-ended and organic essence (Chapter 9). Finally, in the Afterword, I cap off my argument and sound a clarion call for making time to write essays in schools.

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Journey to student accommodation: exploring the why’s and the how’s!

Bradford Life

Jubeda shares some tips on how to find the perfect student accommodation and what you should bring.

Four students walking through The Green.

Hi, I'm Jubeda, a first-year international student studying BEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering at the University of Bradford.

Student accommodation is a topic strongly associated with university students. If we're being honest, how many of you have thought about how to look for a place, and what to do when you move in? Have some of you wondered what the benefit of living away from home is?

Well, in this blog we will tackle all those questions.

Why a student house?

A vase of roses sat on a windowsill.

This is the obvious question.

There are many benefits of living in a student house. It is near the campus, which reduces the need to travel far (and you can sleep in longer as well). Not only that, you are surrounded by other university students which makes it easier for you to make friends, join different events and socialise.

When living away from home, you gradually become independent and learn responsibilities that you might not have if you had stayed at home.

Personally, moving to a dorm was the best decision for me as an international student; it was both cost-effective and allowed me to be in a campus environment which made it easier to settle in a new country.

How to look for accommodation?

This task may seem daunting at first but don’t despair. There are plenty of resources available all around which will aid in your search for the perfect house.

Firstly, look on the university website. Most of the time, the university will have information on student accommodation in the city and if not, will usually recommend good student housing associations that can aid you in your search.

There are many websites like Homes for Students , SpareRoom and Amberstudent , that can help you in your search.

Pro tip: always try to have an in-person view of your place before you pay the deposit.

The accommodation checklist

A room in blue lighting with fairy lights strung over the curtains.

So what to do when you are ready to move into your new place? Here are a few things I think are useful:

Be well prepared in terms of bedding as it's one of those things you might not realise you need. Bringing your own pillow, duvet, and bedcover, amongst other things, will allow you to have a good sleep on your first night.

Believe it or not, most student flats don't provide them! 

If you choose to stay in self-catering accommodation, it's a good idea to bring some light, ready-to-eat food. This could be something like bread and jam to eat for breakfast the next day.

3. Picture frames and stuffed animals

It helps to have some sentimental pieces in your student accommodation. Things like picture frames, stuffed animals and books will make your new space feel more like home.

4. Decorations

To personalise my accommodation to my tastes, I decided to bring some cheap decorations like fairy lights. Adding a bit of your personality to the room really helps you settle in.

What not to bring

Now I will tell you something you do NOT need to bring; pots and pans. I made that mistake, which made my luggage even heavier. When I got to my accommodation, I found out that I could have easily bought these from local stores, or even ordered them online at a much cheaper price.

That’s about it - I hope you feel a bit more prepared to start your new adventure!

Discover more about accommodation at Bradford.

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Nikki Haley says 'diminished' 'unhinged' Trump is 'not the same person' she backed in 2016

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley defended her past support of Donald Trump while deepening her criticism of her main rival for the GOP nomination, arguing that the former president is “more diminished than he was.”

In an interview with TODAY co-host Craig Melvin that aired Feb. 14, Haley made a generational argument for her presidential candidacy, swiping at both Trump and President Joe Biden to argue that they are both “diminished.” And she justified her past support for Trump, during both his two previous presidential campaigns and her service in his administration, by saying he has changed since then.

“During the time that I was in the administration, I called him out every single time,” Haley said, arguing that her past support for Trump wasn’t unconditional. “If something was wrong — I had a conversation with him about Charlottesville, I had a conversation about something that he would say about women, I had a conversation with him about multiple things.

“The problem now is he is not the same person he was in 2016,” she continued. “He is unhinged; he is more diminished than he was, just like Joe Biden’s more diminished than what he was.

“We have to see this for what it is,” Haley added. “This is a fact: He is now saying things that don’t make sense.”

