Graduate Program

Pushing the Scholarly Frontier

PhD in Political Science

Our doctoral students are advancing political science as a discipline. They explore the empirical phenomena that produce new scholarly insights—insights that improve the way governments and societies function. As a result, MIT Political Science graduates are sought after for top teaching and research positions in the U.S. and abroad. Read where program alumni are working around the world.

How the PhD program works

The MIT PhD in Political Science requires preparation in two of these major fields:

  • American Politics
  • Comparative Politics
  • International Relations
  • Models and Methods
  • Political Economy
  • Security Studies

We recommend that you take a broad array of courses across your two major fields. In some cases, a single course may overlap across the subject matter of both fields. You may not use more than one such course to "double count" for the course distribution requirement. Keep in mind that specific fields may have additional requirements.

You are free to take subjects in other departments across the Institute. Cross-registration arrangements also permit enrollment in subjects taught in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University and in some of Harvard's other graduate schools.


1. number of subjects.

You will need two full academic years of work to prepare for the general examinations and to meet other pre-dissertation requirements. Typically, a minimum of eight graduate subjects are required for a PhD.

2. Scope and Methods

This required one-semester seminar for first-year students introduces principles of empirical and theoretical analysis in political science.

3. Statistics

You must successfully complete at least one class in statistics.
You must successfully complete at least one class in empirical research methods.

5. Philosophy

You must successfully complete at least one class in political philosophy.

6. Foreign language or advanced statistics

You must demonstrate reading proficiency in one language other than English by successfully completing two semesters of intermediate-level coursework or an exam in that language, or you must demonstrate your knowledge of advanced statistics by successfully completing three semesters of coursework in advanced statistics. International students whose native language is not English are not subject to the language requirement.

7. Field research

We encourage you to conduct field research and to develop close working ties with faculty members engaged in major research activities.

8. Second Year Paper/workshop

You must complete an article-length research paper and related workshop in the spring semester of the second year. The second-year paper often develops into a dissertation project.

9. Two examinations

In each of your two elected fields, you must take a general written and oral examination. To prepare for these examinations, you should take at least three courses in each of the two fields, including the field seminar.

10. Doctoral thesis

As a rule, the doctoral thesis requires at least one year of original research and data collection. Writing the dissertation usually takes a substantially longer time. The thesis process includes a first and second colloquium and an oral defense. Be sure to consult the MIT Specifications for Thesis Preparation as well as the MIT Political Science Thesis Guidelines . Consult the MIT academic calendar to learn the due date for final submission of your defended, signed thesis.

Questions? Consult the MIT Political Science Departmental Handbook or a member of the staff in the MIT Political Science Graduate Office .

Secondary Menu

Ph.d. in political science.

We are ranked as a top-ten research department and our graduate program has an excellent job placement record. Over the past decade, the vast majority of our PhD graduates have gone on to attain tenure-track positions, and many other students have become leaders in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. 

In addition to a demanding sequence of courses during the first two years, our graduates begin working with faculty from the very first day, to gain an appreciation of the challenges involved in producing innovative research.

This paves the way to their own intellectual development, the first major milestone of which is a solo-authored research paper to be presented to the department during their second year in the program. From that point on, until the completion of the dissertation in year five, the focus is primarily on independent and collaborative research.

Our graduate program is organized around subfields that address major theoretical questions about political life, encourage collaboration across intellectual boundaries, and place us at the frontiers of the discipline. As a graduate student here, you will become certified in two major fields and gain exposure to other fields through our graduate workshop series.

  • Our 89 Year History
  • Location & Directions
  • Statement on Workplace Environment
  • Why Major in Political Science?
  • Major Requirements
  • American Political Institutions and Behavior
  • Decision Theory and Data Science
  • International Relations
  • Law and Political Theory
  • Political Economy
  • Certificate: Philosophy, Politics & Economics
  • Certificate: Decision Sciences
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Independent Study
  • Honors Program
  • Internships
  • Global Education
  • American Values & Institutions Program
  • American Grand Strategy Program
  • Peter G. Fish Fellowship
  • Ralph Bunche Summer Institute
  • Student Association
  • Post-Undergraduate Fellows Opportunity
  • Trinity Ambassadors
  • M.A. Requirements
  • M.A. Analytical Political Economy (MAPE)
  • Ph.D. Requirements
  • Ph.D. Alumni Placements
  • Good Standing
  • Qualifying Procedure
  • Preliminary Exam
  • Dissertation
  • Normative Political Theory & Philosophy
  • Political Behavior & Identities
  • Political Institutions
  • Political Methodology
  • Security, Peace & Conflict
  • Theme Fields
  • Ph.D. Financial Support
  • How to Apply and FAQ
  • Living in Durham
  • Graduate Advising & Mentoring
  • Job Market Candidates
  • All Courses
  • Primary Faculty
  • Secondary Faculty
  • Affiliated Faculty
  • Postdoctoral Fellows
  • PhD Students
  • Masters Students
  • MAPE Students
  • Exchange Students
  • Polarization Lab
  • Worldview Lab
  • Duke Initiative on Survey Methodology
  • Duke Program in American Grand Strategy
  • Politcal Institutions and Public Choice
  • Triangle Institute for Security Studies
  • Political Theory in the Triangle
  • Research Support and Endowments
  • Selected Works
  • Alumni Network

PhD in Political Science

You are here: american university school of public affairs phd programs phd political science.

Women gesturing while speaking, phd in political science.

PhD Political Science (On-Campus)

Dive deeply into US and global politics. Learn empirical methods that allow you to produce meaningful research with profound impact. Prepare yourself for university-level teaching.

(202) 885-6230

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Kerwin Hall, Room 306 on a map


Fax: 202-885-2967

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Kerwin Hall, Room 230 on a map

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At the Heart of Policy and Politics

The PhD in Political Science at the School of Public Affairs draws from the breadth and depth of intellectual resources within the Department of Government and across American University, providing our students with rigorous substantive and methodological training. Students work closely with prominent scholars who have made major contributions to academic research and national and global policy via cutting-edge research and professional activities.

Our students organize their programs around a choice of three fields of study. For their primary and secondary fields, students specialize in American politics, comparative politics, or political methodology. Students may also take courses in other departments and schools within the university and even at other Washington, DC-area universities.

Learn and Make Professional Connections

In addition to their coursework, doctoral students are introduced into the discipline and make professional connections through a variety of research workshops in the Department of Government and the School of Public Affairs. They also benefit from exposure to activities, conferences, and research opportunities offered by the Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies , the Women & Politics Institute , the Center for Data Science , and the Center for Environmental Policy , all of which are directed by Department of Government faculty.

Publish and Present

We encourage graduate students to present research papers at major academic conferences, co-author papers with faculty members, publish in top journals, and seek prestigious awards to fund their research. All students receive a yearly stipend to attend research conferences.

Become an Expert

Our students wield multiple skills at graduation. They have already produced original research and taught classes, and are prepared for careers in academia and beyond.

The PhD degree in Political Science requires 36 credit hours of approved graduate work. Most students complete 12 credits in their primary field of study, 12 credits in research design and methodology, 6 credits in their secondary field of study, and 6 credits of electives, which they choose in consultation with their advisor.

As work on the dissertation project progresses, students register for dissertation credit to maintain active status. They take  Doctoral Continuing Enrollment (GOVT-898)  during the third year of study and  Doctoral Dissertation (GOVT-899)  after their dissertation proposal is approved.

A minimum grade point average of 3.20 in all coursework is required to remain in good standing and to earn the degree. Full-time status is considered to be nine credit hours per semester. Students are expected to complete the degree in four to five years.

Students advance to PhD candidacy by successfully completing all required courses, passing a qualifier paper and two written comprehensive exams (one in each of their fields of study), and defending their dissertation proposal. To earn the degree, students must complete the dissertation and pass a final oral defense of the dissertation.

More information about course requirements can be found here .

