SCCM Configmgr Troubleshooting Client software update issues

Eswar Koneti

One of most important and critically used feature in configuration manager 2012 is  Software updates .It is always challenging and import task for any sccm administrator to achieve good patch compliance success rate within the given SLA(Service level agreement).Patch compliance success rate is depends mainly on heath of your SCCM clients and some times things may go wrong even though sccm client is healthy (able to receive applications/packages and performing inventory except patches).

I have created lot of SSRS reports on software update compliance out of many,one of the widely used report is get the patch compliance status of software update group for specific collection with linked report to get the computers with unknown and required status for troubleshooting (to check when was the last hardware,last software scan,last user ,OS etc).

Coming to the subject line, I have been seeing many questions on the configuration manager forums and social networking sites on software update patching issues .couple of questions on the subject line are like

1) Client getting packages ,applications but not software updates

2) Most of the clients receiving deployed software updates but still few do not get.

3) Clients not detecting software updates

4) clients log says ,patches required but sccm reports says,updates not required( means complaint)

5) Client log says patches not required but sccm report says ,updates required.

6) Software update failing to install ,how to fix 

7) I have added patches to the existing software update group/deployment and these newly added patches not deploying successful and many more ….

The solution for the most of the above issues can be identified and solved by analyzing the the client logs before we do in-depth troubleshooting.

In this blog post (SCCM 2012 Troubleshoot software update client issues),I will explain you the basic troubleshooting steps (only on client side ) which will help you to resolve issues on your own by analyzing the logs and take it further afterwards.

Before we jump into the troubleshooting,I would like to illustrate the main components which are involved in deploying software updates.

When you enable software update agent setting in client agent settings,a policy will be created with this setting and stored in SQL Database.So when client initiate machine policy,it communicate with management point which includes the software update client feature installation instructions to be installed or applied on the client. In this process, Client will create local GPO with WSUS Settings by leaving automatic updates .

If you do not  disable automatic updates (Via GPO) leaving the door open for the WUA to do things on its own outside the control of ConfigMgr including installing any updates approved directly in WSUS (including new versions of the agent itself which are automatically approved) and rebooting systems which have a pending reboot. Neither of these is desirable in a ConfigMgr managed environment and thus the recommendation for disabling automatic updates. As for the rest of the Windows Update GPO settings, they are meaningless in the context of ConfigMgr so it doesn't really matter what you set those to if you disable automatic updates,more from here

If you choose to create a GPO for WUA, you must configure the Windows Update Server option to point to the active software update point server in the site or location. If there is an existing GPO that was intended to manage standalone WSUS prior to implementing Configuration Manager in your environment, the GPO could override the local GPO created by Configuration Manager, which can cause issues when the software update client tries to communicate with the software update point server.

Software update Components involved are:

1.Windows update agent (WUA)

2.Software update client agent (from SCCM)

3.Windows management instrumentation (WMI)

Note: Make sure you disable the automatic updates via GPO,further reading

Windows Update agent(WUA): is responsible for scheduling and initializing scan, detection, download, and install of updates on the client machine. WUA Agent is an implanted service in a Windows service (SVCHOST.exe) and is named Windows Update which you can see from services.msc.

If you disable WUA Agent, software update agent will not function correctly. So it always recommended to not disable this service.

Software update client agent (from SCCM): When you enable the software update agent,it will install 2 actions on the client 1) Software update scan cycle 2) software update deployment Evaluation Cycle

Software Update Scan Schedule :This action perform the software update scan (along with WUA) against the Microsoft update catalog, which occurs every 7 days by default.

software update Deployment evaluation:This action Initiate the software update deployment to start download and install the updates.

Note: when you create software update deployment with deadline for ex: at 4.00 PM ,the actual time that software update client start updating the installation is depends on on setting disable deadline randomization ((located in the Computer Agent client settings)

A delay of up to 2 hours will be applied with deadline time to install required software updates . This randomization prevents all software update clients from starting update installations at the same time (This setting is disabled by default). More info,read . If you enable this setting,then the deployed software updates will be installed with deadline what you set i.e at 4.00PM (based on Client local time or UTC).

It is also good to know the patch compliance states which are sent as state messages by client to site server .Patch compliance is calculated based on these 4 states.

Installed : This means the software update is applicable and the client already has the update installed. 

Not Required: This means the software update is not applicable to the client .

Required: This means the software update is applicable but is not yet installed.Alternatively, it may mean that the software update was installed but the state message has not yet been sent to to the site server.

Unknown : This means either that the client system did not complete the software scan or the site server did not receive the scan status from the client system.

Enough theory , Lets have a look at client troubleshooting steps. ( Note: Client logs can be found at %windir%\ccm\logs\ ,if you have not changed the default path).

There are many logs on the client which help you to troubleshoot client issues,but we only look at important logs what is required for software updates.

1 . First log to check is locationservices.log —>This log is used to check the correct software update point has been detected by the client.You can also see the management point and distribution point entries from this log.


2 . 2nd log to check is wuahandler.log –> when the software update scan cycle initiated, Windows update agent (windows update service) will contact WSUS (SUP) for scanning and if is successful,a state message will be sent to site server confirming that,software update scan is completed successfully which can be seen from this log. Get the report to know the software update scan results from here

For some reason,if you don’t see the successfully completed scan message,you should start troubleshooting from this log based on the error .

You can get the error description from CMTrace.exe tool. Copy the error code and use ctrl+L (Error lookup) from your cmtrace.exe ,get the error description  .

If WSUS entries are not set correctly or having any issues locating the correct WSUS,you can set WSUS entry manually or script.Further troubleshooting is required .

The registry location for the WSUS entries as follows:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU with UseWUSserver =1


3. 3rd log is windowsupdate.log –>If software update scan is successful from wuahandler.log ,you can ignore this log file and directly move to next log (updatesdeployment.log) .If Software update scan is not successful then,you should look at this log for more information.  This log Provides information about when the Windows Update Agent connects to the WSUS server and retrieves the software updates for compliance assessment and whether there are updates to the agent components.

Using these 2 logs (wuahandler.log and windowsupdate.log) ,try to fix the errors and make sure ,you see the scanning successful from wuahandler.log


4 .4th log to check is UpdatesDeployment.log —> Provides information about the deployment on the client, including software update activation, evaluation, and enforcement. Verbose logging shows additional information about the interaction with the client user interface.

This log shows the number of updates and deployments being targeted to a machine.


From above log snippet ,you see that,the total actionable updates = 0 means ,client do not require any additional updates that you targeted to this PC.For some reason,if the client says non-compliant from your sccm reports,try to refresh compliance state using ,and monitor updatestore.log to see if the state messages (like Successfully raised Resync state message)has been sent to the site server (MP) or not.

you can alternatively use the below PowerShell script ,deploy to your clients monthly twice or once as per the business needs.

$SCCMUpdatesStore = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.CCM.UpdatesStore $SCCMUpdatesStore.RefreshServerComplianceState() New-EventLog -LogName Application -Source SyncStateScript -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source SyncStateScript -EventId 555 -EntryType Information -Message "Sync State ran successfully"

updatedeployment.log also tell you that,what assignments (Update deployments) made with count of updates in each deployment. From above log, Assignment {C37C45D8-E722-4EB7-AC21-014925079560} has total CI = 6 , means ,the assignment has total 6 patches .

How do you check the deployment name for particular assignment ? well ,you can add Deployment Unique ID column for software update deployment or use below SQL syntax .

SELECT * FROM vSMS_UpdateGroupAssignment WHERE vSMS_UpdateGroupAssignment.Assignment_UniqueID= ' {C37C45D8-E722-4EB7-AC21-014925079560} '

For some reason,if you don’t see the newly added patches installing ( issue no:7) ,you can check updatedeployment.log with particular assignment group and patch count .If the count of patches are less than what it supposed to be,then you may have to refresh the machine policy ,initiate software update scan and wait for a while before client start downloading the policies.

If you see some updates are pending for action (total actionable updates <>0)  but not installing,look at CAS.log if your client is able to locate the content on the Distribution point or not.

UpdatesDeployment.log will also tell you ,if enough maintenance window ( ServiceWindowManager.log ) time available to install the updates.Read the following blogs to know the maintenance window calculation for software update installation.

5 .5th log to check check is UpdatesStore.log —>Provides information about the compliance status for the software updates that were assessed during the compliance scan cycle (Status like Missing/Installed).

If you see all things working good, the final log to refer is RebootCoordinator.log —>Provides information about the process for coordinating system restarts on client computers after software update installations.

Below diagram shows the configuration manager Client side software update deployment flowchart captured from configuration manager software update management filed experience guide .


For troubleshooting clients, You can use tools like deployment monitoring tool,configuration manager support center etc.

I normally use the configuration manager support center to troubleshoot the client issues to check if the policy for the deployed software update group received correctly or not based on the PolicyIVersion .

Open the support center (you can download from Microsoft) ,connect to remote machine (need admin rights on remote computer) .

go to policy tab,click on requested  and then Load requested policy .you will see list of wmi instances on the left.

click on settings( root\ccm\policy\machine\requestedconfig ) ,click on CCM_updateCIassignment , click the policyID ,on the right side,you will see information about the software update group.

check the policy version on the client and on the site server .now you know how to take it further troubleshooting. Good luck.


Couple of common workarounds when troubleshooting software update issues :

1. Stop the windows update service,rename or delete the Software Distribution folder (%windir%\softwareDistribution) and start windows update service. This approach provides a fresh start with a new Windows Update data store if the Datastore.edb file is corrupted.

2. Restart the windows update service ,trigger software update scan cycle and software update deployment evaluation cycle.follow the logs.




7.Refer software update client issues

8.  Software Update Management Troubleshooting in Configuration Manager

This post will be updating with possible solutions frequently.So keep checking this blog post.

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Thank you for your excellent article. I having issues with the "Async searching of updates using WUAgent started." process starting and never completing, then errors out and start over again. I have restarted the Update Service, reinstalled agents, deleted the Software Dist folder, but still nothing. Any suggestions?

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Hi, Is the issue happening on servers or workstation? if servers, you can refer this article

Thanks, Eswar

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Hope you can help. I have couple of servers on different sites that are showing as non-compliant but software is installed. I run PS script above and all possible advices from web but non-compliant message is persistent. There are bunch of servers that are showing as compliant on same site. Under details for those assets status for all packages are "Installed" but there fields are blank for "Enforcement State" and "Last Enforcement Message Time". I suspect that SCCM is receiving this info from client and thus puts assets in "In Progress" state. Any idea how can I force "Enforcement State"

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Seems to WUAHandler Log name mentioned like wuahander (spell mistake). it may new learner will confuse.

Thanks Madhu. I have corrected it.

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Good information! Very helpful for day-to-day ConfigMgr administrators.

Any clue about this error message (by the way, only one of my servers is experiencing this behavior; everything fine on DPs):

CCCMUpdatesDeployment::GetUpdate failed, error - 0x87d00215 GetUpdate - failed to get targeted update, error = 0x87d00215. GetUpdate failed, error 87d00215 EnumerateUpdates for action (UpdateActionInstall) - Total actionable updates = 0

Hi, Error code 0x87d00215 refers to item not found. Check if the deployment or the content is active.

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Can you advice what are the basic checks to do if 20H2 upgrade package deployment for windows 10 is not showing up in software center for download by user.

Hi, You can check the policyagent and policyevalutor log if the client receive the policy first in place. if the policy received by the client, check the deployment settings such as deadline, user experience etc. For some reason, if the content not distributed to DP, the deployment wont appear in the software center unless you choose to download from internet (if CMG available).

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Very Good information provided here in this article. I’m facing continuously a problem.. The patches shown in some of the Client machine after the desired patching window. Nearly 4 Hours later the deployment deadline. Could you please let me know the exact solution for such issues?

Hi, Check if you have enabled deadline randomization in client settings that would delay the patches to upto 4 hrs after the deadline.

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hello, it often happens to me that software center for updates says: "Waiting for another installation to complete". why? how to solve?

Hi, "Waiting for another installation to complete" is due to other installation running and it must complete. To check the current installation, you can read the client logs such as wuahandler.log, updatesdeployment.log.

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I found your script today:

It saved my day, rather week… many thanks for your effort. If I can leave a positive Feedback somewhere, let me know…

cheers Reto

Thanks for the feedback Reto. Glad you liked it.

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Hello, Excellent article again. I have an issue with 4500331 which is not downloading in May 2019 or June 2019... I did not see any trace of this KB/Article in any log!!! Any idea Thanks, Dom

Hi, Did you check cas.log, contenttransfer and datatransfer service log for content download ? that should tell you why is the content failing to download.

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Hello Eswar, I am having issue with newly created environment. When running ADR, it create SUP and when trying to deploy to machines, all machines just sits with in Unknown tab for days... Any idea what am i missing here?

Hi, are these computers did the successful software update scan ? Unknown means, client did not get the policy of this ADR deployment yet hence unknown. you can troubleshoot further by looking at policyagent,policyevalutor logs etc

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Hello , I recently have installed SCCM current branch VERSION 5.00.8634.1000 BUILD 5.00.8634.1000. We detected that the most Patches for example for Windows 7 are showing in thee summary like NOT REQUIRED. I used your SQL query and only a few patches are required for Windows 7 (total 14) when the MACHINE has not been patche for almost a year. I download the patch from MS directly and I can install the same without problem. I checked all cient logs and the same looks fine. There is any idea what is going on? Thanks

Did you check in the wmi of client in software update instance if that particular patch is not required ? Looks like, more investigating needs to be done on the client PC rather installing the patch manually. Do you have any other clients that have same behavior so it would be easier to check from client WMI. I haven't encountered such issue .

Regards, Eswar

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Very good article and very useful. But I have a question/problem.

I use for application testing 2 desktops and when necessary I will refresh them with an image using SCCM. But at the moment I don’t get the updates of last month. In all the logfiles you described in your article I don’t see any error messages. When I use SCCM reporting to check the compliance of a security update I see the 2 desktops with the state “Update is not required”. On the desktops the update is NOT installed. When I download the update from Microsoft I can install it without any problem. Very strange is that a week ago I installed these updates on the 2 desktops for testing and there was no problem.

Before I image the desktops I first remove them from SCCM with hopefully all the history it has. But I have the idea that somewhere it is still noted that the update are installed and there for the state is “Update is not required”. I already used your Powershell script to refresh the compliance state. Any idea how this problem can be solved.

Regards Ron

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this article should be mandatory for every SCM administrator. Fantastic! Thank you very much.

Thanks for your kind words .

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Eswar, I am getting a strange issue with updates on my servers. in the Updatedeployment.log I am getting this verbiage:

Update already available, just resolve properties. So the updates are there however not installing due to a properties issue. I checked maintenance windows ( they are good) and I checked to make sure clients were pointing to the SUP... any thoughts?

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First off: Thank you for this article! This is invaluable information to have as an SCCM administrator.

Secondly: The obligatory question =) Have you ever run into an issue where the clients are installing the updates successfully, but not showing the correct status in the Console? For example, recently in my environment we deployed the 2017-08 Security-only Update for 2012 R2 to various servers. Subsequently, most of these servers reflect an 'Unknown' deployment status (Asset Details only show 'Client check passed/Active')... but a few of the targeted servers correctly show the expected In Progress status (Asset Details: Pending system restart).

I've been pouring over the client and server logs (per your article) and can see that all the targeted servers DID correctly discover the software update deployment at the expected time, installed the update by the deadline time, and locally are reporting that they are now in a pending reboot state. All looks well client-side, I can't find a single issue there. I've even run the above PowerShell to refresh the server compliance state; no issues found in updatestore.log - the resend (client side) appears to be perfectly fine.

However on the server side, these systems still show up as Deployment Status: Unknown. I've rerun the summarization multiple times and refreshed, as well viewed from a separate console installation on another machine- no change. It acts like the MP server is either (a) not receiving the status message, or (b) not correctly reporting on it.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Jared, Is this issue happening to all clients or few clients ? If this is happening to all clients, then there must be something to suspect on the server side components .If this is affecting only few ,it is something to do with client side or server side processing. For machine status that shows unknown ,when was the last update scan completed successfully for the problem client ? if the clients showing unknown status in report,then it must be that ,client is either not doing update scan or state messages are processing at site server. can you delete the client from SCCM console and initiate the heartbeat DDR cycle on the client ,wait for while to let client info appear in SCCM console if this makes any difference ? I am not saying this is full solution but to give a try.

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Pretty informative article!!

Is there an easy way to identify if the updates were installed by windows automatic updates or from SCCM updates deployment?

You can go through the windowsupdate.log, updatesdeployment.log and wuahandler.log . If you are using SCCM to manage patching, it is always recommended to disable windows automatic updates to avoid the conflicts with SCCM and auto reboot issues (default is every day 3AM).

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Hello, I currently have SCCM 2012 on a Server 2008. I am building a new SCCM Branch 1702 on Server 2016. The 2008 Server is still in production and we use that for deploying updates, with our WSUS server stand alone and it being the Site System Server on the SCCM 2012 server.

I have added that same WSUS server as well as a Site System Server on the new 2016 Server so i can test to clients. When I setup a package to deploy, nothing happens on the client. When I view Component Status on the 2016 server, i see SMS_SITE_COMPONENT_MANAGER error

Site Component Manager detected that site system "\\WSUSAP1.LOCAL.INTRANET" is currently in use by ConfigMgr site (Server 2008).

Possible cause: You accidentally configured this site system as part of this site and as part of site XXX(2008 Server). Solution: Remove this site system from the list of site systems for this site or for site XXX(2008 Server).

AND also this

Site Component Manager failed to configure site system "\\WSUSAP1.LOCAL.INTRANET" to receive Configuration Manager Server Components.

Solution: Review the previous status messages to determine the exact reason for the failure. Site Component Manager cannot install any Configuration Manager Server Components on this site system until the site system is configured successfully. Site Component Manager will automatically retry this operation in 60 minutes. To force Site Component Manager to immediately retry this operation, stop and restart Site Component Manager using the Configuration Manager Service Manager.

Am I able to have 2 different SCCM servers with different Site Codes using 1 WSUS server??

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Always like your article sir. very helpful to me as a beginner

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Hello Eswar. I was facing with problem while execution scan for updates from SUP the error is OnSearchComplete - Failed to end search job. Error = 0x8024401c. Scan failed with error = 0x8024401c. Machine is Windows Server 2016, sccm client installed correctly, the version of WUA is 10.0.14393.82 Do you know, if it possible to do something?

the Scan failed with error = 0x8024401c -- > Same as HTTP status 408 - the server timed out waiting for the request. Looks like downloading or scanning may be timedout. can you check the windowsupdate.log to see if the WSUS location is pointed correctly. Try to initiate update scan ,post the logs.

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Hi all, I would like to get severity of patches from client side? Could you please tell me how to do that?

Hi, what do you mean by severity of patches ? you can use the default software update report to get different kinds of data.

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Hi Eswar. So for some reason non of my machines are taking patches anymore. They are not taking anything from Dec patch Tuesday, the last set they took was the end of Nov. Except for WINDOWSUPDATE.LOG (I don't seem to have that file) I don't see anything out of the ordinary in the client logs. How would I even know if it's a client issue and not a server issue?

what does the client logs says ? do you see anything wrong in wuahalnder.log,windowsupdate.log about software update scan ? if the scan is doing correctly ,go back to your SCCM server ,look for the client ,what patches is it requesting. if there are no patches needed by the client ,then you are good else try to deploy any of the client requested patches and see if any progress.

Use the below SQL Query to find the patches required by specific client for troubleshooting purpose: Replace the hostname and run the SQL query from SQL management studio.

declare @PC nvarchar (255);set @PC=' VSGWin701 ' select CAST(DATEPART(yyyy,ui.DatePosted) AS varchar(255)) + '-' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(DATEPART(mm, ui.DatePosted) AS VARCHAR(255)), 2) AS MonthPosted, CONVERT(VARCHAR(26),ui.DatePosted, 103) [Date Posted], ui.bulletinid [BulletinID],ui.articleid [ArticleID], ui.Title, Approved=(case when ctm.ResourceID is not null then 'Yes' else 'No' end), Required=(case when css.Status=2 then 'Yes' else 'No' end), ui.InfoURL as InformationURL,ui.ci_uniqueID, CONVERT(VARCHAR(26),ui.DateLastModified, 100) [Date LastModified] , Deadline=CONVERT(VARCHAR(26),cdl.Deadline, 100) , case when ui.IsSuperseded=1 then 'Yes' else 'No' end as 'Superseded', case when ui.IsExpired=1 then 'Yes' else 'No' end as 'Expired' from V_UpdateComplianceStatus css join v_UpdateInfo ui on ui.CI_ID=css.CI_ID left join v_CITargetedMachines ctm on ctm.CI_ID=css.CI_ID and ctm.ResourceID = css.ResourceID INNER join v_CICategories_All catall2 on catall2.CI_ID=css.CI_ID INNER join v_CategoryInfo catinfo2 on catall2.CategoryInstance_UniqueID = catinfo2.CategoryInstance_UniqueID JOIN dbo.v_R_System AS vrs ON vrs.ResourceID = css.ResourceID outer apply ( select Deadline=min(a.EnforcementDeadline) from v_CIAssignment a join v_CIAssignmentToCI atc on atc.AssignmentID=a.AssignmentID and atc.CI_ID=css.CI_ID ) cdl WHERE vrs.Name0=@PC and css.Status=2 group by CAST(DATEPART(yyyy,ui.DatePosted) AS varchar(255)) + '-' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(DATEPART(mm, ui.DatePosted) AS VARCHAR(255)), 2), ui.BulletinID,ui.ArticleID,ui.Title,ctm.ResourceID,css.Status,ui.InfoURL,ui.DateLastModified,cdl.Deadline ,ui.IsSuperseded,ui.IsExpired,ui.DatePosted,ui.ci_uniqueID ORDER BY 1

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Hi Eswar, I love your blog! It helps with my work all the time. One question.. I ran this query to try and see what software updates I need to install to get a computer in my company from Non-compliant to compliant state running the Software Update- Compliance A report. I ran this query against a compliant machine and against a non-compliant machine. In both cases, there are numbers that indicate that there are required updates for both and are not approved. How do I figure what software updates a particular machine needs to get to compliance state?

