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The Individual and Society

  • Civics & Citizenship
  • Social Studies
  • The Holocaust
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About this Chapter

Who am I? Who are you? Who are we? How we answer these questions shapes how we think about, and how we behave toward, ourselves and others. And our answers to those questions are influenced by the society we live in.  This chapter explores the relationship between the individual and society, and how that relationship affects the choices we make.  

Essential Questions

  • What is the relationship between the individual and society?
  • What factors shape our identities? What parts of our identities do we choose for ourselves? What parts are determined for us by others, by society, or by chance?
  • What dilemmas arise when others view us differently than we view ourselves?
  • How do our identities influence our choices and the choices available to us?

What's Included

This chapter is from the  Individual & Society  section of  Holocaust and Human Behavior  and includes:

  • 17 readings 
  • Connection Questions

Additional Context & Background

We begin to learn our culture—the ways of our society—just after birth. That process is called socialization, and it involves far more than schooling. Our culture shapes the way we work and play, and it makes a difference in how we view ourselves and others. It affects our values—what we consider right and wrong. This is how the society we live in influences our choices. But our choices can also influence others and ultimately help shape our society.

Imagine that you encounter a stranger walking down the street. How might you describe the person? What labels would you use? We know that every person is different from any other in countless ways, yet when we encounter others we often rely on generalizations to describe them. “It's a natural tendency,” says psychologist Deborah Tannen. “We must see the world in patterns in order to make sense of it; we wouldn’t be able to deal with the daily onslaught of people and objects if we couldn’t predict a lot about them and feel that we know who and what they are." 1

Our society—through its particular culture, customs, institutions, and more—provides us with the labels we use to categorize the people we encounter. These labels are based on beliefs about race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, economic class, and more. Sometimes our beliefs about these categories are so strong that they prevent us from seeing the unique identities of others. Sometimes these beliefs also make us feel suspicion, fear, or hatred toward some members of our society. Other times, especially when we are able to get to know a person, we are able to see past labels and, perhaps, find common ground.

The stories in this chapter explore some of the dilemmas people face as they establish themselves both as individuals and as members of a group, and as they define themselves and are defined by others. As the first step in the Facing History & Ourselves journey, this chapter introduces ideas about human behavior and decision making that will serve as a foundation for examining the historical case study in the chapters that follow. Teachers are encouraged to select the readings that match their objectives and the interests and needs of their students.

  • 1 Deborah Tannen, You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation (New York: HarperCollins, 2007), 16.

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Inside this chapter, explore the readings, the bear that wasn't, the danger of a single story, names and identity, finding one's voice, the eye of the beholder, gender and identity, defining race, the social reality of race, the consequences of stereotyping, the blink of an eye, little things are big, words matter, religion and identity, the "in" group, finding confidence, one identity, multiple belongings.

Analysis & Reflection

Enhance your students’ understanding of our readings on individual, society, and identity with these follow-up questions and prompts.

A person has three names: one that he is called by his father and mother; one that people know him by, and one that he acquires for himself.

What is this poem suggesting about the ways we come to understand our identities? What stories from this chapter could illustrate this poem?

  • The Bear That Wasn’t is a children’s book that reflects universal questions about the relationship between the individual and society. How do you see ideas from Reading 1, "The Bear That Wasn’t ,"  echoed in some of the other readings throughout this chapter?
  • In the reading  The Danger of a Single Story , Chimamanda Adichie warns of “the danger of a single story.” What does she mean? What other readings in this chapter illustrate this danger? Which ones suggest ways to overcome the danger of a single story?
  • Legal scholar Martha Minow writes, “When we simplify and sort, we focus on some traits rather than others, and we assign consequences to the presence and absence of the traits we make significant.” What are some of the “traits we make significant” in our society? Do you think some traits and differences matter more than others, and if so, why? Who decides which traits matter most? What readings from this chapter have had the strongest influence on your thinking about these questions?

Related Materials

  • Reading The Bear That Wasn't
  • Reading The Danger of a Single Story

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What is Social Development? Meaning, Types, Examples, Theories

To examines social change in society, social development is a broad notion that studies the overall transformation of people or groups through purposefully initiated policies.

It should be highlighted that development and change are distinct concepts; unlike the latter, the former refers to a change that is intended or wanted. In this sense, we can assert that while not every type of change is development, every development is a type of change.

Moreover, there are even different notions of development. For example, there could be a socio-cultural dimension of development and even an economic dimension to it.

However, when we talk about Social Development, we tend to emphasise the qualitative aspect of change in the social structures and processes. Each and every society is made up of certain cultural values, norms, traditions, customs, culture, etc. all of which must be carefully analysed to examine the social development of a society.

In this view, social development studies and deals with the production and perpetuation of social and economic inequalities, the moral development of society’s most vulnerable people, the provision of proper housing and sanitary facilities, and the general expansion of other social welfare amenities, etc.

Different Approaches to Social Development:

And if we take the Sociological perspective into the account, it offers a unique way of looking at the specific problems of Society. Sociological Imagination offers us a variety of angles to study a particular social problem or pattern. Within modern sociology, the functionalist, conflict, and interactionist perspectives are the three main schools of thought used to investigate human behaviour.

The different models that trace social development from a simple to a heterogeneous society were created by intellectuals like Herbert Spencer in response to Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species.

Furthermore, social development needs to be understood through people’s living standards. Human development is the most important aspect of social development. By drawing inspiration from Amartya Sen’s capacity approach, Mahbubul Haq first developed the human development method, which was later adopted by the United Nations Development Programme. (UNDP)

The six fundamental components of human development are equity, sustainability, productivity, empowerment, corporation, and security, as per the UNDP. The Human Development Indicator (HDI) however includes per capita income, education, and life expectancy as its core elements. (Raka, 2018)

Theories of Social Development and Underdeveloped:

There are various theories of development as well; the libertarian theory was the earliest and was influenced by Max Weber and Gunnar Myrdal.

As indicated before, Weber argued that rationality contributes to the development of contemporary capitalist society in his magnum work, Protestant Ethics and Spirit of Capitalism.

Socialist Theory:

The socialist theory of development, which was developed after World War II, contrasts with the capitalist theory of development. Instead, the core of this theory is the state’s ownership of property and other means of production for the benefit of the entire population. Marxism had an impact on this theory, which is frequently criticised for being too idealistic to be practical. The Nehruvian approach, also known as the mixed approach to development, which was adopted in the Indian context, had a significant impact on this model of development.

Feminist Theory:

To understand the development process in relation to various countries, there is also the dependency theory. This hypothesis, developed by Andre Gunder Frank, describes how “core” countries gain profit from the “peripheral” countries, as the resources move from the latter to the former ones.

By grouping all nations in the globe into three units, Wallerstein’s World-systems approach advanced similar ideas. First, he believed that in the global economic system, it was the Core nations—the USA, Japan, and the Western European nations—that took the lion’s share of the profit.

On the other side, peripheral countries are low-income nations that are heavily dependent on agriculture, such as some South African and Latin American nations. The Core nations take advantage of these nations. Rich in minerals and other natural resources, peripheral nations frequently export raw materials to core nations. In exchange, the core nations sell finished items to the periphery nations—and that too at profit.

Also Read: Sociology of Development


I graduated with a Master’s degree in Sociology from Jamia Millia Islamia. Apart from that, I get immersed in poetry, listen to Sufi music and I’m fond of Autumn foliage.

Civil society: An essential ingredient of development

Subscribe to global connection, george ingram george ingram senior fellow - global economy and development , center for sustainable development.

April 6, 2020

If anyone needs a crash course in the critical role played by civil society organizations, COVID-19 is providing it—from increased need for the services they provide to those less fortunate, to the strain they are experiencing from lack of supplies and the need to “social distance,” to government having to act too quickly without civil society input.

But beyond the current crisis, civil society is an essential building block of development and national cohesion. In a country blessed with peace and stability, civil society fills the space untouched by government and the private sector. In a fragile and conflict-ridden country, it plays an even more important role of providing services normally the responsibility of the state and business and can lay the foundation for reconciliation.

Civil society comprises organizations that are not associated with government—including schools and universities, advocacy groups, professional associations, churches, and cultural institutions (business sometimes is covered by the term civil society and sometimes not). Civil society organizations play multiple roles. They are an important source of information for both citizens and government. They monitor government policies and actions and hold government accountable. They engage in advocacy and offer alternative policies for government, the private sector, and other institutions. They deliver services, especially to the poor and underserved. They defend citizen rights and work to change and uphold social norms and behaviors.

USAID policies

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has a rich and proud history of engaging and supporting civil society across its partner countries, more so than any other donor agency. Civil society organizations play a large role both as implementing partners and as a target audience for USAID programs.

As part of its current overall strategy, The Journey to Self-Reliance , USAID has issued an overarching Policy Framework and a new Private Sector Engagement Policy , is redesigning its engagement with business and nongovernmental organization (NGOs) through the New Partnerships Initiative , and has initiated a work stream to redefine its relationship with partner governments . What is missing from these “policy updates” is the articulation of USAID’s engagement with civil society—how civil society fits with its other policy priorities and strategies.

