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How to use the PhD title and all the little doctorate “rules”… use ph.d etc the correct way.

There are many conventions in the academic world that can make it difficult to navigate the philosophiae doctor title. The PhD title is awarded to those who have completed a doctoral degree but, not many people know how to use it once they have it.

It’s best to use PhD not Ph.D in most cases!

This article will go through everything you need to know about using the PhD title and when you can start using it.

The “rules” are relatively simple and can be broken as they are not officially set in stone – other than when you can officially call yourself a doctor.

There is no one correct answer but it may be misleading if you use the PhD title incorrectly. Here are the recommendations for effective communication for a PhD graduate.

It very much depends on the setting. Here are some examples of how I would use both the titles awarded to me after my PhD degree.

SituationPreferred titles
Full formal university businessDr Andrew Stapleton Ph.D, MChem
University emailsDr Andy Stapleton
Speaking to a primary school classDr Andy
Emails to students I am lecturingDr Stapleton
How I wish to be called while teaching university classesAndy

How do you Write PhD correctly after a name? Is it ph d or phd and ph.d? Abbreviation explained

It can be confusing to know exactly how to write PhD after your name as a person with a doctoral degree. Which bits are capitalised for a person with a doctoral degree? Is there a ‘.’ In the middle?

When writing a name with a PhD after it, the correct way to do so is to use “PhD” or “Ph.D. or Ph D”

Depending on the preference of the individual, either form can be used.

However, if the individual has a business card that states their degree in full, then the more formal “Doctor of Philosophy” should be used.

It is important to note that using “PhD” without any periods is incorrect; this abbreviation should only be used in informal contexts such as emails or text messages. I tend to use PhD in my YouTube videos and some people have pointed out that this is incorrect…

Following the individual’s preferred format will ensure that their name and credentials are properly represented.

Should you use Dr as well as PhD?

Some people like to use Dr and PhD in their official titles. There are a couple of important points that you need to know about markers and academic titles.

  • A person can have more than one marker in their name. For example my full title is Dr Andrew Stapleton, PhD, MChem.
  • The doctor title at the front can be used as a variant to the PhD at the end.

It can be a little bit ambiguous if I was to use Dr Andrew Stapleton, PhD as there are two markers. This could mean that I have two PhD’s, it could mean that I have a PhD and a medical doctorate, or it could just be that I want to use both the doctor and the PhD tags for the one degree.

However, in my experience, I still like to use both the title of doctor at the front and the PhD tag at the end of my name for official purposes.

Academics would rarely use the PhD suffix in everyday communication. They would much rather just use the doctor title.

What is the proper title for a PhD with a doctorate degree?

The proper title for a PhD is Doctor of Philosophy. However, some teachers and professors like to be referred to without their official title.

If you are not sure about how your professor, lecturer, or friend with a PhD wishes to be officially addressed you can ask them.

Most of the time, I like to refer to my colleagues with their doctor title for official purposes, but I do not include the type of doctoral degree at the end of their name. That is much better suited to a business card.

Your lecture may wish to be referred to as:

  • Dr [last name]
  • Dr [first name]

Asking them in the early stages of your relationship is the best way to work out which one they prefer.

If in doubt, always go for the more formal name and nomenclature.

When can you start to use your PhD title after your doctorate? As a PhD student? After your phd thesis?

When you have earned your PhD, you, as a person with a doctoral degree, can start using your title immediately. Although, it can be a little bit confusing as to when you have actually passed your PhD. Is it when you have submitted your dissertation for the advanced degree? Is it when you have received the comments back?

The University of Adelaide says that you can use it from your conferral date:

Students can be conferred on one of five dates during the year and for PhD students the conferral date will be the first available following the completion of all the academic requirements of your degree, including final thesis lodgement and the disbursement of any outstanding financial obligations to the University.

I started using my PhD title as soon as my confirmation letter arrived at my house. It was the first letter from the University that referred to me as Dr Stapleton. I was incredibly excited.

Generally, it is acceptable to use the title “Dr.” both professionally and socially but socially, people very rarely use it – at least in Australia. But you should never use it if you are a PhD student, PhD candidate or enrolled in a PhD program without a previous PhD qualification. 

I do use it in professional settings but it always makes me feel a little bit awkward.

However, there may be some restrictions for certain settings . For example, if have a research degree resulting in a doctor title and you are working in a medical setting – some institutions do not like you to use Dr as it can confuse patients into thinking that you have a medical degree. 

Instead, they ask that you use the PhD tag at the end of your name rather than the doctoral title for official and professional communications.

What is the correct way to write PhD?

When writing about someone’s PhD, the correct way is to write the term in full and capitalize each letter.

This should be done for all academic degrees, not just PhDs.

For example, it would be “Doctor of Philosophy” or “PhD” instead of “Ph.D.”, “Dr.”, or “DPhil”.

Additionally, it is common to mention the field of study in which the degree was earned if known, such as “Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics”. It is also good practice to include the institution that granted the degree if it is a recognized one.

When writing about someone’s PhD, use proper capitalization and include relevant information like field of study and institution if known to ensure accuracy.

How do you put a PhD in a title?

Putting a PhD in a title is not as complicated as it may sound.

Generally speaking, the proper way to list a PhD in an academic or professional setting is by writing “Dr.” before the name, followed by the person’s full name and the appropriate abbreviations for their degree.

For example, if John Smith has earned a doctorate in psychology, his credentials would be listed as “Dr. John Smith, Ph.D.”

In some cases, such as when addressing someone formally in speech or on a business card, it may also be acceptable to list their credentials as “John Smith, Ph.D.”

Depending on context and personal preference, some people may also choose to list their higher degrees after their names by writing out the entire degree instead of just its abbreviation.

For example, John Smith could choose to write his full title as “John Smith, Doctor of Psychology”

However, I have not seen this in real academic life.

Should the font size of Ph.D. be the same as someone’s name?

The question of whether the font size of a Ph.D. should be the same as someone’s name is an interesting one.

On one hand, it could be argued that the Ph.D. deserves to be highlighted and therefore should be given a larger font size than someone’s name to denote its importance.

On the other, it could be argued that this would not be necessary or appropriate, and that treating everyone equally regardless of their title or degree is more important.

It depends on context and usage – if both names appear in the same document then they should likely have the same font size; however, if one appears in a formal setting such as a diploma or certificate, then it may make sense to give it a larger font size than someone’s name to emphasize its importance and significance.

Ph.Ds (or PhDs) are an important academic achievement and should be respected accordingly but without going overboard by giving them overly large fonts sizes which can take away from rather than add to their importance.

Wrapping up – doctoral title rules

this article has been over everything you need to know that using the PhD title properly and effectively.

The doctor title can be used in place of the PhD and for incredibly formal communications, such as a business email or card, you can use both.

However, sometimes using both can cause confusion as to whether or not there is a reason first using both the doctor and PhD tags. Nonetheless, many people still use both.

Frequently Asked Questions about using PhD or Ph.d

1. what does phd stand for.

A PhD stands for Doctor of Philosophy , which is a doctoral degree that represents the highest level of academic achievement in a specific field of study.

2. Is Ph.d the same as PhD?

Yes, Ph.d is the abbreviation for Doctor of Philosophy , and both terms are used interchangeably to refer to the same academic degree .

3. Can I use the title ‘Doctor’ with a PhD?

Individuals who hold a PhD have the right to use the title “Doctor” in front of their name as they are a person with a doctoral degree .

4. What is the correct way to write PhD?

The correct way to write PhD is with no spaces and with both letters capitalized, following the standard abbreviation for Doctor of Philosophy .

5. How do I abbreviate Doctor of Philosophy?

You can abbreviate Doctor of Philosophy as PhD , which is the most commonly used abbreviation for this type of doctoral degree .

6. Can I use both the title ‘Dr.’ and ‘PhD’ together?

Yes, you can use both the title ‘Dr.’ and ‘PhD’ together to denote your academic achievement as a holder of a doctorate degree .

7. What is a dissertation in relation to a PhD?

A dissertation is a scholarly document that Ph.D candidates are required to submit as part of their research degree in a specific field.

8. Who is considered a PhD candidate?

A PhD candidate is a student enrolled in a PhD program working towards the completion of their doctoral studies.

9. Is a PhD also referred to as a Doctorate?

Yes, a PhD is also commonly referred to as a Doctorate , signifying the attainment of the highest

how to use phd

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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How to Correctly Use the Titles Dr. & PhD With a Name

How to Reference a Person With a PhD

How to Reference a Person With a PhD

When someone has earned a Doctor of Philosophy, or Ph.D., degree, that person is subsequently referred to as “doctor” in formal speech. The same is true of a person who is a medical doctor, psychologist, dentist or veterinarian. In formal speech, that person should be referred to as “doctor.” However, the rules are different in written form when addressing someone who is called “doctor” in formal speech. In written form, the titles “Dr.” and “Ph.D.” are not interchangeable.

Determine the Type of Doctor

First, you should identify what type of doctor you are addressing. Doctors of medicine and psychology, doctors of dentistry and doctors of veterinary medicine must be addressed differently in comparison to academic doctors who have earned a Doctor of Philosophy doctoral degree. Be advised that there are different types of doctoral degrees. A Doctor of Philosophy degree is just one kind of doctoral degree. There’s also, for example, a Doctor of Education doctoral degree and a Doctor of Psychology doctoral degree. The titles associated with the various doctoral degrees are not interchangeable. Only a person who has earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree should be addressed as Ph.D.

Addressing a Doctor in Writing

Place the title of “Dr.” before the name of a person who is a doctor of medicine or psychology, doctor of dentistry, or doctor of veterinary medicine. For example Dr. George Ross. Always write the word “doctor” in its abbreviated form when it goes before the person’s name. Never write, for example, Doctor George Ross. Do not combine the title of “Dr.” with any other title even if the person could appropriately be addressed by a different title. Never write, for example, “Dr. George Ross, Ph.D.,” even if the person is a medical doctor who has also earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree. Pick one title. Do not use the “Dr.” title when referring to someone who is solely an academic doctor.

Put a comma followed by the title “Ph.D.” after the name of a person who has earned a Doctor of Philosophy doctoral degree. For example Stacey Childs, Ph.D. Do not combine the title of “Ph.D.” with any other title even if the person could appropriately be addressed by a different title. For instance, even if the person being addressed is a doctor of medicine who has also earned a Ph.D., never write, for example, Dr. Stacey Childs, Ph.D. Pick one title. Do not use the “Ph.D.” title when referring to someone who not earned a Doctor of Philosophy doctoral degree.

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Maya Austen began freelance writing in 2009. She has written for many online publications on a wide variety of topics ranging from physical fitness to amateur astronomy. She's also an author and e-book publisher. Austen has a Bachelor of Arts in communications from the New England Institute of Art and currently lives in Boston, Mass.

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How to Use a Doctorate with Your Name

—- For more on the the use of Port-Nominal Abbreviations , see that page . —- For more on use of an Honorary Doctorate , see that page . How to Use a Doctorate with Your Name

Here are the forms to use when addressing a person addressed as Dr. See the discussion below “How to Use a Doctorate with Your Name 1-2-3-4-5” for more information on who typically does use Dr. as part of their name and who does not.

—- Envelope or address block on letter or email to their office/place of work: ——– (Full Name), (Post-nominal abbreviation for doctorate held). ——– ( Name of office/place of work if  appropriate) ——– (Address)

—- Social/Personal envelope: ——– Dr. (Full Name) ——– (Address)

—- Salutation – for both official & social: ——– Dear Dr. (Surname):  How to Use a Doctorate with Your Name

Robert Hickey author of “Honor & Respect”

How to Use a Doctorate with Your Name: 1-2-3-4-5

—- #1) Holders of doctorates who work in academia or research institutions are addressed as ‘Dr. (Name)’ professionally and socially in a salutation or conversation. Thus, a Ph.D. professor at a college, a Ph.D. in biology doing scientific research, and a Ph.D. principal at an elementary school all use Dr. (Name) and everybody thinks it is normal.

—- NOTE: At some universities it is traditional to address faculty holding of academic doctorates as ‘Mr. (Name)’ or ‘Professor (Name)’ and not to address as ‘Dr. (Name)’. For those outside the academic community it is acceptable to follow the insider’s rule or to address holders of doctorates as ‘Dr. (Name)’ in writing or oral address.

—- #2) Protestant clergy with doctorates are addressed as ‘Dr. (Name)’ in a salutation or conversation. I specify ‘Protestant’ here because not all clergy is. For example, neither priests – addressed in a salutation or conversation as Father [Name] – nor rabbis – addressed as Rabbi [Name] –  holding doctorates are ever addressed as Dr. [Name] . In a salutation or conversation they stick with Father[Name] and Rabbi [Name].

—- #3) Holders of doctorates who work outside academia or research don’t always prefer to be addressed as ‘Dr. (Name)’. in a salutation or conversation. —- —- A) In the USA ‘Dr.’ may be used depending on the work environment and/or when the degree isn’t pertinent to the conversation. E.g., a Ph.D. in finance working at a bank or a Ph.D. in American history working in software development are not likely to insist on being addressed as ‘ Dr. (Name)’ . But always ask for their preference. Use of, or omitting, the honorific can be a sensitive issue to some individuals! —- —- B) And, outside the U.S.A. everyone holding a doctorate will want to be addressed as ‘Dr. (Name)’ in every instance.

—- #4) In hospitals and healthcare environments historically there was a practice that only physicians (medical doctors, osteopaths, dentists, podiatrists, veterinarians, etc. ) are addressed as ‘Dr. (Name)’. This was explained to be out of consideration for the patients who want to know who ‘the doctors’ are and who are nurses and allied healthcare professionals.

—- That made for some unhappy professionals who earned doctorates in hospital administration, pharmacy, physical therapy and nursing, etc. – who felt they too were properly addressed as ‘Dr. (Name)’ . It’s my understanding that today all the holders of doctorates are addressed as Dr. (Name) and hospitals (etc.) have figured out other ways to define which doctor is a physician, which is a physical therapist and which is a nurse anesthetist.

—- #5) All that said, ultimately how one is addressed by others is up to the individual and usually everyone goes along. For example, if you and I meet a woman who identifies herself as ‘Monsignor Alice’ … I think it is unlikely she’s a Roman Catholic Monsignor. And, it’s unusual she has only one name, like Pink, Rhianna, Sting, Cher, or Madonna. But we should directly address her in conversation as ‘Monsignor Alice,’ it’s nice to meet you …’ because that’s what she says her name is. How to Use a Doctorate with Your Name

—- But, when she’s out of range, we will all be talking about her.

—- —- – Robert Hickey

Related Healthcare Links -V — — Chiropractor / Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine -V — — Dentist / Doctor of Dentistry -V — — Medical Doctor / Doctor of Medicine -V — — Military Physician / Armed Services -V — — Optometrist / Doctor of Optometry -V — — Osteopath / Doctor of Osteopathy -V — — Podiatrist / Doctor of Podiatry -V — — Veterinarian / Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

More Related Healthcare Links: -V — — Person holding a doctorate -V — — Pharmacist / Doctor of Pharmacy -V — — Psychologist -V — — Therapist

Related Links: —- —- —- Principal —- —- —- Headmaster —- —- —- President College University —- —- —- President of a School —- —- —- Chancellor —- —- —- Professor

When To Use Dr. (Name) and When To Use (Name), Ph.D.?

