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UCLA Graduate Programs

Graduates in their caps and tassels sit down for the ceremony

File Your Electronic Thesis or Dissertation (ETD)

Ready to file.

Review the formatting requirements for filing theses and dissertations and University policy regarding graduate thesis and dissertation public dissemination in UCLA Thesis and Dissertation Filing Requirements & Public Dissemination .

To begin the ETD filing process OR to check the approval status of your ETD:

During the filing process, you may choose your publishing agreement, register your copyright, and order copies of your manuscript.


See also: Filing Deadlines Chart

Deadline for Registered Students and Students on Filing Fee to Submit their Manuscript via ProQuest & Receive Committee Member Approval

Last Day for to Complete Degree Requirements* for Spring 2025 Doctoral Hooding Ceremony Participation and Hooding Booklet Information Listing
Last Day for to Complete Degree Requirements* for Spring 2024 Doctoral Hooding Ceremony Participation and Hooding Booklet Information Listing

*Complete Degree Requirements includes: completion of the online ETD Filing Application (button above), all committee members have reported approval of your manuscript and the passing of the final oral examination (if applicable) to the Division of Graduate Education; submission of a final PDF via ProQuest including requested changes from the Division of Graduate Education, and receipt of the Division of Graduate Education confirmation email of the formal completion of degree requirements.

See the UCLA term calendar for the  degree – award date , which is the final day of the term, also the deadline to submit manuscripts and to complete graduate degree requirements.

Deadlines for previous academic terms are available in the Registrar’s Office online calendar archive .


  • Review UCLA Thesis and Dissertation Filing Requirements & Public Dissemination
  • Register and Enroll for the term, or apply for Filing Fee
  • Review  Graduation Requirements
  • Changing your Name on your Thesis or Dissertation


  • Thesis Committee Regulations
  • Minimum Standards for Doctoral Committee Constitution
  • Change Committee Members


  • ETD Workshops & Drop-In Hours
  • ETD Workshop Presentation Slides
  • Video: Formatting Tutorial
  • UCLA Library Scholarly Communication Services (Copyright Assistance)


1. What happens to the thesis or dissertation a graduate student files?

In the past, the physical manuscript was placed on the shelves of the UCLA library where it could be accessed by visitors and through the international interlibrary loan network. Today, digital access to the document is provided through the University of California Digital Library , our institutional repository. Additionally, the abstracts of theses and dissertations worldwide are indexed by ProQuest , SciFinder and other abstracting services. In the past, interested scholars who wanted to obtain copies of theses and dissertations would either write to the author or purchase paper, microfilm or microfiche copies from ProQuest, but now they can purchase electronic copies instead. Technology changes aside, graduate students retain the copyright on your dissertation, and will receive royalties when copies are purchased. See University of California Copyright for more information.

2. Can graduate students file their thesis or dissertation from outside the US?

Yes. Graduate students do not need to be physically present on campus to submit their thesis or dissertations. Graduate students only need access to the internet.

3. Do graduate students have to be registered when they file?

Graduate students must either register and enroll or, if eligible, use the Filing Fee .

4. Can a graduate student file during the Summer?

Yes. In order for a graduate student to file and receive a Summer degree, students must either register and enroll in a minimum of 4 units in a Summer Session or be on Filing Fee status.

5. Can a graduate student still file on paper?

No. Since March 13, 2012, only electronic filing is available for graduate students.

6. How can graduate students order hard copies of my thesis or dissertation?

Graduate students may order hard copies through ProQuest. Copies take about 5 weeks to ship after the manuscript is published by ProQuest. Graduate students can also order copies through the UC Bindery .

7. I’ve included co-authored works in my thesis or dissertation. How do I cite them?

You must include in your Acknowledgments section any material based on co-authored work that is published, in-press, submitted, or in preparation for publication. For each segment of the work that involved co-authors, you must identify (briefly describe) and acknowledge the specific contributions of each co-author. For details, see page 15 of UCLA Thesis and Dissertation Filing Requirements & Public Dissemination .

8. Will my thesis or dissertation manuscript be sold to third-party retailers?

No. A graduate student’s thesis or dissertation is not shared with Amazon. ProQuest’s reseller program with Amazon has been discontinued, with all existing agreements ending in 2014.

1. What are the filing deadlines for graduate students?

See the Deadlines above. Deadlines of past academic terms are available in the Registrar’s Office online calendar archive .

2. What counts as submitting my thesis or dissertation by the deadline?

All of the following must occur by 5pm PT on the day of official deadline:

  • All committee members have approved electronically
  • Committee has certified you have passed the final oral exam (if applicable)
  • A graduate student has submitted a final PDF via ProQuest
  • A graduate student has completed the online Division of Graduate Education process using the link at the top of  this page
  • If the Division of Graduate Education requests any changes, the graduate student will have submitted the specific changes within the designated time period

3. How will the Division of Graduate Education determine my thesis or dissertation filing date and whether I’ve met the deadline?

The last date that all of the items listed above is complete will be your filing date for your thesis or dissertation. For example, if you submit your final dissertation PDF and complete the online process on May 31, three committee members sign on June 1, and the final committee member signs on June 2, your filing date will be June 2 assuming you have met all other degree requirements.

1. What is a certifying member?

Certifying members are responsible for approving your dissertation.  Effective Fall 2016, all doctoral committee members must read, approve, and certify the dissertation. All committee members must enter a decision for the final oral exam, if required.

2. Do my thesis or dissertation committee members need to sign the committee page?

Certifying committee members approve the thesis or dissertation electronically. There is no signature page, but rather a committee page listing your certifying committee members in the manuscript.

3. Can a committee member approve a thesis or dissertation from outside of Los Angeles?

Yes. Professors can approve a thesis or dissertation from anywhere with access to the internet.

4. A graduate student’s UCLA faculty committee member prefers to use a non-UCLA email address. Can an email request be sent to that email address?

No. UCLA faculty will be notified via their official UCLA business email addresses. Graduate students are welcome to send a reminder email to their non-UCLA email address with the link (https://go.grad.ucla.edu) to the approval page.

5. How do committee members who are not from UCLA approve theses or dissertations?

Committee members from outside UCLA will still receive the email notification and go to a similar approval page as UCLA faculty.

6. Can graduate students check the status of when their committee members approve their manuscripts electronically?

Yes, after graduate students complete the online process they can log back into the ETD Filing Application to check the status.

Formatting Guide

1. What special characters can graduate students use in their titles?

Only the ones approved by UCLA. The list can be found on the  Formatting and Filing Information page.

FYI: ProQuest will NOT publish any special characters included in your title although the special characters will display when you submit your thesis or dissertation.

2. Does the Division of Graduate Education have a LaTeX template?

No. Please consult with your graduate department or program.

3. Can the Division of Graduate Education check my thesis or dissertation formatting before submitting it to ProQuest ?

The Division of Graduate Education will only check your thesis or dissertation formatting once you have submitted it to ProQuest, or during designated ETD Drop-In Hours.

Release of Manuscript

1. Why will my thesis or dissertation be available for public access after it has been filed by the university?

The UCLA Graduate Thesis and Public Dissemination Policy affirms the university’s commitment to open access of scholarly work.

It is the University of California’s expectation that the research and scholarly work conducted by graduate students that is incorporated into theses and dissertations will be made available to the public. UCLA requires that research and scholarly work conducted by graduate students and incorporated into theses and dissertations be made publicly available through the University of California’s institutional repository, eScholarship .

All theses and dissertations are available as open access via UC eScholarship unless a delayed release is selected.

2. When will I be able to view my thesis or dissertation on ProQuest?

6-8 weeks after you receive final confirmation from the Division of Graduate Education.

3. When will I be able to view my thesis or dissertation on UC eScholarship?

2-3 months after you receive final confirmation from the Division of Graduate Education.

4. What is the UCLA Thesis and Dissertation Submission Agreement?

The UCLA Thesis and Dissertation Submission Agreement allows graduate students to affirm their understanding of the rights and responsibilities associated with the submission of their manuscripts to the campus institutional repository, eScholarship .

All thesis and dissertation filers will complete the institutional repository agreement as part of the submission process via ProQuest.

In the process of filing a thesis or dissertation via ProQuest, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a degree at UCLA, graduate students agree to grant a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual license to The Regents of the University of California (“University”). Graduate students retain copyright.

1. What does it mean for graduate students to register the copyright of their thesis or dissertation? 

The copyright of your work is inherent upon creation. Graduate Students do not need to register their copyright to enjoy copyright protection, but registration does provide some benefits. For full detail, read the U.S. Copyright Office circular “ Copyright Basics “. The benefits of registration are outlined on Page 7 of the circular.

2. I found images on the internet that I want to use in my thesis or dissertation. Is this OK?

Graduate Students should assume that anything produced by someone other than themselves is protected by copyright unless they determine otherwise. This includes items found on the internet. Items in copyright will need either permission or a fair use justification.

If you have flexibility in the final selection of your images, search for images that are 1) in the public domain, or 2) made available for reuse via a Creative Commons license . Such images can be incorporated into your dissertation without permission or concern for fair use.

3. I’ve provided attribution and a citation for the source material I used in my thesis or dissertation. That’s all I need, right ?

Proper attribution is absolutely required; that’s a part of academic integrity and good scholarship. But copyright permission, if necessary, is an entirely separate matter and covered by U.S. Code Title 17 .

4. Do I need permission for every image, chart and graph that I use in my thesis or dissertation from other sources?

It depends. Some materials may qualify under fair use, and others are best used with permission. Graduate students should consult the filing procedures for more detail, or for consultation on a specific situation, get assistance from a UCLA librarian at [email protected] .

5. I’ve obtained verbal permission to use copyrighted material in my thesis or dissertation. Is this sufficient?

Written permission is best. It can be as simple as an email granting permission. Graduate students should retain copies of all permissions in their files.

6. How do graduate students determine what they can use without permission under Fair Use?

If graduate students do not know the four-factor balancing test of Fair Use , they need to become familiar with it. For more information on Fair Use, we recommend you explore the UC Copyright website .

7. Can I use an article, which I previously authored and published, as a chapter in my thesis or dissertation without permission?

It depends on the agreement you signed with your publisher. Most agreements require you to transfer your copyright to the publisher. If this is the case, you must request permission from the publisher to “reprint” the article as a chapter in your thesis or dissertation. However, some agreements specify that you retain the right to reprint the article in your dissertation. Read your author agreement to see if you retained such rights; if you are unsure, consult with a UCLA librarian at [email protected] .

8. After my thesis or dissertation is published, can I reuse one of the chapters as the basis of a future journal article?

If portions of your thesis or dissertation have been previously published as journal articles, you are bound by the agreement you signed when that content was published. But in regards to the remaining, unique content of your thesis or dissertation: Yes, you own the copyright of your thesis or dissertation, and are free to adapt and republish it as you see fit.

9. For those items that require permission, do graduate students need that permission before they file?

Though it is highly recommended that graduate students secure permissions as early as possible, they DO NOT need those permissions in order before they file their theses or dissertations. Permissions are only necessary from ProQuest’s perspective, and theses or dissertations will be published on ProQuest only after the filing process is complete. So, there is a window of several weeks for graduate students to finish gathering permissions.

10. What happens if a graduate student cannot produce the necessary permissions if/when a copyright owner objects and ProQuest asks for them ?

If the inclusion of copyrighted material is challenged by the copyright owner of the material and/or ProQuest, then the publication will be removed from ProQuest until the issue is resolved. A full citation and abstract of the graduate student’s thesis or dissertation will remain.

This rare issue (less than 1% of dissertations are challenged in this manner) is most commonly resolved by redacting or removing the copyrighted content from your thesis or dissertation and resubmitting the modified document to ProQuest. This will require the graduate student to pay a processing fee to ProQuest. Keep in mind that the copyright owner must be amenable to this as a resolution.