For more information, please contact the SPA Graduate Admissions Office at 202-885-6230 or  [email protected] .

Applicants are considered and students admitted for the fall semester only. Please refer to the  application deadlines  page for the deadline to apply. 

While previous academic or professional work in politics or political science is not required, applicants need to demonstrate a serious commitment to a career in this field. The personal statement on reasons for pursuing graduate study in the program is essential, along with the other required application materials .

We accept PhD applicants for full-time study only. Students must be funded either by the School of Public Affairs or by an external sponsoring organization (self-funding is not permitted for newly admitted doctoral students).

For more information, please contact the SPA Graduate Admissions Office at 202-885-6230 or [email protected] .

The PhD in Political Science is a 36-credit-hour program. To estimate the cost of tuition, please see the  current cost per credit hour  for graduate students.

Unless applicants expect to be funded through a reliable external source, they must request consideration for funding on their application. Upon acceptance into the program, students selected for AU funding are granted a fellowship with full funding for four years of study, contingent on maintaining satisfactory progress each year. Some limited funding is available on a competitive basis for a fifth year of study.

As a requirement for the fellowship, students work 20 hours a week with a faculty member. If possible, our graduate office will assign students to faculty members with expertise in their areas of research interest. 

Students must advance to candidacy by the end of their third year of study to continue receiving funding.

  • Government Department
  • Curriculum & Requirements
  • Program Handbook

Graduate Program

Phd requirements.

The Political Science department at UC Berkeley admits students only for the Ph.D. degree. The Ph.D. program has two major phases: coursework and examinations, and dissertation research and writing. The two phases typically take approximately five or six years (three years to candidacy and two or three for dissertation research and writing).

The coursework and examination phase requires 40 units (typically 10 classes) of graduate-level coursework and competence in three of nine  Subfields . Subfield competence is demonstrated through written exams offered each semester. The Field Exams are typically taken in the student's second and third years of the program. All students must pass one exam in a major subfield (Comparative, American, International Relations, or History of Political Theory). Competency in a second and third subfield may be demonstrated by taking a prescribed series of courses in that field with a combined GPA of 3.5.

The particular sequence of courses that a student takes in preparation for the comprehensive exams is not prescribed. Rather, the faculty assist students with selection of courses that best meet their intellectual and academic interests. There are no formal foreign language or statistics requirements although many students will find that their program of study and dissertation research will require the engagement of particular foreign language or methodology coursework.

When the coursework and examination requirements have been met, the student prepares a prospectus for dissertation research. The student convenes a committee known as the Qualifying Exam (QE) committee. The Qualifying Exam committee advises on the prospectus and examines the student on specific research plans. Berkeley is highly committed to interdisciplinary scholarly engagement and this is codified in the requirement that both the Qualifying Exam committee and the dissertation committee include a faculty member from another department at Berkeley. Engagement with members of the faculty from other departments should commence during the coursework stage so that the advisement and input of the "outside member" is represented in the prospectus.

When sufficient preparation for the proposed research has been demonstrated to the Qualifying Exam committee, the student is advanced to doctoral candidacy. It is expected (and for most funding packages, required) that students advance to doctoral candidacy by the end of their third year.

Doctoral candidacy initiates the second phase of the program during which the student normally devotes full attention to the research and writing of the dissertation. The student's dissertation committee is typically comprised of the members of the Qualifying Exam committee although there are sometimes changes in committee membership as the research evolves. The doctorate is awarded when the student submits a satisfactory dissertation to the dissertation committee. A reasonable estimate of the research and writing phase of the program is approximately two to three years although students whose dissertations require more extensive research may take longer to earn their degree.

  • Second year
  • Sixth year and beyond

The second year is used to further narrow down one's interests and to continue exploring ideas and potential advisors for a dissertation topic. Coursework continues as students prepare for the M.A./Second Year Paper and Field Exam.

Students who plan to continue in the Ph.D. program are expected to engage in advanced topical research leading to a research paper to be completed by the end of the second year, together with any additional coursework appropriate to their topical focus. Three faculty members (one of whom is selected by the student and serves as principal advisor for the paper) will review this paper. This paper, which continuing students will submit at the end of their second year, also serves as the M.A. project.

Completion of a yearlong graduate seminar (Research & Writing 290A and 290B) during the second year is strongly recommended.  Each student taking this course is advised by a faculty advisor external to the course (who will also serve as one reviewer of the second-year paper) as well as the two co-instructors of the seminar. The goal of the seminar is to assist students in preparing a high-quality research paper, which will serve as the M.A./Second-year paper as mentioned above.

All students are reviewed at the end of the second year of study on their continued overall academic performance. This overall evaluation will include GPA, successful completion of all required units, and successful completion of the M.A./Second-year paper. The Graduate Studies Committee will take these factors as well as the rigor of the academic program and the number of incompletes into consideration when determining whether to invite the student to continue in the PhD program.

Students in their second year also usually serve as a Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs), which are 20-hour per week positions

During the third year, most students continue to teach as GSIs and complete their coursework in addition to taking their Field Exam. Political Science graduate students must show competency in three Subfield specialties to be eligible to sit for the oral prospectus defense (known formally as the Qualifying Exam). Instead of sitting for three Field Exams, students have the option to "course out" of two field specialties by taking a prescribed set of three-four courses in the Subfield.

Students may sit for the Field Exam as early as the beginning of the second year, but if desired, students may sit for an exam in their second year or in the third year. Field Exams are offered at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters. All students are expected to have completed their Field Exam, to have “coursed out” of a two fields, and to have written and defended their dissertation prospectus (passed their Qualifying Exam) by the end of the third year. It is highly recommended (and essential to most funding packages) that students advance to Doctoral Candidacy by the end of the third year. The third year is also when students should begin to apply for extramural fellowships to support their dissertation research.

Doctoral Program

Arches and columns of Encina Hall

Program Overview

The principal goal of the Stanford Ph.D. program in political science is the training of scholars. Most students who receive doctorates in the program do research and teach at colleges or universities. We offer courses and research opportunities in a wide variety of fields in the discipline, including American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, Political Theory, and Political Methodology. The program is built around small seminars that analyze critically the literature of a field or focus on a research problem. These courses prepare students for the Ph.D. comprehensive exam requirement within a two-year period and for work on the doctoral dissertation.

The Department of Political Science

Governance and power.

The Department of Political Science provides training in American politics and law, comparative politics, international relations, and political theory.

  • Degrees Offered BA, PhD
  • Major Political Science, International Studies

Professor Robbie Shilliam leads graduate seminar course Postcolonial Political Economy”

Explore the Department

Democracy Day panel discussion (l-r) Lester Spence, Hahrie Han, and Steven Teles in 2023.

The department's faculty has expertise on American and comparative politics, international relations, political theory, and more.

Graduate students in discussion as part of the course "Postcolonial Political Economy" taught by professor Robbie Shilliam in 2018.

PhD in Political Science

Our PhD program emphasizes training and experience in the research methods essential to developing new knowledge.

Undergraduates listen to lecture in professor Richard Katz class in 2023.

Major in Political Science

The undergraduate program offers a broad range of courses about politics and government at local, state, national, and international levels.

Upcoming Events

Constitution day lecture: val napoleon (university of victoria).

"Present Day Challenges for Indigenous Law: Civil Society and Democracy

External Speaker: Yves Winter (McGill)

"Does the Left Need New Imaginaries? Hope, The Education of Desire, and the Betrayal of Utopia", with discussant: Adriana Mandacaru Guerra

Pizza and Politics: “Opinion Writing in a Divided Society”

Christine Emba (The Atlantic) will be in conversation with Stefanie Sanford (Agora Fellow) about the career and craft of opinion writing across political differences and social expectations. Pizza and Politics […]

News & Announcements

Professor inés valdez receives apsa adaljiza sosa-riddell mentoring award.