My daughter is receiving her Ph.D. and will be teaching. I would like to give her a name plate for her desk. Should it be ‘Dr. (Full Name)’ or ‘(Full Name), Ph.D. ‘? ——————- – AP

Dear AP,   How to Use a Doctorate with Your Name

‘(Full Name), Ph.D.’ is the official form of her name. You will use it on the envelope, or in the address block of a letter, when you write to her with regard to her professional pursuits. This is the form the university will use when she is listed among the faculty. It is used by the degree holder, when specifying the exact degree is pertinent – like on business cards or in a list of academics.

‘Dr. (Full Name)’ is the social form of her name. You will use it when you write her name on a personal letter’s envelope, e.g., one sent to her home. This is the form everyone will use on the envelope when they send her a birthday or holiday card. It is rarely used by the degree holder since one does not correctly give oneself an honorific. The degree holder – in their signature or when introducing him or herself – just uses their name … no ‘Dr.’ It’s up to the other person to add the ‘Dr.’ E.g., I just introduce myself as ‘Robert Hickey’ – never ‘Mr. Robert Hickey.’

Sometimes you will observe a physician in a healthcare setting introducing him or herself as ‘Dr. (Name)’ – but there it is for the patient’s benefit to know they are the physician in a field of people wearing seemingly identical white coats!

‘Dr. (Surname)’ is the conversational form of her name. Use it both officially and socially in a letter’s salutation as well as in oral conversation.

So, for an office name plate use the official form of her name – (Full Name), Ph.D.

– Robert Hickey

how to use phd

Doctors present the official form of their name to the public:  (Full Name) (Pertinent post-nominals for the service offered).   The social form of their name does not include their degree: Dr. (Full Name).   In both official and social salutations and conversations patients use Dr. (Name).

Forms of Address: How a conversation begins can have a huge impact on how the conversation - even the entire relationship - develops.

If My Doctorate is in Music, am I ‘Dr.’?

I hold a DMA, Doctorate in Music, from a Boston university and am a Church Music Director. Please could you advise me as to whether it is acceptable for the church where I work to list me in the service bulletins as: ‘Dr. (First name) + (Last name) ‘? —————- – CJ

Dear CJ: How to Use a Doctorate with your Name It is correct to list yourself in the bulletin using the professional form of your name … (First name) + (Last name), DMA.    It specifies your academic credential in your professional domain.

Among protestant denominations many address their clergy with a doctorate orally and in a salutation as  Dr. (Surname).   If your church is one of those, and it is your preference is to be Dr. (Surn, tell everyone that it is your preference to be addressed Dr. (Surname).

Usually academics and researchers who go by Dr. (Surname) professionally – use Dr. (Surname)  socially. But ultimately whether a particular Ph.D. holder is ‘Dr. (Name)’ socially … especially outside of healthcare, academia or research … is at the preference of the bearer. Some insist, some don’t care, others say they answer to anything they are called. Ultimately your name belongs to you and if you want to be Dr. (Surname), then it’s your right to request everyone address you that way.

– Robert Hickey   How to Use a Doctorate with your Name

May I Call Myself Dr. (Name)  if my Degree Is Not Related to the Service I Offer?

I have a Ph.D. and license in counseling. Recently I sent out an announcement for a yoga class I will be teaching. The state of Colorado says I should not teach yoga as   “Dr. (Name)”. How can I convince them I can? ——– – Kevin S., Ph.D., L.P.C., C.M.T., I.K.Y.T.A. ,  Counseling, Yoga Therapy, Integrative Health & Healing

Dear Dr. Kevin, How to Use a Doctorate with your Name

Your Ph.D. is in a field not related to the service you are offering.

A couple of typical practices I observe in the USA come to mind:

Professionals use with their name the degrees pertinent to their profession service. The degrees and certifications are provided for the benefit of the public so the public can quickly evaluate your credentials.

Here’s what I mean by pertinent . A pastor who would be the Reverend (Full Name)  & Pastor (Name) at church on Sundays, would not use the Reverend (Full Name) & Pastor (Name)  when teaching English Monday through Friday, at the local high school. That he or she is the Reverend  might be mentioned in a complete biography or introduction. It just isn’t part of his/her name at school.

So, I can see if you are using ‘Dr. (Name)’ when offering a class in yoga, and your doctorate is not directly to the service you are offering, say a doctorate physical therapy or kinesthetics …. it would be confusing to me … and the state officials must think it is misleading to the public.

– Robert Hickey How to Use a Doctorate with Your Name

how to use phd

Should I Use Dr. or Ph.D. on an Invitation?

If a person holds a Ph.D., should his or her name be ‘Dr. (name)’ a wedding invitation? Or ‘( Name), Ph.D.’ ?  Is this true for the father of the bride?  The groom?  Is the rule for names on wedding invitations and wedding envelopes different that the guidelines for social correspondence? ————– – Beverly Russell, Winchester, Virginia

Dear Ms. Russell: Wedding invitations and their envelopes are social correspondence. Post-nominal abbreviations ( Ph.D. is a post nominal abbreviation) aren’t used on social correspondence:

—- —- DON’T use Ph.D.

—- —- DO use Dr. (Name)

Another question that typically comes up is whether to use Doctor or Dr. (spelled out or abbreviated) on the invitation or on the mailing envelope?

The rule is to spell out everything and not to use abbreviations unless space is an issue.

But, Mr., Mrs., Dr., and Ms. (for which there is no spelled-out version) are typically used on invitations and when addressing invitations in even the most formal circles. I think ‘Doctor (Name)’ looks oh-so-highly precious, but I know some wedding planners who would wrestle me to the mat on that one.

When Should You Use the Forms on this Page?

You can use these forms of address for any mode of communication: addressing a letter, invitation, card or Email. (If there are differences between the official and social forms of address, I will have mentioned the different forms.)  The form noted in the salutation is the same form you say when you say their name in conversation or when you greet them. ___ What I don’t cover on this site are  many things I do cover in my book: all the rules of forms of address, about names, international titles, precedence, complimentary closes, details on invitations, place cards, all sorts of introductions , etc. I hope you’ll get a copy of the book if you’d like the further detail.

Not Finding Your Answer?

—- #1)    At right  on desktops , at the bottom of every page on tablets and phones , is a list of all the offices, officials & topics covered on the site.

—- #2)   If you don’t see the official you seek included or your question answered send me an e-mail . I am pretty fast at sending a reply: usually the next day or so  (unless I am traveling.)   Note: I don’t have mailing or Email addresses for any of the officials and I don’t keep track of offices that exist only in history books.

—- #3)   If I think your question is of interest to others, Sometimes I post the question  – but always change all the specifics.

— Robert Hickey 

Recommended Resources:    The Protocol School of Washington (PSOW)  and  Protocol and Diplomacy International – Protocol Officers Association (PDI-POA)     For more information see the Protocol Resources page.

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Professional Title Etiquette: When to Use Your Dr. Title

female doctor reviewing information on a tablet

Socially as well as professionally, medical doctors, dentists, and other professionals are addressed by, and introduced with, their titles. People who have earned a Ph.D. or any other academic, nonmedical doctoral degree have the choice of whether to use "Dr." both professionally and socially.  If, when meeting people with doctorates, you're unsure how to address them, "Dr." is always correct.  If they'd rather the title be dropped, they will let you know.

It's more common for women to use the title "Doctor" socially as well as professionally than in the past. When a married woman uses the title "Dr." (either medical or academic) socially, addressing social correspondence to the couple is a little trickier. If her husband is not a doctor, address letters to Dr. Sonia and Mr. Robert Harris. Her name comes first because her professional title "outranks" his social title. If her husband is also a doctor, the address is either The Drs. (Doctors) Harris or Drs. Sonia and Robert Harris (the order of the names doesn't matter).

The Reverend

In introductions and correspondence, many Protestant clergy are referred to as "The Reverend." While business correspondence is addressed to The Reverend James Norris, (D.D., if held), social correspondence is slightly different: The Reverend (Mr./Dr.) and Mrs. James Norris. In conversation, a clergyman or clergywoman is addressed as Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms./Pastor/Rector/Reverend Norris.

Addressing a husband or wife who are both "Reverends" follows the same format as a husband and wife who are both doctors: The Reverends Norris or The Reverend Mrs./Ms. Patricia Norris and the Reverend Mr. James Norris. If either of the couple also has a doctorate degree, that person's name would go first: The Reverend Dr. James Norris and The Reverend Mrs./Ms. Patricia Norris.

Today "Esquire" is largely confined to business correspondence between attorneys and justices of the peace. An alternative is to write:

Mr. David Bowman

Attorney at Law

using two lines, no indent, and including the titles Mr. or Ms.

When "Esq." or "Esquire" is used, the name is never preceded by Mr., Ms., Mrs., or other titles such as Dr., and is written David Bowman, Esq. "Esquire" isn't used in introductions: "I'd like to introduce attorney David Bowman/Mr. David Bowman/David Bowman." It also isn't used for social correspondence, as when writing to a lawyer and his or her spouse or addressing a social invitation. Mr. and Mrs. David Bowman is the correct form.

Professional Designations

Professional designations such as CPA (Certified Public Accountant) or CLU (Certified Life Underwriter) are only used on business cards or business correspondence. They follow a person's name, and Mr. or Ms. isn't used: Martha Dawes, CPA; Phillip Olner, CLU. If a person has more than one designation, they're listed in the order received: Phillip Olner, CLU, CFP. Socially, use Mr., Ms., or Mrs. without the professional designation: Ms. Martha Dawes.

Other Titles

Every day we run into people who have an official title. The police officer at the desk is Sergeant Flynn; the head of the fire department is Chief Elmore; the club chef is Chef Rossi; the pilot on your plane is Captain Howe; and so forth. When on the job, such people are always addressed by their titles, just as they are when the matter at hand is related to their work. Socially, many don't use their titles, though they may. Sometimes a title sticks: A local judge, for example, who's been called by his title for a number of years, is usually addressed as "Judge" even after his retirement.

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Should I write "PhD" or "Ph.D."?

Question pretty self-explanatory. Should the abbreviation of the Latin term philosophiae doctor be written as PhD (no periods) or Ph.D. (with periods)?

  • abbreviations

benregn's user avatar

  • 1 You have a couple of correct answers below. Personally I avoid periods in abbreviations, so I would use PhD, just as I would say Washington DC using the postal code abbreviation DC rather than the historical abbreviation D.C. (District of Columbia). –  Wayne Commented May 17, 2011 at 12:38

6 Answers 6

Actually both are correct. I could easily find both on my NOAD, and there are plenty of pages on the net where you find it written as "PhD".

The OALD gives an interesting distinction, stating that Ph.D. is especially North American English.

Now, being a non-native speaker, I can only rely on official sources to state who uses what , but there's no doubt that both variants are used.

Lastly, I think there's really no point in distinguishing them as " Philosophiae Doctor " or " Doctor of Philosophy " because it's the same exact expression, although considering the abbreviation, the former is the correct and original long version, the latter is just the English translation.

JacKeown's user avatar

  • 1 Collins English Dictionary shows a separate abbreviation if you want to specify the degree in English: "DPhil". (Also at , just further down the page.) –  MT_Head Commented May 17, 2011 at 9:52
  • @MT_Head: Thanks for commenting. With "if you want to specify the degree in English" you mean "being unambiguous"? –  Alenanno Commented May 17, 2011 at 9:54
  • Indeed. To give an anecdotal example: in the company I used to work for, which was British, people didn't tend to use periods for abbreviations of degrees, e.g. MSc , PhD . I now work for an American company, where the convention is to use them, hence Ph.D. –  Steve Melnikoff Commented May 17, 2011 at 9:55
  • I see, I was thinking of that before honestly, since PhD (or PHD) can be other things too... Thanks for pointing it out! –  Alenanno Commented May 17, 2011 at 10:04
  • 6 @MT_Head DPhil is also what a PhD is called at Oxford. If you use DPhil then a BE speaker would assume you specifically mean Oxford. –  mgb Commented May 17, 2011 at 15:07

PhD and Ph.D. are both correct. Canadians tend to omit the periods and those from the U.S. tend to keep them. A reference grammar explains it like this:

2  abbreviations and acronyms 1  punctuation We usually write abbreviations without full stops in modern British English. Full stops (AmE ‘periods’) are normal in American English.   Mr (AmE Mr. ) = Mister (not usually written in full)   kg (AmE kg. ) = kilogram  […]

Quote source: Swan, Michael. Practical English Usage (Third Edition). page 2.

Kai Burghardt's user avatar

I tend to use both 'PhD' and 'Ph.D'. A DPhil is awarded at both Oxford Uni and Sussex Uni in England. All others award PhDs to my knowledge.

It bugs me when people use 'Dr' before their name and then also state the award following it. I feel it should be one or the other.

Simon Bignell's user avatar

  • Agree with Dr being used with PhD part. –  Failed Scientist Commented Jul 28, 2016 at 10:19
  • 4 "Oh, I'm going to get some cash out of this ATM machine." –  hBy2Py Commented Mar 31, 2017 at 17:00
  • 1 @hBy2Py : Ha! That's an example of the ironically named RAS syndrome (Redundant Acronym Syndrome syndrome). According to Wikipedia the term was coined in 2001 in a light-hearted column in New Scientist, though I haven't a reference for the original article. On the original question, during my lifetime (started in the 1950s) in the UK there has been a slow but steady move to reduce the use of punctuation and capitalisation in print. This has been driven in part by the newspaper industry, though I can't give any source other than the say-so of journalist friends. –  Duckspindle Commented Sep 3, 2022 at 12:17

As many noted, both are accepted, so it is a matter of convention and taste.

The important is to be consistent with the other abbreviations you use throughout your text. Compare:

  • I got a Ph.D. in A.I. at U.C.L.A in the U.S.
  • I got a PhD in AI at UCLA in the US.

My personal preference goes for omitting periods, given that this is an abbreviation, following the Guardian style guide :

Do not use full points in abbreviations, or spaces between initials, including those in proper names

Matifou's user avatar

I remember discussing this with a trained secretary a long time ago. We eventually decided that the use of camel case (starting each abbreviated word in upper case) removes the need for the periods when abbreviating titles. However, when an abbreviation is relatively new or used in an unusual context, the periods help to avoid ambiguity.

For my own use, the overriding consideration is 'house style'. It is more important for a document to be internally consistent, to avoid confusion.

Bobble's user avatar

  • Bobble's "house style" consideration typically applies not just to a single document but also, as the name implies, to all documents emanating from the same "house". For example, my academic discipline (linguistics) traditionally employs the no-periods convention for all titles (not only PhD, MA, and BA but also Mr, Dr, and Prof), while the style enforcer at my academic institution (an American university) insists that I sprinkle periods around (for a total of 9 in my 6 examples). –  H Stephen Straight Commented Feb 12, 2013 at 22:32

The most common I have seen are:

I have rarely come across a Ph.D. (with two periods).

check123's user avatar

  • 28 Ugh. Ph.D looks like the inconsistent worst of all worlds. –  user1579 Commented May 17, 2011 at 16:57

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how to use phd


Should I Write Ph.D. or PhD? (Complete Guide)

As some of you are probably aware, the kind of English used on my side of the pond (England) is sometimes a bit different to the English used in the land of burgers and Trump.

