Essay on Teacher for Students and Children

500+ words essay on teacher.

Teachers are a special blessing from God to us. They are the ones who build a good nation and make the world a better place. A teacher teaches us the importance of a pen over that of a sword. They are much esteemed in society as they elevate the living standards of people. They are like the building blocks of society who educate people and make them better human beings .

Essay on Teacher

Moreover, teachers have a great impact on society and their student’s life. They also great importance in a parent’s life as parents expect a lot from teachers for their kids. However, like in every profession, there are both good and bad teachers. While there aren’t that many bad teachers, still the number is significant. A good teacher possesses qualities which a bad teacher does not. After identifying the qualities of a good teacher we can work to improve the teaching scenario.

A Good Teacher

A good teacher is not that hard to find, but you must know where to look. The good teachers are well-prepared in advance for their education goals. They prepare their plan of action every day to ensure maximum productivity. Teachers have a lot of knowledge about everything, specifically in the subject they specialize in. A good teacher expands their knowledge continues to provide good answers to their students.

Similarly, a good teacher is like a friend that helps us in all our troubles. A good teacher creates their individual learning process which is unique and not mainstream. This makes the students learn the subject in a better manner. In other words, a good teacher ensures their students are learning efficiently and scoring good marks.

Most importantly, a good teacher is one who does not merely focus on our academic performance but our overall development. Only then can a student truly grow. Thus, good teachers will understand their student’s problems and try to deal with them correctly. They make the student feel like they always have someone to talk to if they can’t do it at home or with their friends.

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Impact of Teachers on a Student’s Life

Growing up, our parents and teachers are the first ones to impact our lives significantly. In fact, in the younger years, students have complete faith in their teachers and they listen to their teachers more than their parents. This shows the significance and impact of a teacher .

introduction about teacher essay

When we become older and enter college, teachers become our friends. Some even become our role models. They inspire us to do great things in life. We learn how to be selfless by teachers. Teachers unknowingly also teach very important lessons to a student.

For instance, when a student gets hurt in school, the teacher rushes them to the infirmary for first aid. This makes a student feel secure and that they know a teacher plays the role of a parent in school.

In other words, a teacher does not merely stick to the role of a teacher. They adapt into various roles as and when the need arises. They become our friends when we are sad, they care for us like our parents when we are hurt. Thus, we see how great a teacher impacts a student’s life and shapes it.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why are teachers important?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Teachers are the building blocks of a nation. They are responsible for making thousands of people educated. Teachers push us to do better and succeed in life.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What makes a good teacher?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”A good teacher is one who is well-prepared. They always care for their students even outside the classroom. They instill good values in them and teach them subjects efficiently.”} }] }

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Essay on My Teacher

List of essays on my teacher in english, essay on my teacher – essay 1 (300 words), essay on my teacher – essay 2 (400 words), essay on my teacher – essay 3 (500 words), essay on my teacher – essay 4 (750 words), essay on my teacher – essay 5 (1000 words).


Teachers are the ones who play a very vital role in shaping our future. From the Pre-Kinder Garden to your Post-Doctoral fellowships, they teach, impart knowledge, share ethical values, and imbibe morality, thereby shaping our personality as a strong one.

My Teacher:

Throughout our lives, we will be having many kith and kins who will hold a special place in our hearts. For me, one such person is my teacher. All of us, for sure, will definitely agree to the fact that the kinship between us and our kinder garden teachers could not be well-defined. I like my nursery teacher, so much. There is something very magical about her. Maybe, she was the first teacher in my life or maybe, she was very sweet in talking to all of us, I am unable to portray why she is always my favourite. I relied on her blindly.

Unforgettable Memories:

I have some cherished memories with my teacher. Whenever I think of those memories, it makes me blissful. On the last day of my nursery school, I started crying at the very thought of leaving her and having a new teacher. I had fallen sick due to crying for hours together. I skipped my food. My parents were not able to do anything. They called for her to make me feel better. My teacher travelled a few miles across the city and reached the hospital. She, then, said that she would never forget any of her students and asked me to write to her. I started writing to her every week from then on and she replied to every letter of mine. Till date, I look at my teacher as my second mother and she guides me in all my difficult situations.


Having a good teacher who can share an amalgamated relationship with the students is a boon. A good teacher should be a good mentor, a philosopher, a guide, a friend and above all a surrogate parent to the children. I am lucky that I had gotten one in my lifetime.

My favorite subject is English and my most favorite teacher is Chitra Ma’am. She teaches us English. She likes me a lot and appreciates my hard work. She joined our school one year ago. Before that, I was not so good at English. But after attending her classes, we have all become much better at this subject.

I like her for many reasons. First of all, she teaches the lessons in a very interesting way. Even when we have doubts or questions, she never gets upset with us. Her best quality is her loving nature. She would come to school daily without missing a day.

Her dressing sense is nice. She wears simple salwar suits. She always speaks to her students softly and respectfully. I eagerly wait for her class and do my English homework on time. Chitra Ma’am puts a lot of effort in explaining every chapter.

There are many activities given at the end of every lesson and she makes us participate in all of them. Not only that, but she also encourages us to take part in drama and poem competitions. Since her first day, she made a rule for us.

All of us has to speak in English during the English period. Every student tries to talk in English even if the sentence sounds improper. She has taught us to never laugh at each other’s mistakes. This has improved our spoken English in a great way. Now, we are able to talk in English with more confidence.

Another great quality of hers is that she treats every child equally. After explaining the lesson to us, she asks each one of us different questions about the chapter. Sometimes, we also love to talk about our personal lives, like what do we like about our lives, how our parents work hard for us, and things like that.

When we get confused or need an emotional support, she is the best person to talk to. Her advice and suggestions are always positive. Last month, on teacher’s day, all the students wished her and brought presents for her. We also sang a song to her.

I made a beautiful greeting card for her and a red rose with it. She accepted it with a smile and thanked us for everything. I feel grateful to have such a gentle and great teacher in my life who supports me in every way.

In school, you tend to interact with a lot of people who can either impact your life positively or negatively. A teacher is one neutral person who will manage to strike a balance between the positive and the negative. Teachers have a huge responsibility that we students may not understand. All in all our teachers try their best to provide an education, guidance and discipline despite the challenges we might impose on them. The life of a student is entirely dependent on a teacher because most of their time is spent in school rather than with parents that is why teachers play a major role in shaping the lives of young children through school.

Who Is my favourite Teacher?

I have several teachers now that I am in high school but there is only one whom I can relate to as “the teacher” because of the impact he has made in my life. The teacher is male, of Indian origin and has a funny accent when he speaks. He is married and has three children. Actually, one of his children is my age and I know him through tennis practice because he comes to train with us sometimes. I like him because his sense of humor gives a good learning experience for the students. He is a math teacher and he is very good at what he does. Students tend to make fun of him because of his accent but he make fun of it himself, which gets even funnier. This teacher has been a great mentor to me and other student ever since we joined high school. I met him on a personal level one day after class when I needed clarification on a topic I had not quite understood. The teacher was kind to me and guided me through it. Since then, he took his own initiative to do follow-ups on me and I became really good in math due to his efforts.

Coincidentally, he also coaches my tennis team and we meet out on the field. We have won several awards as a tennis team under him. I feel connected to the teacher through his mentorship and he has become like a school parent to me because whenever I have an issue, he is free to help me out.

How the teacher has impacted my life in school .

Mentorship goes along way depending on the approach used. When I first joined high school, I did not have much confidence in myself. This teacher mentored me and made me believe in myself. The good thing is the attention he gives t is students because most of the times, he follows up on the performances and ensures that he does everything he can to help students improve academically. He has also been a role model to me through his way of doing things. He is dedicated to his work and he is an achiever. Through following his footsteps, I have been able to dedicate myself into studies and sports, which has helped me to achieve my goals.

In conclusion, good teachers are hard to find but when you find one, make the most out of them.

The word “teacher” depicts a person that teaches. English dictionary defines teacher as “a person who teaches, especially one employed in a school”. A more recent definition of teacher in the linguistics field is “a tutor that interacts with the learners in order to facilitate good learning”.

Types of Teachers

Old method teachers: the teachers found under this method adopt the rigid mode of impartation of knowledge. They control the class the way a king would rule over his subjects. Old method teachers are less concerned about the welfare of their learners, they are syllabus-oriented.

New method teachers: the tutors under this model are student-oriented. They are more concerned about their learners and their various levels of understanding. They accept and promote contributions in class unlike the old method teachers. New method teachers encourage the inquisitiveness of their students.

Attributes of a Teacher:

A standard teacher has all or most of the various characters imbedded in them:

  • Compassionate
  • Open-minded
  • A good counselor
  • Friendly and most importantly
  • Approachable.

Attributes of My Favorite Teacher:

Personally, I see my teacher as a mini-god because he leaves his mark on me. He influences my life in ways that enables me affect changes wherever I find myself.

He is a perfect example of the new model teachers. Basically, he is student-oriented. In the classroom, he employs the Eclectic mode of teaching (this is the combination of all the modes of teaching “discussion mode, play way mode, role play mode, question mode” so as to facilitate standard learning).

He comes into the classroom; starts the lecture with a recap of what was discussed in the previous class, gives room for the students to ask questions that arose from the last class, answers them and then starts a new topic.

To start a new topic, he starts with a mind-capturing introduction that attracts the attention of all students. Once he is through with introducing the topic, he gauges our reaction in order for him to know if his students are on the same page with him or left behind.

Then, he moves on to the discussion mode of teaching, whereby he throws questions to his students and accommodates both relevant and irrelevant answers, at the end of this model, he sieves through the answers provided, pick the relevant ones and add his own iota to it, he also always applaud the courage of all who answers his questions.

He moves either into the role play method or the play way method, here he selects students to either act out the lessons from the day’s topic or summarizes what he has taught for the day. The use of this particular mode enlightens the students more on the topic being discussed.

Finally, he moves over to the questions and revision mode, where he personally go through all he has taught over the course of the period. During this mode, he entertains questions from students on their personal areas of difficulties. Occasionally, he gives assignments to back up his teachings.

During his teachings, he pays close attention to the expression, mood, sitting posture and carriage of his students. This tells him when his students are lost, sad, worried, hungry, sick, away in dream land or simply tired.

Once he is done processing the information gotten from our faces, he either finds a way of brightening the mood of his students, bringing them back from the dream world, or ending his class without breaking his stride or alerting the whole population of students to what is currently going on.

It is only normal for a human being to reflect his mood whenever he is talking or interacting, but my teacher hardly ever allow his bad, horrible moods interfere with his teachings.

Outside the classroom, my teacher is approachable, fatherly, and jovial. He entertains all and no one is excluded from his open arms, smiles and affections.

He is a good counselor who is always ready to help me out of my tight corners. He gives twenty first century advises in a fatherly way.

Although, due to my teachers lenient ways with students, some students tend to be lazy, disrespectful, stubborn or rude. He has a way of being firm, maintaining class control while teaching.

In conclusion, my teacher has all the attributes and more of a new method teachers. He is capable of combining all modes of teaching, he is compassionate, passionate, and friendly. From my interactions with him, I can confidently say that he is one of the best teachers around.

A teacher plays a very important life in shaping your life as well as career. A good teacher is a blessing for the students in their early years and helps them understand the world; learn moral values along with education. Most importantly, a teacher helps you the art of survival and brings out the best of you.

Why a teacher is so important in a student’s life?

Teachers assume the essential job in our life to end up fruitful invocation and business. A decent teacher encourages us to end up great individual in the general public and great nation of the nation.

Teachers realize that students are the eventual fate of any country. So the future advancement of any country is in the hands of teachers. What we move toward becoming in life is relies upon teachers. Teachers confer the information and data in the mind of understudies to dissect. Investigating in the circumstance what is conceivable is the most essential thing that we gain from teachers. Energy about teachers is imperative since they are the most essential individuals in the nation. What we’re seeing today in business, legislative issues, and society all influenced by teachers. In this way, in India, we commend teacher’s day consistently on 5 September on the event of the birth Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

My Teachers, My Role Models

During my formative years, I have come across many teachers who have influenced my life for the better. Having being studies in a convent school, I got to face a much-disciplined environment during my school years. The teachers, although were very polite in their behaviour, at the same time ensuring that we all followed a disciplined life. We were taught how to inculcate these values in our daily life so as to be better human beings when we grow up and face the world. Although all the teachers were good, there is one teacher whose teachings I just cannot forget. She is Ms Kirti Bhushan. Her teachings have been so powerful and impactful that I can still feel them during my day to day decisions even today.

My Best Teacher

Ms Kirti was my class educator as well and took participation in the daily activities with us as well. She was a strict instructor anyway extremely amusing and mind in nature. At the same time, she was extremely restrained and dependable. She did her work perfectly with the class at a perfect time without getting late. I liked her, particularly as she attempted simple approaches to show us beneficial things. We made the most of her class. She taught us English subject as well. She even made us giggle by telling heaps of jokes in the middle of when she taught. She likewise managed us exceptionally well amid any school or between school rivalry of the move, sports, scholastic, and so on. She instructed us to share things in class among our associates, for example, lunch or other required things.

Her Background

She was from Varanasi and completed her initial studies there itself. She took her higher education degrees from the Banaras Hindu University. She was extremely friendly and kind in nature. She realized well about how to deal with little youngsters in the class. Her one of a kind style of educating is perhaps what I mostly recall her for. I even meet her at times at whatever point I have to explain some intense inquiries of my day to day issues, she advises me so easily and comfortably. She looks extremely savvy with shimmer eyes and fair hair.

Her Smiling Attitude

She generally smiled when she entered the classroom and first got some information about our prosperity. She additionally helped us in the games at whatever point our games instructor was missing. She had a smiling face even during the strict environment during the examination times. She constantly rebuffed to the students who were with fragmented home works. She was acclaimed for making loads of fun amid the class time and ensure there was a positive ambience all around.

She was an instructor with great aptitudes of educating, well-disposed nature, great comical inclination, understanding and nice. I am proud to be one of her favourite students, as she always said good things about me to other teachers. At times she gave us chocolates on doing great in the class tests and exams. She never gave us heaps of assignments at home. She was exceptionally eager and constantly spurred us for doing our best in the examination.

Teacher’s In Today’s Scenario

Today the general population are changing and their reasoning and advancement thoughts are more against nature. Presently for the world, a teacher is only a teacher. Various offices and departments only tend to remember them on teachers day during various events and usually do not remember them otherwise. Individuals also share few posts via web-based networking media with respect to teachers and after that just forget them. Individuals overlook a bigger number of things that they are gaining from teachers. Schools and students also praise the teacher’s day event and value the endeavours teachers are doing. This is incredible if individuals ought to pursue the exercises of teachers also.

The genuine present for teachers is when students turn into a decent individual, effective in their vocation and business. Not all teacher are great in instructing and comparatively, not all students resemble “Shishya and Guru” particularly in the advanced period. A few teachers are incredible and they are dependable in heart of students all life along.

Students admire teachers for counsel and direction. Students are inspired by scholastic exercises as well as they are intrigued to pursue their life exercises. That is the reason it’s exceedingly essential for teachers to motivate students to pursue great propensities not terrible by their own precedent. An instruction is critical in everybody’s life and assumes different jobs in various phases of life. It’s imperative that individuals understand the significance of teachers and pursue their teachers in the right spirit.

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Essay on My Teacher [Short & Long]

Essay on My Teacher – A great teacher is not that hard to discover. The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book. There is no substitute for a great teacher and you can not repay him/her even by devoting your whole life.

Teachers play a crucial role in the field of education, who educates students very well to make people of upright behaviour and values. In fact, they are one of the reasons behind our personality and behaviour.