Noting this gap, the Modernizing Foreign Assistant Network or MFAN (of which I am a member) is calling on USAID to undertake such an exercise. To provide a start to developing that strategy, the Accountability and Country Ownership Working Group of MFAN released an outline identifying the various roles played by civil society and four basic principles to guide USAID’s engagement with civil society. They include:

  • Engage a diverse set of civil society organizations in setting USAID priorities. To be sustainable, donor programs must be driven by the priorities of local stakeholders, including civil society organizations. This requires a targeted effort to reach those often excluded from policymaking—women, girls, youth, and other marginalized groups.
  • Work to strengthen and protect the enabling environment for civil society. Civil society and democratic practice are under attack and face increased restrictions in many countries. USAID must combat government constraints, corruption, and disregard for basic human rights, so civil society organizations have the space to exercise their essential roles.
  • Invest in the capabilities of civil society. In addition to supporting their programmatic elements, USAID should provide assistance for the operational capacity of civil society organizations, tailored to the specific purposes and priorities of each organization.
  • Engage with a broad range and diverse set of civil society actors. USAID can use its investment in civil society organizations to combat the inequality that leaves some groups excluded from the economic, political, and social life of a country. USAID should direct special priority to supporting organizations representing marginalized groups and solicit their input.

If there is uncertainty as to the importance of civil society, that should be put to rest by the challenge posed by coronavirus to community, national, and global health, economic well-being, stability, and cohesion. Civil society, acting on its own and in collaboration with government and business, is facing a herculean task of stemming the impact on society and economies, not just in developing but also in developed countries.

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Essay on Sustainable Development: Samples in 250, 300 and 500 Words

society development essay

  • Updated on  
  • Nov 18, 2023

Essay on Sustainable Development

On 3rd August 2023, the Indian Government released its Net zero emissions target policy to reduce its carbon footprints. To achieve the sustainable development goals (SDG) , as specified by the UN, India is determined for its long-term low-carbon development strategy. Selfishly pursuing modernization, humans have frequently compromised with the requirements of a more sustainable environment.

As a result, the increased environmental depletion is evident with the prevalence of deforestation, pollution, greenhouse gases, climate change etc. To combat these challenges, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change launched the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) in 2019. The objective was to improve air quality in 131 cities in 24 States/UTs by engaging multiple stakeholders.

‘Development is not real until and unless it is sustainable development.’ – Ban Ki-Moon

Sustainable Development Goals, also known as SGDs, are a list of 17 goals to build a sustained and better tomorrow. These 17 SDGs are known as the ‘World’s Best Plan’ to eradicate property, tackle climate change, and empower people for global welfare.

This Blog Includes:

What is sustainable development, essay on sustainable development in 250 words, 300 words essay on sustainable development, 500 words essay on sustainable development, what are sdgs, introduction, conclusion of sustainable development essay, importance of sustainable development, examples of sustainable development.

As the term simply explains, Sustainable Development aims to bring a balance between meeting the requirements of what the present demands while not overlooking the needs of future generations. It acknowledges nature’s requirements along with the human’s aim to work towards the development of different aspects of the world. It aims to efficiently utilise resources while also meticulously planning the accomplishment of immediate as well as long-term goals for human beings, the planet as well and future generations. In the present time, the need for Sustainable Development is not only for the survival of mankind but also for its future protection. 

To give you an idea of the way to deliver a well-written essay, we have curated a sample on sustainable development below, with 250 words:

To give you an idea of the way to deliver a well-written essay, we have curated a sample on sustainable development below, with 300+ words:

Essay on Sustainable Development

We all remember the historical @BTS_twt speech supporting #Youth2030 initiative to empower young people to use their voices for change. Tomorrow, #BTSARMY 💜 will be in NYC🗽again for the #SDGmoment at #UNGA76 Live 8AM EST welcome back #BTSARMY 👏🏾 pic.twitter.com/pUnBni48bq — The Sustainable Development Goals #SDG🫶 (@ConnectSDGs) September 19, 2021

To give you an idea of the way to deliver a well-written essay, we have curated a sample on sustainable development below, with 500 + words:

Essay on Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs are a list of 17 goals to build a better world for everyone. These goals are developed by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations. Let’s have a look at these sustainable development goals.

  • Eradicate Poverty
  • Zero Hunger
  • Good Health and Well-being
  • Quality Education
  • Gender Equality
  • Clean Water and Sanitation
  • Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • Reduced Inequalities
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Climate Action
  • Life Below Water
  • Life on Land
  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  • Partnership for the Goals

Essay Format

Before drafting an essay on Sustainable Development, students need to get familiarised with the format of essay writing, to know how to structure the essay on a given topic. Take a look at the following pointers which elaborate upon the format of a 300-350 word essay.

Introduction (50-60 words) In the introduction, students must introduce or provide an overview of the given topic, i.e. highlighting and adding recent instances and questions related to sustainable development. Body of Content (100-150 words) The area of the content after the introduction can be explained in detail about why sustainable development is important, its objectives and highlighting the efforts made by the government and various institutions towards it.  Conclusion (30-40 words) In the essay on Sustainable Development, you must add a conclusion wrapping up the content in about 2-3 lines, either with an optimistic touch to it or just summarizing what has been talked about above.

How to write the introduction of a sustainable development essay? To begin with your essay on sustainable development, you must mention the following points:

  • What is sustainable development?
  • What does sustainable development focus on?
  • Why is it useful for the environment?

How to write the conclusion of a sustainable development essay? To conclude your essay on sustainable development, mention why it has become the need of the hour. Wrap up all the key points you have mentioned in your essay and provide some important suggestions to implement sustainable development.

The importance of sustainable development is that it meets the needs of the present generations without compromising on the needs of the coming future generations. Sustainable development teaches us to use our resources correctly. Listed below are some points which tell us the importance of sustainable development.

  • Focuses on Sustainable Agricultural Methods – Sustainable development is important because it takes care of the needs of future generations and makes sure that the increasing population does not put a burden on Mother Earth. It promotes agricultural techniques such as crop rotation and effective seeding techniques.
  • Manages Stabilizing the Climate – We are facing the problem of climate change due to the excessive use of fossil fuels and the killing of the natural habitat of animals. Sustainable development plays a major role in preventing climate change by developing practices that are sustainable. It promotes reducing the use of fossil fuels which release greenhouse gases that destroy the atmosphere.
  • Provides Important Human Needs – Sustainable development promotes the idea of saving for future generations and making sure that resources are allocated to everybody. It is based on the principle of developing an infrastructure that is can be sustained for a long period of time.
  • Sustain Biodiversity – If the process of sustainable development is followed, the home and habitat of all other living animals will not be depleted. As sustainable development focuses on preserving the ecosystem it automatically helps in sustaining and preserving biodiversity.
  • Financial Stability – As sustainable development promises steady development the economies of countries can become stronger by using renewable sources of energy as compared to using fossil fuels, of which there is only a particular amount on our planet.

Mentioned below are some important examples of sustainable development. Have a look:

  • Wind Energy – Wind energy is an easily available resource. It is also a free resource. It is a renewable source of energy and the energy which can be produced by harnessing the power of wind will be beneficial for everyone. Windmills can produce energy which can be used to our benefit. It can be a helpful source of reducing the cost of grid power and is a fine example of sustainable development. 
  • Solar Energy – Solar energy is also a source of energy which is readily available and there is no limit to it. Solar energy is being used to replace and do many things which were first being done by using non-renewable sources of energy. Solar water heaters are a good example. It is cost-effective and sustainable at the same time.
  • Crop Rotation – To increase the potential of growth of gardening land, crop rotation is an ideal and sustainable way. It is rid of any chemicals and reduces the chances of disease in the soil. This form of sustainable development is beneficial to both commercial farmers and home gardeners.
  • Efficient Water Fixtures – The installation of hand and head showers in our toilets which are efficient and do not waste or leak water is a method of conserving water. Water is essential for us and conserving every drop is important. Spending less time under the shower is also a way of sustainable development and conserving water.
  • Sustainable Forestry – This is an amazing way of sustainable development where the timber trees that are cut by factories are replaced by another tree. A new tree is planted in place of the one which was cut down. This way, soil erosion is prevented and we have hope of having a better, greener future.

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The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 global goals established by the United Nations in 2015. These include: No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health and Well-being Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water and Sanitation Affordable and Clean Energy Decent Work and Economic Growth Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure Reduced Inequality Sustainable Cities and Communities Responsible Consumption and Production Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Partnerships for the Goals

The SDGs are designed to address a wide range of global challenges, such as eradicating extreme poverty globally, achieving food security, focusing on promoting good health and well-being, inclusive and equitable quality education, etc.

India is ranked #111 in the Sustainable Development Goal Index 2023 with a score of 63.45.

Hence, we hope that this blog helped you understand the key features of an essay on sustainable development. If you are interested in Environmental studies and planning to pursue sustainable tourism courses , take the assistance of Leverage Edu ’s AI-based tool to browse through a plethora of programs available in this specialised field across the globe and find the best course and university combination that fits your interests, preferences and aspirations. Call us immediately at 1800 57 2000 for a free 30-minute counselling session

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Transforming our world: advancing society through science with a soul.