Professor Inés Valdez was awarded the Adaljiza Sosa-Riddell Mentoring Award for Exceptional Mentoring of Junior Faculty from the American Political Science Association (APSA) Committee on the Status of Latinos y Latinas […]

Job Opening: Assistant Professor in Political Theory (Tenure-Track)

The Political Science Department at Johns Hopkins University invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track assistant professor position in Political Theory, starting Fall 2025. Apply through Interfolio.

Professor Dawn Teele wins NSF Grant to study Political Geography of the Gender Gap

Professor Dawn Teele was awarded a 3-year grant from the National Science Foundation for research project titled “Political Geography, Electoral Institutions, and the Evolution of Women’s Voting Patterns in Rich […]

Political Science, PhD

Zanvyl krieger school of arts and sciences.

The Johns Hopkins University Department of Political Science is known for its strength in theory and in innovative and trans-disciplinary approaches to uncovering new knowledge, and the program of doctoral study draws on these strengths to provide rigorous training. Our program is designed for highly qualified, intellectually curious, and creative graduate students who can benefit by learning from and contributing to this community of scholars.

Doctoral students develop in-depth knowledge of a major field and a minor field (or two major fields), chosen from American politics, comparative politics, international relations, law and politics, and political theory. In addition, doctoral students may complete a certificate in comparative racial politics.

Students have opportunities to work closely with faculty and to pursue independent research, and faculty and doctoral students benefit from strong connections with colleagues in other social science and humanities disciplines and opportunities to collaborate with them.

The preparation of the next generation of scholars in the field of political science is a key part of the Johns Hopkins political science department faculty's commitment to research and advancing the understanding of politics. The doctoral program reflects the distinctive strengths of the department's cross-cutting intellectual orientations (encompassing the themes of power and inequality, identities and allegiances, agency and structure, and borders and flows), realized in faculty and PhD student research and teaching.

The department and Krieger School of Arts and Sciences provide opportunities for developing teaching and other career-related skills.

Financial Support

The department ordinarily provides financial aid to all students admitted to the graduate program unless they hold fellowships from sources outside the university. Departmental fellowships cover full tuition and an annual stipend. Assuming satisfactory progress toward the PhD, students can normally expect to receive funding for five years. Teaching experience is regarded as an important part of the graduate program, and graduate students are required to teach during their program. More details are available in the handbook.

Admission Requirements

The Department of Political Science admits approximately 7-9 new graduate students each year, selected from approximately 200 applications. 

The deadline for application for admission to graduate study and the award of financial assistance is December 15 (most years). Decisions are made exclusively in late February or early March and announced by March 15.

A bachelor's degree (or equivalent) is required for application.  Inclusion of a Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score is optional.  Each applicant must have three letters of recommendation.  Students whose native language is not English must take the TOEFL examinations or provide other evidence of fluency in English (such as a degree from an institution in which the language of instruction is English).  A broad background in the liberal arts and sciences is preferred.

More information on applying can be found at .

All applications should be submitted online.

We recognize that it can be financially burdensome to relocate to a new city to attend a Ph.D. program.  Students who are accepted to Ph.D. programs at JHU can apply to receive a $1,500 need-based grant to offset the costs of relocating to JHU.  These grants provide funding to a portion of incoming students who, without this money, may otherwise not be able to relocate to JHU for their Ph.D. program.  This is not a merit-based grant.  Applications will be evaluated solely based on financial need.

Program Requirements  

The requirements for the PhD in political science are divided between those that must be satisfied by all candidates for that degree and those particular to the student's major and minor fields.

Department-wide Requirements

All candidates for the PhD must satisfy the following requirements:

Course Requirements

  • To fulfill the requirements for the PhD in Political Science students must complete 12 courses at the 600-level with a grade of B or better.
  • Of these 12 courses, eight must be graduate-level (600-level) courses taken in the Political Science Department.
  • No more than two of these eight courses (600-level) may be Independent Studies.
  • If a graduate student is interested in taking an undergraduate-level course, the student must make arrangements to take a graduate-level Independent Study with the professor teaching that course. (NB: As noted above, a student may take no more than two Independent Studies for credit toward fulfilling the requirements of the PhD).
  • A graduate student may take no more than one graduate-level course at another division of Johns Hopkins University (i.e. SAIS, Public Health, etc.) for credit toward fulfilling the requirements of the PhD in Political Science.
  • Students may make a formal request to the DGS to have up to two graduate-level courses taken at another institution count for credit toward fulfilling the requirements of the PhD in Political Science at JHU.

Foreign Language Requirement

All students must demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language. This requirement can be fulfilled as follows:

  • Demonstrate fluency in a foreign language (granted automatically for students whose first language is not English).
  • Complete four semesters of college-level foreign language instruction.
  • Pass a translation exam.
  • Earn a degree from a University where instruction is not in English.
  • With a degree from an institution in which the language of instruction is a language other than English.
  • Place into a third-year foreign language course through online placement tests (see GRLL website).

Comprehensive Examination Requirement

Students are required, at a minimum, to take comprehensive exams in one major field and one minor field. Students may also elect to take two major exams or a major exam and two minor exams (one of which may be outside the Department of Political Science).

Faculty members in the field write and evaluate the exams and determine the format. Major field comprehensive exams take place over two days (8 hours per day); minor field exams take place over one day. The fields within the department are: American Politics, Law and Politics, Political Theory, Comparative Politics and International Relations.

Students choosing a second minor outside the Political Science Department must devise a coherent program of study in that discipline, in consultation with their Political Science faculty advisor and with faculty from the other department. Students choosing an external minor must complete a minimum of three courses at the 600 level in the external minor's discipline, earning a grade of B or better. They must also pass a comprehensive examination prepared and evaluated in consultation with faculty of the Department of Political Science by the instructors in those courses.


The dissertation is the capstone of doctoral education, and it must be a substantial work of independent scholarship that contributes to knowledge in the student's field of study. Students must identify a tenure-track or tenured member of the Political Science faculty who is willing to supervise the preparation of their dissertation. A dissertation prospectus must be submitted to two professors (one of whom must be the dissertation advisor) and that prospectus must be accepted by them both.

Students must pass a final examination that takes the form of a defense of the doctoral dissertation that is conducted under the rules of the Graduate Board of Johns Hopkins University.

Note: Exceptions may be made to some of these requirements but only with the approval of the graduate student's advisor and the Political Science Department's Director of Graduate Studies.

Field-specific Requirements

Field-specific basic expectations, procedures, and requirements are stated below. These are implemented, interpreted, and adjusted in the light of the intellectual orientations and objectives of individual students. It is important that students work closely with their advisors and with the faculty in their major and minor fields in constructing and pursuing their programs of study.

American Politics

Students majoring and minoring in American Politics will work with at least two faculty members to develop a plan of study that includes recommended course work and other preparation needed to pass a comprehensive exam. Students completing a major are expected to demonstrate a breadth of knowledge sufficient for framing a dissertation in the relevant disciplinary literature and teaching undergraduate courses in the field; students who pursue a minor may focus more narrowly on an area of study in which they demonstrate fluency. These may include, but are not limited to, the following areas of faculty interest:

  • American Political Institutions (Congress, Courts, and the Executive)
  • Urban Politics
  • American Political Development
  • Race and Politics
  • Political Behavior and Public Opinion
  • Public Policy
  • American Political Thought
  • Political Parties and Elections

In addition, students majoring in the field are strongly encouraged to take AS.190.602 Introduction to Quantitative Political Science as part of their course of study.

Comparative Politics

All students majoring and minoring in this Comparative Politics will become conversant with major substantive and methodological debates in the field, and be able to comment on the key theoretical literature in several of those debates. They will normally also develop knowledge of at least one world region. Students majoring or minoring in Comparative Politics are required to take AS.190.625 Theories of Comparative Politics and at least one seminar in quantitative or qualitative methods. Students are expected to master the material covered in these courses, as well as others with more specialized topics.

