• Physician-Scientist

MD PhD Essay: The Ultimate Guide

md phd essay

MD-PhD programs  combine medical school training with the demands of scientific research. Graduates of these hybrid programs can pursue a variety of career paths, but the ultimate goal of MD PhD programs is to train physician-scientists. The MD PhD program is a long and difficult process, lasting between seven to eight years. On top of your personal statement and  AMCAS Work and Activities  section, you will have to submit two additional essays through AMCAS: The Significant Research Experience Essay and the MD PhD Essay. Many applicants find the MD PhD essay quite challenging since it lacks the definitive expectations of the research experience essay. So in today's blog, you'll learn exactly how to write a strong MD PhD essay.

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Article Contents 15 min read

What is the md phd essay and what is its purpose.

MD PhD admissions offices seek to ensure that the students they admit are ready to commit to many years of rigorous training and study. If you want to apply to MD PhD vs MD programs, keep in mind that there is more work involved in the application process as you'll have two additional essays to complete. The MD PhD essay is a unique component of the application process and it's where you'll discuss your reasons behind pursuing the joint program.

To understand what admissions committees are looking for in this essay, you need to first understand what kind of professionals they are hoping to train. A physician-scientist values medical research and progress above other elements of the medical profession. They will most likely spend their time in clinical settings, but mainly in relation to their research. Due to the large emphasis on research, clinical care is not their primary role. Research, discovery, and the application of new knowledge is their main interest. With this said, their research still directly involves clinical work and patient well-being, otherwise, they could have simply pursued a PhD. This intricate balance between research and medicine must be demonstrated in your MD PhD essay, with a larger emphasis on research.

Your MD PhD essay must show that you wouldn’t be satisfied with a career that didn't involve both medical research and clinical practice. You must demonstrate that pursuing just one or the other is not right for you. Your essay should not make you appear indecisive, as if you cannot choose between MD and PhD programs. Instead, you must show that you will be most fulfilled working as a physician-scientist. Overall, your essay must answer the question “Why did you choose the combined MD PhD program?”

Research experience

Your MD PhD essay should tell the story of how you became involved in scientific research and how you want to apply this research to medical practice. Your personal statement, research essay, and your MD PhD essay may sometimes touch upon the same experiences, but you will want to approach each of them from different angles. While your personal statement typically focuses on how you came to medicine in general, your MD PhD essay should answer how your interests and qualifications combine science and medical practice. Have a look at our blog if you're looking for medical school personal statement examples .

Admissions committees are looking for certain qualities and experiences in their applicants. Every scientist should possess creativity and curiosity. Maturity and critical thinking are also essential, as MD PhD applicants will have to face unexpected problems and challenges during training and throughout their careers. Other valuable qualities include grit, initiative, academic prowess, and of course, a love of research. If you don't like research, then the joint program is definitely not for you! Many MD PhD programs aim to prepare future leaders of research initiatives and projects. Your essay does not need to dive into the fine details of your research experiences but you should highlight 2-3 experiences that were significant while discussing what you learned from them. Demonstrating perseverance is also key since the scientific method is often a repetitive and frustrating process. It’s perfectly acceptable to highlight any setbacks you experienced during the research process as long as you can speak to how you overcame these challenges and what you learned in doing so.

Remember, your MD PhD essay is a tough balancing act. While it is important to describe your solid research background throughout your application, if all your application components focus only on research, you may have a problem. This would be great for someone who wants to pursue a PhD, but research only experience is not suitable if you want to pursue a combined program. Your MD PhD essay must show a crossover between your scientific research and the experiences you have had working with patients and physicians. For example, you could show that your research is inspired by clinical experience or you could discuss a significant patient interaction during your experience working in a clinical setting. Your interest in MD PhD programs may also be inspired by your concern for the medical issues facing your community, your country, or the world.

Why you are pursuing the joint program

The MD PhD essay is the only component of your application process which directly questions your passion for the combination of the two fields. Make sure that your MD PhD essay and Significant Research Experience Essay are not the same. You have a small amount of space to express your desire to become a physician-scientist, so do not waste it by repeating the same information in all your application components. The Significant Research Experience Essay is where you’ll include all the details of your research experience such as your exact duties, results, and where and with whom you conducted your research.

Use your MD PhD essay to show a larger picture. Admissions offices want to see evidence of problem-solving, maturity, independence, and your level of involvement in a project. Think about how your research experiences foster your scientific curiosity. The MD PhD essay is your chance to show admissions committees the important steps of your journey to the MD PhD program. This is your chance to describe components of your experiences and plans, which might not be evident from your other application materials.

Avoid including cliché topics or phrases in your essay. Many applicants indeed have similar stories of how they became interested in the medical profession. While these reasons may be common, your experiences are unique. Your essay must stand out and leave a lasting positive impression on the reader. Similarly, do not include grand statements linking your choice to enter the MD PhD program to destiny. These will only come across as dramatic, which isn't what you want to convey.

Remember not to describe any negative experiences and their effect on your decision to apply to MD PhD programs. For example, don't discuss how you believe that the academic job market does not look promising for a PhD graduate. Discussing failures in research however, is different, and can be a great way to demonstrate resilience. Frustrating experiences in research are common, so rather than describing the negative aspect of your failures in research, try to describe how this experience positively affected your journey.

Another thing you must avoid in your MD PhD essay is listing accomplishments and skills that are already found in your CV. Your personal statement is not meant to be a reiteration of your CV, instead, it should be your story – one that you will share with the admissions committees. Take them on a journey, in chronological order, highlighting the significant experiences that have led you to want to pursue both medicine and research. With each experience, you must reflect on what you've learned and you need to provide evidence to support any statements. It's not enough to simply state “I demonstrated compassion volunteering at a homeless shelter”. You must show the admissions committees how you demonstrated compassion. For example, you could discuss a specific interaction you had, or a specific project you worked on that demonstrates your ability to show compassion.

What to avoid in your MD-PhD essay:

Your MD-PhD essay should be a story! Avoid simply listing what is already in your CV. "}]" code="timeline1">

Check out our video for some more tips on how to write the MD PhD essay:

How to Structure your MD PhD essay

If you’re applying to MD PhD programs through AMCAS, the MD PhD essay must be no longer than 3000 characters, typically, one page in length. Your essay must be well structured and it's important to avoid any fluff or unnecessarily descriptive language. It must be succinct while containing all the necessary information to make a complete impression of your candidacy. Overall, it should follow the structure of an academic essay and should contain an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Successful essays will have a powerful introduction, which will introduce the reader to the main message of the letter – your motivation for pursuing the joint program. The opening sentence, in particular, can make or break your entire essay. If it isn’t captivating, unique, and interesting, you risk losing the reader’s attention, which could result in your essay blending in with the thousands of other essays.

To create a unique opening sentence, considering beginning your essay with a personal anecdote. Essentially, you could narrate a personal experience or story that introduces the topic – this is a very common technique in personal essays and it's very effective. For example, you could talk about a time you were ill, an exciting moment during your research, an encounter with the medical system, or even a story of a loved one who was ill or passed away. If you had a specific experience or revelatory “aha” moment, where all of a sudden you just knew you wanted to become a physician-scientist, then this can be a great way to open your essay.

Body paragraphs

The body of your essay has to reveal how your experiences in research and clinical medicine have prepared you for a career as a physician-scientist. Essentially, this is where you provide evidence to the admissions committee to justify your reasons for pursuing the joint program. It’s important that you demonstrate not only your suitability for both research and medicine but that you've taken the steps necessary to test drive your future career. Try to include two or three experiences that demonstrate your expertise as a researcher and future physician.