11. Won’t having my thesis or dissertation freely available online reduce my chances of securing a book deal and/or publishing portions as journal articles?

If you are concerned that such availability would impact your ability to later publish the thesis or dissertation as a monograph, or derive a journal article from a chapter, several studies of publisher practices have shown that this is not the case. In a 2011 Publisher’s Survey , only 6% of monograph publishers and 3% of journal editors would “never” consider a work derived from a publicly available ETD. If you have concerns, you can embargo your dissertation for up to two years.

Delayed Public Dissemination (Embargo)

1. What does delayed public dissemination (embargo) mean?

Delayed public dissemination, commonly known as “embargo”, postpones public distribution of the thesis or dissertation that has been approved and filed with the university.

2. I chose to delay the release of my thesis or dissertation? When will the embargo begin?

The delayed release period in ProQuest will begin on the date that ProQuest receives your submission.

The delayed release period in eScholarship will begin on the date that your submission is approved by the Division of Graduate Education.

3. Can I request to delay the release of my thesis or dissertation for more than two years?

Under rare circumstances and prior to the filing of the thesis or dissertation, the Dean of Graduate Education may approve requests for time-delimited embargoes beyond the two-year limit. Please see UCLA Thesis and Dissertation Filing Requirements & Public Dissemination for more information on the exception request process.

4. I did not delay the public dissemination of my thesis or dissertation at the time of submission. Can I request an embargo in eScholarship post-submission?

Graduate students who wish to delay public dissemination in eScholarship must select this option at the time they submit their theses or dissertations to the Division of Graduate Education via ProQuest. Requests to embargo a thesis or dissertation after the manuscript has been filed in UC eScholarship are permissible only in exceptional circumstances, and require Division of Graduate Education approval.

Please see UCLA Thesis and Dissertation Filing Requirements & Public Dissemination  for more information on the exception request process.

5. I think (or my research adviser thinks) that my thesis or dissertation work contains classified, secret or confidential information that cannot be disclosed to the public. Can I restrict access?

The University of California and UCLA do not have security clearances that permit the conduct of classified research on the UCLA campus (see page 2 of Responsibility for Executing Research Memo ). Further, the UCLA Graduate Council does not endorse the conduct of confidential research by graduate students; in instances where it is approved, the end results must be in an academically acceptable thesis or dissertation that can be deposited at the University without restricting access to it. In some cases, for example when a patent is being filed, it may be reasonable and appropriate to put in place an embargo that delays public release of the thesis or dissertation. Such an embargo should not be permanent, however. See UCLA Thesis and Dissertation Filing Requirements & Public Dissemination  for guidelines and instructions on this option.

6. I have heard that publishers won’t publish articles based on results that have been presented in preliminary form in my dissertation. Is that true?

In general, no. Publishers recognize that work described in theses and dissertations is often preliminary and may require additional research and writing before it can be submitted to the journal. Theses and dissertations also have not undergone peer review. Consequently, the vast majority of scientific and scholarly publications do not view theses and dissertations as constituting prior publication that would render articles based on the work ineligible for consideration.

7. Depending on the academic field, books/monographs are considered the primary form of publication and the basis for getting an academic position. Do graduate students jeopardize their chance of getting future books published if their theses or dissertations are “out there”?

What publishers say is, “A dissertation is not a book.” The process of turning the dissertation into a book involves considerable transformation, which may include additional research, shifts in scope or emphasis, broadening or narrowing, refining of the arguments, and/or changes in style to appeal to the target audience. Because of these significant differences, and the fact that dissertations are not marketed, most publishers do not consider making a dissertation available in a public repository such as eScholarship (the UC Digital Library) as cause for rejecting a book proposal.

Thesis Statement Generator by Paper Perk

Writing compelling thesis statements can be challenging, leaving students and researchers struggling to convey their intended message effectively. Now what’s the solution? Integrate the powerful thesis creator tool! This invaluable resource simplifies the process of crafting precise and focused thematic statements. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily input your topic, purpose, and supporting ideas to generate well-structured statements.

Try this Easy and Fast Thesis Generator! Totally FREE

Are you tired of struggling to find the right words to convey your ideas effectively in your thesis sentences? Whether you’re a student, researcher, or lifelong learner, our user-friendly and academically-focused tool will guide you towards crafting precise and impactful statements that leave a lasting impression. Say goodbye to the stress and uncertainty of thesis composition. With our dissertation and research paper thesis generator, you’ll gain the confidence and clarity needed to excel in your academic writing. Best of all, it’s absolutely free!

Fill Out the Below Spaces and Get Captivating Thesis Statement

Your topic is the main idea of your paper. It is usually a phrase or a few words that summarize the subject of your paper.

Explicitly state what the main point of your thesis will be early in your paper.

Every topic has alternative schools of thought. Think of someone who would disagree with your arguments and/or evidence. What would they say? The more you understand the counterargument, the better you can defend your thesis and its arguments with evidence.

Read the options and choose the one you like:

How to use our ai tool for thesis sentences.

At Paper Perk, we’re thrilled to guide you on how to effectively use our thesis statement generator free for crafting strong thesis sentences. Follow these steps:


Fill the Requirements

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Frequently Asked Questions

AI can assist in generating thesis sentence ideas, providing guidance, and offering examples, but the actual process of crafting a thesis statement is best done by a human with critical thinking skills. AI can analyze prompts and topics to suggest possible thesis statements, but it is up to the user to evaluate and refine those suggestions to align with their research and arguments. AI can be a helpful tool in the brainstorming and initial drafting stages but should not replace human input and judgment.

Turning a sentence into a thesis statement typically requires you to clarify your major argument or focus. Identify the main idea of your sentence and make it more specific—then add your position or claim. A good thesis statement clearly expresses your take or opinion, as well as the position you will be taking in your essay. It should be clear and concise, and should be neither too broad or too narrow. It should provide a roadmap for your paper and also help you drill in on the main point you want to drive home. Remember that as you consider evidence, develop claims, and make inferences, you must always keep in mind the ability of your thesis to convey what is most important in your paper.

A tool that helps students write thesis statements for schoolwork is called a thesis statement maker. These tools will generate several thesis statement ideas that are connected to the prompt or topic you give them. It’s the purpose to teach people how to create concepts, see things in various ways, and compose appropriate thesis statements. But you should really think about the ideas and pick the one that works best with your research and reasons.

Think about things and break them down in order to come up with a thesis statement. To begin, you need to know what you want to study, make a list of the most important points or claims, and decide what you think. Plan your paper’s topic and think about the proof you have or need to support your claims. Consider the significance and value of your work. Some questions to ask yourself are, “What do I want to prove or look into?” How do I want to communicate my message? In what ways do I intend for my research to have an impact? Then, come up with a clear, short, and arguable sentence that wraps up the core of your argument or case. Keep working on your thesis statement as you read and write more.

Why Give Priority to Only Our Thesis Statement Creator?

As a reliable site for getting help with schoolwork, Paper Perk has a unique tool for making thesis statements that makes it stand out from other sites. Here are five strong reasons why you should use our thesis statement generator tool when writing your thesis statements:

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You may input your unique requirements into our thesis help tool and then change your thesis statement to fit those needs. You can effectively share your own unique thoughts and arguments with this customization.

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The instructions and ideas in the thesis generator free tool were carefully written by a team of qualified academics. You can trust them for their expertise to help you improve and polish your thesis statement.

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  • Types of Thesis Statements You Can Generate FREE Here
  • How Students Uses Our Thesis Generator Free?
  • Thesis Statement Ideas Generated by Our Thesis Generator
  • You Can Also Place an Order for Whole Thesis

An important part of academic writing is coming up with a good thesis line, but students often find it hard to do. We can help you with that with our free thesis statement maker at Paper Perk. Our easy-to-use tool makes different kinds of theme statements that are perfect for your needs.

We will talk about the different kinds of thesis statements you can make with our service in this part. We will also talk about some of the most common worries students have when they are writing their thesis statements.

The Importance of a Strong Thesis Statement

Whenever you  pay for dissertation  always check your main sentence carefully. A thesis sentence serves as the foundation of your academic paper, providing a clear focus and direction for your arguments. It acts as a roadmap, guiding readers throughout your writing and ensuring that your points are presented coherently. Having a strong thesis statement is essential for a successful paper.

Break Down the Topic in Analytical Thesis Statements

In an analytical thematic statement, you look into a thought or idea in great detail and break it down into its parts so that you can analyze them. In writing, history, and the social sciences, this kind of statement idea is used a lot. A lot of students find it hard to write analytical thesis statements that are clear, short, and to the point. This problem can be solved with our thesis statement generator, which gives you clear, well-defined statements that you can use as a starting point for more research.

Present a Persuasive Argument in Thesis Statements

For persuasive writing, you need a thesis statement that makes a case. It gives a clear opinion or stance on a certain problem and backs it up with proof and reasoning. It can be hard for students to come up with a convincing argumentative thesis statement. However, our thesis statement generator makes the process easier by coming up with strong statements that clearly state your stance and persuade readers.

Provide Insightful Explanations in Explanatory Thesis Statements

In both scientific research and informative writings, explanatory thesis statements are very important for making sure that topics, ideas, or events are clearly explained or interpreted. It can be hard for students to come up with clear, concise, and useful thesis statements that explain something. By using our thesis statement generator, it’s easy to come up with statements that give full explanations of your topic. This will help your readers fully grasp it.

Analyze Similarities and Differences in Comparative Thesis Statements

Compare and contrast thesis statements show how two or more things are alike and how they are different. A comparison statement is all about how the thesis judges the connection between two or more things. Case studies, literature studies, and anthropological studies often use comparative statements. You have to go through a few steps of processing tests before you can write a good comparative sentence. The functions you need to write a great comparison thesis are in our thesis statement generator.

As a student, crafting a strong thesis statement can be a challenging task. Fortunately, our Paper Writing Service offers a thematic statement creator that can assist in this process. To utilize our tool effectively, there are five key requirements to fill out.

First, say what your idea is.

This should be a short sentence or few words that sum up what your paper is about. This gives your thesis statement a place to start and helps keep it on track.

Second, say what your topic is all about.

You should say this very clearly at the beginning of your paper so that your research and writing go in the right way.

Next, back up your main idea with proof.

This can include results from study, data, the opinions of experts, or examples from reliable sources. Using evidence in your case gives it more weight and shows that you know a lot about the subject.

It’s also important to back up your main point with another piece of proof. Making your main point stronger by restating it helps make your thesis statement more convincing.

Lastly, if you can, think about adding a counterargument.

By thinking about other points of view ahead of time, you show that you can think critically and deal with possible objections to your theory. This shows how in-depth your analysis is and makes your point stronger overall.

At Paper Perk, we strive to provide a scholarly yet accessible platform that assists students in mastering the art of thesis statement creation. Our tool is designed to simplify the process and enable students to create compelling thesis sentences that form the backbone of their academic papers.

Our team offers wide range of help including  dissertation writing service , side by side our tool caters to a wide range of prompts and topics, generating thesis sentences ideas that reflect various perspectives and arguments. Here are a few more examples to showcase the versatility of our tool:

Prompt: “Examine the effects of social media on mental health.”

  • Thesis Statement: “The excessive use of social media platforms has been linked to deteriorating mental health among young adults, leading to increased levels of anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation.”
  • Thesis Statement: “Social media platforms, when used responsibly and with moderation, can serve as valuable tools for connection and self-expression, promoting positive mental health outcomes and a sense of belonging in individuals.”

Prompt: “Evaluate the impact of climate change on global ecosystems.”

  • Thesis Statement: “Climate change poses a significant threat to global ecosystems, leading to disruptions in biodiversity, habitat loss, and alterations in species distribution, ultimately endangering the delicate balance of fragile ecosystems.”
  • Thesis Statement: “Efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change can foster resilience in global ecosystems, promoting sustainable practices, conservation, and restoration initiatives that enhance biodiversity and safeguard the well-being of both wildlife and human populations.”