Short Essay On My Teacher | 250 words


The life of a student is completely reliant on a teacher because the largest fraction of their time is spent in school rather than with parents which is why teachers play a significant role in developing the lives of children in school .

They are like a torch in the darkness in everyone’s life because they help students find their way in life. They are God-gifted in life who without any selfishness direct us to success. In fact, we can name them as the creator of an excellent future for our nation .

Essay On My Teacher | Introduction

About My Favourite Teacher

During our lives, we will be possessing many kith and kin who hold a specific place in our hearts. One such person in my life is my teacher. All of us will surely admit to the fact that the kinship between us and our school teachers can not be well-defined.

I like my nursery teacher very much. Her voice is very magical. She was very sweet in talking to all of us, I am incapable to express why she is always been my favourite and I relied on her passionately.

Impacts of teachers

When I first entered class 6, I had not much confidence in myself. My teacher mentored me and made me believe in myself. The great thing is the attention he gives to students most of the time, he follows up on their achievements and guarantees that he does everything he can to assist students to better perform academically.

He will always be a role model to me because of his way of doing something. He is devoted to his work and he is an achiever. By following in his footsteps, now I am able to dedicate myself to education and sports, which has supported me to accomplish my goals .

Concluding, Teachers play a crucial role in the field of education, who educates students very well to make them a person of upright behaviour and values. They make the student academically great and inspire them to do good in life.

Long Essay On My Teacher | 500 Words

We tend to communicate with a lot of people who either influence our lives positively or negatively. A teacher is one unbiased person who manages to strike a stability between the positive and the negative. Teachers have an enormous liability that we students can not guess.

The life of a student is completely reliant on a teacher because the largest fraction of their time is spent in school rather than with parents which is why teachers play a significant role in developing the lives of children in school.

All my teachers try their best to give us the best education, supervision and regulation despite the difficulties we might inflict on them.

My favourite teacher

I have many teachers because I am in inter-school but there is only one whom I can spell out as my favourite teacher because of the influence he has executed in my life. My teacher is a male of Indian ancestry and has a bright accent when he talks.

He is married and has two children. One of his children is my age and I recognise him through tennis practice because he also practices with us sometimes. I like my teacher because of his good sense of humour and he provides a good learning experience to the students.

He is a maths teacher and he is very skilled in mathematics. Students usually make fun of him all because of his funny accent but he also makes fun of himself, which becomes even more laughable. This teacher has always been an excellent mentor to me.

I reached him personally one day after finishing the class when I required clarification on a question I had not really understood. My teacher is very kind to me and guided me through it. Since then, he initiated to make follow-ups with me and I converted really well in math because of the efforts of my teacher.

Types of teachers

  • Elementary school teachers- They play a vital role in setting the foundation for learning. They dedicate their careers to teaching young students from kindergarten to the fifth grade.
  • Middle school teachers – Another highly significant period in a scholar’s life is middle school. Grades six to eight set the platform for high school.
  • High school teachers – High school teachers improve their tutoring plans to challenge and fasten their students. They evaluate their students’ growth through ranked assignments and exams.
  • Post-High School teachers- The attention of teachers in this framework is to equip students for life after high school.

Importance of Teachers

A great teacher is not that hard to discover, but you need to know where to look. Great teachers are well-prepared for their educational aims. They make their plan of action daily to assure the greatest productivity. Teachers have a lot of information on everything, especially in the subject they specialize in.

A good teacher extends their knowledge continuously to give good solutions to their students. Furthermore, a great teacher is similar to a friend that supports us in all our problems. A good teacher builds their own learning method which is uncommon and not mainstream.

This causes the students to learn the subject in a more reliable manner. In other words, a good teacher confirms their students are efficient and scoring good marks.

Impact of teachers

My parents and all my teachers are the first ones to influence my life significantly. In truth, at younger ages, students hold complete trust in their teachers and they obey their teachers more than their parents. This explains the significance and impression of a teacher in our lives.

when a student gets injured in school, the teacher enables them to first aid. This gives a sense of security and a unique connection between them.

Final Words

In conclusion, All my teachers have all the attributes and qualities that a good teacher should have. They are capable of combining all methods of teaching, They are sympathetic and friendly. From my interactions with them, I feel like the best of all gifts from God.

Essay On My Teacher | Conclusion

When does teacher’s day is observed in India?

Teacher’s Day in India is observed every year on the 5 th of September. And it was first observed in the year 1962.

When is International Teacher’s Day observed?

World Teacher’s Day will be observed on 5th October 2021.

How do I write an essay on My teacher?

We can write an essay of any type in three simple steps: 1. Just gather some information about the topic 2. Think of the structure of the essay 3. Start your essay with an engaging sentence 4. At the end, give a finishing touch to your conclusion. That’s all you can write an Essay on My teacher .

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Essay on Teacher: Our Friend, Philosopher and Guide in 100, 250 & 300 Words

introduction about teacher essay

  • Updated on  
  • Mar 22, 2024

essay on teacher

Teachers are like the guiding stars in our educational journey. They shine our path with knowledge and encouragement. A teacher is a person who helps us learn and grow. They are the ones who guide us through our education and help us to become the best versions of ourselves. Teachers come in all shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common: they are passionate about teaching. In this blog, we’ll explore the enchanting role of teachers through the eyes of a student, celebrating their invaluable contributions to our lives.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Why are Teachers Important?
  • 2 Sample Essay on Teacher in 100 Words
  • 3 Sample Essay on Teacher in 250 Words
  • 4 Sample Essay on Teacher in 300 Words

Why are Teachers Important?

Teachers help mould today’s youth into the responsible adults of tomorrow. What teachers teach the children at their young age, makes an impact on the students that stays with them for the rest of their lives.

The power of moulding the next generation into great leaders lies in the hands of teachers. This holds the potential of uplifting the society in the near future. Indirectly, teachers are the key to transforming millions of lives all around the globe.

Sample Essay on Teacher in 100 Words

A teacher is a person who helps us understand ourselves. They are the supporters who help us through tough times. Teachers are important because they help us to become the best versions of ourselves. They are like superheroes with the power to ignite our curiosity and help us grow. They teach us numbers, alphabets, and fascinating stories. They are patient listeners, ready to answer our questions and wipe away our doubts. They inspire us to dream big and show us that with hard work, we can achieve anything. A teacher’s love is like a warm hug that makes learning exciting and enjoyable.

Also Read: Teacher Self Introduction to Students and Samples

Sample Essay on Teacher in 250 Words

Teachers are magical beings who turn the pages of our books into captivating adventures. Teachers create colorful classrooms where learning becomes joyous. Their dedication is seen when they explain complex problems in simple ways and solve problems in math and science. With smiles on their faces, they teach us history, nurture our creativity through art, music, and storytelling, and help us express our feelings and thoughts.

Apart from books, teachers also impart life lessons. They teach us to be kind, respectful, and responsible citizens. They show us the value of friendship and the importance of helping others. Teachers celebrate our achievements, no matter how small, and cheer us on during challenges.

A teacher is a person who has a profound impact on our lives. They are the ones who teach us the things we need to know to succeed in life, both academically and personally. They are also there to support us and help us through tough times.

There are many different qualities that make a good teacher. Some of the most important qualities include patience, understanding, and a love of teaching. Good teachers are also able to connect with their students and make learning fun. A good teacher can make a real difference in a student’s life. They can help students develop their talents and abilities, and they can also help them to become confident and self-motivated learners.

Also Read- How to Become a Teacher?

Sample Essay on Teacher in 300 Words

In a world, teachers are essential as they bridge the gap between the unknown and the known. They take the time to understand each student’s unique needs and help them modify and hone their skills. In this process of our learning, they become a friend, philosophers, and guides.

Teachers are more than just knowledge sharers. They are like gardeners, nurturing the seeds of kindness, respect, and responsibility in a student’s heart. They teach us to be a good friend and have empathy. They also encourage us to care for our planet, reminding us that we are its custodians.

As we journey through school, teachers become our guides, showing us the various paths we can take. They encourage us to discover our passions, whether it’s solving math puzzles, painting masterpieces, or playing musical notes. They celebrate our victories, whether big or small and help us learn from our mistakes, turning them into stepping stones toward success. 

A good teacher can make a real difference in a student’s life. They can help students to develop their talents and abilities, and they can also help them to become confident and self-motivated learners.

I am grateful for all the teachers who have helped me along the way. They have taught me so much, and they have helped me to become the person I am today. I know that I would not be where I am without them.

Remember, each day with a teacher is a new adventure, a new opportunity to learn, and a new chance to grow. So, young learners, let’s raise our hands and give a cheer to our teachers, the real-life magicians who make education a truly enchanting place to live.

Also Read – Self Introduction for Teacher Interview

Related Reads:-     

A. Here are two lines lines for a good teacher: Teachers are like shining stars guiding us to the path of knowledge. Teachers are our guardian angels.

A. A teacher is not an acronym, so there is no full form for it, yet some students exhibit affection for their teacher. It also allows one to express creativity. Following are some popular full forms of Teacher: T – Talented, E-Educated, A-Adorable, C-Charming, H-Helpful. E-Encouraging, R-Responsible.

A. A teacher is an educator or a person who helps one acquire knowledge and imparts wisdom through teaching methods.

This brings us to the end of our blog on Essay on Teacher. Hope you find this information useful. For more information on such informative topics for your school, visit our essay writing and follow Leverage Edu . 

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  • Teacher Essay for Students in English


Importance of Teachers in Our Lives

Teachers are those who make children knowledgeable and cultured. A teacher is a beautiful gift given by god because god is a creator of the whole world and a teacher is a creator of a whole nation. A teacher is such an important creature in the life of a student, who through his knowledge, patience and love give a strong shape to a student’s whole life. 

A teacher shares academic knowledge, ethical values and assimilates moral values that help us shape our personality as better human beings. They represent an open book and try to share their life experience for a better tomorrow. A teacher has many qualities, they are efficient in their student’s life and success in every aspect. A teacher is very intelligent. They know how the mind of students gets concentrated in studies.

 During teaching, a teacher uses creativity so that students can concentrate on their studies. They are a repository of knowledge and have the patience and confidence to take responsibility for the future of the student. They only want to see their students successful and happy. Teachers are very prestigious people in the society, who through their magic of education, take the responsibilities of raising the lifestyle and mind level of the common people. 

Parents expect a lot from teachers. Teachers are the second parents who help the students balance their lives and spend the maximum childhood time. Just as our parents influence our childhood years, our teachers help shape us into the people we want to become when we grow up, having a huge impact on our lives. Students have complete faith in their teachers. In younger years, Students used to listen to their teachers more than anyone else as they used to spend more time with them than anyone else. 

The role of the teacher varies from class to game. A teacher is an important creature in everyone’s life who appears to do different things in our life. They are the creator of a wonderful future for our nation. 

Importance of a Teacher

A teacher has an important place not only in student life but also in every phase of life. They have all qualities which they distribute in their students. They know that not everyone has the same ability to receive, so a teacher observes all the abilities of each of their students and in the same way, they teach children. A teacher is a great listener of knowledge, prosperity, and light, from which we can benefit greatly throughout our life. Every teacher helps their students in choosing their path. Teachers teach their students how to respect elders. They tell their students the difference between respect and insult and many more. A teacher equips his/her student with the knowledge, skills, and positive behavior honored which the student never feels lost. The teacher makes them aware of how to use time and the restriction of time. A good teacher makes a good impression on his students. When any student makes a mistake, the teacher teaches them a lesson and also makes them realize their mistake. They teach us to wear clean clothes, eat healthy food, stay away from the wrong food, take care of parents, treat others well, and help us in understanding the importance of completing work. 

A teacher has many qualities which hold a special place in every student’s life. Teachers embrace various roles they are our friends when we get sad, our parents when we are hurt, and always good advisers. Teachers reward their students for their good work while sometimes punishing them for realizing the mistake to understand that this is not right for their lives.

Children’s future and present both are made by the teacher. He also enhances a good society by creating a good student throughout his life. Only a teacher knows what kind of association his student lives in and what kind of association he holds.

Teachers are great role models. The teachers influence students’ decidedness. For example, India’s most respectable President, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, achieved his position as a great aerospace engineer because of his teacher. Mr. Siva Subramania Iyer’s teachings on how birds fly influenced Dr. Kalam’s contribution to society.

Not only in the education field, but there are also numerous examples in sports too, where teachers played a vital role in shaping the career of the athletes. A notable example is batting maestro Sachin Tendulkar, who credits his coach and teacher, Mr. Ramakant Achrekar, for success. Like this, there are numerous examples in various fields of dance, music, acting, arts, science where teachers act as a pivotal role in shaping the life of their disciples.

Relation of Student and the Teacher

The relationship between the teacher and the student was very sacred in ancient times as education was so perfect. There are so many stories written in our scriptures that revolve around student and teacher relationships. Out of all those, the supreme sacrifice made by Eklavya is of prime importance and showcases a student’s dedication towards his teacher. 

Alas, This relation is lacking in recent times. Nowadays, it is considered a mere profession. It has become a business or source of income compared to earlier days where it was considered a noble profession. We should be conscious enough not to stain this noble profession and should not create an example that lifts people’s trust in teachers.

In India, we gave great importance to the teacher. According to the Indian concept, the teacher is the spiritual and intellectual father of the teacher. No education is possible without the help of the teacher. He is regarded as the “Guru” – a speculator, a companion, and a guide.

In ancient India, the transmission of knowledge was oral, and the teacher was the sole custodian of knowledge. The relationship between the teacher and the students was amiable and deep in ancient times. 

Hard Work is the Key to be a Teacher

It takes a lot of hard work to be a good teacher. First of all, always respect the elders and also obey them. Concentration should be increased toward society and education. To be a good teacher, one has a sense of unity in the heart, does not discriminate against anyone, everyone should be seen with a glance. They always encourage students, they never criticize their students. Develops a good interpersonal relationship with a student. One should always tell good things to their younger ones and always treat the classmate well, always take inspiration from the teacher.

The teacher has a huge contribution to our life. No one can developmentally, socially, and intellectually in their life without a teacher. Many teachers slap students, many give punishment but in the end, the teacher is never bad. It only depends on the way they teach, which is different for everyone and this creates a different image in the student’s mind. They do whatever just to make our future bright.

Every year, some teachers get honored. Teachers’ day is celebrated every year on 5 September, in memory of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, India’s second President. India is a home ground of some great teachers like Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Premchand, Swami Vivekanand, who have given some great lessons of life which are still in trend. On this day a special ceremony takes place in the school, in which students participate enthusiastically. A nation always honors all those teachers who help in eradicating ignorance of darkness. A teacher is an ocean of knowledge, we should keep acquiring knowledge on a subject for as long as possible.


FAQs on Teacher Essay for Students in English

1. Why are Teachers are Important?

Teacher are building block of the nation. Children’s future and present both are made by the teacher. He also enhances a good society by creating a good student throughout his life.

2. What Makes a Good Teacher?

It takes a lot of hard work to be a good teacher. They always have to study and gain knowledge. To be a teacher good one have a sense of unity in the heart, do not discriminate against anyone, everyone should be seen with a glance.

3. What Should Be the Qualities to Be a Good Teacher?

Given are some qualities to be a good teacher

They always encourage students, they never criticize their students.

Develops a good interpersonal relationship with a student.

Imparts moral values and values of life.

Develop self-confidence in students.

4. When is Teacher’s Day celebrated and after whom?

Every year, teachers’ day is celebrated on 5th September, in memory of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, India’s second President.