Students will take a comprehensive exam that will test their ability to engage with several areas of theoretical debate in Comparative Politics, and their ability to use comparative examples to support their arguments. Students may focus on (but are not limited to):

  • Civil Society
  • Institutional Theories
  • Transnational Relations, Social Movements, and Contentious Politics
  • Political Parties, Interest Groups, Representation, and Political Behavior
  • Comparative Political Economy
  • Comparative Racial Politics, Nationalism, and Migration and Citizenship
  • The Political Economy of Development
  • Economic and Political Transitions
  • Ideas and Politics

Within the spirit of this division of the overall field, students may propose alternative delineations of thematic subfields.

Students working in specific thematic and substantive subfields within Comparative Politics will be required to demonstrate competence in methodologies and bodies of theory judged by the faculty to be necessary for quality research and teaching in those subfields.

Requirements for the Major Exam

Student taking the major exam are expected to compile a reading list that includes at least six fields, including a general "Theories of Comparative Politics" field. The reading list must be approved by the student's advisor at least six weeks before the exam. We strongly advise students to submit their reading lists to all of the CP faculty for feedback at least a few months before the exam. A minimum of three CP faculty members will read each major exam.

Requirements for the Minor Exam

Students taking the minor exam should seek two readers among the CP faculty for their exams. Students are expected to compile a reading lists that includes at least four fields, including a general “Theories of Comparative Politics” field. The reading list must be approved by the two readers at least six weeks before the exam. We strongly advise students to submit their reading lists to all of the CP faculty for feedback at least a few months before the exam.

International Relations

All students majoring or minoring in International Relations will be required to have deep knowledge of the scholarship relevant to their area of research and to be conversant with the major theoretical, substantive, and methodological themes and debates of the field.  It is strongly recommended that students take AS.190.676 Field Survey of International Relations (or a similar course) and a methods/epistemology course chosen in consultation with their faculty advisers.

Students majoring in International Relations will take an examination covering two subfields. The first subfield must be International Politics. The other subfield is to be determined in consultation with faculty teaching International Relations. Choices include but are not restricted to:

  • International Law and Diplomacy
  • International Relations Theory
  • International Security Studies
  • Science, Technology, and Art and International Relations

Global Political Economy

Students minoring in International Relations will take a comprehensive examination in International Politics.

Political Theory

Students majoring in Political Theory will take a comprehensive examination covering the following two subfields:

  • Contemporary Political Theory
  • History of Political Thought

Each student preparing for a major comprehensive exam will propose six or seven thinkers in the history of thought, six or seven recent or contemporary thinkers, and three or four issue areas. Examination questions are composed in light of the theorists and issues articulated in the exam prospectus.

The minor comprehensive exam in political theory asks the student to select half the number of thinkers required for the major exam and three issue areas.

Preparation for these examinations will be arranged in consultation with relevant faculty.

Students majoring in political theory will also take at least one minor field from American Politics, Law and Politics, Comparative Politics, or International Relations.

Law and Politics

Law and politics focuses on American constitutional thought, judicial politics, law and society, and philosophy of law. Students learn not only about the history and context of American constitutional developments, but also about the operation of the judicial branch of government in the past and the present. Studying how courts and judges do their work, students also consider how that work has changed over time. Students explore how legislation, as well as court decisions, reflect and influence a society’s policies, politics, and moral commitments. In addition, they examine how social movements, interest groups, and professional networks help to shape law’s content and implementation.

Students may major or minor in law and politics. In either case, students work closely with at least two members of the faculty to develop a plan of study regarding coursework and additional reading to prepare them for comprehensive exams. Majors are expected to demonstrate a breadth of knowledge in the field sufficient for framing a dissertation and for teaching undergraduate courses; minors may focus more narrowly on a particular area of study.

Progress Toward the PhD

The time necessary to obtain a PhD in the department varies according to the preparation individual students bring to the program, the scope and complexity of their dissertation topics, and other factors. Students are required to make satisfactory progress, meaning that they must work toward fulfilling the requirements in a timely manner. Students are encouraged to satisfy the department's foreign language requirement by the time of their first comprehensive exam. Most students take their comprehensive examinations in the third year in the program. Students who have completed all requirements except the dissertation must work to complete their dissertations as quickly as is reasonable given the unique circumstances of their course of study, and they must periodically demonstrate progress on the dissertation.

The Master of Arts degree is offered only to students who have been admitted into the PhD program. For the M.A., the student must complete at least seven (7) 600-level courses in the department, all with a grade of B or better.

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PhD in Political Science

PhD in Political Science

PhD in Political Science Courses | Fields of Study | Requirements | Funding | Admissions

11th in the nation among public universities in political science PhD programs - U.S. News & World Report, 2024

The PhD in Political Science program emphasizes theoretical and methodological rigor and is designed to train applied social-scientists for careers in research. To this end, the program mandates that all students complete a common core of applied formal theory and statistical modeling coursework in addition to the general substantive requirements. Though malleable apart from this core sequence, program requirements are designed to give all students: (1) a firm grasp of the general field of political science; (2) a sophisticated understanding of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the discipline; and (3) a thorough familiarity with the literature and intellectual problems of the fields each student chooses to emphasize.

All fields of study involve the role of incentives, institutions, and strategies in the aggregation of preferences and ultimately the allocation of resources. Major fields of study mirror the disciplinary norm: American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, Political Theory, and Public Administration/Public Policy. All students must also declare two minor fields from the list above or substitute Advanced Research Methodology or Race, Ethnic, and Gender Politics.

Fields of Study

American Politics

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phd in political science

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College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Department of Political Science

Ph.d. in political science.

Gain advanced training and experience with a Ph.D. in Political Science from UConn.

The UConn Ph.D. program in political science prepares students to do innovative research and teaching at institutions of higher education. It also prepares them for careers in government, as well as a range of non-governmental organizations and research foundations.

Our Ph.D. students work closely with faculty in their classes and through research collaboration. Many students conduct their own research with guidance from faculty mentors, resulting in publications in some of the top journals in the field.

Ph.D. Subfields

Ph.D. students can specialize in one of several diverse subfields:

  • American politics.
  • Comparative politics.
  • International relations.
  • Political theory.
  • Public law.

Learn more about Ph.D. Outcomes

View Admissions Requirements

Requirements and Options

The Ph.D. program includes two stages. In the first stage, students do course work to develop expertise in two chosen subfields in which they will take Ph.D. exams.

Once the student has completed their scope, method, and elective requirements and successfully passed the Ph.D. exams, they become ABD (or all but dissertation). At this stage, students form a dissertation committee and work with their committee to prepare a dissertation proposal outlining an original research project. When this project is complete, they defend the dissertation.

Students are required to take Ph.D. exams in two of the Department’s five subfields. In order to take the Ph.D. exam in a field, students must have completed the course requirements outlined below.

In addition, all doctoral candidates must take:

  • POLS 5600. Nature of Political Inquiry.
  • POLS 5605. Introduction to Quantitative Methods.
  • POLS 5615. Introduction to Qualitative Methods.
  • One advanced methods elective.

Finally, all Ph.D. students must enroll in GRAD 6950-003 in their first, second, third, and fourth semesters. To receive the grade of “Pass,” they must attend four scholarly presentations in the relevant semester. The student and major advisor should together determine which presentations to attend and what will constitute sufficient evidence of having attended.

Subfield Requirements

American politics.