I would assume when running this query against a compliant machine, then no rows should show, but that wasn't the case.

Thanks in advance!

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This is a great information you shared with us. I have one query can you please send me all the steps of Software update point and Software distribution in SCCM 2012 with all logs files associated with.

what all steps do you need ? you can go through the microsoft document (newly formatted) which has all the information nicely written.

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In SCCM 2012 auto client deploy is not working in Suprface pro 4 and desktops.Can you please give the solution. When i installed through SCCM client is installing,but when i connect new machine is not able to install sccm client default.

Hi, Did you enable automatic site wide client push installation as described here ? what does the log (ccm.log) says ?

thanks, Eswar

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In my company environment we are using SCCM 2012 R2 Sp1 CU2 (5.0.8239.1301), recent days I am facing a weird issue, we have disabled software updates deployment (crossed deadline) which has been deployed for a collection, due to an issue we had to rollback the patches from installed server manually, however the members of the collection getting the software updates installed automatically, the behavior looks like a bug? is there any fix available for this issue? anyone facing similar issue? any help much appreciated.

Hi Sudarsan, can you check the logs as mentioned in the blog post to see what software update group is deploying the patches ? pick one server and check if that server is member of any other collection that has patches deployed ? client logs can help you to find more information.

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Can u explain me how to use the power shell script to advertise the client. IF possible with screenshot.

regards, sree

here is step by step instructions to deploy powershell script

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very useful information..

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Hi Eswar, Thank you for great article. Hopefully I am not too late to follow up and if possible get a couple of answers. 1. I am preparing Windows updates deployments with SCCM in medium size company - around 500 computers. In my test environment I deployed Windows updates for last 6 months, more than 200 definitions got updated but a couple failed temporarily on some machines. When I mentioned temporarily they are installed after retry in software center. Challenge is the notification in status bar which shows that update failed, even though more than 200 updates got installed notification points to couple of failing updates. I can hide all notifications when I configure settings for deployment and keep only end user notified for computer restart. This will probably bypass failing updates notification but will not install required (failed) updates. If I keep this notification then end users will generate numerous tickets for Help Desk assuming updates are not installing. I can't send introductory email to 500 people with something like: "If you notice you have a couple of updates which failed please hit retry and they will get installed"

What are the best practices in the industry? 2. Second thing would be restart policy with SCCM. We can configure in Administration/Client Settings/Default Client Settings ( or create a custom client settings)/Computer Restart option to reboot computer max 24hours after updates are installed. This will make sure updates got installed and computer is compliant. But it's not that simple as it seems. VIP people don't want to be forced to reboot their computers after 24 hours if they are in the middle of presentation or on meeting. It's really hard to plan and reboot computer prior to important events but there is no option to postpone. If we don't make reboot mandatory than computers will be vulnerable. There are 3rd party tools on the market, like shutdown tool from deploymentresearch group but not sure if this would be desirable as it may reboot computers which are not even patched by mistake after 7 days. I have to test it. Any advice, the best solutions out there? Thanks, Blaf

have you ever tried the Maintanance Window for collection ? this should answer all your questions. have a look at it what maintenance Window does

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Can you please help me on the below mentioned issue? I am not able to find the solution yet.

Regards TechMan

replied to technet link. you should look at windowsupdate.log and wuahandler.log for troubleshooting.

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thanks for sharing information

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good and very useful article sir,

sir I had an issue, as mentioned I renamed the c:\windows\software distribution folder and tried to install the failed update (Adobe activeX update), it installed sucessfully. but on the next day again it is showing the update as failed in software center.

my WUAhandler.log shows: Failed to download updates to the WUAagent datastore. ERROR: 0x800b0109,

the error lookup description is: A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider.

the same update is sucessful in 70% of machines and is failed in remaining machines, all are in the same location.

please guide me sir...

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Superb job. Very useful information.

thanks Rajesh.

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Hello and thanks for the informations. Just a little question. How to check the policy version of the sotware update group on the server ? thank you

this is stored in the database .have you looked at the Software update deployment by right click properties and select Version ID ?

i don't see this tab. Could you show me a screenshot of this ? thank you

ok ,I could not able to find what I said earlier but may I know why are you looking for that info ? for client troubleshooting to know if the particular deployment has updated on the client or not ,you can simply check UpdatesDeployment.log for number of updates as I described in the blog.

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master in troubleshooting.. nice article.

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You simply rock dude, I like your interest in sharing the information...!!!

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SCCM Clients not receiving updates

Having software update issues since this past weekends patch deployments.

Deadline was set for this past Friday for clients to receive updates and reboot. Majority of clients still in unkown/Client passed status

All I see in the WUAHandler on my clients is:

OnSearchComplete - Failed to end search job. Error = 0x80244022. WUAHandler 5/4/2017 8:57:42 AM 20060 (0x4E5C) Scan failed with error = 0x80244022. WUAHandler 5/4/2017 8:57:42 AM 20060 (0x4E5C) Removed Update Source ({3843D746-FDB5-4804-B83E-6A9B395B76ED}) of content type: 2 WUAHandler 5/4/2017 9:17:45 AM 6824 (0x1AA8) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 5/4/2017 9:17:45 AM 6824 (0x1AA8) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 5/4/2017 9:25:43 AM 1316 (0x0524) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 5/5/2017 3:38:50 AM 7016 (0x1B68) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 5/6/2017 5:27:57 AM 6540 (0x198C) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 5/10/2017 2:40:42 AM 1868 (0x074C) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 5/26/2017 3:09:46 PM 6168 (0x1818) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 5/29/2017 5:16:47 PM 13048 (0x32F8) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 6/6/2017 4:04:13 AM 24212 (0x5E94) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 6/11/2017 5:38:38 AM 6628 (0x19E4) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 6/14/2017 4:19:43 AM 7212 (0x1C2C) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 6/30/2017 1:00:16 PM 7216 (0x1C30) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 7/5/2017 5:19:42 AM 7244 (0x1C4C) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 7/12/2017 5:17:11 AM 6448 (0x1930) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 7/24/2017 12:25:21 PM 4092 (0x0FFC) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 7/24/2017 12:31:04 PM 12196 (0x2FA4) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 7/24/2017 12:34:16 PM 7132 (0x1BDC) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 7/25/2017 11:26:00 AM 6924 (0x1B0C) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 8/6/2017 4:13:02 AM 2728 (0x0AA8) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 8/11/2017 2:13:36 AM 6468 (0x1944) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 8/13/2017 4:31:36 AM 6688 (0x1A20) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 8/17/2017 4:20:32 PM 7712 (0x1E20) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 8/17/2017 4:24:18 PM 17024 (0x4280) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 8/17/2017 4:32:19 PM 14248 (0x37A8) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 9/15/2017 2:23:26 AM 8152 (0x1FD8) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 9/17/2017 4:40:23 AM 8064 (0x1F80) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 10/3/2017 2:11:41 AM 4476 (0x117C) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 10/3/2017 2:15:00 AM 20520 (0x5028) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 10/3/2017 2:23:40 AM 10160 (0x27B0) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 10/3/2017 2:23:53 AM 4684 (0x124C) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 10/13/2017 3:11:34 AM 7188 (0x1C14) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 10/15/2017 4:14:27 AM 5372 (0x14FC) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 10/16/2017 10:07:35 AM 7604 (0x1DB4) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 11/17/2017 2:14:34 AM 7496 (0x1D48) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 11/19/2017 4:12:46 AM 3436 (0x0D6C) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 11/28/2017 5:40:08 PM 1800 (0x0708) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 12/7/2017 5:08:28 PM 16496 (0x4070) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 12/7/2017 5:08:47 PM 1588 (0x0634) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 12/7/2017 5:18:28 PM 12912 (0x3270) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 12/7/2017 5:22:35 PM 19732 (0x4D14) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 12/7/2017 5:22:49 PM 11476 (0x2CD4) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 12/15/2017 2:20:21 AM 7936 (0x1F00) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 12/18/2017 1:12:02 PM 8816 (0x2270) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 1/16/2018 5:43:09 AM 8140 (0x1FCC) CWuaHandler::SetCategoriesForStateReportingExclusion called with E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B;E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for leaves and E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B,A38C835C-2950-4E87-86CC-6911A52C34A3; for bundles WUAHandler 1/30/2018 5:37:10 PM 4616 (0x1208)

Any advice would be appreciated.

I am going round and round in circles trying to find articles that don’t fix it or are not relevant and there are no proxies defined for our network.

NO WSUS errors. IIS pool is started

Unknown means the client has not reported in, it is likely the client on the PC is misconfigured, boundary groups are wrong etc.etc.etc.

The basics of how software updates get to the client, assuming it is reporting correctly

By default The Software Update Scan only runs every 7 days.

You can verify this by going to

\Administration\Overview\Client Settings

and check the default client settings/Software Updates and the software updates and software deployment re-evaluation schedule

(there may be another client setting that overrides this)

Secondly, if you just synced WSUS to download the updates and pushed them out straight away, it will take the 7days for all clients to check in.

If you want that quicker, then you can create a Client setting to set it to 1 day and deploy it to a collection.

It is best to keep the default client settings standard and deploy your own client settings. You will see the default client settings priority is 10,000 so if your new setting has a higher priority it will be applied instead

Relax and try installing ManageEngine Desktop Central, which work independent of WSUS. Manage client updates both automatically and manually, while you are searching articles to fix the same, try using Desktop Central.

Know why Desktop Central is better than SCCM here- Why Desktop Central is the best SCCM alternative - ManageEngine Blog

Desktop Central- ManageEngine Endpoint Central | Unified Management and Security Solution for endpoints

If you are interested in the same, please feel free to DM me.

I have set the client setting to check for software updates every day. The problem I am seeing is that only 1 or 2 clients a day seem to be getting these updates and I currently have over 1200 workstations in the collection it is being deployed to. I have verified the DP’s have received the content. Im lost as to what else I may need to look into.

Ok so start with SSRS reports

Compliance 3 - Update group (per update) - Report Manager

Home > ConfigMgr_xxx > Software Updates - A Compliance > Compliance 3 - Update group (per update)

What is the ratio of installed/required/not required/unknown Have you solved the “unknown” problem yet?

Other health checks

\Monitoring\Overview\System Status\Site Status is everything green \Monitoring\Overview\System Status\Component Status is everything green

\Monitoring\Overview\Distribution Status\Content Status check your Deployment packages are successfully deployed

\Monitoring\Overview\System Status\Status Message Queries

All Status Messages for the last day and filter on message ID 10025

withteh powershell here you can translate back to teh KB it was having trouble downloading

Attached photo of Software update status. As you can see there are a lot of unknown clients which i know are missing this update.


Everything under site status is green.

SMS_MP_control_manager is showing warnings and throwing off these errors for different GUIDs:

MP has rejected policy request from Client(SMSID = GUID:52DE0931-BBA2-494F-A907-EF9F21E8065D) because this SMSID is marked as blocked.

SMS_State_system is showing warnings like this:

Component Status Summarizer set the status of component “SMS_STATE_SYSTEM” running on computer “ @ #&#(*#&(” to Warning.

Possible cause: The component is experiencing a problem. Solution: Diagnose and fix the problem by:

  • Examine the status messages that the component reports.
  • Correcting the problem.
  • Instructing Component Status Summarizer to reset the counts of Error, Warning, and/or Informational status messages reported by the component. To reset the counts, right-click Reset Counts on the component in the Component Status summary in the Configuration Manager Console. When the counts are reset, Component Status Summarizer will change the status of the component to OK. This might take some time if site “123” is a child site.
  • Deleting any unwanted status messages from the site database, if necessary.
  • Monitor the component occasionally to verify the problem does not reoccur.

Possible cause: The component is OK and you were unnecessarily alerted because the Component Status Thresholds are set too low for the component. Solution: Increase the Component Status Thresholds for the component using the Thresholds tab of the Component Status Summarizer Properties dialog box in the Configuration Manager Console.

Possible cause: The component is “flooding” the status system by rapidly reporting the same message repeatedly. Solution: Diagnose and control the flood of status messages by:

  • Verifying that the component is actually flooding the status system. View the status messages reported by the component, and verify that the same message is continually reported every several minutes or seconds.
  • Noting the Message ID of the flooded status message.
  • Creating a Status Filter Rule for site “123” that instructs Status Manager to discard the flooded status message when component “SMS_STATE_SYSTEM” on computer “& ^ & &( &*(&” reports it.
  • Verifying that your sites’ databases were not filled up by the flooded status message. Delete any duplicate status messages from the site database, if necessary.
  • Refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information.

Ok , in the SCCM console go to

\Assets and Compliance\Overview\Devices

add the columns “Approved” and “ID” and “Blocked”

The add the criteria of “Blocked” equals yes and hit the search button

If you have about 1300 items in the state of “blocked” then that will be your reason

The only device that shows up as “blocked” is my Primary Site Server which im sure is by default. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Mine is not blocked, I only have one site , one primary site server and half a dozen distribution points.

I have never dealt with anything that has been blocked, so cannot advise

I have unblocked The Primary Site Server and will see if anything changes. I have close to 28 distribution points on my end.

Knock knock joke

SCCM: Knock knock

ME: Who’s there?


for those that may not of got the joke… Once you do something in SCCM it make take forever (or it feels like it) before SCCM appears actually tells you its is doing something

I also call it “hurry up and wait mode”

Probably your best check to see if this has fixed it, is to run that report every hour or so and see if the unknown number comes down

Failing that select an “unknown” device and use CMtrace to read the client logs. have a look at and check the logs listed to see if you can get any insight


**Software updates deployment evaluation Cycle:**This action will initiate scan for software updates compliance. Evaluates the state of new and existing deployments and their associated software updates. This includes scanning for software updates compliance, but may not always catch scan results for the latest updates. This is a forced online scan and requires that the WSUS server is available for this action to succeed. This action results will be logged into couple of log files on the client: scanagent.log (scan requests for software updates), UpdatesStore.log (Status of patches like missing,Installed), UpdatesDeployment.log (update activation, evaluation, and enforcement,notify about reboot) etc.

Often the logs refer to the unique update id of the patch and you can add that column in \Software Library\Overview\Software Updates\All Software Updates so you can search for the UUID and refer to the KB

So after logging a support ticket with Microsoft it seems as though my updates were failing due to the fact that I didnt have my Primary Site Server (which is also my central Software update Point) set up as a boundary group reference. Once we added that server into the group updates immediately started deploying to clients. Not one article Ive read has stated this. Has anyone else had to do the same?

ah, I ,ok I think I know this one.

After a SCCM RAP we got pinged for multiple boundary groups having the site assignment checkbox ticked.

You can only have 1 boundary group with site assignment checked

So (at SCCM 2012 R2 level) I setup a boundary group with the primary server in it and ticked the site assignment check box.

For the rest of the boundary groups i made sure it was unchecked

Now I just checked by boundary groups and now (we are now at SCCM CB 1702) i have a new boundary group called “Default-Site-Boundary-Group” and it also has the site assignment checkbox check AND the primary and ALL DPs are included AND I am not able to untick the check box

Looks like a call to MS…for me

What version of SCCM are you on?

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sccm assignment enforce failed

HTMD Community Blog #1 Modern Device Management Guides

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting – Client End

Hello, I’m  Nitin Chhabra .  I worked as a Microsoft support engineer specializing in SCCM Application Deployment technology for several years. I am an SME in Application deployment, Software Update deployment and OSD.

This post will focus on the SCCM Application Deployment on the client side and continue my previous blog to dive deep into the SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting (Server Side).

The application model in SCCM is CI (Configuration Item) based, which provides us with a lot of flexibility in customization, planning, and rolling out software in an Enterprise environment. However, this flexibility can complicate troubleshooting a failed deployment.

This post will help you learn the client-side flow for application deployment. To understand each component’s functionality, let us take the “Notepad++” application deployment as an example.

Patch My PC

Please follow my previous post to learn how to dive deep into a background process while creating an application on the SCCM console.

  • Learn SCCM Troubleshooting Steps for Newbies with Flowcharts
  • SCCM Logs and Quick Tips to Read Logs
  • SCCM Troubleshooting Tips on Reporting Server SSRS Issues ConfigMgr Endpoint Manager
  • Fix SCCM Report Server Cannot Open A Connection Error
  • SCCM Troubleshooting Tool -Support Center ConfigMgrSupportCenter.exe

Major Components Involved in SCCM Application Model Client-Side Troubleshooting

The SCCM client will run the “Machine Policy Retrieval and Evaluation Cycle” to download the assigned policies to the machine. The Policy Agent is the component responsible for downloading the policy. We will discuss each component in detail.

Policy Agent

This component fetches the policies from the Management Point by building an assignment request. This request includes client GUID, Policy Source, NetBios Name, and Policy Type (machine or user). The log file associated with this component is PolicyAgent.log.

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting - Client End - Fig.2

CCM Messaging

Policy Agent will pass the control to CCM Messaging, which initiates a remote sync message for the Management Point. This component performs almost every communication from the SCCM client to MP. It initiates the BITS session to connect to MP; the connection is made on port 80/443 as per the client configuration.


The log file associated with this component is CCMMessaging.log . If you have any connection issues with MP, like firewall port blocking, network packet drop, or MP host-name not being resolvable, you will see error messages in this log file.

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting - Client End - Fig.3

MP Policy Manager

On the Management point, the MP Policy Manager will service the client’s policy request by providing a new/updated set of policies.

After receiving a request from the client , this component fetches the policies from the SCCM Database (Primary/Secondary site database). The log file associated with this component is MP_Policy.log.

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting - Client End - Fig.4

If you scroll down this log after you see the client request, you will see the new policy details for the client. This includes Policy ID , which is your Deployment ID , Policy Type (Machine/User), Policy Category, etc.

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting - Client End - Fig.5

Data Transfer Service

Policy Agent will initiate Data Transfer Service to start the download of Policy from Management Point. All the download, which the SCCM client does, uses Data Transfer Service for that.

We will see the request initiation in PolicyAgent.log and the actual download details in DataTransferService.log.

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting - Client End - Fig.6

Data Transfer Service will download the policy and place it in the “ CCM\Temp ” directory. DTS will check if the directory is present and create the same if not found.

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting - Client End - Fig.8

Policy Evaluator

After the policy is downloaded, the Policy Evaluator is initiated, compiling and applying the policy. This component is responsible for adding the evaluated policy in the actual config of the WMI( \\root\ccm\policy\machine\actualconfig ).

The log file for this component is PolicyEvaluator.log . I have trimmed some of the lines in the log to focus on the pointers of interest.

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting - Client End - Fig.9

Once the policy is evaluated, the CI (Configuration Item) components activate and process the application’s deployment on the client machine.

CI State Store

This is the first component triggered after the policy is successfully compiled. It further initiates CCMSqlCE to check the details of the CI. Each client machine maintains a small database for application CIs, known as ccmstore.sdf, which is located in the client’s install directory.

CCMSqlCE is the component that helps in opening a session with this DB and getting the required information. The associated log file is CIStateStore.log .

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting - Client End - Fig.10

This component works in conjunction with the CI State Store and lists information about CI. It checks whether the application deployment is for the user or the system. The associated log file is CIStore.log .

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting - Client End - Fig.11

CI Agent & CI Downloader

Once the client has validated the details of the CIs, the CI Agent is triggered to download the complete content of the CI and related SDM packages. The CI Agent will create a job for the CI Downloader to start the CI download, which further uses the Data Transfer Service to perform the actual download. The log files associated with these components are CIAgent.log and CIDownloader.log .