Some words are spelt differently. But others just have a few bits of grammar difference.

Today, I want to look at the difference between Ph.D. and PhD. We’ll look at which one is correct, what it stands for, and why it’s a bit odd that it stands for that.

Should I Write Ph.D. Or PhD?

It is correct to write both Ph.D. and PhD. Which one is best to use depends on where you are in the world. In Great Britain, they tend to use Ph.D. In the United States of America, they prefer to use Ph.D.

Should I Write Ph.D. Or PhD?

What Does Ph.D. Or PhD Stand For?

Let’s try to understand what Ph.D. stands for.

It stands for two things. And it doesn’t stand for one or the other, it stands for both of them at the same time.

The first thing is “Doctor of Philosophy” and the second is “Philosophiae Doctor”. As the eagle-eyed among you may have noticed, “Philosophiae” is not English. It’s in Latin.

This goes back to the days when the only people who needed university were high thinkers and philosophers.

Why Americans And Brits Disagree On Ph.D. Or PhD

This could help us to understand why Brits prefer PhD but Americans prefer Ph.D.

Perhaps, according to the Brits, it stands for “Philosophiae Doctor”. But, according to the Americans, it stands for “Doctor or Philosophy”.

After all, the Brits do have a habit of trying to sound smarter. But, whichever one you use, people on both sides should know what you’re saying.

Why Ph.D. Or PhD Is A Bit Strange

Now, I want you all to understand how strange it is to call anyone with a PhD a “doctor of Philosophy”.

Let’s say someone gets a Ph.D. in history.

Well, first of all, is she really a doctor? If you break your leg, she’s not the first person you’ll go to for help.

But not only that, she studied history, not philosophy. So, she’s called a doctor of philosophy despite not being a doctor and not having studied history.

Yet, for some reason, we still call her a “Doctor of philosophy”.

Where Does The Word “Doctor” Come From?

When most of us hear the word “Doctor”, we think of someone who makes us better when we’re sick. And there may be a few of you who think of a skinny man who travels through time in a Police Box.

But originally, “Doctor” was Latin for teacher. Through time, you were able to get a “PhD” in more things than just philosophy.

And, if you wanted to become what we think of as a “Doctor”, you would need to have a “doctorate” in medicine.

Technically, “Doctor” would be the wrong word. But it’s become so common, it’s managed to “common” itself enough to become the right word.

How To Get A Ph.D. Or PhD

Now I’m afraid you can’t just walk into a university and walk out with a PhD. There are steps you need to take before you get there.

First of all, you will need to do a Bachelor’s degree. This is the degree you do when you first enter university. There are some jobs where a bachelors is enough.

Let’s be honest here, most of the time you spend doing a bachelor is just having fun.

If you want to, you can then progress onto doing a master’s degree. This is a bit more high level, and you tend to need to work for it.

Once you have your bachelors you may decide to go on to get a PhD. If you go for this, you will be officially able to call yourself an intellectual.

What Kind Of Word Is Ph.D. Or PhD?

There are three ideas for what kind of word Ph.D. is. I’ll tell you all of them and let you make up your own mind.

A PhD is something you have. You work towards it, and once you’ve handed in all of your papers, you get a PhD.

A PhD is also something you are. If you have a PhD, you might say “I’m a PhD.”

It can also be a title, similar to “Sir” or “OBE”.

If your name is James Smith, and you are PhD, your name and title could be, Mr James Smith PhD.

How To Address Someone With A Ph.D. Or PhD

Talking of this man called James Smith, there are several ways to address and introduce him.

  • If you have a Ph.D., you are allowed to call yourself “Doctor” even if you don’t have a PhD in medicine. Therefore, if he wants, James could be called Dr Smith.
  • Maybe he doesn’t want to be confused for a medical doctor but still wants to show off his Ph.D. In that case, we can call him James Smith PhD.
  • But, like many with a Ph.D., he may not want to mention it unless it’s important. If he’s one of these people, we should just call him Mr Smith.

Ph.D. Or PhD Vs Doctorate

Asking “What’s the difference between a PhD and a doctorate?” is a bit like asking what the difference is between an apple and a fruit.

Just like an apple is a kind of fruit, a PhD is a kind of doctorate. However, it’s not the only doctorate there is.

Here are some forms of doctorate you may want to know.

Doctor of philosophy. But now also means Doctor of something there isn’t a doctorate for.

Doctorate in business.

Doctorate in engineering.

Doctorate in education

Doctor of medicine.

If you were wondering whether you should write “PhD” or “Ph.D.”, you can write either, both are grammatically correct, and both are very common terms that mean the same thing.

The only slight difference is that “PhD” is more common in England and “Ph.D.” is more common in America. This is perhaps because the British believe it stands for “philosophiae doctor” but Americans see it as “Doctor of Philosophy”.

But, no matter whether you use “PhD” or “Ph.D.”, to have one, you neither need to be a doctor nor study philosophy. All you need to do is stay in university for long enough to be able to get yourself a PhD. Then, you can become a PhD, and your title will be PhD.

You may also like: DSc Degree vs. PhD Degree – What’s the Difference? 9 Correct Ways to Write PhD Title on a Business Card

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here .

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The Savvy Scientist

The Savvy Scientist

Experiences of a London PhD student and beyond

PhD FAQs – A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Doctoral Study

how to use phd

Tempted to do a PhD but have lots of questions? Hopefully this collection of popular PhD FAQs will help you to tick a few off the list!

Note – If you’re already sure that you want to do a PhD, and are looking for guidance on the applications process, check out my post on How to apply for a PhD which includes advice from successful PhD applicants. My post-PhD reflections on the things I regretted from my own PhD may be useful for you too, you can find that post here .

Let’s start with the absolute basics of PhDs!

What does PhD stand for?

PhD stands for Doctor of Philosophy. Doctor of Philosophy ? No matter which subject area your PhD is in you’ll become a Doctor of Philosophy because philosophy derives from Greek to mean “Love of wisdom” which make a bit more sense.

What is a PhD?

A PhD is a type of research degree classified as a doctorate. You get a PhD by doing original research into a topic, typically for at least three years.

There are loads of other types of doctorate and a PhD is simply the most common. EngD is another which is relatively common for industry-funded engineering students here in the UK.

PhD & DPhil what’s the difference?

There is no real difference between a PhD and DPhil, they’re both Doctor of Philosophy qualifications. A small number of historic institutions in the UK such as Oxford and York offer DPhils but the degree itself is equivalent.

How common are PhDs amongst the population?

Approximately 1% of the working population (25-64 years old) have a PhD. This varies a lot by country:

how to use phd

Can you call yourself Doctor with a PhD?

Yes you can. Though to avoid confusion with medical doctors, rarely will PhD-holders use the “Dr” title outside of their workplace.

Sometimes PhD-holders will add the abbreviation PhD after their name if they want to make it clear they are a non-medical doctor, for example “Jeff Clark PhD”.

What have I done about my title since getting my PhD? Nothing so far!

Why do a PhD?

Unlike a lot of other degrees, most PhD students get paid to study . Read more in the finances section below.

There are lots of potential reasons to want to do a PhD. The PhD students from our monthly PhD Profiles series said the following:

how to use phd

Sara found research the most enjoyable part of her undergraduate degree and a PhD was a way to carry on with research.

how to use phd

Ornob wants to pursue a career in evolutionary biology so began with a PhD in the field.

how to use phd

Vivienne has aspirations to be a professor so a PhD is a job requirement to progress in academia.

how to use phd

Jeff (me!) had an interest in the field and enjoyed research. I wrote a whole post with a deep dive on why I decided to do a PhD here .

how to use phd

Floor had enjoyed research during her Masters and didn’t think that she wanted a career in industry, so decided to do a PhD.

It’s important to mention that you don’t need to have a desire to stay in academia to do a PhD. In fact, even if you do want to go into academia afterwards, it’s probably good to know early on just how competitive it can be. Many people sadly cannot make a career out of academia long term.

Enjoy the subject matter and want to spend a few years researching it? That is reason enough to do a PhD. I’ve also now written a whole post about the benefits of having a PhD .

Applying for a PhD

Do you need a masters degree to do a phd.

No you don’t necessarily need a Masters degree to do a PhD as long as you can demonstrate you’d be suitable for a PhD without it.

For a more in-depth answer see the separate post here :

Can You Get a PhD Without a Master’s?

If you don’t have a Masters, I’d recommend checking out Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) which offer combined Masters + PhD courses. We have discussed CDTs with a graduate in Floor’s post here .

What grades do you need to do a PhD?

Entry requirements for PhDs can vary. In regards to the UK system usually you’d generally be expected to have at least a 2:1 from your undergraduate degree, plus some research experience.

My experience : I (narrowly) got first class honours in my undergrad (MEng) which certainly does help. But if you can demonstrate aptitude in research you usually don’t need a 1:1. It would be expected for you to have done well in any research projects. If you can get your name on a publication then even better!

The easiest way to find out what is expected is to check the PhD advert for entry requirements. For details on applying for a PhD, including how to find PhD adverts, check out my guide here :

How to apply for a PhD

I work in industry, can I come back and do a PhD?

Absolutely! I worked for almost four years between finishing my first degree and starting my PhD.

A PhD is more similar to a job than any other point in your education, so if you’ve spent time in a structured role it can provide you with a good work ethic. If your time in industry adds relevant skills and experience to your application, even better!

I’ve met loads of people older than me who are pursuing PhDs. If it’s your dream, it’s never too late to start a PhD!

What is the social life of a PhD student like?

Let me get this out the way first: PhD students should be able to have a life outside of the lab! If a PhD student has no time away from research I would personally suggest that they were doing things wrong.

Even if you really enjoy your project, it is good for your mental health to have a social life!

No matter the size of your research group there are often departmental and university-wide events. Plus, besides everyone you may meet through your research and department, PhD students can still join societies and sports clubs through the students’ union. I spent one of my birthdays during my PhD on the beach in Morocco with the surf club, don’t let being a PhD student put your off getting involved!

Check out the full post I’ve written: Do PhD Students Have a Social Life? Sharing My Experiences Making Friends and Avoiding PhD Loneliness

If you do go on to do a PhD, make sure to make the most of all the opportunities ! Your time as a PhD student is fantastic for personal growth.

How much holiday do PhD students get?

Sadly unlike undergraduates, PhD students don’t follow fixed semesters. This means no more three month long summer holiday, sorry!

However most departments recommend PhD students take 7-8 weeks of holiday a year , which is more than practically any job outside of academia.

I kept track of all the time off I took during my PhD and you can find the details here , including a month by month breakdown:

Do PhD Students Get Holidays? Sharing How Much Annual Leave I Take

Getting a PhD

How much work is a phd.

For a month I tracked how many hours I was working and what I was working on, so you can see a breakdown of my calendar here . I found I was working for roughly 40 hours a week. Now that I’ve recently finished my PhD, I’d say that that amount of hours was pretty representative of the whole PhD.

How Much Work is a PhD?

I do of course know some people who worked much longer hours, but most PhD students were on a similar schedule to me. Working roughly 9-5 on weekdays. Treat it like a job and you’ll be fine. PhD students don’t need to be slaving away long hours.

I managed to be strict with my time, largely avoiding work late nights or going in at the weekends. One of the main perks of doing a PhD is that you have autonomy and can be flexible with when you work. As long as you get the work done, any reasonable supervisor won’t mind when you’re there.

Yes I’ve heard stories of PhD students having to clock in and out with an expectation that they spend a certain number of hours in the office. I personally think this is stupid and doesn’t build trust. Try to speak to current PhD students from the group when choosing a supervisor .

How is a PhD assessed?

What you submit at the end of your research varies between universities and countries. Sometimes it’s a thesis and other times it can be a bunch of published papers. In all situations you give some kind of presentation and answer questions about your work.

In the UK you usually submit a thesis in preparation for a viva voce . The viva is an oral exam where you discuss your research with several academics and at least one will be an expert in your field. My viva wasn’t as scary as I thought it might be, but nonetheless it was five hours ( FIVE HOURS! ) long. At the end of your viva you’ll get told the outcome of your PhD with any changes to be made to your thesis.

There is often no requirement , to publish your work in journals during a PhD in the UK but it does help.

In other countries you may have to publish a certain number to pass your PhD and effectively these can be submitted instead of the thesis. This approach makes much more sense to me.

How long does it take to get a PhD?

In the UK, typically between three and four years to complete your research and submit the thesis. It can then take a few months for the exam (viva voce) to take place and then for any corrections to the thesis to be made.

Nosey about my PhD? For me personally, I started the PhD on 1st October 2016, submitted my thesis on 17th February 2020, had the viva on 25th March, submitted my minor corrections on 30th March and had the email to say it was officiated on 1st April 2020. Yep, April Fool’s Day…

When you realise your degree certificate will forever say your PhD was awarded on April Fools Day! #academiclife @imperialcollege — Jeff Clark (@savvy_scientist) April 14, 2020

We cover all the stages of a PhD here, including putting the length of a PhD in the perspective of a whole career:

How Long Does It Take To Get A PhD?

Are PhDs really difficult?

No, well not how you might think.

You don’t need to be a genius, but you do have to be smart with how you work. Here I go into how a PhD is pretty different to all the prior years spent in education:

How Hard is a PhD?

Check out my new post covering academic challenges and failures relating to my own PhD: Overcoming Academic Challenges and Failure During a PhD

Money-Related Questions

How much does a phd cost.

If you have funding, which is explained below, all your fees are paid for by the funding source. If you are looking to self-fund, then you’ll have to pay bench-fees/tuition fees, which are usually approximately £4,000 a year for home students in the UK.

Fees vary massively depending on both the country the PhD work takes place in and where you’re from. For example, I believe Australian universities charge around $100,000 in fees to overseas PhD students. Of course ideally you have funding which covers both this and pays a stipend!

Do PhD students pay taxes?

In the UK, PhD students do not pay income tax, national insurance, council tax and student loan repayments. This means that if you can secure funding, even though you may earn less than friends in typical jobs, you get to keep all your earnings!

Do PhD students get paid?

Most PhDs, at least in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) get a stipend: basically a tax-free salary.

How much do PhD students get paid?

At the time of writing, most PhD students in the UK get around £16,000 a year . Doesn’t sound like a lot, but:

  • As mentioned above, you don’t pay income tax, national insurance, council tax or make any student loan repayments. My most popular post is this one , comparing the income of PhD students vs grad jobs and the difference really isn’t that big. Plus it’s only for 3 to 3.5 years!
  • You’re getting paid to learn science, working on something you’re really interested in. It’s amazing.
  • You have a lot more freedom than practically any “proper job”.
  • You’re getting paid, to be a student…

PhD Salary UK: How Much Do PhD Students Get Paid Compared to Graduates?