Prompt: “Discuss the role of government surveillance in protecting national security.”

  • Thesis Statement: “Government surveillance programs that infringe upon individual privacy rights in the name of national security can undermine public trust, hinder freedom of expression, and erode civil liberties.”
  • Thesis Statement: “Balancing the imperative of protecting national security with the need to safeguard individual privacy is a complex challenge that requires robust oversight, transparency, and accountability to ensure the preservation of democratic values and fundamental rights.”

These additional examples illustrate how our tool can generate tailored thesis statements that respond to various prompts. By considering different perspectives and arguments, our tool helps students shape their thesis statements to align with their research objectives and academic goals.

In addition to providing assistance with thesis statement generation, Paper Perk offers comprehensive support for students looking to complete their entire thesis or dissertation. The team of  our writers  are well-equipped to handle all aspects of the writing process, ensuring a seamless and successful journey from start to finish.

When placing an order for a complete thesis or dissertation, you can expect the following benefits and services:

1. Customized Approach

We understand that each thesis or dissertation is unique, and we tailor our approach to meet your specific requirements. Our writers work closely with you to understand your research objectives, topic, and desired outcome.

2. Extensive Research

Our team of experienced researchers will conduct thorough and up-to-date research to gather relevant and reliable sources for your thesis. We ensure that your work is based on current knowledge and includes pertinent scholarly contributions.

3. Structured and Coherent Writing

Our writers will develop a well-organized and logically structured thesis or dissertation, following academic guidelines and standards. We pay attention to detail, ensuring that your work flows smoothly and is coherent throughout.

4. Data Analysis and Interpretation

If your research involves data analysis, our experts can assist you in conducting statistical analysis and interpreting the results. We are well-versed in various software tools and methodologies to ensure accurate and meaningful analysis.

5. Editing and Proofreading

Once the writing phase is complete, our team of professional editors will review your thesis or dissertation for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and overall clarity. We will also ensure that your work adheres to the required formatting style, whether it’s APA, MLA, Chicago, or any other.

6. Confidentiality and Plagiarism-Free Work

We guarantee the confidentiality of your personal information and ensure that all work we deliver is 100% original and free from plagiarism. You can trust us to uphold the highest ethical standards in academic writing.

By placing an order for a complete  thesis writing service  with Paper Perk, you can streamline and simplify the writing process. Our experienced writers will guide you through every step, from formulating research questions to conducting analysis and writing the final chapters. Our aim is to ensure that you receive a high-quality, well-crafted document that meets your academic requirements and contributes to your scholarly journey.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly customer service team to discuss your specific needs and get started on your thesis or dissertation today.

Create a Thesis Statement in 2 Minutes

You only need to stop panicking because if the professor rejects your thesis sentence, don’t worry! Use this thematic statement generator tool and create as many statements as you want. Moreover, you can contact us to choose the best for you at nominal rates.

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  • Knowledge Base
  • How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

Published on January 11, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on August 15, 2023 by Eoghan Ryan.

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . It usually comes near the end of your introduction .

Your thesis will look a bit different depending on the type of essay you’re writing. But the thesis statement should always clearly state the main idea you want to get across. Everything else in your essay should relate back to this idea.

You can write your thesis statement by following four simple steps:

  • Start with a question
  • Write your initial answer
  • Develop your answer
  • Refine your thesis statement

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Table of contents

What is a thesis statement, placement of the thesis statement, step 1: start with a question, step 2: write your initial answer, step 3: develop your answer, step 4: refine your thesis statement, types of thesis statements, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about thesis statements.

A thesis statement summarizes the central points of your essay. It is a signpost telling the reader what the essay will argue and why.

The best thesis statements are:

  • Concise: A good thesis statement is short and sweet—don’t use more words than necessary. State your point clearly and directly in one or two sentences.
  • Contentious: Your thesis shouldn’t be a simple statement of fact that everyone already knows. A good thesis statement is a claim that requires further evidence or analysis to back it up.
  • Coherent: Everything mentioned in your thesis statement must be supported and explained in the rest of your paper.

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The thesis statement generally appears at the end of your essay introduction or research paper introduction .

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts and among young people more generally is hotly debated. For many who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education: the internet facilitates easier access to information, exposure to different perspectives, and a flexible learning environment for both students and teachers.

You should come up with an initial thesis, sometimes called a working thesis , early in the writing process . As soon as you’ve decided on your essay topic , you need to work out what you want to say about it—a clear thesis will give your essay direction and structure.

You might already have a question in your assignment, but if not, try to come up with your own. What would you like to find out or decide about your topic?

For example, you might ask:

After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process .

Now you need to consider why this is your answer and how you will convince your reader to agree with you. As you read more about your topic and begin writing, your answer should get more detailed.

In your essay about the internet and education, the thesis states your position and sketches out the key arguments you’ll use to support it.

The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education because it facilitates easier access to information.

In your essay about braille, the thesis statement summarizes the key historical development that you’ll explain.

The invention of braille in the 19th century transformed the lives of blind people, allowing them to participate more actively in public life.

A strong thesis statement should tell the reader:

  • Why you hold this position
  • What they’ll learn from your essay
  • The key points of your argument or narrative

The final thesis statement doesn’t just state your position, but summarizes your overall argument or the entire topic you’re going to explain. To strengthen a weak thesis statement, it can help to consider the broader context of your topic.

These examples are more specific and show that you’ll explore your topic in depth.

Your thesis statement should match the goals of your essay, which vary depending on the type of essay you’re writing:

  • In an argumentative essay , your thesis statement should take a strong position. Your aim in the essay is to convince your reader of this thesis based on evidence and logical reasoning.
  • In an expository essay , you’ll aim to explain the facts of a topic or process. Your thesis statement doesn’t have to include a strong opinion in this case, but it should clearly state the central point you want to make, and mention the key elements you’ll explain.

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  • Choosing Essay Topic
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A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

Follow these four steps to come up with a thesis statement :

  • Ask a question about your topic .
  • Write your initial answer.
  • Develop your answer by including reasons.
  • Refine your answer, adding more detail and nuance.

The thesis statement should be placed at the end of your essay introduction .

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McCombes, S. (2023, August 15). How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-essay/thesis-statement/

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Thesis Statement Templates

45 perfect thesis statement templates (+ examples).

You can create a thesis statement template for different reasons. Most commonly though, you would need this for writing essays . There are a lot of argumentative thesis statement examples, expository thesis statement examples, analytical thesis statement examples, and more available to serve as your reference for when you need to make your own. Since thesis statements are very important, it’s important for you to learn how to write one effectively.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Thesis Statement Templates
  • 2 What is a thesis statement?
  • 3 Thesis Statement Formats
  • 4 How do you create a thesis statement?
  • 5 Argumentative Thesis Statement Examples
  • 6 Strong qualities of a thesis statement
  • 7 Expository Thesis Statement Examples
  • 8 Tips for writing your thesis statement

Free thesis statement template 01

What is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement template is an important part of an essay as you indicate your main point there. To help you understand this better, let’s define a thesis statement in the context of persuasive essays. When you write this type of essay, you must learn how to persuade others effectively.

Through the essay, you convince the readers that you have a logical and interesting point of view regarding the subject of your essay . Persuasion is an important skill we all practice in our daily lives. You persuade your children to dress up for school without making a fuss, you persuade your coworkers to help you out, and so on.

If you’re a college student , you may receive course assignments where you need to make a compelling and effective persuasive essay . To do this, you must convince the readers that your point of view is the most accurate and logical one. For this form of persuasion, which is also known as an academic argument, it follows a predictive pattern.

After writing a short introduction, you would state your main point in a single sentence. This is known as the thesis statement. Although an argumentative thesis statement example is the most common, you may also find a lot of expository thesis statement examples or analytical thesis statement examples depending on what they’re created for.

Before we go through the thesis statement format, keep in mind that your thesis statement template must:

  • Tell the reader how you plan to interpret the relevance of your topic.
  • Serves as the “road map” for your entire paper. Therefore, it should tell the reader what to expect from the very beginning.
  • It provides a direct answer to the question your topic answers. The thesis statement is your interpretation of a subject or a question and not the subject itself. For instance, if you’re writing an essay about politics, then your thesis statement must provide the reader with a way to understand this topic.
  • Make a claim which others might argue with.
  • Be just one sentence which you write at the start of your document. Often, you would write your thesis statement by the end of your first paragraph and its purpose is to present your argument to the reader. From there, you can start gathering and organizing evidence which helps persuade the reader of your point of view.

If you’re assigned to develop a claim or take a side of one particular argument or subject, you should convey your main point in your thesis statement. Even if you’re not explicitly required to write a thesis statement, you must still include it. Most professors already expect this as a part of an essay.

If you’re not sure whether or not to include a thesis statement format, ask your professor about it. If your assignment requires you to interpret, to analyze, to compare, to take a stand, or to demonstrate the cause and effect of a situation, this means that you must come up with a thesis statement then support it in a persuasive way.

Thesis Statement Formats

Free thesis statement template 10

How do you create a thesis statement?

Before you can create your thesis statement template, you must first go through a long process of thinking. Formulating your thesis statement isn’t the first thing to do in the process of writing essays. Before you can even start to come up with an argument for any topic, there are other things you must do first.

You need to gather and organize your evidence, look for any relationships like similarities or contrasts between the known facts, and consider the relevance of these relationships. After all these steps, you would have a “working thesis” in your mind which presents your main idea.

Come up with a draft of your thesis statement format along with an argument which you can support using the information you’ve gathered. Keep in mind that while you write your essay , your initial draft of the thesis statement and argument may require modifications.

Writers make use of different kinds of methods to get the ideas flowing and to help them comprehend the relevance of their topic or clarify the relationships between the facts. Only then can you arrive at your final thesis statement.

Argumentative Thesis Statement Examples

Free thesis statement template 20

Strong qualities of a thesis statement

When you’re trying to compose your thesis statement, you must think about the thesis statement format along with other qualities. Here are the qualities you must consider to create a strong thesis statement template:

  • Length You can make your thesis statement any length depending on how many points you plan to mention. Usually, though, this statement is only a short and concise sentence. It may contain two clauses but you may want to limit it to about 2 lines only.
  • Position You must always place your thesis statement somewhere at the beginning of your essay, usually in the first paragraph. This is because the statement tells your reader what you’re about to talk about in the essay. But if your instructor specified where to place your thesis statement, you must follow their requirement.
  • Strength Finally, you must also make your thesis statement arguable. It shouldn’t be too obvious and it shouldn’t be something that everyone will agree with. You must make it interesting and thought-provoking so your readers will continue with the rest of the content.

Composing your thesis statement may take more time, effort, and thinking compared to the other parts of your essay. But since it’s only one sentence, you shouldn’t have a problem taking this extra time to compose this statement as it directs your essay in a unique way.

Expository Thesis Statement Examples

Free thesis statement template 30

Tips for writing your thesis statement

Each paper that you write must contain a main idea, a central message or the main point. Then any arguments you make in your document must be a reflection of this main point. In an essay, the sentence which captures your point of view is the thesis statement.