Remember to always focus on quality, rather than quantity. When deciding which experiences to include, pick the experiences that were most transformative in your journey towards medicine and research. For example, you could highlight a patient interaction that influenced your research interests or a research or lab experience that pushed you towards considering the combined program. If your research made you realize the wider implications of your profession and its relationship to medical practice, it's a great experience to include. It is wise to remember the AAMC’s core competencies when describing your clinical and research experiences. These competencies may help you find connections between your desire to practice both science and medicine.

A strong MD PhD essay conclusion should include a creative reiteration of why you want to pursue training in both medicine and research. Do not make your conclusion into a dry summary of your essay. Rather, it should discuss how your research experience and clinical experience complement each other and should tie together the overall theme of your essay. Your final sentence should leave the reader with a lasting impression that you are a suitable candidate for their MD PhD program.

Once you’ve constructed your essay, be prepared for multiple rounds of revisions and re-edits, ideally, with the help of a medical school advisor . Never underestimate the importance of revision in getting your essay just right. Enlisting the help of a professional who knows exactly what admissions committees are looking for can help you create a powerful essay that will stand out. Family and friends are a good start with your essay, but for a truly unbiased review, it's best to consult a professional with years of experience. Writing your MD PhD essay is a challenge, but do not lose sight of the message you are trying to get across. It is important to keep in mind that the experiences you include in your MD PhD essay must reinforce your desire and need to become a physician-scientist – this is the central purpose of your statement.

MD PhD Essay Example #1:

Amidst crying babies in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), I asked my current mentor, “How do physicians and scientists approach a disease differently?” [Name of doctor] with over 30 years of experience in her neonatal practice and perinatal brain research, replied, “A physician looks at disease top-down while a scientist looks at disease bottom-up.” Her answer resonated with me because at that moment I realized the value of converging physician and scientists’ interpretations of disease. My goal as a physician-scientist will be to draw connections between physiopathology of disease and molecular properties of drug candidates in order to characterize its efficacy and mechanism of action in the process of drug development.

My research experience led me toward a career as a physician-scientist as I began to draw connections between the properties of therapeutic proteins in the body and the impact it could have on patients. In [name of doctor] 's lab, I found intercellular adhesion molecule-5 could serve as a diagnostic tool for HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders since its presence in serum meant brain damage. While in [name of doctor]'s lab, my experiments showed overexpression of sigma-1 receptor protein (S1R) in cancer cells causes them to proliferate. PKC inhibitor that suppresses S1R signals to cell could mean a treatment strategy for cancer patients.

As a research assistant in [name of doctor] ’s lab, researching inter-alpha inhibitor protein (IAIP) as a drug candidate for neonatal hypoxia ischemia encephalopathy (HIE), I visited the NICU where I witnessed the distress of both the premature babies and their families. Working in the lab, I was not fully aware of the human impact of HIE but speaking with physicians I began to understand the need for developing a new therapeutic strategy for HIE as the current treatment—hypoxia is only partially protective. It was here I realized a physician-scientist sits in an advantageous position to explore new therapeutic options that being a researcher, or a physician alone could not.

By working in the lab and hospital, I considered the perspectives of both physicians and scientists as I investigated IAIP’s neuroprotective mechanism. From a physician’s point of view, I understood HIE-associated brain injury is caused by inflammation after energy deprivation. From a scientist’s view, IAIP protects the cell by suppressing pro-inflammatory cytokine production. IAIP’s mechanism can be hypothesized and tested by exploring how IAIP’s molecular properties influences HIE’s pathology, so I am currently performing histological and cell culture studies to understand IAIP’s mechanism in tissue and cell.

My intention is to be a physician-scientist because the overlap of the two professions brings out the best of medicine—translation of bench research into medical devices and drugs that can be used in the clinical arena for patient care.

What makes this essay great:

  • The essay begins with a personal anecdote, which instantly captivates the reader's attention and transports them into the NICU with the student.
  • The student describes their revelations at each point in their story, in particular, where their initial interest in medicine and research began, and when they understood the intricate interconnection between both fields.
  • The student demonstrates their curiosity into the mechanisms behind disease, and it's interesting to see how they investigate complex issues from both a physician and scientist point of view.
  • The student utilizes excellent transitional sentences allowing for the essay to flow well and the body paragraphs are well constructed. Through strong examples and evidence, the student supports their statements and discussions effectively, ie, showing instead of telling.

Click here to view the example.

MD PhD Essay Example #3:

1. Can I change my research direction during my studies, or will I have to stick to the research field I identified in my personal statement and MD PhD essay?

The majority of applicants only have a general idea of what area of research they want to pursue in the future. For this reason, it is completely normal for you to change direction in your research throughout your studies. Most likely, you will have to get more research experience to realize what type of research you want to follow. In your MD PhD essay, the admissions committees will value the quality of your research experience, rather than the field. They want to see your ability to ask the right questions, design experiments, conduct analysis, and so on. This will show your scientific skills and qualifications, which can be transferred to any field.

2. Do I have a chance of getting accepted into MD PhD programs if I have limited research experience?

Research experience is essential when applying to MD PhD programs. Admissions committees want to select students who have a history of conducting meaningful academic research and have the potential to progress knowledge in the medical profession. It is normal for applicants to be uncertain of what research project they want to pursue in the future, but you must have some background in scientific study. If you have zero research experience, it's best to wait until you can gain some relevant experience before applying. You can, on the other hand, make a positive impression in your MD PhD essay if you convey a strong interest and experience in a research project – even if you have only one experience to reference. Your progress and commitment to a specific research area can make you stand out as long term dedication will always impress admissions committees. It is not necessary to be involved in dozens of research projects or make any groundbreaking scientific discoveries to enter the MD PhD program. Be sure to include and highlight your significant experiences in research throughout your application. Always focus on what you have learned and accomplished and don't be afraid to discuss your setbacks in addition to your accomplishments.

3. Should my research and my clinical experience be in the same field?

It’s great if you have research and clinical experiences that are related - this way you could write about how you worked with patients who had problems related to your scientific research and how you enjoyed helping them in a clinical setting. You can emphasize that you know from experience how fundamental research could be in providing a cure or treating a disease. However, you do not need to have clinical experience related to your research experience and interests. You can create a strong MD PhD essay by describing the research you plan to do in the context of a larger problem you want to solve and not just a question you want to explore. If you are looking to do research where you haven't worked with a related patient population, it could still be good to discuss the broader picture of why you think that research is important and how it might help communities in the future.

4. Do I need to have publications to apply to MD PhD programs?

Publications are not necessary, especially if you are applying directly out of your undergrad degree. Admissions committees and program directors are aware of how difficult it is to contribute to publication at such an early stage in your education. If you do have publications to include in your application – please do! Publications can certainly give you a competitive edge as not every applicant will have this experience. Keep in mind that you must have an in-depth understanding of the research you participate in because you will likely be asked about it during your interviews, regardless of your level of contribution.

5. Are letters of reference important for MD PhD applications?

Absolutely. Admissions committees value outside perspectives on whether or not you will be suitable for their joint program. Research related references are especially important. Try to form good relationships with your research mentors, professors, directors, and principal investigators. Make sure you select referees that know you well. They should be able to give a detailed account of your research involvement and your strengths as a researcher and critical thinker. They should also be able to emphasize your maturity, reliability, and any other strength unique to you.