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting - Client End - Fig.12

Data Transfer Service downloads the CI content in a staging directory ( C:\Windows\ccm\CIDownloader\Staging )

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting - Client End - Fig.14

Once CIs are completely downloaded, the TransitionState will be updated, and the same is listed in CIAgent.log . Policy Platform client (a prerequisite of the SCCM client) will process the SDM packages downloaded for the CI’s.

Note: The SDM (Service Definition Model) package uses the SML (Service Definition Language).

App Discovery

After the CI’s of the application are downloaded and processed, the App Discovery component takes the command to detect the application on the client machine. It initiates the Expression Solver component , which will run the detection logic defined in the deployment type to determine the status of the application. The log file associated with this component is AppDiscovery.log.

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting - Client End - Fig.15

Expression Solver

This component runs the detection logic defined in an Application deployment type. Depending on the detection logic evaluation, it gives a Boolean output value (True/False). The log file for this component is ExpressionSolver.log .

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting - Client End - Fig.16

Once we have the result from Expression Solver(which is set to False), App Discovery marks the application as not discovered and triggers the App Intent Eval component.

App Intent Eval

This component will evaluate the application’s intended state and check for any requirement, supersedence, or dependency defined in the Application. The log file associated with this component is AppIntentEval.log.

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting - Client End - Fig.17

The output from the APP Intent Eval will be given to the CI State Store and CI Agent and added to the CCMStore.sdf. After this, the CI Agent sets the TransitionState to “CompletedSdmMethodInvocation.”

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting - Client End - Fig.18

The steps mentioned above will happen when the machine gets the policy for a new application. Till now, we have not started any installation from the Software Center.

We will see the deployment details if we connect to the client machine’s WMI and check the CCM_ApplicationCIAssignment class.

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting - Client End - Fig.19

Now let’s trigger the application install from the Software Center and study the components involved.

CCM SDK Provider

CCM SDK Provider will mark the initiation of the install from the Software Center, and the CI Agent job is created for the client machine. All the CI transitioned from evaluation, then download, and finally, the DCM agent logged enforcement. The associated log file is CCMSDKProvider.log.

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting - Client End - Fig.20

After this, we will see the App Discovery is triggered again to check the application state on the machine, so the same process mentioned above will be repeated for App Discovery, Expression Solver, and App Intent Eval.

Once the application is not found installed, CAS (Content Access Service) is called to download content for the application.

Content Access Service is the component responsible for providing the application’s content. It starts a job for Content Transfer Manager according to the DP location received from the client machine’s boundary. The log file for this component is CAS.log .

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting - Client End - Fig.21

If the CAS can find the content in the local cache, it will match the content version with the required one. Otherwise, a CTM (Content Transfer Manager) job would be created, which would then create a DTS (Data Transfer Service) job to start downloading the data from the Distribution Point.

App Enforce

Once the content is downloaded, this component is triggered, which starts the application’s enforcement or initiates the installation. However, it will check whether the application is already installed before installing. This is confirmed using App Discovery, and the above cycle repeats again.

Finally, the command line is triggered using the account type(system/user) mentioned in the deployment type. App Enforce keeps track of the command’s exit code. Based on the exit code, the application is marked as successful or failed. AppEnforce.log will list the activity performed by this component.

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting - Client End - Fig.22

After the application installation, the exit code is returned to App Enforce, checking if the defined code is listed as a success in the Application configuration.

App Discovery is triggered to detect the Application on the machine if it succeeds, which completes the Enforcement. After this, a state message is raised mentioning the deployment’s compliance.

Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting - Client End - Fig.24

This completes the application’s enforcement. At each enforcement step, a state message is raised, which helps us report deployment compliance.

I hope you will find this post interesting and helpful in day-to-day troubleshooting.

  • Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting
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Nitin Chhabra has worked as a Microsoft support engineer specializing in SCCM Application Deployment technology for several years. He is considered an SME in Application, Software Update, and OSD deployment.

2 thoughts on “Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting – Client End”

Excellent writeup. These kinds of deep dive into the full process flow of SCCM functionality are incredibly useful, and very much appreciated.

Great article with nice details. Excellent!

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Prajwal Desai

Fix SCCM Application Deployment Error 0X87D00213

Let’s see how to fix the SCCM application deployment error 0X87D00213. If your ConfigMgr application deployment is failing with error 0X87D00213, there is a sure shot solution to it.

An application deployment in SCCM can fail due to several reasons. In most cases, either the application install command is incorrect or the actual issue is on the client computer.

The error 0x87D00213 is observed when you are deploying large size applications in SCCM. This includes applications like Maya, AutoCAD, and software programs that require downloading additional files during the setup.

Install and Update Third Party Applications with Patch My PC

In some cases, the application download may be stuck at 0%, and it results in multiple errors. Read how to fix SCCM application download stuck at 0% in Software Center .

In my case, the 0X87D00213 deployment error was observed during Office 365 application deployment in a remote site. Whenever you encounter error 0X87D00213, always refer to the AppEnforce.log for more details.

A similar issue was reported in SCCM forums where the user complained about application deployment error 0X87D00213. However, the issue was with the deployment script and not the application.

The SCCM application deployment error 0X87D00213 translates to “ Timeout Occurred “. The error 0X87D00213 is resolved by increasing the Maximum allowed run time (minutes) for the application.

The below screenshot shows SCCM application deployment error 0X87D00213. The complete error description and the associated solution is as follows:

0x87D00213 Error Message: Additional information for error resolution: Increase the Maximum allowed run time (minutes) for the application. Ensure that the maintenance window on the client is large enough to support the runtime.

SCCM Application Deployment Error 0X87D00213

Let’s understand why do you get the error 0X87D00213 ? Every application that you install via Software Center, requires some time to install. If the application fails to install in the given time, it results in error 0X87D00213.

When you create an application in SCCM , on the User Experience tab of application deployment type window you see two options.

  • Maximum allowed run time (minutes)  – Specify maximum run time for application installation.
  • Estimated installation time (minutes)  – The estimated installation time displays to the user when the application installs.

Fix SCCM Application Deployment Error 0X87D00213

By default, the  Maximum allowed run time (minutes)  is set to 120 minutes for every application you create in SCCM. Here is the guide that explains how to change the Maximum allowed run time based on your requirement.

If an application requires more time to install than the limit you’ve specified, the application installation fails with error code 0X87D00213.

Sometimes the admins modify the Maximum allowed run time (minutes) and set a shorter installation time which results in application deployment error 0X87D00213.

In remote sites, where the bandwidth is slow, the clients may take more time to download the content even though the distribution point is in the same site or remote.

Hence, the application deployment error 0X87D00213 is commonly seen in remote sites while the same application installs fine in SCCM primary sites.

ConfigMgr provides free error lookup tools that can translate error codes to error messages. In this case, none of the tools were able to decode the 0x87D00213 error. But keep using those tools to decode other errors.

I hope this article helps to you fix the ConfigMgr application deployment error 0X87D00213. In case something else worked for you, let me know in the comments section below.

Need more help?

If you need further assistance on the above article or want to discuss other technical issues, check out some of these options.

Prajwal Desai

Prajwal Desai is a Microsoft MVP in Intune and SCCM. He writes articles on SCCM, Intune, Windows 365, Windows Server, Windows 11, WordPress and other topics, with the goal of providing people with useful information.

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SOLVED   SCCM 1802 Update And Servicing Issue

  • Thread starter Thread starter tata789
  • Start date Start date Dec 3, 2018

Well-Known Member

  • Dec 3, 2018
  • \ConfigMgrUsageData
  • \ConfigMgrUpdatePacks

Youssef Saad

Youssef Saad

  • Dec 10, 2018

You need to enable early update on your console to have 1810, download this script and run it with administrator privilege from your site server, run again the scan from Update & servicing.  

  • Thread Starter

hello can you please let me know step how to run this PS1 script thank you Arun  

like to thank you, I madid to work thanks' for help thank you Arun  

Good, resolved.  

yes it did resolved, thank you  

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Application installation common error codes reference

  • 5 contributors

Applications can be installed on clients by creating deployments from the Configuration Manager console or by targeting applications to tenant attached devices from the Microsoft Intune admin center . Use the information in this article to assist with troubleshooting application installation errors.

General troubleshooting tips

Generally, if an application installs successfully on a device with the given command line in the system context, it will install successfully through Configuration Manager and from the Microsoft Intune admin center. You can simulate this by using PSExec .

  • Open an administrative command prompt.
  • Change directory to where you saved PSExec .
  • Type in psexec -accepteula -s -i cmd .
  • This opens a new command prompt window running interactively in the system context. Check that you're in the system context by running a whoami command.
  • Run the install from the new windows with the installation command line. For example, msiexec /i "My App.msi" /q would be a quiet install of the "My App" msi file.

You may also find that searching through multiple files for a specific string is useful. For instance, you might want to search all the client .mof files for a specific class, or you might want to search logs for a specific ID. Using a specific ID when searching can give you an understanding of how components are related to each other. Use the select-string cmdlet in those instances.

Configuration Manager errors

Error code Error source Error message
Configuration Manager Service is shutting down
Configuration Manager Parsing error
Configuration Manager Timeout occurred
Configuration Manager Item not found
Configuration Manager Syntax error occurred while parsing
Configuration Manager The object or subsystem has not been initialized
Configuration Manager CI documents download timed out
Configuration Manager Failed to decompress CI documents
Configuration Manager CI Version Info timed out
Configuration Manager The script execution has timed out
Configuration Manager The application was not detected after installation completed
Configuration Manager Application was still detected after uninstall completed
Configuration Manager Script is not signed
Configuration Manager Application requirement evaluation or detection failed
Configuration Manager Content not found
Configuration Manager No current or future service window exists to install software updates
Configuration Manager Failed to verify the executable file is valid or to construct the associated command line
Configuration Manager Failed to access all the provided program locations. This program may retry if the maximum retry count has not been reached
Configuration Manager The content download cannot be performed because there is not enough available space in cache or the disk is full
Configuration Manager The content download cannot be performed because the total size of the client cache is smaller than the size of the requested content
Configuration Manager A supported App-V client is not installed
Configuration Manager The App-V sftmime command returned failure
Configuration Manager An error occurred when querying the App-V WMI provider
Configuration Manager Error Unknown
Configuration Manager Application was successfully installed

General Configuration Manager troubleshooting tips

When an application fails to install and the error source is Configuration Manager , typically, following the application troubleshooting guide and using the general troubleshooting tips helps you resolve the error. You may also want to use Support Center for Configuration Manager to help troubleshoot and review information about your clients.

Message : Service is shutting down

Additional information for error resolution : Verify that the Configuration Manager client is running on the target device. Verify the client is running by:

  • Reviewing the CCMExec.log on the device
  • Verifying that the SMS Agent Host service is running on the device

Message : Parsing error

Additional information for error resolution : This error generally occurs in one of the Configuration Manager components when a piece of data is invalid. This error could stem from something missing for the application, an old package version, or a number of other general errors. Follow the application troubleshooting guide to help locate the error and resolve it. It may be necessary to review additional logs for components that support application installation. Searching for specific IDs or error codes in the logging may help you identify the problem. For more information, see general troubleshooting tips .

Message : Timeout occurred

Additional information for error resolution : Increase the Maximum allowed run time (minutes) for the application. Ensure that the maintenance window on the client is large enough to support the runtime. For more information, see the application troubleshooting guide to help resolve the error.

Message : Item not found

Additional information for error resolution : Verify that the following exist and are accessible to the client:

  • The application deployment exists and the client sees the policy.
  • The application content exists and is available to the client

For more information, see the application troubleshooting guide to help resolve the error.

Message : Syntax error occurred while parsing

Message : The object or subsystem has not been initialized

Message : CI documents download timed out

Additional information for error resolution : The CI documents activity can be tracked in CIAgent.log , CIDownloader.log , and DataTransferService.log . For more information, see the CI Agent section of the application troubleshooting guide.

Message : Failed to decompress CI documents

Message : CI Version Info timed out

Additional information for error resolution : Typically this error occurs when a change was made to the application and the client doesn't have the new information for it. Verify that the client is getting the policy and it knows about any updated revisions to the application.

Message : The script execution has timed out

Additional information for error resolution : Check the AppEnforce.log for details. You may need to increase the Maximum allowed run time (minutes) for the application. Ensure that the maintenance window on the client is large enough to support the run time. For more information, see the application troubleshooting guide to help resolve the error.

Message : The application was not detected after installation completed

Additional information for error resolution : Review the AppDiscovery.log and the CIAgent.log . Once an installation is completed, the application detection is used again to verify the installation .

Message : Application was still detected after uninstall completed

Additional information for error resolution : Verify the correct uninstall command was used in the AppEnforce.log . Review the AppDiscovery.log and the CIAgent.log . Once an uninstall is completed, the application detection is used again to verify the uninstall .

Message : Script is not signed

Additional information for error resolution : Verify the PowerShell execution policy client setting for the device. The default for this client setting is AllSigned so an unsigned script will cause a failure.

Message : Application requirement evaluation or detection failed

Additional information for error resolution : Review the AppIntentEval.log to discover dependencies and supersedence rules for the application and their states. For more information, see Application deployment evaluation .

Message : Content not found

Additional information for error resolution : Verify the content for the application is on a distribution point and that the distribution point is accessible to the client. For more information, see Application download in Configuration Manager .

Message : No current or future service window exists to install software updates

Additional information for error resolution : Ensure that the maintenance window on the client is large enough to support the Maximum allowed run time (minutes) for the application installation and that the client has received the policy for the window.

Message : Failed to verify the executable file is valid or to construct the associated command line

Additional information for error resolution : Verify that the executable file is installable on its own then verify it's installable with the given command line.

Message : Failed to access all the provided program locations. This program may retry if the maximum retry count has not been reached

Additional information for error resolution : The client is getting locations for the content, but can't reach the locations. Review the client's LocationServices.log for the Distribution Point= . Use ContentTransferManager.log and DataTransferService.log to monitor the download for errors.

Message : The content download cannot be performed because there is not enough available space in cache or the disk is full

Additional information for error resolution : Check that the machine has enough space on the drive. Compare the size of the ccmcache directory with the client cache settings and ensure the setting is adequate for the application's size.

Message : The content download cannot be performed because the total size of the client cache is smaller than the size of the requested content

Additional information for error resolution : Compare the size of the ccmcache directory with the client cache settings and ensure the setting is adequate for the application's size.

Message : A supported App-V client is not installed

Additional information for error resolution : Verify that a supported version of App-V is installed on the client.

Message : The App-V sftmime command returned failure

Additional information for error resolution : For information on sftmime commands, see Manage Virtual Applications by Using the Command Line .

Message : An error occurred when querying the App-V WMI provider

Additional information for error resolution : For information on the App-V WMI provider, see Application Virtualization Client WMI Provider .

Message : Error Unknown

Additional information for error resolution : Follow the application troubleshooting guide to help locate the error and resolve it. It may be necessary to review additional logs for components that support application installation. Searching for specific IDs or error codes in the logging may help you identify the problem. For more information, see general troubleshooting tips .

Message : Application was successfully installed

Additional information for error resolution : The application was successfully installed.

Error code Error source Error message
MSI User cancel installation
MSI Fatal error during installation
MSI This action is only valid for products that are currently installed
MSI Another program is being installed. Please wait until that installation is complete, and then try installing this software again
MSI This installation package is not supported by this processor type. Contact your product vendor
MSI Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel
MSI The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch

General MSI troubleshooting tips

When errors are encountered from MSI, typically you'll need to Enable Windows Installer logging . After the logging is enabled, you can retry the problem installation and Windows Installer will track the progress and post it to the %temp% folder. The new log's file name is random. However, the first letters are Msi and the file name has a .log extension.

The MsiExec.exe and InstMsi.exe Error Messages and Windows Installer Action Return Values lists are useful when reviewing a Windows Installer log as are the general troubleshooting tips .

Message : User cancel installation

Additional information for error resolution : The installation was canceled by the user. Ask the user to install the application fully. If possible, you can attempt to run the installation for the system rather than the user.

Message : Fatal error during installation

Additional information for error resolution : Enable Windows Installer logging and run the install again. When reviewing the installer log, typically an entry stating Return value 3 is located near the failure reason in the log. For more information on possible return values and their meaning, see Windows Installer Action Return Values .

Message : This action is only valid for products that are currently installed

Additional information for error resolution : Ensure that the product is installed before running a dependant install.

Message : Another program is being installed. Please wait until that installation is complete, and then try installing this software again

Additional information for error resolution : Wait for the prior installation to complete before running a new one. If the prior installation stops responding, you can attempt to stop the installation or terminate the process. Terminating a process might have undesired results.

Message : This installation package is not supported by this processor type. Contact your product vendor

Additional information for error resolution : Ensure that the device's processor architecture is appropriate for the software. Verify the target device meets or exceeds the minimum processor requirement for the application. Contact the product vendor if the device's processor meets the product's processor support specifications.

Message : Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel

Additional information for error resolution : Uninstall the the unwanted version of the product. If you aren't using Configuration Manager, a script, or another management tool to uninstall, uninstall from the device manually. For Windows 10 or later clients, use Windows Settings > Apps to uninstall the unwanted version of the product. For earlier versions of Windows, use Programs and Features from the Control Panel to uninstall the unwanted version of the product.

Message : The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch

Additional information for error resolution : Verify the device meets the product versioning prerequisites for the installation.

Windows errors

Error code Error source Error message
Windows Incorrect function
Windows The system cannot find the file specified
Windows Debugger terminated process
Windows One or more arguments are invalid
Windows Operation aborted
Windows General access denied error
Windows Unspecified error
Windows Catastrophic failure
Windows Class not registered
Windows The hash value is not correct
Windows Initialization of the dynamic link library failed. The process is terminating abnormally

General Windows troubleshooting tips

Use the Windows system error codes list or Download the Microsoft Error Lookup Tool for looking up additional codes that aren't listed in this article. Using the Windows event logs and the general troubleshooting tips can also help identify the cause of these errors.

Message : Incorrect function

Additional information for error resolution : Review the Windows event logs around the time of the failure in combination with the installation logs to determine the possible cause of the error.

Message : The system cannot find the file specified

Additional information for error resolution :

  • If the missing file is a system file, run the System File Checker tool to repair missing or corrupted system files . You can also use /scanfile=file or /verifyfile with the sfc command to scan the binary and check if there is any issue with that file.
  • If the missing file is an application file, you can repair or uninstall and reinstall the application to replace the missing file.
  • You can launch Process Monitor without capturing events and filters by using ProcMon.exe /NoConnect /NoFilter /AcceptEULA

Message : Debugger terminated process

Additional information for error resolution : Detach any debuggers attached to the process and retry the application installation.

Message : One or more arguments are invalid


Message : Operation aborted

Additional information for error resolution : Use the installation logs and Configuration Manager application logs to determine why installation stopped. Merge the logs so you can easily review what happened before the 0x80000007L error. Use eventvwr.msc to review the Windows event logs for additional events that occurred around the time of the installation failure.

Message : General access denied error

Additional information for error resolution : If the issue isn't clear from the logs, using eventvwr.msc to review Windows event logs and Process Monitor can help identify problematic files or processes. If needed, use the Windows user interface or icacls to modify permissions on the problematic file.

Additional tips for file permissions in Windows operating systems:

  • Deny permissions always take precedence over Allow permissions.
  • Explicit permissions take precedence over inherited permissions.
  • If NTFS permissions conflict, or example, if group and user permissions are contradictory, the most liberal permissions take precedence.
  • Permissions are cumulative.

Message : Unspecified error

Additional information for error resolution : Use the installation logs and Configuration Manager application logs to determine why installation stopped. Merge the logs so you can easily review what happened before the 0x80004005 error. Use eventvwr.msc to review the Windows event logs for additional events that occurred around the time of the installation failure. Follow the application troubleshooting guide to help resolve the error. Process Monitor can also help identify the failure.

Message : Catastrophic failure

Message : Class not registered

Additional information for error resolution : This is typically a configuration-related DCOM error. Review DCOM configuration settings using dcomconfig . If there's a problematic .dll file, you can use regsvr32 to register the dll file and try the install again. A large number of problematic files could be a sign of an underlying issue that needs to be resolved before you can install the application.

Message : The hash value is not correct

Additional information for error resolution : The hash of a file isn't correct and the installation can't complete. Typically you will see this error in the CAS.log . Check to see if file contents for the application were recently updated. There may be an issue with the package, in some cases you may need to rebuild and redistribute it. This issue can also happen if there is a sharing violation on a file, such as a security application scanning the file. Configuration Manager expects exclusive access to the file during a hash check. You can identify the problematic process by running a Process Monitor and adding a filter. The condition to be met is if the Result contains Sharing Violation then Include the event.

Message : Initialization of the dynamic link library failed. The process is terminating abnormally

Additional information for error resolution : If there is a problematic .dll file, you can use regsvr32 to register the dll file and try again. A large number of problematic files could be a sign of an underlying issue that needs to be resolved before you can install the application.