5. Give an example reflecting how a teacher shaped the life of their disciple.

One of the prominent examples is of our Ex-President, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam achieved his position as a great aerospace engineer because of his teacher, Mr. Siva Subramania Iyer who introduced him to the science behind birds being able to fly.

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My Teacher Essay | Essay on My Teacher for Students and Children

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

My Teacher Essay: A teacher is a person who plays a pivotal role in molding a student’s life. Some teachers remain in your memory as a key to a few life problems. A teacher imparts not only academic knowledge but also shares ethical values, and imbibes morality that shapes our personality as a better human being. A teacher falls next in line with parents to help students balance positivity and negativity and spend maximum time of childhood in shaping a student’s life. A teacher is a life-changing role model who influences your growth development, inculcating important everyday values. They are the building blocks of society with immense patience, tolerance, and a bright shimmering smile.

To assist students with relevant information on Teachers, here is a long and short essay as a guide for the assignments. Additionally, ten simple pointers that provide a basic guideline upon which one can frame comprehension.

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Long and Short Essay on My Teacher for Students and Children

Below-mentioned is a descriptive essay on 450-500 words, and a short 200 words summarized essay on the topic as a framework guide. A Long Essay on My Teacher is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Essay on My teacher is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Essay on My Teacher 500 Words in English

My Favourite Teacher imparts valuable lessons and mentors the entire school-life in guiding and directing the path to travel. They strive to achieve a balance of positivity and negativity in every student’s life. However, like a coin, there are two categories of teachers- the strict teacher and the understanding teacher. An understanding teacher improves teaching scenarios.

The greatest possession of every teacher is the achievements of their students that they cherish. Their main goal is to encourage their students to achieve as an individual in the general society and the nation on the whole. The future advancement of the country rests on the teacher to mold the students to become successful achievers. They impart important messages that investigate the circumstances to gain essential life factors.

To commemorate the valuable life-lessons and love for teachers, in India, we commend the annual celebration of teacher’s day consistently on September 5 in the memory of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan , India’s second President. India homes great teachers like Dr. S  Radhakrishnan, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Swami Vivekananda, Premchand, and many more who have imparted valuable lessons to tread upon.

Teachers are great role models who influence student’s decisions. For instance, India’s most revered President, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, achieved his position as a great aerospace engineer due to his teacher. Mr. Siva Subramania Iyer’s teaching on how birds fly influenced Dr. Kalam’s contribution to society.

During the ancestral era, a teacher was also addressed as a guru, who imparted spiritual and academic knowledge through the gurukul system, and the students lived with their guru to attain knowledge.

A role model is a person who inspires one’s ability to achieve something great. Teachers are the most influential people next to parents in every student’s life. Every child first learns through elementary school teachers. Then, the student’s next phase is the middle school teacher, who guides the students through the essential adolescent transitions. Students mature as young adults through their middle school journey with multiple life-related questions. A high school teacher helps guides and impart values to the student’s new life phase questions. The highest satisfaction or achievement of every teacher is to watch students grow to achieve success through respect.

During the formative stages of every student’s life, teachers hold a significant impact. Younger students hold immense faith in teachers and listen accordingly. This shows the significance of the teacher’s impact on students. As one grows, and drift away to college, then teachers become friends and mentors who inspire to great life achievements. Teachers unknowingly impart important, valuable life lessons to students. For instance, when a student gets hurt, the teacher aids him/her at the infirmary that makes the student feel secure. They play the role of a parent in school.

A teacher not only mentors, but they also adopt various roles when time rises. Over a period, they become friends when sad, parents when hurt, and great advisers. Thus, teachers are the great mentors who impact and shapes a student’s life. They hold many attributes that hold a special place in every student’s life.

Short Essay on My Teacher 200 Words in English

To honor the valuable contribution of teachers to society, nation, and student’s life,  in India, we annually commemorate and celebrate Teacher’s Day on September 5.

A teacher is a person who imparts knowledge and molds a student’s future through education. They play multiple parts of an influencer, role model, and even friends in a student’s life. A teacher holds numerous qualities and directs his/her students to reach a peak point of success. They are intelligent and have their ways to draw their student’s towards study. A teacher uses creative methods to help students concentrate better.

Apart from imparting educational value, a teacher is a conductor of knowledge with high endurance of confidence and patience as they hold responsible for every student’s future. A teacher knows their student’s potential and ability and assists in surfacing those talents accordingly. Therefore, individuals must understand their teachers with the right spirit.

10 Lines on My Teacher Essay

  • To commemorate a teacher’s contribution, Teacher’s Day is annually celebrated on September 5
  • A teacher assists students in learning essential values for life.
  • Teachers hold responsibility in shaping and molding a student’s life
  • A student’s achievements give teachers immense pride and satisfaction of good education
  • Teachers take the role of second parents in imparting morality, values, and aid in student’s overall development
  • They use creative and innovative methods to help students concentrate better
  • India holds valuable and inspiring teachers that have contributed to the country’s
  • A teacher is the guardian of a student’s future and social development
  • A teacher is also addressed as a guru, and during the ancestral era, they imparted spiritual and academic knowledge through the gurukul system.
  • A teacher never breaks his/her student’s trust.

FAQ’s on My Teacher Essay

Question 1. What are the essential qualities teachers hold?

Answer: Teachers hold multiple attributes such as a compassionate, friendly, patient, caring, competent counselor, open-minded, and approachable.

Question 2. Who is considered as an Effective Teacher?

Answer: An effective Teacher is a well-trained formal person who caters to all students, maximizes instructional period, monitors students, hold high zeal of expectations, and reflects on their ability and craft.

Question 3. What is a Teacher’s responsibility?

Answer: A responsible teacher prepares the daily lesson plans and educates their students at all levels. They assign their students duties on homework, grade, and document every student’s progress. They instruct students on a variety of subjects make sure their students reach with the engaging study plans.

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19 Top Ideas for a “Why I want to be a Teacher” Essay

19 Top Ideas for a “Why I want to be a Teacher” Essay

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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Here are the 19 best reasons you would want to be a teacher that you can include in your essay:

  • To help children learn more effectively.
  • To ensure children have positive mentors.
  • To improve children’s lives.
  • To help future generations solve the problems of today.
  • To help the future generations become good citizens.
  • To inspire future generations to create a more equal world.
  • To give back to the community I grew up in.
  • To be a part of helping my community thrive.
  • To be a part of my community’s decision-making processes.
  • Because you have the patience for working with children.
  • Because you have compassion for children.
  • Because you want to learn from children.
  • Because you’re enthusiastic about learning.
  • Because you are a generous person.
  • Because you’re interested in learning how to teach difficult students.
  • Because you’re interested in learning how to work with difficult parents.
  • Because you’re interested in learning diverse strategies for teaching,
  • Because you’re interested in learning to master classroom management.
  • Because you’re interested in learning what works and what doesn’t in teaching.

The ‘Why I want to be a teacher’ essay is all about showing you have thought in-depth about what a teacher does and what their role is in society. It’s also about showing you think you’d be a good person to conduct that role.

The 9 Tips are split into five categories. You can scan this whole post or browse through the categories here:

This essay is hard to get right.

Most students write the exact same thing as one another with the same old cliché statements like “because I love kids” (ugh, wrong answer!). If you do this, your teacher will just give you an average grade (or worse).

You need your essay on “why you want to be a teacher” to be different – indeed excellent – so it stands out for your teacher.

I’ll show you how.

Why should you listen to me? Well, I’ve been teaching university students in education departments for 8 years. In that time I’ve marked several thousand essays by people aiming to become teachers. I know what essays get top marks and which ones are average. I also know exactly what mistakes students make that make their essays seem … dull.

So, let me get you started out by introducing 19 points that you should make in your essay on why you want to be a teacher. I’ll break these 19 points down into 5 separate categories. Check them out below.

Read Also: Is Being a Teacher Worth It? (Why I Quit a Good Job)

1. Definitely do not say “because kids are fun”. Do this instead.

The word ‘fun’ is a big red flag for markers. Too many people want to become teachers because they think it would be a fun profession. Or, they might think that they want to help children have fun . No, no, no.

This is an incorrect answer in your essay about why you want to become a teacher.

Yes, teaching is fun a lot of the time. And it is really nice to see students having fun based on activities you’ve set for them.

But society isn’t paying you to have fun, or even to make children have fun. You’re not going to be a child minder, aunt, uncle or clown. You’re going to be a professional who has a bigger social purpose than having fun.

Now, a lot of students say to me “But, students learn more when they’re having fun.” Sure, that might be true – but it’s not a central reason for teaching.

If making learning more fun is genuinely a reason why you decided to become a teacher, then you need to frame it in a way that shows the importance of teaching for the good of students. Here’s three better ways to say ‘because kids are fun’; for each on, we can start with “I want to become a teacher because…”:

  • I want to help children learn more effectively. You could say something like: …When I was in school, learning was hard and I therefore hated teaching. There were a lot of teachers who seemed uninspired and uninterested in whether their children are learning. I was inspired to become a teacher so I could help children like myself to learn in ways that are engaging, motivating and inspiring.
  • I want to ensure children have positive mentors. You could say something like: …Many children in the world don’t have positive mentors at home. A teacher is often the one person in a child’s life who is a stable mentor that the child can lean upon. I chose to become a teacher because I believe all children need a positive mentor that instils in them an interest in the world and a belief that they can make something of themselves.
  • I want to improve children’s lives. You could say something like: …Being a teacher will give me the power to make children’s lives better. Learning opens doors to new opportunities, ways of thinking and paths in life that children wouldn’t have had before me. I am inspired by the idea of helping a child who is sad, uncertain and lacks confidence to see their own potential for creating a fulfilling life for themselves.

All three of those ideas still skirt around the idea that helping children have fun is something you want to see happen, but they also point out that there’s something deeper here than the idea that children should have fun: they should have fun for a reason. That reason could be so they learn more, develop an interest in the world, or see that their lives are full of potential.

Note that in my three examples above, I never used the word ‘fun’: it’s too much of a red flag for your markers.

2. Explain how teaching helps the world! Here’s how.

Have you ever heard someone say that ‘Teaching is a noble profession’? Well, it is. And this is something you really should be talking about in your essay on why you want to become a teacher.

Your teacher will be impressed by your understanding that teaching is a profession that keeps the world turning. Without teachers, where would we be? Probably back in the dark ages where people couldn’t read or write, technology wasn’t advancing very quickly at all, and people mostly lived in ignorance of their world.

So, being a teacher is has a bigger social purpose. As a teacher, you’ll be an important piece of society. You’ll be one of the army of tens – no, hundreds – of thousands of people helping future generations to propel our world towards better days. Below are some ways teaching helps the world. You can start these off with “I want to become a teacher because…”

  • I want to help future generations solve the problems of today. Being a teacher gives you the opportunity to propel students to greater heights. The children in your classrooms will be the people who solve climate change (oh, goodness, I hope so!), create the technologies to make our lives more comfortable, and get us out of the ecological, economic and political messes we seem to have gotten ourselves into!
  • I want to help the future generations become good citizens. There’s a concept called the ‘ hidden curriculum ’. This concept points to the fact that children learn more at school than what’s in the tests. They also learn how to get along, manners, democratic values and the importance of sharing. These soft skills are more than just a by-product of education. They’re incredibly important for showing our students how to get along in our society.
  • I want to inspire future generations to create a more equal world. A lot of what we talk about at school are moral issues: what’s the right and wrong thing to do? How do our actions ensure or hinder equality of races, genders and social classes? As a teacher, you will be instilling in children the idea that the decisions they make will lead to a more or less equal world. And of course, we all want a more equal world for our children.

These points are some higher-order points that will help you teacher see that you’re becoming a teacher for more than ‘fun’. You’re becoming a teacher because you see the noble purpose in teaching. If you do this right, you’ll surely impress your teacher.

3. Discuss your commitment to community. Here’s how.

Teachers are at the center of communities. Parents take their children to school, drop them off, then go to work. They busily get on with their jobs: architect, shop assistant, nurse, builder, and so on… Then, they all come back at the end of the day to collect their children from school.

School is one of the few things that brings all of these different members of a community together. Parents gather around the pick up location to gather their kids, and there they stand around and chat about sports and politics and community issues.

School is at the heart of community.

And you, as a teacher, will be one of the respected members of that community: there to serve all the members of the community by helping to raise their children with the values of the community in which you live.

You can talk about this as a central reason why you want to be a teacher. How about you start off with: “I want to become a teacher because…”

  • I want to give back to the community I grew up in. You could say …I grew up in a close-knit community where we all looked out for one another. Being a teacher will give me the opportunity to give back to my friends and mentors in the town who need someone to raise their children who they trust will do a great job.
  • I want to be a part of helping my community thrive. You could talk about how you are from a growing community that needs good quality, respectable people who will educate future members of your community. As a teacher, you will be at the heart of ensuring your local town remains a great place to live.
  • I want to be a part of my community’s decision-making processes. Teachers hold a certain authority: they know how students learn, and they usually have a very deep understanding of what is best for children in order to ensure they thrive. You can talk about how you want to become a person with deep knowledge about the children in your community so you can help guide you community’s decisions around how to raise their young people.

Note that in this group of ideas, ‘community’ represents the close-knit town in which you live, whereas in point 2, I talked about ‘society’, which was the bigger picture of the future of our nation or world rather than just your town.

4. Discuss the personality traits you think you can bring to the role. Here’s how.

You should show how you have reflected on the requirements of the role of teaching and thought about whether you have the personality traits that are required.

Why? Well, you need to be able to show that you know what being a teacher is all about… and that you think you’d be good at it.

So, let’s dive in to 5 personality traits that teachers have, and how you can show you have those traits:

  • Patience. Patience is an enormously popular skill for teachers to have. You’ll have kids who just don’t understand concepts one iota, and you’ve got to sit there and work with them until they get it. It’s tedious, let me tell you!
  • Compassion. Patience and compassion go hand-in-hand. If you don’t feel empathy for the kid who’s struggling super hard at learning, you’ll get pretty mad and just give up. You might also say some mean things to the kid! So, compassion is really necessary if you want to become a good teacher.
  • Open minded. Teachers always need to be learning new things. We often talk about the importance of learning with students more than directly teaching If you set a student a task, you’ll be sending them out to gather as much information on the topic as possible. They’ll often come back with new knowledge and you will want to praise them for teaching you something new.
  • Enthusiasm. Let me tell you, when it’s Wednesday afternoon in the middle of a hot school week and everyone’s depressed and flat there’s one person to rally the troops: you! Teachers need to wake up every morning, put their happy face on, and march into the classroom with boundless enthusiasm. It’ll motivate your students and make them feel welcome in the learning environment.
  • Generosity. You need to be generous with your time and praise. You need to be constantly thinking about the students in your care and doing anything you can to help them learn, instil in them a love of learning, and give them the confidence to try anything. Teachers need to be very generous people.

There’s a ton more traits that make a good teacher that you can talk about. These are just a few. Go forth and learn more, and add them to your essay!

5. Conclude with the things you still need to learn. Here’s how.

One more thing: good teachers are constantly learning. As someone studying to be a teacher, you need to remember that there’s a long way to go before you have all the answers. Heck, I’ve been a teacher for nearly a decade and I’m not even half way towards knowing everything about being a good teacher.

So, conclude your essay by highlighting that you understand what the role of a teacher is in society and the key competencies required of a teacher; but then go further and mention your enthusiasm to learn more about the profession over the coming years.