6. Can I apply to MD and MD PhD programs at the same time?

Yes, you can. You'll be able to indicate which schools and which programs you’re applying to in your AMCAS application. Many schools that reject you for MD PhD programs will still consider you for the regular MD stream. 

7. Is a career as a physician-scientist my only option if I graduate from the MD PhD program?

Not necessarily, however, it is important to think about your future career plans when you apply to any professional program. The MD PhD training is very costly in terms of time and money for you and the institution that admits you, so try to reflect on whether your goals coincide with the goals of the MD PhD program you want to attend. Becoming a full-time physician and tending to patients are amazing goals, but they do not require a PhD in addition to an MD. If you want to become a physician-scientist, then you should plan to spend most of your time and efforts on research and less time in clinical practice. If you want to become a physician who works on making discoveries in the medical field, then the MD PhD program may be for you. Career-wise, most MD PhD graduates end up in careers that combine patient care and research. Many end up at academic medical centers, research institutions, or in the pharmaceutical/biotech industry. A large number of MD PhD graduates end up in academia as well.

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the md phd essay


How to Write Successful Md-PhD and Significant Research Experience Essays

Ivy Divider

MD-PhD Essay

The MD-PhD Essay is a straightforward “ Why essay ” — in other words, admissions is hoping to learn why you’re pursuing the combined MD-PhD degree. This essay is limited to 3,000 characters, which comes out to about 500-600 words or one page single-spaced. 

In order to submit a winning MD-PhD essay, we recommend getting creative. Since these essays are so straightforward, it’s very easy for them to read as dry and impersonal. See if instead, you can tell admissions a story that will both answer the question, “Why are you pursuing a combined MD-PhD degree?” and reveal more information about yourself.

Maybe you want to open your essay with an anecdote from your dinner table in the late 90s, when you took your first stab at Operation (pun intended). Or perhaps your story starts at a cabin with your favorite relative, who encouraged you to find meaningful, rewarding work that serves your community. Regardless of where your story begins, try your best to frame it as just that: a story.  

Significant Research Essay

In addition to the MD-PhD Essay, you are required to write an essay that is frequently referred to as the Significant Research Experience Essay, which — you guessed it! — describes your noteworthy research experiences. In this essay, AMCAS asks applicants to specify their research supervisor’s name and affiliation, the duration of the study, the nature of the issue examined, and their specific contributions to the research effort. This essay is limited to 10,000 characters.

If your research resulted in a publication of which you were an author, you will also be asked to enter the full citation in the Work/Activities section of your application.

The Significant Research Experience essay is about as academic as they come, and for that reason, we advise you to stick to the facts. If you have notes, now is the time to reference them. If your research experience is lacking, use any extra space you have to focus on why the research experience was significant to you, and how you might continue to research this problem or event in the future.

Ultimately, like with all admissions essays, your goal for both of these assignments should be to give admissions a clear understanding of your background and the next steps you will take if you are accepted!

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Written by Kat Stubing

Category: Admissions , Uncategorized

Tags: MD-PhD essay , med school , med school admissions , medical school , medical school applications , medical school secondaries , Significant Research essay


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the md phd essay

The Complete MD/PhD Applicant Guide

How to Become a Double Doctor

  • © 2021
  • Jonathan Sussman 0 ,
  • Jordan Setayesh 1 ,
  • Amitej Venapally 2

Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA

You can also search for this author in PubMed   Google Scholar

University of Michigan Medical School, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA

Emory school of medicine, emory university, atlanta, usa.

Explains the MD/PhD application process from the perspective of recent applicants who share their anecdotal experiences

Contains a collection of example essays

Delineates the important differences between an MD and MD/PhD application

Provides helpful suggestions and resources for every step of the application process

34k Accesses

2 Citations

5 Altmetric

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  • Application process

Table of contents (15 chapters)

Front matter, what is an md/phd.

  • Jonathan Sussman, Jordan Setayesh, Amitej Venapally

What Do MD/PhDs Do and Who Should Become One?

Prerequisite requirements, the md/phd application basics and timeline, researching schools: where to apply, the personal comments essay, the md/phd essay, the significant research experience essay, the work and activities section, secondary applications and the casper test, interview invitations: what to expect, interview types: preparation and strategy, the waiting game: it’s not over yet, acceptances, second looks, and matriculation, additional resources, back matter, authors and affiliations.

Jonathan Sussman

Jordan Setayesh

Amitej Venapally

About the authors

Jonathan Sussman graduated from the University of Southern California (USC) in 2019 with dual degrees in Biomedical Engineering and Music Performance. He has conducted Systems Cancer Biology research at USC as an undergraduate researcher and Molecular Biology research at The Scripps Research Institute as a research assistant and is now pursuing an MD/PhD at the University of Pennsylvania in the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology with an emphasis in Cancer Biology.

Jordan Setayesh graduated from the University of California San Diego (UCSD) in 2018 with a degree in Biochemistry and Cell Biology. He conducted developmental biology research as an undergraduate researcher at Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine from 2016-2020. He is now pursuing an MD/PhD degree at the University of Michigan Medical School and Rackham Graduate School.

 Amitej Venapally graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2020 with dual degrees in Biochemistry and Computer Science. He has conducted RNA biology and origin of life research at Georgia Tech as an undergraduate researcher. He is now pursuing an MD/PhD degree at the Emory University School of Medicine.

Bibliographic Information

Book Title : The Complete MD/PhD Applicant Guide

Book Subtitle : How to Become a Double Doctor

Authors : Jonathan Sussman, Jordan Setayesh, Amitej Venapally

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-55625-9

Publisher : Springer Cham

eBook Packages : Medicine , Medicine (R0)

Copyright Information : The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

Softcover ISBN : 978-3-030-55624-2 Published: 23 September 2020

eBook ISBN : 978-3-030-55625-9 Published: 22 September 2020

Edition Number : 1

Number of Pages : XXV, 189

Number of Illustrations : 1 b/w illustrations, 6 illustrations in colour

Topics : Medicine/Public Health, general , Medical Education

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Admissions: Applying to the MD-PhD Program

We seek applicants who are committed to pursuing a career as a physician-scientists. We value students who are curious, creative, compassionate, and resilient, and bring a diverse range of personal experiences, viewpoints, and academic interests to our collaborative and innovative community.

Candidates must submit their application to the Yale School of Medicine which includes the AMCAS and the Yale Secondary Applications and indicate their interest in being considered for the MD-PhD Program. All applications are holistically reviewed to find candidates whose academic and personal experiences indicate exceptional potential and a commitment to pursue MD and PhD training at Yale. Among the things we look for in a candidate's application are:

  • Significant research experience(s) with evidence of increasing independence, responsibility, and depth of contributions
  • Outstanding letters of recommendation, including those from research mentors who can reflect upon your potential for success as a physician-scientist
  • Personal statements that allow us to understand your reasons for training as a physician-scientist
  • Activities that reflect your curiosity, compassion, maturity, leadership, grit
  • Broad academic excellence, not reflected solely in MCAT scores or GPA

Admissions Timeline

November 15 November 1 November-February All interviews (MD and MD-PhD) are conducted virtually
AMCAS Application Open June 1- October 1
AMCAS Application Deadline October 15
Yale Secondary Application Deanline November 15
Letters for Recommendation deadline
MD-PhD Inteviews
Notification of acceptance to MD-PhD Program March 15
Second Look for Admitted Students (in-person) March/April
Acceptance response deadline April 30

Invitations for interview will be sent via email from September to January. All interviews are virtual and will be scheduled over a two-day period. Candidates have interviews with members of both the MD and MD-PhD Interviewing subcommittees, non-evaluative meetings with MD-PhD program faculty and students, and informational sessions with the program director and current students. Social events and student buddies will help you learn more about the MD-PhD community at Yale and about living in New Haven. As part of the invitation to interview, we will provide a survey link that allows you to request informal meetings with up to five Yale faculty whose research is of interest to you. These informal discussions are not part of the admissions evaluation but are made available to you so that you can get a more complete picture of what Yale has to offer. Applicants who are not invited to interview for the MD-PhD Program will be offered the option to have their application considered for MD-only admission.