In September 2015, 193 countries agreed on a new development agenda, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at its core. The Agenda, now in its third year of implementation, strives for a world that is just, equitable and inclusive, committing stakeholders to work together to promote sustained and inclusive economic growth, social development and environmental protection.

However, as of today, more than 760 million people continue to be undernourished and live on less than 1.90 USD a day; gender inequality remains deeply entrenched, and women and girls still face violence in all societies. Further attention also needs to be paid to migration, climate change and sustainable consumption and production, and it is essential to make quick progress towards sustainable energy systems.

So how valuable is the global roadmap, and can it foster the transformative change it aspires for a better world for people and planet? My answer is very firm. The global roadmap is incredibly important, and provided it is interpreted and implemented in a meaningful way, it will have enormous potential to facilitate transformative change towards the world we want.

But what does implementing in a meaningful way really mean, and how is science an indispensable part of this?

Sustainable Development Goals and the 5 P’s

By endorsing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the world community reaffirmed its commitment to the three pillars of sustainable development, economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental protection, fostering peaceful societies through a new global partnership.

The 2030 Agenda is based on a principle of universality . This means that every country should contribute to achieving the larger vision of sustainable development. It encourages all of us to take bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path. And it implies that all relevant actors must go beyond a business-as-usual approach to achieve this change.

The Agenda is a transformative, rights-based and concrete call to action. The Outcome Document of the 2030 Agenda, which is called “ Transforming our World ” touches on five dimensions - people , prosperity , planet , partnership and peace , also known as the 5P’s, as the essence of sustainable development. Genuine sustainability sits at the core of these five dimensions.

But what does this mean?

Dimensions of the New Agenda

It is fundamental to realize that the 2030 Agenda is about more than the 17 Goals alone.

Policy interventions and solutions that touch on one dimension inevitably affect other dimensions. For instance, a policy aimed at cutting carbon emissions within a city by encouraging the use of public transportation concerns more than just environmental issues. It also touches upon matters such as class divides, and public perception of safety, among others.

The idea of sustainable development means that for an intervention to be sustainable, it must take into account the social, economic, and environmental consequences it generates, and lead to conscious choices in terms of the trade-offs, synergies, and spin-offs it creates. In other words, action is to be guided by proper public policy with long-term gains in view, while protecting the worlds’ planetary boundaries. It requires us to reflect on both political and technical dimensions of choices, as there simply is no technical solution without an associated political solution; and the resolution of political problems will always require technical support and implementation.

Many believe this to be straightforward, but unfortunately current practice, particularly in the development domain, isn’t showing that in abundance. An enormous amount of human and financial resources is currently devoted to implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through relatively basic technical approaches to the SDGs, its targets and indicators, while ignoring the broader political economy, and the truly transformative notion of sustainable development itself.

The SDGs on their own do not represent the Agenda in its entirety .

They are not a summary of the Agenda, but rather focus areas necessary to achieve sustainable development. The SDGs are a network of interdependent, indivisible, mutually reinforcing targets, and they do constitute the DNA of the sustainable development agenda, but SDGs approached outside their broader context of sustainable development do not add up to the transformation that is asked for. Sustainable development is not merely about following a recipe with 17 ingredients, but is demanding a real paradigm shift.

The Rubik’s Cube

We have to change this one-dimensional approach, so let us now look at it from a “Rubik’s cube perspective.” What would happen if one handed out 17 Rubik’s Cubes in a classroom?

Chances are that several students could solve one side, or maybe two, but the likelihood that there will be a completed version is actually relatively small. This is exactly the situation we are facing in addressing sustainable development through all its dimensions. There is an incredible amount of knowledge available, but somehow we are still not consistently bringing it together. We cannot solve problems by focusing on one side or one dimension alone as action on one side immediately leads to a reaction on other sides. It means that we need to break out of our silos to work together, and particularly with those with whom we may not necessarily be familiar with.

In solving the Rubik’s cube, sometimes we even have to undo what we have already solved to get to the ultimate solution .

Innovation, trust, co-creation and collaboration are of paramount importance and things may even look or feel worse before getting better. But if we are to move forward in the true context of sustainable development we must be more open to think and act differently to reach our goal. It is by pursuing our economic, social and environmental goals separately that has resulted in repeated trade-offs between goals. Instead sustainable development is about addressing progress across all dimensions of the 2030 Agenda, while acting in concert with all segments of society. This is not to say that combining approaches is per se better than focusing on particular dimensions of a development challenge. What it means is that as we focus on a challenge we need to ensure that we think it through in terms of its environmental, social and economic dimensions as well as think about its governance structure and institutional set-up to ensure it can be long-lasting. We also need to identify who needs to be at the table in order to benefit from the means of capacities and knowledge required, while building trust and fostering synergies in order to address the issue under scrutiny successfully.

Moreover, the Agenda isn’t meant as a rigid prescription for technical assistance, but rather as a means to facilitate genuine guidance for priority setting. It inspires us to think creatively by leveraging innovative approaches and critically rethinking the way we approach the development challenges of today.

So can this be done in reality?

The Case of Eschweiler

We, at the UNSSC Knowledge Centre, use the case of the City of Eschweiler, a city heavily impacted by Germany’s decision to completely restructure the country’s energy sector through the so-called “Energiewende” (energy transition), as an illustrative case in our trainings for senior management. We believe it highlights some of the complexities in process and progress to achieve transformative change. The case demonstrates the interrelatedness of the different sides of the Rubik’s cube, and studying the case may help us further in determining which questions to ask, and what answers to seek to guide a transformative transition.

So what is the example all about?

The City of Eschweiler is a city of 58,000 inhabitants in the westernmost part of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia. Eschweiler and its surrounding region are rich in resources, particularly coal, limestone and ores; resultantly, mining has been the region’s economic foundation for centuries.

At present, the open cast lignite coal mine and the coal power plant contribute significantly to the city’s present-day economy. The open-pit mining site called Inden extends up to 1681 hectares, and is permitted to expand up to 4500 hectares. The lignite extracted in Inden is exclusively used for power production in the city’s Weisweiler coal power plant. Yearly, 19 tons of lignite are extracted in Inden, and according to estimates there are 320 million tons of coal still to be found in the mining site of Inden. Mining will end in 2030.

Along with the region, the city has developed a master plan to transform the surrounding area of Inden up to 2050. The plan aims at replacing fossil fuel with renewable energies and attracting new economic opportunities and innovation, as well as making the region more attractive from a touristic perspective. At the same time, the city and region aim to remain true to their character as a worker’s city in the Rhineland with its particular traditions.

The master plan was developed through various multi-stakeholder consultations . The stakeholders, being the city, civil society, academia, trade unions, nature conservationists, the mining company etc. determined an overall vision statement and development outcomes to harness the potential, leverage strengths and address weaknesses. Its aim is to bind the population to the Indeland by influencing the structural change foresighted and ensuring that the region remains attractive from a social, economic as well as environmental perspective. The plan identifies the development of the region’s touristic and research potential as part of the avenues to act as a model for resource-efficient economies and environmentally friendly infrastructure.

So let’s look at the complexities of transformational change with the 5 P’s and the Rubik’s cube in mind, taking in consideration the trade-offs and synergies.

Eschweiler through the lens of the five P's

The mining pit of Inden has shifted over the years, and the reclamation and restoration efforts have transformed the landscape of the city to a great extent. The damage caused to the environment in terms of loss of biodiversity, contamination of soil, groundwater and surface water by chemicals from mining processes cannot be ignored.

After the excavation at a site finishes, the company makes reclamation efforts to restore the ecological integrity of the disturbed mine land areas. However, this process takes many years before becoming home to different species of flora and fauna. Even after the mining pit is refilled with soil, residents have to wait several years before the soil is compact enough for agriculture or construction to resume.

Once all the coal is extracted, depending on the type of envisaged usage, different cultivation methods are applied: first, clay, sand and gravel are used to fill the former extraction site; for reforestation, a special layer of loose soil is then laid down.

This, however, does not yet suffice for agricultural activity. In a second step, farmers employed by the mining company will grow pioneer plants to root the soil and enrich it. Later, cereals and other crops are grown. After this preparatory phase of at least seven years, the new farmland is given to farmers, who previously had provided some of their terrain for mining activities.

Thinking of our Rubik’s cube, it isn’t hard to see the environment- economic growth nexus here.

Another consequence of the extension of the mining pit is that several villages have been abandoned and their population has been resettled. Today the population of the city is a mix of newly arrived refugees, original residents, and residents who had to relocate over the years because of the mine. Even though the power company compensates the inhabitants, the resettled families cannot escape the social and emotional consequences of resettlement.