A thesis statement template focuses your arguments and ideas into a single sentence. Use it to present your essay’s topic and to share your point of view regarding the topic. The thesis statement must tell the reader about the essay, help guide your writing process, and help you focus on your arguments. Here are some tips for you:

  • Determine the type of paper you want to write If your plan to write an analytical paper, you would break down an idea or issue into its basic parts. Then you would perform an evaluation. Finally, you present your breakdown and evaluation to your readers. For an expository or explanatory paper, you would provide an explanation about the main point to your readers. If you’re writing an argumentative paper, you will make a claim about a specific point then justify this claim using the evidence you’ve gathered. Here, your claim may be an evaluation, an opinion, an interpretation, a policy proposal or a cause and effect statement. The goal of this type of paper is to convince the audience of the truth of your claim based on the evidence you’ve given. Even if you’re writing any other type of paper apart from these categories, you should place the thesis statement in your first paragraph. This makes it most helpful for the reader.
  • Make your thesis statement as specific as possible In this statement, you should only cover what you plan to discuss in your essay. Also, you should only include facts which you can support with evidence.
  • Keep in mind that you might have to make changes in your thesis statement As you write your paper, your topic might change. Therefore, you should also make revisions to your thesis statement as needed. Otherwise, it won’t be as relevant in the end.
  • Limit your thesis statement to the information you can accomplish in the specified number of pages When shaping your topic, you must make sure that you get right to the “meat” of it. The more specific you are, the more successful you can relay your message to the readers. Doing this is also more effective than just writing about general concepts which might make the readers feel confused.
  • The thesis statement must also reflect your point of view Your thesis statement shouldn’t just reveal your topic. It must also announce your point of view in relation to the topic and how you will evaluate or analyze the topic.
  • Come up with your own thesis statement using your own words Remember that the thesis statement is just one sentence. When composing it, use your own words. It’s not appropriate to quote others since you’re talking about your own take on the subject.

Free thesis statement template 40

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Free Thesis statement generator

Create a strong thesis statement with our online tool and clearly express ideas in your paper.

Need to write a thesis statement, but don’t know how to do it the right way? A free thesis statement generator will help you easily cope with it.

How to generate a thesis statement the right way

Want to write the best thesis statement? Our free thesis statement generator can be a perfect solution for you. The greatest thing about this service is that you get original writing on request. Moreover, it has other advantages as well: you get results immediately and the service is free.

How do you use a thesis statement generator? You just have to complete a few steps before you get a thesis statement example:

  • Formulate the key idea of your statement
  • Give 1-3 reasons to support your idea
  • Mention the objections you have to the chosen topic, and also the limitations this subject has
  • Add statistics or well-known facts

Just press “Generate Thesis Statement” in our free thesis statement generator to create an original and well-built thesis statement. This way, the readers will easily get the essence of your writing piece.

What is a thesis statement?

To begin with, let’s find out what it is. So, a thesis statement reflects the main idea of your paper and expresses your personal attitude toward, or your conception of, the subject of your writing. It tells the reader what your academic essay, report, speech, or research paper is about and helps to keep arguments organized. Therefore, it’s important to make it short and accurate.

Free Thesis Statement Generator

Free Thesis statement generator: it is an essay writing tool that can help you create a thesis statement for your paper. A thesis statement is the first or last sentence in your first paragraph of the essay that states what you are going to talk about in your paper. It’s important to have a strong thesis statement to guide you through your writing. However, sometimes you may not be able to find a good thesis statement. If you are stuck, then our free thesis statement generator can help you.

Tips for making a good thesis statement

Want to write a good thesis statement? How to make it strong and precise? There are common mistakes students often commit while completing it. So, if you want to write a thesis statement properly, ensure to follow these pieces of advice:

  • State the main point of your paper
  • Choose clear and concise language instead of abstract, vague, and technical words
  • Avoid using long introductions (e.g. The key idea of my research is…)
  • Use one sentence, or unite two sentences by the means of conjunctions (although, despite, since, etc.)

These simple pieces of advice can help you build a solid thesis statement for your research.

How to write a thesis statement

Writing an effective thesis statement isn’t the most straightforward task in the world, but it’s definitely not impossible, either. The key is to start by choosing a topic you’re interested in or passionate about. Once you’ve picked a topic, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is the thesis statement debatable? This should evoke differing opinions from the readers. For example; At least 25 per cent of the federal budget should be spent on limiting pollution.
  • Is the thesis statement narrow? A narrow thesis statement translates to a more effective argument. For example; America’s anti-pollution efforts should focus on privately owned cars because it would allow most citizens to contribute to national efforts and care about the outcome.
  • What kind of claim does your thesis statement contain? There are four different types of claims, and these are; claims of fact or definition, claims of cause and effect, claims about value and claims about solutions or policies. For example; Rather than encouraging all students to attend four-year colleges, we should instead emphasize the validity of two-year colleges, technical schools, and trade schools as well.

Use our free thesis statement generator to nail this four points

Main Types Of Thesis Statement

There are some kinds of essay paper that have its ideas and purposes. Therefore, it is logical that for each particular type of essay you should use your own corresponding thesis creator. Each of them has specific skills to find an appropriate one analyzing all information you brought in and producing a well-directed idea in accordance to the essay type.  Also, each of them has its own system of calculation.

  • Informative speech statement  generator

The main its idea is to form no an argument or expressing but a general goal of your essay. Here it is very important since this expository thesis statement provide the reader with a clear and accessible view of your paper and keeps reading curious.

  • Compare and contrast thesis statement generator.

This calculator works with comparison two or more things depending on your writing task. Instead of wasting lots of time to find an appropriate one to contrast it is very wise to work out the best statement. And having already all points to work with it would be much easier to finish your work.

  • Argumentative thesis statement generator

The problem of this writing helper is to get your opinion and to find out perfect arguments towards it. This one is based on examining your counter position, suggesting different reasons to the subject. Also get your short summarize on exploring issue.

  • Cause and effect thesis statement generator

Using this one you will get a variety of reasons that refer to the text main idea, which is always hard to produce much. Moreover, you will receive effects that are related to the just-ready causes. After that, it is no problem to get over with the rest of analytical writing information to have your essay one of the best.

  • Expository thesis statement generator

Helping students with explaining the sense of an issue to the audience is how it works. What does it imply? Working out evidence evaluating and investigating the problem of the text you will get the very one you needed. The hardest difficulties of such kind of essay leave for its solving.

Thesis statement vs topic sentence

A thesis statement (sometimes called a topic sentence) is the sentence that’s the jumping-off point for your essay. It’s your topic—the subject you’re going to write about. The first step to writing a great essay is to choose a great topic. Then, once you’ve chosen your topic, you have to express that topic in a thesis statement. The thesis statement is the sentence that is the foundation for your essay. It provides the basis for the rest of the essay. It is the topic of the essay, and the essay is a discussion of that topic. In a more formal essay, the thesis statement is usually found near the end of the introductory paragraph.

A topic sentence is a sentence in a paragraph of an essay that states the essay’s main idea. You may already know that your essay needs to have a topic sentence, but do you know how to write one? A topic sentence or thesis statement must be clear and specific. It must also be debatable. This means that there must be more than one person who could possibly argue against the topic sentence.

The structure of the thesis statement

A thesis statement is a one-sentence that gives the reader an idea of what the author’s article is about. It gives the reader a general idea about what the entire article will be about. A thesis statement is the main point of an essay or article. It is what the author wants to discuss in the article. Thesis statements are extremely important for the organization of your essay or article. It is one of the most important elements in your paper. The main structure of a thesis statement is that first sentence in your essay that connects your paper to a larger issue. This sentence must be clear, specific, and interesting so it catches and holds the reader’s attention. Thesis Statements are intended to capture the attention of readers and to provide a sense of direction for the essay. Thesis statements have both an expository and narrative function. When thinking about the thesis statement, consider: What is the big issue I want to explore in my paper?

Sample thesis statements

  • At least 25 percent of the federal budget should be spent on limiting pollution.
  • America’s anti-pollution efforts should focus on privately owned cars.
  • Illegal drug use is detrimental because it encourages gang violence.
  • At least 25 percent of the federal budget should be spent on helping upgrade business to clean technologies, researching renewable energy sources, and planting more trees in order to control or eliminate pollution.
  • America’s anti-pollution efforts should focus on privately owned cars because it would allow most citizens to contribute to national efforts and care about the outcome.

Developing a Thesis Statement

A thesis is a short statement that suggests an argument or your perspective on your topic and/or focus. A thesis should be significant, interesting , and be manageable for the assignment or the paper you are writing. Your thesis should also reflect your specific contribution to the understanding of the subject. Finally, it should contain a claim about the topic that you can explain and justify . Think of the thesis as the road map for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper.

Keep in mind that a thesis will have different purposes depending both on the topic and the discipline in which you are writing. A thesis for a literature class will be different from a thesis for a scientific paper. It may be used to categorize or define , persuade or convince , demonstrate cause-effect or correlation , reveal a resemblance or parallel between cases, evaluate or critically examine , propose or create new policies, or address ethical issues.

There are several ways to create a thesis:

  • Generate a list of questions about the topic. Pick the question that interests you most and develop an answer for that question.
  • Look at any aspects of the topic that you do not fully understand – what causes the difficulty or confusion?
  • Free-write. Write down random thoughts on the topic as they come into your head until you come up with an interesting avenue of investigation.
  • Try to move from the general to the specific. The more specific you can make your thesis, the better.

Examples of moving from a topic to a thesis: These examples show what the development of a thesis might look like moving from a vague idea to a specific statement that can be explained and justified. Example 1 – Topic : The novel Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad In this example, the thesis is based on the author’s reading of a literary source. Vague Generalization : Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness describes the beginnings of European commerce in Africa. Question : What does the novel suggest about the relationship between Europe and Africa?

General Concept: The novel represents a symbolic journey that reveals how Europeans imagined themselves to be on a civilizing mission to Africa, but they were actually savagely exploiting the Africans.

Specific Thesis: The narrator’s account of the self-restraint exercised by the cannibals reveals that the most seemingly savage of Africans are more moral than the supposedly civilized Europeans.

Example 2 – Topic: The environment and pollution In this case, the thesis will be developed based on non-fiction, reliable resources instead of one novel or a set of works by an author.

Vague Generalization: The use of gasoline pollutes the air. Question: What alternatives are available to the use of gasoline?

General Concept: The development of solar-powered or electric engines would reduce the use of gasoline and improve air quality.

Specific Thesis: The vast amounts of money used to protect American sources of oil in the Middle East should be used instead to develop the technology necessary to replace gas-powered vehicles.

After you have developed a potential thesis, asking yourself the following questions will help you evaluate the strength of your thesis:

  • Do I answer the question? Re-reading the question prompt after constructing a working thesis can help you fix an argument that misses the focus of the question.
  • Have I taken a position that others might challenge or oppose? If your thesis simply states facts that no one would, or even could, disagree with, it’s possible that you are simply providing a summary, rather than making an argument.
  • Is my thesis statement specific enough? Thesis statements that are too vague often do not have a strong argument. If your thesis contains words like “good” or “successful,” see if you could be more specific: why is something “good”; what specifically makes something “successful”?
  • D oes my thesis pass the “So what?” test? If a reader’s first response is likely to be “So what?” then you need to clarify your position and/or connect to a larger issue.
  • Does my essay support my thesis specifically and without wandering? If your thesis and the body of your essay do not seem to go together, one of them has to change. It’s okay to change your working thesis to reflect things you have figured out in the course of writing your paper. Remember, always reassess and revise your writing as necessary.
  • Does my thesis pass the “how and why?” test? If a reader’s first response is “how?” or “why?” your thesis may be too open-ended and lack guidance for the reader. See what you can add to give the reader a better take on your position right from the beginning.


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What is the ideal structure of a thesis statement?

A thesis statement is the main idea of your essay compressed into one or two sentences. An ideal thesis statement should be concise, direct, and relevant. To build it, start with a generalization and proceed with your stance or claim. Structure it in a way that will give your readers a clear idea of what you’re going to write about.

How does this thesis generator work?

Give us your topic.

Firstly, state your topic in general, then continue with the main idea of your essay, and your position regarding this topic.

Fill in all gaps

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Writing assignments tend to pile up, along with many other tasks. And unfortunately there’s no way to add more hours to the day to complete everything on time.