Special Instructions for Applicants Interested in “non-traditional” PhD programs

MD-PhD applicants who plan to pursue their PhD in Anthropology, Economics, History of Science & Medicine, Philosophy, Religious Studies or Sociology must submit applications to both the MD-PhD program and to the PhD program. (A link to the PhD program application will be sent to such students when their complete MD-PhD program application is received.) Interview invitations will be made after both applications have been reviewed. Materials required to support the PhD program application are detailed below. Students interested in these programs are encouraged to contact the MD-PhD program to indicate their interest and to obtain the most up-to-date information about specific PhD program requirements. Please note: the completed MD-PhD application must be received by October 15th and the PhD application completed by November 1st to allow full review and consideration for interview.

Requested additional materials:

  • Anthropology
  • History of Science and Medicine
  • Religious Studies
  • Please upload a current resume/CV.
  • Applicants to Economics (Only) – GRE Test Scores required

Important information to keep in mind:

  • The " personal statement of academic purpose " is carefully evaluated by PhD program faculty; when requested, it should be prepared with this audience in mind. This document should be a succinct statement of 500-1,000 words explaining why you are applying to Yale for graduate study, describing your past research, your preparation for the intended field of study, your academic plans for graduate study at Yale (e.g. your proposed research project), and your subsequent career objectives. Explain how the faculty, research, and resources at Yale would contribute to your future goals.
  • You may submit a letter of recommendation from the same individual as part of both the AMCAS and GSAS applications; we encourage you to ask the recommenders most capable of speaking to your preparation for the PhD program of study to submit their letters to both AMCAS and GSAS. Once you identify a recommender in the GSAS Admissions Portal, they will receive an email providing instructions and access information.
  • No application fee to GSAS will be required to submit these additional materials.
  • The MCAT will be accepted in lieu of the GRE except for candidates to Economics.

Gap years are not necessary for applicants . Nationally, >75% of MD-PhD students have taken at least one gap year after college 1 . Gap years can help applicants gain research or clinical experience necessary for deciding whether dual-degree training is right for them. Or they can provide time to travel, work, or take the MCAT and apply. But gap years per se are not necessary to be admitted to MD-PhD programs! The distribution of gap years taken by Yale MD-PhD applicants, interviewed or accepted candidates, and matriculated students for 2019-2023 shows a median “gap” of 2 years for interviewed, accepted, and matriculated applicants But 18% of our current students joined the program immediately after graduating from college.

Diversity and inclusion are central to our mission; our goal is to train students with a wide range of backgrounds, personal identities, and research interests to become physician-scientists. MD-PhD students who matriculated in the past five years completed their undergraduate degrees at accredited four-year institutions all over the United States and territories, and include students who have attended community colleges, historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and small, non-research-intensive colleges. Demographics of current students, as self-identified in their AMCAS medical school applications, are shown below. We encourage individuals with disabilities or who may be from economically, socially, culturally and/or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds to apply to our Program. Yale is committed to providing an accessible and inclusive environment to individuals with disabilities by ensuring that appropriate academic and technical accommodations are available to students. Please contact the MD-PhD Office and Student Accessibility Services for further information. U.S. citizens, permanent residents, refugees, asylees, DACA recipients and international students are all eligible to apply for admission to the MD-PhD Program.

1 Brass LF, Fitzsimonds RM, Akabas MH. Gaps between college and starting an MD-PhD program are adding years to physician-scientist training time. JCI Insight. 2021;e156168 [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]

Yale's MD-PhD Program grants full consideration to students who plan to pursue a PhD program in departments that are part of the Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS) , the School of Public Health (YSPH) , School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) , and some departments of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS ). Please click on the links for more information on specific PhD programs. Current students are pursuing their PhD training in the following programs and departments.

PhD Program/Department #
PhD Program/Department #
Anthropology* 1 History of Science and Medicine* 3
Applied Mathematics 1 Immunobiology 22
Biomedical Engineering 8 INP: Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program 26
C&MP: Cellular & Molecular Physiology 7 MBB: Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry 1
Chemistry 1 MCDB: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology 1
Computational Biology & Bioinformatics 1 Microbiology Graduate Program 4
EPH: Chronic Disease Epidemiology 1 NIH-GPP 1
EPH: Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases 6 Not yet affiliated 39
EPH: Health Policy Management 2 Pharmacology 1
Experimental Pathology Program 8 Religious Studies* 1
Genetics 18 Translational Biomedicine 1

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Ph.D. in English

Our nationally ranked Ph.D. program provides specialized training in literary, cultural and language studies for students who plan to teach at universities and colleges. 

Related Resources

  • English Ph.D. Handbook
  • Job Placement

English Ph.D. students pursue individualized programs of study within the parameters of our degree requirements; they share the qualities of excellent critical thinking and writing, and above all, of intellectual curiosity. Admission to the Ph.D. program is highly competitive, but all admitted students receive a five-year funding package. Once our students enter, they are mutually supportive and develop networks of collegial friends often maintained beyond their time at UMD.

Our students gain extensive teaching experience as part of their training at UMD, and our placement record is among the best in the nation.

Students moving successfully toward the Ph.D. degree are expected to complete the degree typically in five to six years. To maintain their status, students are expected to make satisfactory progress; those who do not may be eligible to change their degree objective from the Ph.D. to the M.A.

The Ph.D. curriculum offers opportunities for advanced study in a variety of literary and language fields, including literary and cultural history; aesthetic, critical and cultural theory; digital and media studies; humanistic engagement with the sciences; and language, rhetoric and composition. The curriculum addresses a series of broad questions relevant to such studies: What are the histories, genealogies and futures of literary, cultural and rhetorical studies? What is the relationship of such work to society, politics and history? To the media of representation and communication? To reading and writing practices? To disciplinarity and institutional contexts? How do we conceptualize, teach and apprehend aesthetics through literary and other modes of cultural expression? The courses available to doctoral students particularize such broad issues and, together with extensive attention to pedagogy and teacher-training, have as a general objective the training of students to identify and formulate compelling research questions and the preparation of students for long-term careers in academia.

The program combines flexibility with consistent and continuous mentorship from the faculty and the director of Graduate Studies (DGS). The degree requirements are as follows:

  • a minimum of 10 courses (30 credits) at the graduate level, including three required courses, with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.6 (see Satisfactory Progress)
  • between 3 and 6 credits of ENGL898, Pre-candidacy Research
  • reading facility in a second language
  • successful passage of a qualifying examination
  • an approved dissertation prospectus
  • a successful dissertation defense

Students who begin the Ph.D. program having earned an M.A. in English would be expected to complete a minimum of 8courses (24 credits) of coursework.