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) errors

Error code Error source Error message
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) WBEM_E_FAILED
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) WBEM_E_NOT_AVAILABLE
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) WBEM_E_INVALID_NAMESPACE

General WMI troubleshooting tips

Problematic namespaces can typically be found in the Configuration Manager log files and the WMI logging . WMI relies on Component Object Model (COM)/Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), the registry, the file system, and Remote Procedure Call (RPC). DCOM registrations and permissions are critical for WMI operations to be successful. You can review DCOM configuration settings using dcomconfig .

When troubleshooting WMI problems, typically you start by verifying that the needed namespaces, classes, and instances exists in the WMI repository and can be accessed.

Verify the namespace exists on the target first by running wmimgmt.msc from an elevated command prompt. When WMI Control launches:

  • Select Action then Properties .
  • Select the Security tab to see all the namespaces.
  • Navigate to the namespace in question.
  • Verify the namespace exists and review the security on the namespace.

To connect WMI Control to another computer:

  • Select Action then Connect to another computer .
  • Select the option for Another computer: then supply the name.
  • Select Properties to connect. The connection to the WMI repository on the remote computer doesn't occur until you select Properties .
  • You may also wish to try to connect with the IP address too to verify that you can connect.

Verify the namespace exists on the target and that you can query it properly. Run the Windows Management Instrument Tester from an elevated command prompt by typing in wbemtest . When the Windows Management Instrument Tester launches:

  • Select Connect...
  • Type in the problematic namespace such as root\cimv2 or root\ccm and user credentials if needed. To connect to another machine, supply the name or the IP address such as \\Machine1\root\ccm and credentials if needed.
  • Select Enum Classes... to verify you get classes listed for the problematic namespace.
  • Set the superclass info to Recursive and select OK to verify classes list for the problematic namespace.
  • If you're using the root\ccm namespace, select a class that starts with "CCM_" such as CCM_ClientIdentificationInformation.
  • If you're using root\cimv2 , choose one that starts with "Win32_" such as Win32_BIOS.
  • Select Instances to verify the instances of the selected class load. For some classes, it's ok if there aren't any instances, just make sure that the Query Result window states Done . Long running queries to list of instances or queries that never finish may indicate a problem.

Verify the repository:

  • From an elevated command prompt, run winmgmt /verifyrepository . Verifying is typically useful for invalid class errors especially if you had to recently recompile a .mof file using mofcomp .
  • If problems are found during verification, you can try to salvage using winmgmt /salvagerepository
  • Typically, you won't use /resetrepository unless it's truly needed an no other alternative exists. Some namespaces won't automatically rebuild and you'll need to either reinstall the software associated with the missing namespace or mofcomp the application's .mof files to rebuild them.

WMI resources:

  • Introduction to wbemtest
  • Winmgmt service
  • WMI Log Files
  • Ensure you change the default log size to cover your troubleshooting session.
  • Once you have finished troubleshooting, remember to disable the trace and debug logging.
  • Setting namespace security with the WMI Control
  • WMI troubleshooting
  • Ask The Performance Team: WMI


Additional information for error resolution : WBEM_E_FAILED is a generic WMI failure error. The error can be caused by a number of things. The error will sometimes tell you which method or instance failed. You'll probably also see related log entires around the same time if you merge logs together based on similar function. For instance, if you see the error related to content for an application, you may want to merge together CAS.log, ContentTransferManager.log and DataTransfer.log. If the error happened on a site server not a client, you may want to review SMSProv.log for additional information. Use the General WMI troubleshooting tips to help identify the issue along with the application installation logs.


Additional information for error resolution : The resource, in many cases a remote machine, isn't currently available. Verify the device is online. Use the General WMI troubleshooting tips to help verify connectivity to WMI on the device.


Additional information for error resolution : The namespace specified could not be found. Verify the target computer can connect to WMI by following the General WMI troubleshooting tips . Verify namespace specified exists.

Windows Update Agent errors

Error code Error source Error message
Windows Update Agent The update to be installed is already installed on the system
Windows Update Agent Operation was not performed because there are no applicable updates

General Windows Update Agent troubleshooting tips

The errors for the installation originated from the Windows Update Agent. In many cases, you can attempt to install these updates using the built-in software update management from Configuration Manager, Windows Update for Business, or Microsoft Update. In certain circumstances where it's not feasible to use your regular patching mechanism, the .msu package can be installed with the Windows Update Standalone Installer (wusa.exe) like an application. Use the Windows Update logging and general troubleshooting tips to help determine the cause of the issue.

Message : The update to be installed is already installed on the system

Additional information for error resolution : The update is already installed on the device.

Message : Operation was not performed because there are no applicable updates

Additional information for error resolution : The update isn't applicable to the device. Verify that the device meets the requirements of the update. In cases where a superseding update has been installed, it's very rare that the superseded update would be applicable to the device.

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SCCM Error Codes

0x8007000d means that there is a file that is needed by Windows Update, but that file is either damaged or missing. This won’t let you install anyupdates for Windows or any drivers, and it also won’t let you upgrade Windows 10 in case a newer version is available.

Error Description:  Updates handler job was cancelled. Error Code:  0X87D00664 – Max Run Time

Installation job encountered some failures. Error = 0x80240022/0x8024401c Retrigger the job.

error 0x87D01201(-2016407039) not enough available space in cache or the disk is full

-2145123272 represents the DNS, will need to work with DNS team

If LastErrorCode says -2145123272

Which means user had tampered the Business hours on the machines and restricted not to install updates

Job error 0x800703ee Group policy issue.

LastErrorCode = -2016410107 meaning machine did not had SCCM client installed due to the machine is in exception group like digital signage

Group policy conflict’ LastErrorCode=’-2016409966’/0x87D00692 Force GP policy

Failed to Add Update Source for WUAgent of type (2) and id ({8FFB67E3-4F85-4EF5-9BF5-668CC65B85DA}). Error = 0x87d00692.

This problem may occur if one or more of the following conditions are true:

  • The Windows Update database is corrupted.
  • Antivirus software is configured to scan the %Windir%\SoftwareDistribution folder.
  • The Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) service does not receive a content link header.
  • A required system file is registered incorrectly.
  • Windows Installer encountered an error.
  • The Component Based Servicing (CBS) manifest is corrupted.
  • The Windows Update service stops during the installation process.
  • There’s a file version conflict with Windows Update agent files.
No. Signed Integer Error Code Unsigned Integer Error Code Hexadecimal Error Code Description/Meaning
1 0 0 0×00000000 Success
2 1 4294967295 0xFFFFFFFF Script execution failed with error code -1
3 10 10 0x0000000A Unit test error string
4 131072512 131072512 0x07D00200 The client is successfully assigned with Group Policy Site Assignment
5 131073314 131073314 0x07D00522 No more data
6 131073589 131073589 0x07D00635 Scan was skipped because history was valid
7 -2016278002 2278689294 0x87D20A0E Shutdown received while compressing
8 -2016278003 2278689293 0x87D20A0D Unexpected error while compressing
9 -2016278004 2278689292 0x87D20A0C Already compressed
10 -2016278005 2278689291 0x87D20A0B Failed to create file header while compressing
11 -2016278006 2278689290 0x87D20A0A Failed to create file while compressing
12 -2016278007 2278689289 0x87D20A09 Failed to create folder while compressing
13 -2016278008 2278689288 0x87D20A08 Invalid compressed header in file
14 -2016278009 2278689287 0x87D20A07 Invalid compressed file
15 -2016278010 2278689286 0x87D20A06 Failed to compress header
16 -2016278011 2278689285 0x87D20A05 File is no more there to compress
17 -2016278012 2278689284 0x87D20A04 Invalid destination for compression
18 -2016278013 2278689283 0x87D20A03 Invalid source for compression
19 -2016278014 2278689282 0x87D20A02 Compression destination not found
20 -2016278015 2278689281 0x87D20A01 Compression source not found
21 -2016278267 2278689029 0x87D20905 SEDO lock request timed out
22 -2016278268 2278689028 0x87D20904 SEDO lock not found
23 -2016278269 2278689027 0x87D20903 Invalid object path for SEDO
24 -2016278270 2278689026 0x87D20902 SEDO request ID not found
25 -2016278271 2278689025 0x87D20901 SEDO needs lock ID or Rel path
26 -2016278518 2278688778 0x87D2080A Certificate not found
27 -2016278519 2278688777 0x87D20809 Invalid data in certificate
28 -2016278520 2278688776 0x87D20808 Failed to find certificate
29 -2016278521 2278688775 0x87D20807 Failed to decrypt certificate
30 -2016278522 2278688774 0x87D20806 Failed to delete certificate store
31 -2016278523 2278688773 0x87D20805 Failed to write in certificate store
32 -2016278524 2278688772 0x87D20804 Failed to open certificate store
33 -2016278525 2278688771 0x87D20803 Error reading peer’s encoded certificate
34 -2016278526 2278688770 0x87D20802 Error reading certificate
35 -2016278527 2278688769 0x87D20801 Service Host Name property is either missing or invalid
36 -2016278776 2278688520 0x87D20708 The specified item to update is not found in Site Control File
37 -2016278777 2278688519 0x87D20707 Invalid FQDN found in Site Control File
38 -2016278778 2278688518 0x87D20706 Legacy type item in Site Control File
39 -2016278779 2278688517 0x87D20705 Site not found in Site Control File
40 -2016278780 2278688516 0x87D20704 Bad data in Site Control File
41 -2016278781 2278688515 0x87D20703 Item type not known in Site Control File
42 -2016278782 2278688514 0x87D20702 Item not found in Site Control File
43 -2016278783 2278688513 0x87D20701 Unknown property in Site Control File
44 -2016279006 2278688290 0x87D20622 SRS datasource has been modified or deleted
45 -2016279007 2278688289 0x87D20621 SRS root folder is not present
46 -2016279008 2278688288 0x87D20620 SRS is not installed or not properly configured
47 -2016279019 2278688277 0x87D20615 SRS web service is not running
48 -2016279278 2278688018 0x87D20512 Machine is not assigned to this site
49 -2016279279 2278688017 0x87D20511 Machine is not an SMS client
50 -2016279280 2278688016 0x87D20510 Machine not found foreign key constraint
51 -2016279529 2278687767 0x87D20417 Auto Deployment Rule download failed
52 -2016279530 2278687766 0x87D20416 No rule filters specifed for the Auto Deployment Rule
53 -2016279531 2278687765 0x87D20415 Auto Deployment Rule results exceeded maximum number of updates
54 -2016279532 2278687764 0x87D20414 Cannot Configure WU/MU as upstream server on Peer Primary
55 -2016279533 2278687763 0x87D20413 Active SUP not selected
56 -2016279537 2278687759 0x87D2040F WSUS Server component failure
57 -2016279538 2278687758 0x87D2040E WSUS Server Database connection failure
58 -2016279539 2278687757 0x87D2040D Failed to set Parent WSUS Configuration on the child sites
59 -2016279540 2278687756 0x87D2040C WSUS server not ready
60 -2016279797 2278687499 0x87D2030B Device Setting Item not found Foreign Key Constraint
61 -2016280054 2278687242 0x87D2020A SDM Type not found Foreign Key Constraint
62 -2016280055 2278687241 0x87D20209 Related SDM Package not found Foreign Key Constraint
63 -2016280056 2278687240 0x87D20208 SDM Package not found Foreign Key Constraint
64 -2016280057 2278687239 0x87D20207 SDM Type not found Foreign Key Constraint
65 -2016280058 2278687238 0x87D20206 EULA not found Foreign Key Constraint
66 -2016280059 2278687237 0x87D20205 Update Source not found Foreign Key Constraint
67 -2016280060 2278687236 0x87D20204 CI Type not found Foreign Key Constraint
68 -2016280061 2278687235 0x87D20203 Category not found Foreign Key Constraint
69 -2016280062 2278687234 0x87D20202 Configuration Item not found Foreign Key Constraint
70 -2016280063 2278687233 0x87D20201 Operation on Old Configuration Item when a newer instance exits in the Database
71 -2016280319 2278686977 0x87D20101 Collection not found foriegn key constraint
72 -2016280528 2278686768 0x87D20030 Error while creating inbox
73 -2016280544 2278686752 0x87D20020 Thread is signaled to be stopped
74 -2016280557 2278686739 0x87D20013 Registry write error
75 -2016280558 2278686738 0x87D20012 Registry read error
76 -2016280559 2278686737 0x87D20011 Registry connection error
77 -2016280568 2278686728 0x87D20008 SQL send batch error
78 -2016280569 2278686727 0x87D20007 SQL queue row error
79 -2016280570 2278686726 0x87D20006 SQL table binding error
80 -2016280571 2278686725 0x87D20005 SQL deadlock error
81 -2016280572 2278686724 0x87D20004 SQL error while registering type
82 -2016280573 2278686723 0x87D20003 SQl Error
83 -2016280574 2278686722 0x87D20002 SQL connection error
84 -2016280575 2278686721 0x87D20001 Invalid data
85 -2016281107 2278686189 0x87D1FDED Unsupported setting discovery source
86 -2016281108 2278686188 0x87D1FDEC Referenced setting not found in CI
87 -2016281109 2278686187 0x87D1FDEB Data type conversion failed
88 -2016281110 2278686186 0x87D1FDEA Invalid parameter to CIM setting
89 -2016281111 2278686185 0x87D1FDE9 Not applicable for this device
90 -2016281112 2278686184 0x87D1FDE8 Remediation failed
91 -2016341109 2278626187 0x87D1138B iOS device has returned an error
92 -2016341110 2278626186 0x87D1138A iOS device has rejected the command due to incorrect format
93 -2016341111 2278626185 0x87D11389 iOS device has returned an unexpected Idle status
94 -2016341112 2278626184 0x87D11388 iOS device is currently busy
95 -2016344008 2278623288 0x87D10838 (1404): Certificate access denied
96 -2016344009 2278623287 0x87D10837 (1403): Certificate not found
97 -2016344010 2278623286 0x87D10836 DCMO(1402): The Operation failed
98 -2016344011 2278623285 0x87D10835 DCMO(1401): User chose not to accept the operation when prompted
99 -2016344012 2278623284 0x87D10834 DCMO(1400): Client error
100 -2016344108 2278623188 0x87D107D4 DCMO(1204): Device Capability is disabled and User is allowed to re-enable it
101 -2016344109 2278623187 0x87D107D3 DCMO(1203): Device Capability is disabled and User is not allowed to re-enable it
102 -2016344110 2278623186 0x87D107D2 DCMO(1202): Enable operation is performed successfully but the Device Capability is currently detached
103 -2016344111 2278623185 0x87D107D1 DCMO(1201): Enable operation is performed successfully and the Device Capability is currently attached
104 -2016344112 2278623184 0x87D107D0 DCMO(1200): Operation is performed successfully
105 -2016344197 2278623099 0x87D1077B Operation not implemented on client
106 -2016344198 2278623098 0x87D1077A The package is an invalid upgrade
107 -2016344199 2278623097 0x87D10779 Target location of package is not accessible
108 -2016344200 2278623096 0x87D10778 Installer is busy doing some other operation
109 -2016344201 2278623095 0x87D10777 Indicates that network failure aborted the operation
110 -2016344202 2278623094 0x87D10776 The package has no rights to perform the operation
111 -2016344203 2278623093 0x87D10775 Install/Uninstall Unknown error
112 -2016344204 2278623092 0x87D10774 Mandatory file is in use and prevents the operation
113 -2016344205 2278623091 0x87D10773 Package cannot be installed due to missing dependency
114 -2016344206 2278623090 0x87D10772 Package cannot be installed due to security error
115 -2016344207 2278623089 0x87D10771 Package validation failed.
116 -2016344208 2278623088 0x87D10770 Installation of the package is not supported
117 -2016344209 2278623087 0x87D1076F Insufficient free memory in the drive to perform the operation
118 -2016344210 2278623086 0x87D1076E File is corrupted
119 -2016344211 2278623085 0x87D1076D User cancelled the operation
120 -2016344212 2278623084 0x87D1076C Application was successfully installed
121 -2016344512 2278622784 0x87D10640 An invalid OMA download descriptor received
122 -2016344593 2278622703 0x87D105EF Maximum number of http redirections has reached.
123 -2016344594 2278622702 0x87D105EE Non-download specific error
124 -2016344595 2278622701 0x87D105ED Internal error occurred. Most probably a programming error.
125 -2016344596 2278622700 0x87D105EC Error occurred in the transaction
126 -2016344597 2278622699 0x87D105EB General storage error
127 -2016344598 2278622698 0x87D105EA Not enough disk space for the content
128 -2016344599 2278622697 0x87D105E9 Moving content file failed
129 -2016344600 2278622696 0x87D105E8 Invalid download drive
130 -2016344601 2278622695 0x87D105E7 File not found error
131 -2016344602 2278622694 0x87D105E6 File write failed
132 -2016344603 2278622693 0x87D105E5 Media where the download is being persisted removed
133 -2016344604 2278622692 0x87D105E4 Download Manager cannot handle this URL
134 -2016344605 2278622691 0x87D105E3 Error in destination filename
135 -2016344606 2278622690 0x87D105E2 Destination file cannot be opened/created
136 -2016344607 2278622689 0x87D105E1 Unhandled HTTP error code
137 -2016344608 2278622688 0x87D105E0 404: object not found
138 -2016344609 2278622687 0x87D105DF 412: partial content cannot be downloaded
139 -2016344610 2278622686 0x87D105DE Paused content is expired
140 -2016344611 2278622685 0x87D105DD Resuming progressive download failed
141 -2016344711 2278622585 0x87D10579 Connection failed. No network coverage
142 -2016344713 2278622583 0x87D10577 Unknown error related to protocol
143 -2016344810 2278622486 0x87D10516 Requested operation is invalid for this protocol
144 -2016344811 2278622485 0x87D10515 Requested protocol is not known
145 -2016344813 2278622483 0x87D10513 Unknown error related to remote content
146 -2016344907 2278622389 0x87D104B5 Content needed to resent but this failed
147 -2016344908 2278622388 0x87D104B4 Remote server required authentication but credentials supplied if any were not accepted
148 -2016344909 2278622387 0x87D104B3 Remote content was not found at the server
149 -2016344910 2278622386 0x87D104B2 Operation requested on remote content is not permitted
150 -2016344911 2278622385 0x87D104B1 Access to remote content denied
151 -2016344913 2278622383 0x87D104AF Unknown proxy related error
152 -2016345007 2278622289 0x87D10451 Proxy authentication required or proxy refused the supplied credentials if any
153 -2016345008 2278622288 0x87D10450 Connection to the proxy timed out
154 -2016345009 2278622287 0x87D1044F Invalid proxy host name
155 -2016345010 2278622286 0x87D1044E Proxy server closed the connection prematurely
156 -2016345011 2278622285 0x87D1044D Connection to proxy server was refused
157 -2016345061 2278622235 0x87D1041B Detection rules not present
158 -2016345063 2278622233 0x87D10419 Unknown network error
159 -2016345103 2278622193 0x87D103F1 Remote server unavailable
160 -2016345104 2278622192 0x87D103F0 Network authentication failed
161 -2016345105 2278622191 0x87D103EF Temporary network failure
162 -2016345106 2278622190 0x87D103EE Encrypted channel could not be established
163 -2016345107 2278622189 0x87D103ED Operation was canceled before it was finished
164 -2016345108 2278622188 0x87D103EC Connection to the remote server timed out
165 -2016345109 2278622187 0x87D103EB Invalid host name
166 -2016345110 2278622186 0x87D103EA Remote server closed the connection prematurely
167 -2016345111 2278622185 0x87D103E9 Remote server refused the connection
168 -2016345112 2278622184 0x87D103E8 Error Unknown
169 -2016345595 2278621701 0x87D10205 Syncml: The response to an atomic command was too large to fit in a single message.
170 -2016345596 2278621700 0x87D10204 Syncml: Command was inside Atomic element and Atomic failed. This command was not rolled back successfully.
171 -2016345598 2278621698 0x87D10202 Syncml: The SyncML command was not completed successfully since the operation was already cancelled before processing the command.
172 -2016345599 2278621697 0x87D10201 Syncml: The recipient does not support or refuses to support the specified version of the SyncML Synchronization Protocol used in the request SyncML Message.
173 -2016345600 2278621696 0x87D10200 Syncml: An application error occurred during the synchronization session.
174 -2016345601 2278621695 0x87D101FF Syncml: A severe error occurred in the server while processing the request.
175 -2016345602 2278621694 0x87D101FE Syncml: An error occurred while processing the request. The error is related to a failure in the recipient data store.
176 -2016345603 2278621693 0x87D101FD Syncml: Reserved for future use.
177 -2016345604 2278621692 0x87D101FC Syncml: An error occurred that necessitates a refresh of the current synchronization state of the client with the server.
178 -2016345605 2278621691 0x87D101FB Syncml: The error caused all SyncML commands within an Atomic element type to fail.
179 -2016345606 2278621690 0x87D101FA Syncml: An application error occurred while processing the request.
180 -2016345607 2278621689 0x87D101F9 Syncml: The recipient does not support or refuses to support the specified version of SyncML DTD used in the request SyncML Message.
181 -2016345608 2278621688 0x87D101F8 Syncml: The recipient while acting as a gateway or proxy did not receive a timely response from the upstream recipient specified by the URI (e.g. HTTP FTP LDAP) or some other auxiliary recipient (e.g. DNS) it needed to access in attempting to complete the request.
182 -2016345609 2278621687 0x87D101F7 Syncml: The recipient is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the recipient.
183 -2016345610 2278621686 0x87D101F6 Syncml: The recipient while acting as a gateway or proxy received an invalid response from the upstream recipient it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request.
184 -2016345611 2278621685 0x87D101F5 Syncml: The recipient does not support the command required to fulfill the request.
185 -2016345612 2278621684 0x87D101F4 Syncml: The recipient encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request
186 -2016345684 2278621612 0x87D101AC Syncml: Move failed
187 -2016345685 2278621611 0x87D101AB Syncml: Parent cannot be deleted since it contains children.
188 -2016345686 2278621610 0x87D101AA Syncml: Partial item not accepted.
189 -2016345687 2278621609 0x87D101A9 Syncml: The requested command failed because the sender does not have adequate access control permissions (ACL) on the recipient.
190 -2016345688 2278621608 0x87D101A8 Syncml: The chunked object was received but the size of the received object did not match the size declared within the first chunk.
191 -2016345689 2278621607 0x87D101A7 Syncml: The requested command failed because the “Soft Deleted” item was previously “Hard Deleted” on the server.
192 -2016345690 2278621606 0x87D101A6 Syncml: The requested command failed on the server because the CGI scripting in the LocURI was incorrectly formed.
193 -2016345691 2278621605 0x87D101A5 Syncml: The requested command failed on the server because the specified search grammar was not known.
194 -2016345692 2278621604 0x87D101A4 Syncml: The recipient has no more storage space for the remaining synchronization data.
195 -2016345693 2278621603 0x87D101A3 Syncml: The client request created a conflict which was resolved by the server command winning.
196 -2016345694 2278621602 0x87D101A2 Syncml: The requested Put or Add command failed because the target already exists.
197 -2016345695 2278621601 0x87D101A1 Syncml: The request failed at this time and the originator should retry the request later.
198 -2016345696 2278621600 0x87D101A0 Syncml: The request failed because the specified byte size in the request was too big.
199 -2016345697 2278621599 0x87D1019F Syncml: Unsupported media type or format.
200 -2016345698 2278621598 0x87D1019E Syncml: The requested command failed because the target URI is too long for what the recipient is able or willing to process.
201 -2016345699 2278621597 0x87D1019D Syncml: The recipient is refusing to perform the requested command because the requested item is larger than the recipient is able or willing to process.
202 -2016345700 2278621596 0x87D1019C Syncml: The requested command failed on the recipient because it was incomplete or incorrectly formed.
203 -2016345701 2278621595 0x87D1019B Syncml: The requested command must be accompanied by byte size or length information in the Meta element type.
204 -2016345702 2278621594 0x87D1019A Syncml: The requested target is no longer on the recipient and no forwarding URI is known.
205 -2016345703 2278621593 0x87D10199 Syncml: The requested failed because of an update conflict between the client and server versions of the data.
206 -2016345704 2278621592 0x87D10198 Syncml: An expected message was not received within the required period of time.
207 -2016345705 2278621591 0x87D10197 Syncml: The requested command failed because the originator must provide proper authentication.
208 -2016345706 2278621590 0x87D10196 Syncml: The requested command failed because an optional feature in the request was not supported.
209 -2016345707 2278621589 0x87D10195 Syncml: The requested command is not allowed on the target.
210 -2016345708 2278621588 0x87D10194 Syncml: The requested target was not found.
211 -2016345709 2278621587 0x87D10193 Syncml: The requested command failed but the recipient understood the requested command.
212 -2016345710 2278621586 0x87D10192 Syncml: The requested command failed because proper payment isneeded.
213 -2016345711 2278621585 0x87D10191 Syncml: The requested command failed because the requestor must provide proper authentication.
214 -2016345712 2278621584 0x87D10190 Syncml: The requested command could not be performed because of malformed syntax in the command.
215 -2016345807 2278621489 0x87D10131 Syncml: The requested target must be accessed through the specified proxy URI.
216 -2016345808 2278621488 0x87D10130 Syncml:The requested SyncML command was not executed on the target.
217 -2016345809 2278621487 0x87D1012F Syncml: The requested target can be found at another URI.
218 -2016345810 2278621486 0x87D1012E Syncml: The requested target has temporarily moved to a different URI.
219 -2016345811 2278621485 0x87D1012D Syncml: The requested target has a new URI.
220 -2016345812 2278621484 0x87D1012C Syncml: The requested target is one of a number of multiple alternatives requested target.
221 -2016346011 2278621285 0x87D10065 Syncml: The specified SyncML command is being carried out but has not yet completed.
222 -2016403452 2278563844 0x87D02004 The software distribution policy was not found.
223 -2016403454 2278563842 0x87D02002 The software distribution policy for this program was not found.
224 -2016406894 2278560402 0x87D01292 The virtual application is in use
225 -2016406895 2278560401 0x87D01291 The virtual environment is not applicable
226 -2016406896 2278560400 0x87D01290 An error occurred when querying the App-V WMI provider
227 -2016406897 2278560399 0x87D0128F The App-V sftmime command returned failure
228 -2016406898 2278560398 0x87D0128E Could not uninstall the App-V deployment type because of conflict. The published components in this DT are still published by other DTs. This DT will be always detected as long as other DTs are still installed.
229 -2016406900 2278560396 0x87D0128C Could not find streaming distribution point for the App-V package
230 -2016406901 2278560395 0x87D0128B The App-V application is not installed
231 -2016406902 2278560394 0x87D0128A The App-V client has reported a launch error
232 -2016406906 2278560390 0x87D01286 The App-V package has already installed higher version by another deployment type so we cannot install a lower version of the package
233 -2016406907 2278560389 0x87D01285 A dependent App-V package is not installed
234 -2016406911 2278560385 0x87D01281 A supported App-V client is not installed
235 -2016406912 2278560384 0x87D01280 Virtual application is currently in use
236 -2016406959 2278560337 0x87D01251 The application deployment type handler could not be initialized. The deployment type might not be supported on this system.
237 -2016406960 2278560336 0x87D01250 The computer restart cannot be initiated because a software installation job is in progress.
238 -2016407024 2278560272 0x87D01210 Failed to get content locations.
239 -2016407036 2278560260 0x87D01204 No distribution points were found for the requested content.
240 -2016407037 2278560259 0x87D01203 The client cache is currently in use by a running program or by a download in progress.
241 -2016407038 2278560258 0x87D01202 The content download cannot be performed because the total size of the client cache is smaller than the size of the requested content.
242 -2016407039 2278560257 0x87D01201 The content download cannot be performed because there is not enough available space in cache or the disk is full.
243 -2016407040 2278560256 0x87D01200 No content request found with the given handle.
244 -2016407286 2278560010 0x87D0110A A fatal error occurred while preparing to execute the program for example when creating the program execution environment making a network connection impersonating the user determining the file association information or when attempting to launch the program. This program execution will not be retried.
245 -2016407287 2278560009 0x87D01109 Failed to verify that the given file is a valid installation package.
246 -2016407288 2278560008 0x87D01108 Failed to access all the provided program locations. This program will not retry.
247 -2016407289 2278560007 0x87D01107 Failed to access all the provided program locations. This program may retry if the maximum retry count has not been reached.
248 -2016407290 2278560006 0x87D01106 Failed to verify the executable file is valid or to construct the associated command line.
249 -2016407291 2278560005 0x87D01105 An error was encountered while getting the process information for the launched program and the program execution will not be monitored.
250 -2016407292 2278560004 0x87D01104 The command line for this program is invalid.
251 -2016407293 2278560003 0x87D01103 A non fatal error occurred while preparing to execute the program for example when creating the program execution environment making a network connection impersonating the user determining the file association information or when attempting to launch the program. This program execution will be retried if the retry count has not been exceeded.
252 -2016407294 2278560002 0x87D01102 An error occurred while creating the execution context.
253 -2016407295 2278560001 0x87D01101 A fatal error has been encountered while attempting to run the program. The program execution will not be retried.
254 -2016407296 2278560000 0x87D01100 A non fatal error has been encountered while attempting to run the program. The program execution will be retried if the retry count has not been exceeded.
255 -2016407528 2278559768 0x87D01018 The program cannot run at this time because the client is on the internet.
256 -2016407529 2278559767 0x87D01017 The content hash string or hash version are empty or incorrect in the software distribution policy or the hash verification failed.
257 -2016407531 2278559765 0x87D01015 Failed to notify caller that software distribution is paused because the paused state or paused cookie do not match.
258 -2016407532 2278559764 0x87D01014 The program cannot run because it is targeted to a user requires user input or is set to run in user context.
259 -2016407533 2278559763 0x87D01013 This program cannot run because it depends on another program that has not run successfully before.
260 -2016407534 2278559762 0x87D01012 There is no program currently running.
261 -2016407535 2278559761 0x87D01011 The execution request was not found.
262 -2016407536 2278559760 0x87D01010 A system restart is in progress or there is a pending execution for this program which requires a computer restart.
263 -2016407543 2278559753 0x87D01009 Failed to get data from WMI.
264 -2016407544 2278559752 0x87D01008 Failed to indicate the client cache is currently in use.
265 -2016407546 2278559750 0x87D01006 The requested program is not currently pending.
266 -2016407547 2278559749 0x87D01005 The policy for this program does not exist or is invalid.
267 -2016407548 2278559748 0x87D01004 The program is disabled.
268 -2016407550 2278559746 0x87D01002 Another execution for this program is already pending.
269 -2016407551 2278559745 0x87D01001 Another software execution is in progress or a restart is pending.