In summary, PhD stipends are really not that different to grad starting salaries. Please don’t be put off from a PhD simply because for a few years you might be earning a bit less than if you were working in another job.

Depending on what you want to do with your career, having a CV may lead to higher salaries. What is 3 years of lower wages out of a 40+ year career? The answer: nothing!

Where do I find PhD funding?

Getting funding will likely be the biggest hurdle for you to secure a PhD. I have a post here detailing the different types of funding and how you can find a project with funding attached.

How to Find PhD Funding in the UK

Can you self-fund a PhD?

Yes you can self-fund a PhD, and some students are in a position to do so. Just be careful that you account for university fees and not just your living costs.

Are you allowed to have another job at the same time?

Most universities encourage you to get involved with work within your department as a graduate teaching assistant (GTA). Some countries even insist that you work a certain number of hours as part of a contract for your monthly stipend.

Working as a GTA you might be invigilating exams, helping in tutorials, marking coursework etc and at Imperial you usually earn around £15-£26 an hour.

If you’re looking to work a full time job in tandem with your PhD (and doing the PhD full time), it is best checking your university’s policy. Some may have regulations against you working over a certain number of hours which could impede you from concentrating on the PhD.

There are extra ways to make money on the side which I address here :

How to Earn Money Online for Students

Can you get a mortgage as a PhD student?

Since I did my PhD in London I didn’t even consider buying somewhere during my PhD. I’m not interested in being tied into a massive mortgage for 25 years to buy a shoebox!

If I’d accepted my PhD offer for a CDT at Leeds I certainly would have tried to buy somewhere with my partner. I found this page useful when doing research. Buying a property with a partner who has a normal job would definitely make the mortgage application a whole lot more successful.

Will a PhD help your career?

This depends on what you want to do with your career. Some example scenarios:

  • Staying in academia – a PhD is usually required
  • Certain technical jobs in industry – a PhD may be required or a big bonus
  • Non-technical jobs – a bonus

I do not imagine any scenarios where having a PhD is worse than not having one. It is true though that for certain careers there may be other things you could do which would be a better use of your time, for example gaining more direct work experience.

If you want to do a PhD that shouldn’t stop you though, and considering the length of your career taking a few years out for a PhD is inconsequential.

Whichever career path you fancy taking, if you are at all interested in doing a PhD I think you should at least apply.

PhDs in London

Can someone afford to live in london as a phd student.

Yes! I lived in London for my PhD and actually was able to save money every single month while taking many holidays and not living in a tent.

I have a few posts sharing my experiences living in London which you may find useful:

For a month last year I tracked all my expenses to get an idea of my costs living in London as a student, you can find it here .

Sharing my monthly living expenses as a student in London: September 2019

Related to reducing costs, I learned to cycle in London and loved it. It saved me about £100 a month too!

Learning to cycle in London: my first 1000 miles

On top of that, for the whole of 2019 (third year PhD) I tracked my money, and the report is here :

My personal finances report for 2019

Where is good to live in London?

I’ve lived in three different houses during my PhD in London and have a pretty good idea now of good places to live in London. You can read this whole post talking about living in London as a student and the associated costs including a breakdown of rent :

London student accommodation: Breaking down the cost of living in London for students

Bonus: Read the journeys of PhD students

Before I started my PhD I had a ton of questions and nobody who I could ask about their experience. The reality is that many of these PhD FAQs have a variety of answers as everyone’s PhD story is different. Therefore if you’d like to hear first hand from people who are going through the journey check out my series of PhD profiles , with a new profile every month. You can also discover some of their top tips for applying!

how to use phd

If you’d like personalised help with your PhD application I am now starting to offer a small number of one-to-one sessions. Please contact me to find out more or click here to book a call.

Is there anything else you’d like to know to help with a potential PhD application? Let me know and I’ll write about it! You can subscribe to stay up to date here:

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PhD, Ph.D., Dr.

In English, PhD can be written with or without periods; both are correct. The trend today is to drop periods with abbreviations of academic degrees. However, many sources, including the Canadian Oxford Dictionary , still recommend the use of periods: Ph.D.

When you are addressing a person with a doctoral degree, it is considered more polite to use the title Dr. or the academic abbreviation PhD with the person’s name, instead of the simple courtesy titles Mr. or Ms.

Note: Do not use both the title and the degree. If the degree is listed after the name, the title is not used before the name.

  • Chris Cameron, PhD.
  • Dr. Chris Cameron

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how to write phd

How To Write PhD? Is it ph d or phd

How do you write phd correctly after a name is it ph d or phd, here are the steps to write phd correctly:.

  • Firstly, “P” must be in a capital case.
  • Secondly, “h” is in small case with no space after “P”
  • Thirdly, use period/full-stop after “h”
  • Fourthly, Write “D” in capital case.
  • Fifthly, keep Period after “D”
  • Finally, the correct way to write is Ph.D .
  • Or, It can be also written as PhD in a sentence.
  • As per APA style, write Ph. D
  • As per Chicago style, write PhD
  • As per MLA style, write it as Ph. D.

For example this is how to write PhD title after your name: Dr.John Mathew, Ph.D. You can write PhD after name on your business cards, resumes, CV’s or identity cards or on nameplates etc. Some have confusion with the use of comma and full stops while writing PhD title after name. Here is my indepth review how to write out properly PhD.

Writing a PhD title after name

Use capital “p” and “d” in the word ph.d..

You must write ‘P’ as capital and ‘D’ as capital letters. Though there is no strict rule on how to use capital and small letters, many of them do this way. Both letters which I have just mentioned must be written in Capital because those letters are the heart of the abbreviationPh.D. There is no other way of writing. Even if you search the whole world and ask many people and read many books, this is how PhD title is written.  Sometimes there are possibilities that both letters are written in small letters by mistake. You need to correct instantly if such is the case. Otherwise, it looks awkward when someone looks at it or reads it.  Usually, mistaken words are clearly observed than that of rightly written ones.

Use small letter ‘h’ in the word Ph.D.

The letter ‘h’ is what written small letter in this 3 letter word is.  We write it in a small letter after name because this letter ‘h’ is in the middle of the word Ph.D.  Here also don’t write mistake by using capital letters. This is the reason why many people write a PhD title after the name wrongly. They are confused about where to use capital letters and were not to use small letters. I suggest you practice all the letters in one or other way.

Why do we write a PhD title after the name?

We write a PhD title after the name to know that one has completed his doctoral studies and it is a sign of knowledge and status.  We write a Ph.D. even for other purposes. For example, if someone is working in a university, it is mandatory that his qualification must be known to all the students and as well as the staff. This is why we write the Ph.D. title after the name. Not only in the university but also to the competent authorities who come for an inspection to the university must know the status of the faculty profiles.  So the title Ph.D. is written after every faculty name as a title.

Should we use bold letters

I say a big no. You cannot write bold and fashioned way while writing PhD title after your name. As you write you must make it look similar along with the name without any difference. There is no way that you must write the Ph.D. title in bold fonts. This way, it looks very odd for those who look. Instead of reading your name, they will read Ph.D. firstly. So there is a chance of not remembering your name. So never use bold fonts while writing PhD title after your name.

Should we use Italic Letters

Again it is a big no. Do be too creative while writing a Ph.D. after your name. The use of italics is a big mistake. Do not use such writing in italics. Every time you use italic, again it looks very different from the original name adjacent to it.

Is Ph.D. a title after your name?

Do you think it is a PhD title or just a status?  It is both status and title.  Though in my personal opinion it is not a title, many call it as a title. But if you ask me I would tell it is a status word that is symbolically represented a matter of qualification. This is only my personal opinion about the title of Ph.D. So if at all you have some doubts about how this title arose as a part of history, you must read a vast number of history books about the Ph.D. title. It all requires for you to understand that a Ph.D. is not a title finally and just a resemblance of qualification.

Is it good to put PhD after title in your identity cards?

No, you must not use the title Ph.D. after your name in any type of identity card. These cards are existing irrespective of your qualification. This is meant to identify you as you are. There is no necessity what you have achieved. There is no need for knowing your qualifications. So in any type of identity card which is issued by the government like passport and voter card etc, you cannot use such title after your name. But there is one exception that the identity card at university or college or at job area must be given with Ph.D. title. If you ever need expert help with writing your Doctoral level papers, go to WriteMyPaperHub and send your request to  write my PhD thesis for me .

Should we use the subject name when using a Ph.D. with the name?

This thought is quite awkward. But I must still mention this. There are some who use the subject name after the Ph.D. title along with the name. Like for example Dr. Luke, Ph.D. in Linguistics. Using this way is quite reasonable if there are some important debates or international meetups. Otherwise, I don’t suggest such type of writing after your name.

What happens if you don’t use a Ph.D. after your name?

If you do not use the Ph.D. title after your name, people around you won’t know that you are a doctoral research fellow. So it is very important to let them know it. You can only use this if at all there are some students around you or any known people. If there are unknown people around you, then there is no way that it is mandatory to use a Ph.D. after your name. Anyhow, I say that there is no danger of not using Ph.D. after your name.

Should comma be addded before or after PhD

Yes, a comma is a mandatory thing to be added after Ph.D. This is a rule. Otherwise, it is mixed combined with your original name. It will become part of your name. So comma is good after your name. I have already given the example above on how to put a comma after your name. But let me give here one more example as a matter of understanding.  Dr.Mohima, Ph.D. If you see the name, for example, there is a comma used after the name to separate Ph.D. from it. So try to put a comma. But never use another punctuation mark as such full stop or colon after your name. I have seen people using other punctuation marks like semicolon after name and then they write the title Ph.D. Some don’t use at all. All such things are mistakes. Use the only comma after your name always.

Can we write Dr instead of Ph.D. after the name?

Writing a doctor instead of a Ph.D. means a different thing. So you cannot use such way. As this is not the right format. ‘Dr’ is used at the beginning of the name as another title. But after the name, it must be a Ph.D. and not ‘Dr’

Should we write a Ph.D. at all after one’s name that is too long?

Sometimes it so happens that your name is too long to write Ph.D. after it. During this trouble, you must cut out some part of the name and type PhD as a title after your name. There is no other way to do it.  Usually, longs name are common in some countries like Germany and India. But in the USA we have shorter names. Whatever may be the length, you must try to use the most used name and eliminate the rest of the name. This way you can use the title Ph.D. comfortable after your name. Always try to use the same name. Don’t change the name or cut your name in different ways on different days. These will again a problem to your recognition.

Should we write phd or ph d on business card, welcome banners during functions?

On welcome banners and business cards, it is very important to mention the title Ph.D. This will be more serious if you do not use the Ph.D. title after the name. There are many people watching that public banner. If you do not write the title after the name, you are disrespecting the guest totally. So be aware of using the title ofPh.D. whenever you have public functions or welcome banners or during some important meetings.  This is a sign that others should treat the guest better than the other out there.

Should the font size of Ph.D. be the same as someone’s name?

The name and the title Ph.D. must be in the same size. There must not be unusual differences. Font sizes matter a lot. Don’t use wrong font size or awkward fonts while using your title Ph.D. after your name. The best font could be like Ariel, Lato, Times New Roman, etc. These fonts will look better as a Ph.D. title after your name. Initially, there is some confusion about using the right font. But once you learn the size usage, you are comfortable using them rightly. Even when you write manually, you can easily write with similar size throughout. This requires a good amount of practice to write the Ph.D. title after your name with good font limitations.

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Syam Prasad Reddy T

Hello, My name is Syam, Asst. Professor of English and Mentor for Ph.D. students worldwide. I have worked years to give you these amazing tips to complete your Ph.D. successfully. Having put a lot of efforts means to make your Ph.D. journey easier. Thank you for visiting my Ph.D. blog.

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How to Properly Address a PhD

By: Author Dr. Patrick Capriola

Posted on Published: February 5, 2021

Honorifics play an important role in the English language. Not only do honorifics signify rank, but they help to convey courtesy and respect. In academia, honorifics are especially important, so it’s vital to address someone correctly. Many people wonder if they should address a PhD as doctor.

You should address a PhD with the honorific term “Doctor,” followed by their name in both spoken and written situations. The term strictly applies to anyone who has obtained a PhD degree, MD (Doctor of Medicine), or JD (Doctor of Law). English derives the honorific “Doctor” from the Latin word docere, which means “to teach,” and it applies to a PhD because they have reached a level where they can teach others.

Honorifics exist across all languages and cultures and are significant when using and understanding a language. Who should have the title of “Doctor” is widely debated by the academic world, revealing just how important honorifics are in modern-day English.

What Is a PhD?

A PhD is also known as a Doctor of Philosophy. A PhD is considered a terminal degree in the academic world, which means that the person has obtained the highest formal degree in a specific field ( source ). 

A Doctor of Philosophy is considered to be the traditional doctoral degree. However, over the years, many other types of doctoral degrees have been introduced. Examples of these include the EdD, a Doctor of Education, and DBA, a Doctor of Business ( source ).

Furthermore, a Doctor of Philosophy is considered an academic degree, while other types of doctorates are deemed professional degrees.

If you are considering pursuing a PhD, then you may be interested in exploring this article, “ How to Set and Follow Through on Academic Goals; Examples for Success .”

How and When to Use the Honorific “Dr.”

The honorific “Doctor” or “Dr.” should be used when addressing someone with a PhD, whether via written or verbal correspondence, and it applies to both males and females.

People working towards a PhD, also known as an ABD (All but Dissertation), should not be given the title of “Doctor.” Instead, you should refer to them as “Mr.” or “Ms.” until they have officially completed their PhD.

Undoubtedly, the candidate who has earned their doctorate has worked hard, so it is understandable why they deserve to be addressed correctly. 

The Prenominal and Postnominal

When discussing the subject of addressing someone with a PhD, it’s vital to consider the prenominal “Dr.” and the postnominal “PhD.”

Dr . Douglas Ferguson (Dr. is the pronominal)

Douglas Ferguson, PhD (PhD is the postnominal)

When someone earns the title of “Dr.,” they lose the previous honorifics they may have carried, such as “Mr.” or “Ms.”

A postnominal and pronominal are never used together at the same time.

Furthermore, when discussing these terms grammatically, the prenominal is used in the third person, while the postnominal is most often used in the first person. However, this may change depending on the context.


In academic circles, a considerable amount of correspondence is done via email and the written word. If you want to send a letter addressed to someone with a PhD, such as a cover letter, you use the prenominal “Dr.” 

When writing in a formal or professional context, you do not need to include the first name.

Dear Dr. Fergsuon, I hope this email finds you well.

In written correspondence, if you are receiving an email from someone with a PhD, they may choose to sign off with either the prenominal or the postnominal.

Regards, Dr . Douglas Ferguson

Regards, Douglas Ferguson, PhD

If you are uncertain, check your previous correspondence with them. Most people will have a footer at the end of their email, which tells you their qualifications. 

white mailing envelope beside white petaled flower

When addressing a person with a PhD verbally, you never use the postnominal.  

Good morning Dr . Ferguson

Dr . Ferguson, I have a question regarding the upcoming exams.

That was an interesting lecture today, Dr . Ferguson.

When Is It “Dr.” and When Is It “Professor?”