Here’s 5 things you can mention that you still need to learn:

  • How to teach difficult students. Some students hate school – mostly because of their terrible experiences in the past. You need to learn to get through to difficult students, and this takes time and patience to learn the art of inspiring the uninspired.
  • How to work with difficult parents. Oh boy, you’ll have a lot of these. You can highlight this as one of the key things you want to work on in the coming years: again, you’ll need to draw on that skill of patience (as well as the skill of diplomacy ) when it comes time to deal with an angry parent.
  • Diverse strategies for teaching. There are a lot of different ways to go about teaching. Over the years you’ll pick up on the various strategies and tricks different teachers have to help children learn.
  • Classroom management. This is one of the hardest things young teachers need to learn. And really, it just takes time. Discuss how this is something you want to focus on, and how you’ll use mentors to really work on this skill.
  • What works and what doesn’t. Great teachers have this intuitive knowledge about what works and what doesn’t, all based upon their deep experience and trial-and-error. The only way to learn to teach is to do it. Over the coming years, you’ll be learning about this. A lot.

You’ll only need one or two paragraphs on this final point, but it’s a great way to end your essay on why you want to become a teacher. It’ll show your humility and eagerness to take on one of the noblest professions in the world.

If you want to learn to write a top notch conclusion, you might also like my post on the 5 C’s Conclusion method .

Before you finish up your essay, you might want to check out my awesome posts on how to improve your essays, like these ones:

  • How to write a killer Introduction
  • My perfect paragraph formula , and
  • How to edit your essay like a pro .

I promised 19 thoughtful points to make in your essay about why you want to be a teacher. Here they are, all summed up in one final list:

  • Say you want to help children learn more effectively.
  • Say you want to ensure children have positive mentors.
  • Say you want to improve children’s lives.
  • Say you want to help future generations solve the problems of today.
  • Say you want to help the future generations become good citizens.
  • Say you want to inspire future generations to create a more equal world.
  • Say you want to give back to the community you grew up in.
  • Say you want to be a part of helping your community thrive.
  • Say you want to be a part of your community’s decision-making processes.
  • Say you want to share your patience with your students.
  • Say you want to share your compassion with your students.
  • Say you want to learn from your students (be ‘open minded’)
  • Say you want to share your enthusiasm for learning with your students.
  • Say you want to share your generosity with your students.
  • Say you’re interested in learning how to teach difficult students.
  • Say you’re interested in learning how to work with difficult parents.
  • Say you’re interested in learning diverse strategies for teaching,
  • Say you’re interested in learning to master classroom management.
  • Say you’re interested in learning what works and what doesn’t in teaching.

Why I want to be a teacher essay

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Essay on My Best Teacher

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Best Teacher in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Best Teacher


Everyone has a teacher who leaves a lasting impact. My best teacher is Mrs. Smith.

Teaching Style

Mrs. Smith makes learning enjoyable. She uses stories and real-life examples to explain concepts.

Personality Traits

She is kind, patient, and understanding. She encourages questions and appreciates our efforts.

Mrs. Smith has not only improved my grades but also instilled a love for learning. I am grateful for her guidance.

250 Words Essay on My Best Teacher

Teachers are the guiding light in the darkness of ignorance. They play a crucial role in shaping our lives, and the best ones leave an indelible mark. Among all my teachers, one stands out – Mr. Smith, my high school literature teacher.

The Epitome of Wisdom

Mr. Smith was not just a teacher; he was a philosopher, a mentor, and a friend. His profound knowledge and understanding of literature were not confined to the textbooks. He introduced us to the world beyond the academic curriculum, where literature was not just about understanding the text but about comprehending the human condition.

An Innovative Pedagogue

Mr. Smith’s teaching approach was unique. Instead of conventional lecture-based teaching, he encouraged discussions and debates. We were not just passive listeners but active participants in the learning process. This interactive approach made every lesson intriguing and helped us to develop critical thinking skills.

Lessons Beyond Academics

Mr. Smith taught us that literature was a reflection of life. The characters, their struggles, and their triumphs were mirrors to our own experiences. He emphasized that the lessons learned from these stories could guide us in our life journey. His teachings transcended the boundaries of the classroom, preparing us for the real world.

In conclusion, Mr. Smith was not just my best teacher because of his academic expertise, but because he helped shape my perspective and approach to life. He epitomized the true essence of a teacher – a beacon of knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration. His teachings continue to influence me, reminding me of the transformative power of education.

500 Words Essay on My Best Teacher

Teachers play an instrumental role in shaping our lives, guiding us through the labyrinth of knowledge, skills, and values. Among the multitude of educators I have encountered, one stands out as the paragon of pedagogical excellence – Mrs. Smith, my high school English teacher.

Academic Influence

Mrs. Smith was a master of her subject. Her profound knowledge of English literature was awe-inspiring, and her explanations were always clear and concise. She had the uncanny ability to simplify complex concepts, making them accessible and digestible. She encouraged us to delve deeper, fostering a love for the subject that transcended the confines of the classroom.

Personal Development

Beyond the academics, Mrs. Smith was a mentor in the truest sense. She recognized the unique potential in each student and worked tirelessly to nurture it. Her approach was not just to teach us English literature but to use it as a tool for personal development. Through the nuanced exploration of characters and narratives, she taught us empathy, critical thinking, and the power of effective communication.

Encouraging Creativity

Mrs. Smith was a staunch advocate of creativity. She encouraged us to think outside the box and to express our thoughts and ideas freely. She created an environment where every opinion was valued, fostering a sense of self-confidence in us. This not only enhanced our creative skills but also prepared us for the real world, where innovative thinking is highly prized.

Life Lessons

In conclusion, Mrs. Smith was not just my best teacher because of her academic prowess, but because of her holistic approach to teaching. She was a mentor, a guide, and a source of inspiration. She taught me to look beyond the pages of a book, to question, to think, and to create. She instilled in me a love for learning and a desire to make a difference. As I navigate through college and beyond, I carry her teachings as a compass, guiding me towards becoming a better learner, thinker, and human being.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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  •   Thursday, August 22, 2024

Future Educators

Future Educators

Helping America's Future Teachers

I Want to Become a Teacher Because | My Dream Job Essay

My dream is to become a teacher . If you have this dream, you’re not alone. Here’s a collection of short essays by aspiring teachers. Current and future education students were asked to describe their motivation; what inspires them to succeed at their teacher training studies.

In these 31 student essays, future educators answer the question “I want to become a teacher because …” or “I want to become a teacher to …”. The short student essays are grouped thematically, forming the top reasons to become a teacher.

1. Giving Brings Its Own Rewards

Early childhood teacher

Helping people is the unifying theme as to why students are inspired and motivated to become teachers. Education is a field where you can help young people directly in a personal way; potentially changing their lives for the better. Teaching is more than just a job.

For a significant percentage of education students, the opportunity to be of service provides plenty of motivation to pursue a teaching career. In each Why I Want to Become a Teacher essay here, a future educator explains why teaching is an opportunity to do something meaningful and beneficial.

by Hanna Halliar

If I can make an impact in just one child’s life, I will be able to consider myself successful. That is my motivation. As a future educator, what else would it be?

Every day that is spent in class, the late nights at the library, the endless hours of studying are all just steps getting me closer to the goal. When I am still up at 1 a.m. struggling to keep my eyes open, but only half way through my 6 page paper I remember how excited I am to work with my own students one day.

To me, being a teacher is so much more than the typical response most people have towards education majors. “Oh, you’re going to be a teacher. You know how much you will make?” Yes, I’m aware that I will be making an average of $50,000 a year in Indiana.

To me being a teacher means that I get the opportunity to not only teach my students math, English, and science but to teach life lessons that will stick with them as well.  It means walking into school every day being the reason my students look forward to coming to school. It means being surrounded by crafts, books, and music and not being stuck in an office. It means educating our future generation. And if somebody has to do it, it should be somebody who is passionate about it.

So what motivates me to study? It is so simple, it is the kids.

by Savannah Stamates

I lay awake at night and practice my first morning message to my first round of students whom I will not meet for more than a year.

I wonder if I will have hungry children, happy children, or broken children. I wonder if I will be good enough or strong enough to reach those most in need.  I wonder if my students will trust me enough to tell me that they are hungry, happy, or scared.

I worry that I will not be strong enough to share their burden or provide a place for peace and learning. I worry that I will misread their actions or their words or miss them reaching out.

So I study, even when I am tired from working two jobs or sick of not being where I want to be. When my time comes to walk into that classroom, my worries and doubts will be silenced by the knowledge I have mastered and the dream I have finally achieved.

by Charity Latchman

Dreams for the future are subjective. They can be based on what we desire. But visionary dreams are not only for us. Imagine asking some of the greatest revolutionaries and pioneers about their dreams. They generally had others in mind. In the famous “I have a Dream” speech, Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr said “we” more than thirty times. Dreams are not for our benefit alone, but to encourage, inspire and benefit others.

Recently I graduated from California Baptist University with a degree in English literature. During my studies, I was cared for my disabled mother. She was a religious studies professor who inculcated me with a diligent and steadfast approach to schoolwork. Managing the role of caregiver with university studies was challenging. But the goal to become a teacher kept me going. Approaching graduation, my mother was diagnosed with throat cancer. She didn’t worry about herself as much as you might expect but kept pushing me to finish the final paper in the program.

With her encouragement, my faith, and a burning desire to teach English literature, I graduated. My motivation comes from wanting to help, to encourage, and to inspire others.  Teaching is an act of giving that has its own rewards.  Life’s trials bring ups and downs. But we must always strive to attain our dreams, especially when others are central to them.

by Katheryn England

As a high school senior, many people assume I’m prepared for college and know what I want to study after graduation. These assumptions cause me to experience moments of self-doubt. Then I re-evaluate what I want for myself, and what it is that keeps me working towards my dreams. Through the goals I’ve set for myself, I can maintain focus, move past my self-doubt and succeed. By focusing on my goals, I can make a difference in the world directly around me.

A goal I have in my life is to be an elementary teacher, also known as an early childhood teacher. As a teacher,  I can share the knowledge I’ve gained to leave behind a better future for our world .

Last year, I had the opportunity to work alongside a previous elementary teacher and mentor of mine. I’d visit her classroom daily, and taught lessons alongside her or independently. Uniquely, they were the opening act in my high school’s original winter play. They read first-hand from our scripts and learned what happens behind the scenes. Showing a new part of the world to the youth of my community has motivated me to pursue my dreams.

Remembering this experience and the positive influence I had on those students helps me overcome self-doubt and stay focused on my goals. Thanks to the goals I’ve set for my life, I not only can find purpose for my efforts, but find the will to be confident in whatever choices I make.

by Emma Lillard-Geiser

I have always known that I would become two things: a mother and a teacher. What I didn’t know is that I would become the mother before the teacher. Having a child that depends on me is what fuels my desire to succeed in life. When I get frustrated with my studies I take a deep breath, look at my daughter, and know that I have reason to persevere. I know that one hour of studying will give me hours with my daughter as soon as I am done.

My mother is a teacher and growing up I cherished learning from her. She had knowledge that I admired and I quickly realized that I had to spend my whole life learning. I love to learn, to have that light go off in my head when it all just clicks.

I cannot wait to see that light in the eyes of my daughter and my future students.  For every thing that I learn, is another thing I can teach someone else.  It isn’t easy to study when you have a small child to take care of but I know that my education will provide me with the ability to take care of her for the rest of our lives.

2. Help Disadvantaged Students

Teacher helping disadvantaged student

Students are disadvantaged for many reasons, whether it’s because of a handicap, where they live, economic disadvantage or a language barrier.

Future educators may want to become teachers so they can make a difference in the lives of students who face extra learning challenges. This special interest often comes from the future teacher’s own experience, either personally or involving people they’ve known.

by Ian T Thomason

While attending the University of Minnesota-Mankato, I have aspirations of becoming a Special Education Teacher. Becoming a Special Education Teacher and helping students who have a need for extra help and students who are having troubles with everyday life are things that I dream of doing.  I was in their shoes once and know how difficult it is to deal with everyday life and how nice it was have a teacher to talk to.

Becoming a Special Education Teacher is my ultimate goal and, when difficult times arise, I have to remind myself of the children out there who have it potentially worse than I. When I remember this, I also think back to all of the support that I had from my parents, family members, and teachers. I also know that there are lots of children who don’t have this type of support and, if I can be there for them, that would make my career choice all the more worth it.

My Special Education degree is something more than just a degree for me. It is a degree that allows me to help children improve their education. I realize that children are our future and that their minds are terrible things to waste. So, instead of wasting their minds, why not put our best foot forward to educate them? My dream is to help kids realize their full potential, promote education and a brighter future for every child.

by Katherine

Motivation allows you to persist through difficult circumstances. Mine comes from a desire to grow into an instructor who is able to make a difference to many children’s lives.

In elementary school, I actually was a special education student. I’ve had to work hard most days of my life to achieve anything. I could not have succeeded without the support of some absolutely amazing teachers. Now I desire to take on that supporting role for as many students as I can reach.

When a class or an assignment I don’t want to do come up, I think of what motivates me. And the motivation is children. Many students feel powerless about their education, just like I did.  I could be a teacher who turns their education around, providing vital support and motivation to succeed at their studies.  Ultimately, everyone motivates themselves by one way or another. My motivation comes from the pure desire to help future students.

by Robbie Watson

My road to graduate school has been a long one. I studied religion and culture in undergrad, interested in the material, yet not sure how I would apply it later. Yet I found places, got involved in community and international development, engaged with different cultures, and now feel I use my degree every day.

For over two years I worked alongside Congolese refugees in Rwanda, developing educational opportunities for youths who could not finish secondary school in the underfunded camps. It is these refugees, young and old, the students, the teachers, their passion and vision for a better future that has driven me to seek out more education for myself. I remember how they would pay from their families’ meager funds to attend classes led by volunteer teachers. When finances were against them, or time, or family obligations, or the dire depression of the camp life itself, or even government officials were against them, still those students attended, still those teachers taught.

It is their example of perseverance towards a goal against all odds that inspires me now. I think of them often, think of the friends they were, are still. And I think of how that passion is in me now, to better understand education so that I might better educate, and thus equip such downtrodden communities to work for transformation themselves. I work not only for myself, and am motivated by the potential in those students and educators, which is also in me, and in others like them.

by Natalie Pelayo

I’m a young Latino woman working towards the goal of earning a bachelor degree in bilingual education. On occasions, I feel a slowing in my motivation. But, every time it happens, I think about the goal and that pushes me to move forward.

Looking back to a middle school class I attended, there was a boy who never really participated. He sat in his hoodie, looking down to his desk. Only after trying to talk with him, I discovered he spoke with broken English and a thick Spanish accent. It seemed as if no-one in our class actually knew that he struggled to understand what was being taught because it was presented in English.

By his manner, it was apparent that he had already accepted a dismal fate. Past teachers may have been unable to communicate with him. Eventually, he’d become demoralized.  Thinking about the disadvantages he had to endure provides ongoing motivation to study hard.

I aim to become a bilingual elementary school teacher to support young Spanish-speaking children. As a teacher, I’ll be able to show them that they can succeed. Children need not grow up thinking they’re incapable of learning due to a language barrier. I’ll keep working towards my goal to help ensure teaching is inclusive of all children, no matter their first language.

by Abigail Young

I am an American citizen, but my whole life I have lived in Cameroon, Africa. I have been blessed with an enormous amount of opportunities and a great education at a private international school.

Every day I have seen children and teenagers around me who do not get the same education or have the same possibilities of a “bright” future. I see schools that are forced to have three children share a small table, paper, and pens. I have seen a badly lit room with poor roofs and walls made from bricks. Even in my school there are numerous Cameroonians, my friends, and classmates that do not have the same chances at a higher level education, although they work just as hard.