With the anticipated closure of the mine, current mine workers and the refugees face uncertainties around their future and therefore, the city is making constant efforts to integrate the population and to ensure social cohesion.  The city of Eschweiler has attempted to improve its integration process by providing adequate housing opportunities as well as opening a community centre which is used by the residents to socialize and organize community gatherings. In order to help the younger population, efforts are made to meet their educational and language requirements so that they are qualified for professions in the region. Efforts for social cohesion are also evident in the residential complexes that have been created for the refugees who have arrived in the city. Vocational clubs and playgrounds have been created to keep citizens across all age groups engaged and active. The city is also strengthening collaboration with neighboring universities and research institutes to model itself as a resource efficient economy by investing in environmentally friendly infrastructure and by building a society that is forward-looking and efficient at the same time.

In other words, and please continue to keep the Rubik’s cube in mind, the transition requires the City, at the same time that it is reflecting upon several environmental-economic questions , to reflect on numerous socio-economic impacts of possible choices made.

Genuine progress requires a multi-dimensional mindset.

But that’s not all, as the city prepares for the time when the mining pits are re-filled or no longer actively used, it is implementing innovative ideas to boost its economy and to generate employment opportunities. On the one hand, it is attracting industries and research institutions in the area of renewable energy and on the other, it aims to become a popular tourist and recreation destination of the region.

‘Blausteinsee,’ an artificial lake, has already been created from a part of the mine pit with the intention of drawing tourists and locals to use it for leisure activities. The original plan was to use a major part of the land from this enormous pit for agriculture. But after realizing that the land would be too degraded for agriculture to be economically viable, creating a 100-hectare lake seemed to be a better option.

The Blausteinsee is a pilot to create a much bigger lake in the eastern part of the Inden open mining pit. This lake will be labelled ‘Indesee’. The expected time to complete the project is 25 years after the end of mining activities in 2030. From a layman’s perspective, while the approximate size of the Blausteinsee is about as big as ten football fields, the new Indensee is estimated to be more than ten times bigger - or three times the size of Central Park in New York.

The lake is expected to create investment incentives along with employment opportunities. Villages around the future lake will develop lakeside housing, restaurants as well as sports and leisure activities. Stakeholders envisage that the lake will improve the landscape of the area, provide new economic opportunities and boost the quality of life.

In essence, Eschweiler looks at the ultimate outcome of the transition as the completion of their Rubik’s cube.

Eschweiler isn’t approaching sustainable development as a linear process of implementing SDGs, but rather took the different dimensions of sustainable development to heart as it was felt to facilitate a better long-term solution towards transformative change. Using the Rubik’s cube analogy also changes the sustainable development narrative from one focused on “money changing hands” to one focused on “ideas changing minds.”

Finally, and let me then close on the example of Eschweiler, let us not lose sight of how all of this started. The energy transition in Eschweiler needs to be seen in the context of the “Energiewende,” which refers to a decision to completely restructure the country’s energy sector faster than most industrialized countries. As a part of this plan for restructuration, nuclear power and fossil fuels will be phased out step by step, and will allow renewable energies to take over. Moving forward in its transition from non-renewable to renewable sources of energy, Eschweiler also welcomed solar and wind energy. The Indeland Wind Farm was inaugurated in 2017, and the city’s collaboration with Rurenergie, a private sector energy company has also resulted in the creation of the Solar Park Inden.

In summary, Eschweiler provides an interesting example of a city, exploring its sustainable development policy space in partnership with stakeholders and institutions at all levels, aiming to reach vertical and horizontal policy coherence through the political compromises it negotiates. To borrow some of the words found in Scotland’s Climate Change Plan of February 2018; Its’ focus has been one of “maximizing opportunities and minimizing disruption while leaving no one behind”.

So where does science, and particular science with a soul come into play?

Science with a Soul

Through our work at the UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development with a diverse group of stakeholders such as Governments, the private sector as well as the UN itself, we have learnt a few interesting lessons that bring us very close to an express need for what Tilburg University’s Impact Program has coined “Science with a Soul.”   We fully subscribe to the notion that advancing society requires specialist social and technological knowledge and an innovative mindset, collective commitment and co-creation by all stakeholders.

For people to fully support the idea of sustainable development they need to be convinced and genuinely believe in and understand the need for change. This can only be done once arguments are fully backed up by science and grounded in evidence, and when people are allowed to arrive at their own conclusions on what changes need to happen. Over and above that, we must make sure that we also have the right tools to make the change.

Science can help to identify what the sustainability challenges are in different contexts, what are the root causes and how they relate to other challenges. It can help ensure coherence in implementing the SDGs, and universities can also offer a neutral forum for cross-sector dialogue. But science also has a key role in, for instance, the provision of data and models, as well as in the process of tracking progress. It can reflect on matters of scalability and foster innovation, as we simply do not yet have all the solutions we need to make this agenda a reality.

All of our wonderful efforts risk being in vain if people do not genuinely believe in the need for change. In fact, unless we are in it for real, we are unlikely to witness the transformative change that we all hope for. We must put dignity, prosperity and peace on a healthy planet at the centre of advancing society as well as recognize that while Governments must take the lead, they alone cannot deliver on the ambitious vision of the 2030 Agenda. Finally, we must not forget to team up with partners in the Global South in our efforts to facilitate our communities to think and act differently.

The Agenda isn’t a rigid technical prescription, but rather it is a call to action to rethink the right questions and to create innovative, holistic solutions for the development challenges of both today and tomorrow.

This blog is based on Patrick van Weerelt’s key note “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” at the Impact Conference Tilburg University 2018 “Advancing Society: Science with a Soul,” which took place on 14 June 2018.

A full overview of the UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development courses for 2018 is available  here .

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Essays About Development: Top 5 Examples and 10 Prompts

Would you like to develop your writing skills? Our essays about development plus enriching prompts can help with this goal. 

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “constant development is the law of life.” Hence, the best way to succeed in life is to conform to this law. Once we do, we embrace the vast opportunities and surprises in the never-ending development cycle. Development, whether within ourselves, in a certain field, or the greater world we live in, requires allocating various resources in the form of time, action, and even financial capital. 


5 Essay Examples

1. why intersectional feminism matters for development by aviva stein, 2. how video games are made: the game development process by nadia stefyn, 3. why industrial development matters now more than ever before by li yong, 4. bangladesh really is a climate success story by joyashree roy, 5. what role does culture play in development by augusto lopez-claros, 1. my personal development goals, 2. importance of socialization in childhood development, 3. effects of the digital age on intellectual development, 4. economic growth vs. economic development, 5. united nations’ sustainable development goals, 6. urban development, 7. keeping pace with technological development, 8. winning strategies for career development, 9. challenges and perks of a business development manager, 10. education in development.

“Using an intersectional feminist lens to dig deeper into the factors that affect and hinder efforts for equality also allows us as development professionals to design programs, interventions, and support systems that aim to dismantle systems of inequality.”

This essay looks into intersectional feminism and the importance of inclusion. “Intersectional” means recognizing how different people live different experiences. Integrating an intersectional lens in feminist development work enables experts to design and implement programs that address inequality effectively. You might also be interested in these essays about bad habits .

“Much like a production line, the game development pipeline helps organize the flow of work so that everyone knows what they need to deliver and when. The pipeline also helps manage the game development timeline and budget, reducing inefficiencies and bottlenecks.”

This essay walks readers through the video game development process while also introducing the different critical players of the ecosystem. Overall, the piece provides budding game developers with a comprehensive resource on the basics of the industry. 

“Economists of the 20th century noted that a thriving industrial sector was crucial to the development of a modern economy, and in 2010, Cambridge economist Ha-Joon Chang observed that development without industrialization is like Shakespeare’s Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark.”

Creating a narrative out of data, this essay underscores the need to push for industrialization to further economies’ development. It sheds light on the myriad benefits of manufacturing on social development but also confronts the environmental challenges of the sector. 

Looking for more? Check out these essays about empathy and essays about gratitude .

“In the 50 years since the Bhola cyclone, the nation has carved out a path to development thanks to natural gas. Turning away from that path precipitously would strand the nation’s fossil-fuel assets and undermine its hard-won sovereignty and development gains.”

The essay demonstrates the determination of Bangladesh to bounce back from one of the deadliest cyclones in history. Now the fastest-growing economy in South Asia, Bangladesh marks a unique development journey that runs against the popular belief of patterning development strategies after those of more developed countries in the West. You might also like these essays about your mom .

“Development is not only about reducing poverty and expanding opportunities against the background of rising incomes. It is also in a very fundamental way about adopting a set of values that are compatible with humanity’s moral development.”

Integrating culture in discussions about development has been a longstanding challenge. But this essay points out that we might have been misled to categorize some development factors as cultural and, as a result, missed out on the proper way to resolve problems at their roots.

10 Unique Writing Prompts On Essays About Development

Whether it be acquiring a second language or graduating college with flying colors, use this essay to discuss your personal development goals and proudly share your progress in putting them into action. And then, write a commitment to keep sight of your personal development goals and what you think you should do more to achieve them in the most efficient way you can.

Essays About Development: Importance of socialization in childhood development

Socialization helps kids learn how to take turns and manage conflicts that arise from their play and interactions with other kids. Look for the latest research studies that show how the development of social skills relates to a child’s overall physical, intellectual, and emotional development.