270 -2016409588 2278557708 0x87D0080C No WDS session availiable.
271 -2016409589 2278557707 0x87D0080B MCS Encountered WDS error.
272 -2016409590 2278557706 0x87D0080A Invalid MCS configuration.
273 -2016409591 2278557705 0x87D00809 Package is not multicast enabled.
274 -2016409592 2278557704 0x87D00808 Package is not multicast shared.
275 -2016409593 2278557703 0x87D00807 Invalid path specified for Package.
276 -2016409594 2278557702 0x87D00806 MCS Server is Busy with many clients.
277 -2016409595 2278557701 0x87D00805 MCS Encryption is empty
278 -2016409596 2278557700 0x87D00804 Error performing MCS healthcheck
279 -2016409597 2278557699 0x87D00803 Error opening MCS session
280 -2016409598 2278557698 0x87D00802 MCS protocol version mismatch
281 -2016409599 2278557697 0x87D00801 General MCS Failure
282 -2016409600 2278557696 0x87D00800 Content transfer manager job is in an unexpected state
283 -2016409835 2278557461 0x87D00715 No updates specified in requested job
284 -2016409836 2278557460 0x87D00714 User based install not allowed as system restart is pending
285 -2016409837 2278557459 0x87D00713 Software updates detection results not received yet
286 -2016409838 2278557458 0x87D00712 A system restart is required to complete the installation
287 -2016409839 2278557457 0x87D00711 Software updates deployment not active yet i.e. start time is in future
288 -2016409840 2278557456 0x87D00710 Failed to compare process creation time
289 -2016409841 2278557455 0x87D0070F Invalid updates installer path
290 -2016409842 2278557454 0x87D0070E Empty command line specified
291 -2016409843 2278557453 0x87D0070D Software update failed when attempted
292 -2016409844 2278557452 0x87D0070C Software update execution timeout
293 -2016409845 2278557451 0x87D0070B Failed to create process
294 -2016409846 2278557450 0x87D0070A Invalid command line
295 -2016409847 2278557449 0x87D00709 Failed to resume the monitoring of the process
296 -2016409848 2278557448 0x87D00708 Software Updates Install not required
297 -2016409849 2278557447 0x87D00707 Job Id mismatch
298 -2016409850 2278557446 0x87D00706 No active job exists
299 -2016409851 2278557445 0x87D00705 Pause state required
300 -2016409852 2278557444 0x87D00704 Hard reboot is pending
301 -2016409853 2278557443 0x87D00703 Another software updates install job is in progress. Only one job is allowed at a time.
302 -2016409854 2278557442 0x87D00702 Assignment policy not found
303 -2016409855 2278557441 0x87D00701 Software updates download not allowed at this time
304 -2016409856 2278557440 0x87D00700 Software updates installation not allowed at this time
305 -2016409959 2278557337 0x87D00699 Scan is already in progress
306 -2016409960 2278557336 0x87D00698 Software update being attempted is not actionable
307 -2016409961 2278557335 0x87D00697 Software update is already installed but just requires a reboot to complete the installation
308 -2016409962 2278557334 0x87D00696 Software update is already installed
309 -2016409963 2278557333 0x87D00695 Incomplete scan results
310 -2016409964 2278557332 0x87D00694 WSUS source already exists
311 -2016409965 2278557331 0x87D00693 Windows Updates Agent version too low
312 -2016409966 2278557330 0x87D00692 Group policy conflict
313 -2016409967 2278557329 0x87D00691 Software update source not found
314 -2016409968 2278557328 0x87D00690 Software update is not applicable
315 -2016409999 2278557297 0x87D00671 Waiting for third-party orchestration engine to initiate installation
316 -2016410006 2278557290 0x87D0066A None of the child software updates of a bundle are applicable
317 -2016410007 2278557289 0x87D00669 Not able to get software updates content locations at this time
318 -2016410008 2278557288 0x87D00668 Software update still detected as actionable after apply
319 -2016410009 2278557287 0x87D00667 No current or future service window exists to install software updates
320 -2016410010 2278557286 0x87D00666 Software updates cannot be install outside service window
321 -2016410011 2278557285 0x87D00665 No updates to process in the job
322 -2016410012 2278557284 0x87D00664 Updates handler job was cancelled
323 -2016410013 2278557283 0x87D00663 Failed to report installation status of software updates
324 -2016410014 2278557282 0x87D00662 Failed to trigger installation of software updates
325 -2016410015 2278557281 0x87D00661 Error while detecting updates status after installation success
326 -2016410016 2278557280 0x87D00660 Unable to monitor a software update’s execution
327 -2016410023 2278557273 0x87D00659 Error occurred reading policy for software update
328 -2016410024 2278557272 0x87D00658 Software updates processing was cancelled
329 -2016410025 2278557271 0x87D00657 Error while detecting software updates status after scan success
330 -2016410026 2278557270 0x87D00656 Updates handler was unable to continue due to some generic internal error
331 -2016410027 2278557269 0x87D00655 Failed to install one or more software updates
332 -2016410028 2278557268 0x87D00654 Software update install failure occurred
333 -2016410029 2278557267 0x87D00653 Software update download failure occurred
334 -2016410030 2278557266 0x87D00652 Software update policy was not found
335 -2016410031 2278557265 0x87D00651 Post install scan failed
336 -2016410032 2278557264 0x87D00650 Pre install scan failed
337 -2016410060 2278557236 0x87D00634 Legacy scanner not supported
338 -2016410061 2278557235 0x87D00633 Offline scan is pending
339 -2016410062 2278557234 0x87D00632 Online scan is pending
340 -2016410063 2278557233 0x87D00631 Scan retry is pending
341 -2016410064 2278557232 0x87D00630 Maximum retries exhausted
342 -2016410071 2278557225 0x87D00629 Rescan of the updates is pending
343 -2016410072 2278557224 0x87D00628 Invalid content location
344 -2016410073 2278557223 0x87D00627 Process instance not found
345 -2016410074 2278557222 0x87D00626 Invalid process instance information
346 -2016410104 2278557192 0x87D00608 Invalid instance type
347 -2016410105 2278557191 0x87D00607 Content not found
348 -2016410106 2278557190 0x87D00606 Offline scan tool history not found
349 -2016410107 2278557189 0x87D00605 Scan tool has been removed
350 -2016410108 2278557188 0x87D00604 The ScanTool not found in job queue
351 -2016410109 2278557187 0x87D00603 The ScanTool policy has been removed so cannot complete scan operation
352 -2016410110 2278557186 0x87D00602 Content location request timeout occurred
353 -2016410111 2278557185 0x87D00601 Scanning for updates timed out
354 -2016410112 2278557184 0x87D00600 Scan Tool Policy not found
355 -2016410558 2278556738 0x87D00442 An enforcement action (install/uninstall) was attempted for a simulated deployment.
356 -2016410559 2278556737 0x87D00441 The deployment metadata is not available on the client.
357 -2016410560 2278556736 0x87D00440 Expected policy documents are incomplete or missing.
358 -2016410592 2278556704 0x87D00420 The detection rules refer to an unsupported WMI namespace.
359 -2016410621 2278556675 0x87D00403 The detection rules contain an unsupported datatype.
360 -2016410622 2278556674 0x87D00402 The detection rules contain an invalid operator.
361 -2016410623 2278556673 0x87D00401 An incorrect XML expression was found when evaluating the detection rules.
362 -2016410624 2278556672 0x87D00400 An unexpected error occurred when evaluating the detection rules.
363 -2016410832 2278556464 0x87D00330 This application deployment type does not support being enforced with a required deployment
364 -2016410838 2278556458 0x87D0032A The uninstall command line is invalid
365 -2016410839 2278556457 0x87D00329 Application requirement evaluation or detection failed
366 -2016410840 2278556456 0x87D00328 Configuration item digest not found
367 -2016410841 2278556455 0x87D00327 Script is not signed
368 -2016410842 2278556454 0x87D00326 The application deployment metadata was not found in WMI
369 -2016410843 2278556453 0x87D00325 Application was still detected after uninstall completed.
370 -2016410844 2278556452 0x87D00324 The application was not detected after installation completed.
371 -2016410845 2278556451 0x87D00323 No user is logged on.
372 -2016410846 2278556450 0x87D00322 Rule conflict.
373 -2016410847 2278556449 0x87D00321 The script execution has timed out.
374 -2016410848 2278556448 0x87D00320 The script host has not been installed yet.
375 -2016410849 2278556447 0x87D0031F Script for discovery returned invalid data.
376 -2016410850 2278556446 0x87D0031E Unsupported configuration. The application is configured to Install for User but has been targeted to a machine device instead of the user.
377 -2016410851 2278556445 0x87D0031D Unsupported configuration. The application is targeted to a user but is configured to install when no user is logged in.
378 -2016410858 2278556438 0x87D00316 CI Agent job was canceled.
379 -2016410859 2278556437 0x87D00315 The CI version info data is not available.
380 -2016410860 2278556436 0x87D00314 CI Version Info timed out.
381 -2016410983 2278556313 0x87D00299 The client does not recognize this type of signature
382 -2016410984 2278556312 0x87D00298 The client’s database record could not be validated
383 -2016410985 2278556311 0x87D00297 Invalid key
384 -2016410986 2278556310 0x87D00296 The client failed to process one or more CI documents
385 -2016410987 2278556309 0x87D00295 Registration certificate is either missing or invalid
386 -2016410988 2278556308 0x87D00294 Unable to verify Policy
387 -2016410989 2278556307 0x87D00293 Client unable to Refresh Site server signing certificate
388 -2016410990 2278556306 0x87D00292 Client unable to compute message signature for InBand Auth
389 -2016410991 2278556305 0x87D00291 No task sequence policies assigned
390 -2016410992 2278556304 0x87D00290 Job contains no items
391 -2016410999 2278556297 0x87D00289 Failed to decompress CI documents
392 -2016411000 2278556296 0x87D00288 Failed to decompress configuration item
393 -2016411001 2278556295 0x87D00287 Signing certificate is missing
394 -2016411002 2278556294 0x87D00286 Invalid SMS authority
395 -2016411003 2278556293 0x87D00285 Search criteria verb is either missing or invalid
396 -2016411004 2278556292 0x87D00284 Missing subject name
397 -2016411005 2278556291 0x87D00283 Missing private key
398 -2016411006 2278556290 0x87D00282 More than one certificate found but ‘select first cert’ was not set
399 -2016411007 2278556289 0x87D00281 No certificate matching criteria specified
400 -2016411008 2278556288 0x87D00280 Empty certificate store
401 -2016411009 2278556287 0x87D0027F SHA could not bind as NAP Agent might not be running
402 -2016411010 2278556286 0x87D0027E Bad HTTP status code
403 -2016411011 2278556285 0x87D0027D CI documents download failed due to hash mismatch
404 -2016411012 2278556284 0x87D0027C CI documents download timed out
405 -2016411013 2278556283 0x87D0027B General CI documents download failure
406 -2016411014 2278556282 0x87D0027A Configuration item download failed due to hash mismatch
407 -2016411015 2278556281 0x87D00279 Configuration item download timed out
408 -2016411016 2278556280 0x87D00278 General configuration item download failure
409 -2016411017 2278556279 0x87D00277 Insufficient resources to complete the operation
410 -2016411018 2278556278 0x87D00276 System restart is required
411 -2016411019 2278556277 0x87D00275 Failed to acquire lock
412 -2016411020 2278556276 0x87D00274 No callback completion interface specified
413 -2016411021 2278556275 0x87D00273 Component has already been requested to pause
414 -2016411022 2278556274 0x87D00272 Component is disabled
415 -2016411023 2278556273 0x87D00271 Component is paused
416 -2016411024 2278556272 0x87D00270 Component is not paused
417 -2016411025 2278556271 0x87D0026F Pause cookie did not match
418 -2016411026 2278556270 0x87D0026E Pause duration too big
419 -2016411027 2278556269 0x87D0026D Pause duration too small
420 -2016411028 2278556268 0x87D0026C Status not found
421 -2016411029 2278556267 0x87D0026B Agent type not found
422 -2016411030 2278556266 0x87D0026A Key type not found
423 -2016411031 2278556265 0x87D00269 Required management point not found
424 -2016411032 2278556264 0x87D00268 Compilation failed
425 -2016411033 2278556263 0x87D00267 Download failed
426 -2016411034 2278556262 0x87D00266 Inconsistent data
427 -2016411035 2278556261 0x87D00265 Invalid store state
428 -2016411036 2278556260 0x87D00264 Invalid operation
429 -2016411037 2278556259 0x87D00263 Invalid message received from DTS
430 -2016411038 2278556258 0x87D00262 The type of DTS message received is unknown
431 -2016411039 2278556257 0x87D00261 Failed to persist configuration item definition
432 -2016411040 2278556256 0x87D00260 Job state is not valid for the action being requested
433 -2016411041 2278556255 0x87D0025F Client disconnected
434 -2016411042 2278556254 0x87D0025E Encountered a message which was not sufficiently trusted to forward to an endpoint for processing
435 -2016411043 2278556253 0x87D0025D Encountered invalid XML document which could not be validated by its corresponding XML schema(s)
436 -2016411060 2278556236 0x87D0024C Encountered invalid XML schema document
437 -2016411061 2278556235 0x87D0024B Name already exists
438 -2016411062 2278556234 0x87D0024A The job is already connected
439 -2016411063 2278556233 0x87D00249 Property is not valid for the given configuration item type
440 -2016411064 2278556232 0x87D00248 There was an error in network communication
441 -2016411065 2278556231 0x87D00247 A component required to perform the operation was missing or not registered
442 -2016411066 2278556230 0x87D00246 There was an error evaluating the health of the client
443 -2016411067 2278556229 0x87D00245 The object or subsystem has already been initialized
444 -2016411068 2278556228 0x87D00244 The object or subsystem has not been initialized
445 -2016411069 2278556227 0x87D00243 Public key mismatch
446 -2016411070 2278556226 0x87D00242 Stored procedure failed
447 -2016411071 2278556225 0x87D00241 Failed to connect to database
448 -2016411072 2278556224 0x87D00240 Insufficient disk space
449 -2016411079 2278556217 0x87D00239 Client id not found
450 -2016411080 2278556216 0x87D00238 Public key not found
451 -2016411081 2278556215 0x87D00237 Reply mode incompatible
452 -2016411082 2278556214 0x87D00236 Low memory
453 -2016411083 2278556213 0x87D00235 Syntax error occurred while parsing
454 -2016411084 2278556212 0x87D00234 Internal endpoint cannot receive a remote message
455 -2016411085 2278556211 0x87D00233 Message not trusted
456 -2016411086 2278556210 0x87D00232 Message not signed
457 -2016411087 2278556209 0x87D00231 Transient error
458 -2016411088 2278556208 0x87D00230 Error logging on as given credentials
459 -2016411095 2278556201 0x87D00229 Failed to get credentials
460 -2016411096 2278556200 0x87D00228 Invalid endpoint
461 -2016411097 2278556199 0x87D00227 Functionality disabled
462 -2016411098 2278556198 0x87D00226 Invalid protocol
463 -2016411099 2278556197 0x87D00225 Invalid address type
464 -2016411100 2278556196 0x87D00224 Invalid message
465 -2016411101 2278556195 0x87D00223 Version mismatch
466 -2016411102 2278556194 0x87D00222 Operation cancelled
467 -2016411103 2278556193 0x87D00221 Invalid user
468 -2016411104 2278556192 0x87D00220 Invalid type
469 -2016411111 2278556185 0x87D00219 Global service not set
470 -2016411112 2278556184 0x87D00218 Invalid service settings
471 -2016411113 2278556183 0x87D00217 Data is corrupt
472 -2016411114 2278556182 0x87D00216 Invalid service parameter
473 -2016411115 2278556181 0x87D00215 Item not found
474 -2016411116 2278556180 0x87D00214 Invalid name length
475 -2016411117 2278556179 0x87D00213 Timeout occurred
476 -2016411118 2278556178 0x87D00212 Context is closed
477 -2016411119 2278556177 0x87D00211 Invalid Address
478 -2016411120 2278556176 0x87D00210 Invalid Translator
479 -2016411127 2278556169 0x87D00209 Data type mismatch
480 -2016411128 2278556168 0x87D00208 Invalid command
481 -2016411129 2278556167 0x87D00207 Parsing error
482 -2016411130 2278556166 0x87D00206 Invalid file
483 -2016411131 2278556165 0x87D00205 Invalid path
484 -2016411132 2278556164 0x87D00204 Data too large
485 -2016411133 2278556163 0x87D00203 No data supplied
486 -2016411134 2278556162 0x87D00202 Service is shutting down
487 -2016411135 2278556161 0x87D00201 Incorrect name format
488 -2016411136 2278556160 0x87D00200 Name not found
489 -2145058817 2149908479 0x8024FFFF There was a reporter error not covered by another error code.
490 -2145062907 2149904389 0x8024F005 The specified callback cookie is not found.
491 -2145062908 2149904388 0x8024F004 The server rejected an event because the server was too busy.
492 -2145062909 2149904387 0x8024F003 The XML in the event namespace descriptor could not be parsed.
493 -2145062910 2149904386 0x8024F002 The XML in the event namespace descriptor could not be parsed.
494 -2145062911 2149904385 0x8024F001 The event cache file was defective.
495 -2145062913 2149904383 0x8024EFFF There was an expression evaluator error not covered by another WU_E_EE_* error code.
496 -2145067001 2149900295 0x8024E007 An expression evaluator operation could not be completed because the cluster state of the computer could not be determined.
497 -2145067002 2149900294 0x8024E006 An expression evaluator operation could not be completed because there was an invalid attribute.
498 -2145067003 2149900293 0x8024E005 The expression evaluator could not be initialized.
499 -2145067004 2149900292 0x8024E004 An expression evaluator operation could not be completed because the version of the serialized expression data is invalid.
500 -2145067005 2149900291 0x8024E003 An expression evaluator operation could not be completed because an expression contains an incorrect number of metadata nodes.
501 -2145067006 2149900290 0x8024E002 An expression evaluator operation could not be completed because an expression was invalid.
502 -2145067007 2149900289 0x8024E001 An expression evaluator operation could not be completed because an expression was unrecognized.
503 -2145067009 2149900287 0x8024DFFF Windows Update Agent could not be updated because of an error not covered by another WU_E_SETUP_* error code.
504 -2145071082 2149896214 0x8024D016 Windows Update Agent could not be updated because of an unknown error.
505 -2145071083 2149896213 0x8024D015 Windows Update Agent is successfully updated but a reboot is required to complete the setup.
506 -2145071084 2149896212 0x8024D014 Windows Update Agent is successfully updated but a reboot is required to complete the setup.
507 -2145071085 2149896211 0x8024D013 Windows Update Agent could not be updated because the server does not contain update information for this version.
508 -2145071086 2149896210 0x8024D012 Windows Update Agent must be updated before search can continue. An administrator is required to perform the operation.
509 -2145071087 2149896209 0x8024D011 Windows Update Agent must be updated before search can continue.
510 -2145071088 2149896208 0x8024D010 Windows Update Agent could not be updated because the registry contains invalid information.
511 -2145071089 2149896207 0x8024D00F Windows Update Agent could not be updated because the setup handler failed during execution.
512 -2145071090 2149896206 0x8024D00E Windows Update Agent setup package requires a reboot to complete installation.
513 -2145071091 2149896205 0x8024D00D Windows Update Agent setup is already running.
514 -2145071092 2149896204 0x8024D00C Windows Update Agent could not be updated because a restart of the system is required.
515 -2145071093 2149896203 0x8024D00B Windows Update Agent could not be updated because the system is configured to block the update.
516 -2145071094 2149896202 0x8024D00A Windows Update Agent could not be updated because the current system configuration is not supported.
517 -2145071095 2149896201 0x8024D009 An update to the Windows Update Agent was skipped due to a directive in the file.
518 -2145071096 2149896200 0x8024D008 An update to the Windows Update Agent was skipped because previous attempts to update have failed.
519 -2145071097 2149896199 0x8024D007 Windows Update Agent could not be updated because regsvr32.exe returned an error.
520 -2145071098 2149896198 0x8024D006 Windows Update Agent could not be updated because a WUA file on the target system is newer than the corresponding source file.
521 -2145071099 2149896197 0x8024D005 Windows Update Agent could not be updated because the versions specified in the INF do not match the actual source file versions.
522 -2145071100 2149896196 0x8024D004 Windows Update Agent could not be updated because setup initialization never completed successfully.
523 -2145071101 2149896195 0x8024D003 Windows Update Agent could not be updated because of an internal error that caused setup initialization to be performed twice.
524 -2145071102 2149896194 0x8024D002 Windows Update Agent could not be updated because the file contains invalid information.
525 -2145071103 2149896193 0x8024D001 Windows Update Agent could not be updated because an INF file contains invalid information.
526 -2145071105 2149896191 0x8024CFFF A driver error not covered by another WU_E_DRV_* code.
527 -2145075193 2149892103 0x8024C007 Information required for the synchronization of applicable printers is missing.
528 -2145075194 2149892102 0x8024C006 Driver synchronization failed.
529 -2145075195 2149892101 0x8024C005 The driver update is missing a required attribute.
530 -2145075196 2149892100 0x8024C004 The driver update is missing metadata.
531 -2145075197 2149892099 0x8024C003 The registry type read for the driver does not match the expected type.
532 -2145075198 2149892098 0x8024C002 A property for the driver could not be found. It may not conform with required specifications.
533 -2145075199 2149892097 0x8024C001 A driver was skipped.
534 -2145079291 2149888005 0x8024B005 Cannot cancel a non-scheduled install.
535 -2145079292 2149888004 0x8024B004 The task was stopped and needs to be run again to complete.
536 -2145079293 2149888003 0x8024B003 The operation cannot be completed since the task is not yet started.
537 -2145079294 2149888002 0x8024B002 The operation cannot be completed since the task status is currently disabled.
538 -2145079295 2149888001 0x8024B001 The task is currently in progress.
539 -2145079297 2149887999 0x8024AFFF An Automatic Updates error not covered by another WU_E_AU * code.
540 -2145083386 2149883910 0x8024A006 The default service registered with AU changed during the search.
541 -2145083387 2149883909 0x8024A005 No unmanaged service is registered with AU.
542 -2145083388 2149883908 0x8024A004 Automatic Updates was unable to process incoming requests because it was paused.
543 -2145083389 2149883907 0x8024A003 The old version of the Automatic Updates client was disabled.
544 -2145083390 2149883906 0x8024A002 The old version of the Automatic Updates client has stopped because the WSUS server has been upgraded.
545 -2145083392 2149883904 0x8024A000 Automatic Updates was unable to service incoming requests.
546 -2145087483 2149879813 0×80249005 A WMI error occurred when enumerating the instances for a particular class.
547 -2145087484 2149879812 0×80249004 There was an inventory error not covered by another error code.
548 -2145087485 2149879811 0×80249003 Failed to upload inventory result to the server.
549 -2145087486 2149879810 0×80249002 Failed to get the requested inventory type from the server.
550 -2145087487 2149879809 0×80249001 Parsing of the rule file failed.
551 -2145087489 2149879807 0x80248FFF A data store error not covered by another WU_E_DS_* code.
552 -2145091555 2149875741 0x8024801D A data store operation did not complete because it was requested with an impersonated identity.
553 -2145091556 2149875740 0x8024801C The data store requires a session reset; release the session and retry with a new session.
554 -2145091557 2149875739 0x8024801B The schema of the current data store and the schema of a table in a backup XML document do not match.
555 -2145091558 2149875738 0x8024801A A request was declined because the operation is not allowed.
556 -2145091559 2149875737 0×80248019 A request to remove the Windows Update service or to unregister it with Automatic Updates was declined because it is a built-in service and/or Automatic Updates cannot fall back to another service.
557 -2145091560 2149875736 0×80248018 A table was not closed because it is not associated with the session.
558 -2145091561 2149875735 0×80248017 A table was not closed because it is not associated with the session.
559 -2145091562 2149875734 0×80248016 A request to hide an update was declined because it is a mandatory update or because it was deployed with a deadline.
560 -2145091563 2149875733 0×80248015 An operation did not complete because the registration of the service has expired.
561 -2145091564 2149875732 0×80248014 An operation did not complete because the service is not in the data store.
562 -2145091565 2149875731 0×80248013 The server sent the same update to the client with two different revision IDs.
563 -2145091567 2149875729 0×80248011 Could not create a data store object in another process.
564 -2145091568 2149875728 0×80248010 The data store is not allowed to be registered with COM in the current process.
565 -2145091569 2149875727 0x8024800F The data store could not be initialized because it was locked by another process.
566 -2145091570 2149875726 0x8024800E The row was not added because an existing row has the same primary key.
567 -2145091571 2149875725 0x8024800D The category was not added because it contains no parent categories and is not a top-level category itself.
568 -2145091572 2149875724 0x8024800C The data store section could not be locked within the allotted time.
569 -2145091573 2149875723 0x8024800B The update was not deleted because it is still referenced by one or more services.
570 -2145091574 2149875722 0x8024800A The update was not processed because its update handler could not be recognized.
571 -2145091575 2149875721 0×80248009 The data store is missing required information or has a reference to missing license terms file localized property or linked row.