Course Requirements

The Ph.D. requires a minimum of 10 courses (30 credits) for students entering the program without an M.A. This includes 2 required courses. All coursework must be completed with a minimum of a 3.6 GPA (see Satisfactory Progress). Students are required to take ENGL601: “Introduction to Graduate Studies”; and ENGL611: “Approaches to College Composition” as part of their 10 course requirement. In addition, students will select a minimum of 8 additional graduate courses. The degree assumes conversance with the major body of English and American literature as well as familiarity with bibliography, research methods and other necessary tools of the trade.

Students may take up to 2 independent-study courses to fulfill 600-level electives. Students interested in taking an independent-study course for elective credit should collaborate with their professor in writing up an intended course of study and file it with the Graduate Office for approval by the DGS before the first day of classes each semester. Please see the form here .

Students may also make special arrangements to do additional work in their 600-level courses to have those courses count as a seminar/700 level course. Students wishing to take a 600-level class as a seminar must provide the Graduate Studies Office with the required seminar credit form and syllabus detailing the additional work that will be undertaken in order for the course to be counted as a 700-level seminar at the beginning of the semester. Students may not take an independent study for seminar/700 level credit except in extreme circumstances and only after receiving permission from the DGS.

Newly admitted Ph.D. students entering the program with an M.A. from another institution should meet with the director of Graduate Studies (DGS) to have their academic record evaluated; the DGS will establish what courses taken during the previous M.A. can count toward the Ph.D. distribution requirements or recommend courses that will enable their completion. Students who begin the Ph.D. program having earned an M.A. in English from another institution would be expected to complete a minimum of 8 courses (24 credits) of coursework, but may be required to complete more at the DGS’s discretion. All Ph.D. students should select courses with two primary goals in mind: 1) filling in gaps in their knowledge of literary history and 2) developing an area of scholarly expertise and professionalization.

The DGS will help students select courses and act as the general advisor for students entering the program. Students will be assigned mentoring teams just prior to their first semester and this mentoring team, in conjunction with the DGS, will help them select courses for the second semester. After the first year in coursework, students can work directly with their mentors to choose appropriate courses.

During the coursework phase of the program each student will meet with his or her advising team and/or the DGS in order to assess academic progress and to discuss his or her intended degree track and plans for professionalization. Students whose GPA for the first completed 15 credits of coursework is 3.0 or lower will be offered the option of pursuing the terminal M.A. degree or of resigning from the graduate program altogether.

A note on incompletes: Students are generally discouraged from taking incompletes, but especially so at the beginning of their coursework, in order to ensure that academic progress can be accurately assessed. If an incomplete is necessary in the first 15 credits of coursework, the DGS must be consulted in addition to the instructor of the course. 

Foreign Language Requirement

Students must demonstrate, by equivalencies or exam, reading knowledge of one language other than English. When satisfying this requirement, students are encouraged to choose a foreign language that is appropriate for his or her area of doctoral studies. The director of Graduate Studies (DGS), the student's mentors and the student will coordinate in determining the appropriate language. In addition to the foreign language requirement administered by the Graduate Studies Office (GSO), the student's dissertation committee may also recommend more advanced proficiency in the language selected and/or work in an additional language; however, the student is obliged to be tested on (or to provide an equivalent for) only one language. The foreign language requirement must be fulfilled before the student can be admitted to his or her qualifying exam and no later than the fifth semester in the program in order to maintain satisfactory progress.

Equivalencies : Equivalencies include: native speaking ability; undergraduate major; passage of an equivalent requirement in another graduate program; a grade of B or better in a 300-level course in the language taken at the University of Maryland after starting the Ph.D. program. A 300-level course must emphasize the fluent use of the language in a variety of formats and all major assignments in the course must be conducted in the language and not in English. The written work for the course must be evaluated for language and style as well as for organizational accuracy and coherence. The DGS will determine whether coursework or other equivalencies are appropriate and sufficiently recent to attest to proficiency.

Timeline : If foreign language equivalency is not fulfilled prior to admission, students have the option of taking a foreign language exam at the end of their first or second semester of the Ph.D. program. Students who have not fulfilled the foreign language requirement by the end of their second semester will test out of or enroll in a prerequisite entry-level foreign language class in their third semester. Students will have the opportunity of (re-) taking the exam during the first week of their third semester. Students who pass the exam can drop the prerequisite language class. Students who do not pass will complete (or test out of) the pre-requisite class and will have another opportunity to take the language exam at the end of their third semester. Students who have not fulfilled the foreign language requirement by the end of their third semester will take a 300-level language class in their fourth semester. Students who do not receive a grade of “B” or better in the foreign language class during their fourth semester will retake the class or/and the language exam in their fifth semester. (Students admitted prior to Fall 2015 must fulfill their foreign language requirement by their 5th semester in the program, and before taking a qualifying exam, but are exempt from the rest of this timeline.)

The Foreign Language Exam : At least one month prior to the exam, students will choose and submit to the GSO for its approval two books of at least 200 pages in the foreign language, one primary work and one secondary work (both works must have been originally written in the target language and may not be translated works). The GSO will determine the appropriateness of the student’s choice. ('Appropriateness' does not necessarily mean that the primary text must come from your period of specialization and that the secondary text must be about your period, simply that the texts are equivalent in difficulty to other texts students are tested on.) Once the student’s choice of texts has been approved, the GSO will assign an appropriate faculty member to administer the exam and provide this faculty member with a set of guidelines and expectations for the foreign language exam. The faculty member administering the exam will choose a 250- to 300-word passage from each, the primary and the secondary work. The student will have three hours to prepare the translation with the help of a dictionary. The faculty administrator will evaluate the translations and determine whether or not the student passed or failed, based on the guidelines provided by the GSO. The GSO will keep on file all exams and make them available to students preparing for the exam.

Students will be assigned two faculty mentors in their first year and will serve as a research assistant for one of them in the fall and the other in the spring.

These advising teams are charged with meeting with the student at least once each semester and with filing a report (no more than a page) each semester on the student’s progress with the Graduate Studies office. Students are expected to remain in regular contact with their advisors.  The members of each advising team will help students select courses, otherwise navigate the program and begin the process of professionalization, and they will act generally as resources for the student, as well as sign off on the student's self-evaluation form. The DGS will remain available to all students in all stages of the program to assist in advising.

As students are preparing to advance to candidacy, the advising team will help the student form the qualifying examination committee. The advising committee may be separate from the examination committee. From this point until the constitution of the dissertation defense committee, the qualifying examination committee will act as the student's primary advisors.

All students are expected to keep regular contact with the DGS and their advising teams throughout all stages of the program. Measures to be used to assess progress include the student’s grades, other evidence of the quality of coursework, schedule for meeting requirements for candidacy and schedule for completing the dissertation.

Qualifying Exams

To advance to candidacy, all Ph.D. students must complete the oral Qualifying Examination. The language requirement must be satisfied before a student can take his or her qualifying exam. Students should contact the Graduate Office eight weeks before to schedule an exam date and reserve a room. A signed copy of the reading list must also be submitted when scheduling the exam .

Planning for the Qualifying Examination

In order to be admitted to Qualifying Exams, students must have satisfactorily completed all their coursework and met the foreign language requirement. Students with outstanding incompletes in coursework are not eligible to take the exam. Students should consult with their appointed advising teams in forming an examination committee that will administer the Qualifying Exam and serve as the student's advising committee until the constitution of the dissertation committee. The exam committee consists of four graduate faculty members, including a chair and three committee members. (Please note that while many students do keep the same committee for their dissertation, it is not a requirement.) Students register for a range of 3 to 6 credit hours of ENGL898, “Pre-Candidacy Research,” and are expected to meet regularly with the chair and at least one member of their examination committees under this rubric.