Whether to use the term “Dr.” or “Prof.” will depend on several factors. “Professor” is a higher rank than “Dr.”

However, the title only exists within a university context. Someone with a PhD will always hold the title of “Doctor”; however, they would still have to meet other commitments to become a Professor.

It is important to remember that not all those with the title “Professor” have a PhD, so the terms aren’t always exchangeable. 

Often the person lecturing you will indicate how they wish to be addressed. They may want you to call them “Dr.” or “Prof.” or even by their first names. However, it is not recommended to call someone by their first name unless requested to do so.

If a person has a doctorate, the general rule is to call them “Dr.,” whether they are lecturing you or not.

When it is appropriate to use the term ‘Professor’ differs from country to country. In America and Canada, anyone lecturing is generally granted the name “Professor” despite factors such as seniority and tenure.

However, in countries such as the UK and Germany, only full-time professors may be called “Professor.”

The list of academic ranks changes from country to country, but we can examine three examples to get a general idea.

United States

  • Distinguished, Endowed, or University Professor
  • Associate Professor
  • Assistant Professor
  • Master Instructor
  • Senior Instructor
  • Lecturer/Research Associate
  • Part-time Lecturer

United Kingdom

  • Distinguished Professor/Chair
  • Full Professor/Reader
  • Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor
  • Assistant Lecturer/Clinical Lecturer 
  • Associate Lecturer/Teaching Assistant/Departmental lecturer

South Africa

  • Full Professor
  • Senior Lecturer
  • Junior Lecturer

Honorifics in English

An English honorific refers to a prefix that occurs before a person’s name ( source ). Honorifics are not considered to be positions or titles that can appear without the person’s name, for example, the Queen or the President.

In English, honorifics are also often used to distinguish between males and females. However, some honorifics, such as “Dr.” and “General,” apply to both males and females.

This is because when these honorifics were first used, only males were able to obtain said titles.

Honorifics are an essential part of the English Language and must be used when formally addressing people, whether it be verbal or written. 

Mr. (Mister)For men irrespective of marital status.
Ms.For women irrespective of marital status. This has gained popularity in modern English recently compared to Mrs. and Miss.
MissA term for unmarried women. “Miss” is also used in the schoolroom in countries such as the UK.
Mrs.For married women.
Dr. (Doctor)Used for a person who has an academic research degree.
Prof. (Professor)Used for someone who holds the position of Professor in a University. Higher position than a lecturer and usually considered to be a tenured position.
SirA formal word used to refer to men. Traditionally for those with a knighthood. The term is also used in schools to refer to male teachers and used by workers in the service industry.

Madam or Ma’amUsed to refer to women with a tone of respect. Also used by workers in the service industry.

DameWomen who have been knighted by the Queen.
LordFor males who are a viscount, earl, baron, or marchioness.
LadyFor the wives of Lords or the peers of those with a title of viscount, earl, baron, or marchioness.
Adv. (Advocate)Used for notable jurists and lawyers. 
Br. (Brother)For men in organizations such as the Catholic church or Eastern churches.
Fr. (Father)Used for priests in Eastern and Catholic Christianity. Also used in the Anglican denomination and Episcopalian groups.
Pr. (Pastor)A general term used to refer to members of the Christian clergy.
Rev. (Reverend)A general term used to refer to members of the Christian clergy.
RabbiUsed in the Jewish Faith to refer to a person who is an ordained officiant or a teacher of the Torah.

Who Should Be Called “Doctor”?

In the Canadian Medical Association Journal, Dr. James P. Winter, a professor at the University of Windsor, argues that those with a PhD are the only ones who are entitled to be called “Doctor.”

In his argument, Winter poses some interesting questions concerning the evolution of the word “Doctor” and how it has changed over the last 700 years.

Winter argues that due to inappropriate use, the term “Doctor” has become overused and underappreciated.

Winters stated that in many countries, such as Canada, healthcare professionals who don’t have a medical degree, such as pharmacists, are allowed to call themselves “Doctor.”

Blue and Silver Stetoscope

Winters looks at the term from both a historical and linguistic point of view to support his argument. As the term “Doctor” is adopted from the Latin word docere, meaning “to teach,” those with the title should be teaching others. He argues that teaching others is not common practice outside of academia.

Furthermore, he argues that the title of “Doctor” originated in the 1300s when it was only used to describe distinguished scholars. 

Winter goes on to state that PhDs are the highest degree that anyone can obtain from a university, while many health professionals only achieve undergraduate degrees. He considers MDs to be professional degrees and not truly doctorates. 

He concludes that PhDs are the only “real” doctors as dictated by linguists and history. Many academics share Winter’s feelings, with many PhD holders feeling that they have earned the right to be called “Doctor.”

Dr. Fern Riddle, a historian and author, started a debate on Twitter in 2018 when she claimed she wanted only to be referred to only as “Doctor” rather than “Ms.” or “Miss” because she had earned her authority ( source ).

Her opinions received backlash when people called her arrogant and entitled. Yet, many female PhD holders prefer to be called “Doctor.”This is because it illustrates their achievement and status irrespective of whether they are married. 

Those in the medical field argue that the term “Doctor” is significant because it makes patients feel at ease. As such, any health professional who is helping someone should be allowed to bear the honorific ( source ). 

Who should rightfully be called “Doctor” is a topic that is continuously debated.

The reality is that the term “Doctor” has changed over the years to encompass a much wider circle of people. This includes not only professionals and academics but males and females. 

Whatever your perspective, it is clear that the title of “Doctor” is still much sought after and revered, and that is not likely to change anytime soon.

Final Thoughts

Those who have obtained a PhD have done so by working hard and dedicating years of their life to academia. As such, it is important when dealing with someone who has a PhD that you address them correctly.

The term “Doctor” and to whom it is applied is constantly changing from country to country. It remains to be seen who else will be awarded the title in the future and how those who hold the title will react to its evolution.

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By maya austen / in health.

Doctors of medicine should be referred to with the title

When someone has earned a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree they are subsequently referred to as "doctor" in formal speech; the same is true of a person who is a medical doctor, psychologist, dentist or veterinarian. In formal speech that person should be referred to as "doctor." However, the rules are different in written form when addressing someone ho is called "doctor" in formal speech. In written form the titles "Dr." and "PhD" are not interchangeable.

  • When someone has earned a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree they are subsequently referred to as "doctor" in formal speech; the same is true of a person who is a medical doctor, psychologist, dentist or veterinarian.

Identify what type of doctor you are addressing. Doctors of medicine and psychology, doctors of dentistry, and doctors of veterinary medicine must be addressed differently in comparison to academic doctors who have earned a Doctor of Philosophy doctoral degree. Be advised that there are different types of doctoral degrees. A Doctor of Philosophy degree is just one kind of doctoral degree. There's also, for example, a Doctor of Education (EdD) doctoral degree and a Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) doctoral degree. The titles associated with the various doctoral degrees are not interchangeable. Only a person who has earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree should be addressed as PhD.

Place the title of "Dr." before the name of a person who is a doctor of medicine or psychology, doctor of dentistry, or doctor of veterinary medicine. For example: Dr. George Ross. Always write the word "doctor" in its abbreviated form ("Dr.") when it goes before the person's name. Never write, for example, Doctor George Ross. Do not combine the title of "Dr." with any other title even if the person could appropriately be addressed by a different title. Never write, for example, "Dr. George Ross, PhD," even if the person is a medical doctor who has also earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree. Pick one title. Do not use the "Dr." title when referring to someone who is solely an academic doctor.

  • Place the title of "Dr." before the name of a person who is a doctor of medicine or psychology, doctor of dentistry, or doctor of veterinary medicine.
  • Never write, for example, "Dr. George Ross, PhD," even if the person is a medical doctor who has also earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree.

Put a comma followed by the title "PhD" after the name of a person who has earned a Doctor of Philosophy doctoral degree. For example: Stacey Childs, PhD. Do not combine the title of "PhD" with any other title even if the person could appropriately be addressed by a different title. For instance, even if the person being addressed is a doctor of medicine who has also earned a PhD, never write, for example, Dr. Stacey Childs, PhD. Pick one title. Do not use the "PhD" title when referring to someone who not earned a Doctor of Philosophy doctoral degree.

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Unlocking Possibilities: What Can You Do With a PhD in English?

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The world of academia has long been associated with the pursuit of knowledge, scholarly research and teaching careers. For years, earning a PhD in English was almost synonymous with pursuing a career within academia. But, as the landscape of education and industry continues to evolve, so do the options available to English PhD graduates.

The assumption that an academic career is the sole path for English PhDs is shifting, revealing a multitude of exciting and rewarding alternatives.

Is a PhD in English on your to-do list? Get all the facts before you apply  — find out if a humanities PhD is worth it for you!

Shifting Focus: the State of Employment in Academia

Traditionally, tenure-track positions were the ultimate goal for aspiring academics. But the job market has become increasingly competitive, leaving a limited number of academic jobs for English Phds seeking employment. Moreover, the rise of adjunct positions, which offer less stability and fewer benefits, has created an environment where job security in academia is more elusive than ever — even well-qualified English PhDs can find themselves navigating through a maze of adjunct positions and temporary contracts. 

As a result, English PhDs are reconsidering the assumption that academia is their only option. This shift in academia’s landscape has sparked a conversation about the need to broaden career horizons and consider alternative paths that utilize the skills and knowledge gained during doctoral studies. 

Exploring Alternatives: English PhD Jobs Outside of Academia

The desire for stability and a healthier work-life balance is a driving factor for many scholars leaving academia. The uncertainty surrounding tenure-track positions, coupled with the pressure to publish prolifically and compete for dwindling opportunities, has led many to seek alternatives in various industries and fields. 

On the bright side, English PhDs are uniquely qualified to work in nearly any field and the skills acquired during their study are highly transferable. Critical thinking, research proficiency, effective communication and the ability to analyze complex narratives are all qualities that can be applied to a wide range of career options. 

The Expansive Landscape of Non-Academic Careers

While tenure-track positions in academia are few and far between, the world outside the academy is teeming with opportunities that align with the skillset and passion of English PhDs. Here’s a glimpse into the exciting array of non-academic careers English PhDs are well suited for:

1. Content Strategist and Brand Storyteller:

English PhDs thrive in the realm of content strategy and brand storytelling. Their profound understanding of narratives and language nuances can transform English PhDs into sought-after content creators, crafting compelling stories that resonate with audiences across industries.

2. Media and Communication Specialist:

Mastery of language empowers English PhDs to excel in media and communication roles. Whether crafting press releases, managing social media content, or curating engaging digital campaigns, their ability to convey messages effectively is invaluable.

3. Technical Writer and Documentation Expert:

Navigating the world of technical writing, where clarity and precision reign, is second nature for many English PhDs. Their meticulous analysis and eloquent communication make them proficient creators of user manuals, guides and documentation for intricate subjects.

4. Cultural Critic and Reviewer:

English PhDs know how analytical prowess can shape cultural discourse. Becoming critics or reviewers for literature, art, film, or even pop culture is an avenue where English PhDs can use their insights to influence public opinion and shape trends.

5. Marketing Analyst and Consumer Insight Expert:

Armed with finely-tuned research skills, English PhDs are a good fit for market research. As marketing analysts, they decode consumer behavior, unearth market trends and offer strategic insights crucial for business growth. 

6. Public Relations and Corporate Communications:

Their knack for persuasive language aligns English PhDs seamlessly with public relations and corporate communications. Managing reputation, crisis communication, and maintaining brand image become their forte.

7. Grant Writer and Nonprofit Advocate:

English PhDs who excel at persuasive writing to make a tangible impact may find their perfect home in the nonprofit space. By becoming a grant writer or working with nonprofits in other ways, English PhDs can contribute to social change and secure funding for noble causes.

8. Publishing Industry Specialist:

As editors, manuscript reviewers or content curators, English PhDs are well-suited to navigate the publishing world. Their discerning eye and deep understanding of literature can contribute to shaping literary landscapes.

9. Entrepreneurial Ventures:

Launching a blog, podcast, or digital platform allows English PhDs to blend their love for literature with modern technology, catering to niche audiences and carving a unique path.

10. Government and Policy Analyst:

The critical thinking skills gained in an English PhD program are assets in governmental or policy roles. Analyzing complex documents, articulating ideas succinctly, and contributing to informed decision-making are roles where an English PhD’s expertise shines.

Earning a PhD in English isn’t just about academics; it's about embracing a multifaceted world of opportunities. The journey you embark on equips you with skills that transcend traditional boundaries. As you step beyond the classroom, remember that your passion for language, critical thinking, and storytelling has the power to redefine industries and carve pathways less traveled. The possibilities are boundless, waiting for you to embrace them and make your mark in an ever-evolving professional landscape.

Learn more about what doctoral study in the humanities can do for you in our guide!


Are you intrigued by the diverse possibilities a PhD in English can unlock? Connect with us at SMU's Moody School of Graduate and Advanced Studies to explore how our program can pave the way for your journey into these exciting career realms. Your expertise has the potential to shape industries and redefine success.


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News from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Stories from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston)

Graduate School alumnae help STEM trainees develop writing skills

Written by: Elizabeth Murphy/MD Anderson UTHealth Houston Graduate School | Updated: August 01, 2024

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Elizabeth Hileman, PhD '03, and Mabel Perez-Oquendo, PhD '23, are using their experience to help science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduate students develop their writing skills.

Hileman, director for research planning and development at MD Anderson Cancer Center, and Perez-Oquendo, director of Baylor College of Medicine's Student Opportunities for Advancement in Research (SOAR) office, recently published an article for Inside Higher Ed titled 'How and Why STEM Trainees Must Hone Their Writing Skills.' The article is aimed at helping future STEM professionals write more clearly and effectively.

In the article, Hileman and Perez-Oquendo assert that “proficiency in writing is not merely about stringing words together … it is a powerful tool that can shape careers, amplify research impact, and unlock countless professional opportunities.” They explain that STEM trainees must know how to convey their ideas effectively to be successful and offer resources and guidance on how future STEM professionals can hone their writing skills.

In 2022, Hileman established a writing studio for students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior researchers at The University of Texas Medical Branch to meet the need for guidance and mentorship in writing. The studio provided monthly workshops, templates for writing projects, and one-on-one mentoring in best practices for applications, grants, CVs, and more. She says the writing studio was intended to provide additional support to augment the professional writing courses in the school's curriculum. In this role, Hileman served as a resource for students who needed assistance honing their communication skills.

According to Perez-Oquendo, who serves as Director of the SOAR office at Baylor College of Medicine, mastering the art of writing is key for medical students, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows. "Proficiency in writing allows students to articulate groundbreaking discoveries, secure funding, and forge impactful connections," she says.

In the article, Hileman and Perez-Oquendo offer tips to help students improve the clarity and efficacy of their communication. Perez-Oquendo advises that breaking down a large project into smaller segments can make the task seem more achievable. She also recommends that students create a timeline at the beginning of each project to help balance their workload. She says that this trick has helped her students overcome procrastination and make better progress toward their goals.