An approaching deadline brings nothing but stress, resulting in even lower productivity, which can make your mental state even worse. Not to mention the feeling of failure after receiving a bad grade.

With the help of writing tools, this nightmare is easy to avoid. You’ll be able to deal with all your routines more effectively and even meet multiple deadlines at once.

Improved Academic Performance

Needless to say, no matter how much time you’ve devoted to completing your writing assignment, if it contains mistakes — you won’t receive the grade you were hoping for.

With writing tools, mistakes are simply impossible. You’re completely covered: you can check your grammar, see if there’s any plagiarism in your text, create a summary, generate a topic and thesis statement, and so much more.

Long story short—these writing tools are here to make your academic life easier and your studying smarter. It’s worthwhile to try them at least once. After seeing the results, you’ll surely come back for more!

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Open Access Theses & Dissertations

Theses and dissertations produced by students as part of the completion of their degree requirements often represent unique and interesting scholarship. Universities are increasingly making this work available online, and UC is no exception. Find information related to open access theses and dissertations below.

UC has an open access policy for theses and dissertations, but procedures and specifics vary by campus

Several UC campuses have established policies requiring open access to the electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) written by their graduate students. As of March 25, 2020, there is now a systemwide Policy on Open Access for Theses and Dissertations , indicating that UC “requires theses or dissertations prepared at the University to be (1) deposited into an open access repository, and (2) freely and openly available to the public, subject to a requested delay of access (’embargo’) obtained by the student.”

In accordance with these policies, campuses must ensure that student ETDs are available open access via eScholarship (UC’s open access repository and publishing platform), at no cost to students. By contrast, ProQuest, the world’s largest commercial publisher of ETDs, charges a $95 fee to make an ETD open access. Institutions worldwide have moved toward open access ETD publication because it dramatically increases the visibility and reach of their graduate research.

Policies and procedures for ETD filing, including how to delay public release of an ETD and how long such a delay can last, vary by campus. Learn more about the requirements and procedures for ETDs at each UC campus:

  • UC Berkeley: Dissertation Filing Guidelines (for Doctoral Students) and Thesis Filing Guidelines (for Master’s Students)
  • UC Davis: Preparing and Filing Your Thesis or Dissertation
  • UC Irvine: Thesis/Dissertation Electronic Submission
  • UCLA: File Your Thesis or Dissertation
  • UC Merced: Dissertation/Thesis Submission
  • UC Riverside: Dissertation and Thesis Submission
  • UC San Diego:  Preparing to Graduate
  • UCSF: Dissertation and Thesis Guidelines
  • UC Santa Barbara:  Filing Your Thesis, Dissertation, or DMA Supporting Document
  • UC Santa Cruz: Dissertation and Thesis Guidelines (PDF) from the Graduate Division’s Accessing Forms Online page

Open access can be delayed in certain circumstances

Some campuses allow students to elect an embargo period before the public release of their thesis/dissertation; others require approval from graduate advisors or administrators. Visit your local graduate division’s website (linked above) for more information.

Common copyright concerns of students writing theses and dissertations

Students writing theses/dissertations most commonly have questions about their own copyright ownership or the use of other people’s copyrighted materials in their own work.

You automatically own the copyright in your thesis/dissertation  as soon as you create it, regardless of whether you register it or include a copyright page or copyright notice (see this FAQ from the U.S. Copyright Office for more information). Most students choose not to register their copyrights, though some choose to do so because they value having their copyright ownership officially and publicly recorded. Getting a copyright registered is required before you can sue someone for infringement.

If you decide to register your copyright, you can do so

  • directly, through the Copyright Office website , for $35
  • by having ProQuest/UMI contact the Copyright Office on your behalf, for $65.

It is common to incorporate 1) writing you have done for journal articles as part of your dissertation, and 2) parts of your dissertation into articles or books . See, for example, these articles from Wiley and Taylor & Francis giving authors tips on how to successfully turn dissertations into articles, or these pages at Sage , Springer , and Elsevier listing reuse in a thesis or dissertation as a common right of authors. Because this is a well-known practice, and often explicitly allowed in publishers’ contracts with authors, it rarely raises copyright concerns. eScholarship , which hosts over 55,000 UC ETDs, has never received a takedown notice from a publisher based on a complaint that the author’s ETD was too similar to the author’s published work.

Incorporating the works of others in your thesis/dissertation – such as quotations or illustrative images – is often allowed by copyright law. This is the case when the original work isn’t protected by copyright, or if the way you’re using the work would be considered fair use. In some circumstances, however, you will need permission from the copyright holder.  For more information, please consult the Berkeley Library’s guide to Copyright and Publishing Your Dissertation .

How to find UC Dissertations and Theses online

All ten UC campuses make their electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) openly accessible to readers around the world. You can view over 55,000 UC ETDs in eScholarship , UC’s open access repository. View ETDs from each campus:

  • Santa Barbara


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Open Access Theses and Dissertations

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About OATD.org

OATD.org aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions . OATD currently indexes 7,231,427 theses and dissertations.

About OATD (our FAQ) .

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We’re happy to present several data visualizations to give an overall sense of the OATD.org collection by county of publication, language, and field of study.

You may also want to consult these sites to search for other theses:

  • Google Scholar
  • NDLTD , the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. NDLTD provides information and a search engine for electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), whether they are open access or not.
  • Proquest Theses and Dissertations (PQDT), a database of dissertations and theses, whether they were published electronically or in print, and mostly available for purchase. Access to PQDT may be limited; consult your local library for access information.
  • Enroll & Pay

Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD)

OATD.org provides open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions. OATD currently indexes 6,654,285 theses and dissertations.

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25+ Dissertation & Thesis Writing Apps

Everything You Need To Optimise Your Research Journey

Contributors: Derek J ansen (MBA),   Kerryn Warren (PhD) &  David Phair (PhD) | May 2024

Completing your dissertation   or thesis requires a hearty investment of time, effort and hard work. There’s no shortcut on the road to research success, but as with anything, there are   ways to optimise the process   and work smarter.

Here, we’ll share with you a wide range of apps, software and services that will   make your life a little easier   throughout the research process. While these apps can save you a lot of time, remember that your dissertation or thesis needs to be your own work – no tool should be doing the writing on your behalf. Also, be sure to check your university’s policy regarding AI-based tools and support before using any apps, tools or software. 

Overview: Dissertation & Thesis Apps

  • Literature review
  • Data collection
  • Qualitative data analysis
  • Quantitative data analysis
  • Writing & Plagiarism
  • Project management
  • Reference management
  • Honourable mentions

Literature Review & Search Apps

The following apps and tools can help you discover, analyse, and synthesise scholarly materials, significantly streamlining the literature review process.

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Scite AI – Find & evaluate sources

The Scite AI app uses ‘Smart Citations’ to show how academic papers are discussed—i.e.,  supported, contradicted, or mentioned. This can help you fast-track the literature review process and source highly relevant papers quickly. 

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Petal – Chat with your literature

Petal is an AI-driven tool that revolutionises your interaction with documents by enabling direct, context-aware conversations. Upload an article and it will swiftly summarise its contents and allow you to ask questions about the specific study (or studies).


Consensus – ChatGPT for academia

The Consensus app uses a powerful AI engine to connect you to over 200 million scientific papers. It allows precise searches and efficiently summarises key research findings . PS – Get 40% off Consensus Premium by using the coupon code GRADCOACH40.


Litmaps – Visualise related papers

This app is great for quickly identifying relevant research. For any given keyword or resource, it will provide you with a visual citation network, showing how studies are interconnected. This reveals both direct and tangential connections to other research, highlighting gaps and key discussions within your field.

Connected Papers

Connected Papers – An alternative

Similar to Litmaps, Connected Papers visually maps academic research, simplifying how you explore related studies. Just input a paper, and it charts connections, helping identify key literature and gaps. It’s ideal for staying updated on emerging research.

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Elicit – An “AI research assistant”

Another AI-powered tool, Elicit automates the discovery, screening, and data extraction from academic papers efficiently. This makes it useful for systematic reviews and meta-analyses, as it allows you to focus on deeper analysis across various fields​.

Data Collection & Preparation

These apps and tools can assist you in terms of collecting and organising both qualitative and quantitative data for your dissertation or thesis.

Survey Monkey

SurveyMonkey – Simple surveys

SurveyMonkey is a versatile tool for creating and distributing surveys. It simplifies collecting and analysing data, helping you craft surveys that generate reliable results. Well suited for the vast majority of postgraduate research projects.


Qualtrics – An alternative

Qualtrics is a comprehensive survey tool with advanced creation, distribution, and analysis capabilities. It supports complex survey designs and robust data analysis, making it ideal for gathering detailed insights and conducting high-quality research.


Otter – Easy draft transcription

Otter is an AI-powered transcription tool that converts spoken words into text. It captures and transcribes lectures, interviews, and meetings in real time. Naturally, it’s not 100% accurate (you’ll need to verify), but it can certainly save you some time.

Qualitative Data Analysis

These software packages can help you organise and analyse qualitative data for your dissertation, thesis or research project.

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NVivo – All-in-one qual platform

NVivo is a powerful qualitative data analysis software that facilitates data organisation, coding, and analysis. It supports a wide range of data types and methodologies, enabling detailed analysis and helping you extract rich insights from your data.

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MaxQDA – QDA simplified

MAXQDA is a robust qualitative data analysis software that helps you systematically organise, evaluate, and interpret complex datasets. A little easier to get started with than NVivo, it’s ideal for first-time dissertation and thesis writers.

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ATLAS.ti – For large datasets

ATLAS.ti offers robust tools for organising, coding, and examining diverse materials such as text, graphics, and multimedia. It’s well-suited for researchers aiming to weave detailed, data-driven narratives as it streamlines complex analysis tasks efficiently.

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Delve – An intuitive interface

Delve is an intuitive qualitative data analysis tool designed to streamline the qualitative analysis process. Ideal for dissertations, Delve simplifies the process from initial data organisation to in-depth analysis, helping you efficiently manage and interpret complex datasets for clearer insights.

Quantitative (Statistical) Data Analysis

These software packages can help you organise and analyse quantitative (statistical) data for your dissertation, thesis or research project.

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Julius – Your “AI data analyst”

Julius is an AI-powered data analysis tool that simplifies the process of analysing and visualising data for academic research. It allows you to “chat” with your data, create graphs, build forecasting models, and generate comprehensive analyses.

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IBM SPSS – The “old faithful”

The OG of statistical analysis software, SPSS is ideal for students handling quantitative data in their dissertations and theses. It simplifies complex statistical testing, data management, and graphical representation, helping you derive robust insights.

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R Studio – For the data wizards

While admittedly a little intimidating at first, R is a versatile software for statistical computing. It’s well-suited for quantitative dissertations and theses, offering a wide range of packages and robust community support to streamline your work.

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STATA – For the data scientists

Stata is yet another comprehensive statistical software widely used for data management, statistical analysis, and graphical representation. It can efficiently handle large datasets and perform advanced statistical analyses.

Writing Improvement & Plagiarism Tools

These apps and tools can help enhance your writing and proactively identify potential plagiarism issues.

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Grammarly – Improve your writing

Grammarly is a writing assistant that can help enhance academic writing by checking for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation in real time. It also features a plagiarism detection system , helping you to proactively avoid academic misconduct.

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Jenni – An AI “writing assistant”

Jenni AI helps you draft, cite, and edit with ease, streamlining the writing process and tackling writer’s block. Well suited for ESL students and researchers, Jenni helps ensure that your work is both precise, clear and grammatically sound.


Quillbot – Paraphrasing simplified

Quillbot is yet another AI-powered writing tool that can help streamline the writing process. Specifically, it can assist with paraphrasing , correcting grammar, and improving clarity and flow. It also features a citation generator and plagiarism checker .