Then, list the challenges in helping kids socialize more, given how gadgets are becoming a kid’s best friend for entertainment. Finally, include solutions and consider how society can encourage kids to have positive socialization experiences.

Digital technologies have certainly enabled wide-scale access to information and data that can expand our horizons. However, they also discourage the exercise of cognitive and analytical skills because the information is served on a silver platter. 

For this writing prompt, list the pros and cons of digital technologies in improving thinking skills and take the time to assess how each affects our intellectual development, including relevant studies to support your arguments. 

In this essay, aim to find out whether economic growth and economic development are independent or inextricably linked, such that economic development is not possible without economic growth and vice versa. 

For this, you can turn to the innovative insights of economists Simon Kuznets and Joseph Schumpeter. The creation of the Human Development Index is also worth delving into as it is one of the most ambitious metrics that emerged to measure the economy beyond the national income accounting framework . 

The United Nations has 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted in September 2015 and targeted to be attained by 2030 to end global poverty while addressing issues such as inequality and climate change. 

In your essay, explain these goals, their origins, and their relevance to today’s challenges. Then find out whether it is on track through the latest SDG report . You can also pick just one SDG close to your personal and get updates on the world’s progress in realizing this goal. Dive into politics in this essay and determine if the UN is on track and adhering to its promises.

True urban development can happen only if security, sanitation, and climate resilience are part of the equation. In this essay, outline the challenges of balancing rapid urbanization with the need to provide people with a decent environment for living. 

Expound on the importance of urban development in reducing poverty. Finally, underscores the enormous role city governments have in steering urban development through a human-centric approach. 

We hear about incredible technological advancements every day, but there has been little development in the regulatory sphere. Elaborate on policy and lawmakers’ challenges in coping with nimble tech companies. 

Some primary challenges include the extraordinary complexity of technologies and the long period it takes to pass a law. In your writing, offer insights into how the government and private sector can join hands and balance strict regulations and self-regulation. 

Career development is the journey of finding your place in the professional world. Flesh out the importance of having a career development game plan and how to implement them. Then take a glimpse at the sea shift in career development amid our present VUCA world. Specifically, analyze how younger professionals are carving out their careers and how companies design professional development plans within a VUCA environment. 

With the fierce competition in today’s markets, how should business development managers think and act to drive their company’s sales growth? Strive to answer this by researching business journals and news articles to discover today’s most pressing challenges business development managers face. But also look on the bright side to flesh out the job’s pros, such as gaining new experiences and expanding your connections. 

Essays About Development: Education in development

This writing prompt highlights the critical role of schools in a child’s overall development and what teaching techniques are proven to be most effective in training a child. To expand your essay, add COVID-19’s long-term debilitating impact on human capital development and how this translates to economic losses. Then, write about the lessons teachers and parents can learn from the pandemic to arrest future global disruptions from affecting the accessibility, delivery, and quality of education.

Tip: When editing for grammar, we also recommend improving the readability score of a piece before publishing or submitting it. If you’d like more help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers .

Home — Essay Samples — Arts & Culture — Art History — The Importance of Moral Education in Developing a Just Society


The Importance of Moral Education in Developing a Just Society

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Words: 751 |

Published: Mar 16, 2024

Words: 751 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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The development of moral education, the role of moral education in character development, the importance of empathy and compassion in moral education, the contribution of moral education to a just society.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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Development of a Society: Stages, Factors & Importance

The development of a society is just as important as development (i.e. change for the better) in all aspects of life. Over the past decades, our society has undergone several drastic changes. These changes took place in every aspect of a person’s life. It started with the basic needs and how those needs became easily available. As a result, society then started focusing on more materialistic things.

Table of Contents

What is the development of society?

The development of society refers to the betterment of the living conditions and well-being of every individual, who is a part of the society. This includes a better healthcare system, proper wages, better working conditions, as well as the other facets of life required for a decent standard of living.

Society as we know is a group of individuals involved in social interaction or large groups of people sharing the same space. A society is usually formed by individuals who are typically subject to political, territorial, and other dominant cultures.

Humans have established a vast number and types of societies throughout history. These societies can be classified into three broad categories:

  • Pre-industrial
  • Post-industrial

Each of these societies has/had some sort of downfall in them, leading people to strive for better living.

The pre-industrial societies consisted mainly of food production and manual labor. It was subdivided into hunting and gathering, pastoral, horticultural, agricultural, and feudal.

Then came the Industrial society, between the 15th and 16th centuries. They relied heavily on machines powered by fuel for the production of goods. This led to an increase in production and caused an even greater surplus than before. Due to large surpluses, it caused a lot of changes, one of them being the increase in population.

Development of a society

The post-industrial society flourished between the 17th century and the present day. This society is dominated by information, services, and technology. Industrialists are now seeing a shift towards an increase in labor in the service sectors over manufacturing and production. Service sectors include government, education, health, research, sales, law, and banking.

Importance of development of a society

It is important for societies to develop especially those which have emerged out of conflicts in the past. So that a society can grow and build a stronger economy.

1. Job creation

One of the main reasons for job creation is the shift of workload from one sector to another. Earlier people used to engage only in farming. But gradually, these farmers moved to manual labor and wanted more work as there was a surplus in the amount of food being produced. Thus, most of people started moving to factories to find better job opportunities.

2. Industry Diversification

Since there was a large outburst in the working population and food was available in surplus, there was no need for farming for a living. This motivated the industrialists to expand and diversify their industries so that they could create more job opportunities.

3. Population growth

A large population has the potential to bring greater economic development. Economic growth and population growth go hand in hand. With the increase in population, the economy develops too. Thus, more people mean more work to do, at lower wages.

4. Tax Revenue

With the development of society, the economy is bound to develop. Consequently, the government needs to maintain the surroundings of the society and provide a better life to the people. For that, the government needs to have funds.

Those funds are collected through tax. These tax revenues are paid by both the people and companies. More companies in the region convert this increased tax revenue for community projects and local infrastructure.

5. Better quality of life

Better infrastructure and more jobs improve the economy in a region and raise the standards of living for the people. Societies now strive towards providing a better life for the people in order to increase welfare and production.

Factors for the development of a society

Many nations have undergone changes to become developed societies. Every society has to follow certain procedures and norms to grow and modernize its surroundings. These are some of the factors to determine the development of a society.

Through these factors, we can see how effectively a country has transitioned from an underdeveloped nation to a developed nation. Some of the ways a society can become developed are:

why education is important

1. Education system

By providing education to each and every child, the country can ensure a higher literacy rate, especially for women. This leads to better jobs and improvement in the quality of living. The values of education are of paramount importance in promoting the development in society and eradicating illiteracy and poverty.

2. Resources

Resources are important for the development of a society. They help in increasing the standards of living and purchasing raw materials and fuel. An increase in the ability to purchase helps a nation in ranking higher in foreign exchanges which kick-starts the development process in motion.

3. Better medical facilities

“Health is wealth”. A nation can become developed only if the citizens have a proper healthcare infrastructure.

4. Women empowerment

Empowerment of women is a necessity in the development of society. It will give them a significant role in the society . Women and girls have faced discrimination and abuse in the past (and even now). This is not only a heinous crime but also prevents them from playing a major role in societal development. Only if a nation is willing to treat its women equally and give them the same rights, can the nation prosper.


Differences and similarities between society and culture

Culture is a set of beliefs, practices, learned behavior, and moral values which are embedded in a person and passed on from one generation to another. It is something that differentiates one society from another and unites the social framework through influence.

On the other hand, society is a group of people who live together and may have common interests. They may reside in a specific area and share cultures over time. It is a structure that also provides a way for people to organize themselves.

On the contrary, a similarity between society and culture is that sometimes culture may arise from society. They are not interchangeable and have a mutual co-existence.

The world around us is ever-changing. Nothing remains the same, and so does the society and its culture. There are many countries around the world that are developed and others struggling to make it through. But every nation is trying to modernize and develop its society in the best possible manner. Some of the ways to achieve the development of a society can be by providing better education for children and women, advanced medical facilities, and equal rights.

Today’s world is growing at a tremendous pace. With newer faith, belief, and ideas constantly replacing the old ones, it can be said that our societies would always be undergoing changes and constantly developing over the years to come. Change would be the only way for the proper development of a society and that would be the best for all.

Frequently asked questions on the development of society

1) what is development in a society.

Development in a society refers to the betterment of the living conditions and well-being of every individual, who is a part of the society. This includes a better healthcare system, proper wages, better working conditions, as well as the other facets of life required for a decent standard of living.

2) Why is development important to society?

The development in society is a boon to mankind. Here’s how it benefits society:

  • Better chances of job creation
  • Healthy living conditions and improved healthcare facilities
  • Improved quality of education for all
  • Happier citizens

3) What are the different types of development in society?

While it is a common notion that development in society refers to only living standards and societal administration, it also includes the physical, cognitive, and emotional development of the individuals.

4) What are the factors for development of society?