Hileman and Perez-Oquendo emphasize the importance of feedback in the writing process. Feedback from “faculty mentors, peers, institutional writing centers … and field experts is essential for enhancing the quality and effectiveness” of writing, whether it's by a graduate student, medical student, or postdoctoral fellow. They stress that trainees in all stages of their education can benefit from institutional support.

Both authors also emphasize utilizing the writing resources available to students. Although availability of resources depends on a specific task, they urge students to make use of the help available. For grant applications, they advise seeking feedback from peers or faculty mentors who may have applied for similar grants. They also recommend that students make use of campus resources such as writing centers, as they have "staff members who can provide editorial feedback" and that campus development offices are excellent resources when pursuing philanthropic funding. For medical writing such as healthcare policy and regulatory documents, they suggest obtaining guidance from locations such as clinical research offices and institutional review boards. They stress that no matter what type of writing a student is tasked with, there are resources available for assistance.

In offering their guidance on why writing is important for STEM trainees, Hileman and Perez-Oquendo give students the opportunity to learn real-life ways to make writing easier to manage. In addition to their practical advice, they give students a new way to think about writing – as an essential skill that can have far-reaching impacts on their careers.

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BMI indicates body mass index; SES, socioeconomic status.

a Variables smoking status, SES, drinking pattern, former drinker bias only, occasional drinker bias, median age, and gender were removed.

b Variables race, diet, exercise, BMI, country, follow-up year, publication year, and unhealthy people exclusion were removed.

eAppendix. Methodology of Meta-analysis on All-Cause Mortality and Alcohol Consumption


eFigure 1. Flowchart of Systematic Search Process for Studies of Alcohol Consumption and Risk of All-Cause Mortality

eTable 1. Newly Included 20 Studies (194 Risk Estimates) of All-Cause Mortality and Consumption in 2015 to 2022

eFigure 2. Funnel Plot of Log-Relative Risk (In(RR)) of All-Cause Mortality Due to Alcohol Consumption Against Inverse of Standard Error of In(RR)

eFigure 3. Relative Risk (95% CI) of All-Cause Mortality Due to Any Alcohol Consumption Without Any Adjustment for Characteristics of New Studies Published between 2015 and 2022

eFigure 4. Unadjusted, Partially Adjusted, and Fully Adjusted Relative Risk (RR) of All-Cause Mortality for Drinkers (vs Nondrinkers), 1980 to 2022

eTable 2. Statistical Analysis of Unadjusted Mean Relative Risk (RR) of All-Cause Mortality for Different Categories of Drinkers for Testing Publication Bias and Heterogeneity of RR Estimates From Included Studies

eTable 3. Mean Relative Risk (RR) Estimates of All-Cause Mortality Due to Alcohol Consumption up to 2022 for Subgroups (Cohorts Recruited 50 Years of Age or Younger and Followed up to 60 Years of Age)

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  • Errors in Figure and Supplement JAMA Network Open Correction May 9, 2023

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Zhao J , Stockwell T , Naimi T , Churchill S , Clay J , Sherk A. Association Between Daily Alcohol Intake and Risk of All-Cause Mortality : A Systematic Review and Meta-analyses . JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(3):e236185. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.6185

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Association Between Daily Alcohol Intake and Risk of All-Cause Mortality : A Systematic Review and Meta-analyses

  • 1 Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
  • 2 Department of Psychology, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom
  • Correction Errors in Figure and Supplement JAMA Network Open

Question   What is the association between mean daily alcohol intake and all-cause mortality?

Findings   This systematic review and meta-analysis of 107 cohort studies involving more than 4.8 million participants found no significant reductions in risk of all-cause mortality for drinkers who drank less than 25 g of ethanol per day (about 2 Canadian standard drinks compared with lifetime nondrinkers) after adjustment for key study characteristics such as median age and sex of study cohorts. There was a significantly increased risk of all-cause mortality among female drinkers who drank 25 or more grams per day and among male drinkers who drank 45 or more grams per day.

Meaning   Low-volume alcohol drinking was not associated with protection against death from all causes.

Importance   A previous meta-analysis of the association between alcohol use and all-cause mortality found no statistically significant reductions in mortality risk at low levels of consumption compared with lifetime nondrinkers. However, the risk estimates may have been affected by the number and quality of studies then available, especially those for women and younger cohorts.

Objective   To investigate the association between alcohol use and all-cause mortality, and how sources of bias may change results.

Data Sources   A systematic search of PubMed and Web of Science was performed to identify studies published between January 1980 and July 2021.

Study Selection   Cohort studies were identified by systematic review to facilitate comparisons of studies with and without some degree of controls for biases affecting distinctions between abstainers and drinkers. The review identified 107 studies of alcohol use and all-cause mortality published from 1980 to July 2021.

Data Extraction and Synthesis   Mixed linear regression models were used to model relative risks, first pooled for all studies and then stratified by cohort median age (<56 vs ≥56 years) and sex (male vs female). Data were analyzed from September 2021 to August 2022.

Main Outcomes and Measures   Relative risk estimates for the association between mean daily alcohol intake and all-cause mortality.

Results   There were 724 risk estimates of all-cause mortality due to alcohol intake from the 107 cohort studies (4 838 825 participants and 425 564 deaths available) for the analysis. In models adjusting for potential confounding effects of sampling variation, former drinker bias, and other prespecified study-level quality criteria, the meta-analysis of all 107 included studies found no significantly reduced risk of all-cause mortality among occasional (>0 to <1.3 g of ethanol per day; relative risk [RR], 0.96; 95% CI, 0.86-1.06; P  = .41) or low-volume drinkers (1.3-24.0 g per day; RR, 0.93; P  = .07) compared with lifetime nondrinkers. In the fully adjusted model, there was a nonsignificantly increased risk of all-cause mortality among drinkers who drank 25 to 44 g per day (RR, 1.05; P  = .28) and significantly increased risk for drinkers who drank 45 to 64 and 65 or more grams per day (RR, 1.19 and 1.35; P  < .001). There were significantly larger risks of mortality among female drinkers compared with female lifetime nondrinkers (RR, 1.22; P  = .03).

Conclusions and Relevance   In this updated systematic review and meta-analysis, daily low or moderate alcohol intake was not significantly associated with all-cause mortality risk, while increased risk was evident at higher consumption levels, starting at lower levels for women than men.

The proposition that low-dose alcohol use protects against all-cause mortality in general populations continues to be controversial. 1 Observational studies tend to show that people classified as “moderate drinkers” have longer life expectancy and are less likely to die from heart disease than those classified as abstainers. 2 Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of this literature 3 confirm J-shaped risk curves (protective associations at low doses with increasing risk at higher doses). However, mounting evidence suggests these associations might be due to systematic biases that affect many studies. For example, light and moderate drinkers are systematically healthier than current abstainers on a range of health indicators unlikely to be associated with alcohol use eg, dental hygiene, exercise routines, diet, weight, income 4 ; lifetime abstainers may be systematically biased toward poorer health 5 ; studies fail to control for biases in the abstainer reference group, in particular failing to remove “sick quitters” or former drinkers, many of whom cut down or stop for health reasons 2 ; and most studies have nonrepresentative samples leading to an overrepresentation of older White men. Adjustment of cohort samples to make them more representative has been shown to eliminate apparent protective associations. 6 Mendelian randomization studies that control for the confounding effects of sociodemographic and environmental factors find no evidence of cardioprotection. 7

We published 2 previous systematic reviews and meta-analyses that investigated these hypotheses. The first of these focused on all-cause mortality, 8 finding negligible reductions in mortality risk with low-volume alcohol use when study-level controls were introduced for potential bias and confounding, such as the widespread practice of misclassifying former drinkers and/or current occasional drinkers as abstainers (ie, not restricting reference groups to lifetime abstainers). 8 Our alcohol and coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality meta-analysis of 45 cohort studies 9 found that CHD mortality risk differed widely by age ranges and sex of study populations. In particular, young cohorts followed up to old age did not show significant cardio-protection for low-volume use. Cardio-protection was only apparent among older cohorts that are more exposed to lifetime selection biases (ie, increasing numbers of “sick-quitters” in the abstainer reference groups and the disproportionate elimination of drinkers from the study sample who had died or were unwell).

The present study updates our earlier systematic review and meta-analysis for all-cause mortality and alcohol use, 8 including studies published up to July 2021 (ie, 6.5 years of additional publications). The study also investigated the risk of all-cause mortality for alcohol consumption according to (1) median ages of the study populations (younger than 56 years or 56 years and older), replicating the methods of Zhao et al 9 ; (2) the sex distribution of the study populations, and (3) studies of cohorts recruited before a median age of 51 years of age and followed up in health records until a median age of at least 60 years (ie, with stricter rules to further minimize lifetime selection biases). Because younger cohorts followed up to an age at which they may experience heart disease are less likely to be affected by lifetime selection biases, 9 we hypothesized that such studies would be less likely to show reduced mortality risks for low-volume drinkers. Finally, we reran the analyses using occasional drinkers (<1 drink per week) as the reference, for whom physiological health benefits are unlikely. Occasional drinkers are a more appropriate reference group, given evidence demonstrating that lifetime abstainers may be biased toward ill health. 10

The present study updates the systematic reviews and meta-analyses described above 8 by including studies published up to July 2021 to investigate whether the risk differed for subgroups. The study protocol was preregistered on the Open Science Framework. 11 Inclusion criteria, search strategy, study selection, data extraction, and statistical analytical methods of the study are summarized in later sections (see eAppendix in Supplement 1 for more details).

The systematic review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses ( PRISMA ) reporting guideline. 12 The review sought cohort studies of all-cause mortality and alcohol consumption. We identified all potentially relevant articles published up to July 31, 2021, regardless of language, by searching PubMed and Web of Science, through reference list cross-checking of previous meta-analyses (eFigure 1 in Supplement 1 ). There were 87 studies identified by Stockwell et al. 8 After inclusion of 20 new studies meeting inclusion criteria, there were a total of 107 cohort studies (eTable 1 in Supplement 1 ). 13 - 32

Three coders (J. Z., F. A., and J. C.) reviewed all eligible studies to extract and code data independently from all studies fulfilling the inclusion criteria. Data extracted included (1) outcome, all-cause mortality; (2) measures of alcohol consumption; (3) study characteristics, including cohort ages at recruitment and follow-up; (4) types of misclassification error of alcohol consumers and abstainers; (5) controlled variables in individual studies. Alcoholic drinks were converted into grams per day according to country-specific definitions if not otherwise defined. 33 , 34

We also assessed publication bias, heterogeneity, and confounding of covariates that might potentially affect the association of interest using several statistical approaches. 35 - 41 Relative risk (RR), including hazard ratios or rate ratios, were converted to natural log-transformed formats to deal with skewness. Publication bias was assessed through visual inspection of the funnel plot of log-RR of all-cause mortality due to alcohol consumption against the inverse standard error of log-RR 42 and Egger’s linear regression method. 36 We also plotted forest graphs of log-RR of all-cause mortality for any level of drinking to assess heterogeneity among studies. 42 The between-study heterogeneity of RRs were assessed using Cochran Q 37 and the I 2 statistic. 38 If heterogeneity was detected, mixed-effects models were used to obtain the summarized RR estimates. Mixed-effects regression analyses were performed in which drinking groups and control variables were treated as fixed-effects with a random study effect because of significant heterogeneity. 43

All analyses were weighted by the inverse of the estimated variance of the natural log relative risk. Variance was estimated from reported standard errors, confidence intervals, or number of deaths. The weights for each individual study were created using the inverse variance weight scheme and used in mixed regression analysis to get maximum precision for the main results of the meta-analysis. 42 In comparison with lifetime abstainers, the study estimated the mean RR of all-cause mortality for former drinkers (ie, now completely abstaining), current occasional (<9.1 g per week), low-volume (1.3-24.0 g per day), medium-volume (25.0-44.0 g per day), high-volume (45.0-64.0 g) and highest-volume drinkers (≥65.0 grams per day). The analyses adjusted for the potential confounding effects of study characteristics including the median age and sex distribution of study samples, drinker biases, country where a study was conducted, follow-up years and presence or absence of confounders. Analyses were also repeated using occasional drinkers as the reference group. We used t tests to calculate P values, and significance was set at .05. All statistical analyses were performed using SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute) and the SAS MIXED procedure was used to model the log-transformed RR. 44 Data were analyzed from September 2021 to August 2022.

There were 724 estimates of the risk relationship between level of alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality from 107 unique studies 13 - 32 , 45 - 131 , including 4 838 825 participants and 425 564 deaths available for the analysis. Table 1 describes the sample characteristics of the metadata. Of 39 studies 13 , 15 , 18 , 21 , 23 - 26 , 29 , 31 , 45 - 47 , 49 , 50 , 52 - 54 , 57 - 59 , 62 , 64 , 70 , 80 , 81 , 85 , 87 , 91 , 94 , 96 , 100 , 104 , 107 , 118 , 124 , 125 , 127 , 130 reporting RR estimates for men and women separately, 33 14 , 17 , 48 , 51 , 61 , 63 , 66 , 68 , 69 , 72 , 76 , 79 , 83 , 84 , 86 , 88 , 90 , 92 , 93 , 97 , 98 , 101 , 103 , 105 , 109 - 111 , 113 - 115 , 119 , 120 , 128 were for males only, 8 16 , 65 , 73 , 99 , 102 , 108 , 112 , 123 for females only, and 30 13 , 19 - 22 , 26 - 30 , 32 , 55 , 56 , 67 , 71 , 74 , 75 , 77 , 78 , 82 , 84 , 89 , 95 , 106 , 116 , 117 , 121 , 122 , 126 , 129 for both sexes. Twenty-one studies 13 , 17 , 19 , 21 , 22 , 26 , 27 , 45 - 58 (220 risk estimates) were free from abstainer bias (ie, had a reference group of strictly defined lifetime abstainers). There were 50 studies 14 - 16 , 18 , 20 , 23 - 25 , 29 , 59 - 99 (265 risk estimates) with both former and occasional drinker bias; 28 studies 28 , 30 - 32 , 100 - 122 , 130 (177 risk estimates) with only former drinker bias; and 8 studies 123 - 129 , 131 (62 risk estimates) with only occasional drinker bias.

Unadjusted mean RR estimates for most study subgroups categorized by methods/sample characteristics showed markedly or significantly higher RRs for alcohol consumers as a group vs abstainers. Exceptions were for studies with less than 10 years of follow-up and those with some form of abstainer bias ( Table 1 ). Bivariable analyses showed that mortality risks for alcohol consumers varied considerably according to other study characteristics, such as quality of the alcohol consumption measure, whether unhealthy individuals were excluded at baseline, and whether socioeconomic status was controlled for ( Table 1 ).

No evidence of publication bias was detected either by inspection of symmetry in the funnel plot of log-RR estimates and their inverse standard errors (eFigure 2 in Supplement 1 ) or by Egger linear regression analysis (eTable 2 in Supplement 1 , all P > .05 for each study group). Significant heterogeneity was observed across studies for all drinking categories confirmed by both the Q statistic ( Q 723  = 5314.80; P  < .001) and I 2 estimates (all >85.87%). (See eFigure 3 in Supplement 1 for forest plot of unadjusted risk estimates of mortality risks for the 20 newly identified studies).