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Quetext – Solid plagiarism checking

Quetext is a plagiarism detection tool that helps ensure the originality of your academic work. It cross-references your documents against extensive online databases to highlight potential plagiarism and generate detailed reports.

Project & Time Management

These apps can help you plan your research project and manage your time, so that you can work as efficiently as possible.

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GanttPro – PM simplified

An intuitive project management tool, GanttPro simplifies planning and tracking for dissertations or theses. It offers detailed Gantt charts to visualise task timelines, dependencies, and progress, helping you ensure timely completion of each section.

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Trello – Drag-and-drop PM

Trello is a versatile project management tool that helps you organise your dissertation or thesis process effectively. By creating boards for each chapter or section, you can track progress, set deadlines, and coordinate tasks efficiently.

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Toggl – Make every minute count

A user-friendly time-tracking app that helps you manage your research project effectively. With Toggl, you can precisely track how much time you spend on specific tasks. This will help you avoid distractions and stay on track throughout your journey.

Reference Management

These apps and tools will help you keep your academic resources well organised and ensure that your citations and references are perfectly formatted, every time.

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Mendeley – Your citations, sorted

Mendeley is your go-to reference management tool that simplifies academic writing by keeping your sources neatly organised. Perfect for dissertations and theses, it lets you easily store, search, and cite your resources directly in MS Word.

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Zotero – Great for Google Docs

Zotero is a free-to-use reference manager that ensures your sources are well-organised and flawlessly cited. It helps you collect, organise, and cite your research sources seamlessly. A great alternative to Mendeley if you’re using Google Docs.

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Endnote – A paid option

Yet another reference management option, Endnote is sometimes specifically required by universities. It efficiently organises and stores research materials, making citation and bibliography creation (largely) effortless.

Honourable Mentions

Now that we’ve covered the more “exciting” dissertation apps and tools, it’s worth quickly making one or two mundane but essential mentions before we wrap up.

You’ll need a reliable word processor.

In terms of word processors, Microsoft Word will likely be your go-to, but it’s not the only option. If you don’t have a license for Word, you can certainly consider using Google Docs, which is completely free. Zotero offers a direct integration with Google Docs, making it easy to manage your citations and references. If you want to go to the other extreme, you can consider LaTeX, a professional typesetting software often used in academic documents.

You’ll need cloud storage.

The number of times we’ve seen students lose hours, days or even weeks’ worth of hard work (and even miss the submission deadline) due to corrupted flash drives or hard drives, coffee-soaked laptops, or stolen computers is truly saddening. If you’re not using cloud storage to save your work, you’re running a major risk. Go sign up for any of the following cloud services (most offer a free version) and save your work there:

  • Google Drive
  • iCloud Drive

Not only will this ensure your work is always safely stored (remember to hit the Save button, though!), but it will make working on multiple devices easier, as your files will be automatically synchronised. No need to have multiple versions between your desktop, laptop, tablet, etc. Everything stays in one place. Safe, secure, happy files.

Need a helping hand?

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Key Takeaways: Dissertation & Thesis Apps

And there you have it – a hearty selection of apps, software and services that will undoubtedly make your life easier come dissertation time.

To recap, we’ve covered tools across a range of categories:

Remember, while these apps can help optimise your dissertation or thesis writing journey, you still need to put in the work . Be sure to carefully review your university’s rules and regulations regarding what apps and tools you can use – especially anything AI-related.

Have a suggestion? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Simply leave a comment below and we’ll consider adding your suggested app to the list.



It seems some of the apps mentioned are not android capable. It would be nice if you mentioned items that everyone could use.

Derek Jansen

Thanks for the feedback, Gale!


Yet to explore some of your recommended apps. I am glad to commend on one app that I have started using, Mendeley. When it comes to referencing it really helps a lot.

Great to hear that, Maggie 🙂

Haseena Akhtar

I have got Mendeley and it is fantastic. I have equally downloaded Freemind but I am yet to really understand how to navigate through it.

Based on your YouTube lessons,my literature review and the entire research has been simplified and I am enjoying the flow now,more than ever before.

Thank you so much for your recommendations and guide.It’s working a great deal for me.

Remain blessed!

mikael badgett

Thank you for all the amazing help and tutorials. I am in the dissertation research proposal stage having already defended the qualifying paper. I am going to implement some of your advice as I revise chapters 1 & 2 and expand chapter 3 for my research proposal. My question is about the writing– or specifically which software would you recommend. I know MS Word can get glitchy with larger documents. Do the “reference” apps you recommend work with other options such as LaTeX? I understand that for some programs the citations won’t be integrated or automated such as cite while you write etc.. I have a paid version of endnote, and free versions of mendeley and zotero. I have really only used endnote with any fidelity but I’m willing to adapt. What would you advise at this point?

Derek Jansen

Thanks for your comment and for the kind words – glad to hear that the info is useful.

Generally, Word works reasonably well for most research projects and is our first recommendation. As long as one keeps the document clean (i.e. doesn’t paste in loads of different styles, ultra high-res images, etc), it works fine. But I understand that it’s not perfect for absolutely huge projects.

Regarding referencing with Latex, this article covers how to use Mendeley with Latex – https://blog.mendeley.com/2011/10/25/howto-use-mendeley-to-create-citations-using-latex-and-bibtex/ . Perhaps it will be useful. I hesitate to tell you to adopt software X or Y, or to move from Endnote, as each software has its strengths and weaknesses, and performs better in certain contexts. I’m not familiar with your context, so it’s not possible for me to advise responsibly. Mendeley works well for the vast majority of our students, but if there’s a very specific bit of functionality that draws you to Endnote, then it may be best to stick with it. My generic advice would be to give Mendeley a try with some sample references and see if it has the functionality you need.

I hope this helps! Best of luck with your research 🙂


Thank you for your amazing articles and tips. I have MAC laptop, so would Zotero be as good as Mendeley? Thank you

Abdelhamid Jebbouri

Derek would you share with me your email please, I need to talk to you urgently.

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UC Davis Graduate Studies

Filing your thesis or dissertation, filing topics, filing deadlines, filing process.

  • Filing Paperwork
  • The Title Page

Formatting Guidelines

  • Submitting Electronically
  • Publishing Options & Copyright

Degree Conferral Letters

  • Transcripts & Diplomas
  • Computing Account
  • Ordering Printed Copies

Review the Academic Dates & Deadlines Calendar  for quarterly filing dates. The filing date for each degree list is a firm deadline.  It is highly recommended that you send your paper draft to your committee members for review and approval at least four weeks prior the date you plan to file with Graduate Studies.  Per policy and to ensure timely communication, committee members are allowed four weeks to respond to the draft. 

If you will need a Degree-Awarded transcript earlier than shown below, please read the Expedited Degree Awarding section on the Diplomas, Transcripts and Verification page. 

QuarterFiling DeadlineDegree DateDegree posted to transcript by
SummerSeptember 13, 2024September 13, 2024October 28, 2024
FallDecember 13, 2024December 13, 2024February 24, 2025
WinterMarch 21, 2025March 21, 2025May 23, 2025
SpringJune 12, 2025June 12, 2025August 18, 2025

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Filing your Thesis or Dissertation Workshop

Grad Studies Senior Academic Advisors (SAAs) host quarterly Filing Workshops with step-by-step guidance and answers to your questions.  All graduate students, staff, and faculty are welcome to attend!

Upcoming Zoom Filing Workshop:  

  ►Fall Quarter 2024 (December 13th submission deadline)

  • Tuesday, October 29th 11am-12pm ( Zoom Registration )
  • Wednesday, November 20th 2pm-3pm ( Zoom Registration )

  ►Winter Quarter 2025 (March 21st submission deadline)

  • Tuesday, January 28th 11am-12pm
  • Wednesday, March 5th 2pm-3pm

  ►Spring Quarter 2025 (June 12th submission deadline)

  • Tuesday, April 29th 11am-12pm
  • Wednesday, May 21st 2pm-3pm

Please join our Senior Academic Advisors from Graduate Studies to learn more about the filing/graduation process and prepare you for the final steps of your graduate degree journey. You'll learn to navigate the filing dates and deadlines, the GradSphere filing process, formatting, publishing options, conferral letters, bell ringing, and more. Bring your questions for the chat or Q&A at the end. This workshop will be recorded and posted.

Past Workshops: 


Have filing questions or want to talk through the process?

The  Graduate Studies Senior Academic Advisors (SAA's)  will assist you throughout the filing process, answer questions, review your paperwork and formatting.

  • Pre-Filing Appointments: You are not required to make an appointment to file, as you'll be submitting your paper and paperwork electronically.  You are welcome to schedule a Pre-Filing Appointment with one of the SAA's.   During a pre-filing appointment, the SAA can answer your questions and review your final steps.  You can schedule a pre-filing appointment at any time during the quarter.
  • Email the SAAs:  If you have questions or would like support, but don't need to meet, find your SAA on your Program Page .

Two Steps to File

After you upload your thesis or dissertation to ProQuest ETD, a member of the Academic Services Unit will be assigned to manage your filing and support your last steps. After your paper has been accepted in ProQuest and your filing received via GradSphere, a member of the Academic Services Unit will file you to graduate in the system and email you a degree conferral letter that confirms your degree has been completed. All documents and the original upload of your completed thesis/dissertation must be submitted by 11:59 PM on the day of the filing deadline. 

1. Upload your completed and approved thesis or dissertation to ProQuest ETD .

ProQuest will automatically send a notification of your upload to the Academic Services Unit.  One of them will conduct a formatting review to ensure your format matches the requirements included on this page.  Formatting edits and acceptance notices are sent to the email address you use to create your ProQuest account.  

2. Upload all your paperwork including your signed title page through Gradsphere .

Gradsphere will prompt you to upload all required paperwork.  Your filing package will be reviewed and approved via GradSphere.

Required Filing Paperwork

Required for both master's and doctoral students:.

  • The signed title page with signatures from all committee members (Plan A Final Exam-Only members do not need to sign).  Digital signatures accepted.  See Title Page Sample and Template below. 
  • Please add your name and student ID at the top of the abstract submitted through GradSphere (not the version in your ProQuest upload).
  • Collected via GradSphere prompt
  • Embargo requests longer than 6yrs require additional approval from the Chair of your graduate program and Graduate Council
  • Future Contact Information

Doctoral students only must also submit:

  • An individual four-digit code will be generated on the final screen after you complete the survey.  Please save this code and enter it in your GradSphere filing process.
  • Upload the PDF Certificate of Completion via GradSphere

Doctoral students in a Plan A or C Candidacy program must submit:

  • Plan A Report
  • Plan C Report 
  • Students in Plan B Candidacy doctoral programs do not have a Final Exam Report

Doctoral students completing a Designated Emphasis must submit:

  • Designated Emphasis Report (only required if you completed the requirements for a DE)  - Information collected via GradSphere

The Title Page 

Title page resources.

  • Sample Title Page  
  • Title Page Template   (.docx)

Two Versions of the Title Page

  • The title page in your ProQuest upload will be unsigned with blank signature lines.
  • The signed page is uploaded to GradSphere.

The title page is the most common place for formatting edits.  This is the front page of your thesis or dissertation, on which the signatures of your committee members will signify your completion. All signatures must appear on the same single title page. We recommend you review the Sample title page, and/or use the Template to include as the first page of your thesis or dissertation.  The template is an editable MS Word document.  If your thesis/dissertation is not in Word, you can save the completed template as a PDF and insert or replace the version in your paper.  

The spacing, language, and capitalization on your title page must match the sample/template exactly.  You may change the font, text size, and position of the page number in the template to match those used in the rest of your paper.  Consistency is key.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the format of your thesis or dissertation conforms to the UC Davis standards below.  Formatting areas not included here (content of material, order of pages, style of reference, etc.) are not reviewed by Graduate Studies, but should be guided by your committee based on standards in your field.