When I study, I study hard because I do not want to let this chance and opportunity go to waste. I study because I have been undeservedly blessed to be able to go the United States for a high education with better chances at getting scholarship money. I study my hardest because  it is my dream that I may come back and make a difference in countries like Africa with poor education systems . It should be a right for children to be able to learn like I have. Therefore, because of this mindset, I am driven to study not just out of thankfulness for my circumstances, but also in hope that I may be able to give other children a better chance, and a greater reason to study.

3. Helping Many People Is Achievable in Teaching

Crowded classroom with many hands up

A powerful source of motivation for some education students is the potential to touch and positively impact the lives of many people. Education is a field of consequence and that’s a good reason for wanting to join the teaching profession.

Over the course of a long career, a classroom teacher may help shape the learning experience of hundreds or even thousands of students. In policy roles, educators can affect millions of people.

by Rachel Bayly

Through high school I worked as a teacher at a daycare. When I left for college I said goodbye to a lot of people, including my students. All summer I had woken up at five in the morning to go to work and wait for them to arrive and put a smile on my face. Those kids motivated me to keep waking up and working hard, and leaving them was not easy.

The thing that made that goodbye worth it, the reason that I keep pushing through this tying chapter of my life is that  I am determined to improve early childhood education in the United States .

I want to be a positive force in the lives of as many children as I possibly can, and I plan on doing that by improving standards and policies for early childhood education and making it more affordable.

Every week I write in my planner, “I will make a difference” and one way that I will change the lives of children and families. On days that I find myself asking, “why am I here?” “why am I going into debt, paying to be stressed out all the time?” I think of my students. I read my “I will make a difference” statements.

I remember that some children out there are stuck in low quality child care centers, they will never reach their full potential, and they need help. I keep working hard everyday so that I can help those children.

by Megan Burns

My ultimate goal is to change the lives of people. Studying to be a teacher is hard. All of the classes that are required, all of the practicums, and all of the time spent just to become a teacher is stressful, but the thought of being able to help just one person changes everything.

It takes one person to be a light in someone’s life. It take one person to be a helping hand. It takes one person to change an unmotivated, broken life, and make it brand new. Qualified teachers are those people.  We motivate students to do their best, we guide students to success when no one else will, and we are always available to listen.  One teacher can change the lives of thousands of students. That is my motivation.

I know that after college, I will be a teacher, a guider, a counselor, and a friend to so many students. No matter how many bad days I have or how many times I want to quit, I just think of what is to come in the future. I can be that change this world needs, even if its in a small high school classroom. It just takes one person.

by Victoria Shoemkaer

My dream is to make a difference in the life of children.

  • To make them excited about learning.
  • To make it fun the way it used to be when they were younger.
  • To show them that someone cares about them and wants to see them succeed.
  • To show that they are much more that a test score or a number.
  • To believe in them so much, that I do not let them get discouraged from chasing their dreams.
  • To showing them that everyone fails and it’s your recovery that determines what happens next.
  • To sacrifice myself to gives them more opportunities for success.
  • To encourage students to succeed in and out of the classroom for the betterment of themselves and the community.
  • To inspire them to change the world, because they can.
  • To help them transform into caring and compassionate adults who are ready to conquer the word, but remember where they came from.
  • To teach them to do good in the world because anyone can accomplish doing well.

Most importantly, my dream is to make children feel like their voice is important and valued and that they are loved more than they know.

4. Lives Can Be Improved by Dedicated Instructors

African boy showing a computer tablet

Teaching a subject such as Math or English is the everyday task of a teacher. But our prospective teachers see a greater purpose in their training and career path.

The daily motivation to teach doesn’t come from the superficial advantages of a teaching career, such as great job security or extra vacation time. Here are stories by future educators who want to go beyond the curriculum and improve people’s lives all round.

by Savannah Luree Weverka

Teachers are the ones who ignited my love for learning and there is not a day that goes by when I do not challenge myself to a personal goal of lifelong learning.

My mother is a teacher, so I was a student educated in an institution filled with support and a home that also supported education. I recall many teacher “get-togethers” and Husker parties where an informal invitation led to my presence.

Due to all of this support and interaction received throughout my elementary and high school career, Elementary Education continues to be at the top of my career choices. And now, as a senior looking forward to graduating from high school,  teachers remain my role models .

In considering a focus in Elementary Education, I now realize that many teachers not only teach children eight hours of the day, but become doctors for scraped knees, dictionaries for challenging words, mediators between students, and parents away from home.

Now, as I am taking the steps to make my dream come true I hope to make school an escape to free their minds and expand their knowledge. I want to share my love of learning with my students.

by Aaron Banta

Since I was younger, I have had the dream of becoming a history teacher at the high school level. The reason I am striving for this career is thanks to a teacher I had.  They held such a passion for history and taught it so well that it made me want to keep learning everything I could about it.

In college, I have had to work multiple jobs and attend school full-time. I would wake up early in the morning and not get home until late at night. The one thing that kept me on top of my studying and work was the dream I have; to be able to teach history and express my love for it by teaching the next generation. I strive to impact their lives for the better just like mine was.

Being able to pass my courses and get a degree and teaching credentials is the first main goal I am striving for. But being able to have a positive impact on students I have will be an even greater goal that I want to accomplish. I am hoping to guide them through their study of my favorite subject so I can teach them about the world and help them just like my teacher had helped me.

by Chelsea Rogers

At USC Upstate, I am studying to be a Secondary Education Mathematics teacher. The math courses are not easy and the education courses pushes you to challenge yourself. The thought of being a future teacher is what motivates me to keep pushing.

Although I do not know any of my students, they are precious to me and I believe it is my job to change their lives for the better.  Teaching math is my job, but looking beyond my content and into the wellbeing of my students is my passion.

The question I always ask myself is how can I teach students who may not trust me? I have to establish a connection with each student so that they will see I care about them academically, physically, and emotionally. Once students see that you care about them in these areas, it becomes easier to teach them and they are willing to perform to the best of their ability because they know their teacher supports them 100 percent. Being a great teacher is what motivates me to continue striving for my degree.

by Micayla Watroba

One plus one is two. Phone is pronounced with an F sound. 60 divided by 15 is 4. An essay typically has five paragraphs. I know all these things because I went to school. I also had teachers that helped me understand it even when I didn’t get the same opportunities as everyone else.

See, when I was in first grade I was diagnosed with ALL Leukemia. This made school very hard. I was either out of school so often that I missed entire chapters or I was bullied so badly that I couldn’t focus because I was so scared. Having cancer also made it hard for my mom and dad to pay for food and rent much less after school activities and tutoring. I grew up knowing that there were some things that were just not in reach for us. 

For as bad as I had it, I can’t imagine having to live on the streets, going hungry, or even being taught in a language I don’t know.

My dream is to be the teacher that makes sure that every student gets an education that helps them succeed.  I want to make sure that my students not only enjoy being at school but feel safe while there.  My students will know that it doesn’t matter where they came from or what background they came from. I am going to be there and I will not leave them behind. This is my dream.

5. Promote Lifelong Learning in Young People

Curriculum delivery in the classroom

What inspires some people to become teachers is the power to set young people on the right education path. Helping children to have good early experiences and embrace the learning process can profoundly enhance someone’s life. The potential for transformative early development applies to handicapped and disadvantaged kids as much as anyone.

by Lesley Martinez-Silva

I aspire to make a difference in others’ lives through education. I’m studying to be an elementary school teacher because I believe that children can achieve so much more if they learn early of their potential.

Education has always been my priority. My parents always stressed the importance of obtaining an education, having missed that opportunity themselves. My parents taught me as a child that schooling was vital to success in life. Truly, that lesson has been the most important in my path to college. I don’t think I would’ve made it this far had I not taken my education seriously.

I want to teach others about the importance of education so they too can prosper.  Everything I’m learning at university is important for my future career and, if I don’t study it, I’m failing my future students. Every child deserves the best education available and I should strive to be the best educator possible to provide that for them. When balancing academics, work, and my social life, it can get challenging to keep going. But, with the future of children’s education in my hands, I always get back on track.

by Brianna Rivers

One of my goals is to become a teacher and work in an public elementary school within the greater Boston area (possibly my own elementary school). I want to be a teacher because I enjoy working with children and I know how important teachers are in children’s lives. I plan on receiving my Bachelor’s degree for Early Childhood Education and my Master’s degree in Special Education.

I want to major in Early Childhood Education because  early education is significant for children and is a building block for their future in learning . I also want to major in Special Education because I believe all children should receive equal learning opportunities as well as equal treatment (meaning an inclusive environment, etc).

I think all of my experiences have a positive impact on myself because I am learning more about what it takes to be a teacher and what it takes to be a good teacher. My experiences also have a positive impact on the children and adults I work with. I offer a helping hand to the teachers and a friendly face to the children.

I plan to continue to work hard and take advantage of learning opportunities to achieve both of my goals. Being a teacher is my desire and I will stop at nothing to be a great teacher one day.

by Jennamarie Moody

When I close my eyes, I picture myself in a school located in an urban setting, teaching a classroom of diverse yet alike students. These students are in the second grade, meaning that they are impressionable yet vulnerable to their environment whether this means at home, at school, or in their greater community.

Some of these students don’t speak English as their first language, and some come from low-income households that can limit their educational experiences outside of the classroom. And yet, no matter what differences these students bring to the table, their uniqueness flows throughout the classroom in such a positive energy that embraces, respects, and promotes learning. This is the goal I am working towards; the goal  to inspire our youth to become self-advocates for their learning .

Opportunities for equal educational experiences may not exist, however the beauty lies in the growth of love young students can develop as they are challenged in the classroom to question their surroundings. I plan to make a difference in the lives of the children I meet along the way, and to create a safe learning environment.

Although the tests for certification and studies can be difficult, my passion for education and dedication to shaping the lives of my students is what keeps me going. The end goal is to nurture the development of my students to become active and engaged participants in society, and that is what I intend to do completely.

by Julie Anderson

My long-time goal has been to become a teacher, and this year I’m in a class called Teachers for Tomorrow, where I get to shadow a kindergarten teacher. Working with her and the students has increased my interest in children with special needs.

From here on out, I want to support my students in academics and other parts of their lives so I can help them learn, grow, and succeed. I know that children need a strong start to their school career because the first few years of school are crucial; this is when students begin to love or hate learning itself. Whether or not children enjoy school, they deserve to appreciate learning. Students who love learning will always want to improve themselves.

I will make an effort to provide a loving environment where each child can prosper. However, for students with special needs, this task becomes even harder to accomplish because traditional classrooms are usually set up for non-disabled students.  While I know I can’t “save” every student I teach, and some of them will still hate learning, at least I can start them off right.

When I’m swamped with schoolwork, I will imagine my future students and how I could influence their lives. Even though not all of my college classes will relate to my major, forming a habit of working hard in college will help me to succeed as a future teacher.

6. Teachers Are Excellent Role Models

Enthralled student in classroom

The experience of being helped and transformed by a good teacher leaves a lasting impression. Teaching is considered a noble profession for good reasons.

Some education students are motivated to become a teacher to emulate their own role models. They want to provide the same kind of service they once received. An added reason for pursuing a teaching career is to be a role model to younger people outside the classroom, including one’s own children.

by Teresa Pillifant

My first day – well, more like first semester- of my freshman year in high school was the hardest semester of my whole school career. Usually the kind of student who loves school, I found myself getting stomach aches in the morning and dreading school with my whole being. I was new to the school, and the number of students was overwhelming.

It seemed like there was no relief, except for my first hour Spanish class. Having no friends, I would always arrive at my first hour class early. As this pattern continued, my Spanish teacher and I developed a relationship. My teacher started giving me books to read, asking my opinion on what we should do in class and just talked to me in general about life. Through my teacher’s support, I grew to find my place in the school and became more confident.

Her kind words and actions inspired me to become a teacher myself.  Now, whenever school or life gets difficult, I think of my freshmen year Spanish teacher and how she inspired me. I want to do what she did for me for my future students. Whether it be a difficult test or a challenging class, my goal of making a difference in a student’s life keeps me going.

by Mo Cabiles

The world we live in is hard, unsteady and ruthless. We see this everyday in the harshness of homelessness, to social media screaming for justice. What motivates me to continue on is that I have felt the bitter cold bite of homelessness. I know what it’s like to not have enough to eat and to be scared of what will happen next.

I am fortunate to no longer be in those situations but that, by no means, is an indicator that it will all now come easy. As an adult learner and your “non-traditional” student, there are other obstacles I must overcome. From transportation to childcare or education application mastery to APA formatting, the many roadblocks I tackle both large and small are what I consider to be my victories.

I’ve seen what having a higher education can do for someone and I want that for myself and that of my daughters.  I strive to be a good example for them , to show them that, regardless of social standing and unforeseeable circumstances, if they work hard and put their best effort forward, they can achieve their dreams.

My dream is to obtain my Masters in Education with an emphasis in counseling. I want to be an academic advisor or guidance counselor. I’ve seen so many youths attempt community college and fail because they fell through the cracks. These students need to realize their potential and I want to help them achieve that and to be their cheerleader.

by Gia Sophia Sarris

In every school I’ve ever attended, experienced teachers were there to support and inspire me. I have looked up to these people ever since I was in elementary school, and they have had an immense and positive impact on my life and my view of the world.  My fondness for these people [educators] has led me to aspire to become a teacher.

I want to “pay it forward” and improve the lives of children and teenagers who grow up struggling as I did, or in any way for that matter. I want to make a difference in their lives and let them know that they are not alone with their problems.

This is what motivates me to study hard. Becoming a teacher, I believe, will help me fulfill my purpose in life, which I think is to create happiness and ease the burdens of others. I feel that children and teenagers need this especially, because they are struggling to understand the world and their place in it. I study hard for their sake.

by Jennifer Wolfert

From elementary school to my first year at college, I struggled to establish a dream for myself. Trying to figure out what career I wanted to pursue as successful adult always filled me with anxiety. I had spent multiple years in special education and left with a low academic self-esteem. So, after high school I attended Bucks County Community College in search for more time. Still I made no progress. Then I decided to change my outlook. I stopped asking “what do I want to do?” and started asking “who do I want to be?”. That’s when my dream took shape.

The educators that I met during my time at community college were my inspiration.  They are brilliant, hardworking people with a passion for their specialty that I had never seen before. Their belief in hard work was infectious. School began to fill me with excited anticipation and my grades improved. I started to believe that if I worked hard enough then I could be like them and inspire others like they had inspired me.

At the end of my second year attending community college, I accomplished a task that had previously racked me with fear. I applied to Temple University as a Secondary English Education major. I have now completed my second semester at Temple and earned my first 4.0 GPA. In time, I am confident that I will be able to accomplish my dream. I will become the passionate and inspiring educator that my younger self never had.

by Jenyfer Pegg

My entire life has been filled with discouragement. I grew up in a household where I was constantly told “No”. I was told my ideas were stupid and would not work. In my junior year of high school, my teachers and counselors started talking about college and sending in applications to different places. At that point, I knew I was not going. I came from a poor family and I knew we could never have money for something like college.

But I went on college visits, I listened to people speak about their college, and I was set. I had a lot of things pushing me, except the one thing I really wanted, my family. No one in my family has gone to college, and when I told my mother, she was shocked. She told me she just wanted me out of the house.

When I came to school, I realized I wanted to teach high school. I want to make an actual difference in someone else’s life. My family has taken the same road for years, and I’m not going down that road. I won’t live paycheck to paycheck like my mom, I will be a person that others will look up to.