In preparing for the Ph.D. Exam in American politics, students must successfully complete the following courses:

  • POLS 5406. Seminar in the American Political System
  • POLS 5407. Advanced Topics in American Political Institutions and Policy
  • POLS 5408. Advanced Topics in American Political Behavior
  • POLS 5409. Advanced Topics in American Race, Gender and Ethnic Politics

Comparative Politics

Students should take four courses in POLS 5240:

  • Regime Types
  • Political Institutions
  • Comparative Political Economy
  • Contentious Politics

International Relations

In preparing for the Ph.D. exam in international relations, students must successfully complete POLS 5300: Pro-seminar in International Relations and at least three other courses from the following list:

  • POLS 5115. Theories of Human Rights
  • POLS 5305. Foreign Policy Analysis
  • POLS 5315. International Security
  • POLS 5320. International Conflict and Cooperation
  • POLS 5322. Assessing Human Security
  • POLS 5325. International Political Economy
  • POLS 5330. International Organization and Law
  • POLS 5335. US Foreign Policy in the Middle East
  • POLS 5340. Politics and Security in the Middle East
  • POLS 5345. Foreign Policies of the Russian Federation and the Former USSR
  • POLS 5390. Economic Rights
  • A special topics course approved by the IR Field Committee (some prior examples include Special Topics in Human Rights, Feminist Political Methodologies, East Asian Political Economy, Africana Dialogues, and European Approaches to International Relations)

No more than two of the four required courses may be taken with a single international relations faculty member.

International Relations Subfield Comprehensive Exam Policy

In consultation with their faculty advisor, students who take the Ph.D. exam in international relations will choose one of the following options:

  • Write a sole-authored research paper that meets at least a “revise and resubmit” peer- review standard. The paper can be a revision of a paper written for a seminar, conference, etc. The length of the paper is to be between 8,000 and 12,000 words, all-inclusive. The paper should build toward the student’s dissertation. The student will identify a journal for which it will be targeted and are required to note this choice on the manuscript’s title page. The format/style of the submission will be determined by the standards of the target journal. No actual submission to a journal is required. A three-member faculty committee will read and grade the paper, with the committee issuing a single rating of “Reject,” “Revise and Resubmit,” or “Accept.” A grade of “pass” for the exam requires a rating of either “Revise and Resubmit” or “Accept.” A grade of “Reject” is considered a failing grade for the exam.  At the discretion of the faculty committee, this option may include an oral defense of the paper with a three-member faculty committee.
  • Write an annotated graduate-level syllabus for a 13-week course that introduces students to the field of international relations. This option also requires an oral defense of the syllabus with a three-member faculty committee. The syllabus may be theoretical or thematic in the type of overview of the field provided, with the understanding that theory is one of the major themes of international relations. Students will consult with their faculty advisor regarding which of these two types of syllabi to write. The syllabus must contain specified assignments which are justified relative to course goals and content. For each of the course’s 13 weeks, the syllabus must include: (i) a detailed reading list, and (ii) a fully realized description of the week’s pedagogical goals and content (e.g., How do these readings fit together in their address of the week’s theme/goals?” “How are these readings justified, pedagogically?” “How do these readings address the relevant disciplinary terrain?”).

Political theory

Prior to taking the Ph.D. exam in political theory, students must successfully complete at least four graduate courses in political theory, including POLS 5100: Pro-seminar in Political Theory. We strongly encourage students to take additional coursework with a strong theoretical component.

Some recently offered graduate seminars in political theory include:

  • Critical Theory
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Theories of Human Rights
  • Comparative Political Theory
  • Women Political Thinkers
  • Emotions and Politics
  • Public Reason and Deliberation
  • Black Feminist Theory and Politics

Political Theory Subfield Comprehensive Exam Policy

Field Designation and Exam Structure Students must pass four political theory courses with a grade of B or higher and with a grade point average of 3.5 or higher in those courses before taking the exam. In consultation with their faculty advisor, and with the approval of the political theory subfield, students will designate if political theory will be a Field of Specialization (FOS) or a Field of Competence (FOC) for their PhD studies.

Field of Specialization (FOS)

  • The exam for those who designate political theory as an FOS will comprise both the research paper and the annotated syllabus. They must pass both components to pass the Ph.D. exam. If they do not pass a single component at their first attempt, they will only retake that component during their second attempt. If they fail either component twice, they fail the exam.
  • Those who designate political theory as an FOS must take a fifth course with significant political theory content, either graded or as an audit, prior to defending their dissertation.

Field of Competence (FOC) The exam for those who designate political theory as an FOC will comprise the annotated syllabus. If they do not pass at their first attempt, they may only attempt the exam a second time. If they fail at their second attempt, they fail the exam. Research Paper:

  • The student will submit a single-authored research paper of between 8,000 and 12,000 words all-inclusive, which may be based upon a previously written, unpublished paper.
  • They will identify a target journal for the paper and must note this choice on the manuscript’s title page. The format and style of the submission must meet the standards of the target journal, with the possible exception of the previously-stated word-length requirement. The student does not need to submit the paper to any journal.
  • A three-member faculty committee will read the paper and each member will issue a single rating of “Accept,” “Revise and Resubmit,” or “Reject.” Two or more ratings of “Accept” will result in a grade of “pass with distinction” for the exam. Two or more ratings of “Revise and Resubmit” or better will result in a grade of “pass” for the exam. Two or more ratings of “Reject” will result in a grade of “fail” for the exam. Each committee member will provide written feedback to the student.

Annotated Syllabus:

  • The student will submit an annotated syllabus for a 14-week, first-year, graduate-level course that introduces students to the field of political theory.
  • This should cover a broad range of historical political thinkers and a variety of different approaches to and themes in political theory. The student must include a clear, written defense of their choices regarding the overall structure of the syllabus, including why figures, texts, and themes covered are indispensable to orienting students to the field of political theory. Students should consult the Highly Recommended and Recommended sources from the Political Theory subfield Ph.D. reading list in constructing their syllabus.
  • The syllabus must contain a statement of the overall pedagogical goals of the course and a list of specific assignments with clear justifications for how they help achieve those goals.
  • a complete description of that week’s topics or themes, connecting them, as appropriate, with themes from weeks that precede and follow it, and specific pedagogical goals,
  • a detailed reading list, including annotations, for each reading; the annotations should be between 100 and 150 words for each article or group of two or fewer chapters from a book and 200 to 250 words for each book or group of three or more chapters from a book.
  • A three-member faculty committee will read the syllabus and provide written feedback to the student. If the committee deems the syllabus as not possibly passing based upon the overall quality of the written syllabus, it will assign the student a grade of “fail” for the exam. If the committee deems the syllabus as possibly passing, the student must subsequently participate in an oral defense of the syllabus with the committee. At the end of the oral defense, the committee will assign the student a grade of “pass with distinction,” “pass,” or “fail” based upon the overall quality of the written syllabus and the oral defense.

In preparing for the Ph.D. Exam in public law, students must successfully complete all three of the following courses:

  • POLS 5505. Law and Society
  • POLS 5510. Judicial Decision-making
  • POLS 5515. Constitutional Interpretation

And at least one of the following:

  • POLS 5010. Law and Social Change
  • POLS 5010. Seminar in Legal Theory/Jurisprudence

View the full requirements on the UConn Graduate Catalog's website.

Applicants for the Ph.D. program in political science must apply to and be accepted by both the UConn Graduate School and the Department of Political Science. Applicants must apply online via the UConn Graduate School website.

All application materials, including supporting documents, must be received by January 15. Applications will not be processed until the application fee is paid. The Graduate School can, when a genuine need is demonstrated, extend fee waivers. Applicants must meet a minimum GPA of 3.0.

Required Application Materials

The Department of Political Science is unable to consider applications until the requirements of the Graduate School have been fulfilled. In addition to the Graduate School materials:

  • The Department of Political Science requires a personal statement, writing sample, and three letters of recommendation. The Department also recommends (but does not require) students submit the test scores from the verbal and quantitative sections of the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE).
  • The personal statement should indicate that you understand what undertaking a Ph.D. in political science involves, that you have relevant preparation for it, and that UConn’s program will enable you to work effectively toward your aims.
  • Applicants without a master’s degree should apply directly to the Ph.D. program.
  • Your writing sample should be a substantial piece of written work that demonstrates your ability to communicate effectively and to engage in sophisticated critical reasoning with materials and on themes related to the study of politics.
  • Your letter writers should be sure that they will be able to submit their recommendations for you by the January 15th deadline and that they can write with considerable detail about your intellectual experience and talent and suitability to a doctoral program. There is no form for letters of recommendation, but they should appear on letterhead with complete contact information for the person writing the letter.
  • Letter writers will receive an email asking them to upload your letter to the graduate application website.