572 -2145091576 2149875720 0×80248008 The data store is missing required information or has a NULL in a table column that requires a non-null value.
573 -2145091577 2149875719 0×80248007 The information requested is not in the data store.
574 -2145091578 2149875718 0×80248006 The current and expected versions of the data store do not match.
575 -2145091579 2149875717 0×80248005 A table could not be opened because the table is not in the data store.
576 -2145091580 2149875716 0×80248004 The data store contains a table with unexpected columns.
577 -2145091581 2149875715 0×80248003 The data store is missing a table.
578 -2145091582 2149875714 0×80248002 The current and expected states of the data store do not match.
579 -2145091583 2149875713 0×80248001 An operation failed because the data store was in use.
580 -2145091584 2149875712 0×80248000 An operation failed because Windows Update Agent is shutting down.
581 -2145091585 2149875711 0x80247FFF Search using the scan package failed.
582 -2145095675 2149871621 0×80247005 The service is not registered.
583 -2145095676 2149871620 0×80247004 The size of the event payload submitted is invalid.
584 -2145095677 2149871619 0×80247003 An invalid event payload was specified.
585 -2145095678 2149871618 0×80247002 An operation could not be completed because the scan package requires a greater version of the Windows Update Agent.
586 -2145095679 2149871617 0×80247001 An operation could not be completed because the scan package was invalid.
587 -2145095681 2149871615 0x80246FFF There was a download manager error not covered by another WU_E_DM_* error code.
588 -2145099764 2149867532 0x8024600C A download failed because the current network limits downloads by update size for the update service.
589 -2145099765 2149867531 0x8024600B A download must be restarted because the update content changed in a new revision.
590 -2145099766 2149867530 0x8024600A A download must be restarted because the location of the source of the download has changed.
591 -2145099767 2149867529 0×80246009 A download manager operation failed because there was an unspecified Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) transfer error.
592 -2145099768 2149867528 0×80246008 A download manager operation failed because the download manager was unable to connect the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS).
593 -2145099769 2149867527 0×80246007 The update has not been downloaded.
594 -2145099770 2149867526 0×80246006 A download manager operation could not be completed because the version of Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) is incompatible.
595 -2145099771 2149867525 0×80246005 A download manager operation could not be completed because the network connection was unavailable.
596 -2145099772 2149867524 0×80246004 An operation could not be completed because a download request is required from the download handler.
597 -2145099773 2149867523 0×80246003 A download manager operation could not be completed because the file metadata requested an unrecognized hash algorithm.
598 -2145099774 2149867522 0×80246002 A download manager operation could not be completed because the file digest was not recognized.
599 -2145099775 2149867521 0×80246001 A download manager operation could not be completed because the requested file does not have a URL.
600 -2145099777 2149867519 0x80245FFF The redirector failed for reasons not covered by another WU_E_REDIRECTOR_* error code.
601 -2145103826 2149863470 0x8024502E A redirector recovery action did not complete because the server is managed.
602 -2145103827 2149863469 0x8024502D Windows Update Agent failed to download a redirector cabinet file with a new redirectorId value from the server during the recovery.
603 -2145103869 2149863427 0×80245003 The redirectorId in the downloaded redirector cab is less than in the cached cab.
604 -2145103870 2149863426 0×80245002 The redirector XML document is missing some required information.
605 -2145103871 2149863425 0×80245001 The redirector XML document could not be loaded into the DOM class.
606 -2145103873 2149863423 0x80244FFF A communication error not covered by another WU_E_PT_* error code.
607 -2145107915 2149859381 0×80244035 External cab processor was unable to get file locations.
608 -2145107916 2149859380 0×80244034 An external cab file could not be decompressed.
609 -2145107917 2149859379 0×80244033 The file digest could not be extracted from an external cab file.
610 -2145107918 2149859378 0×80244032 External cab processor found invalid metadata.
611 -2145107919 2149859377 0×80244031 The format of a metadata file was invalid.
612 -2145107920 2149859376 0×80244030 The external cab processor initialization did not complete.
613 -2145107921 2149859375 0x8024402F External cab file processing completed with some errors.
614 -2145107924 2149859372 0x8024402C Same as ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED – the proxy server or target server name cannot be resolved.
615 -2145107925 2149859371 0x8024402B The HTTP request could not be completed and the reason did not correspond to any of the WU_E_PT_HTTP_* error codes.
616 -2145107926 2149859370 0x8024402A A configuration property value was missing.
617 -2145107927 2149859369 0×80244029 A configuration property value was wrong.
618 -2145107928 2149859368 0×80244028 Windows Update Agent was unable to create any valid authentication cookies.
619 -2145107929 2149859367 0×80244027 The server returned an empty authentication information list.
620 -2145107930 2149859366 0×80244026 Operation failed because Windows Update Agent does not support registration with a non-WSUS server.
621 -2145107931 2149859365 0×80244025 Operation failed due to a changed file location; refresh internal state and resend.
622 -2145107932 2149859364 0×80244024 Same as HTTP status 505 – the server does not support the HTTP protocol version used for the request.
623 -2145107933 2149859363 0×80244023 Same as HTTP status 503 – the request was timed out waiting for a gateway.
624 -2145107934 2149859362 0×80244022 Same as HTTP status 503 – the service is temporarily overloaded.
625 -2145107935 2149859361 0×80244021 Same as HTTP status 502 – the server while acting as a gateway or proxy received an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request.
626 -2145107936 2149859360 0×80244020 Same as HTTP status 500 – server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.
627 -2145107937 2149859359 0x8024401F Same as HTTP status 500 – an error internal to the server prevented fulfilling the request.
628 -2145107938 2149859358 0x8024401E Same as HTTP status 410 – requested resource is no longer available at the server.
629 -2145107939 2149859357 0x8024401D Same as HTTP status 409 – the request was not completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.
630 -2145107940 2149859356 0x8024401C Same as HTTP status 408 – the server timed out waiting for the request.
631 -2145107941 2149859355 0x8024401B Same as HTTP status 407 – proxy authentication is required.
632 -2145107942 2149859354 0x8024401A Same as HTTP status 405 – the HTTP method is not allowed.
633 -2145107943 2149859353 0×80244019 Same as HTTP status 404 – the server cannot find the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
634 -2145107944 2149859352 0×80244018 Same as HTTP status 403 – server understood the request but declined to fulfill it.
635 -2145107945 2149859351 0×80244017 Same as HTTP status 401 – the requested resource requires user authentication.
636 -2145107946 2149859350 0×80244016 Same as HTTP status 400 – the server could not process the request due to invalid syntax.
637 -2145107947 2149859349 0×80244015 The reply from the server indicates that the server was changed or the cookie was invalid; refresh the state of the internal cache and retry.
638 -2145107948 2149859348 0×80244014 Cannot determine computer LSID.
639 -2145107949 2149859347 0×80244013 The computer name could not be determined.
640 -2145107950 2149859346 0×80244012 Initialization failed because the object was already initialized.
641 -2145107951 2149859345 0×80244011 WUServer policy value is missing in the registry.
642 -2145107952 2149859344 0×80244010 The number of round trips to the server exceeded the maximum limit.
643 -2145107953 2149859343 0x8024400F There was an unspecified Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) error.
644 -2145107954 2149859342 0x8024400E Same as SOAP_E_SERVER – The SOAP message could not be processed due to a server error; resend later.
645 -2145107955 2149859341 0x8024400D Same as SOAP_E_CLIENT – SOAP client found the message was malformed; fix before resending.
646 -2145107956 2149859340 0x8024400C Same as SOAP_E_MUST_UNDERSTAND – SOAP client was unable to understand a header.
647 -2145107957 2149859339 0x8024400B Same as SOAP_E_VERSION_MISMATCH – SOAP client found an unrecognizable namespace for the SOAP envelope.
648 -2145107958 2149859338 0x8024400A Same as SOAPCLIENT_PARSE_ERROR – SOAP client failed to parse the response from the server.
649 -2145107959 2149859337 0×80244009 Same as SOAPCLIENT_READ_ERROR – SOAP client failed while reading the response from the server.
650 -2145107960 2149859336 0×80244008 Same as SOAPCLIENT_PARSEFAULT_ERROR – SOAP client failed to parse a SOAP fault.
651 -2145107961 2149859335 0×80244007 Same as SOAPCLIENT_SOAPFAULT – SOAP client failed because there was a SOAP fault for reasons of WU_E_PT_SOAP_* error codes.
652 -2145107962 2149859334 0×80244006 Same as SOAPCLIENT_SERVER_ERROR – SOAP client failed because there was a server error.
653 -2145107963 2149859333 0×80244005 Same as SOAPCLIENT_SEND_ERROR – SOAP client failed to send a message for reasons of WU_E_WINHTTP_* error codes.
654 -2145107964 2149859332 0×80244004 Same as SOAPCLIENT_CONNECT_ERROR – SOAP client failed to connect to the server.
655 -2145107965 2149859331 0×80244003 Same as SOAPCLIENT_GENERATE_ERROR – SOAP client failed to generate the request.
656 -2145107966 2149859330 0×80244002 Same as SOAPCLIENT_OUTOFMEMORY – SOAP client failed because it ran out of memory.
657 -2145107967 2149859329 0×80244001 Same as SOAPCLIENT_INITIALIZE_ERROR – initialization of the SOAP client failed possibly because of an MSXML installation failure.
658 -2145107968 2149859328 0×80244000 WU_E_PT_SOAPCLIENT_* error codes map to the SOAPCLIENT_ERROR enum of the ATL Server Library.
659 -2145107969 2149859327 0x80243FFF There was a user interface error not covered by another WU_E_AUCLIENT_* error code.
660 -2145107970 2149859326 0x80243FFE Unsupported version of WU client UI exported functions.
661 -2145107971 2149859325 0x80243FFD Unable to show UI when in non-UI mode; WU client UI modules may not be installed.
662 -2145112060 2149855236 0×80243004 A failure occurred when trying to create an icon in the taskbar notification area.
663 -2145112061 2149855235 0×80243003 The results of download and installation are not available; the operation may have failed to start.
664 -2145112062 2149855234 0×80243002 The results of download and installation could not be read from the registry due to an invalid data format.
665 -2145112063 2149855233 0×80243001 The results of download and installation could not be read from the registry due to an unrecognized data format version.
666 -2145112065 2149855231 0x80242FFF An update handler error not covered by another WU_E_UH_* code.
667 -2145116133 2149851163 0x8024201B The targeted session for isntall is invalid.
668 -2145116134 2149851162 0x8024201A The installer does not support the installation configuration.
669 -2145116135 2149851161 0×80242019 The custom installer signature did not match the signature required by the update.
670 -2145116136 2149851160 0×80242018 A callback installer called back with an error.
671 -2145116137 2149851159 0×80242017 The OS servicing stack must be updated before this update is downloaded or installed.
672 -2145116138 2149851158 0×80242016 The state of the update after its post-reboot operation has completed is unexpected.
673 -2145116139 2149851157 0×80242015 The result of the post-reboot operation for the update could not be determined.
674 -2145116140 2149851156 0×80242014 The post-reboot operation for the update is still in progress.
675 -2145116141 2149851155 0×80242013 The update metadata contains an invalid CBS package identifier.
676 -2145116142 2149851154 0×80242012 The update handler has received an unexpected response from CBS.
677 -2145116143 2149851153 0×80242011 The update handler has exceeded the maximum number of download requests.
678 -2145116144 2149851152 0×80242010 The update handler failed to fall back to the self-contained content.
679 -2145116145 2149851151 0x8024200F The file names contained in the update metadata and in the update package are inconsistent.
680 -2145116146 2149851150 0x8024200E The update handler failed to send notification of the status of the install (uninstall) operation.
681 -2145116147 2149851149 0x8024200D The update handler did not install the update because it needs to be downloaded again.
682 -2145116148 2149851148 0x8024200C The update handler should download self-contained content rather than delta-compressed content for the update.
683 -2145116149 2149851147 0x8024200B The installer failed to install (uninstall) one or more updates.
684 -2145116150 2149851146 0x8024200A A request to the handler to install an update could not be completed because the update requires user input.
685 -2145116151 2149851145 0×80242009 An operation could not be completed because the handler-specific metadata is invalid.
686 -2145116152 2149851144 0×80242008 An operation being done by the update handler was cancelled.
687 -2145116153 2149851143 0×80242007 An operation could not be completed because the installer exceeded the time limit.
688 -2145116154 2149851142 0×80242006 A handler operation could not be completed because the update contains invalid metadata.
689 -2145116155 2149851141 0×80242005 An operation did not complete because the wrong handler was specified.
690 -2145116156 2149851140 0×80242004 A request for the handler to install (uninstall) an update could not be completed because the update does not support install (uninstall).
691 -2145116157 2149851139 0×80242003 A remote update handler could not be created because one already exists.
692 -2145116158 2149851138 0×80242002 A request for an update handler could not be completed because the handler could not be recognized.
693 -2145116159 2149851137 0×80242001 A request for a remote update handler could not be completed because the handler is local only.
694 -2145116160 2149851136 0×80242000 A request for a remote update handler could not be completed because no remote process is available.
695 -2145116161 2149851135 0x80241FFF Search may have missed some updates because there was a failure of the Windows Installer.
696 -2145120252 2149847044 0×80241004 An update could not be applied because the application is installed per-user.
697 -2145120253 2149847043 0×80241003 Search may have missed some updates because policy has disabled Windows Installer patching.
698 -2145120254 2149847042 0×80241002 Search may have missed some updates because the Windows Installer is not configured.
699 -2145120255 2149847041 0×80241001 Search may have missed some updates because the Windows Installer is less than version 3.1.
700 -2145120257 2149847039 0x80240FFF An operation failed due to reasons not covered by another error code.
701 -2145123263 2149844033 0×80240441 The operation is invalid because protocol talker is in an inappropriate state.
702 -2145123264 2149844032 0×80240440 The connection to the service endpoint died.
703 -2145123265 2149844031 0x8024043F A URL for the requested service endpoint is not available.
704 -2145123266 2149844030 0x8024043E The endpoint provider plugin requires online refresh.
705 -2145123267 2149844029 0x8024043D The requested service property is not available.
706 -2145123268 2149844028 0x8024043C The proxy auth scheme is not supported.
707 -2145123269 2149844027 0x8024043B Unable to load NWS runtime.
708 -2145123270 2149844026 0x8024043A The url is invalid.
709 -2145123271 2149844025 0×80240439 The data received does not meet the data contract expectations.
710 -2145123272 2149844024 0×80240438 There is no route or network connectivity to the endpoint.
711 -2145123273 2149844023 0×80240437 There was a problem authorizing with the service.
712 -2145123274 2149844022 0×80240436 The server does not support category-specific search; Full catalog search has to be issued instead.
713 -2145124278 2149843018 0x8024004A Windows Update agent operations are not available while OS setup is running.
714 -2145124279 2149843017 0×80240049 The data is out of range.
715 -2145124280 2149843016 0×80240048 The featured update notification info returned by the server is invalid.
716 -2145124281 2149843015 0×80240047 The operation requested is not supported.
717 -2145124282 2149843014 0×80240046 The URL does not point to a file.
718 -2145124283 2149843013 0×80240045 A search was attempted with a scope that is not currently supported for this type of search.
719 -2145124284 2149843012 0×80240044 Only administrators can perform this operation on per-machine updates.
720 -2145124285 2149843011 0×80240043 There is no support for WUA UI.
721 -2145124286 2149843010 0×80240042 The update service is no longer registered with AU.
722 -2145124287 2149843009 0×80240041 Service is not available while sysprep is running.
723 -2145124288 2149843008 0×80240040 WUA API method does not run on Server Core installation.
724 -2145124295 2149843001 0×80240039 Agent is asked by server to resync too many times.
725 -2145124296 2149843000 0×80240038 The downloaded file has an unexpected content type.
726 -2145124297 2149842999 0×80240037 The functionality for the operation is not supported.
727 -2145124298 2149842998 0×80240036 The object’s current state did not allow the operation.
728 -2145124299 2149842997 0×80240035 The update was not processed.
729 -2145124300 2149842996 0×80240034 Update failed to download.
730 -2145124301 2149842995 0×80240033 License terms could not be downloaded.
731 -2145124302 2149842994 0×80240032 The search criteria string was invalid.
732 -2145124303 2149842993 0×80240031 The file is in the wrong format.
733 -2145124304 2149842992 0×80240030 The format of the proxy list was invalid.
734 -2145124305 2149842991 0x8024002F Operation did not complete because the DisableWindowsUpdateAccess policy was set.
735 -2145124306 2149842990 0x8024002E Access to an unmanaged server is not allowed.
736 -2145124307 2149842989 0x8024002D A full-file update could not be installed because it required the source.
737 -2145124308 2149842988 0x8024002C A delta-compressed update could not be installed because it required the source.
738 -2145124309 2149842987 0x8024002B An operation did not complete because it requires a newer version of server.
739 -2145124310 2149842986 0x8024002A A component required to detect applicable updates was missing.
740 -2145124311 2149842985 0×80240029 Search may have missed some updates before there is an unlicensed application on the system.
741 -2145124312 2149842984 0×80240028 The update could not be uninstalled because the request did not originate from a WSUS server.
742 -2145124313 2149842983 0×80240027 The URL exceeded the maximum length.
743 -2145124314 2149842982 0×80240026 The type of update is invalid.
744 -2145124315 2149842981 0×80240025 Group Policy settings prevented access to Windows Update.
745 -2145124316 2149842980 0×80240024 There are no updates.
746 -2145124317 2149842979 0×80240023 The license terms for all updates were declined.
747 -2145124318 2149842978 0×80240022 Operation failed for all the updates.
748 -2145124319 2149842977 0×80240021 Operation did not complete because it timed out.
749 -2145124320 2149842976 0×80240020 Operation did not complete because there is no logged-on interactive user.
750 -2145124321 2149842975 0x8024001F Operation did not complete because the network connection was unavailable.
751 -2145124322 2149842974 0x8024001E Operation did not complete because the service or system was being shut down.
752 -2145124323 2149842973 0x8024001D An update contains invalid metadata.
753 -2145124325 2149842971 0x8024001B The operation could not be performed because the Windows Update Agent is self-updating.
754 -2145124326 2149842970 0x8024001A A policy value was not set.
755 -2145124327 2149842969 0×80240019 An exclusive update cannot be installed with other updates at the same time.
756 -2145124328 2149842968 0×80240018 Operation failed because a required user token is missing.
757 -2145124329 2149842967 0×80240017 Operation was not performed because there are no applicable updates.
758 -2145124330 2149842966 0×80240016 Operation tried to install while another installation was in progress or the system was pending a mandatory restart.
759 -2145124332 2149842964 0×80240014 Updates requested for install are not installable by caller.
760 -2145124333 2149842963 0×80240013 Operation tried to add a duplicate item to a list.
761 -2145124334 2149842962 0×80240012 An invalid registry value was read.
762 -2145124335 2149842961 0×80240011 An invalid update relationship was detected.
763 -2145124336 2149842960 0×80240010 Update relationships too deep to evaluate were evaluated.
764 -2145124337 2149842959 0x8024000F Circular update relationships were detected in the metadata.
765 -2145124338 2149842958 0x8024000E Windows Update Agent found invalid information in the update’s XML data.
766 -2145124339 2149842957 0x8024000D Windows Update Agent could not find required information in the update’s XML data.
767 -2145124340 2149842956 0x8024000C No operation was required.
768 -2145124341 2149842955 0x8024000B Operation was cancelled.
769 -2145124342 2149842954 0x8024000A Cancellation of the operation was not allowed.
770 -2145124343 2149842953 0×80240009 Another conflicting operation was in progress. Some operations such as installation cannot be performed twice simultaneously.
771 -2145124344 2149842952 0×80240008 The key for the item queried could not be found.
772 -2145124345 2149842951 0×80240007 The index to a collection was invalid.
773 -2145124346 2149842950 0×80240006 The requested number of byte ranges exceeds the maximum number (2^31 – 1).
774 -2145124347 2149842949 0×80240005 The update handler requested a byte range overlapping a previously requested range.
775 -2145124348 2149842948 0×80240004 The object could not be initialized.
776 -2145124349 2149842947 0×80240003 An ID cannot be found.
777 -2145124350 2149842946 0×80240002 The maximum capacity of the service was exceeded.
778 -2145124351 2149842945 0×80240001 Windows Update Agent was unable to provide the service.
779 -2146232576 2148734720 0×80131700 Common Language Runtime (CLR) and the necessary version of the CLR cannot be loaded
780 -2146893558 2148073738 0x8009010A A fatal error occurred while preparing to execute the program for example when creating the program execution environment making a network connection impersonating the user determining the file association information or when attempting to launch the program. This program execution will not be retried.
781 -2146893559 2148073737 0×80090109 Failed to verify that the given file is a valid installation package.
782 -2146893560 2148073736 0×80090108 Failed to access all the provided program locations. This program will not retry.
783 -2146893562 2148073734 0×80090106 Failed to verify the executable file is valid or to construct the associated command line.
784 -2146893564 2148073732 0×80090104 The command line for this program is invalid.
785 -2146893566 2148073730 0×80090102 An error occurred while creating the execution context.
786 -2146893567 2148073729 0×80090101 A fatal error has been encountered while attempting to run the program. The program execution will not be retried.
787 -2146958768 2148008528 0×80080250 The computer restart cannot be initiated because a software installation job is in progress.
788 -2146958832 2148008464 0×80080210 Failed to get content locations.
789 -2146958844 2148008452 0×80080204 No distribution points were found for the requested content.
790 -2146958845 2148008451 0×80080203 The client cache is currently in use by a running program or by a download in progress.
791 -2146958846 2148008450 0×80080202 The content download cannot be performed because the total size of the client cache is smaller than the size of the requested content.
792 -2146958847 2148008449 0×80080201 The content download cannot be performed because there is not enough available space in cache or the disk is full.
793 -2146958848 2148008448 0×80080200 No content request found with the given handle.
794 -2146959097 2148008199 0×80080107 Failed to access all the provided program locations. This program may retry if the maximum retry count has not been reached.
795 -2146959099 2148008197 0×80080105 An error was encountered while getting the process information for the launched program and the program execution will not be monitored.
796 -2146959101 2148008195 0×80080103 A non fatal error occurred while preparing to execute the program for example when creating the program execution environment making a network connection impersonating the user determining the file association information or when attempting to launch the program. This program execution will be retried if the retry count has not been exceeded.
797 -2146959104 2148008192 0×80080100 A non fatal error has been encountered while attempting to run the program. The program execution will be retried if the retry count has not been exceeded.
798 -2146959336 2148007960 0×80080018 The program cannot run at this time because the client is on the internet.
799 -2146959337 2148007959 0×80080017 The content hash string or hash version are empty or incorrect in the software distribution policy or the hash verification failed.
800 -2146959339 2148007957 0×80080015 Failed to notify caller that software distribution is paused because the paused state or paused cookie do not match.
801 -2146959340 2148007956 0×80080014 The program cannot run because it is targeted to a user requires user input or is set to run in user context.