I’m going to do something worthwhile, and I will work harder than anyone else if it gets me there.  I’ve seen what my life will be like without school and motivation and there is absolutely no way I’m going down that road. I’ve got bigger plans.

7. Unlock the Success Potential of Students

College student holding books

Educators want to help students in every way they can but, for some future teachers, the focus is on helping students soar. That child in front of you in the classroom might grow up to do great things for society, raise a strong family, or just be happy and fulfilled.

Whatever the potential of a pupil, a teacher’s job is to help unlock talents and remove any barriers to future success.

by Tamara Vega

The thing that motivates me the most is the thought of having my own classroom someday. I want to be the teacher that changes a child’s life, inspires them to set high goals for themselves and encourages them to reach it.

College can be so hard at times and I get really anxious and scared. I worry about not passing my classes and exams, I worry about not getting my degree. Despite that I do not give up because I have to do this and I want to do this.

I cannot see myself doing anything else besides teaching, I have never been this passionate about something. I want to graduate and get my degree. I’d love to look at it and say, “I worked hard for this and I earned it”.

The idea that the students in my classroom could grow up to cure cancer, or become president, pretty much anything they want, brings me so much excitement.   I want to be the teacher that they remember, the one who helped them realize their dream and who gave them the knowledge needed to reach it.

Be the teacher that I needed as a child but unfortunately never had. That is what gets me through all the stress and anxiety, I know in my heart that all the studying I’m doing right now will be worth it in the end.

by Nicole Gongora

The dream of success motivates me to study – not my success, my future students’ success. I push myself through the rough spots for them.

I was a lost child in high school; I didn’t know how to apply to college, let alone afford it. No child should have to experience that. As a future educator, I am committed to helping my students succeed, achieve more, and continue onto higher education.  Every child should be given the opportunity to showcase their strengths and follow their dreams.

College was never a dream for me; it was a far off, unattainable fantasy. I met some inspiring teachers in high school who encouraged me to change my life and who helped me to thrive. Without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

I plan to work at a low-income school similar to the one I attended. These types of schools are the ones who lack resources. I will serve as a resource to my students and I hope to be an inspiration to them. In turn, I hope they become kind, respectful adults. I want them to see the virtue in helping others and I hope they will serve others in their future careers. I want to be the teacher they remember. I want to be the teacher that helped them succeed.

I’ll feel successful as a teacher if my students are successful in attaining their goals. If one student decides to achieve more then I will have lived out my dream.

by Madison Sherrill

I’ve decided to become a teacher because I want to show the value of compassion and diversity.

As I begin college this upcoming fall, my main motivation is the students. While I haven’t even met them yet, they inspire me to persist in my classes and stay optimistic.  My classroom will support innovative thinking and celebrate each student’s individuality.

As a classroom teacher, I want to encourage and positively influence the next generation. They should know that they can be successful and achieve what they aspire to become while making the world better. By teaching the value of inclusiveness and the power of kindness, my students may turn out to be visionary thinkers and leading members of society.

by Alicia Costin

I am returning to school after taking a few years off. After graduating from California Lutheran University with my BS in Mathematics, I wanted to land a job with benefits and begin my “adult life”.

While it took me a few months to find my current job, is it just that; a job. I have benefits, a full-time schedule, weekends and holidays off, but am I happy? Is this what I want to do as a career for the rest of my life? I have asked myself this question a few times and the answer is always the same; no.

My dream is to become a teacher and help motivate and encourage students to do their best in their studies and in life.  It is my dream to do what I was meant to do; shape young minds and help future generations.

When things become difficult during my graduate program, I know to keep pushing, thriving, and studying hard so that, when I do become a teacher, I can use this as a positive story to shape their way of life. I landed a job outside of college, however now it is time for me to land my career.

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Becoming a Teacher: What I Learned about Myself During the Pandemic

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Introduction to the Article by Andrew Stremmel

Now, more than ever, we need to hear the voices of preservice teachers as well as in-service teachers during this pandemic. How has the pandemic affected them? In what ways has the pandemic enabled them to think about the need to really focus on what matters, what’s important? What were the gains and losses? These are very important questions for our time.  In this essay, Alyssa Smith, a senior studying early childhood education, attempts to address the lessons learned from her junior year, focusing on the positive aspects of her coursework and demonstrating an imaginative, growth mindset. This essay highlights the power of students’ reflection on their own learning. But I think it does so much more meaningful contemplation than we might expect of our students in “normal” times. Alyssa gains a new appreciation for this kind of active reflection—the opportunity to think more critically; to be more thoughtful; to stop, step back, catch her breath, and rethink things. As a teacher educator and her mentor, I believe this essay represents how the gift of time to stop and reflect can open space to digest what has been experienced, and how the gift of reflective writing can create a deeper level of thinking about how experiences integrate with one’s larger narrative as a person.

About the Author

Andrew Stremmel, PhD, is professor in early childhood education at South Dakota State University. His research is in teacher action research and Reggio Emilia-inspired, inquiry-based approaches to early childhood teacher education. He is an executive editor of  Voices of Practitioners .  

I’ve always known I was meant to be a teacher. I could feel my passion guide my work and lead my heart through my classes. So why did I still feel as if something was missing? During the fall of my junior year, the semester right before student teaching, I began to doubt my ability to be a great teacher, as I did not feel completely satisfied in my work. What I did not expect was a global pandemic that would shut down school and move all coursework online. I broke down. I wanted to do more than simply be a good student. I wanted to learn to be a great teacher. How was I supposed to discover my purpose and find what I was missing when I couldn’t even attend my classes? I began to fret that I would never become the capable and inspirational educator that I strived to be, when I was missing the firsthand experience of being in classrooms, interacting with children, and collaborating with peers.

It wasn’t until my first full semester being an online student that I realized the pandemic wasn’t entirely detrimental to my learning. Two of my early childhood education courses, Play and Inquiry and Pedagogy and Curriculum, allowed limited yet meaningful participation in a university lab school as well as engagement with problems of substance that require more intense thinking, discussion, analysis, and thoughtful action. These problems, which I briefly discuss below, presented challenges, provocations, possibilities, and dilemmas to be pondered, and not necessarily resolved. Specifically, they pushed me to realize that the educational question for our time is not, “What do I need to know about how to teach?” Rather, it is, “What do I need to know about myself in the context of this current pandemic?” I was therefore challenged to think more deeply about who I wanted to be as a teacher and who I was becoming, what I care about and value, and how I will conduct myself in the classroom with my students.

These three foundations of teaching practice (who I want to be, what I value, and how I will conduct myself) were illuminated by a question that was presented to us students in one of the very first classes of the fall 2020 semester: “What’s happening right now in your experience that will help you to learn more about yourself and who you are becoming?” This provocation led me to discover that, while the COVID-19 pandemic brought to light (and at times magnified) many fears and insecurities I had as a prospective teacher, it also provided me with unique opportunities, time to reflect, and surprising courage that I feel would not otherwise have been afforded and appreciated.

Although I knew I wanted to be a teacher, I had never deliberately pondered the idea of what kind of teacher I wanted to be. I held the core values of being an advocate for children and helping them grow as confident individuals, but I still had no idea what teaching style I was to present. Fortunately, the pandemic enabled me to view my courses on play and curriculum as a big “look into the mirror” to discern what matters and what was important about becoming a teacher.

As I worked through the rest of the course, I realized that this project pushed me to think about my identity as an educator in relation to my students rather than simply helping me understand my students, as I initially thought. Instead, a teacher’s identity is formed in relation to or in relationship with our students: We take what we know about our students and use it to shape ourselves and how we teach. I found that I had to take a step back and evaluate my own perceptions and beliefs about children and who I am in relation to them. Consequently, this motivated me to think about myself as a classroom teacher during the COVID-19 pandemic. What did I know about children that would influence the way I would teach them?

I thought about how children were resilient, strong, and adaptable, possessing an innate ability to learn in nearly any setting. While there were so many uncertainties and fear surrounding them, they adapted to mask-wearing, limited children in the classroom, and differentiated tasks to limit cross-contamination. Throughout, the children embodied being an engaged learner. They did not seem to focus on what they were missing; their limitless curiosity could not keep them from learning. Yet, because young children learn primarily through relationships, they need some place of learning that helps them to have a connection with someone who truly knows, understands, and cares about them. Thus, perhaps more than any lesson, I recognized my relationship with children as more crucial. By having more time to think about children from this critical perspective, I felt in my heart the deeper meaning children held to me.

My compassion for children grew, and a greater respect for them took shape, which overall is what pushed me to see my greater purpose for who I want to be as an educator. The pandemic provided time to develop this stronger vision of children, a clearer understanding of how they learn, and how my identity as a teacher is formed in relationship with children. I don’t think I would have been able to develop such a rich picture of how I view children without an in-depth exploration of my identity, beliefs, and values.

In my curriculum course, I was presented a different problem that helped me reflect on who I am becoming as an educator. This was presented as a case study where we as students were asked the question, “Should schools reopen amidst the COVID-19 pandemic?” This was a question that stumped school districts around the nation, making me doubt that I would be able to come up with anything that would be remotely practical. I now was experiencing another significant consequence of the pandemic: a need for new, innovative thinking on how to address state-wide academic issues. My lack of confidence, paired with the unknowns presented by the pandemic, made me feel inadequate to take on this problem of meaning.

To address this problem, I considered more intentionally and reflectively what I knew about how children learn; issues of equity and inequality that have led to a perceived achievement gap; the voices of both teachers and families; a broader notion of what school might look like in the “new normal”; and the role of the community in the education of young children. Suddenly, I was thinking in a more critical way about how to address this problem from the mindset of an actual and more experienced teacher, one who had never faced such a conundrum before. I knew that I had to design a way to allow children to come back into a classroom setting, and ultimately find inspiration for learning in this new normal. I created this graphic (above) to inform families and teachers why it is vital to have students return to school. As a result, I became an educator. I was now thinking, feeling, and acting as a teacher. This case study made me think about myself and who I am becoming as a teacher in a way that was incredibly real and relevant to what teachers were facing. I now found inspiration in the COVID-19 pandemic, as it unlocked elements of myself that I did not know existed.

John Dewey (1916) has been attributed to stating, “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” Learning may begin in the classroom, but it does not end there. Likewise, teaching is not a role, but a way of being. The ability to connect with children and to engage them meaningfully depends less on the methods we use than on the degree to which we know and trust ourselves and are willing to share that knowledge with them. That comes through continually reflecting on who we are in relation to children and their families, and what we do in the classroom to create more meaningful understanding of our experiences. By embodying the role of being an educator, I grew in ways that classroom curriculum couldn't prepare me for. Had it not been for the pandemic, this might not have been possible.

Dewey, J. 1916. Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education . New York: MacMillan.

Alyssa Marie Smith  is currently an early childhood education student studying at South Dakota State University. She has been a student teacher in the preschool lab on campus, and now works as a kindergarten out of school time teacher in this same lab school. In the fall, she plans to student teach in an elementary setting, and then go on to teach in her own elementary classroom.

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Characteristics of an Effective Teacher Essay

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Following the current technological advancement in technology and modernization, the demand for education has been revealed to rise sharply among the various age groups in contemporary society. On this basis, therefore, the quality of teachers entrusted with the task of teaching the current technologically oriented society should be credited to a big extent. As it has been revealed, many teachers fail to affect many educational programs among the learners as a result of poor training grounds for them thus making them lack various crucial characteristics that teachers should have. This paper presents a critical overview of characteristics that the current teachers should have to be effective in their teaching (Dube & Sibusiso, 1997).

Perhaps, an effective teacher should be able to motivate and encourage his/her learners as well as counsel them in various aspects. As a matter of fact, learners ought to be motivated and encouraged so as to develop morale in the curriculum. More so, an effective teacher should be able to impart subject contents well so that, the learners may be in a position to understand the concepts intended well. In this respect, therefore, teachers ought to prepare for any lesson they have to teach so that, they can deliver the best content to the learners (Highet, 1979).

Certainly, an effective teacher should be able to use pertinent graphics and teaching aids in their teaching process. By so doing, the teacher would be enhancing the understanding of the subject matter more deeply; thus making it retain for long in learners’ minds. It should also be noted that an effective teacher should accept advice from other people which enables him/her to improve in one aspect or another. It is of crucial significance to note that, teachers should uphold a favorable learning environment for his/her learners. By so doing the teacher would be enhancing better and efficient learning among the learners (Highet, 1979).

Further, an effective teacher should be ‘learner centered’ in which all the activities involved in the teaching session should be meant to benefit the learner. In this respect, therefore, the teacher should be able to communicate effectively with his/her learners so as to ensure coherence and harmony throughout his/her teaching session. More specifically, the teacher should develop positive relationships with his/her learners; which would motivate and encourage his/her learners to enhance more learning (Highet, 1979).

It is important to note that, an effect should be able to treat his/her learners equally regarding them with a sense of respect. By treating all the learners equally, the teacher would be encouraging the instilling of social norms among his/her learners which would further enhance better classroom learning. Employing practical information among the learners would be necessary for an effective teacher. It is thus important that a classroom teacher should employ practical knowledge among his/her learners which would further prepare them for their future careers. Generalized, a classroom teacher should be well organized and capable of maintaining and instilling discipline among his/her learners (Dube & Sibusiso, 1997).

As it has been revealed, classroom teachers should acquire various useful characteristics which would enhance efficiency in their teaching. By acquiring these characteristics, a teacher ensures his efficiency and effectiveness in producing positively oriented graduates into the society to engage in various production activities. It thus leaves no doubt that; teachers ought to incorporate their humanitarianism with professionalism, so as to be effective in their teachings; which would further enhance better learning among the learners.

Dube, M. & Sibusiso M. (1997). Characteristics of an Effective Teacher. In Adult Education and Development Vol. 48(2) pg 13-29.

Highet, G. (1979). The Art of Teaching . London: Methuen & Co. Ltd.

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  • Classroom Reorganization for Enhancing Learning
  • How to Motivate and Reward Teachers
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  • Three Basic Ethical Considerations in Educational Practice
  • Why Professionalism Is Important for Teachers
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2021, December 31). Characteristics of an Effective Teacher.

"Characteristics of an Effective Teacher." IvyPanda , 31 Dec. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Characteristics of an Effective Teacher'. 31 December.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Characteristics of an Effective Teacher." December 31, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Characteristics of an Effective Teacher." December 31, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Characteristics of an Effective Teacher." December 31, 2021.

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500 Words on Why I Want to Be a Teacher

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Published: Mar 18, 2021

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introduction about teacher essay

Teacher Essay

The simple definition of a teacher as the dictionary describes is – “A person who teaches, especially in school”. But, there is much more which the dictionary can’t describe. A teacher in real life plays several roles as a guardian, caretaker, instructor, learning facilitator, mentor etc. That is a long list of responsibilities that a teacher is expected to comply. The psychological and academic development of a child depends almost entirely on his/her teacher.

Parents usually fulfill the materialistic requirements of a child, but a teacher moulds his/her thoughts and inquisitiveness in a constructive manner so that s/he transforms into a productive adult. A good teacher not only teaches subjective knowledge but also strengthen the moral foundation of his/her students. Conduct of students is nothing but a mix of what they see in their houses and what their teacher has taught them from time to time.

Long and Short Essay on Teacher in English

Below we are providing short and long essay on Teacher.

These Teacher Essay are written in simple English to let you easily remember them and present whenever required.

After going through the essays you will know the significant role of a teacher in the society and how s/he has the potential to transform the life of children by invoking their passion in several fields and motivating them.

You can use these essays during essay writing or for giving speech on the occasion of Teachers Day.