The factors for the development of society include:

  • Proper education system to educate both young and old minds.
  • Ensuring better living conditions and medical facilities.
  • Empowering and educating women.
  • Developing technological knowledge and understanding.
  • Upholding the cultural values.

Written by: Reinhard Collaco ( @reinisintheclouds )

Image courtesy: Pixabay

Anupam Kundu

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Essay on Peace And Development

Students are often asked to write an essay on Peace And Development in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Peace And Development

What is peace.

Peace is when people live without fighting, fear, or stress. It’s like a big family where everyone gets along. In a peaceful place, kids can play, go to school, and dream about their future without worry.

What is Development?

Development means making things better for everyone. It’s like helping a tiny seed grow into a big, strong tree. Development can be building schools, hospitals, and roads, or making sure all people have enough food and clean water.

Peace Helps Development

When there’s peace, it’s easier to build things and make lives better. Without fighting, countries can focus on helping people learn, stay healthy, and have good jobs. Peace is like sunshine for development; it helps it grow.

Development Supports Peace

Development makes people happier because they have what they need, like education and health. When everyone has a chance to succeed, they are less likely to fight. So, building a better world also builds peace.

Working Together

250 words essay on peace and development, understanding peace and development.

Peace and development are two big words that mean a lot for every country. Imagine a place where there is no fighting and everyone is working together to make life better. This is the dream of peace and development. When a country is peaceful, it means that people are not hurting each other, and everyone feels safe. Development means growing in a good way, like having better schools, hospitals, and roads.

The Link Between Peace and Development

Peace and development are like best friends. They need each other to do well. If a place is peaceful, it is easier for it to grow. Companies can build factories, people can go to work, and children can learn in schools without being scared. On the other hand, when a country is growing well, people are happier because they have jobs and can take care of their families, which helps keep peace.

Why Peace Matters for Growth

When there is no peace, it is hard for a place to grow. Fights can destroy buildings and make people run away from their homes. This means businesses can’t work well, and kids might not be able to go to school. So, keeping peace is very important for any country to become better and help its people live good lives.

Working Together for a Better Future

To have peace and development, everyone has to work together. Governments, people, and groups from different countries can help each other to make sure everyone lives in peace and has a chance to grow. When we all help each other, we can build a world where every person has a good life, with education, health, and happiness.

500 Words Essay on Peace And Development

Peace and development are like two sides of the same coin. When we talk about peace, we mean the absence of war or fighting. Development is about growth and making life better for people. For a society to grow and for its people to live well, it is important that there is no violence or war.

Why Peace Matters

The role of development.

Development is about improving the lives of people. It includes things like good education, healthcare, clean water, and opportunities to work. When people have access to these things, they can lead happier and healthier lives. Development helps in reducing poverty, and when people are not poor, they tend to fight less with each other.

Peace Brings More Development

When a country is peaceful, it can spend its money on building things that make life better instead of spending it on weapons or soldiers. Companies are more likely to invest in places where there is no fighting. This means more jobs and money for the people. Also, tourists like to visit peaceful places, which brings even more money.

Development Brings More Peace

Challenges in achieving peace and development.

Even though we know how important peace and development are, achieving them is not always easy. Sometimes, people fight over things like land, money, or power. Other times, natural disasters or diseases can destroy all the hard work done towards development. It takes a lot of effort from everyone – leaders, citizens, and even other countries – to overcome these challenges.

Working Together for a Better World

To have a world where there is peace and development, everyone needs to work together. Governments need to make fair rules and ensure that everyone follows them. People need to respect each other and solve their problems without fighting. Organizations from around the world can help by giving money, advice, or other help to countries that need it.

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Student Essays

Essay on Society

11 Essays on Society – Importance, Impacts, Problems [ 2024 ]

Society is the place where human live together with peace, established rules, culture and cooperation. Society has definite laws and well set boundaries. The Following essay I have wrote that talks about the society, its basic concept, importance and what role can students play in society.

Essay on Society: Its Importance for our Life

The society is a place where we live into. We share our life experiences with other individuals. The society helps us to interact with different types of people and learn from them. It is a platform that enhances our personality and teaches us how to live in a community.

Concept of Society

A society is not just about a group of individuals living together but it is much more than that. A society shapes the character of its members and instills values in them. It defines what is right and what is wrong for its members. It also provides them with a sense of security and belonging.

Essay on Society

Importance of Society

The importance of society can be understood from the fact that it plays a pivotal role in our life. Our survival and development depend on the society. The society provides us with shelter, food, clothing, and education. It also protects us from danger and keeps us safe from harm.

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The society is important for our life because:

1) it provides us with basic necessities of life: The society provides us with shelter, food, clothing, and education. All these things are necessary for our survival and development. 2) it protects us from danger and harm: The society protects us from danger and harm. It keeps us safe from criminals, natural disasters, and other threats. 3) it shapes our personality and character: The society shapes our personality and character. It defines what is right and what is wrong for us. It also instills values in us. 4) it gives us a sense of security and belonging: The society gives us a sense of security and belonging. It makes us feel safe and accepted. We feel connected to others and have a sense of purpose in life.

Role of Students in a Society:

There are many ways in which students can be productive members of society. Some of them are: 1) by participating in social service activities: Students can participate in social service activities and help the needy. They can volunteer for organizations that work for the betterment of society. 2) by spreading awareness about social issues: Students can spread awareness about social issues and raise awareness about the problems faced by society. They can use social media to spread awareness about important issues. 3) by becoming involved in politics: Students can become involved in politics and work for the betterment of society. They can run for office or volunteer for political campaigns.

The society is an important part of our life. It plays a crucial role in our survival, development, and personality. We should appreciate the importance of society and work towards its betterment.

Short Essay on Society in English:

Society plays a crucial role in shaping our lives. It is the framework within which we interact and build relationships with each other. From our families to our communities, society has a major influence on every aspect of our daily lives.

In today’s world, the concept of society has evolved drastically. With advancements in technology and globalization, we are no longer confined to physical boundaries. We are now part of a global society, connected to people from different backgrounds and cultures.

One of the fundamental aspects of any society is its values and beliefs. These shape our attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions towards others. They provide us with a moral compass to guide us in our interactions with fellow human beings. However, these values and beliefs can vary greatly across societies, leading to conflicts and misunderstandings.

Furthermore, society also provides us with a sense of identity. We are inherently social beings and rely on our interactions with others to form our self-concept. Our role in society, whether it be as a student, professional, or family member, contributes to our sense of self.

In conclusion, society is the glue that holds us together as a community. It provides us with structure, values, and identity. As individuals, it is our responsibility to contribute positively to society and help create a better world for future generations. After all, we are not just members of society; we are society itself.

Importance of society Essay:

The society we live in plays a crucial role in shaping our lives. It is the foundation on which our values, beliefs and behaviors are built upon. Society not only affects us as individuals but also has a significant impact on the world around us. In this essay, we will explore the importance of society and how it impacts our lives.

Firstly, society provides us with a sense of belonging and identity. As social beings, we have an innate desire to be a part of a community and feel connected to others. Through our interactions with family, friends, and other members of society, we develop a sense of who we are and where we fit in.

Moreover, society also provides us with the necessary support and resources to thrive. In times of need, we can turn to our community for help and support. Whether it is financial assistance, emotional support or advice, society offers a safety net that helps us navigate through life’s challenges.

In addition, society plays a crucial role in shaping our values and beliefs. Our cultural norms, traditions, and customs are all influenced by the society we live in. Through socialization, we learn what is considered acceptable and unacceptable behavior, and this helps us function harmoniously as a community.

Furthermore, society also promotes personal growth and development. By providing opportunities for education, employment, and personal advancement, it enables individuals to reach their full potential. A healthy and supportive society encourages its members to pursue their passions and aspirations.

In conclusion, the importance of society cannot be overstated. It is the fabric that holds us together and shapes our lives in more ways than we can imagine. As members of society, it is our responsibility to contribute positively towards its growth and well-being, for the betterment of ourselves and future generations.

Essay on Impact of Social Media on Society:

Social media has become an integral part of our lives in this modern day and age. It allows us to connect with people from different parts of the world, share our thoughts and experiences, and keep up with current events. However, its impact on society is a topic that has been widely debated.

On one hand, social media has played a major role in revolutionizing communication and breaking down geographical barriers. It has allowed us to stay connected with loved ones, even if they are miles away. Social media also serves as a platform for spreading awareness and promoting social causes. It has given a voice to marginalized communities and helped bring about much-needed change.

But on the other hand, social media comes with its own set of challenges. The constant need for validation and the pressure to present a perfect life online has led to a rise in mental health issues, especially among the youth. It has also made it easier for fake news and misinformation to spread like wildfire, creating chaos and division in society.

Moreover, social media has changed the way we perceive ourselves and others. We are constantly bombarded with images of idealized lives that have been carefully curated for the online world. This has led to an unhealthy comparison culture and a rise in feelings of inadequacy.