International applicants must submit transcripts and degree statements both in the original language and an official English translation. Additionally, international applicants from countries where the official language is not English, or who have not received a degree from an institution where the language of instruction is English, must submit the results of the TOEFL examination to the Graduate Admissions Office:

Graduate School, University of Connecticut 438 Whitney Road Ext., Unit 1152 Storrs, CT 06269-1152 Phone: (860) 486-3617

Application Deadline:

Learn more about financial aid for Ph.D. students.

Apply to the UConn Graduate School

For questions about the Ph.D. in Political Science, please contact:

Christine Luberto

Graduate Coordinator, Department of Political Science [email protected]

PhD Political Science

Program overview.

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Political Science program serves students interested in academic positions as well as research and policy careers. The department and its  faculty  are committed to providing doctoral students with an excellent educational experience through coursework, comprehensive examinations, and the dissertation. 

The curriculum introduces students to all four fields and also develops their research skills through a series of methodology courses. Students may develop a traditional, academic focus in one of the fields, or they may combine it with public policy to highlight a policy orientation.

The PhD in Political Science covers four major fields in the discipline:

  • American Government and Politics
  • Comparative Politics
  • International Relations
  • Public Policy

All PhD students are fully funded for 5 years via a Tuition Assistantship which includes stipend, full tuition, and student health insurance. Answers to frequently asked questions can be found here from the department and here from the College of Social Sciences and Humanities.

For more information on curricular requirements for the PhD program see the  Course Catalog .

phd in political science

Type of Program

  • PhD Program

Get more information about this graduate program.

More programs, bachelor of arts, political science, bachelor of science, political science, certificate in security and resilience studies, master of arts in political science, master of science in resilience studies.

Graduate students and faculty seated around seminar table

A Commitment to Excellence

The Ph.D. program in Politics seeks to train students to assume faculty positions at a range of institutions of higher education and supports students pursuing a range of substantive research in the discipline. If you ask graduate students to identify the program’s strengths, they will mention:

  • An across-the-board commitment to excellence in research and teaching.
  • Respect for a variety of methods and approaches to political research.
  • A strong sense of community among both faculty and graduate students.
  • Unparalleled institutional support for research, ranging from one of the finest university libraries in the world to abundant resources for data collection, field work and conference travel.

Tactical Menu

College of Arts and Science

Truman School of Government and Public Affairs

Phd in political science, program overview .

The University of Missouri's Political Science PhD program is structured to provide an extensive and rigorous academic experience, covering the major subfields of political science, including American politics, public policy and administration, international relations, and comparative politics. This foundational framework is augmented by specialized research cores that address contemporary and emerging issues in political science, such as race and ethnic politics, voting behavior, political movements, civil wars, American political institutions, and conflict management.

PhD students

  • Distinguished by a commitment to methodological rigor , offering comprehensive training in both quantitative and qualitative techniques. Students are equipped with advanced skills in quantitative analysis, including formal modeling, game theory, spatial econometrics, and experiments. 
  • Emphasis on qualitative research , providing training in interviews, archival research, and other interpretive methods. 
  • A vibrant research culture , which fosters collaborative projects between students and faculty. Faculty members are not only experts in their respective fields but are also active contributors to the discipline, regularly publishing in top academic journals, editing leading journals, and teaching advanced techniques at international methods institutes
  • Intensive study through small seminar-style courses , which allows for deep engagement with complex political science concepts and research methods. This format also facilitates close interaction with faculty members, ensuring that students receive individualized guidance and support throughout their academic journey. 

At a Glance

  • Seventeen students in the PhD in Public Affairs program.
  • Thirty-five students in the PhD in Political Science program. 
  • Placements at institutions such as University of Georgia, University of Louisiana-Lafayette, Stanford University, University of Kentucky, Texas Tech University, Dartmouth College, Baylor University, Murray State University and Ohio State University. 
  • In 2023-24, seven students authored or co-authored 15 publications. 
  • Thirty-eight students attended 11 different conferences to present their research with funding from the Truman School.
  • International students from Bangladesh, South Korea, Brazil, Ghana, Turkey, India, Nicaragua, Taiwan , Pakistan, Nigeria, Jamaica, and more. 
  • Domestic students from Hawaii, Texas, Rhode Island, Missouri, Iowa, California, Arkansas, Colorado, Michigan, New Jersey, South Dakota, and more. 
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Degree Options 

Doctoral students identify a primary and a secondary field among four areas of study offered in the Political Science: 

  • American Politics 
  • Comparative Politics 
  • International Relations 
  • Public Policy and Administration 

The PhD program of study consists of 45 hours of graduate course work, including: 

  • 12 hours in a primary field of study 
  • 9 hours in a secondary field of study 
  • 13 hours in methodology 

Up to 24 hours of courses from a student's master's program may be counted toward the doctoral degree, at the discretion of the student's doctoral committee. The doctoral degree requires a minimum of 72 hours of course credit including reading and research hours. 

Students typically take comprehensive exams in the spring of the third year. After passing the comprehensive examination, students work on independent research and a dissertation under the advisement of a doctoral committee.   

PhD Placement 

Our assistance to students doesn’t end when the student gets their PhD.  Each student pursuing a job on the academic job market goes through the placement program, where we review job market materials, discuss strategy, and offer interview prep.  We also offer seminars on how to succeed in non-academic careers, and have placed recent graduates in all levels of government, think tanks, and the private sector. 

The Truman School is extremely proud of its recent placement efforts (see below). In addition to placing students in tenure-track professor positions in research-dominated universities, we have an excellent track record in students gaining employment at small state universities and liberal arts colleges.  Professors in the latter type of universities can engage in their teaching passions while still having the opportunity to conduct research. 

Tenure-track Assistant Professor Placement Institutions: 

  • Knox College
  • Anderson University
  • University of Louisiana-Lafayette
  • Luther College
  • Mount St. Mary's University
  • Texas Tech University
  • University of Macau
  • University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley
  • Lincoln University
  • Baylor University
  • State University of New York—Geneseo 
  • University of South Carolina 
  • Arkansas State University 
  • University of Stavanger (Norway) 
  • Georgia Southern University 
  • University of Reading (UK) 
  • University of South Carolina—Aiken 
  • University of York (UK) 

Post-Doctoral Fellowships Placement Institutions: 

  • Stanford University
  • University of Kentucky
  • Dartmouth College
  • Korea University
  • University of Georgia
  • Ohio State University
  • University of Gothenburg 
  • Arizona State University 
  • University of Copenhagen 
  • Columbia University
  • Vanderbilt University

Department of Political Science

phd in political science

Graduate Program

Yale’s Ph.D. program has a strong historical record of producing leading scholars in the field of Political Science. (Please note: The department does not offer a stand-alone MA in Political Science. Information about the Jackson Institute MPP in Global Affairs .) Many Yale graduates have also had successful careers in government, politics, non-profit organizations, and the private sector. This historical strength is matched by a strong faculty deeply engaged in training current graduate students to succeed in contemporary Political Science.

One of the Department’s strengths is substantive and methodological pluralism—there is no single “Yale way,” and our students and faculty are motivated by a range of questions in and across the subfields of Political Science. At the same time as we acknowledge this diversity of interests, the Department’s curriculum is designed to ensure students have adequate opportunities to master the core tools of contemporary social science research, including a four-course sequence in quantitative methodology and research design (statistics), a two course sequence in formal theory, courses on experimental design, implementation, and analysis, and a training program in qualitative and archival methodology.

The Department also offers training in five substantive subfields: American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, Political Economy, and Political Theory. In each of these subfields, faculty regularly teach courses that expose students to both the foundational work in these areas and current active research topics. In many subfields, this training takes the form of formal or informal “sequences,” for example Comparative Politics I and II are taught each year. These classes are supplemented by topical seminars on selected and advanced topics.