Teacher Essay 1 (100 words)

A teacher is the person who shapes the future of everyone by providing best education to her/his students. Teacher plays a great role in the education of every student. A good teacher has many qualities and fully able to make his/her students successful in life. A teacher is very intelligent and know well that how to draw attention of students towards study. She uses creativity while teaching students so that students may concentrate. Teacher is a good conductor of knowledge having lots of patience and confidence who take responsibility of the future of students. Teacher knows the ability of each and every student and tries for them accordingly.


Teacher Essay 2 (150 words)

Teachers are great sources of knowledge, prosperity and enlightenment to which anyone can be benefited for whole life. They serve as the real light in everyone’s life as they help students to make their ways in the life. They are the God gifted people in everyone’s life who lead us towards success without any selfishness. Really, we can call them as builders of the dazzling future of our nation through education.

Teacher plays very essential role in the field of education who teaches students very nicely to be a person of good moral and behaviour. They make students academically superb and always encourage to do better in the life. They equip students with lots of knowledge, skills and positive attitudes so that students can never feel lost and go ahead. They help students to get sure about their goals of education through clear vision and ideas. Without teachers in the life one cannot grow mentally, socially and intellectually.

Teacher Essay 3 (200 words)

A teacher is a good person who takes very important responsibility of shaping up the lives of young ones and impressionable children. They get great feeling, pride and true joy in their life by teaching their students on the right path. They never do any type of partiality between good or bad students instead they always try to bring bad one on the right path through their lots of efforts.

A good teacher is someone who spent their whole life in giving quality education to their students. They push all the students to do their best. They make learning process very interesting as well as creative. Teachers try their best to bring all the students on the right track by motivation them positively towards study. Good teachers leave good impression over their students.

Teachers, sometimes award their students for their great works however sometimes punish them to let them understand that they did something wrong which is bad for their life. They make their students able to differentiate between right or wrong so that they can chose for right one in their life by fighting with wrong. Teachers understand that all students do not have same capacity to learn in the same way so they try to let them understand in their own way.

Teacher Essay 4 (250 words)

The teacher’s profession is considered as the best and ideal profession in this world as they provide selfless duty to shape someone’s life. Their committed work cannot be compared to anything. Teachers are those who always take care of their all students. They check their food habits, cleanliness level, behaviour to others, and concentration towards study.

They check our nails weekly to maintain cleanliness and hygiene and prevent us from diseases. They organize health camp quarterly for us in the school campus where student’s weight, height, IQ level, blood pressure, heart rate, lungs capacity, blood check up, urine check up, chickenpox immunization, immunization for MMR, measles, DPT booster dose, polio drop, etc takes place to closely monitor and maintain the health records of us.

Teachers are never bad, it is only their way of teaching which is different from each other and makes them different in the mind of students. They only want to see their students happy and successful. A good teacher never loses patience and teaches every student accordingly.

Our teachers motivate us to wear clean clothes, eat healthy foods, avoid junk foods, care for parents, behave well with others, come to school at right time in proper uniform, never tell lie to anyone in life, react positively, take care of school property, take care of your books, copies, and other study material, always pray to God for better concentration on study, always discuss to your subject teacher about any confusion, do not argue with strangers and many more.

Teacher Essay 5 (300 words)

Education is considered as the most powerful weapon of life to get victory and success. This great responsibility and job is given to the teachers to nourish and shape up the lives of young ones and future of their country. The teacher plays great role towards education and shape up both present and future of a student. Teachers serve a great job in making the good society by educating and guiding number of students in their whole life.

Teachers are especially send by the God to lead people on right path in the life as well as make them able to take right decisions in bad situations. They lead young ones from their childhood and make them fit mentally, socially and intellectually. Teachers are like common people who are from between us but they chose to do unusual job of teaching to their students.

My best teacher is my art and science teacher who always have a big smile on her face and make us happy too. She has added lots of creativity in her teaching strategy which we like so much. We like very much her ways of teaching and bring good percentage in her subjects. She teaches us about the reality of life, her own experience of life and other ways to get out of the bad situations in very simple ways. She is our best teacher who understands and reacts us all equally. She never differentiates among us and motivates all to do our best.

We always praise her goodness to our dear parents at home. She knows that we are only interested in her subjects so, one day she told us that we should concentrate on every subject so that no one can defeat us in any field. We need to be strong from every aspect that’s why we should study our all subject equally.

Teacher Essay 6 (400 words)

A teacher is the precious gift from God to us. A teacher is like a God as God is the builder of whole universe however a teacher is considered to be the builder of a good nation. Teachers are very prestigious people in the society who take responsibility to raise the mind status and living standard of the common people through their magic of teaching. Parents have lots of expectations from the teachers of their kids. The role of teachers varies from classroom to playground and from student to student. A teacher is very important in the life of everyone who is supposed to be performing different tasks in our life.

Before coming to the classroom, a good teacher ensures his/her goals of education on daily basis. Every teacher has different qualities of teaching their students. They vary in their knowledge, skills, and attitudes in teaching specific subjects. They try their best and do all efforts in helping us to achieve our goals in life. School life is considered as the best time of everyone’s life as this is the time when everyone learns basic things about life and different subjects.

All of us set our goals in the school time which decides the development of our nation. Each and every student gets open their mind in the school time and enhances their skills and knowledge by participating in the co-curricular activities such as sports, games, quizzes, group discussion, debates, essay writing, speech recitation, excursion, tours, field trips and many more.

Good teachers are also the best friends of their students who help them in deciding true path in their life. There are many teachers in any school or college but only one of them becomes favourite of any student. Teachers set our goals of education through their collective roles of unique teaching and learning process. Our teachers motivate us to always work in harmony. Our teachers understand the problems of us and deal with us in both ways personally and professionally. They teach us to have positive attitude towards life.

A good teacher is one who only gives his/her students but nothing accepts whole life instead he/she become happy with the success of students. A best teacher is the one who provides a best model of future generation to his/her nation. Proper education is the only way to remove social issues, corruption, etc from the nation which ultimately lead to the real growth and development of a nation.

Long Essay on Teacher – Essay 7 (600 Words)


A teacher is a person who signifies your presence on earth as a well-mannered and educated person. One who plays a silent role in your development, making you successful. As per Hindu manuscripts, a teacher is called as ‘Guru’, and a guru has been ranked supreme, even more, valuable than God, because s/he is the person who teaches the significance of God to us. So, we pray guru first.

Who is a Teacher?

A teacher can be any one, depending on the circumstances. When a child is born, s/he remains in the custody of his/her mother and during this period of time, s/he learns to speak, walk and do many other activities. If a person who teaches is called teacher, so it is his/her mother who taught him/her the basic things of life. His/Her mother can be called as his/her first teacher in fact; all of us have this in common.

Importance of a Teacher

While in school, teachers introduce you to some subjects and they develop your skills and interest in a particular one. It can be science, literature or other subjects like drawing, music etc. It is not that every child has super abilities; it is a teacher who points out your skills and helps you to develop them. A good teacher can turn a boring subject quite interesting. A teacher is always very important for us because he gives bookish as well as practical knowledge and sometimes practical knowledge is very important. Books can’t teach us everything and the point where books fail, the only person who can help us is our teacher. This shows the importance of teachers is in our life.

Who can be a Teacher?

For a new born baby, his/her mother is the best teacher whereas, for a student it can be his dance teacher or his/her maths teacher. Anyone who gives you knowledge and enhances your intelligence can be your teacher. An ant can also be your teacher because it teaches us to work hard continuously without losing hope. All this concludes that a teacher does not have a particular face or religion, who so ever in this world teaches you any kind of lesson, can be your teacher.

Generally, while thinking about teachers, we imagine about our school teachers, and all of us have our favourite one, who always encouraged and helped us to attain our goals. It was my English teacher who used to teach us in such a wonderful way, that I started loving literature and decided to make my carrier in this stream. He always encouraged my writing skills and helped me out to make them perfect. Today I am really thankful that he was my teacher.

Life is all about learning till the last breath and the person who has knowledge can be a good teacher. It needs lots of courage and knowledge to teach and be in this profession. When a teacher is in a class, he has to handle more than thirty students at once and all from different background and interest.

Just imagine when you alone could irritate your mother so much, then what about other thirty students like you; what would be the level of pressure on a teacher. Hats off to all the teachers and the students who chose teaching as a carrier to shape up the future of the young ones. At least they have chosen something daring and it will be not be wrong to say that a teacher builds the future of a nation.

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Why I Want to Be a Teacher, Essay Sample

Teaching is a noble job that requires passion, dedication, and commitment. It’s a challenging yet rewarding career with many rewards and opportunities. Thinking about becoming a teacher? Well, this essay, written with the help of custom paper writing service , will explore why I want to be a teacher, what inspired my interest in teaching, and the different roles teachers play in the lives of students. 

I Want to Become a Teacher Because It Inspires Me

I have always been passionate about education and helping other people learn. Ever since I was in high school, I enjoyed attending classes as well as helping out my peers with their studies. As an adult, I realized how much of an impact teachers can have on students’ lives. Seeing the positive influence that educators had on their students made me want to become part of it too. 

I had some truly incredible teachers who encouraged me to pursue my dreams and gave me the confidence that I could do anything if I put my mind to it. They inspired me with how much effort they put into making sure their students were engaged and learning in an enjoyable way. Their enthusiasm for teaching was contagious, and it made me want to become a teacher myself one day.

Being a Teacher is Very Responsible

Teachers are more than just instructors; they are mentors and role models for their students. They take on multiple roles such as educator, counselor, advisor, confidant, friend, and even parent figure at times. In addition to teaching academic content knowledge and skills necessary for success in life after school, teachers also need to be able to build meaningful relationships with their students, so they can help them develop emotionally and socially while also providing guidance when needed.  

Teaching is an Important Social Role

Besides, teachers play a principal role in society because they help young people develop their minds and learn new skills. They teach students things such as reading, writing, and math, but also how to be responsible citizens of the country.

Teaching Makes it Easy to Meet Different People

I also want to be a teacher because it will allow me to work with people from all walks of life. There are many different types of people in the world, and having the opportunity to work with all of them would be amazing!

The Power of Education

Another reason I want to become a teacher is that I believe in the power of education. Education can open doors that would otherwise remain closed; it can give people opportunities they never would have had before; it can be life-changing. As a teacher, I will have the chance to help instill these values into my students while providing them with valuable knowledge that will stay with them for years to come. 

Teaching Helps to Make Changes

In addition to it, teaching gives me the chance to make a difference in someone else’s life — and that’s something that money just can’t buy! When you are able to inspire someone else and watch them grow as an individual, it is incredibly rewarding. 

Moreover, teaching provides you with plenty of opportunities for growth and development yourself: you get to work alongside other inspiring professionals and learn new skills every day! 

Being a teacher is not just about imparting knowledge from textbooks but it’s about inspiring others to reach for greatness and supporting them through it all. It’s a complex job that requires great responsibility, but one that can be immensely rewarding when you see your students succeed because of your efforts. 

That’s why I want to be a teacher – so I can make an impact on future generations by helping them reach their full potential while making sure they have fun while learning!

Tips on Writing Why I Want to be a Teacher Essay

A teacher is one of the most important professionals in any society. They are responsible for teaching students various subjects including math, science, English, and many more. If you want to become a teacher, then you should write an essay on why you want to be a teacher. To start with, you can read personal statement essay example . The essay will show your passion for education and how much you want this job. Here are some tips that will help you write an amazing essay

Give a Clear Answer to Yourself

Make sure you have an answer. The most important thing about this essay is that it has a very clear and concise point. This means that you need to be able to clearly explain why you want to become a teacher and why it’s important for you. If you can’t do this, then your essay will not be successful at all. 

So make sure that before you begin writing, you know exactly what your answer will be (and how it will relate to the question). This way, when someone reads it, they will understand exactly what your intentions are with becoming a teacher and why it’s important for them too.

Use an Appropriate Tone

Choose a friendly tone for your essay so that your reader can easily understand what you are trying to say without having any confusion or difficulty in understanding. Use active voice instead of passive voice whenever possible, since it makes your writing more engaging and readable.

Narrow Your Focus

Another important step in writing your “Why I Want to Be a Teacher” Essay is to narrow your focus. You do not have to write about all the reasons why you want to teach; rather, focus on one specific reason that is important to you.

By following these tips, you can create a compelling and persuasive essay that demonstrates your commitment to becoming a teacher.

Key Reasons Why Someone Might Want to Become a Teacher

Teaching is a profession that involves shaping the minds and lives of the next generation. It can be a challenging yet rewarding career that offers many opportunities for personal and professional growth. Here are some of the key reasons why someone might want to become a teacher:

Reasons to Become a Teacher Description
Making a Difference Teachers have the ability to make a positive impact on the lives of their students. They can inspire, encourage, and motivate their students to reach their full potential.
Love of Learning Many teachers have a deep passion for learning and want to share that love of learning with others. They enjoy exploring new ideas and concepts and helping their students do the same.
Job Security Teaching is a stable and secure profession with a high demand for qualified professionals. Teachers are needed in every community and at every level of education, from early childhood to post-secondary.
Creativity Teaching allows for a great deal of creativity in lesson planning and instruction. Teachers can design lessons that engage and excite their students, making learning fun and meaningful.
Work-Life Balance Teaching can offer a good work-life balance, with many opportunities for flexible schedules and holidays. This can be especially beneficial for those with families or other responsibilities.

Note that these are just some of the reasons why someone might want to become a teacher. Teaching can be a fulfilling and rewarding profession for those who have a passion for education and a desire to make a difference in the lives of others.

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Teacher’s Day Essay and 10 Lines in English for School Students and Kids

Teacher’s Day Essay in English: Teacher’s Day is one of those events that excite the kids as much as the teachers themselves. Check here for an easy and simple teacher’s day essay for kids from grades 1 to 8 in English.

Anisha Mishra

Teacher’s Day 2024 Quotes and Slogans

Why is Teacher’s Day Celebrated?

Teachers' Day in India is on September 5th to remember Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who was a great scholar and leader. He was born on 5th September, 1888 and became the first Vice-President and second President of India. He believed in education and was a remarkable teacher.

Teacher’s Day Essay 10 Lines

  • Teacher’s Day is a special day to say "thank you" to our teachers.
  • It is celebrated on September 5th every year.
  • The day honors Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a great teacher and leader.
  • Students give cards, flowers, and small gifts to their teachers.
  • Schools have fun activities like performances and drawings.
  • Teachers help us learn new things and grow.
  • On Teacher’s Day, we show how much we appreciate them.
  • It’s a happy day filled with celebrations and joy.
  • We remember how important teachers are in our lives.
  • Teacher’s Day is a great way to say “thanks” for all their hard work.
  • Teacher’s Day, observed on September 5th, honors the significant role of educators.
  • This date celebrates the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, an esteemed educator and former President of India.
  • It’s a day to express appreciation and gratitude for teachers’ dedication and hard work.
  • Students typically present teachers with cards, flowers, and thoughtful gifts.
  • Schools organize various activities, including performances and speeches, to commemorate the day.
  • Teachers are recognized for their critical role in shaping minds and guiding futures.
  • The occasion highlights the value of education and the impact of teaching.
  • It serves as a reminder of the commitment required in the teaching profession.
  • Celebrations include acknowledging the influence teachers have on their students' lives.
  • Teacher’s Day fosters respect and appreciation for those who educate and inspire.

Essay on Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, born on September 5, 1888, emerged not only as a distinguished philosopher but also as a visionary educator who profoundly influenced both Indian and global education landscapes. His versatile persona and significant contributions have etched his name in history as a revered figure.