In conclusion, the impact of social media on society is complex and multi-faceted. While it has brought about positive changes in terms of communication and social activism, it also comes with its own set of challenges. It is up to us as individuals to use social media in a responsible and balanced manner, keeping in mind its potential impact on our mental health and society as a whole. So, we must strike a balance between being connected and staying grounded in the real world. Let’s make sure that social media remains a tool for positive change rather than a source of negativity.

Essay on Impact of Modern Technology on Society:

Modern technology has become an inseparable part of our daily lives. With every passing day, we are becoming more dependent on the latest gadgets and devices to make our lives easier. From smartphones to smart homes, modern technology has revolutionized the way we live, work and communicate.

The impact of modern technology on society has been both positive and negative. On one hand, it has accelerated the pace of progress and brought about significant advancements in various fields such as healthcare, education, and transportation. On the other hand, it has also contributed to societal issues like addiction, privacy invasion, and job loss.

The rise of social media platforms has connected us with people from all around the world but at the same time, it has led to a decrease in face-to-face communication and affected our social skills. The convenience of online shopping has made us more prone to impulsive purchases, causing financial strain on individuals and families.

The healthcare industry has benefited greatly from modern technology with the invention of life-saving medical equipment and advancements in treatment methods. However, it has also raised concerns about artificial intelligence replacing human jobs in the sector.

In conclusion, the impact of modern technology on society is a double-edged sword. It has brought about tremendous progress and convenience, but it has also posed challenges that need to be addressed

Essay on society and culture:

Society and culture are two intertwined concepts that shape our daily lives. Society refers to a group of individuals who share a common set of values, beliefs, and practices while culture encompasses the customs, traditions, and behaviors of a particular society.

The relationship between society and culture is dynamic and constantly evolving. As humans, we are social beings who are influenced by our surroundings. Our social environment which includes our family, friends, institutions, and media plays a critical role in shaping our perspectives and beliefs. These influences are reflected in our culture, from the food we eat to the way we dress and celebrate important occasions.

Culture is not limited to material objects or practices but also encompasses intangible aspects such as language, art, religion, and social norms. These aspects are what makes each society unique and different from others. Culture also helps us connect with our past, understand our present and shape our future.

While society and culture play a significant role in shaping an individual’s identity, they can also create divisions among people. Our cultural differences can lead to misunderstanding, discrimination, and conflicts within societies.

It is crucial for individuals to have an open mind and respect for other cultures to foster a harmonious society. By understanding and embracing different cultures, we can create a more inclusive and cohesive community where everyone feels valued and respected.

In conclusion, society and culture go hand in hand in shaping our beliefs, values, and behaviors. It is essential to recognize the impact of these concepts on our daily lives while also promoting an inclusive and diverse society. By valuing our differences, we can move towards a better future for all individuals.

Essay on Importance of Education in Society:

Education is one of the most crucial aspects of our society. It plays a vital role in shaping individuals and their perspectives towards life. Education not only provides knowledge, but it also helps us to develop critical thinking skills, moral values, and ethical beliefs.

In today’s world, education has become a necessity for survival. It is no longer seen as a luxury or privilege, but it is a basic human right. The importance of education in society can be seen through its impact on individuals, communities, and the nation as a whole.

For individuals, education opens doors to better career opportunities and higher income levels. It helps them to become self-sufficient and lead a better quality of life. Education also promotes personal growth and enables individuals to make informed decisions.

At the community level, education promotes social cohesion and harmony. It brings people from diverse backgrounds together and helps them to understand and appreciate each other’s cultures, beliefs, and values. Education also plays a crucial role in eradicating social evils such as poverty, discrimination, and inequality.

On a national level, education is instrumental in building a strong economy and creating a skilled workforce. It equips citizens with the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute to the development of their country. Education also plays a vital role in promoting democracy, social justice, and progress.

In conclusion, education is the cornerstone of our society. It empowers individuals, brings communities together, and strengthens nations. Therefore, it is essential to invest in quality education for all to ensure a better and brighter future for generations to come

Short Essay on humanity:

Humanity is a term that encompasses the collective characteristics, behaviors, and beliefs of human beings as a species. It is often used to describe the positive aspects of human nature such as compassion, empathy, and kindness towards others. However, it also includes the negative aspects such as greed, violence, and selfishness.

Throughout history, humanity has evolved tremendously in terms of technological advancements and societal structures. But at the core, humanity remains the same – with all its complexities and contradictions.

One of the defining characteristics of humanity is our ability to think critically and empathize with others. This has allowed us to understand and relate to people from different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. It has also led to the development of social systems such as laws, education, and healthcare that aim to improve the well-being of individuals and society as a whole.

On the other hand, humanity has also been responsible for some of the greatest horrors in history – whether it be wars, genocide, or environmental destruction. This highlights our inherent flaws and the need for constant self-reflection and improvement.

Despite our differences, there is an undeniable sense of interconnectedness amongst all human beings. We all share the same basic needs, desires, and emotions. This is what makes us human, and what ultimately unites us.

In a world that often seems divided and chaotic, it is important to remind ourselves of our shared humanity. It is through understanding and compassion for one another that we can create a better future for ourselves and future generations.

So let us strive to embrace our humanity, both the good and the bad, and use it to uplift ourselves and those around us. So let’s continue to spread kindness, empathy, and understanding – for that is what truly makes us human.

Essay on Society Today:

Society today is constantly changing, evolving, and adapting to new advancements and challenges. And as we grow and progress, it’s important to reflect on the state of our society in order to understand where we’ve come from and where we’re headed.

One of the biggest trends that has emerged in recent years is the increasing importance placed on diversity and inclusivity. With globalization and the rise of social media, people from different cultures, backgrounds, and walks of life are coming together like never before. This has led to a greater appreciation for diversity and a call for more representation in all aspects of society.

At the same time, technology has also played a major role in shaping our society today. From smartphones to social media platforms, we are more connected than ever before. This has led to a rapid exchange of information and ideas, making it easier for people to stay informed and engaged.

But with all this progress also comes the rise of challenges such as cyberbullying, online privacy concerns, and fake news. These issues are not only affecting individuals but also society as a whole. It’s important for us to be mindful of the impact of technology on our society and to use it responsibly.

Moreover, as we continue to make strides towards a more inclusive and technologically advanced society, we must also address ongoing issues such as social inequality, poverty, and climate change. These are complex problems that require collective action and a commitment to creating a better world for future generations.

In conclusion, society today is a complex and ever-changing landscape. It’s important for us to stay informed, engaged, and open-minded in order to continue progressing towards a more diverse, inclusive, and sustainable future. Let us not forget our past while we strive towards building a better tomorrow.

Essay about Society Problems:

Society has always been an ever-changing entity, and with that comes a plethora of problems that we face as a community. These issues are not limited to one particular part of the world or group of people; they affect us all in some shape or form. From economic struggles to environmental concerns, society is faced with numerous challenges that need to be addressed.

One of the biggest problems that society faces today is economic inequality. Despite advancements in technology and medicine, there is still a stark difference between the wealthy and the poor. This leads to a wide range of issues such as limited access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities for those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.

Another pressing problem in society is climate change. The effects of global warming are becoming increasingly evident, with extreme weather events and rising sea levels threatening our planet. This is not just an environmental issue but also a social one as it disproportionately affects marginalized communities.

Furthermore, societal norms and expectations often lead to discrimination and injustice against certain groups of people. Racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of discrimination are prevalent issues that need to be addressed in order for society to progress.

In addition, the rapid pace of technological advancements has brought about its own set of problems. From cyberbullying to invasion of privacy, technology has opened up new avenues for societal issues that we must navigate and find solutions for.

It is crucial for us as a society to acknowledge and address these problems in order to create a more equitable and sustainable future. Each and every one of us has a role to play in making our world a better place for ourselves and future generations. Let’s work together towards finding solutions and creating a society where everyone can thrive.

Indian Society Essay:

Indian society is an intricate web of traditions, values and beliefs that have been passed down through generations. Despite vast regional differences and cultural diversity, there are a few common threads that bind the people together. The Indian society is deeply rooted in its rich history and heritage, which has shaped its present form.

One of the most significant aspects of Indian society is its emphasis on family and community. Indians place great value on familial relationships, and the joint family system is still prevalent in many parts of the country. In this system, several generations live together under one roof, sharing their lives and responsibilities.

Religion also plays a crucial role in Indian society. With over 80% of the population identifying as Hindus, India is often referred to as the land of spirituality. The country is home to multiple religions, and each one has its unique customs and practices that are deeply ingrained in the culture.

Another defining aspect of Indian society is its diversity. India is a melting pot of different languages, cuisines, traditions, and belief systems. This diversity not only adds to the cultural fabric but also plays a vital role in shaping the country’s economic and social landscape.

Despite its challenges, Indian society has come a long way in terms of progress and development. With a growing economy, advancements in technology, and changing mindsets, the society is constantly evolving. However, it still holds on to its roots and traditions, making it a unique blend of modernity and tradition.

Indian society may have its flaws, but it is a beautiful tapestry of cultures, religions and communities that make it truly one of a kind. So, let us celebrate this diversity and continue to cherish the values that bind us together as Indians.

We live in a society Speech:

Hello everyone!