We encourage Ph.D. students to take the Qualifying Examination by their sixth semester in the doctoral program and expect them to sit for the exam no later than their seventh semester. Students who received an M.A. prior to admission are expected to complete coursework more quickly and take their qualifying exams as early as the fifth semester in the program.

The Reading List

The Qualifying Examination is based on a reading list compiled by the student in consultation with his or her committee. The list will include roughly 80-120 works, chosen to cover two of the following categories: a literary period; a recognized field; the proposed area of the dissertation.  For students planning to work in literature, it is assumed that a 100-year period will be covered. The field may be interpreted as any discrete literary concern that has accrued a body of serious critical thought and may include such diverse subjects as genre; literary, linguistic or theoretical criticism or methodology; a sub-period. Typically, students develop a literary period or field list of approximately 75 works and a more focused list of 25 works on the proposed dissertation topic; also typically, around 80 percent of the list consists of primary texts and 20 percent of secondary titles. But there are wide varieties in lists (some will be longer than others; some will have more criticism than others; etc.) The reading list must be approved by the committee chair and all committee members eight weeks prior to the examination. A copy of the reading list, signed by your committee, must be turned into the Graduate Office eight weeks prior to scheduling the exam.

The exam consists of two 60-minute parts: 1) an oral presentation by the student and follow-up discussion of the presentation; 2) a general examination on the reading lists.

Working in consultation with other members of the committee and the student, the committee chair prepares 2-4 topics for part one of the exam, the student's oral presentation. The student will receive the topics from the Graduate Office one week before the oral examination. The exam begins with the student's 15-20-minute oral presentation on the selected topic. The student may bring a copy of the reading list and brief notes to the exam. Students may also use PowerPoint or any other technological aid for their presentation. A 35-40 minute discussion follows the student's presentation.

Part two is an approximately one-hour examination on the student's two reading lists. The emphasis here is on breadth.

At the conclusion of the examination the student leaves the room and the committee discusses and votes on the student's performance. Three passing votes constitute a passing grade on the exam. If the student fails the exam, they can retake the exam the following semester. The student will receive a written assessment from the chair of the committee indicating the reasons for the failure. The examination committee and reading list should remain the same from the initial to the second attempt. Changes must be requested, in writing, to the DGS, and may be made only upon approval by the DGS. Failing the exam a second time disqualifies the student from continuing in the Ph.D. program. The DGS or a representative from the Graduate Studies Committee will be present at the second attempt to ensure procedural fairness. The chair of the examining committee informs the director of Graduate Studies in writing about the result of the exam.

Teaching assistants receive a step promotion and a small raise in stipend once they have advanced to candidacy. Upon advancing to candidacy, the student has four years to complete the dissertation; the Graduate School grants extensions only in extreme circumstances.  Students generally complete the dissertation in 2-3 years. Candidacy forms to be submitted to the Graduate School must be filed at the English graduate office. See Ph.D. Deadlines and Paperwork. Upon advancing to candidacy, students are expected to file a dissertation progress form (save to your hard drive to access the text fields) with the Graduate Office each semester.

Dissertation Prospectus

The prospectus is to be submitted within four months of passing the qualifying exam. The prospectus establishes that the student has defined a research question that is worth pursuing and is in a position to do a good job of pursuing it. The prospectus should be developed in consultation with your committee.


Students have successfully passed the qualifying exam and have advanced to candidacy. Upon advancing to candidacy, students are expected to file a dissertation progress form with the Graduate Office each semester. Ph.D. candidates are expected to file an approved dissertation prospectus within four months of passing the qualifying exam. At least three of the four members of the student’s dissertation committee are expected to meet annually with the student to review progress. A successful defense of dissertation is the final requirement for the degree. Students must graduate within four years of advancing to candidacy. All graduate students must register for courses and pay associated tuition and fees each semester, not including summer and winter sessions, until the degree is awarded. 

Dissertation Committee

The Ph.D. student should be thinking about assembling a Dissertation Committee while still taking courses and identifying areas of specialization for the Qualifying Examination. In many cases, the dissertation committee is the same as the Qualifying Examination committee. A Dissertation Committee consists of four faculty members (one of whom may be University of Maryland faculty outside of the English department), who advise the student on his/her dissertation. One member serves as the student's dissertation director. All members of the dissertation committee must be members of the University of Maryland's graduate faculty. If a student wishes to include in his or her dissertation committee a person who is not currently a member of the University's general graduate faculty, that person will have to be nominated by the department as adjunct or special member of the university's graduate faculty and approved as such by the Graduate School. The nomination by the department is made on the recommendation of the department's full graduate faculty by simple majority.

The Ph.D. student should consult with the director of Graduate Studies and his or her advising team concerning the selection of the Dissertation Committee.

The prospectus should demonstrate that the student:

  • has defined and delimited an interesting research question
  • can explain the importance of the research question and the contribution that it will make to the field
  • is familiar with the existing scholarship related to the research question and can describe the relationship of the dissertation project to that scholarship (review of the literature)
  • has developed a theoretical framework for the argument and a methodology for your project.

The prospectus should be between 8-12 pages in length. It should be written in clear prose and include a bibliography. The prospectus, including a one-page abstract and the completed prospectus form (signed by the all four committee members), should be turned in to the English graduate office.

Dissertation Workshop

We urge students to take the Dissertation Workshop (1 credit of ENGL898) in the semester following successful passage of the qualifying examination. Taught by members of the department’s faculty and convened weekly as a seminar, usually during the fall semester, the workshop concentrates on helping students advance their work on the dissertation, whether they are developing a prospectus or writing individual chapters.

Dissertation Template

Please refer to the Graduate School instructions for dissertation templates here (full dissertation template available here ) for clarity and guidance in constructing your dissertation for submission and committee review.

Dissertation Defense Committee

When the dissertation is nearly complete and the major advisor has approved moving on to this penultimate step, the Ph.D. candidate 1) submits to the Graduate School a request to appoint the Dissertation Oral Committee and 2) schedules the dissertation defense. Consisting of five faculty, this committee normally includes the four members of the candidate's Dissertation Committee and an additional member of the university’s graduate faculty serving as the graduate dean's representative.  

In accordance with Graduate School regulations, that representative must be from outside the department. All members of the Defense Committee appointed by the Graduate School must attend the defense. Students must submit their final draft of their dissertation to their committee at least two weeks before the defense date. Typically, the defense is a two-hour discussion of the dissertation. Four of the five members of the Dissertation Defense Committee must approve the dissertation in order for the student to pass.  

Please see the Dissertation Policies here

Submission of Dissertation

The approved dissertation must be submitted electronically to the Graduate School by the deadlines posted for graduation in a given semester (see the Graduate School Deadlines ). Information about all aspects of electronic submission of the dissertation is available on the Graduate School's website .

Completing the Ph.D. involves careful attention to deadlines imposed and paperwork required by the Graduate School.

Students are expected to complete their coursework and meet the foreign language requirement by no later than their fifth semester in the program. Please contact the Graduate Office to schedule your language exam and confirm the acceptability of equivalences if you wish to not take an exam to meet your language requirement. 

Students are expected to advance to candidacy by successfully passing their qualifying examination by their seventh semester in the program. Please contact the Graduate Office to schedule your qualifying exam. Submit your form for candidacy advancement to the Graduate Office (2116 Tawes) upon successful completion of your qualifying exam. Upon advancing to candidacy, students are expected to file a dissertation progress form with the Graduate Office each semester.