Both Haley and Trump have turned the temperature up as she looks to mount a come-from-behind victory in the GOP presidential nominating fight — and Trump looks to end the contest.

In recent weeks, Haley has repeatedly called Trump “ unhinged ,” accused him of  cozying up to Russian President Vladimir Putin , criticized him for  confusing her with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi  and declared him “ not qualified “ to serve as president, among other criticisms.

But her comments on Feb. 14 were among her bluntest yet, as she warned against a potential campaign she characterized as one between a former president who could no longer handle the job and a current president who can’t, either.

“You’ve got Joe Biden, where the  special counsel said he was diminished , and he’s not the Joe Biden he was two years ago,” Haley said. “You’ve got a Donald Trump who’s unhinged, and he’s more unhinged than he ever was. And why are we settling for that when the country is in disarray and the world is on fire?

“We don’t want these two old men running. We want someone who’s going to go and fight for us and work for us, with no drama, no vendettas.”

Haley’s justification, that the Trump running now is different from the one she used to support, is also an attempt to explain how she moved from serving in Trump’s Cabinet and defending him from past criticism.

She cited reporting that Trump called fallen soldiers  “losers” and “suckers”  as she castigated him as someone  who didn’t respect the military .

But in 2020, she called on Biden to  take down a tweet citing those comments  because “all of us who worked with [Trump] witnessed the tremendous amount of love and respect he has for our military. He was determined to protect them.”

Throughout the interview, Haley repeatedly cited Americans’ discomfort with Biden and Trump, sentiments borne out across a slew of polling,  including NBC News’ . But the totality of polling also shows Trump well ahead of Haley in the GOP nominating fight, both in Haley’s home state, South Carolina, the next state with a high-profile nominating contest, and across the country, where the election will shift in early March.

In the middle of a campaign swing through her home state, Haley repeatedly pushed back against the idea that Trump’s victories in the first three nominating contests and her position in the polls signal Trump is on a glide path to the nomination.

“We’re going to be competitive in South Carolina, then we’re headed to Michigan, then we’re headed to Super Tuesday,” she said.

“We don’t pick kings. We don’t do coronations. We have a democracy where people vote,” Haley continued before adding, “Why would I get out as long as we keep it competitive?”

Haley talked up her performances, saying: “Don’t discount that I defeated a dozen fellas. Don’t discount that I ended up with 20% in Iowa when y’all said I wouldn’t make it. Don’t discount that I got 43% New Hampshire, and don’t discount me now.

“I’m doing this because we have a country to save,” she added. “I’m not doing this for my political career. I’m not doing this for any sort of gig. I’m doing this because our country deserves better. And I’m not going to stop fighting until I know I’ve done everything I can to save her.”

While Haley was critical of primary polls showing her trailing Trump, she pointed to polling that shows her performing  better against Biden  than Trump in a hypothetical general election. And Haley criticized the idea that staying in would only sap Republican resources that could be used to help defeat Democrats in the fall.

“Resources, from a man who spent $50 million of his own campaign contributions  on his personal court cases , where the RNC is broke — I’m the one hurting the resources?” Haley said.

“If the Republican Party wants to be saved, I’m the one that saves the Republican Party,” she continued.

As a condition for appearing in the Republican National Committee’s sanctioned debates, Haley and the other GOP candidates signed pledges to back the party’s eventual nominee. And during the first debate, Haley  raised her hand  when the Fox News moderators asked who would still support Trump if he won the nomination but was “convicted in a court of law.”

Pressed about how she squares her comments that Trump is “not qualified” to serve as president with her pledge to support him if he wins the nomination, Haley quickly reiterated her pledge before she pivoted to criticizing Trump’s electability.

“Every Republican nominee signed a pledge before they could even get on the debate stage that said if we were not the nominee, would we support the nominee. And I said yes, and I stand by that,” Haley said.

At the same time, she went on, “I know the American people are not going to vote for a convicted criminal.”

This story originally appeared on .

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