Pooled unadjusted estimates (724 observations) showed significantly higher risk for former drinkers (RR, 1.22; 95% CI, 1.11-1.33; P  = .001) and significantly lower risk for low-volume drinkers (RR, 0.85; 95% CI, 0.81-0.88; P  = .001) compared with abstainers as defined in the included studies ( Table 2 ; eFigure 4 in Supplement 1 ). In the fully adjusted model, mortality RR estimates increased for all drinking categories, becoming nonsignificant for low-volume drinkers (RR, 0.93; 95% CI, 0.85-1.01; P  = .07), occasional drinkers (>0 to <1.3 g of ethanol per day; RR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.86-1.06; P  = .41), and drinkers who drank 25 to 44 g per day (RR, 1.05; 95% CI, 0.96-1.14; P  = .28). There was a significantly increased risk among drinkers who drank 45 to 64 g per day (RR, 1.19; 95% CI, 1.07-1.32; P  < .001) and 65 or more grams (RR, 1.35; 95% CI, 1.23-1.47; P  < .001). The Figure shows the changes in RR estimates for low-volume drinkers when removing each covariate from the fully adjusted model. In most cases, removing study-level covariates tended to yield lower risk estimates from alcohol use.

Table 2 presents the RR estimates when occasional drinkers were the reference group. In fully adjusted models, higher though nonsignificant mortality risks were observed for both abstainers and medium-volume drinkers (RR, 1.04; 95% CI, 0.94-1.16; P  = .44 and RR, 1.09; 95% CI, 0.96-1.25; P  = .19, respectively). There were significantly elevated risks for both high and higher volume drinkers (RR, 1.24; 95% CI, 1.07-1.44; P  = .004 and RR, 1.41; 95% CI, 1.23-1.61; . P  = 001, respectively).

As hypothesized, there was a significant interaction between cohort age and mortality risk ( P  = .02; F 601  = 2.93) and so RR estimates for drinkers were estimated in analyses stratified by median age of the study populations at enrollment ( Table 3 ). In unadjusted and partially adjusted analyses, older cohorts displayed larger reductions in mortality risk associated with low-volume consumption than younger cohorts. However, in fully adjusted analyses with multiple covariates included for study characteristics, these differences disappeared. Younger cohorts also displayed greater mortality risks than older cohorts at higher consumption levels. Among studies in which participants were recruited at age 50 years or younger and followed up to age 60 years (ie, there was likely reduced risk of lifetime selection bias) higher RR estimates were observed for all drinking groups vs lifetime abstainers. These differences were significant in all drinking groups except low-volume drinkers (eTable 3 in Supplement 1 ).

Across all levels of alcohol consumption, female drinkers had a higher RR of all-cause mortality than males ( P for interaction  = .001). As can be seen in Table 4 , all female drinkers had a significantly increased mortality risk compared with female lifetime nondrinkers (RR, 1.22; 95% CI, 1.02-1.46; P  = .03). Compared with lifetime abstainers, there was significantly increased risk of all-cause mortality among male drinkers who drank 45 to 64 g per day (RR, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.03-1.28; P  = .01) and drank 65 or more (RR, 1.34; 95% CI, 1.23-1.47; P  < .001), and among female drinkers who drank 25 to 44 g per day (RR, 1.21; 95% CI, 1.08-1.36; P  < .01), 45 to 64 g (RR, 1.34; 95% CI, 1.11-1.63; P  < .01) and 65 or more grams (RR, 1.61; 95% CI, 1.44-1.80; P  = .001).

In fully adjusted, prespecified models that accounted for effects of sampling, between-study variation, and potential confounding from former drinker bias and other study-level covariates, our meta-analysis of 107 studies found (1) no significant protective associations of occasional or low-volume drinking (moderate drinking) with all-cause mortality; and (2) an increased risk of all-cause mortality for drinkers who drank 25 g or more and a significantly increased risk when drinking 45 g or more per day.

Several meta-analytic strategies were used to explore the role of abstainer reference group biases caused by drinker misclassification errors and also the potential confounding effects of other study-level quality covariates in studies. 2 Drinker misclassification errors were common. Of 107 studies identified, 86 included former drinkers and/or occasional drinkers in the abstainer reference group, and only 21 were free of both these abstainer biases. The importance of controlling for former drinker bias/misclassification is highlighted once more in our results which are consistent with prior studies showing that former drinkers have significantly elevated mortality risks compared with lifetime abstainers.

In addition to presenting our fully adjusted models, a strength of the study was the examination of the differences in relative risks according to unadjusted and partially adjusted models, including the effect of removing individual covariates from the fully adjusted model. We found evidence that abstainer biases and other study characteristics changed the shape of the risk relationship between mortality and rising alcohol consumption, and that most study-level controls increased the observed risks from alcohol, or attenuated protective associations at low levels of consumption such that they were no longer significant. The reduced RR estimates for occasional or moderate drinkers observed without adjustment may be due to the misclassification of former and occasional drinkers into the reference group, a possibility which is more likely to have occurred in studies of older cohorts which use current abstainers as the reference group. This study also demonstrates the degree to which observed associations between consumption and mortality are highly dependent on the modeling strategy used and the degree to which efforts are made to minimize confounding and other threats to validity.

It also examined risk estimates when using occasional drinkers rather than lifetime abstainers as the reference group. The occasional drinker reference group avoids the issue of former drinker misclassification that can affect the abstainer reference group, and may reduce confounding to the extent that occasional drinkers are more like low-volume drinkers than are lifetime abstainers. 2 , 8 , 132 In the unadjusted and partially adjusted analyses, using occasional drinkers as the reference group resulted in nonsignificant protective associations and lower point estimates for low-volume drinkers compared with significant protective associations and higher point estimates when using lifetime nondrinkers as the reference group. In the fully adjusted models, there were nonsignificant protective associations for low-volume drinkers whether using lifetime abstainers or occasional drinkers as the reference group, though this was only a RR of 0.97 for the latter.

Across all studies, there were few differences in risk for studies when stratified by median age of enrollment above or below age 56 years in the fully adjusted analyses. However, in the subset of studies who enrolled participants aged 50 years or younger who were followed for at least 10 years, occasional drinkers and medium-volume drinkers had significantly increased risk of mortality and substantially higher risk estimates for high- and higher-volume consumption compared with results from all studies. This is consistent with our previous meta-analysis for CHD, 9 in which younger cohorts followed up to older age did not show a significantly beneficial association of low-volume consumption, while older cohorts, with more opportunity for lifetime selection bias, showed marked, significant protective associations.

Our study also found sex differences in the risk of all-cause mortality. A larger risk of all-cause mortality for women than men was observed when drinking 25 or more grams per day, including a significant increase in risk for medium-level consumption for women that was not observed for men. However, mortality risk for mean consumption up to 25 g per day were very similar for both sexes.

A number of limitations need to be acknowledged. A major limitation involves imperfect measurement of alcohol consumption in most included studies, and the fact that consumption in many studies was assessed at only 1 point in time. Self-reported alcohol consumption is underreported in most epidemiological studies 133 , 134 and even the classification of drinkers as lifetime abstainers can be unreliable, with several studies in developed countries finding that the majority of self-reported lifetime abstainers are in fact former drinkers. 135 , 136 If this is the case, the risks of various levels of alcohol consumption relative to presumed lifetime abstainers are underestimates. Merely removing former drinkers from analyses may bias studies in favor of drinkers, since former drinkers may be unhealthy, and should rightly be reallocated to drinking groups according to their history. However, this has only been explored in very few studies. Our study found that mortality risk differed significantly by cohort age and sex. It might be that the risk is also higher for other subgroups, such as people living with HIV, 137 a possibility future research should investigate.

The number of available studies in some stratified analyses was small, so there may be limited power to control for potential study level confounders. However, the required number of estimates per variable for linear regression can be much smaller than in logistic regression, and a minimum of at least 2 estimates per variable is recommended for linear regression analysis, 138 suggesting the sample sizes were adequate in all models presented. It has been demonstrated that a pattern of binge (ie, heavy episodic) drinking removes the appearance of reduced health risks even when mean daily volume is low. 139 Too few studies adequately controlled for this variable to investigate its association with different outcomes across studies. Additionally, our findings only apply to the net effect of alcohol at different doses on all-cause mortality, and different risk associations likely apply for specific disease categories. The biases identified here likely apply to estimates of risk for alcohol and all diseases. It is likely that correcting for these biases will raise risk estimates for many types of outcome compared with most existing estimates.

This updated meta-analysis did not find significantly reduced risk of all-cause mortality associated with low-volume alcohol consumption after adjusting for potential confounding effects of influential study characteristics. Future longitudinal studies in this field should attempt to minimize lifetime selection biases by not including former and occasional drinkers in the reference group, and by using younger cohorts (ie, age distributions that are more representative of drinkers in the general population) at baseline.

Accepted for Publication: February 17, 2023.

Published: March 31, 2023. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.6185

Correction: This article was corrected on May 9, 2023, to fix errors in the Figure and Supplement.

Open Access: This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC-BY License . © 2023 Zhao J et al. JAMA Network Open .

Corresponding Author: Jinhui Zhao, PhD, Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research, University of Victoria, PO Box 1700 STN CSC, Victoria, BC V8Y 2E4, Canada ( [email protected] ).

Author Contributions: Drs Zhao and Stockwell had full access to all of the data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.

Concept and design: Zhao, Stockwell, Naimi, Churchill, Sherk.

Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: Zhao, Stockwell, Naimi, Clay.

Drafting of the manuscript: Zhao, Stockwell, Clay.

Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: All authors.

Statistical analysis: Zhao, Churchill.

Obtained funding: Zhao, Stockwell, Sherk.

Administrative, technical, or material support: Zhao, Stockwell, Naimi.

Supervision: Zhao, Stockwell, Naimi.

Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Stockwell reported receiving personal fees from Ontario Public Servants Employees Union for expert witness testimony and personal fees from Alko outside the submitted work. Dr Sherk reported receiving grants from Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) during the conduct of the study. No other disclosures were reported.

Funding/Support: This study was partly funded by the CCSA as a subcontract for a Health Canada grant to develop guidance for Canadians on alcohol and health.

Role of the Funder/Sponsor: Health Canada had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication. CCSA staff conducted a preliminary search to identify potentially relevant articles but did not participate in decisions about inclusion/exclusion of studies, coding, analysis, interpretation of results or approving the final manuscript.

Data Sharing Statement: See Supplement 2 .

Additional Contributions: We gratefully acknowledge contributions by Christine Levesque, PhD (CCSA), and Nitika Sanger, PhD (CCSA), who conducted a preliminary literature search for potentially relevant articles. We also acknowledge the leadership of Drs Catherine Paradis, PhD (CCSA), and Peter Butt, MD (University of Saskatchewan), who cochaired the process of developing Canada’s new guidance on alcohol and health, a larger project which contributed some funds for the work undertaken for this study. We are grateful to Fariha Alam, MPH (Canadian Institute for Substance Use and Research), for her help coding the studies used in this study. None of them received any compensation beyond their normal salaries for this work.

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School of Nursing Faculty and Inaugural AI Health Equity Scholar Aims to Eliminate Algorithmic Bias in Healthcare

Michael Cary, PhD, RN, and Elizabeth C. Clipp Term Chair of Nursing at the Duke University School of Nursing (DUSON), was appointed as the inaugural AI Health Equity Scholar in January 2022. As a nurse leader, Cary joins other Duke scholars tackling inequities in clinical algorithms used across the health system.

Michael P. Cary, PhD, RN

In healthcare, artificial intelligence, also known as AI, uses data and computational science to act the way a human provider would. It helps detect diseases, gives diagnoses and offers treatment plans, for starters. While a breakthrough in many ways for medicine because it can process huge amounts of data and deliver quick assessments, which allows providers to focus more efficiently on patient care, AI is also fraught with problems that can create worse health outcomes for some patient populations. 

 “It’s such a complicated problem. It requires an interprofessional approach that draws upon the knowledge and expertise of experts across different fields. No one discipline can own it,” Cary said. “Each of us brings a unique perspective and skillset to the table which helps to provide more comprehensive solutions.” As a member of Duke’s Algorithm-Based Clinical Decision Support (ABCDS) oversight committee, Cary works collaboratively with a group spanning multiple disciplines including engineers, statisticians, lawyers and ethicists, in addition to health professionals, to ensure that AI-based algorithms used at Duke Health are safe, equitable and compliant with federal regulations.

“The vast majority of algorithms have inherent flaws in them,” Cary said. “We’re certainly aware of some of those flaws in health care.” For example, health-related data lacks diversity and may not include clear definitions of race and ethnicity or variables related to gender or sexual orientation. A host of other factors, such as social determinants of health, are often not collected in a structured way, and this hole in the raw data that is used in creating algorithms means the algorithms themselves may generate results that are biased and inaccurate. Often, those bearing the brunt of these inaccuracies are people of color and other marginalized groups that historically have not been represented in biomedical research and data-collecting efforts.

A simple example of bias in AI is a pulse oximeter, which uses a light sensor on a patient’s finger to test for oxygen levels. Studies have found that readings from this device can be less accurate for populations with darker skin tone and those wearing nail polish than those with lighter skin tones or no nail polish. The algorithm used in the development of the pulse oximeter was biased because it used incomplete raw data that did not adequately include a range of patients based on age, gender or skin tone. 

Another recent example of bias in AI that demonstrates how it can have devastating effects on people of color is a 2019 report on an algorithm frequently used to identify patients with high needs. The bias was introduced when health care cost was used as the predictor, instead of health care needs. Black patients historically use health care less than white patients due to implicit bias and structural barriers, including historical mistrust of the profession and lack of access to health care because of socioeconomics and geography. The algorithm indicated Black patients were spending less on health care than their white counterparts and interpreted that to mean Black patients needed the services less, even when individuals in both groups had similar numbers of chronic conditions and other health markers. Removing the bias and correcting the algorithm (how much patients spent on healthcare) remedied the disparity and resulted in a significant increase in the percentage of Black patients who would have been enrolled in a high-risk care management program from 17.7% to 46.5%.

Like any cooking recipe, an algorithm outlines well-defined instructions that must be followed for optimum results. However, some flaws, or biases, are “baked in” even before the recipe is attempted, such as a situation where the ingredients are not standardized or simply not available. In such cases, perfectly following a recipe, or an algorithm, does not necessarily guarantee reliable results for all.

These baked-in biases, or blind spots, are what Cary and his research team at Duke, as part of his role on the ABCDS oversight committee, aim to eliminate before they create worse problems down the line that result in poorer health outcomes for patients. “Now we are bringing awareness to these blind spots and mobilizing resources to address them. This is causing disruption in a positive way that I believe will improve patient care,” Cary said. 

Cary was awarded a one-year pilot grant from Duke AI Health, focused on detecting and mitigating bias in health care algorithms. His project started in August and included a 10-member team of students, post-docs and professionals with backgrounds in nursing, medicine, engineering, biostatistics and health policy. They recently finished the largest, most comprehensive scoping review of algorithmic bias in health care to date, covering 109 articles from 2011-2022.