Students must file an approved dissertation prospectus with the Graduate Office no later than four months following the qualifying examination. 

Specific deadlines for students intending to graduate will be announced on the English graduate-student reflector and are also available from the Graduate School's Deadlines for Graduates . Most of the necessary paperwork for these deadlines can be found on the Graduate School's General Forms for Graduate Students .

Graduate Admissions

We seek applicants who will enhance our highly motivated, academically accomplished, and intellectually and culturally diverse student body. We normally receive about 100 applications annually for M.A. and Ph.D. programs.

Ph.D. Application Instructions

Submit the complete application and all supporting materials by December 1, 2023 . Please note that the system will close promptly at midnight, so you will be unable to edit your application past 11:59 pm on this date. The system is set to Maryland time (EST). If you are uncertain about what time that the system will close in your timezone, please look it up. We are unable to make exceptions for late applications based on timezone.

Admission to the Ph.D. is highly competitive. If you would like to be considered for the M.A. program if not selected for the Ph.D. program, please indicate that in your personal statement. We expect to enroll between 6-8 Ph.D. students for this year's cohort.

University of Maryland's Graduate Application Process

The University of Maryland’s Graduate School accepts applications through its application system . Before completing the application, applicants are asked to check the Admissions Requirements site for specific instructions.

As required by the Graduate School, all application materials are to be submitted electronically:

  • Graduate Application
  • Non-refundable application fee ($75) for each program
  • Statement of Goals, Research Interests, and Experiences. The statement, which should be around 1000 words, should address relevant aspects of your educational experience, the focus of your academic interests, and reasons for applying to our program. If you are applying to the PhD program but would like to be considered for the MA if you are not selected for the PhD, please indicate that here.
  • Unofficial transcripts of your entire college/university record (undergraduate and graduate), including records of any advanced work done at another institution. Electronic copies of these unofficial transcripts must be uploaded along with your on-line application. Official transcripts will be required after an applicant is admitted to the program.
  • Three letters of recommendation . In your on-line application, please complete fully the information requested for your recommenders and ask them to submit their letters electronically. We do not accept letters through Interfolio.
  •  A single sample of critical writing of approximately 12-20 pages double-spaced (not including works cited/bibliography). While we encourage you to submit your best writing sample, we prefer a writing sample in your declared field of interest. If you are submitting an excerpted selection, please include a brief description or introduction to the selection. The MLA citation format is preferred.
  • Academic CV/Resume

The electronic submission of application materials helps expedite the review of an application. Completed applications are reviewed by an admissions committee in each graduate degree program. The recommendations of the committees are submitted to the Dean of the Graduate School, who will make the final admission decision. Students seeking to complete graduate work at the University of Maryland for degree purposes must be formally admitted to the Graduate School by the Dean.  To ensure the integrity of the application process, the University of Maryland authenticates submitted materials through TurnItIn for Admissions .

Information for International Graduate Students

The University of Maryland is dedicated to maintaining a vibrant international graduate student community. The office of International Students and Scholars Services (ISSS) is a valuable resource of information and assistance for prospective and current international students.  International applicants are encouraged to explore the services they offer, and contact them with related questions.

The University of Maryland Graduate School offers admission to international students based on academic information; it is not a guarantee of attendance.  Admitted international students will then receive instructions about obtaining the appropriate visa to study at the University of Maryland which will require submission of additional documents.  Please see the Graduate Admissions Process for International applicants for more information.

Questions related to the admissions process, prospective students may contact the Graduate School .

Prospective Student FAQ

Because many of our applicants share general questions about the application process, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions to make applying a bit easier.

the md phd essay

David Russler-Germain, MD, PhD

  • Follicular Lymphoma , Research , Researcher Spotlight

the md phd essay

Researcher Spotlight

Researcher spotlight: david russler-germain, md, phd, washington university in st. louis.

the md phd essay

Follicular lymphoma (FL) is typically a slow-growing disease with high response rates to initial therapy, but disease outcomes vary considerably from patient to patient. Dr. Russler-Germain, therefore, is researching how circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) can be used as a marker to help guide treatment decision-making before therapy even begins. “We hope that our pre-treatment ctDNA profiling can accelerate personalized treatment choices for individual patients, ideally pairing their FL pathobiology with the optimal therapy regimen,” he explains.

Dr. Russler-Germain completed his MD/PhD training at Washington University School of Medicine. He was a hematology/oncology fellow at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri before returning to Washington University as an instructor in the division of oncology. He was drawn to lymphoma research given his family’s personal experiences with lymphoma, and has been excited by the intellectual opportunities of the field and the many unanswered questions that remain. “My overall aspiration as a lymphoma scientist and physician is to confront the diverse areas of uncertainty in this field,” he says. “I hope to design and conduct laboratory experiments, translational studies (such as this project specifically), and clinical trials to answer these questions, reduce the uncertainty that patients face, and improve their outcomes.”

Building on his translational research, Dr. Russler-Germain is looking forward to continuing his career studying FL and other lymphomas, as well as continuing to care for patients within the clinic. He is grateful to the mentors who have helped guide him in his career, and also hopes to continue his involvement with the Lymphoma Research Foundation as a mentor himself in the future.

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Applying to MD-PhD Programs

New section.

Are you considering a MD-PhD program? Here the basics about applying to MD-PhD programs to help you get started.

The MD-PhD dual degree training prepares you for a career that is busy, challenging, and rewarding, and offers opportunities to do good for many people by advancing medical science, developing new diagnostics and treatments for diseases, and pushing back the boundaries of the unknown.

How do I know if a combined program is right for me?

MD-PhD programs are specifically designed for those who want to become physician-researchers, also known as physician-scientists. Graduates of MD-PhD programs often go on to become faculty members at medical schools, universities, and research institutes such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

MD-PhD program students are being prepared for careers in which they will spend most of their time doing research in addition to caring for patients. It is critical that applicants have a passion for doing both — most MD-PhD graduates feel strongly that they would not be fulfilled by only pursuing medicine or science.

How do I apply?

Nearly all MD-PhD programs participate in the application process via the American Medical College Application Service® (AMCAS®) . On their AMCAS applications, students designate themselves as MD-PhD applicants and complete two additional essays: one related to why they are interested in MD-PhD training, and the other highlighting their significant research experiences.

What schools offer this type of program?

Nationwide, there are more than 90 MD-PhD programs affiliated with medical schools. The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) supports Medical Scientist Training Programs or MSTPs. They currently provide training grants that partially support MD-PhD programs at 49 degree-granting institutions. You can see which schools offer MD-PhD degrees in the  Medical School Admission Requirements™  profiles under “Combined Degrees and Special Programs.” You can also review  Individual MD-PhD Program Information for Prospective Applicants for easy access to individual MD-PhD program websites.

How long does it take?

Students enter an integrated curriculum that typically takes seven to eight years to complete, during which time, they satisfy the full requirements for both the MD and the PhD degrees.

What kind of work can I do? How much time is spent as an MD? As a researcher?

According to a  study of MD-PhD program outcomes , nearly 80 percent of graduates are following career paths consistent with the goals of their training, including working as full-time faculty in academic medical centers or for the NIH, research institutes, industry, and federal agencies. Those in academia spend between 50 and 80 percent of their time conducting research, though this can vary by specialty. Their research may be lab-based, translational, or clinical. The remaining time is often divided between clinical service, teaching, and administrative activities.