Important note regarding formatting templates such as LaTex : UC Davis does not currently have an official or Graduate Studies sanctioned formatting template.  You are welcome to use LaTex or any other formatting tool, but please be aware that our formatting guidelines may have changed since the template was created, and editing these templates may be challenging.  If using a template, we encourage you to review our sample or template title pages and the formatting instructions below.

  • Your thesis/dissertation must be submitted through the ProQuest ETD website as a single PDF file.  File compression, encryption, and password protection are not permitted.
  • Title/Signature Page

Review the Sample Title Page , or use the Title Page Template  for correct formatting.

  • Please limit the title to 180 characters or less.   • Graduate Studies requires one copy of your title page signed by all committee members. Electronic signatures are accepted, and committee members may use any format or application to sign, except only typing their name.  The signed title page must be submitted via GradSphere during your Filing Process.   • The title page in your ProQuest ETD upload will be unsigned, and include   blank signature lines.

The thesis or dissertation must include an overall abstract which should be included in your preliminary pages (lower-case Roman numeral page numbers).

A separate abstract is submitted to ProQuest during the electronic upload process, and must be formatted following the guidelines on the ProQuest ETD website .  Your abstract should provide a clear description of the content, because ProQuest will publish the abstract exactly as submitted.

  • A copy of only your abstract must be included with your filing paperwork submitted through GradSphere.   • Students completing their requirements under Doctoral Plan A should provide copies of the abstract to their dissertation & exam committee prior to the examination.

  • Style and Form
  • Your committee determines the appropriate style of your thesis or dissertation according to standard practice in the field.  The Graduate Chair has Graduate Studies does not set requirements on the form of the bibliography, appendix, footnotes, etc. as long as they are formatted in a consistent and recognized manner approved by your committee.
  • All pages must include a one inch (1") margin on all sides (top, bottom, left and right), including   all figures, charts, graphs, illustrations and appendices.   The page numbers may appear outside the 1" margins.  The 1" margin specification applies to all figures, charts, graphs, illustrations and appendices.
  • The thesis or dissertation must be double spaced , except in specified places on the title page, and places where conventional usage calls for single spacing – footnotes, indented quotations, tables, and the bibliography.
  • Landscape Pages
  • You may include pages in landscape orientation, but you must still maintain the one inch margin on all sides, and adjust the page numbers so they are in a consistent location if the paper was printed.   • Page numbers on landscape oriented pages must be centered, on the left-hand side, and turned sideways - as if you turned a portrait oriented page ninety degrees clockwise. 
  • Page Numbers
  • The preliminary pages, beginning with the title page, are numbered with lower-case roman numerals.  All pages following the preliminary pages (usually the Introduction or Chapter 1 page) are numbered with Arabic numerals beginning at 1.  All page numbers must be centered at the bottom of the page, with the exception of landscape pages - see below • Do not renumber pages at any point in the body of your thesis or dissertation.  • Your thesis or dissertation should include no blank pages, and no unnumbered pages, with the exception of an optional copyright page.   To change from lowercase roman numeral to Arabic page numbers in MS Word : 1) include a "Section Break - Next page" between the section of your document where the numbering will change, and 2) unlink the second section's footer from the one previous. 
  • Preliminary Pages
  • Preliminary pages are those prior to your introduction.  The title page & the abstract are the only required preliminary pages, but many students choose to include more information leading to the body text.  Preliminary pages may be placed in any order with the exception of the title page and the optional copyright notice   Examples of preliminary pages include:   • Title Page (required) - The title page is always page i.   • Copyright Notice - if including a copyright notice, it should be located after the title page, and is typically unnumbered and skipped in pagination.  For formatting, review the Copyright FAQ.       • Acknowledgements and/or Dedication   • Permissions/Acknowledgements for use of Copyrighted Materials   • Abstract (required)   • Table of Contents   • List of Figures/Tables   • Other pages approved by your committee
  • Typeface/Font
  • Any font type is acceptable, as long as the font is legible and used consistently throughout.    Use a font size between 10 and 13 points.  All your fonts must be embedded fonts - see the instructions for embedded fonts on the ProQuest ETD website .
  • Overall Appearance
  • You are responsible for the overall appearance of your manuscript in PDF.  Once released through ProQuest and eScholarship, your thesis or dissertation will be accessible to the public, including to publishers and researchers in your field.  
  • Tables, Graphs, Figures, and Captions
  • Tables, Graphs, Figures, and Captions may be placed horizontally or vertically, but in either case must fit within the 1" margins on all sides.  Each figure or table must be numbered consecutively and include a caption. Do not renumber these in each chapter unless you include chapter numbers, e.g., Fig.1.1, Fig. 2.1, etc.
  • Photographs, Illustrations, and Maps
  • Plates, figures, illustrations, maps and photographic reproductions must be clear and distinct. Page numbering must be consistent throughout.
  • Oversized Material
  • Consult the ETD website guidelines for uploading supplemental files with your manuscript.
  • Material Previously Published or Pending Publishing
  • Published or publishing pending material may be used with permission from the copyright owner, if not you, and the Graduate Chair, if you are not the first-author.  See the Copyright FAQ for information about permissions when using published material.  Material you have authored, and which has been previously published or is pending publishing, may be used in its published format with three exceptions:   1) Margins - You must maintain 1" margins on all sides throughout the paper.   2) Pagination - page numbers must follow the UC Davis standards.    3) The title page must follow UC Davis standards and you must include an overall abstract.

Submitting Electronically (ProQuest ETD)

UC Davis requires all theses and dissertations to be submitted electronically through the ProQuest Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) website.  Please note that once approved and uploaded, theses and dissertations cannot be edited. Start by creating an ETD account on the ProQuest (ETD) website , selecting publishing and copyright registration options, and upload your manuscript.  

Instructions for Uploading

  • You may make required formatting corrections, but may not update content following upload to ProQuest ETD.  If you find an error in your content, notify your SAA .  
  • Ensure that your thesis or dissertation meets all of the formatting requirements listed above.
  • Discuss embargo and copyright registration with your major professor prior to uploading.
  • Review instructions for submitting your thesis or dissertation on the ETD website .    
  • (IMPORTANT) Traditional or Open Access Plus publishing  - All students should select 'Traditional' publishing in ProQuest ETD, and NOT pay the fee for Open Access Plus publishing.  Your thesis or dissertation will be open access released on the UC eScholarship platform for no cost at the same time ProQuest releases your paper to account holders.  Don't pay a fee for a service you'll receive for free.
  • How to select embargo in ProQuest ETD - In the Publishing Options section, you will select a response to the statement I want my work to be available in ProQuest as soon as it is published .  If you plan to embargo, select No, I have patents pending, or another reason why I need to delay access to the full text of my work , then select the length of embargo.
  • Copyright Registration - If you are requesting the copyright registration service from ProQuest, select that option during the upload process and pay the fee at that time.  For information about copyright and copyright registration as well as a less expensive registration option through copyright.gov, review the information on Publishing Options, Embargo, & Copyright .
  • Purchasing bound copies - You may order printed copies of your thesis or dissertation from ProQuest at the time you upload.  See information about printed copies below for a recommended alternative - UC Bindery .  

Theses and dissertations are delivered to ProQuest after degrees have been awarded - about two months following the degree conferral date.  Theses and dissertations cannot be edited once approved and uploaded. If you have questions or concerns about electronic submission or formatting guidelines, contact the Graduate Studies Senior Academic Advisors (SAAs).

Publishing Options and Copyright

Information explaining open access release, why or why not to embargo, using copyrighted material, and copyright protections for your thesis or dissertation is available on the Publishing Options, Embargo, & Copyright page .  

The Graduate Studies Academic Services unit will email you a PDF degree conferral letter after they have received your final documents, accepted your thesis or dissertation in ProQuest ETD, and have filed you to graduate. The conferral letter, signed by the Dean of Graduate Studies, confirms you have completed all graduation requirements and will be awarded your master's or doctoral degree on the conferral date.  Many employers, organizations, and governments who require verification of degree will be satisfied by this letter in the time before your transcript is updated and your diploma is mailed. Please see our  Diplomas, Transcripts, and Verification webpage  for more information.

Transcripts, Diplomas, and Additional Verification

Learn how to obtain your diploma, when your transcript will be updated, and more on our  Diplomas, Transcripts, and Verification webpage .

Computing Account & @ucdavis Email

Information about your UC Davis Computing Account (access, email, listservs, Library, etc) after graduation is available on  Knowledge Base: IT .  You maintain student-level access until the end of your final enrolled or filing-fee quarter. 

Ordering Printed Copies of the Thesis or Dissertation

If you’d like to purchase printed and bound copies of your dissertation or thesis you may order from ProQuest when you upload your paper, or after your paper is publicly released.  Please note, copies ordered through ProQuest will not be printed and shipped until after Graduate Studies delivers papers to ProQuest - approximately 8 weeks following your graduation date.

As a faster and less expensive alternative, we recommend ordering bound copies from UC Bindery based at UC Berkeley.  Fill out the online order form and upload a PDF of your thesis or dissertation.  Orders are typically shipped within two weeks.

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  • How to File
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IRS Direct File pilot

More in irs inflation reduction act strategic operating plan.

  • Strategic Operating Plan

The IRS will make Direct File a permanent option for filing federal tax returns starting in the 2025 tax season following a successful filing season pilot and feedback from a variety of partners. The IRS plans to announce additional details on the 2025 expansion in the coming months.

See Direct File news for updates.

If you filed your taxes with the IRS Direct File pilot

The Direct File pilot is closed as of April 21, 2024.

You can confirm the IRS accepted your return, view and download it.

to IRS Direct File with ID.me

How to access your Direct File account dashboard and download your Direct File return

If the IRS accepted your Direct File return

Check your refund or view your balance due in your online account .

If the IRS rejected your Direct File return

Your Direct File return is not filed if you received an email that the IRS rejected it.

Sign-in to Direct File and go to your dashboard to review the error.

You can’t resubmit a return with Direct File or use guided tax software this year. You can check to see if you qualify for free tax help from IRS-certified volunteers, find a tax preparer near you or file on paper.

To file your paper return

  • Sign-in to Direct File and download your return
  • Review the error – make sure your personal and employment information is correct
  • File a paper Form 1040
  • Mail your return to the IRS and attach a copy of the IRS Direct File rejection email

If you filed a state return for Arizona, California, New York or Massachusetts

Contact your state tax authority if you used a state-supported tool to prepare and file your state tax return.

If you didn’t file yet

You can e-file through October 15, 2024. Pay any tax you owe as soon as possible to avoid penalties and interest. If you don’t usually file, consider filing your taxes anyway. You could get money back if you:

  • Qualify for a  refundable tax credit
  • Had federal income tax withheld from your pay
  • Made estimated tax payments

How to access your Direct File account dashboard and download your return 

You'll need to verify your identity and securely sign in to access your Direct File dashboard. The IRS lets you access most tax tools with one account using the same login and password.

If you filed your federal tax return with Direct File, you can download a copy of it:

  • Sign-in to Direct File
  • Select the IRS Direct File logo on the top left of the page to go to your dashboard
  • Select Review to go to your submission details
  • Scroll down the page and select, Download my 2023 federal tax return submission
  • Print and save the Form 1040 PDF file

If you receive an IRS letter about your 2023 taxes

We send notices and letters to ask a question about your return, let you know about a change to your account or request a payment. Reply only if we ask you to send us information or if you don’t agree. Find more about IRS notices and letters .

While dedicated Direct File customer support is no longer available, IRS can help you online, by phone or in person.

If you received a CP303 Notice after you used an IRS online service, like Direct File, you don't need to do anything, if you accessed this service. Call the number on your notice if you did not access this service.

If you find a mistake after you file your taxes 

You can’t use Direct File to file an amended return online but may qualify for free tax help from IRS-certified volunteers .