“We are excited about this scholarly contribution and its impact because the evidence has informed and has revised our bias assessment tools,” Cary said. “We are building tools to ensure against discrimination when using these algorithms to deliver patient care at Duke Health.”

In addition to his project, which will develop standards for reducing bias in development, evaluation and monitoring of algorithms deployed at Duke and eventually other health systems, Cary said the framework around eliminating inequities must be human-centered and be developed in the real world. It must include patients and their communities during the design process, to avoid bias. There must be a suite of strategies, or toolbox, that includes best practices for mitigating biases in clinical algorithms. And it must address recruitment and training of the next generation to recognize and practice bias mitigation.

Nurses, in particular, are crucial to the successful mitigation of bias in AI. As the world’s most trusted profession, nurses are in the best position to build confidence with patients and their communities, Cary said, which is crucial to getting more diverse participation in research and studies. Nurses are also able to see firsthand the effects of bias in algorithms, and it’s important that they are good advocates and reporters of these observations. Providing nurses and nursing students ways to engage more in the design, evaluation, and implementation of algorithms is a cornerstone to successful bias mitigation and imperative for the AI-driven digital health care system of the future.

While algorithm design often relies on those with engineering and computer science expertise, there are other elements that are less technical but just as important if bias is to be avoided. “It underscores the need for a very professionally diverse and adequately trained workforce,” Cary said. While social scientists, engineers and statisticians work on issues upstream, the hands-on health care professional sees how the biases can manifest downstream, in the real world, with Black patients being denied access to needed care management services because of a faulty algorithm, for example.  

“We need to revise our training and education for nurses at the entry level because they are the ones engaging with patients most,” Cary said, noting that the school of nursing will be critical at effecting this change through teaching, learning, and creating research opportunities to inform practice. “It really speaks to us thinking differently about how we train health care professionals and who must be brought to the table to ensure human-centered AI.”  

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Elaine Elisabetsky, PhD, Member of Jaguar Health's Mental Health Entheogen Therapeutics Initiative, to Speak August 2nd About Plant-Based Medicines Used to Manage Schizophrenia at the University of Illinois Chicago College of Pharmacy

Dr. Elisabetsky is also an advisor to Magdalena Biosciences , the joint venture formed by Jaguar and Filament Health focused on identifying the next generation of plant-based first-in-class agents for treatment of mental health conditions

As announced , Jaguar recently executed an out-license deal with Magdalena Biosciences for a botanical drug candidate for possible schizophrenia and psychoses indications and for development with potential corporate partners; the global schizophrenia treatment market valued at $8.29 billion

SAN FRANCISCO, CA / ACCESSWIRE / August 2, 2024 / Jaguar Health, Inc. ( NASDAQ:JAGX ) ("Jaguar") today announced that Elaine Elisabetsky, PhD, is conducting a talk on Friday, August 2, 2024 from 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Central covering several decades of research on plant-based medicines used to manage schizophrenia. Dr. Elisabetsky's talk is part of the annual Norman R. Farnsworth Lecture series at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) College of Pharmacy. Farnsworth, a world leader in the field of pharmacognosy who focused on plants used in traditional medicines, was a foundational member of the Scientific Strategy Team for Jaguar's predecessor company, Shaman Pharmaceuticals.

Dr. Elisabetsky is a member of the world-class Scientific Strategy Team for Jaguar's mental health Entheogen Therapeutics Initiative and an advisor to Magdalena Biosciences, the joint venture formed by Jaguar and Filament Health that focuses on advancing plant-based innovation for patients and on identifying the next generation of plant-based first-in-class agents for treatment of mental health conditions.

As announced , Jaguar recently executed an out-license deal with Magdalena Biosciences for a botanical drug candidate for possible schizophrenia and psychoses indications and for development with potential corporate partners. Sourced from a medicinal plant that has a long history of use by traditional healers, the drug candidate demonstrates antipsychotic activity and has a mechanism of action distinct from currently FDA-approved therapies for schizophrenia and other mental conditions that present psychotic symptoms. The drug candidate may have the potential to be the first in a new class of plant-based antipsychotic compounds. Magdalena Biosciences is approximately 40-percent owned by Jaguar.

Schizophrenia, the most serious form of psychosis, is a chronic, disabling mental illness that affects approximately one percent of the U.S. population. 1 It is estimated that up to 34 percent of patients with schizophrenia fail to respond to currently available treatments. 2 Psychotic symptoms can also be present in other mental illnesses, including depression, bipolar disorder, dementia, and borderline personality disorder. The global schizophrenia industry is projected to grow from $8.29 billion in 2024 to $13.41 billion by 2032, according to a market research report by Market Research Future. 3

Dr. Elisabetsky, Ethnopharmacologist and Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre, Brazil, researched and taught for ten years in the Brazilian Amazon. Her research focuses include psychoneuropharmacology and ethnopharmacology. Her ethnopharmacology field work was conducted among caboclos (rural peasants), Amerindian (Guajajara and Kayapó), and rubber tapper (extractive reserves) communities, leading to activities on conservation and sustainable development. She has given notice to emic concepts of health/disease contributing to development of plant selection criteria that combines traditional knowledge and working hypotheses for pharmacological scrutiny. The method aims to maximize drug development based on natural products and ethnopharmacological data. She specializes in identifying and characterizing psychopharmacological properties of medicinal plant extracts and/or isolated compounds. A founding member for the International Society of Ethnobiology and the International Society of Ethnopharmacology, she served as president for the latter as well as for the Brazilian Society of Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. She contributes to the editorial board of several journals in the field, has published over 100 papers in scientific journals and 18 book chapters, supervised numerous PhDs and Master students, and deposited 3 patents.

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The collegiate Farnsworth Lectureship in Pharmacognosy is hosted in Farnsworth's memory. Farnsworth was a member of the UIC College of Pharmacy faculty for more than 41 years (1970-2011), serving as head of the department of pharmacognosy and pharmacology for 12 years, followed by 30 years as director of the Program for Collaborative Research in the Pharmaceutical Sciences. His scientific and educational contributions relate to the chemistry, biology, and therapeutic properties of medicinal plants and natural products. Throughout his distinguished career, Farnsworth was the recipient of numerous national and international awards, including appointments as a special delegate and commission member by former Presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton, respectively.

About Botanicals Drugs

Botanicals drugs are defined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as "products from plant materials, algae, macroscopic fungi, and combinations thereof." Many botanical drugs have a long history of safe use in traditional medicines, which may be documented and reviewed in scientific literature. Existing scientific literature on safety may accelerate the safety review process for a botanical drug, reducing the scope and financial burden for extensive safety studies. The FDA has established guidance on botanical drug development and recognizes the complexity of botanical drugs. Additionally, botanicals drugs, by virtue of their complexity, have the added benefit of being difficult to genericize. Hence there are often multiple opportunities for creating ‘trade-secrets,' as well as novel patents around a botanical drug substance, its processing, its formulation, and so forth.

About Filament Health (OTCQB:FLHLF) (CBOE CA:FH) (FSE:7QS)

Filament Health is a clinical-stage natural psychedelic drug development company. We believe that safe, standardized, naturally-derived psychedelic medicines can improve the lives of many, and our mission is to see them in the hands of everyone who needs them as soon as possible. Filament's platform of proprietary intellectual property enables the discovery, development, and delivery of natural psychedelic medicines for clinical development. We are paving the way with the first-ever natural psychedelic drug candidates.

Learn more at and on Twitter and LinkedIn .

About the Jaguar Health Family of Companies

Jaguar Health, Inc. (Jaguar) is a commercial stage pharmaceuticals company focused on developing novel proprietary prescription medicines sustainably derived from plants from rainforest areas for people and animals with gastrointestinal distress, specifically associated with overactive bowel, which includes symptoms such as chronic debilitating diarrhea, urgency, bowel incontinence, and cramping pain. Jaguar family company Napo Pharmaceuticals (Napo) focuses on developing and commercializing human prescription pharmaceuticals for essential supportive care and management of neglected gastrointestinal symptoms across multiple complicated disease states. Napo's crofelemer is FDA-approved under the brand name Mytesi ® for the symptomatic relief of noninfectious diarrhea in adults with HIV/AIDS on antiretroviral therapy. Jaguar family company Napo Therapeutics is an Italian corporation Jaguar established in Milan, Italy in 2021 focused on expanding crofelemer access in Europe and specifically for orphan and/or rare diseases. Jaguar Animal Health is a Jaguar tradename. Magdalena Biosciences, a joint venture formed by Jaguar and Filament Health Corp. that emerged from Jaguar's Entheogen Therapeutics Initiative (ETI), is focused on developing novel prescription medicines derived from plants for mental health indications.

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Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release constitute "forward-looking statements." These include statements regarding Jaguar's expectation that the botanical drug candidate Jaguar recently out-licensed to Magdalena Biosciences may have the potential to be the first in a new class of plant-based antipsychotic compounds. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as "may," "will," "should," "expect," "plan," "aim," "anticipate," "could," "intend," "target," "project," "contemplate," "believe," "estimate," "predict," "potential" or "continue" or the negative of these terms or other similar expressions. The forward-looking statements in this release are only predictions. Jaguar has based these forward-looking statements largely on its current expectations and projections about future events. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this release and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions, some of which cannot be predicted or quantified and some of which are beyond Jaguar's control. Except as required by applicable law, Jaguar does not plan to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements contained herein, whether as a result of any new information, future events, changed circumstances or otherwise.

1 Bromet EJ, Dew MA, Eaton W. Epidemiology of psychosis with special reference to schizophrenia. In: Tsuang MT, Tohen M, Zahner GEP, eds. Textbook in psychiatric epidemiology. New York: John Wiley, 1996:283-300 2 Demjaha, A. et al. Antipsychotic treatment resistance in first-episode psychosis: prevalence, subtypes and predictors. Psychol. Med 47, 1981-1989 (2017); Lally, J. et al. Two distinct patterns of treatment resistance: clinical predictors of treatment resistance in first-episode schizophrenia spectrum psychoses. Psychol. Med 46, 3231-3240 (2016); Meltzer, H. Y. et al. Age at onset and gender of schizophrenic patients in relation to neuroleptic resistance. Am. J. Psychiatry 154, 475-482 (1997). 3

[email protected] Jaguar-JAGX

SOURCE: Jaguar Health, Inc.

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Where does the title Dr come from for PhD?

I have always wondered why a person is given the title of Dr after completing a PhD in a non-medical field. This is especially because of the confusion over the medical title of Dr. Why hasn't a better distinction been formulated by now?

Javeer Baker's user avatar

  • 20 The D in Ph.D. is an abbreviation for "doctor", just as it is in M.D., J.D., Dr.rer.nat., D.Th., D.Min., D.O., D.D.S., Ed.D., and S.T.D. ( Sacrae Theologiae Doctor ). –  JeffE Commented May 4, 2013 at 19:27
  • 7 @JeffE I never knew having an STD could be a good thing. –  Marc Claesen Commented Aug 9, 2014 at 15:10
  • 11 @MarcClaesen Who said a Sacrae Theologiae Doctor is a good thing? –  The Almighty Bob Commented Aug 9, 2014 at 15:45
  • 1 @TheAlmightyBob That's the most brilliant question I've seen for a long time! Well worth an exception to the meta rule "Don't ask new questions as comments."! –  Volker Siegel Commented Aug 27, 2016 at 9:49

2 Answers 2

It's actually exactly the opposite: "doctor" is Latin for "teacher" and the title originally had no special connection with medicine. Instead, a doctor was anyone qualified to teach at a university (in medieval Europe teaching qualifications were typically determined by the church). The concept of a formal PhD degree came much later, but it continued this earlier terminology.

The confusion in English is irritating, but not problematic enough to make universities give up a 1000+ year old tradition. It's not clear why this situation arose. One natural explanation is that if you want to emphasize your medical skills, you can do it by explaining that you are not just a healer, but in fact someone qualified to teach other people the healing arts. In other words, you're a doctor of medicine in the academic sense of the word "doctor". Until very recently universities were fairly exotic, and most people didn't talk about academic doctors very much, so the medical usage was much more salient for the general public and for most people it became the standard meaning of "doctor".

Of course this difficulty with this story is that it doesn't explain why, for example, German does not confuse the terms the same way English does. Maybe it's just chance, or maybe there's some cultural reason.

In any case, though, academia had the title first and is reluctant to change it.

Anonymous Mathematician's user avatar

  • 9 It's worth noting that, in the UK (and presumably other jurisdictions), a physician does not typically have a doctorate; rather than the degree of Doctor of Medicine (MD, DM, DMed), the standard medical degree is Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (BMBCh or similar). 'Doctor' is then purely a traditional courtesy (and even more confusingly, surgeons traditionally decline to use the title). In the UK a Doctor of Medicine degree is a higher doctorate awarded for substantial research. –  dbmag9 Commented May 12, 2013 at 20:43
  • 1 In which way do you think is the situation different in German? –  Carsten S Commented Aug 27, 2016 at 21:03
  • 3 @CarstenS In German, the words 'Artz' and 'Doktor' are different. In English the equivalents might be 'physician' and (academic) 'doctor', but the former is rather rarely used, particularly in the US, with the two reducing to (medical) 'doctor' versus (academic) 'doctor'. –  E.P. Commented Aug 28, 2016 at 0:12
  • 2 It's also worth noting that the Latin root docere is alive and well in many languages (e.g. docent , docente , docencia , doctrine , docile , and so on). –  E.P. Commented Aug 28, 2016 at 0:23
  • 1 @E.P. In German the words "Doktor" and "Arzt" are used pretty interchangably for "physician", so the same confusion arises there. –  user84201 Commented Feb 11, 2020 at 22:24

It seems that the real question should be "why the title of doctor seems to be now more associated to medical sciences than other fields".

Doctor comes from doctum, that is a derivative of docere, Latin verb for "teaching". The first doctors in the very first universities studied in four faculties: arts, medical sciences, law and theology. We still use PhD (Philosophiae doctor) but the meaning of the word philosophy has changed over the centuries. During the renaissance, the word philosophy had a broader meaning since philosophy at that time encompasses the whole spectrum of science.

In some countries (France for instance), it is forbidden to use the title of Dr for those who are not MD. In this case, Dr is a degree but not a title. Why do we not use MD everywhere instead of Dr (which seems to be the way to suppress the ambiguity while respecting history)? I don't know.

Sylvain Peyronnet's user avatar

  • 1 Interesting history lesson. Shouldn't that be "The first doctors..." (plural)? I don't quite follow the logic here "In some countries (France for instance), it is forbidden to use the title of Dr for those who are not MD. In this case, Dr is a degree but not a title." –  Faheem Mitha Commented May 6, 2013 at 19:19
  • 2 Sylvain: It seems that in France, the usage of the title is not reserved to MD, following a decision of la Cour de Cassation , and a recent law . That said, in practice, I agree that only MD use the title. –  user102 Commented Aug 9, 2014 at 19:08

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    It seems that the real question should be "why the title of doctor seems to be now more associated to medical sciences than other fields". Doctor comes from doctum, that is a derivative of docere, Latin verb for "teaching". The first doctors in the very first universities studied in four faculties: arts, medical sciences, law and theology.