MD-PhD Application Timeline

AMCAS application opens:  May preceding the year of expected entry Applicants interviewed:  October-March Final decisions sent to applicants:  December-March Applicants revisit program(s) to decide where to matriculate:  March-April MD-PhD programs start:  June-August

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Information on how to become a research physician, also known as a physician-investigator or a physician-scientist.

A Personal Plea to Premeds

Trisha Kaundinya | January 13, 2021

When I was in college, I was in a premed “bubble” a lot of the time. I took many of my courses and labs alongside hundreds of other aspiring physicians. I would see the same people throughout my academic day, and sometimes even outside of the lecture hall. Because of this, I unintentionally overheard conversations […]

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    M.D.-Ph.D. applicants are usually expected to write more admissions essays than traditional medical school applicants. Pursuing an M.D.-Ph.D. degree, which combines the rigors of medical school ...

  3. PDF MD/PhD Sample AMCAS Essays

    MD/PHD ESSAY-- As a child, I believed that lung cancer was a disease that only affected people who smoked. I was shocked when my health-conscious grandma was diagnosed with this disease. To understand what happened, I started doing research on the causes of cancer, which led me to

  4. Section 8 of the AMCAS® Application: Essays

    Section 8 of the AMCAS® Application: Essays

  5. MD-PhD Essay

    Use the MD-PhD Essay to state your reasons for pursuing the combined MD-PhD degree. Your essay will be forwarded only to your designated MD-PhD programs. This essay is limited to 3,000 characters. Below the MD-PhD Essay, you will be asked to enter your total hours of research experience. Choosing a Medical Career.

  6. MD PhD Essay: The Ultimate Guide

    MD PhD Essay: The Ultimate Guide. MD-PhD programs combine medical school training with the demands of scientific research. Graduates of these hybrid programs can pursue a variety of career paths, but the ultimate goal of MD PhD programs is to train physician-scientists. The MD PhD program is a long and difficult process, lasting between seven ...

  7. How to Write Md-PhD & Significant Research Experience Essays

    MD-PhD Essay. The MD-PhD Essay is a straightforward "Why essay" — in other words, admissions is hoping to learn why you're pursuing the combined MD-PhD degree. This essay is limited to 3,000 characters, which comes out to about 500-600 words or one page single-spaced. In order to submit a winning MD-PhD essay, we recommend getting creative.

  8. The Complete MD/PhD Applicant Guide

    Continuing to the main application, examples are provided of all the different essay types that MD/PhD applicants will encounter along with comments on how to address the deliberately vague and abstract prompts while tailoring the responses to the combined-degree program. Most uniquely, included is a very detailed explanation of the many types ...

  9. PDF MD-PhD: What, Why, How

    Most MD-PhD programs provide: stipend to cover housing, food, and other, living expenses. full-ride scholarship for all medical school tuition and fees (graduate school is also covered) Research mentorship & Career advising. NOTE: Funding typically comes from either the Medical Scientist Training Program or private, institutional funds.

  10. PDF Sample Essays for The Health Professions Committee Application

    Sample MD-PhD Essays (3) Sample Competencies Essays (3) Office of Pre-Professional Programs & Advising 3400 N. Charles St., 300 Garland Hall Baltimore, MD 21218 ... a graduate of Westchester Business Institute, is a bookkeeper for a small clothing company. My parents

  11. Harvard/MIT MDPhD Program

    Process - Harvard/MIT MDPhD Program

  12. Physician Scientist (M.D.-Ph.D.)

    Three (3) Essays . MD Essay - a personal essay on why you want to be a physician. MD-PhD Essay - why you want to pursue MD-PhD. Document life experiences that compel you to strive for a career as a physician-scientist. Significant Research Experience Essay - Describe your research experiences, each in scientific detail.

  13. Admissions: Applying to the MD-PhD Program < MD-PhD Program

    All interviews (MD and MD-PhD) are conducted virtually. "Non-traditional" MD-PhD interviews. January-February. Notification of acceptance to MD-PhD Program. March 15. Second Look for Admitted Students (in-person) March/April. Acceptance response deadline. April 30.

  14. Application and Interview tips for MD-PhD Programs

    MD/PhD Application process. • Apply via the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) • 3 essays; 2 are MD/PhD specific: • Personal Comments (all MD applicants) • MD-PhD Motivation Essay (why pursue MD-PhD Degree?) • Significant Research Experience Essay. • MCAT and GPA. • Experiences (up to 15) • Request Letters of ...

  15. MD/PhD and Significant Research Essays examples/guidance?

    First post here, but I'm applying MD/PhD this cycle and starting to work on my essays--there's a ton of info on the personal statement, but significantly less on how to structure and what makes good MD/PhD-specific essays! Wondering if anybody has any specific places to find examples or general good sources of guidance for these essays.

  16. Ph.D. in English

    English Ph.D. students pursue individualized programs of study within the parameters of our degree requirements; they share the qualities of excellent critical thinking and writing, and above all, of intellectual curiosity. Admission to the Ph.D. program is highly competitive, but all admitted students receive a five-year funding package.

  17. Significant Research Experience Essay

    Significant Research Experience Essay. If you're applying to MD-PhD programs, you're also required to write an essay that describes your significant research experiences. In this essay, please specify your research supervisor's name and affiliation, the duration of the experience, the nature of the problem you studied, and your ...

  18. MD Admissions Requirements

    MD Admissions Requirements | UW School of Medicine

  19. MD-PhD Essay

    Use the MD-PhD Essay to state your reasons for pursuing the combined MD-PhD degree. Your essay will be forwarded only to your designated MD-PhD programs. This essay is limited to 3,000 characters. Below the MD-PhD Essay, you will be asked to enter your total hours of research experience. [email protected], 03/20/2024 - 17:26.

  20. David Russler-Germain, MD, PhD

    Dr. Russler-Germain completed his MD/PhD training at Washington University School of Medicine. He was a hematology/oncology fellow at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri before returning to Washington University as an instructor in the division of oncology. He was drawn to lymphoma research given his family's personal experiences with lymphoma, and has been excited by the ...

  21. PDF Guide to Creating Effective Personal Statements

    MD/PhD candidates: must submit two additional essays ("MD/PhD Essay" and "Significant Research Experience Essay"). SPECIFICS OF THE AADSAS ESSAY / PERSONAL STATEMENT Your personal statement is a one-page essay that gives dental schools a clear picture of who you are and, most importantly, why you want to pursue a career in dentistry.

  22. Penile Widerning PowerFIll Real Penile Elongation Corporoplasty

    Corporoplusty. Elongating Circular Corporoplasty is a technically more difficult operation, but it allows to achieve a Real Penile Lengthening of 2-3,5 cm. The result of elongation depends on the extensibility and elasticity of the cavernous tissue, spongiose body of the urethra and the neurovascular bundle.

  23. PDF Professor Mikhail A. Paltsev, MD, PhD, member of the Russian Academy of

    ly suggested for PhD students and Post Doc associates to present their valuable re-sults and research outcome to support maintenance of awarding PhD. Under the aegis of Prof. M. Paltsev, a series of the known research projects reveal-ing intercellular interrelationships have been done. Apart from the latter, a new

  24. Applying to MD-PhD Programs

    MD-PhD Application Timeline. AMCAS application opens: May preceding the year of expected entry. Applicants interviewed: October-March. Final decisions sent to applicants: December-March. Applicants revisit program (s) to decide where to matriculate: March-April. MD-PhD programs start: June-August. Are you considering a MD-PhD program?