Check  Should I File an Amended Return?  if you need to change your Direct File return. You generally don’t have to amend a return because of math errors you made; the IRS will correct those errors and mail you a notice.

About the IRS Direct File pilot

On May 3, 2024, the IRS released Publication 5969, IRS Direct File Pilot Program: Filing Season 2024 After Action Report PDF . The report examines the Direct File pilot in detail: the pilot itself, the technology and taxpayer experience, Direct File’s innovative customer support system, integration with state tax systems, and the cost and benefits of the pilot.

IRS Direct File  was a pilot for the 2024 tax filing season. Following software launch best practices, we started the pilot with a limited number of people to fully test the new service and continuously improved the taxpayer experience.

Using a phased approach meant the pilot was not immediately available to all eligible taxpayers when the IRS began accepting federal tax returns on January 29, 2024. The limited-scale pilot launched its final phase in early March, when it became available 24/7 for eligible taxpayers in 12 pilot states to file their 2023 federal tax returns online for free through the April file deadline.

Participating pilot states

 The pilot was an option for eligible taxpayers who lived in one of these pilot states in 2023:

  • Massachusetts
  • New Hampshire
  • South Dakota
  • Washington state

You can’t use Direct File pilot if you did not live in one of the 12 participating states in 2023.

State returns in Arizona, California, Massachusetts and New York

The Direct File pilot doesn't prepare state returns. However, if you live in Arizona, California, Massachusetts or New York, the Direct File pilot guides you to a state-supported tool you can use to prepare and file your state tax return.

If you live in Washington state, Direct File guides you to a state site where you can apply for the Working Families Tax Credit when you file your federal return with the Direct File pilot.

Types of income, tax credits and deductions for the pilot 

You may be eligible to join the pilot if you live in a pilot state and report these items on your 2023 federal tax return:

  • W-2 wage income
  • SSA-1099 Social Security income  
  • 1099-G unemployment compensation
  • 1099- INT interest income of $1,500 or less

The Direct File pilot was not an option if you had other types of income, such as  gig economy  or  business income .

  • Earned Income Tax Credit
  • Credit for Other Dependents

The Direct File pilot was not an option if you claimed other credits like the  Child and Dependent Care Credit ,  Saver's Credit  or the  Premium Tax Credit .

  • Standard deduction
  • Student loan interest
  • Educator expenses

The Direct File pilot was not an option if you itemize deductions .

Online customer support for the pilot

IRS Direct File customer service representatives were available to chat live with one of our customer service representatives Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET. Limited weekend hours were available in March and April. There was also an option for a follow up phone call from an IRS assistor when needed.

Our Direct File pilot representatives offered technical support and answered basic tax law questions in English and Spanish. They had no access to individual IRS account data. Questions or issues not directly related to the Direct File pilot were routed to other IRS support channels.

to Direct File pilot securely

You needed to verify your identity and securely sign-in to file your return with the Direct File pilot.

The IRS lets you access most tax tools with one account using the same login and password. For example, if you already have an IRS online account, you can use it for the pilot. If not, you were directed to create an account to verify your identity. Once your identity was verified, you   started preparing your return with Direct File.

  • IR-2024-151 , May 30, 2024: IRS makes Direct File a permanent option to file federal tax returns; expanded access for more taxpayers planned for the 2025 filing season
  • Publication 5969, IRS Direct File Pilot Program: Filing Season 2024 After Action Report PDF
  • Direct File pilot news
  • Subscribe to the Direct File pilot newsletter
  • IRS Inflation Reduction Act Strategic Operating Plan

IRS Direct File report PDF

  • Letter from Commissioner Werfel to Secretary Yellen to accompany Direct File report PDF
  • Letter from Deputy Secretary Adeyemo to Commissioner Werfel PDF
  • Letter from Commissioner Werfel to Federation of Tax Administrators PDF
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free thesis filling

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Celebrity Trainer Gunnar Peterson Shares Daughter, 4, Is Cancer-Free Following Bone Marrow Transplant from Her Brother

"It’s hard to find the words to fully capture and express the emotions or the meaning of this moment," the parents wrote on Instagram

Gunnar Peterson/Instagram

Six months after celebrity trainer   Gunnar Peterson 's 4-year-old daughter Monroe Vivian was diagnosed with leukemia , the proud parents are happy to share that their little one is cancer-free.

Peterson, who has worked with stars like  Khloé Kardashian  and  Jennifer Lopez , shared the news in a joint  Instagram Ree l with his wife Jess Peterson on Wednesday, Sept. 11, writing, "On June 18th we arrived back at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital for Monroe’s bone marrow transplant procedure."

"Today, 86 days and two transplants later, this MVP is walking out of here cancer-free and with a new immune system thanks to her incredible brother’s," he added.

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In the Reel, Monroe and her brother could be seen holding hands and walking down the hospital hallway while nurses and doctors cheered around them. Upon returning home, the strong little girl was met with a surprise visit from family and friends holding up pink pom poms and wearing pink cowboy hats and appearances from her favorite princesses Jasmine and Ariel.

Monroe was also surprised with a rainbow balloon arch that read, "Welcome Home," and could be seen posing in front of the display with her brother. Her bedroom was decorated to the nines with balloons, streamers and toys and the family of four enjoyed a rainbow heart-shaped cake that said "MVP" on it — Monroe's nickname from throughout her treatment.

"It’s hard to find the words to fully capture and express the emotions or the meaning of this moment," the proud parents wrote in their caption. "Monroe was dealt a very difficult and undeserving hand in this cancer fight. Her little 4 year old body endured so much pain and toxicity, yet somehow she managed to turned it into a beautiful outcome with her beautiful spirit."

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The Petersons continued to share their love and gratitude for Monroe's nurses, doctors, friends, family and school community, whose "support and love helped Monroe feel special, loved, brave and strong everyday."

They added that, "Monroe is coming home with lifelong friendships and memories that we will forever cherish."

"Today we begin a new chapter. We will never forget or take for granted the 139 sleeps or days we spent here at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. Thank you all, and Monroe we are so incredibly proud of you. 🙏🙏❤️❤️," the parents concluded their caption.

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    This dissertation template is based on the tried and trusted best-practice format for formal academic research projects. The template structure reflects the overall research process, ensuring your document has a smooth, logical flow. Here's how it's structured: The title page/cover page. Abstract (sometimes also called the executive summary)

  6. File Your Electronic Thesis or Dissertation (ETD)

    The last date that all of the items listed above is complete will be your filing date for your thesis or dissertation. For example, if you submit your final dissertation PDF and complete the online process on May 31, three committee members sign on June 1, and the final committee member signs on June 2, your filing date will be June 2 assuming ...

  7. AI Thesis Statement Generator

    AI Thesis Statement Generator. Lay the foundation for a compelling research paper, persuasive essay, and more with Grammarly's thesis statement generator, which helps spark original ideas for your paper's thesis statement in two quick steps. Step 1. Enter target audience. Paste or type the name of the person or group who will read your paper.

  8. [FREE] Thesis Statement Generator AI

    Fill Out the Below Spaces and Get Captivating Thesis Statement. 1. State your topic*. Your topic is the main idea of your paper. It is usually a phrase or a few words that summarize the subject of your paper. 2. State the main idea about this topic*. Explicitly state what the main point of your thesis will be early in your paper.

  9. How to Write a Thesis Statement

    Step 2: Write your initial answer. After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process. The internet has had more of a positive than a negative effect on education.

  10. Free Dissertation & Thesis Templates

    The full dissertation/thesis template provides a high-level outline structure, whereas the individual chapter templates provide more detail. If you're just starting the writing process, the former could help you structure your outline document and get a feel for how it all fits together, whereas the latter (chapter-specific templates) can be used as you approach each chapter.

  11. 45 Perfect Thesis Statement Templates (+ Examples)

    A thesis statement template focuses your arguments and ideas into a single sentence. Use it to present your essay's topic and to share your point of view regarding the topic. The thesis statement must tell the reader about the essay, help guide your writing process, and help you focus on your arguments.

  12. Free Thesis statement generator

    Academic level. Number of pages. Urgency. Create a strong thesis statement with our free thesis statement generator and clearly express ideas in your paper. Click "Generate Thesis Statement" to create an original and well-built thesis statement. This way, the readers will easily get the essence of your writing piece.

  13. Essay Outline Generator

    The thesis is the main point that you will want to make in your paper. The goal of the body paragraphs is to address the thesis statement at the end of your introduction. Our research paper outline generator tracks the thesis so you don't have to. For your conclusion, we'll outline the main points that you need to touch upon to wrap up your ...

  14. Thesis Statement Generator

    Our free thesis statement generator is indeed 100% free and requires no sign up. Fast & easy to use. All you need to do to get your unique thesis statement is fill in a few gaps and press one button. You won't waste a minute - our tool works at top speed! ... Fill in a few more gaps to provide information about your arguments and ...

  15. Free Essay Writing Tools by IvyPanda

    Abstract Generator for Research Papers. This abstract generator will be an excellent assistant if you want to create a successful abstract for your research. This free tool will solve your problem in seconds! We will write. a custom essay specifically. for you by our professional experts. --- certified writers online.

  16. Open Access Theses & Dissertations

    Open Access Theses & Dissertations. Theses and dissertations produced by students as part of the completion of their degree requirements often represent unique and interesting scholarship. Universities are increasingly making this work available online, and UC is no exception. Find information related to open access theses and dissertations below.

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    Advanced research and scholarship. Theses and dissertations, free to find, free to use. October 3, 2022. OATD is dealing with a number of misbehaved crawlers and robots, and is currently taking some steps to minimize their impact on the system. This may require you to click through some security screen.

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    Freely accessible to the public via the Internet. Subjects: Dissertations and Theses. Watson Library. 1425 Jayhawk Blvd. Lawrence, KS 66045. Contact Us. 785-864-8983. Libraries website feedback.

  19. Dissertation Writing and Filing

    Procedure for filing your dissertation. After you have written your dissertation, formatted it correctly, assembled the pages into the correct organization, and obtained verbal approval from your committee, you are ready to file it with UC Berkeley's Graduate Division. Step 0: Confirm your eligibility to file.

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    Free Essay Examples Database by PapersOwl. Find relevant and credible information for your specific topic in our free essay samples. FIND ESSAY. Get inspired with 55000+ essay examples or order unique paper. 150,000 students trusted PapersOwl.

  21. 25+ Dissertation & Thesis Writing Apps

    Trello - Drag-and-drop PM. Trello is a versatile project management tool that helps you organise your dissertation or thesis process effectively. By creating boards for each chapter or section, you can track progress, set deadlines, and coordinate tasks efficiently. Access Now.

  22. Filing Your Thesis or Dissertation

    All documents and the original upload of your completed thesis/dissertation must be submitted by 11:59 PM on the day of the filing deadline. 1. Upload your completed and approved thesis or dissertation to ProQuest ETD. ProQuest will automatically send a notification of your upload to the Academic Services Unit.

  23. Thesis Writing and Filing

    Step 1: Convert your thesis to a standard PDF file. Step 2: Log into your CalCentral account. Under Student Resources in your Dashboard find Submit a Form and choose Final Signature Submission. Step 3: Complete the eForm in its entirety and hit submit once all required documents are submitted:

  24. IRS Direct File pilot

    On May 3, 2024, the IRS released Publication 5969, IRS Direct File Pilot Program: Filing Season 2024 After Action Report PDF.The report examines the Direct File pilot in detail: the pilot itself, the technology and taxpayer experience, Direct File's innovative customer support system, integration with state tax systems, and the cost and benefits of the pilot.

  25. Gunnar Peterson Shares Daughter Is Cancer-Free After Transplant from

    Celebrity trainer Gunnar Peterson's daughter Monroe Vivian is cancer-free after receiving a bone marrow transplant from her older brother. The proud parents shared, "It's hard to find the words ...