Today, I want to talk about a topic that is very close to my heart – “We live in a Society”. As we all know, society plays an integral role in our lives. It shapes our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. We may have different cultural backgrounds, but ultimately, we are all part of the same society.

In today’s world, we are heavily influenced by society. It is often the driving force behind our decisions and actions. However, it is crucial to remember that society is not always right. It has its flaws and imperfections, just like anything else.

What makes a society strong and thriving is the unity of its people. We must work together towards a common goal – creating a better world for ourselves and future generations. We must also learn to embrace diversity and respect each other’s differences.

Living in a society means being part of a community where we have rights, but also responsibilities. We must use our voices for the greater good, stand up against injustice, and help those in need. After all, it is only when individuals come together as a collective that real change can happen.

We also must acknowledge the impact of technology and social media on our society. While it has connected us in ways we never thought possible, it has also brought about new challenges. We must use these platforms responsibly and not let them control our lives.

As students, you are the future of our society. It is your responsibility to ensure that society continues to progress and evolve in a positive direction. You have the power to make a difference, no matter how small.

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Q: What is society in essay?

A: In an essay, society is a complex network of individuals living together, sharing common values, norms, and institutions.

Q: What is society in 100 words?

A: Society is a structured community of people who interact, coexist, and share common values, beliefs, and customs. It encompasses social, cultural, economic, and political systems that shape human behavior and relationships. Society provides the framework for individuals to collaborate, exchange ideas, and establish social order. It plays a crucial role in human development, as it influences identity, roles, and opportunities.

The dynamics of society are constantly evolving, influenced by historical events, technological advancements, and cultural changes. A functional and harmonious society is essential for the well-being and progress of its members.

Q: What is the importance of a society?

A: The importance of society lies in providing a structured environment for individuals to live, collaborate, and thrive together, facilitating cooperation, shared resources, cultural development, and social order.

Q: What is society introduction?

A: An introduction to society typically provides a brief overview of what society is, its significance in human life, and its various components, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of the topic in an essay or discussion.

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New climate and sustainability research efforts will focus on eight ‘Solution Areas’

The Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability will establish new research initiatives under topics including climate, water, energy, food, nature, and cities.

The Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability has selected eight interconnected Solution Areas to focus its research efforts over the next decade. This new research plan amplifies the school’s ability to translate Stanford research into large-scale solutions and inform key decision makers in policy and business.

Selected based on extensive faculty input and assessment of where Stanford can make the most meaningful impact, the eight areas are: climate; water; energy; food; risk, resilience, and adaptation; nature; cities; and platforms and tools for monitoring and decision making. 

“Solution Areas identify and leverage the critical junctions between the most pressing global sustainability challenges and the areas where Stanford has the talent and expertise to find solutions,” said Dean Arun Majumdar. “This collaborative all-campus approach expands and strengthens our commitment to using all the power we have – the knowledge, the education, the talent, the innovation, the resources, the influence – to build a thriving planet for future generations.” 

‘Integrative Projects’ and ‘Flagship Destinations’

In each Solution Area, the school plans to build two types of research initiatives. One type, called Integrative Projects, will be managed by the school’s institutes, including the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment , the Precourt Institute for Energy , and a planned Sustainable Societies Institute. 

Integrative Projects will be organized around decade-long research themes and dedicated to creating solutions through interdisciplinary collaboration, engagement with partners beyond Stanford, identifying significant knowledge gaps, and understanding systems.

According to Chris Field , the Perry L. McCarty Director of the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment and a professor in the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability and the School of Humanities and Sciences , the new commitment to these areas “will provide both resources and coordination that expand Stanford faculty’s capacity to deliver sustainability solutions at scale.” 

A second type of research initiative, called Flagship Destinations, is managed by Stanford’s Sustainability Accelerator . Flagship Destinations are targets for the pace and scale of work to address challenges facing Earth, climate, and society. For example, the school’s first Flagship Destination, announced in 2023 , calls for enabling the removal of billions of tons of planet-warming gases annually from Earth’s atmosphere by the middle of this century. By working backward from sustainability targets in consultation with faculty and external experts, this initiative seeks to rapidly translate Stanford research into policy and technology solutions. Additional Flagship Destinations will be announced later this week.

Whereas Integrative Projects are designed to produce knowledge and evidence that can eventually lead to solutions, Flagship Destination projects are intended to help verify and demonstrate that well-studied solutions can succeed at large scale so they can be launched out of Stanford and implemented for the benefit of humanity and our planet. Scalable solutions nurtured and launched through these projects could take the form of policy frameworks, open-source platforms, nonprofit organizations, new for-profit companies, and ongoing collaborations all committed to addressing pressing sustainability challenges.

“By working together in these Solution Areas across disciplines and with collaborators beyond the university, we maximize our ability to have positive impacts on the timeframe and scale needed for the planet and humanity,” said Scott Fendorf , senior associate dean for integrative initiatives and the Terry Huffington Professor in the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability. 

Workshops will be held with faculty and external experts to develop research strategies for each Solution Area on a rolling basis. Strategy workshops, opportunities to provide input on future Integrative Projects, and requests for proposals (open to all Stanford faculty) will be announced in the coming months.

Related message from leadership: Read a letter to faculty about the new Solution Areas from Dean Majumdar with Precourt Institute for Energy director William Chueh; Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment director Chris Field; Accelerator faculty director Yi Cui and executive director Charlotte Pera; and Integrative Initiatives associate dean Jenna Davis and senior associate dean Scott Fendorf.

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Stanford’s Sustainability Accelerator adds new targets

The Sustainability Accelerator in the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability will support work in new areas including energy, climate adaptation, industry, and more.

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Solution Areas and research funding

A message from school leadership announcing solutions-oriented and scale-focused research funding opportunities to address pressing sustainability challenges.

society development essay

Forecasting climate’s impact on a debilitating disease

In Brazil, climate and other human-made environmental changes threaten efforts to fight schistosomiasis, a widespread and debilitating parasitic disease. Stanford and Brazilian researchers have now developed models that can predict how disease risk will shift in response to environmental changes.

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  16. 100 Words Essay on Society

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  17. Development of a Society: Stages, Factors & Importance

    Importance of development of a society. It is important for societies to develop especially those which have emerged out of conflicts in the past. So that a society can grow and build a stronger economy. 1. Job creation. One of the main reasons for job creation is the shift of workload from one sector to another.

  18. Essay on Peace And Development

    To have peace and development, everyone has to work together. Governments, people, and groups from different countries can help each other to make sure everyone lives in peace and has a chance to grow. When we all help each other, we can build a world where every person has a good life, with education, health, and happiness.

  19. 11 Essays on Society

    The society is important for our life because: 1) it provides us with basic necessities of life: The society provides us with shelter, food, clothing, and education. All these things are necessary for our survival and development. 2) it protects us from danger and harm: The society protects us from danger and harm.

  20. George Kennan's "Long Telegram"

    George Kennan's "Long Telegram". 861.00/2 - 2246: Telegram. The Charge in the Soviet Union (Kennan) to the Secretary of State. SECRET. Moscow, February 22, 1946--9 p.m. [Received February 22--3: 52 p.m.] 511. Answer to Dept's 284, Feb 3 [13] involves questions so intricate, so delicate, so strange to our form of thought, and so important to ...

  21. [PDF] The Moscow Mathematical Society and the development of

    The Moscow Mathematical Society — the oldest mathematical society in Russia, and one of the oldest in the world — was established one hundred and fifty years ago, in the Autumn of 1864. Its foundation was one of the most significant events in the development of mathematics in Russia, testifying to the creation in the country of a mathematical community that needed special forms of ...

  22. PDF The Moscow Mathematical Society and the development of mathematics in

    THE MOSCOW MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF MATHEMATICS IN RUSSIA (ON THE 150TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SOCIETY'S CREATION) ... ski˘ı in papers of 1887-1891. These works, which provoked criticism from Markov and K. A. Posse, were supported by Muscovites — Andreev, Nekrasov, and others. Posse,

  23. The Moscow Mathematical Society in the development of mathematics in

    The first attempt at organizing a mathematical society in Moscow was made by a group of professors and students at Moscow University as early as 1810 ([1], p. 316, [2]). However, this society did not last long: Moscow did not yet have a large enough community of active professional mathematicians to support regular activities. The right conditions appeared only in the 1860s, when as a result ...

  24. New climate and sustainability research efforts will focus on eight

    Flagship Destinations are targets for the pace and scale of work to address challenges facing Earth, climate, and society. For example, the school's first Flagship Destination, announced in 2023, calls for enabling the removal of billions of tons of planet-warming gases annually from Earth's atmosphere by the middle of this century. By ...

  25. Dead Talents Society

    Dead Talents Society (Chinese: 鬼才之道) is a 2024 Taiwanese horror comedy film directed and written by John Hsu, starring Chen Bolin, Sandrine Pinna, Gingle Wang, and Eleven Yao.Set in a fictional underworld, the film revolves around ghosts who aspire to become the most successful and renowned stars with their scare tactics and performances among the living.