802 -2146959341 2148007955 0×80080013 This program cannot run because it depends on another program that has not run successfully before.
803 -2146959342 2148007954 0×80080012 There is no program currently running.
804 -2146959343 2148007953 0×80080011 The execution request was not found.
805 -2146959344 2148007952 0×80080010 A system restart is in progress or there is a pending execution for this program which requires a computer restart.
806 -2146959351 2148007945 0×80080009 Failed to get data from WMI.
807 -2146959352 2148007944 0×80080008 Failed to indicate the client cache is currently in use.
808 -2146959354 2148007942 0×80080006 The requested program is not currently pending.
809 -2146959355 2148007941 0×80080005 The policy for this program does not exist or is invalid.
810 -2146959356 2148007940 0×80080004 The program is disabled.
811 -2146959358 2148007938 0×80080002 Another execution for this program is already pending.
812 -2146959359 2148007937 0×80080001 Another software execution is in progress or a restart is pending.
813 -2147012866 2147954430 0x80072EFE Network connection: Windows Update Agent encountered transient network connection-related errors
814 -2147012867 2147954429 0x80072EFD Network connection: Windows Update Agent encountered transient network connection-related errors
815 -2147012894 2147954402 0x80072EE2 Network connection: Windows Update Agent encountered transient network connection-related errors
816 -2147019465 2147947831 0×80071537 A format exception was thrown. This typically indicates that the Package data is invalid. Please verify deployed package details
817 -2147019511 2147947785 0×80071509 An PSInvalidOperationException was received. The provided package is already installed and reinstallation of the package was blocked. Check the AppXDeployment-Server event log for details
818 -2147019519 2147947777 0×80071501 Access Denied when executing scripts. Please upgrade power shell or set Execution Policy in Client Agent Settings
819 -2147019520 2147947776 0×80071500 Enforcement failed as an expected resource was not available. This may be related to the package failing updates dependency or conflict violations.
820 -2147023838 2147943458 0×80070422 Windows: The service cannot be started either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it
821 -2147024894 2147942402 0×80070002 The file you specified could not be found. This may be because it is not signed.
822 -2147205071 2147762225 0×80044031 Invalid DeleteClass syntax
823 -2147205072 2147762224 0×80044030 Invalid include file
824 -2147205073 2147762223 0x8004402F Error creating temporary file
825 -2147205074 2147762222 0x8004402E Qualifier is used outside of its scope
826 -2147205075 2147762221 0x8004402D Invalid qualifier syntax. Should be of the for Qualifier name:type=valuescope(class|instance) flavor(toinstance|etc);
827 -2147205076 2147762220 0x8004402C Invalid delete instance syntax should be #pragma deleteinstance(“instance path” FAIL|NOFAIL)
828 -2147205077 2147762219 0x8004402B CIM V2.2 feature not currently supported; data type
829 -2147205078 2147762218 0x8004402A CIM V2.2 feature not currently supported for qualifier value
830 -2147205079 2147762217 0×80044029 Expected brace or bad type
831 -2147205080 2147762216 0×80044028 Invalid flags syntax
832 -2147205081 2147762215 0×80044027 Arguments must have an “In” and/or “Out” qualifier
833 -2147205082 2147762214 0×80044026 Methods cannot return array values
834 -2147205083 2147762213 0×80044025 Combining “Restricted” and “ToInstance” or “ToSubClass” is not legal
835 -2147205084 2147762212 0×80044024 Alias cannot be used twice
836 -2147205085 2147762211 0×80044023 Combining Overridable and NotOverridable is not legal
837 -2147205086 2147762210 0×80044022 Expected a flavor type such as ToInstance ToSubClass EnableOverride or DisableOverride
838 -2147205087 2147762209 0×80044021 Duplicate qualifier declaration unexpected
839 -2147205088 2147762208 0×80044020 NULL elements in array are not supported
840 -2147205089 2147762207 0x8004401F Embedded objects may not be aliases
841 -2147205090 2147762206 0x8004401E This is not a valid MOF file
842 -2147205091 2147762205 0x8004401D Value out of range
843 -2147205092 2147762204 0x8004401C Invalid namespace syntax. References to other servers are not allowed!
844 -2147205093 2147762203 0x8004401B Duplicate property declaration unexpected
845 -2147205094 2147762202 0x8004401A ‘CIMTYPE’ qualifier may not be specified directly in a MOF file. Use standard type notation
846 -2147205095 2147762201 0×80044019 Expected dollar sign. ‘as’ keyword must be followed by an alias of the form ‘$name’
847 -2147205096 2147762200 0×80044018 Invalid instance declaration. Must start with ‘instance of’
848 -2147205097 2147762199 0×80044017 Invalid class declaration
849 -2147205098 2147762198 0×80044016 Dollar sign must be followed by an alias name (an identifier)
850 -2147205099 2147762197 0×80044015 Type mismatch. The value specified could not be coerced into the appropriate type
851 -2147205100 2147762196 0×80044014 Unexpected character in class name (must be an identifier)
852 -2147205101 2147762195 0×80044013 Invalid namespace path syntax
853 -2147205102 2147762194 0×80044012 #pragma must be followed by a valid keyword
854 -2147205103 2147762193 0×80044011 Duplicate amendment specifiers
855 -2147205104 2147762192 0×80044010 Invalid namespace path syntax
856 -2147205105 2147762191 0x8004400F Unexpected array initialization. Arrays must be declared with []
857 -2147205106 2147762190 0x8004400E Unexpected alias. Only references to class object can take alias values
858 -2147205107 2147762189 0x8004400D Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported
859 -2147205108 2147762188 0x8004400C Expected property or method name
860 -2147205109 2147762187 0x8004400B Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier
861 -2147205110 2147762186 0x8004400A Unexpected token at file scope
862 -2147205111 2147762185 0×80044009 Expected open parenthesis
863 -2147205112 2147762184 0×80044008 Expected type identifier
864 -2147205113 2147762183 0×80044007 Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes)
865 -2147205114 2147762182 0×80044006 Expected closing parenthesis
866 -2147205115 2147762181 0×80044005 Expected closing bracket
867 -2147205116 2147762180 0×80044004 Missing closing brace or illegal array element
868 -2147205117 2147762179 0×80044003 Expected open brace
869 -2147205118 2147762178 0×80044002 Expected semicolon or ‘=’
870 -2147205119 2147762177 0×80044001 Expected qualifier name an identifier
871 -2147209214 2147758082 0×80043002 Resource Contention
872 -2147209215 2147758081 0×80043001 Retry Later
873 -2147213309 2147753987 0×80042003 This computer does not have the necessary domain permissions to support the security functions relating to the created subscription instance. Contact the Domain Administrator to get this computer added to the Windows Authorization Access Group.
874 -2147213310 2147753986 0×80042002 ‘WITHIN’ clause must be used in this query due to lack of event providers
875 -2147213311 2147753985 0×80042001 Provider registration overlaps with system event domain
876 -2147217271 2147750025 0×80041089 Attempt to put an instance with no defined key.
877 -2147217272 2147750024 0×80041088 A provider failed to report results within the specified timeout.
878 -2147217273 2147750023 0×80041087 Client connection to WINMGMT needs to be encrypted for this operation. Please adjust your IWbemServices proxy security settings and retry.
879 -2147217274 2147750022 0×80041086 Fatal transport error other transport will not be tried
880 -2147217275 2147750021 0×80041085 Provider not registered
881 -2147217276 2147750020 0×80041084 Provider already registered
882 -2147217277 2147750019 0×80041083 Schema required to complete the operation is not available
883 -2147217278 2147750018 0×80041082 The object must be committed and retrieved again before the requested operation can succeed
884 -2147217279 2147750017 0×80041081 Provider suspended
885 -2147217280 2147750016 0×80041080 The specified locale id was not valid for the operation.
886 -2147217286 2147750010 0x8004107A Veto put
887 -2147217287 2147750009 0×80041079 Veto delete
888 -2147217288 2147750008 0×80041078 Database version mismatch
889 -2147217289 2147750007 0×80041077 Rerun command
890 -2147217290 2147750006 0×80041076 Qualifier name too wide
891 -2147217291 2147750005 0×80041075 Method name too wide
892 -2147217292 2147750004 0×80041074 Class name too wide
893 -2147217293 2147750003 0×80041073 Property name too wide
894 -2147217294 2147750002 0×80041072 Invalid handle request
895 -2147217295 2147750001 0×80041071 Connection failed
896 -2147217296 2147750000 0×80041070 Handle out of date
897 -2147217297 2147749999 0x8004106F Unsupported locale
898 -2147217298 2147749998 0x8004106E Transaction forced rollback
899 -2147217299 2147749997 0x8004106D Transaction conflict
900 -2147217300 2147749996 0x8004106C Quota violation
901 -2147217301 2147749995 0x8004106B Ambiguous operation
902 -2147217302 2147749994 0x8004106A Invalid association
903 -2147217303 2147749993 0×80041069 Operation times out
904 -2147217304 2147749992 0×80041068 Null security descriptor used
905 -2147217305 2147749991 0×80041067 The client was not retrieving objects quickly enough from an enumeration
906 -2147217306 2147749990 0×80041066 An amended object cannot be put unless WBEM_FLAG_USE_AMENDED_QUALIFIERS is specified
907 -2147217307 2147749989 0×80041065 A class cannot be abstract if its superclass is not also abstract
908 -2147217308 2147749988 0×80041064 User credentials cannot be used for local connections
909 -2147217309 2147749987 0×80041063 This operator is not valid for this property type.
910 -2147217310 2147749986 0×80041062 Privilege not held.
911 -2147217311 2147749985 0×80041061 Event queue overflowed.
912 -2147217312 2147749984 0×80041060 A backup or restore was requested while WinMgmt is already running.
913 -2147217313 2147749983 0x8004105F Intrinsic event provider registration uses illegal query.
914 -2147217315 2147749981 0x8004105D Aggregation on a property that is an embedded object is not supported.
915 -2147217316 2147749980 0x8004105C ‘Dot’ notation cannot be used on a property that is not an embedded object.
916 -2147217317 2147749979 0x8004105B Aggregation on all properties is not supported.
917 -2147217318 2147749978 0x8004105A ‘BY’ cannot be used without ‘GROUP WITHIN’.
918 -2147217319 2147749977 0×80041059 Class is not an event class.
919 -2147217320 2147749976 0×80041058 Unparsable query.
920 -2147217321 2147749975 0×80041057 The refresher is busy
921 -2147217322 2147749974 0×80041056 This method is disabled for this class
922 -2147217323 2147749973 0×80041055 This method is not implemented in any class
923 -2147217324 2147749972 0×80041054 A method was redeclared with a conflicting signature in a derived class.
924 -2147217325 2147749971 0×80041053 A non-overrideable qualifier was overridden in a derived class.
925 -2147217326 2147749970 0×80041052 A property was redefined with a conflicting type in a derived class.
926 -2147217327 2147749969 0×80041051 Class object already contains the maximum number of properties.
927 -2147217328 2147749968 0×80041050 Cannot change class index inheritance.
928 -2147217335 2147749961 0×80041049 Cannot change class key inheritance.
929 -2147217336 2147749960 0×80041048 Unsupported class update.
930 -2147217337 2147749959 0×80041047 Class derivation caused circular reference.
931 -2147217338 2147749958 0×80041046 Invalid flavor
932 -2147217339 2147749957 0×80041045 Server buffers are full and data cannot be accepted
933 -2147217340 2147749956 0×80041044 Server buffers are full and data cannot be accepted
934 -2147217341 2147749955 0×80041043 Invalid Duplicate Parameter.
935 -2147217342 2147749954 0×80041042 Invalid qualifier.
936 -2147217343 2147749953 0×80041041 Marshaling packet signature is invalid.
937 -2147217344 2147749952 0×80041040 Marshaling packet version mismatch.
938 -2147217345 2147749951 0x8004103F The marshaling packet type is unknown.
939 -2147217346 2147749950 0x8004103E The marshaling packet identifies an unknown object.
940 -2147217347 2147749949 0x8004103D Provider does not support put extensions
941 -2147217348 2147749948 0x8004103C The supplied buffer was too small
942 -2147217349 2147749947 0x8004103B Out of disk space
943 -2147217350 2147749946 0x8004103A Invalid object path
944 -2147217351 2147749945 0×80041039 Return Value has a parameter id.
945 -2147217352 2147749944 0×80041038 Non-consecutive parameter ids.
946 -2147217353 2147749943 0×80041037 Invalid parameter id.
947 -2147217354 2147749942 0×80041036 Missing parameter id.
948 -2147217355 2147749941 0×80041035 Unsupported parameter
949 -2147217356 2147749940 0×80041034 Propagated method
950 -2147217357 2147749939 0×80041033 Shutting down
951 -2147217358 2147749938 0×80041032 Call cancelled
952 -2147217359 2147749937 0×80041031 Invalid property
953 -2147217360 2147749936 0×80041030 System property
954 -2147217361 2147749935 0x8004102F Invalid method Parameter(s)
955 -2147217362 2147749934 0x8004102E Invalid method
956 -2147217363 2147749933 0x8004102D Invalid CimType
957 -2147217364 2147749932 0x8004102C Cannot be singleton
958 -2147217365 2147749931 0x8004102B Value out of range
959 -2147217366 2147749930 0x8004102A Invalid property type
960 -2147217367 2147749929 0×80041029 Invalid qualifier type
961 -2147217368 2147749928 0×80041028 Illegal null value
962 -2147217369 2147749927 0×80041027 Query not implemented
963 -2147217370 2147749926 0×80041026 Class has instances
964 -2147217371 2147749925 0×80041025 Class has children
965 -2147217372 2147749924 0×80041024 Provider is not capable of the attempted operation
966 -2147217373 2147749923 0×80041023 Attempt to modify read-only object or property failed
967 -2147217374 2147749922 0×80041022 Non-decorated object
968 -2147217375 2147749921 0×80041021 Invalid syntax
969 -2147217376 2147749920 0×80041020 Incomplete class
970 -2147217377 2147749919 0x8004101F Property can not be key
971 -2147217378 2147749918 0x8004101E Illegal operation
972 -2147217379 2147749917 0x8004101D Unexpected error
973 -2147217380 2147749916 0x8004101C Propagated property
974 -2147217381 2147749915 0x8004101B Propagated qualifier
975 -2147217382 2147749914 0x8004101A Override not allowed
976 -2147217383 2147749913 0×80041019 Object or property already exists
977 -2147217384 2147749912 0×80041018 Invalid query type
978 -2147217385 2147749911 0×80041017 Invalid query
979 -2147217386 2147749910 0×80041016 Invalid operation
980 -2147217387 2147749909 0×80041015 Transport failure
981 -2147217388 2147749908 0×80041014 Initialization failure
982 -2147217389 2147749907 0×80041013 Provider load failure
983 -2147217390 2147749906 0×80041012 Invalid provider registration
984 -2147217391 2147749905 0×80041011 Provider not found
985 -2147217392 2147749904 0×80041010 Invalid class
986 -2147217393 2147749903 0x8004100F Invalid object
987 -2147217394 2147749902 0x8004100E Invalid namespace
988 -2147217395 2147749901 0x8004100D Invalid superclass
989 -2147217396 2147749900 0x8004100C Not supported
990 -2147217397 2147749899 0x8004100B Invalid stream
991 -2147217398 2147749898 0x8004100A Critical error
992 -2147217399 2147749897 0×80041009 Not available
993 -2147217400 2147749896 0×80041008 Invalid parameter
994 -2147217401 2147749895 0×80041007 Invalid context
995 -2147217402 2147749894 0×80041006 Out of memory
996 -2147217403 2147749893 0×80041005 Type mismatch
997 -2147217404 2147749892 0×80041004 Provider failure
998 -2147217405 2147749891 0×80041003 Access denied
999 -2147217406 2147749890 0×80041002 Not found
1000 -2147217407 2147749889 0×80041001 Generic failure
1001 -2147219691 2147747605 0×80040715 No updates specified in requested job
1002 -2147219692 2147747604 0×80040714 User based install not allowed as system restart is pending
1003 -2147219693 2147747603 0×80040713 Software updates detection results not received yet
1004 -2147219694 2147747602 0×80040712 A system restart is required to complete the installation
1005 -2147219695 2147747601 0×80040711 Software updates deployment not active yet i.e. start time is in future
1006 -2147219696 2147747600 0×80040710 Failed to compare process creation time
1007 -2147219697 2147747599 0x8004070F Invalid updates installer path
1008 -2147219698 2147747598 0x8004070E Empty command line specified
1009 -2147219699 2147747597 0x8004070D Software update failed when attempted
1010 -2147219700 2147747596 0x8004070C Software update execution timeout
1011 -2147219701 2147747595 0x8004070B Failed to create process
1012 -2147219702 2147747594 0x8004070A Invalid command line
1013 -2147219703 2147747593 0×80040709 Failed to resume the monitoring of the process
1014 -2147219704 2147747592 0×80040708 Software Updates Install not required
1015 -2147219705 2147747591 0×80040707 Job Id mismatch
1016 -2147219706 2147747590 0×80040706 No active job exists
1017 -2147219707 2147747589 0×80040705 Pause state required
1018 -2147219708 2147747588 0×80040704 Hard reboot is pending
1019 -2147219709 2147747587 0×80040703 Another software updates install job is in progress. Only one job is allowed at a time.
1020 -2147219710 2147747586 0×80040702 Assignment policy not found
1021 -2147219711 2147747585 0×80040701 Software updates download not allowed at this time
1022 -2147219712 2147747584 0×80040700 Software updates installation not allowed at this time
1023 -2147219815 2147747481 0×80040699 Scan is already in progress
1024 -2147219816 2147747480 0×80040698 Software update being attempted is not actionable
1025 -2147219817 2147747479 0×80040697 Software update is already installed but just requires a reboot to complete the installation
1026 -2147219818 2147747478 0×80040696 Software update is already installed
1027 -2147219819 2147747477 0×80040695 Incomplete scan results
1028 -2147219820 2147747476 0×80040694 WSUS source already exists
1029 -2147219821 2147747475 0×80040693 Windows Updates Agent version too low
1030 -2147219822 2147747474 0×80040692 Group policy conflict
1031 -2147219823 2147747473 0×80040691 Software update source not found
1032 -2147219824 2147747472 0×80040690 Software update is not applicable
1033 -2147219862 2147747434 0x8004066A None of the child software updates of a bundle are applicable
1034 -2147219863 2147747433 0×80040669 Not able to get software updates content locations at this time
1035 -2147219864 2147747432 0×80040668 Software update still detected as actionable after apply
1036 -2147219865 2147747431 0×80040667 No current or future service window exists to install software updates
1037 -2147219866 2147747430 0×80040666 Software updates cannot be install outside service window
1038 -2147219867 2147747429 0×80040665 Software update does not exist in the job
1039 -2147219868 2147747428 0×80040664 Updates handler job was cancelled
1040 -2147219869 2147747427 0×80040663 Failed to report installation status of software updates
1041 -2147219870 2147747426 0×80040662 Failed to trigger installation of software updates
1042 -2147219871 2147747425 0×80040661 Error while detecting updates status after installation success
1043 -2147219872 2147747424 0×80040660 Unable to monitor a software update’s execution
1044 -2147219879 2147747417 0×80040659 Error occurred reading policy for software update
1045 -2147219880 2147747416 0×80040658 Software updates processing was cancelled
1046 -2147219881 2147747415 0×80040657 Error while detecting software updates status after scan success
1047 -2147219882 2147747414 0×80040656 Updates handler was unable to continue due to some generic internal error
1048 -2147219883 2147747413 0×80040655 Failed to install one or more software updates
1049 -2147219884 2147747412 0×80040654 Software update install failure occurred
1050 -2147219885 2147747411 0×80040653 Software update download failure occurred
1051 -2147219886 2147747410 0×80040652 Software update policy was not found
1052 -2147219887 2147747409 0×80040651 Post install scan failed
1053 -2147219888 2147747408 0×80040650 Pre install scan failed
1054 -2147219916 2147747380 0×80040634 Legacy scanner not supported
1055 -2147219917 2147747379 0×80040633 Offline scan is pending
1056 -2147219918 2147747378 0×80040632 Online scan is pending
1057 -2147219919 2147747377 0×80040631 Scan retry is pending
1058 -2147219920 2147747376 0×80040630 Maximum retries exhausted
1059 -2147219927 2147747369 0×80040629 Rescan of the updates is pending
1060 -2147219928 2147747368 0×80040628 Invalid content location
1061 -2147219929 2147747367 0×80040627 Process instance not found
1062 -2147219930 2147747366 0×80040626 Invalid process instance information
1063 -2147219960 2147747336 0×80040608 Invalid instance type
1064 -2147219961 2147747335 0×80040607 Content not found
1065 -2147219962 2147747334 0×80040606 Offline scan tool history not found
1066 -2147219963 2147747333 0×80040605 Scan tool has been removed
1067 -2147219964 2147747332 0×80040604 The ScanTool not found in job queue
1068 -2147219965 2147747331 0×80040603 The ScanTool policy has been removed so cannot complete scan operation
1069 -2147219966 2147747330 0×80040602 Content location request timeout occurred
1070 -2147219968 2147747328 0×80040600 Scan Tool Policy not found
1071 -2147220694 2147746602 0x8004032A Uninstall action is not defined for the deployment
1072 -2147220695 2147746601 0×80040329 Script execution failed with error code -1. Failure may be related to execution policy. Please upgrade power shell or set Execution Policy in Client Agent settings
1073 -2147220697 2147746599 0×80040327 Script execution failed with error code -1. Failure may be related to execution policy not being set to Bypass for power shell in agent settings
1074 -2147220698 2147746598 0×80040326 The specified deployment action is not defined for the Deployment Type
1075 -2147220699 2147746597 0×80040325 Error while detecting application after successful uninstall
1076 -2147220700 2147746596 0×80040324 Error while detecting application after successful install
1077 -2147220702 2147746594 0×80040322 Rule is in conflict with other rules
1078 -2147220703 2147746593 0×80040321 The script execution has timed out.
1079 -2147220704 2147746592 0×80040320 The script host has not been installed yet.
1080 -2147220714 2147746582 0×80040316 CI Agent job was cancelled.
1081 -2147220715 2147746581 0×80040315 CI Version Info not available.
1082 -2147220716 2147746580 0×80040314 CI Version Info timed out.
1083 -2147220973 2147746323 0×80040213 Enforcement Timed Out
1084 -2147352572 2147614724 0×80020004 The software distribution policy was not found.
1085 -2147352574 2147614722 0×80020002 The software distribution policy for this program was not found.
1086 -2147446127 2147521169 0×80009291 The command timed out
1087 -2147446129 2147521167 0x8000928F App-V command returned failure
1088 -2147446130 2147521166 0x8000928E Could not uninstall the AppV deployment type because of conflict. The published components in this deployment type are still published by other deployment types. This deployment type will be always detected as long as other deployment types are still installed
1089 -2147446132 2147521164 0x8000928C Could not find streaming distribution point for the AppV package
1090 -2147446133 2147521163 0x8000928B Could not start the software because it is no longer installed on this computer.
1091 -2147446134 2147521162 0x8000928A The AppV Client has reported a launch error
1092 -2147446136 2147521160 0×80009288 The software cannot run at this time because a pending software update for it is being applied. Once the update has been installed you can run the application.
1093 -2147446138 2147521158 0×80009286 The AppV package has already installed higher version by another deployment type so we cannot install a lower version of the package
1094 -2147446139 2147521157 0×80009285 The dependent AppV package is not installed
1095 -2147446142 2147521154 0×80009282 AppV package registration or deletion failed due to a fatal error
1096 -2147450239 2147517057 0×80008281 A supported AppV client is not installed
1097 -2147450364 2147516932 0×80008204 No distribution points were found for the requested content.
1098 2359297 2359297 0×00240001 Windows Update Agent was stopped successfully.
1099 2359298 2359298 0×00240002 Windows Update Agent updated itself.
1100 2359299 2359299 0×00240003 Operation completed successfully but there were errors applying the updates.
1101 2359300 2359300 0×00240004 A callback was marked to be disconnected later because the request to disconnect the operation came while a callback was executing.
1102 2359301 2359301 0×00240005 The system must be restarted to complete installation of the update.
1103 2359302 2359302 0×00240006 The update to be installed is already installed on the system.
1104 2359303 2359303 0×00240007 The update to be removed is not installed on the system.
1105 2359304 2359304 0×00240008 The update to be downloaded has already been downloaded.
1106 2367509 2367509 0×00242015 The installation operation for the update is still in progress.
1107 262145 262145 0×00040001 Already exists
1108 262146 262146 0×00040002 Reset to default
1109 262147 262147 0×00040003 Different
1110 262148 262148 0×00040004 Timed out
1111 262149 262149 0×00040005 No more data
1112 262150 262150 0×00040006 Operation cancelled
1113 262151 262151 0×00040007 Operation Pending
1114 262152 262152 0×00040008 Duplicate objects
1115 262153 262153 0×00040009 Access Denied
1116 262160 262160 0×00040010 Partial Results

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4 thoughts on “ sccm error codes ”.

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Where did you get this table?

I get it from my friend who working in MS

Excellent article, good to read genuine content we can all share between all users. I do as create tutorials and videos for others, if you have Instagram I would be glad to have you as fan : Have a good day! Earth By Drones Com Juan

Any info about the 0x87D00207 error ? Parsing error

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