In addition to regular courses, the Department and affiliated institutions (in particular, the MacMillan Center and the Institution for Social and Policy Studies) host a variety of (near-)weekly workshops in which outside speakers and Yale affiliates present and discuss work. These workshops provide a unique opportunity for students to observe the work of leading scholars, as well as to develop their own research in conjunction with faculty and student review. Information about these workshops is available here.

Students will also take two courses as a cohort. The first, Introduction to Politics, is for all Ph.D. students in their first semester. The second, Research and Writing, spans the second year and is centered on students producing a publishable quality research paper prior to embarking on the dissertation. Students in Research and Writing present their final paper in the Department’s mini-APSA conference in April.

About eighteen students enter the Ph.D. program each year. The total number of students in residence at any one time, including students working on their dissertations, is approximately 100, of whom about 40 are taking courses.

The Director of Graduate Studies for the Political Science Department is Hélène Landemore . Professor Landemore’s DGS office is located in Room 234  in Rosenkranz Hall, 115 Prospect Street. To contact Professor Landemore or sign up for DGS office hours, email her at .

The Graduate program registrar is Colleen Amaro.  Her office is located in Room 230 in Rosenkranz Hall, 115 Prospect Street. She can be contacted by email at .

Graduate Programs

Political science.

Our faculty and students profit from the many outstanding institutes, centers and programs at Brown that relate to the study of politics.

The Department of Political Science covers the four main subfields in the discipline:

  • American politics focuses on the behavior of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government; state and local politics; the influence of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties on decision-making; and issues of race and gender.
  • Comparative politics focuses on the comparative study of the behavior of governments and political institutions, non-governmental actors across the world, and on the relationships between political and economic factors in different cultures and societies.
  • International politics considers how political decisions are made in a world without a central authority above the nation-state. Recent emphases include a significant role for international law, norms, and organizations.
  • Political theory seeks to analyze both historically and philosophically the origins and underpinnings of political values.

Additional Resources

Our faculty and students profit from the many outstanding institutes, centers, and programs at Brown that relate to the study of politics. These include the  Taubman Center for Public Policy and American Institutions , the  Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs , the  Master of Public Affairs program , the  Urban Studies Program , the  Saxena Center for Contemporary South Asia , the  Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies , the  Center for Philosophy, Politics and Economics , the  Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America ,  Middle East Studies ,  Development Studies , the  Population Studies and Training Center , and  Africana Studies .

Application Information

In addition to the GRE and writing sample, applicants are required to submit a personal statement, three letters of recommendation, transcript(s), and, if applicable, proof of language proficiency. For further application information, please also see the  Political Science admission guidance  and the  Graduate School's admission guidance .

Application Requirements

Gre subject:.

Not required

GRE General:

Official transcripts:, letters of recommendations:.

Required (3)

Writing Sample:

Personal statement:, dates/deadlines, application deadline, completion requirements.

The Ph.D. requires passing thirteen graduate-level courses with a minimum grade of B or better, though A grades are expected, including methods, field proseminars, course(s) in political theory, and Prospectus Writing. Students must also pass a written and oral preliminary examination in their primary field; a written and oral presentation of a dissertation proposal; and a written and oral presentation of a dissertation. A minimum of two semesters as a teaching assistant is also required.

Alumni Careers


Contact and Location

Department of political science, mailing address.

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  • Graduate School Handbook

University of Delaware

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  • Current Research in the Study of Politics (CRISP)
  • Recent Placements
  • James R. Soles Citizenship Endowment
  • Middle East Partnership Initiative
  • Study of the U.S. Institute on Foreign Policymaking
  • Study of the U.S. Institute on Women’s Leadership
  • Make a Gift

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Additional questions.

If you have further questions, please contact   Lisa Berry​ .

Phone : 302-831-2355 Fax : 302-831-4452

phd in political science

Political Science and International Relations (PhD)

The Department of Political Science and International Relations currently offers a Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) degree, which consists of coursework during the first six semesters followed by dissertation research and writing. Students earn an M.A. as part of their Ph.D.​ studies.  

The program prepares students for occupations related to several aspects of political science, but primarily for joining the professoriate, as college and university professors. 

Field Descriptions

American politics.

The American politics field broadly encompasses institutions (including Congress, the presidency, and the courts), mass behavior (including public opinion and political participation) and political organizations (like parties and interest groups). Our research program and courses are theoretically driven, but also offer opportunities for students and faculty alike to engage in applied politics. We have particular strengths in the study of political psychology, gender and politics, and race and ethnic politics.

Comparative Politics

Comparative Politics as a sub-field is a wide and diverse area of study that deals with politics beyond the U.S. It embraces a range of methodological and theoretical approaches. At the University of Delaware, our comparative politics faculty conduct research in gender and politics in Africa, governance in Africa, comparative political economy with a focus on Europe, populism in Latin America, regionalism in Asia, religion and politics in the Middle East, and ethnic conflict.

International Relations

International Relations (IR) is the study of international and transnational politics broadly understood.   Work in the IR subfield is attentive to exchanges and processes among states, peoples, corporations and other economic activity, organizations, transnational actors and movements, as well among the global, regional, and local levels of politics. The IR faculty at the University of Delaware conduct research in areas of historical IR and the historical evolution of the international system; normative IR theory; conflict and peace-building; international security; security studies; political economy; gender and IR; human rights and human security; and global, regional, and transnational governance.  

Political Theory and Law

The subfield of Political Theory consists of offerings in political theory and law. The political theory subfield focuses on the conceptual frameworks we use to understand, explain, and evaluate our political world. Our faculty includes specialists in both theory and law, many of whom overlap with other subfields in the discipline and who have interdisciplinary ties with fields including Legal Studies, Women and Gender Studies, Sexuality and Gender Studies, and Islamic Studies. Our department includes the study of both the history of ideas and contemporary political and social theory, with strengths in critical theory, modern and postmodern political theory, feminist and queer theory, democratic theory, and Islamic political thought. 

Supporting tomorrow's leaders, scholars and innovators

The University of Delaware holistically supports its graduate students, beginning with their health and wellbeing . Benefits include a subsidized health plan and physical and behavioral health services. UD fosters a culture of academic excellence , with committed faculty and staff and access to state-of-the-art research facilities and technology. UD prioritizes professional development with job training, internships and industry partnerships. Graduates further enhance their professional growth and visibility with opportunities to work on interdisciplinary research teams, present their work at conferences and publish in academic journals. Visit the links below to learn how UD is supporting society’s future leaders, scholars, and innovators.

New graduate students attending a student panel discussion as part of Graduate New Student Orientation for the Spring 2024 semester. The panel featured graduate and Ph.D students (from left): Martin Vivero, Communication Sciences & Disorders, Ph.D.; Priscila Barbosa, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Ph.D; Deborah Oyeyemi, Business Analytics & Information Management, M.S.; and Emmanuel Gyimah, Educational Technology, M.Ed. The panel was moderated by LaRuth McAfee, Senior Assistant Dean LaRuth McAfee, Ph.D.

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For Prospective Graduate Students

Front of building on campus

The Department of Government. Calling all researchers, leaders, and changemakers.  

When you join Harvard University’s Department of Government, you become part of a highly-recognized intellectual community of scholars, researchers, visionaries, leaders, and changemakers. Our strength in teaching and research in all fields of political science is reflected in both our faculty and our curriculum. 

Harvard University’s Department of Government is a world leader in the study and scholarship in political science. Our programs of study include:

  • American Government
  • Comparative Politics
  • International Relations
  • Political Methodology/Formal Theory
  • Political Philosophy and Its History

Our innovative curriculum reflects a diverse range of fields and methodologies. The vibrant graduate student body receives hands-on training by conducting supervised dissertation research and working with our faculty in research projects and undergraduate teaching. 

Here, scholars have access to unparalleled resources.  They have the opportunity to define and formulate their own research questions and to apply a variety of research methodologies. 