Radhakrishnan was the 1st Vice-president and the 2nd President of India. He embarked on his journey as a scholar and educator, driven by a profound respect for knowledge and philosophy. This drive propelled him to the forefront of Indian philosophy, where he explored realms spanning Indian philosophical thought, comparative religion, and spiritual wisdom. His ability to present intricate philosophical ideas with clarity and accessibility earned him acclaim within academic circles and the broader public.

However, it was his role as an educator that truly solidified his legacy. Radhakrishnan firmly believed that education was not merely a vessel for accumulating facts, but a transformative path towards personal growth and societal advancement. 

A pivotal chapter in Radhakrishnan's life unfolded during his tenure as the second President of India, spanning from 1962 to 1967. His birthday, September 5, is celebrated as Teacher's Day in India, a fitting tribute to his contributions to the field of education. His humility and dedication were evident in his interactions with students. Despite his numerous accomplishments, he remained approachable and accessible to those seeking his guidance. This unique trait, combined with his profound wisdom, rendered him an inspirational role model for generations of students.

Short Essay on Teacher’s Day

Teacher’s day essay in 50 words, teacher’s day essay in 100 words, teacher’s day essay in 250 words.

"Teachers are the nation builders. The quality of the nation depends on the quality of its teachers." - Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

The first Teacher's Day was celebrated on September 5th, 1962, on the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the second President of India. Dr. Radhakrishnan was a great scholar and philosopher, and he believed that teachers were the builders of the nation. 

Teacher's Day is celebrated every year on 5th September to honour teachers and their contribution to society. The day is a reminder of the importance of education and the role that teachers play in shaping our lives.

Teachers play a vital role in our lives. They are the ones who teach us the skills and knowledge we need to succeed in life. They also help us to develop our character and values. With patient and understanding nature, kindness and compassion, teachers are always willing to help their students, even when it is not easy.

Teachers are truly the unsung heroes of our society. They work hard every day to make a difference in the lives of their students. They deserve our respect and appreciation.

Teacher’s Day Essay in 500 words

“You taught us like a teacher, protected us like our parents, and guided us like a mentor. You truly deserve this day so much. Happy teachers’ day to my most beloved teacher!” - Anonymous

Teacher's Day is celebrated every year on 5th September to honour the teachers and their contribution to the society. The day is also a reminder of the importance of education and the role that teachers play in shaping our lives.

The first Teacher's Day was celebrated in 1962, on the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the first vice-president and the second President of India. Dr. Radhakrishnan was a great scholar and philosopher, and he acknowledged the crucial role of teachers and educators in building the nation. He said, "Teachers are the nation builders. The quality of the nation depends on the quality of its teachers."

Teachers play a vital role in our lives. They are the ones who teach us the skills and knowledge we need to succeed in life. They also help us to develop our character and values. Teachers are forbearing, understanding, and compassionate to their students. They are always willing to help their students, even when it is not easy. Good teachers are more than just instructors. They are mentors, role models, and friends. They are the ones who believe in us when we don't believe in ourselves. They are the ones who push us to be our best selves. Teachers are truly the unsung heroes of our society. They work hard every day to make a difference in the lives of their students. They deserve our respect and appreciation not only on this occasion but throughout the year. 

The importance of teachers cannot be overstated. They are the ones who shape our minds and prepare us for the future. They are the ones who teach us the skills and knowledge we need to succeed in life. They are the ones who help us to develop our character and values. Teachers are the backbone of our society. They are the ones who build the future. They are the ones who make a difference in the world.

Teacher's Day is a special day to celebrate the teachers in our lives. It is a day to thank them for their hard work and dedication. It is a day to show them how much we appreciate them. On Teacher's Day, let us take some time to thank our teachers for their dedication and hard work. Let us also pledge to be good students and make them proud. Let us make Teacher's Day a special day for our teachers. Let us show them how much we value their work and how grateful we are for their guidance and support.

“I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well.” – Alexander the Great

Long Essay on Teacher’s Day

Teacher’s day essay in 800 words.

Teacher's Day is an occasion of immense significance that recognises and honours the contributions of teachers nd educators in shaping not just individuals, but entire nations. Celebrated across the world on different dates, it is a day when students express their gratitude and respect for the mentors who have played a pivotal role in their academic and personal development. In India, Teacher's Day is celebrated on September 5th, coinciding with the birthday of the renowned scholar and former President of India, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

Teachers are the guiding lights who illuminate the path of knowledge and wisdom for their students. They hold the responsibility of nurturing young minds, fostering curiosity, and igniting the flames of learning. Beyond textbooks, they impart life lessons, values, and skills that transcend the classroom. A teacher's influence extends far beyond the confines of subject-based curriculums. In fact, their impact echoes in the decisions their students make and the lives they lead.

The origins of Teacher's Day can be traced back to various cultures and historical events. The concept of celebrating teachers can be seen in ancient civilizations, where scholars and sages were revered for their wisdom. In modern times, World Teachers' Day was established by UNESCO in 1994 to recognise the pivotal role of educators in shaping society. Different countries adopted different dates for this celebration, often reflecting the birthday of a prominent educator or leader.

In India, Teacher's Day holds special significance due to its association with Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a philosopher, politician and teacher par excellence. He was the first vice-president of India and the second President of the nation. He believed that education was not merely the acquisition of knowledge but the empowerment of individuals to think critically and contribute positively to society. It was he who suggested that rather than his birthday be celebrated in the usual manner, it should be marked as an annual day of gratitude to honour the role of the teachers of this nation. His birthday was first celebrated as Teacher's Day in 1962. On the first Teacher’s day, he humbly requested that instead of showering him with gifts, students should observe the day as a tribute to all teachers.

On this day, school and college students, across India, come alive with a vibrant spirit of celebration. Students take the lead in organising various events, ranging from cultural performances to heartfelt speeches, all dedicated to their beloved teachers. It is a day when the roles are reversed, and students become the givers, expressing their appreciation for the selfless efforts their teachers invest in their growth.

The relationship between a teacher and a student is unique and profound. A teacher not only imparts knowledge but also serves as a role model, mentor, and guide. They possess the ability to recognize the potential in each student and provide the necessary encouragement to help them flourish. Teachers instill values, critical thinking skills, and a love for learning that extends far beyond the classroom. This relationship is built on trust, respect, and a mutual commitment to learning and growth.

Teacher's Day serves as a reminder of the vital role that education plays in shaping the destiny of nations. It underscores the importance of investing in the development of educators, as they, in turn, invest in the development of future generations. Teaching is a noble profession that requires dedication, patience, and a genuine passion for nurturing minds. It is through the dedication of teachers that societies progress, innovate, and prosper.

While celebrating Teacher's Day, it's important to recognize the challenges faced by educators. The teaching profession demands long hours, continuous self-improvement, and the ability to adapt to changing educational landscapes. Teachers often go above and beyond their duties to ensure that their students receive the best possible education. Therefore, while we express our gratitude, it's equally important to advocate for better working conditions, professional development opportunities, and recognition for teachers.

In conclusion, Teacher's Day is a celebration of the guiding lights in our lives. It's a day to honour those who dedicate their lives to shaping the future. As we celebrate this day, let us remember the words of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who believed that "teachers should be the best minds in the country." 

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Creating engaging teacher presentations: tips, ideas, and tools

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Anete Ezera August 21, 2024

Teacher presentations should effectively convey information, engage students, and enrich the learning process. While business presentations often focus on sales or data analysis, educational presentations aim to foster comprehension and spark curiosity. This article delves into the differences between teacher presentations and other presentation types, provides practical tips for educators, and shares design strategies for creating engaging teacher presentations. Additionally, we’ll highlight Prezi , a tool known for its format that offers a refreshing take on educational presentations.

Back view of a senior professor talking on a class to large group of students.

Understanding teacher presentations

Purpose and audience.

The main objective of a teacher presentation is to educate. Whether the presentations are used to introduce new ideas, revisit old topics, or help students understand complex concepts, the main aim is to make the content easy to understand and interesting. In contrast, business presentations usually seek to convince or update stakeholders. A teacher presentation is tailored for the student audience. Ultimately, it should accommodate learning preferences, keep students engaged, and promote participation.

Design and structure

When preparing a teacher presentation, it’s crucial to maintain simplicity. Steer clear of overcrowding slides with information or incorporating flashy visuals that could divert attention from the main message. Opt for a balanced layout that leverages visuals to complement the delivery rather than overshadowing it. Using Prezi , with its non-linear format, empowers teachers to create compelling presentations that flow seamlessly and engage students effectively.

Tips for creating effective teacher presentations

1. know your audience.

Knowing the age, background knowledge, and learning preferences of your students is essential when creating a teacher presentation. Customize your material to suit their requirements, making sure it strikes a balance between being overly complicated and overly simplistic. When presenting to students, make sure to include plenty of visuals and interactive features, and focus on providing in-depth explanations and fostering discussions.

2. Focus on clarity and simplicity

Avoid cluttering your presentation with too much text or too many graphics. Use bullet points to break down information and keep the slides clean. Remember, presentation is a tool to support your teaching, not to replace your voice. The content on your slides should be clear, concise, and directly related to your lesson objectives.

3. Use engaging visuals and media

Using aids like pictures, videos, and diagrams can help improve comprehension and memory of information. Prezi enables you to design captivating presentations with zoom features that assist students in engagingly exploring the material. In contrast to slide decks, Prezi’s canvas offers a natural progression of content, simplifying the task of emphasizing relationships between ideas.

4. Encourage interaction

Incorporate interactive elements into your presentation to keep students engaged. Ask questions, use polls, or include discussion points that require student participation. Prezi’s format supports this by allowing teachers to zoom in on specific points for discussion, making the presentation feel more like a conversation than a lecture.

5. Rehearse and time your presentation

Practicing your presentation ensures that you can deliver it smoothly and confidently. Time your presentation to fit within the class period, leaving room for questions and discussions. A well-timed teacher presentation keeps students engaged and allows for a natural flow of information.

Things to keep in mind when creating a teacher presentation

When preparing a teacher presentation, it’s important to concentrate on developing a useful resource that improves student’s understanding. Here are some dos and don’ts to consider, especially when incorporating images and text, and designing the layout:

Teacher presentation dos:

Use high-quality visuals: Include clear, high-resolution images and graphics that support your lesson content. Visual aids can significantly improve understanding, especially for visual learners. Infographics, charts, and diagrams can be powerful tools to illustrate complex concepts.

Keep text minimal: When creating slides, opt for bullet points and concise phrases. Ensure that your slide content supports your spoken presentation rather than duplicating it. Also, highlight the points that students should keep in mind.

Incorporate multimedia: Use videos, audio clips, and animations where appropriate. These elements can help bring your lesson to life and maintain student interest. However, ensure that any multimedia used directly relates to and enhances the lesson.

Ensure consistent design: Maintain a consistent design throughout your presentation. Use the same font, color scheme, and layout style across all slides. Consistency helps create a professional look and makes the presentation easier to follow.

Use contrasting colors: Choose colors that contrast well, especially between text and background. This ensures that your content is easily readable, even from the back of the classroom. For example, dark text on a light background works well, as does light text on a dark background.

Side view of female hand typing on laptop keyboard. Freelancer working with laptop at cafe. Technology and flexible working.

Teacher presentation don’ts:

Avoid overloading slides with information: Avoid overcrowding a slide with information. Too much content on one slide can be daunting for students, and it may distract from the key messages you intend to communicate. Strive for a clear design instead.

Don’t use distracting fonts or colors: Avoid using fonts or colors that clash. Opt for fonts and colors that improve visibility without taking attention from the content. Limit yourself to two or three fonts, and avoid using more than four colors in your presentation.

Don’t overuse animations or transitions: Avoid using too many animations or transitions when switching between slides. Although these elements can make the presentation engaging, excessive movement might become a distraction and take away from the educational material. It’s best to use them with intent.

Avoid irrelevant visuals: Avoid adding any pictures or illustrations that aren’t closely tied to the lesson. Even though visuals can improve a presentation, unrelated ones might perplex students and lessen the significance of your points.

Don’t neglect accessibility: Remember to take into account the learning requirements of students. Make sure your presentation is easy for all students to access by using clear fonts, including text for images, and providing transcripts for any video or audio materials.

By following these guidelines, you can create a teacher presentation that not only looks good but also effectively conveys your lesson material. Keep in mind that the aim is to leverage visuals and design features to enrich learning rather than detract from the information.

Exploring teacher presentation tools: spotlight on Prezi

When it comes to creating captivating teacher presentations, selecting the right tool is key. Although PowerPoint and Google Slides are commonly used, Prezi presents an option that can revolutionize the way educators deliver information.

What makes Prezi stand out?

Prezi’s unique presentation style allows educators to deliver information in a more captivating manner. Rather than following a slide progression, Prezi empowers teachers to explore various aspects of their presentations by zooming in and out, creating a storytelling experience rather than a traditional lecture. This method can engage students effectively and simplify subjects by visually emphasizing the relationships among concepts.

Prezi AI generated presentation example about visual storytelling

According to research from Prezi, this format is more engaging and memorable compared to traditional slide-based presentations. The study found that Prezi presentations are 25% more effective in keeping audience attention and 20% more effective in making content memorable.

Examples of engaging teacher presentations using Prezi

To illustrate how Prezi can be used effectively in the classroom, here are a few teacher presentation ideas that stand out:

Literacy Genres Prezi Video : This presentation gives a look at types of literary genres using Prezi’s zoom function to delve into each genre extensively. It serves as a method to familiarize students with ideas in an interactive and visually captivating way.

Board Game Lesson Plan Template : This template uses the concept of a board game to structure the lesson, making learning feel like an adventure. It’s perfect for gamifying lessons and keeping students excited about the material.

The Civil Rights Movement VOR : This presentation explores the background of the Civil Rights Movement, showcasing Prezi features to zoom in on events and individuals. It illustrates how Prezi can animate narratives effectively.

Back to School Template VOR : Ideal for the first day of school, this presentation helps teachers introduce themselves and outline class expectations in a fun and engaging way. It’s a great alternative to a traditional teacher introduction PowerPoint.

Light Book Report Template VOR : This is a creative template that inspires students to showcase their book reports, encouraging them to analyze and share their opinions thoughtfully.

For more inspiration, teachers can explore the Prezi Gallery’s Teacher Picks , which offers a variety of templates and examples designed specifically for educational purposes.

Additional teacher presentation ideas

Teacher introduction presentation.

At the start of the year, teachers have a chance to introduce themselves to their students. Using platforms like Prezi, educators can create a narrative that showcases their personality, teaching style, and what learners can expect in the course. Incorporating anecdotes and engaging elements helps in building a rapport with students from the beginning.

Interactive lesson recaps

To enrich learning, think about using Prezi for making summaries of lessons. When wrapping up a unit or lesson, a recap presentation can go over aspects, pose queries, and even incorporate a quiz to improve comprehension. This method strengthens the content and maintains student interest and active participation in their educational journey.

Virtual field trips

The increasing use of tools in education has made virtual field trips more popular as a means to explore the world without leaving the classroom. Teachers can now create tours using platforms such as Prezi, giving students a look at different locations and providing them with an engaging learning experience that improves their knowledge of geography, history, and science subjects.

introduction about teacher essay

Try Prezi for your next teacher presentation

In summary, preparing a teacher presentation entails capturing the needs of your audience, emphasizing clarity, promoting interaction, and sharpening your delivery skills. Through platforms such as Prezi, educators can enhance their presentations to captivate students with engaging content. Whether you’re introducing yourself at the beginning of the year, revisiting topics, or guiding students through a virtual excursion, a thoughtfully prepared presentation can enrich the learning experience and leave a lasting impact on your teaching.

introduction about teacher essay

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