  • Graduate students research is greatly facilitated by the exceptional resources offered by the Department of Government and the University.
  • Harvard has the  largest university library in the world .
  • Harvard expansive network of research centers and top international studies centers bring together scholars and researchers from around the globe.

Scholars can also take advantage of Harvard’s generous financial aid program.  In addition, there is just no match to the energy and excitement that accompanies student life in the Cambridge/Boston area.  

Harvard University does not discriminate against applicants or students on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry or any other protected classificiation.

PhD Requirements

Candidates for the PhD in Government are expected to complete the required coursework during their first two years of graduate study and take the General Examination at the end of the second year. A typical schedule consists of these two years, followed by three or four years of work on a dissertation, combined with supervised teaching.


The graduate program of the Department of Government is designed to train students for careers in university teaching and advanced research in political science. The department does not offer an independent master’s program, the master of arts in political science being reserved for PhD candidates on the way to their final degrees.  Click here  to visit the Graduate School of Arts and Science’s page on admission to the Government Department to learn more about the application process. 

Application for Admission

The application for admissions is available at .

The application fee is $105. Applicants can determine eligibility for a fee waiver by completing a series of questions in the Application Fee section of the application. Once these questions have been answered, the application system will provide an immediate response regarding fee waiver eligibility.

Application information and instructions are available at . Applicants with admissions questions should call 617-496-6100 from 2-5pm EST or email  [email protected] .  Applicants with financial aid questions should call 617-495-5396 or email  [email protected] .

Financial Aid and Fellowship Opportunities 

Financial aid is administered under the direction of the  Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) .  The department intends that all graduate students should have support adequate to enable them to complete their studies while enrolled full-time. Prospective students apply for financial aid at the same time they apply for admission and are also required to submit a Statement of Financial Resources.  The financial aid package for government students typically includes tuition and fees plus a stipend and a summer research grant for the first two years; tuition and fees plus guaranteed teaching fellowships and a summer research grant for years three and four; tuition and fees in year five; and tuition and fees plus a stipend for the completion year.

In addition to  funding from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences , graduate students are encouraged to apply for outside fellowships and grants. Please visit the  website of the GSAS Fellowships Office  for more information.  


  1. PhD in Political Science

    Learn how to pursue a doctoral degree in political science at MIT, a leading institution for advancing the discipline. Explore the requirements, fields, courses, exams, and thesis process for the PhD program.

  2. Best Political Science Programs in America

    Political science is a discipline that combines history, current events and analysis. Graduate students are often able to specialize in a certain area of politics. These are the best political ...

  3. Ph.D. in Political Science

    Learn about the top-ten research department and its excellent job placement record for PhD graduates. The program covers major theoretical questions and subfields of political science, and involves faculty collaboration and independent research.

  4. PhD in Political Science

    Learn about the Ph.D. program in political science, which offers major and minor fields in American politics, international relations, comparative politics, political theory, public policy, and research methods. Find out the admission requirements, course offerings, funding, and job placement data for this program.

  5. PhD in Political Science

    The PhD degree in Political Science requires 36 credit hours of approved graduate work. Most students complete 12 credits in their primary field of study, 12 credits in research design and methodology, 6 credits in their secondary field of study, and 6 credits of electives, which they choose in consultation with their advisor. ...

  6. Ph.D. Admissions

    Learn how to apply for the Ph.D. program in political science at Stanford, a highly selective and rigorous training for scholars in various fields. Find out about the admission requirements, financial assistance, courses, and leadership opportunities for graduate students.

  7. PhD Requirements

    PhD Requirements. The Political Science department at UC Berkeley admits students only for the Ph.D. degree. The Ph.D. program has two major phases: coursework and examinations, and dissertation research and writing. The two phases typically take approximately five or six years (three years to candidacy and two or three for dissertation ...

  8. Doctoral Program

    Learn about the Ph.D. program in political science at Stanford, which trains scholars in various fields of the discipline. The program consists of small seminars, comprehensive exams, and dissertation research.

  9. PhD Requirements

    Course Requirements. To fulfill the requirements for the Ph.D. in Political Science students must complete 12 courses at the 600-level with a grade of B or better. Of these 12 courses, eight must be graduate-level (600-level) courses taken in the Political Science department. No more than two of these eight courses (600-level) may be ...

  10. Graduate

    Political Science > Graduate. The Johns Hopkins University Department of Political Science is known for its strength in theory and in innovative and trans-disciplinary approaches to uncovering new knowledge and the program of doctoral study draws on these strengths to provide rigorous training. Our program is designed for highly qualified ...

  11. Political Science

    PhD in Political Science Our PhD program emphasizes training and experience in the research methods essential to developing new knowledge. Major in Political Science The undergraduate program offers a broad range of courses about politics and government at local, state, national, and international levels. ...

  12. PDF Political Science, PhD

    To fulfill the requirements for the PhD in Political Science students must complete 12 courses at the 600-level with a grade of B or better. Of these 12 courses, eight must be graduate-level (600-level) courses taken in the Political Science Department. No more than two of these eight courses (600-level) may be Independent Studies.

  13. Ph.D. Program

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  14. Political Science, PhD

    The Johns Hopkins University Department of Political Science is known for its strength in theory and in innovative and trans-disciplinary approaches to uncovering new knowledge, and the program of doctoral study draws on these strengths to provide rigorous training. Our program is designed for highly qualified, intellectually curious, and ...

  15. PhD in Political Science

    The PhD in Political Science program emphasizes theoretical and methodological rigor and is designed to train applied social-scientists for careers in research. To this end, the program mandates that all students complete a common core of applied formal theory and statistical modeling coursework in addition to the general substantive ...

  16. Political Science, PhD

    The PhD in Political Science program at George Mason University's Schar School of Policy and Government prepares you for teaching, research, and careers in government, consulting, nonprofits, and nongovernmental organizations. The program allows you to combine your studies with experience in the kinds of complex domestic and international political organizations you will be studying.

  17. Ph.D. in Political Science

    The UConn Ph.D. program in political science prepares students to do innovative research and teaching at institutions of higher education. It also prepares them for careers in government, as well as a range of non-governmental organizations and research foundations. Our Ph.D. students work closely with faculty in their classes and through ...

  18. PhD in Political Science

    The PhD in Political Science covers four major fields in the discipline: All PhD students are fully funded for 5 years via a Tuition Assistantship which includes stipend, full tuition, and student health insurance. Answers to frequently asked questions can be found here from the department and here from the College of Social Sciences and ...

  19. Graduate

    Learn from a diverse and distinguished faculty and pursue a range of research topics in political science. The program offers excellent training, institutional support and a strong sense of community for graduate students.

  20. PhD in Political Science

    Doctoral students identify a primary and a secondary field among four areas of study offered in the Political Science: American Politics. Comparative Politics. International Relations. Public Policy and Administration. The PhD program of study consists of 45 hours of graduate course work, including: 12 hours in a primary field of study.

  21. Graduate Program

    The Graduate program registrar is Colleen Amaro. Her office is located in Room 230 in Rosenkranz Hall, 115 Prospect Street. She can be contacted by email at [email protected]. Yale's Ph.D. program has a strong historical record of producing leading scholars in the field of Political Science.

  22. Political Science

    Political Science. Our faculty and students profit from the many outstanding institutes, centers and programs at Brown that relate to the study of politics. The Department of Political Science covers the four main subfields in the discipline: American politics focuses on the behavior of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of ...

  23. Graduate Program

    Our graduate program in political science reflects changes in the discipline, shifts in the political landscape, and the additional new faculty who have expanded the depth and breadth of our offerings. We currently offer a Ph.D. specializing in four of the major subfields of political science: ...

  24. For Prospective Graduate Students

    The graduate program of the Department of Government is designed to train students for careers in university teaching and advanced research in political science. The department does not offer an independent master's program, the master of arts in political science being reserved for PhD candidates on the way to their final degrees.